THE OMAHA ttAILf BEE : , NOVEMBER 5 , 1887. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this heart , 10 cents per line for the first Insertion. 7 tcntn for cadi sub- icqucnt Insertion , nnd a line per month. No advertisement tnken for less than 25 cento for the first Insertion. Seven words will bo counted to the line ; they must rnn consecu- lively nntl must bcpnld in ndvnnce. .All ad vertisements must bo handed In before 1.TO : o'clock p , in. , and under no circumstances will they bo taken or discontinued by telephone. ' 1'ortlcs advertising In theme column * and hav * Imrlhn answers addressed in care of the lice. wjll plcoMj nek for a check tdcnnblii them to Rfct their letters , as none will be delivered ex cept on prcsentBtlon of check. All answers to aavetllxuitenti should bo enclosed in envelopes. AH ndvertlst mcntK In tin-Be columns arc pub- llshcd In both morning and evening editions of the Her , the circulation of which aggregate * Tnoro than 14 , < A > papers dally , and elves the ad vertisers the benefit , not only of thp city circu lation of the I lee , but nls-n nt Council Bluffs , Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout this part of the west. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND ( luainntce and Trust Co. . 1505 Furnnm street Complete abstracts fur nished , nnd titles to real estate examined , per fected and guaranteed * 0(3 ( BUSINESS CHANCES. CHEYENNE , Wyo. , the fnturo Plttsburg of the wect. At present a railroad center. The best foilllt and wealthiest city of Us size In Uhlted States. Wyoming The Brent mineral Wore house of America nnd Its' mBthnustable ol ? and coal fields. Tor full particulars as to re- snurceH.etc. , nt' Iress E.F. Stnhlc.swretary Choy- emit ! Hoard of Trade , Clicjenne , Wyo. _ PHnCTj A III ! Hoarding house , ! B boarders , n hnlf Us vnlue , I51fl Capitol nvenue. llli Sn ANTEDI'nrtner with fl.OOU totakehalf Interest nnd full charge of n wellestalv- llHhtid notion store ; niiddlu-ngcd , lady preferred. Address L 21 , lleuonico. 230 OJ _ $1TOO will buy n pa ) Ing and well established business on N. loth at. Address Ij 19 , lleo office. 240 8 * FOR SALE In Lincoln , n boarding house , Hist .chiss in ew'ry respect nnd tlolngn Rood business , tent reasonable. Address II. P. Bherwln & Co. , Lincoln. 171 7 _ HOTEIi for sale , best paying small hotel In Omnhn , lllty regular bonnier * , hnvo other liuslness and must sell , cosh or time. Address L 13 , Il ( > . IT ! ) 4 * l ( ) EXCHANnK- ) ptocfc general mer- rhnntllse for Rood Omaha property ; small Incumbriiiuo : mus-tscllor exchange oulck. s > . 8. Ciimpbell and G. W. Hervey , 310 Hoard of Trade. 4W ) . _ SI'ECIAI , Ilnrgaln-Elght hundied nriTii choice w lid land in Clieycuno county. Neb , , 4 miles from Totter Station on the U , 1 > . It , lat 94.15 per acre. Hn\e this for n dny only. Hall . 113 N. inth st. 2727 _ WANTEl-a young man with from fiiOfl to & 600lo take half Interest In a rapidly increasing business in Omnhn , Must bo a rustler well acquainted with the city , and able to fur nish flrrft-clnHH ii'feiomes. Thin Is the best open ing In the city. Pat tlculars cull bo hnd by ad dressing , Ho * RB , city. 2,12 FINK business duiiice open In Colorado for a light manurnetm Ing business ; hirjro profits nnd small cnpltnl required. Partlculsra at A. Muynu'tt , N.V. . cor IMIi nnd rnrniim. 1W1 TpOU EXCHANGE-Houses nnd lota , farms , X' hotels , lots , merchandise , horses , cnttlo nnd In fact anything j on wnnt. If you hnvo any thing to trade call o1n or write to us. Olllce open evenings. U. E. Cole. 3163. 15th St. X\ \ WANTP/D To exchange , peed tnsldu pioper- ty for n Mock of grocerlns , Imidwnre , boots nnd shoes , or notions. Address I. ( ! , lieu olllcn. 1:11 : n fpO TRADE Two Improved fnrniH In lown for J Omaha property or Nebraska Inmls. Mc Culloch & Co. , cor ; 15th mid Farnam. 1 8 ri 1 1 1 HEK ilitiK btoek * and fixtures of $ ] , rnO , J r.V.OO , Wm ( In Uncut Nebraska towns. Pot sale or real estate exchange. Addles * K. 2 , Hee. 6'i8n23' _ T71IJH SALB-M.OXI stock of geneinl men-hail- J dlse in good railroad timn ill Southern Nc lirnska. llest location. Double room. Low rent. A rare tlinuco for MIIUI * onn tosten Intn n good business. Addiess r. .1 , Stanosheck , Odell. Nub. K.7 N 11 _ T71OH BALK I'lrst-clnns two-dtory Inlck hotel -U doliiK exei'llent liusltiebH ; rtmt for JKi pet mouth ; owner Knlnc nut to Cnl. Address 11. S , Lilly. Urokeii lloNob. . art n Ifl _ "ITHW SALlv A mxi acre stock fnnn , InBnrpj X' ( ounty , just B > miles from Dmnlia , with n flno ( innrir on It , only &n per ncie. A. V , Jliiyne. N. w. cor. Ifith and Knnmm. ffll WANTKD Stock of boots nnd shoes in ex > change for inside Omaha property. Ad dress Patterson & MooreiaU Furnum si Omaha _ _ _ _ _ TTlOH THAT)1X6COU ) neres of choice westerr -L land to cxclinniru for cenerul merchandise Jno. F. Toft , iC.4 N. ffilh Ht. 81.1 _ IF you have anj thing to exchange , write us We lm\p improved and unimproved Ne Tirnskn , Knn-ns mid Iowa lands , coalmines , ho telH , stok.sof men linndl'-o ' , hoi ses , cnttlo. IIORS sheep , etc. . to exchange. S. S. Campbell nnd Q \V. llervey. illO Hoard of IVntlo. _ 487 USINKSS Clinnci ! Peslroiis of retlllnRfion business , wo win pell the balance of 0111 stock of dry Hood.s , t-tc. , w 1th three years leosi and Uxtun-H of stoie by .Innnniv or Mnrcl next. MciilmnlH ineanint ; topnithaHonildu'v John II. K. Lelimiinn A , Co. , 131U-1II1S Fainnniht _ Ml n fi Pin IO1I HAMV-Or trade a No. 1 hotel piopeity iK jood trade. In one of the bcM inwir in Nebraskn. S. S. rniiipbell and (1. W. Herx ey 810 Clinmber of Commeree. 487 TV kTANTED A stock cif groi eiles and genera uidse , lor city lots paid fur. C. J.Caiiar TTJIOH SAL1V A complete steam laundry lm\ J Ina twenty horse power engine. J. S. Bet tiett , Saundrrn nnd Clark xts. W14 CLAIRVOYANT. MRS. DURANT Clnrlvoyant from Boston ! reliable In all affairs of life , unites sepai nted lovers. 322 N. 10th st. , room 1. 70(1 ( Doc. P R.NANNIE V.YVnrren , rlnlnoyant. Mt > < test medium. Office II Noith lUh stieet : rooms 2 & 3 , Telephone Itu PS7 WANTED--MALE HELP. WANTED Man , or mnn nnd wife ns Jnnlto In business block ; must be first-class , s-obe mid well recommended ; no other needs nt > u npply. Unte City Employment olllco , 31I'J 8.11 Ulft-5 * \\7"ANTI'.l ) A barbel ntoucent 1118 Webstt street. Si * 4 * " \ \ T ANTED Twent-fhe brldpo carpentei Tt with tools for central Missouri. Pit transportation. D. C. O'Kcefe , 309 Sllthst. 2yj 4 * \\TANTED -S first-class milkers , Appl north of deaf und dumb Institute. .1.1 lloch. 2W fl WANTED-fiood Job and book conipasltoi > also electiotypeiH , finishers , moulders nn lilockeis. ( loot ! wages and permanent empltv jnent. Apply Immediately. Rand , McNnlly Co. , US Monroe street. Chicago , HI. 2111 C * \\7ANTF.D-A good driver nt Jos ph Hosoi V > telu'K Pish mnrket. 217 S. 12th st. 307 \\rANTKl > -Sale inen-FlVB trnvellng snle' ' T men ; snlnry nnd expenses : no experlem necessary. Address , with stump , Pulmer Co. , Wlnonn , Minn. 2bl ( I * WANTE1J-15 shovelers for city w 01 k $1.75 j day. City Intelligent oflice , Cnlchtu Mock. 2.18 WANTED 2 clothing salesmen , young ma for clothing stoie , crockery and gins : w are salesman ; 1500 Furnam , room 0. 257 4J W ANTED 2 blacksmiths and 2 mnchlnest liujuUe at cable office , 20th aivd llnrney. 205 & "f\TANTED 2T ) shovelers , npply four milt T west of Fort Omnha , nn Chicago it Nortl western Hy.wnges Riper day , board pi50 pi weyk. 0. P. Trt-nt , contractor. 175 7 * TITANTKI ) Parties out of work to call at tt f f City lutelllgeuco ollice , CielKhtou blk ; w nro receiving orders every day too numerous 1 advertise. im \\7ANTED-I.aborer3 for Wyoming , A > T bright' * Lubor Agency , 1120 Fninum. 1 yYANU . 11 er.tary,41158aumlers. TANTl'.D SIcu for inlhond work. A TV brlght'H Labor Agency , 1120 Pnrnam. KM T D Man to work In u dary. npp > McDonald's dairy , West Cumlngst. ItVi 4j \\J ANTED 2 firMt clnss cnrrlnpe trimmer > V none other but expel lent HU need appl Address Omaha Carriage & Sleigh Co.M iu Izard. 201 4J _ -Peveral nrst-clasa snlruiiien fi WANTKl , hat and furnishing goods. On those with tirru-clixsn reJcreuco need addre Box 220 , Omaha. _ 440 WANTED 600 agent * : good rnlary or roi mission ; raie chance. Addiess with tan f or tcrm , Weaver Mfr. , 34 N.btnto bt l'hlroij : : i. _ _ iftlnisj WANTKD 100 men of good upi.tniuiuv . try our 16c meals at Npn is renliiui ant , S nd313Bouth llth street , ( old Live and L ' WANTED--FEN1ALE HELP. WANTED A good girl for genfral housn work , family of three , 11. W. Clayton , 20th and Woolworth. city. fal 6 T\7"ANTKD A woman cook for hotel. Inquire TT 2110 Harney. 3U Wn ht > r.Ironerand waitress for Idaho , pm each , 2 dining room girls for Norfolk , Inundress and waitress for Wisner , chambermaid and dishwasher for ( Ircenwood , competent cook and experienced "d girl for Council Hltitrs , too nnd 117. In city 20 girls for housework M nnd $ A per week , 3 women cooks , kitchen helpers. 7 dining room girls Canadian Kmploymont olIlce.Mrjt.llrega & Son , 310 So.15Ui. Telephone m. 0j 4J WANT15D A Rlrl to do second work. W a week to competent girl. Mrs. 0,12. Prltch- ctt. gQHSieth. 314 \lTANTnD-Lndy cloak Utter , good figure , T nnlesladlos , for notions ami furnishing poods , " timing loom girls for city hotel , 1000 rnrnam , room 0. 2/iO 4J ANTED-A peed girl for general house work , German preferred. ( Jood wages paid nt 312 N 21th st. 241 f.J ' . A nurse girl , German preferred , at 212 S 30th St. 2044 WANTED-GIrl for lighthouseork , to sleep at home , three In family. Apply 142U N , 10th. IP2-4 * ANTED At once , colored chambermaid , wANTED at the Gem , K2 Dodge st , 2U 0 * ww w ANTFI-Glil for general housework nt 018 S 17th s { . 227 WANTED Pint IPS out of work to call at the City Intelligence olllco , Crelgnton blk ; we are iccelvlng orders every day too numerous to advertise. 105 WANTED C/l ladles to try ourlr > c meals nt N orris'restaurant ( old Live and Let Live ) , 311 and 313 8.14th St. 694 EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. /"CANADIAN Emyloyment Office. Orders for \J parties to fill positions of trust filled free. Male help supplied free to all. Domettlo help furnishc'l on short notice. Male nnd female help sent to nil pnrts If fare Is paid. Eight years' experience enables us to lilt orders Batlfac- torlly. Heforenco , Omaha National Hank. Mrs. Ilrega & Son. 310 8. 15th , telephone 8tt4. 434 7 * rilllE City Intelligence Office has the only prop- JL crly organized employment agency In the west. It is the largest , most reliable and It8 terms the most liberal. If jou are out of em ployment or wish to make a chitngo , why doyen yon delay In securing the best possible nld that can bo given you. Persons should carefully consider whom they nro dealing with as there are many new catch-penny concerns coming into existence dally. Full particulars concern ing our methods will bo given upon applica tion. All orders ( except from private families filled flee and sent to any pnrtof the westwher faro Is paid. Yours respectfully , Clins. L Hart , manager. Hofcrenees : John L. McCnguo president McCnguo Hios' . bank ; Dexter L. Thomas , cashier Nebraska savings bank ; Hon. J. II. McCulloch , county judge. 671. . FOUND. rilAICEN UP Hed bilndled cow , one horn JL broken. Apply 1141 N ISth st. 274 & LOST. LOLT Hedcowbinnded V. Return to South Omaha , V. Plvonka. ! XI2 (1 ( * IOST Pony , lion grey , four white feet with ' spot In head. 10 years old. Please return to B K cor 38th and Leaenw orth and get rew aril 303 5 TOST A silver medal of St. Phllomcna school J Please return to Father McCarthy.opposlU Caavua. SOI 6 TOST A live months' old Skyo terrier pup , * dm k hair on back and tall , ears not t lipped misled iinoilt n week ngo. Finder lewnrdetl bj notifjlng or leaving dog nt 1112 Fiinmin 8MH5 ; TOST Ph > .slclnn's suigleal hand sntchel or * I'oppleton nve. llmler please return to Dr. Iliown , Hi'l nve. If Under wishes r.m keel salt hel nnd retuin contents , ,110 6 * TOST $1 reward. An ophthalmoscope In n ' smiill black box. Thn nbnvu will bo paid Under by Ir ) UIITord , 1104 Fariiiini st. 2fiS TO'1 ! lied leather memornndum book , of nr \a'ue exti-iit to owner. Pleasu leave at till- " .1 HlHilIf KG 4J STHAYED-Cow-Daik led with block stripe right horn broken off. lit turn to UtfK Illondo 215-71 OST Oct. aoth. on IHth street between bnl grounds nnd Woodman Linseed Oil works lady's giny lynx muir. Under pleaio icturn t ( Dow ney \ Co. , 220d Piirunm st and receh o re w aril. 13U-4 * LOt T Or stolen , near Hascall's jmrk , n mod turn size dark bay mare , with harness on mall white spot on face , large hind legs. T Murray 1211 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. \\fANTED To hit f n dozen good rentlm T > houses , by paying small payments dowi and then monthly installments. Any one liav Ing good property to sell on these terms pleasi address with full description , ! . R. C. . cure o C. K. Slay ue. 15th and llnrney. 2M U " \\7ANTED-Hoom and Ixinrd with privati > T fiunllv by gentleman and w Ifo. Ple.ise nil dress , stating locution and price , L 25 Hei ollice. 2590J 'VIT'ANTED Good pony and cart. Enqutn > 1W1 Dodge. Sis 4 "IITANTED Tenants for house cor Hiiidetti > > nnd Saunders. low rent to right party. C F. Gardner. 719 N lllth. 210 5 MUSIC -Wanted , pupils for piano nnd ship lug , by expeifenced ladv teacher , ( list class style Imparted. Address LRO , Hoe office. . gl35J \X7ANTED A 4 or5 loom cottager or 0 blk T1 fiom Farnam St. No chlldien , addrea IWI Farnam. 2U7 4J \\7A NTED-To rent until May 1st next , T > furnished house of 10 or 12 rooms , c. I Mnyno. 2S4 13 WANTED A small loom for cigar nnd U bncco store In good locntion , or will bu small store. Addre : > s L 12 , Hee office. 1B1-4 * "I\7"ANTED To" buy five thousand to te IT thousand Hoone t ounty lands , averag quality , ntilO perucio nnd AddreslIoxS ; Omnha. 104 " \\rANTED U'wo Arsons to lenrn book-keel T > ing , situations. J. 11. Smith , IblJ Chlcngi 139 f > * " \\fANTED-To trade for n lot of second lion IT furnltiuo ; upply at lloom 13 , i'reiut block. WANl'lTD-r-To buy shoit tlmn paper , J. V Ut oss , at C. II. May lie's office , 15th uu Hainey. 2b5 WANTED House of 7 to 10 rooms with moi ern linpro\ements northeast front , slti ated on high ground with laigo lot. Will a Hiimo n moderate eneiimbraiue , pay a thousan dolliirn cash , and trade vacant lots or good Nel hind for balance. Addiess LS , Hee office. II " \\7ANTED-Good finally hoise in oxehnnp for lot , McCulluth i ; Co. , cor IHth an Farnam. SW " \\7ANTED Farm lands In exchange ft T 1 stocks of merchandise. St. John i El' Itoom 13 , Fi enzer bloek , tij p. P. O a. > 0 \VANTED Propel ty of all kinds to exchnnp TT Special attention ghen to trading. C. ( 8potswoodwr : > Ji 810th. . GV " \\TANTED food ! farms in exchange f < Oiunlm propel ty , C. C. Spotswood , HO'i Sinth. c. > l " \\rANTED Farms to exchange for Omni : TT . inpeity and stocks of meichnndlse. ( L. lhownACo. ; , loom UFieuzer block , Omni : 741 a \\TANTKD-To buy the furniture of n smn T ? or largo house c entrnlly located , Co-oper tie Land .V Lot ( fe. 2i N 10th st. I.w W /"ANTED Paim lands In exchange for ell > moporty. St. John 4. Ely , Room U , 1're 7er block. U7 ! MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY to loan. H , E. Cole. 310 S. 15th. 201 dcc3 Money on hand to loan on improved propcrt J. A. llelstand. Arlington block. 6.an5 MONEY to Loan-On Improved city propeii at lowest rut en of Interest. No comml slon charged , bholes A ( Jruinb , room 1 , ll.irki I- block , cor. l.lth nnd Fumnm st . 1'sl ' $750 , to loaiT at7orper cent , Llnahan iM honey , 1500 Fninani. OU7 y $600,000 to loan In nny amount at lowest rote i Interest. H. H. Irey. Frenzer block. tud M PONEY Insumsof . 'iOQnnd over to load low intes. Hitfscll i-llai-rett , 313 8 Ifith t H75 MONEY LOANED ntC. K. Heed * Co.'s Lo : Ollicn. on furultuie , pianos , horses , > \agon personal pi-operty ol all kinds , nnd nil other u tlclea of vnlue without removal , 318 S. 13t over Itlnglnim'a commission store. All bu : ness strictly contlclcutlnl. P i 5ao7uO- loan 'on Omaha city pnnierty at P percent. G. W. D.ty , S. E. cor. Ex. ' Bid. ino _ _ _ _ _ _ MONEY loaneil on furniture , pianos , organ hoihfNctc. lowrAtud. J. J. Wilkinson Co. , 1324 I'uruam , o\er Uurllugtou ticket oflico. TO LOAN Money Tiling placed on Im proved real estate In city or county for Now England Loan k Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank. ICth and Chicago st.s. 07T rONKY To loan on chattels. Co-opcrnUve L Land nnd Lot Co. , 805 No. Ifith street. ITU CENT Money. Patterson & Taw cett IBth and Harncy. PT3 M 0NF.Y to Loan O. I' . Davis Co. , real estate mid loan agents , 11 % Farnam st. P72 MONKV to loan on ImproM-d real estate ; no commission charged. Lenvltt llurnhani , room 1 , Crelghton block. l 74 . loan to parties wishing to build. MONF.Vto S. 8. Campbell , ! 110 8 10th St. , Clinmber of Commerce. 970 TlfONRY to loan. Notes nnd 11. It. tickets 1'JL bought nhd told. A. Formau , 21J 8 inth st. time loans made on any nvnunblo SHOUT . In rcnsoiinble amonnla. Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged. Oetlernl financial business of any kind transacted promptly , quietly and fairly nt the Omaha Fi nancial Exchange , N. W. cor. IMh and Har- ney sts. , over State National band. Corbutt , manager. P71 $ lnoO,000 to loan. II. E. Cole , 310 S. 15th. First mortgage notes bought. OCU MONI3Y To loan. Lowest rntes. No delay. ,1. I > . lllco & Co. , over Commercial Na- tionnl bank W8 " 1VTONEY to loan on city property , nnd nlso J.'JL farms In Nebraska nnd low n. Odell Hros. & To , loan , real estate nnd Insurnnce agents , 10(1 I'ejirl btreot. Council Ulutfs , Jn.j 1K3 Farnnm street , Omnha. 208 to Loan Hy the undersigned , who MONEY has the only properly organized loan agency In Omaha. Loans of 110 to $100 made on furniture , pt.inos , organs , horses , wrgons , mn- chlnery , etc. , without icmoval. No delays. All bu lness strictly conlldentlal. Loans so made that any part can bo paid at any time , each pay ment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances made on linn watches nnd diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they me dealing with , as many new concerns are daily coming into existence. Should you need money call and see mo. W. It. Croft , room 4 Wltlmoll building , 15th and Harney. CM $300.000 to loan , special rates on faim propetty. Sobotker & 1'errlgo , IIS I Farnam st. US3 MONEY to loan , cash on hand , no delay. J. W. nnd K. L. Squire , 1413 Fnrnam st. 1'ax- ton hoteUiulldlng. UM MISCELLANEOUS ! HENT 80 ncres with good house nnd Im provements near Omaha. Schleslnger Bros. , 014 S. 10th st. 2S29 FIRST-CLASS table board , served In home sty lo , for 3 or I gentlemen. 1M4 Dodge. 2M - Stockmen : Stnndnrd MISCELLANEOUS-To Horse nnd Cattle Food Is the only stock remedy on the market which Is fully guaranteed to accomplish nil thnt Is claimed for It. His nut up In boxes of 7 Jbs ench nnd sells for f I.i , by dealers everywhere. Ask your dealer for n circular giving particulars , nnd try a box. Mnnufuctmed by K. E. Sunboin &Co. , 170381. Mary's nvu. , OnuihB , Neb. 2 < iOfi SAFES Agents nnd business men. We aio manufacturing nnd selling Independent of any snfo ring or pool by placing upon the mar ket three sl7es or tlio proof safes nt such low prices thnt farmers , professional nnd business men cnn nfford to puuhase. Size , xlSx1S < Inches ; weight fOO Ibs. ; retail price , $ , Vi ; smaller nnd l.iiger sires in jnoiiortion. Hare oppoi tun- Hy offeied. Alpine Sure Co. , Cincinnati , Ohio. 103 SO * QTANDAHDPtock Liniment Is guaranteed to O cure spinlns , cuts , bruises , bail ) wire wounds , weak back , rheumatictioublesmango , scratches , swelling glands , sore thront , strained cords nnd muscles , and every injury which has not nITeeted the bone. Mnnufnctuied liy F. E. Snnborn A. Co , , 1703 St. Mary's avenue. Omaha , Neb. For sale e\erywhere , 2005 TTPHIOHT pianos , nil latest styles nt whole- U sale prices , fiom $147 up , organs from J31 up. Don't waste your money , no dealer or ngent can undersell us. Easy , monthly pay ments. New York 1'lnno Co..cor Capitol nve and irth. 1875 A MIDDLF.-nged gent without family cnrum branee , solicits corresponderco with a good dispositloned lady of rellncment , with means. Address in stilct confidence L 23 , Bee office. 2-8 C * I 1ST houses , furnished and mturnl'hed J rooms with us. Wewlllicnt them. Olllco open evenings. 11. E. Cole. 310 B. 15th st. 935 NEW YOHK Piano Co , , manufacturers of up right pianos ; pianos on time nt w holesalo price. Cor Capitol ave and 15th st. 7&t ENTAL cAOENCY F. L. Gregory \Tlll be found after November 1st nt ! Hi9 South ICtu bt. , opp. Hoard of Trade. Ground Door. 510 1ST YOUll I100MS nt the City Intelligence ' Otllce , Crelghton Hlock. Moro people call dully at our office than nt any other place in the city , except the postoffice. 585 ELEGANT plush parlor sets at Immense sac- ritlce to pay storage charges. Now York stornge Co. , cor Capitol ne nnd loth fit. 702 DU. J. W. BARNSDALL'S surgical and ob stetrical home , 1724 Capitol uve , Omaha , Neb. Telephone S6. 6 n21j FpO KXCH ANGB For cattle. I have 040 acres X of good western land to trade for cattle , and 11 good house atod lot near the cnpltnl ; will exelnngo for cnttle. Address S. 0. Hryan , Ash- laud , Neb. 9i-a C House furnishing goods , nil kinds ; cash or Installment ; lowest prices at J. lion- ner , 1315 Douglns st. 9PO ELEGANT parlor sets cheap. Immense sac- rltlco to pay ndvnnces. New York Storage Co. , cor Capitol ave nnd 15th st. 701 . CHASE'S new Receipt Book nnd Household DR. hold Physician , the "Memorial Edition" of over RW pages. Tlio "Crowning Life Work" ol the greatest author nnd benefactor that ovoi lived. Just out. Agents making immense sales , lllg terms. Address F. 11. Dlckersonii Co. , Detroit , Mich. Mention this paper. . 244nov4 * PERSONAL. A man and wif o w ho hnvo Jusl PERSONAL wish to adopt a young child of good parentage nnd health. No other child' re n In family , good homo guaranteed , refer cnces given. Address L 4 Hoe. H69 5 * Tlio ladles of Omnhn cnn secure PEHSONAL the services of competent nnd rellnblo do mcstio help nnd have a room full to choose from by calling at the Canadian Employment olllco Mis Urega & Son , 31U So. 15th. Up stairs. Tel hS-1 794-B * "OEHSONA I < Wanted the acquaintance ol X young Indies going to housekeeping tocnl nnd see our Immense seockof elegant parloi sujts , bedroom sets , center tables ; all to bt closed ont without regard to cost or value , t ( pay storage charges , auction prices at privatt sale. Call on receipt of this. New York Stor age Co , cor Capitol avu and Ifith st. Ib7 5 ADIKS A full bust without medicine mall oOc. , stumps , to II. M. Hich , Haltlmoro , Mil. S90U17 * p EHSONAIPrivatehomo for Indies durlm confinement , strictly confidential , infant : adopted. Address E 42 Hee ollice. 107 n 8 * FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. FOH SALE Pine horse , buggy and harness- n bargain. Call ut 0 Arlington block. 300-1 < TTIOH HENT Nice front loom nnd othe : J-1 looms with or without board , 22101'nrimii 875 10 * FUHNISHED looms suitable for 4 pentlemei and 2 gentlemen , w 1th board. S W cor 21s nnd Lcavenworth sts. 27(1 ( 7 * ) H SALE Stoves and household fnrnlturi at 1017 N. IBth Bt. 278(1 ( tt , T710H SALE Shelving , counters , snow case i\ JL1 nnd sundry store llxtmes. lutjulroatA Dormann , Oil S. 13th st. 20,1 8 FOll SALK Bedroom suite , parlor , suits center tnbles , one-hnlf value , must ne soli this week. No leasonnble offer refused. Cal nt once. New York Storage Co. , cor. Capita ave. nnd 15th st. 187 5 SALE-Paylng meat market on N inth s JSmall cnpltnl required. For particular a dill fas 220 N 10th st. Keys ASmith. . 247 4J AHOAIN-Oue ball bearing Columbia trlcj cle In perfect order and us good as new- wlll be sold nt a bargain. Apply to J. L. Hakci West Point , Neb. 251 9 B1LLAHD Table at half price , Bnmswlcl Ilnlke Co.'s inulo. Inqulia Leslie & Leslie 16th nnd Dodge sts. 218 _ FOH SALE A fine impioved double bnrre shotgun , and outfit , u bargain. 1624 Si l- Marjsnve. 108 5J THOU SALI'-A Wilkshot water henter am if JJ 2rtlfeetof3inch pipe cheap. P. O. bo : 60S. Omaliji. _ _ _ Kji ) 4j _ FOH SALE Pheap , hors-o and phaeton. Ir quire' of D. 1 . Cooper , Western Uulo Telegraph ollice. oa2 nl T71 0H SALE Span of good draught mu1i o an JJ nlre harness , or will trade for ! n erty. Address J , H. Lamar , care Gees hote city. _ 'J007 * BALK Two elegant ImiKirteil 6tallloud will sell nr trade for inside property o good livery stock. Address J. H. Lamar , car lioos hotel , city. _ KXJ7 * TJ10H SALE 1 feed mill. 24 In. Fiench burrs. -U 1 Victor shelter. 75 bu per hour. i bolt for buckw heat or meal. 40 ft. 2 In. shafting. 6 hanger.s. elevator bel etc. AdJreiJ JWU B 2 < ith st , OuwbA , Xv\i. \ US U 1 OtfR hunrtrert and fifty flolljirs vlllbuy n neTrs and cigar stand. WH South 10th st. UM. FOR SALE A now lot qffdjy goods furniture cheap. 1120 Cap , nvo * , , . 118 FOR RENT rtirnlshednropius , with or with out board , 1909 FnrnaiB jpL 873 0 * ORGANS nt wholesale ! prices , on easy pay- menu. Now York Ptano Co. , cor Cnpltol ave and 16th st. < ' " 70U. fOR RENT-HOUSES. "I710K HENT An elegant DOT house good Ioc - JL ; tlon for prominent ppyjlclnn. Just com- pitted , ell modern Improvements , apply M. El * gutter , 1001 Farnam at. 3110 HENT House ! furniture for salo. Inquire - quire of U. J. Wright , 1CCH Cnsa gt. 287 7 * 710H RENT House B rooms , 8 closets.pantry , L. ' good ccllnr , outbuildings , etc , 8014 Daveu- port st , John WFoley. . Ill 6 * E OR RENT Store and basement. Inqnlroat . A , Dormann. nil 8.13Ui st. 804 4 T710R HENT New house of 6 rooms , with all JL ; conveniences , 112 South 2Sth st. Call in renr from 1 to G p. m. 239 6 * FOH RENT Flour and feed store on Park ave , Splendid opening. V L. Gregory-ami bollth ICth st. 871 FOH RENT-5-room cottage. 1117 Pacific st. (2,1 month. W. N , Nnson , 1015 Farnnm at. 237 5 HOOMS-Hnth and barn , Colfnxst 145.00 10 rooms , bnth nnd furnace. Reward st. 5,100 10 rooms , bnth nnd furnncn , Woolworth at. . 50.00 8 rooms , bath , city wnter , Corby st , avoo 5 rooms , cottnge , Burdotto st 25.00 H rooms , cellar , well , cistern , 27th st 2K.OO fl rooms , cellar , city water , 23th st 22.00 Fine large storeroom , good location ! ! 5.00 F. L. Gregory , SIM South 10th st. 188 FOR RENT 2rooin house , Denises' addition , a 7-room cottage in Parker's addition and two line three story HatH on Twentieth near Lea Venn. orth. Evans < k Blackburn , 1510 Dodge. 170 4. LIST houses , furnished and unfurnished rooms with us. We will rent them. Olllco open evenings. H. E. Cole , 31GS. 15th st. U35 j OR HENT 1 houses nnd rooms for offices. L ? Inquire of Cunningham & Her , room 7 , Ar- lugton Mock. Cunningham & Her. tW ) 4 FOH HENT 2nd nnd 3d floors nt 1417 Douglas st. , w 1th lease of three yenrs. Kennedy it llbblns , 1300 Douglas st. 707 DRY goods nnd notions storeroom for rent , ( lood clmnce for millinery nlso. F , L. Fregory-WW South lllth st. 871 [ THH RENT 6 room cottage 2Sth and Indiana 11 bt. 146-6J FOR RENT-3 room cottnge , 1K4 N 21st. st. Apply 310 S 15th st. 152 TjlOH RENT or Lcnse A house nnd 2 ncres of JO land , 15 minutes' w alk of South Omnhn. In quire 1 ( OS Howard st. 1304 * FOR RENT 0-room house. G. E. Thompson , 3U b. l.lth st. 211 - lent a barn that will hold 10 WANTED-To head of horses , not for livery purposes. Address J. H , Lamar , Ooos hotel. 178 7 * FOH HENTT-Two elegant store rooms , best location In the city for dry goods store nr hardware. Apply nt Courtney A ; Co. , 8Tith and Davenport st. 270 7 RENT If you wish to rent nhou'-e call FOlt on llen.iw a & Co. , 15th bt. , opposite P. O. IBS HENT Severn new 7 room houses FOR block from street car. ready for occupancy No\ ember I. C * . F. Harrison418 S. 11th st. liU OH RENT B room furnished Hat , WO per month. 3 rooms rented , 143. Apply 50H S. ICth st. M4 RENT 7-room houV and fuinlture for FOR sale nt a bargain , within 3 blocks of post- odlce. A. P. MBne , Northwest comer of 16th und ranmm. 17'J 4 [ 71011 HENT Nov. 15 , new eight-room hoti o , L' nil modem improvements. 221b Chicago st. $ ( . .1. It. Rlngw alt. 2KS S IDth st. 777 "TJ10H HENT 0-room house , corner Mnrrvnnil JL1 Teiilllot. * 9) . InqulieLlnlnger A : Metcalf Co , Cth aiuT PncKlc. . 220 _ _ _ _ T..r n * FOR RENT R room cott jfio , large lot , good barn , in delightful UxiiKon. rurnltuiu for sale ; call at Klnblcr's flrugjMoie , 1307 Faniam st : gj 7fei 71OK HENT New 5-roopf' cottnge , S4tn nnd , Hancroft st : , llrst dooB west of shot tower ; w ell , cistern. $14 per niolHnff478 710R RENT Hundsoine new i evidence within J If miles of P.O. : ten rooms , barn , etc , with all coziM'nlcnccs. Will lent cheap. Address J. H. Lamar , caio Gees hotel , city. 1KW7 * 1\T"EAT market on paved street , One business J.TL prospect. Kent cheap V. L. Oregoiy-aoa South 16th st. 271 RENT 1 flats nnd furniture for snle , nil FOR Kith. A. F. Muyne , N. W. cor. ICth and Purnnm. U91 "IjlOR HENT 11 room house on Sherman nve , JO A. F. Mayne , N. W. cor. 16th and Farnam , 1W1 HENT Largo otllce on Parnam st. ( Jood FOR for t Ignr storu or tailor shop. E. P. Seaver. 100UH rnrnam st. 317 FOR RENT ROOMS. FOR RENT Two elegantly furnished room * with bath , California und 17th sts , price reasonable. For terms , etc. , call at Erie Cloth ing Co , : WJ N. Ibth St. 277 7 NICELY furnished rooms , 202i St. Mary's nve. 28010 BURNISH 15D Rooms , Miltable for two or foui E gentlemen , price model ate , 22U N. 16th st. 2 3 ( ij RENT A large nnd pleasant room , nice ly furnished , lor two gentlemen , ( ffi 8.13tl st. Inquire upstnlrs. 204 4 * TTIOH RENT Rooms for light housekeeping -D 0078. 13th bt. Inquire upstairs. 2W4 * "TT1OR RENT Elegantly furnished suite o JT1 rooms with board , in private family. Al modern com enlences. For partlculais addros' L 24 Heo. 8IS1 tl * rooms and bnrn to rent , Hef FURNISHED . N , E. Cor. Douglns nm 2Cth streets. 211 d' LMIN1SHED room , 2207 Douglas. * - r4PJ TflOR.IlKNT 1 nicely 'furnished w 1th board if deilred , HIS 20th. 250 5 * A LOVELY , Inrge front room hented , benutl ful location , with nil modern convenience : on st car line , 1017 Cass. 2.11 RENT Furnished loom l ! l Douglas. 20S 5 * FOR HENT Nice furnished loom t ! > pe month , S. W. Cor. IBth nnd Jackson. 107 FOR RENT Rooms , single nnd en suite good pluno for sale , J1C5 , Ib21 Farnam st Kfi FOR RENT A nicely furnished suite of pal lore , sultnble for two or four gentlemen , ii new brick building , till modem convenience first-class boaid if desired. Mis. Win. Young 2201) ) Douglas st. 137 7 * RENT 3 unfurnished rooms suitable fo FOR housekeeping , 1025 N Win st. 1.18 T71OR RENT 4 unfurnished rooms , sultabl Jc forhousckeeplifg. 2U22 1arney st. KW5J KOOM for twogentlemeh'l72i ; Davenport si 104 ( ! TjlOR HENT Furnlbhed ipoms , 1S10 Dodge si jt 102 N 30 ROOMS and board for gentlemen in family. Address K 72 , Hee. ICO u * 1710R HENT Elegant novV furnished rooms i : JLJ private family , boarding house Jus opened. Avenue Place , ] ( ! 15 and 1013 Cap nve. , 8U44J FOR HENT Furnished t and nnfurnlshe < rooms in nil parts ofthe city. Whenyo want a house wo can accommodate you. Cui rlage ready to show houses. . Office open ever ings. H. K. Cole. 31U B. Mthflt. 034 LARGE and small front room , nil eonvei lences. 2423 Faniam St. , s e corner. 'JlB-5 * . FOH HENT rurnlshed | rontroom wltlTmoT ei u com enldnces , for ( jentlemen,1718 Dodg TTIOH Hl'.NT Large front fnrnishcd room u JJ 211U llarnoyst. bTl in FOR HENT Parlor nnd alcove , one fron rnui. . . ono back roomgns ; , bath , steal heat ; car line. Sll ? Douglas st. b"44J TT0" HENT Furnished rooms , 1913 Punmn J ) 815H27J A PINE Inrge bay window room , newly fin nlshed with gas , bath , fuinuco nnd close no other roomer , lorouaor twoguntlemen , U. S 20th fit. 113 I "TJIOIt HENT A suite ot rooms over my Eton -L Price , ta.V. . F. stoetzel. 742 ' OR RENT-Nlccly furnished rooms , 110. t ! t5 ! and r . at 1031 Farnnm St. CM FOR RENT Elegant suite of rooms nlcel furnished , bilck fiat , south front , 1110 Cii cngo. 85T OOK'HENT-Furnhihed rooms , Q07 N. 17th s TT10R HENT-FurulsheU rooms. 8209 Dodge. * ' 06I. . FOR TlENTV-Jlnleotin rntshert room < suit * nble for housekeeping , situated on " 1st nnd Nicholas st. Apply 310 ยง 15th st. 639 OR iFENT OrotinoTfloor oirfce'room"ceiv JD trnlly located , heated and lighted. C. F. llarrl-on , 418 S. IMh gt. 71'J FOR RENT Furnished rtx > m HO per month ! , heat , lltjht andplnnoj private fnmtly. Ki 24th st. T7IOR RENT Pitsnlshed rooms with board JL1 gentlemen only , 2013 Douglas st. 145-7J T7WRN1SHUO rooms with board. 1003 Far- J nitin. 7KnlO ) * TT10R RENT 3 unfurnished rooms suitable for JU housekeeping. I1QSH3.7 th St. 248 FOH RENT 3 nicely furnished rooms , 8020 St. Mary's ave. 089 OR RENT Nicely furnished room sultnbla for 2 gentlemen , inquire 2011 St. Mary's ave. KM FOR HENT-Plcnsnnt rooms , furnished , south * est corner 80th and Webster. 0 1 T710R RENT Furnished rooms in allpnitsot Jc the city , by the rtny , week or mouth. City Intelligence otllce , Crelghton block. 105 T7KR RENT 2 nicely furnished rooms , refor- JU cnco required. 1017 Howaid. 1W-4J RUNT Furnished front room with' board for gentleman. 1724 Douglas st. W-4 T710U UENT-Furnlshed rooms with board if J : desired , lllll Formun street. 202 7J T710II HENT Nicely furnished front room to 1 -L' or S j ouug men , t9 per month. 010 S 2T > th VO. 2976 * HUNT Furnished looms 701 3 17th. 007 TJ1OII KENT 2 furnished front rooms 1513 JD Howard. 280 OJ TjlOll HENT Elegant furnished suite of rooms JU in ml\nto family 21KJSI .Mniysave , terms casonaole to right party. 304 0 * " 171011 HENT Sroomseusultoor separate , rot- JU erences required. 1720 Capitol nvo. 290 G * WANTED to rent , 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms lor housekeeping , within 10 blks of P.O. City Intelligence ollice , Crelghton block. 1C5 " 171011 HENT Furnished rooms in Gretmlgblk , JL1 cor. l.tth nnd Hedge sts. Inquiieof Geo. It. > iuls , Jlllliud hotel billiard room. 192 TTIOH HENT Nicely furnished looms , 1013 JJ Dodge. ICO 7 * FOU HENT A large unfurnished room nnd a 'I roomhouse , inqulio at Golden Uulo bazar , 03 N 10th. > 312 4 F I OH HENT Desirable room. 1933 Dodge st. 3086 * [ 71OH HENT-Office room , first floor , at 310 3. C 15th ht. 443 SITUATIONS WANTED. AN intelligent man , good hand in mechanic of all kinds of work , wish to lind work' Address L 17 , Heo olllco , SOO-fij WANTED Ily n well educated mangood nd- dress , a city or country agency. Miinufnc- ,111 ors or others lequlrlng n pushing , sober man , i\ill llndit to their ad intage to address I , 27 , 'lee olllco. 27tt 4 * "V\7"ANTED Situation , by young lady us com- T T panlon or nuibe , w llh children or w Ithout , going to Caltfoinla. Address Maggie Hnmand , Lincoln , Neb. 2C9- ( . WANTED Hy a Swedish young man who speaks some English , position in family. 'Jail at 1007 Painum. 229 4J " \\7ANTED-Sltuatlon as housekeeper In hotel or widoweiH family by n widow of 3J ; flno appealance , many accomplishments , is an CN'colftnt housekeeper and good manager ; best of references. Lock box 7C1 city. 254 4J WANTED Sltuatlon as coachman , groom , etc. by Swede27 yrs old , steady , reliable ; nule and willing to work , good city lefciences. No office fee. Canadian Employ meut oIllce.Mis. Hregn vl Son , 310 S. IJth.Tel. sM. SVi IJ \yA NTED-Sltuatton by a Swede ( till just m er , iiKiulle iHIl Webster st. 1M1-4J WANTED Situation by a gentleman having ten years' experience in the real estate and abstract business ; best of referentes. Ad- tliess W. T. Otis , Kast baglnuw , Mich. , care Mai shall house. 243 ! IJ WANTED-Situation as lra > cling or city salesman ; best references. Address L2i , Hee olhce. 2314j Position with wholesale house or WANTED letnil grocery stole , ll\e yearsoxpeiieuce , best of leferences. Address 1C 07. lleo ollice. 807 5 STORAGE. NEW YOHK Storage Co. have most extensive fiicillties for storage of furniture , pianos , buggies , crucial mcichnndlse , west of New York. Cash advances to any amount ; wnre- house receipts given ; goods insured ; brick building lire-proof ; special nrrangemeiits for commission merchants. Call New York Storage Co. , Capitol nve and N. 15th St. , Dennett's block , 769 F IHST-CLASS storage at 110 N. 13th st. TOHAOE Merchandise or furniture. Little S1 If Williams , 1107 DoiiRlns St. N/J n29 STOKAGE for cnrrlnge ntOmaha fnlr grounds and horses \vlnteied by A. Thomson. 173-N 20 * STOHAOE Oeo. Schwartz , Omahn StornRO Wnrehnnse. 11)01,1(111 ) ( North l.lth M. . fiiinit- urebugi'e9 ! und niciclmndlbe. Olllco Ul.'i Iodpe. ) ; 427n ID * STOHAOE Furniture , boxed goods , eto..terma i en&oimble , 714 Pactllc. li"l FOR SALE HOUSES LOTS. BH ! llnrsaln Corner lot , Vby 1DO feet , on Ilollevuo street , South Oninha. Call nml get price and terms. Oco. N. Hicks , 21r > S. loth , 218 7 FOlt SALE-Clienp a corner lot on S 21st , large enough for three good cottages , n small cash pu > ment taken If bold nt om , cal at Till Leuvenuorth , after 0 p. in , Chas. Andcr bon. 2UO 4j T71OH THADE-Enulty In lots 1 nnd 2 , Unlor JL ? Kiiiare | , next bloclc to Martin , E.isson & Hrady ; 1,000 for house and lot , or > acant Inside lot. Address K W ) Bee , 70" FOIlSALE Or exchange for real ostatoframe building MX 40 , Including SOU. P. boiler ami Soil. P , engine , wood working machinery , etc Lease of lot good for over four years nt nomlna rental. Location In southern part of the city Address K M , lice office , 88.1 4 F I OH SALE At J.SOO , house nnd lot , rented nl $11 per month , on small cabh payments , bal mice monthly or quarterly , or all cash at n bet tor price and wari anted deed. D. D.Bmeaton,10X ( Dodge st. 112 FOH SAI/E-Lot41 , Burr Oak , $1,100 , $000 casl bnl 2yeais. Lot 4(1 ( , Huir Onk , 81,000 , SKO cash , bnl easy. Lot 47 , Huir Oak. $ l,0f,0 , $100 cash , bal ensy. Lot 10 blk S , Hillside No 1 , $2,800 , { 1,100 cash bnl ! 1 yenrs. Lot 6 blk 7. Hillside No 1. 82,500 , $1.000 cash bnl II years. Lot 7 blk 10 , Iteed'.s 1st ndd , 1.000. Lot .12 , Sunnyslde , $2,400 , Jsi l cash , bal easy. Two new 7 room houses w 1th modern convcn icnces two blocks west Hniibcom park , M,40l each teimseasy. Lot 'JD , Puirmont place with five room cottage $2.IHJO. Two good lots with five room cottage on ench in blk 10 , Patrick's add , only J-,000 each , term : very easy. liuslness lots in South Omaha on N , Q , 21th 2."ith anil 2Cth streets for sals cheap. Aciepropeity near South Omaha forsnlooi for Undo for Inalde Omahu nnd South Onmlii lots. Potter Si Cobb , 1W1 Fainani st. , Uoart Traae building. 877 21 FOIl SALE New Blx room house , laundry cellar , well , cistern and outbuildings , cor ner lot , near btreet cars , easy monthly pay meiits. 1' . K. Darling , 1503 , cor. 15th and Ilow ard. 'M 0 rpo EXCHANGE 1'or Improved city property J- Block farm 01 750 acres with nil model n lin provtmientH , 4 miles from city of 7,000 ponuln lion. In 1 own. U.K. Cole. 3111S 1.1th st. ! ittj TmOH SALE 74x132 corner on Nicholas , traci _ L ago In alley , two cottages , a pplendli pioperty. Make a fnlr offer and you cun liav it. Evnns k U lack bum , 1510 Dodge. 170 4.C THACKAOE I have some cholc trnckag property In West Omaha on the F. K. & J ! V , It. H. nnd Missouri Pncltlo Hy. near the June tlon of the two toads. There Is no liner trncli ngo near the city for mills , elevntors nnd mann fat tui Ing purposes Parties contemplating k eating In Omaha will do well to call and see th , to the right kind of pnrtles 1 will offe Rroperty . Cleo.N. Hicks , 21.1 S 15tti 243 7 OH SALE-Thonoith.ldt2 ! ! , block 8. H. li lingers addition with neat cottage , east fron on Plfteenth street. $ .1,500 or cottage and fill W foot lot. & 1OU ) . llvltus i Blackburn sol agents , 1510 Dodpn. 170 4. I 1ST houses , furnished and unfurnUh" J rooms with us. We will rent them , OHIc open evenings. H. E. Cole , 3lb S. 15th at. UP T710H SALE location for a home I : -U West Omaha , adjolnlnp the mansion home of Kirkemlall , Coe , Uraily , Easson and oilier : Nothing tlner in the city , Cun sul 11 1x167 o less ; for prices. and terms see S. A , Sloman , 13U Fariumst. TiM BAf.B Several houses ni\d Iota o small paymenU , nlso so in a houses an lots to trade ; several farms for sale or trade fu Omaha property or for stock. A. F , Mnyno , Ji W. cor lltu uud Furuaiu. M TFyon huronnTthlnctoMllor'oTChnnKe list J-lt with 0 , C. 8 ] > otawiKMl , 4k V ( S IHth. ( i'4 FOR SALE A beautiful now 5-roora < iou o In block "A. " Hedford Place , small cn h payment mentHnlnnce monthly or to luit. Chnrlea 0. SpotswOod , BOiiVi S. 10th St. IHH 0 1AS1I and vacant lots In Omnhn to exchange for merchandise. Address L ID , Heo olnce. IWi OJ "I710K 8ALK-Or oxchnnBe , farms tn Iowa , J- Kansas nnd Nebraska for Omnhn houses nnd lots ; w 111 assume mortgnujes tin houses and giro clear deeds to farms ; will also oxohntiRe city lots for Rood farms , well located and us- sumo smalt mortgages on faring and Klvo clour tleeil to city lots , larms wnntod In Central Ne- brnskn. A.P. Tukoy. rnrnam st. ItO CALL nnd nee the choice Hat of houses 1 oiror for .sale on easy terms , ( Jeo. N , Kicks , ltl South 15th st. .487 LIST your property for si\lo with Charles U. apotswood. .W.ti 8 Iflth st. 643 OR BALK Oil TltADB-Uqultr iu n lot in block 11 Iliui'coin Place n part payment ou lioue and lot.aus & Hlnckbtun , 1510 Dodge. 170 f. and see the choice corner lots 1 offer in CALL tlio residence and business portion of Bout Omaha. Geo. N , Hlclu- ! . South IBth Mroot. FOH SAL1' A handsome east front 8-rooin house on Catherine stieet , Hnuscom lilsce , W.,250. , 1704. TIO exchange Some money nnd choice land for first class Improved inside property. U.K. Cole. . 411 FOJl BALI' New store ImlldlnR on llollovuo ftruut , South Omaha , can gl o Immodlate losaesslon. Call and get priLO mid teruiu. 'llrks ' , 215 South 15th street. 248 7 on SALK-lWxlOOftcor. Howard aud 35tH sts , ne.\t block to Tanson , Hrady Ac Mar- ins houses , 87.WW. Address U. 1VJ lleo olllcc. B3S "VTEW cluht-room house , pleasant locntion. can -LX clvo Immediate possession , n bargain 1C 'aken at once. Oco. N. lllcks , 215 South 15th st. 218 7 POH BALK Aero lot lu 1'nttert.on purk for t < M cash , lot 8 blk 10 , addrces L 2(1 , Hee in co. 31J 4 > POIl BALK The best lot-s In Mnyne Place nt sprlnK pi lees nnd on easy terms. Kvans & llnckburn , 1610 Dodge. U7U 4. FINKK-vst front lot In Plnlnvlew on 20th st. car line , for SIMl. Small cash and IOIIK time. F. K. Darling , l.Mfi How art ! st. B01 0 and bee the choice bargains I olfor in CALL Omaha , lllcks , 215 S. 15th struct. 218 7 [ 71011 SALK or trade .tn acres of Innd one V mile fiom Central City , Nob. , 70 acres under cultivation. 100 aert-s under fence , including corrals ; balance extra ( jootl mendow ; house cost f W , barn 9.W , cnttlo barn * . X ) ; good w 1 nil- mill , II ncrpR nice young orchnrd. with hedge fence ; will trntln for stock of hnrdwnre , grocer ies or ueneial nicrcliaudlbo. N. Harues , Centiul City , Neb. 211 1UJ l SOJI H'l'HlNd Choice , terms easy. Lot l.block 12 , Iteed'.s 1st , nt n buraalu. Investl nto. II. V . Cole , 31 B 15th bt. 2SH ) o liXCHANOK Kiiulty in choice Omaha pioperty for stock dry goods or clothing. It IS , Hee. 231) ) 8 FOR BALM or trade Two hundred nnd eighty ncii'h of beautiful limn land , uulnium- " > ered. Will sell low or trade for Inside Omaha real estate. Addiess J , II. Lnmar , care ( lees lotel , city. 9007 * " \T11W Tour room cottage , with pantry , closets J-s and cellar. Near car Hue , schools nnd In an excellent nelghboihood , being lot 10 , llurdettn court , pileo $ lf.o < t , smtill cash pavment and $15 per month. Wallace , Cielghton block. 4l > 8 rilHOMl'SON , HI4 S. nth t. . liuyn nnd sells real JL cst.ite , loans money , purchases securltlos ; has n good list of propel ty for sale and wants moro. Notary ptinlic. 8."il FINE Lot in Hawthorne addition torilnx ) ; A nsk nbollt It. F. K. Darling , 1503 Howuid. 301 0 DON'T Par. young nmn , young woman , men whose hairs me tinning gray , women whose beautrmay 1m fading , butw hosogood and sound jiidgnit nt will ever remain. Nexerpeimit thu clouds of nd\ei sit ) to cast their shadows upon your tented rot t ago door Don't allow old ngo to deep over you a homeless wanderer. liny a lot when yon cnn. Now is the time to secure a lot for n homo. Don't delay or you wlllsmely lose the chance of a lifetime. We will sell you a beautilul lot , 50x120 feet , for $100 , pnynblo 1 , 2 and 3 yean without interest , provided yoft build n cottage on tlio pioperty worth $400. Oulyono lot sold to each purcnaser. Call and RCO plats. Olllco open evenings till 9 p. m. 11. E. Coin. H18 " 15th st. KB I NEW SK room houses south of park for s-nle on monthly payments. F. K. Darling. 1505 Howaid. 801 0 FOH EXCHANGE-Clty pioperty for Iowa or Nebiaskn lands. L. II. Watts , N. E. Cor. 19th and St. Mary's ave. 231 OH SALE Lot 1. block 1. NewpmT arie- only-Jt'iilO. Take this quick. Good one v.eek. Evnns \ lllackburn , 1510 Dodge. 170 4. 171OK SALE-Now store building nnd lot on 1 ? Itellevuo stieet. South Omaha , can give possession at once , price $1,000 , } MKJ cash , oal- uuco 1.2 uiul 3 years. Geo. N. Hicks , 215 S. 15th. 248 7 IiKH SALE A good lotWi feet ) on Park nv- untie , low price If sold soon. McCulloch & Co. . cor l * > tli and Farnam. 3.11 O TRADE- Inside property for good housn , eight or nine rooms , nnd full lot. McCul- loch fc Co. . cor 15th nnd I'auiam. ! J2D fl WO nouses in Hnnscom place renting for JL (70 pir month to exelmnge for good inside vucnntproperty. 8. 8. Campbell nnd G.W. Her- voy,310S. Kith st. . Chamber of Commerce. 152 School Bond Proclamation. IN pursuance of n lesolutlon duly ndoptcd by thellonid of Education of the School Dis trict In Omaha , in the county of Douglas , in the btnte of Nebraska , notice Is hereby given to the qunllflcd voters of said school district , thnt nt the general election to be held Tuesday , Novem ber Mh , 1K.S7 , the tollowlng question and propo sition will bo submitted to note of the electors of said district , to-wlt ; "Shall consent nnd authority be given to the Hoard of Education of the School Distilctln Omnha. in the county of Douglns , In the stnto ol Nebraska , to Issue the bonds of snld school ills' tilct , in the sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollni s l VOO.OOO ) , the said bonds to bo 2U ) In nnm her , of the denomination of $1,000 00 ench , dated January 1st , 1N < 8 , and to bear Interest at the rate of nvo per cent per annum , paj able semi an nually nt Kountze Brothers , bnnkers , New Yoik , principal to become due in twenty yenr from the date thereof. The proceeds arising from the sale of said bonds to bo used In the pin chase of school sites for said district , and the erection of school buildings as follows : rUltCIIASINf ] SCHOOL H1TKK. One site on Hamilton street near Eureka street at the estimated cost of J.1,000.00. Ono site on ! i9th and Juukson streets at the es timnted cost of 88,500 00. One site In West Side Addition at the estl mated cost of * JIHJO 00. One site In Ambler Place Addition at the ostl mated cost of $ .1,000 00. One. site corner 9th street near Bancroft at tin estimated cost of $0,000 00. Ono site on 14th slreet near Park Forrest Ad dltlon nt the estimated cost of $2,500 1 ) . One sit o corner of fith street and Hickory streei nt the estimated cost of $7,000,00. One site corner of Franklin street and 3. > th , at the estimated cost of $ .1,500.00. KlIFCTl.Sfl KCMOOr , IIUIMIINOR. Ono school building on 25th near Mason street nt the estimated cost of $10,000.00. One school building on Slid street nenr Niche las street , at the estimated cost of $ IOOuO 00. One school building on 9th street near Ban croft , nt the estimated cost of tK.OUO.OG. Ono school building on Hamilton street ncai Eureka street , nt the estimated cost of J25.000 00 One school building In Lake's addition , at tin estimated cost of $ . . ' ,500 Ou. All votes "Yes" on nnld proposition will hi regarded nnd considered as authorizing tin issue of Bald bonds , nnd nil votes "No" snail bi regarded und considered as iignlust issuing suli bonds , Also , the following question nnd proposltloi will. In like manner , lie submitted : "Shall said Hoard of Education In addition tt the aforesaid proposed expendltmo for the pur chase of school Bites and the erection of schoo buildings from the proceeds of said bond * . In authorised to expend the following sums , to b < realized from the sale of school property nov belonging to said school district , nnd not re quired for the use thereof , as follows , to-wlt : For nn addition to High School building , th sum of tVOiX.U ) ) ) . For school building on Boulevard btrect nca 21st street , the mim of frr > .000.00. All votes "Yes" on Bald proposition will b regarded mid consldoicd us nuthorlzlng Fall proposed expenditure , and nil votes "No" shnl be regarded as against said proposed lapendl lure. lure.By order of the Hoard of Education of th School Dlstilct in Oinuliu , in the county o Douglas , in the state of Nebraska. In witness whereof , 1 lm\e hereunto set m ; hand and caused the seal of said School Bean to bo ulllxed , this 2Gth day of October , A. 11 1S ( > 7. [ r. . 8.1 n. T. CLA HKE , President. Attest : J . B , Pii'Mi , Secretary. o27d2t ! Ilockdalo county , Gn. , has ruth or : stringent und peculiar liquor liw. : TJti ono person is permitted to neil liquor ho is appointed by the grand jurv ; cm fccll for ihcuical purposes only , und can not keep on hand moro thut ton gallon of spirits. - + . A Charlotte , N. P. . man , luborin ; under the impression that ho hud uwttl lowed his upper teeth , wont to KulTul lit once for medical coutikcl. lie tmhsc quently got u dispatch that the tcct had h on found und came buck hupp ou the next train. - . Alfred II. Cowlos ndvocrvtcs the use ol nluminum bronze for houvy guns , nnd liis paper on the subject IB to bo dis cussed ny the United States Nuvnl insti tute. Mr. Cowles nays that guns mtulo o ( this ulloy will hnvo n much higher tensile - silo slrongth nnd duotillty than those of stool ; that they would not bo so liublo to burst , und that they could bo oust nl 20 per cent less cost than the forged guns of stool , while 00 per cent of this cost would bo capital stored u\vny in the motnl of the gun , which metal can ho remoltcd nnd used over an Indefinite number of times. HWiui iiatiuiitti uuim , u , s. BircsiTORY , OHAHA , NEB. Pnld UpCnpital , $2BO.OOO Surplus , 42.COO II.V. . TATES , President. Lewis B. IlKEn , Vlce-Prosldent. A. K. Tour AI.IN , 8d Vice-President. W. H. M. IIuailES , Cashier DIIIKCTOIIS. W. V. MoitRK , JOHN 8. , II. W , YATKS , LKWIS S. UKKO , A. n. Tour.Ai.iN. Banking Office THE IRON BANK. Cor. 12th and Fnrnnm Bts. AIGencral Hanking Business Transacted. llrae e A1 see IP " WABM A EffoECMid/wJo / ; "AKSON S.HoPKiNs.Goji1Manag ( JTarc Me largest and most complete Assortment of Fire Place Furnishings JJVMTSJIIOJ. . One Hundred & Seventy-Fve Different designs of fireplaces can be seen all set tip / our show rooms. Also complete Bath. & Toilet Rooms all fitted up with Tile * . Brass Goods , Of all the choicest andmost original designs. Readers of this paper requiring goods in our line ahoitld call upon or communicate * THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , OMAHA. Arilvo Cinnhn. Omnhn. UNION PACIFIC. Depot Kith nnd Plorco sts. Pucltlo Express B:20p.ra. : 7riOa. in. Denver Express lO-.mii.m. 5:3) : ) p. in , "Locnl Express llWft.iu : ) ; Except Sunday. B. k M. Tt. H. H. Depot lUth and Pucillcsts. Mall and Express Kliaia.m , rnOp.m. : Night express 7:4. : > p.m. . 10:00 : a. m. C. B. * Q. H. H. Depot 10th and PacltlCBts. ll nnd Express (1:00 ( : p.m 0:20 : a.m. Chicago Express UUUa.ui : K. O. , St. J. .V C. H. Depot 10th and Paclllc sts. Moll S:40a. : m. . OsKip. in. Express H:50p.m : , 7:00 : a.m. C. , St. P. , M. At O. Depot inth mid Webster st Sioux City Itlack Hills fix. 8:15 : a.m. * 4:4rp.m. : Hnneroft Express 4:4" : > p. ra , 10:40 : a.m. Black Hills Pnssengor. . . . 0:35 : p. m , 7:40 : p.m. * Kxcept Sundny. MISSOUHI PACIFIC. Depot inth und Webster st Day Express 10 : < 1a. m 0:2oam : Night Expiesa OilOp.m 5:30 : pm , DUMMY TRAINS. HunnlnK Hetwcen Council Bluffs nnd Alblrght. In addition to the stations mentioned , trains Mop nt Twentieth and Twenty-fourth streets , und at the Summit In Omaha. "West ward. KanUvard. COUNOIIj BLiUPFS. Urivo 'irnimfer tli'pot. ) : ] * > : . m. 7:00 : p. m. n. m. "i-M p. m. 1 > :15 : a. in. 7itf ) p. m. 9 ill a. tn. 7:00 : p. m. U.OO in. n. m. p. in. ' 13:15 p.m. a. in.