Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1887, Image 1

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Anarchy's Last Appeal Denied By
the Supreme Court.
An Elaborate Opinion on the Illi
nois Jury Law.
All of Juclgo Gary's Rulings Unan
imously Sustained.
How the Condemned Men Received
the Announcement.
A I/aHt in"ort ; to lit ; Made to Have
Governor OgloHhy Commute the
HentenceH Kttra 1'recau-
tlonw Ilelng Taken nt
the Count } Jail.
Rending the Death Warrant.
WASIIIMUOS , Nov. 2 [ Special Telegrnm
to the HIT. ] The supiemo court of the
United States has denied the motion for a
wilt of en or in the anai chist case. The de
cision , delivcicd by Chief .Justice AVaito'wns
that of the full bench , and occupied thiity-
sevcn minutes in rapidicading. In shoit.tho
supreme court of the United States holds
that the statutes nnd constltutlonnl laws of
the Htulu of Illinois as to the
qualifications of Jutors nnd the alleged
coercion of defendants to testify against
themselves are the same ns those of the
United States. The Heir Most letter nnd
other points biought up in nigumcntby coun-
cl for defendants woio ruled out on the
ground that they had not been mentioned in
the coutis below. There seemed to bo no
doubt in the mind of this com t about the re
fusal of the wilt of eitor an hour befoio the
coutt convened. Uxtra precautions were
taken to keep out of the loom the
crowd assembled. Only enough to com
foitably illl the room wcic admitted , while
the overflow filled the conidors almost to the
chambers of the i citato and house of topic-
Hcntativcs. The excitement was intense ,
though no ono scenu d to doubt the tesult , T.
Handolph Tinker , for the defendants , was
the onlj' attorney engaged in the i aso who
was at the bin when the decision was lead
The gtavitvof the question involved , and im
portance of the decision to bo tlcliveied , was
plainly nmikcd on cveiy countenance on the
bench when the Just ices'entered thoioom.
.lustii es Miller and Walto sighed deeply
n number of times , and the voiio
of the hitter tieinbled for some minutes
after ho began leading. At times ho 10-
peatcd , falteied and going hick rctoad
whole sentences. The faces of the otltei
seven JustUes weio turned to the floor dui-
lifg nentlv allot the entiiodelivcty. Occasion
ally Justiio Wnito took his eves f torn the
paper , looked the audience in the face and
gave emphasis to points in the decision which
marked the outlineof his intentions and
nhovved what had guided the bench in t cach
ing its conclusion , Notnwoidwas uttered
audibly in the couit loom about the case , at
the conclusion of the decision , but genet al
satisfaction is expressed outside. Opinion
is about equally divided on the subject of
commutation of sentence.
Tr\t of the Decision.
WASHINGTON' , Nov. 2 The decision of the
United States suptcmo court upon the peti
tion for n wilt of ciror in the case of the Chicago
cage amuchists was announced this afternoon
by Chief Justice Walto In along and caiefully
propatcd opinion , w Inch occupied thittyflvc
minutes in reading. The text of the dicision
is as follows :
Supi emo com t of the United States , Oc
tober term , lbs , ex pirto : When , as in this
cnse , application is made to us nt the sugges
tlon of oneof our number , to vvlion
n similat application lias been ptevionsU
nddicssed for allowance * of a wilt ol
eitor to the highest court of t
state under section 709 of the re
vised statutes , it is our duty to nsccttnin not
only whether any question revlcwablo here
was made and decided in the proper conr
below but whether it is of u ehiiiacter t (
Justify us in biiuging the Judgement heto foi
ro-cxamliuiUon. In our opinion the \\ii
ought not to bo allowed by the coin til it ap
peats from the face of the tecord that th <
decision of the federal question whicl
is complained of was BO plain ! }
right ns not to icquito aignment am
j especially if it Is in nccotdanco with our own
i well consldoied Judgments In similar cases
V That is In eJTcct w hat was done in Tw itchcl
r. vb the Commonwealth. 7 , Wall 32.5 , when i
' writ was refused because the questions pto
Rented by the iccotd wcto "No longer sub
jects of discussion , although If they bud beer
in the opinion of the couit 'open , ' " it wouh
have been allowed when , under section 5 o
out mlo (1 ( n motion to alllim when the qucs
tlon on which our Jurisdiction depends was si
manifestly decided t iglit that the case ough
not to bo held for f minor at gumcnt. Anovv
smith vs Haimonlng , IIS , United States 101
10"i , Church vs. Kelscy , 125 , United State ;
2sJ. Thopiopiioty of adopting n similar uili
upon motions in open couit for the allowance
ot a wilt is apparent , for ceitainly w <
would not bo Justillcd as n couit in scndini
out u wilt to bung for tovlevv n Judgment o
thehighpst couit of the state when It K at :
parent in the face of thou-cord that it wouli
bo our duty to grant a motion to ufllim a
Boon as it w as made in proper foi in. In th
present case wo have had the benefit of u ;
gumcnt in summit of the application , uiu
\vhilo counsel itiivo not deemed it their dut
to go fully into the merits of Uiu question
involved , they have shown us distinctly win
the decisions wet o of which they complan
nnd how the questions mosc. In this way w
nro nblo to determine- n couit In scssio
whether the ei rors alleged nto such ns to Ju
tlfy us ns to the bringing of the i aso hoi o fi
roviovv. Wo piocccd , then , to consider wh.
the questions are in which , If it exists ut al
om Juii dIcUon depends.
The paiticular provision of the constitutic
of the United States on which counsel ul
are fouud In at tides 4 , 5 , 0 mi
4 of the amendments That tl
Hrstton aitic-It's of the amendment were in
intended to limit the povscts of the state jo'
eimncnts In tcspcet to their own citizens , bite
to opet tito on the national government nlor
was decided moio than half n ccntuiy ag
nnd that doclniatlon has been steadily ai
liercd toslnio. It was contended , how eve
in the argument that , though otilnally tl
first ton amendments wetxi adopted as limit
tlons on federal power , i ot insofar as tin
BCCUIo and recoguko the fundamental r igh
of common law lights of the toau tin
make the pi iv lieges and immunities of tl
man as n citizen of the United States ur
cannot now be abridged by a state under tl
fourteenth amendment. In other word
while the ten amendments ns limitations (
power-wily npply to the federal guvcnunen
and not to the states , jet insofar as thov d
clot o or recognize the rights of it petson.tho ;
rights tire thclis as citizens of the Unlit
States , and tto ) fourteenth amendment us
sudi lights limits the state power as tltoU
amendments had limited federal power ,
It is ulso contended that the provision <
the fourteenth amendment which deehn
thut no stuto shall dcptlvo any peis.on of ill
llbctty or property without duo pioeess
law Implies thut every person chat ged wi
crime in ft stnto shall bo entitled to u trial I
tn impartial jury and shall not bo
to testify against himself. The objections
nro In brief. 'I. That a statue of n state us
construed by the court deprived the petition
ers of n trial by nn Impnitlal Jury nnd , 2. that
Spies was compelled to give evidence against
himself , Heforo consldcting whether the
constitution of the United States has the
effect which Is claimed , It Is proper to Inquire
whether the federal questions relied on In
fact arise on the face of this record. Ono
statute to which objection is made is approved
Match 12 , 1871 , and has been in force since
July 1 of that year. The complaint is that
tilts ttlal court , acting under this statute and
in accoulancQ with the rcquitements , com
pelled the petitioners against their will to
submit to n trial by Jury that was not 1m-
Impnitlal , nnd thus dcpitvcd them of one of
UK ; fundamental rights which they had ns
citizens of the United States under the na
tional constitution , and If the sentence of the
court Is carried Into execution , they will bo
deprived of their lives without duo process of
law. In Hopt vs. Utah , 120 United States
I I'l , It was decided by this court that
when n challenge by a defendant
in n criminal a < tlon to n Juror for bias , ac
tual or Implied , is disallowed and the Juror
Is thcicu | > oi peremptorily challenged by the
defendant and excused , and an Impartial and
competent Jutoi is obtained in his place , no
injury is done the defendant If , until the Jury
is completed , ho has other pcremptoiy chal
lenges which ho can use ; and so In Hajes vs
Missouri , 120 United States , 71 , it was said
that the light to challenge is the tight to 10-
Jcct or select n Juior. If from those who 10-
muin an impattiul jury is obtained the consti
tutional light of the accused is maintained.
Of the concctness of these tullijgs thcio is
no doubt. Wo aio thetefoio confined in this
ease to the rulings on the clullenges
to the Juiois who actually sat
at the trial. Of these there weio but
two Thcodoio Ucnker , the thiid jutorwho
was sworn , and A. T. Sanfotd , the last who
was called and swotn after all the peiemp-
lory challenges oi the defendant had'bcen
exhausted. At the trial the court construed
the statute to mean that although a Jutor
called as a juryman may have foimed an
opinion bused upon rumor or upon newspaper
statements , but hascxpiessed no opinion as
to the truth of the new spapor statement , ho
Is still qualltlcd as a Jutorif he states that
ho can fairly and impaitl.illy render a vet diet
thcicon in act01 dame with the law and evi
dence and the couit shall bo satisfied of the
ttuth of such statement. It is not a test
question whether the Juror will have the
opinion which ho has foimed fiom new spapets
changed bv the evidence , but whether his
vcidiet will bo bused only upon the account
which may heio bo given by witnesses under
oath. Interpreted in this way , the statute is
not materially dilTcrcnt from that of the ter-
riloty of Utuhwhieh wehudundcrconsideia-
tion in Hopt vs. Utah , and to which wo then
give effect. As that was n teiiitonalstatute
passed by a tciiitoiul legislature for the
govcinment of n tcmtoiy over which the
United States had exclusive Juusdietion , it
came ihicctlj within thu opeintion of aiticlo
d of the amendments which guai antecd to
Hopt a tiial by an impntial jmy. No one nt
that time suggested a doubt of the constitu
tionality of the statute , and it was icgatdcd
both in the tcintoiial com Is
and here as f mulshing the piopei tules to ho
obscived by a tct n tonal tourt in cmpiiiclling
an impartial jutj in u i riminal case A simi
lar statute vvns c-n.u ted in Now Yoik , May ! )
lbT2 , in Michigan , Api il Ib , Ib7r. , and also in
Ncbi.tsk.i in lVi > The constitutionality of
the statute of Now Yoik was sustained by
the ( omt of appeals in that state in-Stokes
vs the People audit lias been acted upon
without objection even since. So fut as wo
have been able to dlsiovct , no doubt has ever
been cut ct tallied in Michigan or Ncbiaska of
the constitutionality of the statutes of those
states , i capec , lively , but they have
alwiivs been ticatrd bv their supieme contts
as valid , both under thu constitution of the
United States and under that of the state.
Indeed , thutuloof the statute of Illinois , as
it was constiued by the trial court , is not
inalcii.illy difloicnt fiom that which has
boon adopted by the coutts in many of the
states without legislative action. Without
pin suing this subject fuithcr , it is sufficient
to say that wo agree ctitliely withthosu-
picmo court of Illinois in the opinion
that the statute on'its face , as constiued
by the timl comt , is not repugnant to section
0 of article 2 of the constitution of that state ,
which unorantces to Iho accused paity in
ovcty ciiminal proseculion aspccdvltial by
an inipaitiul jmy in the county or district in
which the offense Is alleged to have been
committed. As this is substanlially thu pto-
visions of the United States constitution on
which the petitioners
even if their position ns lo Iho operalion and
elTect of that constitution is collect the
stututo is not open to thu objection which is
made against it.
The decision then reviews the cases of
Juiois Donkcr and Sanloul and gives a copi
ous exit act from the tccoid of their exami
nation together with the judge's ruling , nnd
continues : In He\nolds vs. the United
States , ' .IS , United States 1-15 to 150 it waa
decided by this com t that in 01 dor to justify
the reversal of the Judgment of the supreme
comtof the teiritoty of Utah foi lofusing to
allow a challcngo of a Juior in aciimlnnlcasc
on the ground that ho had foimed und ex-
pi cssed an opinion aa to the issues to be tried ,
it must bo made clearly to appear that upon
the evidence the court ought to have found
that thu Jutor hud foimed such an opinion
that ho could not in law be deemed impartial
and thu case must bo ono Ir
which it is manifest that the law left nothing
to the conscience or discietlon of Iho couit
i If such 11 thodcgieo of strictness which ii
L requited In the oidmaiy cases of writs ft on
ono couit to another in the snnio gencta
jutisdietion , wo ought to bo catcful that it i ;
not at nil telaxod tn n cnso like-thit. whcr
the gi omul i elicd on for the revei sal by thi'
couit of n judgment of the highest couit o ;
the state is that the error complained of is sc
great as to amount in law to u denial by lh <
state of n ti lal by an unpai tial jury to one
w ho is accused of ctime. Wo ate unhesitat
L ingly of the opinion that no such case is dis
closed by this iccoid.
AVe eomo now to consider the objectior
that the defendant , Kpios , was compelled In
the couit to be u witness against himself
Ho voluntatily olleicd himself as a willies' '
in his own behalf and by so doing ho became
bound to submit himself to n ptoper cioss
examination. The complaint is that ho w\v
icquited on cioss examination to stati
whether ho had teccivod n eeitatn * lette
whiih was shown , put pot ting to linvobeci
vviittcn bj Johan Most and addiesscd t <
him , and upon his s.tiing that ho had , the
couit allowed the letlcr to bo lead in ovl
clini'o against him. This , it Is claimed , wai
not n proper cross examination. It is no
contended that the subject to which thocross
e\amlnalion iclaled was not peiUncut t <
the issue tn bo tiled , and whether n cioss
examination must bo confined to maltei
pettiiient lo the testimony in chief or ma ;
bo extended to the matter In issue , is cci
tuinlv a question of state law in the courls o
thu st.itu and not of fcdeial 1 ivv
Something has been said In the .nrgumcn
about an alleged unrcMsomiblo scan h an
seizure- the papeis and piopeity of somu o
thu defendants and their use in evidence o
tholiialof the caso. Special refcic-nco i
made in thla conneclion lo the icltor of Most
about which Spies was cross examined , bi ;
wo bnvu not been icferied to any pai t of th
lecoul in which it appeal s that objection wa
made to the use of the ovidenoo on ao
count , und upon tills point the si
ptuno couit of the state In tin
pat t of Its opinion w hich has been prlnte
with this motion lematks as follows
"Thu objecllon that the letter was obtalnc
fiom Iho dcfcndanl by an unlawful scizuio !
made torthollisi llinoinlhis couit. It vu
not mndo on the tiial in Iho comt bclov
Such nn objection ns this , which is not suggcs
cd bv the iialuio of the offetcd evidence , bi
depends upon the ptoof of an outsida fat
should huvo bcc'ii made on the tiiul , the d
feline should have ptovcd the Most letler wi
ono of the Irllers Illegally seized by the polk
und should then have moved to exclude or o ]
pose its admission on the giound that It w.
obtained by such illciral scizuio. Th
was not done and thotofoio w
cannot consider the constitulloti ;
question supposed lo bo iuvolvei
Even though the court was wren
in sav ing that it did not appear that the Mo
lullf-f was ono .of Iho papers illegally scUci
it still lomaiiis unconttadicted that no o
jcction was made In the trinl couit to its ii' '
mission on , that acvouut. To give usjuii
diction under section TOO of the icvisi
statutes , bocaitso of the denial by n sta' '
com t of any xitle , i iglit , pi ivilejra or Imniu
it. , clulmcd under the constitution or ar
Ircaly or statute of the United Stales , it
must appear that such title , right , privilege
or immunity was ( specially set up or clulmcd )
nt Ihc proper tlmo nnd in Iho proper way
lo ' bo rel lovable , the decision
must bo ngalnst the right
so set up or clnlmed ns the supreme court of
the state was revlovvlng the decision of the
trial court. To make the qucslion revlcvvable
It must nppcnr that the claim was made In
that court because the supreme court vvns
only authorized to icvlovv the Judgment of
that court for errors committed thcro and
w o can do no mor. This Is not , as seems to
bo supposed by ono of the counsel for Iho do-
titloncrs , n quesllon of the waiver of a rlaht
under the constiluUon , laws or Iretilies of Iho
United States , but n erucstion of claim. If
not set up or claimed in the ptoper court
below the Judgment of the stnlo court in
the action is cone-lush e so far ns the right of
levluw h'cro is concerned.
Thfc question whclherIho Icller , If obtained
as claimed , would huvo been competent evi
dence Is not bufoto us. nnd , therefore , no
foundation Is laid under this objection for the
exercise of our jutlsdictton.
As to the suggcslion bv counsel for Ihc po-
lllioncrs , Spies mid Ficldcn , that Spies , hav
ing been born In Germany mid Fiuldcn In
Gieat lititlan , they have been denied by the
decision of the court below the rights
gi anled lo them by trealles
between the United Slnlcs and Ihclr rcspec-
tlve counliies , 11 is sufficient to sny that no
such questions were made and decided In
either of Ihe com Is below , and they cannot
bo raised In this court for the Hist ttmu. Wo
huvo not been lofeired to any treaty , neither
mu vyo nwate of any under which such n
question c ould bo raised.
Doing of the opinion , therefore , that the
federal questions presented by the counsel
for the petitioners nnd which they say they
desire lo argue , nro not in fnct involved in
thu determination of the case as it appears on
the fuco of the recoid , wo deny the wilt.
The decision of the court is unanimous.
The NCVVN In ChlcaKO.
CHICAGO , Nov. 2 [ SpecialTelegram to the
BhF. ] The third grcnt event in the hlstor-
Icnl cnso of the condemned nnnrchlsts the
denial of the pclillon for n writ of error by
the supreme coutt of the United Slales has
not caused any noticeable sensation In the
city of Chicago. In the business paits of the
city , whcio the newsltfjs were shouting
"Extras" with the news from Washington
this afternoon , theio was n htllc excitement.
Copies of the papeis w ere cngctly bought mid
little gioups would collect mound each uur-
chaser to heal the news. The policemen
oveiy where wcto especially tnlcrcsled
and nppatenUy without exception they
all bought copies of the pa
peis containing Iho news. But this
little fluny scarcely lasted an hour and
now thcio is not the slightest excitement
mound the jail or anywhere else. Theio is
no mistaking the feeling of Chicago , however -
over , on Ibis question. With fcwo xceptlons
the final decision is leccivedwtth satisfaction.
It has for a few days been considcied a foie-
gene conclusion hero that the writ of ciror
would bo denied , so that the nuws to day was
in a mcasuin discounted. Each of the con
demned anaichists Ihcniselvcs uppaiently
hud no hope from the supieme court.
It was 11:45 : o'clock when a icporter car
ried to the Jail news of the decision and it
was some minutes before mi } body had the
hatdihood to communicate the intelligence
lo the seven. The men were all locked up
in their cells , aswcro the other piisonets , the
cxcreiso hour being over. The icpotler
wiolo Iho information hastily on a slip of
paper , and Chief Clerk Piicu look Ihc notes
up to Spies nnd Parsons to sco what they
w ould say. The few pet sons in the Jail office
slooel at the door leading into the cage and
stunned their cjes to see how the men would
look w hen they read what w as in the notes.
Their fuees might ns vv ell have been stone
for nil the feeling they betrajcd. Not a
shiver , not a shrug of the Bhouldets , nor any
net thut looked us if it mudo miy difTeicnco
to them whether the supieme couit decided
tltov should hang or not.
"I've got news , " said Clerk Price to Pai-
sons , handing him Iho piece of paper.
"Oh , it's jou , is it ! " ejaeulaled Iho rapid
talker. Then ho blew u volume of cigar
smoke Inlo Iho pup"r ns he unfolded it and
caielcssly lead. Not a muscle moved , and if
his heat t stood still un instant , no one could
tell it. Pulling his cigar between his lips
ngain ho picked up his nuwspapci und slow ly
return keel : "Well , I don't think I huv c any
thing lo say. "
"Will jou answer the note ? "
"No , I believe not. "
"You believe-it I"
"It muj' bo true. "
Spies' conduct was Pai sons' over again
Mr. Osboino , who keeps the death watch
in "Muideiei's How , " was then prevailed
upon lo go lo the cell of each nnnichist und
tell him the decision of the Bupicmo court.
When the white huiied olllcei came down he
was ticiublmg with emotion mid his voice
was choked "I don't want to do that again , "
stammeied ho. "Every time I spoke to one
of those follow si thought I was giving him
his death sentence , w Inlo each ouu tin nccl
and looked at mo as unconcerned as if I w a
telling him nothing of anj' impoi lance JLmg
said ho expected it. Fischer said : 'Is that
soi' and the rest merely grunted their ac
knowledgment. It did seem as if a Hush
spread over their faces when I told them.but
pet haps I imagined tt. Each ono tutned lo
whatever he was doing and I passed on tc
the next. Just see how I tiemble , while
they nro ns cool us cucumbers. "
Within fifteen minutes after the verdict
W ns known eight or ten ofllcers in citizen'
clothes appeared. Two of them slopped
quietly into the Jail and the olhets disposed
of themselves in the criminal couit building
nnd about the neighborhood. The bailiff ni
the outer door leading into the jail couit sajs
ho is instructed to admit no ono , but vvhcthet
this applies to the near iclativcs of Iho cleat 1 :
sentenced men is not known.
Sheriff Malison visilcd Iho jail nt 1 o'clocl
and hud a confeienco of over half an houi
w lib .Taller Folz in the piivato office of the
jail. Asntcsultof the confeienco , no visl
lors nro nllowcd lo cnlcr Iho jail court j arc
to see any prisoner , whethci
anarchist or not. Shciiff Matlsot
suid concerning Iho older : "I don't want tc
make any fuss sbout il , but the visits of othei
anaichists have got to slop. Heucofoilh Ihc
doomed men will not bo allowed to huvo 11113
mote icctcation hours. Peisonally I wouh
like to giant them all Iho favors I could , bit
I don t think It wouH bo wise to do so. I
njay seem foolish nnd pet Imps is foolish , bu
1 don't want these men lo cheat the gallow
by killing theinsclves. Thulr fttends migh
give them daggers or poison , and although
know that If they should want to kill themselves
solves wo should bo powerless to pi event it
still I shouldn't like to hnvo it said that if
had attended to my duty the suicides migh
have been pi evented.
This af let noon Iho now rule regal ding via
itcits tolho Jail went into effect , nnd no on
was allowed to enter the building dut ing th
aftetnoon bouts , except ofllcets , teporter
und idalivcsof the anarchists. Thollistt
arttvonttho jail as Iho clock marked S-S
was Mis. Engul. Theio was n sort of scarce
ospiessionon her jioor , wont face , and sh' '
moved about in a nervous tnunncr , us thougl
she could scatcelj' icalizo thut thu lust slct
dcr tin cad of hope hadbtokcti , She brough
a basket of dainties for her husband , un
Juller Polz took n chair fiom thoofllco nn
can led it out to the cage and placed it fo
her near the bais. Lingg's ' mint and
joung lad } ' cousin and onu of his fal
admit 01 s canto next. They were all dowi
cast , w ith truces of tears on their cheeks , bu
ihoy had not been talking to the bombmakc
tivo minutes before they weio all laughliif
und mlt th sounded strangely Incongruou
with Iho feelings of most of these piesen
Frank Hiclfeldl , of Iho Ai boiler Zeltung , a <
companicd bj' a reporter of the satnu papoi
came next. Shottly nflctwurd Spies' ivv
bi others , Cluis nnd Ferdinand , were ai
milled , and lliey weio followed by Ihe ;
molher , who seemed lo feel her sorro' '
dccplj' . Mis. Parsons nnd two lltllo chl
drcncnmo , nnd wilh them n lady who is ii
lereslcd In the work of the Aitmest1 nssi
At Captain Black's office hnrdly hnd 1
been apprised of the result of his e'ffoiU i
at Iho capital when Nina Van Xinidt hit
riedly entered his oftlco and was immediate ]
admitted to the piescnco of her legal advise
Her bearing as she glided through the autc
ofllco was not that of u woman bo wed in It
or crushed with nwo. Her figure was erect ,
her face slightly flushed , and , though the
least trace of anxiety might huvo lurked in
her calm , bright ejc , it was Impossible not to
observe that her whole nUtld was bent upon
n practical object. In nngvvor to n question
ns to his pltins , Captniu Black said : "Well ,
sir , it looks ns if the only tiling left for ns is
to nppenl to the governor ) which , of coutse ,
w o shall proceed lo do at onco. "
"You will need nil the time that is left nt
your disposal I"
"Yes , ns matters have turned out. The
only effect of the recent proceedings has been
to abridge what little tlmo wo had. If they
had denied us nt ouco it would , of course ,
huvo been better , "
"Havo jou any idea as to what com so the
movement for petilloning the governor will
"No definite plan of hction has been nr-
inngcd } et that I know of. "
"Will jou take n leading part in the mul
let I"
"I shall go down , of course , but I can not
say now exactly in what capacity or whether
ut the hend of any. or , if any , what dciiutn-
tion. All I know is Hint wo shall dccltfo as
rapidly ns may bo upon our course und pur
sue it to thu best of our power. "
Tbeio was lltllu surpiisu among the police
officers over the announcement. The police
havu all thought that the United Stales su-
ptemu couit would not Intel fere , and Iho gen
et ul impression umong them is that the sen
tence will bo carried into effect November 11.
"If they mo to be hung at all , " said Lieuten
ant Fitzpalrick , the man who , when the
bomb was huilccl inlo Ihe police lanks al thu
Hajmarket , said : "Full in , men , steady ,
chat go , " "they should die on that day. The
suspense of uiepuuvu of Govuinor Oglcsby
would hnvo n bad effect , nnd would not only
to n grcnt extent lessen the moral example ,
but would entail additional suspense on the
. " "That's " said
prisoners. so , nnother police
oftlciul. "Thero is no dcsiru on the part of
the ofllcers who have suffered fiom the
throwing of the bomb to tortuto thu murder
ers. They only want to BOO the law canted
Captain Buckley compressed his lips when
the news reached him at the urmorj"So , "
he suid , "tho supreme court hns upheld the
lighteous verdict and Just decision of the
slalc supreme eoutt. It isietrlbulton for the
mui dur of the ofllcers whoso wives nro now
widows nnd cliildten orphans. I Irust and
believu that the governor will not interfere. "
The news spi cad through the vaiious police
stations us fust as electricity would cany it.
Hardlj' hnd the woid reached the offices of
the nuwspapeis before Iho telephone opetat-
ors in the piincipal pollco stalioris were told
of it and they in tut n informed the various
substations. In this wajf bofoio noon the
citizens in Ihe vciy oulskirls of Iho cilj weio
Infotmed of Ihe news , and long before the
whistles in the different factories blew the
summons lo icturn to work Iho men wet o
foimed in knots discussing the chances of
the umirchists on a commutation of sentence.
As to the piobable action of thu governor
nothing but the merest ! eonjectuto can bo
given. Many who are intimate with him do-
clmo that ho will not interfeio. jet othets
who me almost as well posted insist that
Fiuldcn nnd Parsons nt least will sccuro u
commutation of their sentences.
"I do not know just now what action the
Amnesty association will take , " said J. 11.
Buchanan. "I ptcsume , however , that they
will continue us they have been doing , seem
ing signatures to the pctilion. A mass meet
ing will bo held Saturday evening and n eoni-
nnllcc appointed to take chaigo of Iho peli-
lion und present it to the governor. The
Anincsly associullon had nothing whatever
to do with the case befote the coutts. That
wasthuwotk of the Defense Fund associa
tion , but now that nothing further can bo
done in the coutis , I presume Iho Defense
association will join hands with the Amnesty
association and both will do their best toward
Influencing the governor , The slgnututes
nlteady number many thousands , und they
are increasing every day. '
The letlers of Llngg , Fischer nnd Engel ,
declining Unit thej'can accept no mitigation
or commutation of there sentence , and unless
thej uio allowed to co forth from their pi ison
cells free men thej' prefer lo die , have fallen
like a second bomb in Ihe midst of those who
have been exerlingUiemselves lo obtain from
Iho gov ei nor a commutation of theii scnlcitce.
While thcio is not believed to bo anj1 danger
from the ardent sjnipathlzuis of the men , jet
thu police have taken extraordinary pi coali
tions to pi event any such affair All the
residences in the neighborhood of the jail
have been under conslant surveillance bj- the
police for the last month or two ,
und nil soils of inqunics ns to the
boarders or roomers have been instituted
bj' detectives. Captain Schaaek , who did sn
much to micaith the amnolnst conspiracy , i
known lo have a sui vcillunco on evciy un-
mchist und amuchistic gtoup in lown anil
still has Ins seciet methods of leainingol
their meetings and conferences. All the
railway trams are watched , und , in fact ,
eveiy possible piccaution is being taken.
Thu following editonal front Una evening's
Join mil reflects Iho general scnlhnent of the
eitj'i "Now , the judgment of the ciimina'
couit of Cook tounty in the cnso of these
uliocious publiu ciuninals bus been aftlrinct
bjr all the supeiior courts of the state am
nation. The majesty of the law conic
not bo clothed in gi cater dignltj
than that which it icceivc !
Item thcso cuinulativo deciees. Either al
tliulaw is liandulent and coituptor the ail
thots of the Huvmaikot mussacto are rinhtlj
condemned lo Iho punishment they will re
ccivo. The awful shadow ef the gallow i
resting upon them is portontious of their jus
fate and of Iho nghlcous judgment that rest ;
ugumst nil who shall in the futuiu seek lo up
Unit socictj' and abrogate sociul laws thiougl
the instiumentalily of deeds of lawlessness
horror and wholesale murder. "
A Pamphlet Suppressed.
Cmcnno , Nov 2. This nflcrnoon a smnl
boy appeal cd nt ono of the most piominen
dow n tow n cornois prov idcd w itli n supply o
pamphlets containing M. M. Tiumbull's up
peal to Govotnor Oglcsby in behalf of tin
condemned miaichists. Officer Biiminghuii
quickly put the boy to llight by lelling bin
that ho would ailest him if ho didn't sto ;
selling the books. Thoie Is nothing scditou
about the pamphlet , it being moielyTiiini
bull's speech. It is bound biiliiantly and er
tilled , "Was It a Fair Trial ? An Appeal t
Iho Covet nor of Illinois in Behalf of ih
Condemned Anarchists. " The sctgcant c
the ccntial police delml said th
officer acted on his own judgment
Ho added : "But I think it is much boiler 11
Ihe picsent time that the ciiculation of eve
such lltetalurons this bo slopped , usitca
only Binup people vvilhout doing any good.
The only persons except relatives who hu
any extended conversation with the cor
detuned to day vvcto M. W. Sailer , a lecture !
und H. D. Llojd , a newspaper cdltorh
wilier. They were in eaincst eonveisatio
at the cell doois for two houis. Th
gentlemen kept their object n piofoun
secret , but it is intimated thnt their vis
hnd something lo do with a scheme logettvv
or tin eo Chicngo nevvspnjMsrs to come out cd
torinlly in favor of n M > mtnutation of sei
tenco. Thu visilois slid the significance c
their visit would cluvclopo in u fuvv dajs. M :
Sailer said Ficldcn had stated that ho wi ;
misieptescnted when a newspaper made hii
say that ho would not ask Gov oi nor Ogles ! )
to pai don him. By thut it is understood th.
Ficldcn will ask for u cpinmutation of sei
An Appeal Kor Clemency.
CHICVOO , Nov. 2. Captain Black said lei
i eporler Ihis ev cuing lhat ho was dlsappoinlc
but notsutptiscd nt the action of the suptcn
couit , as they weio clearly enlitled to n wi
of on or under Iho decisions of Iho supicn
court prior to this tlmo. Captain Black uti
n lurgo party will go to Springfield nC :
Tuesday to ptesent the pclllion for eoimnut
lion lo the govetnor.
Govetnor Palmer this evening said lo
repoiloi that ho did * not believe Governe
Oglcsby would interfeio with the couit'n so
tenco upon thu condemned men , "Thohlg
cstcouttsin the'land , " said G overnor I1. ;
mor , "havo decreed this vet diet Js a just on
Governor O lcsby Is not going to bo swerve
m his manifest duty by nny trifling conside
ntlon. As fnr n the idea of its beinginhitmi
to hung thcso men , I can BOO no sense in thu
They killed Hoveral polievmcn , didn't the'
Ami wounded many niorol Was that h
mimity ! "
Horrible Fate of a Lincoln Citizen's
Llttlo Boy.
Two Young Misses Stnrt Out to See
the World Mm derer Miimlnfiom
In Danger Nebraska anil
Iowa Xewe.
A Child Burned to Death.
Livcoi.x , Nob. , Nov. 2. ( Special Tclcgimn
to the HUE. ] The throe-year old child of 13.
Muhoney. living at Fifth nnd D streets ,
while pinning with mutches this afternoon ,
set lire to n shed in the back yard. \\asnot
known that the child was In the building un
til after it find occn binned down nnd the In
fant's remains uoic found in the ruins.
Wanted to See the World.
COIUMHUS , Neb , Nov. 2. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bic. ] Two young gills lair
a\\ay from their homes nt St. Edwards In
tending to go to Omaha , but were detained
hero on a telegram from the father of
Anpio Abbott , aged thiitecajcars , who was
enticed to leave her homo by Jcnnio Truelove -
love , her companion , nged seventeen j cars.
Mr. Abbott came to Columbus this afternoon
and took the girls back to St. Edwards. The
girl Truelove seemed to bo wide nxvuko nnd
says she means to sec the was of this wick
ed world.
Nebraska City's Jubilee.
NEHHASKA. CITV , Neb , Nov 2. [ Special
Telegram to the BnK. ] The gieat trade cole-
bi.ition and boom juollco to morrow promises
to bo nn event In the city's history. Thou
sands of visitors arc alle.idy in town. The
houses aio decoiatedvith Hags , banner ! ) nnd
bunting and the sit eels nro biiliiantly illumi
nated. Excursions will lun on the U. & M.
und nil other lo.uls atone and a thud faic.
All business houses and fnetotics have a
holiday. _
Trains Wrecked at Papilllon.
P\nt.LtoN , Neb , Nov. 2 [ Special Tele
gram to the Bi.c ] While the flist section of
freight train No. 22 was standing on the
mam line this morning , it was telescoped by
the second section of the same tiain. Flvo
men in the caboose were suddenly awakened.
The engineer nnd Hi email saved themselves
by lumping. So\eial eai's \\eio detailed and
nuaily all the dia\sheads of the entiio tiain
weio destrojcd.
General Horsey til O nllala.
OCIULALI , Neb , Nov. 2 [ Special Tele-
giam lo Iho Bcc ] A cioweled opera house
giected Gencial Doiscy hcie thise\ening.
His mastcily nigument aptly illustialcd his
voij seiibiblo oiiiiiions and his genial manner
captivated the laigo assembly.
WATPHIOO , In , Nov. 2 The confession of
William Mundnfroui that ho murdcicd Cluis
Hemmc in Wateiloo has cteutcd great excite
ment in the neighborhood wheio the mur
dcicd mnn lived , undjcsteiday thcro were
ctowds of excited people fiom the citj' openly
thtentcning Ijnclnng. The sheiift has the
jnil guaided , and n local militia company is
under ciders lo bo ready to tutu out ut the
ill st alarm. Hu has publicly announced that
hu will defend the prisoncis to the last ex
tremity. Mrs. Hemmo is suffciing from
noivous prostralion , and her examination
has been postponed until Friday.
Registration in Iowa.
DLS MOINCS , In , Nov. 2 [ Special Telo-
giatn to the BLI : ] Registration in Iowa
cities closed to daj' . In most placqs there
was some falling off fiom last year , but in
some notably Sioux City nnd Council Bluffs
a largo incccaso In Iho former nearly
1,000 mote icgislered thnn last j ear. In DCS
Molncs over 1,000 names were added to the
list today , making n total rcgistiation of
0-I50. In Dubuque Iho total is1,750 , an in-
crcnso of about 100 over last jear. Kcokuk ,
2,3.3'J Mount Pleasant show s a loss of 40 ,
and Fort Dodge n loss of 07 ,
A iTmcnilc Tramp.
Drs MOIM , la , Nov. 2 [ Special Tele-
gtam to the Bi.r. ] A thirtecn-jcar old boj
was found wandering about by the police
last night. Ho gave his name as George
Sneer and it appears that ho left his homo ir
Cedar Uapids to po to the corn palace at
Sioux Cltj- , making his way thcio and back
On his ictmn ho found that his mother hail
mov ed to Miirshalltown , but as ho did no (
like that scquesteied nook , ho diiftcd hctc
and bus asked the mat shal to send him tt
Now York City where his father lives. H (
w til bo sent to Mm shalltow n.
The Population of Sioux City.
Sioux Cirr , la , Nov. 2 [ Special Tele
giamtotho 131 n ] The ducctory receivci
to day from Polk & Co. . of Minneapolis
estimates the population of Sioux City a
80842. The compileisof the directory say
"This is not a consequenceof scnsattona
effoits , but results fiom the city's bavins
lecentlj'become a lallway and a pork pack
ing center. "
Grave Fears that the Sioux iv ill Unite
With the CrovvH.
BI-MUICK , Dak. , Nov. 2. Thcio has bcei
considetablo excitement among the setUer ;
und in military elides over Iho repoi
that the Sioux and Ciow Indians were nbou
to unite nnd tnko to thu w ar path if Iho gov
eminent insists on cnfoiclng the land sever
ally bill. A council held by Sioux chiefs n
Standing Rock to day was called to conside
the question. All the principal chiefs ex
pressed their opinions freely ; among then
0 Hunting Antelope , John Grass. Mad Dcei
Red Fish , Cottonwood and Gall. The las
t named is the most intelligent am
influential chief in the tiiho. A ]
but Gull said they hud ulvvaj
felt friendly tow aril Iho whites Gall mos
with u scowl of eonlempt mid B lid ho vvquli
talk illfTcreiilly. Ho had not always fel
ft loudly lo Iho w hiles. Ho had fought thei
und tried to kill them. The whites and Ciow
foughl him at the Cusler balllo and tiled t
kill him , but now ho was ready to take hi
men nnd help Iho whiles in sellling thi
tioublo with the Ctows. Ho should like t
show Iho whiles his friendly feeling. Ga !
then tin nod to Major McLaughlin , Iho Ir
illnn ngent ut Standing Hock , and expiesse
the utmost confidence in him and fiicndsh !
low-aid the whites. Gull was frequently ir
leriuptcd by the npplnuso of his follower1
w ho conslilulo n majority of the j-oung wai
iiors. Sitlllng Bull hud nothing to say. H
is very jealous of Gall's power , and It is sail
was displeased with his speech , as ho feats
will gtvu him additional piumincncu with th
whites , _ _ _ _ _
Two White Men Killed.
Cuovv AGINCV , Mont. , Nov. 2 , Two tiooj
o of colored cnvalty and ono from Chejenii
it agency arrived hero lo night. Indian scoul
10 report two white men killed on Reno cree
, i near hete , yestet day. The Indians arc no1
killing cattle for . . their . . . beef supply , and kit
ing niany moio than they need.
O'lli len Taken to Dublin.
Come , Nov. 2. William O'Hrlcn nnd Mai
deville , who nro under sentence for usin
seditious language at the meeting ut Mltc !
olstown , were quietly removed from Jail lici
this morning and taken away on a spec !
train. O'linra was lodged in Jail at Tull
moro , fifty miles from Dublin. The news i
their icuiovul caused , tiemendouij cxclt
tncnt. .
The Irish pilson b'onul has directed tit :
O'Brlen wear the prison uniform and 1
treated in every way us-an ordinary prbone
The Horrible Crime or a Connecticut
Silk Wearer.
Nr.\vHvvr.v , Conn. , Nov. 2. John Hodcl ,
n silk weaver , living at Hebron , shot his wlfo
Inst night and then set ilro to the house.
Two children were burned to death. Hodcl
fled but is now under arrest. Hodcl has been
on n spree for about n week , and when him
self was qulto n good natural fellow , but
drink made him crazy. Ho tells the follow
ing stoty : "Last night I told my wife thai I
was going to kill injsclf. She said she
wanted to dlo too. An ngi cement 'was then
made that the whole faintly should dlo to
gether two boys , ngcd tin co and six and
the mother , who expected to bo
con fined again in n month. Duilng
the niclit I brought the two children fiom'an
adjoining room nnd placed them In bed with
the mother nnd set in o to the bed , but the
smothering pi ocess was too slow , so I got n
shotgun and fired both barrels Into my wife's
btcast , killing her instantly. The Humes
then spi cad and soon smothmcd both of the
child ) en. I then went down stalls , tapped
on the window1 of a lower tenement bed
room nnd called them to conic in and sco
w hat I had done. It Is said that Hodcl thought
that cei tain neighbors wet o too familiar w llh
his wife , that ho licensed her and this caused
n mini icl , hcnco the agreement to kill all of
the family.
iKii } > oiriixn : 4.
Ail Ohio Farmer's Daughters Mur
dered and the HOUND Fired. i AND , Nov. 2 At Spencer , Medina
county , Tuesday night the house of A. D.
Gat rctt was found on Jlro. Ncighbois gath
ered and extinguished the flumes befoio they
had gained much headway. The Hie had
stalled In the sleeping loontof two grown
up imbecllo daughtcis of Ganctt.
The gills were found on the floor of the
chamber dead. The faces of both bore
marks w hich led to the belief that they hid
been muidetcd. Though no lamp was left
in their loom the floor was found satuiated
with alcohol and coveted with leaves and dry
glass. The cot oner is ntw oik on the case.
They Ket'usc to Help a Mother KCHCUC
Her Drowning Child.
ST. .To3ii'iitMo , Nov. 2 [ Special Telegram
to the Hnc. ] Lieb Kubinsky , the ninc-jcar
old son of a Holioinlan family living at No.
1 107 Levy btrcet , while drawing water fiom
n cistcin this aftctnoon fell in nnd was
di owned. Some laboiers at work giading
near the house t ef used to answ or the mother's
rues for help , and she had to go to the police
headquaiteib and get a policeman to get the
body f i on. the cistern.
AAV joining l
Douons , Wjo , Nov. 2 [ Special Tele
gram to the Bi i : . ] Douglas lias had n man
for btcakfast. This is the flist in its history.
Last evening about 0 o'clock , Hatty C. King
shot and instantly killed J. II. 13ow man , The
tingcdy is thooutgiowth of an old ttouble ,
dating back scv eral j cars when King w as in
the employ of How man nt Chadron. At this
time King claimed Hovvmnn seduced his
wife. Hovvmnn is diilling un oil well west of
hero foi an Omaha company undniilvcd in
town last evening. King had been in the
employ of the rniltoudhcio ns yaid hand.
They met in fiontof the Valley house , and
King with the , "D - joii , jou so-
dueed my wife. " shot How-man thtough the
body , the ball passing thiough the mam
artery near the heart. King gave himself
up.t Bowman had been wiuucu- that King
threatened to kill him.
Clearing Up the Murder.
PiTTSnuno , Nov. 2 It is believed that
the mystery surrounding the murder of
Frank Hatan , who was found inacauwgo
on a freight car nt Chicago last week , is
about to bo cleat ed up and the murdctcrs
bi ought to justice. This nfteinoon detec
tives airested two patties who they think
bej end a doubt are the ones who committed
the minder. Then names nro William Sims
and Haiiy Ilowatd , both well known charac-
teis The evidence against them is said to
bo damaging.
A Had Indian.
VICTORIA , B. C. , Nov. 2 Partkulats of
the shooting at Kamloops Satin day night aio
Just received. A Imlf-hiced Indian named
McLean , while drunk , fatally shot two
Indians and wounded n thiid. McLean was
shot in the arm. He went homo , gotafiesh
horse and told his wife ho had killed two
men and would have to hang for it. He then
kissed her good bye and said ho would kill
as many as possible. When a short distance
fiom home the Indians shot McLean tlnough
the heart.
lllinky Morgan' * Doom.
CM vciAVi ) , Nov. 2. Thojuiyin the case
of "Dlinky" Motgan , on trial nt Havenna ,
O. , for the imndcr of JDctcctivo ; Hnllgin , re-
turneda veidtct of guilty of minder in the
ilist dcgtcc.
The Hollies of Seventeen Men and Two
Women Keejoveieel.
Mii.vvAUKEr , Wis , Nov. 2. Ftvo fishing
tugs went out ft out Two Rivets , Wis , to day
and bi ought back the bodies of seventeen
men and two women who had been aboard
the foundcicd propeller Vcrnon , making
twenty-two bodies that had been recovered ,
The Two Rivers engine house was turned into
a moiguo , whcio the remains were stretched
side by side to enable identification byiela-
tives and fi lends. Only scv en of thobodie <
were identified. They nto George Thorpe , oi
Ogdcnbutg , N. Y. , captain of the Voinoni
John bulltvan , of Chicago , flist innto ; Lairj
Higglns , Chicago , second mnto ; Mai tin Lo-
beau , Chicago , steward ; Henty Lebeau , Chicago
cage , potter ; Ftcd Bulk , Chicago , cleiki
Roy Hazclton , Chicago , cabin boy ;
E. B. Bat land , Milwaukee , pas
scngcr. In the pockets of om
of the unidentified dead was n letter post
imukcd Pott Washington , and addicsscjd U
Adolph H.uolbiilh , Milwaukee. Thuio i-
little doubt that the man is the person ad
diessed. Thcic is nothing about the other :
that will enable identification unless viewer
by acquaintances. Several ate undoubtedly
deck hands , picked up nt vni ious ports. Tin
bodies were found about eight miles cast o
Two Rivcis. Flvo weio lloating together
The other s were scatteied but not far distant
A bunth of letters was found on the body o
Captain Tltoi po , but they will not bo openct
till the inquest. His watch stopped utiiiSS
nnd it was undoubtedly at this hour , Satur
day mutning , that the propeller vvcnttothi
The St. Iioul * Explosion.
ST. Louis , Nov , 2 The chief of the fin
depattmcnt sajs , regarding the cxplosioi
which took place on Fourteenth Btteet jes
tctday , by which eight poisons were killed
that he docs not think the explosion was oc
casioncd by gas or gasoline , but was causce
by either dynamite or giant powder. Thi
opinion of n number of cxpctts find nmpl
pi oof ot pas or gasoline. The fiu-l of the ex
plosion being accompanied by light indicate
Doidcr Com teslc < s.
BKIII.IN , Nov , 2 Unwonted precaution
wctotakcnliy the French authorities Situi
day to ptotect Get man ofllclals w how or
surveying the si-cno of the teccnt frontic
incident. The titiiiust courtesy wvs show ;
on both side's.
TI' it Nit Land Act.
Dt'iinS , N-i ' . ' . -Several legal comml'
sloneis will soon bo-appointed to udrnlniatc
the now land act. A largo number of tenant
have nh cady made application to bo porml
ted to avail thc-uibulvca of tuo provisions c
the act.
A Reporter Tolls What Ho Saw in
Quo of Them.
Gaunt Spectres With Short Drense *
ml Htrlped Hosier ) HIIRO 1 > < > Ken
on Watch The Proprlctoa
Scene * of Misery.
Cuicvoo , Nov. 2. [ Special Tolrgtam to
the HKK. ] A iciwitcr who made nn investi
gation of tholinMlu In jomig women between
the largo cities and the dens of the Wiscon
sin foicsts , nsubjccl which Is dealing such
n scnsallon heio at picscnt , wtitcsas follows :
Of the Mat inetlo dens that aio run by Leahy ,
in which Julia Howdcn inea with her woeful
cxpctlcnce , was given the blackest dimnc-
ter , and I consequently selected It for a v Islt ,
A cli iv o of two miles in n noithwesterly dl-
tcction from Ihotovin , along a nmrow wind
ing toad biought mu lo n tiuiiovv open
Ing hewn between two high clavoy banks
and through which the histoiicnl fence of
black boards could bo seen looming up.
An ) thing mote Indescilbably ili oln'a
than the aspect of this place , buried
heie In the thick plno forest without a sign
of human or animal life in the neighborhood ,
could htndly bo Imagined. The great fence
of black boards , lllled together without
leaving n chink leached nbovo the second
story window sand sui rounded the house on
three sides , fitting snuglj up to the edge of
the not th and south walls leaving Iho front
doot the only means of Ingtess nnd cgtess.
The windows looked painfully small mid
thiough the dirty glass panes could bo
disci ibcd a net w oik , of giint lion burs. An
I leined up , thu thin , white faces of several
women appealed at the lower windows only
to dis.ippear immediately at the sound
of a Innshly ulteicd command fiom
within. At the MIUIO instant third
was n Found of n heavy bolt
being shot back , together with the falling of
ehaiiiH and a man appeared in the dooiwny.
To his milieu incmiituH IIH to in ) business I
responded with othois ns to the chinacter ot
thu smiounding toads llu was indisposed
to conveisc , howovci , and nftct vipoiously
kicking In Iho stomucU n huge dog Unit
tin list its head between his heavily booted
legs , ho withdicvv and slammed the door vie
lently. Kepeatcd knocks , and kicks had no
c-ITcit and 1 , not unwllllngh , left thu place.
That evening of Deputy bheitff Stiatton , of
Mai incite , 1 he.nd inanv stones of thcso
places , most of them too Infamous for topttt-
tlon Htoiies of shootings , beatings , ll lit- ;
and other iniquities too outiageous for eie-
dcMiio woio t elated. It was between 3 midJ
o'clock on n bitter , c < id aftoi noon w hen t
stinted in the dinctiein ol the O'Neill housu.
The load lav aeioss u Itlllu stieuin and then
olT about u half mile thiough the * pint ) woods ,
not far fiom the mill tiuck. i found it lo
bo a laigo wooden stitutuii1 of unfinished
pine , and thcio was about the exteiior that
same indcsciibablo silcnco that hud so im
pressed mo at the Leahy den in Mm incite.
My knock was icadily icspondcd to and I
was admitted without question. It was al
most a minute bufoiu I could sco things
eleutly , a single pmufllnc lamp hanging by u
wire ftom the ceiling being the only light in
the place. Then I aw this : A hugo HIJUIUO
up.ufnicnt , the floor of which was daik and
uneven and stained hcioand thcro with gieat
Welches , convening an impicssion of spilled
beer or wine , u villulnous looking
individual wilh a ditty shut
and two ipvolvcts slndc in his bull , presiding
over n rough huwn boaid that set veil as a
liquoi bar. Ahuguslovo in the center from
which n thin but stilling line of smoke es
caped , and some women. Ills bciond my
powei lo desuibo the itppearnnco of thcso
unfortunate- eutmcs lliey weio all
diessed alike , Uiu costume consisting of a
thin calico w lap leaching to Iho knees , anel
ulloiding a distHissing display of long gaunt
limbs mid stockings of vancgulcd lines.
Such faces as 1 glanced al betokened n depth
of shame or iniseiy , or bolli , too deep for
woids. The effect IIH they whispc'icd to
gether in giuitps , or stalked to and fie with
gieat ungiacolni stiielcs , clings to the mem-
oij like ay unpleasant di cam , icf using to bo
shutout. Thcio weio do s enough and to
sp.uo in this establishment gieat dangoious
animals , with powcifill bodies and big jaws
There vvetu cigltt or len of them and they lay
about on Iho Hoot and under benches. In
response to my inquities O'Neill appealed
mid I had some- convocation with htm. Ho
was n man of gigantio statin \otgraco- -
fully built and theio vvns nothing In his face .s
that I couldsce , indicative- his hideous call
ing. His stienuous denials that ho hud over
ev'icised foreo in keeping a woman nt his
house was given the Ho by an incident which
tiunspncd us I left the placo.
The women who had been ga/ing curiously
at O'Niell and myself as wo convctsed ,
parted in two looms as wo moved towards
the entrain a and ono of them spuing foi w mil
to open the door foi us. As she did so onu of
the gieat dogs leaped up nnd glow ling ang
rily , clutched her dress in his tectli
mid di aggcd her b.u k. With a e-iirio O'Nie-U
bade thu gltl and animal lolHoaud they
did so.
The Camp.iiKii in Now Yoik.
Nnvv YOIIK , Nov. 2. [ Special Telegram to
the Ui.n. ] Chairman Coiiiolius N. Uliss , ot
Iho icpubllcan state committee , talking with
a visitor icstuday about the Now York
campaign , said : "Wo hnvo done as much
woikthls year as if it weio a
canvass. In fact , wo tcgaid Iho campaign us
apatt of the ; prcsidcntiuj campaign next
year. " The final ic-poits fiom county com-
niltlccblhat mu now coining in mu cncoui-
uging und chcet fill. The slate c omnntleu , by
a caieful compilation of tepoits now in , and
alow eslimato .of uinepottcd counties , Is
ccitainof Iho election of the entnostatu
tie-ltet , nnd also of cat ii Ing the Ick'islatuio In
both blanches. The only thing that can dls-
tuib this situation Is the libeial middcsperato
use of a gieat coiruption fund that has been
aeemi'iilatcd by Hie democicliu slalo com ,
An Keillor Knnoked Out.
I.ONO HIIAXCII , Nov. 2. [ Special Tele
gram to the I5ni' . ] Clifton W. Taylcuro ,
sixly jeais old , editor of Iho Long liranch
News , was sovctoly beulen in Iho NcwHOfllco
yesteiclay nfteinoon by Dr. J , U. Pemborton
of Long Uianch. Dr. Hunt , Iho attending
physician. sa\s that Tavlouto is seriously in-
juicd Ills fucois terribly swollen , his nose
trcblo its natuial sl/o , und ono eye neatly
closed. Ho may lose the use of it. Ho is
badly bi ulscd about Iho body , nnd has lost
consideiablo blood. Taylumo was weak and
ill when assaulted , but his assailant was In
prune condition. Taj 1cmo was lee ill lo 8co" " > >
anjone , but dictalcd u letlcr , Dr. I'ember- '
ton sajs : "Tavleuio vvrolo mo on offcnsivo
Idler " Dr. I'cmbet ton is fifty-seven jeata
old. Ptior to Iho last fovy weeks tno cont-
balanls weio on the most friendly tctms.
The Fidelity Crooks.
CINCINNATI , Nov. 2. Shottly aflcr 1 this
morning , 1 \ L. Haipcr , of the the late Fidel-
ily bank , went for the first tlmo Into an ordi
nary cell in the Hamilton county jail and
spent the night there. There , nro rumors
that the govcinment officers bccamo fearful
ho would escape from the Dayton
Jail and ho was brought theio for greater so-
entity. Ho was formally mrnlgncd upon hiu
Indictment iu the United htatcs couit this
An Appeal to Ho Taken.
SAV Pit \\CIBCO , Nov. 2 , Notice was given
in the Unil < d Slates circuit couit to day that
an appeal wrruld bo taken to the supreme
enut in the well known Shaion-IUll caso. in
vvhii h Kh lion sued Suttih AHlicti to have lU
mat i ia e conltact dcclaicu void.