THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. b AT TODAY , NOVEMBER 5 , 1887. 5 ON NEBRASKA'S ' BLACK 11ST , TrltU Dnye Sot in Three Noted Criminal CUEOS. NEW OPERA HOUSE FOR LINCOLN. It 1'romlscH to Kolliiso Anything In . . tlio 8tne Look Ont.I'o'r Jlotibc- Drcakcrh TlioKcHtlTnl GOB * cert Hi-critics. inn iinu' * U.NCOI.N In district court tlio discs on tlio crlmlnnl culendiir liu vo been hot for tr lot n ml tlicro [ tire enough to nuurly occupy thu remainder of tlio month. The cull of the docket showed that In u number otcases the ] > nrtics under bond lind forfeited tlielr i ccogtilznncc. Tlio case ugulnst Dr. Coolcy , cli urged with footldde , Is entered for trlul on llio lHh ! of November. Henry Uccra , the murderer , hus hud his day for trial llxcd in the district court for No vember 17. When llrst arrested lie bald ho wanted to die , but has since Halted for eouu- HCl. HCl.Mr. Mr. Shollenbergcr , In whoso case the Jury fulled to ugreo lust bprlng , will huvo'u new trial this term and the duy sot for it is the IBlh of November. Tliu case has IMJCII nn ex pensive one , us the witnesses live hi Otoo county. riiKPAiir. roit ntmoi.Aits. Lust ni ht burglars raided a blacksmith shop In the city and extracted cold chisels and other tools HUfllcitmt to form a complcto burglar's ouUit. Some festive knights of the jluimy Imvo undoubtedly reuched the cily lit hard luck , and having now huciiml implements - monts it may bo expected thnt nightly viBlts will bu madu and citizens should bo prepared to reccivo tliem. IlOl'NI ) OVIIU. Alex ( livens , tlio colored man who at tempted to shoot his wife , was arraigned yes- torday. Ho wulvoti a hearing and was bound over for trial In the district court. J1IK FKHTIVAI. CONCKHT. Last evening occurred the concert given at the close of the musical convention that hus been in progress in this city tlio past week tinder the management of L. O. Emerson , of Doston. The chorus drill of the week has been very successful and In the concert chorus there were 160 voices. The entertain ment was held at St. Paul's church and a very largo audience were in attendance. Mrs. Weber , Mrs. A. S. Knymond , Mrs. 1' . V. M. Raymond and other talent In the city contributed largely to the success of the entertainment. INSPECTIONS OF OIL. State Oil Ins | > cclor Caldwell Is in the city compiling in id making up the monthly state ment of oils Inspected during October. The past mouth 1ms shown u greatly Increased business and the rates the revenues for in- election are now accumulating the inspector will have a handsomu surplus ever the pay ment of all oxjKjnsos and salaries to turn into the stuto treasury on the 1st of January. The total number of barrels of oil passed upon during the month was 13,600 , the feus accruing for the sumo being tl.ilTiO. Onmlm leads in the amount of oil inspected with Lincoln a eloso second and Nebraska Uity third. The long nights and extra consump tion of oil is causing the boom. TllJtr HAD A ( JUKAT TIJIH , The Lincoln' citizens who attended the Nebraska City celebration arrived home yes terday and report having ainnnnilUrnt time. They state that the people of the city were lavish in their entertainment , Unit the ar rangements wore complete In every respect mid that the programme was of continuous interest. The fact that Nebraska City is now connected with Lincoln by two direct lines , the II. & M. railway and the Missouri I'uulllu causes Lincoln citizens to look to the building of a bridge at the City as the openIng - Ing of u new eastern outlet for the commerce of tbo capitol city. TAKEN TO OMAHA. The man Lon Pusso , arrested in this city for working the homestead racket and ob taining money under false pretenses by roping in strangers and locating them on government land in Seward county , waa taken to Omaha yesterday by Deputy Mar shal Hastings for arraignment in the United States court. ! . L. Keith , who was also ar rested for writing nome of the swindling letters , was taken also to Lincoln for a hear ing. Later developments show that Lon Passe had oiteroted quite extensively in his scheme and that n number of Lincoln people were among his victims. WILL UU11.U A llgAUTT. For the past three months Ed A. Clinch , who for years was a i > opular theatrical mun ager in Lincoln , has been at work i > orfoetiiij plans and urrungements for the construction of an opera house in the city of Lincoln thai should eellpso any house In the stuto in point of capacity and elegance. It is now post tlvoly annonnccd that the now opera house i : an assured fact , that it will bo located In tin very heart of the city , on the corner of Fit tocnth and O streets , and that it will bo com pleted for occupancy by thelst of September 18S.S. The cost of .tho structure will bo up wards of tllHKX ) ( ) , and no pains or cxpcns < will bo spared in the work of its construction Plans and npeciiications are now being prepared pared and if the open weather continue ! the excavation work for the basement wll bo entered upon the present fall. This is 0111 of the opening wedges for building improve ments in the coming year which will bo nc companlcd with the erection of a lurgi number of business blocks that will bo crcd itablo to the city , A HKVKN BTOHY HU1MIINO. Mr. J. F. Lansing has announced that In will build the coming year on O street , seven story block 60x142 and the plans wil be ordered nt onco. onco.CITV ITKMS. The university societies which nro eve moro popular than ever tlio present ten hold their regular session last evening. Th three societies number on their rolls nearl the entire membership of the school. The Llncolh freight bureau see in tli rccunt iutor-stato commerce decision on th question of Milwaukee rates , a prccedcn thnt bears almost directly \i\mn \ the cas taken by the freight bureau of this city b < fore the Inter-stato commission that is to b heard in December. On the cuso taken b the freight bureau to the Intor-stuto commii sioii the replevin cases in district court huv been bused and the merchants in the clt who have refused the exorbitant rates an replevlned their goods are confident th : they will win in the district court hearing i the present term. Grading Is progressing rapidly for the no university buildings provided for at the liu of the legislature which are to bo li CiUod on the north side of thu campus. Th contracts for thesa buildings call for the completion prior to September 1SS8 , and wet will bo pushed on the foundations us much ( postilbliAho present season. Tlriil Kstuto Filed November 4 , 1887 , furnished by tl O. E. Maynu Heal Estate and Trust Couipun Sarah A Irwin to John L McCuguo , Power of attorney . John U Ucguti ( shiKlo ) to Mugglo H Knnouso , lot 8 blk 10 , Hitcheocks addWd . * 6 Minnie C Ncidick ( single ) to H A Hel- ersdorf , west 23 ft of lot 11 blk x Shinns 3rd add , w d . 1,0 Simon J Woiglo and wife to John H Keodlo , lots UO , 40 , 41 , North side , wd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,0 John W Grifllth , trustco , to J U Kico , lot 17 blk ' 6 , und lot 2a blk 8 , linker place , w d . 0 Alvin Suundcrs. ot ul , trustees , to Mary T Atkins et ul , lot 17 blk b , Suuudcrs ft Hlmebaugh odd , wd . 2 Jos H Schmidt ( single ) to Peter Schmidt , lots 1 and ' . ! blk 3 , Creston , wd . . . . . . 5,5 John A Lawrence and wife to Uunar A Llndnuest , cast 40 fcot of lot 10 , Elizabeth place , w d . 2S City of Omaha to Jane Itcnnctt , be ginning nt the so corner of lot 8 blk 4'J ' and running thence north dl Icet , thuuco east 14 feet , thence bouth GO foot , thence west 14 feet to place of beginning ; deed . - Alvin Saunders et ul. trustees , to Lena li Hoover , lot 8 blk H Saunders & Hlmobaugh's ad w d . Edward Hiuinon et ul to KIcharTiz- ard , lot 12 blk 8 Ul vorsldo ad w d . , . 1 James Hoach to Wlllurd W Slobaugh , power of attorney . George * H Hunter ( single ) lo Fred \Voyuiuller , .lot 13 Ulk 7 Albulglit's tmnex a. , , . ' i I1 F Anderson ( single ) , to FicdVey - .inuller , lot 7 blk J > Lluwood park- : Gilbert M Hitchcock nnd wife to Vf II Uootztmm , lot 11 blk i UHchoook's ' l t nd w d , , , . , . , . , . . , 400 Gilbert M Hitchcock and wife to W H OooUman , lot 18 blk1 Hitchcock's 1 t nd w d 400 Noriah li Kcndnll to .lohu U Clark , lots 1 , 2 , 0 and II ) blk 1 ; lots 1 and 2 blc ! ! ; lots 1 and 3 blk ! ) ; lots D , U and 4 blk 4 Kendall's ml w d 12,000 John A MeShuno ( widower ) to Peter Cordoll , loll IrvliiL' phico w d 1,000 llobert L Otirllchu ( sinclo ) to Mnrv 12 Onrllchs , lot 1 blk 7 Dwfcht & Ly- man's ud w d 1,000 Ellyiibrth Smock nnd husband to Mar tin Graco. lot IS mid it ntrlp U feet wide of ! the north side of blk 17 blk U Hiib-Uivislou of John 1 Hcdlck's ad wd 2,500 South Omnhn Lund Co. to Mrs. Anna Fu V , lot 6 blk 40 South Omaha , w d. COO Clms Cotbctt nnd wife to Doll II IJd- waitlH , lots 10 and 'M blk 12 IJedford I'lncc. und lot 11 Greenwood , q o. . . Philip Cuss.wly to the public , dedlca tlon of the plat of 20th and J streets , South Omaha Alvadus H Mnyno and wife to Henry Hemplii , lot 8 blk 4 Mayno'a add , w d COO Milton F Keys and wife to Hnttlii O Gibson , lots C , 0 , 7 und 8 blk 5 Cen tral Park , w d 2,000 , Dell U Edwards and husband to Clifton E Mayne , north yt of sec- Ion 1'J , 10 , Oeast , q o 1 Ja 3 Horn to Win H Horn , lot 23 blk ( i and lot 17 blk C Mayno's add , w d , 1,500 J A Llnahnn et ul to J P Finlot , cast 2. > ft of west 60 ft of lot 7 blk 70 So Omaha , wd 4,000 , Chas Landrock and wife to C H Slonmn. lot 27 Cunningham & lirou- nan'sadd. w d BOO Samuel E Hogers nnd wife to Frank C H Waller , lot 1 Ilogers' sub div , w d COO Total sales $40,544 Itiilloini ; Permits. The following building permits were Issued yesterday by Superintendent Whltloek : J. D.CowIo.ono iinilnno-linlf-atorycot- tago , Popploton parlc 200 . W. Li. Hamilton , cottugo , Harlem Lane 100 C. L. Saunders , cottage and barn , Grace avenue near Hiuiebaugh street 1,000 N. W. Nelson , cottage , Thirtieth nnd Oak COO G. W. Hopper , dwelling and burn , Catndon and LJrown 000 F. A. Fuller , barn , Fifteenth and Lo cust 100 Kennedy & HIbblns , barn , Twenty- third nnd Maple 600 Seven permits aggregating $3,405 Catarrh originates in acrofulona taint , ITood's SarBuparilla purifies the blood , and thus uornmnontly curca catarrh. Tlio eldest postinustor in Connecticut is Richard Chadwiek , of South Lymo , who rocoivoft his first appointment from 1'rCHidont Van Ruren , and IIIIH been in odlcofor forty-oitfht consecutive yearn. Ho baa Been postage reduced from 25 to 2 ccntH. LETTEBLIST. I , l t of letters renmlnhiu iincHllpil for In tlio poH- otflcu for the wcok cntllnK October 15 , 1S > 7. NoloI'mtlfiicnllliiK for tliuv ) lettnrs will iileii'o say "AUvi'rtl9eil"clvliiK tliuiliitu nt tliolivnil of thu list , mill Inquire for sanio nt thu "I.aillcs1 Delivery Window. " To avoid mistakes hnve yotirmnllaildretsed to your atieut und number. UENTI.r.MI'.NS' MST. A. ' Anderson M AbnunnJns Anderson I'M Anderson I' Arche.ion 1. Alunr W K AdiiiniDU Alberts r Aueulll. Anderson I ) B Anslln W C Amtln W Allen FW Andrew * K I Albrlulil / W Andoraon A Anderson JM IT Allen W Ancnrolu U A Anderson W Anderson A M B. Bartel J O Iturtilinrd J Ilcntley S O llraokett.I W lleailey 118 llrtmnVT Hovel K M llrophy .1 Henley K llrnlntiril C I. llrntton 0 II Maker Kd Illakeman.MloydllrooKeJ Hneknter SII llurK linll A Illnck U } 1aekut.l llanic K-a linker U .T Itallor KM Itootun O lloon II F llockwortli S C llrantnitin.T IIOKK .I llaldtrln K A llrocilmi 0 U Hell W S Harnnnl J U llrtupsJ ! llentley It A llrown 11 llnuxul II llonton ( I llumold J HOKIIS O 1 * Ilernnutt I Ituithnell O A 1II uck 11 HaekmonWII Houuhnm I W llrooks A It Illsliop K H Iliirtlott A Allen llolco 1 li Ilcrele W W llriitlluiiil M llendle V JlerB O A KJorKman 0 J HutlerT W Urowu W 0 Uninsteuno H K lieculclj ti C. Crutll K Corcn I Clilcnco * V Omaha Culler ( i II Coom o J T Clolhliif ; IIOKSO Crump K Collahan Mr Carjientcr K K Carroll < i W Calrtwe.ll W B Carpenter K entity II Cimtield O Ca y I , CrookJ H CuitlsWU Cary f It Chambers II F JChosney I. Ciilklin I , Churchill 011-4 CutclearUH Campbell A UhllUiu ! Cnndlsli W Callendor Wm Oinrticl I.O Clark C CroltJ W-3 Con kiln lj II ConduaFD Courtwollor CG D. DwlBlit W 0 Davis O K Donm T II Dwulley KI ) Davis (511 DuerliiK U Duurov W It Duvis W J Dolan.l Dunn I lt ) > ! > plnlti 1 * DolieltiTC 2 Durant T 0 DcnmnHkcy Ti Did ) W Danlul A DcniBter It W Donovaru TT llawsou J II Druln W II E. Kilccell A Kdmor C W Ernhaut Dr K It Kvaiu W Kwnll (1 nerO : KrlayllV Kh. M S KviiiiH I'O Kuiplius V F. VullorCII Kreeninn 1. VI nanJ liillwurlhHuv O Kenki nttnli hlnlnulon D l > runner 11 . 1 MnnT Kuril K li Kuriictou W M Mu ul II Volcy T F Finn 11 J KltzpalrlckLW C OutliOO ( Ircon A Its Cilntor.I ( ilen Currnn ( iroteU llbb W A ( iravul Itouillng ( irlUKnO II tindilli K U ( iay I ! ( Jorum j T llano J W ( iuth ( iralke W ( iitrvey T ( termini M ( iiren V K Oatvn K V lictlelnu J nulnlor I , ( leeliin M Clven.l 1 Ullhiuu W S ( iniii W J Urvou T H Ilcrrlncton Mr Holmes Mr Harris F B Harrloon WS2 ItoruljrJ Hay I. lloin O A lloovor l lliialet WII lloiifheii CH Hooper W A Hawkins T HIIWCN A It IlonoK Jlarskruan W.I 11 nit li O inn ww llenklo A T > llkloWQ I Indues A M llurlnutn K 11III (1 ' ' ' llllluiiinO Illllman & Klrk-ll'ulfliimi'A1' Ilerron 1. II ( nan Hamilton MrC llyilo J Hutchison & I.yllulstead AS Hicks U A on Haiuaan U Hopkins IIW Huiihcilll Hall TO Handy A Hunter W IlallamCB llaunon U Hull 11 Hall H HHlITU HummelO M Hull I. II llnll.M lllcltll HaydenO llOHiinlJK llallaiu A lleltM M llatli Mr Hay l > lliik-ue W Hcnebcrff R Harlln.I .1 HerrliiKlon W lleiiBlo.ll (1 Hamilton U II llendrlckaon U lliiwUln.son KM Hamilton W Herbert J 3 LUjcs U Uarr ! F IrnlnS Irnln 8 W WJ .To tlnSr Jones KA .Tnhnien II It Juitlcu J Jewoll.1 u JobntonJ Junker A Jenkln.H.1 Johnson CO Jonoa J F Jackson J JohiKOn M Jones W F , lanicn A Jobusou J F Jones J I * Johnston A M K Kniiil on ] Karllhuiy r IS Kirk Col Krlnleuusen M NKarlnon K Kinsman A W Krnsu A Keeler llev J J Klnneman A W Kuhl 1 , Kecntui W KlmtierlyU U Kloclmor K. Keller W Klvllln I ) Knetter K W Koll II Kerchain IiQ Kllno II . Keillor W Kvck S W ' Kensington M It L I.liiilptrom C I.uco H Ix-o C l > > nu lad J l.owry VI. 1) Ien 1.0 l.ynderFb Lephnrd 1 Irfimphlre n II l > rln I1 U'fJs liondon J Ijiruu W l intint K Ijiwlcr T Ijililmll 8 l.yuni ( II l.ltonlch TI Ijirsun li lx > ckliart FM Larion K Ixiuupbrey A iJiuitcrt K W J M. Mealy T MulllniirrWK Miller M A Moore II Mursh W K Moore J Meter I ) MUMII KW Moore F F Mullonl.IG .Mimlock I M or OKI J Murphy W S Murphy I * Montfoniorr 01 Murphy W U Morrr WM Morgan K Munuer A A McrrU A K Moriinn urof Meter II ( > Mason J K Miirkonlru F Mullord J 0 Moran 11 Morlartty. l gan < Moiell A Mount llev B Co Mower K k Money M Mlnrr J Mitchell J It iloran It I Miller WJ Me. McN'amneo A McOotuh J J SIcMullen A Me.Maitera W McCoy Mao McVey W McltonuldSlI McDonaldJ McCloskoy DR McCellnn DrllJ MrDoinildQ A MrC'lKln W MeComilrk M McDonald I. Molnllro J McDurmottJl McMohlll W M McMllllnnn McCH.skey . WN UlUvnlyll McUruo AT McCoy F 0 QN. . NnnllnU i J Q Nllson K Neruenlliui K H Nellxui Unv S II Nichols I ) F Pinion OK Nllson ICO Nlijlen li J Nllson > ' I , Na hJ I. s J neluon J National n Sultcu J Neliuin I'J Meltou l.T JO. ol.JU I.J O. OllvcrJ O'ltonnell I'K Oherhol r C E O'MHller I' ' y-dberu N Uiimha Lumber & r ihikaii Mr llulldlnx askO'liO'llrlun 3 . Orrtm It Olcson 11M , Olssou N 0 UluonH 0P. P. .00 . Pcltersson T U ration H B lliuuan T I'arady J ncbtrd U O PrlfeK htW Otenoo I1 PrlHcr K llerso w Peyton JF r tk 11 jlBIt K D Powers ll T H L rnclpfPP ItpgraffO Pcttcrison Q I'rltcunrd A LIST. A. Arnold Mrs J ArtnnmK Amter nnS Allnn It AndVTfan Mis M Allen. Mrs 1. Ailn K AniliT nii Mrs H Alvcy Mrs M Anthony Mrs WHAnilurson A B. HroirnVrI > nnlloirMrii J llurtonMri.I Hninn Mri M mu > * Mr.i I' ' . ( } llnnulmm Mm llminciiltrMr < IIFltly I llcnnr-tt A lliillHril Mrs M HutlorM lllnlinp Mri M 11 2 ! ! anV .M nri'i'tlipmpl M ] ! IMIiiK < M A liiiclimnn Mri J Cltliikit Mi3 M (1 llrluu * MrM UuracaMnM Hell. I Jlrlor Mrs K M lloswnrtli I. ItiHMllall Hiulcr A llrnnilfini Mrs M Itiirli'y A lllnckninn MrsKIj llnrtlctt Mrs 1) Illlronlioll O llluck J O. rrowfnnllClC Ornwcll 8 rnrlcniiT C Clark AG Covrrt N Cnrnill MM II CnrrM Cor Mrs II A , Criiwforil MisT-li ( 'nniil | < o11 II C'linniliorlRln lj Cimli-H II M Cumin Mr II V ClnrkMMU ConwnyMriM lMinru Mrs M Crnwfcml MM KKCnntnlx Mrs N Onrnill.1 C.hrlntlnn i'n M Crnl * N CuiliiKiruMislj Chiulhiirk MrK A M 2 Careen M Cullins Mrs S 11 Clnrk MM O Gumming Mrs I. Caniuy V Cunfnro Mrs M D. AD. DftTls W A Mrs nutr A DoniiMson A DHiinMra A M How MM M 11 D.lVIMlpOltll > Mrs Davli .1 J'ik'iMi ) .Mrs I1 W M ! Doru U il DuiKihodA ilE. E. ir th Mrs W Klllson Mrs J Karnmt Mrs W Kastman W KllloltMraUB KUnioiulson MrsA F. Kmnklln 15 French T * Fremont II KlynMrs S I'leniinlnx M rarmiK u Frcciliil Mrs M I , I'VllorholmMrsC C. tilllMrsll Orcnm S 1 ! nn kn I. Ciillbcrt S OiirilnorMrsM < ! ohl lioroM 'illimm I ) ( iniy M ( ioiulnuin M rlllln MraM ( iritnnm K ( ioelt cho I1 rlciN ( jramllcro IoT.a ( ieoO Illlsplu M H. tohcrtJII llnnl Ki:2 Hiinimond Mrs K 'nil A llemliir.MrsKd It .ninUtun Mrs H Henry A Hanson K I Illnck M Hanson K llrln.l V llctte en 1 ! Ihui'en Mrs J Itn tnnn K lliirtslleld I- llnrtiniin "olili-y 0 IhiveieioflMraT Hempen SlisM uyuMrallS HaiiHon'r IIo\Mtril Mrs 11 ntr.l M Hnlllelil Mrs llii t.MrtO u ltH lj Hiiyer.l llir.ilettU lowartli 1 lluwcsM lllC9 K ngraluim Mrs V J. nnskuy A Johnson M , lohn on K nckimi Mrs Jon HMrM .Taekon Mrs Ij onc.iMrs li Johnson Mrs M Johnson M K. sloy Mr C Kennedy Mrs A Knapp Mr * K I KltMin Mrs K KosHiorMmJO KelehcrJM KulleyMraKJ KlrkemlallMral ) L. , otllo KIS Tnl t Ijilnl Mrs H Lynn J , a Vine Mm KM I.eonnnl.1 I.oulnior MrsWM Jlllo A Killth MndiiulatA l.yuch M * och K M. Mltchall Mrs A GMIntony Mrs G WMnudo A Alloo Morris .1 MortaiiMm II Morris M MnllerMrsT Mercy Ura W M Moser M Merrill II Mills Mm MottJ Meade Mrn Dr U Murry Mrs A Mlllur Mrs V MaokMrs II O MauorK Mitchell AT Mulns .Mrs A Moore K Michel * Mrs A Me. > tcKay Mrs S I. McAteo Mrs M McDonald Mm H -ilcCJovorn Mrs A McClynn J Mc paduu Mrs M McConuluk Mra MoUoualil Mrs A F N. SypberJ _ Soillvy A U 2 blovenson Mrs H Summon II T. TaylorMJ Thompson A Taylor Q 'Icnuln * ! , 'nilMin Mrs K TlvlssMrs.I Tmmlmll Mrs F 'li-ehun MrsO TiirnrrMiH A H 'rciinpklnHMm K A Tliiuu li 'llickscu M ThumiisMrs W V Van Kpps D Vnjcr M Valla Mrs ftablna Van Loyou Mrs 1 < Vincent J VuuKhun K W. Watson B Wllklni MTi K P Warrr-n Mrs Q Webstordon Wllllanis J rVaUU M WIlHon Mrs M Wilson A H Watson K WlllhiuisJ Wvlle.MrsAK Wnnal. Williams Mrs U K Whlto Mrs 0 It Walton Mrs I , WllklnsMrsl Yountf U ZollcbkoMraJ TIIIKI ) AMI rOtmTII-Qt.AS3 UATTKH. llorR G A Jnwnll Miss B Btarr II O Camp II 8 MonkorKd Wouel N 8 Urei'nwood . Mrs rarsoua ulsa Eva Uoo tiraclg M C. V. QALLAOIIEII , Postmaster. . .Loss than nyearngo a Homo of Rest for Horses was established by certain merciful parsons in London , and since then more than fifty horses belonging tradesman and others in moderate cir cumstances lmvo liud rcstaiid rocrcution at Noasdcn und Sudborry. Tu\-V-\VE/G/yr PURC CREAM Us superior excellence proven In million. IIOIDCH for mor * than a quarter of n century. Uusedby Ihf TInll < l flutes OoTrrnment. El dorseil liv the heoils of the jmmt universities an the Strongest , purcU and Mo t jjr-thful < Dr. 1'rlPo's the only llaklnpr Powrtrr tliot do i not'contain Amrrionla , Lime or A nm. Bold only . . Now Yor CUms-jo. BY. XVouU SUITS. MENS'SUITS AT SB. MENS' SUITS AT SO. MENS'SUITS AT 87.60. MENS'SUITS AT 89. MENS' SUITS AT SIO. MENS' SUITS AT SI2.6O. MENS' SUI fS AT SI3.60. MENS1 SUITS AT 815. Also hlplicr prnilrs of nobby cheviot stilts In 4-bntton i utnvr y 1 rocks nnd sack * , as well HS a ecnenti line of worst ! il snlts from li tp. : THE NEW YORK AND OMAHA CLOTHING CO 1308 FARNAM ST UNDERWEAR. I'cr Butt UNDERSHIRT & DRAWERS , 80C UNDERSHIRT DRAWERS , SI.25 UNDERSHIRT & DRAWERS. SI.60 UNDERSHIRT & DRAWERS , $2 UNDERSHIRT & DRAWERS , S3 UNDERSHIRT & DRAWERS. $4 UNDERSHIRT & DRAWERSSB Also n Rcnernl line of Imported underwear In Fcot h wool , ' HU merino , in pi In and fancy , nnd Curt wrlght & Wiuuor'8 iclelmUcd umlur- wear. vSiLi CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000 "We ilo lirrcliy certify Itiat no unpervlso tlio or- rnnccniviili for nil the monthly nml si'inl-nnnual Drawing * of Tlio Ixmlslnim htnte Ifllti-ry Vumpnny , und In person innnHiro anil contrnl thn drawing tlioin * Fvlvrs , nml tliat tliu ramn arc runductoil with honnsty fnlrnrw nml In cowl faith towanl nil parties and wo HtilliorlTU thu Cuinpnny to u IhlH rorllllcnto with Jau Klmllvs of our signature iitlnclicd , In It * advertlsa COMMISSIONKKS. We , the andonlRned Bnnki nnd Tlankors will piy : all Prires drawn In the Ixjulslami Stto Lotteries which mny be piescnled at our counters. .1. H.OT.LKaUV. lYoi.I.oulslftna National Bank. I'ir.HKK TiANAUX , Pros , State National Hank. A. BALDWIN , 1'res. New Orleans National Dank. CAUIi KO11N , I'res. Union National llank. TTNPBECEDENTED ATTRACTION. * * OVKIt llAI.lP A"Mll.TIONDlSTKIllUTI D Louisiana State Lottery Company. Ineorporaled In 13 < 8 , for 23 years , by the Leclslaturn for iMlucatlnnal nnd charitable purposes with n capi tal nf H.illl.UU-to which a reserve fund of ever i.YiMU ) has i > lnco bon added. Ily an overwhelmlnc popular vote Its franohl < o waitnmtlcapartof tlmpiuaont constitution adopted December 2d , A. I ) . 1STU. The only lottery over voteil on and endorsed by the people of any Muto. , It never scales or po tpones. Its ( Jrand Slntlo Number Drawings take place monthly , and the fcml-Atinual Drawing regularly every MX months ( Juno nnd December. ) A SP1.KNDID OPPOin'UNlTV TO WIN A FOU- TUNK. Tenth Gnind Drawing , Class I , , In the Acad emy of Music , Tuesday , Nor 8 , 18ST-210th Month ly Drawing : CAPITAL PRIZE" $150,000. Notice Tickets are Ten Dollars , Only.Halves , $5 ; Fifths , $2 ; Tenths , $1. asri 1 CAPITAL PIU7.K OK tliijiii 1 UHANK I'ltl/.K Oh' CU.II" til.lltl 1 ( JHAND PIll/.KOK ai.HO 'J.oi ) i 2 I.AIUiK I'lll/.r.S OK 4 l.AIKJK IMtr - " , 20 I'ltl/.lW OK 1,111M W M > . . . . Z5JI1- M ) IBIUO " " " " " " " " ' ' aw aii. . . . . . . . . . . . tu.'uiiii 1U1 W.IW ) ArruoxiMATioN riu/.Es : im Approximation Prltos of WH t nn.poq IS ! " " IUI . . 10.KJO . llll ) Terminal " W . . M.UUU , nmountlnx to pplication for rules to club * MionKl tin made only to tne union of the compuny In Now Orleans. For further Information write clearly. Riving fnll * ddrvii. I'OSTAI.NOl'HS , oijiruM mono } ' onlers , or New York Kxrhuncu In oidlnury letter. Currency by express ( ill our eipen8gtMlUre.viud ) Al. A. DAlirillN , NlW Olll.iANtt : , LA. , OrM.A. DAUPHIN. \VASI11NUTON' , D. C. Address Begisterei Letters to NEW OKIiEXXS NATIONALIJANK , Ni\V : OUI.KANS , LA , That tlio presence of Oen- i-r H llt'iinioiiard anU Kaily , who are In churKOOf the drnwuiKii , is a iuar- nnteo or abaoluto falrneii nnd InteKrlly. tliat the chniict'a are nil equal , anil Unit no ono cun pu Hlbly dlvlno wlmt number will draw a 1'rlro. ltlC.Mi.MHlK : ; Unit the imyincnt of nil pll7C < Is OUAllANTKKII IIV K < ) UH NATIONAL HANKS OK NKW OIU.KANS , luiit the tickets are slk'iifd by thu president ( if nn Institution whose chartered rljjhts niu rcfiig- nlred by the blithest courts ; thoruforu , beware of uuy imitations or Himnymons schemes. Aloiillun tUU pnpcr. THE NEW DEPARTURE DRUMS r. romtdcwllh patent double acting rods and folding knee reit. LitiM , \tubitantlM and Imndsomo. JUiod In tlio licit Ilamli and I Orcheitrit. Uneaualcd for J tone , surpass all others In I doled and appearance. If \oearest \ Mutlo d lor does Jnot keep them , write to tu for Illuitrated Catalogue. HEM.1. Ohloacot MU S , Tbo Theatrical Profession. Kerlt vrill win and receive publlo recocnltloQ and praise. Facti , vrhlcb are the outcome of general ex perience , crowing through years of critical and practical test , become ai rooted and Immovable oa the rock ot Gibraltar In publlo opinion , and hence forth need no further cuarantAo as to their genu Intnf SE. The Indisputable fact that Swift's BpccUla Is tlio Lei t Llood purifier in the vrorld , laona of thcsa Immovable Gibraltar rock facts of which we hava upokeii , Kiul every Hay's axpurlenco roots this con viction dvrper auil dtifper lu public opinion. JCterr class of our people In America and In Europe. every trade , calling and prvfMilon , including tbo medical urotssnton. have Lurne voluntary testi mony to ho rrmurkable virtues of S. 8. B. and Its Infallible tnicicy in curloz all dlseues of the blood. Ihese UitLhionlals are on file by the thou sands , nnd open tu the liupecUon of all. Mow come , uasollclted. two dlitlngulMied members of the theat rical profa slon. who gratefully tusilfy to the wonder ful curatlvo qu Htles of the fin olne in their Indl- v' ' < lu l cases. Their testimonials are herewith sub- muted to tt > publla without further comment let .S9.'J ? ! * SWf WT * Tb. Isdy tsa n'V/Jt | ( r T . " IIVHID uwmpanT , noia are vreii KDOWE lo thiatrion clrclis In tuts ixiunuy and In Europe , Charlotlo Kanduw'i Testimony. Kiw TOEX , May 3 , 1W7. Bwlft Bpeclfle Company , Atlanta , Oa. t Oentlvmeu-IUvIng been anuoyod with plmplsi. rupuoui ana iou | u ssof tlio skin , from dad con dition of my lAuoi , for mow than a year , I used a leading preparation of sartaparllla and other advor- Used remedies lo no effect. Then I consulted a prom- Ineiit physician , and from his treatment received idybf or The Wood < * " > .Tthe .8' ' - " " . . to ray sidu aTemadora happy , and ' " "ffHl'T ' Blve you this testimonial for such use wd publicity ason wUh to niak. of It. ClIiHLOm IU1TDOW , 19 Bowwy , near Canal Btroei , Hugo lUaaherl'i Testlmoor. ttie Bwlft Bpeclflo Company , Atlanta. Os i Oentlemm-ror two yprs I had a severe caiaot ecieuia. 1 ui l iar > oa | * , sulphur soaps.and various S fcrem uio. sn(1 Wlu prMCrlLed ( or\r nunib S ? Jl | ) i7iulli"UM1 ; OUId " "J11"t list I deter- " " thB . . . I.i I0" .B.s.remdy , ud Kveaorelgkt bottljs bav. thoronglily relieved me. and you "au us thU certlucato la juiy manner j nu wish. IIuou lUtHEau , * * * " " < Ttato TUeftt .w York , May * W TreaMn to Blood nd Bkln Disease * mailed Ire * . Tiu a win fii-rcirio Co. , Drawer 3. AtUnU. Ok Need a new suit or an overcoat nowand if you will look at the prices quoted in the upper corners of this advertisement. You will be nearly convinced that Can furnish you with the best bargains , and when you have once seen their goods you will be thoroughly convinced that they have the very best bargains both as to quality , price and fit. Read the. " OOR.3STER.S. \Vlio Is WKAK. NRItVOCN. VKU.whnlnhUFOMjYanillUNOItANCB has TIIIFI.FI > away lilt. VIMOIl of O1 Y , MIM ancl MANlIOOI > .rmiMngeih iullnc drains upon tlio FOUNTAINS of I.IKK ; HEAI A < ! IIE , DAVKACIIC , DrradXul Dream * . WEAKNESS of Memory. HA Nil. FVI.NKNS lu SOCIETY , IMMPI.ES upon the FACE , and nil the CFFECTN leading to I'.AItl.Y IIE lAYnnd i.erlmps OKHIII > TION or INSANITY , should consult at once the CELEBKATED Dr. Clarke , RsUbllshpd lail. Ur. Clarke hut made NKUVOUS IE- BII.ITY. OIinoNIU nnd all Dlwaaw of the 41ENITO vniNAHY Ore ns a Life Study. It makes NO difference WHAT you bare taken or WHO has failed to euro you. OFEHAEEMRuacrInK ) from dlieaeei pecu liar to their sex can contult with the assurance of ipcedy relief and cure. Bend 2 cents pottage for works on your dlscaies. * 3-Soncl 4 cents postage lor Celebrated Worki on Chronic , NrrtoiiN and I > 1I > ci te Diseases. Consultation , personally or by letter , free. Consult the olil Doctor. Tliouftauds cured. OBIcennnd nnrlom prlvnto. 49Those contemplatliiK MarrUge send for Dr. Vlnrke'a celebrated guide Mnle and Female , each 15c. , both 'Jf < c. ( stamps ) . Defora cnnniltne your cnse , consult Dr. CI.AIIKE. A friendly letter or rail may save future MiOerlngand ahamr , and add colclca yean to life. * rBook " I.lfe'n ( Secret ) Er > rom , " fiOe. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings scut everywhere , cccuro from exposure. Hours , B to B : Sundays , 9 to 12. Address , P. D. OIiABKB , M. D. 183 So. Clark St. , OHIOAGO , ILL. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE S , S , FELKER , OMAHA , NEB , 100 N. 13th Street. PUHR CALIFORNIA WINES , shipped direct from our vineyard. Klosllns , UtiteUol ClarnU , Port , Bliorries , otc. Sail Viiult-s , Sovontli , Klglith , Sun Snlvnilor und WiUlnm btrcets , Sau Jose , Callfonilft. J. B. HAYNES , OFFICIAL STENOGRAPHER , Third Judlclnl nistrlct. 37 CHAMUKR OF COMMHUCK. AND Glasgow via Londonderry , Liverpool via Queenstown. Are Strictly Vlnt-Class , and among the lament , faitost and Rneit In the world. fialoon. tocond clan and sloerara I'ntirnEcr Aeenmmoilittlon * Vnrxrelled. Kveri rouard fur tlio comfort anU convenlunco ( if pac eontur * studiously conildered and practiced. Reamers every Saturday for ( lli now. City of Homo sails lor IJvcrpool October 12. U Is the largest and Dnest pawenijor itoamer ulioat. Itates of paisnijo for all claiii s n low as by any other tlml-class HUH. Sa loon oicurilon tickets at reduced rates. Drafts for auy amount at loircut current ratux. For books of tours , tickets , or further Information , apply to IIBNIKJtMN IIROTHK1W , Culcatto , or fllAKfe U. MOOlltCa , Omaha , Nob. THE CAPITOL HOTEL LINCOLN. , NEB. The Lett known anil roost popular llotol In the state. Location contra ) , appointments first-class. lloadquarUis for commercial uieu and all political and public gatherings. . , , ' „ „ „ ' K.I' ItoaOEN I'rnprlotor , W UNDEVELOPED PARTS 'it the body enlarged and strengthened. Full p ttt - Qlars ( ttaltd ) free. gltlH MED. CO. . CutTslo. M. T. . M'lMOSIl. B. r. HODWSLL BODWELL & , MclNTOSH , Real Estate Dealers , 140 South Spring Street , Lor ; Apgolos , . . California. lcilerb ) In elf y and country property of all dd sorljiUons. Uctiornl Infor.'iiatlou to new-coin- ers freely L'lvon , OVERCOATS. MENS' OVERCOATS AT $4 , MENS' OVERCOATS AT S5 , MENS' OVERCOATS AT 80 MENS' OVERCOATS AT S7.GO MENS1 OVERCOATS AT SO. MENS' OVERCOATS AT 910. MENS1 OVERCOA fS AT 812. MENS' OVERCOATS AT 813.50 MENS1 OVERCOATS AT 815. Also * Inrpc niraortment.of fur OTorcoats r.r. 1 fur irlnimeuovrrco.tU. Ghilto' ' Department. CHILD'S SUITS SI.60 TO SIO CHILD'S OVERCOATS , $2 TO SIO BOY'S SUITS , $3 TO $15. BOY'S OVERCOATS , $2.50 TO Slfi SHIRT WAISTS , 2BC TO SI. SINGLE PANTS , 60C AND UPWARD c. s. RAYMOND" Fine Watches Diamond Merchant SterlingSilver AND FUR ! FUR ! ! OVERCOATS AT The Misfit Positively the largest and finest assort ment of overcoats ever seen under one roof. We never say anything but what we mean. Overcoats to fit any size man from the 90-pounder up to the Jumbo 40O scale tipper. Overcoats made of chinchilla , lined with satin ; Melton and Kersey overcoats , silk lined and faced ; Astrachan overcoats , plush lined ; Seal ' * skin overcoats , quilted satin lined ; Bea- overcoats , Cassimere overcoats and the nobbiest , dressiest , best and cheap 1 ? est ever put on sale. ill Special ovff BEGINS TO-DAY. We call your attention to these genu ine merchant-tailor-made goods , at the following prices : Fop $1O.4O That were made to order fop - $2O.OO FOP 12.78 28.OO FOP 15.0O < i 3O.OO FOP 18.OO 35.OO FOP 2I.OO " - 4O.OO FOP 26.35 tt ttIf BO.OO FOP 30.2O ttIt Iftl it _ 60.OO FOP 35.OO Ittt tltt 7O.OO EOP 38.OO tt tt a 75.OO FOP 42.5O tttt ttII tt _ - 80.0O FOP 16B.OO tt II tt - 3OO.OO Besides these our merchant-tailor suits will be sold a little below our usual half of original price. Misfit Clothing Parlors , 1119 Farnam St. , Bet. llth & 12th. DEWEY & STONE , FURNITURE. A magnificent display af every thing useful and ornamental in the furniture maker's art , at reasonable prices. DR. HORNE'S BBnariivi * ! The Grandest Triumph ot Electric Science fienllenen'sBclt Scientifically Made and Electric DISEftSES CURED WITHOUT MEDICINES , IT WILL CURE YOU &M\V , ! ! natlm. I'1 * * { IrHralcla. Bclallta , IHirusra of Kldieyi , MpUMl I > lM w > . Torpll . I4rcr , UouU KikauiuoB , EnlMluns , Aslhna , Heart Illsrw * , l > T > prp > l > . CoiutlButlun. P.rr'tpolu , -MdlaTMtltto . WoakacM , Jsnr T , Valarrk. rilra. . r.pllcp.j. Dumb Ague , UUU.U : * , UrdroocU , . . . HlMd Ultra * * * , l > rup.y. rt& , thr > thl. i bill U Ju.twtiat jou ut * . Mtfotricitif Inttantlu rtltl Can be . niipuvu to any part of th body , whole faintly can WaTriaSI M E M * MUl. All PI K * * mm l siVII tsE . sdlUOEi rAlkO. wear It U lectrin the blood anrt eurts Every one crorulno and utecl by permlii > lon. NOTB the fullowlnir who hs' ' nilKKUi-A. J. Ho cl nil. It H. 1-arktrand J. - Dr. HORNE'S ELECTRO MAGNETIC BELT IV- - * * IT-HIM . . * . - Iret produce * * contlnaomcurrontt conveys electricity through tbo body on the nfrfs * , lieu by evnvratlnff a contlnaoui current ot electrtrlty ( I or 1 tt hour * * ut of U t ) thruuuliout th . human ijrkiera , allaying llu0rouin * B imiuoUlsvlei/.aoU producioif anew circulation of the lirt forces. the niobd.lnt * parflntr Tlfor , itrenfth.cnerKj and health , when nil other treatment basfallto. TbemorlU OK tnliaoltn * UflQBvltartfbelnffrftooinilcca and Indorstnl by thoukanUii whom It haacurrd. . . . IlKKKflENOKai Any banfe. commercial agency or wholesale houio luChlrtgoi wtolcialo orOffffUtfl , B&nFrancUro and Clilcaru. lir Hand felamp for 110 pav ? Illu trato'i pamtihlet. ' X3X L. XV. V. xkOXL2VX lf lnfeatorandManufaotur r ; IUIVi bab AvtoH * CUonffo. RUPTURE , HORNE'S ELECTRO-MAGNETIC BELT-TRUSS.