f-jgr - * TK 10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , NOVEMBER C , 1887.SIXTEEN PAGES. ' i il EYE AND EAR Department of the Omaha Medical and SDRGICALSTITDTE. There is no branch of medicine or Biirgery which requires n inure thor- otigii fiolontilic knowledge of tlio subject tluin diseases of the eye mid ear. The ordinary physician will admit that he knows little more of those diseases than the patient ; to the specialist , therefore : , both physician and patient turn for re lief and euro. The family physician can often prescribe some remedy to allay pain , but seldom attempts nioro. We fully appreciate our responsible pos- Itioifin'taldng charge of llieso Impor tant organs , and have supplied our- fcelvcs with every new instrument and medicine known to be of any value , and are from time to time lidding to our faculty men skilled and experienced in this branch of the profession , and do not hesitate to claim superiority over any oculist or aurlst in the we1 ? ! ; and the thousands wo have cured after others have failed , substantiate our claims. To those alllicted with eye and ear dis eases , wo Dimply say , call and consult us , got a scientific opinion , then visit whom you like , and iiyou are an intelli gent pornon you will return to us for treatment and euro. Wo have , at considerable expense of time and money , written papers upon all disea-sos of the eye and car , describ ing the eye and ear and their diseases , in plain language , with numerous illus trations , are written for the benefit of patients and physicians who write us in regard to cases ; by reading them care fully physician and patient will have a clear understanding and ran describe cases to us moro intelligently. DISEASES OF FEMALES. So prevalent have bccomo chronic dis eases of fomalo.H mid so many have ap plied to me in person and by letter , and HO rapidly haw my practice in this specialty increased ( owing , I am proud to say , mainly to my success in effecting euros , after others have failed ) , that I have been obliged to write a book upon these diseases in order to make known my views and methods of treatment. Moro especially to those who state their eases to mo by letter and arc treated by correspondence. The vast majority of cases can bo properly treated without a personal interview. Long experience in treating cases by letter enables us to treat persons scientifically without see ing them. Each disease has certain un mistakable signs or symptoms which , when told lo the scientific physician , point out to him the exact nature and location of the disease and enables him to choose the proper remedies to otTocta euro often without seeing the patient. Every case consulting me , whether by letter or in person , is given the most careful and considerate attention. Wo ask you for your own benefit , if you are in any way affected , to write to us for this book , and read carefully as far as concerns your disease and then give us a history of your ease in your own language. You can write at your leisure better than you can state to me if hero , or fill out n question blank. Or if you find it con venient to call , do : > o , and I will give you a personal examination and explain your disease to you by the aid of mani kins , models , anatomical preparations and charts so plainly that you will un derstand your condition thoroughly. I ean convince any intelligent person that wo have the best facilities and most complete medical and surgical institute in the country , east or west. In every case give ago , postofilco , county , state , express office , married or single , how long out of health , what has been done for you , as well as you know , and tthothor you can visit mo if it would bo necessary , in the course of treatment , and then describe symptoms in your own plain language , reading all the articles that have a bearing on your ease ; and as you read , write your state ment. Upon the receipt of the history of your case wo will thoroughly iinuly/.o your disease and give you a scientific candid opinion of the disease and treat ment required to olTcct a cure if it can bo done by science and skill. Book upon diseases of women with blank list of questions for patient to an swer free upon application. BATTERIES , INHALERS , BRACES , TRUSSES And all kinds of medical and surgical appliances manufactured. The physi cians and surgeons in charge of the 'dif ferent departments are men of largo ex perience , skilled in their specialties. SURGICAL OPERATIONS For the euro of hair lip , club feet. tumors , cancers , fistula , cataract , slra- bismua ( cross-eyes ) varicqcolo , inverted nails , wens and deformities of the hu man body , performed in the most scien tific manner. Wo treat chronio diseases of the lungs , heart , head , blood , skin , scalp stomach , liver , kidneys , bladder , nerves bono.s , etc. , as paralysis , epilepsy ( fits ) scrofula , dropsy , Hright's disease , tnjio worm , ulcers or fever sores , dyspopsit or gastritis , baldness , eczema , curviv turo of the spine , contracted limbs , anil all deformities of the body. HOW TO REACH THE INSTITUTE If you arrive by way of the Union PJV citio or , 11. & M. railroad take the stroo car to the corner of Furimm and Tliir tconth streets , and go two blocks north If by the way of the St. Paul railroad take the Thirteenth street car , whiel passes our door , or tuko carriage or omnibus to Thirteenth and lodg < street , northwest corner. SURGICAL APPLIANCES , INSTRU MENTS , ETC. , Any moro than it does to schools , rail roads , hotels , or any other legitimate business or enterprise , provided it is done in u sensible , truthful , professional manner. The publishing of testimoni als , oilers of largo sums of money for a cuso that cannot bo cured , accounts of miraculous euros , etc. , resorted to by pretenders , is disgusting , and brands them as impostors. DR. J. W. MCMENAMY , In ehargo of this department of the Omaha Medical Institute , has had twenty years experience in his own and other largo medical establishments. lie is acknowledged as the leading special ist of the west. The Commercial Rec ord , Omaha , July l,18bO , frays : "Dr. Me- Menamy , the proprietor of the Omaha Medical institute , is , beyond a doubt , one of the most skillful specialists in the western states , and is well titled by na ture , education and experience to till tlio resjxmsiblo position ho occupies as the head of the largest medical and surgi cal institute in the west. In tlio treatment of diseases of women and diseases of the urinary and sexual organs ( private dis eases ) ho probably has no superior in the United States. Wo personally know him to bo reliable and responsible. " He has exclusive charge of diseases of the wjxual organs and nervous system. All letters are rend and answered by the doctor personally' . Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute N. W , Corner .isth and Dodge Streets , Omaha , Nebraska. Tlie Omnhn Medical ami Surgical Institute Is a permanent medical Institution , conducted by thoroughly educated phy sicians and surgeons of acknowledged skill and experience * The Medical Institute H a largo three-story 1 > rick Inilldlni. , centrally located , being neatly opposite the leading hotel of the city ( the Mlllnrd ) , and contains our Medical , SurgUal and Consultation Itoonis , J.nuiir.itory , Dun ? Store , durgUnl , Hi ace and Instrument Manufactory. Thu boarding ilcpail- iiiout for patients mid Fifty Elegantly Furnished , Well Ventilated Rooms for the sick , supplied with all the modern coin enlenccx , con stituting the LAIWI.ST AMI MOST COUI'M'.TB.MKIHCAL A > , U SumilUALlNSTlTUTK If. TIIK Vr'lW. It If au acknowledged fnctthat while In every community are found phy.sicl.un skillful and experienced In the treat ment of fevers and oilier imito disease , the most Intelligent mid candlilof thvm , us neil as their patrons acknowledge a Bcajcity of doctors capable of treating Intricate chronic dh- eaS s or pel forming dllllcult surgical operations , and many physicians will admit Unit thousands nrr suffering from so- called Incurable. dheiiMH , solely fiom the want of sclentlllo treatment and medluil and surgical nklll. It Is also a fuct that many of tlio now ly-dlscovered iind most valuable reme dies aio totally unknown in many sections of the country. That while the public ale In po * < essloilof the latest linen- tlons In moclnmUs and agrlcull tire , and have discarded the old cumbersome muclilnriy of their ancestors , the most 1m- poitant of all sciences , Medlc-Ino , is In many localities iu the hands of men behind the ago lu w hlch w o 11e. . For the Treatment of all Chronic and Surgical Diseases and Diseases of the Eye and Ear. DR. Me MEN A MY , - - - Physician and Surgeon in Charge , Twenty Years Hospital and Private Practice. Assisted by a Number of Competent , Skillful and Experienced Physicians and Surgeons. Particular attention paid to Deformities , Diseases of Women , Diseases of the Urinary and Sexual Organs , Private Diseases , Diseases of the Nervous System Lung and Throat Diseases , Surgical Operations , Epilepsy or Fits , Piles , Cancer , Tumors , Etc. Address all Letters to DR. J. W. McMENAMY , or OMAHA MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE , Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb. OUR MODEOFTREATING DEFORM ITIES. Wo treat nil pliynlcnl deformities by means of our now und improved appli ance nnd iippimitus , perfected after many years of practical experience , en tirely ignoring the old lorturoiib mode of treatment and thereby dispensing with all pin aud dimmer to the patient. Upon all oases of deformities , burjjical appliances and apparatus will bo lilted und perfectly adjusted. The patient can then return home and prosecute the treatment to a uecebsful termination , under our directions. The surgical an- plianccs can be. worn by the most deli cate , without pain or inconvenience , and patients need not be confined to their rooms. HIP-JOINT DISEASE. Inflammation and disease of thin , the largest and most important joint of the body , is fraught with danger und the most BoriouB coiifccquenccs. It is the joint to which moro force is applied with moro varied and extensive move ments , with a closer contact and larger extent of friction surface when the parts are inflamed , and surrounded by more powerful , important and numerous mus cles than any other join of the body. The disease is more prevalent among children and youths , yet adults are not infrequently its victims. Its common causes are external injuries , blows , fulls or strains , yet occasionally arises with out any apparent cause , induced , prob ably , by a scrofulous or struinous dia thesis. Inflammation of the synovial membrane and articular cartilages of the hip joint , commencing in the ubiml bubacuto form , is so obscure in the early period of the disease that its true character is seldom ob served , and properly uiidcrbtood by the inexperienced surgeon. It would , how ever , require several pnges of this journal to give in detail the various symptoms attending the dilTerent binges of this disease. Wo can , therefore , only mention briefly the more promi nent symptoms. It fu-bt manifests its presence oy a feeling of uneasiness and fatigue of the affected limb after oxor- cibo , with moro or less pain in and around the knco joint , especially at night ; the cause of the pain being first experienced so remote from the real point of attack is that the hip joint is deeply Boated , and the parts thus far an'ccted sire destitute of the nerves of sensation. As the dis ease advances au apparent elongation of the limb is often , if not always , ob served , caused by the inflamed and thickened condition of the synovinl membrane lining the socket and head of the thigh bone. The disease in its inflammatory state , insidiously pro gresses until the entire structure of the joint is involved , the deep-seated nerves f of sensation are encroached upon and the pain shifts to tlio hip joint , becom ing severe , nnd at times intense ; a dis tinct limp is now observed , the slightest motion or weight berne upon the limb increases buttering , and the joint be comes tender to pressure and often swollen. In its fearful ravages destruct ive itlcoratioii invades the synovinl membranes , cartilages and ligaments , in and around the joint ; mat lor forms , and in many eases seeks ogress through the abscesses or openings formed on the exterior , while in other cases the mailer is absorbed and no abscesses make llioir appearance. Caries or disease of the bone now supervenes , pausing softening and gradual decomposition and wasting away of the head of the thigh bone , which , in many cases , becomes shorter , and sometimes almost obliterated , the powerful muscles of the hip are wasted away , bccomo atrophied and rigidly contracted , drawing the limb up and hip out of position , presenting au ap parent dislocation , and the fearful de struction is complete , and the | x > or , un- forlunalo victims , if they have survived the shock to their systems from the long-continued sufferings , are loft at death's door , pale , haggard , and emaci ated , with the leg drawn up , hh > forced back and upward , muscles and flesh ol limb wasted a\\ayloaving it a deformed , uselois and cumbersome appendage. Nor is the piuturo overdrawn , as tliou- oands throughout our laud annually fall victims to this terrible disease and are left in this sad condition , and none but they can ever know Ihe intense agonj of the pain and sulToring Ihoy endure. WE CAN FURNISH ANY REMEDY , Appliance , instrument or apparatus known , at a fair reasonable price , lllcc- triu batteries for homo UKO nt lowest pri ced. Our remedies are prepared in oui own laboratory , and are the best and purest. Our prices are as low as can by made and do our patients justice. C'l/ifJ / tiaitally Idler nctivethe kuwecaie und consideration as ( Aowtut ( / vtVit w. CAUTION. Designing persons , taking advantage of our reputation , arc con stantly starting bogus Medical Establishments to deceive strangers visiting the city. These pretenders usually disappear in a few weeks. Beware of them , or their runners or agents. Tlio Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute is the only established Medical Institute in Omaha. Ur. McMenamy , Prop. When you make up your mind to visit us , make a memorandum of our exact address and thus save trouble , delay or mistake. RUPTURE. To Chose who are suffering from tie Tarioua forms of Hernia ( Hupturoj , we would pay that our long experience in the treatment of this disability , which fills so many Hres with Buffering and misery , enables us to afford you the greatest meuur * of relief posiible. PABALISIS. What more pitiable eight eau be witnecscd ban the poor paralytio child helpless , leformed , deprived of locomotion and self- support , of the pleasures and enjoyments of ifef Erery impulse or desire for usefulness o himself or society ia aa abortion ; hopes ( lighted ; the future but a long weary life n deformed humanity to b eaHe4 and mown to others and himself , at a cripple a maimed and useless creature ; and when he contrasts hi lamentable faU with OIOM ilessed with sound limbs and body , enjoying ifo'g pleasures and usefulness , the society of 'riends , the business and social circles free o move , think and act how his Tery soul must recoil , and how sad bis heart must be , as he feels 'twere better had ho neier been } orn. CAUSES. Exhausted vitality of parent * , transmitting i predisposition to the offspring , Tisiting the uiquities upon their children ; the use of stimulants , such as tobacco , alcohol , tea and coffee ; excessive physical or mental exertion and prostration ; syphilis and scrofula ; ner vous irritability , etc. Acute diseases incident Lo childhood , induce , or art the exciting causes of this trouble , such as spinal or cerebral meningitis , scarlet fever , measles , whooping cough , worms , colds , etc. Falls , blows , sprains , injuries from careless nursing of infanta and children , often result in paral ysis , though months may elapse before its ippoarance. Some retire at night well as usual ; the morning finds them helpless. With some , a slight 'ever precedes the malady. It may fallow teething , spasms , attacks of severe Illness , etc. Sometimes a slight difference ia noticed in the usefulness or control of the hand or foot. This difference increases from week to week , or month to month , until paralysis is complete. With adults the causes are wore apparent , as falls , injuries , private diseases , fevers , exposure , overwork mental or physical , etc. , etc. Paralysis may be general or partial , affectIng - Ing the whole or only a part of the system. When partial paralysis affects one aide f the body o ! y < " ' * called " Htmiplegia. " And when It affiyts only the lower part , or legs , ills called "Paraplegia. " Whoa only one limb , hand , foot , one sldo of the face , etc. , it U then calUd Local 1'aralysii. UEMIPLBGIA. This is the most common form of paralysis met with. It , in the majority of cases , affects the left side of the body. In a few cases the left arm and right leg may be affected , or via vena. The mind , in this kind of paralysis often suffers , and the speech may be impaired , but in young subjects the mental functions and speech , if injured usually recover. This , however , unfortu nately.Is not so often true of adults , especially If put the meridian of life. Hemiplegia is generally the result of sera _ leilon ef the brain by the rupture of a blood vessel , by softening of tlie brain , disease er obstruction of the cerebral artery , by tumor , syphilitic germinations , or growths , by abscess , injuries of the skull and brain , tc. , elo. PARAPLEGIA , Or paralysis of the lowtrhalf of the body from disease , injury or compression of the spinal cord or Its membranes , or reflex irri- UUon , U thj | fena of pajtaljnUi tlUi u h the patient may be unable to move the limb , yet involuntary motion , with jerking and trembling , is quite'oommon ' and even annoy ing caused by continued congestion of the " cord. " \ In very old persons , complete recovery scarcely ever occurs , and the chances usually increase inversely with the age of the patient. With children thooecurrence usually dates back to eruptive 1 fevers , teething , spinal meningitis , falls r accidents ; others to colds , while in very many cases no assignable cause ii apparent. CURABILITY OF PARALYSIS. This affection has , fron its earliest history , been deemed incurable. And while the pro fession denounced many of the vagaries and follus of the fathers of medicine , they have clung with a pertinacity unprecedented to their absurd practice * in the treatment of paralysis. The treatment adopted hundreds of yfars ago is still in _ vogue , and is handed down through our medical colleges and books M a sacred relic. Hence the use of the red- hot iron along the spine , the moxa , the blister , lotions , liniments , strychnine and chance , are the agents relied upon by most Physicians for the relief of paralysis all of which do but little except to render the sufferir more miserable. KEMABKS ON TREATMENT. Every intelligent mind at "once eompre- bends the superiority and adaptation of our treatment , and that it ia philosophical ind reliable. Ia most cases the immediate causes which bare operated to product the paralysis have subsided , and we have only to deal with the veiulti. Now , if a muscle has be n paralyzed , it of course ceasea to contract , and several yery tnportant changea Uke place aa a ooase- uence : First , the muscle * are in a great measure eprived of their doe supply * f blood , from which they derive ( heir nutrition , and hence bey wither away , aa a starved child would ecome emaciated and feeble. Secondly , the little membranes investinf he muscles haying ceased to glide over each ithir , become agglutinated or stuck together. Thirdly , the blood vessel * themselves dl- minlah in aite and often some ef them be- COB * almost impervious. Fourthly , the oarbonaceoua matters are not well eliminated , hence the tendency to 'ally degeneration. It not unfrequently bappens , that while a laralyied limb retails Its plumpness aud normal site , yet upon close iaTeetigation it will be found to b mainly due to a dcposl- 'ion of fat in and between the muscular cells , hereby dutroying the contractility of th < muscle , and impeding locomotion. When ever the flow of blood to a limb or organ ia mpeded frem any cause , the blood vessels diminish ia slie and the limb or organ in * clines to atrophy fornaut of proper nutri tion. ITeace it will be seen thai Inssmucb aa muscular action Is Indispensable in facili tating the circuhtion , anything Interfering with It must necessarily bring about the several conditions already spoken ef. These facta being true , and the above named cenditiona being present , we are naturally led to the following reasons why we cure paralysis : " * " 1st. We Inertue the she of the dimin ished blood vessels In the limb , and force an abundmce of blood through them , increasing nutrition. 2d. We maintain a higher temperature In the limb. H Is \ \ 1th n full appreciation of tliexc fncts that tlie Onmli * Meillcnl Institute u us ustnulUuod by skilled spcchillsts RHI auppllert with the Intcst nml most valuable discoveries ami Inventions lu Medicine mul Surgery , nn l th t nuch > souiht- after boon , Health , thus placed ulthlu the reach o nil Unit cnn be cm oil by science mid skill. \\'o hnvo the facilities apparatus anil remedies for the successful ticutiuent of ox cry form of Chronic Disease re quiring clthur inedlciil or Btirntcul tieiitiueut for Its curo.nml Invltu nil persons In si-arch of relief to cOiuc nml estlgato for Uii.-m L > l\os , or to coirospond with us. I.OUK experience In treatltij ; cases by letter enables IH to treat persons selen- tIdeally without seeing them. Iluch ilUcaio lias certain un- Jiilstnkublo slgua or symptoms which , when told to the sot- entitle pliyMclun , point out to him tlio exact nature nml lo cation of thu dl ea o ami emUiliKS lilin to choo u tlio proper remedies to effect n cuio of ten \ \ tthout seeing the patient. At nil times , under nil circumstances , and In nil vocation * , merit commands honor , worthiness commands ro poatnml nblllty commands stuiess ; and the ( success which 1ms at tended us In the past tu eliciting cures where ethers lin\o fulled Is the best ovlilonco of our nklll and ability , and our standing urn ! reputation luimng business muu Is the best u\l- ilcncoof ourlnteffilty ami responsibility. Wo Invltonll to coirespond with \lsltusbeforutnkItiK treatmentelsewhero , belleAlng tlmtn\slt ! or consultation w 111 convince imy intelligent perMm tbnt it Is to tliolr ndvan- tngutoplaco themselves under our emu ; that wobu\o supe rior advantages nnd facilities for titntliiK special diseases , which , combined with our acknowledged ability , experlonco nnd reputation , should make our Institute the tli > t choice. 3d. By revulsion and massage wo ezpel the fat cells deposited within the aggluti nated muscles , promote molecular change , and separate the fibrillae under the influence of artificial motion , galvanism , oxygen gas , regulation of the atmospheric pressure , powerful derivative treatment for the relief of local affections of the nervous system , suitable mechanical support to prevent fatigue and correct deformities , muscular education , and cultivation of will power. 4th. In a word we surround the patient with every means which science , trt , and long experience have developed having no hobbies , depending upon no nostrum , seek ing only the restoration of the patient. r CLUB AND CROOKED FEET. By our new mode of treatment , club , reel , r erooked feet , can be made as perfect in appearance and use as though ne deformity iad ever existed. This may seem mysterious r doubtful to those unacquainted with the ew discoveries in surgical art. We effect a cure in one-fourth the time sually occupied in the treatment of such ases , with the best treatment the old method : ver did or can afford. We do it with one-tenth the pain and uffering. We care not how careful the ihysician may be or how well padded the .pparatus . , for the old principle is radically wrong , and is a painful failure. In many cases no surgical operation is equirid ; but should it b * necessary , it is so imple as not to shed a drop of blood , nor ause any swelling , pain or soreness after ward. The treatment never , In any way , inter- ercs with health or causes the loss of a meal r a nigbt'fl sleep the skin never becomes ore from chafing or pressure by the appa ratus. The deformity will never return after the reatmcnt is concluded. The motions of the olnts are perfect , the gait natural , and all lobbling removed. VTe rnnke 6 If eciaHy of its treatment , and by the use of appliances of our own manu facture , meet with invariable success. Most all patients are treated at home after the apparatus are fitted , which will require but one day usually. THE KNEE-JOINT. tike otier j oin ( , Ii Bubjeet to all forms of Inflammation , abscess , tuberculosis , rheuma tism and Injuries , and , btlng the largest lolnt when affected , it is lubjtct to the most violent consequences. ' Tuberculosis ( or While Swelling ) Is a ter rible disease , dislroying the membranes and artlculatioas , depositing matter in the cavity of the joint , and is attended with contractor of the limb , losi of motion , great pain , and sometimes death.'r"1 * Dropsical effusions frequently oecur M a result of inflammation , whether produced by Injuries , sprains , or other caasei. Uga mcntuus adhesions and stiffening mult from " At first , weakness of the limb may be the only complaint ; but pain , swelling , nnd loss of motion coon follow , with prostration of the system. From any of the above diseases the cords may become contracted , aud the limb crooked and deformed. There are no cases requiring more vigilant and correct treatment than iiseasespf this joint , M with it great suffer ing and life-long deformity may be prevented ; while without it great suffering and life-long deformity may result. The ankle , shoulder , elbow , and wrist , are subject to the same forms of disease , and are followed by like consequences. No disease affecting these joints can DO mccessfully treated without proper mechan ical appliances. DISEASED BONES. Any of the bones of the body are liable to : arics or necrosis from Scrofula , Injuries , inflammation , Syphilis , &c. , Ac. , and the portion tion diseased and dying becomes a foreign substance , often keeping up a discharge of matter , irritation and drain upon the system , destroying health and making life miserable. Such cases are easily cured , and often in a short time. Hundreds of limbs are amputa ted on account of such condition which conld ust as well have been saved. There is cot one case in a hundred which is incurable. INDOLENT ULCERS. Indolent Ulcers ( or fever eotes as they are called , ) are loathsome and painful nfltctioni , .nd . , while they are often pronounced incur- .ble , yet proper treatment will almost in vari ably cure them in a very short time , No class of cages yield more readily. OUIl RESPONSIBILITY. In regard to _ our responsibility , we claim to bo btrniglrtforwunl , honorable buHiiwbs mpn , treating our patients as every physician bliould treat his patients with candor and honesty , as well as ability and skill ; furthermore wo are fesfionsifilo financially which any ono can determine for themscUes by imiui'r- iiif ; of the commercial agencies , who have agents iu every town , or the Omaha banks or impord. Aa a ftuther e\Ktlunco of our Btumlin you will notice tlmt our advertisements appear iu nil tlio ftrHt-clups ntiWHimpors , and in BO mo as the only medical advertisement. The reason of this is that these papers only accept medical udveitisementu from fin ub known to bo rebpoiibiblu uud honorable. It is to our interest to euro our patients - tionts ; no phybician or medical cstab- lislnnent can exist any length of time unless patients are treated with skill , hone.sty und succchHj therefoio , our anxiety to euro our patients and obtain their friendship is not only a matter of honesty , but of business ininciples , nud our continued prosnenty is the bebt evidence - donco of our success. "NV'o are regularly educated physicians and have had years of experience in this class of diseases , nnd 1110 wipiilcd with every remedy , np- plianco or apparatus kno\ui to the pub lic world for thu treatment aud cuio of- diseases. ' 1'lioti 'h wo have thousands of letters nnd testimonials from patients , wo do not publish them iirst , because it is considered unprofessional second , wo never use the names of patients us ref erence , either iu books , papeis , circu lars or conversation. Wo do business on our merits nnd skill , believing that the magnitude of our business , our superior advantages , lopntatiou and ex perience , places us buyqud suspicion or the ueccssitv of Our Hook * and Circular * are written for the purpose of im parting correct ideas of disease to these m search of relief in as few and plain words us possible. After raiding thorn , patients will then be able to explain their situation to us umlorstandiUKly and w o can then advise them as to the curability of the disease , ami whether they can bo cured at homo or will Lave to visit us. Many liberal , lluiie * ! l'liylcluu * Send Vn Cue * that they lack experience or facilites to treat , and thereby merit our thanks and friendship and these of the patient. Other half-educated , narrow-minded doctors , itjnornut alike of Our AdvuiilMC ' i llojiiHnlliin mid Skill , or their own petty insignificance , abuse and blunder us. For this cliu > s of uicu > ve feel only pity. BOOK FREE UPON Private , Special and Nervous Dieases OF THE URINARY AND SEXUAL ORGANS , SKXT JH I'LAUt JPJIKE TO Ax Our object in writing these pages la not to furnish reading matter to a class of persons who road out of more idle cu riosity , but for the benolit of the many who are MilToring to a greater or less de gree from disease' , , or the olleels of dis eases or abuses , of the sexual or urinary organs- . Not a day pusses but wo re ceive calls or letters fn > ni personssulTor- ing from this ehiss of diseases , or their sequel. Many of them are ignorant of the cause of the dillleulty that has wrecked their constitutions , thrown a cloud over their bright prospects and is shortening their days. Others are pain fully aware of their condition , knowing that , though their friends or family physician may lay their tailing health and impaired nervous en ergies to the liver or lungs , it is an en tirely different disease which has them in its grasp , and that to their own ignor ance or folly they owe their present condition , and that , though they may change their habits now , their constitu tions are so undermined that , without scientific medical aid , recovery of the vital powers is impossible. The only reliable Medical institute making a specialty of PRIVATE DISEASES OF THE URIN ARY AND SEXUAL ORGANS , caused by overwork , or worry , the indis cretions of youth , or excesses of riper years , or whatever may tend to lower the tone of life's vital forces , causing nervous and physical debility oroxhaus- tion , seminal weakness or incontinence ( spermatorrhoea ) , and premature decay , followed by the long train of symptoms which the sufferer knows but too well , are cured by our now restorative treat ment , renewing vitality and vigor , and restoring vital , physical and mental power. The treatment of this class of discuses has until very recently been neglected by scientific educated physicians , and has been in the hands of patent medi cine vendors and ignorant men claiming to have one medicine that was a speci fic and would cure every case. We know that thousands suffering from the ellects of these \ ices have been disappointed so often that they are dis couraged and have almost given up hope of over being cured. To all such wo desire to say that so long as they continue to experiment with specific remedies or appliances represented to cure such diseases , they are liuely to meet with nothing but disappointment. No two cases are exactly alike and no remedy over has boon or over ean bo prepared to meet the requirements of all.Vo have niado a careful study of these diseases in all their various forms and complications , and with tlio aid of almost unlimited experience in adapt ing treatment to individual cases , wo are enabled to cuio after others htivo ut terly failed. Wo wore among the iirst to make a- specially and study of this class of dis eases , and to treat them upon scientific principles. Wo also treat strictures , gleet , and varicocolo. All contagious and blood diseases , from whatever uauso produced , successfully treated. Wo can remove syphilitic poison from the system without mercury , or injury to tlio system. All communications confidential. Call and consult or send name and piislolllco address plainly written and 'encloso stamp , and wo will send you , in plain wrapper ur Book to Monupon private , special and nervous diseases , seminal weakness , si > ornmUorliiu ! , impotoney , syphilis , gonorrhiun , gleet , and all dis eases of the genito-urinary organs , oi send history of your case for an opinion. Persons unable to visit us may bo treated at their homes , by correspond ence. Medicines and instruments sent by mail or express , securely packed from observation , no marks lo indicate contents or sender. One pemmal inter view preferred if convenient. Hoonisj and board for the accommodation of pai tients. Address all letters to Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , Cor. lUth and Dodge sts. , Omaha , Neb. CASES TREATED BY CORRESPON DENCE. Cases treated by correspondence re ceive his most careful attention. Each case ia analyzed and examined by ques tions. A record by number in kept lu our private ollico of each case and the remedy used. Prices are either w > much for the full treatment , whether It takes a longer or shorter time , payable in advance , or so much n monthpayable monthly in advance. It will bo under stood that for a certain amount wo agree to treat a case until cured , charging no more if it takes a greater length of time than wo had calculated upon. As wo know from the average length of time in thousands of cases treated by in what wo can afford to do , wo take our chance and run the risk , knowing that if some cases require a long time to cure others are easily curedaml if wo lose on one wo make up on others , and so are safe on the average ; while patient * treated by the month pay HO much fop each month's treatment and run all risk's themselves of their ease being slow to got well or of rapid recovery , and thus costing them more or less , in cither way wo use the mime remedies , viz. : the best known toscionco. When , apparatus , instruments , etc. , are furiH ishcd or surgical operations performed wo make special prices , and our rates are as low as can be mude and do our patients justice. Patients visiting the city for treat ment ean obtain room and board in thq Institute building. To those who are unable to visit us , and are treated by letter , wo will nay that a long experience in treating case * by correspondence has enabled us to treat cases sciontllicallv without peeing them. Kill out question blank as far aa your disease is concerned , then in your own language tell us just whatyou would say if you wore hero. ( K\erything ia confidential ; you need not hesitate lu toll us ovori thing. ) Wo send medicine to every part of thd Union , botii by mail and express , with such clear and explicit directions for UMJ that no mistake can occur. While * Ills always desirable to tee a patient , our thorough knowledge of the human body and its ailments enable us to pro- -cri'bu with certainly and success in m.my rnsin , if u description of the casa Is given. '