Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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Omaha Gun Olub Man Return From
Looking For Qamo.
Captain Hrower'H Side Vlctorous and
' 'riirinolco Will Purnlsh tlio Han-
' qtict Leftover Hunters Start
Other .Sporting News.
* *
The Grand Vail Hunt.
J'Thc grand fall hunt of the Omaha Gun
club came off Thursday , and so far us the
hunting was concerned it was a colossal suc
cess , In fact the emulous nlmrods found the
hunting'good everywhere , but the game
sparco. The count on cither sldo on this mo-
rhcntous occasion Is not moro than ono-thlrd
that of last year , and there arc many disap
pointed gutincrs in the city. As has been rc-
pc'i tedly stated the object of this great an
nual Inroad on the furred nnd feathered
Qamo la a grand banquet , which Is to bo
given at the Mlllaid this evening , the losing
sldu defraying the expenses thcicof. Ono of
the most conspicuous features of the present
hunt is that the amateurs fairly wiped tip the
oar li'with the professionals , i. o. , the tyros
with the gun beat the old experienced hunt
ers out of sight , us the following record , giv
ing jlfO gome killed nnd the count agreed on ,
clearly proves :
I John Ilaidin and Dr. Worley Wilson
snipe , 115 , 4115 ; tittup , 1,1 ; clapper rail. 1 , -1 ;
pinnated grouse , 8 , 13 ; hawks , a , 20 : umlluids ,
< J , 42ldgeon ; , 1 , 5 , making a total count of
'cicorgo S. Smith Teal , 9 , 30 ; snipe , 12 , 30 ;
widgeon , a , 10 ; largo yellow legs. 2 , ( i ; lessor
jiollowiegs , 5. 5 ; killdeer , 1,1mallards ; , 7,49 ;
total , 143.
G'uslleden Widgeon , 3,13 ; snipe , 11 , 3-1 ;
klldcfrr ! trilinwks ; , 1,10inulliirdsa ; , 14 ; teal ,
CU , ( ) ; hoi ( trull , 1,5 ; total , 99.
J. Field-Geefo , U , liO ; grouse , 2,12 ; total ,
William IJrowcr , John Thompson and Tom
Cotter Geese , 1,10 ; scnnp. 2 , 10buniohead ; ,
1,7 ; widgeon , 1 , ! ? ; teal , 2 , 13 ; coon , 2 , 30 ;
hawks , 2 , ! K ) ; snipe , ( ) . IS ; large jellow legs ,
2 , 8 ; tiltup , 1 , 1 ; plover , a , 0 ; quail , 1 , y ;
cennormil , 1 , 10 ; lolal , 13'J. '
'This made the total for Urcwers side , 013.
cu'TAix r\UMii.r.u's : sinn.
II. Kennedy and W. Clarke Geese 2 , 20 ;
soaup , 5 , 25 ; quail , 1 , U ; teal , 2 , 8 ; rullloheail ,
(1 ( , 24 ; spoonbills , 1 , 4 ; redheads , 3 , 13 ; mal
lard , 1,7 ; total 109.
H. C. Kollogg-Huwk , 1 , 10 ; snipe , 2 , 0 ;
teal , 1,4 : totulSO.
II. A. Penrose Geese , 10 , 100 ; grouse , 14 ,
r > a : , iotai i&j
John Petty and W. II. Hughes Mallards ,
70 , 420 ; redheads , 4 , 21 ; teal , 2 , (1 ( ; total 150.
This made the total for Puunolcc's side
7.T , the 13rewer men thus inning by 213
points. Mr. Pnrmcleo , with his "man with
the Zulu , " and Iho lest of his merry men
will cxperloueo the extreme felicity of
liquidating for about llfty "plates" this even
ing at1 per plate.
, The Ijol'evcr Hound Up.
The two sides of the Lefovcr club started
last evening for the dllTciriit gecso , duck and
snipe grounds located in thi1 * state and Iowa.
Their first club hunt comes oft to day , and
tjio ambition of the boys is to the older
org.ini/ution , Iho Omaha club , whoso show
ing wus indeed meagre. The Lcfever ban
quet will bu given at the St. Cloud Monday
The NaHlulllf I''all Meeting.
NASIIVII.LK , Nov. 4. The weather was
beautiful and the aUeiulunco huge ,
{ 'ire-eighths mile : Slcobi'lofC won , Klsio
II socondj Spinnctto third. Time I : OI .
Seven-eights mile : Glen Fisher won , Harry
Glenn second , Cams thlul. Timti 1 : ! ! 0 } .
Ono milo : Florence K won , Govei nor'scc-
end , Dancing Kid 4hlrd < T.iino 1.12 > f.
il-'or two-year-olds , one-half milo : Cousin
Jeums won , Heuuil.ibout Becond , Or.ingo
Girl third. Tiino-OtfiO.
National Joukey Cluli Uaucs.
WASIHMITOV , Nov. 4. There was line
wcutlier and a good track.
rOne milo : Kollan won , H.unum second ,
OnUuio third. Time 1:44 : # .
Ono mile : Pasha won , Ovid second , Frank
Ward third. Time 1:4S. :
Threo-fnuiths of n milo : Itowland won ,
Valiant second , Hron/omart third. Time
Ono and one elghlli miles : Stuyvostant
had a walk-over.
rOno _ and onu-half miles , hurdle hnndloap :
Warrington won , Tattler second , Willie Pal
mer thli d. Time 2:50V. :
An Old Mini Knocked Insensible By
a Mulatto.
, A most dastardly assault made last
evening on Nolsou Biowu , the genial old pa
triarch who runs a candy stand on the cor
ner of Sixteenth and Douglas streets. The
trouble was caused by a negrcss named Alice
'VVnlkor , who does Brown's washing. His
bundle of clothes was sent to him a day
sooner thau ho expected and he lacked a few
cents of having enough to pay the bill. He
promised to pay the rest to-day , but she de
manded it Instantcr In the vilest and most
insulting language she could command. She
next sent for Pete Walker , who , without
giving Brown any chance for un explana
tion , commenced u murderous assault upon
him , beating him into Insensibility with beet
bottles and cutting his head and face in n
frightful manner. The mulatto then lied
and Brown was picked up apparently dead ,
Ho did notfully it-gain his senses for a quar
ter of an hour. Dr. Williams , who dressed
the wounds , says Brown narrowly escaped
being killed. Walker looms in the old citj
hall , but has not yet been arrested ,
IVto McAllister's Grime.
Ofllcor Bonllold , of Chicago , arrived in
Omaha last evening after Pete McAllister ,
who was art ested hero Monday and held on t
telegram fiom that place. McAllister was
under indictment lu Chicago several month'
ngo on several charges of burglary , bnl
jumped his bail when Lyman Anderson am'
KmilGehrlg wiuocontirtod of criminal as
eault and sentenced to eight years each in tin
penitentiary. May Celtic , a servant in tin
family of Mr. Peikms , living at No. 34
Volmor avenue , was the victim , and tliret
men , of whom McAllister is said to have boei
the leader , participated In the ciimo. On tin
night of August 10 May Cottie was walkin ;
with her beau near the corner of Thirty second
end and Dashicl streets , when three men win
claimed to bo policemen frightened the love :
away and then brutally used the girl as the ;
willed. Anderson was first arrested and con
victed. Tlii-n a man named Jolm W Knmpi
wus arrested , but pi oval his innocence
( lOhrig's arrest aud sentence followed , am
it was while tlio last named was on ti ial tha
MeAlllstcr rim away. Though ho will b
taken to Chicago on the burglvry charge , h
will undoubtedly be tried fortno more senou
crime of rape. Mr Bonlield will lenvo fo
Chicago with hU prisoner this morning.
Ilound Over Kor Burglary.
Al Williams , charged with burglary , waive
examination when arraigned for tiial yestei
day and was put under $ .2,000 bonds-Jto uppou
before the district court. There seems to b
conclusive proof thai ho is ono of the gun
connected with the numerous burglaries I
the city on the night of November 1. H I
positively known that ho is responsible fu
the entering of Fred Sedobrlnd's resident
mid the abstraction of a watch , poekotboo
and other in tides. Ho also has the credit c
btcakhijf into Mrs. Uoloy's residence an
stealing a gold watch and two coats froi
Kdwuril Cane.
Kuu Over By the Cars.
'homiis Connolly , a driver of ono of Ja
( lean's ci press wagon ? , met with an accidci
at the Union Pacillu railway crossing at mil
night last night that may cost him , one of h
legs , If not his life. Connolly was standlti
on ono of the many tracks , and ut the tire
considerable switching was being dono. Fal
ing to observe a Car that was heir ; bnckc
down , be wa , struck and thrown under tl
which uuscd over tils left Ipb'bctwec
the knee and thigh. The unfortnnato man's
cries of anguish and pain brought to his as-
plstnnco a number of train employes , who
tenderly carried him to the depot and the po-
lleo patrol wagon was summoned. Tlio seri
ousness of his Injury would not pornilt of his
being conveyed In that vehicle , so a litter
was procured and Connolly wus moved bv
careful and considerate hands to St. Joseph's
hospital , whole ho received medical attention.
The German Knlr.
The Interest In the German fair stlll on-
tlnucs , the attendance last evening being
larger than any evening previous. The con
cert was the great feature last night. The
tnusto was furnished mainly by the Union
Pacific band and Prof. Stuinhauscr's orches
tra. The Zither club played a couple of
selections , which were warmly received , and
Miss Bertha Stelnhnuser sang In her usual
charming mnnner the beautiful solo , "Flour
des Alp. " The holders of lucky raffle tickets
last evening were Mr. H. Poniy , Miss Lulu
Pcycko , Miss Clara Snyder , Mr. Andiesou ,
Mr. Henry Kummcrow and Mr. C. Metz.
The voting on the awarding of the gold-
headed cuno to the most popular brewer con
tinued with great Interest. At the close of
the evening tlio votes stood , Mctz 407 , Krug
8(11. ( Tlio fair continues this evening and
will end to-morrow night with a grand ball.
Ancnt the Fair Ground Blnre.
The directors of the fair association
are still busily engaged figuring up their
losses. Before the exact figures can be ar
rived ut they must get the plans and specifi
cations of the floral hall , and as the architect
who Jruw them Is absent from the city , it
will bo some days before the real loss is as
certained. However , enough has been learned
to show that the full sum cannot fall much
balow $1 ,000. Some of the fair olllcials have
been in consultation with the authorities of
the Missouri Puclflc milroad , and it is a , cer
tainty that if matters cannot be satisfactorily
adjusted by arbitration , that n big damage
suit will boon. The fair association has not
been lillo and has such testimony accumu
lated as seems to conclusively point to the
oiigin of the flio.
A limiting Mill.
Anna Ewing and Mary Duncan , colored
damsels , ngcd fourteen and twelve respec
tively , had a pitched battle on Ninth street
yesterday morning , which attracted a motely
crowd of two or three hundred people. The
ptcls fought two or three rounds very grace
fully , Anna closing ono of Mary's eyes , and
Mary petting back In peed shai > o on Anna's
nose. Finally they clinched , and the calico
and wool was lining at a promiscuous rate
when an olllcer happened along and assisted
the pugnacious girls to tlio police court. Ow
ing to their youth , they were allowed to depart -
part witli nothing moro than a very severe
Octolicr Pnstoflloo Business.
The report for October of Postmaster Gal
lagher shows a handsome- Increase of busi
ness. During the month 1,255 registered let
ters woto delivered ; OMlb25 other letters ;
115,242 postal cards ; 000,139 nowspapeis , cir
culars , oto. AKo 114,041 local letters and
3.)3b7l ) > mail Ic'.iors collected ; 77,570 local and
110,207 mail p .stal cauls collected , and 40,073
newspapeis , etc. , collected. Tlio sales of
stamps duiing October amounted to $12-
( VH 24 and of stamped envelopes $ . ' ' ,949.39.
Tliis is an incicase of about $1,000 over the
pievious month.
lilt Him AVitli : t Billy.
Jolm Sullivan , a biakcman en tlio B. & M.
approached William Mullen , a fellow rail-
loader yestei day muinlng on Tenth street
and wanted to boriow $2 Miller couldn't
accommodate him , and without anypiovo-
catlon , Sullivan smashed him in the face
with a billy. Sullivan stood up before Judge
Beika and pleaded that heu"t too drunk to
kuow what ho was doing. He got u line of
{ . ) aud costs and lUteen dais to sober up in.
Hit By a Cocoanut Machine.
Harry Hensley , a bright little boy , son of
Mr. Hensley , of the government headquar
ters , was painfully injured yesterday at
Peycke's , on stii'et. In taking
down a eoco.mul machine fiom a shelf the
article slipped and fell , striking him on the
luck of the head and inflicting a largo gash ,
from which the blood flowed freely.
George HelmiMHl.
Gcorgo Hoimrod , well known in this city ,
is expected to nri ive in New York to-day or
to-morrow. He sailed sailed by the Uugia
from Hamburg on the 23rd of last month ,
and will be in Omaha in less than a week.
His wile and childicn remain for another
j ear in Gcimany , where the latter are at
tending school.
Mangletl By a Dog.
The little eight-year-old son of Mr. H. P.
Anderson , of Twenty-eighth and Dodge
sticets , was horribly mangled by a dog be
longing to Frank Attimin. The animal at
tacked the boy on the street , threw him
down , and toro some very painful wounds in
the lleshy pait of his legs. The ferocious
brute was diiven oit , and promptly killed by
Mr. Attman. '
The Scat oy CHHO.
Yesterday morning County Attorney
Sinicrol said that ho had been notified by the
supreme court of this sUUo that his petition
relative to tlio Soavey case had been received
and that botli ho and Judge Lake would be
heard on the question , on the lOUi of tills
Shot With Ills Month.
W. L. rinch was in a hilarious mood when
ho went into the Union Pacific depot last
night. There was no end to his "CURI
words" and abuse , and ho expressed an In
tention of shooting cveiybody in sight. The
depot policeman guthcicd him in und ho was
locked up.
Thumped a Saunngc IVddlcr.
John Dlshop enjoyed a bounteous weiner-
wurst lunch , and when asked by the pcdJlci
to liquidate for the same , John , although he
hud $10 in his inside pocket , tcfuscd to settle
and battered the physiognomy of the weiner
wurst dealer. Ofllccr LJrady arrested thi
pugnacious fellow.
Arrested For IJloody Threats.
Mrs. Susan Niisllng swore out a warran
for the arrest of Con Hrenuan , who , she says
has tlucutcnod tlmo and again to murder hci
and her whole family. Uiennan was gath
ercd in but in Iho afternoon ho was dismissed
Tom Ormsliy Dying.
' Jailor Tom Otmsby is lying in a critlca
condition at St. Joseph's hospital with In flam
inatiou of the bowels. The chances of re
covcry are exceedingly slim.
Iowa Tenohorrt 111 Town.
About thirty Iowa teachers arrived la thi
city yesterday mid are visiting the Omani
Ontario's Grain Yiold.
TOHONTO , Nov. 4. The November report o
Iho Ontario bureau of industries states tha
the j iold of full wheat is 14,440,011 bushels
being 3,130,531 bushels lens than lust year
spring wheat 5,053,117 bushels , against 9,518
.Vv'l hist year ; bailey 17,141b30 bushels , 2,377 ,
4 is less than last year. The oats crop Ls cat
mated at 4y&l8,10l bushels , against toGC5C , , < ]
r bushels last year.
Reduced ItittcH Again.
ST. PAUL , Nov. 4. At their meeting hoi
to-day the freight .representatives of tli
loads to Chicago undid their work of yeatc ,
day In advancing wheat rates to 10 cents , e
that , as it now stands , the old rate , 7) ) { cent
will hold. Another meeting will bu he ]
Children Cry for Pitcher's ' Castorla ,
'Wlien r. by was sick , wo'cavo her Cutoria.
Wlien she waa a Child , the cried ( or CaitorUk ,
Whra t-lio became Was , aha clung to OutorU ,
Vitifn she liatl CUR Jrtn , the cam them Cajtorta ,
Kxcltcincnt Over tlio Dlnnppcnranco
ul' n Missouri Karinor.
Mnxito , Mo. . Nov. 4. Thcro is ( rrcntoc-
cltcinont nmonp fanners living southwest of
this city over tliu mysterious dlsnppenrnnco
of Ira Mllll 'im , ono of their number , who
BtflnJs high In tlio community and who , It Is
fenred , has licen ifiunlereJ. Yesterday cftcr-
noon Mr. Mllllgati , on approaching his house ,
saw a trump trying to get lu nt n window.
The trnmp wonted something to cnt , nnd the
oWner of the house told him there worn none
of his family at homo and thiit thuro was
nothing cooltcd. The tramp Insisted on
point ? into the house , when Mr. Mllllgun
drove him from his premises. The vnernnt
resisted , nnd ns a lost resort Mr. MIUlKim
landed him in the road by a kick. The tramp
left , swearing vengeance. His family being
away on a visit , Mr. Mllllgan went to
the residence of a neighbor , n Mr. Kline , half
a milo this side , for his supper. To this gen
tleman and his family Mr. Million related
the occurrence noted above and tlio tramp's
threat , after which ho returned to his homo
for the night.
Mr. Kllno had occasion to go to MilHgan'a
house about 8 o'clock this morning and was
chstoundcd to llnd the house broltcn open , the
clothing ho had taken oft upon rotlrlng last
night lying whom ho had loft it. but the
owner not at homo. A largo fence stake was
lying by the bed nnd signs of uscufllowcra
appntcnt. Upon entering , Milllgnn's story
of the night before Hashed Into hla mind. A
search was Immediately Instituted , but Mr.
Mllllgun could not bo found , nnd foul ploy Is
strongly suspected. The country is now be
ing scoured. The A. O. CJ. W. ledge to which
ho belongs will send out u searching party if
the sheriff nnd neighbors fall to find a clew
to his whereabouts.
Outraged n Child.
n \tTlMOHK , Md. , Nov. 4. President Good
win , of the society of the protection of chil
dren from Immorality nnd crime , caused a
sensation to-day by reporting to the execu
tive commltteo that ho know of n girl only
thirteen years of nge , now at the Children
and Nursery hospital , who had n child two or
thrco weeks old. The girl said she had been
forced by threats made by the man who em
ploye \ her to submit to his wishes. Ho ref -
f used to dlvulgo any names , but the repoi ters
hunted up the case und found In the
young mother a handsome llltlo
brunette. She is no moro than a
child herself. Her name is Emily Hlnncho
King , end she Is the daughter of Mrs. George
Hassctt , of this city , by a second husband.
AVhcn but seven years old she was given in
care of Uenumin ] Gibson , a married man
with no children , who lived in Culvert
county. She was brought to her mother last
Juno by Gibson's father-in-law , when Mrs.
liussett learned of her condition. The girl ,
when picssod , said that her employer hud
forced her to submit. Mr. Hassctt weut to
sec the marshal of police , but he had no
Jurisdiction. It was then placed In the so
ciety's hands.
A Minister Slioots Himself.
FAHitiAW.T , Minn. , Nov. 4. Hov. Erick L.
Peterson , pastor for many years of the Scan
dinavian Ediscopal church , of this city , com
mitted suicide this morning by shooting him-
sell through the heart with , a revolver. Ac
cording to the testimony at the coroner's in
quest , It appeared that Peterson had told u
friend that ho was having trouble with his
wife , she licensing him of being false to his
marital vowf > . A Miss Peterson testified to
having a conversation with the deceased o
few moments prior to the shooting. Ho had
said :
11 Will you marry mo , or won't you ! "
Shu had replied , "No , I won't , " and turned
and left.
Soon afterward the pistol shot was heard.
A week before ho hud threatened to ix > ison
himself if she refused to marry him. Mrs.
Peterson , the widow , testified that ho had
told her that if ho could not get u divorce
niul marry Miss Peterson ho should commit
suicide. Uov. E. Wilson said that Peterson
had claimed that his wife was ono of the
girls he had prepared for confirmation and
that lifo with her wus unbearable. His wife
had charged him with stopping drinking to
please Miss Petcison.
The Circus Again AV rocked.
INDIANAPOLIS , Nov. 4. Old John Robin
son's circus train , which met with the acci
dent in St. Louis yesterday , had another
piece of ill-luck to-day. Four coaches wcro
derailed on the Yandalia line , near Brazil ,
Ind. , anil several persons were badly bruised.
The pecuniary loss will reach $100,000.
Itnilrond Consolidation.
CHICAGO , Nov. 4. The consolidation of the
Chicago & Eastern Illinois road and its var
ious branches been successfully accom
plished und the old officers re-elected. It is
thought now the consolidation of this system
with the Chicago & Indian Coal railway com
pany will soon bo consummated.
Steamship Arrivals.
NKW Yonic , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram to
the BEP. . ] Arrived The State of Nebraska
fiom Glasgow and the Ems from Bremen.
SOUTIUIIMOX , Nov. 4. Arrived The
Lcurilnm from New York for Amsterdam.
LONDON , Nov. 4 . Arrived The Milanese
from Boston.
Wild Geono la Dakota.
A correspondent from Hiirrisburg1 ,
Dakota Territory , writes : For the in-
forimition and , perhaps , honelitof sportn-
mun I will give a. very faint description
of what wo are daily witnes-Hintf of the
grixnd armies of thostronK-winged blrdH
whoso name heads this letter. Of the
variety known further south as wild
pceso , the "honkora , " as they are called ,
from the peculiar cry when on the wing ,
wo bee largo numbers. A great mau.v
ot thubo ncbt and breed about the small
lakes in our neighborhood , and people
often take the eggs and hatch them
under domestic birds , either gccbo or
hens. Besides these thorn are the
brantj a smaller , grny goose , nnd the
beautiful snowy geese. Of thebc
last there poems to bo n < 5
limit to numbers. The ait
is almost constantly filled with thoii
noleb , und ono can bcarcoly look up at
the sky which is wonderfully wide
from tliobo highlands without booing
Hocks of those magnificent birds wheel
ing across it in ono direction or another.
No mathematics yet invented could
enumerate the hosts that have HO far
appeared. Instantaneous photograph1
is the only method by which any truth
ful representation can bo given of thoii
hosts. Wo rode out , a day or twosineo ,
to liio lake ( Wamhuska. sometimes
called Stump luko. ) The day was one
of the mellow , golden , bracing , thor
oughly enjoyable days that Octobci
sometimes brings oven to you pooi
dwellers amid the mists nnd damps ol
Indiana , but to us ho ia lavish ol sucl
treasures during hov entire roign. Al
the day and the dayt before ono canno' '
toll for how long llockn on Hocks o
guoso , in countless numbers , wore sail
ing overhead in ran. s nnd clusters o
ranks , some dark andbome snowy white
with black-tipped wings. They an
congregating about our beautiful lake
probably making prllmlnury arrange
montsfor their southern llight. Tin
whole blue vault , which showed ni
cloud , was lined in every direction b ;
ranks of snowy birds. The aftornooi
sun shone full upon brilliant plumage
ago , tingolng it a full golden color , thai
which no bird ol paradise could be mor
dazzling ; nnd the vast numbers o
wing of shining , gold-hued hosts mad
ono of the finest sights that ono coul
behold. I never saw anything to equn
it. When wo came in full view of th
lake , vrhero there are several mile
of water in sight , there was another re
inarkablo surprise for us. If the canojj
above was full of Hying birds the sui
face of that long stretch of gllstenin
water was a hundred times mores <
Along the further shore and far ot
from land there rrero thousands <
geese floating so close together that on
saw'uo glimmer'of water between then
Mtdtfay between the shorca islands i
goose floated , but appeared to the ob
servers on the high banks Hko still , ! n-
nnlmnto earth , covered with a fresh
fall of snow. Sportsmen were crouching
hero and thero'k..bohind clumps of
bushes , and every now and then n rlflo
shot echoed along'"tho woodland ; but
what were a few ftportsnion among such
multitudes of birdSy ,
How Pat Ucrinmo n Mummy.
Albuquerque Ciltacn : About two
years ago a IKKH ; . unfortunate named
Foley died In thiq'pjly. Ho was without
money or friends-niid his death hardly
created a ripple in the ovory-day cur
rent of local lifo. His body was em
balmed by old man Morrison , who was
conducting an undertaking shop in the
city at the time. No ono appeared to
claim Foloy's cadaver , nnd , tiio county
refusing to pay the expense of em
balming nnd burial , Morrison kept the
body , and it turned to n beauti
ful mahogany color , and bade fair to
last forever. When Morrison moved to
El Paso ho took the relic of Foley along
as ono of Iho household wares and
ponatos. Not mooting with success at
El Paso , the embalmer moved on west
ward to San Diego , taking Foley along.
At the latter place a bright thought
penetrated Morrison's brain , no less a
ono than exhibiting Foloy'a body as a
"Mexican mummy , dug from one of the
sacred mounds of the Aztecs , and of un
known antiquity ; admission 10 cents. "
The result is that Foley is visited by
thousands and Morrison is coining
A AVomnii'B Dispatch.
St. Paul Globe : "I want to send n mes
sage in a great harry. "
The Western Union operator braced
himself for a "rush" message.
"It's "
to Chicago.
"Well , wo have an open wire to Chi
cago. "
"Can you scud it right away ? "
"Yes , madam. "
"Well Emma's ' sick
, you see , baby's
nnd Charlie is away on a trip. "
"Well , what shall I say , madam : "
"You sec , I can't just think whcro ho
is. Do you know'/ "
The operator had to admit that ho did
"Well , suppose you send it to Chi
cago. "
"Well , suppose you do. Where is
ho ? "
"Havo you got a Chicago directory
"Yes , ma'am , " handing it to her.
"I am afraid I have forgotten the
address. "
"What business is ho in ? "
"I don't know ; ho makes a good liv
ing , though. Don't you think a telegram -
addressed to Chicago would reach
gram "
"I'm afraid not. "
"Well , then , I'll go homo and find
out his address. Can vou tell mo the
nearest car that will take mo homo'/ "
"No , ma'am , I canpot. "
"Well , it seems queer to me that you
telegraph operators 7 don't know any
thing. " "
Appearance or Kill Nyc.
Now York Commercial Advertiser :
Bill Nye , the humorist , has a bald head ,
just as the illustrated papers represent.
Nye is u good-humorou humorist , oven
on occasions when ho is not on exhibi
tion. Murk Twain's humor is not per
ennial. Bill Nye is' genial to news
paper men , but MarkTwain refuses oven
to see a reporter. Nye is very dandy lied
in his dress , and in that resect the
nrtist does him nn _ injustice. The writer
hereof saw Nye in Major J. 13. Pond's
ollleo recently , getting in harness to go
on the road lecturing. Ho wore a slouch
hat , navy blue , to match his suit. His
head was so sleek that if a lly lit on it it
would slip like a man who has troaden
on a banana peel. His face is a jocose
continuation of his billiard ball cranium ,
and when in repose it has no humorous
lines , noradiantangles and no Hogarth-
ian earmarks of genius. But let him
smile , and then the box of Pandora is
opened , and the curtain rolls up. His
eyes twinkle with merriment , and the
gold-rimmed spectacles that bridge his
aquiline nose drop down a space or two.
' tout-onsomblo is . Ho
Nyo's - good. wears
a jaunty suit of dark , navy blue llanncl ,
cut in the latest Parisian style , and a
pair of toothpick-toed patent leather
shoes. Ho is a kind parent , a warm
friend , and never refuses to help his
fellow countrymen.
Coughed Up an Hcl.
BUFFALO , N. Y. , Oct. 31. Henry
Steiner coughed up a nineteen
ounce eel this afternoon. Ho fainted
when ho saw it and is now in a very
weak condition , but out of danger. The
eel is sixteen inches long and a
perfect lish with the exception of
the eyes , which are wanting. The
mouth is very long und shaped like that
ol a sucker fish. Last December
ritoinoi' , who is a wood-carver , thirty-
one years old , drew u pail of water from
the city hydrant on Lemon street , near
his house , and drank a glassful. In
swallowing ho felt u lump about the sio
of a hazelnut pass down his throat.
Two months later ho began to suffer the
mast terrible cramps andstomnch pains ,
which have continued until to-day.
Dr. John Hotel and his son , Micluul ,
treated Steiner successfully for neural
gia of the heart , gastritis , dyspepsia and
tapeworm , administering morpheno
when the pain was severest. A week
nge the strongest emetic failed tooffec't.
Steiner became convinced that ho had
a tapeworm , and by the advice of his
motiier-in-law , bought a , quart of
whisky yesterday and went to bed
drunk. Thin noon when ho arose ho
was in terrible agony , and about 2
o'clock the eel appeared from his mouth
head first. The fish did not lacerate
his throat. It was in a stupid condition
when placed in water , but soon wiggled
around and lived four hours.
Furs this winter willitoa worn only in the
shape of mufts and bous. The latter uio very
long , reaching nearly to Iho feet.
The Importance ol purlfjlng the blood can
not ho overestimated , for without pure
Wood you cannot enjoy good health.
At thh season nearly erery ono needs a
good medicine to r Hfy , vitalize , and enrich
Uie blood , and Hootl'a Sarsaparllla la worthy
your confidence. It U peculiar lu that U
strengthens and biilliU tip the systew.ereatei
an appetite , anil tones tlio digestion , VfUll *
It eradicates dlsemo. Olve It a trial.
" J Hood's Sarsajiarllh Is sold by all dmggLiU.
0 I Prepared by C. I. llood & Co. , Lowell , Mass.
5ir lOO ppcos Qno Dollar , .
Through ( Jin a ha When Orns
Urowtnu on the Streets ,
The Trnrols of Mr. 11. K. Brown , of
Council Ilium * Omaha Twelve
Yonrs AUK The JllKh AHIttulo of
Colorado , Mo. , &o.
"VcVsnld Mr. II. F. Tlrown to our reporter ,
ycslonlav , nt his coiy homo In Council HlulN ,
" 1 nin a Now Yorker , but left that stnto about
twelve years a o. 1 took lluruco Oreoloy's ad-
vlcoanu went est. I passed through Onmlm ,
then only a vlllngo , wltn gross growing on the
stieets ; I vent to California , worked tlu-ro n
long lime , then started e st its far us Colorado ;
1 settled at J.eiulvlllo and was making plenty of
money , but I had to lea > e there. You see , the
high altitude of Colorado makes It anything but
u paradise for anyone nnilcted with n throat
disease , imd that wns the cause of my leaUng
there. My son. 1'mnklo , wiw siiirorlntr terribly
vlth that aful disease , catarrh , and had It In
tlio tliroat find head very bad ; he would have
an awful pain over his eyes. At night , white
asleep , the puln would bo BO bad as to dm e the
little fellow almost crazy ; ho would wnko np
and cry out , 'Tako that horse olt niy head' : ho
milrered terribly ! ho would have a trickling
fiom his nose Into tha back of his throat contin
ually , as ho described It , 'Just like a sticam
of water. " I had him treated by sotnoof the
best physicians In Colorado , but they could do
nothftiK for htm. At last , ono of them told me I
would have to take him to another climate or It
would soon lend to consumption , I took his ad-
vlco and left Colorado , although I \ > as making
plenty of monny there. I came east as far us
Count II IllulTsaiid settled heru almnt one year
a 'o. Bomo Unto since 1 noticed the advertise-
mentsof lrs. J lcCoy and Henry , and told my
wife she had better take Krnnkte over and see
them. HMo took htm to their olllce In the Itamire
lllock and'had him placed on treatment about
one month ngo , and to-day ho Is almost as well
as cTer. Ho 1ms no more pains In his hend , and
sleeps all ulsht. He lias no more trickling lu
the back of his throat , and goes to school eory
day. "
"How old Is lYankllo , now/ " Inquired the
Hcilbe , noticing the bright and intelligent little
boy who was with bin father. "He was t elxo
years old yesteiday. " answered Sir. llronn , who
resides at No. 1118 Se\cuth tueime. Council
llluirn , Iowa , who will cheerfully coiroborato
the above to anyone doubling It.
The following statement regarding Drs. Mc
Coy and Henry Is made upon good authority :
"Kincr Iliexe eminent i > ) iltf | / < nn litnebtm in tnt
next , tlitu have tieatra aiul cuitd incr
mid rnsca nf catarrh anil clirnnlc tlirnat and litna
tnmblif , and of tliene eiifen * ) jxr cent had been
declared and pronounced Incuiafilc. "
The Symptoms Attending that Ulnoftip
Wlilch tinaclH to Consiiinpilon.
\Vhcn catarrh haa existed In the head and the
upper part of the throat for any leiiKth of time
the patient living In a ilNUlct ulu-ie pvoplu
are suuject to catiurlial direction and the ills-
case has been left unrured. tlio catarrh Invari
ably , sometimes nlowly. extends do n the wind-
) llo and Into the bronchial tubes , which tubes
convey the air Into the different pails or the
.ungs. 'I ho tubes beuimo uirti-ti-d fiom the
i\\ulllug and the mucous arising from catarrh ,
mil. In some Instance- ) , become plu gi'd up , so
hat the air cannot n < 't In as fre"lus It "honld.
Shortness of breath follows , and the p.itlent
breathes with labor and dllliculty.
In either rase thuro Is a bound of i racklliiR
idwheezlnic Inside the chest. At thlb stiiKO of
.ho disease the breathing la usually more lanld
Jian when In health. Tlio patient had also not
flashes over his body.
The pain which aci nmpanles this condition is
of a dull character , felt in the chest , bthlnd the
bi asl iHinoorundir the nhoulder blaile. The
p.iln may como and KO last a few days and
then bo absent for several others. The cough
tluit occurs In the flrst stages of bronchia ! ( a-
tiirrh is dry. tomea on at intervals , hacking in
character , and Is usually most troublesome in
tlio mornlnK on rising , or BoliiK to bed at nlKht ,
and it may bo in the llrst evidence of the disease
extending Into the IIIIIKS.
Sometime" there are Ills of congliinK Induced
by the toiifh .micus HO violent as to cause vom
it Inc. Later on the mucus that is raised Is
found to contain small particles of yellow matter -
tor , which indicates that the small tubes in the
luiiKS are now affected. With this there are of-
len slreaks of blood mixed \ \ 1th the mucus. In
some cases the patient becomes very pale , has
'ever , aud expcctorales before any cough ap
In some cases small raassea of cheesy sub-
slanco are hpitup.whlch. w hen pressed butw een
the tinners , emit a bad odor. In other cases par
ticles of a hard , clm'i y nature are spit up. The
raising of < heesy or chalky lumps indicates se
rious mischief at work In the IUIIRS.
in some cases catarrh will extend into the
lungs Inn few weeks ; In other cases it may bo
months , and ein years , before the disenso at
tacks the lniiRS sufficiently to cause salons in
terference with the general health. When the
disease has de\ eloped to such a point the pa
tient is said to hav catarrhal consumption.
\Vlth Ti onihlal catnrrh theie is more or less
fever which differs with the dlffeit-nt paits of
thn day slight In the morning , higher in the
afternoon and evening.
What It Moans , How It Acts , and
What It ID.
Von sneeze whcu you get up In the morning
you Iry to sneeze your nose otr every time you
aio exposed to the least draf tof nlr. You havfi
a fullness over the front of the forehead. a < id
the nose feels as If Ihero was a plug In each HOB-
trll , which you cannot dislodge. You blow your
nosn until your ears crack , but It don't do any
good , and the only result is that you succeed in
getting up a very red nose , and > ou so irritate
the lining membrane of organ that you aie
unable to breathe through it at all. This is a cor
rect and not o\erdiawn pictmo of an acute at
tack of catarrh , or "Sneezing Catarrh , " as it Is
Now' , what does Ihls condition indicate ? rirst
a cold that causes mucus to bo pomedout by
the glands in the nose ; thin those dlxi'ivKed
glands am attacked by swarms of little genns
the catarrh genii that In the nlr In a lo
cality wheie the disease is prevalent. These an-
Inmlculae. In their efforts to IIml a lodgment ,
Irritate the sensitive membrane lining of th
nosoiindimtuio undertakes to rid herself of
them by producing a lit of sneering
When tlio nose becomes tilled with thickened
diseased mucus the natural channels for thn In
troduction of air Into the lungs is luteifered
with , and thopfiKonso affected must In-eatho
throuRh the month , and by HUI h means the
throat lifetimes parched and dry , snoring Is
produced , anil Iho cnt jrrhal disease gains ready
acicss lo the Uiroat nd lungs.
Into of Itclluvuo Hospllnl , N. Y. ,
Have Offices
Corner 15th ana Hartley Street * ,
Omnlir. , Nebraska.
\Vhere all curable cases r treated with HUG
res. Medical diseases treated iltllKulIy. Con
fciimptlon , llriht's-lJlseB6 ( , Dyspepsia , Rheu
matism. and all NEKVOOS DisuAnL . All dls
eases peculiar to the sexes a ipeclalty. C.vr.utiti
CUH 1 > *
CosurLTAiiox \ > j
Onic Hour -Otoll .in | 8top.mi TtoSp
m. Bunday included.
Corruipoudenoo receives prompt attentloo.
Slimy dlstiasM we treated iiccesJuUy bPr
McCoy through the malH nd it Is that poMlDii
for those unable to mak a Jourper t6 obtoli
succussful hospital treatment at Uioir horns *
No Utters answered ooUss octompaniea oj 4i
111 ItAlDPfl. '
Add e a all letters to Dr . MoCoy * Ilenry
Hooui 810 and till iUinje JJutlttlnff ,
{ . 0. HOSKtt'ATKH ,
Physician and Surgeon.
Oftlco CU 8. f.'th Ht. , cor. Fnrnnm. Heoldenre , 019
S. 17th St. Oalco telophone. Wi ; icsiileuco
telephone , it.
o. s. jfomvx.v , x. D. ,
Physician and Surgeon ,
Ofllce. N. W. Cor. 14th anil Doiiplns. omco telephone
phone , 4W ; ItPjUlenco telephone , 43.
Surgeon and Physician.
Oalco N. W Corner 14th and iKniglns Bt. Office ,
lolephone. 4K > { Hcslilcnco telephone , TiGa.
JAS. It. I'UAUOUr it. D
Physician and Surgeons.
Reslrencp No. U07 Jonri St. Olllco. WlthnoH
lllk. Telephone , renldance , 1 > ; oQlce , bl" ,
S. T , nALVttlDQK , JD. . ,
Physician and Surgeon ,
Office , Cor. 15th nnd rixrnnm'Sts. Residence,2C21
Knnmm St. Hours , 0 to II a. m. , 2 to 5 p. m.
J. V. CORNISH , Jf. D. ,
Physician and Surgeon.
Cor ath ) nml Lnko 8U.
Attortioy a. _ _
Attorney at Law ,
320 S. loth St. , Omaha.
Funeral Director and Embalmer ,
111 North lull Street ,
Under the Management of
Attention plven to Keneial prartlre and Mir.
Ki ry. Also treat chronic andpilxnte diseases-
Office Alw aj s Open. Consultation Kreo.
Veterinary Surgeon
Oraduatoof the Royal Collepo of VetcilnarySnr-
tRcuus , London , Kngland
Ofllco Huckcjo lUru and lloi&o shooliiB Estab
lishment.U ) 8. lt th St. Telophouo 841.
Leading Specialty House in
01 $ ,
Costumes , Jackets , SeaLskiu
and Fur Lined Garments.
Is in Charge of Mrs. Ilubor-
Our Dressmaking De
partment ,
Presided Over by Madame
Sugnet , of Paris.
. . 1518111 IS
and SATIS ,
Is second to none as to prices and
qttaiitic , , and io/im j/ow arc out
shnnplniifor Silks , l'cluctst IVii/ -
cs or Sat Ins , tec ante an { nsi > cc'lon
of our loeli. ll'c ii'lll quote a few
of the many bargains thattvaaro
showing in this department !
Colored Gros Grain Silks at 50c , 75o ,
niul ? 1. All colors ut cnclt price.
Colored Satin IJltadnmcs nt 75c mill
$1. Extra vnlue nt each price.
Colored Surah Silks at 75c and $1 , in
all colors , including evening
shades , at each price.
Black Gros Gi nin Silks nt $1 , 91.25 ,
$11Q , 81.50 , § 1.75 and J2. Every
3'aid guaranteed.
Jilaelc Silk Rliadnmes nt SOc , § 1 ,
Black Surah Silk at 75c , § 1 and 1.30
Fancy Trimming Velvets from 75cto
A complete line of two toned Bvocado
Velvets and Satins.
Extra value in Plush at $1.15 per
yard , in nil colors.
All colors in Satins nt 50c and 75.
We gladly give &amples for lotn-
pnrison , as we defy competition oi >
& CO.
1319 Farnam Street.
Send for samiiles , 11V j > re > > aj/ ex
press cliuryvH on all goods ordered
by mail.
For the next ten days , all wool overcoats at M
and upwards. Mens1 suits , all wool , $1.75 up
wards. Mens' rants , all wool. We upwards.
L. IiEVI & CO. ,
No. 316 S. 13th St. , 3 Doors S. of Farnam
Office iiml roMiU'iico rimm IT , Arlington lllock , 1
] > mlin M , tlrMbnllilliig west of poatofllio.
lult'pliunu KM.
Merchants' National Ilanfc Dulldtng. Room 1.
Telephone No. ; i7ii , Omaha , Nebraska.
rhirnlx. Ixindon , Knijland . $ fiT2n.T74.18
Firemen's , Newark , N. .1 . 1WV4.H.V1 .11
( Hen's Kails , Olen's 1'alN , N. Y . 1.4 ! . ' "OI4
filrarrt , I'hilartelphla , I'a . l,8ffJSOH.70
Westcliester , Now York. N. Y . LfU3.iWO.CO
( Succcasois to John O. Jacobu. )
Undertakers and Einhlmers
At the old stand , 1407 Vain.un Bt. Ordeis by tele
graph boliclted and promptly attended to.
Telelciihono No. 23.
Tine cabinetwork a upeclalty. Telephone CCO.
209 Scnth Sixteenth Street.
Utcry Uily who dctitea ptrfccuon In Mylc inii lorm
lu > uiil weir Ilirm. Manufactured only bv the
Woric lcr , Mats. , and 2iB Market lliect , Cliiciga
.n iicii iMd F j '
Uilx > onhl i > Imliv .
: . p IO |
TIQM ifulll T < ! l l >
111 U tet nd"l ' " .
it , , ha wMki * r i.
. . .
SchlUlM Cent CMK8UI. Pvtiott. UAfc