fa-TVnS ITHB OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 5. 1887. Continued Reports of Injury Done to Winter Wheat. TRADING IN CORN SMALL. An Increased Amount of Attention Bliown In the ProvUlon Pit IltiHlncHH In HORN Ilrljtk ticncrnl Quotations. CHICAGO I'UODUCK MAHKKT. CHICAGO , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram to the Hr.n. ] Thcro wuro some Rood buying orders In the wheat , pit tills morning and np- pnrcntly little disposition to null. Keiwrtu uf Injury done to winter wheat by the extreme dry weather In the west continue prevalent nnd buyers were obliged to give better prices at the npcnhiK tluin wore to be obtained ut the clone yesterday. There were no very largo transactions , but two local operators who uro uuw credited with tin Inclination to bull wheat wore buyers , mid one exporting house bought rather sparingly. First trans actions were at 7-lj o for December nnd 70o for May , being , ' / < above the closing prices bid last night for the former delivery and ) < o higher for the latter. After the llrst half hour the market was extremely dull but strong at about the opening llguros , Decem ber lluctuiitlng between 7tSu ; "nil TIJ ! c and May between 79li e and iHJnC. There ai > - peared to bo no news of suflh'ifiit importance to Influence prices and the llttlo trading was of u sculping order. During the last hour , however , upon receipt of unfavorable for eign advices and a local bear operator mik- Ing free offerings , prices fell to 72J < i ! for Do- retnber ami 7h'-f ( < < ! 78,5 c for May. This was the extreme low point of the session and there was u recovery of , ' 0 at the close , which was at 73o for December and \ y.m 78o for May. There wan little of Interest and very Insig nificant trading in corn this morning. Tliero WHH neither news nor circumstance to affect prices , and in their absence ) the session passed with fluctuations of but , ' e. The market was firm throughout and the pres ence of considerable short interest Is credited with steadying it in the absence of any out side Influence suftlcient to invite speculation. December corn opened at 41c , sold at 41 c and 41 > { ti and closed at 413H'c. May opened , nt4ftJie , which was the lowest point touched , sold up to 452'c and closed at 45/e. } Oats were Just about nominal for all fut ures this side of May , nnd in them month fluctuations during the morning session wore confined to a sixteenth , l-'rom 20 ( fK'2l ( ' fc on the split at the opening it enscd off to y',0 ' ) < o straight ut the 1 o'clock close , or the same as quoted at the linul close yesterday. The provision trade commands incrruflcd attention. For cash delivery , risvell UN In a speculative way , there was more than the customary life , and In the general market considerable interest was shown , the feeling was also stronger ana in the early part of the day some thing of an upward movement was witnessed , based upon stock yards advices. Later a couples of prominent puckers became free sellers , and under exccssivu offerings the morning advance in a great measure disap peared before the closo. Short ribs , In fact , rested at t o'clock at precisely last night's prices , while in lard the improvement iictu- nlly established was only 2,1a ( > 7 , ! c and in AKIKUN'OON SIMMON Wheat easy ; Novem ber 71 c , December Tl'Jff. January 7i14r , May 78Xe. Corn steady. Oats dull and nothing doing. Pork was steady , closing at 4.12.55 for January , SI'-MIT1 * ; for February and ti3.)5 ( ) for May. Lard averaged u little stronger ; No vember and December closed at $ tl.ii-f ; , .lan- uory ut $0.40 , February at $11.50 and Aluy at $ < i,70. Short rib.s closed at * 0. : j for Janu ary and 0.40 for February. CHICAGO LIVK STOCK. CHICAGO , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram to the Bun. ] CATTI.K gome of the more sanguine al jien were of the opinion that nice handy Bteen- and prime heavy were selling a shade stronger , but as there were but a few loads of the classes named , what they Hold for is no guide to the general market , as , taken al together , there was the same old feeling of dissatisfaction on the pan of salesmen who had stock that required the hunting of a buyer , that Is , plain and common natives , or such as had to compete with Texans and rangers. Such hold us low as at any time , In fact , are now about as low priced as can bo remembered by men who have been in busi ness a long lifetime. Hango and Texas stock is also selling at the lowest figures ever known. Common canning natives and butchers' stock was never jowcr. Snipping steers. ji5o : to 1500 ibs , $ .soi5.oo ( ! ; i-oo to itr : > o IDS $3.00@4.85 ; 11.10 to Vim Ibs , $ : UX > ( VrM.OO. Stockers and feeders , $1.75at.lX ( : ) ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , H.00 < r.or > ; bulk , $1.70(52.00. ( Texas steers , $2.00(5 ( ' .Mm ; cows , $1.40 ( < 2.00. Western rangers , sternly ; natives and half- breeds , $2.50@3.50. Wintered Texans , $2.45 ( JJ8.25. Jloos Trndo was brisk with an tip-turn of nbout a nickel , the market closing steady at the advance. Host heavy and fancy butch * or's weights sold at $4.G5 < ! ? 4.00 and fair to peed packing sorts W.4ii@4. . ' > 0 , largely at 14.40. Common , $4.25-t:4.85 ( : ; light borts , $4.40 @ 1.45 ; pigs , f4.iO < ! j4.5. WVE BTOCK. ITiiloitJfitock Yards , Chicago , Nov. 4. The Drovers' Journal reports : Cattle Receipts , 0,000 ; steady to strong ; shipping steers , $3.00@5.00 : stockers and feeders , $1.75tf < 3.00 ; cows , bulls and mixed , 11.00 ( 2.05 ; Texas cattle , $1.40MC9 ( ; West ern rangers , steady ut $3.45@3.50. Hogs Receipts , 27,000 ; strong and ! 5o higher ; mixed , $4.25@4.50 ; heavy , $4.80(24.00 ( ; light , | 4.20 < 4.45 ; skills , $3.75r4.25. ( ! Sheep Receipts , nXX ( ) ; slow ; natives , $2.4(1 ( (34.00 ; western , $2.WQ3.00 ) ; Tcxuns , J-J.40Q D.40 ; lambs , $4.00 < 25. oY Nntlonnl Stock Yards. Knar St. JxmlH , Nov. 4. Cattle Receipts , 1,500 ; shipments , 2,400 ; market active and stronger ; choice heavy native steers , $4.20@4.70 ; fail to good native steers , $3.00iM.25 ( ; butchers' ' steers , medium to prime , $2.05@3.70 ; rangers , HoKs Receipts , 5,400 ; shipments , 1,300 ; market active ut the decline ; choice heavv nnd butchers' selections , (4.nii4.55 ! ( ; packIng - Ing and Yorkers , medium to choice , J4.0C ( g4.35 ; pigs , common to good , $3.00@4,00. KiuiNiiH City , Nov. 4. Cattle Hecolpts B.OOO ; shipments , 2,000 , ; good corn-fed anil grass range strong and 5@10o higher ; com mon steady ; good to choice corn-fed , $4.2 ( 64.75 ; common to medium , J3.25W4.10 utockcrs , $ ' . ' .00 ( < T2.00 ; feeding steers , $2.0 ; (33.20 ; cows , $1.25 ( < J2.50. Hogs Receipts , 0,000 ; shipments , 800 market stronger and 5o higher ; good t < choice , $4.354.45 ; common to medium , * 1.K @ 4.SO ; skips uud pigs , $2,00(23.00. ( KIN A NCI AL. New YORK , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram t < the Hun. STOCKS There was a stronger un ilcrtono to the stock market and a hlghoi average to values , but the market gcncruH : was blow. The bear leaders claimed to liuvii covered a big line of bhorts and were idle foi the tlmo being , waiting events and allowlni the bulls to bid prices up. Ono of the lead era talked loudly In favor of lower prices , bu as ho Is known to talk more than ho trades his utterances had no effect. The most Im portunt factor In the market was the repor that the Chicago , Burlington & Northcrr hod conditionally agreed to the advance In rates on St. Paul business. The bull were slightly encouraged by this report am purchased moderately , and wcro gi milled Ii seeing the list gradually harden. Granger went up \ } { and Missouri Pacific advance J ? per cent despite the rumors of latocul ting iu the boutlnvest. The Coalers wer strong on the good business. The Yandoi . "bills received fair support , and it was give out on what dealers called reliable authorlt , that its dividend would bo Increased to 5 pc cent , but It only advanced Xi While Mich ( ran Central gained Itf per cent. St. Louis i pan Francisco preferred advanced 2,14' pc cent. The stock has been quietly picked up on points from Insiders of Increased business and the shorts have been run In , The market continued to gain strength after midday. Grangers , Loulsvillo & Nashville , Missouri Pacific and Union Pacific , In which the larg est short Interest existed , showed the most animation. Short * bought freely , but at times the bear leaders attacked St. Paul and knocked it oft fractionally , but their offerings were readily absorbed nnd prices advanced higher than before. A great deal of long stock came out , but It had no effect nnd the market closed flrih at outside prices of the day , with advances extending from % to 2,1/ per cent , Missouri Pacific and Union Pacific having the lead. Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy was up IJf , Louisville & Nashville IJs , Northern Pacific preferred Ki Manitoba Jtf , Kock Island 1 , Northwestern 1 } , St. Paul 1 * , Now England ; V , Cotton Oils } i nnd Omaha I'/ per cent. Manhattan was 1 point lower. Advices nt the close were mostly bullish , but conservative houses did not ad vise buying on the bulges. The total sales wcro 335,1)48 ) shares , against 220,624 shares yesterday. On the board of trade business was better , 8,200 shares changing hands. GOVERNMENTS Government bonds were dull but steady. TESTBJllUT'S QUOTATIONS. doprefeiied 4ftslW. ? IJ.Telegraph. . . 78 MONEY On call , easy at Q)4Q4 ) per cent , cloned offered nt 3Jrf per cent. PIIIMB MEKCANTIU : P.u-in 0@8 per cunt. STKIIT.INCI EXCHANGE Hull but steady nt $4.bljf for sixty day bills , nnd $4.85.4' ' for de mand. IMIOIUJCK'MAUKUTS. ClilcnKo , Nov. 4. Following are the 230 ; closing prices : l-'Iour Steady nnd unchanged. Wheat Dull and quiet with Mghtbuslness ; at the close prices were } fa lovcer than yes terday's closing ; cash , 71J c ; December , Corn Dull and featureless , fluctuating within u very narrow ranne ; canh , 41 o ; December , 41 ? o ; May , 45 8-10o. Oats Dull with no material change ; cash , 2TVo ; December , 25 'c ; May , 29 c. Uye fi2c. BarlejTSc. . Piinio Tlmothv f2.212.22. Flaxseed1.5. . Whisky 1. 10. Pork Active , unsettled anil irregular ; January , $12.55. Lard Fairly active ami Uronper ; cash and December , * 0.37J ; May , Hi.70ffi.72K. ( Dry Salted Meats-Shoulders , t5.00tf5.20 ; short clear , $0.70@0.75 ; shovt ribs. . fl.82i f. Huttor Creamery , l ® 2tlc ; dairy , 18 ( < 23 < ' . Cheese Full rream clieddars and flats , 11 EPRS Finn Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , 4@ t'ftV ; No. 2 , 3J c ; cakes , 4'4c. Hides Heceipts fair dcnuind but moder- iito ; unclmiiBed ; heavy jn > en salted , 7c : lisht , do. , 7'c ; salted bull , Oc ; green salteil calf , 8 : dry flint , 1213c ; dry calf , 12 ( 13c ; dry suited , lOc ; deacons , each , 30i\ Kereits. | Shipments. Flour , hbls . 1S,000 17,000 Wheat , bu . 70,000 110,000 Corn , bu . 103,000 131,000 Oats , bu . 175.000 144,000 Hye , bu . (1,000 ( 3,000 Unrli'j , bu . 01,000 40,000 New York , Nov 4. Wheat Receipts , 80kX ! ) ; exports , 120,000 ; options ruled very dull with the absence of features ; prices do- vnm ' ,8" / " . , -Ti/hV December closed at 83J c. Corn Receipts , 45X ( ) ( ) ; exports , X73,500 ; options Js@V0 hiphor. but very quiet ; spot llrm ; unRraded , ftSffiKt 'o ; No. 2 , 52 @ f > 2Vc in store , M > { @ 53c f. o. b. , 53 % ( 54o delivered ; December closed at 52 c. aOats Keoelpts , 150,000 ; exports , 203 ; wit houtchanpo of Importance ; mixed west ern , 32K@34o ; white western , n5@40o. Coffee Spot , fair ; Uio , dull nt * 18.50 ; options If > ( tf25 points lower , but moderately active ; sales , 0,750 bags ; November , $10.20 ; December , $10.10i10.40 ( ; January , tl5.lOrtj ! ( 10.15 ; February 1 $ i5.7uQl5.05 ; March , 115.70 < ! ? 15.00. Petroleum Steady ; United , 73j c. EPKS Firm and in fair inquiry ; western , 12rtj23c. Pork In fair demand but steady. Lard Moro active and higher ; western Rtcam , spot , ? 0.75(30.h2J ( . Huttt-r Moderate demand ; western , 13@ 2li' ( ; western creamery. Ul ( 2k. ( < . Cheese Finn hut quiet ; western , 9 > J@Ue. KniiNiiH City , Nov. 4. Wheat Steady ; No. 2 soft , cash , no bids or offerings ; De cember , Osc asked ; May , 75X0 asked. Corn Steady ; No. 3 , cash , 35j ! < o bid. 30o nuked ; December , 35Jfo bid , iiO > - o asked : ' Oats 22c hid. ncnpolls , Nov. 4. Wheat Closed steadier , with fair business ; country orders moro numerous ; No. 1 hard , cash , 70Me : December , 71o ; January , 72o ; May , 77c ; No. 1 northern , cash , 07)jc ) ; December , OSc ; January , 09 ; May , 74c ; No. 2 northern , cash , 04o ; December , C5c ; January , COc ; Muy , 71c. On track : No. 1 hard , 71 0 ; No. 1 northern , OSc ; No. 2 northern , C5@00c. Flour Steady hut less actlvo ; patents , f l.25@4.35 ; bakers' , f3.3o@3.50. Receipts Wheat , 298,000 bu. Shipments Wheat , 05,000 bu ; flour , 20,000 bbls. Milwaukee , Nov. 4. Wheat Dull and weak ; cash , O'.ijtfo ; December , 70 } c ; May , 77 } .jO. Corn Firmer ; No. 2 , 41 c. Oats Fairly active ; No. 2 white , 29@31c. Uye Firm ; No. 1 , 55c. Uarley Weak and lower : No. 2 , 72 < T 73e. Provisions Firm ; Iwrk , November , 1 13.00 © 13.25. Ijlvcri > eel , Nov. 4. Wheat Quiet and demand poor ; holders offer moderately. Corn Steady and demand fair ; new mixed western , 4b GJfd per cental. Cincinnati. Nov. J.Vhcat Firm ; No. 2 red , 70c. Corn Strong ; No. 2 mixed , 4Cll o. Oats Strong ; No. 2 mixed , 2bVc. Hyo Firm ; No. 2 , 5550o. Pork Quiet ut Sla.O'iK- I.urd Firm ; prime steam , tO,37J.f. \yhisky-Flrmattl.05. New OrloniiH , Nov , 4. Corn Unset tled but Kcnerally lower ; mixed , 55ii50y ( ; whltonnd yellow , 50o. Oats-Quiet and steady ; No. 2 , 34' @ 3e. Cornmeal Qnlet nt $2.30. Hog Products Quiet but steady ; pork , 113.25 ; lard , S0.75. Hulk Meats Shoulders , $5.35 ; long cleai and clear rib , | 0.02 > f. St. IjoiiiB , Nov. 4. Wheat Weak ; cash , KaWMu ( ; May , 60 'c. Com Irregular ; cash , 3SJ < (230c ( ; May , . Oats Unchanged ; cas.li , ic\ \ May , USJffc , Lard-to'JO. ' \Vhiskv-Jl.05. llutter Unehungcd ; creamery , 2"aiCc ( : : dairy , 10@2le. Afternoon Uoard AVhc.it , barely steady November 714"c ' bid ; December , ? JJfe ; Jan uary , 74tfubid ; May , SOc. Corn , dull ; No vember , yjj o bid ; Doccinbcr , ! ! e ; January 3s > 4'o bid ; May , 41'4o bid. Oats , nothlut done. J OMAHA llVK STOCK. Friday , Nuv.4. Cntllc. The receipts of cattle were very llcht am consisted in the main of wcstcru feeders Prices ranucd u shade lower than Thursday although the difference was hardly percept ! The receipts of hogs wcro 1,000 In excess o Thursday's. The market opened a slmdi stronger nnd remained alwut steady durfni the day. The best hogs brought $4.25 nnd me dlum IU5B4..SO. Everytliing was taken. BUeep. There was only one loud old on the mar ket. . Ofllcliil ItrcelptR. Cnttlc 424 HORH MM Shet'l M9 l-UII'VKNTS. . Cattle 4 cars , n. I. , Chicago Horses 1 car , It. I. , Chicago Prevailing Priced. Showlnif the prevailing prices paid for live stock on this market : Choice steers , 1800 to 1500 ftn t4.25O4.60 Choice sH'crs , 1100 to 1300 Ibs 4.00M4.25 Fttt little etccrs , 900 to 1050 lbs..n. 8.7633.65 Corn-fed range steers , 1200 to 1500 3.7Krj4.SO ! Good to choice corn-fed COWB , . . . . . S.25ot2,50 Common to medium cows , . 1,50 ( .2.25 Good to choice bulls 1.2&K2.00 Good rauce feeders 2.25Q2.00 Good native feeders , 900 ILs and up wards 2.55Q2.SO F lr to medium native feeders , 900 Ibs and upwards 2.25(32.50 ( Stockers , 400 to 700 Ibs 2.00(32.50 ( Prime fat sheep 3.25M3.60 Fair to medium sheep 2.50A3.on ( Common sheep 1.50ji2.25 ( Light nnd medium hogs 4.05 ( 4.10 Good to choice heavy hogs 4.15i4.25 ( Good to choice mixed hogs. 4.10 ( 4.15 Representative Sales. cows. Ilvc Stock Hold. Showlnp the number of head of stock sold on the market to-day : CATTLE. O. II. Hammond kCo 93 A HKlo-Anicrican Packing Co 1 Feeders 57H Shippers -1 Total 710 HOGS. Armour & Co 2T3 G. H. Hammond JfeCo 42 ! ) Anplo-Aincrlcnn I'acking Co t S.fiTlt S < | ulrcs& Co J7'.l Local 'J Total y,4C5 fciiEni' . Harris & Fisher ITS IniiK ! < - of Prices. Showinp the hiphest and lowest prices paid for hops , on this market during thu past Fcvon days and on the corresponding days In lt&5 and IfcfcO. All sales of stock In this -market are. made per cwt. live weipht unless otherwise stated. Dead hops sell at J c pelIWfor all weiRhts. "Skins , " or hogs weighing less than 100 Ibs. no value. Prepnant sows arc docked 40 Ibs. nnd stags 60 Ibs. by the public Inspector. Ijivo Stock Notes. Cnttlc were dull. More hoRS than Thursday. .Too Bayer , of Craig , was n looker on. Dlckman & Glass , of Pen-in , wcro on the market. W. A. Ovcrmcyer was in with an extra flno load. Jacob Koock , of Sutton , marketed two loads of hogs. William Hohnbaum , of Waco , sold n load of line hogs at M.-5. T. S. Grosvcnor , of Tekamnh , disposed of a load of hogs at the top price. Mr. Clarke , of Clarke & Hunter , of Long Pine , was In with six loads of cattle. B. S. Klnsclla , of Panama , la. , disposed of a carload ut (4.25 , and has gone hack after nioru. George. Sunderland , manager of the Ar mour packing house , arrived at thoyards yes terday morning. Not only is Chicago's hog business on the decrease , but there is a noticeable falling off In some kinds of stock. The trade in eastern calves at the Chicago stock yards , which has in yours piv.t cut quite a figure , has shrunken to very small dimensions. Kingnn & Co. , who have recently put n buyer on this market , nro very extensive hog packers. In addition to their main packing house , which is located at Indianapolis , they have one or two other houses. Their house at Armourdale , Kan. , Is now about ready for business. OMAHA 1VHOtESAlE , MAHKKTS. Friday , Nov. 4. Proilucc , Fruits , Etc. T7ic following arc the prices nt wMch round Ms uf produce arc gold on this inmlict. i'nU/s / or other lines t > f floods re- iring catrii Inliornf ji c7liicimnot ( / lois l- oi/s nc supiHlcd on tniMHe orders at the sttine prices quoted the local trailc. There appears to bo n general shortage nil over the country of the potato crop. It is es timated by the government bureau that the crop will not bo more than three-fifth of an average. The shortage Is not confined to this country alone , as Europe's deficiency will bo between 400,000,000 and 500OrtO,0X ( ) buhhels. In this country the acreage was probably larger than usual , hut the wide spread drouth cut down the yield very mater ially. Localities that usually are looked to for largo supplies will this year bo buyers. In Oh'o ' , where there Is usually a heavy sur plus fi < shipment , there arc not enough for homo consumption and the same thing may be said of Indiana nnd Illinois. ChliMgo reports some of their finest stock as coming from the northern counties of Da kota , northwestern Minnesota and Manitoba. Dakota had n fine crop. In Wisconsin nnd Michigan , states usually relied upon for a largo yield , the shortage was gcmtral. The New England crop , which it was supposed would ho large , is not turning out as well as expected , a good deal of the crop not being available on account of rot. The same Is true of much of the New York crop. In Colorado nnd Utah the crop was very heavy and un usually large shipments are being made to eastern points. HUT-TEH Choice dairy , lS < ? COcj medium trades , 18iTii5c ; ; ordinary , OirajOo. Eoos-Choico stock Is selling mostly at 20c. Thcro Is a tendency on the part of commls- Blon men to hold for higher prices , but the dcnum ! is hardly strong enough to force prices up. CHEESE Market fair. Fancy full cream , Cheddars. bhiRle , 13X(913o ( ; full cream twins , 12K@13o ; young Americas , ia > $ o ; brick cheese , 100 Ibs In case , ISo ; Llmborgcr , 100 Ibs In case , l-lo ; Saurcs' fancy Ohio , 1'Jc. POULTIIV Live A peed many of the old fowls that nro coming In nro very light nnd do , , . , v v - - -Jt/ uf i I MJ t JV\J * I1V ttV lkllka cecse , u.OO jxir iloz. Urcsscd-Demand light by reason of tlio warm \veather ; clilckcns , choice stock , S@10c ; turkeys , IKalSc ; Uucks , O MK Ito-elpts ! Jht ( : prulrlo chldions , $1.00 mallard iluok , $ lM ( gj.Mi ! nimll , | 1.H ( 1.75 ; teul mid mixed ducks , ( l.OOMl.TAt gccs $ a.M ; Hulpc , ? r.c $ l.W ) ; lack rabbit * , 40 45c each ; Jack Biilpc , $1.00 per dor ; nntelopo and deer , | ) er lb. , uarcusfos , Oc ; saddles , 12 ( < t Mo. POTATOES The market Is well supplied. Utuli und Colorado stock Sells nt 80rjs)5 ) < jj No- braslta and Iowa stock , t > 3@70o per Urahcl. ONIOXS Home jfrown. 70rfOOc ( ; BpanUh onions , I'J.OO per 50-ib crnto. OVSTEKS Slediums , i2Nj ( standard , DOe ; elects , B2 } c ; extra selects , Me ; New York counts. 40c. CmSBKiinins The market Is fairly well supplied with good stock. Hull It Cnerry , 17.50 ; llull&UuKle , (8.00 ; Capo Cods , 19.00. CBLBitr The nupplyi 1s not heavy. Good stock brings S5@40c n dozen. CIDER Choice Michigan elder , tO.CO per bbl. of 82 gal. OHANOKS Louisiana oranges constitute the bulk on the market. Good stock. ( S.EOIgO.OO per bbl ; 4.f > 05.00 ( per box. aLEMo.Ns Messina , f.Y500.00 ; MniorUT.OO. Dr.ANs l'aiul. picked navv , t'.W per Uushcl nnd other prudes down ns low as f 1.25. Cali fornia stockl $2.40 per bushel. COCOANUTS Good stock , fo.OO. MAI-LE SUOAR Choice Ohio stock , lOc per lb. POPCOEV Choice rice corn , Scper lb ; other Idnds , liQ'JUc per lb. HONEY Choice , in 1 lb frnmes , 21o. AMM.ES Choice Michigan npplcs , homegrown grown , yi.OOeVl.50 ; Jonathana , K.50@3.75. ! ) Ifcw York stock , 7.59i8.00 ( ! per . UANAJJAS The market Is well supplied with bananas nt ? 2.00g3.00 ( per bunch. NUTS New crop ; Ohio chesthuts , 15@lSo per lb ; peanuts , 7ije. raw ; Brazil nuts. 13c ; almonds , Tarragona , i.'Co ; English walnuts , 18c 5 filberts , 12a _ Flour nnd Fccil. Tlie following arc the. Jobbing prices : Minnesota patents , | 2.no per cwt ; Minnesota seta backers' Htralght , $2.20 per cwt ; Kansas and Missouri winter fancy patents , $2.43 ® 2.00 ; Nebraska patents , f2.25c2.35 ! ( ! ; rye flour , $1.7f @l.lHpcrcwt ; rye , Graham , $1.40 per cwt : wheat , Graham , $1.75 per cwt ; cornmeal - meal , yellow , 90c per cwt ; cornmenl , white , H.OO per cwt ; chopped feed , tl4.00@10.00 per ton ; limn , * 12.00@13.00 per ton ; screenings , $ ! UH12.00 ) per ton. HAY Slow ; upland prairie , $7.00 ; common , course , fti.OOS0.60. ( Grocers' List. COFFEE Ordinary . grades , 20@20J c ; fair. " " " " ' ' " " fancy green and government Java. 28@ ( < 28c ; Mochn , 28@30 < j ; Arbucklc's roasted , 2fl'o ; Mclaughlin's XXXX , 83 > fe ; Ditworth's , 25c ; Ucd Cross , . HIFIXID : : LAUD Tlerco , 7c : 40-lb square cans , 7c ; 50-lb round , 7' ' c ; 20-lb round , 7Jjo ; 10-lb pulls , 7 e ; G-lb pails , 7clb ; pails , " Granulated , "IVc ; conf. A , 7@7Vc ; white extra C , 6 @nj o ; extra C , O' r@iijfc ; yellow C , 5J c ; cut loaf , 7 powdered , 7J @ 7 } c. PICKI.KS Medium In bbls , W.50 ; do In half bbls , 3.75 ; small , in bbls , $7.50 ; do in half bbls , $4-25 ; gerkins , in bbls , $8.50 ; do In half bbls , $4.75. TonAcco Lorlllard's Climax , 44c : Splen did , 41c ; Mechanic's Delight , 41c ; Lcggett& Meyer's Star , 42c ; Cornerstone , , ' )4c ) ; Drum- iiiond's Horse Shoe , 41c : T. J. , U7c ; Sorg's Spearhead , 44o. HKOO.MS Extra 4-tie , $2.00 ; No. 1 , 2 ; No. 2 , * 1 < 5 ; heavy stable , $4. CANDY Mixed , IKJMlo ; stick. 8J @UJ c. JRI.MIS 30-lb naifr , $1 BOffit.OO. Pi'ovinoss Hams , 10J ( Wlle ; breakfast IIHCOII , /@lljjc : bacon bides , S fW'.lc ' ; dry salt , 7 < ) < ( ( iSo ; shoulders , 7@7 ! < c ; dried beef hams , lo@llc : dried beef regular , 9 > i@10Kc ; linns , picnic , 7Jig8c. ( IKIBI > Fruits Apples , new , * 's , Oc ; cvnjv orated , 51) ) lb ring , 10ilOHc ( ; raspbon-ics , evaporated. 2Si ( < i".iA. ( ' ; blacftbcrric9evapo rated , pitted cherries , 10 < 320c ; jeachcs , new , 7Jjfc ; evaporated , ] > cclcd peaches , 28 evnli-ornted , uuparcd , 18 ( 10c ; new Valencia , Hnvi : Seven-sixteenths , l < 11fc. WOOIIKNWAIIE Two-hoop pails , per doz , $1.45 ; three-hoop pails , * ? 1.70 ; No. 1 tub , $0.50 ; No. 2 tub , 55.50 ; No. 3 tub , * 4.50 ; wash boards , $1.75 ; assorted bowls , $3.25 ; No. 1 churns , SO ; No. z churns , 8 ; No. a churns , f . CANNED GOODS Oyster , standard , per case , * 3.10@15 ; strawberries , 2-lb per case , $ t.OOai.lO ( : ; raspberries , 2-lb , per case , $3.000 3.10 ; California pears , per case , $4. < JO4.SO ( ! ; apricots , per case , $4.10@4.25 ; peaches per case , $5.75(35.85 ( ; white cherries , per case , $0.00 ; plums , per case , f3.80@3.UO : blueber ries , per case , $2.80@2.40 ; egg plums , 2-lb , per case , $3.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per case , $3.20 < g5.75 ; Mb salmon , per doz , $ l.00@195 ; 2-lb goosberries , per case , f.1.25 ( < 3.35 ! 2-lb string beans , per case , $1.75 : 2-lb limn beans , per case , $1.00 ; 2-lb marrowfat peas , $ 'J.50@ B.liO ; 2-lb early June peas , per case , $2.75 ; -ll ) tomatoes , $2:40@2.50 : ; 2-lb corn , $2.80 © CiiACKnns Garncau's soda , butter and picnic , 5c ; creams , 8c ; ginger snaps , 8c ; city soda , 7o. TEAS Japan , 20@55c ; gunpowder , 20S ( ) COJfo ; Young Uys > on,23 ( i)5o , ! ; Ooolong , 20 3 COc. COc.SYiti'p SYiti'p No. 70 , 4-gnllon kegs , $ l.45@1.50 ; New Orleans , per gallon , ; ! 8 ( < ? 40c ; maple syrup , half bbls , "old time , " per gallon , SOo ; 1-gallou cans , per doz , $10.50 ; half gallon cans , per doz , $ U,25 ; quart cans , $3.25. STAIICII Mirror gloss , 5JCo ; Graves' corn , Oj/i : ; Oswcgo gloss , 7c ; Oswcgo corn , 7o. HOLLAND HCKIHNOS 75@SOc per keg. Dry Goods. PRINTS SOLID COLOUS Atlanta , DJ o ; Slater , 5c ; Uerlin Oil , OUc ; Garner Oil , 6@ 7c. PINK AND Rones Richmond , Oc ; Allen 6c ; Rivcrpoint , Go ; Steel River , 6e ; Richmond mend , Go ; Pacific , OJ c. INDIHO BLUE Wash ington , Oe ; Century Indigo blue prints , lOc ; American , 0 } c : ArnoldOJ/c ; ArnoldBlO'j'c ; Arnold A 12o ; Arnold Goldscal lOKc. DIIESS ; Charter Oak , 4) ) < fe ; Ramapo , 3c ; Lodi , 4Uc ; Allen , 5) ) c ; Riclimond , 5Ko ; Windsor , Be Eddvstone , Oo ; Pacific , Co. 2fc ; Boonc , 14c ; B , cased , $0.50. COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dis count LL , OJjc ; CC , 7 c ; SS , 8 > fc ; Name less , 5'fq ; No. 5 , Cc ; EE , 9 } o ; GO , lOjtfc ; XX , 12c ; 00 , 14o ; NN , lOo ; UX , 18c ; R 20c ; No. 10 , 8Kc : 40,10 } < foGO.12) ; ) < c ; 80,15q ; 80 , colored , lOc ; 50 , colored , 12c ; 70 , colored , IGc ; Bristol , 13 > rfc ; Union Pacific , ISc. CAitfET WAW Bibb white , 18 > o ; colored , 20Kc. GINGHAM Plunkctt checks , 7'i'c ; Whit- tcnton , ] { c\ \ York , 7J/c ; Nnnnundl Dress , & } : Calcutta Dress , 8 > rfo ; Whittenton Dress , 9c ; Renfrew Dress , 9o)12 ( ) } < Jc. CAMIIIIICS Slater , 4Jtfc ; Woods , 4 } c ; Stan dard , 4 } c ; Peacock , 4&c. TICKS Lcwlston , 80 in , 12 } < c ; Lcwlston , 33 in. , ! 3Jc ; York , 33 In. , 14o ; Swift River , ] Thorndiko \ O Q , 8'fc ; Thorndiko E F , SXc ; Thorndiko 120'Oi ' c : Thorndiko XXX. 15e ; Cordls No. 5 , ( I' c ; Cordis No. 4 , lie. DENIM Amoskeag O-o . , lOc ; Everett , 7 iz. , 18c ; York , 7-oz. , 13c ; Haymaker , SKc ; Jaffroy XX ; , llj c ; Jaffroy XXX , 12Uo ; Bcn- ver Creek , AA , 12c ; Ttcavcr Creek BB , lie ; livivnr * f'rnMr T'rl Illo Beaver Creek CC , lOc. . KENTUCKY JEANS Memorial , 15c ; Canton , 18c ; Durham , 2"Ko ; Hercules , 18c ; Lcamlna- ton , 22KoCottswolrt,25c. ; Cmsii Stevens' B , Oo ; bleached , 7o ; Sto- , 'ens" A , 7J o ; bleaclicd , 8Uo ; Stevens' P. bj-jc ; bleached , 0 > jo ; Stevens' N , 9 " 01 bleached , 10' o ; Stevens' S R T , 12Ko. MISCELLANEOUS IHiblo oil cloth , $2.85 ; 4 , > "u , u n r , y , i-jc ; \i , ; CoMrOHTKItS $0.00rt 85.00. s-White.00 ! 37.50 ; colored $1.10 daVo7Kc7'New i'orVmlH7 " " I . . $ . * - 1 . . ! * . wa j- ttllltotJw . . . . | * * -'j'WI J ( * | JIa I .1. t11 - T- * .1 42 inch , lOKc ; Pepperoll , 40 Inch , llko ; Pep. porcll , 0-4. 15o ; Pepperoll , 8-4,18o , ; Pcppcrell. tl-4. 20o ; l ppcrell , lW ( , 23J c ; Canton. 4-4 SJfo ; Canton , 4-4 , 9Vfc ; Triumph , Cot Warn- Biitta , llo ; Valley , So. BKOWN SHEKTIKO Atlanta A , 4-4. . ' o ; A Bantlo H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , 0 } < o ; At. lantlis P , 4-4 , GJ/e ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , 6e ; Aurora - rora C , 4-4 , 4 c ; Crown XXX , 'Ef , OJ ci Hoosler LL , 4-4 Indian Head | , SJfo ; , 4-4,7)c ) Lawrence LL , 44 , r o ; Old Dominion , 4-4 " " - | n Pepperell.lt > . . . _ _ 11 r > I 4-4. A flk" ? _ Pcpperell _ _ . . O . , _ 4,4 ; , Popporell , 10-4 , 20c ; Utlcn C , 4-4 , 4a\ \ Wochuiatt , 4-4 , TO ; Aurora U , 4-4 , 0)405 Au rora B. 4-4. 60. Dfo * Wett Point 20 In. 8 MM lOtfc ; West Point 56 In , 10 . , 12VCV ; % 1 Point 20 In , 13 oi , IBc ; West Point 40 in , 11 oz. Ifio. Chocks -Caledonia x , Alfc.c\io&ni ; xx. Economy , r General MArkcta. SPintts Cologne spirlU , 18S proof , 11.10 } do 101 proof , 11.12 ; spirits aecond qutillty , lot proof , 11.10 ; do ISft proof , 11.09. Alcohol 188 proof , 12.10 per wine gallon. Redistilled whUklon , $1.00(51.60. ( Gin blended , ll.BOJ2.00i ( Kentucky bourbons , 12.00 ® 6.00 ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes. IS.OtxJft.SO ; Golden Sheuf bourbon and rye whlsltlcs , | l.f C3.00. Bran dies , Imported. fo,00a8.50 ( ; domestic , ll.SO ® 8.00. Otnt , Irdportcd ; W.SOgfl.OO : domestic , tl.Cr > @ 3'00. Chumpagnes , imported , per cnso. $ 'JS.OOjJ33.00 ( ; American , per case , $10.00 ® HKAVT HAHDWARG Iron , rate , t'J.70 ; plow fitcel. special cast. 4Ue ; crucible steel. Otfo ; chain , per lbOJ < @l3e ; malleable,810c : Iron wire , In car lots , 14.00 per 100 Ibs ; iron nails , rates , 10 to 60 , fJ.40 ; steel nails , $2.60. HIDES Green butchers' , B } c : green cured , Tc ; dry flint , lOcidry salt , So'-grccn calfskins , 7Jie ; damaged hides , two-thirds price. Tallow - low Stfc. Grease Prime white , e ; yellow , So : br < iMiyto. . Shceppelts , 25@40c. COAI , Egp , $10.00 ; nut , $10.00 ; ranfrc , $10.00 ; walnut , block , $3.60 ; Iowa lump , $3.60 ; Iowa nut , $2.75 ; Illinois , $4.25@4.75. Pry Immbcr. _ _ DIMENSIONS AMI TIMBKIIS. TLOO1HNO. AOIn. AVhltc Pine $35.50 ; C t29.50 B " " " 33.50 ; D 21.00 1st and 2nd. clear , 1 , l 'lnch , s. 2 s $50.50 ad , clear , 1 inch , s. 2 s. , 45.50 " " 1H , Iff , 8 In 40.50 A select , 1 inch , s. 2 s. , 40.00 " " W , D 2 in 44.00 B " 1 inch , s.2 s. , 80.00 " " Itf. 1J . 2 in 87.00 I'on.An LU.vnnn. Clear Poplar , Bx. Bds. % in. , s. 23 $35.50 " " < in. Panel , s. 2s 27.00 " " Corrugated Celling , % . . . 28.50 1UTTF.XS. WELL TUnlNO , PICKETS. O. G. Uatts,2 , > in $00.75 " < Jxiiii. ! , , s. IB 00.45 3 In. Well Tubing D & M nnd Bcv 23.00 Pickets , D & U , Flat 20.50 " " Square 21.00 no tnns. No. 1 com , s. 1 s ? IS.X ( ) I No. 3. com , B 1 b$17.00 No. " " 15.50 | No. 4 , " " 13.00 SIDINO. A , 12 , 14 and 10 ft. $21.50 ; C $15.50 B , " " " 20.50 ; D 12.50 FENCING. No. 1 , 4 & ( S in 12 & 14 ft , rough $19.50 No. 1 , " " ii ; ' 10.CO No.2 , " " 12&14" " 10.00 No. 2 , " " 10" " 17.50 CEIMNO AND I'AltTITlON. 1st com. J/in White Pine Ceiling 131.00 2nd " " ' 28.00 Clear , % in. Norway " " 10.00 2nd com. a' in. " " " 14.00 STOCK no inns. A 12 inch si s $45.50 No. 1 , com. 12s Is , 12ft 20.50 " " " 14ft 19.00 " " " 10ft 18.50 No.2 " " 19.00 " " " 10ft 17.50 Inch GrDOVcd Rooting , $1.00 per M moro than 12-inch stock boards same length. HIIINGLE , I.ATII. XX clear 3.10 Extra * A * ? 3.90 * A * Standard. . . . 2.75 * A * H B & B. . . 2.55 0 in. clear , No. 1. 1.50 Lath 2.05 1'osrs. White cedar , 0 in. , } ts , 12c ; 9 in. qrs. , lie ; 8 in. qrs. , lOc ; 4 iu. found15c ; Tennessee Red Cedar , split , 15c ; Split Oak , 12c. ETC. Quincy white lime ( best ) , OOc ; Akron co- mentl.75 ; hair , 80cplasterfJ.75tarboard ; ; , $1.75 ; sash , 40c per ct. ; doors , 40o per ct. ; blinds , 40c per ct. ; mouldidgs , 40c per ct. ; tar felt , per cwt. , $2.75 , straw board. $1.75. SOUTHEItN YELLOW 1'INE. Com. 4 & 0 ill. Ilooring $17.50 Star " " 21.50 Clear % In Ceiling 21.50 Clear { in Partition 2C.OO Clear finished , 1 &l r in. s2s 29.00 Clear corrugated ceiling , 4 in 27.00 Yellow pine casing and base 20.00 U is n matter of congratulation that the president's Thanksgiving proclamation con tained no quotations from the American Ency clopedia. Sample Bottles Free. Imported and bottled BJ : Jflhnlovitch , Fletch cr & Co. . Cincinnati , O. For sulo by the follow ing dealers : lUclmrdson DritR Co. , Illako , Hruct ) &Co. , Adler & Heller , Olndstone Bros. & Co. , Frank Uellono & Co. , K. It. ( Irotte. MAW WHO ii 7XAC < untiD WITH TQK oiooairuT OT ncl GOUMTRt Wltl. aCC BT ULUUNUIO HUS MAT THAI IB ! CHIt 60BOCKISLAHDiPCIFICRAIlWAY By reason of IU central poilUoa. CoJS relation to llnei East ot Chicago , and eontlnJiuj hn e at terminal points West , Northwest and Southwest , Is the tmi middle link In that transcontinental njitrm which UiTltes and facilitates travel and trafflo between tug Atlantic and I'aclRc. The Kock Iiland main line and branches Include Cht. eago.Jollet.Ottawa , LaSalle , Feorla , Oeneseo , Molina and nock IMaad , la Illinois ! Davenport , Miucatlne , Washington , ralrOeld , Ottumwa.Oikaloosa , West Lib- crtj , Iowa Cltjr.Des Uoines , Indlanola.WIntorset. Allan , tic , knoxvllle , Audubon , Marian , Oulhrle Centre and Couacll Bluffs , In lewai Oallatln , Trenton , St. ; r/seph , Cameron and Kaniaa Cllj , In Missouri : Leu.worth aid AtohlionIn Kansasi Albert I.ea , Minneapolis and ft.PaulInUlnnetotai TTatertown and Bloux Fallsl | Dakota , and hundreds ot Intermediate eltles and towns. r 'The Great Rock Island Route"r Guarantees speed , comfort , eertalntr and sufety. Ill permanent war ! dlitlmrnlsaed ( or Its excellence. Iti crldces are of stone and Iron. Its track Is ot soils' steel.ltsrolllnfitack perfect. Its passenger aqulpmenl bas all the safety appliances that e iperlence has proreJ useful , and for luxurious accommodations Is unsur passed. IK Eipreii Trains consist ot superior Day Coaches , elegant Pullman I'alaco I'arlorand Sleepiag Cars , superb Dlalna ; Cars , proTMIng delicious meals , and ( between Chicago ana 8t. Joseph , AUhlion and Kansas City ) restful nocllnlng Chair Cars. It * man. agemeat U conservative , Its discipline exacting "The Famous Albert Lea Rome" Between Chicago and Minneapolis and St , Ia. ' Is the ta orlte. Orer this line B lld Fast JCipreis Trains rug lUlljr to attractive resorts for teurlits In Iowa and UlBaekOta , and , via Watertown aad Sioux Kails , to thi rich wheat aad grating lauds of Interior Dakota. Vie Beaeca and Kaakaiee , the Kock Island offers superloi laduceB\eats to trarelers between Cincinnati , Indian apclll , Ijifijette and Council L'lutTs , St. Jostnk , AUhl son , Leaveawartk , Kansas Cltr. Ht. Taul , and Intense , dlate pelnts. All patrons ( especially ladles and chll drenrecelveprotectlon , courtesy aaaalndl/attsntlea Fur tickets , maps , folders , copies of Western Trail , 01 ndeilred Information , apply to principal offlces U ( he UsiUe * rtatel and Canada , or address , at Chicago , j A " ! . . i " L" " " . | . A. Hoiiioai CHURCHILL PARKER , Dealer in Agricultural Implements. ! agons , CrrlMes and Iu loii. Jonp Mrcf I , llelweni lib am ] luThUnialia , Nebraska. AgrlcnltnralliniileDients.faps.CaiTiages . . Bugglei.Ktc. WholwalB , Omaha , Netra ka. Wlioleiale IHalert la lements CTJ7. Jones Street , Omalia. p. P. Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills. Seeders , * 7 , Tc5 j rN &r.n Pul ! WINONA IMPLEMENT CO Wholesale Agricnltoral Implements , ? agons & 6nggies Corner Uth and Nicholas fflrf fts. ArTlsta' Materials * . A. HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs. Itl3 Douglas Btrcft. Oaiaha. Nebrask * . Boots nnd Shoos. W. V. MORSE & CO. , Jobbers of Boots and Ste , llll Farnam St. , Omaba. Neb. Manufactory , Bumnae Street , Hoston. KIRKENDALL , JONES & CO. , ( Succosson to Heed , Jones A Co. ) Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes Agents for Boston Rubber HhoeCo. HOT. 1104 A1108 Harner St. , Omaha , Nebraska. Coffeea , ploes , Eto. LARKE COFFEE Co Omaha Coffee and Bplce Mills. Teas , Coffees Spices. Baking Powder , Crockery and Glassware. W. L. WRIGHT , Agent for the Manufacturers nml Importer * of CrocKery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , Etc. Office. 317 9.13th Ht. . Omulm , Nclirnlku. ' " Commission and Storage. D. A. HURLEY , Commission and Jobbing , Bitter. Kucs mill I'ind ico. CtiniUnrurnti 'olIolHMl llemdquarlprii for Sloni-Hnrc , llcrry lloti > ana Crape linked. 1414 Dndico f t.'Oumh . RIDDELL St RIDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchants. WIEDEMAN & CO. . Prote Commission Mercliants , Poultry , Butter , Utroe. trulla. Ktr. JAISoulli 14Ui St. , Omint , Nebraska. OEO. SCHROEDER & CO. , ( Kuccesiors to McSbane It Srbrordur. ) Prote Commission and Cold Storage. ' Onmhn , Nelinukn. Co a I , C ok e a nd j. t m o. DMA HA CCrAL , COKE & LIM E"cb. . Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , J09 South tJth Street , Omaha , Nebraska. j. j. JOH"NSON & co. , Mannfacturers of Illinois White Lime , And rbliipere of Cool , Cuke , Cement , I'lasUT , Mm * , Drain Tllr anil Konnr ripe. Onire , I'aiton Hotel , Fnrnam bt. , Omahi , Neb. Telephone fcll. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and CoKe , 21 * South lotli St. , Omnha , Neb. Dry Goods M. E. SMITH & CO. . Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions 1102 and IKUDouiIaa , Cor. llth fit. , Omaha , Neb. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRY GOODS Co Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods.Mons QenU' Furnliblnc Qoodi.Cornrr llth and llarnejr SU , Omaha , N Lraik . Furniture. DEWEY St. STONE. Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Farnam Strict , Omaha , Ncbraik * . Groceries. PAXTON , GALLAGHER & CO. . Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , 705.707,709 and 711 B. lOlb St. , Omaba , Net ) . McCORD. BRADY i CO. , Wholesale Grocers , ttlh and Learenworth Str eU , Omaha , Nebraika > D. M. STEELE & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , U19.1K1 and 1333 Harner Street , Omaha , N . ALLEN BROS. . Wholesale Grocers , 1114 and 1119 Ilamer Street , Omiiha , Neb. Hardware. LEE. PRIED & CO. . Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , TlBwarvSbeel Irnn.Ktn. Aitcntt for Howe 6caeiand ! Miami Powder Co. , Omaha , Neb. HIMEBAUCH * TAYLOR. Builders' ' Hardware & Scale Repair Shop llecbaulci' Tools and nuffalo Sralci. 1K Douf lai it. Omaha , Nebra ka. RECTOR * WILHELMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware , lOtb and IlarnerSti. Omaha , : N b. Wntcrn Aconti lor Austin 1'owder Co. , Jefferson Steel Mitllt , K lr- banks mandard Scalcn. Heavy Hardware. W. J. BROATCH , Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Bprtugi , WHIOD Stork , Hardware Lumber , etc. 1209 and Ull Uarney blreet Omulia. EDNEY A GIBBON , Wholesale Iron and Steel , Wagon anrt Carriage Wood Mock , Hoary JUrclwar * . Blc. 1317 and I IM Ix-'ttteowortli at. . Oniuhn , Ntb. Mats , caps , Eto. W. L. PARROTTE Sc CO. . Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods , 1107 Haroey Etrett. Omaha. Neb. _ , . Ljquore. WILLO W"S P RIN a" fcTISTTLLE R Y CO and ILER * CO. , Importers& Jobbers of FineWines&Liprs Katt India Bitter * and Dome'tlo Liquor * . 1112 Haroef Lumber. OMAHA LUMBER CO. . All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale , ilia Street ted Union 1'aclQo Track , Omaha. LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer In Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , Do riatc. Yardi-Cornertth and Doutlai ; Corner tk and Dougla . f C. N. DE1T2. Dealer in all Kinds of Lumber , . _ . . 181h anfl California 8ti. , Omaha , Neb. * "J v " FRED W. GRAY , ' v Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , " vCorntr 6th and Douflai Sl . , Omalia. ' * T. W.'HARVEV LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only , - * Office , 1103 l'arnu Bticst , Omaba. ' JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wtiolesale Lumber , Etc , ! land Ctm nt. Stat * af tal * * * * " " " * * f tfc * * T t- _ , , . . _ J LMl i a sV . - ' \r"CHAB- n' _ LSE. _ IT/ " Dealer in Hardwood Lnmlicr , > Woon Carpet * and 1'arqnet Hearing , ttti and Pom1 J | iToBtSRF B L DBrr CO.r"14'f'7 Importers & Jobbers or Millinery I RoM | P. 10a iH11goulsilU > Hlr t. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION Wholesale 'Notions and Fornislilni Go gl and 4i South lIXi Htr > t , OBah , VINYARD & SCHNEIDER , MJ Motions and Gent's ' Farnisliini Gooft 110S Ilarney trfet , Omaha. Olla. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE C Wholesale Reflned and LnliricatiiiiOII c , etc. , Omaha , A. U. Bltkop , Maiat * Paper. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers. Carry a nice stock of printing , wrapping aa < errHli paper. Hpeclal attention given to car lead oMafi. \ _ - . - - - ! 5&J $ ! * ' WESTERN NEWSP/kPErV Aniiliary Fnlilishers , lealera IBITPP , preitei and vrlnttn' mpptlt * . Mi South 18th Strttt , Omaha. j Rubber Goods. OMAHA RUBBER CO. , Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Good ! Oil Clothlnn and 1 > Bther lli-ltln . 1UB ( Kamam ftr > l A. L.STRANO CO. , Fnmns , Fines and Engines , Mean ) , water , railway ami mining iiiiiillci , ( Vtl and fl ratuani Mreot , Ouiaha , CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pnim Pipe , Fittings , , Flesni nnd Water Suiiplle . lltadiiunrtera fnr Mapsa Koost A Oo's iiod . llll Karnaui St. , OmaJia , T " U.S. WIND E N G iNEATp'U" P CO * Steam and Water Supplies , lUllldar Wind MIIK PH HIU ! yyKHrnani \ til. , Omatsl U. F. Huts , Actlnn Manager. BROWNELL & CO. , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery Bhe t Iron Work , HI Min rnrap , Kaw Mlllt. ! Uft-12li Lcavonworlli Uri'otOmaha. p Soeds. PHIL. STIMMEL& CO. . > Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Sce VII and 913 Jones St. , Omaha ARMSTRONG. PETT1S Storage , Forwarding and Coinmission , 1 Ilrnnch boii'o of thfl Ilcunrv Buggy 'o. HugKleeat wUolcsalo and rotnll. 1 iiH.I tin andYltt Iiard fittei't. , J\ Omahft. Tulephone No. 7M. [ Teas and Clgara. WM. A. WILSON & . CO. , Importers and Jobbers of Teas & Splct-8 unit lal7 naklnt Powder. 141li and 1 no ; street , Omaba. A JAlPACTlBS. _ _ „ _ Cornice. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS. Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice. ] Jcbu Kpenetrr , ProrirUtur. 920 JoJ e aud 1U3 and ICfl North 10th Strtet. Omaha. ; Smoke Stacks , Belle 8 , Etc. H. K. SAWYER , Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Stacks , Brltchlngi , Tank ) and ( leneral llcll r It palrlnf. 1311 l > odg Htreet. Omaha. Neb. Iron Works. PAXTON ft VIERLINO , Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wor .IIKiiin * , llran work , jn > noral foundry , marhlnn anflj llackJUiilU wurk. Ofllra nnd works , U. P. Hi. and 17th Streut , Unialia. OMAHA WIREi IRON WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railing ! Desk mils , window sunnH. flower staml * etc. , 123 North Uith St. , Omaha. OMAHA SAFE AND IRON WORKS , Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes Vmuls , jail work. Iron nnd winfcni Ing , signs , ( 'to. O Andrccn , I'rup'r. Cor. Htli and Jacksun ms. MEAGHER A SPROAT , , General Agents for DleboM Hafo & Ixiok Co.'a j Fire and Burglar Proof SafesTime , LoclvS , Vaults and Jail Wora , 1415 Faniam titrcnt. Omuha. Ovoralls. y CANFieLlcr MANUFACTUR'INC coei Manufacturers of Overalls , | Jeans 1'ants , bhlrU , Klc. 11IC mill 1104 Douglas StrreW Oninlin , Neb. , Sash , Doora , Eto. M. A. DISBROW & CO.7 ' 1 Wholesale Manufacturers of * Sasn , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , | Branch Once , 12tli anil Iianl Htrut'tn , Omalia , Nrb , BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. . Mannfacturers of Sasn , Doors , Blinds , Uouldlnes , Stair Work onit Interior Hnnl WooJ t Im 'ah. M. K. Corner 8th anil lca cnvrorth atreets , Omulm , Nob. . OMAHA PLANING MILL CO. . Manufacturers of Mouldings , Sash , Doors. , And Blinds. Turning. Stair-work. Hank and OfllcsJ tlttlriffs. 3Utn Knil 1'oppleton Avenue. Brewers. 4 STORZ & ILER , Lager Beer Brewers 1M1 North KlKbteenth Street , Omnbn , .Neb. an.pAiMKit. N r.mmuAV .1 u. PALMER , RICHMAN & . CO. . Liye Stock Commission MercliantS ; Offlce Itoom It , Opposite KxchunKo llulldlng , Ulllosl tlotk VnrcU.eouth OmMm , f ; b. MOCOY"BROS. Live Stock Commission Merchants , Market fnrnl < ho < l free on application. Btockern an * fM-dere Ivirnl'lirJ o.'j gooa t nus. Iteleruoccsi Oiwi ba NaUonal Uank HiiTttoutli Omaha National , Unl < 3 Utock Yrds , SuuUi Omaha. LORIMER. WESTERFIELD & MALE I Live Stock Commission , lloom It , Exchange- Building , Union Stock Vardal' South Omaha , Neb. * HO"RN * SHARPE , Commission Dealers in Live Stock , Iloora 21 , Kiehkngn llulldlng. Union ftntk Yds , lhaaha. llctcrunccn : Union Nat'l llnnk , Ornub union Ptook YnnU Hank , H. Onmhiv , 12. S. Howie I'raa. Aw. Hank A Trust Co , Omaliit. ALEXANDER 4 FITCH. Commission Dealers in Liye Stock , Room Zi , opponltn Kichange nulldlng , Union i Sto Yards , Boulli Ouiiilm , Nub . UNION STOCK YARDS CO > \ Of Omaha , Limited , John I' . 15 < jJ , Superintendent. (3 > / JUDICIOUS AND PERSISTENT i 2 AilvurtlHliig IIIIB always pruvuu Ilcfoio placluirimy Kowspiipor Advt'rtlBlng conniilt LORD At THOMAS , lUTIHIIilJU 1UISI8 , | U il Bueel * * MrMi , CHICAGO.