Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1887, Image 1

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Startling Discovery Made In the
Cook County Jail.
MifilfTMatMsn MnkcH mi Examination
of the Annrc'hlMn' Quarters and
Finds n HOT of Ucadlj Dyna
CitiCAno , Nov. (5 Tlio cells of the sever
condemned annrchists in the county Jail were
scarche il to-dnj und six loaded bombs wen
found hidden n\\uy in a wooden box whicl
was cent enlcd tinder n pile of newspapers litho
the corner of Llngg's ' lull. Some tlino ng (
Sheriff Mntsoh decided to search nnd cleai
out the cells of the o\en prisoners und to
day v as set foi the examination. Woidwas
fccnt by the sheriff lo tlio fiicndti of the con
dunned saving that no admittance \\ould bi
given at the Jail and Ibis morning the until i
foicoof deputy sheilffs toportcd at the Jal
for duty. It was shently lifter 9-30 o'elocl
when Lingg and Kngol were load from the !
cells to the "consultation cage" and tin
scinch began , Engcl's tell was first cnteiei
nnd thoroughly oxploicd and the clothini
hanging illiquid the i oil searched but beioni
n few empty cigar boxes , some fiult , book :
und p.ipers , nothing was found.
Then the deputy shcnffH Liitcied Llngg'i
cell while its foimor occupant planted him'
Helf In a corner of his tempoiaiy prison iim
wutilied them with eager eics Hovvas pult
ns death and trembled like an nspen leaf a
thu searchers moved aionnd in the llttli
stoned wall uoom. Suddenly two of tin
three men insldo Jumped out into the corrl
dor w hllc thu third man hi Id at arm's lengtl
n small wooden box which ho e.nefull ) cut
ried to the Jail ollko and laid on .lailcr Foltz'
desk. Thu box contained six pieces of gn
pipe each about six or seven inches ii
length. It was filled with some heavy sul
Htancu and plumed at both ends .lailc
roll ? picked up one whit b was dosed at on
end with a lound lion stopper and ono of th
oftlcots pionounced it n vcnt.iblo djnamit
bomb , .lust then Shotiff Matson ailived a
the Jail and nidercd that the dungcrou
wc.ipons bo repine cd in the box and sent to
oheniist for analyst's , though theic was n
doubt as no the icsult of the examinatioi
Then the senuh was continued , butbejond
quantity of nibbisli nothing oould bo found
Then the cells of Fischer , Pin sons , Spio'
Schwab and Pioldcn weio scinched in th
order nami'd , but no contiubind articles o
any kind weio found. It was decided , however
over , that it was best to change cells and ai
eoidiiigly finn apartments on the lowcrtlc
weio cleaned out. Number 11 , which is d
rectly in front of the cntianco of the Jail , an
between two rows of iion giatlngs , in whlc
space three men arc on guard night and dnj
was piepaied for Lingg's rcceptior
and theio the bomb manufactuic
was locked up. Ho was give
Ins bed , table , books and writing mateiial'
but evoii thing else was Kept fiomhim. II
immediately sat down und began to writ <
keeping at woi It all day until it was too dar
to see. The otheis , with the exception c
Schwab mid Fiolden , weio also icmovticll
now cells
Sheriff Mntson was seen on the subjec
during the aftei noon. Ho was very retlcen
at Hist , but llnally told the piiticulais of th
uttair. They had no reason , ho said , to mak
this search at this particular time , it bein
simply a pic-cautionary mcasuio. Suuda
was selected as a quu.t dav 'when the 03
ainlnation would muko less disturbance th.i
on a week dav."Of course In view of the di
velopmontH of thusearch , the most stringui
precautionaiy measuics will now I
taken. The piisoneis will not boallowc
to exeiciso as inucli as founcily , and tli
number of visltois will bo luitilctcd. None
ono will bo allowed toisit any of the cot
dunned In the cage , and if any inteivlow
aio planted it will bo only to near iclathc
and in the pirscnco of the Jail oftlciats. N
baskets of victuals or fiuit will bo allowed I
bo heat and no lettei s or dispati lies i ccciv e
or sent until they aio caiofullv e\imined. .
special man will watch each of the pdbonci
lioin this time forwaul.
Outsldoof the gieat sensation of the da ;
things were quiet around the Jail Theio w.
an nlr of instory all morning which wasm
explained bofoio2o'clock Admittance wi
denied to overdone. Mis Schwaband Kim
liioughtoverbasketscontiuiiiiigdinnoi foi tl
pi isotieis and loft them at the door. Lingg
sweethcait also came w itli a basket.
The new b of the finding of the boml
spread like wildlhe. A universal ic.u t ion <
the amnestv sentiment was immediately a
patent. Hundreds of cit Irons who signed tl
petitions for clemency icgietted their jetic
nnd wished they had nu\er appended the
names to iho paper. Twenty ot the oftlco
of the cential detail weio in the squad 100
when a icpoiter enteicd and told them tl
news. Instantly thcio was a stouu of indl
nation. Tlio word "bombs" lecalled to the
tlio scene * ) of UicHajmaikct , and thoio w
but ono o\iression | of comment on the su
Jett Ono lieutenant hincusticallji omuikc
"Well tlii'ought to paulou Llugg ai
wav. "
'ihc general opinion mound the police st
lions was that \\liato\er might bo the fate
tlio otheis , Lingg's doom was scaled and
would Inuo to go to the gi.llowb. It is doul
ful If the condemned men will longer
allowed to cnjov the privilege of leading t
dally impels. It was suggested to the slier
that the advcitlsing columns might easily
utilized as u means of communication
cipher between them and outfidois nnd in ;
probability the ) will bo deprived of this pii
ripal pleasmo.
The bombs found in Llnpg's cell we
given to Uaptuiii behaack , it appeals. Mil
oftlcer thl- , evening i cumin that they i
pp.ucd to ha\o been designed for usn by sol
of Iho condemned as agents of solfdcstn
lion. 'Jhuj weio meant for thodestnuti
of o\eijibing with which their fiagmn
might eouio in contact , as the ) weio ill !
with lead , zinc , antimony and similar roni ]
sltlons calculated to pioduco blood poisoni
wherever a wound was made. On ono c
wcioiKcdu can and fuse , whllo thootli
mid contained the projietolos th
wuulcl lly out ns fiom u ii
baricl. Captain Sohaaek suimi !
It was the intention of Lingg ns well ns
the other tliiee , who have refused eonimu
lion , to put ono end of the bomb in the niov
nnd light the fuse like a cigar. The
sultant explosion would , It is bcllnved , pic
LXTI H. Late to night another rcmnrknl
feature of the matter c.uuo to light , will
explains vvli ) the of the cells hi
pencil to bo nnide to da ) . U is axuci ted tl
Into lust night the death watch
muidoie'r'R iow , where the t (
denined men weio contlned , hcmdgioi
lomingfrom Hngel's icll. Stopping to t
door ho saw l.ngul on his back bio.V
ing htontoilously nnd gioaning. The \\ati
man called him bi iniuio but could get
answer and went Into thu cell , only to tl
cover that Kngcl was unconscious , app
cutlv under the Influences of somodiug Af
working with Fngol some time , In an off
to mouse him , the watchn
bocunio nlmiued ami hastily su
njoned Dr. Oiny , the phjhiclan
clmigoof Die insane dopaitmcnl ot * the J. '
The hitter , on looking at Ungel , saw ho w
un'or the Inlluenco of n drug , nnd n stu
effoit was rondo to nrou o him. 1'ngcl p
tlally ai-oused and swoio nt them for Int
nipt Ing his test and demanded to bo 1
uluno. Ho was foiccd In taUo an en-ei
however , mid made to walk the lloor betwi
two htalwait Jillots until all danger v
passed. Ho continued to piotcst
night that nothing was thu inter
tor with Win exccnt that ha 1
takrn n llttlo whisky nnd was slii |
I bin Ucaii > ud aulcldu wan wUut Induced
nutborltlcs lo order n < .enuh of all the cells
to dav to prevent a like attempt on the part
of others. A bottles which had contained
Inudanuui , which Kngcl had laken , wns
found In tlm urinal in Ids cell , with a few
di ops of the drug still lenmltilnKin It.hcn ,
With this evidence Ins llnally sullehly ml-
milled his atlcmpt at snlcldo and said ho hud
done It because ho prefei led death that way
to the cnrriinp out of the hcntcnce of
the law. Ho stubbomly rcfvscd to tell bow
ho had obtained the poi'on.
It is the opinion of m my that the bombs
afterward found in Llnpg's cell were passed
hroughtho grating to him after the an-
.louneement of the decision of the United
States supreme coint and that thi'V weic
or the purpose of suicidu when his last hope
if aid othei wise was gone. . , .
The Amnesty association to dav ulnccd nt
or near the doors of many chinches in the
city llttlo tables containing blank petition'
for executive clemency. In this way thej
obtained n great number of slgnaluies to the
ictitions fioin the congiepationss as thci
loured out fiom the chuiches Tables weie
ilneed \arlous other places in the cilj
ivheio Iho public1 w cio liable to c-oiiRii'Ruti
nnd thu net result of the daj's woik ii
bought to bo a gieat many names.
The news of the bomb discovery was re
celved at the socialists' political headquarter
w 1th Jeei s and laltghtei . Nearly all pi cscn
ilcclurod that the bombs had been placed it
ho cell by the oniciuls for tnitherlng tin
, ) lot to "minder the iinpii oncd bojs " Mrs
I'aisons , who was piesi-nt , was e-vecedingl ;
bitter in her saicastle iiuectivcsasralnst th- -
iinthorities icgarding the matter. She sneer
ingly suggested that Lingg's gill had eon
\e\ed the bombs to him in her bustle am
thanked God that she ( Mis. I'm son's ) dii
not W car one and could not bo accused o
complicity in the latest sensation.
fiovornor OKlenby TliunclcTstruok.
Si'itiNOHiiu , 111 , Nov. 0. Governo
Oglesby was thunderstiuck when ho re
ceived the news to night of the Iliuling of tb
bombs in Lingg's cell. Ho read and re rea <
the dispatch and a cloud of gloom , vexatio
nnd anxiety swept over his face ns the ful
Impoit of the Information dawned upon hiir
"I can say nothing , " said ho to un Associate
1'iess representative. "I must say nothin
whatever in rcgaid to this matter. Thtio i
nothing I can pi opeily say. Anj opinion
might cxpiess , even weie it piopcr for mo t
oxpiess an opinion , would be misundci
stood. "
"I am surprised nt your information , " sai
Attoiney General Hunt when the news wa
communicatceMo him. "Not on ly nm I su
prised but I am heartily sorry. It puts a dil
f uicnt phase on matteis so far ns the oplnio
of a poitiou of the public is eonceined and n
least shows that Lingg is as bad us he ha
been painted. So lar as the publi
is concerned the effect can only be t
prejudice the miuds of the masses against th
condemned men. As to what elTcct it vvil
hnvo on the governor , I , of coin so , canno
say. It should , as a matter of fact , hav
no effect , but a man must bo more than hi
man If ho is not affected to some device b
such Infoi mation. is a oil
eumstanco gicatlj to bo icgrctted "
It has Just tiansuireil tonight that Gov
01 nor Oglesby has , within the past few day
received sovcial communications threatenin
violence if ho icfusesto oxeieiso e'xocuUv
clemency in behalf of the condemned anarcl
Ists. This news only leaked out to nigh
but comes fiom n source that i
considered most icliablo. Ono anon'
mous letter dated Chicago is sal
to boldly Ihreaten the goernor with death i
case ho pel mils the nmnehlsts tobohangci
Govci nor Oglcsby endeavored to keep th
news fiom reaching the cars of his family , the
ho desiics to spare them all alaim. It hi
been daily icmai keel by friends of Govcirte
Oglesbi Unit ever since executive clemene
became the last resort of the until ulusts tl
governor has had a somewhat caicwoin an
anxious expicsbion.
Attorney General Hunt Inlcr\ioMctc.
Si'iiiNOFULii , 111 , Nov. 0. Goveino
Oglesby'b mail in the nnaichists case Wi
larger this moining than over bufoio. Go
cinor Ogltbby thib afternoon told an ASSOI
uted picss icprcscntativo that while the
were many demands that the sentence
death bo can led out , the pioporlion of r
quests for commutation weio decided
laigci than on unj picvious day. "As am.
tor of fact , " said the goveinor , "jilcas f
clemency have alwajs been somcwli
gieatcr than icqucsts for non intcrf eienc
but this moining the proportion was som
what gieatci than usunl. " Delegations
picsumc , w ill begin to come in to nioiiow
next day .mil when they do , Ipuiposo to i
receive them all in the reception loom nt tl
enpitol. Evcrjbody will bo nccoided
patie'nt hcaiin ; ; and the cu
llnally disposed ot just as i
other cases of like cliai actor ha
been in the past. " Numerous telegrams ha
been iccclved by Iho goveinoi during t !
day , most of thpn fiom Chicago. Their ten
cannot bo lenincd other than that ono
them was fiomapiominentChicngo cnpilali
who favors executive clemency. There
litllo doubt that the governor is at this til
icceiving communications fiom an unusual
luige number of moncjed men of thu count
who recommend commutation of sentciu
Some of these gentlemen waive all enicstio
as to the law and justice of the c.iso mid sir
ply favor clcmciuy on grounds of pub
policy U hey say It is bettor to Imprison t
anarchists for lifo than it is to allow them
bee emu piofessed nmitjis by suffcilng t
death penalty. Attoiney Genet. il Hunt w
seen to day by an associated picss icpiesc
tallvo and asUccl his opinion ns
the piobablo outcome of the petitions f
clcmcnce , "I have no Ides whnt the govern
will do , " said ho. "Tho only time I ha'
seen bun since my ictuin hoiowas fora she
time jcbtculay afteinoon. Ho is , ofcouit
eonsidoimg thu case and is coiisidciing en
sclcutiously. An cnoi mous pi cssiu o is bei
hi ought to bear upon him nnd this will I
como gi eater day bi day from this date tot
execution As 1 have always expected , a [
cilliar sentiment has begun to develop amoi
a coitain element as the Until clnynppioachi
Thesn people' , actuated almost whollv by fc
mgbof biiniuthy , are signing petitions 1
clcmencj Many of them mo signing the
for the nmichists Just ns they would si ,
them for nny other inisfortunatcs or unforl
nates if the ease weio presented to the :
It is n simple matter of
th ) that is gindually woiUlng tl
change of spiitlment. Many pee ]
too , considoi that the degrees ol guilt vu
with these men nnd that may bo Uue to soi
extent Aiijhow a feeling is bioadcast th
m tain of the condemned were moio guil
than others. That belief is undoubted
nllccting public sentiment to some cxtei
On the other hand there is no doubt that t
lefusal of some men to ask n commutation
sentence has alienated much of the1 sympat
that they would otheiwlso have hud. "
Many of the communications and tcso
lions icccived fiom incendiary societies a
auaichistciiclcs aio violent in th
denunciations of the Illinois Judicial y. 1
hupieme ooiut of tbls state has boon so mil
misiepiesentcd b.v a poitlon of the press
Kurope and its decision so generally gaibl
that the supicuio court repoitor of llllm
has Just sent copies of the decision in t
anan hist case to the United States ministi
in Huiopu and all the leading jouumls of t
Trans Atiintlu press
American Ho.sltlenth 'llireatenod
MAHSI.ILI ES , Nov t ) At a violent ineoti
of nuarchists heio to-day a icsolutlon v
adojiti'd to v\arn Ameiic.iusln Prancu of v
gcanco in event of the oxccitlion of the cc
ilemncd Uhlcogo anarchislH A i opy of \
icsolutiou was conveicd bj deputation to 1
Amcilc.m coiibulatc. The consul was : ib-.i
nnd tl-odeputation letlml quietly.
Uallroail Hlotoiti.
X\srivn.i.r , ONov 0 There was gr
cxi-iumcnt noio to-day over n strujrglo
twccn tv\o rallioad umpanlos for toni.5
fndlUS s Thestiupglo between the men
sumcd such a kcilous asiicct that the g
Oi nor vvjjs apinralctl to and ho onloied out
inllilia. ThU nuiitcil the rlotc und al
tow scsx-ue.
Ohlof Sword Bonror and Corporal
Thompson Among the Killed.
Grnernl IliiRor III > VCH Tliat Ho Will
Stand No Trilling A Tuo Hour
PlRlit Tronlstc I'enrecl From
Donf Hull.
Matters Como to n Ifoael.
Hit i ivcis , Mont. , Nov. ft [ SpecialTcle'gnun
to the HPF 1 The Crow Indian affair came tea
a head j'cstei day , resulting in the complete
route of the Indian foi cos. The Indians had
n big council in the moining among them
selves nnd disclaimed tiny Intention to light.
Geiictal linger sent , about 10 a. m. , Jiimop
Campbell und InU-ipieicr "Tobacco Jako"
down to the Indian cump to lenin their In
tention , The invitation wns icspondcd tc
by about ten chiefs , with Pietty Unglo as
spokesman. Geneial Armstieng Hist spoke ,
telling them that ho had been sent by the
Gloat Fnthcr to settle the trouble with the
Crows , but that they had been bad nnd that
they must give up these bad mci :
to the soldiers , and ns they hail
been bad had tinned the mutter o\oi
entirely to Geneial linger , who vvoulc
deal with them ns he saw lit. PiottyEagh
said : "Wo will give up Sword Hcnier , bu (
wo cannot give up the othcts that nrc
wanted. " General Hugcr then said : " :
want all of the seven that lired Into UK
ngcncy buildings and I will give them OIK
hour and n half to como in. " Ho then toll
Crazy Head that ho must bi ing his son , win
was one of them. Cia/y Head replied tlm
they would go back to the camp nnd tall
to Sword Hearer. General Kuger said
"That is all I have to say. " Ames Campbel
tbou letumed to the Indian eamt ) with UK
Indians , but ictiuned shoitly , saying that i
council was being held. The ti oops WOK
held in readiness , and the Indians wen
paticnlly walchcel by the command until UK
time was up. The Indians in the mcuntimi
had founed into a long line and the medium
man could bo seen ruling up nnd dowi
mi tinging them. A lew soaUeiing shol :
weio then fired into the air. The tinii
being up Geneial Hnger scut troops E am
K down the valley on the loft Hank of UK
Indians , where they were met by about hal
of the Indians gatheied in the warp.utj
which mimbeied about 1,500. A red ho
skinnish then resulted in which Coiporu
Chniles Thompson was killed , 1'tivati
Eugene Malloiy slightly wounded and 1'n
vato Clink thrown fiom his hoi so nnd hi'
shoulder dislocated. Those were all in tiooj
K , commanded by Lieutenant Edwaids am
Second Lieulenant liji.un A running tlgh
ensued , the Indians rctieating , some to UK
peaceful gathering near the agency nnc
others crossing the river and taking to tin
bills. Svvoul Hearer made u final stand at tin
crossing of the Little Hoi n , about ono mill
below the agency , in w hlch he nnd probabli
Unco of his followcis were killed. This wai
the icsult of the skirmish Hie of tioop G
First cavalry , commanded b.v Captain F
Kupham and Lieutenant J. H. Alcshir
Sword Hcuicr's body was brought mt <
camp , but thu other Indians mo onli
repoited dead. Most of the Indian
ended about and loturued to tlio agency
mixing with the other camps There an
now supposed to be fiom twenty to liftvloosi
in the hills. Scveial troops of cavalry an
now out close on their heels and they vvil
probably soon be captured. Thei o was nbou
two hours of actual lighting. Those best ae
quatnted with the Indian chuiactcr havi
manifested much anxiety through fear tha
the immense preparations have bcci
inado to settle this diftleulty should bo futil
on account of the willingness of the Indium
to give in to a suptnor numciical power , am
Unit the real bottom of the trouble would nebo
bo reached. The iidiculous and sensationn
i epoits that have been sent to some paper
by westein conespondents cause mile'
misundeistanding and ridicule of thi
leully seiious and impoitunt step tha
the govcinment is now taking. j
spy , who was sent into the Indian camp his
night , repoits that u Ing council was held nni
Deaf Hull , the leading and most inlluciitla
chief among the hostiles , was beard uigin
them to war. The icsult of thu killing i
giavelj questioned bysomewhoscomtotliin
that the w orst may yet como in consequence
They aiguo that Deaf Hull , a powerful chie
who was a Him suppoiter of Sword Hcaiei
the Indian killed , will take levengo on th
whites ivs soon as oppoitunity aiTouK Ho i
to bo ancstcd and if ho icsists may go th
futo of the dead chief. It is hoped by man ,
Uiathewill. An event of this kind woul
set the minds of many ranchmen and othei
at rest. A majonty of the people , howevei
look upon the conflict ns ended , regardlec
of Deaf Hull or any other Indian , and ul
tiust it is so.
The Cherokee Trouhle.
ST. Lot is , Nov. 0 [ Special Tclegtain I
the Bi i : ] Advices from the Indian Tcir
toiy regiuding situation in tl
Chetokce nation as given are that n laif
number of bilpportois of Judge Mus , tl
chief elect on tlio Dow Ing party , hud gatl
cicd at the mnch of Judge Mas , twenty-ih
miles soulh of Tahlequah , where a feast hi
been In progress for Ihrco Ono hu :
died Indians had collected with their wu
ons , teams nnd ponies last night , nnd 11
moio would bo added. No arms weie set
in the tiowd , but it wus not known whoth <
mi ) weio concealed in the wagons The
claimed they are only to act ns a guaul i
honoi , their mission being to e
coit their lenders lo Tahlcqun
where his election is to bo contested I
Habbit Hunch , the candidate of the nation
paity on Iho convening of the national cou
cil ot Monday. The ) deny any intention i
beginning war and claim that no war demoi
iitrations will bo made unless , the oppositic
endeavors to inaugurate Bunch , ns they hm
intimated they would do. It has been tli
custom foi ) cais , they say , to escort the no
chief fiom his wigwam to the capital cil
w ilh pomp and coioniony by his suppoitet
The dispatch also MIS that two icpoito
Weio dm en uway from Tahlequah last wee
nnd that It is difficult lo get news fiom th
point to send.
3f Cholera.
> ' Srinvoniii ) , 111. , Nov. 0. Dr. Uauc'
sccictt'.ri of the statoboaid of health , h
ia wiittcn the quarantine commissioners
r Now Voile asking tl'em to issue certillcat
o to Italian emigrants coming west shovvii
tii that they aio fico fiom cholcia , giving t !
1 time of their niiival , time of obscivatic
etc. , as a piccuutionnry measure. Dr. Hun
notifies U'KS commissioners that unless
3 coitillcatos nro issued such emigrants w
, not bo allowed to enter the state of llllm
and ha bus adv ised the ti unk lines not to i
cciva any cmigiants without mild ceill
catcs nuclei ponalt ) of Itcmg subjected to
iL'jjul.u mid ngid quaiimtineut the fetuto IU
A Chinese l.ectiuei Di ops Dead.
ST. .losrrit , Mo , Nov 0 [ Special Tc
giuui lo thu BLU ] About 1'J o'clock h
nigLl Low Don , nn itinerant Chinese li
turer and musician , dioppcd dead in tl
clt ) . For the pust live ) eais Low Don 1
given hia ketuics on Chinei-o customs
neuil ) ovciy lown of Mlssoini , Kunsas , lei
und Nebiaska , und is well known. Ho is |
seventh son ot the seventh son of the sever
son mid thu ChlncbO mo in moital dicad
him , believing that ho U > in league with t
cvitonu. It w.ii with diftlciilly that any
IW them could bo prevailed upon to iiitciul t
roi oner's inquest this morning. Ills dot
1 was tlio result Qf hard diink.
He Would Have n HtrngRlo For Con-
ilrntatlon as' ' ndgc.
WA IIINQTOX , Nov. 0 [ Special Telepram
lo the BEE. ] It is not generally believed by
cither dcmocints und republicans that the ap
pointment of Secretary Lnmhr to a position
on the bench of the supreme court of the
United States would bo confirmed , and a
number of icpublican senators have stated ,
BO that It may reach thu ears of the pi esldcnt
that they will oppose the appointment if It is
mude. They say ho h not fitted for the IKS-
ultlon in any way and that if ho were on the
bench , his rccoul on many subjects would
keep htm shelved very much of thd time.
Senator Ldinunds js aheady commuted
against the continuation of an appointment
like this and he Is chaii inun of the committee
on Judiciary which must consider
It befoio it comes up for no
tion by the full senate. Edmunds
i of used to lenort , und pigeon-holed the ap
pointment by Grunt of Cnleb Cushlng for the
same position , and the appointment wns
wlthdiawn. Gushing1 , it was asccitaincd by
the iccords of the war department , had writ
ten a letter to Jeff Davis , asking an oftlclnl
favor In the foi m of promotion of a soldier in
the confederate aimy. Edmunds would ,
theiefore , stultify liluihulf if ho icported in
favor of Lamar , who not only was a friend ol
Jeff Davis , but has defended him vUienevct
oppoitunity offeicd , and has been un ublc
coadjutor of Duv is in keeping ullv o confeder
ate issues ever since the war. Under these
circumstances it is not absolutely certain
Unit Vllas will achieve his ambition and as
sume chat go of the intciior portfolio and ,
unless Lamar is uppoinle-d a Justice or vol
untaiily retiies fiom the cabinet , there
will bo no viicani-y into which Mr ,
Don M Dickinson could bo ciowded , if he
does at lust ooncent to e ouscnt. Not only the
newspapoisof Washington , but sonic of the
most piomincnt democrats In Mr. Clcvelnml'f
party have become alarmed over the reporl
that the picsidcnt pioposes to JInd n place
for Dickinson ut the expense of Stevenson
Few of the woikingdumociats nnd none ol
the nowspapeis have any surplus love foi
the Michigan statesman. On tlio other hand
thoyieg.nd Stevenson ns u then ough demo
crat in the Hist plnce , und tibovo ull n loin
peed fellow whoso piomotion would please
everione , including his paity enemies.
The 1'rcHideiit'n Drives.
WAMiisriTOS , Nov. 0 [ Speclil Tolegian
to the Hi r J President nnd Mrs Clevelnnt
are getting down to the habits of commoi
people. Mis. Cleveland attends the open
and theater without the picsenco of her bus
band , und when she and the picsident ge
diivlng , she handles the reins most of tin
time. A sight vv liich of lute bus become quitt
familiar to those who travel over the Tcr
rally town load at unfashionable hours i'
that of the president and Mis Cleveland it
u Injrh top buggv dm ing along absoi bed n
com ei sation , quite unconscious of thocunou1
gjanccs diieeted towind them. Occasional ! !
tins order of things is changed , ant
the president , taking the reins for t
long stietih of level loud , mukes tin
chestnut mine show her sixjeel. After u nigh' '
spent at Oak View Mis. Cleveland frequently
duvcs the president into the city and up te
the white house portico. Of late Mis Clove
hind has often dm en out about noon to Oal
View und on these occasions , as the presided
has been unable to leave Ins special dutiei
und join her. she has been accompanied bi
that sable dignitary , Albert Huwluns , UK
coachman. A favorite dress worn by Mrs
Cleveland upon those drives is a close-flttinf
suit of green cloth and rt , picturesque "Onms
borough with n rich cluster of black ostricl
tips. "
Trouhles Over the Fisheries Question
WABIIINOTOV , Nov. 0 [ Special Telegrnn
to the Bi.i' ] The senators now in the ctt :
are icmaiking the jioculiar situation the
will ilnd themsclvos in four weeks fiom to
morrow on the fisheries question. Just before
fore they ndjoinned last March they declared
by an almost unanimous v oto und n long dis
cussion , they wanted no commission am
no negotintions , but dcsiied our govornmen
to stand upon its pioscnt treaty with Grca
Hi Ham and simply demand its light. Ver ;
soon after congiess adjourned commissioner1
wore appointed to meet with these fron
Great Hi itnin hero this week nnd when tin
semite convenes it will bo confionted will
the nomination of these commissioners
These sunatois decline they will not conllui
the appointments or vote money to pay tin
salaries or expenses of the commissioner
mid theio aio no funds fiom which to nice
these outlavs in the depaitmcnt of state. Bu
there is jet another embarinssment wlncl
muv bo presented. What w ill the senate d
with the treaty those commissioner will pic
bonti Suppose it is a desirable ono , can th
senate refuse to latify it simply because i
said it did not want a now ti eat v or comini"
sloneis or rather "negotiates , " us Societal ,
Bui aid culls them.
Natural Gnu Legislation.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 0 [ Spcciul to th
BEK- ] Ono of the first steps congress wi
attempt to tnko when it assembles will bo tb
control of the use of natural gas in Pennsj
vanlu , Ohio nnd Indiana und some othc
slates where it has been found in such quai
titles ns to lead to its waste. I am told by
gentleman connected with the geological sn :
vey thatieports have been received fioi
Muncie , Andoison , Marion , and ono or tw
other places in Indiana , und from Findlu ;
Ohio , which show Unit more natuial gas i
being wasted than used , und that n iceon
mcndation will be made foi a law to piohib
wastage of this valuable and deshabl
aiticlo of fuel and light. It is coi
tended by the people nt the gi i
logical survey that congress hnsapeifcc
light to legislate on this subject , inasmuc
astlio gas comes fiom deposits mini ) miles i
extent , limning fiom the piopeity of on
man to another , from county to lounty , fioi
state to fetute , so Unit when u well is eh die
on ono man's piopeity the supply of pus imi
not only como ft out unother man's deposi
but fiom another stuto. The question wi
btingiip a full scientific dheussinnof nutiii ,
gas in ull its be.nings , und the geologists wi
huvc a feast of menUvl icsetuch.
No Faith in Aihlltuiion.
WMIINOTOV , Nov. fi [ Special to tl
Hi r ] No impoitnnco whatever is attache
to the incldcntflf the picsidcnt nnd the Bii
isb ropichcntutivo , the other dav. inicgui
to tnbltiation of diplomatic : questions betwci
thu vinious countucHnnd avciting of warsl
negotiations on juiilcUl mounds. Fortwe
ty five jeais congiesshas been petitioned I
millions of people in Various IMI ts of tins nr
other countries for a move in this diiectio
A wagon load of these petitions we
lee elved during the last congress and i
feried to the committee on foielgn r
latlons and not so ninth attention ns Jnekc
ing them wus paid. Tuej huvo been dump <
fiom time to time into a pile nnd final
carted away nnd sold OH wusto paper. Tl
fact Is no ono iu congress has any faith
the scheme to avoid v\nrs by nibitiatlon.
t Is held that the piactlcal way to look ut it
i that nunder can Just 'as easily bo legislati
out of existence as wars Tlio oxptcssion
thc > president In fav > r of arbitration is r
copied ns simply an indication of pcac
which ovc'iibodj wants.
Whitney and lite President.
WASHINGTON , Nov 0 [ Special to the Bi i
It will notbeunlil uftci Scuctniy Wh
nci letuuis to his post ut the navy tlcp.ii
incut ami lesumos his official duties thut
uwjoiitj , of the people hoio will believe th
Ins lelntions with thu udwinistnUion are pi
fi'itlj hninionious. A gieat deal has be
bald in Washington about Mr Whitnej's op
ion of the piesident's action in mauj polilh
matters which docs not lise to the dignity
newspaper gossip , but It gee > ) to show tl
there is a general feeling that t-omething
wiong. It may bq that the pecrctury is
jierfoct harmony with thoudininistiutlon , n
it is probable but that thcie is giound foi t
belief that ho wants out of the cabinet 1
borne rcubun or othtvr there Is no doubt ,
John Frlco Victimizes Trusting
Friends and Than Absconds.
A. I'lonilncnt Kearney Citizen Killed
in a Minnesota AVrcck Death of
a Centcnnilnn NorthwoHtoin
Nebraska's Progress.
A Farmer's Crookedness.
YOHK , Nub , Nov. 0. [ Special to the
BKK. ] John Pi Ice , one of the most
widely known nnd influential farmers in
York counly hns nb conded nflcr beating
business men of this plnce nnd Wnco out ol
$ JO,000 by menus of debts and foi god paper.
The forgeiics wcte begun In August last , but
as Piico wus known to have n gieat deal ol
Innd in this county und was consldcied veiy
wealthy , his victims did not discover their
losses until several dajs nflei ho had ills-
nppcaicd. Ho was last seen on Wednesday.
It is now found that his land Is heavily
moitgagcd and will leave very llttlo tiftei
hcso ineumbrunces me icmoved Kingslo.v
Hutchlns , of this e lly , have lost $11,0(10 bj
Farmer Pi ice's crookedness and the losses ol
otheis vary in amount fiom $ li" > tofJXX ( ) .
Ho owes the First National bank JtKK ) ;
Frank Meadc , $300 ; Rogers , of Waco , * .VX ) ;
Waco bank , $71H ) ; Clark & Mosier , f.,5UO :
Martin Hums , tflOO ; Finnic Haggly.
Allen Snow , $1,300 ; France & Hat Ian. # 1,100 ;
Uttca bank , ? * ( H ) ; Poston bank , * 700 , Tlioina
Diaper , $ 'V ) ; Fletcher Hcnnett. t.MU , Jaspei
HutTinun. t2 ; C. J. Nobcs , ji v
Otheis have unpaid bills ugaiust him foi
smaller amounts. Pnco v as last seen on
Wednesday morning last in a buggy witli
two hoises driving soulh. The next mom
ing the fact that hu had absconded was dis
covered and pin suit was made , but without
results , us bo could only bo traced a shorl
distance. Ho left a wife and two childien ii ;
Waco , where ho moved fiom his faun ushoil
time ngo. His complexion is clink , hisheighl
about live feet six inches nnd ho weigh1
about IM ) pounds His eieditois offer a 10
wurd of SJ'iOO for bis aucst.
i Wreck.
Ki\itMvNob , Nov.O [ Special Telogiun
to thu Hi K ] News has Just como that till1
moining S. W. Powers was Killed in aw reel
on the St. Paul & Manitoba homevvhcn
west of St. Paul , Minn. Forever fouitcci
jcam Mr. Powers has rct-iclcil heio with lui
family und for several jeais was stock agen
for the Union Pacillc , but loft that road semi
few months ago to nccopt a snnriar positiot
with the St. Paul & Manitoba road and wai
cm bis way home to Kearney for the puiposi
of moving his family to St. Paul. No pai
tici'hns have been icceivcd heie save that hi
was hurt ut 5 o'clock this morning and dice
Un co houi s later. Ho was ono of Koui nej 'i
most highly respected citizens and ai hisbusl
ness ho had no superiois.
Death of a Centenarian.
PAI.VIIHA , Neb. Nov. 0. [ Special Telcgran
to the BEE. ] Mis. Gannon died to day , Hgei
ono hundred and six. She wus In apparen
; oed health to withm two dajs of her death
aho had been blind for about flftecn jcais.
Northwest Nebraska.
CHAWFOKD , Neb , Nov. fl. [ Correspondent
of the BBE. ] It has boon two years since
last visited this section of Nebraska. Trans
foi mation is , of coin-so , tlio order of the da ;
on thofiontlcr. Ono naturally expects it
und ifi nccordingly not surprised to find th
face of nnturo wearing a strange and unfam
iliar look after even a short absence from iU
western prairies and foothills. But I doub
if any other part of Nebraska has witncssci
the icmarkablu development which ha
fallen in the past twenty-four months to th
lot of tills extreme noithwcst corner of ou
state. Si arcely more than two j ears ngo th
writer traveled ou the back of tibiisk brou
cho from Pmc Hidgo agency to Fort Hobin
son , and gru/cd his mustang on the spo
wheio Ciuwfoid now stands A single cnbl :
relieved the solitude of the glass covered flat
along whoso eastern bonier ( lowed the Whit
riv or flunked by the fiowning walls of th
gigantic Soldier Buttc , which stands like
mighty sentinel ov cr thu valley below. "Col
ton's lanche , " the sccno of many a dtunkc :
orgio of soldier and cowboy , has now gone
Soldier Butte is still hero , vv hoi o it will ic
main as long as time lasts. But it looks dow
upon a bustling settlement through whic
the Klkhorn Valley main line of rail
road passes on Us way to th
iinigos and oilfields of central AVjomiiu
pausing for a moment only at u station whie
bids fair in the ucnr future to bccomo ono c
the laigest of our westein inland town1
Seven himdrcd residents are securely locate
nt Crawford , and with such u populntioi
churches , schools , hotels ilnd a scoi oof store
nnd shops have anchored themselves to st.y
A ten thousand dollar lirick block is ono c
the attiacttoiib in this settlement of u jeur'
ginw tli.
Craw foul is the busiest town of its sio
have Keen in the west. It draw s cilhtoi
fiom the richest farming countiy in Dawe
countj and has Sioux county tiibutaiy froi
thu west. Thoiemnants of the catllo trad
add to its business. Hut a veiy consldeiabl
poition of its piosjieiiiy is duoto its nca
ness to Foit Hobmson , Unco miles distan
which furnishes a steady maiket for the pi <
dmo and labor of the suiioundingcounti
and poms several bundled thousand doll.n
annually into tlio laps of Ci aw foul me
c hauls. A gairison which bums in ever
twelve months 1,500 cords of wood , consume
7C > ,0 < lO pounds of potatoes , fcods to its nnima
lbX ( ) tons of hay and a million bushels (
grain and bran is no small stimulus to tl
sin lounding country. Crawfoid knows th
and uppicciutcs it as much as she docs U
laet Unit neai ly 00,000 was spent dm in
the last summer in now building
nt the post , no small poition c
which some found its waj fiom caipcntcr'i
mason's and laboiei's pockets into the we
stocked stoics of her cntoinriblug trade
men.A good road leads from Iho town to U
post , and meanders along the i ivei bank pa1
old Hed Cloud agency and tlnough giouiu
which will alwajs be histono In the anna
of the frontier. Hero for tlneo ycaistl
Ogiillaln Slouv had their camp llrcs and fie
heio in tlneo Mie-eossivo years eampaigi
were inaugurated against the hostllos. It
the gateway to the Indian country , thu soul
western corner of the square of forts wltoi
biistling cuibincs holdh in cheek the hostl
Sioux of Dakota. The impiovemcnts i
contly completed at Fort Hoblnson imiko
the second largest military post in Ncbiask
Thoiesldcnts of Davves county and of 11
White Hiver counlrv do not forpetthorni
est advocacy of the HPB of the enhugome
of what is now conceded to bo the most ii
iwrtant frontier post in the depaitmcnt oft !
Platte There is a geneial und u guileful a
preciation of the effoi ts of Nebraska's grc
jouinal by the settlers of this ro lo
To it no less than to the energetic wo :
of our congressional dclepallon
duo tha icbuilding of the post , th < s feeling
security among the icsidrnls of this icgli
and the continued peopling of a souii
whicliboideid fur neatly Iwo bundled mil
on tins Indian Jionticrb ol Nebiaska in
The viMtoi to Foil Robinson would scaicr
iccognlw in the rejuvenated post of t
piesent the wretched fiontior gairUon
two jears ago The raiioa ! < l v.hic'i turns '
gcntlo curves southwest film Iho thrivi
town of Crawford along the binds of t
rushing White river , pass * s within n s > tom
throw of Uiu paradu gi omuls and dcpos
the passongcrs at thu station beaiin t
mime of the post. At llrst glante the appei
unco is unchanged fiom tha olden times wit
the imid-ehlnliedlogquailers nnddlluiildat
baiiacks gave such an unfavoiubjo iinpti
lou to thu iruvc'lci vvlio linppcucU in QU 1
long stage trip from Sidney to the Black
Hills. A , smnll but new quartermasters
warehouse Un eo inlobo non coinmlsfiloncd
oftlcers quarters , a bake house and n neat
sun dried brick amusement hull tire the only
additions to the old ganlson which fronH
the While river nnd is hemmed In nt the east
by the rnllroad and on the west by Soldier
creek. But a few steps brings Into view the
beginnings of the new post ou the high pint-
can to the rear. Sttelchlnglo the west and
fronting Soldier creek with a pnrtulo ground
whoso soulh front is the north extension line
of the rear of the old gin i ( son , six double sets
of oftlcers qunrtcis and six sols of men's bar-
raclcs have been constructed during the past
summer , Hanked by Unco cavalry stables.
These constitute the nucleus of the now post ,
which , when constructed , will bo nmplu In all
icspccls , ns required by net of congioss , for
u paulson of ten companies.
The new oftlccrs quintets nro planned to
nccommodato two families. Kacii set con
tains one sitting room , two bcdiooms , n balti
loom , u dining loom , a panlty nnd Ultchen.
with closets and halls In pioporlion. Haul
wood mantels ornament the silting looms
with open guiles , nnd surrounded byneat
Ules. The ceilings aio twelve feet high and
the walls nro haul finished. Broad latticed
veiandas enclose the dwellings. Frotillng
thcoftleeis' iow at u distance of 1100 feet I o
the south in e the Iroon barracks. TliiAcnio
ll)7\iO ! feet in dimensions , including the L.
They compi ise a living room , a dining loom ,
a kitchen , bath and wush looms , u bin bor nnd
i tuiloi sbop Thu buildings \\aliiscotteil
heir entile length , four feet from the lloor
ml have stained wood ceilings plot cod by
cntiliitlng shiifts A plurai ten feet w ido
'uns ' along the entile ftontago of each set of
attacks on which thu wcaiicd tavali imin
an icstufter hisdav's woik of dull , hoio
rooming and police duty.
The last congress appropi inteel fWi.OOO for
ho work of icbuilding Fort Uobinson nnd by
hemostiigld economy , which included sol-
Her labor , ' General Hatch has succeeded In
icomplishlng the above splendid icsults
The eneiKj' and activity of the handsome old
etcran aio marvellous , when his twenty six
ours of hurd seivico in the civil win und on
ho frontier in o taken into consideration. Ho
as brought older out of chaos at Fott Hobin-
ion infused new life into the garrison mid
mshcd the work of icbutlding the post with
ivith a peisistoncv which has triumphed over
ho obstacles of dilutoii contiactois ami do-
avod mutciials.
In its present condition Fort Robinson
icsents the peculiar uppearanco of two
op n ate uii'l detached gainsons. Iho new
KJition in its futuio extension Is to cover a
at go pint of the i ilins of the old. It will not
iiivotowait long for the iiiins , if time alone
s loft to do its woik The wind now howls
nisKly thiough tin1 old dii t chinked baiiacks
nd plays a moiiy time among the wmp
, ng shingles and gaping 01 licks of the
iv catheibeaten win chouses The bine ksnntli
ihop is u wieck sti-anded on the sand bank
.vhicli fionts thodepot. Tfto wheelwiight't
liiiuuncis und phines in u shunt v whoso shin.
gled roof is its only redeeming feature , while
General Hutch signs ouleis and Adjutant
jiiilfovlo executes them in u utiuetuiowliosc
Homeliness and chilliness and geneial dc <
: i | iduted condition mo u disgiaeo to the niu
of administration buildings. Some timu in
ho near future when a geiicious congies'
'eels inclined to give hoed to the uigenl
ccoinmcndatlons of that gallant old Imliiu
llghtei Geneial Geoi go Ciook , backed b.v the
unanimous v ei diet of oveiy iiimy ofllcer wlte
has visited the post , Fott Kobinson will b <
completed by the addition of enough new
buildings to t.iko the plaeo of those now
ottmg and falling in spite of evcr.v effoit pui
forth to make them habitable. The nov
buildings needed lo complete the post , in
ordered by congress , aio live bin racks , three
Held officers' quart eis , quartermaster nni
commissary wai chouses , administiatioi
building , chapel , nnd mechanics' shops. Wit )
these , built of burnt bride , ns cnn be done in
'licnply and far uiorti duruuly tlitm of adobe
Fort Uobinson , whicli holds the key positloi
to the quadrangle of garrisons encircling tin
great bioux resoivo , will bo firmly based ti
servo ns a mennco to marauding Indians nni
11 bulwark of protection to the ten thoiisam
settleis who people the section over which i
stands sentinel.
- * -
\ Colorado Miner Shoot * Ills AVifc'i
I'arainonr nnd Himself.
BOULDHII , Col , Nov. 0 [ Special Tolegrnu
lo thoBLE. ] At 10 o'clock this moining ;
shooting nffnlr occurred in this cily , result
ng in the death of two citizens Just ns tin
postoflico opened nnd vv hen ciowds were 01
tlio street pistol shots weio henul and th
crowd inn to the bticet buck of thopostofllcc
wheiothej found u young mull , AI Fiazier
Ijmg in the load dcud und James Snath ,
piomment eili cn , Hing in fiontof his dooi
also dead.
Smith had for some time suspected thattoi
intnnnto iclations existed between hiswif
and Finzier. Tills morning Fnmci's motlie
wns milking a cow iu an adjoining lot to th
Smith icsidenco when Smith cauio out am
requested her to toll her son when sbo wen
homo that ho wunted to see him. Tlio mothe
did so und Fumcr came over to Smith'
home. When ho opened the door. Smith , wh
was inside , shot him through the rigli
shoulder. Fra/ier turned and lan about hal
a block in the slieet und was thoiu ovci
taken by Smith , who shot him twice moi
tlnough the head , killing him instantl.v
Smith turned and inn back to his house
and Just in fiont of his door placed his pisto
back of his our und sent a messenger of dcat ;
crushing tin ough his own biuiu , and foi
where hu stood.
Many think that from Smith's action h
intended to kill his wife ulso , bat found th
door fastened or closed , und in his ftciuy di
not cnriy out bis design. Flakier evident !
expected trouble , for bo had un Immens
pistol In his belt when bo went over I
Smith's house , nnd the shot in hi
light shoulder piobubly pi evented hii
from using it. Hut from the appeal am
of Ins he lay in the stuot ho ha
evidently tiled to get it out as hu lan. bmil
is engaged in milling and had told sevoi.
fi lends of his suspicions , and had on sovci ,
occasions walked down fiom camp at nighi
some eighteen inilcb , to satisfy himself th.i
all was or was not light Last night h
talked to an old fiiend about Ins tioublcsan
thicatcncd the man who had stolen uwnj hi
wito , but was ndvlscd by his fiiend to le
him go with a sound hoi sew hipping Ik hn
bioodcd over the mutter so long ss to bccoui
despciatu , und no oilier icmcdy would su
isf.\ him but the death of thu author of b
- * -
I'l caching Analntst Commutation.
CIIKMOO , Nov. 0. The Key. Dr. Muiqui
of the Joffcison Puik Picsbytoiian chuul
in his sermon this morning pi cached strong
ngainbt the movement commuting the sc
tcnces of the condemned nnaichists. He toe
for his text the fifth vciso of Urn heventccnl
chapter of Acts , quoting a parallel case in r
attempt on the lives of Paul and Silas. Aft
comp.ii ing tlm ens cs at length hosuid : "A i
can wo suppose thnt uny light minded ei
zcn , who hud jct'ind for luw and Justice in
the Bccuilty of lifo and piopcit
could have been found so so
nnd slushy and hcni'mcntul , ? o inscnsil
to the claims of law and order ni
justice and human life as to go bcseeclin
the cippeior with petitions for p.i
don or commutations of sentcnco ; cij ;
cialh as long us the cottvietcd conspiiato
continued to gli'iy In theii crimes. I get Mi
of this iminby pamb.v Mms Nfimjiim th
loses sight of the punishment of ci iiuu in I
Bjmpathy for the When It com
to dutlncmlng law and setting aside Its pp
ally nnd enUnonlng In its stead a weak ni
senseless hcntimcntallBtn that would say
oven Moundifl in ii cation , 'Tho law Is on
made ) to tin eaten , it lu-ver wus made
suit. e , ' thin 1 say tliut such teaching ni
such conduct is but a bahtind countoifcit
c hi IsManlty , nnd it Is tit war with cveiy pi I
ctplo of genuine Christianity. "
p AirlvuN.
Nov. (5 ( ( Special
to Dm Wv ] Arrived'Jim Indiana , fu
Phil idelpbta.
NEW YOUK , Nov H Ai rived The Oh
f rom iMvcM iwol ; the F.dum f t out Ar..itcreJ
unl ibc 1'olanu film llamb
Now Wells Bolner Struck All OvoJ
the Hawkeye Stnto.
Biennial HepnttN ofthe liiHtltutloiiH at
Vlnton nnd Mi. rie-amim Cosmo
politan Votns An Antl-Sweur-
liiK Hoc-let )
Items From Iowa.
lrs MOIM , la , Nov. 0 [ Special lo th4
Hru. ] Natuuil gaslsspiiiiglnguplnso many
plucoR In ecnlial Iowa Unit It Is getting lo ba
qullo on old sloiy. Theio aio piobably
scores of gas wells in a state of moiuorlesu
violent eiuptlons within a radiua of sixty
miles of this city. It usually happens thai )
thonolghboiing cltlrcns me quite as much
excited ov or the dise-uv ei y of a gas w ell as la
thu fottumito town itself. At Adel , about
about twenty-Jive miles fiom le's _ Mollies ,
gas was found a few die s ago und Iho people *
went ticuily wild with excilcment. LUisinoss
was suspended , the clocks stopped , thu
schools closed , the bands luiucd out anil
pHiidcmonlum seemed lobe taking a holiday.
It will be stiange if with all the gas that la
being found in Iowa , a pressinu bo not fount ]
before long that will bo sunicicnfe
for any maiiufnctining and beating purpusa
that ma } be desired.
TWO Mini r. oimtiTirs.
One of Iho bestof Iowa's state institution1 !
Is the college for the blind at Vinton Thd
biennial repot t Just issued shows that dining1
the p.vst two jcurs it bus had -It ) pupils en *
lolled. The woik done in this institution is
of u veiy giutifving chaiacter. Special at
tention is paid to manual training , and the )
childien show that they can do almost won-
dcis , blind though the'be. . . The follow inij
extinct from the uiHiit shows that the chil-
dieii weio not idle , for the aitlcles manufac- <
lined icpresent the work of but ono jcar ,
issi ) : Hiooms made , ; i7i-"M ! ; caipets woven ,
.v.uds , iiriS"i ; bnishcs , sn/c.'s ; chaiis eaiii'd ,
"itil ; mattresses. 117 Tlio pe-oploof lown
ike gieat pride in this Institution and in the
tiblo w oik it is doing for many poor unfor-f
umites. The biennial icpoit of the hospital
or the insane at Mount Pleasant has nlso Jnsb
iei n made public. It make's the unvvelcomii
nnoinieeuient that insanit j is on thoincieasdi
i this countiy , and the lingo lucommoda-
ions that the state hasalioadj i > iovidcdaia
ot adc'qunte to the In cds Among the iilini-
or of insane admitted at Mount I'lensantl
in ing the last biennial pel iod'JJS weio un
i\cs of this state ; Gtcat Hutiiin bus fin
ished ninety four , and Geimiinj sixty six.
A VMIiri > ICIl'l l.ATKIN.
row pcojilo louli/o how cosmopolitan is Iho
lopulation of an nveiago westein stute , but
ho piclimimny iixpiiiics of registtationdajK
how some intetesting fails Although next
i'uesday the vote-is of lowawilllm uigcd to' '
otei for the best inteiests of their beloveel
tatc , a vei.v lingo piojioition of them cannot )
'eel the allegiance of nativitj at least. In one )
Kurd ol this city , out of 'ii > votes icgistuied ,
nit ( to weie bom in this htute and only one-
iightb of the total voting population can
laitn I own as native soil. In this ono wanV
, lone theie aio icpiescnted among the voterrt
, wenty-soven states and sixteen foii'igncoun-
ijes and piovmces Ohio fuinlshes almost
is many voteis in thin ward as Iowa , it beiiifj
epicsonted by e-ighty-nino. Wheio is theroj '
ho city that In ono wuid can pioduce n moroj'
-uriegutcd lot of votoml
In these duj s of political exetUmontivhon
one's temper is often ] iut to the seveiost
strain , it is n matter of much ciccllt tliuton
untl d n society is moving serenely along.
There is an organization in lownUnowund
the Non-Swearing Knights. They have ie-
cently reviewed the woik of the j our , und
made public then icport. Fiom this it ap
pears that there is a total membership of 140.
Dining the past j ear the tieasin or collected
several hundred dollais nnd disbinsc-d thow
snmo in helping inumtuln thu ant ) piofunity
cause. If theio is a line for every violation.
) f the pledge , thoru is a piospcct that witlir
: ho conclusion of thccampaign the exchequer
may i un low again. J ! ul the p ist few w eeka
Jiavo been the haivest time for it , nnd tlm
fellow s w ho can stand the ti ials und nnnoy-J
ances of politit s nnd never say "damugo'f.
can stand any temptation of the e\il one.
Vcaily $ "OOO "Worth of Property
Jestrojcd l > y Inceitclliii ICH.
KANSVS Cm , Nov 0 [ Special Telegram
0 the Bi i : . ]'elocklhlsmoinngtho !
uinsas City horsu and mule maikct was leally
ally destiocd by lire at a loss of f 10,000.
L'blily hoises were binned and n number ot
miles. At 4:45 : o'cloik another iiie bioka
out at Tint tccnth and Mulberry bticets , within
, wo blocks of this fust fiio , by which the hav/
ind feed stoics of Schilling and Fuller fa
MI\O weio dcstroed , at u total lossol $15 OOOj
James Crawett , a notoiious tough , was nsccr *
.aincd to be the incendiary of the latter bhuo.
There weio found in his possession , when ar
csted , ni tides that proved to have been stolen
join a house In the innncdiato nclghboihootl
of the buincd buildings. Ciawctt confessed
to the buiglary. but denies Hie chuigo of ) n
cendiarism. btill the evidence against hlnj |
s verystiong. 'Ihis afternoon Captain W.
S Tough , of the slock ) aids , caused the nri
icstof a voung mulutto known as "Toxin , "
mploycd ut the Inn neil hoi so muilcct , on tha
chin go of causing the dinliiictloii of Units
juilding. From other dev olopim nts thoio Is
ilnuist positive proof that the lingo lliesoC
rnday and Satui day nights in tlio west boU"
lorn woio stinted by an organl/cd band ol in-j
ccndinries , whoso motive was uibbeiy. Tim
[ lolieoaro making ever ) I'ffoit lo uppiohend ,
< evei , il othei s elf the gang whosu idcnlity ia
Now Yoik Clt ) DoinocnitH DlHtillsut"
tnt ; Hoodie * For Illccllon laj. )
NMV YOUK , Nov. 0 [ Special Telegram to
the Hi i : ] Tlio Tribune Hays : "It Inih been
leaincd that in some parts of the city tha
democratic bosses ami hoodleib have pronu
ised their local agents i,000 for each election
disti ict for use cm Tile1 day. This will allow
the puichaso at t' each of sixty voters In
each district or 48,720 voteis In all. But no
doubt twice that amount will bo placed
In some of the election dlsti lets. In Hiook-
lyn a fund of | li"i,000 has been raised for usci
on Tucfd.iy. The republican state commit *
tco und citrons' committee have employed U
laigo number of detectives and others tut
watcheis on election day. und with the ovl
denco nheady I'ccumulalcd mum lous ancslit
aio piobablo.
A WUKCK ONTlin A. & N.
The "Cnnctii Hall" Te-lehcoje n Fi c-inhlj
With l-'ntal HeNitltH.
Sr . Lot-is , Nov 0 A fatnl collision cc *
cuned ) cstcidny at Bicmmr Station on tha
Atchison A , Nebiaska lalhond , twelve mil.
1101 th of Atchison. Thu "Cannon Hall" pam
songcr tn in coming bouth cr.uhed Into thj
1 ear of a ft eight , telescoping the caboose ,
which was occupied by six giudeison Ihcitf
way to Aikansas. John Woith , of Hod On,1 !
In , wus scalded to d ( uth and Wlllard HobnN
bon , of Samlsvlllu , la. , seriously scalded ami
will probably diu T. MiK.ldowiov , o (
Hloomlluld , Ills , L'huilrs Pullman , of Musc.i
tine , la , and A F. Wihox , of noilliuiii No.
brask.i , wcto badly scalded.
Mis. ClPvelnnd In I'lilladclpliln.
Piui.MiiU'HH , Nov 0. Mis. Cleveland (3 (
n guest of Mis. Charles Wood , wife of the *
pastor of Iho Fust PiiBbjtorlun churchy
Gcrinnntown. This morning she atlcmlcol
dlylnoheiviiont Kf-v Mr. Wood's uhurcli
vyhlc'h wus beautifully deooiutud luliouorw
the disUngulshcd gu < . > > t ,