Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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Ibtlirtrtd by rirrln In any part of the rlty t
twenty cents per week.
„ U. W Tit/rov , . . .
Itoiram Orrici , No. 43.
ft. V. Plumbing Co.
Itcincmbor : No register , no vote.
lieltcr , tailor , Kail goods rlienp.
The "Mlctmrl Strojjofl" ' comimny will
be hero November 7.
"Little BOSH ! " The best fie cigar in
tbo city. Troxell liruu. , ngontM.
The funeral of Gideon Miller , who
died on Sunday last , of iwrnljnis , oc
curred yesterday ,
The Bankrupt shoo -torc on Main
street ia having a now glass front put in
to improve the light.
An Omaha firm will MHIII occupy the
etoro jit 680 Broadway as a laundry.
Their loabo runn for three years.
The Crystal Mills company ban broken
ground for the foundation of the new
warehouse on South Main street.
The latest bet ported at the Manhattan
offers $ IM ) to * 1M ( ) that tlie whole repub
lican state ticket will be elected.
The old United Brethren church is
being moved to the western part of tbo
city for the UMJ of the Overtoil mis-mm.
Gideon Miller , who died of paralysis
Monday , was buried yc&tvrday afternoon
from his late residence on South Kighth
The Harmony Mission s-ocial will be
entertained ln'-inorrow evening at tie )
residence of Mrs. , T. M. I'almer , on Har
mony street.
Ed Kelsey has disposed of Iho op
era house barber shop to John O'fJeilly ,
and will conduct the toiiMiriul depart
ment at the transfer.
The district conference of the M. K.
church is in SC-MOII ! at Slienandoah this
week. It began iti labors on yesterday.
Rev. Dr. Rees is in attendance.
Jack Hamilton , from Avoca , who is
held to await the action of the grand
jury , was brought to this city ycrtesday
by Deputy Slierill Mcfandless , of that
The city council meets again Friday
evening , and all parties holding bills
against the city are requested to hand
them in immediately , that they may bo
passed upon at that time.
There was a good-si/.ed audience at
the opera house last evening to see
"Natural Gas. " The specialties were
first-class , and , should this company
como hero again , standing room will bo
ftt a premium.
Permit to wed was yesterday granted
to I'M ward Myor and 'Mary E. O'llcarn ,
both of this city ; John Allen and
Carrie L. Mardis. both of this city ; G.
A. Neubauer and Elizabeth Woodard ,
both of tliis county.
From 0 o'clock this morning until 8
o'clock this evening is the last chance
for registration of voters. Tnose who
fail to take advantage of it will liud
the atmosphere decidedly chilly when
they go to the polls next Tuesday.
The approach grading at the Union
Pacific bridge K about completed , and
* the bridge will be in readiness for
travel on the 7th. The huge bronze
buffalo's head is being placed in posi
tion and will be . lininbcd bometimo
It is reported that within a few
months at least two ilo/.un cottages for
leasing will bo erected between Broad
way and the transfer. As a result ol
the increasing demand for desirable
locations , property values thereabouts-
are advancing.
Troxell BrW. store came near being
the scone of a con Hag ration Monday
evening. Their store was suddenly
stricken with paralysis and collapsed
forthwith. Active work on the part ol
the clerks prevented a bla/o , although
, -v-J1 little damage was done.
. * / rpiol.0 WU8 a grout rush for naturaliza
tion papers at the citv clerk's olllco ,
yesterday morning. Twenty-five foreigners -
oigners renounced allegiance to poten
tates of the old world and became Amer
ican citizens. Appearances indicated
that they would vote the democratic
The electric light linemen are put
ting up the wire for the new masts.
The mast lights will bo twenty-eight in
number and will all bo on a single cir
cuit wire. The lights will be double ,
having two sots of carbons. One will
burn until midnight , and the other froir
then until morning.
One of the city's fire engines was sen' '
out to the deaf and dumb institute yes
tcrdivy to pump out the reservoir con
nected with the artesian well , so tha
it can bo cleaned out and a supply o
pure ice bo obtained this winter. Enougl
ice is taken from this reservoir to sup
ply the institution during the year.
Philip E. Burton died at St. Bernard'
hospital Monday afternoon of typhoii
malaria. Ho was a native of Pennsyl
viiuiiv and was twenty-four years of ago
The funeral took place yesterday after
noon at 1 o'clock. His father and i
brother wore present. They both an
members of the Odd Follows , and 01
that account pall-bearers were furnishei
by that order.
The Union Pacific land ofllce's displa ;
. of vegetables and cereals at the transfe
is very beautiful , and excites unboundci
admiration from numberless visitors
This grain is all of this year's growth
and isthe product of Kansas and Nebraska
ka soil. Much taste was shown in tli
arrangement , and the designs are man ;
anil various.
Mr. Wells has the contract for transferring
forring freight at the transfer , and th
old way of transferring freight will b
reviven. This necessitates the increas
of the force , and men were being gatl :
ered up yesterday to form anotho
night gang. The change by which al
freight is now to bo transferred her
will cause a largo number of men to b
steadily employed at the transfci
This , with the other changes bcin
made , will make a regular little city i
that vicinity.
Self rising buckwheat , fourteen cenl
a pnckago , two for twenty-live cent :
Troxell Bros.
Money to loan. Cooper & Judsou.
Greatly reduced in price hoyou can sav
110.00 to $15.00 on u coat , far bolter an
cheaper than you can buy ready mad <
Koitor , the Tailor ,
No. 810 Broadway.
Mrs. II. Leo , 123 Upper Broad\nr
Dressmaking and sowing in priva )
Best mince meat , thrco pounds I (
twenty-live cents. Troxell Bros.
Every ono nufliinpr a cash purchase i
25 cents at T. D , King & Co's. clgi
etoro gets a ehanco in the annual pri ;
drawing. Twenty elegant pri/os.
Llbt your properly witli Cooper
JUdbon , No. 120 Main st. .
. < "
Starch , povoa cents per pound , thr
ixmnda for ' twonty'vcentB , nt Troxt
Iko * .
Hnllowo'on Jokers Have Tholr Laugh
First and Trouble Later.
Ho J'YolH Worftc Alioirt Ills Nninc Thnii
111 * I'llfcrlug-Thc District
Court HCOITH Hut 1'nlla
to Htnrt.
Tlntl Their I.niiKli I'irst.
Three ipruco joung men , not boys ,
were having a merrier time Hal-
low'en night than such a trio
generally lias. They were not con
tent with the 01 dinary gates , but con
cluded it would be much funnier to take
a buggy which was in a yard .in the
Fourth ward. There was a five-board
fence in the way , but this was nothing ,
and they actually lifted the buggy over
the fence , and away they went down Iho
street at a run , drawing the buggy as
lightly as if it were a featherweight.
They were suddenly accosted by two of
ficers , Anderson , of the merchants' po
lice , and Stevens , of the regular force.
The olllcers insisted on taking the three
young men to jail , despite their plead
ings , their begging for the sake of their
family name , their positions in society ,
and all that. The ofliccrs sternly in
sisted that they should take the buggy
back to tbo place where they got it and
then go with them to jail. There
seemed no other way , and the trio
began hauling the buggy back several
blocks. The oflicers rode , and the load
seemed heavy , When the fence was
reached it seemed to have grown sev
eral feet during their ab-eiicc. They
were heavy hearted and the buggy still
heavier. Their strength was shaky ,
and it was only by the assistance of the
ollicors that they were able to get the
buggy over the fence again. Then they
were told that if they would go right
homo they could escape the noisome
dungeon. This announcement called
forth the first smile that had been per
ceptible since the gay trio were sur
prised by the oHicers.
For best quality coal and wood , call on
Gibson , 1 > G Pearl street.
This afternoon at 12 o'clock , grand
opening of the great 10.000 year clock
exhibition at 330 Broadway , near
Bechtelo'b hotel. Admisiion 10 cents.
II. Eiscman fe Co. are ofTcringbigbar
gains in dress goods this week. See
their ad. in another column.
Alter a Winter Wiirdrofor.
Kid Grant was before 'Squire Biggs
yesterday for a preliminary hearing on
Iho charge of grand larceny. Mr. Tin-
ley appeared ns prosecuting attorney ,
in the absence of Colonel Daily , while
Colonel Whittlcsey served as the attor
ney for tbo defendant. Grant had
sneaked into the Mcrgeu hoiibo , on
lower Main street , and bad visited sev
eral of the rooms , helping himself to
two overcoats and other articles. As he
was coming down the stairs he was seen
by Mr. Morgen , caught , and made to
unload. He had two hats on , one of
which belonged to Captain Hayes , one
of the boarders. Ho also had on one of
Hayes' shirts , and underclothing belong
ing to Mr. Lindboy. The overcoat
which he had on belonged to Prof.
Hewitt , another boarder , and another
overcoat , belongjng to Hayes , ho
dropped from his arm when caught.
Grunt had little to say to these
accusations , his chief indignation seem
ing to bo directed to the way the information
mation had his name , as "Kid" Grant.
Ho wanted it distinctly understood that
ho was no "kid. " His name was Chris
tiansen Grant , and ho called himself
"Kit" for short not "Kid. " Colonel
Whittlesoy tried to got a continuance ,
but his motions were overruled , and
when ho found that other objections to
proceedings were likewise of no avail ,
he declared that he would close the case
right then and there , for ho saw that
the court was bound to assume that his
client was guilty anyway. Judge Biggs
then was hot , and resented such an in
sult. The colonel declared he meant no
insult , and the case came to a finish by
the "Christian kid" being bound over to
the district court in the sum of $500. Ho
was not quite ready to furnibh this
amount of bonds , and so was taken to
the Hotel O'Neill. Grant seems to bo
a slick sneaker , but this time ho was not
quite slick enough.
Fine while clover honey , eighteen
cents per pound at Troxoll Bros.
One thousand head of one , two and _
three-year-old steers for sale. Will give
credit to reliable parties. Enquire of
A. .T. Grconanmycr , 023 Myiibter st. ,
telephone 121.
Raishib London layers , eighteen
cents per pound at Troxell Bros.
Wadsworth , Etnyro < Sc Co. , 230 Main
street , make reliable abstracts of prop
erty in Pottawattamie county.
Aylcsworth's Grist.
There were seven names on the police
docket yesterday morning two drunks
and five disturborsof the peace. Charles
Conloy was fined $7.00 for his little
spree , and John Hnyden was charged 50
cents extra for the additional luxury of
a ride in the patrol wngoii. William
Matloek , John Lewis , William Recdet
and J. Witchor had celebrated hallow
o'on in grand bhapo , and the first three
were taxed 89.CO , and the latter $10 as a
guard against excessive exuberance in
tbo future. Josie Smith had deposited
$10 fqp her appearance at 0 o'clock but
evidently concluded that she would not
got ott for much lobs , as she failed to
materialize. The parties wore all short
of money. The only ono who could pay
his line was Matloek , and ho had tc
travel in an otlicer's company quite u
while before ho could secure tno neccS'
snry amount. The other five were
tucked into ono of the cells of the citj
jail to christen the new flag flooring ,
Mrs. Paddy Smith appeared before the
judge and was given permission to gc
down and clean up Mr. Paddy's house
with strict injunctions to refrain froir
any former demonstrations of pounding
his head with the broomstick bccaubt
ho wouldn't hold the dustpan. Tin
trial of the hotel sneak thieves was so1
for Friday. Mr. Ludwig Thomas , win
was ono of the .losers , will remain ii :
the city us a witness ngainbt them.
J. W. and E. L. Squire lend money.
t"Let ) HOr Go Gallagher , " "Littli
Boss. " Best five cent cigar in the city
Troxoll Bros. , agents.
Common Council.
Last evening the common council mo
in special session. Present : Aldonnoi
Lacy , Danforth , Keller , Hammer am
Metcalt. In the abso'iico of the mayo
Mdorman Keller was elected chalrmai
pro tern' Mr.'John Lindt was heard- i :
'relation to the paving of. u certain pot
tlon of Fourth street with brick. Ho
objected to it on these grounds : The
work is to bo done as an experiment to
see whether brick paving is as.mitisfac-
tory as block ; ono side is to bo paved
with brick , the other with woou , the
wear would come upon the wood paving ,
ns the teams would choose that side in
preference to the other ; that the wear
and cost would como upon the property
owners adjacent to the wood paving.
Ho suggested that the test bo made upon
He also protested against the assess
ment for sewerage on Fourth street , as
the property owners on the west side
were paying for sewerage in .tho alloy
immediately back of them , and liad no
connection with the street sewer pipe.
Protest of Hoist fc Spetman against
assessment for sewerage. Also protest
of J. M. Phillips and several residents
on Harribon street on the same matter.
Petition of Henry Boecrnft for a re
mittance of taxes for improvements on
his homestead. Referred.
Petition of property owners on Harri
son btreet for the completion of paving
and curbing on that street this fall.
Petition : That Stuteman street be
tween Bloomer and Kneppor streets bo
put in a condition for travel. Granted ,
and workrordcred done immediately.
Petition : That driveway to boulevard
bo put up to grade within five days.
Resolution : That the Western Union
Telegraph company remove their poles
at the corner of Eighth and Broadway
to some other place. Adopted.
Resolution : That Ninth avenue to
the Union Pacific bridge bo put up to
grade and property owners remove ob
stacles. Adopted.
Resolution : That Vinostreet bo curbed
and paved and sidewalks laid , and that
property owners bo ordered to do work
abutting on their property. Adopted.
Bids for grading lower Broadway were
opened : Mr. Callahan , 33o and ( ! 5c ; H.
E. Owen , two bonds but no bid ; Leo &
Kline , from ! .3c to Two ; Wells & Rioloy ,
from IWc to 53c. All referred to com
mittee cm streets'and alloys and city
engineer , with orders to report at next
meeting. These bids cover different
portions of Broadway from Twelfth to
the river.
Adjourned to meet to-day at 2 p. m.
E. H. Sheafo loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All ousincss strictly
confidential. Ofllco , 600Broadway , cor
ner Main btreet , up stairs.
The District Court.
Judge Loofbourow was yesterday de
tained by the trial of the Bagley ease at
Glcnwood , bo that the term of court hero
was not opened as announced. Notices
were yesterday scut to the jurymen tliut
they would not need to co/mo hero until
Wednesday , November 0 , the day after
election , at which time the court will
begin business. Judge Loofbourow is
expected hero Thursday of this week , at
i meeting of the district judges to bo
lield here to arrange matters of mutual
jonyenience. Ho may take up some _
business while here , but the jury trials
ivill not be reached until after election.
Pants ! I'ants ! !
Just received , a largo now stock of
pants goods , on which special bargains
ire now offered , at present reduced
iriccs. Pants made to order can be had
is cheap as ready made.
Roller , the Tailor ,
No. 310 Broadway.
The finest line of pon-pons , banner
ods , banner ornaments , etc. , in Iho
jity at "Domestic" olllce , 103 Main
Personal Paragraphs.
Henry Amos leaves to-day for Salt
, ako City.
Otis Allis , of Mills county , was in the
city yesterday.
Oscar Ilemmick has entered the em
ploy of Troxell Bros.
L. N. Gallup , of Emerson , la. , was at
ho Pacific yesterday.
Rev. E. G. O'Groat , of Nevada , la. ;
risited the Bluffs yesterday.
General G. M. Dodge passed cast over
ho Rock Island road yesterday morn-
Mrs. T. Ilnyncs is enjoying a visit
i-om her mother , who lives at Orange
Dity.M. .
M. Marcus , a Broadway clothing mer
chant , is about to open a branch store at
Nebraska City.
Rev. G. W. Crafts and family will
move into their now homo on Sixth
btreot this week.
L. J. Childs and family leave to-day
for southern California , where they will
spend the winter.
Peter Roinheimer , of Risings , Neb. ,
was in the city yesterday disposing of
potatoes by the car load.
Mr. E. L. Tate , of Philadelphia , is
looking the city over with an object of
an ultimalo removal hero.
John Van Kirk , of Silver City , a well
known stock man , was at the Kiel house
yesterday , accompanied by his wife.
Mrs. Kirklnnd is in Milwaukee , Wis. ,
to which place she was suddenly sum
moned on Sunday last to attend the fu
neral of her brother.
Deputy Marshal Burnsof DcsMoincs ,
was in the city yesterday. Ho reports
that city ns very dull almost dead and
lays it all to prohibition.
Arthur , son of J. R. Gaines , who was
stricken with partial paralysis while at
school one day last week , has so far i-o-
covercd that ho returned lo school yes
Look out for BIG BARGAINS in Cali
fornia fruits next Saturday at Troxoll
It IK Surprising ! t
But a fact. You can get an elegant up
holstered rocker , spring scat and onus
for nothing , lOo Main St.
The original warrant on which John
Bunyan was arrested for the imprison
ment during which ho wrote the first
part of "Tho Pilgrim's Progress , " has
recently been found in England. It
fills a half a sheet of foolscap ; is dated
Marca 4 , 1074 , and in it Bunyan is de
scribed " . "
as a "Tynker.
"I sco a star , Evo's first born , in whose
Comes the damp twilight that bringeth
For aches of head , neuralgia , cut and
bruise ,
Try Salvation Oil , these will you lose.
"How can Mrs. Smith wear such n
handsome velvet coat ? " "My dear
child , don't you know her husband saves
doctors1 bills by ubing Dr. Bull's Cough
Syrup for the children. "
Aunt Katie Shelby , an aged ncgress ,
who died a few days ago In Shawnco-
town , 111. , claimed to be ono hundred
and twenty-five years 'old , and good
judges thought that she was certainly
ono hundred and fifteen. She was n
middle-aged woman when Lafayette
stopped in Shawueotown over sixty
years ngo.
IK you suspect any tendency to cofr
gobtion in .your kidneys and bladder
you can safely increase their activity bj
using that genial tonio and uijvor fall
'ing'romcdy , Dr. J. U : McLcaus ) LiVei
auu Kidney Balm. ' . / . . ' " ' , ' " ' '
Among the recent discoveries nt
Pompoli wo a wooden case containing ;
a complete sot of surgical instruments ,
many of which are similar to those used
In the present day.
It hu stood the Toit of Tttn ,
' "urlnr 11 DlMtiei of the
ELS , * . ItPntifleitho
I Blood , XnTigoratoi and
diMppoir at one * under
KIDNEYS iU oenofleitl influence.
STOMACH It li purely a Kedlelne
AND ai ite cathartic proper-
tlet forbids Iti nie as a
BOWELS. beverage. It is pleai-
ant to tno taste , and as
1SSS ? easily taken by children -
ren as adults.
I Bola ProptUtor * .
SPECIAL advertisements , such ns Lostround ,
To Ioan , 1'or Sulo. To Kent , Wants , HoanliiiK ,
utt1.lllliH Itwrti-d In this column at tlio low
rate of TRN CUNTS PKll LINE for the llrst 111-
Heitlnn nnd Vivo Cents 1'cr Llna for each mibse-
quent Insertion. Leave advertisements at our
nlllro No. K 1'cail Street , near liruudnny. Connell -
ell nililta. loua.
WANTnU A peed dlnliiKroom glilj al o a
lady cook at Homo Uestamant , 317 llioail-
Hl'NT Houses and furnished looms. J.
Foil Davidson , ( ES ! Fifth avenue.
mo KXCHANOK-Vor Council llluffs or Omaha
J- property , a retail stock of boots and shoes ,
amount , $4,0uu. Call at store. No. WW Hrondway ,
or address H. Martin , Council Hinds , Iowa.
" 171O K S A LR Second-hand Columbia blcyclo
-I ? very cheap , KMnch , at Ilee ollito.
hundred thousand dollars to loan on
ONK estate and chattels by i' . J. Day , iiU
Pearl st.
BUILDING lots and acre property for sale by
F. J. Day , 3-J Pearl ht.
SALE OH TUADE-For Council llluirs
property , 40.0UU acres of Iowa and Ne-
biaskaland. J. U. nice , 110 Mala bt. , Council
1 Hulls.
FOR KENT A iluuly furnished fiont loom ,
IU st lloor , in private residence near court
house. Water lu room , lighted and heated ,
Large closet. Hefereuces required. Addiess II.
K , Hee olllce , Council lllun.s.
Trotting - Stallions
WADE GARY , Council Bluffs ,
COOUroodway , Council muffs , Io\\a. Established
Attorneys at Law ,
Practice In the State and Federal Courts. Olllce ,
Kooius T and 8 Shugart-Deuo lllock. Council
lllulfs , Iowa.
415 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Refers to any bank or uuslnes house In the city
Collections a specialty.
Coaches and Hacks in the City ,
No. 418 nroadway-Tho Manhattan.
Telephone No.33
No. 015 Main Street , Telephone No. 0.
Pyramid of Modern Time !
4 Hundred 1
Four 100 and 1
L. L. 51 19 31
, $100xlO-$10-The Amt.
saved on every $100 by
dealing at 1O4 algebraic
equation : LetA-401 and ex
k >
q z , m e-what our competi
tors say. Result : Go to 401
for Fall Goods , Silks , Dress
Goods , Underwear , Flannels ,
Carpets , Oil Cloths , Axminster ,
Moquettes , Body Brussels , Tap
estry Brussels , Three-ply Ingrain ,
Matting , Rugs , &c. , &c. , &c. , &c. , &c.
B 3 = 3013 'vTT-
Harkness Bros.
Ogden Boiler Works
CARTER & SON , Prop's.
Mnmifncturerf o
AI M of STEAM mm
Orders by mall for repairs promptly attended
to. Satisfaction guaranteed. 10th Avenue , Ad
dress Ogdeu Iron Works , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Main Street , Council Bluffs ,
Only Hotel In the City with Flro Es
cape. Electric Call Bells.
Accommodations First Class ,
Rates Always Reasonable ,
MAX MOHN , Proprietor.
Star Stables and Mule Yards
Broadway , Council Bluffs , Opp. Dummy Depot.
Horses arid mules constantly on hand , for
sale at retail or In car load lots.
Orders promptly filled by tontract on short
Stock sold on commission.
TelcnhoiiHlll. SCHLUTEH & HOLEY.
Opposite Dummy Depot , Council HlulTs.
Attorney - at - Law.
Second Floor Ilrown Ilulldlntf ,
115 FB3A.K.IJ STK.E3E3T ,
. . . .
Justice of the Peace
Office Over American Kipress , No. 419 Ilro.-ul-
way Council niuffs , Iowa.
Latest Novelties ,
In Amber , tor-
tol'e shell , etc.
asM'll as tbo
lu hair goods.
Hair goods
Maderto order
Mrs. C. L. Gillette ,
29 Main Street , Council muffs. Out of town
work solicited , and all mail orders piomplty
attended to.
And Fine Pottery.
W , S , HOMER & CO , ,
No. 3 Main St. , Council liluffs , Iowa.
Real Estate
Vacant Lots , Lands , City Res
idences and Farms.
Acre Piopeity In westcin part of the city. All
selling cheap.
Real Estate and Insurance Agent ,
Hoom 5 , over Odlcer & I'lisey's Hank , Council
lllulfs , loua.
D. H. McDANELD & CO , ,
Hides , Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices , Prompt
KM and 823 Main Sticct.Councll Illuffs.Iowu.
Mr. D. Say , Guesscr , what do the letters C , D. C. C.
stand for ?
Mr. G. Is It anything about the new bridge ?
Mr. D , Jtrldgct JVb. Jt'saconnntlt'iiin. Guess lt >
Mr * G C. It. C. C. Canada buys crooltcd cashiers.
Mr. D. JVo. Guess again.
Mr. G. Chronic bums catch calibonse.
Mr. / > . Once more. That Isn't right.
Mr. ( ! / . Careless boys catch - 'J'lninder ! 1 can't
guess it. lUiat do they standfor , anytvay ?
Mr. D , Give it-tip's Ma ! Ual Hal Ho ! They
standfor Council 'Uluflfa Carpet Co. Hest goods for
the least money it their nwtio 403.livoadway. . .
Is Drawing Crowds
Their Elegant StocH
AN'l )
For This Week in
Alt of our $45 7 > < I'ttticrns u\ \
for $2 , > .
All of our $ MJ Dress Patterns g
for $20.
All of OH $23 Dress Patterns < j <
AllofonrfVO Dress Patterns { f
fcr $14 ,
All of our $ J8 Dress Patterns yi
for * 1X.
All of our $15 Dress Patterns
for $1O.
All of our $12 Dress Patterns
for 98. i
All of our $1O Dress Patterns f/A
for $6. '
lie sure ami be on hand early , a
as at these prices these beautiful
floods will go f fiat.
We haae over 1OOO of these Co u
binatlon Suits to select from. '
Hundreds of new styles added to
our stock every dug. JVb house In
Ihe west ran show you such a com *
plete assortment as we can , ana
fully ! M per cent you will save l j |
buying Cloaks from 110. ,
Each and every department in
our house will have SPECIAJj
BARGAINS this tweeJe / sura
and call at the GREAT MOXEK-
SAVING STORK , where you wilt
always get good treatment and tha
best goods for the money.
W and
, /j t/IUj
Council Bluffs , - - la.--
. orders , solicited * . . 'Sample * ,
tentlon application * ' , ' /