Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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How an Ex-Scout Victimized a Num
ber of LincolnitcB and Omahnns.
fl CoimnlBHlon Man Fails anil Iicnv
tlie City Wholesale Iilquor House
Closed A DrtiKglBt Kmbar-
City News.
The Ilof-tiH Land Onino.
Louis I'nsoo , cosmopolitan , nnd J , L. Keith ,
of Lincoln , were nrrcstcd in that city Thurs
day on a charge of obtaining money under
false pretenses , through the almost antedilu
vian bogus land racket. 13oth men In the
custody of Deputy United States Marshal
Hastings were brought to this city yesterday
morning nnd lodged in Jnll. They will appear
before the grand Jury of the United States
district court this afternoon , Pasoo , the
leading genius In the swindle , Is a large , cor
pulent , muscular man , with long black hair
worn after the fashion of the plainsman and
guide of twenty years ngo. buckskin shirt ,
corduroy breeches and broad sombrero. In
fact I'asoo claims to have seen considerable
service us a scout and was for years
the sldo partner of Omohundro , or Texas
.lack. Hut enough of his past history. Three-
weeks ago he appeared in Lincoln , and mndu
the acquaintance of Jerry Sawdcy , u special
.policeman. Ho accosted Sawdcy on the
score of a Grand Army badge the latter wore ,
and Impressing him with Urn idea that hctoo.
had gone through the war , the two enjoyed
themselves for some thno as only old soldiers
can , exchanging their experiences of the. Held ,
the march and the camp. Finally Pasoo in
formed Sunday that ho was a claim locator ,
nnd kncwof some Verydeslrablo landthat could
bo pre-empted within the confines of Gage
and Seward counties. Thcso valuable tracts
had been condemned by the railroads , but by
some technical error In the condemnation
proceedings , had reverted to the government.
He claimed to "stand in" solid with the gov
ernmental authorities who had Immediate
supervision over these tracts , and pictured
In glowing terms what u golden op
portunity was thus afforded for some ono to
invest and speculate with a limited amount of
capital. After a long and confidential talk
over the matter Sawdcy was finally induced
to look up a couple of ambitious friends with
some ready cash and take up three home
steads , Tasoo tellin Sawdoy ho ought to bo
slick enough to make the two friends ho took
into the scheme with him pay for his. That
evening Thomas Caralmn and A. J , Hyatt
were Induced to go into the venture , and the
next day tlio entire party left for VVymoro.
Hero they hired n team and drove into the
country fifteen or eighteen miles and located
thu claims. The next day they returned to
Lincoln , and going before u notary , papers
were duly made out which invested I'asoo
with the authority to apply for the necessary
papers at the land department. Sawdoy ,
Cnrulmn and Hyatt defrayed all the
expenses of the trip , the lawyers'
fee , and loaned I'asoo $100 besides.
which ho asfured them should bo deducted
from the cost of securing the transfer
Thursday morning those official documents
arrived , C. O. 1) . , with & 10 duo on each etor
atfyuinall. They wcro not immediately taken
out , however , and at noon u couple of
gentlemen from this city , and two or three
parties from Hnrlan , la , , arrived at Lincoln
especially to look into the validity of similar
titles which they had purchased at these
respective cities. All the parties met
nt the land oflico at the same
time , and the Omahans and the lowans
made the fact known to the Lincoln it es that
they too had operated the one-armed , long
haired Pasoo. This disclosure filled the at
mosphere with the fragrance of a good sized
rat , and Sawdoy and his friends hurried oil to
the ( Japitol hotel to see Pasoo and keep him
in sight until they were satisfied of the valid
ity of their claims. I'asoo was as nonchalant
as an oyster , and never indicated by word or
deed that ho suspicioned that Sawdoy nnd his
friends suspected him of any smooth work.
They asked Ijiui'to accompany them to the
land department , but ho said that was use
less IIH Hcceivcr Ditvii * was out of the city
and would not return until this evening and
It would bo impossible to establish the record
in this particular matter until ha was pres
ent. Ho then urged them to accompany him
to Seward andlnspcct tholandandwishingto
delay hint as long as possible they consented.
Mr. Hyatt , however , in the meantime , was
given the tip by Sandey , who told him to
hurry round to the land department and see
if Mr. Davis was there , or away as Pasoo
said ho was. Hyatt called at the land department -
partmont at once and all his suspicions wcro
confirmed , us Mr. Davis was at his desk as
usual. Ho quickly stated the case , end as
quickly the receiver pronounced all the titles
worthless , at the same time declaring that
there was no government land in either
Gage or Seward counties open to pre-cnip1
When Hyatt returned to the rnpltol ho was
accompanied by DoputyUnited StatcsMarshal
Hastings , armed with a warrant , and a half
hour fater the ex-scout and old soldier ,
Pasoo , was behind the bars of the Lincoln
Jail. .1 , L. Keith , who acted as Pasoo's secretary -
rotary in drawing up the papers , was also
gathered in and brought hero withtho princi
pal tills morning. Notwlthstandingthis bogus
land transfer and pre-empting fraud Is an old
and worn out racket , and has swindle indeli
bly stamped all over the face of it. I'asoo is
a very astute artist , and United States Mar
shal Uierbower intorms the HUB reporter
that lie has been wonderfully successful and
his dupes are innumerable. He had at least
ten or liftcon other Lincolnites on the string ,
ullof whom would have pre-empted this
week had the scheme not been exposed when
it was.
D. O. Freeman Flics tlio City Lhjuor
and Drug ; Failure * .
The business career of D. O. Freeman , com
mission man , 413 South Eleventh street , has
como to a close , by his sudden flight from
the city. Ho leaves obligations of various
amounts , some of which will prob.ibly bo set
tled. while for a settlement of the others , the
creditors will bo compelled to rustic.
Ho commenced on a capital of
about 1,500 , then borrowed from
his mother , later from the Nebraska Na
tional bank , which at ono tlmo allowed him
to overdraw to the extent of between { 400
and fVX ) . At the tlmo of his dlsiipp-aranco ,
by way of satisfying this obligii ion , lie
assigned to the bank Ids accounts to bo col
lected , which it is thought will so. a the
bank though some doubt Is entertainc to
whether it enables the conslgnu to
bo paid. Freeman has secured hU mother
by transferring to her. a couiilo of
horses , a wagon and a carriage which ho had
In his business. The latter , it seems , have
now been attached , and the attnlrs arc in a
decidedly mixed condition. Lcavitt Hum-
ham has taken possession of tlio store , and is
stuck for several months' rout. Among the
other creditors whoso amounts run from $40
to * 300 are A. H. Hremcr & Co , of Chicago ,
Stanley & Co , , U. Salmon , of this city ; S.
Mcrshou of Glcnwood , and a number of
others. Freeman lived with his mother near
Colfax and Howard streets , though his
whereabouts are nt present unknown.
P. Connolly , the wholesale liquor dealer at
120 South Fourteenth street made an assign
ment yesterday. The accounts against him
ore f3OM.i ( ! > in favor of the First National
bank , $4,000 In favor of C. MoArdle , ono of his
bondsmen , nnd $3,800 In favor of Thomas
Culllgan. his fathcr-ln-law. At the begin
ning of the month his assets , including his
stock , book accounts , etc. , amounted to
fXMQO. His liabilities are only half this , but
bad debts and an account of nearly $3,000
with P. H. Maguire has temporarily em
barrassed him. Connolly says that for this
$3,000 account against Maguire ho was forced
to take cither n $0,000 mortgage or nothing.
Ho accepted the mortgage , but
it was broken by' ' Magulro's
creditors on the ground that it was
fraudulent. This unexpected loss crippled
him , but ho hopes to inakusomo arrangement
whereby ho can resume business again soon ,
iniuo STOKB ci.osKt ) .
J. H. Phelp * did a drug business at No.
2,113 Cumlng street , nnd from all accounts
trade has been at the best with him. Thurs
day u chattel mortgage for $ .YX5 was' glvcii'by
him. but it was not llled with the county
clerk on that day. Phclps was indebted to
Mux Meyer & Co. , and they having1 gained
word of his action swore out an attachment
on his premises uud yebtcnluy' closed up his
ftflvlccs yesterday reported
upou tUcir
roods by W. J. Stcphcnson , of Broken Bow ,
L'ustcr county.
The failure Is nt'to announced of H. O.
Smith , an agricultural Implement dealer at
Creston , in this state , with about $300 as lia
What Waft Done Before the Judges
Yc tcrlay.
A transcript , Joseph M. Hust vs. the
Union Pacific railway company , $5,000 dam
ages , was filed with the clerk of the United
States court yesterday Hust was an em
ploye of said company , nnd in July was as
sisting in the loading of a car with steel
rails. Ho was on the insldoof the car , and
through the recklessness and carelessness of
the workmen on the outside , ono of these
heavy rails was thrown upon his nnklo and
foot , crushing nnd mangling It. and crippling
and disabling him for life , lie brings suit
for $5.000 in the district court , and has it
transferred to the United States court.
S. D. Lystcr. of Holdregc , is before the
grand Jury of the United States court
charged with passing counterfeit bills. The
bogus money was in ono nnd live dollar
notes which were elcx-er Imitations of silver
certificates. The spurious nature of the bills
was well hidden by a coat of grease and dirt.
A petition was filed In the district court
yesterday afternoon by Brown , Parkhurst &
Co. , of South Omaha , instituting proceedings
against the Union Stockyards bank. Tlio
plaintiffs allege that the defendant requested
them to purchase from $20,000 to $30,000 worth
of what Is knwn by stockmen ns "cattle
paper ; " that is , commercial paper given by
buyers of cattle in payment therefor , nnd
which Is secured by chattel mortgage upon
growing crops of the farmer who purchases
the stock for feeding. This contract was en
tered into by plulntifT and defendant , and the
former drew thereon largo sums of money ,
and defendant honored two drafts , one of
W.fiOO and another of * 1 , < KK > . This paper was
procured only for the use of defendant. The
bunk now refuses to accept the balance of the
cattle paper , amounting to ! 14IXK.SOnUeging ) ,
as the reason that money Is tight. PliiintifTs
state that by the defendant's refusal to live
up to the contract their credit will be injured.
It is further stated that defendant is about to
bring suit , nnd plaintiffs want them enjoined
from so doing during the pendency of their
suit to force defendant to taltc the balance
of the paper.
Amanda Margantn Kccsll filed a petition
for divorce yesterday against her husband ,
Hclndrlck Keesil. The plaintiff states that
they wcro married near Hamburg , Germany ,
December 10,1ST" , and two years later her
her husband toyed too frequently with the
cup that cheers and degenerated Into a per
fect sot. She demands a divorce and the cus
tody of her two children on the ground of
cruelty , drunkenness and non-support.
A suit was begun yesterday by Fr. Beck
& Co. against Mergell & Hoscnwcig to collect
$ ' 2,124.17 claimed to be duo them on account.
Andrew J. Moro and Mary Moro nro plniiv
tilTs In a suit against Frank Davorak to re
cover possession of several valuable lots and
ask the court for a Judgment of $ 'i,000 , for
In the case of Fred W. Billiard vs. Danlol
Meredith for damages resulting from bodily
injuries , the Jury disagreed and were dis
charged yesterday.
William N. Nason has brought action
against Charles E , Campbell , Mollic D.
Campbell and W. II. Hobbins to restrain
them from collecting $ f > 0 per month rental
from property on Twenty-first street , which
ho claims they secured a deed from him by
fraud and false representation.
A jury wasempanneled before Judge
Hopcwell yesterday afternoon in nn action of
lialtuz Kramer vs. the city of Omaha.
Before Judge Wukeloy yesterday nftor-
noon a jury was selected and the action of
Dovercll Hros. against J. H. Manchester
Charles Stewart began a suit in the county
court yesterday , , against County Attorney
Edward Simural and Tnmblety ( real name
unknown ) to recover $200 which Mr. Stewart
alleges was stolen from him by Tumblcty ,
who Is'now in jail aud the money in tlio
hands of Mr. Simcral. Mr. Stewart is in the
far west and docs not wish to como hero for
the purpose of prosecuting Tumblety.1 !
The Hichardson Drug company filed an at
tachment yesterday in the county court
against J. II. Phclps , and prays for judgment
in the sum of ? 300.0 .
Four Different Firms Present F
to the Hoard.
There was a full attehdanco of the mem
bers of the board of public works yesterday
afternoon to open bids furnished for the con
struction of the superstructure of the city
hall. Four bids were offered as follows :
Edward J. Brennan & Hros $3i5OT 'i.OO
M. T. Murphy 2(54,500.00
William Novins & Co 24 ,500.00
Hlco & Hassett ( Chicago ) 201,473.82
On motion of Mr. Hcimrod action on the
bids was postponed until Friday , November
11 , to give the board nmplo time to investi
gate the responsibility of the bidders.
The following estimates were allowed :
C. D. Woodworth , curbing , Fifteenth
street , Davenport to Webster , $3,424.11 ;
Twenty-fourth street , Scward to Patrick
avenue , f2r > 93.Sl5 ; .Sixteenth street , Howard
to Leavenworth , $1.71)0.18. )
C. E. Fanning & Co. , swooping , estimates
for the four weeks ending October 23 ,
* inu.iri. ; :
E. B. Edwards & Co. . advertising , $5.00.
Engineering News , advertising , i'J.GO.
Injured by Cave-Ins.
A young man by the name , of Charles Rog
ers , in the employ of the waterworks com
pany , was at work yesterday on Eigh
teenth street making excavations for the
water mains. Suddenly and without warn
ing the earth caved in upon him , imprison
ing him up to his neck and leaving him help
less to aid himself. Ills cries for help brought
to his assistance several companions , who by
hard and persist cut work succeeded In extract
ing him from his perilous position. Itogcro
when rescued was unable to stand on his
feet , and ho complained of excruciating pains
in his back and sides. A litter was procured
and ho was removed to the Emmett house ,
and Dr. Stone summoned. Kbgcrs is injured
internally , and it is feared that his injuries
may prove fatal.
John Koitch , bleeding nnd injured in
ternally , was removed to his homo on North
Ninth street yesterday afternoon , where ho
was made as comfortable as circumstances
would permit. Heituh was employed on the
Brennan block , in course of construction at
Seventeenth and Leavenworth streets , when
a brick arch tumbled to pieces and ho was
struck by nnd buried under the crumbling
brick and mortar.
'Strayed Away and Hurt.
Jim Deschano has periodical habits of
straying away from homo and wandering
about In strange places. For a week or more
ho has been missing , and last evening ho was
found by a policeman lying in the edge of the
woods at Twentieth and Popplcton nvenuo
witli a bad cut in the back of his head. Ho
was unable to account for the injury , which
was patched up by the city physician.
To-NlRlit'n Ilc ] > uhllcan Rally.
The republican rally at the exposition build
ing to-night will bo under the auspices of the
Young Men's Republican club. All the ward
clubs have signified their intention of taking
part , and the torch light procession prior to
the meeting promises to bo an Imposing affair.
The clubs will form at the Mlllard , and with
flaming torches nnd muslo by a number of
bands parade on South Thirteenth street to
Farnam , Farnam to Sixto'enth , north on Six
teenth to Capitol avenue , cast on Capitol
nvi'iuio to tlio hall. Messrs. Thurston and
Laird will bo the speakers.
A Small lllnzo.
The hro department was called to Thir
teenth and Douglas streets at 8 o'clbclr last
night to extinguish what proved to bo a
quantity of waste paper in tho. basement of
the Commercial National bank. Two buckets
of water did the business.
_ A Valuable Lot.
' Thc.unpcciiirtcd lot in the rear of Falconer's ,
'on Fifteenth street.lias boon sold by Le\v
Hill .to Mr. nosier , of Carlble , Pa. , for
IVucat IJros's.
Send mo your address uud I will send
you uu import'out letter ,
tiroundfl on Winch the National Con *
Tcntlon Is Aokcd.
There was a meeting of the gentlemen in
terested In securing for Omaha next year's
republican national convention at the board
of trade rooms last evening. Mr. Ltndley ,
who with Messrs. Hoscwatcr and Taylor was
appointed n committee to draft n letter to
the members of the committee , submitted
the following , which was adopted :
OMAHA , Neb. , Nov. 8. Dear Sir : The
republicans of Nebraska , In their late state
convention , unanimously declared in favor of
locating the next national republican conven
tion at Omalm.
The request has been seconded by the
board of trade and city council of Omaha nnd
committees have been appointed to make
arrangements to accommodate same and
place the advantages and claims of Omaha
before the national committee.
As a preliminary step the committee tnko
the liberty of making an individual appeal to
members and respectfully call your attention
to the following facts :
Omaha Is focatcd in the geographical cen
ter of the continent , and Is accessible to
every section of the country. The twelve
trunk lines of railway with their
112 passenger trains arriving nnd de
parting each day afford ample facilities
to all who may desire to attend the conven
tion. With a population of over 100,000 ,
Omaha to-day is the best paved city in the
west , and with her broad streets , boulevards
and parks is ono of the handsomest cities in
America. Ample hotel facilities and accom
modations for nil who may como will bo
found here. The Exposition building , within
three blocks of the principal hotels , will scat
10.000 people.
The proposition of Omaha In detail will bo
presented to the National committee at its
December meeting. Should you desire any
information meanwhile it will be furnished
with pleasure. Wo hope you will give Omaha
a favorable consideration and wo shall bo
pleased to hear from you on the subject.
Yours respectfully ,
II. II. Minur ,
DANIEL , II , Wiinntr.n , Chairman.
The secretary read n letter from C. H.
Gere , of Lincoln , expressing his full sym
pathy with the movement and promising
hearty support.
After the discussion of some minor details
the meeting adjourned until Thursday night
at 7:30 : o'clock.
How It Affects Property Values , and
How It in Bring ; Assailed.
Arthur O'Malley , a wholesale liquor dealer
of Dubuque , la. , is in the city on a visit to
his daughter , Mrs. Kennedy. Ho is one of
the best established gentlemen of his busi
ness in that state. Ho was mot yesterday
by n Bun reporter and questioned upon the
effects'which the prohibitory law hud In the
state beyond the Missouri.
"Tho fact is , " ho said , "that prohibition is
enforced in nearly all save the river counties.
In the latter , and especially in the place in
which I live , the business is done about the
same as you do it here , In nn open manner.
In the interior , many who are pronounced
prohibitionists drink their whisky , and many
who nro not prohibitionists are nblo to get
all they want through the medium of
the drug stores. Thcso sell liquors In pints
and quarts and other quantities , and their
owners are getting rich on the business ,
though the stuff they sell is of the vilest char
acter. Prohibitionists , who could , not con
sistently purchase whisky , r ouivo it all the
same. It is shipped to them under various
guises , sometimes-us this , sometimes as an
other thing , fruit and such us that , and the
deception is never noticed. As regards the
constitutionality of certain features of the
prohibitory law. the matter was to bo passed
upon by the United Stateu supreme court as
soon as that body-has disposed of the Chicago
anarchists cases. But I have not heard that
they have yet pronounced an opinion. "
"How about the present campaign ? "
"It is being carried on in a very warm
manner. There is a class of people
there known as independent republicans.
Some of them are as strongly opposed to
prohibition us aru the democrats , who have
announced themselves hostile to the
movement. Others are developing an antag
onism to it based upon the destruction it has
wrought upon pro | > orty values and mechan
ical enterprises. Many of the latter class hate
to oppose prohibition , but they arc compelled
to do so by circumstances. In DCS Moines
and other interior points , the value of prop
erty has decreased so much that land
which was formerly valued at $225 per front
foot , for example , cannot now bring $75 for
the same amount. This fact is telling upon
the prohibition vote and compelling many
of the people , who voted for it to Join hands
with the democrats , to defeat the prohibitory
law. It is quito a warm campaign , but
whether wo will bo nblo to elect enough leg
islators to repeal the law is something , of
course , which I can't tell. "
The graC'ngof N street to the new depot
, ill be completed next week.
The smoke stack of the Armour packing
house was placed in position yesterday.
At the ledge meeting of the Knights of
Pythias last evening it was decided' have
a grand ball on Christmas eve.
A misplaced switch in the B. & M. yards
caused the derailment of several-stock cars
last evening. Ono car was upset.
The mutter of constructing approaches from
the various cross-streets to Twenty-seventh
has been adjusted nnd work will begin to
City Attorney Gricoleft for Lincoln yester
day morning to appear before the supreme
court In behalf of the city in the cuso involv
ing the location of tlio city limits.
Should the weather continue open a few
days longer , Twenty-seventh street will bo
ready for the laying of the track of the Motor
line us fur south us Q street.
Five Indians from the Pottuwatnmio res
ervation passed through the city yesterday
en route for Lincoln. The leader of the
party stated that they had been visiting in
lowu for nearly four months , and that after
remaining m Lincoln for a few days would
return homo.
The Chicago lumber company has a largo
force of men engaged in grading a block of
ground between II and I streets on Twonty-
eighth upon which u lumber yard will bo
established. When this is done South Omaha
will have four retail and two wholesale
yards in operation.
Preparations for killlnghogs attho Armour
packing house are being made as rapidly ns
possible. A largo force of men are at work
and the hog department will bo in readiness
on Monday morning. During the past forty-
eight hours largo quantities of ice have been
stored for immediate use.
David Anderson recently sold the follow
ing property : A lot on twenty-fifth btrcet
between O and P , the purchase , price being
$1500. Fifty feet in the same block was dis
posed of for $1,1)00. The purchasers began
hauling material on the ground inside of two
hours after the bargains were concluded ,
A number of business men of the city are
agitating the organization of a board of trade
and nro meeting with marked success.
Every commercial man in the city favors the
project and without doubt decisive steps will
bo taken regarding the matter in u very short
time. A disposition is evinced on the part of
the gentlemen mentioned to not only cncour-
ago the ( lacking business but invite and assist
manufacturers of nil kinds in locating hero.
A call for u meeting to consider the mat
ter will bo circulated next week.
Deputy Sheriff Hoslneof AbilcneKnn.was
in the city .yesterday in quest of ono Jack
Wilson , who was supposed to bo employed in
ono of the packing houses. About two
months ago Wilson was working In Abilcno
aud boarding with a widow named Stork.
Ono Sunday evening while Mrs. Sterk was
ut church ho decamped with two suits of
wearing nppurel and n silver watch , the prop
erty of a follow boarder , and about 70 In
cash belonging to the landlady , A thorough
search nnd diligent Inquiry by Deputy Hosino
failed to elicit tiny facts concerning Wilson's
having been hero and the sherlir Will leave
for homo this afternoon.
W , O. T. U. Meeting.
The central committee of the third district ,
W. C. T. U. of Nebraska , held business
meeting nt the Paxton. ' Mrs. G. Willis
CJlark , the president , presided , and the fol
lowing officers reported : Mrs. E. E. Hale ,
recording .secretary , Craig ; Mrs. C. V.
Liingtry , treasurer , Blair ; Mrs. D. C. Dry-
ant ? corresponding sccrelary/Ouiahn.
mndo : Mrs. P. a > Glbbs , Crnlg , president ,
Hurt county. Mn. A. M. French , Blair ,
president , Washington county Mrs. W.
Cobcll , Omaha , president. Doug
las county ; Mr * A. J. Rogcm ,
Sprlngfleld. preiXJent , Snrpy county ;
superintendent Jull and prison work , Miss
Ella Pearson , Omahn ; superintendent fran
chise , Mrs. C. L. Cftrrlgan , Blair ; superin
tendent scientific -instruction and Jnvcnllo
work , Miss M. A. Kbndall , Blair ; superin
tendent hygenlo and heredity , Airs. A. J.
Rogers , Springfield ; superintendent evangel
istic work , Mrs. M. L. Byram , Dccatur ;
superintendent social purity , Mrs. A. M.
Brookings , Tcknmu ; superintendent county
fairs and G. A. R. minionsMrs. L. M. Scott ,
Arlington ; superintendent foreign work ,
Mrs. Emma Palmer Lobcck , Omaha ; super
intendent Impure literature , Mrs. E. C.
Scovcrs , Omaha ,
The committee decided to edit n lltMo paper
each month , containing interesting accounts
of the work accomplished throughout the
The Cltyljcvy for 1887.
The following city levy for the half-yenr
ending December 31 , has been prepared by
A Challenge.
I will pace my ycarliiif' coltEd. Rofeo-
wuter , against any yearling colt , trotter
or pacer , in Nebraska , Iowa or Kun&us ,
stakes to bo from 8100 to $500.
Omaha , Nob.
Internal Itavcnnc Collections.
Yesterday's internal revenue collections
amounted to $14,047.13.
Absolutely Pure.
Tills powder never varies. A marvel of purl-
ty , HtraiKtn and wholesomeness. Store econ
omical than the ordinary kinds , and cannot b
sold in competition with the mulitude of low
cost short weight alum or phosphate powders ,
hold only in cans. KOYAI. UAKINO POWUEB Co. ,
J.&T ,
Embody the highest excellencies in Shupllness ,
Comfort and Durability and are the
In 1'ashlonablo Circles. Our naiuo is on every
tuli' . J. A ; T. COUSINS , Xiw : VOHK.
Hayward Brothers.
Nebraska Savings Bank.
Cor. 16th and Farnam Sta.
Chamber of Commerce llulldlng ,
Capital Stock - - S4OO.OOO
Liability of Stockholders , 8OO.OOO
The Largest Savings Bank in Nebraska.
Five 1'cr Cent I'nld . .
on Deposits. I.orinn Made on Hcnl
Kstate and iicnonnl security , Notes. War
rants , Slocks and llonds 1'urcbased.
orricEiis :
John L. Mlles , PrenlJent.
Andrew Rosewater , vice-President.
Dexter L. Thomas , Cashier.
Dit. s. I ) . MKIIOKII , IIKU. K. IiAiiKcit ,
K. II.JUUNMO.V , JOHN llrtm ,
iiiiiiuiiiiij Mlm ,
CAPITAL , $ r > ooooo
SUKI'LIJS , 100,000
JOHN A. CREIQHTON , Vice-President.
F. H. DAVIS. Ciishlcr.
W. II. Assls-tnnt Cashier.
law amoi muiiy Drioiua HUH tons
1 It bai stood the Teit of Yean ,
In Curing all DUeaiei of the
( ELS.ftc. ItFnrifleitbe
1 Blood , Invigorates and
disappear at once under
JiKIDNEYS lit beneflelal Influence.
STOMACH It li purely a Medicine
AND at iti cathartic proper-
nei forbids iti nie at a
BOWELS bmrago. It u pleti-
ant ta toe taite , and ai
enlly taken by colld-
ren aiadujt ; .
BoU Prop l ton , ,
.wOUl4 an4 KAH4H Oil t
Our buyer wires us that he has just completed the purchase of an im
mense wholesale stock for which we were negotiating. A large manu
facturer of fine clothing was determined to close out all his fall and win
ter goods. The enormous increase of our sales last month prompted us
to make an offer for the entire stock. The offer was accepted and the
goods are ours at OUR OWN PRICE. They will be shipped immediately
and in about a week or so , we shall give the people of Omaha a surprise ,
and show them something in the way of Fine Clothing , and prices , that
was not seen before. In the mean time , to make room for.these goods
we will force the sale of our present stock and have marked several large
lots of suits and overcoats at prices which will surely make them go. The
goods to be sacrificed includes part of our immense stock of
Boys' and Childrens' Clothing , f if
We have engaged an extra force of clerks for Saturday , and hope to
be able to wait on all our customers on that day.
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price , at
Nebraska Clothing Co. ,
Corner0 Douglas and 14th , Streets , Omaha.
IT. W. Corner of 13th and Dodge Streets.
Braces , Appliances for Deformities and trusses ,
Host furllltles , apptirntui nnrt remedies for Sucre's-
fill treatment nt every loriii of dhteusu requiring
Medical or KurKlcal Treatment.
Forty new rnnniH for patients ; best hospital BCCOra-
mndntlmiH 111 thu west.
WHITE KOII CIHCIII.AIIS on Deformities and Dracc' ,
Club Kect , Curvature of the r > iiliio , 1'lle * . Tumors ,
rmicer , Catarrh , Hronchltls , Iiiiiulatlnn , Klectrlclty ,
rarulysls , Kpliepsy , Kidney , llladiler , Kye , Utir , Skin
nnd llloud , and all buiflcal Operations.
Diseases of Women n Specially.
All Illood Discuses oiioceptfully treated , Pyplitlltlo
I'olswi removed from the fryMem without mercury.
New HeMunitlK ! Treatment lor l.o s uf Vllnl Power.
1'erBons unable to vl it 111 mny bu trented at home ,
by correspondence. All communication" conlldcnllal.
Medicines or Instruments tvnl by nzuil or express ,
securely packed , no marks to Indicate content * or
fender. One personal Interview preferred. Call anil
concult u , or send history of your case , and wu will
bund In plain wrapper , our
Upon Private , Special and Nervous Il ea e9 , Seminal
Weal'nc" , Spermatorrhn'a , Impotency , syphilis ,
( ionori.'ia'ii , ( ileet , and Vurlcocole. Address ,
Onuilia Jlrdlra ! nnd Surgical Institute , or
Dr , McMenamy ' , Cor , I3tb & Dodge Streets
Owing to the rapid frowtli of Omaha and our sue
cess In enYctlni * cures , our hutdncss IIIIH become so
lama that thu old Medical Institute on Mtli street and
Cnpltol avenue , coulrt not accommodate allcomliiK
to us for treatment. Wo lutvu therefore moved Into
our new brick building. Northwest Corner of 13th aiut
DodKC streets , one block south of thu old Institute
bulldlnK , and have now the larLFet and com
plete Medical Institute or hospital In thu wc t. Port-
newly furnished , well warmvu and ventilated rouni
lor patients , three skilled physlclnni always In thu
bulldlnK. All kinds of diseases treated In the moat
Bclentltlc manner. Utt"S.
We manufacture Siirpleal Unices for Deformities ,
Trusses , Supporters , Klctlrlcnl lialterles , and can
supply physicians or patients any appliance , remedy ,
or instrument known. Cnll aim consult us , or write
for circulars upon all subjects , with ltM of questions
lor patient to answer. Thousands treated success
fully by corrcupondunce. We have superior advan-
tiiiics and facilities for treating diseases , performing
MirKlcal operations , und nurslnx patients which com-
blued with our acknowledged ability , experience ,
responsibility and reputation should make the Omahu
Medical and rurulcai Institute lliu tlrfelcuulcu.
Chicago , -Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y ' ,
The Rest Itoutc from Omaha nnd Couuril
s IJIufT-i leTHE
Chicago , AM-- Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Itnpids ,
Itock Island , Freonorl , Ilockford ,
Clinton , Duliiiqnc , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Janestllle ,
Bclolt , M'inona , La Crossc ,
Aud all otbcr Important points Eatt , Northern and
For through tickets cull on the ticket scent at HOI
Fnrnatu itreet , ID I'm ton Hotel , or at Uulon I'actnu
'idfrnan Blpepera and the flnctt ninlnr Can in tba
world are run on tlm main line of the Chicago , Milwaukee -
waukee 4 Ht. Paul Hallway , and every attentlniiji
pahl to paiirafcri by courteous employes of the
company. It. MII.I.KU. r.encrnl Manager.
J. V. TUCICKH. A lst nt General Manancr.
A. V. II. UAIU'K.NTKH , Ucueral J'asnenger iinl
Ticket Anent.
( JKO. K. HKAFKOltD , AMlitant General 1'oncnscr
anc' Ticket Aiicnt. . .
J. J' . CLAHU.Uunerul Superintendent.
f n bili lt4lhn >
I lnUeiiii.w or
. WK o i T TO
I tkliipoilcrurpoM.cvaior
JiHiaiTita waistou , jlr-
_ - - - Bui.inliJ. lootbtrgcurriou cf
y. . ItyalrtfllTtliroujk UwiiYpiiti mtot-
Currttl t ffltLatuiitV or " * | * , > w fa catti.
Gr n > tlr pnj.JitiiBlibifrtII olktrbt'.li. WeiilctMipti *
macfniljcundfeilhrt. moBtbi. btft td p m { > kliMc. eUnp
ThiftindinEUctrioCo. l09Li3illc t. . Chiciga
: Utt"
1707 Olive fstrrcl , SI. Louis , Mo.
Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy , St.
Louis , Mo. , University Collcgu Hospital , l.on-
ilon , GicM-n , ( ivrinnny nnd ls'u\v York , lluvln
devoted their attention
J >
Moro especially thn o arising from Impni-
aence. Invite all MI sutlcrln to correspond with
out delay. Jlceiines of Infection untl eoutiiRlon
cured safely nnd speedily without use of dun-
Kermis ilniKS. Patients whoso cases have been
iieuluctcil , badly United or pronounced Incur
able , should not full to wrltn us concerning tlielr
symptoms. All letters receive immediate atten
And will be mailed KKI3K to any address on re
ceipt of ono -cent stump , "Practical Observa
tions on Nervous Debility and Physical Kxliuus-
tlon , " to which is milled an "Kssay on Mar-
rlntre , " with Important chapters on diseases ot
the lieprmluctlvi ! Orpins , the \\hnlu fortniiiR a
valuiimu medical treatise which should be read
by nil young men. Address
DRS , S , and D , DAVIESON ,
17O7 Olive Street , St. Louis , Mo.
Proprietor Omaha Business College ,
Book-Keeping , Penmanship ,
Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telegraphing
and Typewriting.
Send ( or Colleec Journal.
S. E. Cor. 10th and Cauital Ave.
EMcntlon tlio Omaha llco.
Epps's Cocoa
"Br a thorough knnuledvu of the nntnrnl lawn
wlilcli K' > vcrii thiioptTiitloiiH nf dlKi'-ilon iiml nutri
tion , mid liy curefill iipplirntlnii of tlii ! Him pniportlt'i
of wt'll-avlcrti-il CCK-IKI , Mr. K | > p' Ims provided our
lireuUiixt tiiblcit with a dullratcly tliivured liovcrncij
which miiyoHVO us ninny lit-nvy doctor's bills. It If
by the jndlcioiin use of niu-h nrtlrli'S of diet Unit a
constitution muy tie urudimll ) ' built \n > until UronK
rnonuli to roslut every limdi'ncy In fll'eiive. Hun
dred * of subtle imiliullf < urn tloutliii ; Hrnniid nn ready
to attack wherever theru Is u weak point. We limy
e fupc IIIUIIY u fatal nliult by keeping ourselves well
iurtllled Hltlt pure blood and a properly tiuuiUUud
IrHinc'- . civil tervlcot.itretlo.
Mmlotlruply with Ixilltnu liter or inlllc. Sol J only
In hall pound tins by Crueem labeled thus :
TAHfr < 3TPP ? < 3 P , Pfl Homu'oputhlc Chemists ,
JAMbohrro M LU. , J.OMKIN , j\ni.ANii. :
NorthWestern -
Railway Short Line.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
The only rnad to take for Tin Mnlnm , Marlalltown ,
Cedar llupldi , ( Mluton , tlxon , CblcnKO , Mllwankr *
and all nointi eait. To Iho people of Nebrmkn , Cole *
radoVromlnv , Utah , Idaho , .Nuvuda. OrcnonVnth *
Incton and Cullfornla , It offers luiiwlor advantt ul
nil pontala by any other linn. . . . .
Amoiu a tf of the numerous points of snpertorltr
enjoyed by the patrons of this road between ( Imahft
and Chlcuio. aru IU too trains u day of HAY COACH.
lb. which are thn tlnest thai human itrt nud InKcnul *
tycancntate. Its I'AI.ACK tfl.KKI'INII CA US. which
ere moduli of comfort and eloirnnce. Its I'AUIX ) ! !
nect In union d pot with thoie of the Chicago li
Northwestern Ity. In ChlcHno the trains of this Una
luaku cloio connection ltb thoio of ull other eastera
Kor Detroit. Columhui , Indlaniipolls , Cincinnati ,
Klanara Fali ) , MufTalo , ritlsaurx , Toronto , Montreal ,
llotton. New York , I'hlludelphm , llaltloioroVtnli -
Injtcu , and all points to tuo vast , ink for a ticket via
If jon wl h the b st , accommodation. All ticket ngenta
sen tlckots via ttilt Hue.
U. IlL'llIinT. K. I' . WILFON ,
Uenl.MaBoeer , ( jtni. I'an'r Ascut
rilr.lMM'r. Atfuut.
Omaha , Kebrnita.
THO ! ' . I' . HIMI'SON , Wnililnit
imittutt until clitttluvU , Wdtu
your rrtnller for thn
or the
$3 SHOE ,
nccordlnc to your itcriU.
C.tTJTION'l I'nilthcly none genuine nnlr ! * our
name and price appear pl.dnly on lhc tolea , Koina
. , In order to make a lArcec
profit , 111 recommend the Inferior ,
" with which the market I *
1 N1IOK li llBlit anil 91Ilili. II
" llki > HHtookliiif and KV >
IMJ IN , " l'lnc perlcctlr
y the tint time It I * worn. ,
It " 111 Mtl < fy the most )
fiutldlon sltlllne\ery
Utalrmpcct equal In ,
the hand-tewed ) ]
A ik for the .t me
Means t2 Shoe far Ioyi
nnl t.1 .Shoe mid li absolutely thr only thee ul IM price i
which hm Mcr been plured extcuMvely on the markrfi
In which durability li considered before mere outward ]
apvir.inco. These shnet are loM by the best retallm )
throughout the United States , and we will plncr IhooA1
faiily within your reach In any slate or territory If yoC1
will tend us a poitil eird , inentlnnliiK llil' pnptr.
lamea nirana & Co. , il Lincoln tit. , Iloilon , M it
Full line ot thn above rihoes for snlo In OMAHA
ly (1. W. Cook , HUM rarunm street ; 0. H. .Miller ,
t12 ! North loth street ; lluywiiril Ilros. , 407 Soutll
K.tli stn-ct. In COUNCIL , lli.uri'8 by Sargent it
Evuus IB IJroudway.
Ilomnrknhln for pmvorfnl sympa
thetic toneypllubln action uiul ub-
froluli ! durability. ! iO years record
the bent --iluraiitee of thu excel-
I'Mico of these Instrument ! ) .
The OM Upllnliln Fiicrlallm nf ninny your * ' export-
euro , tnutH wllli wiindorfnl piircestt. all l.UNU *
Tl IHOAT , UANUKR , 1'll.KS , FlsTUI.A.
nilnTlinr nircd wltlmut pain or hlndranre )
nUll UnC 1" " IwsliH'Mi , All Chronic Il ) nn p9 (
iiwi > < far IP ndTuiifu of nnr lu < lltiitliin ir
till" oonntry. Tlinou wuu rontcinplnle RolnKtollo
Sirlnis [ for thu truutinent of uny 1'rlviituor Illooi
illKcn'o rim li cured lur uuu-tlilril tUu cu > t ut uu
1'rlvalc DltpciiMiry.
Ity Ills trentmont n Pure , I/ivoly rora *
iHoilon , tree from MilloniiOM , trci'klew./ /
LliickliiiudH , oni | > ( l"iia , etc. , LilllluuiV
eyes and ncrferl heiiltli can lie liaij.
tlffliM "tired " leellni * mid Hll fenmln wenknr-'K1 *
trnniptly cured , HIimlliiK lli'iidnchei , Nerviiim l'ro'4
nnitiin , < iiicritl Detilllty , blbeiileMinesi , lcirc' | luii ;
L'lKl Iiicllk't'Jlluii , OviirlHii IronbluM , IiillininHtliiiiHini
nlclerntlnn. Kiillinr unit l > lf > pliireinent . Spinal nenkW
ep.Hii. Kidney compluliits and C'uuntfu uf 14fu , Coubulft
thoOld iioctor
CVC lUn CID Arutnnrnirnnlnlnllnmrna * .
tit AHU tAH tlonnt till ) KyclMt or ( llobfl)1
* * * ! , !
nilf fur or NUHT hlt'lileiliiCNH ,
Inver-don of , Scrofiiloiis K > e , Ulrerullonii ,
Intliimmntloni , Ab cenii , DHinit'sa ul Vlsluu of one or
both rye < 4 , nnd Tuniorn of l.ld.
Ifr'InHuiuniiitlim of tliii liar , Ulcorntlnn or Catarrh , .
Iiileriml or l.Aternal Duurnem. or ritnilybla , blniflucl
or ItiuirliiK riulscs , Tlilckuueil lnun , eta. I
ret > llltyIx 3 of Vital I'otrnr , Sleepy
lonnoss , IK-tponduucy , l.o-i oN
ili'iuury , Ciiiiluslon of Mom , Illur1
before ) the Ilros , l.iiiiltmlf , bimiiuor , liloninlin'M.f
Deprenslnnof Spirits , Aviirnlon to Society , Katjr Dli '
eournued , Inek of Contldencii , Dull , l.Htlon. Until
for r'tudy or lluolness , nmt tlmli life u burden , cutely ,
rernmncntly and 1'rtvutuly Uurud.
HLUIII ] AND SKIN F.ry1i"i".Fot"&or"ill
ubuuu nnu urvui <
ut'ltctat , i-impin uu
fern. Pain * In the Head arid llnnii * , bynhllltlo rlorftl
'I'llmat. Mouth nnd Tnnimii , ( Jlamlnlur l.nlargiiinrinl
of Iho Nerk , lllii-nin llini , Cntnrrli , Ktu. , l'uriiiuiio tr |
ly Cnreil When Otht-rn llaTe Failed.
Consultation free nnd strictly ronflilantln'
SI filleliio wilt free from observation to ull parti
of tlio t'nltcil Btutcs. CorrcHiionilenco receive
jiiomjit iittentlon. No lotterti onawcrcd unles
iircdinpniilod by four rent H ill utiuniis. Bend tea
rentH In sliiiiiiM ] for iniiniililot anil lint ot qtiesf
tlotiu ujiou private , tiicclul und nurvoua U
Terms strictly rnsh. Call on or address.
No. 314 South 13tu St. , Omalm ,
Composition nnd Ornvol Hooflnz.
Agent for Warren's Natural Asphalt Reefing.
Mc.lHl Jlrnndliund.liilr lU'ady HooiaK. 1
Itetrctt , Ouiftlia , cb
uueiic.eiervou4lJol > mtycatiie4
tlirouuli errora and bud tiractlco * CURE