Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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    " I - - - . : . ' , . . . - . . , . S - . ' '
I" .
Vandorvoort'B Blackguardlam Dia-
4 played at a Ward Mooting.
The MOtC to Secure tlic National Ho-
pubilcan Convention-Mt. Paul
OflIcla1 In Town-A Iloziie-
Mender Itublied.
, A harking Cur.
\Vedtiwduy evening I'nul Vnndcrvoort
nadrcetl about fifty trninps and hoodlums ,
Zflofttly from the Third ward , This chuniiilon
. blackguard and wlnd.bng went outof his vuy
to abuse several reputable eltlzciis , especially
Judge Luke , because that gentleman presided
ovel. the recent citizens meeting. The assault
Oh Judge Lake was 5IIIlll.h outrageous. Vati.
dervoort assailed the non.partlsan udkla1
( 'an tI Idates In an eqtialiy villainous iiiiniiicr.
Estlie , JJalluu IIIId Hancock , the straight ie
; iublican caiidklates , were present , and up.
lILLUlCl these niulicious attacks. Yntider-
voort applauded the late Dick Curry for hay-
Jag muiderotisly assaulted the editor of the
lhii : : . lie said that Curry should have becit
1lflCl iflstciiI ( of having bceii sent to the
PenitentiarY. Estellu he lauded to the
Bkies as an honest iiiitti arid a brilliant lav-
ycr. Siictt a tirade us that delivered by Piiiil
\taIIIlerblIIn vhlI iiiilo ; no votes for his ciii-
ployers , Ihithlou , Estehie and hlaticock. 'I'Iiey
shioiihth muzzle that baricitig cur.
Another Htel ) Taken to Secure it for
At a meeting of the board of trade and
. , representative citliens , to take step
to secure the holding of the iiext na-
- tiotiul reitubhican convention iii this city , the
following gentlemen were present : Messrs.
l3echcl , Wheeler , Meyer , \Vukelhcld , Lowery ,
linscahl , Taylor , Manwiile , Bailey , Test ,
Lindsey and Uosewater , auth Church Howe ,
of Auburn , Neb. Max Mevcr , acted us chairman -
man , and Iztjor Vieelcr ) ofllciuted us secre-
tary. Mr. howe , who Is a member of the
national republican coiiiinitteo , said that nt.
vithstanding Ciiiciiinatl , titiiietpohis and
other cities were mnlciiig an effort to secure
tiw convention , lie thought Otiiaha's chances
of success were favorable. Ito suggested
t hilt a ( OhlilIlitteC of representative citizens
be selected to lilitce the iiiitttcr before the cx-
cciitivo comniittce on the Sth sf iiext iiionthi
I \\'itsh ingt on , and that a guaranty should
be raiseti to defray the necessary expenses.
. General 'I'est rcuuil a letter ad.
- dressed to thin national rehuhhiiuiu ,
committee , setting forth a nuiniber of facts
- ) 'ertulnlilg to Onuuihiui and urging reasons
why this city shiouhil he selected as the
. lhitt ) for the holding of the next repubhic.un
uuatiouial convention.
Thin docuriueut was a leiughithiyonc , rind tins
S mid other rea.ouis was nhjectcul to by several
genthenien present. it was huossessed if
. iiicuit , however , itiiillessrs. . losewater ,
liiudsey and ' 1'IVl ( ) \Ve10 uppo in ted a comm itS -
tee to revise iuiud report it in amended form
S at time mmcxt riitctiiig.
' 1iie co-ojierutinim of Chiurt'hi Ilowc was re-
S quested in the iiiovo vhi ichm is to be mimade upon
the iuuit lomial common ittec.
S 'i'hic COIIIIliittCc mahjoiirmieml to ameot this
C.I3I I iig at I he hoard iii , ii us , at
4 7:11) : ) o'clock iuumil cveiy inemmiber of the hocud
itiuti CL1ii(11 ( ) coimiltuittees is extected to be
Itallionil News.
The mnugiuillccimt Private car ' ' \Visconsin , "
of General Idaiiager lihher , of the Chicago ,
? 'dilvmnihnee & St. l'muul mail , togethier withi
, the pmilmuco business car of time -comnImuIIy , ar-
ilved at the Unloim l'aeihlo depot yesterday
mnormiig. riue lmiut.v on board consisted of Ros.
vchl Imlihler , gcncimiI manager ; Frank S.
' Ilonti , vice hrcsIhellt ; .1. ' 1' . Chuck , general
suiiuuimtcident , , , ; 1' . Gimh1cs P. 1) . .Aiflotmu , ,
IUmh A.uun Saimtforti , directors. The pnrt.y
breakfasted mit tIme t'txton , ulid mtftervard , lit
commipany vithiVuliiamn \ . Puxtomi nail Julia
A. 1lcShmmmne , visited several hOiuttS of hiutCi-
est iii the city , afterward going to South
S. Omuuuhma , vIici'e it thiorought inspection of
the stock ymiuds umiud thmo new
packing house in course of constriuctiomu
1li . Van Smuotford stuitcd to mu Bcn reporter
thiat time visit va' withmouut mummy signiilcanco
other tlimuu time oflicimuls were imicrehy "looking
arotniul. ' ' "South ho said , "vihl
futrumishi their romul vitli consitleruuhmlc bumsiiies
iuimd thuey ihesireil to mmsccrtmuiim the best imuethimi
of icuclmhimg It. " Ilr. Aumnoum professed to he
vem.y munch iihcased vith thio uurrangemimeuits
amid smuid I me 'ishme,1 , otrmIt ioiis beguuum emi 1oum.
ii ay a ext 111141 limit litter tiummiu 'I'imestiuiy. ' ' E be-
h icvo , ' ' said h to , ' thuutt Ouuuuihia huts mm great fitS -
S ture before her amid 1 nun pleascd to see time
smacking interest luicicasing here.Vithu
1 these reuumarks hue stepped out boat d thie
sjmecliil , viuich left it few mmiotncumts later for
Sioux City.
lr. liond , time vlco president of the road , Pu
looked uim"n its the prolathie successor of
Alexander lulitehuoli , vhmo died soummo tiino mugo.
A. loumtmoreiici , for uiuuuuty years one of
time macst genial and accoinmumoduutiumg mitt uchics
of time ofilec of Mr. Ilohdrege , grumerul umiutmi-
ngcrof thitu 11. & ST. , humus been hirouumoted frommu
time huositlouu of chief clerk to thimit of geuicumil
ugeuit of the road at Chmoycuumic , the cimnuige to
S take PltL1 November h5.
_ 1 ' ' The Iteturn JhilIe of Sqmiltttek3 iii thue
' , Niobinan Country.
WCLIIICSday vcning after dusk a strangc
craft was tied UI ) to the bank near the Union
Paeilhc bridge. It was ii raftof logs , cite vart ol
which was eoverCd byn storni-uttaincti army
. tent. Bough boards vcro stretched ncrost
S the logs , and on tiueso lay an Indescribabic
variety of veer furmultuire , ) eddiiig tumid house.
hold utensils. The ocelmimahmti sverc
two maca with their wives ama ]
two chulidren. The amumno of one of these
'ivmus .1 tile Tiilson , thmotmgh that of the
other would hot ho thisehoscj. All the
hmumnmuums aboard s'cro shmmtbbity dressed ,
S. . looked its if thmoy iumiul been mucustonued tc
imard times amid one of thme women secuumed dc
jected to an extraordinary degree. Notwithu
stamuiiumg time rotmghmuuess of their muttiro mmd
appearmumee , they secumied to bo lii the enjoy.
ineuit of good hmcmultim. The cause of thie tie.
- jection however , was tim loss of a little one
of thin wommun in question. The chulid y ;
- about six years of age , and prone to soumi
amumutnulisuut.Vhueum the lart' reachmed a Point
ubaut twenty nulles mubovo Sioux City , they
tied UI ) 1OI tIme nighit. The weather becuumnc
cold , and it I thioumghmt rouusett thai little ommo te
IL semai.couiscioutmuess , anti caused her to lcav
her ldrtli maid waumtlr around tha
floor of thme raft , until she fell overimoarmi
She was not missed auth ummoenlumg , 'hmen an
umuuivuiling semmrch svas auntie for her. Siumet
that time time mother hits been cast dovn Ii
sitrit , uuuid the hiusbmtnd fears that she wit
umevel. regain her foruuter disposition. Tin
lmairt' left yesterday at dmuybrumik. They ant
( oil I heir svay to Anlcmtnsuus. 'I'iuey hmmul squuttte
on elating iii Northuenum Nebraska with ii alum
ber of other hucoimlo mmml were crowded ou
uiiout time lautti was taken by legitimate set
tiers. They hmmul ito mooney to buy thme hituit
timid were couumpelled to resort to primal
tive unctuous to get back liouume
'rhoy clmuiuiu thmat a lunge part of the Niobrnmn
eountuy is yet too saumuhy to enmubhe PeoPle b
live upon it amid that certaiuu of the rcsideuuti
hmvo mit lii ItS mutiny as thmrco crops amid no
dumwuu out one-third of a tlcceuut crop. As u
coumimequmeuuco , timero Is a number of eopl
vhmo to return to ohil lmomcs , es
ieeialis its they htavo not time means to wm.U
uuitll the imirovcmneut , of time soil brings with
it the wealth of emoims it hits brotmghit to otlic
sections of the state.
The ? sluurtieied Iiov iuuut ii.
The.lft's : SPCCII1I yesterday ( mom 1)otuglas
\\'vonuitig , told ( if thuo uumurder of J. II. 1iov
man , the funemmtui of time work of sinking am
oil well near tiumttpimucp , for time Oil m1ouum
tstn Potrolcumn counlauny of this city. how
mmman vis unetty svoll jcuiQvn Jt rc , where lu
tOPIOt1 [ o sonic vcelca before goimug tu
Iouglas to ur.durtuico his work , lie Wa
. furty.llvu years old and leaves a vife nun
ttv m chiihdu n at l'ulmmson Chuenango columity
- . 1'cnnIt'turemalus.whti S bebumled at Joug )
Eru8t lirogs.
. . Send Inc your utlIross I will ieun
you an uuortaut luttet. u1. it. UhIL
' 4-S -
. _ .
Ho LeaveN Oluuuthia to Plead With Guy-
ornor Oglesby.
Meeting George Francis Train in the Paxton -
ton hotel rotumuda yesterday time editor of
the 1ftr Inquired what step lie luroimosed to
take next ,
"I am going to leave for Springfield , 1111-
nois , this uctihiedti' . Train ,
4malutl I hi3O5O ) to mimuiko mm imt'rsoumal nppemtl to
amy old friend , Governor Oghesby , in behahf
of time aumarcimkts , "
' 1Ammtl then what tie you propose to dol"
"If the mmuumtrchmists are ) muuugedi smild lie "I
hmteumd to expatriate myself amid go to daum.
ada , I will miot hive In a country that denies
to man thie nigimt of free speech muummi free
thought. "
"That's all noumsense , Mr. Train , " said time
editor of time lieu' , " 'oui houve done tuvery-
timing iii your i'ovcr Iii beimmthfof yotmi' friends.
You mire lighting against great otlchs , mmmi if
yOU fail it is hot your fault. You Immive uuiwuuys
said that fmtttm elmeckmmttes destiny.c huuivo
been fricmnhs for umemurhy tweuuty.flvo years ,
and you know timmit wimihe sommme caustic re-
uuiarks have mmi'i'canm'd ' iii time Bun : , thmeme : vmts
no mnmillco In them or nay Intention to reflect
upon you. You immivo milways shiown yoursehf
a loyal uuuanu mmml especially so durluig time
civil vnr. ou have always spoken boldly
and freely on behummif of civil liberty mmmiii free
speech mill time world over , timid no mamma hits
done mnorc for Omumuimmi thimmum voum immiveVlmut
Is time scmmsc of going to Cumumahmi ? You better
accept time advice ofyoor friend , Cocknihl , amid
return \Immdisoum Square , uuumd If you have
numy leisure we want you to commmmnmunlcate
your obsemvntiomis to time lhum : , mtmmd give
Onmmtlimi time bemmefit of your far-sccimmg suggest -
t mug. I don't tim ink Cutmimtin Is a rcllitnblc ,
utsyhumuui for miii hommest Aimmeriemimi citizen. It
viil do for abscouidtmmg bammlc oflichmls , imbue
officers anti boodlers. Tue Auneniemmmms In
Canmitia are nmostly fugitives frommi justice.
They are a bad hot. "
? lr. ¶ l'nuuiui ieilied in his usual iigimtmimig-ex-
press style : "l'4ycimos mifliruuimitize I'svclmos , I
Amui umfmtid ; Omnmuimmi humom ovcr-Psy'chmoed mel
Portmnnntemuu imachned , uunuil I minim off for Chicago -
cage , calling out old friend Governor Oglesby
mit Springilehul , Stopping day vitii another
olul friend , I'ottcr l'aluuier , mit CImk'tugo. 'l'hmcn
Puhlumumimi's vestibule tniiIn for Madison
Stuurc to see Puhit/er and Cockenlll. Then
I don't know wimmut. I ummimst first see my
daugimter who controls amy Psycho-destiny.
Yes , will svire-gnani IIEE Iuiterestimig eveumts.
Ammy one cmiii type Yesterday amid To-day.
Hut Psychmo ahouue can foreshmmuiow To-tumor-
rov. ThIs dutihy talk svitht Omnahit mummy aniuso
me amid Omnaiuut's friendship checkmate 'cx-
Pmmtlimttiomm. ' I hove umuy cotmntry I have tried
to kcei , back teat's at going away , but nmutum'c
vIl1 talk out alotmil Its occult-ether of electric
life. For Omahuum's iciuidmmcss , amid cotmrteslcs
of Bre , Helmimblicutim , herald , 1Vonld , , News ,
coimneti , boarti of trade , citizens , utecept
Psychio aekumowhetlgcimiemits of ciii friend , who
( no mimmitter wimut takes Iduce ) will miever go
buick on Ounmihma I' '
'I'Ite fohiowimmg "Cahled-flack" hcm from
Coiouucl John A. Cockerill , mnammumgiumg ethitor
of time New York 1Vonhd , amity howe an lumi-
hOt'hlmmt iumilimemuce on Citizen 'maui's future
l'lans. It is \Imulisomi Squmuc gent :
c.ku.LuI ) iutci.
2Viv 1'i,1 , , 1irlil ,
Can it be that 'L'rain is goimig
'L'o the far Cmtnmtmiiuuui shioro ,
Where the IloodhOr builds his Palace
Ostracized fonevermumomet
1Vtmeve thu fleeting Cusiuier ; teacimetu
In mmmi mmliemi Suuimluy tutilommi
A mmd ouu r Al dcummmemm am-c hmumt't'y
Shmowiumg otiuci's hmow to I-Pmlch
Cmiii it he I e I 1 thmit mige aim r imim mice
For the iii1 of Euugiuuumd's hug ,
Sui'iuug t hut omur Natiout's bummtimmg
Is mmmi mm mu tt'gemmcmuttt'il lag I
No I It cutum't be I Fmmtcs hiuevemmt It. !
01 m , oumi 'l'ruti mm is oft' t lme tmmtek.
Com miii , good C it i7cuu , mmmiii ii cute us.
Youi'me fnitgiveui-iuumt commme iack.
I.ttIoN' ) SQutumn Si'.mtutoss.
Time Fair Ntmw 1mm Pi'ogresq to Eu.
eoutumgc it. lit Omummiluut.
Time fmtir for tlio benefit of the German-
Anm 'riean school opened Wethnesdmty In Our-
imiunia hail uuuicler most gratify-hug cireuun-
stmmnccs. 'rlmcm-e was a large mtttendance of
adults , tirnughi it was lumowum uumainty as time
children's night , and mummy' of time little ones
with thicir Imuit-euuts were present , and enjoyed -
joyed time beauty of time decom'atiomms amid. time
display of tOy's and other fammey murtieles. On
either side of thu immuil tables or booths Imuive
been ai'nutumged amid decorated in a buutifu1
nmaumicr. 'l'hoy arc hung vithi a proftmsiomt of
homey articles made by tue immemmubems f time
Germamin Ladies' School mmssoeimttion , wiuich
comnhut'ises mummy of the icuidiug Gerumman mar-
rued ladles , as miiso a imummiber of time irttiest
mmml most taleumted yoummg mules of the city.
Besides , thuere Is it i'ichi tiispiay of useful mint !
oimiamumttitul nut lihes , tiopatcd by immem'eiiuumts
of this city. 'l'luo booth nt which arc ox-
iuilitem , l time fuimucyvonlc of the ladies imus
miuver imeeui exceilemi cithuer in variety or
beutuutv by mummy siuuuilar table at ammy of time
iireccmliumg fuits for thus Pttmjuose. It hitis mu
bemmutiftil 'i'azy qumiht , a Ialt of wimicit
'mts vomkcl1 imy emmeit amemmibor of time
: tssocimtt iou. mmch lady vumilt'avot'immg
to excel nnothmcr iy , onigimumility of
ulesigum , nod excellence of \vonlmuuanslmip
Tiucu there is a beautiful mumuelmoir case , mum
gold mmmii ! lulumo , hutmmdsoummcly designed amid
ummado by Mi's. Loubu ilciummiod ; a vtett.v tidy ,
fashioned by Tdhmmmie Llcimutioi'ff ; a imaumdicer-
cimfof ease finely onummmnmcmmted by Ilcitima
Steimuimmiuser ; a tIdy of .Tmulauieso design. by
Miss Hicimartis ; a cnimnson lop-robe , excel-
lentlv cummbroidet'ed , by all time ummcmmibet's ; a
tlmlld's crnz.v qutilt ' a tiumsimi tidy by Mis.
Ernest Peycko ; a th'ly 1mm blue nun ! white , by
Miss Lemma ifrug ; a lmlmm-cusimion by Miss
Hichards ; ammothier tidy by Mi's. C. Viedc-
mann ; a PnfUmimOrY satcimel by Mrs. 1"i'mtuik ;
a slummiber roll by Mrs. SchmuetYui' ; a imirgo
idmm-cuslmiou by' ulra , Scimuumetz , togtmtimei' 'itit
a variety of other equally himummdsonmo aumil see-
VICtMmhmlC am-tides , vIu1chm many not ho emuumn-
enmuted. At tue booths toys are displayed ,
lishmlmmg amy lie indulged in , letters i'rocured
cigmurs bougimt , timid household
ntrti"les obtaimmed , wimhic below
rofresimmnents of nIL kintls may be
sectmrcd at i'cmisouimtblo 1mm-ices. Stolnhmauser's
orclmcstrmt with it dozen nmtusk'luums fui'imisit time
inutuic' , the leader dtsmlmtyiutg \vcll-kmmowmm
u ability timid artistIc apineulation , giving a
u ln'og'auu svhlcit divides time atteumtiomm of
time nudtt'umco vitii time fmumcy articles. This
fe.mtuto svill be mmmmmintniumetl cvem'y mdglmt , timid
vill cummtble ( laut'ummg after It ) o'clock. \ . beau.
tIftml gold.lmemulcd cane will be voted to time
mumost htovtmhmir brewer in time city. Last
uiighmt time scales 'ero lu position , aumil lisses
Stelumimaimser imnit ! ] ieimmdorff calculated
u time visitors' avoirdupois. 'JI'imis evemmimmg
time Swiss \Ieuumuerclmor vi1l slug , as vi1t also
ultss Stelumimmmusur. h Tlmoimmdics , jim ntttenmdzmnco
last night upon tim femitiures above out hued
. tvcretesdmumnas Segehke , ileinimnil , Pouumy ,
Seimluet ? , Amidres , St'immlChT'lVimethmniehu ,
' .l'ihke , ScImvab , Ioimn iuuuti Ifeumi'yIticimmurds
itlepeum , LIumilt'mmmmuumui , iloimne , l'uueimolf , mmmiii
'm1isses Augusta amid Ida l'oummy , 'l'euma Rich.
U mils , Zimn ummeu'ummmum , I id umdoufI' , Stelmuhmuuscr ,
Schwab , Nctta lichmmudmt { nmmii hloiuiw.
Vmis flomue Ilttfbi'o time Jiulges
Time fumither hearing of time case of George
t Sumtvehy Ct tul , Intorvemmers , u1mtumnhmig vs et ah ,
wmisproccetled svttht yesterdmiy. Itiseqiected
thtut a verdict t1l be i'cuitleii'tl this morning.
nisTutu CF.
Time jumy Jut the case of Nlcimoluts O'Hern
) \s time Uumlout Pmteitle ltnilway Co. i'oturnod a
'erdlct yestcrdmmy for tim Lliumintlmy mmmiii musS
L sessud tlmnmmuges qt41i3 , the sumui cimminied by
the iduinutlff.
Accordimig to a hietithOul flied ycstert1ay after-
mmoomu Mt's. Jmtmmnette A.Colbmu'n wammts a divorce
t fm-em imcr husbamth'uulfem' A. Ctmhbarmt , She
t states thuatthev were unturned \Visconbium
on November ithm , iSSh , ama ! since itmen immis In
lie way commtnlbuted toward her support. Slic
also wishes time custody of her one child ;
t'onuca COURT.
A gOodly umuumnber of. vags amid drumtk Occu.
' h1ih tIme utteumttotm of Judge Ucekum yesterday
mmmom'niimg , 'l'ouum ltegaum , A. .l .bnmiimaimi , JVal. .
luuutici' , Clotesus , .Jlnmi Johmumson , m'limicu
Seward , 0. Timonmpson and , Yiuum iflcnmmk were
of time hitter class but belumg for time immoct
lmutt "hmomlmy-immmhmdetl soums of toil , ' ' were dis
ehmargeti.1Uimun \ slcovcu'n , ( hi'unk ,
liucil 3 amid costs , time Inevitable usult ol
; appeanimig two days in succession before huts
hmoumor , Emiucrson Lewis , for infthnging upomi
: thmi stmtttmte law by fIghting hind imts ease eon
tiumiucul. Dentist \Vihson , ' oi' thi8tulbimmg. time
iemce : , was muheteti imu f amid costs , mmmiii .lohmu
I.clv1s , ehmmum'geil ivith assault , w.ts flncl
nmnd costs. 'rIme bmilutmmce bplommged to time genut
vmmg , whuo'wcue uihsolmargcd with time excep
tion ot A. 'O. WIlUttme1 .L'mii MaguttoA.
, .
- - - - -
Ilnmmnond mmmiii George Evans. These eases
were cotmtiumumed.
- p
KIlll''AVAY VItOM T1llItE.
A Tluuel' W'nrniuig to Mecimnnuics and
tjnlmom'iuug Meum ,
Union i''o. tId , 1hrotimcnimood of Carpenters
amid Joiners , mit Los Aiigcles , Cmii. , have
isstmeii a dretuhuir of varnmlumg to time mechmmumic
ummmd imubonimmg mamm , simich simouhd be heeded
by those classes , The timmhon sets forth In
theIr chrcuhmur timat time hmubhlsimcd boonm of
nmiik and imoumey on the I'mucifle cemust is ficti.
tiotus , and Is time work of Irresponsible
icechmcs wimoso livIng tiuiemmds , 0mm aim overcrowded -
crowded mmiarket of lmmhouem's , , auth "ummfor-
ttmummmtehy time ioor , titmpe , wimo smu'nillc's his
lithe earthly huossesslomus to citable imimum to
reach time shom'es of time I'adc comiut in quest
of stemmmiv , work amid high wmmges , looks 1mm vmtln
for fumlflhlmnemmt of thuese goldemi hiroummlses.
It is positively' asserted tiimmt time greater
ntmnmicr , live from hand to mumouth , itcmmts arc
cuuornmmmahy high ; a cottage of fotmr roonms
i'eumts frommu P21 to . , t ) a monmth , Coil is 1i ( mm
toum , butter 4(1 ( cemmts , eggs 40 ceimts , tummd otimer
timings in hiroportion , Time average of wages
Is about ro cents iier day more timun eastenmu
wages , btmt the cost of living moore thmnui counm-
tcmbmmhmtmmces. Out of door hmubor cmiii be par-
sued for mtliotit teuu mimommthms 1mm the year : bumt
time iumittm who atteimmpts it Is sure to break
down. Tropiemil ehimmimutes will mutt iermmmtt , an
tmtmceasiumg i'oummd of hard imimunumul hmubor.
'l'hmere Is mu gradual and stealthy imuidermimilnug
PmOt'eSS which time victim heeds geumerally too
late to mcpmmir time evil.
Thin-ce 'tVti'kmuieim , 1)m'oIu Frouuu Scaffold-
Immg'i-Onme or Thmeuum 1)ies.
About 4 :30 : yesterdmty aftenmmoon A , J. Ray-
nmmatigim , a 3'oummmg ummmn uvorklmug out time mmes'
cimmipel Of Crelgimtomm coliege , loll a dlstnumco of
forty' feet mmd sustaIned fatmul Immjurles. His
fail was due to tue hoosemmlmmg of mt newhy-hmtld.
building stomuc to wimlcit he was cilngiumg and
cndcavonimig to reach mm ladder below him. Ho
fell on iuls left side , breakinghmls left aria and
mumicle , teanimug open mum eyelid mmmd ieccivimmg mm
bug cut aim time cimium ttmatremwimed to time bone.
lie hats muiso received Iatenmmul Injuries. 'l'imo
himutrol vmugomm vmms called mmmmd ime vmts taken ha
mu crazed commdltlon to St. Joseph's hospital ,
where lme was cared for by Dr.
Itmtlliil nmnd the sisters of charity , but
itt 7 o'clock ime died. ltavmumaugh
immimi hcemm bommrding mit 1816 F'mmnumammm stm'eet ,
mmd his imomne is at Quhmicy , ill. Ho was imimic-
tccmm ycams of age ,
Ammothuer serious accident of mm simihar na
ttmi'c imnppcmied at time Seward Street M E.
churchm about time same time. Two ctim'pcmi-
tens , whose immnes coumld mmot be nscomtaimmed ,
Jell uiomn time scaffolding eu wimich timey weme
stamidimig to tue groumid , a distmtnce of twenty-
1i'e feet. hlothm umuemu were seriously Injured ,
0mm of thmemmm sumstniimod two on' thmreo bm'oken
ribs iimmd received immtetummml immjumnics timitt mmmay
pm-owe fatal. Tue injuries of time othmer ate'
not of such mm tlmtimgerous chmtrmmcter ,
Its lilume is Ahoit ( Couumimletetl to Sioux
Cit ,
Ccomge M. Myers , time young anti imohmniar
ummmtmmnger of timO Pmuclflu Mutual 'I'clegrmipim corn-
Pmumy' mmni'it'cd I mm tovum y'cstcrdmmy , look lug muf-
tee time ouenimmg of time umet' cxteumcimm p1 timmmt
limme to Siomm , City' . This vom'k huts bcemm 1mm
pmogm'ess for sommmo time back. mimmd viil be commm-
huleted by Smitiuntimmy next. Time distance from
imero by' time wire t'ihl jm one imumidred mmmilos.
Mr. My'eus is 0mm of the iipcrators of time
Uim'momt l'mleihie o1 about eight yemims ago , mmmmd
timougim miiauu' of imis mmssoeiates of those yeats
hmtt'e gone Imm anious ways , ime still fluids a
umummmmiier vimo umre mtlvmtys jhcascd to meet hiimmu
in lmis umuss' Positimi.
Facts About Those 'iio have Dc-
arctl This Life.
Thmomas . Stamideven , father of Joseph
Stummdeven , city bpiher inspector , mind imged
suventy-fout' years , died at time i'esidemuce of
hmis son , 1311 Cuss sti'cet , emu time Ulsi mmltimno ,
TIme memmmaimms were Interred yc3tcrday at
2 o'clock imi Forest Lawn cemmmetery.
Mi's. P. S. T3oien , wife of the welt-known
comiti'mtctoi' ofcmmm'punten' voik , \Veduiesday
at timid lzuu'd .
evcmiimmg , Twcmmty-miiumthm sticets.
' .l'imo ftmmmc'ral will take Plmmco todmuy mit ti
Time Couutractom' Stops Work and JIs-
charges Ills Fnthm'e Force.
Yesterday Contractor lircnnmmmt stoppel
work on thmo cityhmahlbuilding , mind disclmmirgcd
imis entire fotce , Ho vill mmot resimmne operatiomms
umttil mmext spring. Time remisomms for this
course is timat , as he tummy's , time city cmmgincer
lets iciused to give imimmi estlmumates , utnd lie immis
biemi obstructed iii his wonic 1mm every hossible
way. Ftmmthmci'mnot-e lie hmmts received ommty a
little over ; .2OXO ( ) , mvimlle ime simeuld hmmivc immtd
over ; 4Ud ( ) ( ) , He is thmerefom'e amiable to carry
time work ammy further umitil he receives mmioru
Imiommey ,
Saumu St ephmemutumm's Tm'imui.
Time cimmirgo of ci'immmimmal assault in'efcrred
by Miss LaIn Espey tmgnhnmst Sam Stepiiemmsomm
came up forhicumu'immg yesteuday aftornoomi before -
fore Judge llct'kui , vhiemm mliss Espoy and time
defcmmdmmmmt were imi muttemmdumnmce. Time vrosecut-
lag 'mvitmmcss is i'ntimcr a mreiuosessinmg hook-
Iumg youmuig lady about twemmty-two years of
migo. Simo S'itS nttiucd , 1mm a black dress. and
nmhp'aret ) ! pale , anal auiytimluig but rccovet'ed
from time tough lmumidliumg sue re-
ccivei ft-em Stepimeimsomi. 0mm tIme
case being called , W' . .1 , Stepimemisomi , time tie-
fcimdnunt's buothom' ' applied for a iOStliouie
meat on time sroummt'l that Stepimeumsen's mutter-
lucy , Ed Crowell , was amiable to attend
tlmrougim Illness. AIr. Simncial , for time prosecution -
cution , OhjCl'tCl to ii postpemmcmneumt , whcm'e-
UpOn time tlcfeumthmumt uvmiived exmunmination. Ho
vas commseqlmcnthy boimmiti over 1mm tIme sum of
2OOO to appear itt the mmext district court , To
mm 13cr. m'eporter Stcpimcmmson said : "I timmi con-
Ildemit I vill get out of It till
right. I have mm mutumuber of witnesses who
'mviii put it differcmmt aspect out time case wimen
it is hmeam'd. So far it Is alt mieivshmtlet' )
0mm time commclusiomm of tue heanimig . J.
Stephmeimson , ahiove mmmimmmed , 'mvmis mumested at
time instmtumce of I ) . J. Se'dcit out time chmmmt'ge of
stemmiiumg ml hmorso bcioumgiumg to e'ommmplaiuumummt's
brotlmcr , E. J. Seldtmm , time lmtvyei' .
Time Non'thm Ouuumuima Sewer.
"Vlmat about time North Omnaima sower.
have you i'e'coumimnemmcetl vonic upon It "
asked a liEn : reporter of Coimtractor Thomuup.
semi yesterday.
Il\e never stohiped wouk upon It , " lie cx-
chnulmned ; ' 'miltimougim we gmm'tm notice to time
coummeil it was our iumtemmtiomi to do so , Hut
'lVe 'iviil stop heforeioumg ifsve t1.t ) not get semite
imioney or bommds. We inuvo beemi livimug
011 huromnlses amid ! mire eimmploylmug about fifty'
muon , but puomumises mii'o riot iuarttci.imirly cmi-
coum'migimmg 1mm cmtrrylmig on mu tvork of this kim ! .
'ilt' , Delmuncy is out. lie is withi us no mmmnro ,
mmmiii Mr. MtumIuhy nummil umy'schf are cmtrry'imug out
JtOh)1)etl of Ills Iloummestenil ,
Johmum Plume , it llumgnnami of time 11. &
m'o'Mumimmg itt Pierce amid Seventh streets , yes-
terdmuy souglmt a seat'cii warrant to emidemuvom'
to Ilnmd tt imoimiesteaci tiling wimich he claims nimys-
temIously dtsumuupears from.nhmistruumk
S dmiy' nhgltt , lie hind the ilocunient , lie clalunms
atto'ck , 1mm time evenimmg , and att:84)Iteould ) :
mint be Thmnti , It must have beemi taken from
S huts t ruimk , becmmuuse ho claims lie had put it
timere but mm few mtilnmutes befome. i'iumo wms to
u lemivefor his claim yesterday wimicim
Is located rican Amiscimo , Cteiry cotmnmty ,
Ip thls.stimtc ,
u At Cost mmmiii Less Tumult Cost.
5SVc are closing out out' toy's.ttmmtl fmmumcy
goods. lcniers iii Cimristmmis mund bolt-
( lily goods will fluid It to their mudvitatmigo
to give us a cmiii , as wo tune buund to
close omit our entire stock of over $3o.hMJ
u megurdless ot cost. Comae uumid gpt bIg
: bat'gaiums. MUELLEit Music CO. ,
103 Mmmlii street , Council hllutIs.
. - S
- There Was o Qumorimumi.
'rime adjourmued rncctimmg of the city' , counmeil
called for last. tmiglmt wmis agaimi postliomied
timtU Saturday evening forwantof mmquoriitmm
. 1uterumi Revenue CoihcctlouIM ,
: Yesterday's internal rveaUO colleetiont
amounted to f2O1.23 , ' . "
- -
M. E. Stenums , of hlotnc , was time latest sir-
P. D. Aniumotur's aguuuis bought imos for time
iCmmnsums city imouse yetct'ilmmy' ,
It. M , Swami of time 1)mi'is rauueh. Lmuraummie
cotmnmty , Wyo. , Is iii tiw city to-day.
Fnimmmk l3mmcim amul A. J. Stowartof Cimey'emmne
To regIstered mit tlmectock cxcimnummgc.
All sthooums wihl ciise , out election day between -
tween 8 mm , in. amid 0 loin , 'riuree special po-
licemmmemi vll1 also be spolmmted ,
It is uumdcrstood that mm commmmnltteo of elti-
Zeus will t'atmvmtss thin city' sooum in behalf of
a huroject to commstx'tct a umumimber of side-
Mi' . Persoums , of the fin-nm of Itichmart & Per-
semis , which vmts m'cccnmtlv dIssolved , vihl con-
ttmmue time remul estmmte businmess at the old
Robert Ilohiut , Frank Mooney , Comm htmirri
gait , Mutt Quinni mud Thmonmmms Curtis were
before Juidgo 1tuthmer yesterdity cimarged
vitii hcimig drumuuhc anal disttmriuiumg time hence.
'rite hitter was fined nut ! costs. Time othiet
discs were dismissed.
The i'mu'ties ' rcsldlumg east of Twcnty.fouurtim ,
.1 nuid Q streets tire protcstimmg mtgmtimmst time
umuetimods of time county comimuimissiouters re-
gardinmg the grmtdimmg. 'J'mvcmmty-fourtiu
street is beimig lowered fm'ommi four to
six feet , but mis y'et no npuromuciies vithm time
cross streets immive becum constructed. For a
dlstfltice of eight imlocks it is Iumipossible to get
on Tweumty'-fourthm street ummless time Pedcs-
ti'lmnt curries a ladder , It is uumderstood that a
tvm'It vill be asked fou' to-mmmorrosv commipehliumg
the eommmhssiomicu's to commstruct at least two
Tile. CItY c0CXCIT. ,
Time city eommmmcil lucid a meetimmgVedmmesduty
evemming , I. M. Gimisgow wmms umppoiumtcd to fill
the vstcmumcy emmused bvthio rcsigmmmttiomt of Mr.
Strothnumtmt , Ihumyor Smtvmtge wits autimonized
to notify time governor timat mm specimtl cemmsUs
recently tmtkemm , showed time iopuiutioii , ot
Southi Onmmtimmu to be ti,3l3 , amid timmit tuumdor time
hmmw time city Is entitled to ramik us a city' of
time secomuii.chttss , haviumg a poinihation
of over 5,000. The governor will be
requested to Issue time necessary pa-
11cm-s as soomm as tuossible. Aim ordinance
cstmtblisiminmg time salmtries of time city officials
was iuassed. 'I'hie foliowlmig are time salaries
paid : Mmiyor , 2OO ncr year ; clerk , * 8OO ;
mumembers of coummcih , ! . ' , O ; attorney , * 8iO ; mar-
siuti , * 4'5 item' mouth ; hoilcemmien ) , 155. Time
luetitioum to open N street front Tti'cnty-sev-
emithi to time boulevard was huresenited imuid me-
fem'm'ed to mu special comnmnittce. 'rime city' al-
toemmey' was inmstructed to visit Limmcoin onu
Fm-kitty' mmext amid mmppear before time smuprenie
eolmt't imi behalf of the city' In time case whmem'e
time loemitiomi of time city' bounmdanies is con-
cet'mmed. . After allowing bills to the umnoumit
of * 'l,659.20 , , time council mtmljounmtcd.
Vantct 1mm ChIcago.
Cidef Seavey a few day's ago received a
comumnmmunicmttiomm fm'oin time chief of iioihce mit
Cimicago that Petem' McAhiister , supposed to
be in Omaha , was wanted at thuat ioimmt on a
clmumege of grand hmim'emmy' . It immis now been
nscemtained thumit time maul 'l'ouum 2iaguim'e , who
was arrested \Vetlmmesdmty as a suspicious dune-
imetci' is time h'et'somm mvaimtcd lie vmil be semit
elm to Chicago.
Sure jmuttimev Tem'umm.
Tommi Leommaud , a vmigm'mummt and SUS1)iCiOUS
chmam'mictem'was gmvemt forty' days in time coumity
jail ycstcrtimiy , time first tmnmd lust twelve on
iuremtd amid ' , vater. Vimcui ui'm'estcd sonmme
stolemm goods \'cue fouuuti iii his iiossessioum , for
whmicht lie ts'iil im amrcstcd us soomt mis lie semves
his senitemice , mini owmmer Imaving bccmm fommmmd
for theum ,
$ ooOOO.
Time capital stock mif the i'ortai Laumih anti
Tovn Lot coimiiinumv has beeum Increased to
* c'OUmt , ) ) ( ) , mmmiii mttmicmmlod mtm'ticies to this eflitet
cm'c y''steu-m1mmv flied iii time coumity eicm'k's
. ; ,
Absolutely Pure.
Timispow'dernevervanies. A marvti of purl-
ty , mtrengthi mliii uhmo1counemmes. More econ-
omiilcal thaum thmn orhfmtmIty ( kinds , nuul cammnot bu
oltl lit CaiiOtitiomi with timi , mumumhltumdo of low
cost short wehg"fmt almuuut or plmopImmtte loslem' .
Sohl ommly 1mm cans. 1WY.n. 1IAK1NG I'owacmt Co. ,
100 WitH-st. . N. 1.
Pianos ,
Vose& Sons
Itrumcnts exchangea , rented a so1 on
asy Payment , below
Iutrments sllghtlyuze& at
Max Meyer & Bro. ,
Omaha , Neb.
. -
¼ . .i.r fRI , h1jheat e7eelten-
. &uiui.t efri ( H alispellueaa , coeror , nd
, - ' , I.4rtsbiIlIye1d are time reigni.u
, ' favorfeI ( Iu/'t'hfonublecircl '
I Ournainci' IJ,4T.COUSINS.
Dim cciy sore. NCWYORV.
S For Saie by
Haward Brothers.S
S , It.4LBIIIDGE , M. fl , ,
S Physician and Surgeon.
I Office Cor. 1Mb nail Fmtnumammi Situ , iteddence:2621
uiurniul" St. Uours. U lO Ii mm. il.4 2 to 6 p. in ,
Our buyer wires us that he has justcompletedthe purchase of an immense -
mense wholesale stock for which we were negotiating. A large manufacturer -
facturer of fine clothing was determined to close out'al ! his fall and winter - .
ter goods. The enormous increase of our sales last month prompted us
to make an offer for the entire stock. The offer was accepted and the
goods are ours at OU R OWN PRICE. They will be shipped immediately
and in about a week or so , we shall give the people of Omaha a surprise ,
and show them something in the way of Fine Clothing , and prices , that
was not seen before. In the mean time , to make room for these goods
we will force the sale of our present stock and have marked several Iarg
lots of suits and overcoats at prices which will surely make them go. The
goods to be sacrificed includes partof our immense stock of
Boys' and ChHdrens' CIoIhing
We have engaged an extra force of clerks for Saturday , and hope to
be able to wait on all our customers on that day. .
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price , at
Nebraska Clothing
S Corner Douglas and .14th , Streets , Omaha.S . ,
Moh1idll1 llfl1 llc1 IllMlltO.
. w , Corner of 13th an Doge Streets.
Font 'iim : TIuuATMmNT oF AI.T.
Bracu , ApDaices fir Ve1oitles aId Tritni ,
luest fmicilltfp , nppmirntus amid , , 'medIe for umeceus-
ftii tremitlimerit ci tverr forni of titscao requiring
umcdmczim or m4mrgmemil , 'iremmtient , ,
Forty new ni. , , , , , for umitteumts ; nest uioiputjtm accom-
inOhIHtmIM iii imie WCt.
w'mmnru lout ( . 'uImci'iAns on Petorijiltie , . tumid Brace , ,
( 'lul , Feet , l'imrviuIlre of tmie pliic' , l'Ile' . Tumors ,
( ' , uuler , Cmii urrmu , lironcSmItlm' , lumti a latiuti , Ilectriclty ,
l'umruimysls : mmuemMy , ICIdfl ( ' ) , Himithier , te , Ear , iktn
amid ulmooth , ammu miii m"ugmcam penomomms.
JIsemmses ) or Wommst'um a Siwelmmhty.
1100K ON iISEASES On' WMtN I'numth
smAUIxu , A 51'ECIAI.TY Cl'
. .cmm Immoou Tlsea'es simccefumIly treateui , yp1uliltIo
I'OilOfl rernovmm from limo .yu'ttnu wmuiuout iuuurcmmr ) ' ,
New tIetoruutii'e 'l'remutnmemmt tar I.osut of s'mmsm Power ,
i'e rsomuq imamiblo to ymoit mis inimy tue treatt'l lit imoutu' ,
by curresuomiIeace. , Aim conmuutu mmlcuutiou , ' ( oumtmmeImtumuI.
Meummcuumo , , or inuruments u'trut uy nimuim mr rxuruu's.
pee , , rem ) ' mimicked , mm muumurki u o imitilcuito tumm toil , upr
scuitler. ( limo mtr.uiniuu luuterniew mrt'ferred. Cami uuimul
toum.umit mm. , or 1ntt mim.tory of ) our cutee , mmmiii we a mum
m'emutl mmu uilmtmum wrapper , our
Upon I'rmvate. Speemuim smuul Nervous liienes , Senuunmim
% euuknemi , ieruuuuutiurriiuia. S IuimJou.'nt'y , ym'fumut ' ,
( omiorrtuua , , oucet , amid % 'armcocote. Athlrou ,
Ousmalma Medical mmmd Simrgicnl Imistltimte , or
lJr1 Mociialliy ? , Cor. 13th & Bo Strots ,
OMAhA , ? EB.
Owung to flit ? rptui growth of Omaha nd our tie
ces lit tlTectlng cure. , our bum'Iiuees luutmi boconue o
msrge tiuuut umue mm Smiummeam intttuuttu en 1:1mm : , Itreet utnul
( 'am.mtom nvtouUt' , cotmid hot accuuiuuumoimuuto sum eounhmmg
to uul for trtuutnment. We have therefore mveui into
our uuew brick bumilulirug , Nortuiweuud ( 'turner of 1.111 , hunt
floitul' troets , unue block uoutlm of time omit luustmtuute
tuummtmlng , , ttm huvo now time umirgest auni most colum.
5uIete ut'ttIcau 1rutltuto or ) iomipmmutm In hue Wtlt. Forty
, iewmy turiul.lmed. weim wurnucum and eiutmmmuteit ruoutumi
for unutteuut uhret , ki1lett muuYmcmutnmi utmwuuy. mum t5ue
bumudung. A\I \ kintO of tIlteutes treated In the nuost
cientinic muuuuunor ,
Ve nuimntituuctunu IurgIcftu Braces for Iernrmutme. ,
Trtuues , Supportiro , Imeetrlcuti umattermemi , anti can
utuuppuy phy.lcmtumus or patients nny aiumimuuuwe , renuetly.
ttrlmumitrtmuupnd known. Cmtlm anti comuitult us , or write
for ( Ircuimurs iuporu utul smmhjeets , with mults or qucstmon
for atmemut to answer. 'i1unusmiuid treateut sut'res'
lull ) ' Iuy corrtutnutemuCO. We luavo .uponlor uutvuimu-
umges timid fuucllitlemi br tremmtmmmg dI.eum'emi , erforunIng
, uuru'mcam opormitloiu , amuti nuurting patlenti wimmemu COtu- ,
hineut with tour n kntwieulgeul abilIty exueriemuce ,
responIblmmt7 and repimtntlout pluoumul nuuuke ttuu Owuutiut
Medmcmit stud Suruumcutl lumsimtuto sue llrotcimolce.
Sole Manufacturers of
With All MODERN Imnprovcmtieuitti.
47 and 49 Dearborn St. ,
1'Oit $ AI.E BY
Henry E. Cox , Omaha.
'i'hfrci Jmuihciai listi let.
; 17 Cht3lllEit Ol c'oyiyiiitcit : ,
ConipOlttiOn mind Gravel Itooang.
Agent for Warren's Natural Apha1t Itcong ,
3edgl iliftOd 2 nt1 ut ply Iteuudy Itutouuug. 1XuyIaaon
. tncet , ( tummttumt. j5eb
L udmmcetienouUcblIttycauscd
through error , and bad practIce CURED.
-S S S S
. ' ?
Time Oil Itellatle pecIuuti't of ninny yetuN' exprr5-
Inc P. h r'at , wim lu wnndc'ritiu mute , tutu U ,
tiumtoc'r , c'Nrtmt ; , m'ui.tu , vmi'uu.t.
, 'uureui wlthnuL , utain or
R U PTU B E fruuuu , iImme'mi. , Aim Chronic iIMCmI'es ,
tar mm' uuutvuuimcc' tiE aumy 1uuuitutiuru utu
timi. cotuntry. iImuo a itt , ( omutcmn uumamn gotuug ti S sot
IprIngs for I tue trvmmtuumtutt if any m'rmnmt , or ummuitcu
uIllpu.tu ( 'nfl mu , tuuretl fur oume-imuird time cult mut oar
i'rmvuute Iupeuuumry. )
uiv lull treatment it m'ume , invciy Corn-
L AllIES uIt' lolu , I roe I I ( ITJI mtu Iownt' , reek lemi ,
buturk5utmuti'u , erummtloumut , etc. lirmuumnmut
t'3' ( " armu lueriout Iuiti , t Su eon So tiati.
; r-'i'mumit 'tired " f'u'itng anti utli femmiate wpaknes
prouttpm i ) cuuu eS mu thuS ing I lemudnehemi , Neritutu . m'r-
tratlutu , , Iettlluy , iueeuiermt5' , Iemtuctlutn )
anti InuhIgt'mutlori Ovturlmuu tromuttle' , irmuluumutuuumtjuu , munit
iJitertu u au , . i.'utl hug imutu imlimtrnuumeIuts , i'tiflmti wcumk-
ne , , Kuuimey conuplatmmtmi amid Cimmunge of Life , Commmiutt
time Ohm lIon br
E YE AND EAR Actmteor , ? ; Chronic
LimversIou of lute lidmi , Scruftulotumi 1y. ' , LJ5crstIts , , ,
mnnumuuuuummn. , . Auscemi , uuuuummemimi , Ut 'mmumt et omnu or
botuu eyes , uuint 'l'tmnmur , or i mu.
tJ'mnhluummmnmuuiuon of timi , Iutr , Ulceration or Cntarrh ,
Ilu mruumu I or ixttrnaI I ) i.i , fmt' , ' . or i 'muluut } miii , iutgl mug
or miomunmuig utoi'imi , 'I'Iulcteuued Jrmmiuu , etc.
uebuIutrLow of t'itutm l'ower ,
N ERVO US ie'uu1h4 , I ) umuiuicut'y , , I. ' ' itt
tmeummcry , Cuimum uuiuuu of iilea , III mmrmi
leforo time l'es , : mutic' , 1utmguior , I ; Ioouul , uut''s , , of $ ulrit Aversioru to Society , Emt'y um.
, , > uuiutgutl , mack of ( . .utmtmmuutctt , , hill , i.itteu , titutit
for i'tumdy or mnmmune. , umtl , Ituidmi life a bmiud'mu , tutmemy ,
l'eruuiatttnt ly mutt I 'rmvu , teiy ( 'tuned ,
B 10 0 0 A N V S K I N Bt.emi'c" ,
eer'h , i'mmltt m , tie I ut'mtm mututi iitutte'u , i-yittmuitIc 'oro
'I'troat ) utuituu anti 'J'tngtt' , , muauiutmlur irtittrgunttt , ,
( tt mitt' Itck ititu'uuumntt'uu , ( 'utimunl lu , Ite. , i'errumuumeiut-
my ( 'ti retiiu'tm Cm lute. I I mu to ttmium.
Comisumitation free amid strictly couitluiaitiai. ,
yi rnilclime tmmt free fiolmi udus&rvuutlomm to mthh puirts
uf time t'milteul States. Comresiioimlu'uidt rucIves ,
lnmmurt attentIon. So lettems munswerctl umuuhi's
nieconipammiod by femur cents iii stammulis. Senul ten
cemmts 1mm stimUlus for 1umumthulmlet ituiti h 1st of qilu's.
tlomms impon private , specIal timid imervous dimi-
Termiis strictly cmmsim. CaU on or address ,
DR. ,
No , 314 South 11th St. , Ommm.mlma , Nob-
Nebiaska NatioiiI ilatik.
Paid UpCnpital , - $2130,000
Surplus , - - - 42,000
It , IS' . YATES , i'mesldent.
Laavis t ; . itinm , VIce-PresithenL
A , E. 'l'teZAu.lS , 2d Viee.J'reslirumt. ,
lv. II. S. iIuuumuu , Cmtu'hmier
Pi m IEC'mO u u 5.
SuV. . yIounsu , , JopmN H , COlLINS ,
ii.'ATEui , Iiwms : S. lUmmt : ,
A. E. TouzAm.IN.
Bankimmg Otib'e-
Cur. 12thm mmmiii Fmsmmmmtmmm Sts.
AGenermtl imamikimig Imtustnem.s 'l'mammtncteiL
Chicago , Milwaukee& St. Paul R'y. '
The Best Route from Omaha and Council
Ulutts to
coUNumu , iiI.UFFS
Chicago , . . .ANI-- Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Miummeapolis , Cedar Itapids ,
Reek Island , Freeport , Itocktord ,
Clinton , Jubuiquie , 1)aieumport ) ,
Elgin , Madisoum , Janesyllie ,
Belolt , VIsmona , La Crosse ,
And ill other Important points iit , Northesmt and
tioutbeaut ,
For through tIcket' caum on the tmcket ant at 1411
; arnaum itnect , lii 1'&lIOn hotel , or at Uuumoa I'uieiftO
PuomtmuIbu ; 1eepen. and 11,0 Sneet liming Care In tbe
urm4 are run on hue msimi ulee of ( lu. Umlcuugo , 74mm'
wakeo & St. I'au5 italiway. ant every atteuIIuui is
lucid to passeogers by courteous emrlo7es or lb.
ul.umri.itn Cermoral Manager.
.1. F.TLiCKI'It , AstatanlUonPral Manager.
A. V. It. CAitI'EN'f1il , ( jcuiermmf Ixasenger and
AFI'OItD. Alimutant Geuuerutm Vaiienge ,
and Ticket Agent.
J. . CL.AIiK , ( Jeaerah $ .
, Wmsuui , mu , F.
Real Estate Dealers ,
1G tlouthm Sxizng Street ,
LOS Angeles , - - - California.
jJeakrs 1mm Cli ) ' amid country pi'operty of all tie
setIption. Gt'uei'al immturinntlotm to uOWOm
' em freely given ,
' . ' , 5 .5
: =
CUIIL'S COtflmi'i etiumnu. ASThMA , 1mItO74C1fl1'i
AN i I A ii . i't'iti 'mt iOts I I I ' 'JuItS. '
'Fo the Uommunu ittmve Lt tluitut , , it , , nitutmish uin.
dur lime Intuui evurmty of our uiIuiutmn ttirtugiu , , am ,
Juu ummnuury romuuit5mulnt. , tr oen tioe ) urSu , , are itu , mlrtr ?
cii eumultuhut ptmon , m' no uneaur , , ulC.iut I r , 'liter , ' is ii attmi
luimul sure mtaculv itt ittututi suit ott , , cnIIy trml. ' 'cvmm.
5inrs , , , ci ( ' ( ui thur Oil mumiti IIiui , , : wltimot ,
, , , hug time ver ) ' utaumtmutIui ' utmi , or uf I ) mi oh ul ,
lurnierly tmui , l t'ttlouutd Ity tue ' uuf Xuuut ,
iu umm a itemuliuig Irutuenty ! mlli uiquuutu' , htum til
.fllcmmcioti , , Iteitmurlcuttuit , I c'tI tuututmitu l of Its tflhcte
tcuttu be sluowuu. i-oil t' A. 15.'IuLor , Ctueimmi.t , Imo
Ott , smut ! utim drtuggltm' .
I Liverpool via Queenstown. ,
1 re Mis-Icily Firut-Clu , . . , ant anuon
I titO imtrtiet , fuustest ummt5 , hurst Ilu tutu % , ori
auuomu , .eroitui t'lutpmi U mum tteragt , I'uia.'nr
A t't'ouninduat inn . 5T i , t' x I it'uI. nvery
r'gutrtl I or tmmo couuufort tutu ( out Vtmutouici , 0 1
ectmgcra atudmou.iy commalutered smut practiced.
Stun Itmermi every 'uttmi ' ruimty lu ur Utut'gu iv Cit y , ul 1Iouu.
puut u for 1.mvl'ruoum ocuutur i2 I I I , I Itu , iumrgt.t tilt
mu luest mti'flen steamer altulut IOu t ut pIu'lueu' rut
miii imu.t'u it , muiw u , ly umtt ( ithr' Ilrtuuss ! uuuu' , .
toouu eXttmotiu I mel et' hut nt'ltucel u-nt uS. u truth' lot'
any utlututlimut . t lowt''t cml ru tIlt rat'u. For ttuok
of tulir. ttukum , or fuimliur luiuutuuutuulon , , ( mo
immNuumits.4iN imltomImmtmna , ( : Imlcutgo , or m'mt , k .
MotJmtuSs : , ( lmmmutma , 'eb.
NorthWestern -
Railway Short Line.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago1
'The enSy read to mice for Be , Moinpi Mttnlallmowfl ,
Ct-dir itft5tittmi , ( timutnu , lmstmu , CbR uu , iummwauukem
auud al m . 'ommmts emmat 'to I Ime mu.ltrlo of ' , , 'mirmiiuuu Cola.
ratio , Wyomiug Utah , Itmaho. ru'yuiin , oregon , \Vutim.
inimton amud Cmuiiiorumma , mt otters lumiuCimOr uutivaumtamce
nit I ptuitai , mty any other Sine.
Amonuf a few of ttue nimmerouc polmmt. of aumperIontt
enjuved by Lime patroim. , uf tiuls ruad betaten ( ) uutsIi
and ( 'uuicago. are It , two train , a iluty of hAY COACIL.
Es , wiiictu are ttuo mutest tiuuut lunmahi art auui , Ingeolul.
57 Cifl create. its m'Auuccn sI.Klm'lNU vAiIS wulmeib
ara mntIl'u of comfort Sad . 'R'guince. It , l'AumAns
IIIIAWmNG ItOOM OAitm4 , tun.urputaPi ( by an. aol
It. witlemy celtumurutted i'Ai.A'llAt. iui7UNI CAith. ill
I ( uual of which Cannot ho fouuumt1 eltwmere , At Coui
cii mumuns tmu trains of tiut , Union l'acifSo idilway con ,
uuect in union depot with those of t5ue (2lmlrgo
) Rurtbweitcrn ity. in Chiengo tlue trattus of hums uiuI
niake close conmectmon with those of au other ekstCI
leer netromt , Coltimbul' , indIana5ohIs , ClnefuuflatI4
Niagara 1.11 , liumnuumiu u'mtm.aur. 'J.urontO , Montreal ,
) Ri.ton , New \'ork , m'i'uimaseupmuua , Slaltinlor , , , Wash.
lngt4tuu , anti all pgluts In Ibo casi , uu , for ii ticket VII
If iou wish the het accommodation. MI ticket agentl
pen tlck.4. Vms ibis Sloe.
zjuuummm'm'u' , ) tP.wlLso : ,
( leni. Manager , ( metum. i'a.a'r Agelil
Cluleago liii.
5m. IIA1IcOCK. ' ru. it. BoIJ18.
Western Alent. City l'am.'r.Agea&
Omaha , icbiaika ,
15)0 N. l3tim Street ,
S I tAiL.kfk : 1
.uiulAmlhooeLmrAIoe LILIItilt5 Lust i
r J ldI $ * $ , ? 3sJmm&
h'I'ill C. % 1.1 FOlIN IA SVINE1t. dm1 uotl direct
fionmi mmir mima'ymmrul. htfCbhiImg , ( Imtetol Claret , , ,
I'uum I , ftlm'rniis , , etc. Stilt Jose Vaults , 6ovcui.thu ,
Jigitiu , , ttuttt i3mmhu'ador mmmii Vtiltmuut Streets , tmtm4.
JOst' , Cuthifonitiuu , .
' '
I , , -
. .
-S _ -