Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tif Tf.ljrtT * ' t VTTff
Transforming the Capital's Bough
Streets Into Boulevards.
Mrs. StoddnrilSulnRdSnloon Keeper's
Administrator For $5OOO Diun-
ORCS The New II. At Jf. Freight
Depot State HUIIHO Notes.
frnoM TUB nun's MNcor.N IIUIIKAIT. | .
Tlio paving contractors are pushing work
with all the help that they can obtain nnd
with a continuation Of the present weather a
much larger area will bo covered with blocks
before snoiv lltcs than it was thought possible
couhJ bo done n month ago. The pret ont
wcckn very largo force of men are laying
concrcto and blocks on the street facing the
Iho Elkliorn nnd Missouri Pacillo depots nnd
In a few days the approach of trains on that
line will bo over paved streets. On P. street
the curbing Is going In place from Ninth
ntrcct to the Capital hotel and another largo
force nro at work on O street eastward from
Iho B. & . M. tracks.
The cnso of Martha Stoddard against the
estate offjiis IIoppo 1ms been on trial for the
past two days and has attracted more than
the usual attention In the court room. Mrs.
Ada M. HltU'iibonder , the prohibition candi
date for district judge in this district , ap-
pcar.s for the plaintiff and Mr. F. M.
Hull and T , . W.'Hlllingsly , 11. D. Stearns , .1.
K. Philpot mid others , appear for the defense.
Tlio suit is brought for $5,000 damages , the
plaintiir. Martha Stoddard , alleging that her
husband came to his death from' Uio direct
effects of drunkenness brought nbout througl
the sale of liquor to him at the saloon
of Gus Hoppo. Mr. lloppe , since
the CIIRO was commenced , has died and it
is now being defended by the administrator.
The testimony was regarded ns strong for the
plaintiff ut a former trial in which the Jury
disagreed , and the cnso is now on a second
hearing. It was expected that it would reach
the jury last oveiiing. The time that lias
olapsud slnco the case was commenced causes
the testimony tocomo in r.ither slowly. Judge
Chapman is presiding and the general opinion
is that the jury will a second time fail to
A OIIBAT i.Mpnnvr.Mi'.NT.
The Burlington road has Ju t commenced
in this city ono of the most substantial and
commodious freight depots that can bo found
iu Jtho entire west. Tlio building is of brick ,
two stories high and covers a very largo area.
Surrounding it the most commodious yards in
the state , in | > ointof trackage , limy bo found ,
and nil are shaped and planned for speedy
work. The approach'for dray and team work
is commodious and the now pavement now
being laid will make it easy for wrk. . The
now depot was opened for work Monday.
At the last session of the city council n
largo number of important matters wi-ro
under consideration by the city fathers.
Prominent among the questions was tlio
much discussed city hospital , nnd the council
discussion did not seem to make that small
and mengro institution as bad ns painted.
Ordinances were introduced allowing J. II.
Huckataff Iho right to extend a single rail
road track on the west side of Eighth street
to the alloy first from O street. At
amended gnido ordinance was passed. i\i
ordhuinuo defining the duties of the board of
public works was read and an ordinance pro
viding a city market was read and rofei ml
The city attorney was instructed to draw an
ordinance creating tlio otllco of boiler inspector
specter and defining tlio duties of such an
ofllcor. Pronurty owners in tlio second pav
ing district were ordered to put in their gas
nnd water connections at onco. Among the
petitions was a voluminous ono from a largo
number of citbens in regard to the Sunday
closing law , asking that the ordinance be.
amended to give clothing men the same
privileges on that day as are extended to
other dealers. In the matter of new work
nnd extending the U street storm water sew
erage , the contract was awarded to Edward
Hughes , who agreed to do the work for
* 'JtU5.f)0. : In the report flled it was shown
that during the month of October live. Urea
had occurred in the city.
The Kearney Gas and Electric Light conv
puny has filed articles of incorporation wit !
the secretary of state. The capital stock is
$50,000. Tlio company limits its indebtcflness
to two-thirds of the paid up capital stock ,
The Incorporators nro : Albert S. Maxwell ,
Edwin O. Maxwell and Grot-go L. Maxwell
The state board of pharmacy was eugagei ;
yesterday in holding an examination umlci
the state pharmacy law in the room occupied
by the house of representatives. Some thirty
or forty applicants are being examined.
The board of public lands nnd building !
will hold a regular business session tomorrow
row to make fluid settli-ment on the nov
building nt the homo for the friendless creutci
thi ) present season.
Tlio supreme court took up the mining
laws yesterday in the regular call of case ;
appealed from the Fifth judicial district. Tin
arguments in the mandamus case covering
the powers and rights of the board of trans
portation , occupied the attention of the court
up to the hour of fl p. in. , the day before.
As the arguments were complete and exhaus
tive , it is very probable that a decision will
not bo handed down for a week yet.
The following notaries public wcro com
missioned yesterday : L. M. Solby , Hastings ;
Gcorgo F. Smith , Linwood. Butler county ;
Alpha Morgan , Broken Bow ; Charles Nio-
olai , Sargcant , Custer county ; Alonzo W.
Price , Merna , Ouster county ; S. W. Kelley ,
Chase county ; Edward Muuoomb , Sidney ;
Henry P. Camp , Omahu ; W. H. Coats ,
Arnpahoo ; O. C. Taylor , Genoa. William-
Walton , Lincoln ; F. T. Wing , Beaver Cross
Ing , Sowurd county ; Frederick M. IIuui-
inond , Omuhu.
The Duty of Dressing Well.
Dry GoodB Chronicle : "Tho day
will soon coiuo , " says iv well-known
lotulor of fashion , "when it will no
longer ho a slur on n good woman , elder
or young , to suy who thinks a good deal
of cu-oss ; she attaches enormous iniport-
portanco to asthotics. " While it re
mains a good motive to jjivo others
] ilui8uro and spare thorn disngrecahlo
shocks , thorulo must hold good in every
dopixrtmcu' of lifo. "Tho day will soon
come whan it shall ho a recognized duty
to conceal what is olTunsive , when
Blight doformalitics of limb and skin
shall ho avowedly disguised hy art and
great and fetnrtlitjg doformalitios shall
eeuho to disgrace our public streets. It
is ono of the duties of lifo to grouse the
wheels on which wo drive as far as over
that is consistent with other duties , and
moat people must judge for themselves
how far that is.
"It is as easy to dress well as ill , since
dress wo must. Absolute unconscious
ness as to how she looks is impotttihle to
any woman , since every eye tolls her
unhidden ; therefore , indifference- ap
pearance is inculcated. It is natural to
wish to please in all ways hy kindness
and a pleasant manner or at least , not
to displease. How delicately Goldsmith
distinguishes his two typos of innocent
and admirable womanhood ! Differently
lovely , 'Olivia w a often affected from
too great a dcsiro to please ; Sophie even
repressed excellence from her fears to
offond' 'one vanquished by a single
hlow , the other hy olTorts successfully
repeated. '
' Very hoautiful women are boldoin
vain. They are so used to tholr own
beauty that they do not think much
about it. any moro than n man thinks
much about his rank or profession
whoa not engaged in his duties. The
vain woman is she who has been un
fairly disparaged. Under suit con
sciousness is the revolt against injus
tice and , like all revolts , is disagree
able. Were all women acknowledged to
have each her 'iwints' personal as well
as mentaland allowed to cultivate them
in a sensible and simple spirit , there
would bo loss envy nnd malice , less van
ity , and wasted time , and more inno
cent pleasure throughout lifo. But a
pretty woman who louves uncultivated
her mind and heart for the sake of her
btitly , that 5s the illustration of the
"jowcl of gold In a swine's snout. ' "
Panama Canal Company Bankrupt ,
flcorgo 0. llurlbut , In the Forum :
The funds reported available on the
noth of Juno , Ib37 , amounted to 143,233-
428 francs. A now loan was offered on
the 20lh of July , of 600.000 franc bonds.
Of thcso bonds , olTorcu at 410 francs ,
only ioS,8S7 ! wore taken. These addad
to the company's resources 113,010,280
franca , and swelled the indebtedness to
1(101,811,000 ( francs , nnd the yearly In
terest to 68,111,670 francs. The visible
resources of the company tire , there
fore , barely sufllclcnt for ono year's ex
penses , taking the story as it is told hy
the "Bulletin" with all its evident bup-
pressiotiH and glosses and mystifications.
Allowing no moro than tholr fair value
to theto , it Is plain that the company is
ruined , The concurrent testimony of
disinterested Eciontlflo men , Euro
peans and Americans , is that the
mab3 of the excavation to
bo made is even now greater
than the company's highest estimate
for the entire work. It has cost , there
fore 1,000,000,000 francs to do nothing at
all. If all this money had been fur.-
nishcd by M. do Lessepsnnd his friends ,
who could know what they were doing ,
it would have been moro waste to spend
H on an enterprise conceived in vanity
and prosecuted without seriousness and
without intelligence ; but wo have all
been told with wearibomo iteration that
the Panama canal was the work of poor
proprietors , of people , that is to say ,
who had no money to loso. M. do Los-
f-ops has used the magic of his name to
"beguile these simple-minded folk , and
lo wheedle them into risking the hard-
earned savings which they kept such
was their knowledge , of the world and
of finance laid away in a corner. It is
they , and not ho , who will milTor by the
failure of the canal , for his cheerful
Kpirit is not to bo quelled by the misfor
tunes of others , nor oven by the rollcc-
tion that his place in the history of his
time is already marked out by tno side
of that minister. whowith a light heart ,
"cd his country into the most fatal of
Hideous In JCvery Guise , '
Whether it bo the best known form ,
chills and fever , or else bilious remit
tent , double ague or ague cake , is that
abominable disorder involving the
liver , the bowels and the kidneys.known
as malaria. Every complaint classified
under this generic , though erroneous
appellation , is destructive of the ner
vous system , but is , unhappily , not to
bo subdued , or oven checked , by the
use of ordinary nervines , febrifuges or
tonics. Tlioro Is , however , prompt re
lief and ultimate cure to be found In
Hosto" tier's Stomach Bitters , foremost
among the proprietary remedies of
America , and widely known In other
lands. Not only diseases born of mi
asma , but rheumatic complaints , super
induced hy exposure in bad weather ,
inherited or incurred debility of the
kidneys or bladder , dyspepsia and an
irregular condition of bowoln , are cura
ble nay , certain to bo cured by this
deservedly esteemed and professionally
sanutionod corrective.
At Baltimore the other day Mary
Mitolioll and Milton White wore mar
ried in the captain's room of the
Southern police station. The young
woman was under arrest there , charged
with being incorrigible. A clergyman
performed the ceremony and a justice
prcbonted bouquets and delivered a
speech. *
The Father of Many Ills.
.Constipation lends-to a multitude o
physical troubles. It is generally the
result of carelessness or indifference to
the simplest rule of health. Eugene
McKay , of Brantford , Ont. , writes :
I had for several years been a sufferer
from constipation , had taken a great
many different remedies , some ol which
did mo good for a time , but only for a
time , thotij iny trouble came back worse
than over. I was induced by a friend ,
whom BuANDiumi'8 PILLS had bone-
fitted , to try thorn. I did so taking two
each night for a week , then ono every
night for about six weeks. Since that
time I have not experienced the slightest
difficulty whatever , and my bowels move
regularly every day. I believe firmly
that for sluggishness of the bowels and
biliousness BKANDUUTU'S PILLS are far
superior to any other.
An Altoona man sold a lot for $1,000 a
short time ago. The man who bought
it put up a house on half of it and then
sold the remainder of the lot for S ! > 00.
The curious feature of the transaction
is that the man who made the last-
named purchase is the man who sold the
whole lot for 81,000 only a few mouths
A granite tile , 800 years old , taken
from the tomb of William the Con
queror at Caen , Normnndyis on exhibi
tion in show window at Detroit.
Mat Stuart , a hunter of St. Charles ,
Mich. , on ono day recently bagged 11
partridges , 2 woodcocks , 1 raccoon , and
8 rabbits , and found u bee trco yielding
40 pounds of honey.
There nro about eighteen thousand
female students in the different colleges
iu the United states. . -
If so there Is no system of treatment that
olk-rs the certainty of euro and economy of time
und money , us do the CiiTicinu HKMKIUKH. Wo
will send free to any sufferer "How to Cure Skin
Diseases , " 04 paKes , W ) Illustrations nnd 1UO testimonials
menials , every ono of w hlch repeats this story.
I have been a terrible Mifferer for years from
diseases of the skin and blood ; nave been
obliged to shun public places by reason of my
disfiguring humors ; have had the best pliyal-
clans : lmve < t > pnt hundreds of dollars , and not
no relief until 1 used the CUTICIIUA HK.MKIUKS ,
which have cured me , nnd left my skm as clear
mul blood us pure us a child's.
CUTICUHA nuMKniKH are the uroatoht medi
cines on earth. Had the worst case of Salt
Hheum In this country. Mr mother had It
twenty yearn. In fact died fromlfc I bellleve
CUTICUIIA would have saved her lifo. My anus ,
breast ami hi'iid were covered for three yearn ,
which nothing lelluvinl or cutod until 1 used the
( 'UTICUIIA KKSOI.VKNT , Internally , and CUTI-
emu and CUTICUIIA SOAIexternally. .
I commenced to use your CUTICUKA KKMRDIKH
last July. Myheaduud face nnd some parts of
my body were almost raw. My head wua cov
ered with wabs and oren. and my sufforlnR was
fearful. Iliad tried everything I hud hoard of
In the east nnd west : My ctw-o \ as considered a
very bad one. I have now not a particle of ulcln
humor about me , and my cose Is considered
I must axtend to you the thanks of one of my
customerH , who has been cured , by usliiff the
CtiTtcuitv ItKMKDiES , of an old sore , caused by
long txll ! of slckunss or fever eight years aijo.
lie wii8t > obadhu wai fearful he would have to
have hU lee amputated , but U happy to Hay he
Is now entirely well , sound as a dollar. Here-
qui-st.s mu to use hli name , which 14 II. II.
OAHON. merchant , of this place.
JOHN V. MINOIt , Urugglst , Oalaslioro.Tcnn.
Bold everywhere. Price , CirricimA , Hc ) : SOAP.
2.V ; cimcuiu UESOI.VKNT. II. Prepoifd bv thu
tTriiind for "How to Cnre Skin Diseases , " 81
patje * . 60 lllmtratlons , and 1UO testimonials.
flUTr.nwUh the lovlle-st delicacy Is the skin
I In preserved with Cutlcuru Medicated Soap.
\Vlth their weary , dull.achlnj ; , lifeless ,
all gone senbntiuu HKLIBVLD IN ONK
. H'LASTKii.U'nie flrkt and only patu-xub-
l lPj { Paster. AllxlrnBBl ts,23cent3. ' .
The Annrchlst's Answers to Inquir
ies About His Soul's Snfoty.
Captain Schnnck Keeps Ills Kycs *
Peeled Vor I'ltlRlmrficrs With
Tliclr Mysterious Box Xlna
Growing DlHcottrnjicil.
About tlio AnnrclilHts.
CHICAGO , Nov. 1. [ Sjxjclnl Telegram to
the nnE.l Cnptaln Sclmnck's attention was
cnllod to-day to the sensational j'nrn from
Plttsburg nbout the two mysterious men
starting for Chtcnpo with n Btlll nioro mys-
tcrious box which they wcro nclnioulslicd b'y
a venerable looking man to "handle carefully ,
as it might go oft. " The captain laughed nt
this and said while the ingenuity of the re
porter who created the story was to bo com-
mcndcd.that he didn't Intend to lese much
sleep over the matter. It is hinted , however ,
around the station that the burgomaster Is
keeping his eye "pooled" for the Plttsburg-
ors , not so much because ho takes much
stock In the story as because ho has tin Idea
that something Is going to drop before the
seven anarchists do.
Over in the Jail this morning there wcro
only n few visitors. jkVhcn the signal was
given that their hour of relaxation was over ,
their mall was handed to the anarchists and
Miss Van Zandt watched every move her
August made as ho disappeared to ascend
the staircase which leads to tlm gallery on
\yhich is his full. A slitulo of sadness came
over her wan face , which is beginning to got
that pitiful look which anxiety brings on the
faces of tlio young. Ho smiled at her as ho
came along and her face lighted up ngain.
A good many people are wondering why
some minister or priest docs not go to thcso
men and convert them before they nro
hanged. A good lady , prominent In W. C. T.
U. matters and n great evangelist and blblo
reader , thought she would attempt to convert
Spies. Ho received her with the greatest
suavity , and treated her In the most gentle
manly way , but ho made her feel that her
efforts to bring him to repentance wcro lllco
trying to make the Mississippi run north
"Do you realize. " she nskcd , "that Christ
died for all ; for rich and poor , for you and
"No , ma'am , " ho answered , and returned
the question. "Do you realize , my dear lady ,
that the poor are dying for the rich ; that the
little children nro being starved and frozen
to death because the rich seek to bo richer ,
and rob the worker of his carningsl"
"Don't you know that you have an Immor
tal and never dying soull"
" 1 know that a liorso has not ; nnd yet n
strong horse can earn hjs board nnd lodging ,
while many healthy , Industrious men cannot
who are popularly reported to have souls. "
For every quotation of scripture she would
give him , ho would get back nt her with
something about how "hardly a rich man
should enter into the kingdom of heaven , "
and when she said something nbout com
munism , ho deferentially reminded
ho that the apostles had all
things in common. And yet again ,
when she said something about obeying these
in authority over us , these who owned the
land and all that , ho asked her to read him
that place where it says , "Tho earth hath
Ho given to the children of men. " She
finally gave up with a sigh and sal * she
would pray for him , for which ho thanked
her , nnd the dear , good old lady retired with
a feeling that perhaps she hadn't made a very
marked impression. Spies' smile of satisfac
tion would have uiado Mophisto turn green
with envy.
"Would you sign a petition for n commuta
tion of Pieldcn's scntcnccl" was nskcd of As
sistant States Attorney Walkcrthlsmorning.
"I feel kinder toward Ficlden and Schwab
than I do toward the others because of their
modest demeanor during the trial , but I do
not see how you can discriminate between
the guilt of any of these in the conspiracy.
No ; I wouldn't care to sign any petition for
any of them. "
Either Liberty or Death.
CHICAGO , Nov. 1. George Engle , Louis
Linggand Adolph Fischer , of the group of
condemned anarchists , have written open
letters to Governor Oglesby refusing any
commutation of sentence short of liberty and
declaring their unabated faith in anarchy.
Their letters are very long and consist mainly
of nn exposition of their wcll'lcnown jdcas re
garding the social conditions existing nnd
ho necessity for remedies. They declare , In
BUbstaucc , that they nro not guilty of any
crimes ; that they have exercised tlio right of
'rco speech , free thought and free nsscm-
jlago in guaranteed by the constitution , and
lave criticised existing evils and succored
iholr fellow citizens with their advice , ns Is
the right of every lionost citizen. Their ex-
icricncc , they say , lins eradicated their belief
in the existence of equal rights of i > oor and
rich , nnd the action of public oftlcors , police1
and militia have produced the belief
that the present conditions cannot
last long. Not being conscious
of any guilt they say , "tho powers that bo
may murder , but cannot legally punish
them , " and protest against commutation of
sentence , demanding either liberty or death.
Fischer. In his letter , declares , among other
things , that If ho is hold responsible for the
death of policemen nt the Hnymnrkot ,
every al > olllonist [ could bo held re
sponsible for the deeds of John Hrown.
tmyoforo ho could not ask or accept "mercy"
without lowering himself In lils silt-estima
tion. Ho asks if defaming nnd misrepresent
ing advocates and teachings of social recon
struction will do any good , nnd as an answer
quotes an excerpt from Benjamin Franklin's
essay , "Rules for reducing n great empire to
n small one , " dedicated to the English gov
ernment in 1770 , in which Franklin says if n
few of the "factious demagogues" should bo
hanged , "tho blood of martyrs shall work a
miracle In favor of your purpose (1. ( o. your
own ruin ) . "
NcAvYonK , Nov. 1. [ Special Telegram to
the Br.K. ] Tlio day of 10 and 15 cent telegraph -
graph rates is over for the present. Doforo
leaving for Europe , Gould , on behalf of the
Western Union , nnd Chandler , representing
Mockny nnd the Postal and United line : cauio
to an agreement under which telegraph wars
nnd reckless rate cutting should bo ter
minated , and an era of peace and slightly
higher and more profitable telegraph tolls in
augurated. This morning the new schedule
goes Into effect. There will bo hereafter no
tariff less than 20 cents between the various
cities. This will bo the rate to Philadelphia ,
and the rate to Baltimore and Washington
will bo ! i5 cents. To these points the rates of
both companies will bo identical. Through
out the west there will bo a difference of 5
cents in the rates of the two companies. To
points further west , like Milwaukee and St.
Paul , the Western Union rate will hereafter
bo 60 instead of CO cents. Dr. Norvin
Green , president of the Western Union , said
that the agreement entered into had been
practically determined on when Gould and
Mnckay were conducting cable negotiations
last summer. Mackay made an adjustment
of cable differences dependent on cessation of
hostilities between the land lines. The cable
negotiations fell through because of the un
compromising attitude of the English cable
representatives and subsidiary arrangements
ns to wires on land. When the Western
Union people purchased the Baltimore &
Ohio property , however , they intimated to
Chandler that they wcro ready to resume
negotiations. Matters wore then settled
upon the basis outlined three months ago.
Its superior excellence proven In millions o
liomes for moro tlinn a quarter of a century. It
Is used by the United States Government. En ,
ilorsed by the heads of the Brent universities ,
ns the Strongest. Purest and Mo < < t Henthful-
Dr. Price's the only Halclng Powder thnt doei
not contain Ammonia , Lime or A urn. Sold only
In cansrnlCK nAKINO PoWEIl CO. .
Now York. Chicago. St. Louis.
Latest Quotations from the Misfit stock Market
1119 Farnam street. The longs badly squeezed. The shorts have everything their
way. Outside buyers throng the Misfit Parlors , whilst city consumers buy more
than average amounts , Misfit suits find ready buyers at short prices , Original tai
lor prices being cut in half. Misfit overcoats , medium to extra fine , are fast sellers.
Astrachan and for being fav9iites. Pants are steady , with increased demand for
New York styles. Full quotations below , with extra announcements for the week.
Made to Order for KO.OO ; Will bo Sold for $ (0.00 (
. .
u u 0500 j2jQ
80.00 " " " 15.00
avOO " " 17.50
40.00 " " 80.10
45.00 " " " C3.M
60.00 " " " 25.70
C6.CO " " " 87.50
00.00 " " 30.C5
Tor SUM That were Made for (5.09
Prince Albert Suits.
For fUO.OO That wore Made to Order for. (40.00
25.00 ro.oo
Jt > * Q it
" 60.00 "
Hade to Order for $300.00 ; AV111 bo Sold tor 1165 00
" " " ! 0.00 " " loooo
' 150.00 " " " 75.00
Can be had in Over 700 Different Styles and j
( Sizes , af the same price as fhe counterfeits.1
Insist upon seeing th Trade Mark or you may hi deceived.
THE MICHIGAN STOVE COMPANY , Detroit , Chicago , Buffalo , I
Milton Rogers & Sons , Omaha , Neb.
I nuiTinill Beware of morclianti who conimoncl nthor atovpi In preference to I
nfll TIIlN'--lAUI.ANDS. ' " Tlicy hnre ultlior fulled to neciirrt Iho "Unrlaml" T
| unu I lull i ncrncy or nri > INTEIIESTKD In scllliiK loss ilrMritblo stovi's.
SELTZER' ' Disordered Stomncli ,
Impaired Indigestion ,
Constipated Habit.
AUemodrwhlch qnleklr charms
The Infant In the mother' * nrnn ,
While ilrooplnif KO will strive to drain
Kach drop the KOliletcloesconuiln.
A blosalnit I'roTea to me and mine.
Glasgow via Londonderry ,
Liverpool via Queenstown.
Arc Strictly Flr.t-C'ln. . . and nmona
the larKP't , fastest HIIC ! finest In the norm.
Balonn , second class and stecrupo In. > rncer
Avcmnniailiitton * Unexcelled. Kverf
regard for the comfort and convenience of par
ecngers studiously couildered ana practiced.
Steamers every Saturday for llliugow. City of Homo
mils lor Liverpool October 12. It Is the largest and
Hnest pns'cnuur summer nlloat. Ilntea of IIHIHIIKO for
nil clnaHea us low i by any other llr t-cl s line. Ho-
loon excursion tlcltcta at reduced rates. Jrafts for
miy amount at lowest current rates , tor books
of tours , tickets , or further lnfornmtlonl apply to
HUNDKIlfcON lUlOTUKKS , Chicago , or FKANK B.
MOOHKS , Umaha , Neb.
ll'oiltiiTlrcurftdlnOU < J jtb Dr
' ctro-Macn lit Belt
.combined. ou r nt dth
only ono In the world runcrmtlDir
continuous tttdrfo < * JfdiTitlw
i * 'currmt. BclontlflePowerful , parable ,
Comforl.ilile and Ed.ctlT * . Avoid fr i
Ovrrll.OOO cured. R nd KUinp f ol
AL 0 i.EOfKIC IJEI.TH "tOlt L _ _ . .
AdvertlsliiK lias nlwiiys proven
successful , rtcforo pliiclnjany
Newspaper Advertising1 consult
41 to 49 IU.4.lpk Slrt.u OHICAOO.
UUIWI Uttiiin
Paid Up Capital , - $2BOOOO
Surplus , 42.8OO
H. W. YATES , President.
.LEWIS S. UKED , Vlco-1'rcsldent.
A. E. TOUZAUN , 'M Vlco-Presldent.
\V. II. B. HUGHES , Cashier
II. W. YATKS , Ltcwis S. UKKU ,
A. K.
Hanking Office
Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts.
AIGcncral Hanking Business Transacted.
Sample Bottles Free.
Imported uiid bottled by , ifletcb.
cr & Co. , Cincinnati , O. For sale by the follow
ing dealers : Klchardson Drug Co , Rlake , Bruce
4 : Co. , Adler A Holler , Ulaiutnne Bros. & Co. ,
Frank Dellone & Co. . Grotte.
THOS. P. SIMPSON , Washing
PATENTS ton , I ) . 0. No par KHVrd for
patents until obtained. Write
Inventor's Guide.
Who ll WKAK. NK.HVOtm. nr.IIII.ITA >
Tr.l > , who In Ills I'OM.Y nnd IC1NOK A NO1.
lilts TIII 'I.KI > nxrny htn VHIOU of 1IOOV ,
MINIanil MAMIOOIt.raiKlngrxliMitllni ;
dmlm uiwin tlio roUNTAIKN of I.IFK ,
ii : AI > A < 'IIK , IIAOKAOIIK , Drcodnil
PieMn , WKAHNKXH of Memory. IIANII *
1-iri.NK.HNIn NOriKTV. PIMIM.KAupon
tlio t'ACK. nnd all the KFHCTfH ; Iriullneto
TION nr IMNANITV. ihoillil cotillllt M onoo
the Cii.KIIIIATF.l : > Ir. Clarke , Kxtablfttutl
18M. Dr. Clnrko ha < niftda NKKVOVN IIK-
IIIMTV. ClIlinNU ) nnd nil IH > ca.iC9 of
the UKMTO lllll.\ARY Orcana n l.lfo
Studr. It ninltrs NO dlflcrcnco WHAT you
bare taken or WHO hai fulled to euro you.
* aKM A I.K.S MiffcrI UK from disease * pecu
liar to their rrx can consult with Iho atsmanca
or ipccdy relief and cure. Bond2conU postage
fur woiks oil your dlscn. ci.
-Pcnit 4 cent * | x < 8taR fbr Cclchrnlcd
WorkH on t'hronlc , Norton * nnd l > ell
rule Diseases. Coniultntloii , pcrtonally or by
letter , free. Contult tlio nlil Doctor.
Tliounnitd * ctirrtl. Ofllcmntiri imrlom
lirlvnlo. 4i-1hoso contemplating Marriage
n'lid fur Dr. 4'lnrUc'n celebrated guide-
DCnle nnd t'rtiinlo. each Ite. , both KM.
( stninpn ) . llofuro contlitlng your CMC , rnuiult
Dr. < : i.AIKi : . A friendly Idler or ran may
rare futiiro Millorltiinml chnmr , nnd ndd coldea
yean to life.IkXk "Mfc'i ( Secret ) Er
ror * , " Mo. ( stumps ) . Medicine nnd writing !
sent everywhere , ferine from oxpoimr * .
Hours , 8 to 8 ; Sundays , U tn 12. Address ,
P. D. CLARKE , M. D.
100 So. Clark St. , CHICAGO , 1LU
i. S , 1 D.
1707 Olho Sired , St. Lonl.i , Bio.
Of the Missouri Stnto Musoinn of Anatomy , Bt
Louts , Mo. , Unit unity Collide lies ] > ltul , Lou-
: lon , Glesuti , ( li-rnmnyiuid Now York. Having
devoted their attention
Moro ospecinlly thnso nrlstns from Impru
dence , liivito ixllso sulFurlne to correspond with
out/delay. Il ensc.s of Infection mid coutnuion
cured Mtfely und Hiiocdlly without use of ilau-
Kcrous drills. PiillentH whoso CIIPCS Imvu boon
tivclcctail. badly trouted or pronounced Incur-
nblo. should not full to write ns concerning thotr
symptoms. All letters receive immediate ultoa-
And will bo mailed F1U5E to any nddross on ro-
celptof oun 3-cont stump. "Practical Observa
tions on Nervous Debility nnd 1'hyslcnl Kxhnua-
tlon , " to which Is added mi "Jistwy on Mor-
rlBRrt , " with liiipoitant chanters on UlHeiu.oHof
the Itenrodnrtlva Organc , tno liolo forming ft
valuable medical treatise which Hhould be road
by ulloung men. Address
DRS , S , & D , DAYIESON ,
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo.
Third Judicial District ,
The best known and most popular Ilotol In th
state. Ixicatlnn cuntial , aiiiiolnlments tlrit-cilass.
lleadquartvni for conimorclal mull and all politic * !
and public ,
B < 1 noQGKN
Best and shortrit system now In u. . . Circular *
free. ITof. A.N.QAKliIJeJt.BoxiM.Bt.I.oul * .
Jlatlo to Order for J18.00 ; Wltll bo Sold for 19.23
M.OO 10.00
JS.OO 11.40
6.00 12.DO
28.00 14.00
ItO.OO in.45
35.00 17.W
40.00 20.111
00.00 no.aa
70.00 U5.00
In Astraclmn , Chinchilla , Flush , Beaver
or Curlalrc.
I'or I12.M That . were Made for . $35.00
" JMO . ito.oo
" 2ll.rfl " " ' . 4000
" 25.78 " " " '
Our Own Make In Fine Chinchilla , Astra *
clian , Cunndian Cloth , riush or Im
port ( nl Curlnlnc , from $0.50 upmunls ;
Ferfoct Fitting.
Prince Arthur
Coats and Vests.
For 115.00 That . wer M do to Order for. . . . $ .10.00
" 20.W " " . . . . 40.00
' 25.110 " " " . . . . WW
7.GO M " . . . . nn.oo
. saw " " " . . . . co.w
Mudn to Order tor tS.OQf WU1 be Bold for S12.GO
8000 " it M iRnrt
" " " 60.00 " " 35.00
1119 Farnam , Between lltli and 12th Streets.