r * 8 OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY NOVEMBER C , 1887.-SIXTEEN PAGES. , FALCONER MONDAY. Black Surah , Black Surah. Black Surah , MA. b Black Surah ! Black Surah ! GUINET & CO.'S CELEBRATED DLACK SURAH. We have made another1 large purchase of Guinet & Co.'s most celebrated Black Surah , and will place them on sole Monday. These Surahs are a heavier make than the last lot we sold , and. are more suitable for Tall and winter wear. The prices we make on them are lower1 than these goods have ever been offered at any special sale. No make of silk gives such satisfaction in wear as Black Surah. It is soft , easily draped , and of good lustre , es pecially those made by Guinet. Every yard guaranteed to give satisfactory wear. * Black Surah 69e. Wooffer Monday 20-inch black all Silk Surah atG9c ; worth OBc. Guinet & Co.'s Black Surah , QUALITY A , AT 80C. "A " Gulnet's 2O pieces Quality , Black Surah , at 83c ; worth $1.2S. "B " Guinct's 2O pieces Quality , Black Silk , at 98c ; worth $1.BO. "C " Guinet's 2O pieces Quality , Black Surah , at $1.17 ; worth $1.78. "D " Guinet's 1O pieces Quality , Black. Sura.h , 20 inches wide , at $1.40 ; worth $2. "E " Guinet's 1O pieces Quality , Black Surah , 24 inches wide , at $1.BO ; worth $2.3B. N. R _ RAJLGONER HAYDEN "BROTHERS , 11O and 118 South Sixteenth Street. Great Hni'Kulns in a Special Sale of Ladles' Kllks , Velvets' anil Dress Goods , Flannels nnd Linens. Black and colored sillf reduced for Monday to li.r'j , worth ! ) " > e ; to 7"c , worth $1.10 ; toHi-c , worth $ l.t2" > ; toifl.OO , worth $1.-10. Fancy brocaded satin at TOP , wortli $1.75 ; 10 inch bilk velvet , in all colors , at ( ! 5c , worth $1.0010 ; in. wide , all wool imported dress goods wortli CMC , Monday's price , liSu a yard110 in. wide all wool small mixtures in nice dark Hhudcrt , wortli ( ioc , Monday - 8c10 ; in. wide ladies' cloth , all wool , Monday's price ii.Sc a yard ; ! I8 in. wide all wool mixtures in seasonable shades , worth & 5e , Monday -Sc ; : ! ( > in. wide double fold nil wool suitings , worth S'Je , our price Monday U8u 'a yard ; IX ! in. wide ( ' "ess goods in plnhcad chocks and very de sirable shades , worth -lOo a yard , i on- duy's price Ific ; 50 pieces of Kent suit ing , now style iind handsome coloi-b , worth " 5c a yard , Monday's price 10e a yard. Special prices oil double width sheet ings , table linens , bed spreads , blank- otw and llaiinols : 8-4 brown sheeting at 10c a yard. W-4 brown sheeting at ISe. 10-4 brown sheeting at "Oc. 8-1 bleached sheeting at 18c. tt-4 blenched sheeting at lido. 10-4 bleached sheeting at " 2c. - * 4in blenched pillow ci so , muslin , ! le. 40 in bleached pillow case , muslin , llic. ( i-4 in bleached pillow casemuslinloo. GO in cream tublo damask at 40cworth 7fK ! . 7in bleached table damask at l)5c ) , worth 81.60. Largo size honey comb bed spreads , 60c , worth SI.HI. ( Largo size crochet bed spreads , OOc , worth $1.60. 10-4 bilver gray blankets at OSe , wortli $2.00. 10-4 scarlet wool blankets.-.ut ) , worth M.60. 10-4 white blankets , 75c , worth ? 1.2" > . 11-4 7 Hi all-wool grey blankets ; Jii.SS , worth $0.00. 11-4 all-wool scarlet blankets , $1.75 , worth $0.50. 11-4 fancy border while blaukets5.S" ) , worth $8.60. Eider down llannols , plain or fancy Btrlpes , at ( Wo yard , worth OOc. Fancy stripes Jersey llannols at Ooc , worth 85o. All-wool red twilled flannel ? , tloo , worth : t-c. All-wool Indiana , llannols in check and stripes at ! 5oc a ynnl , worth 50o. fiO pieces white domestic Ihinuel , 5e. worth lOo , 1IAYDEN BROS. , 11G and US S. Ulthst. , Omaha , Nob. Ladles' gold watches from $15 to 5100 , Warranted. MAX MKVKII fc Hiio. , Eleventh and Fiirnam. EHSOK Alexander , Saturday , Xovcm bcr 5 , of heart disease , ape , 'M years , Deceased was n member of the Plasterers union No. 4 of Nebraska. Remains at liar jrtt ft Hcttfy's. Friends In St. Paul , Mimic upolis niul Kockford , 111. , telegraphed for , . i Hcyn's elegant babies' and children1 ! photos arc surpassed by none. B , B , FALCONER MONDAY. Colored Velvets , 73c Colored Velvets , 73c Colored Velvets , 73c Hi i n.i' velvet Suiti Velvel Suitings. Black Satin Rhadama at 93c. 1O pieces 2I-incli Black Satin Rhadnma nt OOc. This is a special bargain and \v3ulcl be cheap at $1.25. Colored Silk Velvets , 73c. 4O pieces 10-inch Colored Silk Velvet , in all colors , at 73c ; good value at $1. Velvet Suiting. ON MONDAY We open n big line of "Louis" Velvet Suiting in a full assort ment oT color's. These velvets are guaranteed to wear , fast woven pile , and every yard is stamped with this guarantee. The prices are $1 Eind $1.48. VELVET SUITINGS , 75c. 4O pieces "Venice" Velvet Suit- ngs , in a large assortment of colors , nt 7Bc ; worth $1. All-Wool Plaid Suitings ( VTIIIKS WONDERFUL TMIICE 200 IM-JK YAHD ; WORTH SoC. NOT MORE THAN 12 YARDS TO ANY ONK CUSTOMKK. COMB UAHLY IF YOU WANT ANY OF Til IS LOT. TflK QUANTITY IS NOT LARGE. N. B. FALCOISTER. HAYDEN BROTHERS Offer Great Bargains for Next Monday. Gloves , Ijadfc.s' Underwear , Dailies' Hosiery , Gt'itt'.s tioiuls In Great Variety. iTitht received , 1 case of children's scarlet wool vests and pants. Hi-inch 12c 2i-hTch ! Jiflo ISinch lk ! ! 'J-i-inch 4Mo 211-inch We IKl-inch - - 4Tc 22-lmUi 2''e ' it-Much 54 c 24-inc" IV > o ill-inch Jle ! Ladies' camel's hair vests and pants only ( We each , reduced from $1.00. Ladies'scarlet lamb's wool vests and pants only 75c each , reduced from 81.00. HOS1HUY. Ladies'all wool hose , merino heels and toes , only L'-JC per pair , reduced from 40c. Ladies' wool hose , ribbed merino tops , extra heels and toes , only 3oc per pair , I ! pair for $1.00 , reduced from 60c. Ladies' all wool hose , ribbed merino heels and toes , only o'Je ' , reduced from ( iOc. Childrcn'sall wool lio.se , heavy ribbed , onlv tMc per pair , worth 40e. GLOVKS AND MITTENS. Ladies kid mittens , lined , only 7oc , per pair. Ladies kid gloves , heavy lined , fur tops , only $1.00 , worth $ l.r > 0. Ladies black silk mitt * , lined and embroidered backs , only 750 per pair , worth $1.2o. Boys heavy all-wool mitts only lOe per pair. Ludio llccce lined gloves only lee per pair. UENTS FURNISHING GOODS. lA > r Monday. 1 case of tine English merino shirts and drawers in fancy colors $1.16 each , former price $1.60. 1 CUM ; Scotch grey merino shirts and drawers at 5c ( ) each , worth 75c. U eases line scarlet lamb- , wool shirts and draors ! V > e each , former price $1.25. " 0 dozen of swits conde shirts and drawers at $1.25 eachcannot be matched less than $1.0. ' ) . 60 do/.eu of men's half hose in very heavy and line wool at Uoc good value for ! toc. 'JO do/en of extra heavy all-wool hose 20e per pair , U pair Mo. -0 dozen of satin lined neckties in new btylos at lioc each. Heavy shrunk yarn mitts reduced to ilOi-per pair. HAYDEN BROS. , Kith St. , between Douglas and Dodgo. Call and select your holiday presents in time ; you can pick out any article in the store and pay for them by the week. MAX MKYKU & Buo. I'luo I'roiil' Adams iVr McHride Co. , 1510 Dodge st , Go to West End Market for onolco meats , lowest prices. 14U3 Saunders. IVople'a Tlieator. Manngor Dayton has secured the Kato Pearson ( . 'omeily company for noxl week in a line reportoiro. They present the famous comedy , "Undo Diin'l , " a messenger from Jarvis section , tomorrow row night. Prices , lo , i3. 35 and SO cents. Don't fail to see Hoyn's elegant SIS photo crayons , the best value for the money in'the city. Wrlier 'IMnnoti , Alfred Mciul'ci-g ' & Co. , 1610 Dodge St. N. B. FALCONER MONDAY. Broadcloth at 97c , Broadcloth at 97c , Broadcloth at 97c , Broadcloth at 97c , Broadcloth at 97c , . Broadcloth at 97c , Black Broadcloth 97c. Black Broadcloth , BO inches wide , atO7c ; reduced from $1.2B. 40-Inch Fancy Plaid Suiting 29c , 29c , 29c. 24 pieces 42-inch all-wool fancy Plaid Suiting at 29c per yard ; worth 85c. 42-Inch All-Wool Serge at 35c. 46 pieces 42-inch all-wool Serges , in colors , at 3Bc ; worth OOc. Amazone Broadcloth Suiting 97c. 4O pieces Broadcloth Suiting , BO inches wide , at 97c ; reduced from $1.23. BROADCLOTH SUITING. 2O pieces colored Broadcloth Suiting , SO inches wide , at$1.2S ; i educed from $1.7B. Plush and Wool NoveltyflKits AT $16 ; WORTH $3B. 96 Fine French Novelty Suits , in Plaid , Plush and Diagonal , Serge , Striped Silk and Plush and French Serge , Striped Velvet and Silk Check , with French Camel's Hair Serges , all at $16 a dress pattern ; they are worth $36. N. B. FALCONER. PKltKIXS , GATCJI & The Xt > w Crockery House AVill Ojien Tuesday Morning. Next Tuesday morning the now crockery house , Perkins , Catch & Lati- man , open their doors to the jiublic , and those who call will find the hand somest store in the entire west. . The store room is U > feet wide , ISi ! fei't long and U"i feet high. On either side arc three tiers of shelving , with galleries and approaching stair ways , which makes the ceiling look even higher that 115 feet. Don't imagine that you can go into this store and tee all there is to see in one hour , for you cannot do it. Every time you call you will see more. Not only the shelving on the sides , but the tables and show cases in the center of the store arc com pletely hidden by everything to bethought thought of that should go on a table , in cluding dinner , tea and breakfast sets , oyster , llsh and game , salad , berry , ice cream , oatmeal , wine and liquor sots : art goods from all the royal potteries , brass , bron/o and copper goods ; cut glass ; carving sots and table cutlery and ovcry kind of silvcnvaru used on the table. Perkins , Gateh & Lanman are , as u linn , thoroughly experienced men in their business. Perkins & Gateh now owning a largo wholesale crockery house , the house hero having no connec tion whatever with the Iowa house. Mr. Gateh is the manager of the DCS Moines house and Mr. I' . A. Lauman being the resident partnerlicru. Mr. Perkins is a connoiseur in china-ware and spends all his time looking for pretty and desirable wares for his houses. He sails on the loth inst. for Europe , where ho expects to. pick up many rare specimens of art for the Omaha house. Don't fail to call Tuesday and have your eyes opened tojhe beautiful. Come and spend half an hour in our art room ; it will pay you. The most elegant display overseen in Omaha. MAX MKYKU & Uito. ITeyn , the photographer , has his gallery - lory open Sunday from 10 a.m. to1 p.m. The Presidential The BKK is in receipt of a handsome photograph of the carriage .in which President Cleveland and wife rode dur ing the parade given in their honor , while in Omaha. The photograph is the work of II. E. Gray , the photographer on Sixteenth street , between Capitol avenue and Dav enport , and itdoeshim great credit. The smallest detail in the decorations o/ / the carriage and four horses is. brought out so plainly that Mr. McShano'b line turn out looks as natural as life. Mr. Gray makes a specialty of this class of work , besides doing a ruahing business in all kinds of photographing intrusted to his care. Ho expects to put the Cleveland carriage on Kilo in a few days. KOIKent. . Storeroom and buseinont 44xl"2 feet , N. W. corner Tenth and Farnam street. Potter & Cobb , mOlJParnam street. Sprnguo's bad debt collection ugcncy , ollico 1010 Farnam street , Omaha. Fern n short time hero. Has now a largo membership fllist of Omaha's best business men. Good collections are being made by this agency and the sys tem used is fast becoming a favorite witli parties having bad accounts. Col lections are also made in all parts pf the United States. Just opened and on exhibition the most elegant line of Peruvian marble statuary" . MAX MKYKUBuo. . Architects and Superintendents. Hodgson & Son , 20 , Irou Bunk. N. B , FALCONER MONDAY. 42.INCH 42-Inch SERGE 35c. Underwear , Underwear , Underwear. AT 72C. Men's Fine Camel's Hair Shirts , Men's Fine all-wool Scarlet Shirts , Men's Fine White , full regular made Shirts and Draw ers , at72c ; worth $1.6O. AT $1.19. Men's fine , full regular made Vicuna Shirts and Drawers at $1.19 ; worth $2.BO. Men's Holyroid Knit Under wear at$0 per suit ; worth $8.8O. These come in only a few sizes ; none sold at this price after this lot is gone. Ladies' Underwear. 1 case Ladies' Fine Camel's Hair Vests at 68c ; worth $1. 1 case Ladies' Fine Scarlet Vests at 68c ; worth $1. Children's Camel's Hair Underwear. We have just received a line of Children's Camel's Hair Under wear , which we will place on sale Monday. Hosiery , Hosiery. 1OO dozen Ladies' Cashmere HoseatSOc ; worth $1. BO dozen Ladies' Fine Cash mere Hose with silk embroidery at GSc ; worth $1.28. N. B. FALCONER. MAV IXVKXTIOX. Kl > rcss lly Telegraph. L. A. Casper , who has extensive green houses in Council Blufl's-.and a cut flower store at No. 120 North Fifteenth street , Olnuha , lius about completed an inven tion by which ho can send cut flowers from his green houses to his Omaha store in ten minutes. The apparatus is the order of the " something on "Lamp- son Spring Cash System. " The machine runs on a telegraph wire , and when wound Ui ) and loaded at Council Bluffs is supposed to reach Oiniihn before it runs down. This new invention is all completed , with one exception , which Mr. Casper hopes to soon overcome. The Local Assembly No. 7525. K. of L. , will give a grand ball at Wolll's hall , comer Cuming and Twenty-sec end , Saturday , November 12. 'Tick ets , 50c. Pine AVftldlng Stationery. Adams & McBride Co. , 1510 Dodge st. Mcliiborfj's Music Store , 1510 Dodge St. Pianos rented , ex changed and sold on easy payments. Our facilities for largo family and society cioty groups are unsurpassed. Iloyn the photographer. Elegant new furniture at tuition , prices by private sale. Parlor suites , sofas , lounges , rockers nuittrassos , bed room sets , less than co-it of material to ! > ay storage charges. NKW YOIIK STOIIAGK C'o. Building cor , Capitol av. and 15th at. The latest in gents' diamond rings , 'The Marquise. " MAX Mr.YKit & HIUK , Eleventh and Farnam. AdaniH & Mclti-lilo Co. Fine job printing , loll ) Dodge st. Do not fail to read the display in re gard to those elegant pictures to be sold at auction in the Bennettbuilding. The ad. is on top of ! lrd page. Quality of work considered , Iloyn's prices are the lowest in thin city. Gal lery tllu to 111" South 15th street. Elegant now furniture nt auction , prices by private sale. Parlor suites , sofas , lounges , rockers , inattrases , bed room sets , less than cost of material , to pay storage charges. Nu\v YOIIK SronAfiK Co. Building coiv Capitol nv. and 10th st. Fnrncll Social Olul ) . The next series of the Purnell Social club will bo given next Wednesday ev ening , and n good time is assured all tho.iu holding invitations. Don't for get the date , Wednesday eve , Nov. | ) . Honnoy Buggies at Armstrong , Pottis & Co.'s , KiOS Izard st. * The concert given by the A. M. E. church , corner Eighteenth and Webster street , last Thursday evening , will bo repeated to-morrow , evening. Elegant now furniture nt auction , prices by private sale. Parlor suites , sofas , lounges , rockers , mnttrassos , bed room sets le a than cost ot material , to pay storage chnrgCB. NKW YOHK STOIIAOI ; Co. Building cor. Capitol av. and loth t. Fine Training * Adams & McBride Co. , 1-ilO Dodge St. Lease of a store for sale in very choice business location near Boyd's opera house. Possession can bo givuu toon. Address L 39 , Bii ; : olllco. N , B. FALCONER MONDAY. FUR RUGS I 1OO white Fur Rugs , size 32x7O , at $2.08 ; worth $4.BO. BO grey Fur Rugs , size 32x7O , at $2.98 ; worth $4.BO. BO black Fur Rugs , size 32x7O , at , $4.26 ; worte $6.BO. FUR ROBES I 2O GREY FUR ROBES , felt lined , at $4 ; worth $6.BO. FUR ROBES , 'GREY , with plush lining , at $ B.BO ; worth $8.BO. GREY FUR ROBES , fancy plush lining , at $7.BO ; worth $11.BO. GREY FUR ROBESextra large size , at$8.BO ; worth $18. BLACK FUR ROBES at$9.BO , worth $12. WHITE FUR ROBES at $6.BO ; worth $8. PRAIRIE WOLF ROBES at $18.8O ; worth $28. Fur Rugs. 2O Fancy Fur Rugs at $ O.BO ; worth $1O. 244 DOZ. BOXES "PRECIOSA" COMPLEXION POWDER , In handsomely decorated glass boxes. This is one of the finest and best perfumed face powders in the market. We will sell them at 2Bc per box Monday. The glass box alone is worth 2Bc. N. B. FALCONER. . Two Two Pennsylvania Dutchmen , the greatest fools on earth , eaino to Omaha some time ago , determined to sell more and butter goody than any house in the city. Any Kino man will know that only fools sell goods at the following prices : ( lib. navy beans ยง 25 ! ! Ib. pail lard 25 12 Ib. r.iisins 1 ( K ) II ! Ib. prunes 1 ( H ) U2 bars Kirk's soap 1 ( Ml Mustard bottle 5 Fresh oysters , can ! i ( ) Soda crackers , box , Ib 5 Oyster crackers , box , Ib 5 Dried apples , Ib ] 0 Dried peaches , ! 1 11) ii.1 Dried apricots , 3 Ib in " Ib. can corn beef t ! ( ) Everything at correspondingly low prices. Coovcr St Watts , N. E. cor. 1'Jth and St. Mary's nvo. Elegant new furniture at auction , prices by private bale. Parlor biiiteb , sofas , lounges , rockers , matlrasbcs , bed room sets , lets than cost of material , to pay storage charges. NKW YORK STOKAOK Co. Building cor. Capitol av. and 15th nt. Music , Music , Music , Alfred Meinborg & Co. , 1510 Dodge St , . carry the most extensive btocU in the city. Gco. L. Fisher , architect. Room 47 , Chamber of Commerce building. Ernest Dross. Send me your address and I will Fond you an important letter. M. R. UHL. Furniture Auction Price. By private bale , 5,000 superb parlor suits , chamber sots , rockers , chairs , pianos and organs at forced &alo to pay storage charges. Don't bo humbuge'd into paying fancy prices. See us for bargains. Uiib-y weekly payments taken at that. Must bo bold Monday. Call at NKW YOIIK STOUAOK Co. , Capitol avenue and 15th. Don't I'all to Visit. IIospo's Art and Music store for fine artibts' materials , etchings , engravings , and elegant frames. _ The Largest Stock of Music in the city at Meinbcrg's music store. Here's a Bargain , Kai-o Chance. Piano only $117. cost $500 , beautiful rosewood carved case , full scale , superb tone and finish , $10 payments taken. Call at once ; must be sold for storage charges. NKW Youic STOKAOI : Co. , Cor. Capitol avenue and 15th street. Tlioy Will Wear Tliem. Physicians may rail at them but cor sets over will be considered indispensa ble to the ladies and when a corset In found that will fulfill Us purpose without injurious effects it deserves and will ob tain favorable consideration. Such is the I. C. a In Persephone , French hand made , which is declared to bo the high est standard ev.er Introduced. Leading dressmakers of Paris and London pro nounce it peerless. It can bo found at N. B. Falconer's dry goods house , or at Thompson , Beldon & Co/s. Call and examine our clamantly fin ished photos before bitting at other gal leries. Iloyn , the photographer , gran ite block. This Is For Von ! Parlor suits , bed room sots , rockers , hall chairs , Turkish lounges , plush divans , all entire block of manufacture ; must be bold Monday at auction price by private sale , and on ciioy payments at that. Call early Monday. Cor. Capitol avenue and 15th street , over Bennett's. N , B , FALCONER MONlDAY. Blankets , Blankets , Blankets , BLANKETS , . BLANKETS , BLANKETS. Black Silk Hose. 2O dozen Pure Silk Hose at $1.6O. We sold the same goods one week ago at $2.BO. Children's Hosiery. BO dozen Children's Heavy Cashmere Hose at 20c ; a great bargain. BLANKETS. 1 case 1O-4 white wool Blankets at $1.28 ; worth $1.63. 1 case 1O-4 white wool Blankets at $1.89 ; worth $2.BO. 1 caselO-4 white wool Blankets at $2.BO ; worth $3.BO. 1 case 1O-4 white Blankets at $3.98 ; wortli $ B. 1 case 11-4 all-wool white Blankets at $8 ; worth $6.BO. 28 pairs 12-4 California Blank ets atlO ; worth $13. lcaselO-4 all-wool Red Blank ets at $4.37 1-2 ; worth $8.28. 1 case 1O-4 fine Red Blankets at $ B.BO ; would be a bargain at $7. We offer the balance of our Woolen Carriage Robes at cost. Cashmere Gloves 26c. GO dozen Ladies' Fine Cash mere Gloves at 2Bc ; worth 8Oc. Handkerchiefs , 12 l-2c. 1OO dozen Ladies' Hemstitched Printed Borders ; also Printed and Embroidered Borders , at 12 l-2c ; worth 2Oc. N. B. FALCONER. CHUHCII XOTICKS. Welsh Presbyterian , sBrvlccs held at the residence of Mr. U. Humphreys. 051 North Twenty-eighth street. Sunday school at UI10 : p.m. , preachinpat 7.tJ : ( p. in. by the pastor torHev. . W. Roland Williams. Subject : "HeliKious Indifference and its Hcsults. " "WestminsterPresbyterian Church , Troiell's Hull , 'JtbO Lcavenwoi-th street 1'roachinn by the pastor , Hev. John Goulon , at 10U ; ; ! n. in. Sundayschool at \ " m. Hillside Coiiffrcgatlonnl church , Omaha View Hev , II. U. Urano , pastor. Preaching ut 1010 : ! a. in. , on "Talto Care of Yourself. " Sundayschool at 11l.r : > a. in. Christian En deavor meeting iittiiU. ( : " .I. C. C. Mission b.ind" gives a cconcert at'iHOp. in. St. Mary's Avenue Congregational Hev. Willard Scott will preach both morning and evening at lOiIifl a , in. and 70 : ! ! p.m. Kveu- ing topic , UA Good Shot. " In the evening thuyoung people's choir will assist the ser vice singing gospel hymns. Sunday school ut noon ; chapel schools ut ! i o'clock. All wel come. The Eighth Congregational church of Omaha will dedicate their house of worship at Park Place , near the corner of California and Thirtieth streets , ut JiiO : : p. in. All arc cordially invited. Deth-Eden Baptist church Rev. II. L. House , pastor. Preaching by the pastor at 4:15i. ] m , at St. Mary's Avenue Congrega tional church. Sabbath school at i ) p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7iO. : ! Strangers cordially welcome. Seats free. German Lutheran church , HKI.-i South Twentieth street 10. . ) . Frese , pastor. Ser vice every Sunday at 10 a. in. Sunday school at - p. in. First United Presbyterian church. Rev. E. H , Graham , pastor , lil ! ) North Eighteenth street. Public worship at H0 ) : ! ! u. in. and T.-IM ) ji. in. Sabbath school at noon. Seward Street M. E. church Rev. Charles W. Savidge will have as his subject Sunday morning , "Heading. " The evening sermon will ho "Tho Sinners. " Unity church , Seventeenth and Cass streets Rev.V. . E. Copeland pastor. Ser vices at 11 a , m. and 7iil : ! p. in. Sunday school at l'J:15. : Subject of MM-IIIOH Sunday morning : "Tho Light of the World , " a prac tical application of Thcosophy. Subject of evening conversation at 7 p. m , : "The Moses of China. " First Presbyterian churchcorner Dodpo and Seventeenth streets Hev. W. .1. Harsha pastor. Services 10tOn. ; ! m. and 7:15 : p. in. : Morning , reception of new members ami communion. Sunday school at noon. Young peoples' meeting at ( i p. m. Kountzo Memorial Evangelical Lutheran corner of Sixteenth and Harney streets Hev. .1. S Dotwoilcr. pastor. Church ser vices and preaching by the pastor at lOiliO n. in. and 7:30 : p. m. Sundayschool atl'-im. PNorth Presbyterian churchSaunders street. Ilev.Vm. . H. Henderson , pastor , Services nt 10'M ; and 7:30 : o'clock. Reception of now members and communion at morning service. "Tho Third Commandment" will bo the sub ject of the pastor's lecture at the evening service. Sabbath school at noon. Young people's meeting at ( ! : ! ! ( ) p. m. Strangers made welcome ut all the services. Third Congregational church , corner of Nineteenth and Spruce streets A. H. Pcnni- man , pastor. Services at 1 < ) : ; ) u. in. and 7IiO : 1 > . in , Sunday school ut noon. Subject of morning sermon : "The Church a Family. " Evening subject : " 1 Don't Feel Like H. " A royal welcome. First Baptist church : Strangers' Sabbath home. Corner Fifteenth and Davenjwrt streets. Rev. A. W. Lamar , pastor. Preach ing ut W'M : a. m. and 710 : ! p. m. Young pee ple's prayer meeting < i--iri p. in. Morning theme : 'TTho Beginning of Christ's Work as a Picaeher. " Evening theme : "Tho Conver sion of a Great Scholar and Preacher. " Sab bath school at lii in. Prayer meeting Wed nesday evening at 7iO.All : ! are cordially invited , Seats free. St. Philip's Frco church ( colored ) 613 North Nineteenth street. John WIlllmnH , pastor. Holy commuiilpn atOHO ; a.m. Sun day school at 2.-50 ! p. m. Evening services at b p. m. Stranjfcrs most cordially welcomed. St IJarnabas Free church , Nineteenth nnd and California streets-John Williams , rec- tor. Plain celebration of the Holy Euchar ist at7:110 : a. m , ; cJiorul celebration at 11 a. in. Evensong ut i p. jn. Sunday school t 12:30 : p , m. Strangers cordially welcomed. Calvary Baptist church , Saunders street , ncur Cmulng ltuv A. AV. Clark , pastor. N. B. FALCONER MONDAY. Cashmere Cloves , BOOKS. BOOKS. BOOKS. BOOKS. BOOKS. BOOKS , BOOKS ! BOOKS ! HAMBERCS' ENCYCLCP/EDI A $13.OO. The most reliable edition pub lished. UNABRIDGED AND UNAL TERED. 4O full-page maps , beautifully printed in seven colors , in 0 largo volumes , at $13 ; worth $18. GEORGE ELIOT'S WORKS COMPLETE. Ln 8 volumes , bound in cloth , at $3.BO ; worth $12. N. B. FALCONEB. Preaching by the pastor at 1 : , " . ( ) a in and 7itp. : ( ) in. Morning subject. "The Pot von and Work of the Holy Spirit " Kveiiinj' sub ject : "Tito Dchire to Sec Christ. ' Sunday school nt 1 1 : 15 p. in. Saratoga Couiiivsational church- Services every Sinnla.v evening at 7I0 : ! In tn- ) school house. Sunday nchool at 1 : ! HI p. in. Prayer meeting every b'rlduj eveniiiir iit7 : : ! ( ) . Sub ject for Sunday's sermon : "Christian Char acter. " Allai-o Invited to attend. Cherry Hill CoiiRruKatlonnl chuivli-S - < T- vlces every Sunday at II a. in. mid 7. : > ( ) p. in. Sunday school at ! ! ! ! ( ( p. in. , iuid prayer meeting every Wednesday at 70 : ! p. in. Young peoploN meeting one hoar lieforo the Sunday evening service. Subject for dis course. Sunday morning : "John's Vision of Christ. " Hw. M. L. Holt will preach in the evening. All are invited to conic to these ser vices. " St. John's ehuivli Corner KMiiMin mid Twenty-sixth streets. U'illi.iin Osgond Pear son , rector. Litany , sermon and holy com munion ill 11 a. m ; evening prayer and sermon 7.TI ) p , m , Sunday school 'J.i'i a. m. Seats free. First Congregational church , 1710 Cap itol iivenue : Service. * at lo.lld and 7fl : ! ! o'clock. Pleaching li.\ the pastor , lcv. { A. P. Shcrrcll , both morning and evening , Suhlmth school at noon. All nruclcoinn to every service. Southwest Presbyterian church , corner Twentieth and Leavcnworth slrects. I ) . It. Kurr , P.istor. Morning service 11 a. m. Sub ject , "Foreign Missions. " Sahh.itli nchool l'ilfi. : Kvenlng service 7 : " < lp in. Snlijict , "John . " Young ' Uimyan. people's m Lnko Street Pi-pslivterian church , No 1010 Luke street. Salilialh school at 2'M : and HIT- nion by Itev. John Gordon , of the Westmins ter chinch , at I p. in. Seats free and every body cordially invited and welcomed. Mission services of the Episcopal church will bo held on Thursday evening next at Walnut Hill. Sciviiu at 7:311 : at the it si- dcnco of Mr. Hpuneter. Iev. ? W. ,1. llarsha'H subject for Sabh.ith night will he , "Why Cannot a Good .Man ( Jo to Heaven Without Christ ! " Any propei' questions sent up to him on that subject will 1m answered. Sign services for the deaf at Walnut Hill church at. 'I p. in. MiF. . L. Itcul will speak. I'ci The C'o//ons Hotfl will bo reopened in a few days. AMUSEMENTS. PEOPLE'S THEATRE ONE WEEK ONLY , Ilivlnnliu ivii.ciov. : : . mi. Of llio liarnilnKlllll iirlri"'Hiiiiil iiclcty favorite. MISS KATIE PEARSON ( uiiiwrtcil liy her own ovrcllcnt COMEDY COMPANY In repertoire nf nrluctcil coinoilles. MONDAY iIMNO : : , * "UNCLE DAN'L , " -011- A ItlcHHOiicer from .larvlH Section. Prices , IGc , 2Qc , 35c and 3Oc. ' Grand Opera House. T\\o Nlghta anil MiUlnte. -I / < C Ji. Soniircttc , Jilts MATTIE VIOKERS , ( Comnu-nt unncrcc-'aryiHurpoi-tfd by tlm fam ous tomcillan , C'lmn. 8 Iliigfi , uml roiiiiinjr | of 1" int'tiopolltun uitiitM. ui hur L'lfdric fciH- ctits , JACQU1NE , or Paslc and Diamonds , A iflk'Ltloii of life lii'hlni ) the Kct-nttt , iind CIIEEUB , The Pearl ef Serpent LIcunUio. A Ix-niitlfat pluy. MiiKKln VIdifrHlsun Httiemot powuf'il mnc- nitlMii. iiuniitltul In tiico nnd form , nnil mml- MT < ul fuuirlU' . IC'lilcuKq ' 1 lincs. > r'c HI.K on hiilu ut 1)0)C ) lil ! - r/Cc , 3 > c and Me.