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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY * I3EE : SUNDAY , -NOVEMBER 6 , 1887. SIXTEEN PAGES. fte " - BENNISON BROTHERS Great November Sale Monday _ _ _ , November 7th , ' 87 , , We will show the people of Ornatia and surrounding1 counties , the greatest values in fine Dry * Goods , ever shown in Omaha. Look out for Dress Goods at 50 a yard. ELEGANT LACE. CURTAINS , GRAND CLOAK SALE. CLOAKS CLOAKS 42 INCHES LONG , $18 Worth $28 , This elegant Seal Plush Sacque , fine quilted , satin lining , Chamois skin pockets , seal ornaments ; at the very low price of $18 ; would bo cheap at $25. Mail Orders Filled. This Beautiful Plush Wrap , For One Week at $22.50. v "Wo invite particular attention to this garment. It has no equal at the price , $22 50. IJas fine quality quilted satin i jining , beautiful plush ball fringe all i i'puud. Ask to see it. it i _ _ * * - * * p-"B * * * i Mail Orders Filled , CLOAKS CLOAKS Sale Price , $13,90 , Superior quality Figured BInck Astra * clian , as cut , quilted sat in lining , trimmed all round with Astrachan Ball trimming , regular coat sleeve , would be cheap at 20 ; 'our price for one week , § 13.90. Mail Orders Filled at $13.90. $ . * 9V > nh.BHB ig * ' ' * * * M * * * * n/ ' ssKflriTaJTjvitK : : : : : : : ; : : : ( : : : : : t& : : : i ( iMMiV PW r n D * IH ' * * ' * * vt1"1 * * * ] Monday will sale 50 la- * ! r t * iB Si * , we place 011 - ' t PJ * * < * M ( tIHf | lt ll B MMil ) 1 V * l5 1f | i < f * * v 1111111 diea' Bl > owu Check Newmarkets , as cut ( R : : ; ; : : : . * : : : : : K K : % tripple cape , at § 8 ; worth $15. Mali Orders Filled for One " " Week ai S3 , i ftN * > * tie > M * * M * " * * * ? * * * * * UB * * M * M * * 1 * * * liK Kcmomfcrr , wo cnrr.v tlio finest line in Ibis city of Plush Wraps , Boavcr Trimmed , etc. , and will ffuimintce our price loss than any other lieu * e in the city. SPECIAL [ 'KICKS ON COMFORTERS AND BLANKETS : A good 10-4 Grey Blanket nt tfec , worth § 2. Nice Comforters at C9cS5cJ , , $1.25. Ask to son our comforters nt $2 ; JStt up to $13.50. 1OOOO YARDS On Sale Monday All Oootl Jclrablc Shades , All at 5c Per Yard. Conic curly and got good selection. 25 pieces-ID-inch All Wool Serges , real ly worth C5e , on wile Monday At 40c Per Yard. 75 pieces Dress Goods , consisting of Fancy Mixtures , Surges , Plain Cash meres , etc. , all at one price Monday , 25c Per Yard. These goods are really worth 35c to GOc. VELVETS. 100 pieces Fancy Striped Velvets , Mon day , your choice , SOc Per Yard. Worth $1.50 and $2.00. 75 pieces Fancy Stripe Velvets , your choice Monday , $1.00 Per Yard. These goodB did not cost to manufacture less than $1.50 to $1.75 per yard. 100 pair 7Hb Feather Pillows , $1.25 pair. 50 bales Cotton Batting , lOc roll ; others ask 15c. 1 case Comforter Prints , 10 yards for 2fie. 25 pieces extra heavy Red Twill Flannel , Monday only 22Ac yard. 1 case Jersey Stripe Flannels , 47ic yard. Ibaso extra heavy Contuary Prints , 5c per yard. 50 dozen Gents' ' All Wool Scarlet Shirts and Drawers , Monday , 40c each. Get them quick. 75 dozen Gents1 Scoth Grey Shirts and Drawers , knocks all competitors , 42c each. Job 50 dozen Chi Id i en's Scotch Grey Vests and Pants , all 25c each. 22 Children's White Merino Vests and Pants , all sixes , SOcuach. Monday we will place on sale 50 dozen Boys' Flannel Shirt Waists , just received , at 8Sc each. 100 dozen Ladies' 5 button scolledtop Kid Gloves , tans , browns and blacks , Monday 47c per pair ; worth § 1.00. 100 do ni Ladies' and Misses' Toboggan Caps , beautiful line of colors ; our price Monday 4Sc each ; worth $1. 85 dozen French Woven Cor sets.Monday only 75c ; worth $1.50. A GRAND Clearing Sale ! OP PINE LACE CURTIS ! All of our cheap -grades of curtains wore sold at our last sale. We have now divided our entire stock into IAVO lots , which AVO will place on sale MONDAY , Lot NalalSa95 Per Pair. curtains in Lot 1 are worth and have sold for 4.50 , $5.00. $5.50 and $0.00. Lot I at $4.90 $ , TJie greatest values evcrf shown. These curtains aw really worth $7.00 to $10.00 per pair , all at one price Mon day , only $4.00 per pair. Dur ing this sale we AvillgiveaAvay free with every pair of cur tains , brass trimmed curtain poles , brass curtain chains , come in early , as at prices quoted they Avill not last long ; the supply is limited , in some lots only one , two and three pairs of a kind. Please Remember that Bennison Bros , will give you more goods for $ l'the ? coming week , than any other house in Omaha. Cost ot goods will not be considered. We must reduce our very * large stock to make room for Holiday Goods. Jiricvc from death Tor the seven condemned incn not on the ground of nny injustice In the sentence but on behalf of a very largo portion of tlio community \vhicli obtains but scant opportunity to record its opinions , but Which , \vhilu steadily approving the doctrines nnd methods of the mmrohists , yet believes this verdict lw been rendered without sulll- clcnt oviiicnco in tlio interests of the present holders of wealth and power. " Ju.stuH Schwub'ri Appeal. NBW YOKK , Nov. 5. Justus Schwab lias 1'eceived a telegram from George A. Schil ling , of Chicago , requesting him to implore the ciindemneil anarchists of Chicago to peti tion ( jovernouOglesby fin-clemency. Schwab went a dispatch to tlio condemned men , say ing : Comrades : I and tens of thousands im- jiloro you to ask the governor for commuta tion of sentence , in behalf of your families , yourselves , and the cause you have so nobly espoused. Civo us a chance to demonstrate to the world your righteousness and inno cence. History and the future will certainly find a different verdict. If you will live , liberty will live. Tim following wns sent to Governor Ogle.sby to-day : The church of humanity adVises - Vises you to exercise' clemency toward tlio so railed anarchists under sentence of death. 3)o not desplso this advuo. . Much depends upon your action , Hi'uu McGiinciou , Pi nsldcnt. 421 East Fourteenth street. Now Yoi-le City. MOHMON CllUUCJI IMtorKUTV. Utah's Suproino Court Unanimously DoclilrH to Appoint u Ueceivor. LAKE , Nov. 5. Tlio Utah supreme couit to-night , by an unanimous vote , decided to'appoiut a receiver for the Mormon church property in excess of the. limit fixed by con- cress In 1SV3 ( , Judge Scano writing the decis- Jdn. A review is mudo of the territorial act incorporating the chiiivh , and the power of congress to annul it is Hlllruicd. The court concluded that it hUllieicntly appears that the corporation has in its possession real prop- rrty In value exceeding $ .r.OOM , the limit by net of congress of ISfi'J , and that a portion of it is not a building or grounds appurtenant thereto , held for the purpose of the worship of Owl , or p.irsouagos connected therewith , or burial ground , and that tlio title to a largo portion of the saino property was acquired subsequently to the time the act of 1SCC took effect. Tin1 ICn > ; llsh IVuco Commissioners. Piiit.-uim.niu , ' Nov. C. The members of the llritisli parliament who are visiting this country for the purpose of presenting ovcr- 1 rvH to congress with thn aim of establishing n'ift of peaceful arbitration Rcnt | to-d.iy in visiting points of Interest in the city. At til meeting in the evening Governor Beaver delivered an address of welcome tO ( the visitors. A resolution was adopted ii'sklnir the president of the United States to incorporate in his next message to congress a suggestion embodying the sentiment of the commission nnd providing for the appoint- lunnt of a committee of Jive , of which Gov- rrnor Heaver shall bo chairman , to present the matter to President Clcvojlund. A Talk \Vllli Solicitor Jonks. I'lTTSiiuiio , Nov. 5. Hon. George A.Junks , polieltor ( of the United States , rlvod in the city to-day from Washington , S iUiiiff of the reported changes in the p sldent's cabinet , Jui'.iroJcnks said : "Tin jtsklent has not by slightest word us yet , 0 ootlyor indirectly expressed hlJiisolf tc t sbody regarding changes in the c.ihinat 1 * course tlio tilling of the vacancy on the .ux'ino court bench i * expected to result in ih T changes. Jt Is pretty generally con eiMed that Kumar will K on the bench , bul t V other chances arc us yet unknown. . ' 8tn oral Strike * * Killed. PtYratsoNAiu.e , La. , Nov. fl. An en viinter to place to-d.iy between n shorirt'i f&'se , cotninnndcd by iten. IXinlrl Caffi-y end the Attakapas i-anpers , commanded bj ( Jt > plain Code , on onoeldo , and u crowd o : iie ro strikers. Several of the striken , won apprehended and others were ordered to ills purse , but Instead of ; obeiying they showed : tUM > ostlon ! to resist. An engagement enstiei jn vhleh several of the negroes were Killed , is now ijuict. HADE A BIG IMPROVEMENT , Judge Applogot Nominated in the First Judicial District. PLATTSMOUTH'S PACKING HOUSE Porkers Slaughtered at the Hates of 25O Per Day Uridgc Incendi aries at Fremont- Prairie Fire Huinphrcy'R Successor. BRATHICE , Neb. , Nov. 5. [ Special Telo- fjram to the HUE. ] The central committee of the First Judicial district met hero this evening and placed the name of Thomas Applepct on the republican ticket in plaeo of G. M. Humphrey , who withdrew last night. Mr. Appleget has accepted the nomination. Plattsinotitli Packing Interests. PLATTSMOL-TII , Nob. , Nov. B. [ Special to the BEE. ] The slaughtering of hogs at the packing house of Dufour & Co. began to-day. Hoof killing will begin later. Since last sea son Mr. Dufour has formed a partnership with Mr. Perry Llbby , sou of a well known Chicago packer. In keeping with the in creased capital and more extensive plans of the new firm , the packing house has been en larged to n capacity for S30 hogs per day. The beef packing branch of the establish ment is comparatively small , but it is tlio in tention of the proprietors to extend it as the trade demands. The eiti/ens of Plattsmouth and the hog and cattle raisers of Cass county and the surrounding country recognize the value of this enterprise , nnd it will not belong long before the business interests of Messrs. Uufour & Co. will require extensive im provements to nccoinmodato the cattle men who will bring their stock to this market. Krld o Burners. Fnr.MOXT , Neb. , Nov. 5. [ Special to the Hr.u. ] An attempt was made last night to burn the bridge over the Plutto river at this place. Tlio lire was discovered by a fariner who was crossing the structure. Ho gathered help at the brick yards , beyond tlio river , and returned and put it out. The bridge is made entirely of wood , and if the llru had not been discovered when it was the structure would have been destroyed. Some unknown miscreants seem to havo.n purpose in the do- struetion of the bridge , as it was recently damaged by tlio removal of braces. Thu bridge is over luilf a inilo in length. \VIII Ho LiNCOt.v , Neb. , Nov. [ i. [ Special to the HUE. ] The charges , nnd serious ones , pre ferred by the Beatrice Express against the construction work of thu new homo for the fecblo minded building at that place wa.s the only ripple of comment at the state house to day , and at noon Governor Tliayer accom panied Private Secretary Hill to Dcatricu where ho will for himself inspect the work nnd see if the state Is liable to pay for poor work and an insecure building. liiUTUiCK , Neb. , Nov. 5. [ Special Tele gram to the UKR. ] Governor Thajcr was hero to-day to investigate tlio charges made by the Daily Express that the new wing ol the institute for the fecblo minded was not bolug built according to contract. The result of his Investigations was not mudo public. TAIMACE , Neb. , Nov. f > . [ Special to the HIM : . ] A socoml destructive prairie tire , driven by high - outb wlcil , han been raging on the bottom land southeast of this place since shortly after aoon. It was started by tire from thu south-bound freight , train on the Missouri 1'aclile railroad. A number ol binds of hay tire destroyed and socio othci duuui 0 h dono. WatorworkR For Holdrc e. lIOniiFGF , Neb. , Nor. 5- [ Special Tele gram to Iho Hen. ] The , city council made : I contract , to night with Engineer A. A. Kich ardson , ot Lincoln , to prepare plans for n jCiOjOOO franchise for waterworks. Hands For n Court House. IlAiiuisoy , Neb. , Nov. 5. [ Special Tele gram to the Bnn. ] Bonds for a $10,000 court house carried 10 to 1 here to-day and the town is Jubilant. _ A IIOGUS QUA11ANT1XI3. Startling Revelations lie-curding the Management ol'HofTmnn'H Inland. NEW YOUK , Nov. 5. The Commercial Ad vertiser publishes a story told by a boatman to the effect that on , Sunday night last he rowed to Hoffman's Island , whose the cholera suspects are quarantined ; that nobody inter fered with him : that ho traflicked with the people on the island and carried ashore and mailed light letters from them ; that ono of them offered him $30 to row him ashore , tell ing him at the snmo time that a number of cholera suspects had escaped , ono of them last week. The boatman sow nothing to prevent him from rowing away with a dozen of the Italians if he had wanted to. Mayor Hewitt on tlio Cholera. Ni\v : VOUK , Nov. C. Mayor Hewitt has written Health Officer Smith , calling his at tention to the various criticisms ujxm the management of the quarantine , and saying if lack of funds stands In the way of proper work , ho [ the mayor ] will undertake to raise a suflleicnt amount by subscription. The mayor has also written the president , calling his attention to the immigration from tlio in fected parts of Italy , and respectfully sug gesting that if nothing else can bo done , n , friendly notice to the Italian government might result in stricter regulations at ports of cmlmrkinont which would materially lessen the danger. Ill-Treatment ol'Cholcrn Victims. Niw YOUK , Nov. 5 , Signer ItiuTe , Italian consul general , has written to President Bnylcs , of the health board , asking him to release the Italian emigrants now at quaran tine from neglect of attendance. He declares that the passengers of the Alesia nnd Britan nia have not sufllcient to wit nor enough bed clothing to keep them warm Jut night. The communication was referred to the quaran tine commissioners. The Yellow .Tuck. .T\CKSOXVIM.I : , Fla. , Nov. 5. Only ono new caso-of yellow fever at Tampa , Fla. , yester day and three deaths. It is predicted that epidemic will be over hero within ten days. Iiioondlary Fires at IMiluiquc. DunuquE , la. , Nov. 5. [ Special Telegram to the Bin : . ] The property owners of this city are greatly alarmed over the incendiary 11 res that have occurred hero. Oa "Wednes day a lire started In the yards of the Stand ard Lumber company , but was extinguished before much damage was done. The night following another flro was started in the same yard , resulting in a few hundred del Inr ? loss. Last night about midnight another ilro was sent in the shingle fined of the yard of Kniipp , Stout & Co. This was soon n mass of ilames and the entire contents * 0.- ( KX ) shingles were burned , together with 200,000 feet of lumber. Just before the flro was discovered three men wcro seen by the watchman running through the yard. They were pursued , but made good their es cape Tlio loss to the company will bo $15- 000 , all covered by Insurance. Thcso tires are evidently the work of a band of mis creants , the object of which Is unknown , They are supposed to ho anarchists bent on simply destroyiut ; property. Kxtra police and watchmen have been appointed , and if the scoundrels are caught they will bo hung up at once , AlntOMtVlprd Out. DM MOIXKS , la. , Nov. 5. Fire this mornIng - Ing nearly destroyed the business portion of the little town of Brooks , a few miles west of Corning. Adams county. The Marsh hotel , the residence of W. II. Tucker , the Tucker Uros. , lumber yards , and general store wcro completely destroyed. Loss fiO.OOO. . * Internal llovcnuo Collections. Yesterday's internal revenue collections amounted to ftOS.Sa. . PRINTING OFFICE PARTISANS , liiablo to Bo Called Before the Civil Service Commission. LAMAR'S SUCCESSOR NAMED. As Ho Is n Northern Man , the South ern liourlioiiH Arc Displeased S. S. COY on New York Poli- tlcs Washington. The Campaign Assessments. WAMiiNdTox , Nov. fl. [ Special Telegram to the Ben. ] Various statements of facts are being made to-night by employes of the government printing ofllcc concerning the as sessments that have been made upon them to carry on the democratic campaign in New York. They say that not only hnvo assess ments voluntarily been received but Unit the public printer has assigned the various fore men to make assessments and that they have boon publicly squoc/eil out. It is not unlikely that tlio attention of the civil service com missioners will be railed to thcso violations of law , and the public printer and his assist ants arraigned. Ijnmnr'a Successor Nnmod. WASHINGTON" , Nov. f > . [ Special Telegram to the BEC. ] It is true that the president has tendered the postmaster-generalship to Don M. Dickinson , of Michigan , with the in tention of placing Vilas in the interior de- partmcTit when Lamnr goes on the bench of the supreme court , and there in a howl thereat from southern democrats. Dickinson has not concluded to accept , us ho fears ho will bo out a year from next Murch if ho goes in now. Tlio south wants to retain its pres ent status in the cabinet nnd demands that another southern man bo chosen , Snnsot Cov Talks. WASHINGTON' , Nov. ! > . [ Social Telegram to the BKK. ] Sunset Cox , lute successor to General Lew Wallace Constantinople , snjs if the Democratic ticket Is defeated in Now York next week , both Cleveland and Hill are shelved for the presidential nomina tion. Cox says lies would not hnvo the chair manship of the house committee on ways and means. Ho wants Perry Belmont's place ut the head of the committee on foreign affairs. , f'Sj rt W HnstcncdUli * Dentil. WASHINGTON , Nov'f5-jSpeclal [ Telegram to the BEP. . " ! For Joni * time Henry W. Bralnard , nephew of tthi&T Justice Waitehas been lying very 111 at the chief justice's resi dence on Uhodo Island nveauo. His condi tion was precarious night before last , when the "internal machine1' was sent to the chief Justice by Young Hopkins and the Hurry it caused nnd the army of uwspapcr men it at tracted to the house kept I the family astir nearly all night. There was a constant nolso about the place nnd tho'patlent ' was much worse. This morning Bralnaid died. The family is of n decided opinion that the in fernal machine hoax hastened the death. The Postal WASHINGTON , Nov. 5. [ Special Telegram to the BKB. ] Ex-Senator McDonald of In diana , is here and infldc'an ' effort to escajie an Interview with a Crilio rcjxjrter this after noon , but in excusing himself gave utterance to a few words on the subject of postal tcl- egruph. Ho said : "I'm against it. I don't believe hi the government taking hold of nny private enterprises. Wo must not give the the government too much ] > ower. " "Itm'ttho relation of the telegraph to the government on the same footing as the mailsl" ho was asked. Ho replIed"No , the malU are Indispensable to thti government , therefore it becomes necessary for the government to control ihem. The government can usy the existing telegraph for all Us purx | > seR and u line of it-s own is. not ImllspcliMblo to carry out its or ders. No , I'm opposed to n postal telegraph. " "Do you think the subject will come up for discussion in the house this winter ! " "I can't tell , hut 1 presume it will. " the ex- senator said is ho hustled away. Uncle .Toe , it must bo remembered , is attorney for some of Gould's Interests. Postotllcu Statistics. WASHINGTON , Nov. 5. According to the report of Daniel McConvillo , auditor for the postoftlco department , the aggregate receipts wcro 43,837,000 , the chief sources of which were stamps , stamped envelopes , wrappers and postal cards , $ -lift70,0K ! : ] ; box rents and branch ofllces , 2,153,499 ; revenue from money order business , ) ; aggregate expendi ture , STi S'Jl.GTT ; excess of expenditures over all revenues , $3,541,003 ; excess of expendi tures over all revenues in lSSOf > , G7iliO ! ! ; same for year 1SS5 , f.756St4 ( ! ; total number of domestic money orders issued during the money orders issued , 015,405 , amountieg to # 9,0.15,530 ; number of foreign orders paid , 232,123 , amounting to M,01S,70a Nebraska nnd Iowa Pensions. WASHINGTON , Nov. 5. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] The following pensions were issued to-day for Nebraska : Benjamin J. Bnder , Sterling ; .lames SIpp , La PhUte. Original : William H. Smith , Ashland. In crease : Frank Thomson , Central City. lown Pensions , Mexican war : Jesse Clark , Bartlett ; Samuel Handall , Ottumwa. Original : John Hoblnson , Stratford ; Henry II. Bowcn , Little Hock : John C. Tucker , Mouch Chunk ; David Weaver , Columbus Junction ; Marcellus AV. Darling , Sioux City. Increase : James W. Caston , Hopovillo ; Charles N. Smith , Randolph ; Henry F. Sal mon,1 Mingo ; Mnthias Kafcr , Floiningvillo. Restoration unu increase : Jcicmlnh Sulli van , Prairie City. _ Postal Changes. WASHINGTON , Nov. C. [ Special Telegram to the BnE.l The post ofllco at Clover Valley , Lincoln county , was discontinued to day. The following Iowa postmasters wore appointed to-day : U. Lundheim , Buniside , Webster county , vice A. W. Walsovcr , ro- inoved ; John AV. Miller , Kenwood , Crawford county , vice William C. Saul , failed to qualify. _ Tin' ; Pacific Commission. WASHINGTON , Nov. ! " > . Messrs. Sattison , Anderson nnd Littler , the Pacific railroad commissioners , hud a conference with the president this afternoon in regards to the af fairs of subsidized railroads and their re ports thereon. _ Ttrglstored Itonds. WASHINGTON , Nov. ! > . Register Rosocrans , in his general report , shows the total amount of registered bonds outstanding to bo 5M,4M03 : , of which f312,415-150aro held by the treasurer in trust for national hanks , J070,07iai3 ( ( in bonds by domestic holders , and $11,001,800 , or 1-2.1 per cent of the entire amount are hold by foreigners. The register makes numerous recommendations. Made a United Htutos Depository. , WASHINGTON , Nov. fi. The secretary of the treasury to-day designated the Mer chants' National bank of Omaha , Nob. , as a depository of nubllo moneys. A New Fish Commissioner. WASHINGTON , Nov. n. Dr. J. H. KIdder has been appointed assistant United States commissioner of flsh nnd fisheries to till the vacancy caused by the resignation of Major F. B. Train Wreck In Cnllfornlfi. Nnr.D , Gal. , Nov. 5. A special wcst- iKmnd passenger train was wrecked this eve ning at Peach Springs. v Engineer Crowoll and u machinist were killed. The Jlremun was badly burned. No passengers wcro hurt. _ _ Our Trade With Cnnndti. OTTAWA , Out , Nov. 5 The trailo returns iKJtwccn Canada nnd the United States for tlio last fiscal year show a considerable fallIng - Ing off in imports , while the exports main tain the avci-uge of recent years. Till : CITY' JIAIjTj CONTKACT. ItVJ1I IJo I et November II Oiicss- ii\K the Ijiicky lUddcrs. Great interest is manifested in building cir cle. * , suid especially among the men most di rectly concerned , us to who will bo given the contract for building thc'iiow city hull. TITo board of public works will tnnko their decis ion on Friday , thellth lust. , and it is learned that the letting of the contract has been the subject of most careful consideration nnd a thorough investigation of the responsibility of the different bidders. The consideration of price ulotici will not determine the decis ion of tlio board as the question of a few thousand dollars on so extensive a contract is of no great moment , but the class of work , us demonstrated by previous contracts fulfilled , will be the reigning induenno. The bids now stand as follows : William Novlnn < 5Co.3lS- fiOO ; Edward J. Brcnnnn & Bros. , KJr.ri.1175 ; Rlco&Uassott t.201,4.7a.835 . and M.T. Mur phy $2 < M , .100. It is generally thought that Rice it Bassctt will bo given the contract. They comprise a Chicago firm that makes n specialty of pub- lie buildings and stand very high in Wash ington , They have probably done more gov ernment work than any other contractors in the country. The firm is well known in Omaha and a largo number of western towns. They hnvo orceted government buildings at Jefferson City , Mo. , St. Joseph , Mo. , Leavcnworth , ICan. , Wichita , Kan. , Fort Scott , Kan. , Springfield , Ohio , and in u hundred other cities. Three times have the bids been opened. The lowest bid nt that time was Kdward Brcnimn & Bros. , of about * 3M,000. This was accepted but the contractors withdraw their bid. Their second bid was fr-JJ'J.OOO , nnd their third and last about $250,000. The first bid of Rico and Bassctt was 370KX ( ) but as the price of Iron dropped their second bid was for 8201,473 , as was also their last. The contract will undoubtedly bo let to ono of these firms. A PiKht With HandltH. BHOTVNSVIM.H , Tex. , Nov. 5. The state rangers , in conjunction with a sheriff's posse and Mexican troops , inndo n concerted move last night against the bandits who wcro lo cated between Rio Oraudo City and ICdin- burg. The result of the attack is not yet known , but bloody work was probably done. Tlic Cotton Crop. NEW Oui.r vxs , Nov. B. Crop reports of the Cotton World published to-day says : The outcome of the season is disappointing In comparison with September expectations , and the crop is even smaller than that of last season Is reported la the returns. The total crop is estimated nt Cii3S,25S bales , Found ( 'nitty. Mit.wACKKi : , Nov. 5. John Jnmbor , of this city , was found guilty at Racine this after noon of the charge of having attempted the life of -Mayor M. M. Sccor on the night of Juno Hi , ISs. . , by placing a dynamite bomb in tlio carriage way til Sccor's residence. Thn prisoner wept bitterly when tlio verdict was aunuunccd. " { educed Its Capital Ktocslc. CINCINNATI , Nov. 5. The Cincinnati Na tional bank to-day resolved to reduce Its cap ital stock from ? : > 00,000 to 30,000. Tlie gov ernment examiner dlsco'crcd Unit the stock had been imp.iiivd 44 per cent and hoordcrcd that it be made good by an ussmsmuiil or ro- ductloa of stock. llailroad Unto llotv. ST. PAUL , The majority of Clilcngo roads reached an agreement to-day to make the rates from Minneapolis to Chicago I2 > cents after November 15. The Chicago , Ilurllngton it Noithwestem and Minnesota & Northwestern refused to enter thn iigreo- mcnt and withdrew from the meeting. Game Supper ut tlio Milliard. Captain F. S. Punnolco nnd his side , who wore defeated in the late hunt by Captain Brewer and his shooters , Invited the visitors nnd city ofticlals to a supper at the Mll'ard last night. The inciiu was composed strictly of frame , nnd was elegantly cooked and sened. The Jolly company lingered a late hour urour.d the festive board. Personal Paragraphs. .T. V. "Junta , of Osceola , In. . . is at tlio ln.xtoii1 , , A ; K- Rice , Stewart , Neb. , is nt tlio Millarjl. ? - \Vliipplo , Choyoniio , is nt Uio C. O. Robinson , Dubuqtic , la. , is In the city. P. Sparks , of Lincoln , Nob. , is at the Windsor. II. Sunders and wife are at tha Windsor. _ John W. rioiTinun , Lincoln. Nob. , is in the city. .T. S. Connelly , North Platte , Nob. , ia at tlio Windsor. Mr. Hormini Kountzo loavesthisovcu- iii- for Cliiuiif-o. C. D. .Tohiifroii , of MnrslwlUown , Ja. , is at the Millurd. .1. C. Nelson and wife , of Kansas City , are at the Windsor. Charles Rotors and wife , of Chicago , 111. , are vi.siling the city. Mrs. John Pit/gcruld and sibtor , ol Lincoln nro at the Patton. D. II. Twoll and wife , ot Lyndon , Wis , , are at the Windsor. Mrs. J. Fitzgerald nnd fiistor , of Lin coln , Nob. , arc at the I'axton. W. B. Pollolt nnd wife , Cincinnati , O. , are registered at the Millard. James Cunningham , of DOS Moinuf * , la. , arrived at the Millard last night. W. M. Davis , a prominent capitalist of St. Paul , was in the city yesterday. Harry Mmivillo , of the city clerk'soN fico , is confined to hiHroom by illness. Gcorgo W. Stephens and .Tamos U. Rcedor. , of Clioyunno , are at tlio Mil * lard. lard.Fred Fred Mi'Daniol nnd wife , of Council lUiilTH , Ja. , visited friends in the cily yesterday. Messrs , .r. M. Connor and J.V . Cald- or-ywd , of Clioyciiuo , Wyo. , are in the city and are registered ut the Windsor. Mrs. A. Pay and daughter , Miss Ll/.zio Pay , loft hiht evening for tout horn Cali fornia , where they intend upending tlio winter months. Mr. P. W. O'Brien , traveling i-opro- Fonlttlivo of tlio Now York Fruejiitin'ri Journal and Catholic Itogihtor , arrived in Oinaba yesterday nnd will remain hero several days in the interest of hi.f paper. Miss Lilllo Hathaway nnd Miss Anna Punic , of Lincoln , nrp tlio guests of Misn Lulu Bullonlino. Miss Ilntliuwny is tlio daughter of A. C. Hathaway , proprietor ol the Lincoln Journal. Iti'porlcd The gentlemen having In charge the ndvor Using of Omaha met nt the board of trada rooms yesterday afternoon , and the varioui committees reported progress. A letter ro- colved from S. O. Hrout , of Macon , Mo. , by Mr. Shelton was read. Mr. Hrcch predicts a great future for Omaha , nnd BUJ-H Uiero li moro building going on hern than la Chlcaro. St. Louis , Cincinnati or Minneapolis. Tlio committee on advertising and subiciii'ltta1 * will call the next meeting. A AVIicnt Deal Itellc. CINCINNATI , Nov. S. The American J"x- change National bank of Chicago this nftcr- noon brought suit in the United Ktntcs court against Uotxilvcr Armstrong of the ridelity National bank , for MXI.OOO. This Is u rnlio of the troubles during tha famous wheat deal. _ m Minn Tronl > li > n Compromised. ST. Louis , Nov. 5.-Tho trouble between thu conl miners of southern Illinois end the inlne opor.itora has bcx-n satisfactorily not * tied by u comprooilsa , the hitter nfjreulng tc pay the mliicrf a little over ono butt ot tU4 udvuii'jg demanded.