Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1887, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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    . , . , y , . . . . . , tgr < r.
OVF1CJ3 NO. la , n\nii : sritnr/r
Delivered by currier In nny putt of the city nt
twinty ciuts pir w iek.
] [ , W Tll.ntN , . Mnnng < T.
Trui'iioNis : : :
liusms OrricF , yn. u
HHIIlTl'.UlTOK N' ( > . SI.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Roller , tailor , Full poods cheap.
Dr. J. C. KoborUon , filH Muin St.
"Littlo Boast" Tlmbcbt fie cljftir in
the city. Troxell Uros. , ngutilH.
The case of Crlttondon vn. Armour ,
Utirbeu At t'o. will be urgui.'d before
Judge Ducnier , to-morrow.
The contract for building C. J. Colby's
nddlllonitl ton bousesyus uwarded to
Shiiw&Tipton , of Glunuuod , us the low
Slur Chuptor Mo , 47 , U. A. M. , will
hold its ri'pulnr convocation Monday
ovonliiL' . ViHitiiiL' H. A. M.s invited.
Bv order M. E. 11.1' .
Wanted 100 .railroad Icnms to worl <
on Broadway , between Council LSlufl't
and Oiniibu. Wages , $3.11-5 per day ,
Owen Hroi. . contractor * ) .
Groll & Co. . i > roi > riolerHof the Union
Pacific market , on lower Broadway , art
making preparations for running theli
machinery by u water motor.
"Old Sport" Miller was ( lued $7.00 foi
a drunk. Lizzie Miller was arraigned
fordibturbhig the jieai'o , oa compluinl
of Lulu Mercer , but was dibcliurged.
Captain Annie Holmes , recently ii ;
command of the Salvation army in this
city , was rotton-egged at Keokuk ant
had to apply to the police for protection ,
Jacob Webber took out two building
permit * ) , yesterday , for two onc-storj
iriimo dwelling ho'ii'-es , costing $01)0 ) ant ;
8000 , to bo ureuted in Everett's addition ,
The secretary of the Voting Mens
Democratic club yesterday bent out no
tines to tbo members to bo present at i
Hpociul meeting Monday evening , to ar
range for hard work to bo doae electior
day.J. .
J. G. Tipton' * ) insurance agency is bo
coining one of the most popular busincN
institutioim in tbo city. Taking that ii
connection with bis 'large real estuU
businehs bo and bib clerical force art
kept on tbu jump.
There is Mich a rush of work at tin
city clerk 'h olllee , that he is eompoU'ei
to have three assistants. Two arc bus ;
upstairs mailing out special ahsessnioii
cortilleatos , and the other assists him Si
the lower olllee , manufacturing demo
A. Louis lias commenced proceeding !
against G. W. Ferguson & Lon , of tin
Pacific house , to secure an injunctioi
restraining them from opening up lh <
old sewer running into the creek. 1
hearing is to bu had before Judge Car
BOH to-morrow morning.
Mrs. Murphy and her man Donahui
n ro again in court. She has had bin
nrrcbted for thumping her and shows i
badly swollen arm us proof of the cru
city of Iho man. The case is to b <
heard before Justice Schniv. to-morrow
] ) onahuo has thus far been unable ti
furnish bail.
W. L. Hovpy , a teacher of dancing
was in Iho city yeslorday , looking eve
the field with a view of opening asehoo
hero. lie has been engaged in thi
busineHs" for several years , and ha
many now dances which ho proposes in
troduciiig hero. His present homo i
in Mishoyri Valley , iinu ho will roturi
hero this week to make further arrange
Some time ago , Mrs. Ilastie , of thi
city , had one of the Satiation Arm ,
soldiers arrehtod for trying to make In.
give up to him a trunk belonging to he
daughter , who had run away from horn
to join the army. The young lady i
still in the work , and has been rceentl ,
promoted to a lieutenant. She is no\ \
located at Kaiitias C'ity.
Edward E. Wright , who has gainei
no liltlo reputation as a writer , aw
whoso recently published novel ha
given him add'itional. prominence , ha
issued a little tracton "Inconsistencies,1
which will doubtless bo lead with in
torcst by bis many friends hero at least
Ho shows the inconsistonces betwee
Christian belief and Christian practice
comparing the teachings of Christ i ;
the hermon on the mount , with th
practices of the majority of the cliurc !
The best sweeper on earth at Ilavli
ne s Brother * .
S. M. Underwood , of Keg Creek , wn
In the city yesterday.
Woostor Fay , of Keg Creek , was si
tbo Kiel house yesterday.
P. G. Dunn and son , of tllenwood , Ja
were in the city .yesterday.
M. Gut/.ler , of Mt. Vernon , wn
among tlioio at the Kiel yesterday.
Mr. Smithof the Chicago Guttaporcb
and Rubber company , was in the eit
Frazier & Swartz , of Silver Qity , la
who arc partners in business there
wore partners also at Kiel's yesterday
James Cunningham , special agent c
the Iluwkoyo JiiMiranoo company i
Des Molnes , is in the city , the guest t
J. G. Tipton , real estate agent.
W. II. Stout , the champion "Star
bicyclist of America , is in the city. II
is a deaf mute and gave an exhibitio
of his skill at the deaf and dumb iust
tuto Thursday evening.
1' . U. Fonda and wife have rcturnc
from the cast. Mr. Fonda attended th
international convention of the Brotl
orhood of Locomotive Engineers t
Common Council.
The common council mot last evcnin
in adjourned session. Bills for tl
month wore presented amounting
about Jo,800. Bills of registers amoun
ing to $420 referred to tiuanco commi
too and city attorney with power to ac
Bills amounting to about $400 were la :
aside for certification. The remaindi
were allowed.
TJio statement of Wightman &Millc
Bbowing a balance of $1-,1 ( > U.CO due (
contract , received and liled.
Statement of M. A. Moore , showing
bnlnnuu of ft,87l.OI ! ! duo him. Hesol
lion ordering its payment in boa
minus / > per cent already paid in bon
f * presented and adopted.
Resolution : That bonds bo issued
Wlgblman & Miller in the bum
$ lliKU.liJ , payment in full for sow
work on contract. Adopted. Also res
lutlon that bonds bo issued to M. Call
lian for $470 , payment in full. Adopte
Petition of twenty property ownc
that Xinoteonth avenue , between Ton
Ureet and the transfer grounds , bo p
xip to grudo and a bridge be put acre
Indian creek" . Granted.
Resolution : That property owners <
Twelfth avenue , between Fifth a
Twelfth streets , and on Ninth aveuv
between Tenth street and the Uni
Pai'lllo ground , till to grade. Lo
Avcs-Laey , Danforth , Metcalf a
Wells. Nays Kcllar and Hammer.
Remnant fall ) this week ut Harkin
Bros. *
The Doinfjo Among the Churches
nnd the Sorviccs Announced.
He Is Preparing lo Oct Cloar-Tlio
I'lt-Nt Marriage Ijlecnnc In
Thin Con til y Trouble
Oxer Paving.
Just I tike "Tlic Major. "
The readers of the Bin : In Council
Blulfs are especially interested in the
ca < -o of Major Williams , alias Brown.
He has hardly recovered from his sur
prise at peing acquitted of the murder
of Hughes at the Union rivenuo hotel
in this city tha'n ho rushed into another
bloody affair , killed his man. and is
now charged again with murder , The
details were recently given and the
following additional news is now re
ceived :
Titov , N. V. , Nov. 5. .IIUIIOM Brown , alias
AInJur Williams , " wns iirralu'ncil in tlio
I'roy city criminnl court , .luilgo Donnliuc ,
iiuslding , Tucsiltiy , Nov.'J. Ilo waived ex-
initiation and tlio rl ht to niiiUe u statement
11 his behalf and was committed to await the
ictina of the next gr.uul Jur.v. wl.loli convenes
S'ov. IS. Tlio murderer lw employed us
loimscl the Hon. Charles E. Patterson , ex-
ipcnkcr of the New Voik uosemlily. Money ,
flldul corruption uud political iiillucnco will
10 combined in the mmdorur's favor , and
i ) the law-abiding iiortlnn of the community
t is already evident that Brown will never
punished a * ho dusei ves.
Closing out a stock of cloaks and
vraps at Harkness Brother.s this week.
Greatly reduced in price so you can save
10.00 tolo.OO on ti coat , far better and
heapor than you can buy rcadv made.
Roller , the Tailor ,
No. IMO Broadway.
Best mince moat , three pounds for
wonty-livo cents. Troxcll Bros.
At The Kair.
Commencing Monday. The greatest
mrgains in tinware that were ever
} tl'ered in this line of goods. Best qual
ity wash boilers , copper bottom , 75 c.
\Vash basins , 5c. Dinner pails ,5o. Coal
realties , We.
\Vo will have our five and ten cent
ounters in good order.THK
18 Main street.
The Political Pot.
In political circles there is now a
great deal of goisip about the proba
bility of 1'at Lacy being crowded for-
ivard into tbo "mayoralty of the city , in
case that Groneweg is elected senator ,
t teems that the democrats arc count-
ng chickens along ways ahead oven of
.ho egg laying. Lacy has always had
lolitieal ambition , and bib election as
Iderman has inllamed hi.s ajipetito for
jlllco so that he doubtless is gazing at
he sixe of ( Jronoweg'k hat. * Lacy is
roving a better alderman than was
generally expected , but it is quite pre
ature to talk of him for mayor. The
promise of the democratic nomination is
said to be an incentive for him to work
itcalotialy for Groueweg.
Both political organs are busying
hemselves charging and counter
charging concerning the largo regis
tration of voters. Kaeb claims the
oilier has been running in tome non
residents , but neither makes any spo-
ille charges , giving names and ad-
rctjscs , as they ought to , if they art
onest in this matter. The fact is thai
Council BlulTs has been growing rapidly
in population during the past year , and
there ought to be a larger number ol
voters registering. Tlio increased num
ber bad boiler be sol down to the credit
of tbo city until proved otherwise.
The friends of Frank Shinn , the re
publican candidate for senator , are con-
ident that ho will lead Groneweg in the
county by at least , ' ! 00 votes. They art
anxious to see the city rally a little
more enthusiastic , feeling sure that il
his friends work well for him hero the
victory is assured. Shinn is a stronger
landidato than most supposed. Hits
friends knew him , and insisted on his
mining , despite his personal repug'
nanco. Ho has never sought an olllee ,
nnd now it is not of bis seeking , but as
he is in the race , he is no laggard.
The prohibition question is beinp
used locally in this campaign in i
variety of forms , and there is littli
doubt but that it will cau e many voter :
to swing away from their old parties , it-
order to give expression to their con
vietions on this question.
The finest stock of corsets in the citj
at Ilarkness Brothers.
Starch , seven cents per pound , thrc <
pounds for twenty cents , al Troxel
For best , quality coal and wood , call 01
Gleason , - ( > I'carl street.
Fine white clover honey , oighlcei
cents per pound at Troxell Bros.
Among Din Churches.
The following notices ot services lo b
bold in the various churches of tbo eit ,
have been handed in for publication :
Preaching by the pastor , as usual , ii
the morning at the Presbyterian church
In Iho evening there will bo an unusu
ally interesting Sabbath school concer
exercise , instead of the regular ser
vices. Strangers and others cordiall ,
The W. C. A. will mecjt with Mrs. M
F , RohrorM Vine strcel , Monday , No
vember 7 , at 3 o'clock sharp.
Preaching in the First Baptist cliurcl
at 10SO : a. in. and 7it : : ) p. m. Subjcc
for the morning , "Tho Gospel of th
Face. " Seats free. All cordially in
At the Methodist Kpiseopl churcl
there will be preaching at 100 : ; ! a. in
by the pastor , W. II. W. Rees. Theme
"Tim Duty of the Hour or the Chrietia
at the Ballot Box. " Preaching at 7:8 :
p. m. by Rev. W. T. Smith , the presiil
Ing older.
The regular meeting of the minister
of tlio city will bo held Monday at 10o :
a. in. at the Y. M. C. A. rooms. Visit
ing and resident clergymen are cot
dially invited. Rev. Dr. Phelps wil
present a paper.
Services in the Congregational churc
this morning. Sacrament of the Lord
nuppcr and admission of members. Sul
ject for meditation : "The Triple Kr
dowment. " All are coi dially Invite
who may desire lo altend. There wi
be no livening service.
Rev. Dr. Cooley -Yesterday receive
the ad news of the death of Rev. C. 1
Higgius , of Independence- . , formerl
general supcrlndeut of the Baptist mil
bions lu this state. He was iu attenc
anco at the meeting of the nssouiiitic-
two weeks ago , and was then in appai
cut good health. The announcemoi
comes with surprise to his many friend
and to the denomination in which 1 :
was so prominent.
The new German Catholic church u
Pierce street is rapidly approachin
completion nnd will bo a decided ornn-
Miont to that portion of Ihe-clty. The
exterior work i > about finished , with
the exooptioii of the spire , which is to
UUl feet in height , .surmounted by a
twelve-foot gildeu cross. The windows
are expected to-morrow , and DM soon ns
thev are in the work of frescoing will
be commenced. This work is to cost
11700. The contributions for this
church are very liberal , and the names
of the donorrf will bo published later.
The middle altar will be a beautiful
allair costing JMXI. and is the gift of
Peter Wise. The building w 511 be com
pleted and ready for coiisecration about
Christmas or New Year's. The chimes
have arrived. The bells are three in
number , and were cast at the foundry
of H. Stucksiodo & Co. , S' . Louis. On
each one appears the inscription , "Do-
uated to St. Peter's by Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Nounmyer. " They are named
Jacobus , FranelM-a and There-sin , and
weigli respectively 1,100 , 700 and
4oO pounds. 'Tbo co-it was
about -MOO. They are so arranged that
they can bo played as chimes or rang
as individual bells. Bishop Cos-grove
of Davenport , is expected hero about
the Kith , and the ceremony of baptising
the bells will lake place on Sunday , tile
20th. They will then be ready to bo
raised to the belfry of the church.
Mrs. Judd , of Omaha , will sing in the
Congregational church this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Judd are building a homo
on Fourth utroct and will soon be ijor-
maneiit residents of Ibis city. She is a
sweet singer , and will prove an addi
tion to the musical and social circles ,
Harkncts Bros , sell carpets.
Wadsworth , Ktnyrc & Co. , 2:50 : Main
street , make reliable abstracts of prop
erty in Potlnwattamio county.
You Want Them !
Domestic patterns and patterns for
stamping and embroidery. Latest styles
and'llnost designs. "Domestic" Ollico.
105 Main si.
Every one making a cash purchase ol
2.5 ecu Is at T. D. King & Co'h. cigni
store gets a chance in Iho annual pri/e
drawing. Twenty elegant prizes.
Dissolution Notice.
The firm of Odoll , Bros. & Co. , consti
tuted ofE. H. Odcll , Iru Odoll and C. E ,
Friedman , conducting a real estalc and
loan business at No. 1011 Pearl street
Council BlulTs , Iowa , is this duv dissolved -
solved by mutual consent , Ira Odoll and
C. E. Friedman retiring. From this
date A. II. Comstock , of Omaha , is asso'
eialed with E. 1C. Odoll. under the lirir
name of Odell Bros. & Co. E. II. Odell
of the old firm , assumes all liabilities U
this date.
[ Signed , ] E. II. OnnM , ,
IltA ODKUj ,
Council Bluffs , la. , Oct. 1st , 1SS7.
Harkness Brothers will this week dis
play many desirable goods on their rem
nant counter.
Cupltl'H First anil Last.
A glance at the musty old records o
the county reveals the fact that lift.i
years ago to-duy Ibc first marriage Ii
cense over granted here was placed ot
the opening page of Cupid's .registry
The names of the parlies were John J
Smilh and Susairnu Downs. Ho wa
aged forty-six years , and she nineteen
The lasl marriage license issued yesler
day afternoon , completing the fift ;
years record , was that to Lawrence II
Hanson and Kate W. Nichols , his agi
being twenty-live years and hers thirty
During these fifty year there lmv <
been 4,001 ! licenses issued. There is t
ehunco _ for a wonderful play of the im
agination in and about tncso dry figure
of half a century. The human cxpori
caces , the sorro'ws and joys , the sue
cesses and failures , who knows'Ye
eupid goes right along , apparently jus
as voung and frolicsome as though hi
did not have to stare the fact in the fac <
that tbo records of the county prove
him lo be at least fifty years old now.
Klcction Itcts.
Bets were freely placed at the Man
haUan last evening : That Coope
would have 1,000 majority , and that Tip
Ion , the real estate broker , has tin
'argcst list of bargains to select from.
E. IT. Slieafo loans money on eliatte
security of every description. Privat <
consulting rooms. All business strictl ;
confidential. Oinco , 500 Broad way , coiner
nor Main street , up stairs.
One thousand head ot ono , two nm
three-year-old steers for sale. Willgiv
credit to reliable parties. Enquire o
A. J. Grcenamayer , Gi3 ! Myn&ter st ,
telephone 1J > 1.
Raisins London layers , eightcei
cents per pound at Troxell Bros.
Forty-five cents for a full si'/o bei
comfort , at The Fair , 18 Main strcel
The PnviiiK Trouble.
The paving work is going on alon
Fourth street at u lively rate. A littl
hitch was occasioned , Friday afternoor
by two men who had been dischargee
The pavers work for an hour and the
have a few minutes rest , which the
have been utilizing to get a drink. Th
contractors objected to this and it WH
for continuing in it that these two lot
their places. For revenge they calle
an inspector's attention to a pile c
split blocks which they said were bein
laid , although unlit for use. The ii
sjioctor summoned the city council t
tlie scene , claiming to bo unable to prc
vent the use of poor blocks , as they wor
all of inferior material. The contract
ors authorized the discharge of any ma
who was slighting his work , and pi
two men to work culling the blocks i
front of the pavers. The matter wi
amicably adjusted and the good wor !
still goes on.
Look out for BIGB GAINS in Cal
fornia fruits next Saturday at Troxe
Bro's. _
Pants ! I'untb ! !
Just received , a largo new stock <
pants goods , on which special bargaii
are now ottered , at present reduce
prices. Pants miulo to order can bo ha
as cheap as ready made.
1 loiter , the Tailor ,
No. : > 10 Broadway.
J. "W. and 1 ] . L. Squire lend money.
"Let Her "GO Gallagher , " "Littl
Boss , " Best live cent eigar in the eit ;
Troxell Bros. , agents.
SfrriiKlti in Union.
A meeting was Jield at Odoll Bros
real estate ollico Friday evening fortl
purpose of organizing the Count
BlutTs and Omaha Implement absoci
lion. About twenty houses were vopr
stinted. The object of Mio organizath
is to further the interests of its mer
hers and to systematize the business
the sections naturally tributary to thei
cities. A committee wan appointed
draft rules and resolutions , and rejM )
at the nest meetings which will bo he
in Omaha November 1- .
Self rising buckwheat , fourteen con
a pai kage > two for twenty-live cent
Troxell Bros.
The Anai-elilstM.
the governoi coiiiiiHitos their
sentence the iinarcliistwill licexet'und (
on Friday next. J. G.iTjiloit. the real
estate broker , says tViixr until tbi'ir
eases arc formallj fiihirritfpd to hiitu ho
ho shall decline to i > xpro i an opinion
upon the subject , for feiy ( nut the news
papers might interpret his language ;
but that meanwhile ho will continue to
work oil his snaps in i-onl eMnto to such
as are wise enough to take Advantage of
the. opportunity to secure u homo while
properly is cheap. *
Two dollars and fifty events for an nil
wool red blanket , at The Fair , IS Main
street. '
At the Fair.
Commencing Monday , we will offer
tlio greatest bargain * * in all depart
ments : Dress goods , silks , llannels , lin
ens , domoities , shawls , cloaks , hosiery ,
gloves , corsets.
Ingrain carpets , 2'2 , 2-1 , HO and Me per
yard ; Breslau carpets , ! ! < " > and 4oc per
yard ; red flannels , 15. IS. 20 and JtOe'per
yard ; muslins , 'ij , 4 } , fil to 7c for the
best. We guarunteo all our goods now ;
not shopworn , like some goods that have
been on the shelf twenty-llvo years.
J * K\V bTOltKl NiW HOOt > bl !
The Fair.
J. Gouwnuu , 18 Main st.
Boston Globe : The aiicst of the
young man in female atliro at Chelsea
on Friday afternoon proves to bo one of
the most remarkable cas s of female im
personations ever brought to light in
this country , and the disclusuro has
been one of the greatest surprises to Iho
supposed "female's friends. When ar-
ro&lod the supposed young woman gave
the name of "Kitty Russell , " but her
indcntity was suspected , and the ser
vices of a physician being called in by
Chief Sibly the matter was quickly de
cided , "Kitty" proving to be a man.
Saturday morning Chief Sibloy had
the voung'man photographed and afte 1-
wurds rigged him out in a boy's suit.
Ho was then taken to a barber's shop ,
where some nine inches of hair was cut
from his head.
Chief Sibloy returned with his charge
to Iho station and , afler giving iho
young man some sound advice , allowed
him lo depart in company with his
footer-mother , a Mrs. Peter Cotlrell , of
488 Commercial slreel , Boston.
Considerable difficulty was experi
enced filling Hie young man out in
clothing , as ho measures but eighteen
inches around the waist and wears a
No. 4 lady's boot. The change in his
.ittire was by no means an improvement
n his personal appearance.
A Globe reporter called at 4SS Com
mercial street last night , and found
Peter Cottrcll and his wife comfortably
quartered on the third floor. Upon in-
juiring for the young man , bo was told
that "Kitty" was out , but would shortly
I'elurn. Mrs. Cottrell became very
communicative , and both she and her
husband said they were perfectly tliun-
ilerslruek by Ihe revelations made the
previous day by the police of Chelsea.
They had alwaps looked upon the
young man as their daughter , and what
could have led "Kitty"'to keep Iho se
cret all these years from them wassome-
thing beyond their comprehension.
Mrs. Cottrell in her conversation al
ways spoke of the young man as-
-'Kitty - , ' and as being of tlio feminine
gender , and told a remarkable slory.
She said :
"Some sixteen years ago we lived oul
at Washington village , and for neigh
bors had a man named Morris , whc
married a woman with one child , al
ways supposed to bo a girl by the neigh
bors. Tbo couple did not live happily
together , and tno stepfather's illusage
of the child was the cause of many c
quarrel between tbo pair. In the ab
sence of the mother ono day he was un
mercifully beating the child when ]
topped in and took it to my tcnamonl
iiinl have been a mother to iteverbinco ,
This child was "Kitty , " and at thai
time was but eight years of ago ,
My husband taking a fancy tc
tbo child , wo brought it up ,
sent it to tbo public school
in Washington Village , and until told
by Chief Sibloy yesterday , had no more
idea that 'KiUy' Was a man than a babe
unborn. She has always made this hei
home. When she grew up I sent hot
out to work , and when she left her sit
uations she invariablr returtfen to us.
Tqo above was fully substantiated bj
her husband , who , if it were possible ,
was more astonished than his good wife
at the way sn which they had been de
ceived. Ho said , "Kitty did not like
the now rig , as she felt like a duck oul
of water. "
The rcporrer waited for some little
time for "Miss Kitty" to put in an ap
pearance , and being assured that sh (
would soon arrive ho took a stroll witl
Mr. Cotlroll around too block , ant
while standing on the sidewalk the
"fair maid" again in female attire
walked past and into the house.
The Globe man followed , and "Kitty5
after taking otT her bonnet , told the fol
lowing story : "I was brought up by Mi
ami Mrs. Coltrell. They have beoi
father and mother to mo in every ro
snect. When I grew up I secured tlu
place of maid-of-all-work in a family ro
biding in Boston , and have filled thn.
position in various places ever since
with the exception of twelve months
My last place was in Springfield street
with a Mrs. Merrill , living there otT amen
on for tbo past three years. Onnooccu
sion hav I been suspected of being a man
About five years ago I was marrie (
to a man named Frank King , who ii
now employed as a driver on tbo Soutl
Boston horse railroad. Wo were mar
ried in Tremont temple line went to llvi
atMattapan. Wo had lived togothei
about twelve months when ho com
menccd to abuse mo , and I left him. Hi
has caused mo more or less trouble eve
since. "
On being asked what ho intended t
do ho said ho should leave the state si
soon as be could secure the funds. I
seemed very little use to try and persuade
suado him to discard tbo female attlr
andjulopt that of his own sex.
" " " '
TfT'ANTr.D-im II. H. teams to vlork on llroni
vuy between Council ( Huffs unil Uiiuilu
es , J-i ij per duy. Own lira's. , contrm
tors. '
HK.NT An ciRlit room house < outran
FOH . Vuimiit ! ot W ) T. Cole , Ml 1'eui
btreet. i
BALK A ht'cowl hand Kimlm f-qiuii
FOH . nciirly now ; cot ICiO , soil for fcW
AddH'os Q 231'Hee ollicu , Council lluiin. )
SAUJ-Orwill triule for fctock of urocv
IilOH 1 , cliolru inipnu'ed Iowa mini. Will in
or take cafcli for dinvrencu : value uhout JJ.UJ .
Addrt-bs F. 1' . Spencer , Uauuolph , Io\wi.
T\TANTK1 > A man and wlfi1. without eld
i > dien , to occupy portion of IIOU-H nnd boar
ucntlemiin mid Ids wife. Addiesu A a , Dei
Council UlutlH.
1JVH ) KENT and fund-lied rooms. .
-I ? It. DavldHon. iia Fifth avenue.
rpo KXCHANfiK PorCouncil IlluirsorOmnti
J- property , n retull stock of boots and fclioe
amount. , ( . ( "nil tit store. No. w llroadwn'
or uddre U. Martin , Council lllutln. lomt.
rH BAU-Second-lumd : Columbia Ucycl
M-ry cheap , M-lnch , ut Ht' olHce.
hundred thousand dollar * to loan o
ONR e tute nnd thaltelh l > y F. J. JMy , I
IVarl HI. _ _ _
loin ami ncro property for sale I
BUIUUNU , : KI Pearl tit.
IlioUMlKNT A ! meTy fiirm heil front niui
nrst lloor , lu private residence near > ui
house. Water 1n room , Hunted and
l.ui He. cln et. Inferences required.
t' . lk oUlcv , Couucil DIuHd ,
Carpet Company
Exclusive Carpet House
"We cariy five times the stock carried "by any oilier house in
western Iowa , as a visit to onr store will abundantly prove.
Quality the best , prices the lowest , no shoddy goods , no short
measures , no botch jobs.
Purchasers Wishing the Above Must Look Else
401. 401. 101.
These Are Symbolic ! - $
What Do They Symbolize ?
There Are 401 Reasons for This.
The best goods in the various
departments of our stock the
market contain.
The most goods possible to
Quantity !
be given for the money.
The greatest amount of the
Cheapness ! best money. goods for the least
401 persons can testify that this is so.
401 Kinds of Dress Goods for
4O1 styles of beauty.
401 styles of Carpets for
401 kinds of homes.
401 styles of Underwear for
401 kinds of persons.
All this and 401 times as much you will find at
401 Broadway.
Harkness Brothers.
Real Estate
Vacant Lots , Lands , City Res
idences and Farms.
Acre 1'ropcrty in western pnitof thuclty. AH
Belling clienj ) .
Real Estate and Insurance Agent ,
lloom C , over Olllccr k I'uacy'a Dunk , Council
lllutls , Iowa.
Trotting - Stallions
, , .
WADE GARY , - CoRiicil Bluffs ,
MO Hroodwuy , Couucil niuffi , lown. Kstabllahed
1(1 (
Silks , Velvets
Just Opened at
Henry Eiscraan
& Co.'s
1,000 pieces PLAIN. STfllPKD
VETS AND l'LLTSMKS , which co
tins season to imixu'l , nrjcos runcinir
from $1.25 , to ft ! per yard. Will l.o .
olleral ( luring this week at the silk
counter of the great People's Store
ut SOt , Cue , 75e , * 1 , $1.2 , " ) , S 1.50 , $1.75
nnd $2 per yard.
No lady wearing velvets can nil'crd
to let.tlu e goods pass. It' she hit
already bought , let her look at these
and compare her bill from high-
priced houses with ours , and see IHNV
much she is out to prolit by it here
At Our Kid Glove Counter
Find one solid clearing out purchase
of 1500 do/.en Ludich' 4-button Tan
French Kid Gloves , embroidered
backs. Cost to import $1 a pair. Wo
will sell them this week at uOc a pair ,
just one-half cost of importation.
Is loaded with fresh , new goods. Last
week's grand clearing out purchases
and all at about half the price other
houses ask for the same Kind of
Winter Combination
Dress Patterns.
We shall ofier MONDAY , 125
full dre-is pattern of best quality ,
plain French fabrics , with I lush mid
Velvet Cunbination , costing to im
port from * I5 to JM2. We shall eloso
them at fti.SO , $7.50 , $10 , 4JL' . . > 0 ; 915
and $20 eaeh.
The goods cannot be duplicated in
costumes , as elegant and tasteful at
nearly double ti c e prices. The
goods were re-eived in our IIOUM > from
the importer Friday last , and have
not yet been shown. We advise an
early call , as at these prices the as
sortment must soon be broken. " * " " ' ' *
Also call attention to our sale of :
35-Cent Dress Goods.
To-morrow and hiiceeeding daynwu
shall oiler 200 PIECES JO TO 4(1- (
superior weight , texture and colors ,
that are worth double the price asked.
250 pieces Tricots and Scotch
Purchases in Cloaks
Our buyers have returned from
their second purchasing tour this sea-
sonand , we will open the coming week
many novelties never before shown in
the city. Intending piireliimersyill
do well to look at the handsome line
of new shape.
Raglans and Ulsters.
We are showing .in stripes and
checks , all now patterns. They are
positively the richest garments ever
exhibited here al moderate prit'i'H.
We are continuing our great sale
jirice. We have just purchased a
largo line of Children's Cloaks at l ss
than half price , which wo will open
on Monday morning. Some of the styles produced this season , and
all si/.e.s , from 2 to 12 years.
The enormous business we are
doing well justifies us in assorting
that wo have the line and
lowest prices in the city. Von will
fcnvo money by calling in to see \\a \ \
before purchasing a garment.
Creat Blanket and Comforter Sale
During this week at one-half of
former prices.
will be alive with special bargains !
during this week's sale.
Al ways-call at ,
314,316,318,311(132 (
, , ,
Council Bluffs , - - la.