Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat Opens nt Preclnoly the
vloun Day's Oloso.
Umittcru1 > lo DullncNH Characterizes
Hptctilntlon In Onts Tlio Provlnloti
Pit Quint Cattle
limited Quotation * .
Chicago Produce Mnrkct.
CIIICAOO , Nov. B. [ S | > celal Telegram to
Iho HBE. ] Tlicro was very llttlo news of
any kind for wheat traders to consider this
morning. The opening In wheat was pre
cisely nt yesterday's closing quotation 72 > c
for December and 78e for May. The steadl
ness of the market Is evinced by the nurrow
fluctatlons , the entire range for the duy being
but } jo and even slight changes being Infre
quent. Business was nearly all local and
not much of that. First sules of December
wheat were lit ' } c and the price fluctuated
between this flguro and 73 } c and closed at
73 < A7o. May opened at $ % c , sold down
to 78 } < f@78Xi und up to 78JiQi78o , closing
at 78si78 ( ; 'c , showing u fractional advance-
over yesterday's cloHe.
Corn traders hud quite as much leisure as
the wheat men and not much more to think
about. The tone of the market was weaker ,
particularly for nearer months , dependent.
apparently , ujton the falllngoIT In the demand
for cash com , which wni considerably less
than yesterday. Hutchlnson , whoso opera
tions have been for some tiinu u faction for
determining prices , was u seller to-day. De
cember corn opened nt-Hp c which wus the
highest point touched and declined to 4I@
41j c , where It rested. May fluctuated very
little , opening at 4ii' < ( ff45/e , soiling up to
45 > 4'e , down to 45&o , and closing at that ilg-
urio.UjiuttoniMo dullness characterized the
speculative- market for oats. May was
pegged nil day at ' . ( H''Wu and closed at
that. with December and January ciuoted
nominally at 25 4'e. November sold upar-
jnuly'ttt 25-tfe. .
In provision circles the day passed in a
qufctrmanncr. Trailers of nil classes -wore
( ILsinclincd to branch out and thcro was no
particular fenturu In the business transacted
save a strong feeling. Good general support.
In fact , was extended to ttio ularkot unit
prices all around averaged and closed bolter
. . thiin'vcsterduy. The advance actually estab-
lliiliea Was 71 c on future pork , 2 ; < ftii5c on the
different deliveries Of lard and 2 > n@5c on
January and February abort ribs. January ,
the leading center of intcrnstt sold
,12.I17 } < for pork , $ ii.4S ( < ii.47 ( > f for lard unt !
$ ( } .35W(5.40 ( for shortribs' . Pork Tor. the sumo
. , months closed atl . (12 ( } < f bidJard nt'tV45 And
short ribs at $0,35 bid for November and Di-
. comber delivery. . Kurd stood at the ut
. ' $ ll4 ( ) and for February pork closed at (12.7n
. lard nt Nl.53 , ' < ; > anrt short ribs at * o.45. May
-sold atmiO@18.15 forpork and $ fl.7 ' < > @ 0.77 > f
. for lurd.
_ _ _ _
_ ; CiiiCAOo , Nov -SpecialTelegram [ to the
llEK. j CATTI , * Aft usual on Saturday busi-
nes'u in thirt braneli was limited , supply Ugh
and made up mainly of Texans and rangers
A , few rutive.4 were sold out at about tdu
Bamo-prieO aii for the past duy or two. Han
, gers und Texans were not wanted to any
' , ' 'great extent. Tbero WHS scarcely any de
'u'mnil for butchers' stock tuid Ilttloor notliin
"doinglnstoekcrs nnd feeders. Snipjniigsteors ,
J 3.10 to 15001 bs , .00 < W.VOO ; ' 1200 to 1350 Ibs ; M ) in 1200 Ibs , fci.OOrtM.OO
Stoclter and , feeders , $1.75H' ( J.l0eo\vs | ; , bulls
and mixed $1.00S2.W. ( ( Texas steers , $ &ud
. @ 2. 0 ; cows , t-l.40WJ3.00. Western rangerb ,
steady ; natives and ImU-brccds , ? 2.50@3,50.
Wintered Texans , t2.50i33.25.
lions At the opening and during the first
. hour or two trade ruled brisk at an advance
of about fie. some fut'icy lots selling iw high
HS $4.70 , but at the close business was slow
und the advance of the morning was lost.
The advance , however , was only on heavy.
Light sorts , in fact , were rather lower than
Otherwise. The bulk of early sales of best
packing sorts made $4.60@4.t > 0. Later , $4.40
( $4.50 was about the range ; common , $4.25@
4.115 ; " light sorts , $4.35&i4. < ! 0 , the latter for
yorkers. A light run Is anticipated for next
week. _
NEW YOKE , Nov. 5. [ Special Telegram to
the HUB ] STOCKSI The/market to-day opened
"strong , with advances ranging to % per cent.
Commission houses bought liberally , but it.
wits mainly for shorts. London was also a
buyer of the general list , but Bold 4,000 shares
of Union Pncittc. Hull points were circulated
about Michigan Central and Canada Southern
. . increasing their dividends nnd sold up % for
the former nnd4 \ \ per cent for the latter.
The rest of the list remained steady , -with
'fractional advances. A decrease of $100,027
In the not earnings of the Chicago , Burllng-
" ton & Qulncy for September , reported reduc
tions in freight rates of 25 to 40 per cent by
_ , the Burlington nndVabash .roads in Illinois ,
coupled with the failure of the Northwestern
roads to patch up their agreement on rates ,
had a depressing effort on Grangers and they
" began declining. The , downward movement
. wa8aec ; ! lcrated by the bank statement , which
Showed H the reserve of $2,175,025
w.hcro the reserve had bean accepted. This
caused the whole lot to weaken and last sales
were at almost the inside prides'of the day
and Bh'oweU-doclines of , ? f@l4' } on Grangers ,
tlio latter being in Chicago , Uurlington ft
Qulncy , but on the restof the list prices were
about the same as yesterday. ( The. net ad
vances for the week wcro 0 on Manitoba , 4 >
on Luke Erie & Western preferred , Michigan
Central and Canada Southern 3 > ? , Oregon
Hallway & Navigation 3 , Peorla , Dccatur &
. Evansvlllo 3V , Northwestern 2 } , St. Paul ,
2V , Omaha 2 % , Lackuwannu and Delaware
& Hudson 2J < , Heading 1V , Lake Shore 2 , '
and Chicago , Hurllngton & Qulncy 2 per
cent. Missouri Pacillo was unchanged. The
total sales to-day wcro 195.S9'4 shared , includ
ing 4.1.000 of Rending.
GovuitxMnxTS Government bonds wcro
dull but steady.
MONUV On call , easy at Sfa 'f per cent ,
closed olTered at 3 per cent.
STEIIMMO RXCIIANOB Dull hut strady at
$'f for sixty-day bills , and $4b5 } $ for de
Clilcago , Nov. 5. Following nro the 230 ;
closing prices :
Flour Quiet nnd steady ; winter wheat ' ,
$3,504,00 per bbl ; spring wheat , $3.NX < U.5C
per bbl ; rye , $2.76 3.00 per bbl ; buckwheat
$5.50c4 .25 per bbl.
Wheat Kxtromely dull ; prices , however
were steady and unchanged ; cash , 72 MOo :
December , 73 MOo ; May , 7S 11-lOc.
Corn Hulcd Inactive , trading light and the
feeling was weak , prices fluctuating within t
} fo rango'nud closed > 80)4'cbolow yesterday ;
cash , 4H/c ; December,41 MOo ; May. 45' c.
Oal Dull mid heavy ; May declined Vc
but other futures did no change , ; cash
257-10o ; December , 25 ll-lOo ; May , 29 O-lOo
Hye Steady at62o.
Harley Qulot at 7So.
Pi line Tltnothy-$0.24 < 32.25.
Vlax.Beod-t.lO .
- n ;
Pork Moderately active nnd firmer ; Jan
Uary , | 13.0'J > i(212.05. (
Lard -Steady and modcratelV'ncllve ; cash
pud December , M.4iinTij.42.Mny. } : $ tt.5.
Dry Salted Meats Shoulders. $5.KK ( < ' 5.20i
short vicar , f.70'ijt ) > .J5i sljprl ribs , January ,
Huttcr-L'nchitnged ; creamery , 19rt/20o ;
dairy , l(5'i'.2c. ( : !
Cheese-Firm ; full cheddars.
-rtlti'5 ( flats , llii/ll o ; yOifng Ameiicas ,
KggsS'an'eat ISJaMtPt' .
Tullow Unchanged ; No , 1 country , 4 ( < j
4xVo ; No. 2. Hij M cakes , 41-4c.
Hides Kert'ipts fair dcmnnd but modrr-
ntc ; unchanged ; heavy green waited , < oj
light , do. , "Vi salted bull. IV ? ; preen snltfd
culf , b ; dry Hint. I2W13C ; dry calf , 12 ( < iUkj !
dry salted , IPt" tleacons , each , JMW.
Heceliits. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 10,000 IIO.IMX )
Wheat , bu 04,000 20,01X1
Corn , bu 147,000 4tlllXX )
Oats , bu 121,000 12l,000 !
Hye. bu 2,000 4,00(1 (
Hurley , bu 0-1,000 75,000
St. IioiiiH , Nov. fi. Wheat Steady ; cash ,
71WQ72c ; December , * 2K'c. ; May , SO c.
Corn Steadcash ; , 3S > i'fef3SJ4'o ; December ,
n8eMny,41 : 4'o.
Oats-Dull : cash , 54 ' @ 25i" , .May. 23o.
Hutter Unchanged ; creamery , 23J2tjc ( ; ;
dairy , 10 < W21e.
Iilvrritool , Nov. . " . Wheat Quiet and
demand fair ; holders offer moderately.
Corn Steady und demand fair ; new mixed
western , 4s ( l 4'd per cental ,
Cincinnati , Nov. 5. Wheat Firm ; No.
2 red , iJc. (
Corn Dull ; No. 3 mixed , 4fl.jV )
Oats Weaker ; No. 2 mixed , S8)Jc.
Hye Quiet but Hrm ; No. 2 , olio.
1'ork Quiet ut $12.02' ' $ .
Lard Higher ; prime steam , $ (5.45. (
Whisky Steady nt $1.05.
MlmicnpollH , Nov. 5. Opened
weak and lower , and closed steady ; No. 1
hard , in store , ra h , 70j'e ! ; December , 71V < c ;
January , 72 > .fo ; May , 7t Jfc ; No. 1 north
ern , cash , ti7c ; ecemer. tlSo ; May , 74u ;
No. 2 northern , , cash , 04c ; December , 05c ;
May , 71c , On truck : No. 1 hard , 710/71J < fV
No. 1 northern ; 0-ic ; No. t ! northern , fi4 ( tO.V.
Flour Quiet but steady ; patents , _
4.35bakers' ; , f3.i5 : ( 3.50.
Keeeipts Wheat , 259,300 bu.
Shipments Wheat , 49,000 bu ; flour , 25,000
'Mllwiitikor1 , No\v. 5 ; Wheat Steadier ;
cash , C'.i e ; December , 70 ; ( gOKc ; May ;
Corn Scarce ; No. 2 , 40j. < c.
Oats-Dull ; No. 3 white2'Jc. '
Rye : Steady ; No. 1 , 55o.
Harlcy Quiet and lower ; No. 2 , iOfrfc.
Provisions Firm ; pork , cash and Novem
ber , $13.W@13.23. (
Now York , Nov B. WheatTlcceipts ,
101,300 ; ex | > orts , 49,0)0 ( ) ; options opened a
shade lower ntld closed dull , closing steady
at the near current rates of yesterday ; spot ,
quiet ; ungruded red , SU SCo ; No. 1 red ,
iKiminul at 89) < c ; X1U. 2 ItJll , 83j4'iW3 o In
blvvutor , Sl f. o. b. ,
delivered ; December closed at 8
CornHcccipts , 130,000 ; ' 'Cxjioi-tR , SO ;
WithoVit eluitfgo of moment , closing steady ;
ungraded , f < 2f53e ( ; No. 2. ffi fo in
store , f(753c { ( ft > . b. , KfMfffXlKc delivered ,
No. 4 , i > l ( 'o in vlcvutur ; No. 2 , December
closed ut . > 2J-jU.
Oats Heceipts , ir.0,000 ; exports , 41 ; quiet
butAteady ; mixed western , 32il3ljjc ( ; white
western , 85i040c. .
Coffee Sji'ot , ' fair ; Hlo , dnll and nomi
nal at $18,50 ; optimis heauy and 20'r30
points lower ' ; sules , Kl,500 bags ; November ,
$1 < ; ,0.1K'UU'.IO ; December , $ tr .bO ( ll.llQ ) ; Jan
uary , $15.t'iOiiiri.i50 ( ; February , , ? 15.50iil5.03 ( ;
Alurch , $ l5.5y ! ! < ; l5.5S.
Petroleum Steady ; Unltedi 7.1je.
Kggs-i-Qiiict ; .tOnj , 12 < V .2& > .
Porlc--Qnl 't r mess quoted at $13.50 fo.i old
and $ l4.00 < Vft4.1 > 5 fot-nw.
Lard Higher , but lutht trading ; 'western
steam , spot , quoted fii.b.V
Htijter Quiet but linn ; western , 13i2dc ( ;
western : re ! mcr.v , 10 ( 2tc. !
Clu-e'ic Dull ; western , 9Ji@llo.
KanwiH CKy , Nov. . " > . 'Wheat Stead } ' ;
No. 2 soft , cash , no bids , t)7o ) nskcd ; le-
ecmbor , iMo ! bid , ( i74C ' asked ; May , 744cbid ,
75 ! asked.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , ruth , no bids , We
asked ; December , Ilf o bid , 3Co uskcd ;
January , 3'.lkc bid , ! l4t ? asked.
Onts-No. S , cash , 2i-fu ! bid , SiJ
ficw OrleniiH , Nov , 5. Corn Irregu
lar at 50.
Oats Quiet und steady ; No. 2 , ni ; r ; ! .V' .
Cornmeal Qni t at $2.30.
Pork Easier at $13.12 , .
Lard Dull and lower at $0.50.
Hulk Meats Shoulders , $5.35 ; long clear
and clear rib , te.0 %
National Stock Yards. Kant St. .
IjoulH , Nov. 5. Cattle Heceipts , 500 ;
shipments , 2,400 ; nmrkot steady ; choice
heavy native stcprs , $4.20@4.75 ; fair to good
. natlvo steers , $ I1.004.a5 ( ; butchers' steers ,
medium to choice , $3.0003.70 ; rangers , $2.10
@ 3.75.
Hogs Receipts , l.JOO ; , shipments , 1,900 , :
market nctivo nnd fctronp ; choice heavy ami
butchers' selections , $4.45@4.00 ; packing nnd
Yorkers , medium to prime * $4,00S4.40 , ( ; pigs ,
common to good , $3.t)0@4,00.
City , N ( V ; 5. Cattle Receipts ,
CZ2.(10 ( ; feeding steers , f2.t55@3.15 ; cows ,
$1.25a2.5 ( ( ) .
Hogs Heceipts , 7,100 ; shipments , none ;
market strong mill 5e higher cxnept for
light and pigs ; good to cholco , $4.40(44.50 ( ;
common to medium , $4.00(24.30 ( ; skips and
. igs , $3.50@3.90.
Union Stock YnrilH , Chlcngo , Nov. 5.
The Drovers' Journal reports :
Cattle Heceipts , ! l,000 ; quiet and steady ;
shipping steers , $2.00 < go.OO : stockcrs and
feeders , ; cows , bulls , and' mixed ,
$ l.DO2.rx ( ) ; Texas cuttle , $1.40f-J.OO ; West-
am rangers , steady ut $2.50j ( 3.50.
Hogs Heceipts , 19,000 ; heavy 5o ;
light 5o. lower , ; mixed , 14.25 ( 4.35 ; heavy , '
, $ . : ! @ . ; , fUU < ! .4.40 ! skips , $3.00al (
Sheep Rccfipts , 5,000 ; steady ; natives ,
$2.50 < ii.00 ; western , $2.1Krtl3.50 ) ; TexniiH , W.50
@ 3.40 ; lambs , $4 > 00@5.00.
Saturday , Nov. 5.
The receipts of e.ittlo were very light and
consisted entirely of western cattlePrice. *
remain thu same as on Friday.
The receipts of hogs wcro moderate and
the demand active. The market opened
about the same as on Friday and remained
steady during the entire day with the excep
tion of a short time during the forenoon
when there was a slight fall in prices. Taken
as a whnlj tlio inurkut was a shade stronger
than on Friday. Everything was taken.
Ofllclal ItCMM'iptH.
Hoys . 2t02
Sheep . 307
Cattle . 23 cars , C. M. & St. P. , Herman
Cattle . Dean. , N. W. , Chicago
Cattle . Scars , Mil. , Chicago
HOKB . 6 car , Mil. , Chicago
Sheep . 8 cara. , Mil. , Chicago
Prevailing Prices.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for live
stock on this market :
Choice steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs . $4.2.y ! 4.CO
Cholco steers , 1100 to KUX ) ll > s . 4.00(44.25 (
Fat little steers , POO to IO.V ) Ibs . 3,75 ( < .S5
Corn-fed range steers , 1200 to 1500 3.7&.t,4.80 (
Good to choice corn-fed cows . 2.25 < u'.J.50
Common to medium cows , , . 1.52.25
Good to choice bulls . 1.25a2.00 (
Good nitifio feeders . ! i.25g2.fiO
Gowl native feeders.OOO U > s and uw-
wards . 3.55(32.80 (
Fair to medium native feeders , 000
Ibs andupwnrds . 2.23fS2.5n
, , Stockcrs , 41K ) to 700 Ibs , " '
Prime fat sheep . . 3.25M3.50
, , Fair to medium sheep 2.50013.00
; Common sheep l,50iV'5 ( ! !
Light and medium hogs 4.05 ( 4.10
Good to choice heavy hogs 4.15u'4.25
Good to choice mixed hogs 4.10ii4.15 (
ncprcNcntittlvc Salt'H.
No , Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
, 7..1145 $2.25 4'J. . . . WO $2.35
23. . . . V 20 2.35 213..1130 2.33
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No , Av. Shk. Pr.
75..21H 200 $ UO 01.271) ) 200 $4.20
67..244 60 4.15 73..2.VJ 240 4.20
71..239 It' . ! ) 4.15 63..25S 40 4.20
81..210 12U 4.15 6S..2ia 40 120
ItaiiK < ! uf Prlcc-o , .
Showing Iho highest und lowest prices
paid for hugs , on this market during the past
hfven duy.s and on the corresponding days in
1855 and ItSO.
Dutc. Oct. Jt-f > 7. Oct. 1SN1. Oct.
IXItll. Snnilav. a w ftn co : i IB
4 ( UHt/,4 'iO Similiiy. ; i 10
Nov. 18t < 7 NdV. 1 1 Nov. IKFfl
Int. 4 00 t 4 2R ' , ! , ( iW 70 tfiinJny.
i'llll. 4 UO U Ki n IK ) ( r,1 lITi
lll.l. 4 a- . 4 ' > : i M w.K \ ,
llfll. 4 ( O < iU M : i 4.eji : tin n I2'fl.i IS
Illl. 4 10 ft-t ' < . ' ! I > H' < fl3 Gu
Stiowlnstlic i'civiitH | of cattle nnil bogs for
ciii'b day of the wuuk ondlng November ft ,
together with comparisons :
Monday . 1,1105 a,4UO
Tucsduy . lbJ-J 5tlC. !
Wednesday . 4fll 3,104
Thursday . 1liVS , ' . ' ,4:11 :
Friday . 4'J4 ,40 :
.Saturday . CHS SM)2 )
Total . ti.OIS ll , OS9
Wooit ending Oi'l ' . " . ' . S.TU1 iri2d !
\VcuU- ending Oct. ± J . . . . . . . . 7,101 , t'.tWl '
Showing the number of hogs bought by the
leading puckers on this market during the
past week :
Anpln-Amcrtcnn Packing Co . 12tV47
(1. H. Hummoml & Co . . . . . ! tOS8
.1.1' . &iiiliv8&Co . 1,574
Armour Si ( 'o . , , . . . U.OOS'
Klngnn & Co . . . Till
Othci-H . . a42
l lli ;
AlLsiilesof slock in this market arc inadc
per cwt. llvuwolpht unless otherwise stated.
Dead Iiops HO ! ! ut J 'cpcr Ib. fpr all weights.
"Skins , " or hogs weighing les than 100 Ibs' .
no' value. I'rrtiiirhit sows are ilockcd 40 Ibs.
and stags bo Ibs. by the public inspector.
Live Stobk Notes.
Light rc.ccipts of cattle.
The hog market is a bhudo stronger.
A. Unity of ( Jheycnne , Innpectcd the yards.
Ten- loads of hOga Imiught $4.5 , the top
irice , yesterday.
Western borders eoii'-Ututed the cattle
narket yostcrdiiy.
Twenty eara of cattle came ju after. 0
' 'clock yesterday.
T.JaA. ICelly , of Ovoeh'y Center , was a
isilor at the yards.
George Stephens of Cheyenne , brought in
: lvo loads of cattlo.
I. A. Crane of Kismjr Center , dl > .po4ol of
, wo loads of hogs til * i.2" > .
Henry A'on Se gorn and Gerhard Osterlot ,
f Hooper , were lookers on.
A. H. Clurk , pf Cook county , Wyoming ,
brought in two loads of western feeder * .
J. W. Cummingf * , Western , brought In a
loud ot hojjs which ho disposOd i > f ut u gooil
The Anglo-American Packing Company
bought over one-half of nil the hogs received
"icru lastwek.
D. W. . Hutler , Minneapolis , .stock agent for
: hc Ciiiclnnuti , Hamilton & Datou ruilroud
was among the visitors ut the yards.
Charlie Lane , tho' genial live [ utock a cnl
for the Union Pucilii ; , was at the yards yes
terday. Charlie has u faculty of making
hosts of frlrads wherever ho goes und the
Union Pacific exhibited good judgment in
advancing him to his present position.
Chicago stockmen who have b < * n in the
habit of speaking of this place as "Omaha ,
Neb , , " ore leaving oft the "Nob. , " having
como to the conclusion that u city which
ranks as the third largest packing point in
the country can be found on the maps with'
out the state being mentioned.
Saturday , Nov. 5.
Produce , I'rnlls , Ktc.
T/tc fulluwliin re the j > rlct * < tt ulitcl
round lot * of i > rotlwic arc wld on Milt ,
iiiiu'hct. Fruit * or iillicr lines o/c/oo / < ? , s re.-
tiulrlny exlm lubor of JHIC//IIO / / cannot < tl
wuya lie sitpiillcil on outtittlc orders at Hu
anus prices qiiofrrf the load trade.
The markets were fairly active for the las
duy of th.o week. The warm weather still
continues to the detriment of the game und
dressed poultry market.
UUTTKII The receipts are fairly libera
and about equal to the demand. It miuirea
extru good sto ; k to bring over 19u. Choice
dairy , 17(3jl9e ( ; medium grades , I
ordinary. lOc :
Eaos TUo bulk of the good stock is moving
nt 20V. An .occasional case , candled ver >
closely , may bring a little more.
CiiiiifeK Mark'ot fair. Fam-y full ei-eam ,
Cheddars , iiigte , TJ ) ( u'lRc ' ; full cream twins
rJJ-i@lio ! ; young Americas , lit'jc ; bricli
chee e , 100 .Ibs'lu casu , 15c ; Limbergcr , 10 (
bs In case , 14 < j ; Suurcs' fiihcy Ohio , 10 o.
POULTKY Live Agoodniuny of the old
fowl's that are coming in tire very light and do
'not sell as well as good spriugchickens. Fancy
stock , t2.00 < j2.'S ! : cholco , * 1 7r.ra2.00 ; com
moiil. riT c1.75 ; lucklargQJ.r > 0a.00 ( : ) ; med
him , ja.00@3.'i5 ; turkeys , 7@7a'u } live weight
geese , ill.Kmr ( ) \ doz. Dressed Demand ligh
by reason of the warm weather ; chickens
choice slock , 7Gi'Jo ' ; turkeys , llK12c ( ; ducks
GAMB Receipts light ; prairie chickens
$4.00 mallard ; ( iuail ,
1.7fi ; t al und mixed ducks , $1.00 ( ! l.7S ; geese
M..V ) ; snipe , 7fCiitl.)0 ( : ( ) ; Jack rubblts , 40@
45c each ; jack snipe , $1.00 iier doz ; nntclop <
and deer , per Ib. , carouses , 'Jo ; saddles , 1
( u14c. !
POTATOES The market is well supplied
Utah and Colorado stock soils atbOiS.ic ( ; No
brasku und Iowa stock , 55 ( < i.70c per bushel.
t KuTAiuiiAS Choice stock C > 3c j > er bushel.
Ilmss Hand-picked nuvv , $ ' ) .5 ( ) per bitbhe
and other grades down as low us $1.'J5.
ONIONS Homo grown , 70 ( < iUOo ; Spanisl
onions , $ " .00 pcrWI-H ) crate ,
OYSTERS Mediums , 2. > o ; standard , HOe
selects , IVJijo ; extra belccts , 85e ; New Yor !
counts , 40o.
CtANiiiiiitns ) : : The market Is advancing
nnd prices are considerably higher. Hell &
Cherry , * 7.f > 00 < S.OO ; Hell & Uugle , t'J.50 ;
Capo Cods , $1UX ( > .
Cm.EU'i The supply Is light and market
higher. Good block brings45 ( i.Vc ) a dozen ,
LKTTIJCB An occasional consignment of
lettuce is received which sells at , ' ! 5c a dozen.
CitiRii Cholco Michigan cider , $0.50 per
bbl. of 3U gal.
OUAXOKS Louisiana f3..V4.50 ) per box :
$ S.r > 0 per bbl.
LKMONS A consignment of Malaga lemons
will arrive in u few days. Sorronto , t.00VB ( ) (
B..10 ; Palermo , ? 4.00i5.00j ( Vcrdclla , 4.00 ®
CocoASfTa Out of the market.
MAi'Li : SUOAH Cholco Ohio stock , lOc per
PorcoRX Choice rice com , Sepcr Ib ; other
kinds. , 2i2 ( ! , ' o i > cr Ib.
JIoscY Choice , in 1 Ib frames , 21c.
Ai't'i.KS The receipts nro liberal and the
market fairly active. Cholco Michigan stock ,
$3.50@UX ) ; homo grown. $3.00 ( 3.50 : Jonath
ans , $4,00.
Cu.iroiixu Fnuns Although the season
Is practically over occasional shipments are
still received. Pears i 2.50(23.00 ( ; quinces.
Giurns Tokny grapes , $2.00 ( 2.25 j New
York grapes , 5-lb basket * , 4c. ( )
HA ANAS The market is well supplied
with bananas at $2.00M3.00 per bunch.
NUTS New crop : Ohio chestnuts , 1518o
iwrlb ; peanuts , 7' < o. ru\v ; Hrazll nuts , I8o ;
almonds , Tarragona , 2io ) ; English walnuts ,
IbOjtilboi'ts , 12o.
Flour and Feed.
/oJ/oitlii(7 / ( are the Jobbing prices :
. .Minnesota t4t JU , t2uK ) a r cwti J
otn backers' straight , 42'W per c\vts Kansas
nnd Miosouri winter fancy patents , $2.4'W
SCO ; Nebruskn itatents , J2JJ5X2.il5 ( ; rye ( lour ,
$1.75nl.l0p | ircwt ; ryo. Oruttain , $1.40 per
cwt : wheat , ( tnilnini , $1 TTi per cwt ; cornmeal -
meal , yellow , lHc per cwt ; vofnmeal. white ,
$1.00 per cwt ; chopped ftvd , 14.00Sin.OO per
ton ; bran , $12.lHH i , 13.00 per ton ; screenings ,
$9.00'f 12.00 per ton.
HAT-- Slow upland prairie. $7.00 ; common ,
CSroccrs' IJst.
Col nr : Ordinary grades , 20i7J20V ; fair.
21n211a'ii ( ; prime , 21' , ( a22r ; fancy preen and
yellow , 2l't2r ! ' > c ; old government Java , 28@
JK.IC ; interior Java , 25u2Sc ( ; Mocha , 2S/ri30e ;
Arbuckle's roasted , 25Jo ; Mcl.aughlln > s
XXXX , aoj o ; Dllworth'c , SGo ; Ked Cross ,
KKFINRII Taitn Tlerco , 7o : 40-lb square
runs , 7o ; Wi-lb rutind , 7'4't ' ! ; 20-lb round , , Vc ;
0-lb palls , 7 > a'c ; 5-lb palls , 7 o ; 3-lb palls ,
1bis 'iCKl.ts-Mejfum In bbls , $0.50 ; do in half
bis , $ ; ) .7."J small , In bbls , $7.50 ; do in half
WP ! W-W ; gerklhs , In bbls , $8.50 ; do.ln half
bis , $4.75.
TOIIACCO Lorillard's Climax , 44o : Splen-
ld,41c ; Meehanie's Delight , 41c ; Lcggctt&
ileyer's Star , 42e ; Cornerstone , 34o ; Drum-
lond's Horse Shoe,41u ; T. J. , 37c ; Sorg's '
ipearhead , 44c.
HrtonMs-Kxtra 4-tie , $2.60 ; No. 1 , 2 ; No.
, $1.75 ; heavy stable , $4.
CANDV Mixed , Wile ; stick. S ) ; < 30 j'c.
JKU.IUS 30-lb pails , $ l.80@l. < )0. )
PWVISIOXI Hams , lOpfOrlle ; breakfast
aeon , ll'4'@ll ' } < fc : bacon sides , SJ/falk" dry
alt , 72 ( " o ; shoulders , 7g,7I'o ( ; dried beef
urns , lOtollr ; dried beef regular , ( il&ioig'c ;
inns , picnic , 74i8e. ( .
UIIIKII Fruits Apples , new , Jfs , Co ; cvap-
rated , 50 Ib ring , 10iMOBe ( ; raspberries ,
vaporated , 28n29c ( ; bhu'kberries.evuporutcd ,
( ( llle ; pitted cherries , lfiJ20c ) ( ; peaches ,
JDW , 74o ; ovuporated , peeled peaches , 2.8
Q'-.kj ; evup-oruted , iniparcd , lscillc ( ) ; new
tirrents. 7l4'i771'c ( ; prunes , BiJBJfo ; citron ,
5o ; rulsins , fxjndon la.ver.s , $2.10Ji2.40 ! ; Cull-
'ornia loose. ) muscatels , $2.10 .2.20 ; new
Valencia , 8J/ @ iA- .
ROPE Seven-sixteenths ,
i : Two-hoop palls , pur dnz ,
M.45 ; three-hoop palls , $1.70 ; No. Itub , M.-V ) ;
No. Stub , $5.50 ; No. 3 tub , $4.50 ; wash-
lioards , $1.75 ; assorted bowls. J.2,25 ; No.
churns , $9 ; No. G churns , 8 ; No. 3 churns ,
Goons-Oyster , standard , per
use , $11.10(3 ( 15 : strawberries , 2-lb per cuse ,
; i.00fc < ; 3.10 : raspberries , 2-lb , per ease , $3.00f ( $
J.10 ; California pears , per i o , $4.t > 0 ( C4.bO ;
ipricots. ppr case , $4.rO@4,25 ; peaches per
per vase , $ * 2.50 ; pineapples , ! Mb , per case ,
$ H.20r ( ! .75l-lb3tllnion ; , jier don , $ l.W@ltt.V ) ,
2-lb gbosberrles , ) > er case. $3.25 < ff3.J5' : a-lb
string beans , per case , $1.75 ; 2-lb lima beans ,
per case , $ . ( ' ) ( ) ; 2-lb marrowfat peas' , $2.50 ( < S
2.00 ; i-lb ! curlyI line peas , per case , $2.75 :
3-lb tomatoes , $2:40i2.50 : ( ; 2-lb corn , $2.30 ®
2.40.CuArKKits Oai-nemi'.s soda. butter nn'd
plcniis , 5u ; creams , 8c ; ginger snaps , 8C ; city
soda , " < ! ' .
TnAs .Tapan , 2tl ( : grtnpowdcr , 2 < 1i7 ( !
l'iIJ4o ( ; Voung Hyson , 23(1'53c ( ; Ooolong , CO ®
OOc.Svni'p No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , ? 1.45(31.50 ( ;
New Orleans , per gallon , 38 ( 4tkt ; maple
syrun , half bbls , "old time , " per gallon , 80c ;
' Kallon cans , _ per doz , $10.50 ; _ half gallon
corn ,
PitixrsSol.ID COUIHS Athuita. 5l'e :
Slater , 5f , Herlin Oil , ; Garner Oil , ( > ' ( < $
7c. PIXK .VXD ROBUS Richmond , Gc ; Allen
le ; Riverpoint , 5c ; Steel River , tic ; Hich-
niond , < M ; ; Pacific , 0)V ) , Ixuuio Hi.fE AVash-
mgton , ( io ; Century Indlirq blue prints , lOc ;
American , ft'fc : Arnoldi34c ( ; ArnoldHlOj/ ;
Arnold A 12c ; Arnold Goldseal 10Je. Duiss : ;
Charter Oak , 4Ue ; Ramupo , 38e : Lodi , 4Vc ;
Allen , 5J < c ; Richmond , 5Jie ; Windsor , Co ;
Eddvstone , lie ; Pacific , lie.
COIIHKT JK'AXS Androscogin , tleKcar \ -
suge , 7J Jc ; Rockport. n > 4'c ; Conestuga , .
UATTS Standard , so ; Gem , lOJ O ; lieauty ,
2' < jc ; Booiie , 14o ; B , cas > ed , W.50.
COTTOX FI.AXNKI.S 10 per cent trudr * lis-
count LL , . ) ! ; CC , 7 0 ; SS , SJ e ; Name
less , ftVc ; No. 5 , 6c ; EB , 0fc ; GO , lO c ;
XX.lK ; 00 , 14o ; NN , ICc ; HX , 18c ; U ,
JOc ; No. 10 , 8J-6C ! 40 , Wm. \ . 12Ko ; SO. 15c ;
30 , colored , lOr ; 50 , colored , 12c ; 70 , colored ,
loc ; Bristol , 13 > o ; Union pacillc , 18o.
OAitpiiT WAUP Bibb white , ISJ-ic ; colored ,
( jdxoiiAv Plunkctt cheeks , 7 > 4'c ; Whlt-
tcnton , 7 , 'c ; York , 7fc ; Nonnandl Dress ,
8' c ; Calcutta Dress , 8 > < 'c ; Whittenton
Dress , Oi1 ; KenfrowTJress. ( T ® ' .
C'\Miiaics Slater , 4'ic ; Woods , 4'tfc ; Stan
dard , 4J e ; Peacock , 4J e.
TICKS Lewiston , 30 in.yc \ Lewiston ,
! V2 in. , 13tre ; York , 32 in. , 14e ; Swift River ,
7 > ( Tc ; Tliorndikc O O , 854'c ; Thorndikc K F ,
Hi < fe ; Thor'ndlko 120 , 9 } q : Thorndiko XXX.
lf > e ; Cordis No. r. . OUe ; Cordls No. 4 , llo.
DENIMS Amoskeug B-oz. , Kto ; Everett , ?
o13c ; York , 7-oz. , lc ! ! ; Haymaker , f > fie \ \
JafTrcy XX , UJ c ; Jaffrey XXX , 12Mc ; Hea
ver Creek , AA , 12e ; Beaver Creek UU , lloj
Heaver Creek CC , lOc *
KKNTUCKV JEANS Memorial , IBo ; Canton ,
ISk1.'Durham ; , 27 c ; Hercules ' , ISu ; Leaming
ton , 22 > ic ; Cottswold25J.
Ciusn Stevens'B , tie ; bleached , 7c ; Ste
vens' A , 7jfe ; bleaehfcd , 8fc } ; Stevens' P.
8' < rc ; bleached , U' o ; Stevens' N. 9)e ) ;
bleached , 10) < fe ; Stevens' S R T , 12'tfe. ' .
Miscii.i.AXB ius Table oil clotn , $2.83 ;
jllaln Uolland:8' : c to 9o ; Dado Holland , 12 } . ( J.
* Fi.AXXEi.ff-rPlaid Raftsman , 32o ; Goshen ,
32'Xe : Clear Lake , 32Ke ; Maple Cityl 30 ; e.
WUite-G H No. 3 % , ilo ; G H No. 1 , * { ,
27Me ; B H No. 2 , % , 22Kc ; B II No. 1 , '
UOei Quecheo No. l.Jj , 42c ; Quecheo No ; 2 , 41
37 } < c ; Queehoo No. 8 , / , 32) ) 0 : Anawan ,
IHjJo- Windsor , 22V. Red C 24-inch , IS' c ;
K24-'lncb , 21e'GO ; , 24-inch. J8e ; II A'F ,
# , 25c ; J R F/Jf. 27 } el G , % ' , 35o.
C05Il-01T8IlS-I.BO&t35.00. ! (
Bi > XKET6-Whitc$1.00@7.50 ; coloreS $1.10
Bi.i : riiKn SIIF.HTIXO Herkely cambric
No. ( X ) , ! ) > { c ; Best Yet , 4-4 , titfc ; butter clotl
OO , 4J4c ; Cabot , 7fe ; Farwoll , 8c ; fruit ot
Loom , 8J4c ; Greene G , Go ; Hope , 7Kc ; King
Phillip ] ' cambric , lie : Lonsdulc , 17J/ ; ; " i tius
dulu , 8).fe ) ; New York mills , lOKc ; Pcpperell ,
4'J Inch , IdKo ; Pepperell , 4 Inch , 11 } < < V Pop-
perell , tM , 15o ; Pcpperell , 8-4 , 18c ; Pejiperell
U-4 , 20o ; Pepperell , 10-1 , ' . % 'e ; C'antou , 4-4
8'fc ; Canton , 4-4 , tlj e ; Triumph , Oo ; Wuui'
stittn , lie ; Valley , Go.
SIIKETINQ Atlanta A , 4-4 , 7J c ; A
Hantii ) H , 4-4 , 7o ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , lij c ; At
luntlo P , 4-4 , SJi'c ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , 5c ; Au
rora C , 4-4 , ijtfc ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , lij c
Hoosicr LL , 4-4 , BJfc ; Indian Head , 4-4,7 'e
Lawrence LL , 4-4 , 5Jfe ; : Old Dominion , 4-4
5J < " c ; Pepperell R , 4-4 , Ojtfu ; Pcpperell O , 4-4
Oc" ; Pcpperell , 8-4 , lUc ; Pepperell , U-4 , 18c
Pcpiicrcll , KM , 20c ; Utlca C , 4-4 , 4 1'c
Wachusett , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora R , 4-4 , OJ c ; Au
rora H , 4-4. f.o.
DUCK West Point 29 in. 8 oz. , lOJ c ; Wcs
Point 20 in , 10 oz. , I2 $ o ; West Point 2'J in , I1
or , 15o ; West Point 40 in , U oz , Itic. Check
Caledonia X , > . , e ; Caledonia XX.
Economy , UQOKc-i Otis , "
General Market * ) .
Sri HITS ColoRne splrltB , 188 proof , fl.10
do 101 proof , tl.13 : spirits second quality , 10j
proof , $1.10 ; do 188 proof , $1.09. Alcohol lb >
proof , $ i,10 per wine gallon. Kedlstillei
whiskies , $1.00@I,50. ( iin blended
? 1.50@a.XJ ( ) Kentucky bourbons , | 2.00@
0.00 ; Kentucky nnd Pcnnsylvanlf
ryes. $ J.OO@6.r.O ; Golden Shoa'i
bourbon nnd rye whisklci , $1.50ig3.00. Bran
dies , imported , $5,00(38.501 ( domoHtlc , 11.80 ®
Il.OO. Gins , imported ! J4.MgO.)0 ) ) ; domestic ,
tl.2"Si-00. ( ; Champagnes , imported , per case.
fJS.Ooe&J.OOj American , per case , 10.00@
HBAVT HKnwAHK Iron , rate , $2.70 ; plow
steel , sjieclal cast , 4fc } ; crucible steel , U o :
cast tools , do , 12iiir ( > o ; wapon spokes , per set
! .00/-5.r,0 ' ; hubs , per set , $1.50 ; felloes ;
sawed dry , $1,00 ; tonfjues , each , 80c ; axles ,
each , 75u ; square nuts , per Ib , 6ii.13o ( ( ) col
chain , jxjr Ib,0) ( ii3oi maileablo,8@10c ; iron
wedpcs , I'KJ ; crowbars , Oo ; harrow teeth. , ] o
sprint ; steel , 4g.r ( > c ; Uurden's horse shoes
$4.75 ; llurden'a muio shoes , $5.75 ; barbei
wire , in car lots , $4,00 per 100 Ibsroa ; \ ualls
rates , 10 to 50 , $ i40 ; steel naiU , $2.50 ,
BHiDEs Green butchers' , 3J4p : green cured
.oi dry Hint , 10o ; dry salt , So : green calfskins
7 } 50 ; damaged hides , two-thirds prlco. Tal
low 3)4'o.
3o : br
walnut bloc
Wo never full on ubies1 or children's
pictures. Heyn , the photographer.
Telephone 781. Mitko uppoiutments for
ittiucs wUon yossiblu.
Dry Lumber.
W,2J , W
. . . . W S2ft )
SO fiOSI M SI 5 ( )
M S fO , l 00
A ft in White Pinc$35.50 C it In White Pine$29.50
H " " " 33.50.1) " " " 21.00
1st and 2nd , clear , 1 , IJj inch , 3. S . . . . $ . ' 50
3d. clear , 1 inch , s. 2 s. , . . . . 45 50
' ' " l' , 1 < ' , ' - ' . . . . 4H 50
A select , 1 Inch , s. 2s. , . . . . 40 00
" " IV , IK 2 In . . . . 44 00
B " 1 Inch , s.2 in . . . . 30 00
" " l.'fi IK , 2 in . . . . 37 00
portAit HTMnjtn.
Clear Poplar , Bx. Bds , X In. , s2 s . . . . $35 50
11 " J < In. Panel , s2 s . . . .2700
" " Corrugated Ceiling , ; < . . . 23 50
O. G. Butts , 2W In $00.75
" Hx3ln , sis 00.45
3 In. Well Tubing D & M and Bev 23.00
Pickets , D ft 11 , Flat 20.50
" " square 21.00
no Aims.
No , 1 com , s 1 s.$18.00 I No. 1 , com , s 1 s$17.00
No. 3 ' " 15.501 No. 4 " " 13.00
A , 12,14& 111 ft.$21.50 I C , 12,144 ; 10 ft.$15.50
H , " " 20.50 | D , " " 12.60
No. 1 , 4 & (5 ( in 12 & 14 ft , rough $10.50
" " 10 " 111.50
No , 2. " 12 & 14 " 10.00
" " 10 " 17.50
1st com. / in White Pine Ceiling $34.00
2nd " " " " 24.00
Clear , % In Norway " " 10.00
2nd com. ft in " " " 14.00
A12inehsls $45.50
Xo. . 12iu sis , 12 ft 20.50
" " " 14 ft 1(1.00 (
" ' 10 ft 18.50
S'o. 2 , " WOO
" ' 10 ft 17.50
Inch Grooved Rooting , $1.00 per M , more
ban 12-inch stock boards same length ,
smxai.K.s , LATH.
VX clear $ 3.10 Extra "A $ 2.PO
A * Standard. . 2.75 * AHB&H. . . 2.55
in. clour , No.l 1.50 Lath 2.05
\ 0 In. White Pine $35.50 C , ' - > $29.50
" " " ( Sol. Fencing ) 1V.OO
PIII1' HI' .
\'o. 1 Plain. 8 & 10 in $10.50
No.2 17.50
N'o-1 , O. G. , 8 hi 19.M )
White cedar , C in. , J-j'sr 12c ; 9 in. , qrs. , lie ;
5 ln.t qrs.j lOe ; 4 in. round 15c ; Teuue&seo
Wed Cedar , split , 15o ; Split Ouk , 12o.
LIMi : , ETO.
Qulnry white limq ( best ) , 90o ; Akron co-
meiit , $1.75 : hair , 30c ; plaster , $2.75 ; tar board ,
$ I.7.'J ; sash , 40c per el. ; doors , 40o per ct. ;
blinds , -lOo per ct. t mouldings , 40o per ot. ;
tar-felt per cwt. , $2.75 ; straw board , $1.75.
Sl > UTllinN : YELLOW I'lJfB.
Com ; 4 & in. flooring $17.50
> tar " " 21 50
leiir < lu Ceiling. . . . ! ! ' . ! ! ! ' . ! ' . ! ! ; ' . ! ; . " . ; 2lsO !
Clear jin Partition , 25.00
.Jlear linish , 1 & 1J4' in. , s 2 s * 00
Jlcur corrugated ceiling , 4 in 25.00
Yellow pine casing and biiso 27.00
mo it ruicguAiniiD WITH THS oiocnurnr or rmi
tj r ion of It * cf stral poiltlta. iM relatlta to llnei
Eait of CUcngo , and conllaaiug Itan at terminal
polati Wttt , Mortbwvit and Southvtit , U th trti *
middle link In that traucontlntntai rjltrm wbltk
Inrltei aad faolllut * * ttarcl and trans bitwtcn tb *
Atlantle and PaeUc.
th Kock Iiland main lln an < brantntt Jnelad * Ckl *
tafo.Jolltt. Ottawa , La Dalle , Feorla , a < lto , Holla *
and nock Iiland , la llllnolf t Darenport , Muicatlne ,
Waihlnrton , ralrlleld , Ottamwa.Oik.looia , Weit Llk-
trtr. low * CllDeiUolael , Indlanola.TTIntrrMt , Atlam-
tie , KBeirllle , Aadubon , Harllt , OnlhrJ * Centre aa4
Council Dluffe , In Iowa i ( lallalla , Trenton , It. Jo p ,
Cameron and Kaniat Cltjta Mllieurl : teat.Xiwortk
aad Ateklioa , In Kantai i Albert Lea , Illaneapall * aad
lUPaaMnMlaneeotai TTatertown anf llenx r ll . la
Dakota , and ktmdredi ot Intermediate eltleiaM low'aj.
i'The Great Rock Island Hout " <
Guarantee ! ipeW/reaifort , etrtalaty and a r tr. It *
Knnaaant war I * dUtlna-ulilied for It * leelltne * . Ill
ld n art or Hone a 4 lro . It * track le ot i H4
teel.ltirolltniritockperftct. Itpaii ner4nlpineat
liai all the late tj p ll ncei that eipertence kai prof ei
iefol , and for luiurloue accomtiedatler * le UMOT-
paiied. Ite Eipreit Tralne coulit * f tuperle
Coachei , eleffftnt Pullman ralac * Parlor and Slfep'na ;
Carl , euperb Dlaluc Care , frerldlnf dellcloui meali.
and ( between Chicago a 9 St. Jonph , Ateklioa aad
Kanu * Cltr ) reitful ReeUnlnf ; Ohafr Care. It m a-
actmint li conierratln , It * dliclplloe ixutlaf ;
"The Famous Albert L a Moi'.r * "
Between Cktcan and Hlaneapolli and St. Pa. ' li til
f aTOrito. Oier thli line Solid Fait Expreii TralBi r a
dally t6 attraetlr * reiorct for iourlit * la Iowa aa4
Klnneeota , and , via Watertowm aid Slo Fallt , t * tk *
rich wheat and vrailne ; Undi f Interior Dakota. Tla
feme * and Kankakeo , y > o nockiilaaf effen inperler
Inducement * to trarelera betwva Cincinnati , India * .
apellf. Lafayett * aad OonaeQ Bluffl , gtTJoieftk , Atckl-
ten , Leareawcrtk , Kama * City , Ct. Paul , and laterme-
dlato polate. 411 patron * ( eipeclallr ladlee apd cbll-
drtb ) recelre protetl > ntcourteij aid kindly attealea.
F r ilcreti ; map * , folden , coplea of Weitcrn Trail , er
a y deelred Information , apply to principal effleei la
tk * United Qtate * and Canada. er 4drei9 , at Cklea * ; * ,
1. 1. CAIll , I. ( t. jbH , I. 4. UlLllltl ,
milO 1t > u * > t.
School Bond Proclamatlort.
IN pursuance of a resolution duly adopted by
tlio Hoard of Education of tha School Dis
trict In Omaha , In tlm connty of Donglas , In thn
htatoof Nebraska , notice Is nereby given to tbo
miulttlertoters of H.-\d ! pcliool district , that at
the Keneral election to be held Tuesday , Novem
ber tftb , IW" , the followltiK question andprnpo-
Flllonvlll be submitted to a vote ut the electors
of salil district , to-wlt :
"Shall consent and authority be clven to the
Board of Education of the School District In
Omaha , In the county of Douglas , in the state of
Nebraska , to Issue the bond : ) of said school dis
trict. In the sum of Two Hundred Thousand
Dollars ( fc.MO.OOO ) , the ( .aid bomls to be 200 in num
ber , of the denomination of 11,000.00 each , dated
January 1st , 18 8 , and to bear Interest at the rate
of live per cent per annum , payable seml-an-
nually at Kountze Jlrothrrs , banker * . New
York , principal to become duo In twenty years
from the date thereof. The proceeds arising
trom the sale of said bonds to bo used In tlm
purchase of school sites for shld district , and
the erection of school bulldlnga as follows :
I'lmciiAKiMn PCiioor. SITEH.
One site on Hamilton street near Eureka
street at the estimated cost of U.OOO.OO.
One site on tf.Uh and Jackson streets at the es
timuted cost of fcS.NXJ.OO.
One site in West Slile Adilltlon at the esti
mated cost of tu',000.00.
One site In Ambler I'luco Addition at the esti
mated cost of t-VNW.OO.
One site corner 9th street near Bancroft at the
estimated cost of W.OOO.OO.
One site on 14th slreet near Park Korrest Ad
dition at th < i estimated cost of IL'.Mnl.CKI.
One site corner of Mh street and Hickory street
at the estimated cost of 17,000,00.
One site corner of Franklin street and 35th , at
the estimated cost ot KI.UXy. )
One school building on1th near Muaon street
at the estimated cost of 110,000.00.
Oue school building on lrd street ne ar Nlcho
las street , at the estimated cost of 140,1)00.00. )
One school building on ( ith street near Dan-
croft , at the estimated cost of * i'OOO.UG.
One school building on Hamilton street near
Eureka street , at the estimated cost of o,000. ( > u.
Ono school building In Lako's addition , at the
estimated cost of KC.MO.Oli.
All votes "Yes" on said proposition will bo
regarded and considered as authorizing the
Issue of said bonds , and all votes "No" shall bo
regarded and considered as against issuing salt
Also , the following question and proposition
will. In llkn manlier , be vubmltted :
"Shall said Hoard of Education In addition to
the aforesaid proposed expenditure for the pur
chase of school tltes and the erection of scnoo
buildings from the proceeds of said bonds , bo
authorized to expend the followlnRmuns , to bo
realized from the sale of school property now
bolonglrit ; to natd school district , and not re
quired for the use thereof , as follow * , to-wlt :
For an addition to llluli School building , the
sum ot KAOUO.OO.
Kor school building on rioulovard street near
21st street , the sum of t i.ODO.OO.
All votes "Yos" on bald proposition will bo
regarded and considered as authorizing SH | <
proposed expenditure , and all votes "No'r Kim )
1) regarded as against bald proposed exptmdl
Ily order of th Hoard of Education of th <
School Dlxtilct In Omaha , In the county o
Douglas , In tlu statn of Nebraska.
In witness whereof , 1 huvo hereunto get m'
hand and caused the seal of euld Hchool lloan
to bo milled , tUb aitli day of October , A. D
1W7'i. [ . 8.1 H , T. CLARKE , President ,
Attest ; J. D. PiPtn , Bectttary. oSTdUl
Agricultural Implement * .
lealer In Agrlcnllural ImplemeDts , Wagons ,
C rrlai l and Ha lM. Jonel Strict. Iletw n Mh and
10th , Omaha , Ncbrilka.
AfiTleDltnrallinplemcntSjfagons.CarriaEes .
JjJ * | * ' K ' Wholeials , Omaha. Netirat > a.
WkoUialt IXjalori In
P. P. MAST A CO. ,
( annfactorers of Bnctoye Drills , Seeders ,
Whole al
A2TicnltnranmplenieutsWaps ,
Corner 14th nil Nlrholaa Htrtete.
Artists' Materials.
A. HOSPB , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1S13 DouilM street , Omaha , Nebroka.
Boots and Shoes.
W. V. MORSE & CO. ,
Jobbers of Boots and Snoes ,
111 r rn in St. , Omaha , Neb. Manufactory , Bnmmtf
tilreet , lloiton.
( Huccetiort to Heed , Jono A Co. )
Msale Mannfactnrers of Boots and Snoes
AftnU lor Hoston Hubber Shoo Co. 1103.1104 A11M
Ilarner St. , Omaha , et > ra ka.
Coffees , Spices , Etc.
Omaha Cofl > and Splco Mills.
Teas , Coffees Spices , Baking Powfler ,
Flarorlni Kttracti , Ijiundrr Dlue , Ink * . Ktc. 14141I1S
llarney Street. UuiMia. Nebratka.
Crockery and Glassware.
Atent for the Mnnnfncturf ri and Importen of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Cninineys
Ktc. Office , 317 8. ( , Omahit.Nebraika.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing ,
Bvtter.Krtrand Produce. Conslnnmcnts unllcltrd.
lleadquirttri tat Blnnewarp , llcrry lluirt and
Ora | > Batkcti. 1414 nodge St. , Omaha.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , Butter , Game , Frulti , Ktc. 2WSiouth Hlh St. ,
Omaha , Nebruka ,
( Pticcf iiori to McShnno tc Hcbroeiler. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
. . . . V&l. '
mnha , Nebraska.
Coal , Cokojjnd Lime.
' " "
Jokers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
J South MIU Street , Omaba , Nebrn kn.
J. J. JOHNSON Si. CO. . >
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime ,
And ihliipers of Coal. Coke , Cement , Planter. Urn * ,
Drain Tlio and Hewer 1'lpr. offlor , ration Hotel ,
fcliinara St. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone 811.
Snippers of Coal and Coke ,
214 South 13th St. , Omaha , Neb.
M. E. SMITH J * CO. .
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
1101 and HMDouglai , Cqr , lllh St. , Omaha , Net ) .
Imnortersand Jobbers in Dry Goofls.Notions .
3DU' FuralihlnR GoodsCcrnprllth and Hartley EU. ,
Omaha , Nebraika.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Farnam Street , Omaha , Ntbraika ,
Wholesale Groceries and Proyistons ,
706,707 , TOB and 7115. Wtb St. , Qmaha , Ket ) .
Wholesale Grocers ,
Mb and Leaeaworth Btr etl , Om h , N 0raekfc ,
D. M. STEELE ft CO. .
Wholesale Grocers ,
mt , mi and 1121 Barney Street , Omaha , Ntb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
nil and 1114 Barney Street , Omaha , Neb.
Jokers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tl ware,8 eet Iron.Kto. , AceuU'fqr Howe Bcalei.acd
Mlaal rowder Co. , Omaha , Neb.
Builders' ' Hardware & Scale Repair Shop
Uecbaalei' Tool and Buffalo Scalei. lUt > D Ulatt. .
Omaha , Nebraika.
Wholesale Hardware ,
10th tot narner Bti. . Omal , Jeb. Wel rn A n nte
lor Auitln rowderCo.JefI rnon Steel NalU.talr-
alike RUnd rd Scalei.
H > avy Hardware.
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
iOD and Carriage Wood Block , IJeavy flarrlwartk
tc. 1217 and Ul'J Learenwortti Ut. , Omaha , Neb.
Hats , caps , Etc.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
1107 Barney 6tr et , Omaha , N b.
u and ILER ft CO. ,
Importers & Jobbers of FineWines &Liojiors
ait India Bitten and Domeitlc Llquon. 1113 Uarn y
T > .y. . . , t .iA > Cumber.
All kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
ltt > BUtet tnd Union faclOo Track , Oumha.
Dealer In Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doert , U > . Ytrdi-Corner7tb and t > ul i ; Corner ilk
and Dougln.
' - , - O. N. DEITZ.
Dealer in all Kinds of Lnnte
Mth and Ctlljornla tl. . Omaha. Ntb.
' . FRED W. GRAY ,
Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
. _ _ yofptrrtb aap l ( { l t8t . .0inali .
' T. W. H A R V E Y L U M B E R C O. .
ff To Dealers Only , ' * \
Office. UC3 KtiBUt Street , Omiia ,
Wholesale Lamlier , Eto , '
Poriltod Cement.St tetj
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wooa Carpeli ami Parquet t1 etlnc. Vth and Doiulaf
Mjlllnorx and Nctlonii <
I. OBERFELDEfT * CO. . "f.
JW , J10 and 111 Sooth lllb gtreet.
Wholesale Notions and Fnrnishini Gooj
4Wan tMEouta 19th Street. Omaaa.
Notions and Gent's ' Fnrnlshin'E Goods , '
1108 llarney Street. Omaha.
" Wl
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating
A > l * Qreafo , f to. , Omaha , A , W. Dlikop , Maaaf t
_ _ - _ - - . . ,
1 Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
OIITT nuke itock ot vrlntix , wrtpplnt tnd irrltlitl
paper , Special attention f lien to car lvaa.u)4eie. )
_ Prjnterf'jyijitBrliata.
Amiliary Publishers ,
Intjp * . prrmee anil prtntrrV tnppMri. M |
South nth Blri'Ul , Onialia.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Robber Good !
Oil Cltithln * and Leather Ucltlng. 100J Kurnaiu SlreeV , '
. , JPu m p s , _
Pnmps , Pipes and Engines ,
Btcnm , wMcr , railway ml mining snppll < " . e .
Vil and VH VarnHiii Mtec't , OumliH. v
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , ,
Steam ami Wntflr 8iipille | . lleadqnartvre ( or Maifc
Kooit A C'o's f on Ja. till Kurnnni St. , Omnha.J
" U. S. WIN D E N O. IN E * P UM P tf6 „
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Ilaltldajf Wind Mlll . ( lift and TO ) Knrnnm ft. , Omdht ,
U. V. llun , Acllnn Manaitur. , ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machine ,
Sheet Iron Work , Steam rufnp . Haw Mllla. ni3-lJI (
Leatenwurtti J-trotliUomUa. | i
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seedi (
911 and 913 Jonen fit. , Omaha
Storage , Forwarfling and Commission , i
ranch ( home if the llvnnev , HUEXT 0" . llnKKli'ik
wholcial * mil ) retail. UOe.ialU and KH2 lianl
Omaha. Tclv | > bent > No. 760.
WM. A.
Importers and Jobbers of Teas & Cigaw ,
Hplcei and Dalir Daklne ; Powder. Hliiaud HID Uari
pey Htrcft. Omaha. i ]
ornioe. H
i i ii i i i 11 111 i aM
Mannfactnre Galvanized Iron and Cornice. '
John Kpenetpr. I'ronrlttor. 920 Dotlgo n4 103 and 1M
North llJlhHlriot.OiiiHVia. : ,1
Mannfacturins Dealer in Smoke Slacks , }
Brltchlngi , Tanks and General Heller Kepalrlng , mi
Dudgr Str et , Omaha , Neb. [ 1
Iron Works.
WronEht anfl Cast Iron Bnildiiie World
Eni'lne . Bran work , general foundry , iimcnlnn unf
Blackamlth work. OMco and worki , U , 1' . BT. and I
ink BUeet , Omabt. ' '
Mannfactnrers of Wire and Iron Railini
Deik rail * , window euardu , flower standi , wire ilcntk
etc. , IW N'orlli ICth Kt. , Omnlia. A
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Prosf Safe * : ,
Taulte , Jail work , Iron and wire fencing , ilf HI , to. dt
Anilreen , Pro 'r. Cur. lllhaad JackiouHU. j
flenrral XgtnU for Die bold Fafe A l.ork Co.'l
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes.Time Lock ? ;
Taulli and Jail Work , U1J Karuam dtfeet , Omati * . "
Overalls. . _ j
' '
Mannfactnrers of Overalls , >
Jeaai I'anti , Sblru , Kto. HOT and 1104 Douglai glret/ '
Umaba , NcU. T.
Sash , Doors , Etc.
Wkoleiale Manufacturer * pf
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , ,
Branch Office , ma and Iiard tUrecU , Omtha , Nebj
Mannfactnrers of Sash , Doors , Blinds/ /
ilouldtugf , Htalr Work anrl Interior Hani Wood Klikf
lb. N. K. Curuvr Btli and lx > ar nwurtn btreeu , I
Otnnlia , Nub. i
Manufacturers of Mouldings , Sash ,
d Bllmli. Turnlnr , Blair-work. Dank and
rlltlnics. 30tli and I'oppiuton Avuiiuo.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1631 North Klghtrrntb Htrect , Omaba. Nrb ,
o.n. rAt.Mcn. N. p. men MAX. j n. UI.AVCIUI
Lic Stock Commission Merchants ,
Offlce-Uuom 24 , Op.o | lte Kichanee nnll < 1lnK , L'nlo * )
block VuriU , huutb Uuialin , Neb.
MoCOY BROS. , ' 1
Live Stock Commission Merchants , , '
Market furnlibed fie * on application , Slooknr * an * )
feeder * furnliUed o good tcrmn. Ht-ronmccii. Oiuax
aa atlonal Hank anifHouth Omaba National , tlcloal
Stock Vardi , south Oinaba. i
live Stock Commission ,
lloom 16 , Escbanve llulldlDK , Union Stock Yarla.
fcoulli Omaha , Net' .
Commission Dealers in Live Stock ,
Room 23 , Kirlianjf IlulMlDi , Knlnn Stork ViH fi
OmMm. H r runcrt. Uuliin Nal'l Hunk , Om hii2
Union htock Yard ! llauk , S. llmuha , 1C , S. Honloy1.
Prei. Am. Hank A TruH Co. . Oniulia.
Commission Dealers in Live Stock ,
Itocm 22 , oppniltiKKliinpH llulldlni. Union Stoc |
Vard , , HoulU Oiaaba , Nt'b ,
Of Omalia , Limited ,
AdvurlNliiK I ma ultvayn | nuvi.-u
Btic'cosBtul. llcfuiu pluclUtfuny
Ncwepupcr A Jvcrtlsiug toubiilt
* IiTUTl9lIU ! ItlSTS ,
U I * M lU 4tl k IIUHI , CHICAO