- - , ' V - , - . . . , , . ' - , - . , ' , --P. qj . - I : . . . . . , , 0 ; . . - 2 - rjp1i OMAHA DAILY BEE : W1DNESDAY1NOVEMflE11 , 1887. . . ' k BITTER FEELiNG iN BRITAIN , Party LinoB in England Being Moro Closely Drawn. V EVERYTHING ELSE LAID ASIDE. I : Jnterct Ccnterng In the FIrst CnbI. % * 1icctIng nbc JleldThiirs. dn-TJe Slnntlers About iIlrH. . Muckny. f Party Feeling 111gb. tCopuruit ? 1&7 bIJ.inics Grdon IJelseU.1 ; Lonbo ( , Nov. - ? ' ; Yoric Herald . Ckblc-4pechu1 to the Br.r..1-Selaoin hrts party feeling run o high In t1th country as ot the ireczit rnomcnt. It enters Into all ro. lntfonR of ilfo anti Ia greatly affecting the znuzilclpnl elections now commencing thrdugh. out England. O'Connor , on behalf of the National Ie&q'uocaUs upon Irishmen in Eng. land to vote only for Gladstonlnns In local eltctloiis. . It. Is a questionable policy for the league to thus dictate bow English borongh hall manage their municipal affairs and may Produce more rcscntnunit than good will. If the lcaguo immldcrtalccm to cheese English nldcrincti , town counsellor ando mayor , many s'Ild local iriutlices will be aroused and some necessarIly unmavorablo to the Irish Iarty. One inillel to this lmmtcmisebiLtorimos exIsted In the IJmiIttd States just imeforo tlio civil war broke out , nuil seems mipproaching a lmIlnr stat4i of ufraks hero. The fierce passions that have beemi htlrred on both shies by the Imprisomitmient of O'Brien amid other members must iidd fuel to the flue. Olunistonlamis look ujmmm the proceedings as an outrage , while time conservatles hold that the government Is merely acting Iii self-tie. louise , fightiuig agalmist open rebellion. Thus households nro tilvided agalmist oath other amid everything Ioints to the conclusion that the struggle is 1LIll only In the Ilrst stage. Time disruption of tiw great liberal party can no longer ho eoncealotl , although the importance of the fact Is denied by th larger section which follows Olumilstonu. it Is useless In Preteu1duuug that thu seecssion of Iiartlngton , liright , Chamberlain amid James Is a urmatter of little moment. These itien have a large oilowlng still , us would clearly appear Iii the event of a euuenil election. They control the balance of uirtfes In the Pr'Heat lumrlluuncmit and can Ir&uveuuL the govenmnieuit beiuig turned out for five years to come. 'Iluls at least Is a feet whose practical Importance Iii English Politics every child can perceive. 'rim Is burumIgstuite of party feeling accounts In a great flegree for the attack on r4 ttomi , who is generally regarded both In France iuid England as likely to make a tlioroughly safe anti discrete anihassador. his Indian I'oiicy 1003' fairly be questioned without affecting his competency to represent England - land fleross the channel. lie vIil entertain much wore thuum Lord Lyons and is sure to 2tuaku himself ioiiulai.socially. ) . . Very nuns- suinluig nini of agreeable mtiuiners , 111cc Ijisrueli , ioudcr of a iiter.try reputation tlitui of POI1tICIII stuuidlmig : , ho is miot likely to do anything to cuuilii oil time two countries amid vliI certainly rcmidcr the English cunintssy muore lolilular In l'arls tlimimi it has imeeui for muicuumy yccils. Ever mmmcm of letters , um vcll as big politinu amid Icuideis of society , will be welcomed. lIe knows nil the iuis mid outs of tilpiomuntic life , havimig served In uilmuost eciy cuiiacity. The older rest- ( lents \Vutsluingtomi vill still m-emexnber Bob rttomi , tim young uttache , v1io wits CVi3m ready to scribble iterso in ii lady's iluiiiii or relate the latest gossip iii a quiet corner iii the days II ! 'rii'lOr amid F'ilimmiort' . his wife is ii niece of the late Lord Claren. douiformncrly foreign secretary , and as lie has always lived in an ntmnosrhero ) of foreign affairs , tiioie viil ho no two opinions us to his V Personal fitness for the chico. Some PCOPIO may consider it R fault that ho is too much addicted to smnolcing. A few months ago , I was told , ho smoked about. fifty cigarettes daily , but the doctor recently cut bun down to half a dozen. Amem-ican residents In Paris will find bun es-er ready to welcome themui. Like his father , lie entertains feelings of jieculiar com-ulinlity towards Auuieiicaus. Young ladies vlil ho glad to clint with the author of "Luclie. " Although mummy disregard the venomous but hmirniless uttnelcs of the Pall Mall Gui. zette and other rabid ourmuct1s , Yates in the ' , Vorld mnakes a very iiioer vrote.t agalmist the treatment to which Mrs. Mmickr.y has long bccmi exposed. I inn inforicied that Yates hits greatly umutierstuteil the ease or perhaps treats it with the reserve necessary iii 1uiglnmit1. 'llio fact is that Mrs. Machay hits been literally lmrsecutcd with anommyinous letters of a peculiarly dastardly description. These were followed up by a series of cuut muing attacks in time. newspapers , iuiteuided to lattice her an object of ridicule umuid contemnpt In the eyes of a11 Paris , especially of hbr Compatriots. Her husband tried to track seine of these slanderers to their lairs , and recently succeeded In sending one to lirison for two years , but still time hnteul work is carried 0mm. Tue disapjoimited bluckuumailers , uumable to Injure Ttlackay , endeavor to wounid itiw by sti-ilcimig ut. his wife.'imcn two or tiurco moore ui-c laid by their heels iii jail this disgraceful systciut of vilifying on IoolTcmiuivu laity vili doubtless conic to un end. The first cabinet council willlaiiield Thurs. day. AfTairs lit Itelituidwill doubtless occupy munch Uiuic. 'rhO qc1stitui of tue recouistruc. tiou of tlt tabiuiet must bti considered. I may anention Unit a report retieltes mao on good au- titorlty tlmmit SalisIuryls at lresent Indisposed to mnaho any cluauiges lit the uutiuiistry. I iuavu shown you that Ilarringtout bus ito desire to enter the government , but umtauy thought Churchill would ) .o Iutitod to return. It uuitiy be so , hut I hear at tiii moozucuit thmit Salts- bury Is mnost Irtelined to go out with the sauna lenin as last u.esiort. Various Influences are itt svork to 1roduee this fr4uuue of nilnil-somne totyct po'e.lble to tli.cuss. Certain circumn. itattees connected with Churchill's resigna- tloa have excited great lireluthices aguiluist ] uluui lii otmnt-ters viuIcli cannot be altogether dlsregar1eti , & 'tIeCiuilly by the couusetvtttlvo lurinto nttnlstor. ' .L'hieso many not be strong enough to prevail utgaiutst the pressure of Iniblic opittiout or tutu gener.1 feeling of the conservative i.n-ty , but at lureseuit secuut likely to carry i.hie day , therefore do not look for any import. ant mninistetial changes iunmnedlatcly , although - though ruutors vl1l be thick as autumn leaves. I learn that a body of merchants lucre nro about to fount aim association to work up the mtu-kot in China with muoru enterprise timid asbiduity titan everbefote. Nev concessions arc antlcijatetl front the emperor , owing to the latluonce exercised by thai Into Chinese ambassador , vhto left a warmut friend of Eng. land. Thu iictv muovenient is stimimulateti by lito reccuit. reports of the activity of 4tiier lcituts lit Chincso iuuarkets. mtanufactumcrs anti muerchtnitts lucre begin to feel that they iutist be up and doing to bold their own. / I : Evety department of trade Is being tlcicssctl ci. showing the narrowest posIblo margin of pnflta iii spite of all the rosy articles , ut forivard by board of trade oflicials. In these days Eumgtishm inerdmauits scent satisfied to foUow time lead Instead of talciuug It. A MEMIIIctI or 1'.iui.IAMINT. - -a A i1IiiImg Selteumie } posed. ( QVl/rfuht. 191 Zi Janit Gordon Jknmtt.J LOIO , Nov. l.-INew York I terculd Cable -SpecIal to limo HESI-This being All Saints tiny1 the Btock exchange as usual Is cIoei. Time 1'inanplat News is obliged to turn ith L'caI uittentlon across the Attaiitie amid edt. - . , - - - : tonally says : 'tThme New York herald h ( lone a genuine service to honest mining by exposing the Tortilla mining frauds in Ad. zouiui. Our conteniporar sent a mIning expert out. at its owut expense to examine the prop. erty 'ust ' as we sent out. to Dakota to get. the truth about the Ilarney Peak scheme , amid the result of ith Investigations has bcui that the shares become wholly unsatoablo and the Now York aimIng exctiango wIll refuse to allow further dealIngs In them. lint for this action of the ev York herald we mIght in a few mouths have bad the Tortilla seltemo brought over hero and under time auspices of a few titled guInea pigs foisted upon the l3ritIsh public at fancy prices. The Ilerahul asserts tltmtt this particular fraud was actually puffed In the reading cohumums of several Now York papers at 1 per lIne , so that It is easy to u1go Ume value of American newspaper opinion on American minIng propositions. " Grevy'IhI 1tMlgn. LoNn ( ( , NOV. 1.-The Staumdnrd's corro- Sluolident at Paris asserts that President Orcvy has decided to retire to irivato life when theWI1son affaIr blows over. . Time Wild West Closes. LeNnox , Nov. 1.-Tho Wild West show closed last night. An cuormnous audience wn present. During tltelr stay In this city tim orderly conduct of the Indians anti of the whole company has been favorably corn- rncmitcd upon. Fommumdcred In Ihistol Chanumel. LONiO , Nov. 1.-It is reported that the British bark 'reuumple Bar , bouumd for Rio .Tnuieiro , has foundered in the Bristol clmati- iel amid the crew , numnberimig clghtteexm , were lost. A WILD WOMAN CAPTURED. itcuumarkable story of' an Escumpeti In- 51110 Asyluumt 1at lent. A special dispatch to the Globe-Damn- ocrat from New Iluiveum , Comm. , October 28 , says : A young woman , apparezitly about twonty-fivo ; veuii. $ of ulge , lmatle8s , barefooted , and with the remnants of a tattered gown clinging to her almost miude form , has been seen for the past two ycmtrs wnndoriumg umbout the u3vamls and woods iii the neighborhood of the town of Brumnford. Who she wnswhero she came from , how she lived or where she slept iiotody scented to icumow , but the mystery wuts fathomed to-duty , ittud a remarkable story it is. i She has been scUll chiefly by 1tuntingctrties. As soon uts an % 0110 would attempt to approach her sue would run away ns fleet n a deer , leaping over fences and underbrush - brush its deftly as an nnteiopc cind inys- tctiously (1isacmLring from yj % % nmnouig the iumtriemmcics of the struunps , where foliO could follow. Time authorities of Branford finally dccidcd to investigate , upon boimg urged by Soifle elmristian women. Soy- oral larties hmmve : becum soumt to Towner's Svamnp , vlncii vzts kuowum as the girl's 1)timmcipzLl metremit , but they ' always yet - t uruied cmpty-hnmmdel. T'h cy reported thmuit titc' had taut tue wild. wommut but (111CC , utuuti tlittt site lund talked with them from a distmm ii cc , aplcmtrin g less fttrf iii of their jui.ccimce. They uaid she talked to tlieni mum a wild nnl silly fashion , in- terjes3tilug every word with it loud laugh , mnumiliuug vhmuit site nitl uniuitelligihle. Tu-dmty mummother lumttYvuitt ) , out with the dctermniumntion that they would ctpturo time iroman before i-ctut'uuiiig , mind they thid. They came tupout her secretly , its site \VILS Si I I in g out t ito gi'ottnd I a a hold. I1Ci1I time i4iVflmUl ) eatimig sO1fl ( ) huts. Time pnrt3 sui'iouuu dcd her a 0(1 , after a (105- pcrctte ) struggle , iiceeedetl in quieting iter. Situ fougltt 1ik a wild emit , tearluig cvoty one viio came mmcmii. her with her bug claw-like liumgerm4. 11cr atreuigtli wits sotnetim lug i omnti1cmi1ule. ; She drew blood from two of the party , unul , witen sh saw the blood from tite itijured members would laugh iii a wild ninumner and clap her hands iii ( blight. Site was bound hand and foot Ititti taken to Branford by force where she is temporarily cared for at time towut house. She was seen by the Globe-Democrat eorrOsIondcnt to- ntgltt. . She would make mme sound , and rout1d make wild nttemjtu3 to break front the room. She hod been given clothing by some charitable wonton , hut uifter th' wet'e put on iii time room site _ tore them to shreds. Several lliysiciumms flave 1)0011 to 1400 IIeI , 1(11(1 thwy , tty site is i neurably imusano. Selcetunami Thonmpson , of Brumumferd , told yOUI coP- resioumdemtt. to-night the history of the girl , timid .a remarkable one it is. It itums been vcrilied by feveral otimers. Site is Kitty ( larkl Slmo vas bent in the towmm of Braumford about twenty-four yemmis ago. Site grew up to be it pretty black-eyed. rosy-checked young country lass , mnueh admired by mill the young muon of time vihluge , and the petted dnnlimmg of a fetid inothier mind indulgent father. The story of her life from the ruge of sixteen reas like a ro- niuinco. She became the youumg belie of the town. lien fatitor was pesseSSoil of cuiough of time worhds earthly goods to satisfy her every girlish whim. ' , Vlton Kitty ivmts uLlOUt eigitteeut ytt5 Qf cigo the fatuity mnovel to New York city , whore shortly muter both her parents died. Time young orphtzrn then went to live with aim uncle , who was absorbed in his busiumeus mimul iaid but little attention to the immtorcsts of his charge. Thto for- tuume of the fauumily enabled Kitty to ye- coivo a good edimeatiomi. Site was a good con versationniist and could speak F'renchi llueumtlys Kitty wmms pretty uiumd of a lively dispoition she became a great favorite muitoumg htei mitany nmotro- 1tolitait utdmitireis. It is time sante old stony of misplaced nileetions mmd comm fhuleumee.Vlmomm once time fatal htep was talceut , her rulit wits ( j1mitk amid complete. She sought seem- sham for awhile , but in tIme mncitutinie be- ( mimne COuutjlCtCly elmmmngcd. In it low sitnet mmmouitits after imttviumg bcemm deserted - sorted simo lost. her reason. 11cr uncle imttd her placed in the tIi(1dlutowmi ( insane - sane umsylttmn of this state , simo hmavimig hCeli ) borum here. Site vcms one of time most 'iolemit patients iii the uis.ylum. Outo tidy 1mm August , hSS8 , she elTeeted her eeale , ummmd all search for her proven tunuivutiliug. It was mmot known vmmtil to-duty that tlme young girl who hind csctt1mcd from thmo Insane retreat , i'ns the ' 'wild wonmitu of Tutmtor's sis.utiitims' ' Site vi1l be tmtkett back to time mnsamme retreat. how slme subsisted during litit four years of life iii time SVuuuiil)5 is sontetiuimig that puzzles es-cry outo. Site lived out herbs and nuts maid whmatovct uima could pilfer from tue luutbitatiomms on the outskirts of the town. it is tainted tituit site a1)1)eutrCd at a lmuskiumg part' oumn utight at a house iviteru in her youth site himul oftomi beoa to like alludes. It is thouhit she had 501110 sort of ii hint iii the mnidthlu of the svmtnti ) , the pcttht to which utono knew but lwreif. Furtiicm investignUon vill be inmul of the swutmup. A eivnrl { Invotor has perfectei uiui electrical utppmiruttus by mueuins of which imo claims tlmmtt r. muin mummy be made to "ttIum1 it hole thtrotugh a htalf-ineh board. are 131 mnedicmmivolloges In the Ummited SUites , i1thi aim aggregate attemi- dance ofl6,000 studomits. ' - - As a lavyey lit SummbturyPtm.wa look- 1ug over old and mnut.ty records 1mm thu h)10tit0110t01Y'8 otllee 110 dIscovered a ilciekage coiitnInlrm ti91 lit CommtlmmontuiI Immouloy , which hiuleeut ns1gmted by un ltmklVCItt. debtor communed in tb Sunbury . Jail tiurhug the.ycnr l7. . : , PREPARING FOR TIlE SOLONS. A Oonoral Rojuvlzrntlon. of the Hahn of Congrona. NATIONAL flANKS ARRAIGNED. They Are Cimuurged V.9th Couisplvncy to Squeeze timc Money Market- At Itestaurtntetmr's Complaint -News Fromit VnsimI.mgtomt. National itotise Cli'mmmuIng. WASIII NITOX , Nov. l.-Speclai [ 'i'Iegrani ' to the llmnc.1-Qulto a umumberof rcprescnt.a- tives and scmimmtot-s front various parts of time country arrived to-day amid mire busying themselves hunting quarters for time sesslomt amid looking Uu data for bills which they wIll early introduce. Congress cons-enesomi Mon. duty , Dccemmmber r , whicit Is scarcely five weeks away. liousekeeiuimig is bccoimtimmg amore popular timnmt usual nmid mommy of the statesmmteui will remit furnIshed residcmmccs or will buy homnt'e. Most of time olti oltes will own their itonics. A great dciii of rejuveuta- tion has taken place at time emiluitoi during the vacation of congress and nttmch more Is going on. Dust that has been nccumulatlmtg during the simninmer months Is being swept away. Carpets are being imut ( IOWII and paInts and furnIture are beimmg toucimeti up. New do- Vatoim ; in time house amid senate wlmmgs are nearly commipleted. A new carpet is ( IOWt On time floor of the hail of time itouso and tiw desks , at which time legislators will sit , mire iii lmlacc , but. the cloth pads on the tops of time ( iCSkS are not yet on. The new carpet fur the house is a lright muoss-greea lmlmlsii with a small reti figure scimtthred through it. It gives a cheerful look to time imall. The desks arc shining with vmirimish. A new carpet has i.teemm Put down iii tlto file room of the house mid several of time eoimimnittco rooms itcivo been so treated , but timer is mmmcli dust and dirt itbout the llace to be cleared out yet , agaimist the coming of congress. Senator Mamudet-son , who is lit the citt , hues not yet located forthe wimmt.er , bitt wili hilcol.v stop at time Portland. lie wits ivitim Senator Palmer , ( if ? d.icltlgami , at the latter's 1)alatimil rosimletica last winter wimile Mrs. Pumlnmcr was hi It4ily. None of time Nebraska ineambers or any of the Iowa delegation have yet reported their addresses - dresses for the session. There will not be many changes lit tue forces of ofilcers or cut- ilo.V05 of either houses. Those of the senate will renmahmm , in micaniy eveny instance , as timey are. it is stated that the only citaimge in tao sour lrinciPlo officers of the imouso will be the doorkeeper. J. H. hurt , of Mississippi , is a cnmmdidutto against Doaoisomm , time , rcsemmt iii- cumbeumt , and it Is reported that he has emiought pledges toclct him. Donulsout is miot Poluhutr amnomig the oiui muemubors nmtd has miot received nmuch cmmcouragomcmmt , front the new ones , on mmccoumtt of his pubiLsimed financial eomuphlcatlomms amid otilcial jmromnises. itruuiy News. WAsiumNa'roN , N.ov 1.-Special [ Telegram to the l4nm.1-Gemternl A. F. Greely hiss returned - turned to Washington frota hIs European tour mtid resumed charge at tue sigutal service - vice headquarters , rcilevimmg L. A. Dun- woody , Fourth nrtIhlery , wimo has been acting as chmief signal officer. Cmmptaia S. L. Woodward - ward , Tenth cavalry , has been ordered to act as chief ( luat-termmmaster for time district of New Mexico , until the urnivmtl .f Captain . Pullman. The retircimmeat of First rJeuten- ant \Villiam II , IdcMiomi , Eighth iumfmmntry , liOmnOtCS Secotid Lieutenmtutt Edgar Hubert , Eighth imufauitry , to be first hicutenauit. First Lieiitenmutt N. S. Jaryis , assistant surgeon , Is ordered to Fort Lewis , Col. , for dutyimnder coimuumaumd of First Licutcimmumt E.V. . Casey , 'l'wenty-second infantry. Second Lietttonant Francis G. Irwin , Secommd cavalry , has boemm uiqsmiutetl rccruitimmg oflicer at 1"ort iiidwell , Col. , retirimmg First Lieuthiimmmit Hemiry C. Limpoimtt , Second cavalry. The corps of judge advocates of the army consists of eight otuicors. Four of those are In Wasiiiitgton nimd OiC each itt Scum FmimmciscoVest Point , Chicago anti Govermmor's Island. Leaves of absence have been gramited as follows - lows : Cumptaimi John B. Outhit-ic , Thirteenth infantry two months ; Secotmd Lieutenant .lohumt A. Pcrry , Tenth iimfaimtry , two months ; Captumin Matt. Ilooton , Twenty-second lii. fumumtry , fourteen days. A gomuoral court-mnar- thu met at Fort ilityard , N. M. , yesterday , for the tnimmi of First Lleuteimammt Charles G. Ayres , Teeth cavalry. Licutemmamit .A.yres is a sn of Colonel Rrnmmeyn B. .Ayres Socommd artillery. Imijor 1Villlaimt L. Haskimm , First at-tiilery , has beemm relieved from Foi I. Cuoby , Wyo. , and ordered to the comnmittumd of time 1)OSt mit Alcatraz Island , Cttla. , relieving Major Joimn I. Rodgem's , First artIllery , who is Ofl1Cietl to time Presidio at San Framicisco. Captain Allen Smmmith , Fourth cavalry , has becim gr&tmitcd ten days' extension of leave. TIme retiremmiemmt of First Lieutenant W'iilhtmn IL isIetimimi. Eighth cavalry , hits been miii- nouneed. First Lloubimmnimt WTilhlston Fish , Fourth artillery , has resigned , his resigmumi- tion to takn effect December 81. Mmmor George IC. Brady , Eigltteemtth infantry , mis- sumeil conunimnd at Demmver October 2) ) . Extensions - tensions of leave have becut graitted as follows - lows : Captain Joseph Hale , Timird infaittry , titrec mouths ; First Liiutenant Oscar J. Harvey , Thmird cavalry , ten days. Captain Curtis E. Mmnmn , assistant surgeon , has been relieved frommi duty at FOrt Canby , Wyo. , and ordered to Fort Kianmath , Ore. Alaska'uj Goverumor fleports. WASHINGToN , Nov. 1-Governor Swino- 'ord , of Ahiska , in his annual report says thio white populatiomt is lrimieipaliy confIned to timu soutueastcrmi scctlomm , emubrucimig the so- culled "thirty-mile trip" of mania land , which includes less timami omie-twcntiethm of the whole territory. The govenitor says $10,000,000 Is a coaservativo estinmato of the valuable taxable - blo ProPertY in time territory , exclusive of the Alaska Commercial company's estabhiit- meats on tIme seal islands. Time imtreuso , lie says.wilh be rapid as soon as congress , by necessary legisiatiomm , gives encouragement to the scttleniemtt of inmbhie hands. Thu report says very little will be miccoamplished or indeed - deed nttenipted In the way of agrleultut-al tie- velolmummemiL ThIs miotwithustanuling there is a very considerable acreage of tillable laud In souithtmlm'3tcrmt Alaska , with a soil that lio- duces time most luxurious vegetation , time fact beimuu.r timmmt no omto comes jute thmo territory with time belief that either time soil or climate Is adopted to mmgricultural or horticultural pursuits , but tIme few experlmommts wimichi have been utado leave ito oorn foi' doulmt that all cereals exceimt corn elm ho grown to per- feclion in ninny sectiomis. Nothing has yet beemi done iii time wmiy of stock raising , ni- timotigit time wimiters of soutiteumstcrn Alaska itto munch immilder thmmimm titoso of IoatantiVy - ommmlag and Dakota and seasons altogether quite veh1 adapted to thus industry. Thmo ovcreor sayaImat wonderful results are be- tag achieved In mining , sitowing the terrItory to be rich iii precious metals. The sairnon cod amid whale fisheries he says , yielded about 13OOOOOO during time year. Coitsidor- able space in time report Is devoted to the do- lags of tito Alaska Commercial crnpany , which holds a lease from time governimient for the fur privileges of the seal islands. Time governor declares that the compahty does not ( Omt1hflO Its operatlomis to these Islatids , but lmolds most of thto Aleutian chain and a greater Ptrt of the main hand mis its mails- PUtOd pninclimality , that It oppresses the umm- Bupervised natives and has reduced them to practical slavery by payimmg such smummtll sums for hieltnics thjuit thu leer semil hunters tire always - ways In timolr debt : that it hits zuuirlsed time coin of the coumttry passlmmg through i imminds anti will accept no unmarked coin front time natives ; that It has boycotted and driven awa' honest govoranment ofllcerswiio refused to do its bIdding ; in short , that It is mm grindIng - Ing nionopoly , timat it ( hiscotitilges time mb- velopemont of time country timid vIolmttcs the law by selling brooclm.toadiumg flrearums to time natives. TIme governor says If time commtract. with this company cannot be rescintltd it should not be renewed. N 'braska anti Iowa Patcut. \VA5umflOTo , Nov. l.SimCcial [ Telegram to thai Us.-Patenta were issued to No- braisita and Joa inventors as follows to-day : George M. Bennett , . ilurilngtorm1 In. , foldimm . lronlng.boartl atat stind ; Louis 0. l3ostodo , AUantle , la. ; cask and imac1e carrier ; Rob- cr1. L Csr..on assignor to Union lydmnuhui ! Draht Tile comnimalty , Omaha , tile nmacitinn ; Ilobort S. Chmmlnmers , Cotmuicil illulTs , hot air stove ; Andrew Baxter Engel , aslgnor of one- half to .1. Calhmimmomi , hk Molumes , in , , arrange. mimemmt for btmrmmhmmg mmntltutlIlzhmmg wet amid of. feumsivo suhstmimmces ; Lkivremmco 13. Fov , Au- dimboim fit. , feed trougim2S'illltntt A. .ougim. i-ey , ddessa , Nob. , tuum1fgathr Orlando M. l'oimd , lmmdepcmmdemiee rut:1 : ivire hoop for bar.- rebut ilevihio Itlee Cnu1dl Bluffs lii. , truss ; \\'tllhmtmmt F. Rico , Plummt'Crcek , eb. ' thoimbi e loop and buckle for imnt'rmesm saddles ; 'William II. Ruqsell , Woolw 1ti , Nob. , wash boiler' ' . 'ilhlamn i" . ShutTer , .Clar Itapids , Ia. , oil emiko molding mimachine ; Thomas 0. Tnskor , Otmalow. Iii. , cultIva 1. lecision Agniuist tlikiNortlmernFnclflc. WAsuuuo1 o , Nevi l-Tho Inter-state corn- fierce comnuumisslon rethth'red a decision in the vitae of W. II. Simmlth against timp Nortlmern I'aelflo railroad company , in wh 1dm coin plaimit was mnado thmit : time company had beau aocmts- toummed to sell tIckets to lieu ! seekers or cx.- imiorors at about half rates ammd to settlers at low rates. Time commimission decides that time litter-state law does imot permit the sale of tickets to aimy class of PCOIiO ) itt rates differ. emit front those established for time general l'ublle. Time claim tlmut time settlement. of western territories should be 1)romnoted by speelmml facilities of transportation is Proper to be addressed to a legislative body , but not for coumsideratioui Iii izmtorprctimig the prcseimt statute , Time coumpany is able , by excursion rates open to all amid iuy making an allowance upon the Price of its land , to accompilsim time desire of its oblects ivithmou' time viohutIon of time immw. Time Northern Pacific conmpany Is notified to desist front selling special classes of tickets at lower than the regular rates charged to the public. l'tmlhio Iebt Stntemmtemtt. WAc'nuNaTo , Nov. 1.-The following Is a recapitulation of time debt statement Issued : Iumterest bearing debt , lurimmeipal , $1,011,770 , . 742 ; Interest , $7,762,243 ; total , $ iIPr9t'S. ' debt on which lmmtcrest Imas ceased simice inn- turing , 3,64lf70 ; debt bear.iumg no interest , 6'l,2J5,707 ; total debt , 1W,0f26,614 , ( ; litter- est , $8,550,100 ; total , t,075)70 ( 7if totil debt , less availmible cash Items net cash in treasury , debt less cash iii tretsury : November 1 , $1,238Oth,70l , ; debt , less cash in treasury October 1 , 1,2S5.- r2ti ; decrease of debt durliig month , $16- 883,695 ; decrease of debt sltmco June 80 , 1887 , $40,736,03i : ; cash In treasury available for to- tiuction of public debt , $27flO25,8OS ; reserve utmnd , $ l00,000,000 unavailable for reduction of debt , $21iSlti,533 ; certificates held as eush , $ 341,470,652net cash balance on hand , $ 'ii- 7t1S,704 ; toai cash in tremisury as shown by treasurc's general account , 4lh7,3S3,20l. Mail Matters mmmiii Indian Affairs. WAMnINOT0N , Nov. 1.-Since time recent publication of the revised rules and regula. timis of the hiost office dopartnment time l'ost.- mastht general imas received a large number of complaInts from lromlneitt business men In iargn cities iurotcstlng against the enforce- mcnt. of the rule prohlbitimmg the use of wrappers - pers on sceoumd , thirmi and fourth class mmmii matter as an advertising medium. The post- mnnster replies that ho can afford no rellof , bitt he will urge congress to repeal the law. Tlmo secretary of the Interior yesterday ra- celved from the committee appointed for time purpOse by time synod of Minnesota of time Presbyterian church , . tin earnest protest against the recent orderof the comrnksioner of Indian nffmmirs forbiddIng instruction lit Indian schools on thm reservations to be lii ammy other titan the English language. The comusnitte misic thmnt thooder ! b revoked. Pensions Issued. W'tSuINGTO , Nov. lm-Spceial [ Telegram to time liEm-Timo following Nebraska pen- Sbus were granted td-dny : Alfred Jones , Dorchester ; Jiunes T. Conklin , Niobrara ; Emnmmmctt Moore , Bertrand ; Johma Hamilton , Stronsburg ; .Tepthta Pierson , Aurora. Iowa : Agmmes M. , widow of Otto S. Knox , Waterloo : George elsebacim , I3misett : Christian Glanz , Kiotmi ; Fredericic E. Sco- vihle , Carlisle 1"rnncisM. Addison , Colmmiar ; Aaron Plum , Id.uscatiumo. ; PattI Matson , Kos- sutit ; David 1' . Monrose , iftierton : .1 oimn Cranubilt , Dudley's ; mnos Wymore , Hose 11111 ; Patriclc Sullivan Mtiscatine ; Sullivan S. Cmoss , Moumit Pleastumt ; Johmi Mitchell , Leon. National Ilaimks Arraigned. \VAslumxoToN , Nov. l-Special [ Telegram to time limcic.-Nathonai bunkers am-c charged , In a card published hero to-day , with having amaintainod a conspiracy during the Imast five years for the contractIon of national bank circulation with a view to decreasing values and increasing discounts. It is asserted that time conspirators have reduced time circulating medium at time rate of i0,000O00 a year , or from $400,000,000 to $167,000,000 smutce time conspiracy begun. No MOflOy Iii Crackers and Milk. WAsh INOTON , Nor. -Spcclmil [ Telegram to time J3th.-Congressmcn ] as feeders have been given a very bud reputation to-duty. George D. Simlelds , who hu run a restaurant in the imouse of representatives , says Ito lost $2,800 mit It during thohastcongress aud wants ito more caterIng to statesmen. Most of time ujemnbers , he declares , eat 1(1 ( cent lunches of crackers itiud milk. No rent Is cimarged fertile tile restmiitrauit amid all time utensils , linemi tableware , gas , heat and water are furumiluhed free to tim restmiurammt , yet the economy of customers nmakes time business a losimig one. Ilnimdnll and Carlisle. WAsmlucoTox , Nov. 1.- [ SPecial Telegram to thueI3mn.-It has just beconmo known that Mr. Randall 1mm devoted cousldrablo time to a study of time evidence In the Thobo-Car- lisle contest amid that ho has expressed the opinion that Thobo has a stromig case. This means a good deaPhim view of time fact that a slcukehiP comitest Is likely and that war has been declmum-ed oil Ramidnli by tIme tariff re. forniems. Ramiduhl does not propose to let time iargo vimig of imis party have timlmmgs their own wtty and Imo is studymimg time mnetiuods by wlmich ho can bother Ida opoimemtts niost. Oummahma itesemve flunks. WisnuNoTox , Nov. 1.-Spcelal [ Telegram to time IIEI-The Omumahma National batik has been alpointed as a reserve agemt : for timp First Nntiomul : bank of Butte , M. T , , nod time Soutitonmm National bank of Los Angeles , Cal. Time United States National of Onmaimit hums beemm nproved as a reserve agent for thin Cemmtral Nebraska National batik of David City , Neb , _ _ _ I'ersoumal Gossip. W'AsTuNnTo , Now. 1.-LSpoelul Telogrant to the 1lim.-Gemienmil ] Simerithimm's faintly is back in town. Miss Tucker was 1mm charge of the little one's during thmtiir Parents' ubscmmco in time west , This evening's Critic s iys : "Time wie mimid daughter of cx-Troasmtr A. \Vyumummm will lemivo Omaha emi Decenher 10 for this city , wimere they 'will spemmtl''tVto ' winter with Mrs. Wyman's sisters , time Misses Sammdcnmuomm , at 1,3o Corcoraim sti'ect.- " l'ostiti Chnmtgcs. VAsmioTo , Nov. 1.-SpocIuil [ Telegram to time liucx.1-.Timo 1ocowitmg Iowa Post. masters were mippolmmtea.to-thmiy. Thomas P. Ewart , Ewart , l'oweshelic coummt3' , vice ' 1' . J. \Vhtite , rcslgmmed ; II. Shllckerveer , Oramigo City , Sioux county , vice W. H. Cassidy , j.o- signed. - The iostomce at Steuhiomm , Frontier county , Nob. , Was discontinued to-day.a CivIl Service llumumiiflhtthfl. W.ismmNaTo' , NO % . 1.- ) Special Tclcgrmitui to the De.-Joiiut T. Doyle , seeretutry of the civil servicti comumissloum , left to-night for a tour in time west. lie will conduct exmunimma- tions at Dubuque , In. , November 15 ; Yank- toui , Dak. , November iS ; Omaha , Neb. , No- veumber 2L - _ _ _ p _ _ _ A Toi'um 'iViiCl Omit. IIEBLmN , Nov. 1.-Advlcos from Warsaw say timat the town of ICiuslim , In the ItYimC0 ) MInk , was tocmlly destroyed by hire. Three itumitired timid fifty houses nod mm nuummber of stores wore burned. Maumy lives were lost. - Time Timlt ho at home. LeNnoN , -Nov. 1.-TiieSeotchmyacimtThmisUe , wimlcim'left New \'om-hi October 14 , arrIved at . Ureetmock to-day. . . . . . - - - - - - , . iciig .VIIIJaumm" CIuIIII ion. . . . ] huutu.rx : , I''oi. . 1.-Etuilem om Vilhiamim Ias..sed a tQkrabiy occl uiegJItimust. uulgut. , , , : ' . . . .nznA-- . _ _ _ . . . . . , a . - . . OEMIAT1LL \ hAVE OSI11iOSII , The Prospects For Securing tim Crack Team ExooodittglyGood. . ACTION OF THE DIRECTORS. 'A 1,1st , ot time J'Iayei's % 'imo have Slgnct 'With thin New Western Associmitlout Chimbs-Otimer . Hportlng News. Made ft Move At Last. The directors of the Omaha misc ball asso. elation lucid a ummcetimmg at tao oflico of Joimu Dohmorty yesterday. After soinediscussion time secm-etumry , itor motion , was authorized to telegritlit Mnuagcr Hank Solec , of the Osit- kosh team , to hold time lrOPOsttIon made time iocmil mnaumngemmiemmt to trauisfor time Oshkosim club to Otmimilmum for $3,000 per month , opeti to timeam for three days , amid it ' 1.vould lmrobabiy be accepted. Time secretary was also Instructed to telegraph to President Sam Mortoim , of time now vest- erum missoclatlon , at Chicago , tImid. time Omaha frnmmchlso must be istieii to time Omaha base ball nssocion exclusIvely. It is questionable , however , wlmethier President Morton has the nimtiiorIty to take such action , amid it is quite probablotlmata'meotlngol time association will be necessary to utecomuplish tlmls. If this Is time case some delay must be occcas- loned before It calm ho lositlvoly known whether the sh1cosit proposItion vi1l be accepted or hot. it will be thmoimgii , to mm ( 'em-tuhmity If time fmnmcumiso irniwogllo Is satisfmtctom-iiy adjusted , As It how atumuids It is In time Imands of Joseph Gnrneau , jr. , amid time Omnnium bmtsobumii association aiim ! if It nmust stand In this way it is imitrd to tell what will be done. At all eveimts time hmrosPect of Oimummima gottiugtho craclcOslmkosim team is good , which news will be hulled witim delight by nil lovers of time miatlommal game timrouglmout limo city. New Western 1engiio Mcii. The mmew men that have signed amid whose contracts halve been ofllcl'aliy promulgated with time new Western Base Bull associatiomm1 so far , are its follows : stPaul-.Tohmi Corbett , Fred Jevene , Tay- br Shafer , Charles IUlo.v and Joe Imiist. Mllwuumkeo-E. L. Mills , W'iliiam Shlnkic , William Fuller , Alex Ferson F. E. Pettee , Joe Struuss'H. L. Lowe and b. j. Davin. Des Moines-Harry Sage Joe Qulmimi Dim Stearns , W. 3. Vamidykc , W. C. Alvorti timid William Trcmflloy. Cimlcumgo-Fred Lang , D. E. Domigdaic , E. M. lIiiigle , .bolmn Crogmmmm , .7. E. Dunmis , George Rooks amid Ii. C. Lomg. Oshcosht-J. 0. ConiielV ] 13. hlurdiclc and .Too Miller. Kansas City-Ralph Johnson Jim Man- nlng , Jim LiUme , Charles Sivantzci and Charles Reynolds. . St. Louis-Dill Gleason amid Nat lludson. IhimmnoapoiIs-Nomte. Oniaima-Juck Messitt. Iciartitro of the Jittitters. Amnoimg the huntlag parties who weimt out lust evening on time grand Omaha Club imunt , were William H. II. Ilughes , Joumn Petty amid S. Y. V. Griswold , to Ogniiala for geese ; A. II. l'emmrose and John Field , Grady's Islammd , geese ; T. ii , Cotter , George ICay , .lohmmm Thompson aumd Will iireii'cr , time rice nmarshmes Iowa , ) ucks and Charles H. Fitclmett amid Coot-go Kitcmumn , the Black Hills , grizzlies amid black-tail deer. A FOOt U ace. Time 100-yard dash between Court henna amid Fred Smith ( colored ) at South Omaha yesterday . afternoon was won by time latter in 1i. seconds. Ncumrly 1,00O chmmmmged imamids cit time result. National Jockey Club Races. \VASA1NOTO , Nov. 1.-The wcatlmer at Ivy City was bright and windy amid the track muddy. One mile : Young Duke won , Gleitmnound sccoumd , IJurimuni timird. Timo-1 :40. : One mind an elglmtim miles : Nettle won , Time Baum-boa second , Orlando limird. Time- 2:08 : ( . One and timrec-sixteenthms mIles : Lelogos won Argo second , Floreimco M. third. Time -2 : 5. For two-year-ohds , three-quarters mile : ICing Crab won , Salvitti second , Theora third. Tirno-l:17. : Three-quarters mile : Frank Ward won , Thicodosius secoimd , Maria third. Time- 1 :1S3. : A Hull TerrIer Battle. KANSAS CITY , Nov. 1.-Specicil [ Telegram to the 13ma.-A hard fought battle occurred hear Item to-night betweemi two bull ten-lets -Paddy , owned byJames S. Snitim , of this city , and "Moiboc , " owned by M. Maiiem , of Leavenworth-for $300 a stile. 'rime flgimt ro- stilted in I'addy's favor , Mouloo heiumg stopped in 1 hour amid ti minutes. ihotiL dogs were In irimno condition eacitwelgimiumgtiiirty.threo hounds. The betting was heavy. . - WANTS TO BUY TILE "IIEJtAIiD. " An IllinoIs lUanNegotintiumg to Put'- chase time Paper. Yesterday aftcrmuoon a literary-appearing gentiemnuum stopped up to time register of time Paxton and inscribed his name as It. L. Mer- iitt , Springfield , Ill. Time gentleman strolled leisurely aimout the streets , and later was seca In consultation with Hon. John A. Mc- Shamme , the owner of the Omnauma herald. 'flits gave rise to a rumor that tIme interview between time two gcntiemnemi had bearings emi a sale of time paper to Mr. Merritt , or possibly a symidicute represemmted by that Icrboa. Mr. Terrltt Is a well known ourmmmmiist in Illinois , imavimig but a few years ago withmdrawmm from several years' mnanageatcut of the Sjmrimmgficld Register. Last cveniimg a Bin : reporter sought out Mr. Morrit in lila room at time hotel , amid was cor- diuhly received by that gentleman. "There Is it rumor afloat , " cautiously proceeded - ceeded time reporter , "that you tire imbout to bocomme : idemmtified witim Onmmiimmm nunnauisum. Is there mimmy troth In time story , Mr. Mermittl' ' Promptly , mimmd without imesitatloum , Mr. Mer- i'itt suuid : "Yes , I hmavo beemi timiimking e.omne- timing of it. I came here to look tIme field ovet . " "Is it tm'uo that you arc miegotiatimig for time IuUichmiO of time herald I" "I wotmld rather not ho quoted. " "You imavo met Mr. MeShmmiumo , have you I "I smtis Mr. MeSimmuto Lorcuotmimoro than five mmminuths to-duty. " " \\'as timero mmmmytimluig said mit tiimmt interview about ImewspaperSOr time sale of time llcraki lit Iiimi-tiimimtrh' "Notiultig , absolutely imotiming. I talked i'Itii 1li' . ldcStuaime out newspapers and 1)011- tics. ' .I'o tell you the truth , I do not believe he wmmmmts to sell the paper. " "Thou there Is nothing th the story that you have been negotiatimig for time paperl" "ritiut's the truth , If such a st4ry Is In vogue I have been mmuism-epm-csentcd. how- ovum' , If it .aie of thmo hmiir should be comt- sunimitmiteil the Umu : will bunt of it as soon as anyone. I vish to smii no more. " MmMerritt has relatives hiving In time state viioiii he vill visit after remainIng as ho styles it , "a low days with Oniuha's rustling hmolie , " _ _ _ _ _ _ FIGhTING JtitICiILYERS. 14iVi3 Thmmues at a Union Mecthumg Last Night. Last evcmming there were some lively scenes at time nmootlng of the bricklayers' union In thtelr iuall on the corner of Fourteenth and Douglas streets , timid twIce time police had to ho culled Into the auto room. 'rho trouble was nil Icicked UI ) by sonic recent members of time Chicago union. The union at Chicago Is a deserter fromn time lumtermmmitionai umIon , mmmmd as a consequence nieumbcrs of the two organ. izatiuns tb not auhlhlutto. Some three or four weeks ago a mtuhnber of Chicago unIon men came lucre aud were imlglmly incensed because their cards were : mot recognized. However , they vero given urn opportunIty to time Oummimlumi cuba. 'flits they did , . timid ever since It Is said thmmtt timeS have endeavored to run thimmgs wlthm a bight iulmmid. 'limo climuimix wits ihumaiiy remicimeil iabt imigimt wham oo of the chicago nice . tuwmed IicGjnils' , who hi.5CS S a Iriz ? Ilgtcr when cit duty , Ipuhled his . comt &mnd _ _ . . . . . , . . . , . . r'S. - - - - - - - - - r - v ; timrcrtoned to thrush any man wimo dIffered wIth hum on a certain poluit. . A bold young fellow , Who chumhnieL to , hmuwo a right to hits own opinlomi , took uji th iatmmmtlet and mm free tigltt oumsimed. 'flue i'olieo wore omilled Imut as it wits soumo titumo bolero timoy uipimeart.'ti cmi time scemiI3 tIme lolhigcntuits himid it , out. Order wits lhuimtlly restored , lmmmt inside of fifteen nilnutes ammotiter Chicago uman be- euttmiO deflammt nmm1 a secoimmi fighit en- simod. 113' time tIme tint ohic were out time sc'cimo ngmtlut tim two comubmitummith vero h'irtei , , Time excltentuimt by thus tIme html nun bight , when mit time stuggestlomi of ommo of time imieii all of tlmo Chicago imicuibers were lIreti botltly maui the ball amid nteastmres coumm- mneticed for theIr expulsloit from tIme ummiomi. At a lute imour the mcetlumg broke imp. p A HEARTLESS WflETCH. Time Cruel % r,1s lb SPkO to a flog- gar auth time Answer Timey Elicited. Now York Times : Ho was a handsome - some mini , us tacit go-a glmnit 1mm frame flui(1 as strutighit as amid littilnu , but slightly disfigured by a pronmlnemtt fore- grotmmmd timat inmggested 111gb llvimmg. Ills limit ivims of the slimIest silk , his cloth- lug fmmshlommablo and elegmmmmt , amtd his umnhmrella goid-hmnmidled , vhmilo a blitzing hii illliimit mmcstled in time knot of his fotir- lmm-hmauid tie.Vith a firm tread and htmttmgimty emirminge Ito Issued frommi time Tweitv-fourth street to time IIotfm.amt house last evetimmg nmtd united fom' a mo- meimt out time grammite steis. As lie ivim about to move away it small withered hiutiil amid hiouty wrist were thrust before hint iii a imiuto 111)hOmtl ) for missistatmee. Thu hmaiid belomiged to a wonmim , oi rather time wreck of what hind once boemi 0. WOiiiitii. Site was bent amid utgeu , lung- gum-ti mmmid thin , and her mtukcdiicss was barely hidden beneath hmom tattered gal'- meats. Ho gray straggilmig hair hung loosely nbotmtiter semiwumy imeek , for sItu lmitd imot eveum aragged mit. The bones of lion ftce shmowctl maimmfu11y through time tightly drawim tdcimm , autd her eyes , futdcd timid lustroless , were stimmkemt deeply iii their sockets. Time 1)icture of mmmisery toucimed not time hmeam't or symnpa- titles of time mon of wealth. Unisfmmg htms minibrella with a threatening ges- tune , lie exelaimmieui : itJ3 off beggar ; L're nothiumg for you. You ought to be at work cumm'miimmg nit homiest hivimig imistoad of iimtngiumg utroimmid iicre impom.tumilmmg everybody you immeet lot' money. Ho otT , or I'll turn you over to mmmi olilcer. " These words u-ore magicul In their effect. Time poor , sitattered form of the suppliant woimman straightened up to its fuii height , time lustreless eyes gleamed brightly once more with time light of an unutterable scorn , but the thin hips quivered with time pthui : thmmit the cruci words had irtlhietcd. 'I'hero was no mmecd of alone. Her very attitimle , the expres- idoit upoit her fmco , should have beemm m'o- buke emmougli , bitt site fimally burst forUm immto burmmimmg , itssiommute : speech , mind thus is what site said : "Git out , _ vez dirtimy blaygard. Spnko nmithier word til mime mimi' Oi'lI klco time red mose ofT yex face. " OLD COINS. One of' time Fimest Collections lit the Coitntry Ilititleut tivny. Time venerable Timomnas Cloneay , who was burled 1\ionday , was in naumy me- speets mm remnnrlcable mail , says the Ciii- eimmmmati r1elcgt.uummi. ? dummy yeLrs : umgo lie wits omme of time ummot netive busimiess nmemm of time old school iii Cimmeimimmati , timid utitmassed a large fortummo , when ito rim- tired to time curse nmmd elegance of hits 51)10mm did home , where he stmm'rotmmm Clctl himself with all time comforts that could be desired. He was seventy-mime years of nge itt his death , but had never mar- tied. His brother's widow amid lien funnily vem'o his household. tIt. Clemmeay had a ptssion : for time aol- lection of rare coimis , timid limb at time timimo of hits death one of time immost vain- able and extomisive assortmnemtts lit this coummtry. It u-as intimnated a mmumuber of years ago that it was worth botweemm $25,000 mind $30,000 , mmmiii silica titan much huts boon added to it. Mr. James A. Hughes sold uilmn a limIt set of silver Amimericami coins for $ h,100auma later Mr , Ciemieay is kutown to have pmid : $175 for a 1 cent copper piece of 179:1. : Mr. Mercer - cer , the collector of curiosities of Ccii- tPutl : ivenmme , hits also sold hmimmi mm miuuber of oxpemmsive lieees. But stramige its it mnmmy seem no ome up. pemrs wimo ever saw his coilcetiomi. rio mnmde : it for imimnsolf and scents to have kept. it entirely for his owmm anmuscnemmt. Tie was H. secretive mmmcmii , amid miommo of his owmi lmousehmolul were ever takemi into his confidcmmce. It waS imot kuiowim at time hotse whether lie hind a will ot' imot. Some time since lie presented several lnrge cabinets of curiosities to tlto art mmtuscumim , and it is believed timat it was his imitention tp leave his coimis to time samme iimstitutioum. They mime imow iii time vaults of time Safe Deposit compammy. Persons who ought to know , any that it is omto of time finest , if not time very fimmost iii the country. Aim odd paim' of twiits was born itt. time Lummnit coimmity ( Ohio ) inlinmmmmm'y , ono of the babies being black and time other white. r Flood 's Sarsapw'illa Combines , In a manner peculiar to itself , time best blood-purIfyluig fimmil btreuigliuenhimg renic- dies of time vegetable kioglommm. ( You will flint thus wonderful remedy effective wlmere otlmor medIcInes hmave faIled. Try it itOW. It will purify your Flood , regulate limo dicstIon , and give new life anti vigor to time cutlro body. 'I hood's Sarsaparilia did mime great good. I was tImed out from overwork , tumid It twied mmmc imp. " Mica. G. E. Sxmiios , Cohmoes , N. Y. I , j suffered three years trout blood jolson. I took hood's Sarsapam lila numb timhmik I aiim cured. " huts. Iii. .1. DAvis , lmrockport , N. Y. . , Pii'iflcs the Ifloo ( t.ft ood's Sam-saparlhla Is ehmaractenized by three peculiarities : 1st , tue conmbiiuatlon of remnedial ageumts ; 2(1 ( , tIme proportion ; 3d , the process of securing ( lie active utemilcInal qualIties. Time result is a nmcdlclno of umuimsimat stremigttm , effecting cmmres imllimerto tmmmknown. Send for book contahmuiumg addItIonal evidence. 4 , Hood's Smm-saparilla tones up my ystcm , jtmriflcs amy blued , b1mmrpuims iumv appetIte , dna i.eemrms to um.ihe mute over. " .1 , 1' . UOML'mtON , Register ot Deeds , Loweil , Mmss. : 4' hood's Sarsaparllla beats mull others , anti Is worth us wfflgtut km jpld. " I. J3Ammmi.Noro1 , 1io llammkStrcet , New Yeik City. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. $1 ; shi toT $5. Made only by C. I. 11001) & CO. , Lowell , Mass. 100 ! OS One Dollar. Wiit. Nor UNHOOK WHILE BcmNct Wons. ILery 1dy WI , i dc&itei perIcctIou in imyk aud futum shuId wc&r then , . Manuuictured only by ( ha WORCESTER CORSET COMPANY , \S'uuCCiCr , smi amS M.ukcL tocI , Chicagi w11 , I , IJNDEV1LOPED . cit th. body cuutargt4 and etrenthrnrd. Full limtc ,1&i. ( scitJits. ) , htig MED. CO. . hiil. . . N. . r. - - t- Ill YORK TO DALIFORNIAS Tl4rougF4 Omah-t Grase Vaa Grotvln/ ( Ute Sti ectq. The Travels at M. H. I" , firown , of Council lhItmlTs - Omumahma Twelve 1oar. AgJ-Tho high Altitude of Colorado , J c. , &c. " oq. " said Mr. ii , i , hirown to omit repnrtnr , ? esterday. at hits cosy imotmni lmt Cotmmmcll lllumffs 1 mmiii a Now vmmrker , hut left thuutt state aomtL tweivt years ago. I took horace ( lrooley'um mid- vIce ammil ivetit west. I l'RSSCII tlmroumgit Omnumhma , thmen otily a vhiimmgti , u-lift grass growing mum tlm streets : I is-emit to Cmillfonmtta , ivorketi thit'rmi ii 101mg tlumw , tlmetm started vast as far a-s Colorado I u.etthed at 1.cumlvlhlt , mmmiii % vui.s imiakiuig pit-nty o incite ) ' , hut I limit to leave there. Yotu see , the hilgim * mht lttmuln of ( 'oloritilt , uiimlkCm3 It flhmyt lmlumg html a Pumtnhio for aumyommo mmI1llctmd it tIlt a titroat tiuu.easo , mtmnl that. mitts time emumse of may Iaavlmmg there. ? 4) 50mm Irammkto , wits simitiuritig terrlhily initit timmit tmwtmm , tlsoase , entarrhm auth Imittt It itt time thmnouit smith humul very bait lie would hmmn'o mmmi mtwfuml i'atn over huts eyes. At imtglit wimiho asht'el , . tlni liutimi toimii bo so luid as to tirft't , this little fellow , iiumm'it , ciaz ) Ito wtniltl wake imp muii cry dm1 , 'l'umko thmmut huorso oil tmmy hteuul' : lie stillereti terrilhy , : hit it-oimhti imvo mm trickling fntuu hmis nose ltmto tlmi hack of huts throat cotitimm- iimihly , as Ime doseriheil it , 'Just hike a streazmt or tmttnr. ' I hiatt Imlimi Ireatoti b ) Semite of tim iwst hiimYsiclnmts itt Coicruitlo , hut thmey coumttt tt- , , mmt'thutng ' for imimit. At last. otmo of thionm told mite I vuim1i1 luavi , I o t ako hminm t o mumiothior clinmat e or it iiiIltl SOflht leatl to cmmsmimmilttmt , I took hits itch- vice aimt l.ft , Cohoruttlo , uiltlmoughm % I was mmmaking 1)lcnt ) of mnommey them-i' . I emetic sst as fuir ni Coititcil humus numb settieui here mmlotmt mumnyrar ago. tomimo timumn siuic I umoticeti thin nciv'rtisn , muieumtmc of Jm's. McCoy hull llemmry , aitci tohui my ivifo shin miii 1etter take l'rutmikto over numil son theft. Shim took luimmi to their often Ia time itnnmgi Block iiiitl hunt im I tim ilact.mI cmi tmt'uitmmutmmt , mtbttt oute mumoimtlm migo , mtmul to-day lie 14 uulmimost mm'i ivoll as ever. lii. hits mm moot-a hmnhums in his amal Mieelai nil milgimt. lit , hits : ito mimomo triekling in time buick or his throat , amid goes to choo1 every tiay. Tm ; f PitANlc1l hlitOVN. "how old is I'rauikli , , , mmcmv ? " inqtmirei ( the - scm'lhe. limit tt'imug I lie' bmiglmt anil tnt ehligi'umt little boy itlut , was witlt iii , , futtimer , 'l I ii was twelve ) emrs obi yost erduy , ' ntiovt'reui M r. I imowum. who re.itles at No. I hit Sevenmim , mivoummmn. Ctmncil humus , ltnrmm , iihmo iiil cheerfully corrolom'uuio the mibovo to aumyotmo loiibtiuig it. Time foiiotsiimg stntemmituimt megmimiling 1)r. Mc- Ciii' niii , I I emmu-y Is mum tIe impoum good silt lmorlty : - . 'Simr , , tuese ? , , , , : , jillpIsfcIIns 1at'e , 1scn fn the u'r.t. tueU ! Iuau'c ti rutcd uuutl cuuurd , m'e , six fious- (1 Hut Ci55 of ctmtim , , ? i umiutt eli , qu Ic flu , isif o uul lii vmmj trtitl,1r. , tiui1 , , f te.e , 4ier ccitt 1ial Irru& t1CCktCd a uud juroum4Iuu uuced ( , mcunuble. ' CATARRHDESCRIBED. 'rIte Symptoms Attehihluig timat Dlsoae . , % hileli Lj.als to Couisu umiptIun. W'hmeim catarrh Immis exic.teti 1mm time hmr'mmti uuitl tim , , U p or p.mrt of time tlmtntt , ft ir utiiy hmumgtlt ot llama -I lmti put i'utt , liv imig 1mm a il it mid w lieu , lE'PlO ' am-c sumject to rat , trmIm uti a ii t''tioitumiul t hut , tiL'i- eai.o hues beemu heft imntium-t'ul. thin rimtarrhm luivuirl- mmlh y , SOImI 1'tilii'm4 ( sloivly 'X I 11015 , htitui I liti tViim ii. ) ) ( meal I : mto I luo h)1muchm , liii I mmm's , ithiichm tmibi a , imvey time air imito thm , ci I ii erit Part H or t Imu htiuug5. 'llme t tihies ls'commmo ii Irect ( ' ( I frnmum time siit'uIIumg mu mmml tlit iumticoims nmJsiimg ( remit emit mrnim. mmmiii. iii m'Uuiiti i itit Uiit'I' $ , bt'coiuue : dim gged ump , so that time aim' emiumumot get in un finely its it , 'huuull. , Sluoi-t mies' , of 1 rent it 1oloiis , tim1 time Puttlemit lmeumt iii's ivit it halior mmml cli ihicmml I lit tlihu&'r , 'mmsm , there is mm ouiii.1 of crackling amuti ivhmet'Zimmg luishle thin chest. At this slngi of t hmtt disease time iuii'athuimig Is Itsimutil ) ' immure ritpiml tlunu when lit hu'mthtlu. 'rite vutieumt has aiim ) hut clashes over hii batty. 'rIme iahum w huicht , ccctmmilmiui los I imis coimdit iou Is of a dimhi cluuumumcter , f1t In time cImst , hcthutntl the bmeast omuti or nuttier time shiouhtior bhuuilo , 'i'lmo Iiuuimm mummy mum and go-hctMt a few clay ! , amid thrum be amseiit i'or ot'cm-um1 others. Thut , cough that occtmrs him ( hue flruut stumges of lnonelmimul en- tuirrlm Is dry. cnmumes on at luitem-vals. huackiutg In chimmimictor , auth is uMilahly itmost troulilesomun in time mnoriuimmg on rimitmmg , or gouig to bed mit mulghmt , nimil It niuty bt , iii hut , utt.t evitteimee of time disease extending imto , time hiuuigs. Soimietlmmmes thmer.t are this of coimghming intimmeod hi ) ' time tough mmmtmcitm4 SO vitheiit its to cause vomit- itimig. Litter on , tim bunts that is raised is fomimid to coimtaiut sumahi PartiCles of y.'flow mast. ter , im'imlchm 1umdicute thtmit the muiall tubes iii time bugs mute now , tttectetl. % Vitim Oils there uiro of- term , .treutkm4 of blood mnixtt1 witlm time immiicus. In , toiiuc cases thin luitii'umt ) imeconmes very jain , hiss fever , amid expectoruttes before any cough imp- : eflrs. Iii somnti cases sinaI ! mimuissea of chmnsy siul- , stature uim e spit tpwhuichm , , ihmen j > icsseil betweutm thin IImgers , , emit a latch ( , ( lcIr. lit , mtimer cnse par- tIt'ls of mu hmutrd , cluuthky nature ama spit imp. time raisimig of chtet'sy or Chalk ) ' : uultms lntlIcuto itti. riinms mischief mit ssork in time itmngs. .1mm solute uuctt's t'utmarmhi vIil txtenul limb time lmmmiwt lit a tetiiveeks ; iii ttihuer cmmses it mmimty is , nmoimtiis. iiitd t'i'emt yes ni' , hueftirti I ito mltst'asc , attacks - tacks that hmimmgs sutuiclemutiy to cause snIotms iii- telrfercumco wltit the gemit'rutl hmenithi. W'iuomm time disoutse hits titiveloptiti to such a point thin pa. tic-nt Is suii(1 ( to hiavo c-uututrrhmitl couistuumiptlomi. With brommchtiah catarrhm timeru is memo or less fts'er , which itlilers witit time , lllrcrtuit Part. of tin , ( lii-silghtt 1mm thin imuoralmig , higher iii limo attenmooii antI evemmitig. SNEEZING CATARRH. What It Means , flow It Acts , and What It I. Yoim sneeze whmemi you get imp in time morning )011 try t ( ) tiiI'7.O ) 'ohur hose off Ivery tiuno you lire t.xposed to time least drat tof muir. You hmavi , a fullness o\'er thue front of tin , forehmeui cmiii tim , , umoo feels tot if than-u , wits a vimm $ iii ( Much flOS- tnIl , 'which ) oii cnnumt , dislodge , 'i act hiiow your nose mmitttl yotur ears crack. taut it flout ( it ) any gotiti , iuuuii thin only resmult Is that you succeed 1mm gt'ttimmg imp mu very red lies" , mind yeti so irrlt8to limo hiuuimmg immenmbraimn of ( limit orgumum hunt you an , iitiitlile to hmutt hut thmitnugim It itt nil. 'i'imls Is a cot- imtct amid mmt , , veimimutvum hiI'tiire of mum acmmio mit. . tack of cuttutimhm , or "Sneezlmig Cutturrhm , " as It is culled. Now. tlmut clot's timis conlitioui , indit'uutut ? First a cold that ( 'aith's , iumumctms to 1)5 ) jtommrt'ti omit. by thit ghmttull4 ium tii , hose thicit I * tilsenseti ghiutid4 mitt ) nttuukeii 1 my swutmiuis or itt ti o gulrmos -.thiO emit miii it geminthiutt Iioitt iii ( hue itt m iii mu Io cal I t y u hii'm , , I hue l Iseutse , is mmr'umhtumt. 'Ilmeso mium- lumu alctulati iii t liii ! r cii ut ta t a It nil ii lodgmm'nt , , I tnt at ii ( lit ) i-outsit 1m , , ium'iiibm ammo U umiumg of time tics , , mm iui mmiii art , miulert : , utkti.4 It , rid herself ( if I 11) ' III' nlucliig mu ii t of suit'eziuig. \Vlmeum tuuim iiOMO m.'cuii ts ft I It'd i it It thick med ( I iteased muuuicims thin mmmutmm ruth chunuuchs Icr time iii. I i-oiliict iou a r itir iud a C lie Imitigs Is iumterttr'il , withm. multi t lit , ) t'rui HO II uIm'ct iii iumiist breuitlmo tim nought I ho mumuuu t hi , tttiil by such mmieuumms Ui , , tim'itt , ( , , , lie's imiurciunmi amid ( It ) ' , uumorimmg ii hiraihuicell , mmcmii titt cututrrliah disease gains reiuiy access to the timrommt hal lummgs. DOCTOR ii CRESAP M'COY ' , Lmmte of Hehleitme JIDShital ) , N. Y. , AND DOCTOR COLUMBUS . HENRY have Ollices 3W-3D RAMGE BUILDING , Corner 15th emma hlarimey Stictits , Oumnlmn , Nebraska. W'huera all curable cuisse mire treated with site- echo , . Medical diseutses treated bkilltlmhiY. Comm. stumumjutloim , I Iriglit's I ) Iseuisti , 1)yspt'ptlui , I thou. lout Isium , tutu mill N mdc mu us 1)msmA ) : S tS. A Ii cii s. cmi's's limculiumr to thmouxes aspeCiait3' . C.iT.ttumut CNsU.TAviuN II ) ' , nailQr at umince , Ii. Oiiio iluitinue-tu Il , I I it. mit ; to p. ma ; .7 to 8 p. Iii. 5mm unlay imurl tmuiett. Corrosisuutlouico meceIvO.s prompt attention. lutiy thieaoms tee tremitted uccem&ifully by lir. McCoy thmrotmghm ( lie malls , mind it i. tlmus possible for tluosei utmublo to make a ourimy to obtalmi mmccessfUi hospital trnmmtcmieitt mit timsir haute. , . No hettors nasu timed ummhess mitcumnluaniot by 4o mmii letters to line. McCoyk hiemiry , iluOutis : iIO cmiii Uli flaamge flaltuhieg , Qumabp , Nobr.mtnt. . . ' . . : ' ; ' . , : , i . - - - - - - - - - - - :