Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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DollvorloB of Grain and Provisions
Light In Volume.
A Fnlrly Active DuMncxH Done In the
ProvlHlon Pit Transaction *
In Hewn lirlnk General
CHICAGO , Nov. 1. ( Special Telegram to
the HUB. ] Deliveries of grain mid provlslonB
this morning on 'changevcro light and
small , us speculative- business has
been , and November hns come Infer
for but a small proi > ortlon. Wheat
Bales have been largely for December
nnd May. Corn Is bold to a great extent by
a couple of IIOUHCH and oats Imvo been sold
for May , unit of this there was little to go
uround to-ilay. When deliveries wcro o\it of
the wuy Interest centered In wheat and pro
visions. LiverKol ] cables were easy , with
prices for sjwt and futures tending down
ward , but this was regarded by many us u re-
Ilex action of the weakness here for two days
past and was llttlo heeded In the pit. Uuforo
noon wheat for December delivery was } < fc
higher and sold at 7tH'S,7.'Wc. : ( Jnmmry ribs
wcro up "c and pork 15c , because the receipts
of hogs , though fair , were considerably under
the estimate. On the other hand , wheat
showed strength and'durlng th'e early ses
sion sold up fully Jtfis for . all futures.
Cables were easy end wheat , both
spot and futures , was tending downward at
Liverpool. The primary points showed
about b < XXK ) , ( ) bushels receipts and New York
reported clearances of lUtXH ! , ) bushels. The
receipts hero were 157 cars , considerable
under the estimate , mid receipts for Wednes
day nru estimated at US cars. Once the light
deliveries for the month were out of the
way attention was more than before attracted
to the fact that the stock of No. 2 wheat in
Chicago was reduced the past week to 210,000
bushels , that there Is but about 3,500,000
bushels here now and that but a few cars
each day grade No. 2. December opened at
75e , a fraction better than the close on Mon
day , and sold tip to TUJiflgTS c. from which
point It reacted slightly several times. Janu
ary sold from njfti to T.'tJ e. May opened at
78Jfe and scored a J < jC advance by selling at
7lJc. ( The closing prices at I p. in. were
November 72 , ' e , December 7.'W ( riYe : , Jan
uary 7I ! > ( e and May 7IJ ( < c.
Corn closed at 1 p. in , to-day } c. better for
early deliveries and J/c bolter for May.
Trading was limited. Receipts this morning
wcro but four cars short of the estimate , or
40(1 ( cars. The estimate for to-morrow was
iimall at 110 cars. November closed at 41
December sold at 4141l4/'c , closing at 41 Vc ,
January , closing at 41j c , May 41 %
(245 ( < o. closing at the outside.
Provisions were fairly active.- There
were no deliveries , as trading in November
has been of no moment. Keceipts of hogs
were good and prices well maintained ,
Operators manifested more desire to trade
and speculation showed a fair Increase and a
better feeling developed. Pork was the
favorite. Several large traders were credited
with buying heavily and prices advanced
from K12.40 to $12.i2 ( } for .January and
closed at 1 o'clock at12.57)j ) , u gain of I'U'c.
The few trades in February were at $12.T2I4 ,
and May at $ lUKITt ! < | ! l.05. Lard advanced
14c } owing to small offerings uml a better de
mand. November sold at i > .22J < j ( ( ! . . ' ! ( ) and
closed at tW.JJTlifP'U' ' ' " . January at ? < ! . ! i ( > @
( ! .37J < and closed at i.r ! ! . Short ribs tire lUo ,
but only closed 7)fo ) better than yesterday.
January sold at $ < i.)0i7l.40 : ) ( ! and closed at.f < i.'i. !
Anruxoo.v Si > siox Wheat llrm ; Nnx'ein-
ber 72.jc } ; December 7ic : : January 73J < @
74o ; May ! ' @ ! % . Corn linn ; Novembei
41Jfe , December 4H4'c , May 45' < e. Oats
Jlrincr ; November 25'/c ' , December > % v ,
Muy 21 > X@-iK | hiil. 1'orlt for January delivery -
livery closed at $12.55@12.57j { ; sales were
moderate ; other deliveries nominal. Lari :
quiet ; November sold nnd closed at $ < > . ; ! ( > ;
December was quoted at * . : ) , January al
$ * ! . : ifi and May at * < 1.05. Short ribs for Jan
uary delivery sold and closed at i.IU gll , . * ! ;
other deliveries nominal.
CHICAGO , Nov. 1. [ Special Telegram to
the BKE. ] CATTLE Native cattle wore
scarce , and good native steers very scarce
Out of the 10,000 fresh cattle there were
nearly 7,000 Tcxnns and rangers , yet there
scorned to bo about all the natives needed , as *
there is no great scramble for even ligh
offerings. It would bo natural to suppose
that an advance would follow this light run
of natives , but such is not the case. On the
first attempt at asking an advance buyers
will leave salesmen and turn their attention
toward long horns and the big framed
beast of the northern range. The
quality of Tcxans and rangers shows some
improvement over last week's arrivals and
Uulto u per cent are good enough for display
in the wholesale and retail markets. Caii
nlng stock , however , Is down to low watoi
marlc , Tcxans ranging from (1.50 to 2.00 ;
Tcxans that win be used by dressed beel
dealers $2.25@2.50 , of fat Texans from the
Indian territory J.K ( ) ( < ? 3.20 and rangers $2.25
( < ? 3.30. Shipping steers. 1,850 to 1,500 Ibs ,
* l.85@5.10 ; 1.200 to 1H50 Ibs. * 3.40@4.50 ; 051
to 1200 Ibs. fn.OO < RUK : ) . Stockcrs and feeders
steady at $ 1.00g3.10 ( ; cows , bulls and mixed ,
* 2.50 ; bulk , tl.40@1.75. Through Texas cattle
tlo steady and unchanged. Western rangers
Bold at 2.10@liO ! ! and bulk at ? 2.40 ( 2.SO.
Hods Trade was brisk , with but llttlo 01
no change in prices as compared with yester
day. To-day the regular winter packing
season begins and some thirteen houses ,
great and small , Imvo buyers on the market.
Hest heavy , nice tender-weights and Phila-
tlelphlas sold at f .f > 0@4. ( ; prime packing
sorts , f4.45 ( < ? 4.55 ; plain and common packing
sorts , $4.HK ( < J4. 5 ; light sorts , t. .50@4.55 ;
singeing pigs , fl.60@4.l .
NKW YOIIK , Nov. 1. [ Special Telegram tc
the UEE. STOCKS The course of the stocV
market was n great surprise to the bears
who expected that , from the weak and fever
Ish condition of the opening , there would be
a continuation of yesterday's break. Firsl
sales"wero at a slight decline on the majority
of active stocks. This was only temporary ,
ns the boars bccamo nervous. Londoners
wero. not in the market to nny extent , n ;
this is settlement day there nnd their ex
change was closed. Moderate short lines
were covered on the early depression , bu
purchases of that character were nothini
compared with that which followed tin
report that the C ! ranger roads had agreed ti
restore rates. The information was greatl ;
magnified , us no definite agreement hadbeci
entered Into. Northwestern nnd Mlnncsoti
& Northwestern are said to fnvor u 2f ecu
ndvanco between Chicago nnd Minneapolis
but the Chicago , liurlington & Northern hat
not ngrccd to the raise. It apparently madi
no difference to the timid bears * whether tin
agreement had been signed or not , ns the ;
rushed pell melt to cover , and In so dolni
advanced prices l@ljf per cent on St
Paul nnd Northwestern. The scnsatlona
feature of the advance , however , was Manl
toba , which Jumped 4 } { points. Missour
Paclllc , that was weak sister yesterduy
broke % early , but rallied 2J.f per cent. Th
Impression prevails that Gould left libern
Belling orders for Missouri Pacltlo befor
leaving for Europe , hence the recent drof
VanderblUs. were llrm , nnd JfQl per ecu
better. The ndvanco In telegraph rates 1
expected to make Western Union earning
heavier , nnd a sharp ndvanco was expectcO
but It only secured n net gain of % per cenl
The advance of 1@3 per cent in Pcnnsylvc
nla had u stimulating effect on the goncrc
list the hist hours and the highest prices o
the day were recorded , Pennsylvania ni
vanclng IJf per cent more than regaining th
dividend. At the close there were nut ai
vunccs of 4 on Manitoba , U % on Chicngc
Burlingt9n & Northern , IJ ( on St. Paul , 1J
pn Northwestern , 2 > f \Vlscousiu Pucllli
nnd IJiT per cent for Heading. This makes
ho second day's defeat for the bears , but
radrrs appeared confident that the market
vns still a limited one , and the bulls would
ooon get tired of working prices up. The
otal sales were 2iXX ! , ( ) shares , against 202- ,
Kit shares yesterday.
Govr.iiSJiK.NTs Government bonds wcro
dull but steady.
closed offered at 4 l > er cent.
STKIIM.NO KXCIIANOC Dull but steady at
.81f for sixty day bills , and (1.85)4 ) for de
mand. _
Clilcago , Nov. 1. Following are the 9 : HO
closing prices :
Flour Steady mid unchanged.
WhOat Moderately active ; opened a shade
higher than closing figures of yesterday and
closed % ( lu higher ; cash , 7-cj IJccem-
ber , TH'.l-lOo ; May , Tll e.
Corn Quiet , moderately active , somewhat
firmer ; opened at yesterday's close and
closed ' ( ( ( jj ohigher ; cash,41J c ; December ,
41 : i-ltio ; May. 4'c.
Oats Steady ; prices did not fluctuate or
change materially ; cash , " "iKe : December ,
! i : > Xc ; May , SOO-liio.
Kyc Steady No. 1 ,
Harley Steady ; T-JJ c.
Pi Imo Timothy fi.'U.
Flax-seed $1.11 .
Whisky $1.10.
Pork Steady ; January , $12.55.
Lard Moderately active and stronger ;
cash nnd December , W.UO ; May , $ > . ) .
Dry Salted Meats Shoulders , W.OOSfi.20 ( ;
short clear , SC.SOfrMUH ) ; short ribs , * 0. ; j < f
Butter Steady ; creamery , 19@20o ;
dairy , 18@ilc.
Cheese Dull. Full cream cheddars , lOJ c ;
flats , 10/O10i4c ; young Americas , 10'e. .
Kggs-Firmor at lS@18 ! c.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , 4@
4 } < c ; No. 8 , nj e ; cakes , 4 } c.
Hides Heceipts fair demand but moder
ate ; unchanged ; heavy green salted , 7e ;
light , do. , 7 > u ; salted bull , tic ; green salted
calf , 8 ; dry Hint. ISfglHe ; dry calf , lifeWc ;
dry salted , lOo ; deacons , each , 30o.
Hcceipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 'JSHXI ( ltitMX )
Wheat , bu . r3WX ) 0 : )00 )
Corn , bu . l.VJ.OOO 184,000
Oats , bu . irfl , < HX ) 832,000
Kyc , bu . 4,000 'JKXI , (
Harley , bu . 81,000 4iooO (
X sw York , Xov 1. Wheat Ueceipts ,
808.MH ) ; exports , liH.OOO ; options varied very
little during the early hours , but towards the
close they strengthened and advanced } { @
? e , leaving off llrm ; spot grades a shade
better : ungraded red. WMQJSiiJfc ; No. 1
red , nominal at 8 ! > ) < e ; No.J red , sy jjfSUtf
in store nnd elevator , brj ( ( i > ( i4C ' delivered ;
December closed at S4j c.
Corn Kecelpts , 101,01X1 ; exports , fil00 : ! ;
spot llrm ; oiitions 'hOf'jO ' ' higher and mod
erately active ; ungraded , r > . ' ) ! ( VfMc ; No. 2 ,
ftyj.'o in store , fij : ic < f " > tf delivered , 58o c. , f.
ami i. ; December closed at tfi fe.
Oats Hcceipts , 2nXX ( ) ; exports , ( X ) ;
' < ( - * ' ' lower ; mixed western , : i3ji94c ( ; white
western , .T > ( ( f40o.
Coffee SKt | , fair ; Hlo , steady at $13.r > 0 ;
options higher and fairly active ; sales ,
MlOtH ) bags ; November , * ll':2.1@10.5 : ! ; De
cember , SllUuglltUlO : .lanuary , ? ir.XIQ
10.05 ; February , $15.KI@15.)5 ! ) ; March , * 15.bC
Petroleum United , 73e.
Eggs Firm and demand fair ; western , K
fit O > 1 | , * ( *
Pork Steady but very quiet.
Lard Higher ; western steam , spot , -0.77)ii
f(7 .SO.
Butter Quiet ; western , 13S25c ( ; westcrr
creamery , lli25c. ( ;
Cheesu Firm and in fair demand ; west
ern , 9 @llc.
8t. liOuiH , Nov. 1. Wheat Firm ; cash
71e. ; November , 73 c ; May , fcOJfc.
Corn Firm ; cash , ! ) $ % ( ( ii'Jc ; Deccm
bcr , 37o ; May , 41 > 4'c.- '
Oats Dull ; cash , 24 ? c ; May , 2SXc.
I'ork * 12.50.
Butter Firm nnd unchanged ; creamery
23@2c ( ! ; dairy , lC 21c.
Afternoon Hoard Wheat , strong ; Novem
bcr , Tljfc ; December , 73 @ 73j < c ; May
8i ( ) c. Corn , llrm ; November , 8 ! < ; 'e bid
December , 37 c bid ; May , 41 . Oats
HttiiHnH City , Nov. 1. ' Wheat Steady
No. 2 soft , cash , Wlj o asked ; December
COcbid ; May , 74Jfo bid , 7r > Kc asked.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 35c ; Deccnv
her , 35 ( < t35' c bid , 3 ( > c asked ; May , 3lks bid
3'.lj < c asked.
Oats 22o bid.
Milwaukee , Nov. 1. Wheat Firm
cash , 7Uc ; December , 71o ; May , 78 > V < 0
Corn-Quiet ; No. 3 ,
Oats Steady ; No. 2 white , 28 0.
Hyo Firm ; No. 1 , 54o.
Harley Higher ; No. 2 , 70o.
Provisions Qulot. i.
Pork November , $13.00@1 .25.
MinncnpollH , Nov. 1. Wheat Opcncc
weak cund ruled quiet ; No. 1 hard , cash
70J < o : December , 71) ) e ; January , 72) ) < c
Muy , 77) c ; No. I northern , cash , 07c
December. CSo ; Janury liOc ; May , 75e ; No
8 northern , cash , C-le ; December , twc ; May
72e. On track : No. 1 hard , r.'GJW 'c ; No. :
northern , 08)4 ( < Ti9o ( ; No. 2 northern , ( MSVic ( (
Flour Steady ; patents , l$4.25@4.83
bakers' , W.15i3.r ! ( > 0.
Heceipts Wheat , 230,000 bu.
Shipments Wheat , 4ItXX ! , ) bu ; ; tlour , 28,30
Now OrleniiH , Nov. 1. Corn Quiet
white , 6lc ( ; mixed , .V57o ; yellow , 57c.
Outs-Steady ; No. 8 , ! H ) 35c.
Cornmeal $8.33.
Hog Prwlucts Unsettled but gcneroll ;
lower ; pork , $1.1.50 ; lord , 81.75. *
Hulk Meats Shoulders , $5.35 ; long cleai
nnd clear rib , $ G.U3) ) $ .
Union Stock Yards , Chicago , Nov. 1
The Drovers' Journal reports :
Cattle Heceipts , 10,000 ; market fairly no
tivo ; shipping steers , $ n.00@5.10 ; stock
crs nnd feeders $ l.Xi,10 ( ) : ; cows , bulli
and mixed , . $1.00 2.50 ; Texas cattli
steadv and unchanged. Western rangers
$2.10 < 33.SO.
Hogs Hecolpts , 30,000 ; fie lowcrj rougl
nnd mixed , M.U : ) ( < f-I. ! . > ; iiacklng and shit :
ping , $4.35@4.U5 ; light , $4.40 ( 4.50 ; skips
$2.50(23.75. (
Sheep Hcceipts , 7,000 ; market unchanged
natives , $1.75i(4.20 ( ; western , i.00.ti.55 :
Texans , $2.00 3.25 ; lambs , $4.25@5.50 pe
100 Ibs.
Nntlonnl Stock Yards. * Kast St
liOiilH , Nov. 1. Cattle Heceipts , 2,000
shipments , 700 ; steady ; choice heavy notiv
steers , $4.20(24.00 ( ; fnlr to good , $3.00 ( 4.25
butchers' steers , medium to prime , $2.'JOi (
8.1)0 ; rangers , $2.10@3.70.
Hogs Hcceipts , 7IXX ) ; shipments.'nono
active and steady ; choice heavy and butcl :
crs' selections , $4.50@4.70 ; packing nn <
Yorkers , medium to choice , $4.JO(24.50 ! ( ; pigs
common to good , $3.SO@4.15.
KaiiKiiN City , Nov. 1. Cattle Receipt
3,500 ; shipments , 2,400 ; offerings niostl
gniss range and the market was weak and
shudo lower ; good to choice corn-fed , $4.20 (
4.75 ; common to medium , $3.35(24.10 ; stocli
ers , t$2.00S8.50 ( ; feeding steers , $2.05@3.2J
cows , | 1.8j ( 2.50.
Hogs Heceipts , 12.500 ; shipments , 50C
ojicned 5o lower and closed lOo lower ; coir
mon to choice , $3.UOQ4,35 ; skips and plgi
f . . Tuesday , Nov. 1.
The receipts of cattle wcro lil m ! . Th
market was dull although quite a good man
cattle changed hands , and weak with
downward tendency. A few loads of con
fed cattle changed hands , but the local pocl
era having been liberal buyers yesterday Ui
ot require many. For that reason omo
? cry fair cattle were neglected. There was
considerable Inquiry for feeder * , bill the
buyers were very backward In bidding and
thn market was devoid of much life. The
stockcr market was in about the same condi
tion HI the feeder market. Butcher stock
Is slow , although a few loads sell each day ,
The receipts of hogfl were the heaviest for
several weeks. In addition , to the fresh re
ceipts there were five loads loft over from
yesterday. The market wn * Inclined to bo a
little slow at the opening , the buyers holding
back. The opening prices paid wcro nbout
steady with yesterday's close , W.25belng the
top. Later the market weakened and good
heavy hogs went so low as $4.15. When the
last train arrived , which was about mid-day ,
there wcro more buyers In the yards nnd the
market rallied somewhat. The buyers took
the hogs as fust n they wcro unloaded nnd
they wcro all sold before they were put In
pens. The prices paid at the close were a
shade to Bo lower than the opening prices.
Kver.ythlng was sold before the market
closed. There wcro n good many loads of
light and common hogs which brought the
average down considerably.
There was nothing doing on the market.
Ofllulnl Itccclpts.
Cattle 1.S22
H o gs 5,009
Sheep R04
Cattle 50 cars , Chicago
Hogs 15 cars , H. I. , Chicago
Pi'CVnllliiK Price * .
Showing the prevailing prices paid for live
stock on this market :
Choice steers , 1300 to 1500 tf.s M.25 ( < T4.00
Choice steers , 1100 to 1300 Jt.s . 4.Wi4.25 (
Fat little steers , MX ) to 10.V ) Ibs 3.75' 3.S'j
Corn-fed range steers , 1200 to 1500 3.7f.i(4.0 ( ! !
Good to choice corn-fed cows 2.250'2.50 '
Common to medium cows 1.5 ( ) ( < i2.'J5
Oood to choice bulls 1.252.00 (
Oood range feeders 2.25i ( < 2.50
Oood native feeders , Will lt > s and up
wards 2.50@2.75
Fair to medium native feeders , SHX )
His and upwards 2.2.Ji2.50 (
Stockcrs , 400 to 700 lbn 2.00 ( < i 2.50
Prime fat sheep 8.2.Vn 3.50
Fair to medium sheep 2.50M3.IK )
Common sheep - . 1 , BOf ( 2.25
Light nnd medium hogs 4.00 ( 4.10
Oood to choice heavy hogs 4.15C'M.25
Oood to choice mixed hogs 4.05 ( .4.15
Representative Sales.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
22..1I03.S3.75 IS.1223 ! ) $1.35
itANiu : sTinus : Y. T. Cattle Co.
100..1027 2.25 I'M..1027 2.30
l'J4..10i2 : 2.25 20. . . . 10W 2.40
9..1003 2.20 51. . . . 902 2.50
08. . . . 005 2.25
28..1122 2.40 1..1310 2.40
wivnux : : HULLS. „
1..1000 1.00 1. . . . 142(1 ( 1.110
3..1500 1.00 4..1457 1.00
wr.vmis cow * .
55..1124 2.00 5.,1074 2.00
1..1070 2.00 1. . . . ' .MO 2.00
Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
SS..10S $4.00 70..2C4 40 $4.15
HI..ISO 100 4.IKI 04..2M ) Nl 4.15
51..204 120 4.00 52..25 120 4.15
83..205 120 4.00 73 238 120 4.15
(12..200 ( 40 4.00 04..275 200 4.15
173..210 440 4.00 01..24 ! ) 0 4.15
77..222 2MI 4.C5 04..277 SO 4.15
S4..220 bO 4.05 01..277 120 4.15
711..220 H ) 4.05 72..253 4.15
00..224 100 4.05 73..24 ! ) SO 4.15
77..237 40 4.05 5'.207 ! 120 4.15
07. . . .201 400 4.05 02..20 201) ) 4.15
75..225 3(10 ( 4.05 09..2.V * 200 4.15
80..213 120 4.05 54..300 210 4.15
Oil..253 200 4.05 02..282 120 4.15
02 271 2MI 4.05 55..314 40 4.17' . . '
51..240 120 4.10 05..250 120 4.17'
(14..250 ( 4IKI 4.10 00..20 100 4.20
Chi..213 100 4.10 01..272 80 4,20
71..205 4.10 115..2 7 12(1 ( 4.20
72..25 ! ) 200 4.10 0'J..H24 120 4.20
75..25 ! ) 120 4.10 113..2H ! ) 20 4.20
81..253 40 4.10 54..320 M ) 4.20
50..2US 240 4.10 ( Ml..270 S ) 4.20
114 253 2SO 4.10 03..TO SO 4. ' > ( )
O1..2.V. IlliO 4.10 54..324 120 4'20
54..200 100 4.10 05. . . . 203 200 4.20
02..29 400 4.10 00..2 ; ' . ) 320 4.20
03..2J3 2SO 4.10 52..330 100 4.20
75..237 SO 4.12l < f 00..2,1) ) 200 4.20
00..281 SO 4.12J-J 53..322 100 4.20
51..203 4.12K 01..277 2iO 4.20
03..205 100 4.12K 03..20U 200 4.20
( IT..2S ) 200 4.15 01..WO 120 4.20
71..251 100 4.15 52..803 100 4.20
07..250 120 4.15 00..2S4 SO 4.20
OS..222 2 < H ) 4.15 00..271 100 4.22rf
OS..271 240 4.15 00..298 240 4.25
74..229 40 4.15 09..2M ) 240 4.25
01..2112 100 4.15 55..333 200 4.25
02..288 200 4.15
Live Stock Sold.
Showing the number of head of stock sold
on the market to-day :
G. H , Hammond & Co 32i !
Feeders 82i (
Speculators 14
Hurris & Fisher 3'J
Total (504 (
O. H. Hammond &Co 434
Anglo-American Packing Co 48Mi !
Harris & Fisher 13(1 (
Squires & Co 834
Kingan & Co 18(1 (
Local 81
Total * 5901
Unsold „ 05
Ilaiio ( of Prices.
Showing the highest and lowest prices
paid for hogs , on this market during the past
seven days and on the corresponding days in
1SS5 and IhSO.
All sales of stoitk in this market are made
per cwt. live weight unless otherwise stated ,
Dead IIORS sell nt KC per Ib. for nil weights ,
"Skins , " or hops weinhinp less than 100 ihs ,
no value. Pregnant sows nro docked 40 Ibs ,
and stags 80 Ibs , by Ihe public inspector.
Ijlvc Stock Xotcs.
Caltlo dull.
Hogs lower.
Heavy receipts.
An uneven market.
J. P. Kessler , Craig , was a visitor at the
A. Y. Sutton , Hooper , Neb. , was in looking
oP fiwders.
Among those in with cattle was J. Chris
man , Broken Bow.
J. J. Holcomb , Hebron , marketed n gooi
load of 271-lb hogs.
M. II. Jeffrey , Osceola , was hero and mar
kctcd a load of hogs.
Squires & Go's siring of hogs averaged 29 !
pounds and cost ft. 15.
A. Cruise , Atkinson , had In two loads o :
hogs and a lot of sheep.
John McBridc , Blair , was at the yardi
looking for stock cattlo. ,
The winter packing season opened yester
day with heavy receipts of hogs.
James Cannon , Hampton , marketed three
loads of hogs at satisfactory prices.
Charles Phllpot , Weeping Water , was hen
and bought seventy-four head offoeders.
Charles Ford , a real estate dealer of Slous
City , was among the visitors at the yards ,
II. A. Blair , a prominent * stockman o
Wyoming , was hero with a train of cattlo.
L. B. Shepherd , West Point , marketed (
load of 298-lb hogs at the top of Uio market.
Mr. Hoagland came in with a load of hogi
from Dewitt , Neb. , which sold on the market
11. B. Dennlson , Blue Hill , was In looklnj
over the yards with a view to shipping here
Among the visitors at the yards was Dr
Hall , a well known citUcu nnd banker o
Broken Bow , Neb.
W. H. Smith , Crete ; J. Cummins , Tal
mndgc , and T. Mortliiwr , Madison , won
among those who cauion with stock yea
The North LOUJI Cattle Co. , Elba , had si :
loads.of cattle and one load of hogs on th
market , C. U. Sharpe , manager , cauio ii
with them ,
il Mr ; Byers , of Bycrs , Patterson & Co. , na
Ycttlrnwl from a trip Ib the Nlobrarn , Ho
prouwunro * U the prcttlt" t gnulng country
ho vfcr saw.
G. P. Moorhrad. Diinlnp , In. , n heavy
feeder. wn in undWiirhV two lends of fpfd-
ors. This WHS his third shipment from the
yards. He will feed 500 imltle this HCHSOII.
J. M. Strnlm , MHlvoru. Jn. , ramc in with
ten lends of corn fed nutlvcR , nvi'riiging 122:3 : ,
which sold on the murkft. They wcro fed
by Mr , Striilm at Wayne , Neb. , nnd wcro a
very good bunch of cattlc , _
Tuesdny , Nov. 1.
rrotliicr , Fruit * , Ktc.
The / < rf/oirliij / ( niriti price * nt
riiiou ? Join of ; ; rorf oc nro * nli ( ou this
FrttU * ur other Ittic * uf VIMHI * rt-
cjrtm labor of iHirlilnii wmuut nl '
lie Miji/Jfri / on oiifsltfc mifrra it the
KIIIIB jirlct1iioffd / the loval trnile :
Ucnlcrs generally wre comilalnlng | of the
mor itiutlty | of homo iiiiiwn potatoes. Tlu-y
are not only very small as u rule but an1 not
sound. In thu vicinity of Klsing , Neb. ,
ivhcre u great inKiij' imtatcics are grown for
ihls market , it Iscliilmcd tlmt the potatoes
grow , o near the surface this season thnt
hey were sun burned. Local grocers lire
lot laying in as heavy stocks of home grown
.xitatocs as usual on account of thulr being
so prior. On the other blind thej arc putting
n more Utah and Colorado potatoes than
ver before. These potatoes aio very Hue
uml large , and altlmugh the crop was thu
argest ever rnlied they are not cheap , as so
tunny nru being shipped cast.
Shippers fi-eimetitly complain nf los es
ivhleli could easily have been avoided , The
following suggestions as to packing for ship-
nent will be found useful : Never put butter
hat is strong enough to walk alnno with
fresh and sweet , for as sure as you do It
spoils the sale of the good article. At this
' fine of the ; year butter should bo packed in
) oxcs holding not more than 7 , " > or Mi pound * .
ivrappcd in thin muslin and packed so as to
mid the butter without defacing it. If you
have jHior butter , place It in a Depurate box.
ICggs should IK- packed so as to avoid breuk-
ige. and would suggest this as the most prac-
leal plan : Phicu cut straw , bran , chaff or
' .xcelsior in the bottom of your canes under
your llller , also on the top of the top layer
under the cover. When the tillers are much
smaller than the cast ! care should be taken to
till In thu spaces , thus Insuring safety against
breakage , unless grins carelessness is prac
ticed by the express or railroad company.
If these rules are observed in packing eggs ,
complaints from breakage will be few.
Never pack poultry until all the animal heat
is completely out. Poultry. dr.\ picked , sells
to butter advantage. Always ii.ick feet
downwards , cutting off the head , and not
feeding for 2(1 ( hours before killing , thus
leaving the crop empty , and avoiding danger
of souring.
Hrmu : Creamery. West Point ItOe ;
: > tlier creameries 2'2 ' 2lc per pound : choice
ilairy , isr 2le ) ; medium grade * , lltwM.'c ; or
dinary. ! lf.llIC. (
: Markei fair. Fancy full cream ,
cheddars , single Hie : full cream twins , 1o ! ! :
young Americas , lHc ! ; brick cheuse , 100 Ibs
in case , lee ; Limberger , IIHI Ibs in case , Me ;
Maiirs" fancy Ohio , I'.ic.
I.ivi : Pori.Titv Spring chickens , $1.7.V
2.W : old fowls , VH > ( ii2. " > il : ducks. * ' . ' .2 : >
( 2. < ri : geese , .f < l..VI peiidiu ; turkeys , in very
light roUCMt ( | , 77'sc. ( " Dressed Chickens.
er 11 > ; turkeys" , IKiM'J'jc ' ; ducks and ; , lli(12lC. (
Sot it KiiorrV ' . " ) per bbl.
fiAMK Hci'cipts light ; prairie , chickens ,
. ' . ' .V.M.iiO : mallard ducks. ? . ' . ! T.l ( : iiuiiil ,
.WK'i 1.7ft ; teal and mixed duekt , * I.MVi ) ( l.7 , * ;
snipe. 7.V ( * 1.K ( ) : jack rabbits. 40ifc4Vcaeh ;
jack snipe , ? I.H ( ) per do.antelope ; "d deer ,
per Ib. . carcasses , Sic ; Middles , I''fn 14c.
lid cauliflower
nit- Shell , $2.00 per hundred : bulk ,
$ lCiper ! hundred ; selects , W.20 a gallon ;
cans. New York counts. ,4 , , " > c : selects. ! I.V | lc ) :
standard , 27ff ( : ' ( ) > ' : Hoyal. 4IK1 ; Jerome bays ,
lc : Tiger , 2."ic.
Hi\Ni : Hand-picked navy. J.2.V > i2."iO ;
hand-picked medium , fl.T.'iCi 1. " > . " , : good clean
country ? l.r > 0i 1.7. > ; inferior grades accord
ing to quality.
ad oysters
PoriTor. " Heeeipts liberal : good to choice
home grown , ihifiilWo : cnmninn , V- ( t.V ! ;
1'tali and Colorado stock. NO ( SV.
Swiir : PdTATon-- The market is well sup
plied with homegrown at ( ( .X'i'Jit ! per bushel ;
Virginia stock ! ! e per Ib.-
ONMOX- Choice largm"alifornia onions are
offered on the market at'.K'c ' per bushel. Homegrown
grown , ' ) ( ) ( . * . ( .
C'u.iri. < ) WKii 82.50 per do/ .
( 'uvxiiiinitiK" Tlie market is fairly well
supplied with good stock. Hell & Cherry ,
t7.,0 ; Hell & Uujjle , W.OO ; Cape Cods , * ' .U > 0. The receipts are larger and the
stock better. Good stock brines ! 10.TC . n
CIIIIIK Choice Michigan cider , $0.00'n > .5n
per bbl , of ! ! 2 gal.
CoLOANtJ'is ( Jood stock. $5.00.
Lr.MOS-ir-Messina , $5.5tlii.OO ( ! ( ; Maiora ,
* 7.00'ori-onto , 57.00.
M.M-i.n SUOAU Choice Ohio stock , lOc per
Popcoi'.x Choice rice corn , Scpor Ib ; other
kinds , 2'i2,1/c ( per Ib.
HOSEV Choice , in 1 Ib frames , 21c.
On < xiiis Messina out of the market ;
Louisiana , $0.00 per bbl. $ . " > .00 per box ; Ja-
iniieln , ? 10.XK ( ) | > r bbl , M.5II per box.
Arri.K-i Market fairly active and receipts
liberal. Hest eating apples , wincsaps , &i.50 ;
.lohnathan , &I.UO : good lown stock , Hen
Davis , ( icniton , etc , $3.00ilii.50 ( ; common ,
. : > ii ( . < : t.oo.
CiiiAi'ns Homegrown stock is in liberal
supply and is moving feely at 4 , ' c per pound ;
California , Tokay , $2.50 per crate : Muscats ,
$2.50 j Now York , 10-lb baskets. : C. J45c.
QCI.NCK * New York stock , * 7.50 ( < tS.OO per
H \XANAS The market Is well supplied with
bananas at $2.K ( ) ( < < : i.OO per bunch.
NfTs New crop ; Ohio chestnuts , 15S18c (
per Ib ; peanuts , 7Jfc , raw ; Hntzil nuts , j.'ic ;
almonds , Tarragona , 20c ; English walnuts ,
ISc ; lllberts , 12c. _
Flour nnd FVrtl.
'flicfoUomiig are tht : jubtilnu prtr.cs :
Minnesota patents , fi.50 per cwt ; Minnesota
seta backers' straight , S2.20 per cwt ; Kansas
ahd Missouri winter fancy jiatents , $2.45 ®
2.1K ) : Nebraska patents , $2.25C < Z2.t. : > ; rye flour ,
J1.75@1..K ) per cwt ; rye , Graham , $1.40 per
cwt ; wheat , Graham , $1.75 per cwt ; cornmeal -
meal , yellow , ( Kc ) per cwt ; comment , white ,
* 1.00percwt : chopped feed , $14.00@ 1(1.00 ( per
ton ; bran , $12.00 13.00 per ton ; screenings ,
$ 'J.HI@12. ( < X ) jer Urn.
HAY Slow ; upland pralrio $7.00 ; common ,
coarse , ? ( ! .00ati.50. ( _
Grocer * ' IMM.
COFFEE Ordinary grades , 20@20i < c ; fair ,
21il21Kc ; prime , 21 ! ( g22o ; fancy green and
yellow , 23ft25c ( ; old government Java , 2S@
! 50c ; Interior Java , 2o < it2 < c ; Mocha , 2SOc ( : ! ;
Arbucklo's roasted , 2. > 3.i'e ; Mclaughlin's
XXXX , 25Jio ; Dil worth's , 25o ; Ucd Cross ,
UKPIXED fcAiin Tierce , FiJ oi 40-lb siuaro
cans , ( ! JhC ; 50-lb round , 7c ; 2t-lb ) round , 7c :
10-lb pails , TUcjC-lb pails , 7bV , 3-lh palls ,
7Uc.SUOAU Granulated , TJiTOTJ c ; conf. A ,
< ! JjT ( < r7o ; white extra C , tih'@llKc ; extra C ,
( I'dOdlVc ; yellow C , f > c\ \ cut loaf , 7 ? ( a"Kc ;
powdered , " ( STKc.
Pii'Ki.Hi Medium in bbls , (0.50 ; do in half
bbls , $3.75 ; small , in bbls , J7.50 ; do in half
bbls , S4.25 ; gorkius , in bbls , $ S.50j do in half
bbls1.75. .
WooDr.xwAun Two-hood pails , per doz ,
did , 41c ; Mechanic's Delight , 41c ; Leggett &
Meyer's Star , 41c ; Cornerstone , 3 le ; Drum-
inond's Horse Shoe , 41o ; T. J. , 37o ; Sorg'a
Spearhead , 44c.
HKOOMS Extra 4-tie , ? 2.CO ; No. 12 ; No.
2 , f 1.75 ; heavy stable , fl.
CANDV-Mixed , 8 ] ( [ ( .llc ; stick. S\j \ < &W { .
CIIACKI-.HS Garneau's soda , butter and
picnic. 5c ; creams , So ; ginger snaps , So ; city
soda 7o.
TEAS Japan. 20gVio ( : gunpowder. 20 ( < Z !
fiOJ4'c ; Young Hyson , 25Q55c ; Oolong , 20 (
JIII.LIE ? ! 50-lb pails , | 1.80M. ( ! ) .
PUOVIHIONS Hums , ll llj c : breakfast
bacon , ll"i' ! ; bacon sides , bW ( < tUo ; dry
salt , 7 < C" > c ; shoulders , 7 < Vi7I/o ; dried beef
hams , lOC'Ulc ; dried beef regular , ( ) ) { < & 10 } c ;
hams picnic , "J QSc ,
DIIIED FituiTs Apples , now , J 's Oc : evap
orated , 50-lb ring , 10@104'c ! ; raspberries ,
ovuiioratcil , 2 < { rt2'Aj ' ; blackbcrriesevaiKrated ) ,
pitted cherries , peaches , now ,
5 ( 5 o ;
London layers , .30 ( < i2,40 ; California loose
muscatels , { 2.10 ( 2.20 ; now Valonclas , SJ fg
lloi-E Seven-sixteenths inch , llf@12o.
SvitiT No. 70 , 4-irtilloii kegs , Ji.45@ur)0 ;
' ow Orleans , per gallon , 3SCi4tks ; ' maple
'syrup , half bbls , "old time. " per gallon , Wio ;
l-gallon cans , per doz , 110.50 : naif gallon
. per doz , $0.25 ; qu&rt cans , ! | 3.25.
STATH ; ! ! Mirror plos , 5fe ; Grnrcs' corn ,
OJfc ; Oswego gloi.s , 7c ; Oswego corn , "o.
OANNHU iloous Oyster * , stnndnrd , per
case , W. 10 ( ,1. 15 ; strawberries , 2-lb , per case.
( aoiV a.lO : raspberries , 2-lb , psr case , * 3.00o5
) .1U ; California pears , per ensc , (4.GO@4. 70 ;
apricots , per wise , 14.10 4.25 ; peaches , per
nso , | 5.73H5.M ( ; white chcrrlca , per case ,
W.OO ; phm , per case. 13.80(53.00 ( : blueber
ries , per case , * 2. : Xa2.40 ; efg plums , S-lb ,
? or case. I2.BO : pineapples , B-lb , per ca o ,
3.205.t5 : Ml ) salmon , iwr do : . 11.00 1.93 ;
Mb pooschcrrlcs , per case , 3.25 8.n5 ; 2-lb
string bcuns. per case , $1.75 ( 2-lb limn beans ,
> er case , Il.tiO ; 2-lb marrowfat peas , $2.50(1 ?
2.tK ) 2-lb . . 8-lb
; - early Juncpeas. percase , 12.75 ; -
tomatoes , t2.4o\2.60 ; 2-lb corn , r..8l.12.40. ( (
Hoi.l.ANii IlEimixns 75H80c ( per keg.
Dry Gooils.
PIUXTS Soun CoLoits Atlantn , 5l c ;
Slater , 5c ; Herlin Oil , ( Ike ; Garner Oil , t > @
7c. PINK AND Konics lilchmondOo ; Allen
ie ; Klverimlnt 5ij ; Sleel Hlver fie ; Ulch-
momlOc : Paclllc OJi'c. Ixinno Hi.tin Wash
ington Oc ; Century Indigo blue prints , lOc ;
American Oio ; Arnold OJfe ; Arnold Ii 10 > j'c ;
Arnold A 12c ; Arnold Goldsenl lOUo. Dmss : ;
Charter Oak , 4 Jtfc ; Hamapo 3c ; LodUKc ;
Allen 5' c ; nichmond 5J c ; Windsor Co ;
Eddystono Cc ; Paclllc lie.
Con. < r.T JIUNS Andi-oscopln , 7 > tfc ; Kenr-
sage , 7 ! c : Hockport , iWc ; Conestogn , OJ o.
HTTS Standard. Sc ; Gem. 10i o ; IJcauty ,
12Wc : Uoone , Me : H , cased , $ rt.RO.
COITOX FI.AXNKI. ' ) 10 percent trade dis
count LL , tij/c : CC , 7'A ' ; ; SS , 8'/c ;
Nameless , o' 'c ; No. 5 , Oo ; KB , > fo ; GO ,
10'ic ; XX , 12c ; OO , Mo ; NN , ltc ! ; HX ,
Ibc ; K , 20c ; No. 10 , svfo ; 40. 10 > ; c ; 00 , 12 c ;
80. I5e ; ! ) , colored , lOo ; 50 , colored , 1'Jc ;
70. colored , 15c ; llrlstol , 13 > j'c ; Union Pu-
cilic , IS- .
CAiti'i'.T WAIIV Hlbb white , ISKe ; col-
ored,20 > ; o.
GINUIIAM Plunkett cheeks , 7 > e ; Whlt-
tenton , 7'4c ; York , 7' ' c ; Normandi Dress ,
' .ji1 : Calcutta Dress. S'.JcjWhitlenlonDress ,
He : Henfrew Dress , liftfiWJj'B.
CA.MIIIIICS Slater , 4)eVoods ) ! , 4J c ; Stan
dard , 4J-c ; Peacock , 4l4Tc.
TICKS Lcwiston , : ! 0 in. , t2Uc ; Lewlston ,
if. in. , injic : York , 32 in. , Me ; Swift Kivcr ,
7'cThorndlkeOO ; , 8'/c ' ; Thorndike B l-\
' . .VThorndikcl20 : , lij c ; Thurndiko XXX ,
ir > c ; Cordis No , 5. ( l < se ; Cordis No. 4 , lie.
DiiNiMn Amoskeagil o/ . , ltc ! ; Everett 7
on. , IDc ; York 7 oz. , lic ! : Haymaker 8' ' < fc ;
.luff ivy XX. llj c ; Jaffrey XXX , 12Jv'e ;
Heaver Creek , AA , I''c ; Heaver Creek 1J1J ,
lie : Beaver Creek CC , I do.
Kr.XTiTKV Jn vss Memorial 15c : Canton
ISe : Durham 27' c : Hercules ISc ; Leaming
ton 22' ' < c ; Cottswold 25 .
CitAfll Stevens1 U , do ; bleached , 7c ; Ste
vens' A. 7V.fc ; bleached , S c ; Stevens' P ,
8i.e : bleached , H > ( fc ; Stevens' N , ll c ;
bleached , 10).j'e ; Stevens' S HT. 12'Jc.
Misi'iiiANiots ; : Table oil cloth , S2.S5 ;
plain Holland 8 } c to He ; Dado Holland 12Uo.
KI.AXXEI.S Plaid Uaftsinan 32c ; Goshcn
! t2' ' V ; Clear Lake Il-J'rfc ' ; Maple City S'.Hsc.
Wliite-G. H. No. 2. ? ' , , 21c ; ( ! . H. No. 1 , f ,
27)'ac ) ; U. H. No. 2 , it 22 > c ; 1J. H. No. 1 , j ; ,
" Oc : Quechco No. 1 , { ,42uQucchcoNo.2 ; , Jf ,
HT'tfc ' ; Quecheo No. ! l , ? / , : i2' < c ; Anawan
! ' ? ; Windsor 22rfc. Ked-C , 24 inch , ;
B , 24 inch , 21e ; UG , 2Mnch. ISc ; H. A. P. ,
? ( . 2.V ; J. It. K , j , 27 ! < ? e ; U. , Me.
Ht.\NKirri : White , S1.KU7.50 ( ) ( ; colored § 1.10
. .
HI.IACIIIII : SIICETIXO Berkcly cambric ,
No. 00 , ( IVe ; Hcst Yet , 4-4 , li'4c ' ; butter cloth
OOi'fe ' ; Cnbot , 7 > fc : Farwell , Sc ; fruit of
Loom , hjfc ; Greene G , ( ic ; Hope , 7'.fc ; King
i'liillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdale. ll i" Lons-
dale , sjjc : New York mills , 10'ic ' ; Poperell | ,
42 inch , 10 > , e ; Peppcrell , 4(1 ( inch , lljsc ; Pcp-
perell , ( M. 15c ; 1'epperell , M-l , ISc : Pojipercll ,
! M , 20c : Pepperell , 10-4 , 22 'c ; Canton , 4-1 ,
S'4'e ' ; Clinton , 41 1 , O'se ' ; Triumph , tic ; Wam-
stitta , lie ; Valley , 5c.
HIIIIWX SIIIITIX : : < I Atlantic A , 4-1 , 7' e ; A
Hiinlie 11,4-4. 7c ; Atlantic I ) , 4-4 , d'tfe ' : At
lantic P , 4-4 , ftjfc ; Aurora LL. 4-1 , 5'ic ; ' ; Au
rora C , 4-1 , 4' jo : Crown XXX , 4-4 , d e ;
Hoosier LL , 4-4 , fijfc ; Indian Head , 4-4. 7jV ! ;
Lawrence LL , 4-1 , ftJic ; Old Dominion , 4-1 ,
ft' ' " > : Pepperell K , 4-4 , d' " c ; Pepperell 0 , 4-4 ,
He" : Peppcrell. S-l , llic : "Peppcrell , ' .M , 18c ;
Pepperell , KM , 20c ; Uticu C , 4-4 , 4n c ;
Wuchusctt , 4-t , 7c ; Auiora U , 4-1 , d'jc :
Aurora U , 4-1 , tie.
DI-CK West Point 2'.i in. 8 oz. . 10' o ; West
Point 2'J ' in , 10 o12 , ' c : West Point 211 in , 12
o , ! . 1V ; West Point 40 in , 11 oz , Idc. Checks
Caledonia X , H' e ; Caledonia XX , 10)ic ) ;
Economy , 0@i'fc ! ' ; Otis , Hte'.lMc.
General Market * .
SIMHITS Cologne spirits , 18S proof , $1.10 ;
do 101 proof , $1.12 ; spirits , second quality.
101 proof , 81.10 ; do Ih8 proof , ? 1.01 > . Alcohol
1SS proof , $2,10 jier wine gallon. Redistilled
whiskies , J1.000M.50. Gin blended , S1.60 ®
2,00 ; Kentucky bourbons , $2HlTKi.K ( ( ) ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , $2.00lt.50 ( ( ;
Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , $1.50
( RIJ.lH ) . Hrandles , ImiHirted , M.OO@8.fiO ; do
mestic , fl.W ! ( : . K ) . Gins , imported , § 4.500
1.00 ; domestic , i1.2.X ( : t.Ol. ( Champagnes , im
ported , per case , * 2S.Ourf ( 33.00 ; American , per
case , JIO.OO ® 10.00.
HEAVY HAIIIIWAIIC Iron , rate , J2.70 ; plow
steel , special cast , 4' c ; crucible steel , li o ;
cast tools , do , 1215c ( ; wagon spokes , per set ,
$2.lHXit > 5.50 ; hubs , per set , § 1.50 ; felloes ,
sawed dry , Sl.tK ) ; tongues , each , Wo ) ; axles.
each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib , dS18c ( ; coil
chain , per Ib , d'rrMUi ; malleable , 8@10c ; iron
wedges , Co ; crowbars , dc ; harrow teeth , j u ;
spring steel , 4 ( 5c : liurden's horse shoes ,
H.75 ; Hurden's mule shoes , $5.75 ; barbed
wire , In car lots , $4.00 per 100 Ibs ; Iron nails ,
rates , 10 to 50 , § 2.40 ; steel nails , $2.50.
HIDES Green butchers' , fi } c ; green
cured , 7c ; dry flint , Hlo ; dry salt , 8c ; green
calf skins , 7j c ; damaged hides , two-thirds
price. Tallow 3jiC. Grease Prime white ,
c ; yellow , 3c ; brown , IJ c. Shccppclts ,
COAL Egg , ? IO.OO ; nut , $10.00 ; range ,
$10.00 ; walnut block , $3.50 ; Iowa lump , ! ? 3.50 ;
Iowa nut , $2.75 ; Illinois , t-l.25Q4.75.
Dry lumber.
A C in. White Pine $35.50 ; C $29.50
B " " " 33.50 ; D 21.00
1st and 2nd , clear , 1 , IJ inch , s. 2 s $50.50
3d , clear , 1 inch , s. 2 s. , , . . . i. 45.50
" " IK , 14' } , 2in 40.50
A select , 1 inch , s. 2 s. , 40.00
" " Itf , 1 2 in 44.00
B " 1 inch , s. 2 s. , flO.OO
" " W , IK-in S7.00
I'OI'I.AK I.U.MIir.It.
Clear Poplar , Bx. Bds. J < in. , s. 2 s $35.50
" " yt In. Panel , s. 2 s 27.00
" " Corrugated Ceiling , ; < . . . 28.50
O. G. Balls , 2J4 in $00.75
" Kx3in.s. Is 00.45
3 in. Well Tubing D & M and Bev 23.00
Pickets , D & II , Flat 20.50
" " Square 21.00
No. \ com , s. 1 sSlS.K ( ) I No. 2. com , s 1 sSl'.OO
No. " " 15.50 | No. 4 , " " 13.00
A , 12 , 14 and 10 ft. S21.50 ; C $15.50
B , " " sjo.50 ; D 12.50
No. 1 , ( & 0 ill 12 & 14 ft , rough $19.50
No , 1 , " " 10" " 19.50
No.2 , " " 12&14" " 10.00
No.2 , " " ID" " 17.50
1st com. Jf in White Pine Ceiling $34.00
2nd " " " " 2S.OO
Clear , ? 8'in. Norway " " 10.00
2nd com. ; \ in , " " 14.00
A 12 inch si s $45.50
No. 1 , com. 12s 1 s , 12 ft 20.50
" " " 14ft 19.00
" " " 10ft 18.50
No.2 " ' 19.00
" " " 10ft 17.50
Inch Grooved Rooting , $1.00 perM moro
than 12-inch stock boards same length.
B1XUS ! ! ! , LATH.
XX clear $3.10 Kxtra "A * ? 2.X ( )
A * Standard. . . . 2.75 * A * II B & B. . . 2.55
0 in. clear , No. 1. 1.50 Lalh 2.05
White cedar , 0 in. , > j's , 12c ; 9 In. qrs. , lie ;
8 in. qrs. , lOo ; 4 in. round , 15o ; Tennessco
Hcd Cedar , split , 15o ; Split Oak , 12c.
mcnt ,
41 blinds , 40o'pcr ct. ; mouldldRsi 40c j > cr ct.j
tar felt , per cwt , $2.75 , slraw board. I1.T5.
'Com. 4 it 0 iu. flooring $17.50
Star " " 21.50
Clear ( inCeilinfr. . . ' . 21.50
.Clear % in Partition . ' , .25.00
Clear finished. .1 i. lV Iri. s2s 2U.OO
Clear corrugated cAilms , 4 in. . ; 87.W
Yellow piuo casing and'base . 0.00
. . .
Dealer In Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpus and 1'arq.uf t Floorinc. Mh and DouglU
Importers & Jokers of Millinery & Notions
a * . 110 and 211 South llth Street.
Notion * .
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
M and 4(16 South 10th Blr t. Omsha.
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
1IU5 name ? Blrt t. Omaha.
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Aile droase , etc. , Omaha. A. U. Dlshop , Manage r.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carrranlcc stock nf nrlnllnir , wrapping and srrlllni
paper. Special attention clten to car load oldcrs.
Printers' Materials.
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Dealers la type , pretics and printers' inppllet. Kit
South Hth Kreel , Omaha.
Rubber Goods.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
Oil Clothing and Leather llclllng. IdH Ktirnnm Street.
Pninns , Pipes-and Engines.
Ftcntnwator , railway and mining smiplles , etc. 020 ,
1C. and Vlt Farnain Street , Omalia ,
EteWholesale Pnraps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Ete mil nml Wntrr Riiiipllpn. llcnclqnutter * for Mnst ,
K o l t Co's good" . 1111 Faruimi St. , OmMin.
Steam and Water Snpplies ,
lUllliUy Wlnit .Mills , SIS line ! Via Knritnm St. , Omaha ,
U. K. Hess , Acting MmmtuT ,
Engines. Boilers and General Machinery ,
friiect Iron Wurk.btcnm I'limpn , Saw Mlllt. 1213-1JI5
LvitvutiKortli Street , Oruiilui.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
911 mid ? 13 Jone St. . Omaha
Storage , Forw n g CormTliaelon
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
llrancli liiiuro of thu lli'inu'v HIIKKT Cci. UuuuH'n at
iy hu'.oJHle ami retail. l.iflM.'lfO anil 11112 Izunl Sticet ,
Oinnha. Tcleiliunu | No. M.
To a 8 n n d C j g a r s.
WM. A. wTLSON & CO. .
Importers and Jobbers of-Teas & Cigars ,
Splcus anil I ) l-j ! IlnUnu I'nniter. llliJ and 118 liar-
nt'y Street , Uinabn.
Manufacture Galyanized Iron and Cornice ,
John Kpcnetvr , 1'ruprlHtnr. Wl Dntlgc and 103 autl 1U5
.North luth slrevt , Omnua. ;
Smpko Stack 9 , Bojjorgt
Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Stacks ,
HrltcliInK' , Tanks and Onrrul Holler Kepatrlng. 1313
UoJio Street , Oiuaba , Nob.
Wrought and Cast Iron Bnilfling Work ,
EnclneK , llrnst work , general foundry , machine and
blackimltli work. Office and worki , U. 1 * . Ily. and
17th Street , Unmha.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Desk ralli , window guard * , flower utandt , wire lgn ,
etc. , VU North ICth St. , Omalia.
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes-
Vaultn , jnll work. Iron and wire fencing , ilgns. etc. O.
Audreen , 1'rop'r. Cur. lull and Jackron St * .
General Auents ( or DIcboM Safe & lxCk Co.'i
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes.Time Locks ,
Vaults and Jail Work , 1415 Farnaui gtroot , Omaha.
_ _ _
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
leant I'anti , Shirts , Rtc. 1102 and 1104 Douglas Street ,
Oniaba , Neb.
Sash , Doors , Etc. _
Wboleiale Manufacturers of
Sash , Boors , Blinds and 'Mouldings ,
Branch Office , 12th and Uard Streets , Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers of Sash , Boors , Blinds ,
llouldln , Stair Work and Interior Hard Wood Kin-
lib. N. K. Comer 8th and I-cavenworlu Street * ,
Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers of Mouldings , Sash , Doors ,
And Bllndn. Turning , Stair-work. Hank and Office
Fittings , aotn and I'oppltiton Avenue.
L'agjir Beer Brewers ,
1621 North Klghtccnth Street , Omaha. Neb.
C. H. l-AI.MEU. N. 1 > . 1UCHMAW. J , II. W.ANCUAUD.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Oflico KOOIM 54 , Opposite Kichange lliilldlng , Union
Stuck Yards , Soutb Omalia , Neb.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Market furnished free on application , Htockers and
fceileri furnished on aood terms. Ituterences ; Oma
ha National Hank and South Omaha Natlunai , Union
Stock Yardi , South Omaha.
Live Stock Commission ,
Iloom 15 , Kicbango Ilulldlntt , Union Stock Yardi ,
Omaha , Neb.
Commission Bealers in Live Stock ,
Uoora 23 , Iliclianjo Hull , ling , Union Stock Yds , H.
Omaha. Itufi'rcnces : Union Nat'l ll nk , Omaha ,
Union Stock Yitrds Hank , S. Omaha , K. S. Howler
l're . Am , Hank A. Trust Co. , Omuliq7 _
Commission Bealers in Live Stock ,
Boom 22 , oppoitu Ercbanie Hullillng , Uolon Btoek
_ Yardi , South Omaha , Nob.
Of Omalia , Limited ,
Jobn r. Boyd , Superintendent.
Composition and flravel RooflnK ,
Agent for Warren's Natural Asphalt Roofing.
MtJallir > nd : p < t-3l > lr Ileadjr llooUov ,
bUcctOu-uUa , Nsb
Dealer in Agricultural ImplementsWagons. ,
liif Klcf. June ; Strcrl , Ilotwuca Mb anj
10th , Omaha , NM > rn ta.
Agricultural Implements , WapCarria2e3 $ ,
lliiBflf i , Kto. Wholesale , Omaha , NtbraMta.
* " "
AgricnltnralllpTeiienCVaps & Buggies
WI.SMVRBand rJone Street , Omaha.
Mannfactnrers of Bnckcye Drills , Mm.
Onltltolorj , liny lUkp. . CWfr Mllln nnd I.uban l'ul
. Cor. llth ami Mrhol.1 * Stretl § .
igricnltnral Implements , W agons & 6nnele ]
i nrn r tltli Mnil Nlf < hi.l B * lmtm
A. HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
151.1 Donglai StrvctOmalin , Nvbrmkn.
Boots nnd Shoos.
W. V. MORSE & CO. ,
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
ill Farnara tit. , Omnha , Neb. Manufacture , Summtl
btroot , lloiton ,
( Succosjcirn to Itred , JOMCK A Co. )
Wliolcsale Mannfacturers of Boots and Shoes
AgeoU fur Ilii'lon Uubbi-r Shun Co. Illtt , 110441198
llarner yt.Umalia , Nrbraikn.
_ Coffoas , Sploos , Etc. _
Omaha Coffro nrnt Splco Mllli.
Teas , Coffees Spices , Baking Powder ,
KlarurliiK Kitrai-ts. lji\in.lrr Illue. Ink * , Klo. KU-Hll
llarney Htrcet. Omnha , Nebraika ,
w. L. wnioHT ,
Ancnl for llii > MHnuCncturcn anil Importer * of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Ktc. ( idlce. 317 H. 131h Ht. . Omaha. Nebrmka. '
Commlaslon end Storage.
Commission and Jobbing ,
Batter , RKR * nml I'rrnluru. CoimlKnmvntii
lleaaquartcrft for Stonownrr , Harry lloxen and
llnipa llaskfti. 1414 DuilKn yt. . Umalia.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , Ilutlcr , ( JHtnc. Krultn , Ktc. 'fX Huuth 14th SU
Umalia , Nchranka.
( HucccMors to .Mcfhuno A Schroeiler. )
Prodnce Commission and Cold Storage.
Onmba , Nebrttska.
Coal , Coke and Lima.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
JUU Bouth IMi Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Mannfactnrers of Illinois White Lime ,
ind shlpperii of Coal , I'okp , Cement , 1'lnster , I.lm * .
IJrulti Tile and Sever IMpo. Oniro , rnxtiin llutol ,
Karnam St. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone 811.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
214 South 13th St. , Omaha , Neb.
M. E. SMITH Si CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
1102and HOiWigliis , Cor. llth St. , Omaha , Neb.
Importers and JoDhers in Dry GoodsNotions ,
GenU' Kuralahlnir l.ood > , Conier llth and llarner Sti-
Omaha , Nibraika.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Karnam Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Groceries- and Provisions ,
JOB , 707,709 and 7118.10th Bt. , Omaha. Neo !
Wholesale Grocers ,
lltb and Lcarcnwortn Street ! , Omaha , Nebraika.
D. M. STEELE & CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
lift , 1721 and 123 llarner Street , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1111 and 111A Harnej Street , Omaha , Neb.
Joooers of Hardware and Nails , '
TlnwareSbeet IronKtc. Agents for Howe Scalesand
Miami 1'owderCu. , Omaha , Neb.
Builders' ' Hardware & Scale Repair Shoo
Mechanics' Tools and Buffalo Scales. U06 Iougltt-iW
Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Hardware ,
10th and Harner Sts. , OmahatNeb. Western Agent *
for Austin 1'uwder Co..Jefferson Strel .Nallt , l lr- ,
bank * Standard Scales.
Heavy Hardware.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ?
Iprlngs , Waiion Stock , Hardware I.umnor , etc. 1209
and 1811 llarney Street , Omaha.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
"Mats , Capa , Etc.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
1107 llirnur fc-tti-et , Oniatm. Neb.
and ILER & CO. ,
Importers & Jobbers of FineWines Eiprs
Kait India Hltter anil Domvitlo l.lquori. 1112 Harnef
All Ms of Bnililing Material at Wholesale
IfeUi Street and Union Tactile Track , Onmlia.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doori.eto. Vardi-Corner7tb and Uouglan ; Corn
and I > uui'Iat.
Dealer In all Kinds of Lumber ,
13tu and California St . , Onmlia , Nob.
Lnmoer Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Corner Ctli and l > QUKa ! flti. , Oiirnhn.
To Dealers Only ,
. OBlce. 11X1 Krntnt jitroet , Omaha.
" JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , " ' "n
Wholesale Lnmner , Etc , !
trnported and American I'urtlaid Coment. Htata agent
( or Mlwauke | llrdrauMcCvutat and ( Julucj
Wblta Uu * .
YVOi1PMA N HO O DTTouthful.Irapr. "
k\/O I ucJuiicc.Servou5lcbIlltycnubed
tlirouijh trrora unil bad jiructlcu *