Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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Department Clerks Called Upon For
Funds to Fill Thorn.
Government Employee Are Asked to
Como Down Liberally A Nebraska
* Land Case .Sensational Divorce
Suit AViisliliiKton.
Democrat lo Campaign Contributions.
WASIIINOTOK , Nov. 2. [ Special Telegram
' to the HUE. ] Contributions for the demo-
crivtlo campaign in New York are being
openly solicited by officers nt the govern
ment printing ofllce. It Is stated that a clerk
in the public printer's room has gone through
tlio establishment and insisted upon liberal
contributions nnd that they have very gen-
in-ully been made. The action of the prcsl-
ilent in contributing $ lXXis , ( ) pointed to as
nn example , and the money Is handed over
without any effort to make a secret of it.
Ohio's campaign la attracting universal in
terest In dftlclal circles here , and Is also the
subject of considurnblo solicitude among the
employes In the departments. Contributions
liavo boon made with liberal hands and ar
rangements perfected whereby all voters will
be permitted to go home and vote. A number
of republicans who were removed from fed-
i.Tiil positions for offensive partisanship are
also going to Ohio to vote and work.
A Nebraska Jjiiinl Decided.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 2. ] Spccial Telegram
lo the HUE. ] Secretary Lumar to-day con
firmed the decision of Commissioner Sparks
in the case of Callahan vs. Tremmell , from
the North Platte district. The secretary , In
Ills decision , says to the commissioner : "Gay
P. Culluhan filed a declaratory statement
October 2i : , 1SK ) , alleging settlement on the
same day upon the s. w. } { of see. 1 , tp. 17 n.
r. 20 w. , North Pintle , Nob. July 1 , 1SS5 ,
Charles A. Tremmell filed a declaratory
statement for the same tract , alleging sottlc-
mAt there-oil May 10. 185)4. ) Trcmmull sub
mitted his llnal proof December 2 , IfeS-t , Cal
lahan protested and submitted testimony.
Tlio local ofilccrs sustained Tremmell's claim
uhd your decision of January 80. 18 % , af
firmed the action below. Tlio appeal of Calla-
hau brings the case here. The material facts.
JIM shown by tlio testimony at the hearing.aro
HUlllcienlly stated in your oftlco letter , and I
concur in the conclusions therein reached.
The supplemental atUduvlts. tending to show
that Tremmell abandoned the land after the
llnal proof , have not been considered. Your
decision is uftlnncd and the papers lu the case
lire rolurned herewith.
Army News.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 2. [ Special Telegram
to the BKK. ] Colonel Henry L. Abbott ,
corps of engineers , has been ordered to pro
ceed from Now York to Newi > ort , II. I. , on
public business and oil Its completion to re
turn to his proper station. Post Chaplain O.
Kayo has been relieved from duty in the de
partment of Washington and ordered to the
Department of the Platto. Second Lieutcn-
lint William I ) . Wright , signal corps , hna
been ordered to proceed from Woodhull ,
Mass. , to Lynn. Mast. , to inspect certain un-
ftervieeablo signal service properly. Leave
if absence for four months lias been granted
Colonel William P. Carlin , Fourth infantry.
Pirst Lieutenant Carver Howland , Fourth
infantry , has been ordered from Fort Spo
kane , Wyo. , lo Fort. Sherman. W.vo. Exten
sions of leave : Captain ( ! . A. Goodaie.
Twenty-third Infantry llftcen days ; Colonel
John C. Tldball , First artillery , live days.
There are lRi'i ! ocmimisslcmed ofllrcrs in ac
tive service in the United Stated navy. Tin
list includes ono admiral , ono vice admiral ,
nix rear admirals , ten commodores , forty-live
ciCptnlns , eighty-live commanders , seventy-
four lieutenant coinimindurs , 2.r > 0 lieutenant !
iin'd seventy-live junior lieutenants , beside ;
] S-'I ensigns and sixty-nine naval cadets per
forming two years sea service. Of the eighty
four' serviceable vessels , nineteen are ar
mored nnd twelve are sailing vessels.
, At the war department a denial is enterci
that the order for two companies of soldier :
to proceed nt once to Chicago , has any refer
unco to the approaching execution of thi
Nebraska and Iowa Pensions.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 2. [ Special Tolcgran
ijo the L1ic. : ] Pensions wore grantee
Nebraskans to-day as follows : Mexican
war Augustus Frederick , Chambers ; Knocl
McCarty , Gilman. Original issues : Joscpl
II. Hlshan , Omaha ; Sylvester Gordon , Eli
non. Increase : James Uurrows , Platti
Center ; George T. Dcloggcr , Nebrasks
City ; Denny Turner. Pierce.
Iowa pensions Original : Thomas P. Shaw
I 'nox ; James SpcuUnian , Sioux Citv
George II. Clements , Mlllersburuh ; Franl
M. Davis , Corning. Increase : Cornelius M
Comtig.vs , Croekor ; Picrson Mills , Paris
Di-nton Tedron , Birmingham ; Arthur Corn
vMl , New London ; Albert Uonumt , Nashua
Josuph Maybcrry , Clarinda ; James D. Slier
inan , Washington ; HoM-a W. Welch , Elliott
James Sago , Grand Kiver.
Her Temper AV.-is Hart.
WARHINHTON , Nov. 2. [ Special Telegrar
to the Hnr. . ] To-day Judge Merrick , in th
equity court , made a decree of divorce in th
case of Abraham Krpon against Sarah Krooj ;
Both parties are well known lu Iowa. The ,
wore married in AVnshlngton county Marji
land , Christmas day , 1&50 , and the charge I
that she is possessed of an ungovcrnabl
temper which has made his life with her
hell nn earth ; ' that she threatened him wit
n loaded pistol , compelling him to leave hi
homo. lie states further that bo came horn
in Mny , 1S.S1 , and engaged in the re.stauran
Imainess in West Washington , and at hi
Holieitations she joined him hero but showei
that she had not Improved in temper an
November ! who descried and abandoned liii
carrying on'snmu of his effects from the cit
tind also from Washington county , Muryluni !
nnd taking them with her to Iowa.
Interceding For the Indiana.
WASIIINOTOV , Nov. 2. A delegation heade
by ex-Ouhtico Strong , representing the Amei
Jean Hlblo society at the Mohawk conference
nnd several religious and missionary so
oioties , called upon the president to-day t
urge uixm him a modilication nf the order o
the interior department prohibiting the us
of the Indian language in Indian school !
.I'lio president's reply was entirely satisfai
tory to the delegation. Ho said it was nt
intended that the order should be so liternll
construed as to forbid religious Instruction i
the Indian language and that the recent ai
mini report of the commissioner of India
nn'alrs has made this clear.
I'oslnl ChniiKCN.
WASIIINOTON , Nov. 2 [ Special Tolpgrat
to the liKi.1) : ) The niiiiio ol the postoftlco t
Tick , Mcrriek county , Neb. , was changed ti
ilay to Palmer and Lawrence IJrennan ;
jHilntcd postmaster , vice Henry M. Cox , si
l > er eded.
TJio following Iowa postmasters wcro a ]
pointed to-day : Philip Bwggren. Sholdab
Polk county , vice D. Hatileld , resigned ; A
bert P. Howard , Wilsonvlllo , Van llurc
county , vice F. M. Harlan , resigned.
Kvport. IltitcH Bottled.
Nnw YUIIK , Nov. 2.-r-Tho executive co ) '
luittoe of the trunk lines decided the matti
of export rates nt its meeting , to-day. TI
Gi-itud Trunk acquiesced in tlio decision i
the committee , IJy the rule adopted , the n
unigo through rate to Livoriwol frqm Chic
tfo was adopted as the rate for all routes
the other sldo nf the Atlantic. Uy this'
rungoirtont it will cost the sumo by wluchevi
seaboard cutlet , export stuff uiuy bo fo
Steamship Arrivals.
UALTIMOUIS , Nov. 2. [ Special Telegram
the UEK. ] Arrived The U'trra , from llr
men.NEW YOIIK , Nov. 2. Arrived The Kn
land , from Livcrjobl. ) ' .
LONDON , Nov. a. Arrived The Mllant-s
from Uoston.
, GLASGOW , Nov. 2. Arrived The Sea
jUr.uvlim , from Uoston.
A FlBht for the Wealth of n IlrooVlyn
NEW YORK , Nov. 2. [ Special Telegram to
the HKE. ] Nelson J. Wntcrbury , Jr. , Is coun
sel for plaintiff in an action to recover some
thing like half a million dollars which was
left unclaimed In Hrooklyn twenty years ago ,
nnd which has. been accumulating nt com
pound Interest In the treasury of New York
ever since. In 1319 the colonel of an English
regiment was ordered from Great Britain to
Canada , nnd ho took with him his two moth
erless boys , Edwin 'and William , and when
his regiment was ordered back to Kuglund a
few years later ho placed the boys In charge
of n French Catholic priest nt Auiherstburg ,
Ontario. Tlio children were to remain with
the priest nnd to bo educated by him. After
that they wcro to return to England. They
remained In school for two or three years ,
then ran away and wore never heard of
afterward by their father , who
exhausted every means to dis
cover what had become of them.
Ho died soon after his loss. In after years It
was learned that Edwin went to Michigan ,
where all trace of him was lost. William ,
however , came to Brooklyn , lived alone , nnd
was known to his neighbors us a half mad
miser. Ho was supx ] > sed to bo a Frenchman
because ho spoke English with French accent
nnd also slightly altered the spelling of his
name. In 1807 William died without issue , so
far as known. He left an estate valued ut
$ .100,000 and willed ? 'JO,000 of it to his brother
Edwin , whoso name he spelled correctly , and
whom ho had not seen since thcireseapo from
Amherstburg. Nearly as much more money
was bequeathed to friends and servants. The
remainder was left Id found an orphan asy
lum. ' Hecanso of some technical
formalities In the execution of the will ,
the court set It aside and the
noncy was locked up by the authorities.
Jtecently , ICenealy , of the Herald , hearing
of this money and muling that the name of
the wealthy Brooklynite was the same us his
own , wrote homo to England for Information
and received In reply what he considered lo
" : io incontrovertible proof of relationship to
: he dead man. Ho placed the matter in the
imnds of Walerbury nnd hopes to secure the
: noney. There are two other brothers of
IConealy , who will share the money if the
suit is successful. They are Alexander , a
Philadelphia newspaper mnn , nnd Maurice ,
who is a journalist nnd Is now somewhere in
newest. A. J. Kencnly is the son of the
'auious Dr. IConealy who defended the Tlcu-
berne claimant.
The Ijcndcr of the Ijost Cause Ap-
proachlng the Stlx.
MACON , On. , Nov. 2. [ Special Telegram to
: ho Hnr. . ] There are considerable doubts ns
o whether Jefferson Davis will return to his
solated home at Beauvoir , Miss. , alive. HU
condition , to say Iho least , is extremely pre
carious. For several years he has been
troubled with n serious affection of the
icart. The excitement of the last week
served only to nirgravuto his ailment , Since
ast Saturday he has been conllned to his bed
nnd physicians have been In dully attendance.
His faithful wife has been at his bedside con
tinually , nnd every attention has been ac
corded to the sufferer. The wound which ho
received in the Mexican war is troubling him
considerably , and bo is scarcely able to walk.
Ilo is in u very enfeebled condition , mid his
family are fearful that bo will not recover
from the exhaustion. Ho has
spoken but little since Saturday ,
and has taken but little nourishment.
Dr. Hutton , the attending physician , expres
ses great fears of his inability to leave the
city on Thursday , as was arranged before
his visit. Ho rallies at times nnd earnestly
quehtions those about him concerning the re
sult of General Gordon's speeches in Ohio
and the manner in which the southern people
ple are disposed to receive his coucillntiory
utterances. Yesterday he felt greatly im
proved and despite advice to the contrary ho
entertained the young ladies of the Wesleyan
college. When they called at 4 o'clock
Davis was helped down stairs by Mrs. Davis
and Captain Johnson. When the reception
was concluded ho returned to his room com
pletely exhausted. It is understood that his
daughters , who are the guests of the city ol
Muron , have been summoned to their fath
er's side. The end is expected at any mo
Davis is seventy-nine years of ape.
[ Press. ] The reports that Jefferson Davis
Is in"a precarious condition aru not correct.
His health is better than it has been at nn.v
time since ho loft Beauvolr. Last night lit
received a number of friends nnd conversed
with them until a into hour. This morninp
he was in Jine spirits and In better healtl
than usual.
ST. Louis , Nov. 2. Attachments were is
sued to-day against the wholesale mlllinorj
house of Isuao ll.'Hosonthnl & Co. , aggregat
ing $71,000. The linn bos a branch in Ncu
York and the creditors claim that it recently
issued accommodation papers nggregntim
Sl.r > 0lHK ) and that the firm holdingitwas liable
to fail , hence the attachment. The detail !
of the assets and liabilities are not yet known
CINCINNATI , Nov. - . Joseph Smith , a capl
tulint , made an assignment to-day to W. F
Boyd. Assets , ? 250IHH ) ; liabilities , $200,000
The failure is traceable to the Fidelity banl
failure and the Cincinnati , Hamilton it Day
ton railroad trouble.
Niw : Yor.K , Nov. 2. David Scott , of tin
linn of Vernon Bros. & Co. , papci
dealers , who is reported t <
bo worth hundred thousam
dollars , has been missing since a week agi
Saturday. Thomas Vernon , head of the linn
says : "We llnd that Mr. Scott issued tin
Jinn's endorsement to the amount nf aboil
$ r > 0lK)0 , ) , and besides that he has out notes o !
his own , to what amount wo do not know.1
Nr.w YOIIK , Nov. 8. An attachment wa
Issned'to-day against the Ivanhoo Papo
company of this city and Patterson , N. J
Us plant was mortgaged a few days ago fo
fr.C.,000. It is valued at $230,000 , i 'd bears i
llrst mortgage of 71OUO.
An Important Mining Knit.
Dak. , Nov. 2 [ Special Tele
gram to the Br.i : . ] The llrst really importan
mining suit In the history of the Penningto
county court is now on trial. It is the cas
of Marshall et al. vs. the Harney Peak Ti
Mining company and Involves the title of viv
liable tin property. The plaintiff located on
claim called "You Bet , " and afterwards
uhitui called "Coutes" was located ut rigli
angles with "You Bet. " "You Hot" WH
worthless. "Coales" was sold to the dcfeui
ant two years ago and has a true llssuro veil
The plaintiff claims the vein on "You Bet
trends and that It is a part of tlio vein claln
cd by Coat es. The question of the exls'
cci-ju of mineral on "You Bet" and the rigli
of intersecting side lines are the points ii
volvcd. Much expert testimony has been take
nnd even the claims will bo introduced I
evidence. The jury willbo taken to Hill Citj
twenty miles from hen ; , to-morrow to look i
the ground. The ease excites great iuteres
among miners und mining men.
Wnshbimie's Will.
CHICAGO , Nov. 2. The will of the lot
Elihu B. Washburnu was admitted to probat
o-day , The estate consists of personal pro ]
rty valued at $750,000 and veal estate of tli
value of f 13."i,000 , or more. Five humlre
thousand dollars of his fortune is hold i
trust for the benefit of his two sons , Pitt an
Klihu. Thu remainder of his property , wit
the exception of a number of special bi
quests , is bequeathed to all his children to I
shared alike. The estate Is not to bo divide
until three years have elapsed. Among tli
special bequests is out ) of tl.OOO to his siste ;
lii > la\v , Ellen H. Graliot , § 1,000 to the Now :
boys' homo of Chicago , nnd money to dofrn
the cost of a memorial window in the Soul
Prosbytorlaa church at Galena , 111. H
public and private documents , his painting ;
relics i-tc. , ho leaves to bis son Hempatead t
dispose of as ho deems best.
The llcport Untrue.
. 'LONDON , Nov. 2 ; The report that tt
British bark Temple Bur foundered In tb
Bristol channel during yesterday's storm an
all uo crew lost U untrue ,
A Ilenn On ,
. LONDON , Nov. 2. Lieutenant Heap , owni
of the yacht Galatea , says ho will take'h
b al to America .again in the spring and tuV
part m ( ill of.uoxt season's regattas.
Considerable Business Transacted
Yesterday and OOlcors Elected.
The HcBoltititm Apt to Cause Strife
Air Brakes Favored for Stock
Curs Xho Next Mooting
1'luco Undculilcd.
End oftlin Convention.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Nov. D [ Special Telegram -
gram to the Br.r. . ] Such a Inrtfo number of
tlio cnttlcincu returned to their homes lust
night ruul tills inornluf ? that the uttentliiucu at
the third day of the convention was compiini-
tlvcly small. When the session begun , short
ly uftcr 10 o'clock , there wcro only nbout
twentyfiveoh hand to keep the oratorical
bull In motion. The pleasant weather Induced
u great iminy of the visitors to take advan
tage of the generous opportunities offered for
sightseeing. Several carriage loads loft the
Coatcs house curly in the morning and either
stopped at the exposition or the fat stock show.
The hour bcforo tho'closing of the session
yesterday afternoon was devoted to general
discussion. The different phases of plcuro-
pneumonia wcro thoroughly shaken up and
given u good airing. When the convention
was opened shortly after 10 o'clock to-day ,
Dr. Ames , chairman of the committee on reso
lutions , ruH | > rtcd concerning the oleomarga
rine resolution , as follows :
Whereas , The several interests which
COMIJHJSO the convention and the association
under whoso auspices it meets would bo
placed In iintagoivlstn by discussion and action
upon questions affecting oleomargarine legis
lation by congress and its usefulness for
effecting other and more primary objects bo
thereby impaired ; therefore
Hesolved , That it is inexpedient to discusser
or take notion upon either of the resolutions
in regard to such legislation submitted to the
convention , and that they bo laid upon the
The report seemed to meet witn the hearty
approval of the members , for n unanimous
and ringing "aye" followed the call for a
vote on the adoption of the report. The com
mittee further reported that votes of thanks
were due Commissioner of Agriculture Col-
man and Dr. Salmon for their nblo papers
'touching the plcuro-pncumonia question , and
.ho legislative committee for untiring efforts
o pass the Miller Gary bill. The committee
'urthcr reported that the resolution
iffurcd yesterday by Mr. Eder , of Kansas ,
ivus too broad to bo discussed at the present
- onvention , as time could not bo afforded to
consider it. The committee therefore made
n report of "inexpedient to aet on the ques
tions. " Mr. Edcr orcoo and said : " 1 nm
satisilcd with the report of the committee on
resolutions. This matter has been seriously
considered by the cattle men of Kansas. I
11111 prepared to defend the statement made
In the resolution , but qni also willing to stand
by the committee. "
Mr. Li. S. Collln , of Iowa , Introduced a
resolution asking that the convention con
sider the importance of doing away with the
old style of brake on stock cars , and showing
Mm importance of introducing air brakes
on cattle curs. The resolution was
The committee also adopted the resolution
ntroduced by Mr. Clay , of Chicago , late yes-
: crday afternoon. It was as follows :
Whereas , All that the dairymen hnvo in
the past nski'd was that oleomargarine and
all substitutes or imitations of butter for sale
should be required by law to be so offered in
real character and under its true name ; and
Whereas , We now have u law to that ef-
ect ; therefore bo It
Hesolved , That these substitutes for butter
[ Incriminate against the products of fat
stock not asked for by intelligent and fair
minded dairymen , and wo respectfully ask
that such discrimination bo discontinued.
The committee on transportation desiring
more time in which to prepare its.import ,
was given until the next annual meeting , and
instructed to report in print.
Ex-President Smith , in a short speech , said
that as the business of the convention had
been llnished ho.would make a motion to ad
journ sino die in order that the business
meeting might bo held at ouco before llnal
adjournment. A vote of thanks was tendered
the officers of the convention and the citi
zens of Kansas City.
The conflicting resolutions relating to oleo
margarine and butteriuo , introduced yester
day , will , It is feared , make inoro trouble be
tween the cattlemen than has the quarantine
Promptly at 11 o'clock the business meet
ing of the association was opened by Presi
dent Smith. The treasurer's report was
road. It showed the association to bo in a
flourishing condition. Lust year it was de
cided by the llnanco committee to make an
assessment on the different railroad com
panies , stock yards and live stock exchanges
throughout the country. It wus intended to
raise 0,000 and nearly all has been paid in ,
leaving the association with plenty of money
to do business with. The executive com
mittee reported simply that proper efforts
had been made to place the association
on n solid financial basis. In fact ,
the chairman , in a preliminary apology , said
the only excuse ho could give for making the
report at all was the demuud made by the by
laws. On a motion made by Dr. Ames , a
committee consisting of Messrs. Funk , Wag
ner , Price , IjOggctl and Cofiin were apiraintcd
to effect n permanent organization and re
ported us follows : For president , W. A.
Towers ; vice presidents , Elmer Waahburn ,
H. E. Alvord , Azel Ames ; executive commit
tee , 0. T. Hrush , Thomas B. Walls , Jr. . Gnin-
villo Stuart , Adams Carl , Thomas Sturgis ,
F. C , Stevens , Isaao Prior , T. Alex Suth ,
James Ballentine , William Leggett , W. A.
Paxton , I , . N. Honham , Thomas H. Price ,
George W. Simpson , L. K. St-oilold ; secre
tary , A. II. Sardors ; treasurer , .Tuko Clay , jr.
A motion was offered thanking the retiring
president and it was adopted with three
cheers. Also a motion prevailed making all
ox-presidents cx-oflluio members of the exec
utive committee.
.lust before adjournment the subjoined reso
lution was adopted :
Whereas , It lias come to the knowledge of
this convention that almost irreparable iiimn-
cial embarrassment has resulted to some
members of this association through the ac
tion of the president in ordering the removal
of all cattle from the Cheyenne and Arapu-
hoe Indian country under peculiar terms , and
feeling that the situation was not fully un
derstood by him at the time Bald order wus
made ; therefore ,
Kesolved , That if upon on Investigation
of the matter it bo found as alleged by the
lessees that they wcro occupying the land in
good faith and under at least "as they sui > -
jKsed" a color of law and ere not guilty ol
any offense for which they should bo made to
suffer , wo deem it but Just tliat proper coin-
pcnsation should bo made iy congress to
thorn for their losses.
In accordance with an invitation extended
by n committee of local business men , all ot
whom are identified with the cattle Industries -
tries , the delegates took udvijytngo of oppor
tunities afforded to see the city. There were
liftecu carriages in the procession. Tin
route was not prearranged , but extended
over all the principal streets In the city unti
terminated at the exposition and the fat
stock show at Uivervlow park.
The place for holding the next convention
was not decided upon. The choice was loll
with the executive committee , most of tin
members of which departed for their homes
last night. A majority of thbso remaining
wore of the opinion that Kansas City wouli
not bo the spot chosen , although nil were delighted
lighted with the manner in which they hai
been received hero. It is the gcnm-ul opln
ion that St. Louis has the best chance. President
ident 'Smith was this afternoon presenter
with u gold-headed cane.
TlicUnltcr Convention. .
MAXCIIESTKII , la. , Nov. 2. [ Special Tele
gram to the UEB. ] The second , day of th
National Huttcr , Egg and Cheese nssociutloi
opened -with a largely increased attendance
n largo number of delegates having coino Ii
last night. The various measures of prc
tcctlon which are required by the dairy intei
csts of the country hove been dlncusscd tc
day. The oleomargarine people , who ur
seeking the repeal of the national law requli
Ing dealers In that product to-bo licensed , or
watching the proceedings with considerabl
interest : In to-day's session W. II. Duel
worth , of the Now York Huttcr exchange
reported resolutions fur the better protectio
of dairymen. J. W. Johnson. of Osknloosa ,
gave an address on "Intelligence a Prime
Factor in Successful Farming , " which was
followed by n general discussion on "Per
manent Pasture. " , , The afternoon was given
to the examination jpfdairy , products and ap
paratus' .
The American Afmbclntlon in Session
nt I'hlludclnlilitKlcots Oillccrg.
PHILADELPHIA , Nov. " 3. At this morning's
session of the American Woman's Suffrage
association , the resolo'tlons presented "yester
day on the plans of work proposed by the as
sociation and ufUrnaiuJr the determination of
its member J to prctts , their claims for the
right of suffrage byjiotltlonlng various states
legislatures for the right to vote nt nil mu
nicipal elections , wore discussed and adopted.
A committee was npx | > lntcd to confer with
reference to harmonizing differences between
the National and American associations.
The following oftlcors were elected for the
ensuing year : President , Hon. William Dud
ley Foulko , of Indiana ; vice-presidents , Mary
A. Livermore , of Massachusetts ; Hon.
Ocorgo William Curtis , of New York : Hon.
George F. Hoar , of Massachusetts ; Mrs. H.
M. Tracy Cutler , of Illinois : Dolwrah G.
King , of Nebraska ; Major C. 1C. Hudson , qf
Kansas ; Itcbccca M. Hazzard , of Missouri ;
Martha A. Dorsctt , of Minnesota ;
Mary 11. Clay , of Kentucky ; Mary S. ICnaggs ,
of Michigan , and Mrs. May J. Coggcshall , of
Iowa ; chairman. , of executive committee ,
Lucy Stone , of Massachusetts ; foreign cor-
resiK > ndlng secretary , Mrs. Julia Ward Howe ,
of Hhode Island ; recordlngsccrotury , Martha
C. Culluhun , of Iowa ; corresponding secre
tary , Henry 11. Bluoliwoll , ot Massachusetts ;
treasurer , Mrs. Abbio T. Colemon , of Massa
Scuba Ambushed.
NKW OIU.BAXS , Nov. 2. A dispatch to
merchants hero from Planter Saccasagne , of
Tlgcrvlllo , says : "Strikers shot four of my
laborers this morning from ambush. I have
telegraphed the governor for troops. Please
see that they get off nt once. " The Washing
ton artillery were informed of the tenor of
the dispatch and the officers are awaiting the
action of the governor. Yesterday forty-live
white laborers were sent to the Saccasagno
plantation to fill the places of the strikers.
but whether the four men ambushed and
shot this morning wcro among this number
or of those remaining upon the plantation is
not known here.
A special to the Times-Democrat from
Tigcrvillo says , regarding the shooting , that
no ono was killed , but several persons wcro
slightly hurt. Allls quiet , as the new men
have left.
News received from the sugar plantations
below New Iberia shows that everything is
quiet , but work is suspended or nearly so.
Dispatches from many plantations up the
river indicate that hands arc striking all
over and In many places have been given the
alternative of returning to work or leaving
the place. Trouble is expected to ensue when
nn effort Is made In a day or two to force the
strikers to leave the plantation.
The Fiftieth Anniversary.
LONDON , Nov. 2.The fiftieth anniversary
of the mechanics Institute was celebrated at
Nottingham this evening. The duke of St.
Albans presided. Phelps , United States
minister , in a speech said the object of popu
lar education was , chiefly to give labor
strength and skill. lie days of unskilled
labor were fast passing away. The ultimate
object of education inhht bo to teach men to
reason and think for. themselves instead of
getting opinions from , the newspapers. He
deprecated the flood 1 of talk in England ,
where , ho said , there was a morbid craving
for speeches , which wire like the craving for
other stimulants not' ' wholesome. Ho made
moro speeches during his residence in Eng
land than ho would be 'allowed to make dur
ing the remainder of-lils life in New York ,
where orators were turned loose only once in
four years. The off eiH ot this waste compel
people to think for themselves.
- * - .
An Inter-State Decision.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 2J1 The Inter-state com
merce commission has decided the case of
the boards of trade of Formlngton , North-
Held , Farrbault and Owatonna ( Minnesota ) ,
against the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul
railway company. The plaintiffs , who are
located on the Iowa and Minnesota division
of the road , complained that the rate on
wheat to Milwaukee and Chicago was double
that from stations on the river division ,
which is to all intents and purposes a paral
lel line. The commission holds that the com
plaint is well founded , and that wlrtlo a rea
sonable differential rate may bo allowed on
the Iowa and Minnesota division on account
of greater distance and probable larger ex
pense of transportation and greater strin
gency of competitive forces on the river divi
sion , the difference above the present rate on
the river division should not exceed 'iy cents
per 100.
The Nnshvlllu Knees.
NASHVIIJ.I : , Nov. 2. To-day's attendance
was largo , the weather good , and the track in
excellent condition.
Seven furlongs : noddy Pringlo won , Sko-
boloff second , Prince Louis third. Time
! : ! ) .
Six furlongs : Roundabout won , Quotation
second , Cousin .Tnmvs third. Time 1 : ! ( } $ ( .
One mile : Governor won , Gleaner second ,
Florence E. third. Time 1 :4'J.
Ono and one-sixteenth miles : Paragon
won , Elgin second , Kirklin third. Time
2:0 : %
Nutiomtl Jockey Club
WASHINGTON , Nov. 2. There was a fail
track nt Joy City to-day.
One and one-sixteenth miles : Glenmounil
won , Wilfred second , Baruum third. Tirni
l:62tf. :
For two-year-olds , three-fourths mile : Jot
Leo won , Nuneo second , Hegulus third
Time 1:10. :
Three-fourths mile : Swift won , Hnnnci
Hearer second , Hess third. Time 1lllj .
Seven-eighths mile : Thcodoslus won , The
Bourbon second , Frankie B. third. Time
1 : . ( .
Steeplechase , over full course : Sherroi
won , Diamond second , Miss Cleveland third
Time 5:113. : _
Trotting nt Oakland.
, Nov. 2. The weather ani
track were fine at Oakland to-day. In the
trotting match between Franklin and Bon
nnza , Franklin won the first , second and fiftl
heats and the race. The fourth heat was i
dead heat. Best time 2:87. :
Half mile dash : Norton won , Albcrmarli
second. Time W ) seconds.
Ono mile , trotting : Brown DIulc'won Ii
three straight heats. Best time 2U9. :
Powrterly MnkctMi' Personal Appeal.
PiiiianKU'HiA , Nqv.i,2. The general ex
ecutlvo board of the Knights of Labor ha :
just Issued a circular be road ut meeting :
of all assemblies appealing for aid o :
strikingunthraeito miners. Accompanying tin
circular Is a personal" appeal from Genera
Master Workman Pomlcrly. Ho says this
Is the first time he has been called upon ti
apply before the order in tills capacity
Ho says the evictions lu ; Ireland cannot out
rival scenes in the coal , fields of Peiiusyl
vania. _
Condemned the Tower.
ST. Josci'ii , Mo. , Nov. 2. [ Special Tele
gram to the llcE.jGovcrnmunt Inspecto
Holmes arrived in this city to-day and con
demncd the tower to tlio custom house no\
in process of construction. The builJln ;
was planned by Government Architect Bell
who has since been superseded. The towe
will have to bo torn down , which will nc
cessitato an additional expense of $15.00
and delay the completion of the buildin
several months ,
A Cro'oked Alderman.
KANSAS Crrr , Nov. 2. [ Special Tclcgrat
to the BKU. ] John Mulholland , city garbag
contractor , to-day made public- the fact the
Alderman William J. Looney was really th
contractor. This Is 'contrary to thocity cliai
ter , and' stops are being taken toward Lot
ney's impeachment. _
A Native Uprising.
L.ONHON , Nov. 2. Mull advices from Slcrr
Leone s'ay the natives utSaunchoo have rise
and massai-rod the native volicc 'and a autr
her of peoplo. ' The gunboats Acorn' an
Electu will proceed to ' the scene to bupprcs
the rising. . , ,
Her Lmmp Was Trimmed , Hut the
llrlilcgrootn Cnme Not.
Carrie Scedeberg ha * hung up her bridal
veil , and the poor girl sobs and her heart
s breaking for tn.o bridegroom that couioth
mt. She hw : been dlsapi > olntcd In winning n
luslund ; in short , she Is n flaming victim of
nlsplnccd coniUlonco. Until n short tlmo
ago Carrie manipulated the dishes In thorough
rough of the Mctroi > olltan hotel , and her
employers considered her n first rate dish-
vashcr. In her perambulations when she
vas at rest from her duties , Carrlo mot n
nan , and that man swore undying devotion ,
lo was bend over heels In love with her , nM
t Is presumed that in their moonlight strohs
and season of love making this man for
vhom she now weeps pictured to her the
mppy hours ttiey would enjoy In n little
cottage. At all events , ho. prom-
scd to make her bis wife , and
suggested that she withdraw from uctivo
servlco as a dishwasher and prepare for her
vcddlng , which was fixed for Tuesday last ,
barrio compiled , prepared her wedding
rousscau , and was ready to change her
nuno on the appointed day. She appeared
it the selected place , but the would-bo bus-
> and was conspicuous for his absence. The
> oor , deluded girl waited , but In vain , and
ms now cnmo to the sensible conclusion that
nho was deceived and will resume her voca
tion. _
German Fair.
Last night the fair for the benefit of the
Gorman-American school opened under most
'nvorablo auspices at German hi hall and will
continue until next Saturday night. The dls-
ilay of fancy articles , excels anything yet
exhibited by the German ladies In this city.
Our ImtCHt Acquisition.
SAN FHANCISCO , Nov. 2. Mall advices from
ho Hawaiian Islands are to the effect that
.ho Hawaiian government has decided to cede
jpcnrl river harbor to the United States ns n
oullng station , but the provision Is made that
n case the present reciprocity treaty is abro
gated that the American government shall
ellnquish the harbor. The harbor In ques-
.ion Is near Honolulu , and Is regarded as the
Incst in the Hawaiian group.
Mnlfour and the Imw.
LONDON , Nov. 2. Bulfour has written a
otter In which ho says that ho does not
doubt that Ireland , with tlmo and patience ,
will sco the law again in a position of
supremacy , from which It ought never to
have been allowed to fall. The task of re
storing the law is not cass" , but sympathy
encourages thosd engaged upon it.
The Fire Record.
WiNTiiuoi' , Mass. , Nov. 2. Fire broke out
.his afternoon in W. E. Whitman's agricul
tural works and they wcro totally destroyed.
The loss cannot bo given , but is heavy , with
Ittlo insurance. About flfty neighboring
buildings were ignited , but the flames were
extinguished before doing serious damage.
Suicided Over tno Scnndnl.
PAIIIS , Nov. 2. George Bouy , the accom
plice of General d'Audlau in the sale of dec-
> ratlons , committed suicide to-day by shoot
ing. The police wcro about to arrest him.
After a desperate attempt to escape ho shot
Weather Indications.
For Nebraska : Fair weather ; light to
fresh variable winds ; slightly cooler.
For Iowa : Fair weather ; stationary
temperature ; light variable winds.
For Eastern Dakota : Local rains or
snow , followed by colder , fair weather ; light
to fresh northwesterly winds.
The KulHcr'H Condition.
, Nov. 2. Emperor William Is not
yet nblo to rise. The disturbing symptoms
are abating , but the pain at the base of the
spine continues , especially acute with any
The First Train.
KANSAS CmNov. . 2. [ Special Telegram
to the BKE. ] The first train over the Kan
sas City extension of the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul railway arrived hero to-day. The
train will run regularly after this week.
Tlio Dentil Kccord.
JAXKSVILLE , Wis. , Nov. 2. Hon. Anson
Rogers , ex-mayor of this city , died hero to-day
after a prolonged illness. Ho was pioneer
resident and one of the best known men in
the state.
Distinguished Britons.
PiTTsnuno , Nov. 2. A distlnguiscd party
of Englismen , members of the international
pence commission , who arrived in Pittsburs
last night with Andrew Carnegie , spent to
day in visiting various points of interest
in the city and vicinity.
Liberal Gains.
LONDON , Nov. 2. The municipal elections
In England are completed. The returns
show a gain for the liberals of seventy-eight
and a gain for the conservatives and dissi
dent liberals of sixty-two.
The Pancake Thrower llclcnscd.
ST. Louis , Nov. 2. Mrs. Anna Sachs , who
threw a pancake at Mrs. Cleveland during
the president's visit to tills city , was released
to-day on appeal by the payment of $15.
31. Quad's Experience In Chicago
Ho lllows in $ UO.
Detroit Free Press ; You rend nboul
the bunko gumo every dny or twobutdo ,
you know what it Sometliinfrwnssaid
in n Chicago paper the oilier day ubout
my being bunkoed in that city a couple
of weeks ngo. I deny the allegation in
the .most uigorous manner. loan take
tlio reporter who wrote that item by
the heels nnd make him wish in about n
minute that ho had boon horn n hundred
years earlier or later. It is the basest
slander the meanest campaign scandal
the boldc&t falsehood since HU2.
Before proceeding further lot mo say
that the word bunko is sometimes
spelled bunco. You can have it oithet
way you like , but the gnmo is nearly
always the sauioand till victims feel the
Pluy the bunko game on mo I Why , I
know that game thirty years ago , and I
claim to bo able to toll a bunko-stoorcr
from a lawyer a whole block away. In
deed , I've had bunko men drop around
to toll mo that I was the very hist man
on the face of the earth they'd think of
running up against. I might bo-ropod
in with a gold brick , but on bunko
I had just come out of the Tromonl
house ami turned up State street , when
a good looking young follow halted mo ,
extended his hand for a shako and ex
claimed ;
"Why , Quad , old follow , how arc you ,
and how are nil the folks in DolroSti"1
I smiled. I smiled because I know he
was a bunko stecrer. Ho hud got my
name and town from the hotel register ,
after the usual fashion. But 1 shook
his hand and replied that I was pretty
well , and that Detroit was daily improv
ing. What's the use of trying to crusli
a bunko steerer into a lifeless mass
without a moment's warning. Besides
I wanted a little fun , nnd I know ho was
a bunko Bteeror-r-know it as well as ]
know that I was in Chicago.
"I'm awful glad to see any ono from
Detroit , " ho continued. "J suppose yov
sco father almost every day V"
I assured him that I saw his fathoi
semi-daily , and that the old gout wai
.looking as happy as a Hubbara squash
at fair tlmo. This Boomed to relieve hli
it\tonso anxiety on that point and lie
invited mo to hava a oigar. No roar
who can get a cigar at the expense .0
a bunljo stooror should refuse it. W <
entered a gilded don of deviltry , devoted
voted to the sale of tobacco and got oui
woods , and as we sauntered un State
, street -wo Boomed a bund. of brothers. . '
know what his next move would bo and
was ready for him.
Wo had not pone two blocks when ho
halted nnd said :
"Ah ! this call to mind. I bought a
lottery ticket the other dav and it drew
a little prize. This mustoo the' place
where tuoy cash it. Yes , this is the
place. "
I congratulated him on his luck. I
told him I had boon buying lottery
tickets Blnco the year 1 and never yet
struck n prize. His next move would bo
to nsk mo lo go up stairs with him and
got the cash. I've scon the gntno
plnyod fifty times , you know.
' By the way. coino up with m6 n
mtnuto , " ho said , ns ho looked at his
ticket. "These follows mny bo all right ,
or they may bo full of tricks. At any
rate , I'd ' like a friend along. "
I wont. Who's afraid of n bunko-
stcoror ? I was chuckling to mycolf all
the time , and was willing to give the
fellow a little moro rope. Wo ascended
to the third floor and entered nn oftlco.
There wore two well dressed men in
there. They didn't seem to know my
friend , and ho looked around as If ho
hadn't been In that very room five hun
dred times before.
"Thls-this ticket hit a a prb.c yes
terday , diddn't It ? " ho asked as he pro
duced the paper.
"Yes , sir $350 , " was the reply "Jim ,
give the gentleman his money. "
It was counted out. Then the gentle
men explained to rae thnt they had a
daily drawing , nnd cashed at
once. That's the way the bunko game
is always playc'd , and nobody need betaken
taken in. The tickets wore $2 each ,
and there was to bo a1 drawing right
away. If I wanted to invest they
would" .
"I in vest 1 Ring in on mo nn old chest
nut of that color 1 Take mo for a gran
ger from Posoy County ! But , after a
little reflection I thought I'd try it. It
might bo all right after all. While
they looked like bunko men , ono can't
always judge by looks. I invested , $0
and hit a prize of $10. I was $4 ahead ,
and I'd give them the grin and walk
out , I . But if I invested the $10 I'd
probably hit $ UO , and-and-woll , I inves
ted the $10. I lost It , but was assured
that I'd have hotter luck next timo. I
know that ns well as they did. No
bunko man can teach mo anything. I
invested $10 moro and lost. Then I put
in $30 and lost. Then I remembered
that I had agreed to meet a man at the
First National Bank at 10 o'clock , and I
bade thorn good morning and tripped
gayly down stairs , stopping at the door
long enough to nsk them if it was a good
day for suckers.
Now , that's all there was to it , and
that's all the foundation that Chicago
paper hud for saying that I was bunkoed.
I identified the stcoror the moment ho
addressed me. I know the office up
stairs was a snide the minute I entered
it. I know the drawing' was a fraud ,
and therefore the fellows had no show.
Oh , yes , I loft fcomo money up there ,
but when a man sees three young men
trying hard to earn nn honest living ,
he's pizon mean if ho won't help 'em a
The Oenlus of the Knllrond Kin p.
Edward T. Peters , in the Forum for
November : Able and popular writers
dwell with great emphasis on the vast
services-rendered by certain men in in
creasing production or economizing
distribution. I. think , however , that a
tendency to hero worship may bo dis
cerned in their readiness to measure
the services of such man by their suc
cess in accumulating wealth. Ono
might think , for example , from some of
thois statements that the reduction
which has taken plnco within the past
twenty years in tno charges for trans
portation between the west and the sea
board had been mainly , if noi wholly ,
duo to a marvelous capacity for direct
ing railroad business possessed and ox-
oreised by such men as Jay Gould and
tlio late Commodore Viindorbilt ; where
as the obvious truth isthat a number of
causes have been operating within the
quarter of a century which must have
led to a largo cheapening of transporta
tion under any ordinarily emeiont
management. The homestead law ,
enacted in 1862 , placed a high premium
on the settlement of the public land
states and territories , while thousands
of miles of railroad , built mainly at the
public expanse , facilitated access to the
vacant lands , and furnished the settlers
with a means of marketing their pro
duce. These subsidized roads in the
remote west sesved as feeders to the
main trunk lines further cast , and , in
connection with the general growth of
population , so increased their business
that it became an easy matter to do that
business at a smaller relative cost. In
the meantime , a revolution in the man
ufacture of steel enormously lessoned
the expense arising from the wear of
rails , while improvements in the con
struction of locomotives and rolling
stock resulted > n further economics.
It is to such causes , rather than to
any phenomenal power of management
on the part of the few men , that we owe
the bulk of the reduction which his :
taken place in the price of transporta
tion ; and , if wo accept the sort of man
agement that has been directed to
"freezing out" or "squeezing out , "
small shareholders nnd small corpora
tions , and to keeping the price of trans
portation as far above its cost "as the
tralllc would boar , " it is not to extraor
dinary management , but mainly to such
causes as those pointed out in the last
paragraph , that the great Wall street
fortunes identified with railroad invest
ments owe their origin. It may bo a
convonicce to certain minds to invest
our Goulds and Vandorbilts with the at
tributes of domi-gods by way of ac
counting for phenomena that cannot
otherwise , bo squared with their own
soi'ial nnd economic theories ; but un
prejudiced inquirers after the trutharo
juslified in seeking a less thaumuturgi-
cal explanation ; and when it lies as
close at hand aa in the yresent instance ,
they may be pardoned for giving it tlio
Cor.'IOth and Fnrnnm
Chamber of Cuuiiiicixu
Capital Stock - - - $400,000
Liability of Stockholders , 8OO.OOO
The Largest Savings Bank in Nebraska.
Klvc 1'orCcnt 1'nlrt on Iuio | lt . l/o. ns Mndo on Ili'sl
KsUle und personal ocnrltNoun. . Wni-
mnu.btock * und llowlj rurcUaneJ.
omcKiis :
John L. Miles , President.
Andrew Rosewater , Vlco-President.
Dexter L. Thomas , c.ishlor.
IIOAUU vv niiiKtrroin :
. . KllASl I'S 1IKNSIIX ,
TllllV Ii. MII.FS
H "lllW.COTNI'll. Jml.SII.KVAN.S
AKIlllHvr HOSEWATEII , Mul" - < MolllllMlN ,
. 1) . MUUiKll. JIKU. i' . IIAIIKUI ,
llOAIlt ) or UAXAfllMI IHIirCTOnS !
join * ISUail. . JOHN U-MILKH.
, ) E1Tj.u u TJloMAa.
Nl. R , RISDON ,
Merchants' National Hunt liulldliiif , floom J ,
Upstairs ,
Telephone No. U.3 , Oinulu , Neurasta.
Phccnlx. London'nntland. . . . . . . . . . . . . , r.,72lT7l.lfl
Flremen'x. Newark- . J . :
flam's Falls , Olen'8 KnlLs , N.'Y. . . . . . . MW.-KUU
0 Irani. I'hliudulphur. J'n . . . . l.-'ii'l/JKTi
WoJtcbMter , Hiw York. N. V..1 . i ;
Through Omaha When Graft It'as
. Growhtff on the Streets *
The Trnrcln of Mr. It. i < ' . Drown , of
Council Bluffs Ortinhn Twelve
Yenrs ARO Iho High. Altitude of
Colorado , Ate. , &c.
"Yo * , " snld M r. II. K. Nrown to our reporter ,
yostiTdnv , nt his rosy homo In Council lllutTs ,
"I nm a Now Yorker , but li'ft thnt slaty nbout
twelve youra ago. I took Horace U realty's nu >
vice anil went west. I tmsgod through Umnliii ,
then only a village , M'lth grnssgnmltiRon the
streets ! I wont to California , worked thorn n
lonji time , then started rust ns fur ns l.'olornilo ;
t Bottled at l.t'iulvlllti nnd wns making plenty or
nionoy. but I had to leave thoro. Viiii dee , the
high altitude ot Colorado mnknH It anything lint
npnrndlso for nnyono iillllcted with n tliront
dl onsc. und thnt WIVH tlio oauso of my leaving
there. My son. Krnnklo. wus sulTorlne terrlhly
with that nwfnl dlsenso , nitnrrli , nnd hnd It In
the thront and hend vury bntl : no would hnvo
nn nwfnl pnln over ht.s eyes. At night , whllii
nxleop , tlio pntn would un KO Imtl ns to drive tlio
Itttlti fellow almost ernj-.v ; ho would wako up
mnl rry out , Taku thnt norse oft' my hend' : Ilo
suffered terribly : ho would have n trlekllng
from his 1100 into thn buck of his thront rontln-
unlly , ns ho deserlbed It , 'Just , llko a strenm
of water. ' t had him trented by Homo of tlm
best , nhyslrlnns In Coluindo , but they could do
uothine for htm. At bint , ono of them told mo t
would nnvo to tnko him to nnothor rllnmlo or It
would soon lend to consumption , 1 took Ids ml-
vice nnd left Colorado , although 1 was making
plenty of money there. . I ciimo enstns furn.s
Council Illutrs nnd settled hero about onn year
ngo. tomn tlmo slnco I noticed the advertise
ments of Drs. McCoy nnd Henry , nnd told iny
wlfo she hnd better tnko rrnnklu over nnd M-O
them , She took him to their olllco In Ihn llningo
lllockiind bad him placed on trentment about
ono month ngo , nnd to-day ho ii almost ns well
ns ever. Ho hns no moro pnln.s In his heud , and
sleeps nil nlubt. Ho-1ms no moro trickling In
the buck of ht.s tliront , and goes to school ovi >
day. "
"How old Is Kriinklio , nowV" Inquired ths
scribe , noticing the bright nnd IntclUKent little
boy who was with his father. "Ilo was twelve
yours old yesterday , " nnswered Mr. Drown , who
resides nt No. ' 1I1H ftivunth avenue. Council
Illntrs , lown , who will cheerfully corroborate
the nbovo to anyone doubt Ing It.
The following statement regnrdliiK Drs. Me.
Coy nnd Henry Is niiido upon good nut hortty :
" .Sinetlittc rmincnt ) > li/nicMn ) have IICCH in tno
xrt > ( . they liiive tmitfil ( inii cmrd uvcr nix thutui *
anil cn.xc.-i roMirfi unit tlirontc throat n
tnniMctantl nf thcfc r < iM Jilixr cent had liccn
declared and pninnunad incurable. "
The HymptoniH Attend I im that Ulannse
"Which lionrtH to Consumption.
When catarrh hns existed In the hend nnd the
uppi'r pnrt of the thront for any length of tlnia
the patient living In n district where people
nro snojcct to cntnrrlinl nllectlon nnd tlio uls-
enso hns been left uucured , the catarrh Invari
ably , soinetlineH slowly , extends down the wind
pipe nnd into the bronchial tubes , which tubes
convey the nlr Into the dlll'ercnt parts of the
limps. The tubes become nlfccted from the
swulllnfj mill the mucous arising from entnrrh ,
nnd. In some Instunces , bt-cimio plugged up , so
thnt the nlr cnuiiot gut In us freely ns it should.
.Shortness of bivnth follows , nnd the pntlent
brenthes with labor nnd dlltlculty.
lu either cuso them Is n sound of crnckllng
niidwlieexliiK Inside the chest. At this stngo of
the discnso the brent htng Is usually moro rapid
tlmn when In health. The pntleut has also hot
dnshos over his body.
The pntn which accompanies this condition Is
of n dull chnrncter , felt in the chest , behind the
brentt hone or under the shoulder blnde. Thn
pnln mny coino nnd go last u few days anil
then be absent for several others. The cough
thnt occurs in the llrst stupes of bronchial ca-
tnrrli la dry , comes on nt intervals , hacking in
chnrncter , nnd is usunlly most troublesome in
the morninp on rlsln ; ; , or going to bed nt night ,
and It limy be In the llrst evidence of the disease
extending Into the lungs.
Soiuetime.s there nro tits of coughing Induced
by the tough mucus so violent ns to cause vom
iting. Later on the mucus thut is raised IH
found to contnln small pnrtlcles of yellow mnt-
tcr , which Indicates that the small tubes in tha
lungs nro now nllected. With this ttiere nro of
ten streaks of blood mixed with the mucus. In
Homo cnses the patient becomes very pule , hn.s
fever , uud expectorates before any cough iip-
In seine cnses small , mnsses of cheesy mile
stance nro spit upwhich , when pressed between
the lingers , emit n bud odor. In other cases par-
tides of n hard , chnlkv iintnre nro spit up. Tim
raising of cheesy or chalky lumps indicates se
rious mischief at work In the lungs.
in some cnses rntnrrh will extend into the
lungs in n few weeks ; in other cnses it mny bo
months , and oven venrH , before the disease nt-
tucks the Itinus BUlliciently to cnuso nerlons In
terference with the general health. When the
disease hnfe developed to such a point the pa
tient Is said to hnvo cntnrrhnl consumption.
With bronchial cntnrih there Is moro or less
fever which ditlers with the dltrerent pnrts of
the day flight In the morning , higher 111 the
afternoon and evening.
Whnt It Menus , How It Acts , nnd
What It Is.
You sneeze when you get up In the morning
you try tosneexoyonr noHooir every tlmo you
nro exposed to the lenstdrnt tot nlr. You hnvo
u fullness over the front of the forehead , and
tlio no o feels ns if there was a plug in each nos
tril , which you cnnnot dislodge. Yon blow your
nee until your cars crock , but it don't do any
good , nml the only result Is thnt you succeed In
getting up n very n-d nose , nnd yon BO irrltnto
the lining mombrnno of that organ thut you nru
uiinblo to brentho through it nt nil. Tills is a cor
rect and not overdrawn picture of nn nculo at
tack of catarrh , or "Sneezing Catarrh , " as it Is
Now' , whnt dofis this condition indicate ? Fht-t
n cold that causes mucus to bo poured out by
tlio elands in the ; then those diseased
glands nro attacked by swnrms of little gonna
the catarrh germ-that lloat in the nlr inn lo
cality where the disease * Is provident. These an-
imalculno. in their etrorts to llud n lodgment ,
irritate the K-nsltlvo membrane lining ot ! the
iioso nnd nature undertakes to rid herself of
them by producing n lit of sneezing.
Wheiii the nose becomes tilled with thickened
diseased mucus the natural chnnnels fur the In
troduction of nlr Into the lungs is Interfered
with , nnrt t ho poriicm so nllected muflt brent ho
through the mouth , nnd by such menus the
throat becomes parched nnd dry , snoring Ii
produced , nnd the cntnrrhnl dltease ( jnlns renily
access to the tin oat rid lungu.
Lute of Hellenic Hospital , X. V. ,
Have OIHcea
Cor.ner 15th ana JTarncy Strctits ,
Onmha , Nohrnskn.
VVht-re nil curnble cnt , < s ro treated with sno-
ceba , Medlcnl dl eai > en treateil skillfully. Consumption -
sumption , llrlcht'M DlnoaiJo , Dyapepsla , lllipu-
inullsm , nnd all Niuvoua DiHKAbLU. All din.
onses peculiar to the exui aspcclulty. CATAIIUII
Odssui.TATKisby mail or at oilico , II.
Olllce Ileum 9 to Jl a. ra ; U to4 p. in ; 7 to 8 p.
m. Sunday Included.
Correspondence receives prompt attention.
Many discasea are treated MifCMsruUy by Dr.
.McCoy thronah the inulb , mid H la thua posslblo
for these unnlile to make a journey toobtnlu
sucx-i-sHfnl hospital treatment , at their homon.
Nn letlonansweicd unless atcompanled by * o
' all loiter * to On. McCoy & Henry ,
: iiu nut ! Cll Kumgo Building , OuuOuw