Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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_ _ _ _ _ _ _
The Moat Recent Davelopmonta In
the Switchmon'B Troubloa.
) lattcr. Which Ieycloped In Iho Var ! .
ohM CourtN Ycsterilny-CotiTity
attit City Taxci-VictIIIM !
of the Iiilfc.
The SwItvltIIcn'R flow.
! ftio chRrgcs matlo by Grand Muster Mon.
fighun of the Switchmen's Mutual Md so-
cety ! ugnlnst P. II. Mechun nnd Hugh Tg1io ,
_ _ _ ; as , ub1Is1ied In yesterday's I3iE , arc denounced -
- nounced by the friends of tlio two gentlemen
as umiust and nbsolutcly untrue. Mr. Median
- claims that lie withdrew frolim the lodge by
lilsown free v11 ! iumd was not guilty of any
crooedimesi4 whatever. Median nlo states
that ho ho hits never used uk official Position
- to replace conipetent amen by favorites of lila
and tlint never Iii his life has lie becim guilty
of overliering or ungentlemnanly conduct.
.1 Tiglio's friends claim that the telegrams
I sent frolim lCuiisns City , which IeIieCtc(1 UIOfl
1 his churneter , weru written by the master of
I the local lolge lii that city iiiiii vero to nil In.
tcnti niid iUri ( flR if dictated by the i'iiiid
flinstei VIiO4O control of local lodges is at-
. mnot absolute.
iIeclimmmi claims that Monaglian would mint
. ( lard tO cull it strike IIM the mimjority of the
M'Itdli1iidn wotilti refuse to follow his (1\lou. (
. aglian's ) dictation.
- , 1ziiivomitL News.
_ _ _ For seine time pat rumors have been
. afloat regarding chniiges which it was said
vcre conteimmidateti In ho muamingemncut of the
Missouri Pacific. These changes , the reports
stiitcd were expected to take limtco yesterday.
The necessary steps to thtn was the alleged
_ I Prcsenthtion of time resignations of their
( liVisiOli sulcriiltendents namely Howard F.
l'arkc , SliViUtCiIlCIit O the niuin hue from
1iiiisas City to Setinlia , amid also of what Is
. known as the rcximgtoim branch ; . .TnimmesV. .
_ _ _ _ DmLliJy whose Jurisdiction exten(1g from Icumi-
sas C1tV to this city and .lolmim ii. Flanders ,
. smiperintendemit of d10 Nevmtdmi & Islinden ,
Denver , Memphis , Atlantic , Lexington
Southern i.iid ii couple of other
_ _ _ _ , divisions of the road. lr. l'aike it is underStood -
Stood decliliLs to i.ay anything about Imis re-
sigimution , rdi . Dalby's resignation It
is said was lleMdimtecl ) us early
iI4 the twenty-first of Inst mimontli ,
though It is cluitime1l that the cimetiiimstaiices
mu ny iiermii it Ii un to vit lid riiv It before long
but It Is not iI ) ( > lalo ) ) that the svltimdrawal will
be 11111(10. Yesterday , time 1)enver , 1ermmpiiis ,
Atlantic ilivislon of the road , exteiidimm from
Osuwatomnie , KnilsaM , to Pueblo , Cal , , ' .vmts
timemied over to Suieriiituudemmt Siiuclcliii ,
- formucily one of the iCSt known of time aid
Union I'ucille mmmcmi. AIr. Simnelditi stands In
. great eateemu with S. it. Ii. Cimirk , amid this
fimtt hiii i libtlesM sonietliiiig to do with lr.
Flanders' mcsigmmatiil. ( )
- . 'riii COtTltl'S.
\'littt fl4 IoneIeftne the , Jiulges
? ( ( .
: : Ii' . nnn Sacks , of 'i'ecuimisehi , thik state ,
- vmts up before the UnIted States court yester-
_ _ _ _ _ tliiy a fternooimomi a chiitrge o f scmmdi mig obscene
literature tim rough ti io malls. Sue plmi1ed
1 guilty iiimd WaM lined iOO nmmd costs , vimieii
I4imo i1 iii imimd released. 'l'iio ohisrene iriat-
. ter referred to t&iisistel , of a letter to the :
wife of it ( itm13n of 'Fecimnisohi , In viiichi slia
USCi mihotit nil time vile cilliiets , luiwIm to thom
Emigiihi tomiglie. Sit' , i consiilercd a hard
eimq , , ( losvn there , iiiiil those viio kimov 1mev
I thiiimk siw got off rather t.isy.
The LRSC of McConnell vs. Otoc county , a
stilt ontO ( ) ( ) VOttiI of cotimity vnrruimts , VR5
decided yesterday by a verdict for tue do-
Time 1ctitlnii of 'l'homnns I'deNeil for a
creo of divorce froiii Corn McNeil was flied
. . , in tue district court ycsterduy. T1m
imiaiimti states that lie vmts immat'ried In I to
_ _ _ _ IOlCi1 ) , N. . .1on the l2tit of October1 18S2
amid alleges that his vIfe on mimuny occasion
I bus been guilty of adultry.
Tue case of the state vsMohiio Schcncko nv
. Inmmutto of a Capitol avenno lmgnio , mind
charged with robbing oiiu of her "customa
cr5 was on trimil beforciudgo Waicely. T1i
tcstiimmony was t a rather racy ( lcscriItiol :
and attracted n large crowd of fallen womnem :
amid toughs.
Time iiry convicted thio imiSOUer of petil
i larecimy and mho tms rciimaiiidcd to jail fem
ciiteiice on Saturday.
The First National hank brought nctioi
, t Ion agaInst Nell Ic icNaiimama muid IJemmnim
Cunimingimaimi to recover l,4OO with imiteres
on iromiiisory not os ; nlso mmgmmIimt 1. 1. mutt
- ' : E. i. Finimey to recover $300 and interest om
a lromiiissorY imote.
I 'l'lio test case of time Imimard of trade nguimis
Frank A. Iluiclm to compel thu PaYnleilt of lii :
5tuhscrihtloiu , to time G. A. R , fimmiti was dccide
vesterthimy in favor of time lilulmitift' . TIme cony
- ielml thmmmt mis time mnerriotiits hind suhscribe , ,
cevtmmiim sums amid the boarl of trade himud In
itiiiptl Iiidchtcdimos through relying imitom :
timeso lroiimiscs , time plaintiff must be inc
teeteil. 'l'iio jury , therefore , founmi a verthie
Lu accomdmtmieo with time above rulimig.
. Time County mind City TaxeM.
County Tiemuuimrcr Hohlit reported ye
tcrdmiy tlmmit the uncollected taxes scout
iirobabiy amount to about eight per ccitt a
time cimtIr ussessimient. Time Puhlmimami PaIne
Car company 1d01111t13 was granted a ten
hmorai' injumictiomi In limo United States coot
restrmuiimimmg Iouigins county ( vomit cohiectin
taxes for lS T wimieiu was duly served on tim
. treasurer. It swill be remembered that
similar inunctIoii of 1SSd taxes is imosv iii tim
courts mmmiii a decision Is miot expected Ic
somno tlmno.
City Treasurer flusluhmas certainly rcasont
Ito proud of his stir ces , mis fully P3 ier cci :
of limo tax icvletl for ISi.lmas ( beemi Paid. i'.li
] ttisii says that 1)ougins county mmmiii Omimaim
contain the best taxpayers 1mm time work
They scent to take pride in iaylmmg limo assesm
miments mimmido on their promemtv. This PmommmIv
iicss Is reimimukablo svhcn time large umimiount
simecial tax levied for grmtmiiimg , imaving mum
otiier Imnproveimieitts Is considered. It is im
immmusitmil for a imoor mmmli osvmtiimg a snout PrOl
city to limuvo imls special tax swell from * O
3UO. Of Course time value of his nocrty
meat1y enimmuised , but hits lironiptures to pa
Is soinetliimig immiusual. 'rime forthcomiiiii
stmmtemmicnt of City Treasurer Rush swill b
voitlmnuous dociniment. lie now has 25 mu
cotnuts on thu ledger unit for every iie\v 1mm
. trovciiicmmt ho imiust open a iteic accoumit.
A Itobhiery.
. A carpenter by time name of .T. It. howl
vith three otimem'youngmmmen , occupies a doub
roommi at. time southwest corner or Sixteeni
amid Leavenworth streets. About 4 o'clot
yestertiay umorniimg mIr.hIowio was misva
. cued froimi hits sluimmbcrs byimearimigan unusu
mioiso lit time npamtmnents. Not for one mnonmem
thu ho suppocs that time jrivne of time pIn
. itiS beIng imivamicd by aim tmmmmumthorizcml botiy ,
imiisimig imimusclf on his clbosv ir. flow
greeted time strammgcr , wimom lie could di iim thu tlarkness , svltk ii cordial "hello
Btiplllcmnciutimig time grettlmig svith time quem
- who time strimmiger sv&m'u amid ivimat Imo was
search of. To this Interrogatiomi time lmttt
made a reply , mutti darted fromim time room , N
, Ilowle at oimeo aroused his sleeping conipa
bus mind mm IIgImt scums struck. It ivums tlmcim di
covered that time Immtrtmder Immul becu multi
the imockots of time Pammtaioomms am
. ests of time ulcepers and imnd secured at hal
frommm hlowio mmmi mu silver swatch vmiltmed at
mummul $1.50 Iii mnommey fmomn time trousers
FmtmmkiunneIimmnmm. . \1r. ltovio lumiti mm vi
tumble goid watch and 75 stowt'tl nivay timid
hIs Iiiilosv , amid PdIimUls had It hot beco f
hits fomtuimato nwtmkcmmlmmg time timief won
have secured these.
Jmii1)I IIeimsoim'm l'rlenuls.
Monday eveimlmmg about 0 o'clock a Imam
comnposeil of fifty ladles tutU gcmmtieimieim , ti
. Personal frIends cmf.lJr. anti Mrs. hiemisomi tei
i iosscsslomt of imtt' residemmee 110 son
wcty.liftii sth' t to the conipieto sumimvi
of time oeupmmta. .
. After time urrlvmil .of Dr. flencon , schmo iv
absent at time time , Mr. David flInch lit mm $4 $ :
- neat rmmarks ekplAlued that tiicm object
; this gutimcrlmmg was to manifest their es.te
' sn ! r gartt to the Rabbi dud his finally , mu
, Ms tikc ot precntctl L
' ,
- _
ilenson with a costly imatraclc and two chairs.
The party , who brought their own refresh-
meats , ropared ! to an Inviting banquet ,
wimere Dr. hiemison expressed In a few svord
his appreciation. To 1esdnnies D. Black ,
S. hess , Adolph Brown and E. Sinmon is uluo
largely the successful carrying out of this
happy event.
M. II. .TelTreys , ofOsceoha , was In time city
A. 3. Lewis , of St. Joseph , Mo. , was a vmsi-
tor at time stock yards ycsterdmmy.
Time proclammmntiomms mumimouncing thmc election
on Tuesday next , svere iosted yesterday.
Tsvo cases of drunk and disorderly coast I-
tuted time docket in police court yesterday.
Several stock cars ivero slightly damaged
imy a tail cud collision 1mm the yards yesterday
Mrs. ilachel Roberts , of St. Joseph , Mo. ,
arrived In thmo city imlonmiaw night , imimmi ivlil remain -
main for some with her tutighmtcr , Mis. Wit-
hum Barmidim , svimo Is ill.
Time meeting of time city council which waste
to have tukeit phaco inst cvcnhmmg was 1ot-
potted untIl to.imigimt , no quorum be-
11mg hIresemit.
A night school svhichi svlil contimmue through
time winter months , svmts oprimed mit tIme scimool
buiimhing Monday mmight by thin mmmanagcmnent
of time Omimnhmmu Cemnnmerclal college.
A. immilk famine Is Immimninent , so It is sai(1.
mid If sonic deaier locs not Cstmibiimii imimseif
here shortly It Is fcmircd that time infmtnt l'ot-
tion of time city's poimiimutloim swill suffer con-
mulderabie lmicoimveimicimce.
Time Armour packing company received
nimother lingo Iimvoieu of nmtmchmlnery y'ster-
ml ItjVim icim I s Imeiimg ihtmmci , , tim ioslt iou mis rap-
idiy as jnsiimImm. Time lhmmim swill bcgimm hilling
hogs on Mormdmty next.
Itcal estate mnattems nrc getting lively at
hmrcseimt. Agents report mu IiSlOsitlOim Oh time
1mrt of the macmm emmmpioycd 1mm time pic1cImg ,
houses to inmrcimase iots cmi which to erect
houses immmd avoid time imanmdImt of rents.
Severni smiles of this cimmmmactcr have been
mmmmmQo durIng time i'mmst week.
City Engineer 'J'lmeimmhmart stated yesterday
that slmmce time grmuhtrig ott N street si'mts
hegumi ito mind imis assistummts have beemi imitable
to coimiply with time requests of prolmertY
ownems on time ether strcctm for time ctabhisim-
maclit of grades. Ito is of time opinion that the
work swill not cease ummtil nil of time pmlncipmil
streets arc cormmplctcd.
There Is a great denmamul for diveliltmgs In
time city , umimil mmttlmotighi a iarge ntmimmher mire in
course of constructiomm time StmhIi ) IS still lit.
adequate. llotmses are rcimted before time
foummdmmtiomms are laid , ammd nrc briimgirmg re-
mmmmirknbly high 1mrice. Coimtractors are
cmnlialmiing of time scarcity of curpenters ,
tutu mi'scrt that a iarge mmuiimber could be ccii-
vemmiemmtly CflhI)1Cd front this tiimme through
time cmmtlre wimmtcr.
McskIII's Iesemis.
Ed I'Temhihi ; , mm tlmmiomm Pmtcille s\vitchmimmaii ,
swims arraIgned In time police court yesterminy
tnormmiimg cimnrgcd with'bcatiimg his svifc. Irs.
Meskihi , a rather pretty , hut stid.fmtced
womnmumm , was inescnt anti tolmi a piufiml title.
She said thmmmt her imu'u1)aimd canto hattie mIoimdny
iuight In a state of intoxication amid because
sime mushemi litimi not to go oimt nimy mote Ito
tiemmit her mm bloiv 1mm tIme face mumd knocked her
( mmliii Oit time stove. Then lie got a carviim
kmmlfe amid tlmrcnteimcd to museum-
bowel hers mis swell as timeir two
eimiid rcmm , swim lie declared lie svouid ml ash immmt
of time svinIosv. , Site timum to irotect , her cliii-
dreum , mmmmd time iirtmte tlmresv the humife mtt imer.
'J'iien ito got mm revolver muimd by threats sub-
ject9u imci to till sorts of imidigumities. mhm.
Ileskiil liumnhlv escaped fmomii t lie lmoit'e switli
1mev tcmrihled little cites mmmiii sougimt hrotectiomt ,
itt tint house of mi mmi igimior , mm IiIr. llemiry
\lJioSk3 , sotmtim 'l'imirticmmtim at reet. As time
, lutcui imei imitiTtit two time mOii rt
ttmrmied w'ithm mm glare upomt time rtmlulamily hits-
inmimd , timid after tcudiumg imimmi mu u.cmmthmimmg
lecture , fluted hint $2 ummd semmt imhum to jail for
thirty days.
Time Nelghuhomimumnt ' 1'uuiims Out.
] Ims. Cimarles Scaton , wimo resides cii Iarey
street , betwcemm Ninth itumd 'J'cmmtim , was
harmed Monday nlglmt about 11 o'clock by a
noIse mutimer bedroommt wIndow. Steppimmg mwross
time.roonm site iCC11CP tiuromugim the slate of time
shutters mtumd svmus greatly friglmtcmmed out see-
lug the form of a intuit crotmcimiumg beneath time
m vindow. Simo i'mn to time door mual screanicii
mtuiii 1mm a mnomumeumt or two mu crowml of time
neigimbors hind : msseimibled Imrnlcl witim every.
thmimmg , front a pitch fork down to a roillmmg
hut. Ohilcer Demnmsey , too , was attracted to
the sccime by time uumsccmuiy rmmekct , ammd simc.
L cecdcd I a Ii ad iii g time presu unable t imief imidimip
lit aim otmtimotmstm. Yesterday mmmorninghme stood
up before .Itmcigo Berium as a suspicious cimmmr
t actermmnd was giveim $ limmuud costs , in default 01
which lmu wcmmt ui , . lie SVIOi registered n
Itinnmami Larson.
' % 'mit erworks Imt I t ers.
t \Vork on limo engiume Imoimse of time mmesv
svmmtcrivom1s hmlammt at Fioreumee Is beiiq.
imimsimetl forward a'u rmmimimhhy It'I time uimmtumo of
time svork swill hCmliiit. Time founthittiomis oh
t time imitmin building are also being limit dowmm.
S Tlmey are six feet at tlmo base , aumd It looks as
if time commmnuumy iumtcimdciu to inuvo a very large
t umimoivy mmmmd sumbst tiimt tnt ham lid I umg 1mm uitet , times
cimmimmu that It swill be a decideil cremuit to tin
- city. 'l'imo comum j'aimY ' is also expeditiimg mnmt
L ters at Soutim Omnmmima , nod sviil simortly imavi
- miii time iacilmmg lmousemi commmmected vitim titi
t systcmmm.
Bratistreets ngcmmcy rejorts time closing b3
time slmcrif ( of J. A. lhruumcr & Co. , o
Ainswortim , time ainomtt Involved beimm
f iOOO.
0 Swcndsomm & Hopkins general store-keepers
I- Imircmms , Iowa , immivo assigmicti.
.t Time Cimamber of Commimimerco Cmmfe hun
closed miami gone into time lmoscsMtomm o
g .Ammheuser-ihuscim of St. Louis. ' [ 'lie butte :
C COiitiiili3' ) foreclosed a immortgmmgoof IRO ) , wit
a rout the place 011(1 rO-Olefl it mmmmd coumtimmtmc I
e as a first class icstmmurammt.
Vict ims of time ICumi fe. .
0 Frammit C mecmi , time muon carved imp by the
mt colored cyirian , Moliio-\Vootli , seine tic
I. . iveeks ago , is repomteil dying ttt time hospital
mm 'I'Imo woimuti was mit first supposed to be imisig
nilicnlmt , but It imas slmmco becum develoimed. tlma
5. tIme might Inmig svms badly cut.
I- : .Toimmm iCticy , time mnamm cimt In a street figim
if near thmo Hciimbhlcaum , ofilc Smttmmdmmy imiglut
U ammuli'im ( ) nisolics tIme at hioiitai , SittS somqc
idiot better yeterday but City Pimyslelim :
) - Rmuhiit , 8113'S timmit lmts commditioa is still e
0 tcmmmely critical.
Is _ _ _ _ _ _
, ; it Bhuumgiluig Bimiglzmr.
Lust milgimt a burglar effected nit cntraitc
to time slcepimmg mlir.-irtinemmt of ICrimg's enmpioye
1over time stitblo out time corner of Eievemmtim an
.Ioimes streets , and necimlentaily atroused sent
of time slumumberers , scimo cimuseti lmtmmm to beat
m'ctreat. it sec'mmms time fellow before cmiiimimimm
0 , to 4ime dormimttorv lmmmd divested imimmisclf of ate
to uVCi''Otit svimlcim ito hind hmmmmmg belois' svimichm I
it his immiuty dt'imamttmic ito mmegic'ctcd to envy
: . witim him. Ito succeeded In gcttlumg Ito boots
tumid lie mmmay regmmium possessioum of imts coat b
kcalling ttmmd Iiruvimmg property.
al - _ _
it h&mi iut'is OigmuuilLlulg.
.o 'rime bambars of timis city , whmo hmmuve formne
o assocIation , lmmtvo mmmdc up timeir nmimmds
m eummh it tieiegmmte to time gathering of immubem
, , from mill imtits of time couumtry , svlmicim Is to it
hielti 1mm ( irucumer's hotel , liulTaio , lecemimber
3 time bask of reprcscrmtmttiomu beiumg ommu deli
um gtmte fmoimm each barbers' mtssocimitiomm , coimsis
e imi.r of : .uo ummemnimers om. less. Larger uniomm
: m : ivmlt be cmmtltlcd to twou1elegntcs ammti no mon
3 ; A flauig'motis l'sact Ice.
mi George ltmmmcmimt was arrested iIoumt1nynIg1
to for hmtmiidiumg a fire Iii time yard of time Omnahi
aCoat : , amid Coke conqomny. lie said time bet
c lmim1 ordered him to do so , aimi that Ito svc
r tiot to binummo. 'rime jimilge , imoivever , consti
cm. tiu otTcmimo a serious omme , eonsl ierimmg thi
gtetit mmuimmber of , lemtrmmctlvo lines timmmt imimi
, , ccimmrctl lit time city of imito , and fluted Bum
. .umi mimiul costs , wimleim time coal commmpan
t. % v. V. IoisoYIiiteiI ,
mt The vcsklommco of \ \ ' . v , Morse , Twcntlet
: ul . nmu i.imtvemuwontim streets , isas bumghanized i
tI mm eamiy Imourycsteriimmy unorning. fl'ito timiov (
'aIimcil cntmmtnee via limo lauiidry swiiltuoW I
Im base.mmmcnt. They timoroughily ransaecc
a' lie ioiiev hunt of time imotme ,
mm uimoimey , soimme of the cLvmmmmts swearing ai
. . . ; mmOlmiumd Mr Morse's hammdsomno mmbv eve
: t tat. . . . . .
I : Di . S. ii. r'tiuoi ; : dommtit , room 31
ht $ ltuuigo bui1dIng Omaha , TelopliQlle G
He Gives Illummself Up anSI Is held For
Sam Stovanson , cimmtrgcul svlthm ravishing
Lulu Espy , and forwhmom time polIce have becut
looking for a sweck , drove imp In a cmtb to time
ccumtrmml l'OiiCO stmutlomi yesterday afternoon ,
appcmmrcI before Judge Berka and voluntarily
surrcmmdereil imlinseif. 0mm being arraigned Ito
ilemmdcd not guilty ammd was hut under 1,2Ot )
botids to itpt'fli br trial itt 9 p. rn , , Novem-
her 11. It is said that after his assault on
Miss Espy imo made his escape front Omnmmha
by crossing time Missouri In a row boat. re.
ttmrnimmg lum time sante mmmummmumer. It is ciumlimmed
timmit timere are three or four secret ferrIes devoted -
voted imhmnost exclusIvely to nsslstiimg crimni-
minis lit nmmmklmmg timeir escnpo froimi time city.
Time i're.cnt ' 1)011CC fomco Is so snimull timmit it Is
Imuipossiblo to spare emmotmgim mmmcmi to Patlol time
bmumks and stop timis trammsportutlon of crimi-
Fire amid Pollee Commissioners.
At time niceting of lIre mtmmd ioiieo corn-
missioumers hmekl yesterday time iay moih of time
1)011CC depmtttmnemmt for October , mmmnoumttlmig to
32tJO , ivmms mippioved. 'lime pay roll of time
lim o dcpmmrtrncmmt , nniountiumg to wits
also mmiipnovcd. I'oiicemmiaim ltmiywortim si.mis mmmj-
rimigned lCfOmO time board , cimmirged with
driimiiiimg bcer in a saioomm svimile on ditty.
Rtt'ivoitim made mm iiatmsihmlu , though
no uetlomm was tmmkeim eim time imimittcm.
fleiuiliicutums at Waterloo.
Time repimbhlcmtn nmass mumeetlmig mit V'miterloo
swims largely attemmulei , , mmmmd scums uugmmmcmmtcmi by
a delegation of nbcmmmt eighty iersoums fmomum
thIs city Irmeludlng all time cmmmudidates , Before
time spetmkiumg bcgamm thieve swims it torcim lIght
irocessiomt nccommmpmiimlcd by 1mimti1. iTr.
Frummmk Irviumo amid Joint \I. 'J'imum.tumi us swell
Its time cmmmmdidmutesmmddncsscd time ummcctlmug.
Nitfihi ' 'nm-ul 1teimtmhlicaui 1eetiiig.
Time republican voters of time sccommd district -
trict of time Ninth ward lmeld it vety entimui-
muitle mneetimmg Mommday evening , October 31 ,
at time office of Charles .1. Ryan , center Lowe
and Moncer avenues , nmmd orgaimized mm relmimb-
lican club. Time immune of time club swill he tlmn
secommd distrIct reinmbllcmmn club of time Nimmtim
Mr. II. L. Seward swims elected president
amid 0. II.Vintim secmetimm'y. 'l'lmo mmmeetimig ad-
jourimed to immect agmtiim mit 7 :30 : p. in , mmext
Timursdmm' , Novemmmbcr 3 , 1bT , amid miii rcpubii-
cmimms of time Niimtit si'mmmd simrnmid ho prescumt
and nmi immvttmttion It-u cxtemmded to time Nlmmtlm
wand republictimi climb of time flnst district.
It. L. Sissmmn , l'rcsident.
0. H.'mnTmm , Sccnetmmry.
Two 'slomc liiivgizmvles.
About hmmilf-pmmst 1 oclock ycsterdmiy mnormm-
iimg time resideumee of .Ttmdge Read , 1i20.imicksomm
st neet , svas emmtcreml by it bim rghar , ammil. mu svmttcim
ammml semite scvem dollars tmncmt : from time l'OCIC-
ets of cute of time inomumers imaummed Lcitcrbtmck.
'J'lme hitter was misvmmkcmmed by time noise , timid
seeimmg time timid s'mmmmisimimmg timroughm time door
jrmmve chase lout did not succeed 1mm cmptumimmg
'rime resitueumce of ? dr.V. . P. Smmoivden , time
constmmbie , svlmo lives ext door to time judge ,
\i.&om also emmtercd tu bumglar , lout as ye
mmotimiimg lots bocim discovereti mimissing. Jt.iumess
swims fonmiti iii tli , , huuilivnv svhmich hind hteiim
tmtiitmi tiit ofllss Smmoiviiemms moommms evkieuttiv
with time immtemmtion of nilIlimg time pocket' . , mit
It coimtiiiuietl mmOtimimig 1)111 ml fesv trimmkets wimicim
sveie foummd stmeivum over time hour.
Aiiotimmm I mmii imt4t my Ir tiuiaiumi.
fleitnccmmtmmtivcs from a large wholesale
scare mmmmiimiiftmctomy , itt lrestnt iocmmtcd iii La-
Fmm.vcttc , 1mm , ! . , immiv&m bcomm ioolimmg oven Ommmaima
mmmmd Liimcoimm ivitim a s'ieiv of mnovimmg their
cstabhisimmmicmmt. ' [ 'hue gcumtlemmmemt immtcmem..ted lit
time enterprise impon thmeim- visit to Liumcoimm
-ivcm.e , it is tmmmlerstood , , nuttier time leademsitip
of Mr. II. ' 1' . Clmmrice. 'l'ime resommrces mmmmd
locmmtion of Limmcoimm sveme timomougimi.y looked
immto , hut time gemmtlmmmmmctm did not deemum timemmm as
lmmviting amid prtmeticmi as Oummmiimmis tim uiure-
ummemits mmmiii it lii reimorted thmtmt tIme fmmctom.v
will 1 , located 1mm this city . Ncgothmmtiomms to
timmut cimil mm ye being milmietl.v iarricmu emi ' imimmi jim
mu few dmmys lulOtti dehimmite detmmils swill 'be fortlm-
coumlimmg. _ _ _ _
Cimict ( uuihiguuii.
Chief Gmmlhigami iitLS mcceivemi mmd accepted
an imivitatioim to nttcmmd time ofilcitmi test of time
: svatcrworks of Nebrtmslot City wimicim is to
tmmko PitiCe On mmext 'i'imumsduy. Iii commncetloim
whim this ovemmt timero swill be a ceiebrmmtiomt of
time imtyiumg 01 time conimen-stommo of one of time
lim.S , of time mmciv I I. & i\t. budge at that plmmce ,
together with time eimtry hmto thmmt place of time
islissoimri 1mmcihie road. 'l'lme celebitmtiomt swill
ite.omm a grmmmmd amid close is'itit U bull at
imigimt for mill time Iimvited guests.
Cit ief Cmiii igimum immis . imiso mtcivel a I montE-
solute imimotogmmmim , ii I. 'I'imommmmms Immrrimugtomm , time
itolIuittm secnctam.y of time New Yot'k Vctenamm
' Fiteimmeum's mmssociatloim. It is a iemtmmtiful htic-
: tune mmimu time stmlJect is mu immmimdsommmo hunt.
1)isoimhemly lImmiuiOs.
-iv. \Vimmtmums , wimim resides umemmr time tonimer
of Sixtccmmtim mind immrcy stmeets , mmmmd ivimo is a
great big nmmn : , swomo out a svmmmiimumt yester-
tiny for time tmimcst of .Jcumimy Calcium , a sweet
little kid of sevemm sumumimmems , mmmmd his brotimer
) .loimimmmy , jtmst tCml. it hLCmflS that timeso
umiimlums bud smuie little milfticumity ivitim it ion
ofVimmuns' mmioimt , a itot pigcomt svhiilm lie-
lommgcd to time latter , but imimit stmmmyed ovcm
I mmto time C imlvi mm's ymmmd. \ \ ' I mu itmu s clmmmrges time
bmmimles svitim tilsordemI. ' conduct ammd if tutu
ol'iniott emmum be fonmmmcml front the jmmdgcfs mc-
immtmmks wiuemm timey scemo broimgimt imp before
imitum timero svihl 1)0 SOhltO form in coummt this
iiftCmImIOml wimenVimmtmns mimpemirs to testify
mmgmuimtst thmcmmm.
u it Sumeal 'fimief's Viii unitle Ilituul.
t : Ed. ] 3mmmic moomums ssithm time mumimiiy of Ed.
r Grmtves , No. 1,1114 Cahifomumia street , mmumd yes-
temdmiy mnomumiumg wlmcum ito weumt to Imis svork im
lelt behind imiumm mm smitcimel &oimtmmiimimmg mu bmmumim
hoolc simowing tletOSitS to [ Ito tmimmotmimt of i3 ( ]
lit time limmumlc of Commmumierce , mu gold watch , gold
rimmg mtmmd other valuables.Vlmeum Ito nctuurmmed
1mm tIme evemmmimg time satrhtcl aumd time Commtcmmts
a gommo , timid it Is liresummicil that mu smmcak
L. t it ic f mmmtmde time it mmmii u'ommte I I mmmc duniimg time
: - dmy.
( irgaui izemi Sluiiimiuig Clunks.
t Thmo shmli'iimmi. , elerlis of mmiuuetccmm relrcsemm ,
tatlvo Ommumima svlmohesmie immnises lmtmvo fmmmumed
time ' 'Ommmalma Shm ippiumg CIcm'lm 's 4ussoci at ho mu , '
It fet time mmmuttrnl bemmeilt of euimployer mmmmd cmmm
llo'e. \ V.v. . Scott , of Lee , F'mied . ( o. , i
i'reshieumtV. ' ; . 11 , Eitimohtz , of tile Cimummeimill
l'immtmtt Colmminmimy , secrctmmr.v , mind .1 . % V. I I mmmmi p
toum , of 1lmmx Z'.le.vcr .Sz Co. , t ucmmstmmem. 'lIic
C huroummoters of time mmssocimitioum tmro coimIiicmmt oh
4 , clalmmuiutg tms mmmemuibems evcmy shmljipimig cloth imi
ii time city.
: l'm'iImiscuoimH ' .Vit Ii a
g Ycsterdtmy muftorumoomi Mrs. Susum Maillot
Ii swore out a ssmmummmnt tmg.ulumst ammo Comm Urcim
mm elm irgitig titmmt itt cameo over t 0 1cm
s ? house ycstermimiy mmmommiuug to settle imui oit
I , gnimdgc , svithm mu ltoi so iuistol Iu his imanls ,
schtick Ito vmtveml areimuud his imeail svilmiiy
timmemmtemmiimg to tmssmssin.ito time eumtirtm fmummiiy
lie was mmrmestcd amid jailed last evemuimmg.
Couidit'L Simtuid mime Bmuiiul.
0 'J'imo piayimug of time biumd fm'ommt time Olymmiiit
: tiuemitio fmlgimtonctl mu luomso mittacimeul to
Aimmerlean express comumpaumy wagomm out Doug
) - las street last nvcumimmg. Time vehIcle swims ovem
tturmmcd amid time drIver loud a nmmrrow es'mmp
LS from serious immurIcs. After sonic coaximui
m. time fmactious umiluumal was subdued.
StmiipeI 0 ! ' Its lecornt louts.
mt 'fimo triuuimplmal arch at time Iimtenscctlout o
Iii Sixteemmtiu mind Fumrumaumi streets lmmms becu
( S stripped of its verbiage and star spmmuighet
ms bttimumems. Time mmcii swill bo left bt.mimuiiiml
tmmmtil fortummc blows time ss'ay of time owitems.
: 'cot 11n1 IoI. $ IeiuumIeit)1 Immys.
I. Daring time moumthm tmf October thmero swen
y somumcthmiimg hike 1,12th cmises disposed of Iii tie
time liolIce cosinE , mind * iI33 1mm lIlies collected
Food Inakes BloOd nnl Blood make :
ii. Beauty. Improper digestioutof food ime
it cessarily produces bati blood , rosultmni
s mm. feeling of dulimmoss In time stomach
a acidity , Imcartburn , sicic headache , auu
ti other dyspeptic symnptom. . A. ciosol
ho conttnca lifocnuscs lndmgostlOIl couisti
I- patton , billiousness amid ho of appetite
1- to rcmpvo tltcs troub1o there is n' '
remedy equal to Prickly Ashilittora. I
3 , hlLt.bcCIV tried and irovqa to 1)0 1
. seciaq. . - . . . , . .
t _ . . .
- - -
"It Va the Cat. "
SIck mmd Lizzie Plorle were nrretcd yc-
terdmuy on a cimargo lmrefcrred sgainst them
b F. Ordeans for ualng obscene language to
hmls swife , amid also "destroying domctIo
anhnai ' which means that the Flories
knocked Ordeauts' fdorIto thmncrt out svlth a
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Kf I'Ttctiire.
The InIghts of Pythias immivo given orders
for mm mnagimlhlcent building. to be used inntmmiy
as their rendezvous this city. The struc-
tumre , swith time groummd upout which It stummmds ,
viih cost $1SO,000. Tile plans swill be seen
submitted by the architects.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder Imever varies. A ntarvl of purl-
t3P. uttengtim minmu iimoleSomnemt.si4. More ecout.
omumlciuh thmtilm time oriIntr3 klimis. , atul emuutimot be
501(1 iii conmpetltlomm wltlm tiii ummuhitimiuc of low
coSt simort welghmt miitun or Phihmflt0 lOWdCm5.
hoiii , tmly lit ( .amts. IIOYAL hh.mcuai 1'oiYnIiL Co. ,
100 iVnli-st. . N. i.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000
' 5Ve ( Ii ) iicrrty certify that we .Ip'rVio the mur.
rnmiginumt' cr mmii imo , tilIIItIliy m , i-mmtmmmemi
J tO , W i mmmi , , , , ( 'the InmitLmfll , ttito I (0 UIlIfltiY ,
nmoi tim pcr'oit Iimflhiflct' nimqi eomttmi tim. , , urnwIiig tiotn
, 'el yes. , tiit u hut tiu ItmIiI H Ii' eortumtctett Whim uouit , 'tY
iitriit' 1111(1 uI ( toi taUt. ( , , % , , mum , , mimi wm
uitturut , itie Cmu puny to , ie I iii. vcrttucsta ( itli
use mim.muei ci our , tgnimture ntiachied , tim its mitwertisu
Iiicmmt. ' -
sic. . tin' , muler.hrmo'&i tuiki.n1 : , , Bsnkr' wtui pr nii
I r1714 , l rt'V im uli tii iflhl ItltfliI i'OIO motlcrte w ti ictm
nIH ) tic irc'ctmtCt ) it , ur ttmitlr.
.1. 1 I . (5 ; b1l mc. h'r.s. I , , , ti1.iamii Natmu , , i.t flimt.
1 1 iut : a i ii : i cx , Irti , i-tnte Naittouiii limmik.
A . imi i , m isv i N , i're , . Nu' I ) rlean' Niiitniih ilink.
CA itL Rot I N , I'rcs. Fin 1,1 , N.mttonmi Imammk.
Utmmt : I I u u. A l m oi DmSTiiI IutTl )
Louisiana St'dte lottery Company1
incorrhii'i In li. for .i tO ( tie i.itliitimro
for , tuIlc8tomvmi ( iiioi ( * mu
mi ot ti . ( U.Ii-to ( w mit ( . tm ml restrVC fimmiti ot .ver
I.iikkl , Ii its , .tnte hti ftuu , ( % .
hr aim , , vewIeh , rimu. ( ; uimTn r vttl its franel , i' (
IS niole : ri Ptrt ( t ii , , , Preiclit eontlttmttumu tiOIteii
Ikeiimuer 2. ? . .5. I ) . ISIS.
'm ii , Omit ) im ory C VOl VOtt 0mm mttoi emidoried by tlmi ,
momu ! tif ftm , t2Lte ,
i t never , caks or a'tpone.
um Orand iiozto .iiirr , irnwing tike p1nc ,
tiint Ii iY. ittmI ttir i cnit-A nnmil urtsIni : rtgmihiriy
er.ry t mantitimi II ii n , nmoi 1)tcemtier. )
A tii'iiN mmii ) ot i'OiITUNITY ' 10S'iN A lOu
T [ iN II , 'Itni hi 0 iii nil i Ii zi i miii , Clais L. i n tiut' Atati
'ill Y ' ' C .ii ilc , , 'tuestit , y iv 5. mS-uotu 1.1
i urftwtmig :
CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000 ,
otcc--Tlcet re Ten Do11ar , On17.Ha1vc ,
s ; Fifths , i2 ; TonthI , $1.
: , uzimui d ( .l.Sil
I ( 'Am'ui Au. IiuiZi em" ii.(5) ( ( ) . . . . . . . . . . . .
I OltNl ) i'utlZi 01' iH.tkl ) . . . . . . . . . . . .
I fluiANuI i imuzI Ut' . ( ( , t1).1.1(1 )
2 Ii 11(1 ( i i nims : oi ut.ti , , ) . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 lAIII ( i : I'ulizis UI ? . . ( $ t ) . . . . . . . . . . . . 211,1(1
211 1i1 I ? OF' 1 , ( ( ) . . . . . . . . . . . 211.111
nu (411. ( . . . . . . . . . . . 2:1.111 :
11(1 : i'i. . . . . . . . . . . . ala ,
'tJ4 } ' 201. . . . . . . . . . . . 411111
ta ) 't itO. . . . . . . . . . . . lAW
Al'i'tib IMAT1IN mhilZl.t
mitt \ timitituli tilzei of t.J ( I. . . . . . . . . . . .
llmt ' 2111. . . . . . . . . . . . 211,1(1
tIlt till. . . . . . . . . . . . 1(1,111 (
IWTerninih ( ( ai. . . . . . . . . . . . lAW
2i1l i'rlp' , tmnoutit I ng I 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
AimmI'aiIIlll ( or rit. ' 0. eltil.t PlIllImiti Ito mudo ( tOil
to ttuii omutc't oi tim ( ItlilItlimly imi Nt ( lrheiiq. : ,
, , limrtittr Iirnmnismln , wrttu vieiiriy , gIwiig , rtu
niutml"tt. t'lt'i'i I. Nm'hEi. ixmtr'l nioii. oril&'rs , 'I
Nt'w % 'ork I' tIluliz.l , lii .tritlii.r l'tuer. ( tirrelmey i )
( .xutc , , ( ill , ttmr CACi1'C ) amure'ct ,
.su. .i. iu.imiuuiN.
Ncu , itti.AS : , l.A. .
OrM. .i. 1)tt'i'iiii' ) . ' .
WAi'uuiNTO. 1) . C.
Ad.rcII flogitcre Lctter to
NIY OUIE.tNS NA'l'LOStL1t.t.Ni ' ,
: ' 3sV : OtLI.lAN5. LA
)11 i ; ' 1)11)'l'itlmt hi" mr"eiico Or ( len
1 't ti I 4 A I ) I a m rii. : Iueiimm't'gmur.I , a ii I
Fitriy , 'I II , , mir , ' iim , iiItrgu Ut tito imriomiiim , t ( ii guir
uIIIiCI ( ii tti'iIiiut intrte , iiiuti Intlrtly , ttiilt tti
( 'iiLlII't an' nil cililil. ntltt Cult mu , to caim m,0Mubm :
, tiwmnp ichuit nniuihr wmm , , triw it I'rlee.
uiIluF'u : ululil ( mutt ti. , mtiriiitit of nih lrttes i
r.i'.tumANi vlm' : : II'I l'li ) hi , ATmIXi , iI.iS ( IF NP ,
( ltiiCAN. , itmill tta itCi.IM ire iIIZIICII m' tue , ( '
, it ZIII Iim'itttmtttim ii mitat , cuinrtrui rim , tmts mire r.oll
, , by tiiii tilgIio cotirt , ' thereuru , , beware ot miI ,
liii ttiiitlfls or atmiony Ittou3 mcimcmiici.
temmtlomm ttits eamler.
J&T > - She hlghe.t exeellen.
. . 'll3.t ' _ frsjIupeIlDleJIcUiIlOrtaPld
f . cIirahhIhShl ( lie the reIgtiii
5. r.svositea lmi ( eihoableclrcl ( ; .
Ourmnmeis J.&T.COUSiNS ,
en every uIc. I IIEWYORPI.
:1 '
t . 'For Sitlo by .
. . .Haward Brothera.
t _ ( - - - - - -
I : . . .
Of customers in our store every day tell the itory of the businesi we arc
doing. We are determined to keep it up , afld the more the public favoi
us with their patronage , the more will we show them that we appre
ciate their confidence , and will strive to retain it. Just now Overcoat
are iii great demand , and are going off like hot cakes. The styles an
prices take. But as fast as the piles are disappearing from the counter
they are replenished by new and choice ai'rivals , which our buyer I
daily sending us front the east. We hav new styles to show every clay
and the prices we mark them at must be very tempting , as the peopl
buy them so quick. Evidently there must be a great difference betweez
our pric and those of other houses.
Other departments that are booming are Gloves , Uiiclerweai' and Ho
siery. Our corner window this week gives you a small idea of what w
are doing in the latter lines. Where could you get such a good scar.
let all wool shirts and drawers at 45c each , or such all wool seamless
socks at 15c a pair ? Other houses would think they give you bargain *
when they charge you twice the money for such goods.
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price , at
Nebraska Clothing Co. ,
Corner Douglas and 14th , Streets , Omaha.
1othdll1 IIII lirdll1 llilitut 1
1 : . W. Corfler of 13th a Doago treel.
, lOll ' 11 I ii 'u'ltl2A'1'\l ENt' ( IF' All.
OFICeS , Appilaicis br DefIrifihlIes and Irusies
I iltIt tauiIttpq , npummrttu ittiti wiipttte for tmcc" .
. liii tnammtuiit ii ti ery ot , htei'o memutrtmg
% ieltcai in' itrj.'irnl 'i'r itun'utt.
. ) 'ortr 1W I ( tilOhi for mtatkmlii ; iCSt liOiiti , llccoIfl
. ninlitmori lii ume wl'si.
. iv ii i i t : 1(111 ( i ut'I'hAIIS on leftrnitiei , anti liriwe.
( 1 ii Ii I'ect. ( u'uturo ( It t t.t i1tmnt. . itt. 'limitir. ,
( 'oiler , Ciuiirru , , Iiriectitth , imuinmitho , Fm.'ctrlemuy : ,
ISlflti.l' . uummemMy ; , Ktthney , uuliltuIr , Il't , Etr , ktim
titovii , iimi.1 mum iiitteti Omimatlol.
) ' of Vouuiu'ui it ip ; ( ( lmtIly.
I imoo ON ll5i.O'4 ) OF' iVuMm' vuuuu !
uii mi A mt'.rIAiTi' ( II'
I lilonil ) ( ' ( tIC'eeM 1Il ly t leRt'tl. SYlii tlitic
II ' rtnm.veml [ rum hit , ) .tJim , , cmiult nircury.
I New Itetjrnt mve m'r'ititcmit , ( or I os It ittit h 'lIver.
I Peri'iq umiatlu to wilt ilM lilt ) ' it' ti.nlt'ii it ilImp ,
I i ) C mrremflileImee. , A U 'ninniti Iii'atilmI' ttIlitl'lItliti ,
u % lelicIru' r intiinimus , 'Ilt I ) ' itittit cr t'mrc's'4 ,
1 ' 'cimrtmy Illcke , lii ) 0111 k ill mituteitut , ' , ii
:1 : tt'miher. Omit' utersomill timieriliw trim trr't. cimum n it
coil. It ii , me , .eni tiltory ot 5 CLI r tmte , aid we it mti
: i ' i't'ini ti is rat muIr , , , ur
ii i'moi , m'ruvait' . 'pechml mmci Nervous ll.eiev ; , Seiimnnu
- ii (1(1. mleM , iusrnhimorl iit'a , I iii mi they , yuummml ,
II ( Ititiretit tt , ( I meet , amitt i'mtm icocimle 'mlmt rnst ,
I' Ommmnhmm iIeuIit'nl miuid Suuigictl : Iuutituulr , or
Di' . J4ciiaiuiy , Car1 13th & Poc trct ,
OMAII.i. NI11.
(1w I imiz i ) till' nIpti growl li ( ii Ontlin , jut em r tmo
ct , in lult'ttIit t'Ilri' , our ttitiit' this teeulln , ! .1
iar , , itiitt mitt , , , iml :1uulitm lucittitti .111 mti : ; itr'tt
(4 II toi tVi'itt , etitil tot neon ii hiite ihi
it , II 1r iratimtit , , Si' ' iiIlvu tticreloru iuuv'ii hit
tit ( I11t brIck uthmmtiig. Niriiiw't ( Srn'r of itihi lit
muue , trei , ill hitek iiittu ( ml hit , ohm hm'ttiutu
iillltthiiC. , iiiI iiiive mitoc mu , uir'vt , tot Loin.
. lint' 'Sivti'ili uimumtmte , or Iii iii' i'ct. i'rty
liwur tmrmtmute'I , weti warii&i , ! i'ciiiilatt'i roililis
. hr ililteilt' , ( IC' khtui'i iuiS'hflfl5 itt iiyii Iii ( to
i inhithhiC. .i mm ktmit ot dieip'cs Ii eittetl tim mime timost
. chinttmtc niuliil'r.
LI ii' , ' iiiaiiul1tctlmiu Surgical lirtiecs ftir Ic'tormhttes ,
y 'rri , iitmi'I'ortcr , Ellen tell iiliti'mlCS , unit ciii
piumir itliyt'tilmii or mmathit Ill ) ' mtiimutiiicrcni'thy : , ,
S ( rlili.trIliill'mlt known. ( 'ilh itmid ( li'IIIL , us , or rOn
I' for chitithiri tutu ihi itmtlect' , , ttii il"ts oh , , ! )
I for Patitilt Iii tiler. 'Lit itisillils i remitt itill''l- ,
' iii U ) ' by ci rriiimiitLflCO. , iVu liin si tertor ni cliii.
I' tligt ( iii ( itch hhtie I or I reath vii ii ll'fl terfornim ils
ii rgicui ouiersttuiip , iti flu ri n mtIeIt a hid COlii
titticti wtuh omr nkn ivldgt'it mibl Itty. I' xi'rieilc ( ,,1itilhttty anti remtiititttoim ( tiflu h'i iiiku t ho Ojimalia
- Zltcttmcai mind murgtcii tntitUmO time turitetiotco.
cLjmti : CC(1l 1 $ COl.lii. AS'i'IIM.t luItONcmum'i'iS
A NI ) .t ii. mt 'in ) Ftl 1,0115 1 I tLiilitS.
'l'o thu Cntliilitlu1 ltit thus hio hangihili tinder -
! der limo lniii , iii vrtt ) ' of our cutimlitti , tIiroiiti iii
pilntiimry ( tinhitlItit. 0' C' ' . c'fl ttosi' i' ii , urn iii iuiei
. ( i con'Iiiilii hi , , by flIt iiilflil5 , r 'i'hirn It it , tli Ii
II ni si rt , retell ) ill iii ni ant emi , 'iit h ) ' tritti , " iii i-
tiir' , ' l'ouliilulid ci Coti l.ivt'r Cmi anti Iliilu , ' vmhtiiittt
1ti > i'ef.iliiIi tin very iilltiM'atiig ulmitor t thit , iii
tiriiermy ii I , 'iiilowd m , ' tin i'tmtmiiltti imi I , tiiO
wttii it liesitog uirierty wild it'titicrs tim , oii iloitiiy
, fllciehoil , Itcmai rmitli tethillittiti or ita
t'ilim be shii's ui hold by A ii. Wmtttor , Chtcmilt , , lto
oil , aiiti mmii tiruggtsts.
It ! Dr. lnetthkcr'K IlIpitmotl. No opertiOn ; no pain ;
lii , ietetltlllri troll iiilneii. Atulluiteti ti clittire , , a
WI ! I III grivii IeOih. I I It iii red t of atmtoirijhi tt't
riiitiat liii ii he. Alt butitebs mirici hy coitmutmiiitlam.
Comitiiltthoii I tee.
- floommi 6 , 1514 1iousgIa St. , Ounalma , Neb.
w .k AK E
'iI.u.i O. it , , , , , W VLIATI TO
. rCRsb thtNIwlMraovgc ,
- th. .p.c5oprpuuCgizop
_ _ _ _ fth. , , I ( Ti V I Y JAAN e8 giv-
trge .i. , inu.u.tnmid. , outbhnlcun.nm. ot
m.ctrmc- li7dtr.ctI7 trougk .tl wak pitt. ester-
thithilni 'I. , i.smtk .g YmLeroui Bmr.ngtm. tiectels
cgr.t f.ui lni.eity or .e forI ( t.iiQ iii cell , .
( lftslt Iaprse..tiil. ever hi other t..tmi. out case. PU.
tneoeotly curt4 Is II , . . i.o.U. , . N.elstt parpt.t4i. il.m
ThssodenEhectrlaCo. l69Ls.Iist.Chic.9
MaiuejucTuuai Of FiNS
ODVlNEN ? WORZ . . &i
PINE 011W ! IITXfltOB.
BeitWerk &d Lowest Price.
Ou&rsiitted. lOopagelllmaitSl
, _ ! i4ori.YIn.terpctited _ , s.atfrse. Bostae1 ,
' , ' . IpRW&JV % heOM. , ,
_ . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
onicnd Merchant
$5t11 $
or viiu
Chicago , Milwaukee& St1 Paul R'y.
Time Best Itoute fi'oun Omuialma amid Comimicil
Iiiuutri leTHE
'rivo 'rmuAuNs i1AIIX tuKTWEI OMAhA AD
co1ctl ; , imt.tJl'FlI
Chicago , . . .4tX1) . . . Mliv auihee ,
St. Paul , 1limmumcmuimolI , Cedar Rapids ,
Rock bland , Fm'ecponl , Jioekfom-ti ,
Clinton , Iiuhtuquie ) , Jam'eumimrt ) ,
Elgin , Tmidisoui , .JmmumesuiIIc ,
Ii'ioit , W'lumonmm , Lii Crosse ,
Amid ahl otlmer Iniportimot iotmmts Last , Nortticamt anti
iuuthotl't. !
For titroilgit ticket. tehI at tie ileket agent nt ItO
Farnaiti Ptieet , Ii lStxtom tlotii , or ill Colon iSichimo
I titliisn Sleepers nail the flnevt Dining Cars in tie
wont Ire run ni tim , , iunuti II" " 01 ( hit , Chicain , % Iui
wiukto ; , It. i'.tui htntttiay , l.t uvtIy nttentuon is
Patti to ill'icngeI's , ly courteolis CLlmiiiOyL5 of tbti
It , Mi 1,11th , ( enerat Mnnmer.
.1. i" 'r urn u : a , u ' 'Itili t ( en'ri : Manager.
A. 5' , it. CAItt'IN'1'I3t , ( Jtimttirai t'nssengcr eat
Ttck.t .Sgeiit.
vu. F , mtEAl'F'Outm ) . Aimtant Oenerul t'aescuger
Sitti 'l'tt'kt't Agemit.
J , 'V. C1AitIt , Oclicral impcrlmmterulezit.
We stern
Railway Short Line.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
'Thi , only react to tile fortIes Molne , ? uirlaultnwn , ,
Cetuar ltamhds , ( 'I tail ) ; , , Ills ni , Cllcaro. .51 uuwaim ken
itCh itii ) ohiii cam t'I. thi , ; . of N.brnaka ( 'oho-
tab , ii yonthrig Oil , htlato , Nevuita , Oreglimvst. . .
imigttfl anti auikrmtt , it otters puticitor advantage.
ru t ulO.vmille br any other One.
Aniolg it few ol time ilmilernut Iiotflt5 of mitiperiorhtl
enjoyed by time tiatrol , at tihis , miii ttw.'nim ( lnIthtO
aiim Chicago , iiri Its two trnh' , I , dmiy of 11.15' COACIt-
11 , whIch are tttt ii ti't titat ii itniall art a uti ing'nul-
ty olmm create. tt' I.lACt Slilit'iNO ( , iutt4 wiIictA
an , iiiotlet. ( It erntort lid eltgatmco. Ill m'Amtmoit
lIltAiwmNt mttnM CAIui4 , imalurpised my ally , sit
ha whdeiy c0iebiati I'Al.Am'l.ul. IIINiNt CAIt , thiQ
( , or wliietm camnot bu fulfil el'ow tier. . At Coiiii
cm i lmmuiue t Ii' tratis oh thin Cubit Pachumo i4tl way , toim'
aect itt union ( mupot with those of ttme Chicago .t
? ttrtIiweterim 8y I im Chicago tue tril ila lit this mIni
tuitku chose connection , vtUa ttmose at ott oitiiirealteril
I'or Detroit , Couumuiii' , intlimmnapoti. Cincinnati.
fllagara I'aius umurualo. Phitmir , . 'maconto , Slontreiil ,
hliIltOil , ICW tti k , I'IlututtltpImItt. Iuatmuiriirl , ii'asii.
lilgion. aimil uhi Potuta in the east , uk fur s ticket viii
It yeti , Iahm the bct accomniodmition , Mi ticket agenti
p'mi tlck'ts vms this tine ,
1.1. iIUGilt'ti' . It , P. WhT.O
Oeni. Manager , OcmiI , t'as'r Agent
Cimluago , Ills.
WM. IIAIuCOCIC , 1. . It. nOuLES.
Weateum .Aemmt. City t'aigi't' . Ageat.
QmaIia , Nobtitske. .
106 N. 13th Stmeet.
I. I
puiti : 1.1 FOltN IA WINEM. kimippell dIrect
frouum our vhime'urI. Itlsshlmmg , ( Iuitetsi ( , 'himrets ,
Iort , Slmftrrles , etc. San Josu'ttiilti , Seu'eothu ,
Jhhmth , an Smmlwmudor amid WillImummt bimeeti , iiuU
Jose. Califtiruin.
.wurosrr. II. , ? . umouiwt.y.
Real Estate Dealers ,
140 South SprIng Street ,
LOB Angoloe , - . California.
jealers hut city tenth country property of tilt do
scriytiono Uemmeral lntormmttlou to u sv.coiu.
, tqc1y ictyeu ,
. . , , ,
- -
- -
BUY , !
THE. - :
T1 I I .WLL !
L ( ( , - NEVER
L\ \ \ BREAi (
Sole Manmifactuj-ep , of
, ,
With Mt MODEI1N Imimprovotmmcnta.
47 and 49 Dearborn St. ,
1. H. MANNY , h" . . 'r' CHICAGO.
He'nry E. Cox , Omahai
ASIC your m'etnlloircr thin
$4 : SHOE
or Itte
$3 SHOI ,
mite , , iii I mig to y.ii r hells.
, ( i.t UTI C ) ( I I'o'ttlt ( l 110115 5 ( mitts. ' imiihe. oil
Iuu 0111110 smut irke alit ar plo liil , il ile ! Somiiq
- . tueiiec ; , , ma order ho mnake is
Izt . = ; : ' .fl - pioult , ivht ) rcconimiicitI utic liit'vrloi'
I. kOl'ii $ it jut white ? , itie milark U uS
1 -v\\ \ t'o.tti. ; .lAiI ES MlAN $ $4
, _ , .
p % ' - $ IIOE I Iihit slid ttiii. It
I \A' has Ilk. . it , .tkliig aid ICJ
lit ) ' IIItEt
: l IN , ' IcIng permcmhy
C lIC ) ' 1110 lttt iliac II I. werim ,
I t ii Ill e ml. m ilie most
fuuIltoim , tie It is in every
utnii rilpect iltUlti m
Ote huautit.ewt
, shoal
4N - ' i whhcl *
4 I bav
Alc r itie Janice I ' humlterto
$ , ci.
taulud .
$7nrt , .fAMES MIANI't R3 ShOE I. lIe orlI.
miii $ I Shoe and t aioliittly mIte filmy , tlO ( of hIs pric4
wimich his ever teen 1tsceci ist'istvuy ni the niamLt
lii wutich ituritlltty Ii ccnmtere.t befire mere alIt II cr4
appearaile , 'I lilt' shies iiri .iitti by iii ii"Rt rtmaiJer
muirtituomit the IIiiItti SuIte ! , autil ive vi mum puaca tues
eeslhy wlhhlii your rracim In any susie or trrtlory 11)011
will geniI ii , a ptlitlt 'cr11 , inetiltonutig i tmii IcIer.
4ain'i lhtl'Mils & C. , . , 4t l.hncolii St. , ltotonMiisl
Full ttuii of limo milioi'o Imtes her tuI , , him OI4ll4
by ( I. ii' . ( 'ook , IlIuJO 1'mtrmmtun strIetI ( I. S. MihieP
612 Nottim 1ftIm surcut ; 11m13'wlti Ilros , , 407 4omtt
litlm : street. lit CotHczt. llt.ut't's by Stirgetat 4
1vmmns 412 ilt'ottthymiy.
Proprietor Onumha Busincas College , ,
Book - Keoplllg , PeninanshIp
CommercIal Law , Shorthand , Toiographinj
and TypowritinO.
Send for College Journal.
S. E , Car. ICthm and Canital Ave.
ltcmnarkabio for po-us'erfmml syupa.
tiltIctomtiihIli.Wu [ ictlonujimit mmi ; : .
bimiUtu iiiurmtbhlhty.5JYeiirs rtcnr.T
tm.bistgtiUt'ttfltCU ! of tint excoi.
, . '