Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1887, Part I, Page 7, Image 7

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Koal Oucht"-4 Incu border handker
chiefs ill half value
fine French hand-spun and hand cm-
broideted clear linen lawn handker
chiefs in nil the Into and ehoico novel
200 real Duchess lace border haiul-
keichiofrt in all the latest olTeuts , rang
ing In jirloo from $1.2.j to $11.00 each.
.lust halt value.
1W ) fine French hand-spun and hand-
embroidered clear llnon lawn Imndker-
slilufs , lo\oly designs ,
Fioin * : t.7o to Slfi.OO eachi
Wo hnvo just ici'oived a very exten
sive a-o-oilinonl of line Kienoh nud Ivibh
hand-ombioldorcd hnndkei chiefs , coin-
prising all the latest novelties ,
Fioin 50o ( o J.'f.To each.
at5c / , Bic. 124e , loo. IKc and ! 50c wlH lie
: ontinucl all next vvei'k , comprifcing the
Corner Dodfjo iV IBth-ats.
Mrs. Lewis Rood's Brilliant Recep
tion Miss Bnlcombo's Debut.
Cow In Jriicnllc Tea lliintlcj.
( Invoiiiliin Nuptials Mlhs I fo. in
land' N German I'leiisant So
cial lIvontH Personals.
At I DO p in Wednesday Miss Lillian Cur
lier , daughter of Mr C. H Currier , Twcntj--
Hlxlli stieet nnd Woolwoith avenue was
maril ( d to Mr .Hum s H. Ferguson , of Giaml
Island Miss Minnie Shields acted as hi ides'
maid , Mr. H , M Campbell as groomsman ,
nnd the knot was tied by tlio Hey. Wlllnie
Kentt. Among the ft lends nnd relative *
piesenl weie Dr Johnston , William am'
Hemj Uhoades , H M Pntteison , Lo Gianl
Ledwich , II N .lewett , A S Ritchie , Mi
and Mis Uanoll , Mr and Mis John Led
wieh , Mr and Mis Gcoige lllggms , Mr am !
Mrs. Henjaniln Hiiggs , Mi. nnd Mis ,1 , O
KhodoH , Mr nnd Mis M II Roth , Mi. am
Mis. Ilemy St. Felix , Mr and Mis W. 15
Clancy , the Misses Belle , Klla , Maij am
Agues Scott , all of Omaha , Gcoigo and Ai
thur Snndeison , Lulu Stmkoy , Ada ami
Chailotto SanderHon and Ml. nnd Mis
C H. Gicenle.if , all of Chicago
Miss Klla Lewis , of Mnywood , 111 ; Mi
ami Mis. Theodore Cuiiier , Giand Rapids
M ! < h ; Mr. and Mis Mjron Cuiiier. lena
Mich ; All. and Mis C. J. Hamilton , o :
MiuUegon , Mich , Mr , nnd Mis .loin
Goiges , Hof-oispark , Ell , Mr Will Hohier
Kvanston , and Mr nnd Mis Fred and ( ! eo
Popp , 1 } II Corej and Geo. Pulmyi , aU o
Hudson , la
Among the presents lecelvcd wcioaihali
biacelet set , a solitaiie diamond , a puiro
sleeve buttons with diamonus , u.itd
wife with bollfairo diamond , an npilgh
piano ami numerous other gifts. A
fi o'elok the newlj wedded couple left fo
their future homo at Giand Island. The ;
woio auompuik'd by Miss Minnie Shields
Thmsdaj evening a reception was given Mr
nnd Mrs Feiguson at their new homo ii
Grand island.
On Wednesdaj afternoon , Novcmbci 2 , th
Tiianiaifoof Mi 1C K Iluntley , of S.iliv , la.
nnd MUs Anna Giacoininl of this city too !
place at the icsidcnco of the biide's parent ?
Kiil Noith Tvvditv soKind sticct. Hoy. A
P. Shell ill , of tlio Fiist Congregationii
chinih , put fanned the ceremony , Mis Mini
Giiu-oiiiini acted as biidcsmaid and Mr. D. g
Soil ? nttemlcd the gioom. A laigc numbe
of the filends and relatives of thecnntractliij
pai ties witnessed the hnppv event und th
coiigiatulatloiirt and well wishes expicssci
towaid the brnlo and gioom weioas profus
us they vvetosinceie.
Tlio lloial decuutions ( wcio especially nei
and tuslj , their anmigement and ploasin
effect winning m.iiij piaUes fiom Ih
assembled guests. A huge" numbe
of nppt opt Into and costly present
weie tendeied the louplo , union
them being a handsome Sohncr piano , pu
BcnU-d bj the parents of the budo. Atto
the ( cremony the guests partook of a di
liclous icpast , to which ample Justice wa
done. Mr umlMis Iluntley loft for Cliicog
Wi dnesduy evening , fiom whcio thcj wi
go to their futmo homo In Sallx.
The bride Is the daughter of Mr mid Mn
George Gl icomini. ot this citv , and for man
jcars has icsidcd lieie , winning by her man
pei-onal charms and gi.ues u host of filcnd' '
Tlio groom is a pi eminent nnd cstcemc
joung business man of Halls , la.
To both , their many fi lends In Onmh
tender hearty congratulations on their happ
union , while the Urn echoes Mio sentiment i
nil who know them by bespeaking for M :
anil Mis. lluntlo } n future blight and clen
wjtli just enough thorns to nniUo the IOM
At the residence of the biido's patents , 7 (
Soullr Kightcenth sticeton 'lliursday oceu
red the marriagoof Mi , T M I'attoison , (
Plattsmouth , mid Miss Nettle Mjcrs Noi
but friends of the conti acting pai tics woi
picsent , and the ceiemflii.v was pcifoimi :
by I ev. W. W. Haisha , of Hellevue. Amen
thosepiesentweioMr.J.M I'nttcrion , fatlu
of the groom , Mr and Mis H H Wvndhan
James and Samuel nnd Miss Kdlth Patto
con , brothers and sister of the gioon
all of Plattsnioutli , Mi and Mis Myois , th
p.uentsv Williaui , Fumk and Kmmn , biotl
eis and slstei of the bi iilo. mid Mr and Mr
Ceiigo ! Wilcox , Mr and Mis Fi anktlko'
and Mis Theodora Fulcln'r. of Onrnlr
The attendants \\vro .lames Patterson , Jr
and Miss Kmnm Mjors The presents wei
numerous nnd eostly. After ir wedding toi
of seveinl weeks in the cast. Mr and Mi
Patterson will be at homo In 1'lattsmouth
Hallow o'on P.uty ,
AKIIV pie rsant event of the past wee
was the Hallow o'cn party given Mondi
night bj Mrs U. A. Hammond at her horn
2510 Uavenpoit slieet. The evening w ;
fcpcnt in nn enjojnblo manner to all Tl
oiaeles suitable to All Hallowe'en were n
propi lately consulted and numcious rn.vst
rites con foiled. Iho icsult of which was tl
ttnanHc'tnent of thq foi tunes ot nil the youi
Luests to tlitlr full and complete untlsfactlo
The affair was given in honor of the MKs
Loltlo L. Gossctte and Kato Stilvvell , both
whom assisted the genial host in the catc
tninmcnt in their most dimming mrunu
The guests weio Miss Mm-y llallantvn
Mi.s IvaUiorlno Hryant , Miss Ida Day , Ml
Harbaia Hostetter , Miss Hnttio Ilickox. Ml
r.innui Ulcc , Miss Hultio Hay and Miss Heli
Vinoj ai d. _
Mrs. 'ii Uccoptlnn.
The advent rnto society of Miss Mai
Halrombe , youngest daughter of Hon St. ,
U. lialcombe , was mndo the occasion of a )
ception nt the residence of the young lad.\ \
sister , Mrs , Lewis S. Kcc.d , on Dnvcnpc
street , lost Friday night. Somctlvchundi
invitations went issued , and about tluco hu
dre'd of Omaha's leading soeiety ladles m
ROntlemen responded , making It the large
und limit brilliant social event of tlio seasu
The grounds surrounding Uo hpacious re"
do n co vvoro handsomely illuminated wi
lautcuis and loiornoUvu l.eadhrhl
nenti'st di'-iijjiiM and mo-4 doliniU * color-
liifjb in printed borders , latest p.ittoni'j
in white nml colmcd lyabioldery , liom-
btituhed witli viniiiL' blocks , etc.
"Wo have just opened u beautiful ns-
imthiontof line imported fans in satin ,
L'ait7o , urcpe , ostrleli ( outlier , etc. , in all
tlio latest eirccts.
Wo carry a full line of shades in im-
poitcd ainisono , chcnillo , llllo-elle ,
rihbosono , wash silk in Smyrna ,
IniittiiiK silk and embroidery nilk on
spools , tiiibol , nmcrame. oriental cords
nnd eioohot cotton. Our slock of ortia-
munts in plush silk und tinsel is Hie
fiiiPbt and most complete to be found in
the city. Slumped linen goods in largo
\aiiel.v ; also China .silk scarp. Our
stock ofjams ; ombraccsJ tire lineal priadod'
of Gernmiilown , Saxony , fniry xenh vr ,
KidordoNvn wool , Shetland wool , in
wool 7ophyr. Spanish , Alliance and
( icrman knitting jiirn.
Corner DOCRO ! & 15tli-sts.
and added greatly to the effect of the chai ming -
ing event The Interior1 decorations weio
indeed hansome , and the par lots , iceeption
rooms and Hbrarv for the time
losttheii idcntitj In the ] ) rofusion of llovv-
crs and i > otted plants Hoses and feins
abounded , and weio entwined nnd banked in
theiloiist'H best taste Mis Reed was the
oiiginntor of the designs and everybody
pHscnt pionouiued them cxticmely piettv.
The dilmtante wasprcttil.v lobcdin a gown
of white < mtln , With silvtr nnd w Into tissue.
Miss Halcoine in oved herself nn agieeablo
mid happy entertainer , and during the eve
ning was the icdplent of laigo nndpieclous
collection of llovveis Tlio joung lady's
assisnnts in iveeiving were Miss 1'lov Yntes ,
MissMnggie Williams , MISB Alice Thiallfif
Detioit , Mich , and Messis Hustln , Snnhorn
and Will Do me Soon after the "old folks"
took tin n di pai tine dancing was indulged in ,
Fianljo furnishing admiiablo music.
JVIiij .UK ! Kdim CovIn's Ininclieon.
Yrsteidiiv aftcinoon May and I'dna
Cow in , daughtcis of Hon. J. C. Cow in , en-
toi tamed a few nf their friends at an elegant
luncheon at their home , No l'H7 ' Capitol
avenue. Mis. Cow in assisted the little ladies
in onteitalning their guests , who greatly en
joyed themselves. Among those piescnt
weio Louise Siuhes | , Susie Colpel/ci , May
Moi e , nthel Morse , Floienee Moiso , Gertie
Kount/o , ICntie Pntdiett Ulanche Soiciison ,
Jentj 1'nttB , Anna bhiveiiok , Edltli Smjtho
u'Tintsoov a voiy pleasant
event oconried in tlioqum Id mastei'soflUcut '
amii lit 1(1(111,11 ( ( tcts A nuinbci of oltlccis
and uttaiIKS assembled and ( omplotol.v sm-
pnsod Mi Fiank Inmiin , the foi inor thief
( k'llcof the innntci muster's dop.ittincnt , by
ptcscnting him with a handMniio ebony gold-
headed cane , beating the insciiptlon , "lY. .
1SS7" Di HoinLO Liidington imido the pio-
scntition speech , and light well dldhopei-
form the tnslc Mr Inm.ui icpllcd in a neat
little speech of tlmnlcs Mr Inmnn will leave
this vveek with Captain MiC'.iuloj , assistant
quarter master foi Chicago , vvhcto ho will 10
sldo in tlio fuluie.
Tin IlMTuos club gives lU second puty
this season nt M isonlc hall next Tucsdaj
Mil Gfs r\nm has ictuincd from Olean ,
N Y , to plate hu went to &CIUID n
Wife lie vv is mail led on the ! ilth of last
month to Miss Annie Uailev , un old school
in.itn of bis , and the happy couple will
maUothoii fntuiu homo hcie llisicturn ,
although it slgnali7es his dcpmtuic. from thu
tanks of his unmanied fiiends will bo
lieaitily : ipjneclated In his many fucmh > .
* *
rrniiisi\v i.v r\iNi Mis Fred Hnglc , ol
4"0 i Js'oith Tvventv-fouith stitot , ifiive n
pai ty in honor of Mist , Nanino JenkiiH , of
VillKcn , lAt The liffnir was a most delight
ful ono and the geninl hostess tendeied her
guests an cntcitaiiimciit lonir to be lemem
beicd , The quests wcio Misses Anna Me-
C.iiiuo , IZvn Hfiitlott. Klalo Williamson , Lois
Ilajs , Maj Mi Cnlloth mid 15ollo Tulball nnd
Messis John Kins. II A Westuiliold , Kvor
ott mills , Elleiv Hume , J M Westei field
Will MtCaguo nnd U A rinlev. Miss Jenkins -
ins who has been visiting friends in this ( itj
for scveial weeks left Friduj for hoi home.
* *
Tnr riusi patty of a sciies of winter hop
will oei nr Monday evening , November 14.
under the auspices of the Esmuialdi social
I'mnvv Kvrvisr. Mr.midMis r E Halley
sr , RIIVO u pioRiesslvo outlno parly at thcii
tesideiito on the coinei of Nineteenth uni
Oiiieo stieets There weio nbont foity per
HOIIS jiitbgnt , and a very sotiirl tiinew.ii
passed In plnjnlgeaids until about 1'Jn'Uock
when the hostess spread u tempting Innel
before her guests who did ampin justko t (
the good things sot before them. Mis Hailoj
was assisted in ciitoitaiiiing by her daughter
Mis Ilan Counsman.
TiH-usmi MOIIT the All Around the World
Chile held then icgulni monthb
the homo of Mr Leggett in Omaha Yiew
As usual an rnjajajile evening v\us spent , tin
Hillside Congregational choir lenderiiif
bomo veiy line quiulotto music. Mis Fou
m quitted hciself admliabl ) in nn cssaj 01
"Ancient Gladiatoiial Contests" A trii
comiwsed of Mr and Miss Hich nnd Mr. Gel
lenbeik with llute , piano and banjo lendcici
"Iloulaiigei's.Maieh , " which was hlghlv ap
piciiatcd An ndjouininent was taken unti
the lirst Tliuisdaj in Oceember. when tin
Cucle will meet at the home of Mr. Klutu.
A suni'irixn was tendeied Mr nnd Mrs
John U Miy at their home ! W3l lluino.v
htieet Thntsday ovoninir A number ol
tl'oir friends gathered at their cozy litth
homo and a most enjoyable evening wa'
spent Those pie cnt weio Mr. and Mis
A M Collet , Dr and Mrs. Ward , Mr am
Mrs. W J Haves , Mr und Mis Thomai
Mcldiom , Mr and Mis P'd'vard Richelieu
Mi and Mis J 1J Wigiuan , Mr. nnd Mrs
Spencer Otis , Mr nnd Mrs Spotlit , Mr. am
Mis .1 Doiss , Mi' and Mrs i : V Lewis , Mr
nnd Mis CaimUhael , Ml. ' nnd Mis J A
Couloir , Mr and Mrs F A. Got don , Mr am
Mis M W bvvaln , Mr and Mrs Hueslc- ,
Mr mul Mis J.It. Southatd , Mr and Mis
W Fitch , Mr nnd Mis W. Mack , Mis
GeoisioH Heaid , the Misies Minnie am
Pauline Cnllett. Fannie Hishop , Mai v Dolsi
Inez HasUoll , Messrs. r.dmund liuike , ,1 W
Hishop , .1. W Hishopjr. , James II Connor' '
W II Nelson , Hnny Copeloj , Thomas II
Dailey , M Lee , W. P. Coolcy , Mis E. E
Mns J M WooMvoiiTir , assisted by th
Misses Huttei Hold , will give n reception t
Mr. und Mrs Clement Chase Sutuidujfiot
4 until a , Mr. and Mrs Chnso will icceiv
Tuesday and Thutsdny ot t ils week a * . 10
South Thirteenth stieet.
Mm. Joins n. IJuin gnvo n lunchco
Tlaupilav alteinoon , wbkh wits an olepan
ulfairnnd compils.od ilfteen couises. Th
lloial uriangementH were exquisite , th
toilettes a marvel of taste , and the tcmntiu
viands weio uccoidcd full justice. Thos
p [ iiesent weio : MooOtnros ICouutzo , Hoibacl
Nlamlor.son , Heali. Henry , Gauhicr. Wher
ton , Jones , AVoolwortb , Wnkeley , Harkei
Hat ton , Cowin , Wpithington , Caldwoll.Him
> ey , Uuike , Broun , Piitchett , HanseomCof
el man. Collins , Uright , Claike , Kitchen
Hu0'hus , Rodney.
o- A PAKTI was given Tuesday evening at th
o't residence of Ueoigo A Ho rgmndby the Goi
it man club A delightful tlmo was spent b
'd the members of this popular and successfi
'dn club Dr. Smith nnd Miss Clara Hrovvn le
nid the german , the other participants being Mi
id H ISeall , Mis Chambers , Mr. C Bcall , Mia
stn. Hughus , Mr. Hailon. MUsDUon , Mr , Uouo
n. Miss Kennedy , Mr. Hoano , MHs Hall , Mi - Jordan. M'ss ' Miller , Mr Paxton , Miss Wll
in i i mm , Mi * . Poppleton , Miss Yules , Mr. > Reed
s , | Miss Shears , Mr. Scaver , Miss Ulckoj
A full line of toboggans in all ' hades ,
from 2V nnd umvard. ( . 'hildicn' * putl
llice yephyr wool mull's in all shades.
Wo call especial attention to our largo
stock of fur tiinitnni4 ! ,
and fur set . ' conmisiiiR' nil
the most dositable anu fashionable
fut H , selected with prt'itt cat o from the
old established ana most lelinble KL'U
iioi'siis in the country , and wo conII-
dently assort that our iMtiuns nro the
lowest. Iiiapection and comparison will
prove it.
lOOblnck rSiH'inn hare mulls ns a
drive at 7Co , actual value Sl.fiO.
GO natural Australian oppossum inulTs ,
a 'real , bargain , S2.I571. worth SsIJ.fiO.
GO fine seal plush mulTs , 82.371 , actual
\nluo S3.GI ) .
Corner Dodeo Is ISth-Bts.
Mr. Smith , Miss Hrovvn , Mr. Lyle Dickey ,
Mis T3iokuv , Mr W.vinnn , Miss Lake , Mr.
Wilson , Miss Wilson. The favois weio
books nnd moccasins , bisque figures and
whistles , umbicllas nnd fans , bisque animals
and baskets , buttci Hies and bonbon hokleis ,
baskets nud ash iccclveis.
Ov Di ci.vmru 21 a "New England dinner"
will be given at the exposition hull.
Tin uM > n r.viisrvi the Dcutcher club ,
added lo the usual uttiaction of ladies' night
by a musical piogiainino which gicitlv In
creased the ploasuio of the evening. Mme
Miiciitfciimr and Paul Hciniieh lendeied
"Itlmpodlu Hongrolsp , " Miss Pianko Bang ,
Mr. Lcnncp , the celcbic.ted zither ntlist , ieu-
deied a solo on his iiiHtirunout , Muio Mucnt-
foung .mil Mav Lcnz plnjcd a | ) inno nnd violin
lin duet , Udo Hiaehvoegel ot the Couiicr
loinl , and aftervvaids n pleasant lunch was
set ved. which was attended with impromptu
rnuslo bj several of those present.
A M r.i pleas-rat enteitnlmncnt was the
reception tendeied b.v Geneial and Mis
Wheaton to Mr. nnd Mrs George Knight
White. The affair wns in the nature of a
piogiessivu ten. At each table u lady pie-
sided and the couples changed paitncis in
an ingenious manner. The tables wcio
handsomelv laid mid in the tenter of eich
wns an e\qulsito faiiy lamp Piesidinjr nt
thu t iblcs wcio the following Indies : Mis.
Geneial Wheaton. Mrs .los HurkeiMis , Ur.
Urovvn , Mis Fitch , Mis Lieutenant Abe-i-
dombi'j , Mis Malloi.v and Mis , Lioutommt
Howo. The guests were1 .los. 15niker nnd
wife , Dr Hi own and wife , Lieutenant Abor
eiombie and wife , Lieutenant Mallory and
wife , Mis Fitch , Miss Fitch , Lieutenant
Green , Lieutenant Wright , Mr Patiiclc , Mr.
Ueihn , Miss Eppinger , Lieutenant Howe
and wife , Miss Kmzlo
AT TUB lesidenee of Mi. nnd Mis. A. .T.
Poppleton , VVodnesdny afternoon , the Ladies'
Musical society held a veiy pleasant meet
ing , the following piogrammo being rcn-
duied :
Toccata nnd Fugue I3.ith
Lcgomlo WlcnliUvskl
( n ) Etude C minor , I
, riin , (
( b ) Waltz , E minor , f
Elogio . - , . . . . , Spohr
Ventvia oJCapoli .f t , . . . .Lis/t
fr Thoolllcors for the coining tei in aio : Presi
dent , Miss Kustln ; vice inesident , Mis Hen-
shavv ; socrotaij , Mis Hills ; ticasuior , Miss
IJosewnter ; Count 11 llluITs bccictmy'and
ticnsuier , Miss UUlo Ilobinson.
Mas riuNK CoM'i.wnu will give a mu-
Bieiilo Novembei " 1 lit her home , foi the ben
efit of the choir fund of the Fust Coiigrcgn-
tionnl chuiih. Mesdames Squires and LMa-
hrook , nnd Messis Itiighnn , Est.ibrook ,
Wheeler nnd Young will singn sulcttiunfruin
"Lucia , " the ( mm tote of the chinch will up-
peat , and holes w ill ho giv en by Mr 1 Ji igliam.
Mis Siilies | , Mr. Young , Mi. Estnbrookund
Mine. Young.
Mis T. E. Godfrc.v is in Philadelphia.
Miss Giace Withnell has retuined from
the cust.
Mis Lev ! Caitcr has retuined from a visit
to this east
Miss Mninlo Leonard , of Newark , N' . J. , is
Visiting Miss Graeo Withnbll.
Mis If P. Whltmoio nnd dnughter liavc
returned fiom n visit to St. Louis
Mr. J. II Millnid Is in iloston and-\vitli \
Mis. Millatd , will loluin in n fewdiys.
Mr. nnd Mis. W. L. Adams left Mondaj
evening to witcr in southein California.
Mis T. J. Foley , of North Pintle , ! * the
guest of Mis. S. D Bnikalovv , 2300 Capitol
Mrs. Jnmoo M , Bishop , of Quincy , 111. , ] '
visiting her sister , Mrs W. F. Allen , iiioi
California fatrect.
Miss T. C. Kennedy loft for the cast Tlmrs
dry to enter St. MiiiKuentc's Suimmuy a1
Wntcibuij , Conn.
Mis John L. Tuttle and Mr. nnd Mis. A ,
E Hankin , nil of Vermont , mo the guests ol
Mr. and Mis John M. Tliurston.
Miss Apple Heno , of AVIchitn , Kns , spent r
few ihiys in the city the past week the giuisl
of M. and Mis Chniles W. MoNair.
Mrs. Colonel lliownson left Fndny foi
Kiio\villo , 111 , where her daughter , Alls , ;
Daisy , is attending s > chool at St. Min.v's.
Mis. Millspatigli , wife of the , elL
L Tiinlty , and now of Minneapolis , Is vUitin *
) her mother , Mrs Clarkson. She Is aecom
11 micd by her daughter , Mai j Douglas Ham
Tin ; ciTvcou.Noir , .
CouiiRcl for the 1'olico Cnso Olliclnllj
Announced Tlio Saloons.
The city council convened at S:101ast : even
ing with Picsldent Beclicl In the cliidr ,
Eleven rnoinbers were picsent , Messis. Kns
per , Cheney , Vnn Camp , Alexander , Uoyd
Kitchen , Leo and Klislcnd being the ab
The following resolution , nppolatlng legn
counsel to itpiesent the couneil bofoio tin
bupicine couit , In the test case of the poliet
nnd fiio comniission , was presented by Mr
Hnscnll nnd uunnlmously adopted :
Uosolvcd , That George W. Ambrose nut
John O Cow in bo nnd they are hereby re
quested nnd nuthoiizcd. to appear ami
piescnt to the supiemo couit tin
facts In the cnso nnd the hrw governing the
bnmc , and take such legal steps and proceed
ings as they deem ndv isablo to proturo ttu
opinion and Judgment of the couit in tin
matter , and to prevent the retuirence ol
such un war ranted acts ou the pait of suit
prctoiiJod board
, The following 01 dlnnntes were passed : Tr
authorize the city tieasurer to lebato tin
penalties on delinquent special taxes and as
Rcssmeuts upon certain conditions ; authoiiz
Ing the issue of distrie-t paving bonds of the
city of Omnhn for the puriwso of pajing tin
cost of paving the several streets and part ;
of streets in paving districts ! No SI , Ss , 91
10. % 124 , 125 , exclusive of intersections
The following resolutions were ndopt6d
Giailing .Nineteenth nnd Cnss bit-coin ; au
thoilzlng tlio ) > oard of publu
woi Us to enter Into n contract with G E
Funning to grade a i < ortlon of Hurt street.
Mr. Counsinan introduced a lesolutlon
uhiclivvas adopted , nuthori.iupf the saloon :
to kpep open on election day on the ground :
that there was no pioc\anintlon \ Issued by Ihi
niuj or under the law , but the 'Vlf-stj lei
1 chief of police" has seen lit to send a polleo
il man to n tmrt of the saloon rnpn nud 01 Jeroi
them to close fiom 0 a. in. to S p in.
An ordinance changing the grndo on Web
stcr street , from Twenty-first to Twenty
thiid streets , was laid over under tlio rules
The council then adjourned PQ ns to eiubli
r. portion of the members to attend the ru
publican rally. 4 v
Show an elegant assortment of icrsejs
boujjlit d'ueot tiom ono of the largest
eastern mniuifiieturcra of these tood'i.
Our prices raniro from $1.00 , Sl.GO.91.7o ,
SI.85 , $ ' . ' .00 , 52.60. 4J.OO , $ :5.2o : , SD.W ) and
\ip\vaids. Yc call special attfiitlon to
n line of check ierae.vs in black and
white chocks' , gold and black , garnet
and blue , biovvu and black , etc. Our
price for this ) linq id S2.'Jo. They nro
very cheap.Ve luuo iilso just added u
line ot colored jerseys , to vvliicli we in-
\ito the inspection of ladies desirous of
nnythlnj , ' of this 01 dcr.
] ? emcmber wo al > o show n full line ot
the well-known Star ahitt waist in all
prudes and prices.Ye nlso have "Tlio
Stoatliiitf" Ijannelvnibt for1 bovs from i
to 12 years , in four grades. The price
Is $1.125 , $1.35 , $1.50 and $2.00. These
tire the best-fitting shut waists made.
Ladlos' English cnshmore hososuper-
fine , till full regular made , c\lia long ,
black and colored , at70c , worth Ojo.
Corner Dodge & 15tli-sts.
Items of Interest to the Members of
the Various Secret Orders.
Mnsoiiio New-s A Komurluiblc Cnse
Major lliontcli Toiling
Toward Knighthood
The Milts.
E\CFt.siou Lomir , A. F. & . A. M , gnvo n
concert nud supper nt Exposition hall Thurs
day night. The musical and literaly pio-
gi .iiiinio was greatly cnjojed by the Imgo
number in attendance , and thoelToitsof M.
L Wilson , Mrs. C. Fiamtcr , Miss Jessie
Mcrnnni , E. M. fehcroy , Miis Dcnnie , H T.
Halduin , Mr. Pollaid , Mis. Kcllojrg , Miss
Mamie Williams , Mossis Alexander nnd
Wjlle , Mis E Tinner and Mis. C. Funnier
woio w.iunli iceeived.
AT TUP second annual meeting of Omnhn
lodge , No. ! i'J , EjUs-held Thursday even
ing , the following ofllccis weie elect id :
A 13 Davcnpoit , exalted inler ; U C Hulett ,
esteemed leadlng'Jcnight ; H C. McCluie , us- Knight ; K C Snjdur , estcomcd
lecturing knlAhtu D W. Ha.vnes , societal A ;
D W. VnnCott.tlreiismer ; Mai tin Kellov ,
tvler ; Geoigo/r.jMills , Thomas bwobo nnd
C. b P.uiotto , tuistccs Owing to the fact
that Distnct I > enuty Giand Exalted Uuler
Fiancis and Past Kxalted Uulei Hahcock aio
out of the city , the newly elecled oflleials
were not installed nnd will not bo until next
Wednesday ovenfng , when a spet'iul commu
nication Will piobiit > l.Ijo . held.
JOHN M. Ilooonc , u reputable meichant
and excellent cltl/cn ol Lohigh , I. T. , was
clotted to iceiMvc'tho nink of pa o in Anchor
lodKU , 1C. of IV.'nt that place. It subse
quently developed that the candidate had
one Hixtcenth Indian blood in Ins veins rmd
the Anehoi'sonkius ' to the supieme
chnncollor for institution. The supumc
chancellor replies as follows : "Whilo I do
not el.nm that the then supicmo chancellor ,
S imuel Read , cstablislied n picccdunt , } ot it
is u fact that the following appeals on the
jouinal of the supiemo lodge in 1STO , niul
\\as appio\cd .imong other ado : 'On ' Apul
17 , IMi'i , nt the m gent lequost of the giaud
chancellor of Pennsylvania , pei mission was
KIanted for the Initiation of Gehizx
Carpentei , a diicf of the Six Nations m Cm-
adatho\ery ; high iLionnnetuhition Riven
him , also the fact that ho was studying mcdi-
cine atJelTeison college , in Philadelphia , in
duced me to giant the icquest. " The sit-
piomelodgo has since declared Indians In-
ulllgihlc , but I know or no legislation or con
stitution U piovision that \\onld be constiuod
to bat this applicant. In this case 1 would
liavo to deal w ith a scitmtlilc , mlcio&iopio in
vestigation of the blood coipuscles. and as I
belie\e it is my duty to administer the law In
its spiut and intention , and pot as an anato
mist , \\ould lulo that the applicant , Mr.
John M. Hodges , on jour showing , Is eligible
within the meaning of the constitution. I do
not think that it was over designed that a
clnu t or family tieo should accompany eveiy
application If it is jour vv ill , lot Mr Hodges
enter , and possibly when he loathes the
height of 1'ithim honors and rises to the dig
nity of n knight , complete legeneialion may
ensue , the "sixteenth" bo eliminated and tl o
past foigotten in the light of the pic-sent.
Ouiorn jonor. K. ofP. gave the lank of
knight to ten esquues Thuisday night.
AT THE recent session of the supiemo
council of the Ameikan Region ot Honor
piuesero olTeicdlo all councils making the
largest gams , the councils being divided into
four classes , with four prbcs to each class ,
us follows ; Class A , councils M ith less than
Jlfty member- , ; class B , with llftv and less
than 100 ; class C , with 100 and less than UOO ;
elass I ) , with 200 and over. The classes arc
baf-edon the rctuinsof .Tuno I0 ! , IbVT. The
prices to each class aio $100 , { " > , $ W and $ -T > ,
The membei ship of the order June 30,1SST ,
numbered Cl.diH , divided as follows : Males
Gl.fiOfemales ; , 0'JUJ ; honorary , 107.
Seveialeiymatcrial change's woio mailo
In the law of the order by the supiemo coun
cil at it- , late session These will bo pi omul-
gated w hen they go into effect.
The order in Now Yoik makes a good
showing lor the past tn o yeai s. The i cpoi ts
In our CM.OAK Dii'Ain : MKNT our dally
sales pitno that we aio tfhinf ? the best
Milucs in Omaha on plush sacqiies at
$ 'JO.OO , $2.5.00 , $35.00 and $ oO.OO. Como
and c.xamino our fjarments.and jou will
find jou cannot duplicate them short of
20 per cent , more money in any cloak
department In the city. "We hue some
new and stilish pntturns to olTor this
coining week in u line of HAOi.ANS that
hino not heiotoforo boon nhown in
Omaha. Our prices nio lo\vor thnn this
Bamo shaped garment is sold cast. It
will bo mhaatagcous to all persons \\\\n \ \
desire to buy clilldien'd cloaks to visit
our cloak department and imcsllgato
our gtoolc. AYe have n full line of misses
new matkets , Gietchen skills , &c.
1)0 ) doz ladies' all wool cashmaro hose ,
b iok and bolid colots at i23c , good value
Corner Dodge S. tBth-sts.
show the nicmboiship to bo 10,214 , nn In-
eicaso of 3lt)0 mcmbeis and llftccn councils.
Ov Di rnMiirn 1 some vet v changes
in the present law , enacted at the iccent ses
sion of the supreme lodge of the Knights nnd
Ladies of Honor , go into effect. After that
date applicants will ha\o to fiist become
membei s of the order and apply foi member
ship in the lelief fund afteiwaid. Class A ,
which now only tails for ? 1X)0 ( ) w.ll bo di
vided into four dlyislont. as follows : Fust
dUNloa , 100 ; sc-iord , < i,000 ; third , ? 2,000 ;
fouith , .sl.OiK ) , nil mcmbcisof the class being
assessed for each division in pioportion to
the amount for which they may bo insured ,
the Kites of assessments i cmlining the same
as heietofore. Class H will bo known as the
fifth division , hut will lenmm sepatato fiom
the othei , membei s in this im ision will
not be liable for deaths 0101111 ing in any of
other four , and vlcoeisi Pioscnt mem-
beis wishing to leave class U and cnler cliss
A can do f > o , ) ) io\idliig they pass n proper
medical examination , and if admitted they
w ill bo assessed at the ago at which they
Hist cnteied class IJ. Nexv cciUIUatcs will
be fin nishcd fiee , but the usual medical ex
aminer's fee w 111 have to bo paid. On .Taiin-
aiy 1 , ISbS the supiemo lodge oftlces will bo
icmoM'd fiom Si , Louis to Indianapolis , Ind.
A i.vitor number of the Good Templar
lodges throughout the union lm\o held mem-
ouulseiMtes in honor of John Ji. Finch ,
ilghtwoitlu chief templar of the woi Idlio
died so suddenly. The older has lost the
ablest leadci it has over had.
A MOrvrvT is on foot among a numbei of
thc-auBpg nion of the cilj to foim a castle of
the KmRhts of the Golden Kaglo in Omaha.
This older has been in existence since 1VTJ ,
and now has castles in about eighteen states.
It is a sccict society , ami has foi its motto
"Fidelity , Valor and Honor. " Its aim is to
cultivate the morals and intellectuality of its
mcmbeis All sectanan or political contiov-
cisies are piohibited. Among ils objccls is
the assistance of mcmbeis in distress , and
giing aid to the w idows and orphans of de
ceased membei s. The seciet woik consists
of tin oe dcgiees : Pilgrims , Knights nnd
Ciusaders , and hits for its theme tliostiugglo
of the Christian warrior.
n Ii C. WHITE , TIIInow S. 1C. of R. & S.
of the KnlRhls of Plthlas , was bom in
Lebanon , Tcjin , June 11 , IS ( I. lie h is been
a member of the older sineo lbf > , being
initiated In lodge , No UO , July 15 , of
that jear , nnd has been continuously an of-
llcer ol the pi and lodge of Tennessee since
Ibilt Ho sei veil two teims as giand chan
cellor by unanimous election , and has been n
biipremo icprcscntative of Tennessee to the
supreme lodge of the woild sineo ISsO , having
been thuo times elected without opposition.
Ho has been giand keeper of iccords and
seal of Tennesbeo sineo 1879 by successive ;
unanimous to election. In consequence of
this fact ho bungs to the oflico expcuenco of
gi eat value.
Mr. White has been president of the Pi ess
association of Tennessee dm ing the last j car ,
and has just been appointed on the stall of
Go01 nor Tnylor , of that state. Ho has also
been appointed as the chairman of the com
mittee b\ the governor to rcpiesent the state
in the Cincinnati centennial commission. Ho
is the editor nnd pioprletor of the Lebanon
( Tenn ) Hciald.
THE rumcuiAiis or a very remarkable case
In the circles of sccict societies comes from
San Fiancisco. It appears that n membei of
Gailiold lodge , No. 7J , K. of P. , ono John
Keinaghan , was found guilty by the law of
the land of muidcr in the lust degree and
sentenced to bo hanged. That the prisoner
was guilty appealed fiom his own confession.
An exainin itiou by medical men proved him
to bo perfectly hano , und the govemor re
fused to commute the flnath sentence. Jiofoio
his execution , b'eptombci iil , Keinaghan , who
appeals to Imvo been a man of moio than or-
dmai v intelligence , had u consultation with
thoolHcers of Gailleld lodge , nnd although
his crime had , of conrso , legally se\eicd his
mcmbciship , the ledge consented to take
i hargo of his lemains and give them decent
burial. And not only this , but it further con
sented to recei\o in trust for the puiposo
of sale his instantaneous raihoad
ah-bialvO patent , so that if nnj thing
should bo realised fiom the Inven
tion his debts should bo paid nnd his widow
and meco receive the respective sums stlim-
1 ited in the papeis , which were legally dunvn
up. Otherpeibons aio to bo paid certain
sums , nt the dead man's ' request , and the en-
tiio amount provided for is about t-M,000
That such a sum should bo rcali/cd Is highly
Impiobtiblo , but the Knights of Gailleld
lodge , lemembei ing the injunction to exor
cise cimiili lowaid offcndeiBand tocaro for
the bereaved ones , ha\o detcuulncd to do
Wo have just received another im
portation of our two well known brands
of line 1'ronch kid glo\cs in all shades
of tans , slates , browns , black with col-
otcd cmbioirtcry'a confidently 10-
commend them ns ported illling and
cry durable.
100 doz. ladies 4-bvUUm "St. Mario"
fine Trench kid gloves with heavy em
broidered backa , with colored welts to
match , at SI. 15 ; value $1.50.
75 do ? , ladies 4-button "Derby" fine
French kid gloves , pique stitched , with *
heavy eniluoldery , bucks in , all shades ,
at $ L , worth S2.GO.
fiO do/ , ladies silk mittens , blacks ,
navy , seal , at 81 , worth $1.57 } .
Corner DoctKQ A 15th-sta
mm o than their duty In Koinaghan's ease.
While they could not and would not ralso a
linger to thwart the ends of justice' , they ex
tended to him that peisonnl fuomlshipwhicli ,
even though ho had forfeited every churn
upon them by bis i.ish deed of violence , must
ha\o been none the less welcome in his ro-
moise and bitter boui of death.
O H. H M.I or took the flist i ank In
Nelnaskii lodge No. 1 , K. of P. , Wednesdaj
A : ; i\\ division of tlioU U is being organ-
ied among the members of PaiK ledge Iv
or P.
Trriniv ArrriiNoON the Omaha regiment
U. H K. of P. was called out to attend tlio
fumnal services of l'iank Uohne , a member
of Plnnut ledge No. 4 K. of P. The interment
was made nccoidlng to the beautiful cere
monies of the order.
Tifn srcovn annual ball of the K. of L as-
scmbli No 3141 will take place Wednesday
evening November a , at the new Masonic
hall The affair promises to bo a very pleas-
nut one.
' '
Tins onm it , whicli'ls'rapidly Increasing in
membei ship has after mnnv trmls , at last so-
cuied coinfoitablo quaiteis for a ledge loom.
Omaha Lodge No Is lias leased for the term
of fl\o jcais tlio top floor of the Darker build
ing , which is situated on the southwest cor
ner of Farmim and Fifteenth stieets , and
will be ready for occupancy bj December.
The A. O. U. AV. will bo preprred to receive
applicants in their new hull by Jaiuui.v 1 ,
IV It is expected that nil lodtt : of this
older will meet in these quaiteis.
Ov Movnvr nigltt * Major William J.
Bioatchwas introduced to the mjstoricsof
the rank of Page in Myitlo lodge , 1C. of P.
To moirow night Ins honor will bo instructed
m tlio anmn rank of Usquirc. A i ehitect
Mendelsohn will also bo confcrcd this rank
in the same ledge to-morrow night.
Real KHtnte Tratml'ers.
James Yoio and wife to William II
Yore , rind H blkSI Hojd's add , w d * 1'iQO
Edmund 13m Uo to Jciciniali A Lina-
ban , und K W and 14 blk 5 KounUo
place , wd fiiOOO
J A Linahan tolMinuntl Hurlte , lot 5
wlUftoflotl blk U Leavenwoitli
Terrace , wd 700
Kdwin S Hood and wife to J H Moil-
inly , lot 21 and Ji bile 4 Albright's
annexwd 210
Harry II Miller to W L Selbv , S , ' . ) , 10 ,
11 and Ib In Mottci 's s > ub of 4b b b
Hogeis , qc 2,100
Kdw in S How J and wife to Phillip A
Hjan , lot7Polhamplace w d l.bOO
Claiance H bobotkor to Saiah J
Uowleylot2l blk ICotner , 1 Archer
add , w d 300
Mads Hanson and wife to August
Weiss , lots Hand 10 blk 3 , Aibor
Place , wd 3,200
W G Albright and wife to T Mitt-
rocht , lot 11 blk 0 , Albiigbt'b sub of
lot 80 , Albi ight's choice , w d 700
Clark Muller and wife to George W
Spi lugger , n } of lots 8 nnd a blk a ,
C. U. Muj no's 1st add to Yalloyw d 800
Clifton U Mayno and wife to Clark
. Mullci , n M of lots 8 and 0 blk 3 , C
11 Mano's 1st add to Valley , w d. . . 137
Arbor tSKitchro to T U Fogg , lot ! i
blk 'J , 1st add to South Omaha , w d. . 1,500
W H Russell to N 11) Solomon , lot 0
blkG , Shlan'sSd , wd 5,000
James S Gibson and wife to Mauctta
Scott , lot 15 blk 10 , Hanscom place ,
W d 2,100
Nlol H McLcod ct al to Mary Walker
and husband , lot 1 Pnun's sub , 5
und ( > blk 14 , Shhm's add , w d 3,000 ,
Emma J Scott to Maria Stewart , lot 0
blk I , Pottea & Cobb'a ! M add to
South Omaha , w d C50
Lincoln H Scott to Mai ino Stew ai t.
lot a blk 1 , Potter & Cobb's Ibt udd
to South Omaha , w d 1,150 ,
D W Hill to Gustuvo Scasemimn , lot 'J
Hill's place , w d 4,300 ,
Augustus Kounti nnd wife to Fied
Nve , lots a ) and 27 , blk 'J , Foiiest
Hill'wd 4,000 ,
Hugh G Clark and wife lo Fiancis S
MeKuma , lot 3 , blk 1C , Omaha View ,
wd VW
Samuel Coiner nnd wife to William O
Killingcr , lots a und y , blk 4 , Colder
& Archci'sadd , w d 1 , '
South Omaha Land Co to Phillip Cas-
sada , part of tax lot No 10 In 8 14-1'J ,
w * d ! '
Isaac S Hascall to Chailes F Good-
inarm , lot 'J , blk a , I Install sub. w d. 1,200 ,
Byroy Hecdetal to'Iheo Olsen , 7-i >
But Omalii ? gets them. They are coming at the rate of three to five
thousand a clay , and as the packing facilities are increased the receipts
will grow rapidly. Armour & Co. commence working their immense
packing establishment to-morrow and then the hogs WILIi squeal.
7 '
Near alio-jit 2,000 lieud of cattle come into the Stock Yards daily , and they are pretty much
all slaughtered. This is hard on the cattle but it makes a great business for Oriaha. When
all the great packing houses complete their buildings , now in coursa of erection , and are
ready to receive- and slaughter , the business will be something wonderful. And while this is
all going on , and while other industries are springing up all over Omaha , do not lose sight
of the splendid opportunities for investments of every kind and character. A bettor oppor
tunity never presented itself. Values aio now on a legitimate basis and purchaS'jrs ' can hard
ly make a mistake in anything they buy. Consult our property list , just issiu-d. From this
you will got a fair idea of valuations. Always yours to command ,
( Incorporated ) . 307 South I6th Street , Omaha ,
LADUS' : .nnisKY Kmnnn VJSTS. :
CO do ? , ladles extra fine Jersey vests ,
pcnrlet nnd wltite , high neck mul long
sleeves , till silk and but in finished , at
Si.05 , never sold less than $12.'J5.
Ladies' oxliu fine merino" M\sta nnd.
pant1' , nil si/ci. nt f 0c each , worth 05c.
Ladies'extra flue quality scurlot nil-
wool Bitxony veMy and pants , \vnmmloil
genuine medicated ilvos nnd steam
shrunk , nt 81.00 cuch , actually worth
1 cnio ladies' white nil-wool saxony
vests and pants , all silk finished 'and '
t-teanr bhiuivk , " in nil sbeb , at $ l.l5 !
each , w < 'th SI.IW.
70 dor indie * ' all wool cn'-limcio lioe
full tegular made nnd extra length vylth
double merino heel1 * nnd toes , blacks ,
scarlets , n.rvy , seal and wine , nt 60o- ,
worth ( rC.
Corner DodRO & 15tli-sts.
and 0 , lillc 1 , CamphrH's mid , w d. . . . 1,850
Win. L MiUiiKiio tnThto Olhcn , un
divided 14 of south II ft , of Mouth X
17 und IS , blk U , C.uiiplcirs ) add w d. 200 sales . . . . . . . . . . So'JW4 , ;
ItulliliiiK IVimltH.
The follow Ing building pcimlts were ksuod
ycsti'iduv by Siiptimteiident Wldtlock :
.Taints I'ipc , cotlngc , Thirtieth and
Ciisslns . -J ; 000
William rianclH , cottnso , Twenty-
llrst and Nlntnn . GIO
TimltyM K. chnrLh , liunieem < cicd
clitiichniid S.ibb.ith school , niiiney
and Tvvcnty-tlrst . , TOO
J. G. Willis , two stoii fiaino dvv oiling ,
yprucc , iio.irTwontj fouith . I , 0p
Tour pci mils $17,710
District Couit Notes.
NmctccMi suits vvoie hi niiyht by Congdon ,
CLuKsoii & Hunt , ns iiltoincja , In ttro dis
trict court jcstorday lo ( pilot title In cortirltr
lots and lands In the citj of llorcnco.
Ycstoiduj the Quiicn City National hank ,
of Cincinnati , O , lllcd action in the district
coml ngalnstCi W. Duncan , doing business
under the Hi in name of C5 W Duncan & Co ,
pi living Judgment for M.riTT.Cill with Interest
ut the i ate ofi ( per i out on f ' ti our Juno
! JI , IbbT ; on fsl'J s thereof fiom July 1 , 18S7 ;
on Ss-4. ! ! ir from July HI , Ibb7 ; on $ ir > a ! W from
July'J , Ib87 ; on ft.IIIiO fiom August 'J , 1837 ;
on $ M > Ji5 ! fiom AmiiiHt 15 ! , Ibbi , nnd on
O.yo fiom Juno 10 , Ibb7. ii
Dcprcilallons of UandUs. C
HKOVVXSMILB , Tex , Nov. 5 , A rclgn oftener
tenor exists in the up river border counties
between Kdinbuip and Home , the result of
depredations of Mexican bandita. Almost
ovciy incrchnnt bus received Uucatcning
lettcis , orduiinu pajrncnt of heavy Burns or
pcn.iltj ofnhdULtlonnnd toituru. The vveullhy
never travel wit hunt ( muls. The bor-
dur sliciHTs are doing what they cuuwitU
their deputies to hunt the robbcis ilowni , and
a small fotco of niiiKcis have been sent by
Govcinor Hovt to Ulo Oiiindo city , but it la
feared the force Is nets > tioiig enough to cap-
tuic the bandits.
ISlfl id
13' '
.1:11 :
" * "
Leading Specialty House in
[ ft WnnT
\ \ nidi
Costumes , JackelK , Scal.'tkia
and Fur Lined GarmorJ : ) .
Is in Charge of Mrs. Ilnbcr *
Our Dressmaking De
partment ,
Presided Over by Madame
Sugnot , of Paris. "