OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 5 , 1887. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE NO. IB , PKAlllj STKEET Delivered by currier In nny part of the city at twenty cents per week. n. W TILTON , . . . Malinger. TEI.rPHONKSi JlCMNitRS Omen. No. 43. NinriT BniToii No. 23. M1XOU , MENTION. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Roller , tailor , Full poods cheap. Dr. J. C. Robertson , C2fl Main St. "Little Bossl" The best 5c cigar in the city. Troxoll Bros. , agents. A child of Mr. Bcntou , of Lewis township , was burned yesterday. Last day to see the wonderful clock at JJo. 830 Broadway. Send your children this afternoon. A four-year-old child of John Shafoloy flied yesterday afternoon at his rcsi- flonco on Avenue II. The police took in "Old Sport" Miller last night , and gave him u cell in the oily jail in which to sober up. A supply of the new stamps have been received at the postoHlce , but will not bo used until the old ones arc gene , which will bo about a mouth. The boy choir of St. Paul's church is to appear for the first time Sunday Dvcning. The service is to be of spcelal musical interest in other rcspcctsjilso. Quit claim deeds were yesterday given to the eitv by N. P. Dodge and W. P. Webster for the opening up of Ninth uvenuo through their land on the bottoms. The next great attraction at the opera , house will lie the appearance of Louis Jamesand Marie Wainright on Wednes day evening , November 0. "Virginius" will bo the play. Mr. Morgan was called to the transfer last evening to attend to a corpt.o that was en route to the east. The railway olllcials refused to take it farther with out having it repacked. Owing to a misunderstanding of in structions the new hook and ladder truck will not bo shipped until next Tuesday. It is honed to have the now building completed by the time it gets here. Judge Dcemer is to bo hero Monday , at winch time he will listen to the argu ments in the case of Crittendcn vs. Ar- inour , Barbeo fc Co. There are some other unfinished matters to bo taken up also. also.Tho The largest deed recorded yesterday was that by which S. Farusworth con voyed to II , Z. and C. L. Haas an un divided one-si.xth interest in what is known as the Gregg tract , the consider ation being $7,000. The Colored Glee club of Council Bluffs will give a grand ball in Will iams' hall , in this city , Thanksgiving nighi for the benclit of Omaha citizens. O. Brewer is the manager , E. M. Taylor will have charge of the door and Mrs. M. T. Turner will attend to the tables. The scaffolding has been extended up ward several fuot from the top of the belfry of the new German Catholic churuh , and work on the spire will now bo commenced. It is reported that the chime of three bells donated to this church has arrived , and will shortly bo I put in place. & There is oven moro enthusiasm shown in the support of William Arnd for county auditor than his friends expected when they nominated him. Everything indicates now that ho will continue to bo a favorite till ho is declared a win ner next Tuesday. Aside from his per sonal popularity and his general ability , there is a special reason urged why lie should bo elected. Ho has been deputy in this ollico for a number of years , and has become thoroughly conversant not only with the routine work of the ofllco , but with the dutails of the now court house building , and other affairs of im portance to every tax-payer. No newman man could bo as valuable to the county at just this time , and the voters readily see the force of this. The Nonpareil is not very consistent in its shouts about helping to build up Council Bluffs. While the other papers point with pride to the fact that the in creased registry of voters shows that this city is rapidly gaining in popula tion , she uses cross-oyed typo to give prominence In her editorial columns to claim that this increase in the number of registered voters comes from the fact that the democrats have had registered a lot of Omaha laborers , who do not live hero at all. The old lady is willing to shout that the city is lobing in popula tion , rather than miss an opportunity of making borne fancied political point in the interests of party. J. W. and K L. Squire lend money. ' "Let Her Go Gallagher , " "Littlo Boss. " Best live cent cigar in the city. Troxoll Bros. , agents. E. H. Sheafo loans money on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All misincss strictly confidential. Ollico , 500 Broad way , cor ner Main street , up stairs. Personal Warren Hough , of Crescent , was hero yesterday. J. B. Christian , of Hamburg , visited the Bluffs yesterday. Hon. L. R. Bolter , of Logan , was at the Pacific yesterday. Miss Kate Pcsoy and Miss Molllo Lar- Imnr are visiting friends in Chicago. Frank Glass and G. W. Garner , of Persia , la. , were in the city yesterday. R. W. Morse and C. R. Hito , of Shenandoah - andoah , were Pacillo house guests yes terday. Mrs. Charles Baldwin , of Keotauqua , la. , is vibiting her daughter , Mrs. C. L. Lofforts. The many friends of Mrs. Walters will bo glhd to know that she is recover ing from the illness caused by the sad loss of her son , Marquis. H. E. Owen , who has been doing grading hero , has left for Davenport to figure on the contract for filling the Rock Island yards there. Mr. Pin-coll , the Dunlap editor , was In the city yesterday to mccthisraothor , who arrived from Illinois and wont with him to Dunlap last night on a visit. Mrs. W. F. Sappls planning on spend ing the winter in Washington , for which city she will start in a few days. Colonel Sapp will join her there a little later. later.W W , W. Mitchell , passenger conductor of the Minneapolis & North western rail way , was in the city yesterday visiting his brother , J. p. Mitchell , the tickel ngont. _ _ Look out for BIG BARGAINS in Call. fornia fruits uext Saturday at Troxol ! Bro's. Pantst Panto ! ! Just received , a largo now stock o ! pants goods , on which special bargains are HOW offered , at present reducec prices. Pants made to order can be luu as cheap as ready 'made. ' Roltor.'tho Tailor , No. , 810 Broadway. The finest' line of pon-poas , bannc rods , banner ornaments , etc. , 'in tin city at "Domestic" ofllce , 105 Mali street. . ' THE DOINGS IN THE BLDFFS. Moonlight Sneak Thloves Continue to Pilfer With Little SUCCOBS. LIVELY WORK WITH THEGRADINQ. The New Waterworks KiiRlnc Unlit Here Tlic Ktcotrlo Llglit Mnsts Going Up A Few Unruly Onci Itcforc the Court Itally. The Work of ntir larg. The dentnl rooms of Dr. II. S. Wcrt , M Pcnrl Htreot , werobwfjlurl/.ed Thurs day night. A young inun by the name of Foster hns slept Ihero for the past two nights , ns the doctor preferred to have borne one there. Foster's wntch , knife , keys nnd purse , containing $2 , wore taken. His trunk was not mo lested , the thief being probably fright ened awny. The doctor's articles were not molested. It eccma rather"strango that the watchman should bo robbed nnd the guarded property left undis turbed. Entrance was effected through a rear window and the burglar left no clue. Ono thousand head of one. two nnd three-year-old hteers for sale. Will give credit to reliable parties. Enquire of A. J. Greenamaycr , 0123 Myubtor fat. , telephone 1121. Raisins London layers , eighteen cents per pound at Troxell Bros. * Wadsworth , Etnyro & Co. , 23G Main btreot , make reliable abstracts of prop erty in Pottawuttainic county. * An KiiKlnc Built Here. The engine house of the water works company is a busy place'just now. There are numerous improvements being made by which the work of supplying this city with the needful liquid will bo done easier and quicker. The most im portant movement is the putting in of a new engine of 160 horse power , built by tha Oguon iron works of this city. The engine is n handsome giant. No ono can look upon it without feeling proud of the fact that Council BlulTshas shops which can turn out such a piece of ma chinery. The water works company has done wisely in having its now en gine built at" homo. You AVant Them ! Domestic patterns nnd patterns for stamping and embroidery. Latest styles and linest designs. "Domestic" Oiilcc , 1U5 Main st. Dissolution Notice. The firm of Odoll Bros. & Co. , consti tuted of E. II. Odell , Ira Odoll and C. E. Freedmnn , is this diy : dissolved by mutual consent , Ira Odell and C. E. Freedmnn retiring. From this date A. H. Comstook is associated with E. H. Odell under the firm name of Odoll & Co. The now linn assumes nil liabili ties. ties.November November 1,1SS7. Distributing Dirt. Dirt is flying at a lively rate along Ninth and Tenth avenues. Messrs. Mitohell and Sweeney have the tram way on Ninth avenue in operation and arc just getting it in smooth' running order. At present they have thirty cars running , requiring three teams. Each team takes live ears at a time and changes at the bank on every trip. The cars are filled by moans of scrapers and a trap , thus doing away with any shov eling. They will shortly put on moro cars , and their present capacity of 150 cars a day will bo very much increased. On Tenth avenue J. C. Leo has about forty teams hauling dirt to grade for the Union Pacific tracks between Sixth street and the canning factory. Con siderable work has already been done at the wobt end of this street , between the canning factory and the transfer. Mr. Leo is rushing in about 800 loads a day on this job , and has in addition a fill of 15,000 yards to make near the ele vator. The fill on Tenth avenue is the full width of the street nnd will give abundant yard room around the new freight lioubc of the Union Pacific com pany. Every one making a cash purchase of 25 cents at T. D. King & Go's , cigar store gets a chance in the annual prize drawing. Twenty elegant prizes. Starch , seven cents per pound , three pounds for twenty cents , at Troxell Bros. For best quality coal and wood , call on Glcason , liO Pearl street. Thn Musts of Light. The first of tlvo electric light masts was erected yesterday , at the corner of Pierce and Franlc streets. The wqrk on it is not completed , as the elevator is yet to bo put in , and wire cables sub stituted for the present guy ropes. The skeleton of iron is 160 foot in height , and no man of ordinary nerve would care about climbing it. The work of raising it was done from the top , the upper deck being first raised , and the lengths of iron added to the bottom , in this way raising it until the whole was complete. The frame is firmly screwed together and securely braced. The foundations for the masts at the corner of Broadway and Fourth street and at the Methodist church are completed , and the necessary tools for the erection of the columns will bo moved to the places to-day. Fine white clover honey , eighteen cents per pound at Troxoll Bros. OV1CKCOATINGS ! Greatly reducedin price so you cansave $10.00 to $15.00 on a coat , far better and cheaper than you can buy ready made. Reiter , the Tailor , No. 310 Broadway. Best mince meat , three poundb for twenty-five cents. Troxoll Bros. The Unruly OUCH. John Miller and Robert Scott were each fined $ iO in the police court yester day morning for disturbing the peace. Miller got a jug of beer nt the saloon whore Scott was at work , .and when ho attempted to walk off without paying for it , Miller slugged him. A three minute round between thorn created fun for the spectators , but the court getaway away with the gate receipts. Robert Lewis , a hotel porter , was taxed 89.GC for creating a disturbance in the gallery during the performance of 'Undo Tom's Cabin , " at Dohany's the previous evening. Imw and Order Itally. The meeting of the Law and Order league of Una county at Avoca Thurs ; day evening partook of the nature of n temperance mass meeting. The oporc house was well filled with citizens froir all over the county. Vice President Kinnoyt of the league , was iu the chair , Rev. Mr. Harlpongh , of , opened the mooting with prayer. The speakers of the evening were Revs. Dr. 1'helps nnd W. II. W. Rees , of this city. Kach gentleman occupied about three-quar ters of an hour. No resolutions were idoptcd , but the effort made in behalf of prohibition will have considerable weight with many of those present when they go to the polls next Tuesday. Self rising buckwheat , fourteen cents a package , two for twenty-five cents. Troxell Bros. A Common Si'tinc Triton. Dr. R. Rice , of this city , whoso name Is familinr to ninny throughout the west , tins received his letters patent on his common sense hernia supK ) > rt , which has already been so thoroughly tested , nnd so unnnimously approved. This In vention is being hailed with joy by the sufferers from licrnin , for they got by it n relief not to bo had elsewhere. Dr. liico hns not only been treating those thus aftllcted , and handling all kinds of trusses for over forty years , but being liimsolf ono of the sufferers ho has taken a personal interest in the search for pome sort of n support which would meet Lho requirementH. Ho hns tried the best , and finding them defective , ho has been at work devising ono. This in vention is therefore the result of years nnd it appears to bo perfect. Ono needs but to see it convinced of its su periority over all kinds of springs , balls or metal trusses. It can be adapted readily to all kinds of ruptures , and the wearer , who has been tortured by the things called trusses feels glad relief when he puts on this. The nail is made of rubber , and will last a lifetime. The bolts are of the best wool ola.slic , of superior strength , nnd the fastenings are of nickel , BO that they will not rust. No money has been spared in securing the best material possible , and the most skilled workman ship. They cannot work loose or be come unfastened , and yet they are very easily adjusted. Not only is this ingenious combination of common sense nnd science a boon to the afllicted and suffering , but to these whp are desirous of preventing any lia bility to hernia. Men who are lifting heavily , firemen , ball players , and others who are called on to violently exert themselves , find the support a pleasing help and sure proventativo. Dr. Rico has already placed a goodly number in daily use , and is receiving most llattering praise. It bids fair to quickly supplant all other forms of sup ports just as fast as it catches the public attention nnd is given a trial. For the purpose of thus introducing it. and con fident that its merits will commend it to all , Dr. Rico hns concluded to sell these supports to sufferers at $ o each , one-half price , until the first of January. With this inducement the sufferers should hasten to improve the oppor tunity to rid themselves from the tor ture of trusses which can never give relief. Dr. Rico is the oldest specialist in the west. He has had a long and successful practice , giving special treatment to chronic diseases , and for proofs of his skill and succor none needs but to visit his olllce , No. 11 Pearl street , Council Bluffs , and see the specimens of cancers , tumors , etc. , which ho has removed with his wonderful vegetable remedies without the use of the knife or the draw ing of blood. Ho stakes his reputation , based on forty years of practice , on th/i / merit of his now invention , and every one needing a hernia support should hasten to give this a personal trial. Life seems hardly worth the living to-day to many a tired , unhappy dis couraged woman who is suffering from chronic female weakness for which she has been able to find no relief. But there is a certain cure for all the pain ful complaints to which the weaker sex is liable. Wo refer to Dr. Piercc's "Favorite Prescription" to the virtues of which thousands of women can tes tify. As a tonic and nervine it is un surpassed. All druggists. Great depression of spirit without a known cause , a yellow spotted complex ion , especially on the forehead , indi cates a 'diseased condition of the kid neys. Cure such troubles with Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm. Three hundred thousand copies would be a small figure for the number of pic tures of Mrs. Cleveland since the an nouncement of her betrothal to the president. The fortunate possessors of early negatives nt Buffalo , Albany and Seneca Falls had a monopoly of the trade at first , 'charging $35 a hundred for the cabinets , the pictures retailing for 50 cents each. Notwithstanding the competition of the latter photographers the prices hold firm , and the market is active and growing. In ita mcntior of the arrival in Wash ington of the famous Putnam Phalanx of Connecticut n paper of that city got it "Phantom Phalanx. " Thi8howoveris not as bad as making Boston's Ancient and Honorable Artillery the "Antique and Horrible. " HAVE YOU A SKIN DISEASE ? If so there Is no nystcm of treatment that oilers the certainty of euro and economy of time and money , as do the CUTICUHA KKMLDIES. N\'o will send free to uny sufferer "How to Cure Skin Diseases , " ill panes , Illustration * and 100 testimonials menials , every onoof uhluh iepentn this story. 1 Imvu been a terrible sufferer for yeiirs from diseases of the Hkln and blood ; liiivo been obliged to shun public places by reason of my disfiguring humors ; huvo hud tlie best physi cians ; have spent hundreds of dollars , and got no relief until 1 used the CUTICIWA HKMKIIIKS , v.lilrh Imvu cured me , and left my sklu at clear ami blood as pure as a child's. COVERED WlTlsAIiT IlIIEUM. CUTICUHA Hr.Mr.niES are the greatest medi cines on earth. Had the worst case of Halt Itheum In this country. My mother had it twenty years , in fact died from It. Ibellleve CUTICUIIA would have saved her life. My arms , breast and head were covered for three j ears , which nothing relieved or euied until 1 used the CUTICUHA HKSOI.VKNT , Intetnally , and CUTI- cum and CUTICUHA SOAJexternally. . NKWAHK.O. J.W.ADAMS. _ HEAD , FACE AND HODY RAW. I commenced to use yourCimciiiiA ItEMcniKS last July. My head and face and Koine parts of my bodv were almost r.iw. My head \\IIH cov ered with scabs and sores , and mv suffering was fearful. 1 had tried everything I had heard of In the east and west. My case \ > as considered a very bad due. I have now not a partlc'e of ckln humor about me , and my cabo ib , on-Idertd * DECATUI'I , Midi. Mns. B. E. WHIPI'LE. A PKVER SORE CURED. T must axtend to you the thanks of one of my customers , who has been cured , by using the CUTICUHA HEMKDIES. of an old sore , caused by long spell of sickness or fever eight yo.u-s ago. He wusbobad ho was fearful he would have to have hla leu amputated , but Is happy to hay he Is now entliely u ell , sound as a dollar. He re. . quests me to use his name , which Is H. H. CAKON.mcichant. of this place. JOllK' V. MINOU , Drupglat. Qalnsboro. Tenn. Sold everywhere. Price. Ci'Tirun , Me : Sov. 2.Vj ; CCTICUUA UKSOLVKNT. II. Prepared by the pnw.n linuo AND CHEMICAL ro.ltoston , Mn . I VS'jnd for "How to Cure Skin Diseases , " 61 pages , M Illustrations , and 100 testimonials. iDwlth the lovllest delicacy Is the skin TIM ] preserved with Cutlcura Medicated boa p. KIDNEY PAINS With thfjlrweary. dullaclilng. lifeless. a" K ° B sensation iti.i.iKvr.u i.v osn MINUTK by tlm CUTll'UHA ANTI-l'AIN 1 JL > iruASTKii.DThe first and only pain-sub- dulug Puntur. AJl drujfgUtJ , ai cuiiU. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. SPKCtAIj advertisement. " , siehin L To tFonnrt , To Loan. For Bale. To Unit , Wantc.IIoiira'Inir , rtc. , will IIP Inserted In this column at the low rateotTKN CKNTH PEK LINK for the first In- ertloH and Five Ccntx Per Line for cnch sub e- ijuent Insertion. I.etue ndrerttscrapntfl at our Dfllee No. 12 Pearl Street , ucar Uroadway , Couu- Ml niulTa , Iowa. iron HKNT An eight room house centrally J ? locntcd. Euiulre Of W. T. Cole , 6M Pearl street. 1710R PALE A second hand Kimbe square 1piano , nearly new ; cost WML sell for I3JO. Address Q Z 31 , lleo oITlco , Council illufls. pfOH 8AIjK-Or will trade for stock of irrorpr- * les , choice Improved Iowa land. Wfll pay mtake citili for ( inference : value about tUW)0. ) Address K. P. Spencer , Humlolph , Iowa , WANTHD A man and Wife , without chll- dion , to occupy portion of house and board gentleman nnd his wife. Address A 0 , Doe , Council muffs. _ FOlt HKNT-llou os nnd furnished rooms. J. It. Davidson. Ktt fifth avenue. _ T'O KXCHANOK-Kor Council muffs or Omaha JL property , a retail stock of boots and nhocs , nuount , UW . Call at store. No. MS llroadwny , ? r address It. Martin , Council HlulTB , Iowa. FOK 8ALK Second-hand Columbia bicycle very cheap. KMucli , at Ue offlco. _ ONE hundred thousand dollars to loan on reiil estate and chattels by F. J. Day , 30 I'earl st. _ _ BUII.D1NO lots and aero property for sale by F. J. Day , 3D Pearl st. HIGH SALE OH TIlAlK-For rtnincll niutTs L1 property , 4(1,000 ( Keren of Iowa and Ne braska land. J. H. Itlco , 110 Mnln St. , Council POH HKNT A Hncly furnished front room , llrst lloor , In prlvuto residence near court louse. Water In room , llKhtcd and heated. l.ui'Ke closet. References requited. Address II. IDeu olllce , Council UlulTK. WM. VTELCa , Carriage and Express Line. OFFICE O15 SOUTH MAIN ST. Telephone No. 1O. All calls from District Telegrnph Olllce promptly attended to. Star Stables and Mule Yards Broadway , Council Bluffs , Opp. Dummy Depot. Horses and mules constantly on hand , for sale at retail or in car load lots. Orders promptly Oiled by contract oushoit notice. Stock sold on commission. Telephone 114. BCIIMJTKH * 1IOLEV. Opposite Dummy Depot. Council Mulls. TWO Trotting - Stallions FOR SALE CHEAP ! BTANDAKD , UNBEll HULK fl. mi Council Bluffs , OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS 500 Broodway , Council Ulnffs. Iowa. Established JS57. FINE MILLINERY. W FALL STYLES OPEN , 1514 DOUGLAS STREET , . . . OMAHA. Real Estate Vacant Lots , Lands , City Res idences and Farms. Acre Property In western part of the city. All selling cheap. R. P. OFFICER , Real Estate and Insurance Agent , lloom 5. over Officer & Puscy's Bank , Council lilutfs , Iowa , NATURE'S REMEDY FOK Disordered Stomach , Impaired Indigestion , Constipated Hulilt. A Ilemcdr which qnlcVly clmnns Thu Infnnt In the luotlicr'ft urms , Willie drooping nue will mrlve to drain Fflrb ilrnn tlio ioblt doe * rnntnln. This KKKKHVKMIN ; < J t < Ki/r/.Kii ano A llessina Troves lo mo and mine. D , H. McDANELD & CO. , Hides , Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. i Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. KO anil 622 Mnln Stvcet.Councll niutrs.Iowa. Pyramid of Modern Time ! 401 1 1 1 10O1 4 Hundred 1 Four 100 and 1 L. L. 51 19 31 100x101x100x100-401 * Amt. $100xlO-$10-The saved on every $100 by ' dealing at 104 algebraic equation : LetA-401 and ex q z , m e-what our competi tors say. Result : Go to 401 for Fall Goods , Silks , Dress Goods , Underwear , Flannels , Carpets , Oil Cloths , Axminster , Moquettes , Body Brussels , Tap estry Brussels , Three-ply Ingrain , Matting , Rugs , &c. , &c. , &c. , &c. , &c. Harkness Bros A. RINK , ; No. 201 Main Street , Council BlufFsJowa A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF nunBoth Both Domestic and Foreign. . PINT SY RTIPlf P ? Attorney-at-Law , Second Floor Brown r111 1ml DUIV&D , Building , 115 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. | Justice of the Peace. OiUce over American NOriTTTp7 , Express , No. 419 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. , in the State QTWQ Attorneys-at-Law practice 011110 , and Federal Courts. Office llooins 7 and 8 , Shugart-Beno Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa. 0 DARWUTT Justice of the Peace , 415 Broadway" , , 0. DAAlimi , Council Bluffs. Eefers to any banker business house in the city. Collections a specialty. Latest Novelties , In Amber , tor * tolse shell , etc. Ilalroruanicnts as well as the newestnoveltles in hair goods. Hair goods Made to older Mrs. C. L. Gillette , ! Main Street , Council IHufTs. Out of town work bolicitcd , and all mall orders piomplty attended to. 'LAMPS ! LAMPS ! ! Hall , Tarlor , Kitclien , Store aiid Office Lamps. Crockery , Glassware and Plated Ware , Largo Assortment at IJotton Prices. W , S , HOMER & CO , , No. 23 Main St. , Council muffs , Io\\ . Ogden Boiler Works CARTER & SON , Prop's. Manufacturer ! ot AND SHEET IRON WORK. Orders by mall for repairs promptly attended to. Satisfaction guaranteed. 10th Avenue. Ad- dicss Ogdcn Iron Woiks , Council Itluffs , Jowa. CRESTON HOUSE , Main Street , Council Bluffs. Only Hotel In the City with Flro Eo- capo. Electric Call Bolls. Accommodations First Class , Rates Always Reasonable , MAX MOHN , Proprietor. LATESTlTfEiWONE ! Mr. D. Say , Gucsscr , what do theletiers C. B. C. C. standfor ? Mr , O. Js it anything about the new bridge ? Mr. D. Jtrldget Ab. Jt'sa conundrum * Gueslt > Mr * G , C , B. C. C. Canada buys croohcd cashiers. Mr. D , Ao. Guess again. Mr. G. Chronic bums catch caUbeose , Mr. D. Once more. That Isn't right , Mr. it. Careless boys catch Thunder ! 1 can't guess U. What do they standfor , anyway ? Mr. D. Give it up ? Uat Ha ! Hal Ho ! They stand for Council muffs Carpet Co , Best goods for the least money is their motto. .405 Broadway. MK , ti MK. PEOPLE'S STORE Is Mm Us Their Elegant Stock AND LOW PRICES DO IT. For This Week in Combination DRESS PATTERNS. All of our $45 Dress fov $2 i. Allofourt5 Drcsa Patterns gofer for $20. All of our $25 Dress 1'nlternit qo for $1.GO. All of our f SO Dress I'attcrnxgo for $14 , All of our flS Dress Patterns gofer for * 12. All of our $15 Dress Patterns gofer for $ W. All of our $12 Dress Patterns gofer for fit. AII of our f10 Dress Patterns gofer for $ G. He sure and be on hand early , as as at these prices these beautiful goods will go fast. We haae over 1OOO of these Com bination Suits to select from. IN CLOAKS , WRAPS and SUITS Hundreds of new styles added to tur stock every dag. JVo house in he west ran show yon such a com plete assortment as we can , and fully a.V per cent you will save by juj/intj Cloaks from ns. Kach and every department In jitr house will have SVKUIAIt BARGAINS this weelf. He sure xnd call at the GIIKAT MONEV SAVING STORK , where you will tlways get good treatment and thn best goods for the money. &CO. BROADWAY , Council Bluffs , - - la. Mail orders solicited. Sample ? tent on application * ,