Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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    v . - -x t
rmllj- ( Morning Edition ) Including Sutulny
JlMt'Ono Year . .JIO CO
J'orKix Months r. m
For Three Months 2W
SlmOmnhn Sunday HUE , mulled to uny ad
dress , One Ycnr 2 00
NKW YnitK OrriCR , JtooMC.r > , TIIIIIUNR Him.i *
JNO. WASHINGTON OfriCE , No. 013 1'otm
aUCMll BlilEKT.
AH communications relating 'news find
editorial matter bhould be addressed to the
Uunouor TIIK HKH. .
All luminous letters and renilltariCM should bo
ptldrcitsed to Tun llr.H I'um.isniMi COMPANY ,
OMAHA , Drafts , checks nnil postofllcu orders to
bu inmlo pnyablu to the order ot the company ,
The Bcc PnWlsWBg Company , Proprietors ,
fiworn Statement of Circulation.
Etntoof Nobraokn , | _ _
County of Douglas. | " "
( lixi. II. Tzhtlmck , secretary of Tlio Tioo Pub-
lishlnp company , tines nolcmnlvswenr that the
nctunl circulation of thu Daily llco fur the week
cniltnR Oct. W , 1 W. won us tallows :
Saturday , Oct.iM . H..T.V )
Huiuluy , Oct.iSI . H.'JJO
Monday , Oct. JM . . . 1I,7.V >
Tuesday , Oct.arv . H.I3) )
WfOncMiay. ( Jet. BO . 14.W. (
Thnrwlay , Oct. ! J7 . 14,115
iTldiiy , Oct. M
Average ll.-'fl
GKO. H. T/RcntiCK ,
Bworn to nnd subscribed In my presence this
Dial day of October , A. It. lbS7.
( SKAii. ) Notary labile
Btntoof Nebraska , I
. ( " '
County ot Douglas.
( 'c-o. 11. Tzschuck , bring llrst duly sworn , do-
- nnd Nay.s thnt lie is pccrotury of Tuo lleo
roM-s ' ; compnny , that th octnnl nvu'rafto
dally circulation of the Dally lleo for the month
of October , l Kl , JU.tihO copies ; for November.
IhN ) . l.l.IHK copies ; for December. ISM ! , ] 3.W !
copies : for.lnminry , 1KK7 , IH.i.'nicnpirs : for Fob-
nmry. IN < 7. 14H * copies ; for March , 1M7 , 14.4U )
copies ; for April , Jib" , 14,31(5 ( copies ; for .May ,
1M > 7. ] 4.7coiileH ; ; for June , 1 ( 7. 14,147 coiiie.s ;
for .Inly , 1W , 14l I copies ; for August , 1W , 14-
Ul copies ; for September , 1HN7,14.illH copies.
Pworn to nnd subscribed In my piesenrn this
Cth iluy of October , A. 1) . 16h7. N. 1' . I-'KII. ,
(8KAI..I ( Notarvl'ubllo.
A GKUMAN steamer rcconlly took
ncurly ono thousand Liborlnn Africans
to work on tlio Panama Is this a
rovlvnl of tbo sluvo tnido in a now
guise ?
Tins St. Puul & Dululb. surveyors
linvo ' Iowa tbo nir
piu-'scd Diinlnp , , on
line road for Omulin. The track is liable
to reach Oiimbu before our people wake
up to the fact.
TUB Btulisticiiuis who Imvo boon at
work on tbo world's supply of wheat bavo
como to tbo conclusion that there is a
marked shortage in the crop of 1887.
They prophesy an advance in price before -
fore next spring , which everybody will
bo jjlnd to see.
ruoi'Bssou FKLIX ADT.BK , the
learned loader of the Society of Ethical
Culture in Now York , delivered a/ lec
ture on the condemned anarchists last
Sunday. While not in sympathy with
thorn ho thinks they should not bo exe
cuted. The public sentiment of the
country is gradually coming to a similar
TUB merchants and jobbers of Den
ver nro Horiously considering n proposi
tion to take concerted action for secur
ing reduced railroad rates. The Jc-
miiblicun huggcsts that they pool all
ihuir freight and ship over ono road for
iv few months. This is by no means a
novel idea , but the trouble will bo in
Denver as it has been in Omaha , to got
nil the jobbers to enter the unti-mon-
opoly pool.
THE Michigan Salt association will
close its works tbo 1st of December and
keep thoin closed for four months. The
object 5-s , of course , to reduce the sup
ply and advance the price. Tbo pro
tective tariff on imported salt is 100 per
cent. In other words , consumers are
made to pay two prices for this necessity
of life. It is dilllcult for the ordinary
tnind to understand how a high taritT in
tin * instance docs other than foster nio-
HOK [ > ly at the expense of the people.
Tins corner - stone of the railway
bridge to bo constructed across the Mis'
Bouri river at Nebraska City will bo
laid to-morrow , and tlio occasion is to
be signalized by a big celebration. At
Clio laying of the stone the Masonic
ceremony will bo observed , and'thoro
will bo other interesting exorcises ,
fxuiang them an address by Hon. J. Ster
ling Morton. Nebraska City is one ol
the most enterprising nnd prosperous
coMinunitiosAn the state , and the im
provement whoso beginning will be
celebrated to-morrow will bo a valuable
Addition to its material advantages.
DAKOTA , Montana , Washington Ter
ritory and Utah have each a population
largo enough to entitle them to adinis-
pion into the union as states. They arc
Jcoptout by political machinations ,
triiis is un act of tyranny and a violation
of the principle ot self-govern mont m
great ns those against which the found
era of the republic fought. Ever }
sophistical argument against admisslot
IK an insult to the people of those terrl
lories. They should be admitted during
the coming session of congress regard
less of the political complexion of theii
prospective senators and rcprcsenta
IT is again reported from Wnshingtoi
that Mr. Randall is interesting himsol
In the contest of. Thobo for the seat o
Ir. Carlisle. Ho is said to have boc
examining into the matter , nnd to hav
concluded that the contestant has
strong cuso. It is also intimated that h
is disposed to make use of this matte
should ho deem it expedient in his ow
interests to do so. Wo hare no doul
that the report misrepresents Randal
It is not apparent that he would gai
anything if Mr. Carlisle wore unscatec
tl nnd it is very likely lie would lose :
that result wore accomplished with hi
Jiolp , Wo venture to say that ho hr
tiover expressed an.opinion on this cot
test , und will have nothing to do with :
except ns bhall become necessary in th
discharge of his duty ns n member <
the house. Randall will-have adifticu !
part to play in tha next congress. H
cannot afford to. make any mistakes , an
It. would bo. a very grave blunder t
take any part in this contest , with <
.tiaulfcstntioii ol hostility to Carlisle , ,
The IloRiiH ncKitlntora Unrannked.
For the pant six-month the bogus rail
road commission , created at the behest
of the railroad managers , 1ms boon mas
querading before the people of Nebraska
ns tlio champion of the outraged patrons
of the railroads. Bombastic letters wore
addressed to railroad managers com
manding them to stop their hlgh-lmndcd
exactions and rcduco their rates
1o the basis pcvniling in Minnesota and
Iowa. The refusal of the roads to
comply with the mandate was
followed by nn appeal to the supreme
court. Before the case hnd been
reached by the court , however , the state
board of transportation , ns the bogus
commission is now called , hcldastnr ,
chamber conference with the railroad
managers , and ngreed to drop their ap
peal. When this piece of jugglery be
came known to Attorney General Lccso
that ofllcor indignantly repudiated the
compact 'made between the railroads
nnd the transportation board.
Ho announced his determination to
push the test case to a hearing , nnd
have the supreme court interpret the
The position originally taken by
Judge Mason was that the present law
liberally interpreted gives the state
board power to declare what is a reasonable
enable rate , und thus gives the
board power to regulate railroad
tolls within the state and stop dis
crimination against localities or
shippers. When the cnso was called up
on Monday in the supreme court the
railroad companies' attorneys and the
legal head of the commission tried their
level best to got the case pigeon
holed. But Attorney General Lceso
stood in their patli and entered an em
phatic protest against postponement.
In this position ho was sustained by the
court. On behalf of the court
Judge Maxwell overruled the demur
rer filed by the railroad attorneys , und
annulled the star-chamber compact.
Tlio outcome will bo watched with deep
interest by the people of this state.
For our part wo never have expected
any material relief from the railroad
commission. When two men are in posi
tions to rcduco the earnings of the
roads by millions of dollars , it would bo
too much to expect them to withstand
the corporate pressure. Now that the
mn k has boon dropped by the board of
transportation the people will more than
over refuse to sanction any scheme that
would delegate to u commission of three
men the power to regulate railways ,
which the constitution conferred upon
the legislature.
Attorney General Lccso is to bo com
mended for his fidelity and firmness.
Ho has shown himself to bo a man who
cannot bo bulldozed or improperly in
fluenced. .
Omaha Moving to the Front.
The Cincinnati Price Current is the
accepted authority on pork packing in
the United States. Its statistics uro
obtained with great care and nro en
tirely trustworthy. In its last i.ssuo a
statement was given of the packing foi'
eight months at all the principal points ,
and in this libt Omaha occupies third
place , with a credit of 550,000 hogs
packed between March 1 nnd October
" ( i. During the same period of last year
the number packed was only 42,000.
Thu wonderful progress of Omaha in
this important industry challenges at
tention. Here is an increase in a year
of over half a million hogs packed ,
while Kansas City has gaine.d but
little over one-fifth of this amount ,
and Chicago's hog packing de-
rcascd to an amount nearly equal to the
ombincd increase of Omaha nnd Kansas
Jity. This city packed in the lus ! eight
nonths more than half as many hogs as
vaiisus City and considerably more than
one-fourth of the number packed at
hicago , whereas for the corresponding
> eriod last year the former packed
icarly twenty-three times ns many hogs
s Omaha and Chicago sixty times as
This exceedingly gratifying exhibit
contains an assurance of what may bo
expected when the enlarged facilities
or packing now in progress hero are
completed. There is every reason to
) oliovo that within another year Omaha
will more than double , perhaps treble ,
Llio number of hogs packed hero during
the past eight months , nnd it appears
to bo an entirely safe prediction
ihtit by November , 1B8 , this city will
liold thu second place as a pork-packing
center. Havingattained the position
why should it not continue to advance
this industry until it reaches the first
place ? Wo can see no sound reason ,
but on the contrary there are very con
vincing reasons why it should and will
do so. Certainly the commanding con
ditions which have raised this industry
thirteen hundred per cent , in one year
will not only bo in full force in the fu-
tare , but must enlarge and increase. Nc
ono can doubt this who will give a little
careful investigation to the mutter.
Omaha is plainly destined to become
the porkopolis of America , and the
promise is that her attainment of thai
enviable position is not remote.
In the Interest of Peace.
The gentlemen who have como fron
England to promote the cause of inter
national arbitration , and who were 01
Monday presented to the president , an
doubtless engaged in a worthy labor
The name of tlio Hon. Lyon Playfaii
has , wo believe , been for a long timi
prominently identified with the pro
posed policy of international arbitra
tion , and ho therefore .very proporl ;
heads the delegation to this country
Ho and his associates have flio supper
of one-third of the members of th
house of commons and a considorabl
part of the people of all classes. The
appear to bo especially desirous that
treaty shall be entered into betwee
the United Kingdom and the Unite
Styles requiring arbitration in al
matters of controversy , both n
a means of more certain !
assuring the maintenance of peace be
twccn the two countries and as an e. >
ample to other nations. They beliov
the of this policy by th
United States would have great inlli
oico , un'd hold out the promUo that 1
might lead , to the two great Anglo-Saxo
nations-being tlie peace-makers of tli
worlds Tlio response .of the prcsidon
to the address- the delegation , whil
not indicating' enthusiastic iutcres
, was ono of encouragement to these ad
vocates of ponce among the nations.
No one'will bo disposed to discourage
the effort of thoeo friends of universal
pence. There nro very few , doubtless ,
who would not approve the policy
'of international arbitration for the
settlement of disputes between
nations. The motive of this policy
is humane nnd beneficent. But those
who look at the practical side of the
question cannot fall to have some mis
givings regarding the immediate suc
cess of the scheme , as tho.prcsidcnt evi
dently had when ho remarked that "in
the administration of government
difficulty often arises in the attempt to
carefully npply ideas which , in them
selves , challenge unqualified approval. "
All existing facts show that the time is
yet far off when "the lion nnd the lamb
shall Ho down together , and a little
child shall lead them. " Certainly it
can bo said that the warlike spirit of
past ngcs no longer exists among en
lightened people. Nations do not now
regard war ns their first duty. Am
bitious men who would gratify their do-
biro for power and tame by involving
their country in hostilities with other
nations do not have the opportunities
such men once had. There has been
progress from that order of things
which inado war the normal condition
of states. Yet nearly every great nation
still finds it necessary to keep itself
prepared for war , maintaining mighty
standing armies , great navies , nnd a
thorough military eyblcm which it is
the conbtant duty of the government to
improve in fighting efficiency. There
is certain reward in emolument and
honors for the inventors of the most de
structive weapon. Even in this land of
peace'army and navy boards are study
ing the best moans of providing a
defense for our coasts , and wo
are experimenting with a weapon
which is expected to bo more
destructive than any yet invented. All
this demonstrates that mankind is
still far removed from that condition
which must bo reached before any poli
cy for securing universal peace can bo
largely successful. Swords will bo
beaten into plowshares the world over
only when human nature has undergone
a most radical change , which it may
take centuries yet to ell'ect.
Still the effort in the interest of
pence should not be abandoned. A
meritorious cause must not bo neglected
because the promise of success is not im
mediate. Aa to the question of interna
tional arbitration of disputes between
the United States and Great Rritain , it
should receive the most careful consid
The mild protest which the BEB had
entered against the nomination of A.
U. Hancock for one of the judges of this
district because of his comparative
youth and inexperience has drawn from
his partisans and strikers in Sarpy
county a volley of personal abuse and
blackgardism at the editor of the BKK.
Tlio pith of these insulting flings was
that because Sarpy county gave Camp
bell , the dummy senator , a largo major
ity , and further because Hancoqk lives
outside of Omaha ho has no chance with
the BUB. If this kind of hogwash will
make votes for Mr. Hancock , intelli
gence and decency in Sarpy county
must bo at a very low ebb. Campbell's
majority in that county , procured as it
was by criminal conspiracy , repeaters
and fraudulent voting , has not in the
least influenced the BKE'S position in
this judicial contest. The fact that tbo
BEB urged the republicans of this
city who had the majority in the judi
cial convention not to monopolize the
nominations disproves the charge of
narrow-minded oxclusivcncss on the
part of the BEE. But wo do regard it
as a piece of monumental cheek for a
young man , who is outranked in ex
perience and ability by more than two
hundred lawyers in tlio district , to try
to force himself on the district bench ,
when such men as Wakeloy , Groff and
Doano are available. The mere fact that
ho lives in Papillion instead of Omaha
has no bearing on his candidacy and
should not in the least influence intelli
gent and conscientious citizens of Sarpy
county. When Sarpy county presents a
candidate who can got the endorsement
of the district bar , Douglas county will
support him as cordially as if ho lived
in Omaha.
But aside from his lamentable lack
of experience and ability Mr. Han
cock is not as trustworthy as a man
ought to bo who aspires to the district
bench. An affidavit and vouchers have
been placed in our possession which
show that Mr. Hancock in certain cases ,
tried before him as county judge at
1'apillion , was guilty of conduct that
would justify his impeachment nnd re
moval from the potty office which ho
holds. In fact , those documents show
that Mr. Hancock's practice is on a par
with that of certain notorious justices
of the pcaco with whom Omaha was
afflicted some years ago.
IT is authoritatively announced that
Mr. Clinton A. Snowdon and Mr.
James J. West , proprietors of the Chicago
cage Mail , have purchased the Chicago
2Yniw , paying for the entire property
$1,260,000. These gentlemen nro under
stood to represent a syndicate of which
they are members , 'and both will be
actively engaged in the management oi
the Times after a date not yet definitely
known , Mr. Snowdon in the editorial
nnd Mr. West in the business depart
ment. The change of proprietorshij
will undoubtedly bo very much to the
advantage of tlio journal which the late
Wilbur P. Storey made ono of the mosl
valuable newspaper properties in the
country. Mr. Snowdon has had an extended >
tended newspaper exjwrionco. Ho wasfoi
several years thoconfidential lioutcimn
of Mr. Storey , was subsequently tin
publisher of the National Itepullican ir
Washington , and for about three yean
past has been Identified with the Chi
cngo Jfoif. In all these connections h <
has shown first-rate ability , which wil
undoubtedly appear to better advanng <
in the broader'field which conncctloi
with the management of the 2T ) i s wil
give. Personally Mr. Snowdonis i
most , genial gentleman , whoso friend
are' legion. Mr. West is not sowel
known in journalistic circles , but in hi
brief .connection with the profession ha
&ho'wn thut ho 'mode 'no mistake in se
looting it. The 2V nw is still ono of. the
great newspapers ofj the country , but
thorp la room for improvement in its'
manners and tpirit. This will
doubtless bo effected by the now man
TUB Kearney Prtstt hits the nail on
the head when it says : "Republican
ism means the greatest good to the
greatest number. It mcnna that men
of brains , honesty nnd integrity , nnd
with patriotism in their hcarft , will re
fuse to follow the lead of nnd
gamblers , nnd support mou of morality ,
integrity and manhood. When any
parly sinks so low in morality that gam
blers arc placed at its head , it is time
honest men of that party should revolt
and teach it a lesson. " This refers to
the political contest in Buffalo county.
It applies with equal force to the judi
cial fight in this district.
Tnu young men's political clubs that
have recently sprung into existence in
Omaha arc made largely of played-out
political barnacles who were voters
more than twenty-live years ago. These
buld-hcadcd cnglcs , as Gcorgo Francis
Train would call them , want a roost
high up among the political rafters and
make cat's-paws out of the real young
ONK of the mysteries which 'nobody
around the court house can fathom is
Timme's mysterious man Ch. Naglo.
Who IB Naglo anyhow ? Is ho any rela
tion to Frank Walters Naglo ?
with affairs of state to pay any attention
to the questions which the BEE has pro
pounded to him.
Millionaire nnd cx-Scnntor Fuir used to bo
a boll boy in n Chicago hotel.
Algernon Charles Swinburne Is in failing
health , and is leading & quiet und retired
Milt G. Barlow , the imprisoned minstrel ,
was once private secretary to the famous
Gcorgo D. Prentlco.
William Morris , the English -esthetic poet ,
is much disturbed because the Chicago an
archists are to bo hanged.
It Is said that a brother of Mr. Phclps ,
United States minister to England , is a
tailor nt Sioux Falls , Dak.
Moses T. Stevens , of Andovcr , Mass. , is
said to bo the largest individual woolen inan-
facturer in the United States.
"Wing You , a naturalized American from
the Celestial empire , is n candidate for coun
cilman in the Fifteenth-ward of Ualtimore.
T-.ouiso Michel , the 'famous French com
munist , is saicl at last'I to have crossed the
boundary into insanity , or at least , into aber
St. John has nt last ddno something which
everybody can approve. lie announces that
he will never again bo the prohibition candi
date for president.
M. Bartholdi has been invited by the
Spanish-Americans to build n companion
monument to the sthtuo of liberty for the
Isthmus of Panama. 1
Miss Olca Bull , from Cambridge , Mass. ,
is in the Cascodilla , N' Y. , school preparing
'or the Harvard annex , . , She is a daughter
f Ole Bull , the famous , violinist.
Mrs. Bonanza Mackwy indignantly denies
bat she is to have a clo'alc made of birds of
laradiso breasts. She Bays , on the contrary ,
ihe docs not approve of slaughtering birds
'or ornament or trimming.
Helen Ctiase. < n the Aintrtcan Magazine.
ingcring fretworks of russet and crim&on ,
Soft tones of gray in the BCU and the ttky ;
Ronduls from bluebird undthrostluand swal
low ,
As toward the jessamine thickets they fly ;
Loud-chanting torrents , encrusted with car-
Flung from the boughs like a deluge of
llama ;
olden-crowned gorse nnd imperial asters ,
Yielding their bloom to the frost's ruthless
claim ;
Dark lines of storm-birds ; pellucid rain
fringes ;
Passionate songs from the deep , pulsing
wind ;
Weird , witching fugues from the pines and
the cedars ,
Chorals upraised from the billows cm-
brined :
ilystir November 1 O brief intermezzo ,
Sot , the year's glory and dying , between ;
Beading us into , by rich modulations ,
Silence and sleep und December's palo
Iowa Items.
The Baptists have built a neat church
at Shallor.
The union depot going up in Dubuque
H said to be the largest in the west. .
The justices of Dubuque complain of
tiard times and feelingly pray for help.
The saloons of Emmotsburg are driv
ing a healthy trade under the name of
drug stores.
Throe mpssbacks of DCS Moincs have
entered suit against the city for $15,000
damages inflicted on them by public im
A spiritualistic doctor was the means
of hurrying Mrs. J. W. Thornton , a
medium manipulator of the black art ,
to the melancholy hereafter. A wise
coroner so announced.
The news of the Union Pacific twenty-
stall round house at Council Bluffs
transfer reached Sioux City enlarged
to sixty stalls , and will probaBly reach
sleepy DCS Moincs next Christmas en
larged to 100 stalls.
The Santa Eo extension has reached
Canon City.
Bishop Mots , recently ordained as co
adjutor of the Catholic diocese of Col
orado , is only thirty-seven years of ago
and a native of Alsace-Lorraine.
The glorious Ute war is being revived
by the men who furnished forage and
fodder for the troops. They want their
pay , and propose to got it by fair means
or force.
The merchants of Denver are anx
iously waiting for a reply to their de
mand for a reduction of freight rates.
The barons of the highway maintain a
commodious silence on the subject.
Mining operations are now at their
height in all camps. No snows of con
sequence have interfered with work ,
and mills and mines above and near the
enow line are being worked to their ut
most capacity.
Utah anil Idaho.
The only cigar factory in Idaho is at
Idaho has a greater population by 10- ,
000 than Arizona.
The wages of teachers in Idaho range
from $00 to $150 a month.
Idaho has a population of 97,000 and
the great big state of Nevada 20,000.
Allen Brothers , wholesale grocers o
Omaha , will open a branch in Salt Lake
.city ; . .
The banks of Salt Lalco City shipped
out ore and bullion to the value of 31ol-
893 last week. . : . ' . .
Thonewr Rust-Volley , lead mine tu
Utah is a rich ono. Tho. ore yields CO
icr cent of lead.
Two hundred thousand pounds of
iheoso have been turned out in the
Boar Lake valley , Idaho , this season.
A complete surveying outfit has
started from Salt Lake to investigate
intl report a route for the proposed rail-
oad to Los Angolos.
Predictions for Utah slock during the
coming winter nro not cheerful , ns the
sheep are said to have spoiled largo
jraziilg tracts , BO that the summer feed
ins boon poor. Thus , if a hard winter
comes on the cattle will suffer. Stock
men nro advocating extended pasture
cclamatlon , seeding down of now tracts
, o grass and a wooding out of poor stock
ns the best course to pursue.
Some rich placer mines have boon dis
covered on this side of Snake river ,
opposite Asotin , Idaho. Many claims
uivo been staked , and it is the intcn-
Jon of the claim owners to put in a bull-
whcol at once and commence active
operations. Some of the claims arc re
ported to yield 52 and 8 cents to'
, ho pan from tlio grass roots. The gold
.s very fine , but can bo saved by the
recent inventions for this class of
The Pnclilo Const.
Green snndstono from the noighbor-
ng mountains is the favorite building
natorial in Pasadena.
Chinese trappers make a business of
pending fat ground squirrels to the San
Ynneisco market from the northern
part of Mercer county.
Mining in Calaveras county is in full
jlast. Nearly every week from ono to
, hrco car loads of machinery is trans-
erred at this place on route to the
The Indians on the Umatilla reser
vation refiibo to send their children to
school because the teachers uro not of
their own bolcction and the school is
The bell recently placed on the con
vent in San Diego is one of those
jrought over from Spain during the
l ist century nnd placed in the belfry at
the Old Mission.
It is pretty certain now that the
Puget Sound Iron company will operate
their works on a greatly enlarged scale ,
and that they will manufacture steel ,
Btecl plate , etc.
In the state capital grounds at Sacra
mento are six largo bearing orange
trees which attract the attention of
eastern visitors. There nro many resi
dents in this city who never saw an
jlivo trco. In the cnpitol grounds
.hero uro six ol these trees , some of
, hcm over thirty feet in height , and all
heavily laden with fruit.
An Kinphiitlc Denial.
WEST POINT , Neb. , Nov. 1. To the
Editor of the BEE : Your editorial in
yesterday's BEE charging that I joined
Ihe railroad ring , and instead of attend
ing to my official duties was in Lincoln
icarly all winter logrolling and lobby-
.11 g , is without the Icas-t foundation in
: a < ; t. It is not true that I was at Lincoln
nearly all \\intcr , nor is it true that I
logrolled in any matter. It is not true
that I neglected my official duties , but ,
to the contrary , there was no term of
court appointed to be held in this dis
trict during any time that I was at Lin
coln. At the request of several of the
judges in this state I met with them at
Lincoln , and discussed tlio rcdislricting
of tlio slate into judicial districts , and
it the requestor tbo judicial committees
of both houses of the legislature wo met
with them and there discussed the bill
rcdistricting the state. I also drew a
) ill and handed it to a member of tlio
legislature to bo introduced , providing
that railroad companies should bring
Lheir trains to a full sto | ) before crossing
iny other line. Outside of thcso two
bills I did not , while at Lincoln or any
where else , dibcuss any bill or measure
before the legislature , nor did I seek
Lo influence any railroad legis
lation or any other than that above
stated. Instead of being at Lincoln
nearly all winter , I was there but a very
short time. I challenge you to find a
single member of the legislature that
will say that I over approached him or
attempted to inlluonco him upon the
subject of railroad legislation since.I
have been on the bench. Further , nnd
most emphatically , 1 never did belong
to a railroad or any other ring. I am
somewhat curious to learn , through the
columns of your paper , who the promi
nent republicans in this district are
that do not know their own business ,
and npply to the Br.E for information as
to who 'they shall vote for Norris or
Crawford inasmuch as a large proportion
tion of the prominent republicans in this
district tire my warmest supporters , for
the same reason that the BEE is sup
porting the non-partisan judicial ticket
in the Third district , and , up to the mo
ment of his nomination , Mr. Norris was
one of my most zealous advocates and
supporters. In the spirit of honesty and
fairness to the voters , whom you do not
desire to mislead , I ask you to give this
letter as wide circulation in your daily
and weekly editions of tlio BEE as the
misleading and mistaken editorial , to
which-it is a reply.
Very cordially yours ,
J. C. CllAWFOUD. .
Preparing For a ISniio.uct on Fore-
fat hern' Day.
A mooting of the New England club of
Omaha was held at the board of education
rooms last evening , at which measures wcro
adopted for the observance of December 23 ,
"Forefathers' day , " and n permanent organi
zation was effected. As has been the custom
heretofore the society decided to give a ban
quet on the date mentioned and appointed the
following members as an executive commit
tees W. H. Alexander , W. W. Copcland ,
Cc-orgo W. Hall , A. P. Turkey , T. W. Miner , '
Mcsdaincs , J. AL Thurston , H. C. Egan , S.
A. Davis and 1C. A. Benson. This committee
may appoint such sub-committees as they
may deem necessary to assist them In their
work. The executive comuiitteo hold their
first meeting to-night at the board of educa
tion rooms.
At the last meeting of the plub in 1858 pre
liminary steps were talcen toward a perma
nent organization and articles of incorpora
tion were prepared and adopted. The society
is organized for the purpose of promoting
good fellowship among the sons und daugh
ters of New England who reside in Omaha.
It is the purpose of the bocicty to lit up a
club house which will bo pro
vided with reading rooms and
other thing necessary for the social
advancement of the members , nnd for this
purpose it has been decided to raisa a capital
stock of $3,000 , divided into 300 shares of $10
each. About fifty of thcso shares have bean
taken thus far.
The stockholders last evening elected a
board of nine directors , consisting of J. M.
Thurston , James W. Savage , E. K. Long , Dr.
C. M. Dinsmoor , Rov. W. E. Copolaml , G. A.
Joslyn , Thomas L. Kiuiball , Mesdomes H. C.
Alken and A. 13. Keith , who chose the fol
lowing as the permanent ofllcers of the
society : J. M. Thurston. president ; Dr. C.
M. Dinsmoor , vice-president ; E. K. Long ,
secretary , and G. A. Joslyn , treasurer. The
society then adjourned to meet December U2 ,
at tha time and place designated by thu
executive committee.
A railroad fetation agent nt Dunkirk ,
N. Y. , in his leisure tirao has whittled
out of 280 pieces of wood a perfect
model of a locomotive and tender. He
was. live months at the job. . , .
Ho Dohouucos the Chicago Police
and Dofondo Bomb Throwing.
Something About Ills TwoAl
lloys Tlio City Council AilJottniH
( o Hear Him Speak Editor
Devlno's Denial.
The Fifth Lecture.
Owing to counter attractions the audience
that assembled nt the Grand opera house last
night to listen to Gcorgo Francis Train's lec
ture on "Anarchy nnd the Anarchists , " was
a trlllo smaller than on the previous four
nights , but the auditorium was nearly lllled.
There was a largo number of ladies present
nnd nearly all of the boxes were occupied.
It was nearly half past 8 when the dis
tinguished speaker arrived accompanied by
ilvo llttlo girls and the usual messenger boy.
Mr. Tram was dressed as on the previous
evening nnd seemed in excellent spirits.
After thu usual formalities wcro gene
through with , viz. , that of inviting the audi
ence to como forward nnd bo "more sociable , "
Mr. Tram began by making wbut he called
his report of the day and gave the
reporters of the city press his thanks
for their kindness , nnd said that ho
never had been reported bolter. Mr. Train
eald ho was completely overwhelmed by the
great Improvements that had taken place in
the world at largo nnd Omaha In particular ,
nnd described his first experience with fold
ing beds and elevators. Tlio speaker com
plimented his manager , Mr. Jones ; upon his
efficiency , and It was heartily indorsed , a
vote being taken. ' Mr. Train said If the
anarchists wcro not hung on the -.llth ho
would stand out In bold relief as the only
man out of 05,000,000 people who was right.
Hegrets wore read from Mr. Hitchcock , of
the World , at being unable to preside over
the meeting. Ho also read several letters
and ncwspai > cr extracts , among them a de
nunciatory one from the Hallway Age , which
called him and his audience cranks. A vote
was taken as to whether the audience con
sidered themselves crunks and it was nearly
a tie.
At this point the entire city
council entered and wcro given scats upon
the htago. Them occurred the usual distri
bution of { lowers and fruit.
"My memory goes back , " paid Mr. Train ,
"when as ft child I remember thu yellow
fovo.r in N w Orleans , and so many dli-il that.
It seemed to mo thu whole world was dying.
They took my little sister Josephine ami laid
her in the cold grave , and next day another
sister was tnUon. Again , in three days , an
other sister was placed by thu side of the
rest , and then my mother went , and all. in
that Iftniso eleven of them all but myself ,
went down to the gravo. Then I was sent to
my grandmother in Massachusetts. It bccms
to me that I have boon lloating ever since.
And so the time has passed on , and 1 am hero
again in Omaha , and 1 urn satisfied that I
have a two-hundred years' lease of lifo. "
"If the common council will do what they
ought to do I will show them how to maku
this city tlio centre of the financial world and
will -wipo Jay Gould oil thu face of the
earth. "
Councilman IMC was hero called upon , who
said that the lirst free speech ho over heard
in Ireland was that ulU > ri'd by Mr. Train
twenty years ago. For this ho was put in jail
but was as cfl'cetivo there as when frco be
cause ho used his pen. Mr. Train then ex
plained to the council his scheme of making
Omaha a city of 51)0,000 ) people as reported in
the HII : : yesterday.
"How is it that wo call England our mot her
land ! Who settled Manhattan I The Dutch.
Swedes in New .Jersey , French in Florida
nnd nearly every other nationality
but Hritlbh settled the country and
therefore the whole world is , the "mother
country. " Now comes what 1 want the
council to do. Let us have hero in Omaha
a centennial of 400 years. In 1S93 have the
whole world huro to celebrate the discovery
\mcrica by Christopher Columbus. Wo
want a magniiicent permanent exhibition
palace. 1 want in this palace a glass uruudo ,
and the permanent meeting phico of all na
tional political conventions in the future.
I want ) a palace having an auditorium holding
10,000 persons. Around this vast hall I want
a glass arcudo containing hundreds of stores
in which are sold the curiosities of theworld.
I maintain that the stupid idea of not getting
into debt makes a d n fool of a man.
Mr. Train then began his talk on anarchy ,
and said that ho had been requested by Mr.
Miller not to go too far. Ho then read sev
eral dispatches sent yesterday to the con
demned men. One sent to Parsons in which
Mr. Train said that 20,000,000 anarchists
would rcvcngti their judicial murder called
forth a multitude of hisses.
The speaker stated that Mayor Harrison
went to the Haymurkot on the night of the
Massacre , and after listening uwhilo said to
Boniicld , let us go homo , und the Inspector ,
agreed. Five minutes later ho attempted to
break up the meeting nnd was properly an
tagonized by the crowd present. "What
right has any city to permit assassins in the
gurb of policemen ? " asked the speaker.
"Then tl\i bomb was thrown and nineteen
oflloial assassins were 'knocked out.1 Where
in the constitution of the United States arc
you restricted from using inflammatory lan
guage ) Free speech is guaranteed by the
constitution. Well , the police arrest mo.
They Und a red handkerchief in my house
und think it a red llajj. Where in the consti
tution of the United States arc you denied
the right to have as many red Hags in your
house as you choose ) Next the police discover
firearms , and the constitution distinctly pro
vides that you may have all the firearms you
choose in your house. In another room they
111id bombs. There is nothing in thu constitu
tion prohibiting thu carrying of bombs. "
[ Hero a great hissing occurred and Mr. Train
said that Home was once saved by the hissing
of grcso. ]
Mr. Train said that the anarchists wore to
bo hung only as accessories. "They have
not found the man who threw the bomb and
if there is no principal how in h 1 can there
bo an accessory. " The speaker continued
that in his opinion the only accessories were
tbo police , 600 in number. , A case where
there were both principals and accessories
was ut the Wyoming massacre in which
forty men wcro killed. The murderers are
known and the accessories were the news-
pajxirs of the 1'ueina coast which egged them
them on. Another cuso of accessory was
Guitcau. Ho ( Train ) , for weeks huforu
Garlield's assassination , predicted it. Guitcau
read it and went and shot the president. Ho
yelled at the fatal hour : "I am the stalwart
of stalwarts. " The stalwart faction of the
republican party was the accessory.
Tlio anarchist jury was denominated as
"jackasses , " und nine men on the Jury were
there in direct opposition to the laws as laid
down in thu constitution.
John lirnwn was denounced as a foul mur
derer , and Henry Ward licechcrand Horace
Groolcy its accessories.
Mr. Train then suld that ho had n lease of
lifo of at least " 00 years , and proposed to
publish -400-paRO book every day on general
information. Hu would build u ten-story
briclctub house for the press club Just being
started In Omaha.
The uudicncq being invited to ask a ques
tion. Councilman Leo asked what would ho
the best way to settle the i > olicc question in
Onittlmt Mr. Train replied , to double th
salaries of the chief and every patrolman.
[ Great laughter and appjausc , ]
This closed the lecture. To-night Mr.
Train will speak In Exiwsltlon hall , and the
subjects will bo selected by the audience.
Jlo\v Jlo 1 Sorretl liy ho Youngsters
nnil How They Llko Him.
The eccentricities of George Francis Train
havontall times been thosubjoctof much com
ment , and his latest one that of always
being surrounded by children Is no exception.
Perhaps continually having a messenger boy
nt ills heels is considered the queerest thing
of all , and something concerning the two
boys who are In his constant service while In
Omaha may prove of interest ,
Willie Martin , known as No. G of the Dis
trict Telegraph company , Is about fourteen
years of age , and resides with his parents at
the corner of Twenty-seventh and iJtirdctto
streets. Ho is a handsome llttlo fcllowbrlght ,
active , and very polite. Ills employers give
him the very highest of recommendations ,
and say ho is ono of the best boys they over
had In their employ. Wllllo goes on duty at
0 o'clock in the morning , and remains in Mr.
Train's presence , unless sent on an errand ,
flutllO o'clock ut night. Willie snys that
his duties are very light , and that all ho hits
to do is to bring Mr. Train his paper and eat
two "bung up meals" u day. Willie
confidentially Informed a youthful
friend hut night that "Citizen Train
was n dandy , and ho ' ought to
bo president oftho United Stales ; " Wllllo also
Informed his friend that Mr. Train talked to
him lust like n friend and never said u harsh
word and that when ho wits out Mr. Train
would stop right In the middle of a conversa
tion no matter .who was there and wait till
ho came back.
Harry Kelly , No. 80 , Is another bright lad
for whom Mr. Train has conceived a great
friendship. Ho is about llfteen years of
ago and lives with his parents nt the corner
of Sixteenth and Fiirnnni streets. Ills hours
of duty are from 1) ) o'clock p. m. until mid
night. Harry accompanies Mr. Train to the
lecture hall ami assists as he is directed. To
him are entrusted the basket of precious
Hewers and luelous fruit. Hurry is also u
greuj admirer of his employer and enjoys his
lectures as much as some of the older audi
tors. Harry reports that Mr. Train is the
kindest of men and treats him better than
any employer ho ever had before.
The other messenger boVH in the service
are a llttlo envious of the good fortune of
their two associates , but Mr. Train positively
refused to have any other boys to wait on
him. The expense to Mr. Train for this ser
vice is about > . : > , - ) per day , the District tel c-
graph giving him special rates.
Dill Train Stretch iho Truth ?
Concerning Train's Sunday night reference
to u letter received from Mr. Dovlno , editor
of the Western Newsman , the Chicago News
of yesterday says : "Editor Dcvino Indig
nantly denies tlint ho wrote George Francis
Train any incendiary letter such us the loe-
turer Implied at Omaha Sunday night. 'I
merely told Train , ' said he , 'that I would
like to have him return'to Chicago and lec
ture nightly on topics aside from the anarch
ist question , In which ho would bo amply pro
tected meaning that there would bo no in
terference. This he stretched into the state
ment that ho was urged to return to Chicago
and was pledged the backing of men who
would die for him. Ho could not show the
letter without exploding his boast , so lie gave
the ready and reckless excuse that it would
cost him his life to divulge its full con
tents. ' "
Hut Ijittlc Ituslitcss TraiiHactod Hy the
City Council.
Fifteen councilmcn answered roll call at
the regular weekly meeting of the city coun
cil last night. The rules were suspended and
the general appropriation ordinance , amount
ing to 51-1,721.55 , was taken up and passed
second and third readings.
Mr. Ilothuckcr Invited t lie commission togt
In a body and listen to Citizen George Fran
cis Train's lecture.
The ordinance changing the grade of Far-
nam street from a jKiint 450 feet westof Dex
ter avenue to the west curb of Alice street
was adopted.
The contract for paving Dodge street from
Twenty-sixth to Thirty-sixth street was up-
proved. The work calls for the removal of
81,000 cubic yards of earth at IT 0-10 cents per
The contract of John Thompson for con
structing sewers in newer district No. 03 was
Councilman Bedford's resolution empower
ing the judiciary committee to employ a competent
petent person to negotiate the sale of city
bonds was adopted.
The coun'cilmen adjourned In u body to hear
George Francis Train. They meet again
Thursday night at 7:30. :
The Police Question in Court.
County Attorney Simerul leaves this mornIng -
Ing for Lincoln to institute proceedings in
the supreme court against Webber S. Seavoy ,
chief of police , contesting his right to hold
and exercise tha duties of that ofllco. This
action is taken nt the Instance of the police
commission. Attorney General Lcoso was
first asked to tnko the initial step in this
matter , but declined on tlio ground that It
was a local quarrel , and that action should
therefore bo brought by the county attorney.
SI' il Illcrliowcr'H Case.
United Stiitcs District Attorney Pritehott
Is at North Platte for the purpose of having
the case of Charles Parker , the highwayman ,
against United States Marshal Hlcrbowor
transferred from the state to the United
States court. This cuso. charging Uicrbowor
with false imprisonment and defamation of
Parker's character , was brought against the
marshal before Parker's recent confession.
The damages asked for in it are t50,000.
To Consider Illfj Improvements.
J. II. Hosier , of Carlisle , Pa. , president of
the South Omaha Land company , Is hero to
attend a meeting of that association. Among
the things to be considered In this conference
is tlio proposlllnn of Nels Morris to build a
great beef cunning establishment at South
Omaha. Another mutter is the location of
some ono hundred houses northwest of the
H. & M. round house.
The members of the MoyamonBlng
hook and ladder company , of Chester ,
Pa. , ivro mourning the douth of Hudd ,
the dog of the company. Ho was buried
in a ncut collln , wrapped in the hlurs
and stripes , nnil the truck hn boon
bandsoinoly ( Imped in black nnd white
in his memory.
To construct new railroads in tlio
United SUilcH and repair old ones , ac
cording to'the estimates of tlio forestry
division of the agricultural department ,
u total of 605,712i58 ! cubic foot of lum
ber is used annually. This is equiva
lent to over 600,000,000 foot of round
THE CENTURY MAGAZINE for the coming year will con
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