Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1887, Part II, Page 10, Image 10
10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , NOVEMBER 0 , 1SS7.-SIXTEEN PAGES. SPEOIALNOTIOES. .Aflvprtlfcmcntstinrtprthls hi > nd. Ill rrnto per llnu for tlio llrst IIIM rtlon. 7 cents for each suln iwiucnt Insertion , nnd Jl.f/0 n line per month , No lulvertlscment taken for lees thiin iiii cents tor the first lusertlon. Seven words will tie counted to the line ; they must run consecu tively and must he paid In mlvnnce. Allnd- TcrtlFPmrnts must be hnndcd In before 1:30 : o'clock p. in. , ntid under no clruiinstnnces will they 1 > o taken or dlnmntlnupd liy telephone. Parties iidvertlMlng In these columns and hav ing the answers addressed In earn of the lleo. will plcnso nskforncheck tornnt > ln them to get their letter * , us none will be delivered ex cept on presentation of check. All nnswers to advertisements Mioultl 1m enclosed In envelope * . All ndvcrtlscmenls In these columns lire pub lished In Ixith morning nnil evening editions of thu Ilec , the clrculntion of which aggregate * inoro thnn 14 , ( i pnpi rs dnlly , and gives tlm nil- vertlpcrs the benefit , not only of the city circu lation of thn lice , but lit M < > of Council HltllTs , Lincoln nnd other cities and towns throughout thli piirt of the west. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Guarantee nnd Trust Co. , 1W MIDLAND Farnarn street Complete abstracts fur- Jilshed , and titles to real estate examined , per fected nnd guaranteed. W BUSINESS CHANCES. "I71OH SAL ! ! A paying furnltiirn business nt 4 ? Ord. Nub , county Heat of Valley county. Capital required-about & ) . Hood reasons for wiling. 1'or further piutlculars addressThos. 1) . Slono , Ord. Neb. 40210 * HEVENNE. Wyo. , the future Plttsburg of the west. At present n railroad renter. The best built nnd wealthiest < Ity of Us ( lire In United States. Wyoming. 'J'ho great mtnerul storehouse of Amerlcn and Its Inexhaustablo oil and coal fields. Tor full purtlcularn as to ro- sources.ctc. , aildrr H I'.K. Stahle.secretiiry Chey enne llqnrd of Trade , Cheyenne , Wyo.PHnCTJ PHnCTJ HUNT- Ono of the best locations In the FOR city for meat market or grocery , on l.pav- enwortli St. , very cheap rent , Apply toV. . II. ( ll-ceii , 2li > S. 1'ltll St. ! MI "I71ORSALE Twogood lestaurnnts , onn ( Igar 4 : Ktoro , oneoy.ster icstiiunint , containing u Block of tobacco and confections , also ilhiiloon' nil In central location. Co-operatl\ Land .V Lot Co. , 20.1 . N. lllth Ht. 3-51-7 " 171011 SALIi- Good bakery and giocery stock J In ono of the best towns In the west. Cen tral locution : good trade ; will keep bake tools if not wanted : good reasons for selling. Ad dress S , cam of lice. 3.13 11 * "V\7rANTr.I ) ( ! oed house nnd lot In exc hango IT for a 5irt lot on Vlnton at. , all clear ( Iood joung team and hack. 2 , buggy and harness. Well Improved farm , ntiy or nil for ahouso nnd lot. Active It. II. nnd Property Exchange , 1521 Dudgost. illUll TTIURNISHIU ) lint. making MO per month over 4 ; rent , to trade for leal estate. Oinnhn I'l- nniirliil Exchange , ! ! wcor. - 1th : and Harnevover Ijtatu Nat. Hank. 3l ! > FOR KENT Flour mid feed .stole on 1'arkave , Splendid opening , ! ' 1 , . ( lregory-30l ! South Kith Bt. 271 WANTIU ) Vaitner with ! l. KTto fnko half interest and full charge of a well estab lished notion store ; middle-aged lady preferred. I21. . Metollice. . 10 BJ $1CHIO will buy n paying uud well established business on N. liith bt. Addiehb I. 111. lleo olllco. "ID H * "IjlOR SALl : In Lincoln , u boarding house , - Illrst class In every respect nnd dohin ) peed btiKlnpv * ; , rent reasonable. Address II. P. blierwln .V Co. , Lincoln. 171 7 mo iX'IIAN : ( I : -lN ) Flock general mer- .1 chaiidlse for K""d Omaha propeity : Hinall iucunibiaiii'u : must sell or exchange iiulck. & . 8. Campbell and (1. W. llerxey , UIU Hoard of Trado. 4M1. _ Ql'IH'IAI. llaicaln Kleiit hundred acres > ' ( lioli'o wild land In Cheyenne rontity. Neb , , 4 miles f loin I'otti r Station on the 1T , I' . It , H..nt $4.l. " > p'-r acri' . Have this lor a day only. Hall & Spencer , 1 III N , lllth ht. TO 7 njoutiK man with from4 > ! (10 ( to JTiiiOto tiiko halt IntiTest In a rapidly ; 'ill * bimlness In Omaha , Jlust be mustier well ifipiNlnted with the cltv , and able to fur nish rrst-Ui. .s refeiesices. Tills Is thu best open- liiK In thu oily , Paitlcular.scanbo had by ml- ( Irosslnt ; , ISoxWI , city. "iniNK business chance open In Colorado for n -I. Unlit manufa-'tuilnn business ; lari ; prollts niul mnall cajiltal reiinlred , 1'aitlculsi-M at A. K. MnyiiM'y , N. W. cor. Kith and rarnnin. t W nrio It" KXCUANOIlouTcs ; ! nnd IOIB , farms , J. hotels , lots , merchandise , horses , cattle anil In fact anything jmi want. If you havonny- thins to trndo cull on or w rltn to us. O ! < .i' open evenings. II. K. Cole , 316 g. : ; St. ttH " % \7'AtjTIi'no ! evchaiiKo I want n ( jootl mod- Pin IIIHLSO of t ) to ID rooms , with lar o yard , well situated. In exchange for llto-nere farm well Improved only 12 miles from Onmhn. No Incumbunuioe on farm. Will assume small d pny partcnsh. II. II. Miller , ins Itoom ! l. SH H _ "V47ANTKD- exchniie ( , KOOI ! Insldo projier- * ty for a t-tcck of Kiocerles. hardware , boots nnd shoes , or notions. Address li II , lleo olllco. ] ; il i | * _ rPO TltADK Two Improved farms In Iowa for J. Omahn property or Nebraska lands. Me- Culloch A : Co. , cor : IMh and 1'arnam. itU8 TVfKATiiinrUetonpaved street , ttno business J.II pi-osju'ct. Kent cheiili ( Irepiry-iti'i South inth St. 271 miimCK iliiK Ktot'ks and Hxtlires of Jl.NH , 4. ft.7Ul ! , tojnu In llnest Nebmskii towns. 1'or Bale or icul estate exchnnijo. Address K. 2 , lieu. OR SAIn-$4XX ( ) stock of Renornl merchan- dlso In Kood railroad town In foutheni Ne brnRkn. llest location. Doublu room. Low rent. A raru chance for somn one to step Into a peed bunlne&s. Addrcs.s ! ' . J , Stanosheck , Odell , Nub , _ 857 N 11 "T7H Il PALK Vlrst-class two-story lirick hotel 4 ; doliiK excellent business ; rents for $8. " > pei month ; owner ( rolnp out to Cal. Address 11. H Lilly , llrolccu How , Neb. tt.Mn 1(1 ( TTIOH 8ALK ATiflO ncre stock farm , InPixrpj 4. ' county. Just i nillm fmni Omaha , with i flno quarry on It , only J25 per aero. A. F Mnyne. N.V. . c < ir. l"lh and Fnnmm. imi ANTKD Stock of boots mid hhoes in ex cluuiKC for In.sldo Oinnhn property. Ad flrcsaPnttersoiuV Moore,10l2 Knrnanist , Omaha . _ 2ia _ FOH TltAPK fl.oni ncres of choice west en Innd to pxchanco for general merchandise Jno. y. Toft , set N. ifitu bt. mi : _ IK you ha\o anjIhliiK to exchange , write us Wo liiivo Improved and unimproved Ne brusku , Kuiifns and lown limdn , com mines , ho tels. Blocks of merehaiullhp , horses , cattle , hops Mu-ep , etc. , toexitmiiKP. S. H. Campbell nnd O W. llervey , U10 Hoard of Trade , 487 DHV uoods and notions Btoreroom for rent. Good chancii for millinery also. I' ' , L. O reBory am Soutli Ititn ht. 271 _ T7IOH SALK-Or trillion No. 1 liotel property 4 : doliiKKOod trade. In one of the best town : In Nebraska. S. P. Campbell mid O. W. llervey BIO Chamber of Commerce. < H7 " \\rANTIHv- A Muck of groceries nnduenrrn iiulhi' , for city loth imld for. C. J. Canan _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; t "ITIOH P.M.n A complete steam laundry huv 4. ' liia twenty horse power englii * . J , S. Hen nott , Huunderh and Clnrk t.ts. \A \ CLAIRVOYANT. \VANTR1)-A11 ladles to know I cure the slcli T > All Medicines free. Write Mrs. H. Ha ) jnond , Denver , Col. 4w ; t IIP. Dl ) HA NT Clnrlvoynnt from Host on I rcllnblu Innll airaliHof life , unites sepni atfd lovrra. ii JN. llitli t-t. . loom 1. ' , ffi Dec. 1' T\H. NANNIV V. Warren , rlulrvojmit , M 1 \J lialbuKlnehsmul test medium. O III cell North lOthbtrvrt : looms 2 & 3 , Telephone UK " \\TANTED Travj'ilnff ami city TT clerks , Jivrry barn hand * , waiters , cotle nnd t a nnlecmen , business manager , oilnrlr iionk ap'ntx , atM \ > , I'tinmm , room 0. 401 u * ANTED A first-clnts buctry wnsher cm Pth & Varnam. CanllMd it Wilbur. : B7 G 0 POUTII U l inemvnnted for Missouri. I C. O'Kcofo , labor agent , W So. llth st. UiW 6 * to take charge of advertising di SOLICITOR theCiipltal City Courier , a | Sui day pnpsr nt Lincoln. Neb. Must Iw nrat In a ] l > e ranco , experienced and fnrnUh good rnfe ences. Good Inducement to right man. Addre- the yni > er us above. 4 < 07 \TTANTKD-lIoy to learn trade nt K3 N Hit bt. 4tlU' \UANTED-Men for Missouri , 1) . C. O'Kouf labor agunt. 30ti S llth Ht. SO a * ANTED-fi iTrbt-clasa boller-makern i Omaha Holler Works , V-fth aUJ ass. ANTED-2 llrst-class mllken. App' north of deut and dumb institute , j , ; lloch. Sfi f. _ _ \ \VANTED 'men for M IssonrT. flilp m > > day. I ) . CU'Kyy.fe , 'Ml K lllhbt. 311 ( \\rANTUD-Good Job und l > ook romiHwIton , T T also clectrotjrpera. tlnlshei > , mouldp.rb ui : Mockers. Good wage * anil ] > ermaiient emplo merit. . Apply linmedlaUly. Rund , McJxall } ' LU , US Muuiv * btreet , ClUcugo , HI Wl O' WANTKD A good driver nt Joirph Ro en- tcln'B Klsh market. 217 S. 12th t. 3ir7 " \\rANTEI > A No. 1 man , good rustler and T > talker , good pny. Call nt once , room 5 , 1210 Douglas st. 40S-S * _ " \\rANTIID- Out of city 1 mmion farm , fcllper i month : I mnn nnd team to buck corn. good wages ; Stentnstei.s near Lincoln , fcB nnd board nil winter , nnd 10 Hhovelcrs. free fare ; 10 Bhovclerj , J2 per day : In rlty. " > men $1.71:1 : man , livery barn. Ml and board ; 1 boy to lonrn trade ; 3 canvassers , ill ) and Jllperwuek. Omaha Kmpl'jyment bureau , 111) ) N loth st. _ 4IAIII " \\rANTIID-Good fry cook , $10 ; mnn and wlfo M for farm , J2.1 : ono for private family , MO ; fi good carpenters , 2.1 messenger boys , Canadian Kmployment Olllce.Mrs. Hrega & Son , 31(1 ( S. 15th , 'J'elo. fet. 'Ml 7 * " \\rANTED-Salesmen Klvo trnvollntr men ; salary and cxpen es : no experlenrn necessary. Addreffi , with btamp , Palmer At Co. , Wlnona , Minn. 2sl u * " \\7ANTIID-A good second-hand buck board. T I J , IJ. Portcr.coruor 27th and Leavonwortli. 317 if _ _ WANTP.D-1.1 shovplers for city work il.75 pr day. City Intelligent olllco , Crelghton block. & 18 _ WANTKI shovelers , apply four miles west of fort Omaha . , on Chicago & Northwester western Ity. wages Uper day , board S350 tier week. 0. P. lYent , contractor. 175 7 * W ANTKD-Tlnnor nt Wltmnn & Scovlll's , niO Ibth fit ; loiigjob , U780 \j\rANTKD Parties out of work to call nt the > City Intelligence ollice , Crelghtou blk ; were ro receiving orders every day too numerous to .dvcrtlse. HV > w ANTKD-Mllker. dairy , 4115 Snumlers. 117 W 1ANT1ID Men for railroad work. Al bright's Labor Agency , 1120 Karnain. 801 WANT M n Amnn to woi k ] hour In tlio T > morning mid 1 hour In the evening nt COT California. ; iw \\7ANTIID Several Ilrst-elnss salesmen for clothing , hat nnd furnishing goods. Only hose with tlrst-class rulerence need address lox ti5i , Omaha. 4I'J WANTIID TOO ncents ; good salary or com mission ; rare cbnntc. Addiess with stamp or terms. Weaver Mfr.51 N. State bt. , Chicago , Jl. [ Klin 13 * WANTI3D 1 ( ) men of good nipenrnncp ] to try our 1 He meals at Non Is restaurant , . ' 111 mil ; i3 ! South 14th stieet. ( old Live and Let .Ivii ) i.'it "WANTEDFErflALE HELP7 : ) - class walste and hklrt WANTii-12 Iliilsheis. Call Immediately , C. A. Lucas , WN 17th , lip.stalr.s. 4i2i ( Font dining room girls I ) washers. ! i laundresses , 2 kitchen clrls , I errand girl , 2 ilressmukers. Onto City Employment ollice , 'I Hi So IMh. ff.xi b \\TANTIJD Lady agents collees and teas , Tf cloak litters-dining loom girls for city lotel , IMTJI'mnam , loomli. 4010 * \\rANTlM ) A neat and tellable young lady > > to tukn ehargn of and do the entire house work for a family of four ; $1 per week. Address , .411 , I lee ollice. . 4'11 T AD1KS WANTKD to go see the great compdy 4J diama , "Undo Dan'l , " by the Katie Pear- ion Comedy Company Monday evening , Nov. 7. Washer. Ironer nnd waitress for WANTED Idaho , J2H encli. 8dining room girls for Norfolk , laundress and waltr. * s for Wi.sner , iliambermald nnd dlshwiMl-er for ( Ireenwond , : ompetent cook nnd experienced 2nd girl for Council Illutlo , flHlnnd If 17. In city 20 girls for lousework Sliind M per week. ! t women cooks. ltchen helper.s. 7 dining room plrls Canudlan ' Imployment oIllco.Mrs.llrega .t Son , 3UI So.lMh. ' ' ANTED-A womnn cook for hotel. Inquire 2110 Hartley. 'W > "VVANTKD A girl to do second work. $4 n > > week to competent girl. Mrs. ( ! . H. Piitch- 'tt. aX SlHh. ill I NTED-Olrl for general housewoi K at (118 ( " 17111 st. 227 " \TTANTED Parties out of work to call nt the TT City Intelligence ofllci * . Crclgntim blk : we re recelt ing orders e\ery day too numeious to dverllso. 101 " ' T V A NTT. D 1 . ( W'lnd les to httend'Tlio" People s TT theater Monday evening. Nov. 7 , nnd see ho ICatlo Pearson Comedy Company In "I'uelo ) an'l. " A messenger from Jnrvlb bcitlnn. . -l-"l 7 " \\7ANTnD-fiOlnrtio" totrv ourlfip meals nt Noirls'restaurant ( old Live and Let Live ) , 111 uuUSiilS. 14th st. " ( .HI EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. "VTOTICi : to the Pnbllo-Tlio State em- - lployment parlors nre now open. All ladles n quest of domestic gills w 111 consult their best nterests by culling at 1417 Pniimm vt , , upstairs , and glvo us a trial. State Kmployment Parlors , lloom 11 , over Drexel & Maul's undertaking es- abllshment. HUt-7 * ONH HPNDIUH ) able girls wanted at once. Call at tlm State Kmploymeut Parlors. 1117 I'arnani st. , room 11 , upstairs. ; iU2-7 * ' 711HRT and second cook llrst class hotel . ( l-'ieiuh ) ; llrst and M-cond cook first clas < hotel Kiel-man ) ; 2 good table waiters , man anil wife , janitors in business block : must under- Maud the business thoroughly : 2 good canvasi. ers for city , fi bell boys. Onto City Kmployment ollice , 314'5 So. 1,1th st. 3'8 \\7 ANTlIDiadbs that want first class heir > to call at our ollice , as we can furnish them nt short notice. We can glvo refei enco from the families In the city , Omaha Huiploynienl bureau , llll N llitli ht. 40)0 ) /CANADIAN Kmyloymcnt Olllco. Orders for V parties to llll positions of trust tilled free , Malunelp supplied free to all. Domettie heir furnished on hhort notlco. Male and femalt help sent to all parts if fine is paid. Klght years' experience enables us to till orders sat I fa c- torlly. Heference , Omnha National Hank. Mrs llrega & Son , 310 8. l.ltli , telephone HS4. 434 7' ONK HUNDHED nble girls wanted ntonce Call at the State Employment Parlors , HI' F.irnam st. , room 11 , upstairs. ; re-7 * lir City Intelligence Olllco has the only prop . erly organized employment agency In th < U is the largest , most reliable und It ! terms the most liberal. If you are out of employment ployment or wish to make n chance , why dc 3 on delay lu securing the best possible aid thai can be given you. Persons should carefullj consider whom they are dealing with as then are many new catch-penny concerns coinllif into existence dnlly. l"ull particulars concern ing our methods will bo given upon appllca tlon. All ordersexcnpt from private families tilled free and sent tunny part of the. west wher fare is p.ild. Yours lespectfullv , Chan. L Hart , manager. Heferences : John L. McCague prusldent McCngiie llros' . bank ; Dexter L Thomas , cashier Nebraska savings bank ; Hon J.I ! McCulloch , county judge. mi. LOST. LOST Kvery person who falls to go see tin Kallo Pearson Comedy Company pla ; "Uncle Dan'l" at the People's theater Monday Nov. 7 , may bo nswired they have lost a tin evening's enleitalniiient. 4SKt 7 LOST My seat nt the People's theater by no going early to secure it , to sec Kntlo Pear son Comedy Company in "Undo Dan'l. " 4211 7 OST Yellow -ponv , black mane , tail and leg J Uetlirntollll So.2Mhst. 321 JOLT Ited cow branded V. llotum to Soutl Omaha. Y. Ptvonkn. 30S 6 * LOST W reward. An ophthalmoscope In i Finall black box. The uhovo will be pnli tinder by Dr. Oittord. 14m Fnrnum st. 2tlS STHAYKD-Cow-Dark wd wlthblark strip * light horn broken otr. HetuiutoX U Illondc 21MI ] ' OST Or stolen , near Hascnll'R park , a meil him fdzu dark bay mare , with harness oil mall white spot on face , larre. " ! iiui ! legs , i Murray , jja MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. A RAKE CHANCE c.m no secured of seeing line performance by witnessing "Uucl Dan'l" at the Peoples Theater to-ruorrow nlghl 42M 17ANTEO-A few table boarders nt 2110 Cm > funil * st. 413 li * GP.STLKMAN nnd wife without children Ilk to rent whole or part of a well fiirntuhn- house for whiter. licit of references , Address giving particulars , etc. , L 31 , llee ollice. 412 8 " \\7ANTUD-Two gentlemen want board . room , room permanently. Will not pa more than $50 a month. Addro 3 L 41 , l > e olfici " \\rANTED To exchange n good driving hors > forsufo. ( Jeo. N. Hicks , 215 S. IMh st. A\7ANTED To buy a dozen good rcntln T T houseii , by paying smull paym < uit ( low nnd then nionthly installments. Any one hai ing gooil properly to ( .ell on these terms plena iuldrek * with full description. T. U. C. , care c U. h. layiie , 15th and Hitnioy. g > 4 13 \\J"ANTii : > llixjin and txiard with jirlvnt family by KBiitleman and wife. Pleasoai diess. statiiu ; location aud prlco , L 2.1 lit ollice. j'JOJ \\rANTI5D-To rent until May 1st next , furnished hoiuo of 10 or 12 rooms. C. 1 Mayne. an 13 -dood family horse in for lut , McCulluch li Co. , tor 15th an J'arumu. 0 "WANTEn-Onod farms in pxch.ingn for T > Omaha property , C. C. Spotswood , SCtf S ICth. Gf 3 WANTED House of 7 to 10 rooms with mod ern Improvements. northen t front , situ ated on high ground with largo lot. Will as sume a moderate encumbrance , pay n thousand dollars cash , nnd trade vacant lots or good Neb. land for balance. Addiess L 8 , llee ollice. Ml \ \ 7ANTHDPleasant , well furnished reemIT IT with board nnd u eof bath for myself midwife. Prlvnto family pieferrcd. or place where there nro but few boarders. City reller- Plicfs. Address , giving terms , location , etc1. , L 31 , Dee. 411-8 * \\7 ANTED To buy five thousand to ten thousand lloono county lands , nvprntro quality , nt (10 per ncre and Ivoa. Add res lloxiM , Omnhu. 104 " \\TANTED-To trnde for n lot of second hand > furniture ; apply at Room 13 , l-'renzer block. 133 \\rANThD To liny shoit time paper , JTwl i Gross , nt C. E. Mayne's ollice , 1,1th und ! arney. 2S.1 _ \rANTID ! 1'anns to exchange for Omaha IT i ropeity and htocks of inert handlse. C. i. HrownATCo. , room l3Freli7t'r block , Omaha ' 711 112.1 Secoud-linnd bar llxtures. Address - dress I , ! ! 0 lice ollice. : l G * WANTP.D T'arm lands In eTcliange for stocks ot merchandise. St. John & Ely , loom 13 , I'ronzer block , orp. P.OJ KM W A NT1M ) Property of all kinds to exchange . Special attention given lo trading. O. C. i > otsw ood. no.i4 ; s Huh. Kt WANTP.D To buy the furiiltilio of a small or large house ( entrally located , Co-opeia- ive Land .V Lot Co. , 20.1 N Kiih st. 1JS i\7A NTED Farm lands In exchange for city T > nronvrty. St. John i , Ely. Room 13. 1'ren- block. MONEY TO LOAN. "VTEW Yoik Storage Co. Corner Capital -L > "av. A liith st. , hnvn money to loan on "lonsehold g < K > ds , merchandise of every do- crtptIon at lowest rates. Special facilities for iierchants. goods moved , p.icked and shipped. Ml charges nilvaiiced. Khepruof brick block , Capitol av. A 1.1th st. 4111 MONEY to Loan Sums of ( .1.000 and upwards. 1'irit Miirtgnge.s. Improved city propeity. 1) ) . S. llisbee. 4.11 Ramge building , Omaiia. Kll dec 3 * 'N KV to loan. H. K. Cole , 31H S. bltll. 201 tleu3 TV ! oney on hand to loan on improved property. 1U.I. A. Helstnnd , Aillnglon block. ftt-lml \l ONI'.Y to Loan-On Improved city property I'l nt lowest rates of Intetost. No eommls. Ion charged. Sholes A- Crumb , room 1 , llniker ilock , cor , 1.1th and I'limam sts. us ) ' 7i1U , ( < VU to loan at ( i per cent , Lliuihan \ Mahoney - ' honey , ir > on Pnrnnm. Wl" * .HIO.IXK . ) to loan in liny nmount at lowest rate of Interest. II. H. Irey , I'renyer block. W)8 ) M ONr.Y-InsumsoffrOOaiid over to load at low rates. Hiisse.ll Ik Unilott , 312S Kithst. 117.1 MONEY LOANED at ( \ P. Heed , V Co.'s Lonn Cinice. on furniture' , plnnos , herpes , wagons , lei'Minnl propeity of all kinds , and all other ar- Icles of value without removal. Hl.s S. 13th , > ver lllnghiim's commission store. All busl- less strictly confidential. tirtJ p'er cent. G. W. Day , S. E. cor. Ex. Hid.H70 H70 MOXKY loaned on finnlture , pianos , organs , horses , etc , low rates. .1. .1. Wilkinson & Co. , 1321 rnrnam , over Hurlington ticket olllco. " I 1O LOAN Money Loans placed on Im proved estate In city or county for few Knglmid Loan & Trust Co. , by Douglas County bunk , loth and Chicago sts. 5177 ONP.Y To loan on chattels. Co-operative J-Tl Land and Lot Co. , 20,1 No. llitli slleet. I'lUt CKNT Money. Patterson A. I'awictt 1,1th nnd llainey. IC3 M ONLY to Loan O. V. Davis Co. , real estate and loan agents , inkl Painnm st , 072 MON11Y to loan on Improved real estate ; no commission charged. Leavltt Hurnham , oem 1 , Cicighton block. ' .171 fONlIYto loan to parties \\lshlr.p to V.nlld. l S. S. Campbell , 3W 0 Ifith ht. , Chamber of Commerce. 1170 MON1JY to loan. Notes and H. H. tickets bought ahd hold. A. 1'oiman , 213 S 131 h ht. U2.1 SHOUT time loans mime on any nvnuablo securltv. In reasonable amounts. Secured notes bouuht. sold or exchanged. ( leneral Inanclal business of any kind transacted promptly , quietly and fairly at the Om.iha l-'i- lancial ijxrhange. N. W. cor. IMh and Ilnr- icy sts. , over State National band. Corbctt , malinger. ! i7l $ lKO.Ono ( ) to lonn H. K. Cole , 31(1 ( S. l.ltli. Pirht mortgage notes bought. INK ) MON15Y To loan. Lowest rMes. No delay. .1. L. Hlco & Co. , over Commercial Na tional bank H7 MONKY to lonn on city property , and also farms In Nebraska unit Iowa. Odell llros. i Co. , Joan , real estate and Insurance ngents , 11(1 1'earl'street. Council Hlulls , la. ; 152J I'aniam street , Omaha. gus MOXP.Yto Loan Hy the undersigned , who has the only properly organized lonn agency In Omaha. Loans of $1(1 ( to $100 made on f limit lire , pianos , organs , horses , wrgons , ma chinery , etc . without lemoval. No delays. All Iwlness strictly conlldentlal. Loans so made that any part can be paid at any time , each pay ment reducing the cost pro lata. Advances made on tine watches and diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they are dealing with , as many new com erns are dally coming Into existence. Should you need money call and sen mo. W. II. Croft , room 1 Withnell building , 1.1th and Ilarncy. USO Ij300.000 : to loan , special rates on farm property. Sobotkcr k Pcrrlgo , 1,121 Karnarn st. ISI MONKY to lonn , on hand , no delay. J. W. and K. L. Squire , 1413 rarnam st. Paxton - ton hotel building. HS4 MISCELLANEOUS. KAT1K PKAHisON Comedy Company wlllre- teivo all their friends at the Peoples Thea ter to-morrow night to wltnessthe reat comedy drama , "Uncle Dan'l , " n Messenger from .larvls Section. 420-7 1 llpl1 estate agents : Lot 4 block B , Amliler Place , is di awn for the market. C. H. T. Hieper. 40C-0 * S PLiXDiD : chance for a small family to set up housekeeping cheap. Address L 311 , lleo. M1SSOIMU railroad work , 1) . C. O'lveofo. W So. llth st. Ml ( ij PIAXO to exchange for tlrst class merchant tailoring or city board mid rooms. Address Pinno , lock box 714. 4 HI II JfKW YOHIC Piano Co , , manufacturers of up- J- right pianos ; pianos on time nt whole sale price. Cor Capitol ave and 15th st. 42r C HOICK THACKAGK. for mills , elovators.ptc , for sale by Hicks , 215 S. 15th ht. W ) 0 IHOFiSSlONAI : , Nurse. Mrs. Peterson , 2713 Ohio st. : ufl I ) 4 * FOH HKNT BO acres with good house and Im provements near Omahn. Schleslnger Ilios. , 014 S. 10th St. 2H2U FIRST-CLASS table board , served In homo style , for 3 or 4 gentlemen. 1814 Dodgo. 230 FIRST-CLASS board and rooms at live and let live prizes , at Cottage houio , 110 S l.tth ht. 37411 * FINE p'nirt.s made to order ut il ouch. Omaha Shirt Factory , 308 N Itith. . * ! d 4 ANYHODY can enjoy the great comedy play , "Undo Dau'L" a Jlessonger from Jnrvls Section , to-moiTow night at tlio Peoples The ater. 42U-7 AKES Agents mid business men. We are S . . manufacturing and selling Independent of any Bafe ring or pool by placing upon the mar ket three sizes of tire proof MIIOS nt such low prices that farmers , professional nnd business men can ntTord to purchase. Sl7e. , SHxIKxlN Inchon ; weight MX ) Ibs. ; retnll prlco , $3,1 ; snialler and larger sizes In proportion. Rare opjKirtun- Ity olfered. Alpine Snfo Co. , Clnclundti. Ohio , 1G830 * TIHE Central Loan and ' , h.t Cp. , ( paid iif capltnlJlOO.WM ) pny interest on tlmedp' posits of any amount. Ollice 1011 Farnmn st. n /1IIOICK TRACKAOK. close to city , for salt W by I licks , 215 S. 15th st. 4TO 0 - cod gent without family encurr AMlDDLK-n . correspondence with a gooil dlsposltionefl lady of refinement , with means Address In strict conlldenco 1,23 , lleo ollice. T 1ST hou es , furnished nnd unfurnished AJ rooms with us. We will rent them. Ollic < open even'ngi. 11. E. Cole. 310 B. IMh at. V.H TJKNTAI. cAOENCY-V. I. . Gregory will l XV found after November Iht at HOU Southi Idtt at. , opp. Uoara ot Trade. Ground lloor. 610 1ST YOUR ROOMS at theCtty IntetllgeiiPi OIHce. CielBhtou H'ock. More tn-oplo ru\ djvlly at our office than ut any other jiUoo in.tin city , except the poslofllce. " " " TJILEGANT plnsh parlor hets ut immense sac JCJ rince to pay storage charges. Newr orl btoraye Co. , cor Capital itro uud iiltt t. .w , J. W. TUTLNPDALt.'S fiirglcnl nnA obstetrical Dn stetrical hotiiii 17S4 Capitol uvl- , Omaha , Neb. Telephone JIM.I M.ln21J rpO P..VCHANni-P < rr7 Ule. 1 havenionrrps 4 of good western land to trade for cattle , nnd n good hou imp lot near the capital ; will exchange for catllo. " Address S. 0. Hryan , Ash land , Neb. ? ' \ llSi C House furnishing goods , all Vluds ; cash or Installment ; lowest pi ices at .1. lion- ner , 1.11.1 Douglas st.1 PERSONAL. TiilSONAI/-1\'Utio : Pearson nnd her comedy company willjiliiy "Undo Dau'l , " the mes senger from .Inrvis section , at the People's thea ter to-morrow nlrilt. 42H-7 pnilMINAL-Moot me nt People's theater to- 1 morrow evening , 1 am going to see the grent comedy drama , "Uncle Dan'J , " the mes senger fiom .Inrvls section. 42i7 'PERSONAL Wl cents will buv a comblnod I brackrt and hand lamp at Moody's China Storo. 3.12 North Ifith sr. Tlioso w ho hnvo rthein say nt is themost ' convenient lump they over had. .S II PERSON A f/ Wanted the acquaintance of young ladles going to housekeeping to call nnd see our immense stock of olegnnt parlor suits , bedroom sets , center tables ; nil to be Closed out without rognrd to cost or value , to pny stornito c-harges , nuction prices at prlvnto sale. Call cm receipt of this. New York Stor- ngo Co. , cor Capitol nve and IMh st. 422 0 IN"Tv"l * O'eiitleman n. ' , with means and good clmrftclcr , deslies to correspond with a lady of like-attnimnoiitH. with a view to matri mony , tinijiiestlonable references given mid re quired. Address 1,40 , llee. 4 _ > ifi ) LADIES A full bust without medicine , mall , 'iOo. , htmnps , to H. M. Rich , Haltlmorc , Mel. Swill ; * ' I > KHSONx\I/ The ladles of Omaha can secure the senlcps of competent nnd reliable do mestic help and have n room full to choose from In calling at the Canadian Employment t ollice , Mrs Hiega.V Son , niUSo. 1Mb. Upstairs. Tel 881 TjlIltSOVA I , Prlvnto home for ladies ( luring L conllnenient , strictly conlldentlal. Inliints adopted. Address H 43 lieu olllco. 107 n 8 * FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. TriOll SALn-I'vcrysent In the Peoples Thea ter for people to witness the gieat comedy , "Tilde D.m'l "aMeifssciigerfroiii ,1m vis Section , to-mouow night. -171-7 " 171011 S A l.i-u : ( ) haif Interest in real estate r oiiice tor tl.niio rash. Ollice now milking ifl.rxm i > er month. Addiess I , 14 , Hie ollice. 4 II'iH 171011 PAIi-Atlialfpi'kel good cook stove ! 4 ? table and kitchen guod.s. 1112 S 17th st. 4:14 : o * FH SALU-Vurnltureof hiuall house , nemlv new. Inquire between 4 and ( i p. m. at Il2y North gist at. Wi 0 ESTV Organ only $47 , cost fl.Vl , less than wholesale price , on easy payments. Don't w asto your money , Call Monday. New York Piano Co , , cor. Capitol ave. and 1,1th st. 41S-0 FOH SALT -1,000 llrst-class seats at the llrst presentation of "I'licle D.m'l , " a Messenger from .Inrvls Section , at the Peoples Theater to morrow night. 1211-7 FOH SAL ! ! llodtonm suits , jinilor suits cunttr tables , one-half value , must be sold thlswivk. No ren oiitiblo oiler lefused. ( 'nil at once. New Ymk btonige Co. , 101. Capitol nve. nnd IMh st. I2D 0 ) IISALi : Tool chest nuiTfull set of ear"- F penter'h tooK riieitp for i ash or on tlm. . ' . .1. J. Wilkinson , 1K4 ! rnrnam ht. SHI * IT'LIIOANT parlor.sets cheaj ) . Tmmeii" ( < Kiic- lltlce to pay ndvances. Now York Storage Co. , cor Capitol ave nnd 1,1th st. 4'l : ( I Fll SALClu ! ! nfi nfl'd hand hafe < 7 IlalH Dleboldund Macileale 1'rban makes ; In- | iilie Phil ( lairetsou. Arcade hotel , Onia in. agt 'hlcngoFafLMind LbbRCo ; ; < II FOK SA L K Two elegant impui ted stallions ; will soil or trade for inside propoity or ( rood livery stock. Addiess J. II. Lamar , care Gees hotel , city. I'M)7 ' * FOR SALR-1 feed n'llL * i in. French burrs , I Vlt tor bb.oiirr , 'obu per hour. 1 bn'1 ' ' . ' .I 'one kw beat or meal. 40 ft. 2 in. shafting , ( f hangers , elevator belt , etc. Address 200 s 2 tH st. , Omaha , Neb. 32,1 n 1 * ONT bundled and lltiy dollars will buy a news and clgui- stand , W South ICth st. llUl. FOR SALE A new lot of dry goods fuinlturu cheap. 1120 Cap. ve. 118 SALE Itnso burner stove for ontv $10 FOR nt 1311 Georgia live. J. L. Wilkltf. ill' ' ) 0 * FOR SALEAn American Champion bicycle , M in , almost now. ball bearings all loiind , at n bargain , Inquire at 2.124 Charles ht. JlBOii * FOR SALE Or trade , horse , bugiry and har ness , standing desk and htool , hard coal stove. Will sell ehenu or trndo for property or paper. Alex G. Chnilton , McCaguo llros. , opp. P.O 31 ! 171011 SALK 1'lne horse , buggy and harness 4 ; a bargain. Call at ! > Arlington block. HOIMO [ 71011 SALK Nice gentle Jersey cow. good milker ; will soon be fresh , Wood's Heal KHtntu Ollice. l.lWl-ft Cap. ave. [ 71011 SALl' lledroom Milts , parlor suits I. center tables , one-half value , must bo sold this week. No reasonable oiler refused. Call at once. New York Storage Co. , cor. Capitol nve. and 1Mb st. lai 0 " SALI Sloven and household furniture F" at , 11)17 N. IBth ht. 278 0 l71On SALP Shelving , counters , hliow cases 41 nnd sundry store llxtures. Inqulni nt A. Dormann. ( Ill S. 13th ht. 20.1 B * BAHOAIX-Ono ball bearing Columbia tricy cle-in perfect older and as good as new- will be sold nt n bargnln. Apply to J. L. linker , Point , Neb. . ail U B1LLA11D Table at half price , llrunswiek HalkeCo.'o make. Inquire Leslie iV ; Leslie , 10th and Dodge sts. 21(1 ( Fll ) SALK Parlor , bed room and Ijouvehold fnrnlturo will ho offered at private sale at the residence of General HawklnK,2013 Cuss ht. , between the hours of n , m. and 12 m. , on Mon day and Tuesday , November 7th and Mb. ! i4 0 TTPHIflHT pianosnil latest styles nt wholo- U sale prices , fromjl'.i.l ' up , orgnns from JiW up. Don't wnsto vour money , no dealer or ngent can undersell us. En y monthly pay- ments. New York Piano Co..cor Capitol ave and 4170 FOIl PALIJ Span of good draught mules and nice harness , or will trade for inside prop erty. Address J. H. Lamar , caio Gees liotel , city. MM 7 * OHGANS at wholesale prices , on easy pay ments. New York Piano Co. , cor Capitol ave and l ! th st. 7W' ' . FOR RENT-HOUSES. T71OII KKNT n room liouso two blocks f ion P , X1 O./frs/iObuyh the furniture on time. 3 room house rent $7 , 12.MVi : so. 13th St. ; furnitureJ7i > . K loom house one block from p. o , , rent $ .V > , fund- lure on time. Largo Hat of thirty-seven looms , paying well , two blocks from postolllco , thret years' lease , * 2..MIO , for furniture , * 700. bal , * . -pi pur month. Cigar store on Tenth , llxtures anil stock for sale ; live nice Hutu , furnished , rent easy nnd fnniiture on time. Restnuiants on Hitli and liJth streets. Jx ok under "Ituslnes.- " other houses foi Chances"- About twenty-live lent , mid furniture at prices and terms to anil you all. Call and see us. Houses and lots toi sale In all parU of the'elty. Co-oporatlvo Lam ! \ I.ot Co. , 20fi N. liith bt , ail-7 RENT A double house of fi rooms foi . . . ! ! party ; new nDdcovenlentfortwo gooi ! families without chililcen. Address L37 , llei rt ' . * ollice. .TW-li HUNT 1 IM-oolu tottnge.OKISo.lCthst. FOR . Jackson & , loiies.f Atwater JcCo. 428 R 1lBNT Hnsemeuti.i Mores and Hats , cor F 13th und Jacksou. Inquire Mrs' 1' . Lnnge FFOR FOR RUNT Hy 20th Inst. . 6-room cottng . ' tially , few blocks H of postonire. IJpn tortr buy few carpets nnd btoie. Apply M South lOtl ht. > I 3OT < * ) RENT Nice cottaee. ( I rooms.good barn Fll water , etc , H block from utrect car Apply , immediately , atJHlHlzard st. ! f75 ( i * oTTllBXT Two new ten room houses , 18tl near Hurt , all modern conveniences. P. K Darling. l.'AI Howard , cor 1.1th. 371 tl ) H RENT Three stores HIM l-'urnam nn < two at cor 12tn and Douglas st. B , Lehman SH ) ) RENT Elppantly funitshed house of H rooms , close to Park ave. all conveniences this can b rented at n bargain. H. H. Miller 1522 Douglas ht. Room 3 , 334 8 RENT Storel 22x00 , Moro room 12x10 FOR cellar , yard nnd Htuble , coed locnttot for groceries ; counter and shelving In thi btoro. Juiiidro ut 1123 S. Dth und Pierce htreet. 3h5 7 * RENT House : furniture for Bale. In quire of R. J. Wright , ICOl Cana bt. 2a7 7 * ROOMS Hath mid barn. Coital st . 811.0 10 rooms , bath and furnace , Sewurd ut. M.O 10 rooms , bath and furnace. Woolw orth bt , . IO.Q H rooms , bath , city water. Coi by st . 3.10 ft loom * , cottage. Hnnlettobt . , , HrooniH , cellar , well , cistern. 27th ht , . , . , ll rooms , cellar , city water. 2 > th st. . . . . . . . . .0 Flue largo Morertxim , i"d location . ! .W V. L. Urejjor'JiJ South Kith bt. 1M T710R IlENT-If yon wish to rent n house call 4 : on llcnnw n & Co. , 15th at. , opposite P. O. FOR RENT Severn rew 7 ronm houses block injm street car , rcndy for occupancy November 1 , C. P. llari Ison , 41S S. IMh st. 3,1.1 LIST hou e , furnished and unfurnished rooms with u ; . Wo will rent them. Otllcu open evenings. II. E. Cole , 8KJS. 1,1thst. KB "JjlOR RENT-2nd nnd 3d floors all (17 ( Douglas 4J st. , wlthlensp of thrco yearn. Kennedy & lllbblns , l.JOO Douglas st , 707 171011 HUNT a room cottage , 1124 N 21st. St. 4 : Apply 310 S 1Mb st. 1KJ 3710R RKNT An elegant cor house peed locn- . tlon for prominent physician , .lustcom- doted , nil ino < leiii improvcinents , apply M. El- gutter , 1001 Piiniam st , 3110 FOR HUNT Ci room furnished Hat , $ tV ) per month. U rooms rented , $13. Apply IW3S. fith st. 'nil TJ1OR HP.NT 0-rooni house. G. E. Thompson , " 171OH RUNT Three room houso. Pierce , near 4 ? 22nd , 1' . 1C , Darling , 150,11 low nrd , cor 11th , 371 ( I \\rAJ < "rK1)-To ) rrnt nbnrn that , will hold 10 f bend of hordes , not for livery purposes. Address.I. II , Lamar , Gooshotel. 17S 7 * POR REST Two elegant store rooms , best location In the city for dry or iiirdwiiio. Apply nt Couitney & Co. , 2Mb mid hivenport ht. 270 7 FOR RENT Nov. 1R , now 'eight-room house , all modern improvements. S21A Chicago st. SflO. .1. H. Hrngwaft , 218 S Mth st. 777 FOR RP.N'T ll-rooni house , corner1 Marry nnd Terrlll st. K.M. lriiulro Llnlnger & Metcalf Co. , Clh and Pacific. 220 "T710R RENT R room cottage , largo lot , good L' barn , in delight fill local Ion. Furnlturo for sale ; call at Klnsler's drug store. 1IJ071'arnam st 74 IPlOll RENT Two larco stores nnd llats just ' completed. Hulldlngs in-oVlded with all modern conveniences und situated on South 13th st. , Nos. usm nnd litw , one of the most trav eled thoroughfares In the city. Stieet car ac commodations. One of the hiiMMiicnts lilted tip with glass iront and especially nrrauned lorn restaurant or oyster house. Also will lease reasonably for a term of years \crydesirablo inslness corner lot in heart of the city. This Is i rare chance for a man who would put up stores and Hats. Theio Is big money lull. Also 0 de sirable residence lots opposite the cltv park See loseph Mlclinl , proprietor , 1223 boutn Kith st. 71OU RENT -New h-rnimi cottage. 24tti and llancioft st. , 'irst door west of shot tower ; w ell , clstci n. 814 per montti. 47S " 171OH RENT llandsomo new lesldence within -1 \ \ miles of P.O. : ten looms , burn. etc. . with all conveniences. Will lent cheap. Address I. H. Lamar , care Gees hotel , city. WO 7 * T71OH HEXT--3 Hats and furnUuro for p.iln , all 4 ? on li.tli. A. K Mayne , N , W. cor. ICth mid I'nrnnm , ' W\ \ JT10R HUNT 11 room house on Sherman nvp. A. I' . Mnync , N. W. cor. Kith nnd Knrnam. IWl FOR RENT-ROOMS. " 171OH Itr.N'T Purnlshed rooms for gentlemen , -T ,1 , blocks from P. O. lUI N 17th ht. Hlfi * 171OH HUNT Pleasant loom for gentleman ; new house and new furniture ; heat , bath nnd gas. 170(1 ( Dolled bt. 407-i ( * " 171O1I IIP.NT Newij- furnished room , I.TH So. 4-1 nth st. -l. 7- ' 1 ) LKASAXT room for gentlemnn midwife or two gentlemen , with or without board , ptl- v.ite family. Call after Up. m. 2120 Hartley st. ' RENT Elegant new furnished rooms In prh ate family bom dins house just opened. Avenue Place , 1(51.1 ( and 1013 Cap. n e. NM 10 * TpOR RENT Pleasant suit of f mulshed rooms , 1 IsiOCallfoinlaht. 1117 * 1/1OR RENT 1'ront Parlor and bed room on 1tlrst tloor. Reterence required. 201(1 ( Hartley Ht. 4110 * flOH HP.NT- f unit shed front rooms 1,113 , 1 Howard , with tlrst class board , JN > fij FOR RENT-Pnrnlsiied iiiul unfurnished rooms , J12. $1,1 , J ] and ? - . ' ( ) , MO1. ) Pitrriam st , mom 2opp. . Merchants hotel. 3" 7J I71OII HP.XT One large front room with al- 1 eo\o and closet and a largo bedroom ad joining with eloset ; nlso 2 belli oems all nicely iiiinlshed , with hot air , gas , bath , hot and cold water on sumo lloor , 207 S. "Ith st , on ear line , bet Panuim and Douglas. 370 7J RENT Desirable well furnished looms FOR gentlemen. Terms reasonable. , 1,105 Capitol avenue. : kK ) 7 * F1' HN1SIIED rooms , day. week or month. Ladles in-gents. 311 N 12th. fa 7 * FOR REN'T- Nicely furnished rooms , uteain heat , gas and biith room , ' . ' 01 S 21th st. ; ina o * _ _ If RENT To a. lady , furnished loom in ' ' family of two , in mln walk from P. O. , two blocks from street cars , use of pin no. $ s per month. ' Oi Davenport st. 301 8 * FOlt IlKXT Nicely furnished fiont room , r.'l Pacific st. 34'J ( i * Foil HlIXT-Purnlshed rooms. 220 Dodge. . * _ _ C.17 7 "ITlOll HUNT- nice unfurnished rooms hiilt- 41 nblo for housekeeping , situated on 21st and Nicholas st. Apply 3111S 1.1th St. M3 ITlblFHllX'l' Two nlcelv furnished rooms for X1 gentlemen , 1'tS North 17th. 370 0 * FOK Kl'XT New furnished parlor room for 2 gentlemen , 812 N id. Cull corner Cumliig andSidsts. 3447 FOH HKXT Puinlshed rooms , single or en- suite , bath , steam heat and gas. Centsonly. 401 N Kith street. i34 ! 0 * FOR KICXT I'lirnlshed rooms for llghthouso- keeiilng ; also , furnished sleeping looms ( with Moves ) for gentlemen ; 609 Howard st , near Cozzens 34.1 7 * F oil UKXT-l-iirnished room , 141.1 Howard. H23 7 * ITtOll HKXT Kuniished front room. (115 North 4 ? 14th ht , 330 7 * FOH IllIXT Double parlor or suit of rooms in a private family. Jlrst class accommoda tion , the minute's walk from 1' . O. . tlrfct class references given nnd required , ready for occu pancy after 1.1th. Address L 211 , llee olllco. 327 0 * FOlt HP.NT Llegant sulto of rooms nicely furnished , brick tint , houth front , 1410 Chi cago. 3.17 FOH HP.XT ( Jround lloor olllco room , cen trally located , heated mid lighted. 0. K. Harrison , 418 S-JMhjst. 71'J FOH HUNT Puniibhed rooms , 1013 Parnnni. M.1n27J A PINK large bay window room , newly fur- nlhhed with gas , bath , furnace and closet , no other loonier , tor ouo or two gentlemen , Ml ) 8 20th st. 113 F IOH ( HP.NT A suite ot rooms over my store. Price. } i1 , Vf. F. Stoetzel. 712 FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms , HO. 812 f 15 and $20. at 11.21 l-'arnam St. iVJO ) RENT 2 double furnished looms , 11,1 and FR per month , with tiro. North side Loavenworth st between 17th and 18th. 331 11 * " nii ilKNT I'nrnihhnd front room with F board for gentleman. 1721 Douglas st. RENT Furnished rooms , with or with out board. litOU Farnaru ht. 27J 0 * URNISH ED rooms suitable for 4 gentlemen nnd 2 gentlemen , with board. B W cor 21st nnd H-atenvtorUiHU. i70 ! 7 * Foil HKXT Two elegantly furnished rooms with bath , California mid 171b hts , price reasonable. Per tc rms , etc. , call at Erie Clothing - ing Co. . 320 N. lllh ( ht. 2777 niOll RENT Fumlshud rooms , 1810 Dodge st. T710R RENT Pumished mid unfurnished V roonih in all parts of the city. When you wnnt a house we can accommodate you. Car riage ready to show houses. Ollice open even ings. II. E. Cole , 310 H. 15th st. U3I EOll RENT Large front furnished rofjin at 211U Himicy st. 8H P4 ATICKLY furnished rooms , WJ22 St. Mary's 1 > ave. 2SO10 * BURNISHED Rooms , wultablo for nvo or four gentlemen , price moderate , 220 N. IMi ht. 2b3 ( Ij "IJIOlt RENT Elegantly furnlkhed nnlte of 4 ? looms with board , In private family. All modern convenience : ! . 1'or particulars adilresa l.'JI llee. 203 G * T71URNLSI1P.D rooms nnd barn to rent , Ref. J. erence required. N. E. Cor. Douglas and 20th streets. 211 C "CIURNISHED room , 2207 Douglas. 2420J AI/YELY. largo front room heated , beauti ful location , with all modern conveniences on fct cur line , 1'JUCasa. 235 .IfKKNT Nice funilshod room ( U pel moutli , H. W. Cor. Ibth ami J aclmoii. 107 T7KR RENT 2 unfurnished rooms , 2d floor , 4J aid b. 15th. ' Itta , " 1710R RENT Furnished rooms in Qreuuig blk , 4 } cor. iitti : and Dodge fits. Inquire of U o. R. Durla , Mlllara Uou-1 LlllUrd IKJIB. W2 1710R KENT unfurnlMipd roon suitable for 4J houscki-eplng , HlWH S. 7 til St. 24S 1710R RENT-3 nicely furnished rooms , 2tWl St. 4J Mary's nve. l i | < 10R RENT -A nicely furnished Miltn of 4. ' rooms with bntli. funmco mid closet * Biiltnblo for a mnn and wife or three gentlemen , terms tea.xonnble. Apply nt KM So , ll'th st. 373 C * IjlOR RP.NT A nicely furnished suite of par- 4. lors. Riiltablo for two or four gentlemen , in now brick building , all modern fomenlcnco ; llr't-class l > oard it desired. Mrs. Win. Young , M > J Douglas at. W7 7 * 1710R RENT Itoomt , slnglo nnd en suit ? , 4 ! good piano for sale , ( ltd , 1V1 ! rarnani t , ftfj "T710H RENT 3 rooms suitable for house keep- 4 ; ing. N. W. cor. 14th mid Pierce bt. Apply to 310 s. ir.ih st. ; dr "I/1OR RUNT Nicely furnished room dutiable 4.'for 2 gentlemen , inquire 2011 St. Mary'navc. WO 17UR UKNT .1 unfurnished rooms suitable for 4 } liousekeeiilng. 1(12,1 ( N 2itll ) bt. 1M 171OR RENT-Nlcofiont room and other 4 ; rooms w Ith or without board , 2210 Farnaiu 275 10 * KOOM for two gentlemen , 17-U Davenport st- 1040 * _ _ "TOOU HP.NT-Furnished i-oom (10 per month ; 4. heat , light and piano ; private family. 423 South 24lh st. 8150 * I1OR RENT Kusnlshpilrooms with board gentlemen only , -MS DougloH st. JJ.V7J rooms with board. li l I'iir- "I71OU HKNT- Pleasant rooinr , furiiHhed , 4.1 southwest corner 20th nnd Webster. WU " 1710H HUNT Vunilshed rooms In all parts of 4'tlio city , by the nay , week or month. City Intelligence olllco. Urciglitoii block. ins 1710H ItllNT rurnlshed rooms with board If 4. ' dcshvd , lllll Kainniu htrcet. 'Mi 7J THOU HUNT Vnrnisncil rooms 701 817th ! 4.1 mi i 7 * 1710.11 JtHNT-Klegnnt furnlsheilpiilto of rooniH 4' in prlvnto fnmlly 21(0 ( St .Marys ave , t erms leasonablo to light party. ; ! 0 * "ITlOlt HKN'T 2 rooms ensiilte or setiarate. ref- 4 ! erenccs rciiulrod. 1'J Cuiiltolure. VM U * WANTKDtorent , 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms for housekeeping , within 10 blks of P.O. City Intelligence ollice , Ci eight on block. 105 "IJ1OK HUNT Nicely furnished rooms , ioI3 4 ; Dodge. I.MI . 7 * FOU lUJN'T-omco room , fli-st Hour , atlllfiS. Inthht. 4)- ) , SITUATIONS WANTED. \\rANTKD-lty a young man , a place to do choies morning and evening for loom and board or equivalent. Iluderntand milking and hoises. Address L3. " , lice V'.U 7 * \\TANTHD-Sltiintlon In wholesale or retail grocuiy store by middle aged man , with experience. Itefereiice given. Or as collecting agent. Address LIls , llee. 40U-7 * " \\rANTii-SItuatlon : for stenographer and typewriter , active and coir < u huge ex- perleiiio In ollice , tinto City llmplojment ollice. 314" " t So. Kith ; iii7 7 * nn by a competent baker In a Cerman bakery. Address' ! ' . C. Kull- man , 1211 William sheet. ; c.'l ( I * \ \ rANTI5DSltniitTim , by young lady ns com- T paiilon or nurse , with cmldicu or without- , going to California. Addless Maggie Hamand , Lincoln , Neb. L'ta U * Tr\7"A.\TJi ) Situations for a number oFeiisT ern girls who thoroughly umleistiind housewoik. Now Is your time to secure llrst- class help. Our ollice Is full of girls. Jlis. llrega Ar Son , IIIC S. 15th. Telephone b4. rANTID Situations for > Ing girls , snleslndlos , diessiinikeis. mil liners. bookkeeper ! ! , clerks , etc1. We till vouror- dels tree. Mrs lln''ti : > V Son , C.inadlan ftmiiloy- ineut olllcc.JlinS. loth. Up-stalrs. Tclo. n l. _ _ _ 8S3 ( ! "VVTANTKI ) Situation by a gentleman having T ten j ears' exporlenco in the real estate and nbsliitet business ; best of Ad dress W. T. Otis , Saglnaw , Mich. , care MaiMiall liouso. 2111 tlj STORAGE. "VTIIW YOIIK Sloriigo Co. have most extensive -1 , facilities for f-torngo of furniture , pianos , bugKles , ftdieral nierchandhe , west of New Yoik. Cash advances to any nmount ; wari1- house receipts given : 'goods Insured ; brick building llrjvproof ; special arrangements for commission merchants. Cull New Voi k Storauo Co. , Capitol nvo and N , IMh at. , llonnett's block. 7.VJ [ 711HST-CLASS storage at 110 N. 13th st. STOHAnn-Mercliandlso or furniture. Llttlo & Williams , 1407 Douglas st. Ml n'.t ) STORAQK for carriage at Omaha fair grounds and lioraeb wintered by A. Thomson. ITil-N 20 * S'mil A OK ( loo. Pchwartz. Omaha Storage Warehouse. l ( ) | . Kill North Kith St. . funilt- ure.buguiea and uierchandlso. OJllce Kll ! > Dodge. 427n Hi * STORAOK Tnrnlture. boxed goods , ctc.tenns reasonable. 714 Pacific. KU FOR SALE HOUSES LOTS. TJ10H SALK New Btoro building mid lot ( iii 4. ' Hellevmi Ht. , South Omaha ; price fl.WO ; onlyiK lcnsh ; can give Immediate possession. Geo. N. Hicks , 215 S. ISth St. 4M 0 FOH RALi : or Kxcliango Klghteen acres , Junction of two main streets and M. P. llelt Line Hy. , only ten minutes' rldn by rail toSoulh Omaha and stock yauls and 20 inlmites' rldo to the business center of Onmhn ; covered with splendid sliado trees ; will plat Into H ) cholco lots ; land all around It Is divided Into lots and selling for400 to KM each : price $211.000 ; buyer to assume Incumbranco of fi,200 ! , due in 1 , 2 , ! l nnd 4 years ; will take $7,0(11 ( cash , balance JfiW)0 ) lu good Improved farm properly. Uoorgo N. Hicks , 2158.15th bt. 4110 U SOUTH Omaha business lots for bale. Mirks. 4WK B1G Hnrgain Corner lot , 7J by 150 feet , on llellevue htreet , South Omaha. Call and get prlco and terms. Geo. N. Hicks , 21f > S. 15th. 248 7 T71OR RALE Finest location for a homo in 4. ' West Omaha , adjoining the mansion homes of Klrkendnll , Coe , Ilrndy , Easson and others , Nothing finer in the city. Can nel H < L1xlb7 or lehs ; for prices r.nd terms sco S. A. Sloniiin. l.'Wl I'nrnam st. 7.M FOR SALE Several houses mid lota on hinall payments , also home houses mid lots to trade ; several farms for sale or trade for Omahn property or for stock. A. F , Muyne , N. AV , cor liith nnd Famam , UUl IF you have anything to Bell or oxchnnce list it with U. C. Spotawood , itOTiU B Kith. 1.11 RALE A beautiful newfroom hoiihe In FOR block "A , " Hedford Plate , small cash payment ment- Unbilled monthly or to bull. Charles 0. Spotswood , IKOti S. Kith ht. 1)04 ) /1ASH and vacant lots In Omaha to exchange V for merchandise. Address L10 , Hoe ollic e. IIWDJ T\7"E Altl' ordu'red to hell at n very low prlco : > i 2 lots in Lincoln Plnce. IS lots in South Omaha. 2 lots lu Howling Green. 1'or pi ices nnd terms inquire of Tel. 73 Marshall & Lobeck , Boom t > , Chamber of Commerce , Kith street entr.mce. 373 8 OH TRADU-Knulty In lots 1 mid 2 , Union . . . . Kqiiaru. next jlocC to Martin , Easson Ac Hrady ; W , W for house uud lot , or vacant liiHlde lot. Address K BU Hep. 7 ( < 7 / 1IIOICU trackage pioporty for Bale. Hicks. BALE AtSSOO , hotiBe and lot , rented at FOR per month , on hinall rush payments , bal ance monthly or quarterly , or all cash ntalM-t- ter price and warranted deed. D. D.Smeaton.KXXI Dodge st. H2 TJ10R SALE New htoro building on Hfillevuo 4J Btieet , South Omaha , can glvo immediate possosHlon. Cull and gut price und terms. IHckH , 21,1 Soutli 15th street. 2 < H 7 T71OH SALE Now six room house , laundry , 4 ; cellar , well , cistern nnd outbulldlnu'ti , cor ner lot , near btreet cars , easy monthly pay. ments. ! ' . K. Darling , l.VXl , cor , 15th und How ard. " "I" r10 EXCHANGE- Improved city propeity , J. stock farm o : 7W > acres with nil modern lin- Iirovomcntu , 4 miles from city of 7,000 i ) pula- ( ton. In Iowa. 11. E. Colo. 31(18 ( lath at. ffiO fPRACKAGE I have nome choice trackage 4. pinpcrty In Wust Omaha on the F. 1 ! , A > l. V , It , R and JllHSOtnl Paelllo Hy , near the junc tion of the two roads. Them U no finer truck- ago neir the city for mills , elevators and maim- futturlng purjx es. Parties contcinplntlnu ! < > catlne lu Oniuhu will do well to call und see the nroii rtto the right kind of parties I will olltr liberal inducements. Geo. N. Hicks , 2ISS IMh. houses , rurnlxhcd and unfunilshcd LIST within. Wo will rent them , oilico open cfilings. . 11. H. Cole , 310 H. l..tli H. itll TRr ( ! bulldiufc' , Bouth Omahu , for hale. niWO beautiful Imlldiiig lots in Jetter'-i add J- South Omaha at abaruuln if taken before i' , li , Uiulius , 1003 iiow-oi-a. 3710 rn j. HOOOIC , 15ft ) Fnntniit , Good Inrest- 4. input * . flood 4 room house , full lot , eMl front on 21th el. , near Pomiloton nvo. , K.KX ) . ) Snst front tin Virginia nvc. , north of Lcnvon- worih. IhOft. l'ulllot.2 tronti , Bovithonjliill nnd north on Howard st. , tieur Virnlnlti live. , 1 1'A'iO-A ba - ( , 'nln , . 2 w'ttlU front lotson Dnvcuport st. . near Slth , } lir > ft. iXJ.ft past front lot on Ifltli st. , goiitil of Lake Bt. . with two peed houv < A , fl rtV llnst front , lu llan.scom 1'lnco. ll.wi. % _ a.1. . Hook , I.VM 1'nninra. " 1JJA | , lISTATi : IIAIKLAINS..New store 41 bullUIni ; mid lot , ll lle\ tie Bt. , South Omnhii , i feet on South Sixteenth sticet , timir viaduct , Lot's 8 , 7 nnd 0 , block 0 , llnti com 1'lace. 1M ) ltd east fronton Ultimo stieet. No liner plnro In the city tot block of houses or lnr n resl- denoei. Can. sell llfty feet or inoro nt 77.UU ubr front foot. , l.ot i , block 1(1 ( , llausconi Place , splendid resi dence. Lot on ( loorgtn nvcnue. a bl bmgnln nt Ct.lM. ( ) . Lot SI , Mock n. Hanscom Plitco , $ J7.IM. Choice rorner In NV'ent , Omaha , on Lowe live- nuc , iUxrv. . only if i.imi , Itfl feet south fiont lu llnrtlett" addition , ncnr corner Park a\emto nnd Lenwiiwcrtli street , enl . Hoautlful south front lot , cornnr Voniilrtnn nvcnue nnd Thirly-thlrd street. Poppleton nvo- line Is now Krailed , and thl.s lot Is Just rli-lit for urndo. Price. $ - > 7.nO : ouly | TW cash ; baUnco 1 , i : , It and 4 years. Lois -land 21 , block 4. lliinscrtiii Place , 103 by 1M ) feet , corner Mt. Pleasant and Catliarltui streets , elegant , olio-halt block ft 0111 inr line , 57.r4Vj.tN I , T ii lots In Tabor Place , corner LowonM-mio mid lli > w aid street , Just three blocks of the elegant new houses now being erected In West OJnnhaI.N ltlO. Lot 2. block 7 Hanscom Plnce. This lot Is no * 171 feet east Jrunt , sin rounded by elegant houses on both Bides. A blK bargnfu If taken Comer Dolawnro and PoppMon avenue , south nnd eiu.t front , KKixlltl feet. Mamiltlceiit vlus ; splendid neighborhood : Just tne place for nn eleKiuit block , Pilce.ST.fiUl ; * l,2liU cash : balance 1 , 2 , ! l n ml 4 5 enrs. Corner. 72x1 .VI . on llellevuo street , Poutli Omahn. Hlecliie motorcar tiackalieudy laldon btreet- , . ISO feetirontngo and coincron Ilellcvuustrcct , J.ots it ; and 14 , block 0 Ilnnsrom Plilco. Corner Woolw 01 th and lela\Miie , fiiclnu south on Park ; one of the llnest iv.sldeuco sites In the cltv , If sold Noon , JT.iMKi ) . 'J In ee. lots with trackage on Holt line rallwuy near Leaven worth street , $2,1(10. ( U'cnnciev , splendidly udaplcd forgnulenlitK pill-poses , 1HK"IIU. ( ' Call and .sen my list of choice residence , busi ness anil trackage property , Oeo , N. Hicks , 21.- , South I.It h btreet. _ " 1710U SAl.P.-Or exelimiKi' . farms In Iowa , 4' Kansas and Nebraska for Omaha houses nnd lots ; will assume moitnajcs | on houses and ( rive clear deeds to farms ; will also oYclmtiKU illy lots for good farms , well located and as- Mime small mortKiiL'esoii farms and ulvo clear Ui-L'd to city lots , r.irins wanted In Central No- braskn. A. P. Tukey , ltl : I'nriinin .st. 140 TJ10II .SALll-Lottl. lluir Oaktl,1UU , f.'AWcasll 4J bnl , 2 year.s. Lot 4ii , llurr Oak , $ lKKl ( , WV ) cash , bal easv , Lot 47 , llurr Oak , Jl.ttt ) , flu ) cash , bill easy , Lot KlblkH. HlllslduNol , K.bOll , $1,1UO cash , bal Ilj ears. Lot , 5 blk 7 , Hillside No 1 , K.MIO. fl.aK ) cash , bnl ! l year.s. Lot 7 blk 10 , Heed's 1st ndd , M.OOO. Lot IK , ijtinuy.slde , W , Km , HO cash , bal easy. Two new 7 room houses with model n conven iences two blocks west Hanscom paik , $ .1,400 enili teims easy. Irfitu. % , Kairiuunt place with live room cottage , Two Kood lots w Ith tlvii room cottage on each , In blk in , Patrick's add , only & ! , ( H. > 0 each , terms very easy. ' Huslness lots In South Omaha on N , Q , 21th , -5th nnd 2i'ith streets for sale < heal ) . Aeiu piopeity near Soutli Omaiia for sain or for train ) lor Inside Omaha nnd Soutli Omaha lotK. Potter , v Cobb , Kiui Pariinni st. . Hoard Trade building. fc77 21 CALL and see the choice list of houses 1 oiler for .sale oil easy terms , ( ! eo. N. Illclcs , 215 South ht. 2W 7 _ Foil SA LU flood brick business property In centre of ( Irani ! Island ; grentost bargain and best terms In the city ; but llttlo cash ro- ( liilred ; long tlnio , low Interest and easyimv- ments ; other leal estate fer sale. Address .1. 11 , Woolley , nttoiney at law , Uraiid iHliind , Neb. ; t"i T 1ST your property for halo with ClurlesO. J JSpotswood , iWTi'i ' S loth St. 012 and see the oliol corner lots 1 oiler In CALL the rustdcnco and business inn I Ion of Soulh Oiimlia. Oeo. N. Hicks , 2l5Soulh Iftth stieot. _ 248 7 _ TIC ) exchange -Bomb money and choice land for llrst class Impioved Insldo property. II. II. Cole. JllfiS 1Mb. ill Tj ( jTrSATK-l2lxTlHfrTcor. "iTowafiT and IKtTi 4 ; his. , next block to Knsson , Hrady At Mnr- tins houspH , J7.riliil. AddressJJ.Ift lleoofllco. _ _ VX > N15W eluht-room house , pleiisnnt location , can glvu Immedlata possession , n bargain If taken ntonce. Geo. N. Hicks , 215 South IMli st. _ 2ISJ _ TTIINlIIIast front lot In Plalnvlcw on 20th st. 4.1 car line , for f I.UKI. Small rash and lon tlmu. K. 1C. Darling , 1 Howard st. Ml C i\Mi and HCU the cholco bargains I oir. . r lu South Omaha. Hicks , 2ir > S. luth street. 2IS 7 FOIt SALl' or trntlo 320 acres of land ono mile from Central City , Neb. , 70 acres under cultivation. 100 actes under fence , including coinils ; balance extia good meadow ; hoiiho cost JUKI , bam HX ) , cattle barn IPX ) ; good wind mill , 3acies nice young 01 chard , with hedgrt fence ; will trade for stock of hardware , grocer ies or general mcrcliandlj.0. N. llnrnvs , Central City , Neb. Ell 10J DON'T Say , young man , young woman , men whose hairs are turning gray , women whosn beauty may bo fading , butw hose good henso and Koundjudgiupnt will e\erremain. Neverpennlt the cloudsof advomltv to cast their shadows upon vour rented cottage door. Don't allow old ago to creep over you a homeless wanderer. Hiiyn lot when you can. Now Is the time to secure a lot for a homo. Don't delay or you will surely lose the chance of a II ret lino. Wo will sell you a beautiful lot. Wx-120 feet , for 1100 , nayablo 1.2 nnd 3 year.s without Interest , provided you build n cottage on tno property worth S4UO. Only one lot sold to each purchaser. Call and Roe pints. Ofllco open evenings till Up. m. H. K. Colo. 1110 8. l.Mli st. ifti rpllACKAGI- : property for sale by Hicks. Fpo HUY , sell or tradn. lenl estate. Call on X us. We have n number of bargains to offer. Tel. 73. Marshall .V Ixibeck , Itoom 9 , Chamber of Commerce , 10th htiect.1 ; mi a STOHP building , South Oinnhn , for unlo , Hicks. 430 C FlIMOMPSON , llenl I'ltate , 311 S. 15th Bt. Wl ft on Tarnatn near 34th , per ft I 12.1 40 ft on l-'arnnm nearSjth , ] HT ft 22i > ( lift on Sium.lcrs . neat-Graco D.M llest lot In Klrkwood l.r/ ) Ooodlotln Kliby Place 1.275 Ml ft on 1Mb st near fit. M ary'H avn H.7.riO I iftlnblk1 , lledlck's hiibillvlslon 4.2i ) A good trnclHgo lot In city for lease cheap Lot on Park ave opposite Hanscom Park , . 2.7IM Lot In Hodman Twrraca , only 7f > 10 acres tt South Omaha for platting , got prlco. List your property with Thompson. 3R8rj J'INR lot In Hawthorne addition for1.300 : A ualc about it. V. K. Darling , 150.1 Howard. ' T710R SALE-Storo buUdhiK Botith Omalin. 4 ? Hicks. 430B rilHOMPSON , 314 S. Ifith St. , buys mid sells real 4. e.stato , loans money , purchases hORiiritlns ; 1ms a good list of property for nulo and wants more. Notary pabllc. B.14 OiSALV or tnidn 'IVo hundiedand eighty F Hems of beautiful Iowa land , unlncum- licred. Will Bell low or trade for Insldo Omaha ronlostiito. Addiuwj J. H , Lamar , care Goon hotel , city. _ PH07 * 1'our room eottagn. with pantry , closets NKW cellar. Near car line , schools and In nn excellent nelghborliood , bolng lot IB , Hiirrtntto court , price II.WKi , small cash payine-nt and JI5 per mouth. Wallace , Ciolghton block. 4 ( S S"OMirnTLNTTcliolcMerinsTiisy. . Lot l.bloclc U , Itenl'K 1st , atnbarudln. IiiveHtlgate. H , P. , Cole. 310 8 15th ht. _ VM 'ITIOlt SA LK New house of H rooniH In unb-ndld .L1 location. 10.000 , worth 17,000 ; only WM I cash lequUed. H. H. Miller , YiSi DougUu t. IloOm il. _ 324 rpO KXCIIANGH-lviulty in cholco Omaua 4 property for ttock dry goods ( aclothing. ' . L If , lite. _ " " ° T.TOUSi : for sale , oiu y term * . HlcUs. 4.JO d 1710R l-XCIIANTi--Clty property for Iowa or I1 Nebraska Iambi. L. If. Wuttn , N. . Cor. litth and 8t. Mury'ii me. _ " ' 1 OR SALK-New utoro building and lot on lltllevue btii-ot. South Omalm. uin give posscmslon at once , price | l.i > [ ) , ffiUO cash. bal. unco 1 , 2 und 3 } eui s. 0 to. N . 1 1 ick * . Jill B. Utli. " 1710R SALK-A good lollXi fi.'t ) on I'orlc fty. 43 rmio , lowprUolf nold eon , SIcOulloch le Co.cpr 1Mb mid K-lnnlde property for good - ieight or nine rooms , mid full lot , . . . , . loch Aj/o. . _ ) _ r Ifillii ami FuraMiii. Ita _ mwo IIHUHPH in llmiscxiin place renting for JL J70 per month to exchange for peed InMda vatnr.tproperly. H. B. Campbell and O.W , Her- " "tfi. icth bt. t'liKmbt-r of Commcrc * . 1U