Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1887, Image 1

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    OMAHA DAILY BEE. . . . .
| < . 11 I t I ( ' ( 1 1 , ! . , . '
Two Extra Companies of Officers
Guarding the Anarchists.
M.-s. I'arsons Ordered to llcHlNt From
Helling Pamphlets tin the
Btrcct Spies , Flcldcn ami
Bchwnh AHk Mercy.
CHICAGO , Nov. 8. [ Spe < : lal Telegram to the
UEK. ] The scene around Urn crlniinnl court
building ii ml county Jail this morning was nn
exceedingly quiet and peaceful one. There
wan nothing In It to suggest to the casual ob
server that events of momentous Interest
relating to the taking away of the lives of
seven human beings wore going on within
the dark , sombre walls , or that since yester
day afternoon , when the nuws of the refusal
of the highest court in the land to interfere
with the iiciinlty which twelve of their fellow-
citizens had fixed us the Just punishment of
their crime WHS received , measures of the
most vigorous character hud been adopted
and executed to prevent any Interference
with the carrying out of the law's Just sen
tencc , should any be attempted , and preserve
the peace- under all circumstances. There
was nothing on the surface' to indicate that
several wagnn loads of rides and other arms
had been conveyed to and disposed of within
the ] ull In Mich a manner as to bo mostcffec
live should it ever bo required to
use them , or that the force of
police on the North Side had been
greatly strengthened , the extra guard
being stationed at points within easy reach
of the jiill so that they could reach it without
loss of time nnd be on hand to quell any dis
turbance that might bo attempted cither
within or without the Jail walls. Yet all
this has been done , the quietness and and
dispatch with which the work was executed
testifying to its effectiveness. There was no
appearance of extra force around the build
ing , und the patrolmen , detectives and dep
uty sheriffs who were on duty went their
rounds in the most unostentatious manner
possible as if anxious to attract no attention.
They were there nevertheless , and their
presence was accepted as u guarantee that
every necessary precaution was being taken
to avoid and prevent any untoward event.
At 80 : ! ! o'eloek-tho hour , when the con
demned men are allowed out of their cells
for morning exercise , they descended to the
cage and prepared to receive any friends who
might visit them. There was nothing in
their demeanor this morning to indicate that
they stood under the shadow of the gal
The first visitor to arrive was Miss Engel.
She Immediately entered into conversation
with her father and remained in earnest con
fab with him during the whole time allowed
them for conference. Her manner was sub
dued and solemn and the sad , grave expres
sion of her face showed that hho realized to
the full the gravity of the situation.
Miss Engel was closely followed by Louis
Lingg's sweetheart , who enrric'l on with her
betrothed an animated conversation for over
an hour. Her appearance presented a won
derful contrast to that of Miss Engel. Her
manner partook even of gaiety , and during
the conversation she had with her lover u
ringing laugh several times broke the current
of her remarks. On bidding him good-by she
Wore a pleasant smile nnd merrily pressed
each of his lingers in turn as he passed them
through the wire grating of the cage.
Next came Mrs. Schwab , accompanied by
bor mother , Mrs. Schnnuhelt , and her two
llttlo children and Mrs. Fischer and her two
children. For the llrst time since the men
have been incarcerated their little children
were refused mlmlttanco to the cage to-day.
Miss Van Zumlt followed the other women
in close order. She wore a small purple vel
vet bonnet , with pheasant's feathers , a short
grey Jacket ami purple , velvet .skirt. She
looked extreme ! ylmle , ami d-u-ing her entire
conversation with Spies her handkerchief
was frequently ami hastily passed across her
, eyes , when the time was up for her to go
; she lingered , keeping her eyes on him nil the
j. time ho was making his way to his cell , and
then , as ho was entering it , she shouted up to
him : "August , will I bring you any books I"
Ho replied : "Yes , 1 will take tome books ,
nnd you may bring me sumo foolscap paper. "
Then ho vanished within his cell , and his
proxy wife sadly and slowly left the Jail ,
bowing and sadly smiling to the turnkeys as
Bhti passed out.
But perhaps the person among all the vis
itors who felt the situation most keenly was
old Mrs. Sohnuubolt , Schwab's mother-In-
law. After talking to her daughter's bus-
buud for seine time her feelings completely
overcame her and she retired to the outer Jail
ofilco , where she occupied : i chair by the win
dow and tried to hide the outbreak of her
feelings in the attention nnd caresses she
heaped upon her two grandchildren.
From Captain Shaack , of the Chicago nvc-
nuo police station , it was learned that insldo
the Jail ho had two companies of twenty-live
policemen each , day and night , every man of
them well drilled and armed with rlllcs ,
bayonets and heavy calibre revolvers. Out-
Hluo the Jail he has ono company of twenty-
live men urnieo in the usual way. There are
eighteen men at the waterworks , well urmod
with revolvers , also several companies in reserve -
serve at the Chicago avenue , Larrnbcu street
and Western iiveuuo stations.
"Within what time could you concentrate
any largo body of mcu ut the Jail ) " Shaack
was asked.
"At fifteen minutes notice wo could bring
000 men with muskets to the jail. "
"Havo you Hxcd all these precautionary
measures because you have discovered some
reason to apprehend a riot , or danger ! "
"Well , you see thcso things coino like
thunderclouds. You never know when the
lightning may break forth , und uhould shut
up your house in timo. "
"HnTo you heard anything more about
householders Hying from the neighborhood I"
"No , that was all nonscnco. Every newcomer -
( comer , however , is accurately measured by
i our detectives , with whom the neighborhood
( swarms. They have canvassed all the houses
within several blocks of the Juil iu ail direc
tions. "
"Arc you In possession of any well founded
minors of threatened danger ! "
"I have heard stories that I bcllovo to be
well founded , some of which 1 discovered ,
upon searching investigation , to be baseless ,
Borne threats , however , 1 know to have been
mudo. "
"How do you cnmo by the knowledge ! "
"From my spies. "
"Who threatened anything ! "
"Wiill , I will say that the men who made
the threats arc such men us might do hurra. "
" "Then you think that no considernbla bodv
of persons can assemble anywhere near with'
out. your being easily able to disperse tlumil"
"I mean to say that If anything so rush as
a rescue or riot is uttemwed nil their plans
would bo knocked endwise at the move > ,
und should such a thing bo persisted In , moil
dead bodies will strew tlio ground than evui i'
full in the Haymarket. They would simply
be knocked to pieces. "
"Then none of these conspirators can porsl
bly outwit you ! "
' They must bo devilish KO& one * If thej
do. t don't. st > o how they can. Wo arc muk
ing all the Improvements human foresight cat
suggest , is Information is withered. Tin
mayor is consulted every day by Colone
Ebcr old and steps are taken iu nicordunce.
with the consultation , "
Mrs. Parsons mused quite nil cxeitemcni
on Clark street about I o'clock to day. A
thut time she stood on the raised cellar grui
ins ; In front of the building in which In tin
ofllee of the Western N w man and offoiei
for sale copies of General Trumbull's pam
Billet , "Wva It a Fair. TrluH" In n few mm
utcs she was surrounded by n crowd of men
nnd boys , who blocked the sidewalk for fifty
feet in each direction from where she stood
and overflowed Into the street. An oftlecr
soon appeared , nnd when he saw the gather
ing , telephoned to headquarters for instruc
tions. His orders in reply worn not to arrest
Mrs. Parsons unless she did or said some
thing that would bo n broach of the law , butte
to allow no crowds to congregate on the
streets , nnd to prevent her from ob
structing the sidewalk by sell
ing books or In any other way.
Ho then told Mrs. Parsons she would have to
wove , as she was the cause of the crowd ,
fhlch he could notdlsperso so long us she re-
lulncd there. She went up to the ofllee of
be Western Newsman , whcrn Editor Uuvlno
idviscd her to go to the postotllcc square nnd
istubllsh herself on the government prop-
, rty , where the city authorities had no con-
rol. She took his advice and went up Clark
treet , followed by a throng that numbered
lundreds. She crossed the vacant part of the
.urrnco surrounding the postolllce , and ,
itandlng near the scaffolding at the north-
vest corner of the building , resumed busl-
icss. Within five minutes the crowd filled
hat part of the government square and
( locked up Clark street. Again the policeman
ordered the crowd to d'sperse ' , but without
ivull. Ho then told Mrs. Pursous she would
iinvo to move on. She replied thut she had
iwrmlHslon from headquarters to sell the
hook , but ho was Inexorable nnd told her if
she did not move he would have to lock her
ip. This threat settled It , and she started
For Devine's ofllee , followed again by thn
: neb that by this time was thousands. She
went upstairs , while the crowd stood In the
itrcet in front of the building and now and
lien a weak cheer would be attempted , but
he sight of the policemen kept them quiet.
During Mrs. Parsons' brief career as a street
vender she was quite a success , having sold
WK ) copies of the book and could huvo sold
many more If she could have handled the
noney fust enough.
At the Jail this morning n long conference
was held between Captain Black , L. S.
Oliver , of the Amnesty association , and thd
seven condemned men. After the conclusion
of the conference Captain Hlnck refused to
muko public the mutter under discussion. Ho
said ho expected to leave for Sprlnglleld with
the petition for amnesty Monday night. To
the inquiry whether ho hoped for clemency
ho replied : "I am always a hopeful man. I
will hope until there is no longer tiny ground
for it. "
It has bcon suggested by several attorneys
thut the defense , for the purpose of delay , if
nothing else , could npply for u writ of lunu-
tico Inqulrendo lo determine the mental con
dition of the condemned men. Captain Hlack
said of this : "Jt might bo done , but those
brave fellows would never consent to it. I
wouldn't give it a second thought. "
Late this afternoon several socialists who
have been prominent In the endeavor to se
cure leniency for the condemned men visited
the juil and > . , id a long conference with Spies ,
at tlio end of which ho signed some paper
which they had brought. Ho seemed reluc
tant and only signed after much persuasion.
It has not yet been learned what the nature
of the document was.
Three Anarchists A k For Mercy.
Ciuctno , Nov. 3. August Spies , Samuel
Fielden and Michael Schwab signed a peti
tion this afternoon humbly begging the gov
ernor to commute their sentences. These
three ; have not written letters to the gov
ernor that they would not accept commuta
tion. The signatures of ridden nnd Schwab
were secured by Captain Black and L. S.
Oliver in tlio morning conference , but Spies
was obdurate at that time und would not
sign the paper. Late this afternoon , however -
over , he was called on by Dr. Schmidt. ex-
Alderman Frank Stmiber and George Schil
ling , who labored witli him until his signa
ture was secured. The other four nothing
could bo done with , but a committee of
friends will call on them again to-morrow
and endeavor to Induce them to reconsider
their determination not to ask for mercy.
An Arbeitcr Zcltung Kelitorinl.
CHICAGO , Nov. 3.--Tho Arbciter Zcitung ,
the organ of the anarchists , has a long edi
torial in to-day's issue on the action of the
supreme court , in which it says : "For a
hundred years the United States enjoyed tlio
reputation of being a free country , and up to
n short time ago such a reputation was most
Justifiable. Hut lately a few possessors of
the collateral riches produced by the common
people , usurped a criminal power to pervert
and misinterpret tlio laws created by the
fathers of this republic In good faith and a
progressive spirit. They splatter with mud
the name of the republic. Justice ,
which is being distributed under the
auspices of .lay Gould , Vanderbiltet nl wears
not only n bandage over her eyes , but also a
watchword on her breast , which roads : 'Tlio
public bo damned. ' " The editorial further
accuses the Justices of having been led
merely by the desire of setting a horrible ex
ample to the working classes to keep them
easier in submission. It warns the Justices
that he who sows the wind must reap the
whirlwind , and adds : "Our comrades will
seal with their blood the truth that liberty
and Justice can hardly raise their heads in
this country. "
Couldn't Illrcn Hall.
CHICAGO , Nov. 3. Chairman Olis-cr , of the
Amnesty association , were out his patience
and n good horse to-day In nn unavailing
effort to secure a hall for Saturday night's
muss meeting. No owners of places of public
assemblage can be prevailed upon to rent for
even ono night for tlio purpose.
Tlirco Different Volitions.
CHICAGO , Nov. n. The objects of the visits
of Messrs. Slater nnd Lloyd to the anarch
ists Wednesday developed to-day by the cir
culation of three different petitions among
citizens asking the governor to save the an
archists. The llrst of these contained the
names of all the seven men and was signed
during the day by Judge Tully , Judge Booth ,
Alderman Muniorro and others. Tlio second
petition docs not contain the names of Engel ,
Fischer and Linpp. Tlio lust ono has only
the names of Fielden nnd Schwab on it , UKSO
being singled out as the men most likely to
be saved.
Yells ot Despair.
NEW YOIIK , Nov. 3. [ Special Telegram to
the Hni : . ] The anarchists in this city heard
with dismay the report from Washington ,
thut the supreme court had refused to grant
a writ of * ror in the case of the condemned
men at Ch 'ago. Many of the conservative
socialists und labor leaders who huvo hereto
fore been mild in their expressions have been
suddenly turned into rampant anarchists ,
and it will require the 'strongest exertion of
reason to keep them from committing acts
that will in like them liable to punishment.
Johunn Most said : "I feel like going away
in some wilderness , where I never more will
see a humun face. There are only beasts in
tfie world. Nevermore will I say tlrut there
are peed men In the world. " Justus Schwab
was fearful of tile violence that would follow
the execution of the condemned. "I be-
llcvo , " ho said , "that guerrilla warfare will
bo carried on. For every ono oftlie seven
men hanged , there will be seven capTtniuts
killed. "
Minister McLano und the Anarchists ,
PAIIIS , Nov. 3. Mr."McT.aue , United States
minister , in a letter acknowledging the ro
cclpt of n communication from Heroded , prei > i.
dent of the extreme left In the chamber ol
deputies , to the governor of Illinois , praying
for clemency for thn condemned Chicago an-
, urchtsts , suys : " 1 have ulrcud )
informed you thut the death penalty
' iu the United States is limited to commor
law crimes and that it is never exercised foi
political offenses. While feeling that it Is
necessary to point to this distinction , I dc
not hriiltntn to say that I am interested In
any stop to spare human llfo. I have cabled
to the governor of Illinois calling attention
to your dispatch.
Nr.w YOIIK , Nov. 3. Colonel R. G. Ingcr '
soli denied to-night the statement that In
would Intercede with lie ) governor of Illinois
for clemency for the anarchlbts. He bald lu
had been asked * evrul time * to interest him
self In Iheii' behalf. Hovas not in favor , o
anarchy and even if he desired to tukc up UK
case business > vouhi prevent , *
The Supreme Court's Head Receives
an Infernal Machine.
General Harrison ConnldcrH tlio Pros
pects Very Slim For Dakota's
AdmlHKlon to Statehood-
National Cniltnl | News.
AVnltc's Scalp Wanted.
WAsiiiNnToN , Nov. 3. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE. ] Chief Justice Walto has been
sx | > ttcd for destruction by the sympathizers
of Chicago's condemned anarchists and nn
effort was made this evening to destroy htm.
Shortly after 0 o'clock , while the chief Justice
was at dinner , a special messenger from the
city postoftlco delivered to him a box contain
ing wh t Is supposed to bo an Infernal ma
chine. The box was ubout S inches long , 4
Inches wide and 'J ine'hcs deep. It weighed
less than a ixiund , was wrapped in brown
paper and had a special delivery stamp upon
it. The box was received and receipted for
by a servant and it was sometime after din
ner before it was placed In the hands of the
chief Justice. Ho took it to his library
and was on the point of opening it when ho
discovered its character. To your correspond
ent Justice Walto said to-night that ho had
received a suspicious package , but ho refused
to state its contents or whether it was of ex
plosives or intended to take his Hlo. Ho did
not want to talk about It. One of the clerks
at the postoftlco says that n package was de
livered to him as described , butknows nothing
of its contents and has no idea from whom it
came. No special dcllvcrj- stamps were sold
at the postofllco for some time before the
hour when the package was deposited In the
delivery box. Nothing can bo ascertained
from the police und Justice Wuito would not
suy whether he hud reported the matter ami
the police officers are remarkably mysterious
and reticent. It is not known that any of
the condemned have friends hero or that any
have been hero while the case was pending
before the supreme court.
No Hope For Dakota.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 8. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE. ] General Harrison , of Indiana ,
who was chairman of the committee on terri
tories in the last senate , is in the city. Ho
was asked by your correspondent to-day
what ho thought of the prospect of the ad
mission of Dakota Into the union at the com
ing session of congress. The senator replied :
"I don't think that there Is any prospect for
the admission of any of the territories before
the presidential election. Montana has ,
think , u population sufficient to warrant her
admission , and there can bo no doubt of the
right of the people of Washington territory
to ask to bo admitted , but the democrats in
the house arc determined ta control the gov
ernment ut any cost , and they will not con
sent to the admission of aiy : now territory
which might by any probability cast an elec
toral vote for the republican ticket. It is
another indication of tbo damnable method
employed by the party now in power to main
tain control of the government by the sup
pression of the colored vote in the south
and the Gorman method in Maryland.
They are enabled to keep things in their own
hands , nnd It is probable that they will coiv
tinue to do so as long as they can. "
"Do you not think if the enabling acts
were prepared , which should provide for the
admission after the presidential election ,
there might bo u chunco of favorable ac
tion I"
"It is barely possible. But still I think
that there is little hope for even that. Pre
vious to the election of 1S84 I prepared a bill
for the admission of Dakota with a proviso
that the constitutional convention should not
bo held until after the elections of that year.
I hoped that the provisions would servo tc
set at rest opposition which might bo raised
to immediate admission , but it , was in vain.
The democrats would not consent to admis
sion on any terms , and I don't think that the
prospects are very much better now. No , I
don't see that-thero is any chance for Dakota
nt present , although It is , of course , possible
there may bo some change for the better in
the outlook before the close of the Fiftieth
congress. "
Nebraska and Iowa Pensions.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 3. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE. ] The following Nebraska pen
sions were granted to-day : Louisa , widow
of John C. Enslow , Alexander ; Eliza , mother
of Charles W. Cluto , Arapahoc. Increase :
George W. Doll , Valentino ; Thomas Daily ,
Omaha ; Almojn W. Ensign , Lincoln.
Iowa pensions : Hannah Piekler , mother
of Dickcrson French , Postvillo ; Kutli ,
mother of Joseph M. Camp , New Sha
ron. Mexican Jwar : Alexander Falconer ,
Communia. Original : Henry Muchmore ,
Osceolu ; Daniel W. Hettegrow , Seymour ;
John Kuntz , Dubuque ; Lewis B. Decker ,
Underwood ; Francis M. Maekey , Cedar Knp-
idsJosiah ; Young , Albia ; Elijah C. Smith ,
Greenfield. Increase : Nelson W. AVinters ,
Sigourney ; Oliver P. Burnett , Allerton ;
Churles E. Wilkins , DCS Moines ; Woods.on
Wulliice , Ottumwa : Zudok C. Delushmutt ,
Oskaloosa ; Isaac H. Gaddis , Bonaparte.
ninnel On the Telegraph.
WAHIIINHTON , Nov. 3. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE. ) Heprcsentative Bland of Mis
souri to-day , in speaking of tlio recent devel
opments In telegraph matters , said : "i sup
pose the matter will receive considerable at
tention from Congress. I don't see much
difference between the government con
trolling the telegraph and carrying the mails.
Something must bo done to break down the
present monopoly. The most important ques
tion that will bo before us this congress will
be the'taritt. "
"Would Mr. Cleveland's chances of renom-
ination bo Impaired by a democratic defeat In
New York this fall } " Mr. Bland was asked.
"I don't see why they should. There Is
ono thing certain if New York wants to
name their candidate she must tuko Cleve
land , otherwise a western man will bo nom
inated. But I don't euro to express my opin
ion as to who the man would be. "
Washington Laborers and Anarchists.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 8. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE. ] Since the labor parade last
night , In which were over 8,000 mechanics ,
much comment has been made by thut class
upon the decision of the supreme court in the
linarehists' caso. Laboring men at Iho na
tional capital express no sympathy with the
condemned men and ' are putting forth efforts
to have It known. They arc , however , of the
belief that Governor Oglcsby ought to com
mute the sentence of those who have not pro
tested against having their sentences com.
muted and it Is likely they will Join in u pe
tition to that effect. There Is a stronger feel
ing among the laboring men here than prolm-
bly any other place against anarchy , although
thn strike and boycott is a popular and fre
quently employed weapon.
Coast Defenses.
WASHINGTON' , Nov. 3. Brigadier General
Benet , chief of ordnance , in his annual rcjmrt
to , the secretary of war , says : The
total expenditures for the fiscal
year were $1,503,000. It Is believed
- to bo a vital Interest of the , whole country
that such liberal appropriation bo made by
congress from year to year , until our present
o utter destitution as to modern
iiguus bo relieved , n shall fur-
i nish substantial encouragement nnd aid
1 that our steel Industry demands. As a step
[ la this direction I have asked iu my annual
estimate for an Appropriation of H.500,000 for
the procurement of forging for eight und ten
Inch guns. Heavy conjion nro u necessity
and must bo provided , und our unprotected
coasts demand that they bo provided for
speedily. "
_ J
Pension Appeal * .
WASHINGTON , Nov. 8. Hawkins , assistant
eeretary of the Interior , having charge of
the board of pension appeals , in his report
gives the following summary of the oi > cra-
tlons of the board from July 1 , 1SSO , to No-
vembcr 1,18S7 : Appeals pending July 1,1SS < 5 ,
8.2M ; appeals tiled since , 2,053 ; total cases
disposed of , 5,280 : appeal * decided by board
wherein the decision of the pension office was
sustained , 3,721) ) ; reversed , 230 ; appeals
wherein actlou was reconsidered by pension
office and pensions allowed on notice that
appeal had been taken , 1.131 ; appeals with
drawn , 34 ; appeals dismissed , 159 ; appeals
pending November 1.1887 , U30.
Army News.
WASHINGTON , Nov. ; 8. [ Special Telegram
to the Bun. ] Chaplain Ornlll J. Nave has
been transferred from the Department of
Texas to Omaha ; Se-cond Lieutenant William
D. Wright , signal corns , from Woodshool to
i.vnn , Mass. ; Colonel Henry L. Abbott , en-
ineer corps , from Ne > v York to Newport.
Corporal Austin Grndy , Fourth artillery , has
ecu placed on the retired list. Colonel Wlll-
un 1 * . Carlin , Fourth Infantry , has been
runted four months leave.
TnrlfTnnd Hevenno Reformers.
WASHINGTON , Nov.8. , , [ Special Telegram
i the BEE. ] General Browne , of Indiana ,
no of the oldest and most Influential mcni-
crs of the house committee on ways and
leans , snys a sufficient number of republi-
ans will Join the tariff nnd internal reform-
rs nt the session this .winter to abolish the
ix on tobacco and sugar. Ho does not bo-
eve that anything like a general revision of
ho tariff is possible , ' or that the tax on
vhisky und distillations generally can be ef-
ectcd by any strategy.
Personal Gossip.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 3. [ Special Telegram
o the BEE. ] C. B. Souttcr and Mrs. Gcorgo
'hompson nnd maid , 'of Cedar Hapids , la. ,
re here. Mrs. Cleveland now takes regular
ftcrnoon drives in heir own one-horso turn-
ut , handling the reins herself , and the
trangers who desire to sccttho first lady of
he land are beginning to congregate on the
Inc of her airing and are giving her ciicour-
gcmcnt in her enterprise.
Postal Changes.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 8. [ Special Telegram
o the BEE. ! Petci ? Cockrcll was to-day
ppointcd postmaster nt South Oiiiaha ,
Douglas county , vice W. G. Stone , resigned.
AVcilcp h Ofllee.
WASHINGTON , Novl ,8. , The president to
ny appointed Edward C. Weilep , of Kansas ,
United States consul at Sonnebcrg , Gcr-
A Stnble-Fpr Sale.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 8. Congressman W. L.
Scott has decided to retire from the turf and
ell his racing stable.
Ydvisahility of Asking Government
Alel Being .Considered.
Nr.w YOKK , Nov. 3. President Bayles , of
he board of health , wrote to-day in relation
o the cholcni ships Jo'Mnyor Hewitt as to
ho advisability of requesting the national
government to scridptho vessel back. He
iays : "So far as tho.vpssels now in port are
concerned there sccma&o bo no occasion fern
n appeal by the mayojl to the federal govern
ment to order their'reuioval. The Alesia has
already sailed and the Brittania is at present
said to be free from disease. In the case of
he Burgundla , which , I understand , is near-
ng this port with a full cargo nnd pas
senger list from infected Mediterranean
ports , it is probably too Into for
any effective action whether or
lot cholera may bo found on board. "
n the latter case Mr. Boyles says It would
jo an act of inhumanity to compel the return
of her passengers. Ho says if the federal
; ovcrnment can in "any way interfere to
check immigration from parts infected with
coutagious diseases it should bo able to do so.
Health Officer William Smith gives the fol-
.owlng summary of facts in regard to cholera
among the passengers of the steamships
Alesia and Brittania : "Tho Alesia had six
deaths from cholera on an average four pas
sengers and two of the crew. There has
jeen in nil among tlio Alcsia's passengers
thirty-five cases of cholera , nineteen of which
iroved fatal. There have been wo deaths
from other causes. On the Brittania there
been only four cases since her arrival. "
Dr. Smith added : "The health onleer and
commissioners of quarantine have done nnd
are doing everything possible for the safety
of the public. "
Sale of the New York Graphic.
Now YOIIK , Nov. 3. Negotiations for the
sale of the New York Graphic , have been
concluded , and a syndicate of wealthy capi-
: alists in Now York and Philadelphia has
finally secured control of the paper. This ar
rangement will keep tho. Graphic an inde
pendent democratic journal nnd a friend of
the national and state administrations.
Major II Ink Icy , former proprietor , retains a
majority share of the stock. Edward Graff
lias been selected as president of the new
orgnnizutlon und Mr. E. CHrown will bo
general manager. Colonel Frank A. Burr ,
of the Philadelphia Times , will be the editor.
Discharging Conductors.
ST. JOM-U-II , Mo. , Nov. 3. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] The Kansas City , St.
Joseph & Council Bluffs railroad company
has began the discharge of its passenger con
ductors. Yesterday three Jack Hewitt , Ed
Kennedy nnd Al Hunt received notice to
quit and others uro expecting word to that
effect to-day. Kennedy has been with the
road for twenty years and Hunt and Hewitt
over ten years each. No reason is assigned
for this dismissal. A number of the old con
ductors have signified their intention of re
signing before iho blow comes. The man
agement declines to make any statement of
tlio cause.
St. Joe's Cahlc Itond.
ST. JosEi'ii , Mo. , Xov. 8. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] E ? . L. Lerncd , of Plainfield -
field , N. J. , who'has the contract for building
the Wyatt Park Cable road , arrived in St.
Joseph yesterday and filed his bond with the
company for the completion of the work
within nine months. At a , meeting of the
directors this afternoon the capital stock was
Increased to $500,000. , Mr. Lorncd stated this
afternoon that the road.-would bo completed
by March 1,1888. The cost of the road will
bo FJS.OOO u mile , und it is four and u half
miles long.
Reported Kuuvpo of Crows.
BISMAIICK , Dak. , , Nov 8. It is reported
that 200 Crow Indians who escaped from the
soldiers near Custer are now on the war-path
and that the soldiers In Montana are prepar
ing as beat they can for defense. Sitting Bull
is at Stiimliui : Hock with over 0.000 Sioux
and Is said to bo li ; league with the Crows ,
Pci lo are anxious tliat Fort Lincoln , five
milch south of here , be gffsn more troops.
Hnttiu WoolHteln Helef.
Los ANeiKLE * , Cal. , Nov. 3. The prelimin
ary examination 'of Hattie AVoolsteln , who
formerly lived near Pcornl , 111. , and who Is
charged with murjlcrlng Dr. Hurlnn , a , den
tist and sK > rtitig man , and afterwards burn
ing the body , closed to-day and the girl was
held to await the action of the grand jury.
Passed The Bill.
CoNconn , NpH.'Nov. 3 The bouso this
afternoon passed t o gcniifo bill authorizing
tho'Hoston&Mai o railroad to purchase the
property and framSilses of the Eastern rail'
road company in Hew Hampshire. .
Young Dr. Gillosplo Indicted By the
Grand Jury.
low the Doily WI R Stolen A llnck-
inan Tells Ills Story Miscegena
tion at Mason City Fl. Mail I-
Bon Convicts Keunpc.
Dark For thn Doctor.
tTDF.s MOINKS , In. , Nov. 8. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEH. ] The grand Jury ut
Jhariton has Just Indicted Dr. J. A. Glllesplo
'or ' grave robbery and bound him over to the
1st rlct court.
Public Interest In the shocking case is In-
rcaslng both there and hero. A confirmatory
Ircumstnnco occurred to-day when the hack-
nun called nt the baggage rooms of the
Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy 'road and
ircscntcd the check for the box In which the
orpse was packed. He had been after the
ilece of baggage several times before , but
ho officials had put him off till now. Acting
under advice they took his check and found
t corresponded to the ono on the box. The
lackman snys that ho was at the
rain as usual when it arrived
ast Monday morning nnd the check was
given to him by n stranger who told him to
ilcliver the baggage for which It celled at the
'oot of a stairway on East Sixth street. The
italrway leads up to the physician's office in
which young Glllcspio is studying. . The facts
as they appear now show that last Sunday
bis young Doctor J. A. Glllesplc , who had
'ormerly. lived in Charitun went to a livery
: hcre , and hired a team saying he wished to
go Into the country to see his folks. Ho wus
b'ono but a short time and returned saying
hat he met his folks nnd did not go as far as
ho Intended. So after ho hud bought his
Icket to DCS Molnes and checked as his bag
gage this small box , 10x22 inches , and left
mmedlntely for DCS Moines , reaching hereabout
about 4 o'clock Monday morning. When the
box reached this city the buggago agent was
attracted by the peculiar odor that came.
from It , and prying it open made the horrible
discovery that It contained n human body
iloublcd up and Jammed into the small space.
"luiuiry at Chariton showed that the | > orson
becking the box was young Gillesple and ho
was at once arrested und taken to Churltpn ,
where he waived preliminary examination
unel was taken at once before the grand Jury
ivhich Is now in session. When the news
irst reached Chariton public indignation ran
HO high that the ofiiccrs did not dare take
their prisoner into town by the usual way ,
but stoppcel the train in the outskirts of the
suburbs and drove the rest of the way to the
Almost the entire population seemed to bo
: it the depot , and could the crowd have gotten
liold of Gillespie then ho would probably
never have had any other trial than that ac
corded by .Iu dtro Lynch , but with time for
reflection mid investigation , another side of
the mutter come out , which has changed the
direction of public sentiment. The woman
in the box was identified as Mrr. Jessie Cor-
bett , who had died about a week before. The
hotel keeper at Chariton says that lust Friday
night Gillespie and Mr. Corbett occupied a
room together and in the morning Gillespio
paid the bill for the two. From this an In-
crcdiblo report Is made implicating other par-
tics in the deed , nnd Glllcsple's
friends are said to have declared at
Jhariton that ho is not personally
o blame for the robbery. It further appears
that the cemetery in which the woman was
buried v.'ss about a mlln nut of Chariton and
the grave some little distance from the roud.
Investigation shows that the woman's cloth
ing was thrown back into tlio coftln and the
grave but partially filled , the whole Job being
done in a bungling manner. A hedge fence
was in the way and an opening through it
was discovered through which , it is sup
posed , the body wus drugged. This explains
the scratches und abrasions upon it. Some
other suggestive circumstances also have
coma to light. Shortly after the corpse
was brought to this city articles of incorpor
ation of a new medical college for this city
was filed and it is stated that one
of the incorporators was a particular friend
of the Gillespies and ho himself is supposed
to bo Intel-red in it. Great interest is felt in
the outcome of the case , and the excitement
is not lessened by knowledge of the fact that
the woman died of typhoid fever , and the
transportation by a railroad of a body that
had died of a contagious disease , Is inude a
berious offense by the Iowa statutes.
Iowa Dairymen.
MANriiE TEit , la. , Nov. 8. In the dairy
convention hero to-day Colonel Henderson ,
of Dubuquc , spoke on the oleomargarine
question , warning the dairymen to bo on the
alert for the next pcssion of congress. At its
conclusion the forenoon was taken up with
talks on oleomurgurino. Promptly at "
o'clock the parade started and was witnessed
by a very largo number of people.
\mong the features were floats
ono representing n woolen mill nnd another a
dairy with fifty pretty dairy maids making
butter. At the hall Mr. Ward , of Wisconsin ,
delivered nn address on the duiry cow. The
stute association elected the following officers :
President , L. S. Gates , of Delaware county ;
vice president , C. L. Trueblood , Warren
county ; treasurer , C. W. Sibley , Marshall ;
secretary , H. M. Littler , Scott. The new
officers of the national association are : Presi
dent , Jonathan Bigclow , of Massachusetts ;
first vice president , E. G. Potter , Minnesota ;
secretary , H. M. Littler. lown. Each htato
will select its own vice president hereafter.
The national association adopted a resolution
to provide for nn attorney , also also a com
mittee to oppose the repeal of the oleomar
garine law. William P. Quinn , of Now
York , was chosen as attorney
for the association. The butter
committee awards are as follows :
First on creamery , C. W. Ward & Co. , Man
chester , Moody Bros. , Nashua ; second on
creamery , H.V. . Saline. Manchester , and
nine others. First on dairy butter , Mrs. C.
W. Lyman , Manchester ; A.Wcllman , Muson-
ville ; L. G. Cute , Anamosu ; W. P. Patten ,
Manchester. Second on dairy butter , John
Dubois & Bros. , of Manchester.
Fort. Madison Convicts Kscnpc.
FOIIT MADISON , In. , Nov. 8. Yesterday
morning at 5 o'clock John McElroy nnd Will
iam Clark , two convicts in the Iowa state pen
itentiary located here , made their escape by
means of a rope and a ladder , with which
they scaled the high wall. They were night
firemen In the electric light boiler room , and
the foreman , who is also guard , had stepped
out of the room for three minutes. McElroy
is from Ottumwa nnd WHS filling a two year
sentence , with six months yet to run. Chirk
was from Burlington on a year's sentence and
had nine month's to servo.
The House Fell On Him.
Siorx CITV , la. , Nov. 3. [ Special Telegram
to the BKK , ] This morning John Todd and
his force of men were engaged in moving a
house from near the corner ol Thirteenth and
Virginia streets. The house wus elevated
several feet , belug supported by timbers.
While the men were engaged in putting more
bldckiiig under the house the timbers gave
way and tha bull'ling ' fell. Most of the men
got out from \imler all right , but Mr. Todd
was caught oy the falling timbers. His loft
leg was broken below the kncfuml one of his
liipu crushed and the other injured ,
A YOIIIIK Fanner Goes "U'roni ; .
CLINTON , laNov. . n. Henry J. Pease ; , n
young' and prominent farmer nnd stocli
buyer of Pcaso Grovu and Dewitt , ncav here j ,
Is. missing. Ho recently disposed of his real ' 1
estate , personal property , etc. , aud pocketed il
the money , leaving his creditors In the lurch
to the amount of $20,000. The Gorman
Savings' bank , of Iavcnxirt | , and farmers
and women whom ho borrowed money of are
the heaviest losers. Ho had the confidence ol
n great number of people In two counties ,
with whom ho had done business.
A Sheriffs Suit For Mhcl.
Sioux CITY , la. , Nov. 3. [ SpecialTelegram
to the BEE. ] Papers were served on the pro
prietor * of the Dally Times to-day , making
them defendants in n $ .1,000libel suit brought
by Sheriff McDonald , who Is now running
for re-election for n third term. The Times
recently published an article making serious
charges against McDonald for misdemeanors
In office and he feels himself injured to the
extent of t5,000. It Is doubtful whether the
case will over bo brought to trial.
A Move For n Testimonial.
Sioux CITT , la. , Nov. 3. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] A movement has been
Inaugurated hero to got up n public testimo
nial for the men who were Instrumental in
getting up nnd carrying through to comple
tion the recent corn palace.
Eloped AVIth a Colored Jockey.
MASON CITV , la. , Nov. 3. Thomas Jeffer
son , a colored Jockey in this city , and Miss
Martha Furrier , a young white woman of re
spectable parentage , have eloped. They
Iwught tickets for Mlnneaimlls. The nffulr
has created u sensation. Tlio girl's parents
say they will do nothing.
Sloiix City's Inurenscd Iteftlstrntlon.
Sioux CITV , la. , Nov. 8. [ Special Tele
gram to the HP.E. ] The total registration
this year is 3,837 , or nearly 1,000 more than
lust year.
On to Otnnhn.
LOGAN , In. , Nov. 8. [ Special to the BEE. ]
The surveyors for the Duluth & St. Paul
railroad arrived at this place shortly after
noon yesterday , on their way to Omaha.
They expect to reach Omaha by Suturduy
They Klcct Oflleern nnd Denounce thn
Itnuhnnnii Clique.
DKNvnn , Colo. , Nov. 8. [ Special Telegram
to the BKE. ] The annual session of district
assembly No. 82,1C. of. L. , Union Pacific em
ployes , closed to-night. The following of
ficers were ele-cted : District master work
man , Thomas Ncashain,0 of Denver ; worthy
foreman , George C. Miller , of Ellis , Kan. ;
recording secretary , J. M. Corbin , of Denver ;
financial secretary , W. L. Carroll , of Denver ;
treasurer , W. H. Lynch , of Denver : statis
tician , Joseph Granger of Cheyenne. The
assembly adopted the following resolution
without dissent :
Whereas , Certain persons claiming to bo
members of the order of the Knights of
Labor and believing in Its principles , have ,
during the past year , attempted to bring the
order into disrepute nnd have assailed the
character of the general officers of the order ;
Whereas , The general assembly of the
order in session at Minneapolis the past
month lias denounced these men nnd placed
our order on record as. true to its principles ;
Whereas , This clement , who were disap
pointed in not being able to diiiir the order
Into their mire , have announced that they
would secede from the order ; therefore , bo it
Resolved , Thut wo view with pleasure the
indications that wo will not longer bo cursed
by them and that wo endorse the full action
of the general assembly.
Ten Thousand Plantation Laborers
Walk Out.
NEW OIILEANS , Nov. 8 , At the present
time over ton thousand negro laborers are on
strikes. The white men working on the su
gar plantations , holding that the demand was
unjust , refused to Join them. As the negroes
are In a lurg-o majority everywhere through
out the sugar district , and as they are de
termined neither to work themselves at the
present prices , nor allow others to work ,
further trouble Is looked for. Planters uro
determined to introduce new labor , and for
this purpose n largo number of warrants
have been issued. Several companies of
htato militia , aggregating probably six hun
dred men , are under arms at the principal
points throughout the district , and will go to
the assistance of the sheriffs officers if they
arc resisted when serving warrants. The
eviction will begin to-day.
rjEVAN.svii.u : , Ind. , Nov. 3. William Caldwell -
well , grocer , assigned to-day. Liabilities
estimated at ? 7.ri,000.
JEINNITTE , La. , Nov. 8. The labor trou
bles hero are beginning to present a brighter
aspect. From all appearances n satisfactory
understanding between the planters and la
borers will speedily bo reached.
Barmim's Trllmto to .lenny Llnd.
NEW YOIIIC , Nov. 8. [ Special Telegram to
the BEE. ] P. T. Burnum sent the following
cable to Otto Goldschmldt , Jenny Llnd's
husband : "I who knew the peerless Jenny
Lind in private life , as well as in public , as n
woman and un artiste , appreciate the great
ness of your loss. Accept the sympathy of
your old friend. "
Burnum says : "Jenny Llnd gave ninety-
flvo concerts while in this country. The ag-
prcgato receipts were 712,4(10.85 ( , averag
ing $7.400.43 each , the net receipts amounted
to * lTrtC75. Of her half of the receipts of the
first two concerts , she devoted f 10,000 to
charity in New York. She afterward gave
charity concerts in various cities. "
Yellow Fever Bulletin.
JACKSONVILLE , Fin. , Nov. 3. There were
seven new cases of f jcr at Tampa and two
deaths during the twenty-four hours ended
lust night , There is no yellow fever in the
state outside of Tampa.
AVAsiiiNGTON , Nov. 8. Surgcoji-Gcnoral
Hamilton received a telegram to-day from
Tampa saying that owing to the "norther"
which prevailed for several days the back
bone of the epidemic is now broken. Tlicro
were seven new cases and three deaths since
the last report.
* >
Kansas Clty'u Hall Players.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Nov. 3. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bun.--Tho Kansas City Base
Ball association has signed the following
players : Catchers , Reynolds , Gunson am
Wells ; pitchers , Conwny , Swiirtzel and Mc-
Carty ; first base , Cartwrlght ; second base
Ardner ; short stop. Manning ; third base
Johnson ; right field , Husunneur. Wells Is
from New Orleans , Cartwriglit from the.
Southern league , anej the rest were in tin
defunct Western Icaguei.
The Northern Pacific.
NEW YOIIK , Nov. 3. At a special meeting
of the preferred stockholders of the North
ern Pacific railroad the proposition of the
management to remove the restriction against
issuing new bonds was accepted , und the di
rectors were authorized to issue new bonds ,
not exceeding $12,000,000 , bearing interest of
not more than 0 percent per annum.
Survivors of n Wreck.
Nr.w YOHK , Nov. 3.--Tlio old Dominion
steamer Wyunoke , which arrived hero lust
evening , hud on board four survivors of the
schooner E. B. Evcrson , which left Wco-
hav.'ken Saturday last bound for Kighmoiid ,
Vi . , and which was wrecked.
Belted to Death.
DETIIOIT , Nov. 3. L. D. Koss , foreman In
the Acme white lead works , was caught In a
belt this morning , und before the machinery
could bo stopped ho was u muss of broken
Business Troubles.
HAJIII.TON , Out. , Nov. 8. John Hnrnoy
and J. B , McQucston , proprietors of the
I Hespelor woolen ruillls , made nn assignment
! for the benefit of creditors. Liabilities are
I placed ut over 1200,000.
A Rio Grande Express Hold TJj >
Near Grand Junction.
FIvoMnskcd Men Itltlc ( lie Mnll
Hut Full to Get Anything
From the I vx prows Com *
pnny's Hnfc.
Another Train Hold Up. ,
GUNNISO.V , Colo. , Nov. 3. [ Special Tolel
gram to the BRK. ] The oast-bound Denvci
< fe Hlo Orunde train was held up by maskeil
robbers ut tl:45 : this morning live miles cust ot
Grand Junction. At the point whura the !
robbery occurred the road runs along the (
Gunnlson river and a steep bunk rises some/ /
200 feet above. As the train run under tha
bluff Kngincer Muloy discovered obstructions ?
abend and whistled brakes. As he slowed up'
ho saw 11 vo men on the truck , and before ho/
could determine what was up the eommnnd , '
"Get down out of there 1" opened his eyes as' '
to the situation. Under the inspiring InlluV
eiico of a "gun" ho and Flronmii Slesslngci * ,
lost no time In stepping out of'
the cab and were stood with hand *
up under the bank. The noxu1
move of the robbers was to place n man on !
the opKslto | sldo of the mail and express earf
while the. two remaining commenced poumw
Ing on the mall car door demanding udtnls *
slon. Mall Agent Grubb , who hud dropped )
asleep after leaving Grand Junction , snpHs | !
ing the train was at n station , Jumped up and )
oiHMied the door. Ho was e-onfronted with' '
the guns of the robbers , who demanded that' '
ho throw up his hands , which ho did and wa9'
escorted to where the engineer und llrcmuny
were standing. The robbers then returned
to the car and rilled seventy-three registered
letters and packages and moved on the ex
press oar. Messenger Williams , who had
been aroused , hod blown out the light und
barred both doors. To their demands to
"open tlio door , " he replied : "Go around to
the other side. The trunks are piled up on
this side. "
"Move the trunks , nnd bo quick ubout it , "
they replied.
Pretending to comply ho went to rolling
boxes and trunks around the car , all the
time trying to get sight of the fellows to sea'
how many there were , nnd the chance of suc
cessful defense. Not being able in the dark
ness to determine the number , und knowing ,
there wus no express matter of value which-
they could get , ho concluded to open the
door. After doing so the robbers Jumped In ,
and ordered him to open tho" safe. Ho told !
them he could not do that as ho did not know'
the combination. Nut believing him they
put u revolver to his head and gave him
the ultimatum of opening tlio Hufo
in two minutes or die. He told them thub'
the safe wus u strong ono und the combina
tion known only to the agents at the main
ofilco. The fellow with the revolver at tha ,
head of the messenger wanted to shoot , bufr
bis accomplice prevented him. They then
discussed blowing open the safe , which In ,
fact contained u large amount of money , but !
concluded It would take too long and would
lift the cur.
They then discussed the advisability of
going through the passenger cars , but con
cluded not to do so , fearing resistance front
the passengers , some'of whom had started to *
wards the front end of the train to ascertain ,
the cause of the delay. These were turnedi
back by several shots from the robbers. The
express messenger and mall agent were then
ordered into cars , and taking the engineer
and fireman to the engine , the robbers them ? ,
selves removed the obstruction from tha
track , bade good night to Muloy and Slessin-
per , and struck out into the mountains. The ,
train then resumed the Journey cast , after iv
delay of something over an hour. ,
When the train stopped , Conductor Cools
started a brakemun buck to Grand Junction1
to give the alarm , und on arriving ut Bridge
port ho wired the news both ways. Ofllcorrf
are in pursuit of the robbers. The amount oft
money taken from the mail is not known.
_ , , . , _ . „ - . _ . - -
His .Slayer Hold I'or Ti Inl Without
Hall Other Amour * .
DOUGLAS , Wyo. , Nov. fl. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKE. ] Harry C. King , who shot
J. H. Bowman , the seducer of his wife In this
city Tuesday night , was given n preliminary
icaring this afternoon und held without bull.
His parents , who.livo at Morrison , 111. , and
who nro wealthy , huvo wired that they will !
assist him. Bowman's body is still in tha
lands of the coroner watting instructions
from his relatives. An examination mndo of
Bowman's personal effects this afternoon re
veals the fact that the wife of tlio man who
shot him is not the only victim of his lust.
Bowman was a handsome fellow and letters
from several women were found in his
trunk which show him to have been ,
mi unscrupulous and very successful liber- ,
tine. Among them arc a number from a' '
young lady teacher In a Sunday school , and
evidently in high standing in society and of
more than average culture and education.
These , however , neither bear signature nor
address. In ono of them , dated October 10 ,
she promises to meet him in Omaha If prac
ticable. When Bowman came in from the
oil country on Tuesday ho was on his way to
Pennsylvania to see his wife and children.
Ho intended , probably , to meet the girl at
the point named , tiut King's bullet prevented'
the assignation.
SlonniKhlp Arrival * .
BOSTONNov. . H. [ Special Telegram to
the BII : . ] Arrived Tlio Norseman , from ,
SOUTHAMPTON , Nov. f ) . Arrived The
Saalo , from Now York for Bremen.
Ni\v : YOIIK , Nov. 'I. Arrived The Penn-
lund , from Antwerp.
LONDON. Nov. : t. Arrived The Lydlan
Monarch , from New York for Liverpool ) the
Nova Stotlan. from Baltimore )
QHKKNSTOWN , Nov. S. Arrived The Adri
atic and Nevada , from Now York.
A Clnl ) HOUND Scorched.
CHICAGO , Nov. Si. A lire this morning at 4
o'clock was discovered in the Chicago club
on Mouroo street , opposite the Palmer houso.
The lire started on the fifth iioor in the
kitchen , from a defective Hue. It Is supposed ,
the loss is tliS.OOO , which will cover the dum-
ago. About a dozen women employed in the
club saved their lives by exit from the fifth
floor to the roof to the adjoining buildings.
The fire for some time caused u panic In iho
Clifton cad Palmer houses near by.
KnllH AcnlnHt IiiHiirunco Companies.
CIIICAOO , Nov. 3. Attorney General Hunt
filed papers against the Mutual flro associ
ation , the Cuuton Mutual lira insurance
association , the Manufacturers Mu
tual lli-o Insurance company ,
and the Lumberman's Mutual llro Insurance
company in hums ranging from IIOCX ) to
t. > , ( KK ) for doing business in violation of thole
Narrow KNCIIJIO For I ho Nnvy.
Nnwi'or.T , Jt. I. , Nov. 8. Seven or eight
naval ofileers narrowly escaped death thla
afternoon by the premtttura bursting of *
Spar torpedo which was being run out from a
boat. The bout was badly shuttered und tw
men beverely wovndad.
No Trace ol' the Tup. ,
MINNEAPOLIS , Nov. 8 , Tlicro is no trace ot
the steam tug JJryUerry , which piled upon
Lukc-of-tho-Woods , and it Is reasonably cer
tain she was lost In the recent storm with all
tlio crew cud paFiSongero. \