THE OMAHA DALLY BEE : WEDNESDAY ; NOVEMBER 12 , 1887. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advcrtlsrments under tills h'nd , 10 cents per line for iho Ilrst limortlon , 7 cents for coch mil > - * ciUent | Insertion , and Jl.W ) a line per month. No advertisement take n for lets tliau ! i"i cents for the llrst Inncrtlon. Bcvi-n words will bo counted to the line ; they must run consecu- tlrely and must bo paid in ndvnnco. All ad- vifrtlseniciits must lie hnndcd In before ItfM o'clock j > . in. , anil under no clrcnnifttancra will Uioy IPO taken or dlKContlnuod by telephone. rartU'H advertising in these columns and hav- irjctlio answers aodrrMed-in earn of the lice. vlll plcime sk far a check to enable them to Itet their letters , as none will bo delhcrcd ex cept on presentation of check. All answer * to Buvrrtlfvincnta should \m \ enclosed In envelopes. All lulvprtlaemeiitH In these columns nro pub- llshed In both niornltiK nml evening editions of the lleo , thn circulation of which aggrcgatea Jnorothan H.W ( ) papers dally , and given thnnd- vertlnorii the benefit , not only of the city circu lation of the lleo , but also of Council IllulTs , Lincoln nml other cities and towns throughout thtf * part of the west. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND Guarantee nnd Trust Co. . 1HW Farnam xtreut- Complete abstracts fur nished , and titles to real estate examined , per- .fected nnd guaranteed. fxu BUSINESS CHANCES. /1HKVHNNH , Wyo. . the future I'lttsburg of VV the West. At present a railroad center. T c-be. t built and wealthiest rlty of Itn sl7o In United Stall's. W.iomliig. Thu great uilneriil Htore lionsa nf America and ItK Innxhattstahlo oil mid roul llelds. 1'or full particulars as to re- HouiroH.etc. , address K V. Stable.sccrotiiry Chey enne Hoard of Trade , Cheyenne , Wj o. o.PI4nS7J PO HAM : In Lincoln , n hoifdlng house , flrst class lit every respect nnd doing a IWMbusiness , lent reasonable. Address II. 1' . bherw In A Co. , Lincoln. ; i7l 7 SAI.i : A No. 1 general dtoro Rtock and and Hiilldltig 8X ! ( ) or Hi st class lumber and coal yard In the new town of 1'nlmer on II. & M. W ) dayc old and " 5 houses up. Only dry goods In town. Kxcluslvo conl trnde. Will sell cltner business , not both , on amount of InKtiffletent capital. Joe A. HHJS , Central City. Nob. 1J ) 1 * | 7KU ) SALK-A stork of Ag.lcultural Imple Jmeiits with W.ftin hales last jrar. small stock on hand. Addicts , IMLJI box 20. Kxeter , Nub. ] J-2 FH ) SAM : Hoarding house. r > boarders , at half its value , liiln Capitol avenue. 1101 * rpo lycrilAMfK Jl.tW Mock geucial mnr- J chnmllsn for peed Omaha property ; small incumbrance : miif-t till 01 exrliiinrn uulck. h. 8. Campbell and 0. AV. Ilervey.IllO Hoard of Trade. 4N1. GOOnChamo forllvo man wlthit.Vin to take half Interest and dtive delivery wnconlna tlrst-class bakery. Jj 1 , llee olllco. 107 3 * PINI ? business chance open In Colorado for a light nmnufacturliiK business ; large ptollts and Kiimll capital required. 1'arttculnrs at A. ! ' . M a ) IIH'H , N. \ \ ' . cot. Hitli and rnmuiu. I WANTKD Men toTuTndlu an agency In other towns or Omaha ; big money made , small capital lequired. Mtitiml Agency , 1007 rarnatu O.V1 1J FOR KXfllANnll-lIouses and lots , farms , hotels , lots , iiiL'ichandlsf. horses , eatlle and In fact anything } on want. If you have any thing t < i trade eall on or wi Ho to us. Olllco open evenings. II. i : . Cole.IIWS. nth at. Ull WANTKD To exchange. Rood Inside proper ty for a Rtock of groceries , haidware , hootH and hhoes , or notions. Address Mi. llr olllcn. Ml IP FOH SAM' A ii.r : ) Rtock of groceries and iliieennwaie. In liest location in Yoik. doing abtiKliifsiif { jD.nm Slock nearly new. Alan chanei'toa live man. Addrec.dniwer int. York , Neb. 7 > 1 U'.N'DII ) i fur Rood man , partnership In xmull but paylpg umcein , capital of if.Vi irntilird , present owner i .inuot run It alone , 1C (1.1 ( Deiollfce. . KEJ 2J rp ( ) THADETno Impioved farms In Iowa for JL Onmha priijieitv or NeliiiiHkii Hauls Me- Culloch A , Co. , cor ; 15th and I'm num. 'K'l ding stocks and tlxtmes of fl.i , .1 J2.7HO. 4tV iullnest Nebraska towns. I'm t > ale or real estate exchange. Address K 2 , Deo.' ' GOOD ojieulng for hitrdwurn or div Rood stoi e In Pitch block on Park ave. Splendli htciro room. Chuiplent. I' . L. Gregoij , ' ! i l ! 10th tt. WJ FOH SAMV$4,0lO ( stock of general meichau- dlse In good railroad town lu Southern Ne braska. Hcst locution. Double loom. Low rent. A rniechanc-n forsomn ono tosteo Into a good busliiebs. Address F. J , Stunot-heck Oflull. Neb. B57 N 11 fTjOK PALE n t-clnss two-storj' brick hote. JJ doing excellent business ; lentsfor $ * d ner month ; ownir going out to Cal. Addrehsll.S , Lilly , Itrokeu How. Neb. 220 n in T7KH SAM' A 300 ucre stock fnnn , inSurpj JL ? county. Just 25 miles from Omnha , with n fine quarry on it. only $2.1 per aero. A. P , Maine , N. AV. cor. Ifitli anil Kuinani. I'll WANTED Stock of boots nnd chocs In ox , change foi Insldo Omaha puipeity. Ad , die * < sPaUeihiin& Moorell)12 1'urnam st , Omaha "T71OH THADI5 nnrti ncres of cholrn western -1 land to exchange for guieiulmeichiindlse. Jim. 1' . Toft , ! H4 X. l' tli bt ; Hi TFjon hiuo anything to exchange , write us. AV have ImproMil and unimproved Ne braska , Kiiii as nnd Ii ui Inmls , coal mine" , bn tels.'MoclvS of merchandise , horses , rattle , hogs sheep , etc1. , to e\ehiiugo. S. S. Culnlibell and O AV. Heney , : ill ) Hoard of Tiiule. 4OT BIJSINiSH : Clianciv Deslroimof ictlrlngfiom Imslnnss , wu Mill pell the bnhiin'uof our stock of drj"Kix > ds , etc.ltli three } eai-s lease nnd fixtures of stole by Janinuv or Match next. Mei chants niennlng to purcha'.e addiess John II. F. Lehmann & Co. , 11119-131 : ; 1'anrim bt. . Ml n n BUSINESS Chance Them is n film opening for a confectioner , restaurant- und baker right near the entiancu of Hanscom paik. New storeroom , cheap rent. V. L. 0legory. ! ! UD 8. lilthjtt. f > .l FOK RAT < I < Ortinilo nNo. 1 hotel propeity , doing good trade , in one of the best towns iu Nebraska. H. S. Campbell andV. ] . Heivey , 310 Chamber of Commerce' . 4S7 l7"ANTii : > A toel ; of ginceiles and genci-al " e , for city lota paid for. U. J.Caimn i F ) SALE A complete sti-um hiundiy hav- ina twenty hoi-si-power engine. J. S. Hen- nett , Suunders and ( "link sts. IN ! I CLAIRVOYANT. MU8. DIIHANT Plaihnjnnt from Hoston Is reliable In nil utlnlrs of life , unites separ ated liners. U22 N. liith st. , loom 1. 7M > Die 1 * . 1ll. . NANNIE V.iuicn , Ualmiant. Sled- Jleal business and test medium. Ollli'o ll'J Ninth loth htrvit ; rooms 23 , Telephone 044. Iis7 WANTEU'-MAI-E HELP. WANTKD- Sober , rcllablw man as biker for public institution , imihl fuinlsh bint ot references , ftil per niontli \ ear around. Cana dian Kiiiplojment olllio , ills. IliegaSon. . U1U S. 15th. Tel. N > 4. l.VMJ \\7ANTl'.n 1'iirties out of work to rail at the T > City Intelligence oltlce , CrelRhtou blk ; wo nro lecelxlng orders o\v-ry dixy too numernus to ndvortlsa. lUi WANTI'.D Man and wifu for fniiii ueur city. WS , ( iiochildien.steitdy ) job lor the winter - ter , C'aii.uUaii Hmployment otllce , 3lfi S. IMh. Tef. 1I. ir > Vl * WAXTi'.D-Meii to hiindlrt a light niticlo pay- InijJ-'ito 115 per day. Mutual Agency. KMT Fnrnnm. ft' > l 1J \\TANTKI } AVc have plucos for 4 men in him- her ) ard , I1JU ) per day. 10 men for farm work , * 1 per day aud boanl 2,1 men to ( 'o south , ISpkirrtay. ZM N. Inth , Ke ) .V Smith. 141-1 j , " \\VXNThrl ) Laboi ers 'for " TiTnTngi AT T T brlght's Labor AKenxy : , 1 I'M raruam. 11.1 yyANTlui Jlllkur. lUiiy , 4115 Suiinileirs ! TWANTKO Tra rllng agent in Nehraskawho > is now bollcitlng biiloon trade to caiiy splendid hide line , goods fast felling , nue 011- poitunlty. Addruss , t.tatlug n fervnce.s , IVuncls Cropper & Co. , 114 AVulb btreet , Chicaco. III. A N lutelllRent iiiancan tlud steady and re- immoruthu einployiuent by applying to _ " \\TANTKI- 1 railroad men for Missouri and f ? Kansas , 11.7ft to KSXi per day , Hoard 1 r l } > eroek. . bcandlnavian I'.uiployiuent bureau , IBIO Kamam at. ttlde door. IJOI a j Men for railroad \\orfe. Al bright's Labor Agency , liai Farnam. Eoi T\7"ANTr.IV-Sevcral Hrat-claM milesinvn for . > > clotliing. hat and nmilbhlnK goods. Only those with tlrst-clas ! ) reference neetl " Hex 229. Omaha. ; \\7ANTUD-MBle cook nt 1004 N ICth Bt. WANTKD-100 nion of coed o ] > i ruranci-M try our 15o nieaU at Xorrls restaurant , : tll 11et nud 313 South Uth btrett. ( old U\e aud Let WANTKD-A good H ker ntllO north lllh t. 1UM WANTKD Two men of ROOC ! addrc- to U goods , references reciulrc-cl. Call 421 H lOtn tt. IW7 2 * W ANTIID Onrpentaron ifjthstbet Sewnnl and Franklin. m 1 * WANTED A Rood barber , ono that is capn- aoln of running a shop. Rood openlUR for a ( rood man. Scandinavian Kmp. Jlureati , I01U J'arnamot. Ride door. 1UU-2 WANTKD Young man to work In store and around house. 8. Lehman , 1109 rartmm. " 7"ANTKD 2 peed nhoemakcrs for Rewed T > w ork , 1201 ranium t. WB 1J WANTKD Men for Ml onrt and Hcandlnavlan Employment bureau , 1010 Tarnam Bt , Hldo dcxir. B013 _ WANTI'.D HW acents ; K < > r" ' fal ry or com mission ; rare chance. Address w itli stamp for terms , WmrerMfr.a N. State St. , Chicago , 111. . WANTED-FEMALE HELP. I ANTED A woman to do washing and ironing at 6188 20th st. vxi S w ANTHD-At once , girl at C22N 19th. 1C3 W ANTKD-OIrl for Cfneral housework in small family , EII8 DoiiKlas. 15" ) a * WANTKD- rod second cook , K > , whllo third cook $7 per week , man to tend luneli counter , r > good rarpcnters , 25 messeiiger boj s , anadian Employment ofllcu , Mrs. Itrefta It Bon , . lltli.rlel.M4. . \\rANTnD-25 Rlrls for housework , dlnliiR- room Rlrls for restaurant and hotel * , 2nd and nurse girls , laundress for Wyo. . J-j fair paid , woman cook for Central City 125. one for balcm. ! . ) ; 2 for city , $ r. and J.TO. Canadian Hm Tile ) metit olllco , Mrs. Hregu ti son , HID B llith , Tol.m. 15S1J WANTIID Parties out of work to call at the City IntelllRence onice , Creignton blk ; wo nro recelIng orders oveiy dny too numerous to tulveitlso. lui WANTED Oooil girl for general housework for Rmnll family. Call between 10 and U a. in. at store , 100 N lath st. . 115 2 * WANTED An expellenccd nurse for chil dren. Mrs. AVarren Swltzler , N. AV. cor. Stilh and fct. Mary's aeiiuu. . 150 2 WANTED A clil for general housework In family of three ; apply after U o'clock at 1721 Davenport st. 10J-2 * WANTED A healthy young woman for olllco work , must bo collect In Mmplo ad dition and write a icadublo hand , wages Ji' > per month. Address L 7 , lleo ollke , and statew hero applicant can bo seeli. HI WANTKD-OIrl to do general housework jm- Call foi nla st. HO vv 7"ANTED ( Jlrl for general hoiibowork at ; 171."ilaMnpoit. 14S 2 * I\f ANTED Dining loom girl at 1004 N Ifith st. 17ANTI5D Dining room girl. Doian house , T 4 2 S. 18th neai St.Maiy's a.enuo. . 414 WANTED H ) ladles totiy ourlfic meals at Norrls' restaurant ( old Lle and Let Live ) , illlnnililMS. 14th st. bO EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. help Milt to all parts If fare Is paid. Eight years' experience enables us to till ordern satisfac torily. Koference. Omaha National Hunk. Mrs. Hrcga & Son , 3111 S. 15th , tel. SM. 4.H2' lorins iiieinosi uoerai. iijou art1 out IIL em- pluynient or wish to mnkn a change , why do j on delay in svuui lug the best po lblo alii that tun li gt\en > < iii. I'eisons > iiould carefully contldti whom they am dialing with us there urn many new cutdi-penny IOIKI ins coming Into existence dally. Pull paitlculurs concein- Ingoiir methods will be gheii upon uiipHcu tlou All onleine\oipt ( fiom pil\ato fumllks tilled flit-and sent to any paitof thn west wher fuu' Is p.ild. Yours lospectfully , ( ,1ias. fi Hint , miitm i > r. lleferenccs : .folm L McC.igue iiiesldent MiCngiie llioV. bank ; Dexter Li lliomas , cic-hler Nebluska Muiugs bank ; Hou J. II M < Cnlloch , county Judge. Kl. FOUND. AAKIJJf III1Jt hoises , 1 grey , 1 bay and 1 - black. Paul ' 1 houipson , 1 mile bomb of \lngton. nor 1 H 15 "i -i LOST. LOST On Pallium t , between llth and 20th st , Monday ufti rnoou , a lady's satchel con talnlng pocket book , etc. Finder will b Knlt.'i lily ruwmded by returning to Wm. llnrrbou , cai e S. V. M erse & Co. 120-2 * TOST Get. .Tilth , on inth street between ball J giomuls and Woodman Linseed Oil works , lad'Hgruyliix muff. Under please return to Downey ic Co. , 2203 Fariuun st and receive re- w nnl. JOST A .small female dog , yellow with black nose. In longs at the Hue oltlco. W4 2 TOST On Nov. 1. small memorandum book , J of no value except to owner. Ple.iso lea\ eat this olllco. 1-ri-d P. Illbbard. 17J- . " LOST Or stolen , near Hascall's park , a mod lumMbedaikb.iy mare , with harness on mall white spot on lace. , huge hind legs. T Mm lay. Ml MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. "l\TANTED Home in private family , jouugman en.iged till la m. each night Adtlrcis with ti'ims , L. 10. llee Olllce. 172-2 * I7ANTIH ) Fecond hand range at onco. Ad > dress B I7 Dodge. IIW V \\7ANTni ) To buy fl\o thousand to ten i thousand Hoouc county lands , a\eiag iliuillty at tlO pur acre and lesb. Addles Ilox.iS Omaha. 1U4 "WANTED About ! U1 out-of-town parties t ( V > hind ten dolliirs to MO South 15th st. anc secuie u wurrnnty deed to one of those ten del lur lots ; $10 is pajment in full , lie-member , only a few left. U27-1 W ANTED Light s-ew ing or such work to d at homo. Inqiilie cor. 12th and Dorcus. 100 . ' ! \\7 A NTII1J A good second hand sow In T T machine and a second hand cook stove 1 exchange for wutc lies , or cheap for cash. Ad cltess "I , . " n llee Olllco. 174-2 * "I VAN'iT.1) Two persons to learn bookkeeping - ing , situations , J. II. Smith , llilJ Chicago. l.W f. * _ W3 HI ) llngngement to do sewing or ! ssnviking. Address Ti 2 , Heo. 1M2 * " \\rANTr.n-To trade for a lot of second hand fuiiiiture ; apply ut Hoom 1.1 , rien/er block. Ul \\T AXTEIJ Hous * of 7 to 10 rooms with mod- 1 > cm improements. . liortheiist front , situ- nti'd nu high giouiul with largo lot. AVill as- Mimu moderate eiiiumbruniii , pay a thousand dollais cash , und tradci Mieunt lots or good Neh. hind for balance. . Addres.8 Lf , Heo olllco. 151 " \VANTED ( teed fnmily lioi-se in exchange for lot , JlcOilloch A : Co. , cor IMh aud Varnam. JSW \\7ANTEU-rium lands lu exchuiigo for > > Mc-cks of merchandise ! . St. John i. Illy , Hoom 11 , rren cr block , 01 p I'.O WW \\rANTr.l ) Property ot all kinds to exchange it bpcclal attention given to trading. C. C. Spotsw ood. : JU5 > 4 S liith. C5.1 VtrAN'I'HI ) Rood farms in exchanse for Omaha prupeity , C. C. tpotiwood , 'MJiJ SJCtl U'KJ " \\rAVrKO--rnrins to exchance for Omnha > i roperly aim stocks of merchandise. C. L. HrowiuVCo. , room Ul Frcnzcr block , Omuha- 741. iVU ' \ \ TANTHD To buy the fnrnlturo of n small i I or largo house centrullv located , Co-opera- tu e Land A. Lot Co. . aft N Mill st. 1JS " \\TANTKn Farm lands lu exrhauge for city pi-operty. bt. John &Kly , HoomlJ , 1'reu- zer block. W7 MONEY TO LOAN. MONKV To loan on chattels. Co-operative l..iud and Lot Co. , 'Ma No. loth street. CM Money on hand to loan on Improved property. J. A. Heistand , Arlington block. I&n5 M ONKY to Loan O , F. Dm is Co. , real estate and loan agents , 1KO Karnani st. 07- MONKV to loan on Improved roul pHtato ; no comiuipslon charged. Leiultt llurnhaui , room 1. CrelKliton block. 1)74 ) _ MONKY luaumsof KiUUand o\erto load at lorates. . HUSM.-U & Hurrvtt , 1S luth bt. _ _ jt75 U VXVO ) ( To loan on Omaha city property at 8 n > percent. U. AV. Day. B. 13. cor. Kx. 111.1.U70 U70 M ON UV loaned on fumllure. pUnon , org.uis , horsi-s. ttc. Joyv rules. . J. J. Wilkinson dr Co. . l 'l IVruam , OUT llurllu tun ticket olllco. $ 7Tfl,000 to loan ntfipcr cent : Linahan honey , IMt Kartlam. OB7 _ $ & 00,000 to loan in uny amount at ion est rate ot Interest. II. H. Ire y. Krenzcr block. KM MONEV to loan to parties wishing to liuihl. S. 8. Campbell , 810 B Ibth st. , Chamber of Commerce. U7U \f ONKA' to loan. Notes and K. H. tickets 1 > JL bought and told. A. 1'orman , 21 1 S Mill Ht. 0 1'Kll CKNT Money. 1'attcrson 4Kawcettl5thnnd Hanioy. 973 s 11OHT time loans made on any available security. In reasonable amounts. Secured notes boupht , Rold or cxch.uiKed. General llnanclal business of any kind transacted promptly , quietly and fairly at the Omnha Kl- nanclal I.xclmiik'e , N , AV. cor. ir > th and Har tley sts. . ovcrbtato National baud. Corbelt , manager. V71 U l , ( Xiontoloan. ) U.K. Cole , 318 B.lith. First P mortgage notes bought. 9M MONKY To loan. Lowest rates. No delay. .1. L. Ulco & Co. , over Commercial Na tional bank V7R MONEY to loan on city property. Will buy good notes. BeaVer & Whltcomb , IfiW Farnam. 9VJ " \fONKY to loan on city property , and also -L l. farms In Nebraska nnd Iowa. Odell llros. & Co/ , loan , real estate and Insurance ) amenta , 11X1 Pearl street , Council 111(1118,10. ; 1KSJ Farnam street , Omaha. 203 M ONEYto I/o n Ily the undersigned , who _ lias the only properly organized loan agency lu Omaha. Loans of 110 to * IUO made on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wrpons , ma chinery , etc. . without lemoval. Nodelajs. All business stuctly confidential. Loans so made that any pai t can bo paid at any time , each pay ment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances madH on line watches and diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they are dealing with , as many now concerns are dally coming Into existence . Should } on need money call anil see mo. AN * . H. Croft , room 4 Wlthnell building , 10th and Harney. BtO MONKY to Loan On Improved city property at lowest rates of Inteiest. No commis sion charged. Bholes & Crumb , room 1 , llarker block , cor. Kith and raruam sts. 081 MONEY LOANED at C. T. Heed & Co.'s Loan Ollicn. on furnltuie , pianoshorses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other ar ticles of value without removal. ai8 H. lUth , o\er lllugham's commission store. All busi ness htrlttly confidential. l'S2 ' ttauo.nno to loan , special rates on farm propcity. P bobotkcr & Perrlgo , Ifigl Farnam st. HS ) MONP.Y to loan , cash on hand , no delay. , T. AV. and E. L. Squire , 141J Farnam St. Paxton - ton hotel building. Ubt MISCELLANEOUS. II' OOM ' and board at 1814 St. Mary's ave. S APES Agents and business men. AV'o nro manufacturing and helling independent of any safe ring or pool by placing upon the mar ket three sizes of fire proof safes at such low prices that farmeis , professional and business men can atloid to purchase. Sl/e , 28xlhxlH Inches ; weight MX ) His. ; retail price , $33 : smaller and larger sizes lu proportion. Kara oiipoi tun- ity otfciud. Alpluo Safe Co. , Cincinnati. Ohio. 10830 * LIST houses , furnished and unfurnished rooms with us. We will rent them. OIHco open evenings. 11. E. Cole , 310 8. 15th st. KB NEW YOKK Piano Co , , manufactuiers of up- right pianos ; pianos on time at wholesale price. Cor Capitol live and 15th st. 70. ) RENTAL cAOENCY F. L. Gregory will bo found after November 1st at ! ! 0l ! South lOtu St. , opp. Hoard of Trade. Ground Hour. CIO LIST YOU It HOOM3 at the City Intelligence Olllce , Crelghton Hlock. More people call dally at our olllce than at any other place in the city , except the postolllce. 585 ELEGANT plush parlor sets at Immense sac- iltlco to pay storage charges. Now York storage Co , cor Capitol ave nnd 15th st. 7U2 DH. J. AV. HAHNSDALL'S surgical and ob- stetileal home , 1724 Cupltol au > . Omaha , Neb. TelephoneUH ) . 6i.JnSIJ _ 7\\0 \ IIXcilANon-For cattle. I hn\e ( HO acies J of good wistein laud to ttadu for cattle , nnd n good liousn and lot near the capital ; will o.\change for cattle. Addri-ss B. G. llryun , Ash land. Neb. 9 O I C House furnishing goods , nil kinds ; _ cash or Installment ; low eat prices at .1. lion- ncr , 1.115 Douglas st. Obfl ELEGANT parlor sets cheap. Immense sac rifice to pay advances. Now 1'ork btorugo Co. , cor Capitol uvo and 15th st. 701 "T\K. CHASE'S new Hecclpt Hook and House- JL/ hold Phj slcian , the "Memorial Edition" of over POO pages. The "Crowning Life Work" of the greatest author and bemloctor that over H\ed. Just out. Agents making immense sales. Hlg terms. Address K. H. Dicker- A : Co. , Detroit , Silch. Mention this paper. 24 < nov4 * TPERSONAL. ) EHSONAL A man andwlfowho have just lost an infant w ish to adopt n young child of good pnreutage and health. No other child ren in family , good homo guaranteed , refer ences given. Address L 4 lleo. 1109 6 * ADIE A fiili bust without medicine , mail 30c. , stamps , to H. M. Hlch , llaltlmoie , Md. 2Wnl7 ! * A MIDDLE aged widow without children , who is now and has bee n for several } cars n com mercial traveler , solicits correspondence with a good dlsposltloned lady of leflnemont , with means. Send photos if com enlcut. Address lu stilctest confidence. K 70 , Hee. 0313J T" > EKSONAI. The ladles of Omaha can secure JL tlioseilces of competent and reliable do mestic help and ha\o a loom full to choose fiom by calling nt the Canadian Employment Olllco. M rs Hrcga d ; Son , 310 So. 15th. Tel bM.7B42 7B4-2 * AWIDOAVKH. 33 , with means nnd good busi ness ability would like to form the. ac quaintance of a lady with means. Object , matrimony. K 71. lleo KS > 1 * TDUUSONAL A young lady of peed address JL and plenty of means'would advise every young or old gentleman to call at 310 South 1'itli st. Jlonclay , Oct. 01. and purchase ono of these tun (10) ( ) dollar lots ; a few more are left. Itiches. if.3-1 1 > LHt5ONAL I'rtuite home for ladles during conllnemont , strictly conlldciitlal , infants adopted. Address K 4S Heo olllce. Ifi7nb * FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. 1J10K SALE Milk cow , cheap for cash , apply JL1 2.V.-0 Douglas St. 1423 T710K SALE-Plano , Hullet & Ia\is upright. JD Owner wlishos to leave the city. Cost $400. Will hell for $200. Address L 1 , Hoo. Ifit FOH SALE Pet band instininents , 11 pieces , celebrated Jules' beauty , light piston % ulve , good as new , at > / factory prices , for pnitlculars addu ss AV. L. Prew , York , Neb. Ul 2 * 171OK SALE Five hentlng stoves , verychcnp , JL' apply 540 South 2oth st. i 8 FOH SALE A Wllkshot water lieater and JO feet of 3 inch pipe cheap. P. O. box US. Omaha. B504J T71OK SALE Cheap , horse and phaeton. In- 1 ? quire1 of D. 1. Cooper , Western Union Telegiaph olllce. ffiC ill FK SALE Span of good diaught mules and nice harness , or will trade for Insldo prop erty. Address J. H. I.nmar , c.iio Gees hotel , Llty. 000 7 * O NE hundred and fifty dollars will buy a new s and cigar stand. Mis South ICth bt. ! ( W. LIA'EHY outfit for sale or trade for inside real estate ; good barn on paved stieot ; a rare bargain for a practical man. J , H. Lamur , c.iro Gees hotel , city , 1XW7 * FH SALE Tno elegant Imported stallions ; will bell or trudo for Inside property or good livery stock. Adtlruas J. H. Lamar , euro Gees hotel , city. UOU 7 * FOK 8ALP. Dnig store , t2,000 , doing good business cm one of the best fetrceis lu Omaha , or wlllexchaiiKe it with some clioice hind for linger stock of drugs in good country town. Address K 27 , Heo olllce , Omuhu. 705nl 1710K SALE A new lot of dry goods furniture JL1 cheap. 1120 Cap , ave. 118 _ OKGANB at wholesale prices , on easy pay ments. New York Plnno Co. , cor Capitol ave nnd 15th st. 7UJ. POK THADE 1W acres of good land , house J * acres cultlvuteil in Hawllns County , 7ansas. V'H trade for lots , merchandise or other wiluallo property. Address J. Kline , 2717 Cumlug st. , city. t > 07-u22 R8ALK I Good piano. tlKi if sold in 10il > j-s , Also room for rent , ls.'l Farnam st. 629 F OK SALEi-Teani , liaruess. wagon. < I50. Mrs. E. C. Uorr.S JJth Et,3 blLs from t car truck. F IOH 8AI.K I feed mill. 54 lu. French burrs. 1 A'ictor sheller , 75 bu p r hour. 1 bolt for buck * heat or meal. 40 ft. - in. shaftlnc. 6 hangere. elevator belt. etc . Address a a IXth Et. , Omaha. Neb. XTi u 1 > RENT-HOUSES. FH HENT 2M-001U house , Denises' addition , a 7-foom cottage in 1'atker'a addition und two line three story flats on Twentieth near Leavtmw ortu. Kvuus ti BlacLburii , 1MO' Dodgo. . ' . 170 nXItTlENT Tly Nov. 10 , AO-j-ooin cottaRe.vith JO cistern and well , flrebuxksfrompostoniee. renter to buy 2 carpets Bndt > tove. Address 1 3 , lleo ofllco. in ' W 1 OH HKNT Several houses , fi and 0 rooms Inquire of II , F. llamana , 2:515 : Leavcnworth - - 5CT1 . _ UENT HcsUurantHhlrcady furnished , Co-operative Land St fcoX Co , 205 M inth. ft Hill 171011 HKNT New 4 nndA > om houses J10 per JL1 month. Olllco open Mngs. H. K. Cole , 3183. 15th St. 034 rpo LET A largo feed lift livery stable on JL locust st. . between 20ft liul 21st sts. oppo site Kountze place. Apl"aW John Ilamlln , ill ! South Hth at. -Sw O.V.-1' LIST honics. fiirnlslia ] ? nnd unfurnished rooms with us. vi'otnnlwt them. OIHco open evenings. 11. E. Cole , .11 $ 8. 15th st. t 5 FOH HENT 3 houses and rooms for offices. Incjiilre of RtinntoRhnm * Her , room 7 , Ar- llngton Uock. Cunningham k Her. 6tA 4 TjlOH HKNT-Good , newTiousp , 7 rooms , clo ? ' JJ ets , etc. , north part of town , t35 per month. Orahain , Cinlghton Hlk. 7W1 TilOll KKNT Kndandtidfloomatnn JU Rt. , % > 1th lease of three years. Kennedy 4 : lllbblns , l.WiJ Douglas Bt. 707 POIt ltiNT-Krootn : ) cottage 23th nnd Indiana St. 14IKr > j "fjlOll HUNT House with 4 rooms , bam. hard JJ nnd Bott water , iSOSCumliiK St. lot ! i 17KW Hr.NT-0 room cottage. 1134 N 21st. st. J ? Apply : no 3 inth st. iw "filOH HUNT or Lease A house and 2 acres of JJ land , in minutes' walk of bouth Omaha. In- quite 1408 Howard st. 1.M ) 4 * 1J10H HUNT A peed house of dooms and n JJ barn , Kt3 Pierce St. IBfiS * F OK HENT If you wish to lent a house call on Itenavra & Co. , 15th st. , oppoblto'P. O. OS8 TJIOH KENT Sevcra now 7 room houses JG block from street car , ready for occupancy November 1 , C. F. Harrison. 418 8.15th st. 3M T OH HENT-T.rooni furnished tlat. JfiO per JD month. 3 rooms icntud , HI. Apply MS S. 10th st. FOI Olt KENT Nov. 15 , now eight-room house , all modem improvements. 2218 Chicago st. a. J. It. Hlngwalt , 218 S lOth st. 777 FOU KENT 8 room cottaRe. large lot , good barn , in delightful location. Furniture for idle ; call at Kinslcr's drug store , 1J07 Farnnm st 784 C1OH HENT House of 0 rooms , sw cor 17th _ D and Dorcas , $ , i3 per mouth. W. M. Hush- nun. 4tU FOH HENT New Boom cottaRe. 24th and llancroft s-t. , ilrstdoor west of shot tower ; ell , clstcm , 114 per month. 478 11011 HENT House fi rooms , 2closetspantry. 3 good cellar , outbuildings , etc , 2814Iavou- port st. John AV. Foley , 111 2 * FOR KENT Handsome new residence within ly TfMfc of P. O : ten looms , barn , etc. , with all cofTVcnlences. Will rent cheap. Address f. H. Lanmr , caio Gees hotel , city. 0007 * TrUlIl HENT 7 room Hat and the furniture for JJ sale. Inquliu 1005 Howard St. , : I < 1 floor , is. Parker. 711-N.l * FOH HENT-,1 Hats and furniture for sale , all on 10th. A. 1Ma } ne , N. W. tor. 10th and 'anmui. - U-Jl 10H HENT 11 room house on Sherman avo. A. P. Majne , N. AV.cor.lfithandraru.ini. inn 10ft HENT-0-room house , No. 315 N Ifith. s.17 a * FOH HENT Large olllco oh rarnam st. Hood tilaco for clgnr htoro or' tailor shop. E. F. Beaver. 1BOOJS Furnam st. ' 317 FOR RENT--"ROOMS. " IflOH HENT-Nleo furnl/hed room $1 per 1 month. S. AV. Cor. ISth and Jackson. 107 FOH HENT A nicely furnished suite of par lors , suitable for two m four gentlemen. In ew brick Imlldlmr , all modern comonlonco ; lr t-ila hlioaiil If deslied. Mis. AVm. Voung , 2 V.I Douglas t. 137 7 * F H HENT 3 unfuiiiished looms suitable for housekeeping , 102'j N 20th st. lr > ! FOH HfiNT Nicely fmnlshed fiont room , also other rooms , bteam lB ut and gas 2it ) 8 , 24th street. gj _ Mil J > OO > 1 for two gentIenieSl723 Davenpoit st I § { 104 U * JjlOIl HE T-Ftirnlshed , rtijms , 1810 Doilgnst POH HENT Single or suite of rooms with board at Shelton House , cor. - > th and ) odge. Mrs. M. C. Wilbur. iu 1 FOH KENT Nicely furnished rooms. No , 2214 Kai num st. 040 1 * > OOMS and board for gentlemen lu private I family. Address K 72 , lleo. IWWi * "IjlOH HI'NT i'.legant new furnished rooms In JJ piiMito fumlly , boarding house Just opencil. Aenuo Place , 1015 nnd 1013 Cap. nvo. 894 4J FOH HENT 4 unfurnished rooms , siiltabl for hoiiiekeeplng. 2irJ2 Harney st. MW1J Fc KENT Nlcoly furnished , looms at 1017 Chicago , cheap. 819 3J "TOOK KENT Purnlshed and unfiirnlsheV JL' rooms In all p.utsof the city. Whenjon vant n house we can nccomiiiodnto you. Car rlage leady to show hotiM's , Olllco open even Ings. II. 1 : . Cole , 3108.15th st. ft)4 LAKGE and small front room , all conven ieiic es. 24-i Paraum corner. 018-5 * . POH HUNT With board , nicclv furnlshcc single and double room. Uncjulro 11)14 ) 'uniaiubt. 1)17 ) 1 * FOH HENT Nicely furnished rooms , 810 18th st. MO 1 * FOH ItENT Furnished looms , 117 S 17th. Ibill 3 * F OH HENT Furuibhed front room with moil ern conveniences , forBeutlemeu,1718 lloclgi TjlOK HENT Large front fuinlshed room a JJ SH'J Huruey st. * ' B71 nl FUKNISHED room to rent , 015 N 14th st. .847 1J TT10H HENT Parlor nnd nlcovo , one fion JL : loom , one buck room ; gas , bath , steam heat ; car line , 2317 Douglas st. 874 4J POH HENT Two fuinlshed fiont rooms. 71 N. Wth bt. 578-2 I71OK KENT Puinishcd looms , lll ! ) Purnair K M1U27J fTlOH HENT I'nturnlhhed IUIRO room witu JL ? alcove , 2 IUIRO closets , gas , bath nnd fur unco ; apply 2ii24 Davenport. 123 FOH HENT Newly furnished rooms , bat gas. furiiuce , KJ1 Pleasant. Ni2 2 * A riNElnrge bay window room , newly fur nibbed wltii gas , bath , furnace und closet no other roomer , tor ono or two gentlemen , M h 20th st. 11J FOK HENT Pnrlor nnd bedroom , unfur nished , 2 furnished south rooms , brick house , 1210 Capitol in o. 1141 * F ° HKNT A suite of looms over my store P 'rice. ' : $2.1. AV. P. Stoctzel. 71J F I OH HENT-Nlcely funilhhcd looms , $10. $1 : $15 und $20 , at 1W11'ainnm St. DM ITIOH KENT Elegant suite of rooms nlcel JD lurnished , brick llut , tMUth front , 111U Ch cngo. tit 357 771OH HENT I'urnlslied wknis. 007 N. I7th s JJ M 751 IJ TJIOK HKNT 1'uruisheil ilDms. 209 Doilge. JJ IX Ml 1' EOH Itr.NT 1'usnlshcil [ vfooms with board gentlemen only , 2013 Douglas st. 1JV7J VJK HKNT Hooms with boaid , 1WJ ! Kamam bt. Inferences required. I H7-U * FOK KHNT Hooms , sln le and double , every thing new and llist-cUss , steam heat , iril Davenport. 371 nl tI71Oir HiNT : A very cleslrable front loom , JL ; furnisheil , 1H1 Cap. une. 12.1 2 * looms vkh board. ] ' n Par- JJ num. * 7tAulU ) * _ FOK HUNT Nice room fy > r millliuryclepnlt- mtnt. on second lloor , \ > ith best of elc-Mitor sen leu. inltaiiiKe's Hlock. 821 _ OK HINT : Ofllces , best HChteilana heated in the city , in HaniKe'a Hlock. _ K.'t T710K HKNT 1 rooms for housekec ping , con- JL ? talnlUR all modern conveniences , on ll'th and Howard , bt. ; apply to M. 1' . Martin , 1110 S. IMh bt. 6JJ _ _ "IJIOH HKNT 3 nice unfurnished rooms suit- JJ nbln for houseki viilnu , situated on 21st and Nlcholag fct. Apply Sins 15th bt. LSfJ OK HHNT-T\o fuinishcd rooms with ( ir without bouid bultublo for a party of KCII- tlf men. Vm Casg. frj iil _ lI OK HKNT Oroiuid HoorolKce rooni , cen- JL ? trally located , heutcd and liflitcil. C. F. 1 1 arrlwn. 418 8. itthsu _ 711) UNK nicely furnished room for rent : to pen- tlrtueuonly. Day board if desired. K/4N. gothbt. . . _ ? U * _ FOK Hli.NT On'he.cond Door , uncli-Rant light- ed room , 40 by.01 for'dreia nudclculc maim- facturlrtB. or any other light merchandise busl- ness , lucjulre ot .i'ruuk J. liuuge , HUOTRO'S lilock. ' &a FOll HUNT Tjirgo furnished or unfiirnlshoil parlor. B > K. cxir. auth nnd Chicago eta KW T7IOK UKNT 1 unfurnished rooms suitable for JJ housekrf ping. 1104 S. 7Ui St. 848 OH HKNT-Hoom-A'ery rtestrabln fnrnlsiied room for 2 cenlleincn , all couvenlences on nitme floor. Apply at 1712 Capital ave OK HENT-a nicely furnished rooms. 3W1 St. Mary's a\e. PS ) OK HINT : Nicely furnished room suitable ) for S gentlemen , inquire' 2611 St , Mary's ave , FOH HKNT Pleasant rooms , furutshod , southv * est corner 2Uth nnd AVebster. i l TjAOH linNT-Kurnlshed rooms in all parts of JD the city , by the clay , vcek or month. City IntelllgBUCQ olllco , Crelghton block. 165 W ANTED to rent , .1 or 4 unftiinlMi\M rooms for housekeeping , \\lthln 10 blks of P.O. City Intelllgenco olllce , CYelghton block , l&'i OK HENT-nirnlshed rooms in Oreuntg blk. cor. 1.1th and Dodge sts. Inqulro of tlco. H. Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard room. ffJ3 T710H HKNT-Nlcoly furnished rooms , iota JL ; Dodgo. 150 7 * HKNT-Dcslrable room , 1M3 Dodgo.o J o < OH HKNT-Onico room , flrst floor , at 310 S , ir > th st. 44-i SITUATIONS WANTED. T\7"ANTKI ) Situation for a nice , neat woman T > to do light housework or care for child ren. Canadian Employment offlce , Jlrs. Hiega & Son , 310 S. liith. Tel. 854. 103-1J irANTKO Position as bartender or other work. Inquire cor. 12th and DoirasKts. 101 3 WANTED Situation as cook In private fam ily ; apply 1 * N. With st. 135-3 * WANTED Situations fern number of girls , Hermans , Danes and Swedes who can't ; peak English , but tmilerstund housewotk and 111 work for small wages. Canadian Employ- icnt Ollke. Mrs. Hrega & Son , 310 S. IMh. Telo- houot < 84. 1101 * WANTED Situation by young Irishman lu private family as coachman , groom , etc. ; lest of city references ; no olllce fee. Canadian ihnploymeiit olhce , 31G a. ICth. Telephone hSI. 1101 * WANTED Position w 1th wholesale house or retail grocery store , live years experience , > est of leferencus. Address K 07. lice olllce. tV 5 * \\7ANTED Situations. If you want a coachman - man , stable boy or porter , we have them by the dozen w Ith Rood references. No olllco feo. Canadian Kmplojment otllce , Mrs. Urega & Son , 310 S. 15th stieet. Telephone K > 1. 694 1 * WANTED Situations for housekeepers , sow- ing girls , salesladies , dressmakers , mil- Iners , bookkeepers , clerks , etc. AVe fill your or- lej-s freo. Jl rs. Hrega V Son , Canadian Employ- uont ollicc , 31(1 ( So. IMh. Tel. W4. bJJ 1JJ rpAILOHESS wishes situation as vest orpant JL maker. Adilresn K M llee. H.K ) 2 * STORAGE. N EAV YOHK Storage Co. have most extensive facilities for storage of furniture , pianos , .niggles , general merchandise , west of Now York. Cash advances to any amount ; ware house receipts given ; goods Insured ; brick building lire-proof ; special auungemonts for commission merchants. Call New York Storage Co. , Capitol ave and N. 15th St. , Hennett's block. 75U storage at 110 N. 13th st. STOHAGE Merchandise or furniture. Little A , Williams , 1407 Douglas st. Wi9 n20 STOHAGE for carriage atOmaha fair grounds and horses wlnteied by A. Thomson. 173-N 20 * STOHAGE Geo. Schwart ? . Omaha Storage Wai chouse , 10)1,1011 ) Noitlillth ht , fuinlt- ure.bugnles and merchandise. Olllco 1315 Dodge. 4J7nl * E-Furniture , boxed goods , etc.tei ms ritthonable. 711 Pniille. W4 FOR SALE HOUSES LOTS. POH P.XCIIANGE-Ileautiful new 10 loom house and two lots in DCS Molnes , la , to exchange for \aiant lots. Don't miss this. It's a bonan/a. II. U. Cole , 310 S. ] 5th ht. liJl 1 rnwo LOTS in svndlcate South Omaha and JL foul lots In lliown Purl : at less than cost for ono wec-k ; also , good and buggy at a 'laiguln. If you want a Miup anil know a good HM'fetmenthen it Is oil el oil , investigate this. Address A 4 , Hee olllce. 048 1 FOH THADE-Equity in lots 1 and 2. Union Miuaie. next block to Muitln , Easson Ac Hrod > ; f 1,000 for house and lot , or vacant Inside lot. AddiessKCU Hee , 7C7 FOH SALE Good house on Sew ard street near With ht. . south front , JJ.OOO , $700 cash. Gra ham. Crelghton lllk. 71U1 SOUTH OMAHA-I have six residence lot near depot and packing liouse.s which I will sell ut Mich pi Ices as will tempt you if you are looking for desirable lots at llguies forty per cent under the market. I Intend locating else- whoie and want to close out my inteiests hem. Address A 2 , Hee ollice , 045-1 T'OK ' SALE Cheap and on easy terms , if sold L ? at once ; good lot in Omuna A'iew exten sion. Addiess K 02 , lleo olllce. 875 2j TJ OIISALE Or exchange for real estate.fraim JJ building50x40 , lncludlng30H. P. boiler and 25 H. P , engine , wood working machinery , etc Lease of lot good for over four yeuis at nominal rental. Location In .southern part of the city , Address K 03 , Uee olllce , b 6 4 * FOH SA LE Or ti ado , at a bargain , good.large new houbo , coiner lot. Uialmiu , Crelghton Hlk. 7031 T710H SALE-AtJSOO , house and lot , rented at JL1 $11 per mouth , on small cush payments , bal ance monthly or quarterly , or all cash at abet tor price ami wairauted deed. D. D.bmeutou.lttXI Dodge st. 112 FOH SALE-Lot45 , Burr Oak , H.100 , $500 cash bal. 2 years. Lot 4 , Huir Oak , Jl.OOO , $350 cash , bal easy. Lot 47 , Hill r Oak , JI.OM , $400 cash , bal easy. Lot 10 blk 8 , Hillside No 1 , t2SOO , $1,100 cash bal ,1 yeui s. Lot 0 blk 7. Hillside No I , $2,500 , $1,000 cash bal 3 years. Iot 7 blk 10. Heed's 1st add. $3,0110. Lot .12. Sunns side , $2,401) ) , * soO cash , bal easy. Two new 7 room houses with modern convex leuces two blocks west Hunscom paik , fJ,4X ( each teiins easy. Lot ! )5 ) , Fairmont place w 1th ilvo room cottage , $ , ' . (100. ( Two Rood lots with live room cottage on each , in blk in , Patrick's add , only $ . . ' ,000 each , term : Husineh's lots In South Omaha on N , Q , 24th 25th and Stlth streets for sale cheap. Acre pioperty near South Omaha for sale OL for tracln for Insldo Omaha and South Oniuli , lots 1'otter A : Cobb , 1M)1 ) Farnum ht. , Hoan Tnuio building. b"7 21 " 171011 SALE-74xlK corner on Nicholas , Hack JL ? ago In alley , two cottages , n splendid property. Make a fair oiler and jou can have it. Evans \rlllackbuni , 1510 Hodge. 170 4.U FOH SALE The best lotsinMa > n lace ut spring prices and on easy terms. iaus : & Ulaekburn , 1110 Dodgo. ; 170 4. "I71OH SALE A beautiful new n-room house lu JL : block "A , " Hedford Placu , binall nish imy- tnentllalanco monthly or to suit. CharksC. FOH SALE or trade Two hundred and eighty acres of beautiful Iowa land , unlncum- bered. Will hell low or tiado for Inside Omaha real estate. Address J. 11. l.amar , caie ( Join hotel , city , IKJ07 * "VTEW Pour loom cottage , with pantry , closets J-i and cellar. Near cur line , schools and in an excellent nelKhbol hood , being lot 10 , llurclettn court , price ll.fiiN ) , small c.ish payment and $15 per month. AVallaco , Crolghton block. 4I& rpllOMPSON , 314 8.15th tt , buys and hells real JL estate , loans money , purclmhej securities ; has a good list of propel ty for sale nnd wants more. Notary puullo. 854 T710H SALK-Tho north'/ , lot 2 , block 8 , S E. JL1 Hogers addition with neat cottage , east front on Fifteenth street , $3.500 or cottage and full ( a foot lot. $5ouo. Evuns & Hlnckburn bolu agents , 1510 Dodfn. 170 4. T710K SALE Or exchange , farms in Iowa , JL1 Kansas and Nebraska for Omaha houses and lots ; will assume mortgages on houses and give clear deeds to fuiini ; will also exchange city lota for good fauns , well located and as sume small mortgages on farms and give clear deed to city lots. Farms w antfd In Central No- biaska. A. P. Tukey. 1,124 Furnam st. 140 "lOOlt l.EABKorfcalo Laud and iota suitable JL' for munufuctme , wura houses , packing houses , mills. canning fac tories , ice bouses , ttabln for wintering horses , reading yards , poultry raising , milk durlcs , etc. Also suitable for cottages ana cheap homes. Hlg inducements to those who want fcuch ground and mean business. Doug * & 11111 , real estate. 14QM Farnam. . ntrcet. C20N3 LISP houifs , furnished anil unfurnished rooms withua. Wo will rent them. Olllco open evenings. . . H.R. _ Cole. 31GH. 15th bt. J5 11OH SALK Finest location for a home in JL1 West Omaha , adjoining the mansion homes of KlrkoniUll , One , Urady , Ku son and others. Nothing liner in tha city. Can be MllVixliJT or loss ; for prices uiid terms see S. A. Slotuan. 1301 1'arnam st. . 738 K BALE Several , , houses nml. lots on ( mail paymeutu , i\Ud some honees ami lots to trade ; several fanuti fur sul or trade for Omaha property or for stock. A. F , Mijne , N. W. cor Wth and Furnam , , . ' , > ' , VJl'- , TFyou have any tiling to neil or eTchanjre list JLlt with U. U. Bpotawood. ilifeH H l th. f4 property for sale with Charles C. il. .TQ5H S Utli ft. 043 T71OH 8AI.K OH THADK-Equlty in a lot in JL1 block i1 ! 1 1 unworn place ns part pax mont on house and lot. Euns & Hlackburu , 1510 Doilge. 170 4. S PF.CIAL I1AHGA1NP of Crum A Hlahop-fr loom hou e , good barn , well , cistern , etc. , ' } block from street car , $ .l.00i > , 14 cjish , very cheap. 5-room house , 1 block from Z car lines , $2,1UO , $ OUO cash , a bargain. Now 4-rooni house and full lot , t \ \ t.V.0 . cash , nsiiup. Call on Crum tc lllshop , ; ilrt S , IMh Rt , 23i "ITCH SALE A handsome cast front 8-room JL,1 house on Cathcrlno street , Hauscom place , $0,250. | K04. _ _ r10 exchange Some money and choice land JL for flrst class Improved Inside property. H. B. cole , aiaaiMh. 411 _ TJTO K SALE 124x100 ft cor. Howard ana3-th JL1 sts. , next block to Easson , Hrady fc Martins - tins houses. $7,5(0. ( Address K. 03 lleo office. Wi FOHSALK-Bmall house , two lots , AValnnt Hill. $ J,000. Oraham. Crelghlon Hlk. 7W31 "lAONT Say , young man , young woman , men JLwlioso linlrs are turning gray , women whoso iH-auty may be fading , but whoso good sense and sounii Judgment will ever remain. Never penult thecloudsof oilversltv to cast their shadow supon j our rented cottage cloor. Don't allow old ago to creep over you a homeless wanderer , lluy a lot w hen you can. Now is the time to cecurn n lot for a home. Don't delay or you will surely lose the chance of n lifetime. AVe w 111 sell you a beautiful lot. 50x110 feet , for $100 , payable 1. 2 and 3 ) ears without Interest , piovlded you build a cottage on tno property worth $ UU. Only ono lot sold to each purchaser. Call and see plats. Olllce open ovoulugs till p. ni. 11. K. Col" , B16 S. 15th st. rpo KXCIIANGR-Strlctly improved insMn JL property for cholco land , lease of school lauds , party to nsiiuiiio mortgugo. Address Ed- wanUJ llberclt y. 1VT-2J JjilOH nxCHANOK-Cltr property for low a or Jj Nebraska lands. L. H. Watts , N. E. Cor. ll'th ' and St. Mary's avo. 2:11 : Mil 8ALK Lot 1. block 1 , Newport acre nlyKiOO. Take this onlck. Hood ono week. Evans Jfc lllackbiirn. IfilODodge. II'L'L. ' BAHOA1NS AVe hnvo a fowcholco bargains in Oi chin il Hill , rairmimut Place , Hodfoul Place , Meyers , Hlclmrd & Tlldou's adilltloiis and O'Nlel's subdivision. Call aud see Hall Si Spencer. IU N. Ifith. H23 * rnOH SALK-A good lot (11 ( feet ) on Park iiv JL ; cnue. low price if sold soon. McCulloch x Co. , cor Ifith and Farnam. ! tll rpOTHADK Insldo property for g < x > d house , JL eight or ntno rooms , and full lot. McCul loch .v Co. , cor IMh and rarnalu. : cni rp\VO houses in Jianscom place renting for JL $70 per mouth to exchange for good luslilo vacuntpioporty. S. S. Campbell ana O.AV. Her- vey,3IOS. liith st. . Chamber of Commerce. 1KJ OMAHA. OUMMY TKAINS. Hunulng Iletween Council lllufls andAlblrRht. In addition to the stations mentioned , trains stop nt Twentieth and Twenty-fourth stiocts , anil at the Summit in Omnha. " \Vchtward. Hroad- Ti ans , Omaha Slice- Mock Al- way. for. Depot. ley. Yards , blight. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M.GOTi 6:45 : 5:51 : 0.00 GOTi : 0:10 : 0:17 : f'M : 0.37 6:50 : 0iV. : 0:55 : 7:02 : 7:15 : 722 7:35 : 7:40 : 7:15 : 7:52 : 8:05 : 8:12 : 8:2.1 : 8:30 : 8:41 : 8:52 : 0:05 : 0:12 : 0.2.1 : : 11:41 : 0:52 : 10:05 : 10:12 : 10:25 : ioxi : : K:41 ) : 10:52 : 11.05 11:12 : 11:25 : 11:30 : 11:45 : 11:52 : P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. 12:05 : 12:12 : 12.25 12:30 : 12:41 : 12:12 : 1:06 : 1:12 : 1:2,1 : l : : 1:45 : 1:52 : 2.05 2:12 : 2I : 2:41 : 2:52 : a .os 3:12 : 3.2 3n : : 3:45 : 4:0.1 : 4:12 : 4:2.1 : 4w : : 4:45 : r > . (15 ( 5:12 : 5:21 : r-if ; 5:41 : 5KJ : ni)5 ) 0:12 : 0:21 : ' 0:45 : Hri2 : 7:05 : 7:12 : 7:25 : 7'n ! : : 7:41 : 7:52 8:12 : H.2.1 : : 8:11 : 8:52 : ( I .U1 fl.12 I ) .25 ' ' 0:11 : 0:12 : 10:0.1 : 10U : 10.25 w''x. ifll45 11:30 : 11:45 : 11:50 : Al Stock blieo- Oimiha TransHroail bright. Yards. lj'8. deput. f cr. w uy A , M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A.M. fi:41 : 5f.S : 0OJ : 6:10 : 6:15 0:2.1 : 6:4.1 : 7:00 : 7:05 : 7:15 : 7:20 : : 7:41 : 7:50 : 7:55 : 8:07 : filr : 8:28 : Bi1 : : 8:50 : 8:55 : 0:07 : 0:11 : 0-.2S .1.31 :50 : 0:55 : 10.07 10:15 : 10.28 10:3.1 : 10:50 : 10:55 : 11:07 : 11:15 : 11:3 : * 11J5 : 11:50 : 11:55 P.M. P.M. p. M. P. M , p. M. P.M. 12.07 12:11 : 12:2 : J2:3i : 1.1:50 : 12:55 : 1:07 : 1:15 : 1:28 : 1W : 1:55 : 2:07 : 2:11 : 2:2 : 2:50 : 2-55 11:07 : 3:1.1 : ! t:28 : 3:50 : 3M : 4:07 : 4:15 : 4:28 : 4ai : 4:50 : 4:55 : li:07 : fil-i : 5:28 : r > : ; ( . ; 5:50 : 5:55 : 6:07 : 0:11 : 6:28 : 6:50 : 65T ; 7:07 : 7:15 : 7:28 : 7ill : 7:50 : 7:5.1 : 8:07 : 8:1 : } 8:28 : 8:50 : 8:5.1 : 0.07 9 : 3 p- : ! ; 0:50 : I ) : M 10:07 : 1(1:1.1 ( : 10:28 : ' 10:50 : 10:5.1 : 11:07 : arll:15 : 11:43 : JI-'H 11:55 : 11:50 : 12.0'J.un Iv11:30 : 12lr : > am COUNCILi rtuilvvnys In China. Judging from what has ulrcfuly been done in the rauttoi' of railway construc tion in China , the British consul at Ticn-t&in , Mr. B. Bronan , in not in clined to take n very hopeful view of the prospects for railway cntorprifao there. .It is intended , ho says , to ex tend to Ticn-tsin , by Avay of the newly coiihtructcd Tultu , the line connecting the K'nl ping coal mines with the town of Lu-fal , on tlie river Poh-fang , tlio Chinebu govornmcnt having1 given its coiiriont to the extension of the military utility of the new lino. The requisite capital , it appears , has boon provided by half a do/on local ollicials' , and. adds Mr. Brenimn : "It is already evident that the control of the railway will bo in official hands , and the public. Avho may bo invited to subscribe , will have no voice in the direction of affairs. What the result will bo can only too purely bo forecast from the fate of the China Merchants' Steam Navigation company , which Btartcd with every advantage , nnd which in a few yeard became hopelessly involved through the incompotoncy nnd A'onalltv of the ollicially appointed dircctora. " After diphtheria , scarlet fever , or pneumonia , Hood's Sarsaparillu will give strength to the system , and oxpwl all poison from the blood. i Poaljo llicksof , I'otoruburg , Va. , has married a widowqr with thirty-one chil dren. She is his eighth Avifo. Itcnl JKstnto Piled Nbvombbr 1 , 1887 , ftirntfdio'd by th O. K. Mnyno Hcnl Kstnto A Trust Co. Herman Kountzu nml wlfo to H W Gibson , lot T blk S Kounlzo 1'lucc , Avd . rJ.800 JowpH Uinclilcr ( single ) to Joseph Kruuss , sKoftno e } { of lot iW , Kounto 2J iiild , wet. , . TUO IMwln A Loftvonworth niul Avlfo to Dimllo Cotilmui , o } < ot lot 4 blk 15 , Klilnn's ndil to Omuna. AV d . 4,500 , Kd ward Snvnpo niul Avlfo to Mntthlas Fnihni , loto 7 ami 8 blk 3 , Snumlorn & Hlmcbiuigh Mt. Pleasant , niul lots blk 8 Urammcrcy 1'ark ndd , Avd . t . 2,490 , Carleton D Hiitchlnson ot nl to Jiuiies CiMcUuckin. lot 10 blk 4 , Hush It. ' Solby's niUl to Omnhn , W d . 000 Aug Kouutzo anil wifu ( o Josliih Kent , lot 0 blk U , KountzoIth mill , wd. . . . & 0.93 Samuel D. Mercer nnd wlfo to John Field , lots 1 , 3 , nnd 4 , blk. 27 , Wal nut Hill , w. d . . . . . . . . 7,000 li. W. Gibson nnd Avlfo to Martin Tibke , lot 7 , blk. 8 , KounUo 1'lnco , w. d . 10,000 William Lniey et nl. to Mrs. Georgln Annlo Poppendlck , | ) nrt of tax lot 83 , city of Omuluv. w. d . 8,000 Low W. Hill ( siiiKlo ) to Jesslo F. 1 - bell , lot 7 , blk. 14 , Omivhn View , w. d. 1,000 Lnrinon P. Pruyn ct nl. to Chna. W. Hnrtmnn , n. ! tu uf tha H. 80 of lots 7 nnd 8 , blk. 7 , Patrick's 2d ndd , to Omnhn , w. d . 3,300 D. C. Piitterson nml wife to John W. McCarcloll , lot 10 , blk. 0 , Puttorsoa Park add. , w. d . 750 Frederick II. lnvls nnd wife to Alonzo 11. Trury , lot 03 , Full-mount Pltico , AV. d . . 1,000 Mnrtin Sorensoii ( widower ) to Sam uel Moitunson nnd Nils J. Christen- BOH , lot 8 mid the w. 20 feet of lot 2 , blk. O , Lowe's ndd. to Omnhn , w. d. 1,200 Sarnh O. Patrick to Frederick A. Cole , lot 8 , Patrick's Saiatoga add. to Onmhn. w. d . . . 800 Henry w. Yntes niul wife to Washing ton Hyilo. lot lS.lilk.2 , Hillside mid. No. 2 to city of Omnhn. w. d . 1,500 , F. Kuijciie Seuver ct nl. to Lincoln V. Sikcs , lot 0. Utk'u Plac-o add. w. di . . 1,100 Harriet Mnrtin husbnml to Helen K Uiurk , commeiic'liiK 20 feet south of thu south line of Uuvcui > ort struct In SUnvurt Place , thence east 14876-100 feet , tlicnco south nloiiK the cast line of urovo street 2.15 feet , thence cast its feet thence north 285 feet on par allel line with Grove street , thence Avest 93 feet to present cast line of Grove street , w d . 3,800 Charles A T Hiepcn and wlfo to Wal ter Kalelfjh VaiiKltan , lot 1 , blk 5 , Ambler I'lac-i' , w d . 1,500 , Wllll.un H Motter nnd wife to Harry H Miller , lots 1 , 8 , 5 , 7 , 9 , 11 , 12 , 1 . It ) and 18 , blk 1 , and lots 5 , 0 , 7 , 8 , 0 nud 10 , blk ! i , Tipton Place ndd , < i o. 1 Charles Corbctt and wife to Harry H Miller , lot 10 , blk 1 , Tipton Place add , q n . 1 Charles H , King and wlfo to Harry II Miller , lots 5 , ti and 10 , InoKing.s add to Omnhn , w d . 1,000 Hlchnrd U. Pnttnraon aud wlfo to James A Hucknor , beginning at n point 115 feet west of the nw corner of Highland Elm sticcts , thence noith bilj > g feet , tlienci ) west 55 feet. thence south 8ti feet , theuco east 55 feet ulong the nuilh side of Kim Htieet to point of beginning , w d. . . . 2,000 Gussln J. Whltehotise and husband to Larnion 1' Pruyn , lot 1 , Piuyn's sub- dlv of the south y of lot 3.1 , MiUnid & Caldwell's ndd , w il . -1,000 Josluh Millignn nnd wife to John T Kyle , lot : t4 Clark's add to Oiuulu ' ' ' ' ' ' ' wllUam'w'kylo to' JoVlalV 'Mi'lifjiaiV , lot IU Clink's ml to Omuhu ( ] i- . 1 Jo c-ph O Humko nml wlfo to Melissa ClilTe , 1101 th ' < T of lot 27 block 2 Arm- stiong's 1st ml to Omiilin w d . 2,200 Augifst Ivount/e and wifu to George AV Hams , lot 10 block 8 ICount/u's 4th ad wd . S59 D.ivnl II Hownian nud wife to Chrlsti- anii L Homini'dieu , west JJ of lot 7 block 4 Sh Inn's ad w d . 5,000 Do Fen est W K.iso et ul to Oscar II Puiidt , lot 1 block 2 Oxfoul place ad w n . 300 Total sales rtiillcllng rcrmllH. The following building permits were Issued yesterday by Supurintt'iident Wliltloek : Joseph Kouth , cottage , South , between Twentieth and Twenty-ill si . $ 400 J. M. Cornish , ono and one-half story brick residence , Tenth nnd Williams 1,800 Rosa Newman , two story double frame dwelling , Twcnty-nfth. avenue , near St. Mary's avenue . ' . . 2,000 A. J. and H. Eaton , double two story frame residcm e and bam , Emmet , ncnr Twentieth . 4,500 Carl Anderson , two story frame addi tion to dwellingLupoiit and Twenty- ninth . - . 500 Eugaborg Jaiscn , cottage , Hai risen and Milton . 300 James Hrolle , brick basement to dwell ing , Howard and Thiily-fourth . 129 S. Joigunsen , addition to dwelling , Twelfth , between Pierce and Wil. Hams . 300 Hasmusscn Olson , cottage , Dupont , near Twenty-ninth . 500 Ci 1st Kochor , two Htory frame dwell ing , Pinker , nc.irTentyelglith. . . . . 1,400 W. Dutchcr , ono and one half btory frame bam , Twenty-eighth and Pincknoy . 150 II. Jullson , cottage , Cass and Thirty- fifth avenue . 500 George W. Hopper , one and one-half story frame cottage , Camdcu , uour Brown . 650 Thirteen permits , aggregating..113,325 m Life seems hardly worth the living to-day to many a tired , unhappy dis couraged woman who is suffering from chronic female weakness for which she has been able to find no relief. But there is a certain euro for all the pain ful complaints to which the weaker sex in liable. Wo refer to Lr. ) Pierco'a "Favorite Proscription" to the virtues of which thousands of women can tes tify. As a tonic and nervine it is un surpassed. All druggists. WHO IS TTYACqUAIXTtD WITII Till OrOOKlriir O TOU COCNTUT MILL HE DT EXJLVIXIHO TlUi HAT TIUT Till CHICAGO.ROCKISLAND&PACIFICRAILWAY . Iljr reaaon ot IU central position , cloi * relation to linn Zut of Chfcak'o , nnil contln4 > ua Iinei at torrnlnal point * Wet , North. it mid Uaathweit , If th * true mlillie 11 ulc la that traniconllnentai nystera irlilcu Invlto * mid facilitate * trarol aud trafila bttwoeu tk The Rock Iiland main Una ami branchei Include Chicago cage , Jollet. Ottawa , LaBallo , i'eorla , Ounuieo , llollna and Hock IMand. In IIIluoUi Duvenport , Mucallne. Waihlnirton , Falrflald , Ottumvra , Oikalooia , WeitUb- ert/ , low a Cltylri Volim. lndlanolaWlutcn t , Atlan tic , Knozrllle , Audubon , Ilarlin , Outlirlo Centre and Council Dluffv , Inlonai Gallatln , Trenton , 6t. MOiapli , Cameron and Kansas CHIn WlJiourll Ieaiiwortli and AtcMion , InKanian Albert L aMlnneapolli and Bt.Paul.InMlnneiotai WaUrtoon and Bloui TaUil > Dakota , and hundred * of Intennvdlato oltlf I and towna. -VTho Croat Rock Island Route" ' ; tluaranteci ip < xl , comfort , cortatntf and tnte\f. It * trm n nt war li dlitlnguUheJforltl ictllenco. IU Irllifci nre of ( tons and Irun. ] t > track | j of olu I toel.lti rolll/iffitockp rfect. ltipaaienKnrf > qiipinflrift ] ha all the aafet japplmncti that eiporltnco hai pr ro t nirful , and fur luiurluui accommodation li u.uj- . pasteit. Iti Hiprusi Tialn coiulit of inptrlor I'ajr Coachci. leffant 1'ullman 1'alaco I'atlorand SlcopUj Cara , tuperb Pining Carl , prorldlnif diHcloua meali , nml ( tiotwrtn CMcngo nnd St. Jottph , Atchtion and Knniai C'ltj ) reitful Itccllnlnif Clmlr Can. Ita man , niremcnt U coiuirtatlre , Iti dUcl lln * eiactlni ; "Tho Famous Albert Lea Rome" Hetw n Ctkoro anil MlnncarolU and Bt , Ti. ' U tin favorite , Oiurthlilla < Polld V'a t tipren Tralni run d.\llj to attractlr * retort * for tourl > t In lova and Ulnnnota , and , via Watertown and Sioux Kalli , to th rich wl.rat and irailnj land * of InUrlor Dakotiv Via Bencca and Kankakca , tUoKocklclandofltniupcrlor Indaccrncnti to trareler * l > etwefn Cincinnati , Indian- apolli. l.afiji'tto and Council lilulfi. EL Joitph , Atchl- ton , LtaTtnworlb , Kaniaa Cltr , St. i'aul.aniilntcrrno. dlato roluti. All patron * ( rip UaJIUdlcx and chil dren ) i ICCT protection , eourteif and llndlj attention. Kor ticket ! , inapi , foldtri , roplei oC Wt Um Trail , or anr df lrM Information , appljr to principal olHeei l the Unltfd elate * uul Canada , or&ddrtu , at " . R. CABU , < ' ( . IT. JOHI , . t. A. UOIIIOOI.