Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements under this head , 10 cents per
line for the tlrnt Insertion , 7 cent * for cnch sub
sequent Insertion , nnil $1.50 n line per month.
No advertisement taken for Iesn tlmn 25 conn
for the Ilrst Insertion. Seven words Mill bo
counted to the line ; they must nin conii-cu-
tli My and must bo paid In ndinwc. All ad
vertisements must bo handed In l > cfore 1-flO
o'clock p. til. , and under no circumstances will
they bo taken or discontinued liy telephone.
Parties advertising In these columns and hav
ing tha answers addressed In care of the llee.
will plenso nsk for n check to clinbla them t
get tholr letters , tin none will bo delivered ex
cept on presentation of check. All answer * to
advertisements should b enclosed In envelopes.
lAll advertisements In these column ! ) are pill *
llshed In l)0th morning and evening editions of
Iho Ileo , the rlrculntlon of which aggregates
inoro tlmn 14.UJO papers dally , and Rives the nd-
vortlsers the benefit , not only of the city circu
lation of the lice , Imt also of Council Illtiirg ,
Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout
this part of the west.
" \TIDLANB Ouaranteo and Trust Co , 1505
.HI Karnain street Complete abstrnctH fur
nished , nnd title * ) to real estate examined , per-
, fcctcd and guaranteed. 210
FINII business clmnco open In Colorado for a
light mnnufncturlng business ; largo profits
and sinnll capital required. PartlculHrs at A.
F. Mayno'H , N. W. cor.loth and Fnrnani. l < 20
'tXfANTED Men toTmn7lFo"an agency In other
T > towns or Omuha ; big money made , small
capital required. Mutual Agency , 10UT Knniura.
953 1J
THOU EXCHANGE-Houso * and lots , farmi.
JD hotels , lot * , merchandise , horses , cattle
and In fact nnj-thlng you w ant. If you have any-
thlnn to trade call on or write to us. Olllce open
evenings. JI.KCojo Ummhst. 1B3
flllKYENNB.VJj'onhc TuTuro I'lttsburK of
\J the west. At present a railroad center.
Olio best built and wealthiest city or Its size In
United BtatcH. W ) tuning. Olio great mineral
store house of America nnd Its Inexhaustablo
oil and coal Heidi. For full particulars ns to ro-
Bources.cte , nfldref-H K F. Stnhlo.Kecictnry Cheyenne
enno Hoard of Trade , Cheyenne , Wyo.
rrKHA \ LE8MEN of experlenre and haIng nil
X established trad" among the Grocery Met '
chnnts of the West will nnd It to their advantage
to ( orrespond w 1th UH w hen In w ant of good sit
uation. First-class places open. State the terri
tory In which jou liaxe a t rude , hat houses jou
haxe roptosuited. and how long , what nrrnuge-
mints j oil desire to maku ; nlso send your refer-
onres. Communlrntloim tonlldeutlal. Address
1' . 0 Ilex Mill , New York t'lty.
rfrCut this out and keep It. _ 011-31
MHO EXCHANGE ) stock Kcueral mer-
X chnndlse for good Omaha property ; small
Inuimbrnnco : mtiBt tell or exchange quick. h.
H , Campbell and O. W. Hervey,310 Hoard of
Trade. 4 8.
OH SALE-A .I.500 Mock of groceries nnd
qucensware , In best location In York , doing
n business of fwO.OOU. Stock nearly new. A rare
rhanceloa Ihoiman. Addrtss , dtnwer 151 ,
York. Neb. TO ) 1
SPLENDID Clmnco for Rood business man ,
partnership In small but paying concern ,
capital of tfji ) lequlied , present owner cannot
run It ulone , K. in Ileo ollfce. KB 2J
THADE Two impioved fanns In Iowa for
Omaha property or Nebraska lands. Mo-
Culloch & Co , cor ; nth and I'arnatn. 828
lllltr.i : drtiK sto-ks and fixtures of 11,500 ,
W.700 , WWfl Inllnist Nebraska towns. Tor
nulo or real estate c'xclmnge. Address K. 2 , llee.
TJUSINUSS Chances I'll st elans restauiant ,
J > In Ilrst class location , feeding an anny
oery day. prlc o fc',0011. ( l.llii ) cash. Co-operatlvo
Land and I.ot Co. . ! 3 < i N. lilth st. 87331
C OOI ) opening lot hardware or drv goods
J store In Fitch blot k on Park uvo. Splendid
store loom. Cheap rent. F. 1 , . Gregoij. : wj S
10th st. 50 ! )
FOH SALE $1.000 stock of general merchan
dise In good lallroad town In Southern Ne
braska. Ilest location. Double room. Low-
rent. A lareehanco for some ono tostcn into
a good business. Addiibs F. J , Stano'heck ,
Odell , Neb. 857 N 11
T71OH SALE A stock of books and stationery ,
-H news store. H. F. Tomblln , Auipihoe.Ncb.
SM g >
E ESTAl'HANT for trade or sale , Co operative )
Land \ Jxt Co. , soft N Kith st. Wfi 2U
$ J,2 < 10 Will buy a good paving and well estub-
llshed business on N. 1Mb st , parlies going
to Pacific const. Addicts K 41 , lieu ollieo.
First-class brick hotel
FOH BALE - two-story
doing excellent business ; rents for } 85 per
month ; owner going out to Cnl. Address II. 8.
Lilly. Hroken How. Nob. 220 n 10
WANTED To buy n lestaurant or small
hotel ; must bo lu good location and doing
fair business. Can paj' the cash. Applj' of
Canadian Emploj ment olllce , Mrs. llrega .v Son ,
1)10 ) So. 15th. Tel. h84. 830 2 J
WANTED A live man with n few hundred
dollars totnlargo a well paj lug , estab
lished business , Addiess 1C 11 , lieu olluo
497 SJ *
JH line Ilvi rv. feed and sale business In n paj'-
Ing condition , Splendid Improv emcnts , good lo
cation , property worth double the prlco nskcd ;
owner having other business requiring his at-
ttmtlon ; pilco { 17.500 : M cash. J. L. Hlco \ Co.
ANTED-To him Immediately n small
house , containing about four rooms , lo
cated west of Ifith street nud north of Farnam
Htreot and within a mlle of P.O. Address K.
112 , HeoollUe. 713-21) ) *
"ITTANTED 'Ihtco persons to lenrn bookkeep-
T > Ing ; situations. J. II. Smith , 1013 Chicago
" \\T ANTED Flvo or MX room flat or house fur-
T i ulhhed for deslrnble tenant. No children.
C. E. Mn > no Heal Estate nud Trust Co. , n. w.
cor. 15tli nud Hartley. 70I21 !
" \XrANTED-To purchase half or whole lutor-
T > est In nn established tire Insurance busi
ness lu Omaha. Address 1C 24 , Heo olllce.en
en so *
"VVANTED To buy half or whole luteiestln
T > Miiall hotel ; must bo Ilrst'Class. Address
K Ki. Heo. 7IKI21) ) *
T71OH SALE A 300 aeio stock farm , InSaipy
JL countj % just 25miles from Omaha , with a
flue quart y on It. only 125 per aero. A. F.
Mil } lie. N. W. eor. Ifllh and 1 iirnam. tNl
" \\TANTKD-Stockoflioots and shoes In ev
i clmngo for Insldo Omaha pioperty. Art-
diessPatteitonA Mooiel ( > 12 i'arnam bt , Omaha.
F THADE-0,000 acres of choice wtstein
ij hind to exchange for general merihundlse ,
Jno. 1' . Toft. ! KI N. 16th st. HI
° | Vvou have anj thing to exchange , wilto us ,
JL Wo blue Improved nnd unimproved Ne-
brasXa , Kaunas and low u lands , toil mines , ho
tels , blocks of merchandise , hoises , rattle , hogs
sheep , etc , to exchange. S , 8. Campbell and G
W. lleivej310 Hoard of Trade. 4VT
BUSINESS Chaneeh Cigar and tobacco stole ,
paj Ing w ell , fcRl per month. Stock nnd l\ ) <
tures for halo or trndo. Call and se-oit. Coop-
crallvo Umd n l tCo.av > N. Itith st. 8T31
BUSINF..SS Chance Declrous of retlilngfioni
business , vve < w 111 sell the balamoof out
Mock of drj goods , etc. , with three j'earti lease
nud tlxtuies of store by January or Maul :
next. Merchants im nnlng to pmcha'.o addres'
John H , V , Lehnuuiu \ Co , 1J10-1J12 Farnunibt
IM n 5
BUSINESS Chance There Is n line opening
for n confectioner , reMauiant and bakei
right near the entrance of H nut-corn paik
Nt vv storeroom , cheap rent. F. L. Giegoiy , 301
H. lilth st. 5.a )
T710H SALE Or trade a No. 1 hotel property
JU doing good tiade > , In ono of the best low n :
In Nebraska. S. S. Campbell uud G , W , Hervey
1110 Chamber of Commerce. 487
"TuirANTED A block of gioceile'i nnd gen ia
T > nulse , for city lots paid for. C , J. Cm v.
"II10H SALE A complete ste'iim Inundiy hav
J Inn tweuty horsn power engine. J. S. lien
Jiett , launders mid Clark bts. C2t )
MHS.DUHANT-Clarlvojant from Hostonli
tellable In nil HlTnlrH of life , unites sepir
nted loM-rs. SKJ N. Itith St. , room 1. -I * ) Dec. !
DH. NANNIE V. Wnnen , clalr\ojant. Med
leal business mid test medium. Olllco 11
Noithltsth street ; looms 2 & 3 , Te'ltphune V4I
\\7'"ANTi'.D > teii to handle iv light article paj
' Ing f > to 15 per day. Mutual Ageiu-j
1007Tiu _ naiii. _ U.VI 1J
\\rANfED-5 men to drhe teams. $22 ntii
l > onrd ; Osho olors for cltv , 11.75 ; bov t
wash bottles. $3.50 per week\ell ; boy. JI2 ;
grnxl waiters ( German ) , 10 ; 1 good German cooi
Allforcltj" . City Intelligence ollieo , Crelglito
" \V"ANTED-Cook nt Ftcmont. Neb , luqulr
T of AdUr A. Heller. 1114 Faruam Et. SM
WANTED-Mnlo cook ut 1004 NICthbt ,
me ,
_ _ _ _
MKnu \ ( men of good upiiuinncet
, 0 , * rJr ol'r 15c meals at Norrls irhtnurant , 'II
wid 313 bouth 14th klreot. ( old LUu nuil L
WANTED A flrst-cla i workman photo
grapher , Plattsmoutli , Neb. Addrtss H.
0. Johns. KKKH * .
WANTED A music teacher for S pupils , part
tuition In bonrd. 410 N loth. til31 *
AN Intelligent man cnn find steady nnd re
munerative employment by applying to
Pesto nice box 7CT. Ml nS *
WAN'fiD-5V" : ) railroad men for Missouri am
Kansas , 11.75 to tJ 2.- . per daj" , Hoard $ .1 tfi
per week. Scaudlnnvlnn Einploj'inelit bureau ,
1010 Fnrnam st , side door. KOI 3
S MAHT Men can make money by cam nsslng.
lloom o , 1010 Fnniam. Ml 3IJ
\\fANTED Men for railroad work. Al-
brlght's Labor Agencj" , 1120 1'nrnnm. fQ4
\\TANTED-Agents tn Nebraska for Gen.
TTjohn A. Logan's last work , "Volunteer
Soldier. " Juit jnibVlahed. Address J. M. Prunch
& Co , omnhn , Neb. 27)
-S teamsters for city , JJ2 , and
T board. City Intelligence olllce , Crelghtou
block. 782
'IXT'ANTED Several llrst-class salesmen for
TT clothing , hat and furnishing goods. Only
those with tlrst-class reference need addre-ss
IJox Sft , Omaha. 449
WANTED Men for Missouri and Kansas.
Scandinavian Emplojiucut bureau , 1010
1'nrimiu st , side door. 013
WANTED 500 agcnta ; good salary or com
mission ; rare chance. Address with stamp
fortemifl , Wea\er Mfr.,31 N. State bt. , Chicago ,
111. Krinl2 *
"ITITANTED Mechanic , ono preferred who tinT -
T V derHtands plpe-llttlng. Only cxjiertiiied
applj' . Omaha Steve Hepalr Works , 810 N 10th
pt. S.V > SJ
rilEN cari'cnters , Albright's labor agency. 1120
JL Faniam. 830 3D
W ANTED Men for railroad work In Kansas
Albright's labor agency , 1120 Fariiam.
W flood machinist nnd Iron finisher
at Paxtou & Ylerllng Iron w orks. 7M 21)
WANTED Well digger. Apply to M. P. Mar-
tin. 310 S. 15th. 870 2U
WANTED A good boy , well recommended ,
to take care of horse and cow and work
Instoro. Inquire 1318 Farnam. TttVSb *
WANTKD Young man. German , in real os-
tutooOico. Must bo able to read nndwilto
flerman and Knglish. Apply at Canadian Kmp.
Olllce , 310 S. 15th. 842 2il ]
W ANT11D Man to drive delivery wagon ; aj > -
ply at S. P. Morse & Co. , with references.
W IANTr.D-Man tocut wood. Oeo. N. Hicks
815 S. Kith St. 70-t CT
WANT ! ' . ! ) First-clasa main stenographer.
Apply Immediately at Valentino's Short
hand Institute. bit ; WJ
If ANTED 4 Oermnn IH > JS to carry papers.
T Ufi-Uas. 12th St. . up-stnlrs. iiN'
WANTED IB girls for private families , 1 girl
for chamber work , 1 girl for kltchui. M.fiO ;
1 Irnindri'bs for hotel , $4. All for city. City In
telligence ollieo , Crelghton block. ; > > " > . :
W ANTED Nurse girl ; good wages. CalFat
onco. S2I1 Doughis. 840--JJ
'ANTr.D rirst-cliss cook for small family ;
w good wages. Call nt once. "Jll Douglas ,
w ANTRD A good girl for geneial house
work. ) 1 S 81 st st. 800 'Mj
WANTED 1 cook for Seward , 1 dining
loom girl for Crete , 4 cooks for
city , " chambermaids , i : dining room gills ,
1 laundress , 1 head waiter , assistant
In dressmaking shop , and vanous femnlo help
for the Ilrst families In the city , ( live us a calf ,
and wo will give satisfaction. OateCltyKm-
ployment Olllce , 3I4'J ' S llithht. WJ J.
WANTED ( lood girl for general housework.
018 S. 17th street. NiS
" \\7ANTr.D A ilr t diss cook and laundress ,
TT ( lerman piefeired. Mis. Milton Hogeis ,
721S 10th st. ? ' 0
WAN'IKD , ' 1 dining room girls , 1 cook , gills
fet pilvatu tumlllea. City Intelligence
Olllce , Cielghlon Illk. blO
ANl'KD-Dlnlng loom gill at 1001 N K.fli'st. .
W ANTED Dining rtioni girl. Dornn house' ,
i S. Ibtli near St. Mnry's nv enue. 411
\\TANTiJI > W ) Indies to try our Ino meals at
t T Norrls' restaurant ( olil Jlve and Let I.U e ) ,
nil and .11.1 B. 14th st. ( . ' .H
W ANTED Cook and laundress. Dr. Coir-
man oor. St. Mary's ae nnd i-Tlh st. WiS
OANADlANlhnjloyment Ofllce. Orders for
p.utles to till positions of trust lilled fieo-
Mal help hiipplleil free to all. Domestic help
furnished on shoit notice. Male and female
help pent to nil paits If farolspaid. Kight years'
expel lence enables us to till orders satisfac
torily , llefeience , Omaha National linuk. Mrs.
llrega .V Son , Jllfl S. 15th , tel. t t. 431 1 *
WANTED-Oirls and all others wno ore look-
Ing for a plate to know that wo do not
charge oltlce fee unless place Is seemed. Do not
bo deceived by conceinn who take your money
without gi\lng jou a place , date City Employ
ment otllLC , ilUh S lath st. [ ML1 ? J
USINESS Men and others wishing icllablo
help of any kind , call at our onico mid pee
whatwehaxe. Among others we mention the
following Hues : Floor-walker , Draughtsman ,
llook-ktepcrs. Clerks and Salesmen In vailous
lines ( city and rnidl , C.invasseiH , Stenograihers ,
Tipo-writers , Cashleis , Collectors , llartenders ,
Sttwutds. CooksWaltersCigar-makers , Poi lers ,
1'ackcrs , Dihers , Engineers , lire-men , .lanltors ,
Stablemen. Watchmen , Caipeuters , Coachmen ,
Ilutchers , DakeiH , usutiil men for city and conn-
tiy , l.iborerH , lueful bojs , mechanics In all
branches. If jou want woik or wHi tomako a
change , call on the Onto City Eniploj incut Olllce ,
31455 S. liith st. rvl i )
rpllEClty Intelligence Olllce has the only prop-
JL erly organl7ed emplojment agency In the
west. It Is tlio laigest , most reliable and Its
terms the most HbeiaU If jou ate out of em
plojment or wish to muko a change , why do
jou delay In securing the best possible aid that
can be gl\en jou. Persons should c.uefully
consider whom they are dealing with as there
are many new catch-penny concerns coming
Into existence dally. 1'ull particulars concern
ing our methods will he given upon applica
tion. All ordeise\capt ( from prhuto families
i , cashier Nebraska sav Ings bank ; Hon.
J. H. McCullocii , county Judge. 571.
TOST Oct. Siith , gxntlemen's moonstone
i s ( ai f pin w 1th four small diamonds on sides.
Suitable imvard for party lUuuilng same to
Muitlu Calm , U l 1'arimnibt. till 111
ril.VICEN HI' WedneMlny. Oct. 21 * . cor. Sid and
JL Irurd bt. onebaj'hoise. weight about 000
His , with one white hind foot , small star In face.
N. H. I Iron n. KO SU
"ITfANTED Hoard and room Inprlvnto f.unlly
for man , w Ifo and baby. Money ulunj.s
pild promptly lu adumco. llefercnces ex
changed. Address I. S , lloo olllce. U.'i7 I1IJ
\ \ \NTED About M out-of-town parties to
bend ten dollars to 1110 South Kith ht. and
secure a warrant j' deed to ono of these ten dol- lots ; tie Is payment In full. Kumember ,
only a few left , IK7-1
\VA.NTED To buy ll or iOU acres of cheap
I > laud near Omaha. Co-operaflvo Land and
Lot Co. . aflN. loth s.t. trjm
" \\7ANTKD-dood family horse In exehango
> > for lot. MtCulloch i. Co. , cor 16th uud
r.inuuii. UK )
" \\rANTED-rarm lands In exthnngo for
> f stocks of merchandise. St. John & Elj' ,
lloom 13 , Treuzei block , orp. I'.O _ mi
\\r"ANTEI > Property of all kinds to exchange
\ \ Special attention cheu to trading. C. C.
Spot.SNVCioil. iiUiv ; S Ibtll. _ C.'i5
\\7ANTED-Oood farms In exchange for
Omaha propertj- . C. Spotswood , : W5 > i
S 10th. OBJ
\VANTED Vanns to exchange for Omaha
TV propeity nnd Mocks of merchandise. C.
L. Ill cm ni Co. , room Uitenzer block , Omaha
741 uJ3
\\7ANTED-To buy the furniture of n small
i or laige house centrally located. Co-opera-
the Land & Lot Co. . as N loth st. iJa
WANTED rium lands In exchange for city
property , bt. John i. Ely , lloom U , KreU'
zer block. UI7
M ONKY ( to Ixan Sunisof fo,000andupwaids ,
. First motgages , Improved city property ,
E. S. lliabce , 1J. ) Hamgo Hulldlug , Omaha. 3
MONEY To loan on chattels. Co-operative
Land and Lot Co. , 205 No. ICth street.CM
" \foney OH hand to loan on Improved property ,
-I' 1 j , A. llclstand. Arllnston block. [ on5
" \IONKYloBiiedonfurnlture , pianos , organs ,
111 horses , ptc. low rates. J. J. Wllkluaoni
Co lJ2i Fnruttm , over IJurllnstou ticket Ollice.
$ l.nonnon to loan. n. E. Cote , 318 S. 15th. rir t
mortgage notes bought. 1176
< XK ) to loan at n per cent. I/lnaliun A. Mahoney -
honey , 15 < i Farnam. a.7
$ M10HD to lonn In any amount at lowest rate of
lnterc t. 11. II. Ire ) , I'reii7cr block. 211
" \fONKYto loan to parties wishing to build.
i > l S. H. Campbell , 310 8 10th st. , Clmmlwr of
ONI2V to loan. Notes nnd H. U. tickets
bought and sold. A. Forman , * . > ! IS inth st
SHORT time loans made on any available
security , In reasonable amounts. Secured
notes Ixiuunt , cold or exchanged. General
financial business of any kind transacted
piomptlr. quietly and fairly at tlw Omaha Fi
nancial Kiilmnice , N. W. cor. Pith nnd liar-
ney sts. , ocr BUitu National baud. Corbett ,
manager , 1J7
M ONIlYtoLoan-O. r. DavlsCo. . real estate
and loan agents , IWJu Farnam st. 2M
i-iru"ciNT ; Money.
1'uttcrson At Fawcctt 11th and Harney. 222
MONKY to loan on Improved real estate ; no
cominlsrlon charged. Lca\ltt Ilurnham ,
room 1 , Crelghlon block. . ' 1
MONUV lUHlimsof fVOand over to load at
low rates. Hussoll A llarrctt , 312 8 loth st.
UJIjOO.OOO To loan on Omaha city property at 0
! > percent. O. W.Uay , S. 1. . cor. Kx. llld.
mo JOAN Monej Loans placed on 1m-
X proved estate In city or county for
New England Loan & Trii't Co. , by Douglas
County bank , loth and Chicago sts. " \ \ >
M ON 12 Y To loan. Lowest lates. No delay.
J. Ii. lllce i Co. , o\tr Commercial Na
tional bank 21S
MONKY to loan on city property. Will buy
good notes. Sealer & Whltconib , 1fi < H ) &
Faruam. 772
MONF.Y to loan on city property , and also
farms In Nebraska and Iowa. Odell Ilios.
& Co , loan , real estate and Insurance agents , 103
Pearl street , Council UluITs , la. ; 1123 Fnrnntn
street , Omaha. 'Mi
to Loan ny the undersigned , who
MONKY the only properly organised loan
agency In Omaha. Loans of if 10 to $1W ( made on
furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wrgons , ma-
chlneiy , etc. . without removal. Nodelajs. All
business strictly conlldentlal. Loans M ) made
that any part can bo paid at any time , each pny-
ment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances
made on line watches anil diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they tire dealing
with , as many new concerns ale dally coming
Into existence. Should j ou need money call nnd
pee me. W. U. Cioft , loom * AVltlmoH building ,
16th and llainey. 224
MONKY to Ioin On Improved city property
at lowtst rates of Interest. No commis
sion charged , pholes & . Crumb , room 1 , Darker
block , cor. Pith and Fuinam sts. 210
LOANKD at C. P. Heed & Co 's loai
Otllee. on furniture , pianos , hoises , ngons ,
leisonal pioperty of nil kinds , and all other nr-
Iclesof laluo without irmo\nl , 318 S. nth ,
> \er lllngham's commission stoio. All Imsl-
iicss strictly confidential. 22U
$000,000 to loan , special rates on farm propeity.
Sobotker it Perrigo , PJl Farnaiii ht. ill
MONKY to loan , cash on hand , no delay. , T ,
W. nnd K. L. Suulre , 1413 Parnam Bt. Pax.
'on hotel building. 220
LIST houses , furnished and unfurnished
rooms with us. We will lent them. Olllco
jpcn ovenlngs. II. K. Cole , 31(18. ( 15th st. tU'i
TjlOll SAIilI heating to\es , > ery cheap ,
X1 apply 51U South 20th st. WW
Y011K Piano Co , , manufacturers of uti-
Li light pianos ; pianos on time at wholesale
rice. Cor Capitol ave and l"itli st. TO
TJHRUMATIC , gout , paialjhls and neuralgia
J.V complaints. Try the new treatment of
Massage \ Hobblng. practical operators from
New York ; address K M ) leo. ! MU 3IJ
RKNTAI. cAdKNCY P. L. ( liegoiywill bo
found after Nn\ ember 1st ntliU ) South Kitu
; t. , opp , lloudof l-rado. Uiouml Hour , fiio
LIST YOUU HOOMS at the City Intelligence
Olllce , Cielghton lllook. Moio peoplu call
dully at our ollIco than at any other place In the
city , except the potolllce. liS'i
TI1O leal estate agents Notice Is hereby given
X that 1 ha\o this day taken from the market
"otOblk II , bhlim'h2dadd. MlchalMueller.
850 *
PKALKHS-Hend for our illustrated
trated catalogue of fancy goods , toys and
notions. 1'rlco guaranteed. Iluy near home
nnd sa\o freights. Itedhead. Norton , Latlirop
& Co. , jobbeis , books , stationery , etc , Des
Molnes , la. tod-so
ELKOANT plush parlor sets at linmeusn har-
rlllce to pay htorago charges. New York
storage Co , cor Capitol ave and 13th st. 702
Foil SALK Lcuso and fixtures of one of th/5
best located real estate otllces in the city.
0round iloor. ) Addrdss K 02 , llee otnce.
FOK SALE Self-recdcrsto\e , at2211 Cumlng
774 2U
D . J. W. llAHNSnAIJ/S surgical and ob-
steti leal home. 171 Cuultol u\e. Omaha ,
Neb. Telephone ObO. W.I n21J
10 TEASING I.oe Letters read two wajs.Wo
Oiab them quick. Ilex & - ' , llnltlmore. Sid
XVO n 17 *
EXCHANGE l"or cattle. 1 ha % o 040 acres
of good western land to trade lor cattle
and u good housonud lot near the capital ; will
exchange for cattle. Address S. G. Urjau , Ash
land , Neb. SSI
III HUNT Organs , 6J per month. Hoipu ,
151J Douglas. 2Jb
C House fumlshlng goods , all kinds ;
cash or Installment ; lowest prices at J. lion-
uer , 1.115 Douglas st. SJO
F OH UKNT-Square piano , 1 monthly. A.
Hospe , 1613 Douglas. 228
FOH llENT-Snuaro Piano W monthly. A.
Hospe , 1613 Douglas. 228
ELEGANT parlor bets cheap. Immense sac-
rltlco to pay adances. . Now York Stoiago
Co. , cor Capitol are and 15th st. 701
Dlt. CHASE'S now Receipt Hook and House
hold Phj-slclan , the "Memorial Edition" of
over NX ) pages. Tlio "Crowning I.lfo Work" of
the greatest author and benefactor that over
llr i. Just out. Agents making Immense
sales. HlK terms. Address F. 11. Dkkeiboui ;
Co , Detiolt , Mich. Mention this paper.
2llnov4 *
AM I DDI.K aged w Idow w ithout chlldt en , w ho
Is now and has been for sotral ears n com
mercial tnweler , solicits lonespondenco with u
good tllspo'jltlouul lady of letluement , with
means. Send photos ltcon\enlent. Addiess In
btile-testconlldence. 1C 70 , llee. 101 ! ij
AWIDOWEH , PKI , with means nnd good busi
ness ability would llko to form the nc-
qunlnlanco of n lady with means. Object ,
iimtiimouy. Address K 71 , Ileo Wil *
' 1 ho ladies of Omaha can secure
the ten Ices of competent and lellablo do
mestic help nnd ha\o a loom full to choose from
by calling at the Canadian Emnloj meiit Ollice.
> Irs llrega i , boil , 310 So. 15th. Tel btl.
7PI 29'
IJl'.HSONAI/ the ladles of Omaha. If jou
want good reliable help , call at the Omaha
Emploj intuit bure-au , thn oldest emploj-ment
ollIco lu Iho clty.HU N. 10th Bt. , II K. Whlto. pro
prietor. 114 Si
AMIDDI.E-aged widow lady would llko a few
boaiders for the winter. Address KM ,
llee olllce. tt.'l ill *
PEHSONAL-MIss Hello Turner , stylish
modiste , will accommodate prlvatofamlllei
by the day. Cull nt 2115 Grant bt. ; batlsfactlon
guaiantced. If-ti
TDEHSONATj A J'oung lady of good address
X and plenty of means would advise every
young or old gentleman to call at 310 South llth
bt. Monday , Oct. 31. and purchase one of those
ten (10) ( ) dollar lots ; u fewmoru uru left. Hkhes ,
_ _ _ _
1)iitM > N AII'llvato homo for ladles during
confinement , strictly confidential. Infanta
adopted. Address K 4J lice ollIco. 107 u B *
TTIOK SALE-Plano , Ilnllet & Davis upright
-I ? Owner wishes to leave the city. CostHOO ,
Will sell for tM ) . Address L1. llee. 051
| 71OH HA liE Ilrst class photo gnllorj" , I'latts-
JL1 mouth Neb. Poor health the cauao foi
selling. 11. C.Johns. DJ3 31 *
I * JUU ) SALE A Wllkslioi water heater uud
' 200 feet of 3 inch pipe cheap. P. O. boa
602. Omaha. 85IMJ
I HAVE a car load of choice fresh cows foi
sale , cor A and Nicholas tts. Johu W
Punnj' . 0831
THOU BAIiE I ase nnd funilturo of 7-roorc
X1 Hat. full of Ilrst-class tenants , that pay mil
and have handsome pro lit. Kent t-'iO per mo
Apply 118 KarbacU lllock , Sd Iloor , left Imuc'
bell. 8U831 *
K SALE Cheap , horse and phaeton. In
qulreiof D. F. Cooper , Western Unloi
Telegraph olllce. UC nl
* 17HH SALK-Spaii of good draught routes am
J-1 nice harness , or will trade for Inside prop
erty. Address J. li , Laiuar , core Qooa hotel
ONR hundred and Hfty dollars will buy n news
nnd clgnr stand , RO outh ICtli Bt. KM.
L1VEUV outfit for i4l * ! or trad * for Inside
realentntu ; good ) i mi on pn\ed street ; n
rare bargain for n practical inau. J. H. I.amnr ,
care Oooa hotel , city. r * r PU07 *
" 1J10H SAT.E Two elegnnt Imported stallions !
JL1 will sell or trade for Insldo property or
peed livery stock. Addn&i J. II. l.ninnr. core
Uoos hotel , city. WO 7 *
FOH PAIK-Drug ntot2,000. doliff good
business on one f the best otteets In
Omaha , or v 111 exchange It with some choice
land for larger stock of drugs lu good country
town. Address 1C 27 , llee ulltce , Omaha.
_ _
OirSAllJ-yiftyhotliMensh. Ca'-hor time
P.O. Ilex 00. ' H17 31j
TT1OU SAIiE-l're'h milch cons , 1 fine Jersey.
E Corner 10th and Capitol avenue. 014 31 *
OIIOANS nt wholesale prices , on ensypnj--
mcnts. New York Piano .Co. , cor Capitol
n\c and 15th st. 700.
T710H THADE 100 acres of peed land , hotisoi
JU 14 acres cultivated In Hnwllns County ,
Kansas. Will trade for lots , mcrchandlM ) or
other valualo ) ) property. Address J. Kline ,
2717 Cuiulng ht. , Ut j" . 507-1123
T710H BALE | Good piano. HftMf soldlnlOdnj-s ,
JL ! Also room for rent , 1SJI Farnam st. KJ
POH BALE Team , harness , wagon. $150. Mrs.
K. C. Uarr.9 1 Jth st,3 blks from st car track.
FOH SALE 1 feed mill , 24 In. Trench burrs.
1 Victor shcller , 751m per hour.
1 bolt for buckwheat or meal.
40 ft. 2 in. Hlmfting , 0 hangers , elevator belt ,
tc. Address am S 2tith St. , Omaha , Neb. 32T. n 1 *
FOR KENT Several houses. 5 and 0 rooms
Inquire of JI. V. Hainann , 2315 LeoAcnworth
681) ) 1 *
Foil HENT New 4 nnd "i room houses $10 per
month. Ollieo open evenings. H. K. Cole ,
110 S. 11th st. . t t
IET A largo feed and lUery stable on
JL Locust st , hetw een 20th and 21st sts , oppo-
ito ICountzo place. Apply to Johu Hamlln , 311
louth llth st. lt.Vl *
LIST houses , furnished and unfurnished
rooms wltluis. We will rent them. OllIco
pen evenings. H. R. Cole , 310 S. 16th st. B
[ 710K HENT T houses and rooms for oflices.
u Inqulro of Cunningham * Her , loom 7 , Ar-
ngton block. Cunningham V Her. FCO 4
3AOH HKNT Store onl'hll Sheridan , between
I ? Loavenworth and St. Mary's mennc , neat
lalesroom , storage above and also four lling
onnw , apply to Win , I'lemlng iV Co , 1401 Dong
as st. O nij
TT10U HKNT Six Hats , furniture for sale on
X' easy terms , all centrally located ; twenty-
Ivo houses , furniture cheap and easy terms ,
entrally located : tlvo restaurants Intlist class
location , doing a tine business , one feeding ono
inndred people regularly ; hotel In Ashland ,
Neb , for snjo or trade , price Uli.fltX ) ; household
goods and lease of house fornili1 on 17th Ht ;
nouses and lots for rent or sale In all parts of
hocltv. Call before you Invest. Co-operatlvo
.and A , Lot Co. , JJ05 N Kith st. 871 ! .11
FOH HENT nvo room house In Omaha
Now eight room house N W cor. Giaco and 2)d )
tuets , oulj IMSper month.
New nine loom house , with modern conveu-
ences. S E cor. 22nd nud Clark , $41 per month.
Tw o vev en room houses , JJ5 per month each.
'J w o bev en room houses , $ JO per mouth each.
One nine room hou e , $10 per month.
These houses me all new , nnd hnvo modern
Pottei A. Cobb , ItiOl Faninm st .Hoard of Tindo
) tllldllig. 870 31
'I1WO new houses for rent , ono of e > en rooms ,
and ono of eight. Hty water and good
oin. filtnuted ntai llau ( om park , on stieet
iiirlltip Id'Ht SW and tXi n month. Iftaktuat
nice , w 111 rent for t ' < and ? : iO a month for the
A Inter. lniiilro | for paitihilars at 41.1 S. llth
M , Ilonmn'bllNei } ollke. i 'M .U *
7UH HENT-0 room house 8211 S 2M st
-1 Ml ! nij
IjlOlt KENT Go'od , now'Tilmsei , 7 "moms , clos-
JL1 ets , t'to . north putt of town , $3."i per month.
iialnm , Cielghton Illk. t ( f'l
"IJ1OK HENT 2nd nud .Id lloois at 1417 Douglas
J st . w 1th hwc > of thiiu jears. Kenneilj .V
" ' . , l.lOrt Douglas bt. 707
i7on"HINT-'j ( : the otiub nav j s inth st. . after
Jl1 the 1'ith of this month. Apply eailj- .
Chillies C. Spotswood , , VSJuth st. Hill
FOH HUNT Ifour > \l b to lent ahouvo call
on Ilenawa A. Co , 13th &t. , opposite 1 > . _ O.
Foil HUNT Severn new 7 room houses
block f i om mi eet car , ready for 01 cupanc v
No\unbcr 1 , C. K. Harrison , 418S. 11th st. .V\ >
T71OH ItKNT 5toom tiniilshed Hat. ton per
X1 month. 3 rooms tented , M. Apply fiOHS.
Ifith st. S04
FOlfHKNT Nov. li , new elght-ioom hoiibe ,
all modern Improvements. 'IS Chicago st.
$ iiO. , T. U. Itlngwalt. 218 S IMh ht. 777
[ 71OU KENT S room cottage , largo lot , good
I1 barn , In delightful location. I'lirutturo for
sale ; call at Klnslei's drug stoto , 1J07 st
lt HUNT Small house on California st. ,
neat i0th ! , fM. S.Lehman , 1108 raiiiam.
ITIUU Itr.NT House of y looms , HW cor 17th
J1 uiid Dorcas , &n per month. W. M . Hush-
man. 4iS
FOlt HUNT New 5-room cottage. 24th and
llancroft Kt , llrbt door west of Hhot towel ;
well , cistern , } 14 per month. 47S
FOK HKNT Handsome new lesldenceVltliiii
l' miles of I1.0 : ten rooms , bain , etc. .
with all com ententes. Will unt cheap. Addiess
J. H. I.iunnr , care Ooos hotel , tlty. IKX ) 7 *
[ 71OH HKNT 7100111 and the furniture for
-0 hale. Immlio lOOTi Howard > > t. . "d tloor ,
Mrs. 1'arker. 711-N.l *
TJ OIl HKNT flllats and fuinlturo for hale , all
X1 on Kith. A. r. Maj ne. N. W. cor. loth and
Farnam. Wl
F ° 11 HENT 11 room house on Sherman nve.
A. F. Ma > lie , N. W. cor. Pith and rurnaiu.
E OH HENT House on Harnev between 10th
and 17th sts. Has sixteen looms , water ,
gas and fixtures and steam all In good Older ;
also largo barn Apply to Thomas Swift , 11th
nnd Chicago , or E. W. Nash at bmeltlug works.
74-121) ) *
F \ HENT 2 Hats 7 rooms each , also store-
1 loom , Wm. G. Kriibe , 141U Dodge st.
811 20J
FOH HENT n room cottage southeast corner
14th and Pieico. 7W-2 *
FOR llENT-Ilouso S. E.Cor. 10th nnd Pacllle ,
OwenWhalen. 7SI2H *
FOll KENT Elegant six room house with all
convi'iiUnits , blxth nud Poppleton nvo. M ,
Abrahams. 7h8 21) ) *
FOIt HENT-Cioom house. No. 315 Ninth.
S17 3 *
FOH HENT I.argo onico on 1'ainam Rt , Good
] ilacofor < lgiirstoieor tailor shop. E. 1' ,
Sea\er , IfiO'ii.J ' I'auiam st. 317
HENT I'urnlshed loom for man and
w Ifo or one or tw o inuu. 1413 S. 1 Ith st.
Wl 3IJ
1710H HENT Slnglo or milto of rooms will :
-IJ board at Shelton Hpusc , cor. 25th anc'
Dodgo. Mrs. M. 0. U ilbur. VJ 1
FOH HENT-Nlcely funslshed rooms. No
2211 rarnain t : , , 840 1 *
T > OOMS and board for gentlemen Inpilvnti
J-V family. Addiess K73.J3ee. WlWi *
TjlOH HENT I.argo front room nnd smnl
J room , bath , modern com enlcucea. 401 N I'M
bt. KH 31 *
EOH HENT l\irnhhpd nnd unfurnished
rooms In nil parts ofitho city. Whenyoi
wantuhoiibowo can nccommodnto you. Car
rlage ready to bhow houses. OllIco open c\eu
ings. H. K. Cole , 310 S. 15th bt. IOI
T AHGEnnd small front room , all comen
j-i ii-iicos. 2423ranmmettsoconicr. 018-fi * .
1710H HUNT With board , nicely furnlsho'
J-1 single nnd double room. Enquire lul
1'nrnnm st. 047 1 *
H HENT A large front room , well fur
nlshcd. 1811 California at. RJI31 *
71OH HENT 3 nicely furnished front rooms
? with privilege of toard. C19 N. 10th , t.
TTIO R ItENT-Deslrable room , 1923 Dodgo.
J } b.Jd 29 *
TmOH HENT-Furnlshed room , S44 South SSi
JL ? st , two blocks from car. 8S ! 2UJ
T710K HENT Tliree unfurnished rooms , 01
JL' Seventeenth near Webster , lu a cottage. Ic
quire , Bturgcs. 1510 Dodge Bt. SMaOJ
T7IOK HENT Nicely furnished front room
JL1 nlso , other rooms. Eteam , heat and gnt
201B2Uhbtreut. E05 S ) *
mWO pleasant , neat front rooms for two o
-L thrbe gentlemen. GU8 South 17th. nen
Jackson st. , 758 2u *
/ \NE nicely furnlhhi'd nx > m for rent t to gen
V-J tleiuenonly. Day board If tltslreil. KJ4N
TTIon HENT Largo funilshed or itnturnl hc < l
-L1 parlor. B. K. cor. 20th nnd Chicago sts KX )
FOH HENT Two rooms with batli , gas nnd
furnace , suitable fori'or4 geutlemen.north
side of Leaenw orth , butw ecu llth nnd 1Mb sts-
I 1011 HENT A plea'nnt room for ono or two
gentlemen , ntielj" located , with gas and
bath , comer 20th st. nud St. Mary's nvo. No. 020.
T7U1H HENT-4 unfurnished rooms , suitable
JO for housekeeping. SOSi llanicy st. WO Ij
FOH HENT Furnished room , 1W < J Farnnm It.
IflOll HENT Elegant new furnished r ( > onis 111
private famltj" , boarding hou o just
opened. Avenue Place , 1015 niuUCl J Cap. ne. .
FOT HENT-Fi ont rooms nt S10 u 10th st.
W2 31J
HENT On second tloor , nn elegant lighted -
ed room , 40 by 00 , for dies * and cloak manu
facturing , or nny other light merchaudlip busi
ness. Inquire of Frank. J , Hamgc , Hnmgo's
lllock. ' 821
Hr.NT-Nlceroom for millinery depart-
ment. on second iloor , with be'st of ole\ator
ncrIco. . in Hamgo's lllock. B21
TnOH HENT-Oniecs. best lighted and heated
JL1 tu the city , lu Hamgo'H lllock. 821
F ° 11ENT nirnlshed rooms , 1011 Parnain.
FOH UKNT-Newly furnished rooms , bath
gas. furnace , Ml Pleasant. Wi2 2
T710H HP.NT-Nlcely furnished rooms. lfl S
X1 ICth st. KHI 1
F OH llKNT-Puinlshed looms , 117 8 17th.
[ Wll 3
TTiOlt UHNT Furnished front room with mod-
X1 ern com culenccd , for gentlemen,171C Dodge
W8 4
TTKHt ) HENT Lnrgo front furnished room t
X1 2 111) ; ) llarneyst. 871 n4
room to rent , 015 N 14th st.
TjlOll RKNT Two nicely furnished room ? ,
JJ K K821st St. W5 41j
T71OH HKNT Parlor nnd alcove , one front
X1 room , one back room ; gas , bath , steam
heat ; car line , 2317 Douglas st. 74 4j
TjlOH HKNT Largo furnished room suitable
X' for 2 gentlemen , modern comciiicmes , 44J
82lthave. NJ 31 *
FOR HKNT Two furnished front rooms. 713
N. Wth ht. & 7S-2 *
FOll HKNT Puniislied room , modern con
veniences , 021 8 llltll. N ) 31 *
FUHNISIIKD front looms folding bed , good
board , gas and bath near tw o car lines ,
for gentlemen , private family ; address K KI Uee
alike. 780 31j
TOU HKNT-Furnlshed rooms , 607 N. 17thst.
J ? 754.31J
FOlt HKNT 4 rooms for housekeeping , con
taining all modern convenient es , on llith
and Howaid , bt. ; apply to M. li1. Maitln , 310 S.
li'th ht. WJ
| J"HH HENT ! 1 nice imfmulshed looms suit-
-I ; able for housekeeping , situated on 21st
nnd Nicholas bt. Apply 310 S nth St. 5.HI
J710H HENT Two furnlhhed rooms with or
1 without board suitable for a pattv of gen-
tleinon. 1508 Cuss. OJU n 1 *
TjlOH HENT Giound tloor ollieo loom , cen-
JD t rally located , heated and lighted. C. F.
Hanison , 418 S. nth st. 71tl
T7ioirHENT Funilshed rooms. 220Dodgo. .
1.57 31'
" 171011 HENT A suite of looms over my .store.
JL 1'llee J25. W. F. Stoet7el. 71J
FOH HENT Nicilv furnished looms , $10 , J13
{ 15 and J.M. at 1UI Faruam St. < V.
17UH HENT Elegant suite of rooms nicely
JP tuinlahed , biick Hat , south front , IllUChl-
c ago. ! l"i7
rpWO nicely fuiiilshed looms with llrst-ilnss
Jtable boai d lu pi Iv ate famllj' . Applj S. E.
( "or. 20th and Fmtmni. i 'iii .11 *
"ITIUKMbllED looms , 2207 Doughih.
( .22-31 . *
FOH HENT Nilely furnished looms ut 3227
Dodge. All model n conveniences.Ol'J
Ol'J 31
" 1710H HENT Itooms , single and double , every-
I-1 thing new and tirst i lass , steam heat , 1721
Davenpoit. 371 nl *
' " UltNlsilEp rooms with board. li J Knr-
nam. 7KulO ) *
1J10H HENT 3 unfinulshed rooms suitable for
JL1 housekeeping , 1101 S. tth bt. 218
Foil HENT lloom Verj'deslrnblo fuinlshed
room for 2 gentlemen , all conveniences on
same Iloor. Applj' at 1712 Capital eve
FOK HENT Elegantly fuinlshed room on
tlrst llooi , with modern Improveuients , 11117
C.iss. 08" )
FOH HENT 3 nicely furnished rooms , 2020 St.
Mary'bttve. 520
FOH HENT Nicely furnished room suitable
lor 2 gentlemen , Inquire 2011 St. Mnry's nvo.
( US
"T7UH HENT Ple.isnnt rooms , fuinlshed ,
JL1 votithwest corner 20th nnd Webster. J18
TPOH HF.NT nirnlshed rooms In Greunlg blk ,
JL1 cor. nth and Dodge sts. Inqulro of Gco. H.
Davis , Mlllard hotel billiard room. 231
OH HENT-Ollico room , flist tloor , at 310 S.
llth.t. . 4 to
"VIT'ANTED-Sltuntlon ns w et nuiso by a young
it heathj'woman. Applj"to Canadian Em-
iiloj ment olll e , 10 Ho. loth. Tel. bM.
828 SIJ !
WANTED 1'osltlon os bookkeeper In a bank
or ollIco by a young man of good busi
ness education , experience and ability. First-
class referem es. fepcaks German. Moderate
wages. K.Ill , llee , OS7--"J
\\TANTED-Hy a ste.idj' , competent man , slt-
T > nation as clerk or collector. Highest ref
erences , llouds or sccuiltj" can bo glxen If de.
slied. Address K 41 , Hee ollieo. 7B1S8 *
"WfANTED Position with wholesale house or
i > letall groceiy stoie , live j ears experience ,
best of icferenccs. Address K 67 , Heo oltlco.
BUT 1 *
rPAII.OHESS wishes situation ns vest orpant
X maker. Addiess KM Ileo. tUs ) "
NEW YOHIC Storage Co. have most extensive
facilities for storage of fui nlture , pianos ,
buggies , geni ral meichnndise , west of New
Yoik. Cash advances to anj' amount ; ware
house receipts given ; goods Insured ; brick
building lire-proof ; special arrangements for
commission mil ( hunts. Call New York Storage
Co , Capitol iivo and N. 15th bt. , liennett's block.
; 751) )
FlUbT-CLASB btorago at 110 N. 13th st.
; TOHAGE ' Merchandise or funilturo. Little
& Williams. 1107 Douglas st. H.'J ng )
QJTOHAOE for carriage at Omaha fair grounds
O uud horses wlnteied by A , Thomson.
173-N 20 *
S TO H.\GT.-Geo. Schwaitz , Omaha Storage
Warehouse , 1(1)1,1011 ( ) North 1 Ith nt. furnlt-
urebuggleti and mvrcluindlso. Ollice 1J15 Dodgo.
4-7n 111 *
STOHAGE Furniture , boxed goods , etc.tenns
u-iisoimbly , 714 Pacllle. " ( I
1710R EXOHANOE-Heautlful new 10 loom
JL ? house and two lots In Des Molnes , la , , to
exchange for \ aeant lots. Don't miss this. It's
u bonanza. II. E. Cole , 316 S. 15th st. leil
rp\VO LOTS In sjiidlcato South Omalui nnd
JL four lots In lliown Paikatlcss than lost
for one week ; nlso , good hoi be and buggy at n
bargain. If j-ou want a snap nnd know a good
Investment when It Is offered , Investigate this.
Address A 4 , Heo ollle.0. U4G-1
SOUTH OMAHA I have six residence lota
near depot and packing houses which I will
sell at such prices as will tempt jou if j-ou nru
looking for desirable lots at figures forty per
tent under the market. I Intend locating else
where and wnnt to close out my Interests here ,
Address A 3 , llee olllce. CI5-1
I7KH SALK Cheap and on ensy terms. If sold
JL' at once ; good lot In Omana View exten-
Blon. Address K 02. lice olllce. 875 2J
FOHSALE Or exchange for real estate.frame
building 50x40 , Including SOU. P. boiler and
8311'P , engine , wood working machinery , etc ,
I < onso of lot good for over four years at nominal
rental. Location in southern part of the city ,
Address KC3. llee olllce. 8b6 i *
n T710H TKADE-Efiiilty In lots 1 and 2. Unlor
iX' square , next block to Maitfn , Easson A
Hrady ; M.UuO for house and lot , or vucunt Inside
lot. Address K 60 Bee. 7B7
LIST houses , famished nnd unfurnished
rooms with us. We will rent them , Ofllct
open evenings. H. E. Cole , 316 B. 15th st. ins ,
r "I710H 8ALB Finest location for a home In
JL ? West Omaha , adjoining the raanslou home ;
of Klrkendall , Cos , Urady , Kasson and others
i- Nothing finer In the city. Can Bull 165x187 or
r. less ; for prices and terms iee B. A. Slouian. LW ]
P you Imvo anything to sell or tichnuRO list
It with 0. C. Bpotswood. MM H llitlu V4
T7IOH SALE Two homes for sale on Oth st bet
JL1 Capitol nvo nnd Dodge ; wtll sell very cheap
I must hao the ground. Apply nt lOOi ) Calif or-
ilia st. 641
_ _ _
iriOH 8ALR-r ) t 45 , llurr Onk. tl.100 , Vff ) cnsh
JL ? bat. 2 years.
Lot 40 , llurr Oak , II.WVI , f.T.V ) cash , bal easy ,
] < ot 47 , HiliT Onk , tl.tni , riH ) cash , bal easy.
Lot 10 blk 8 , lllllsldo No 1 , ja,8UO , 11,100 cnsh ,
bnl a years.
Lot fi blk 7 , Hillside No 1 , f-r.OO , $1,000 cash ,
bal 3 years.
Ixit7 blk 10. Heed's 1st add. f3.000.
l itlC ! , Siinnjslde , * - > ,4HO. M ) cash , bnl cnnj' .
Tw o now 7 room houses w Ith modern coin on-
lences two blocks west llnnscoui pork , K1.4W )
each tenns easy ,
Lot I'j ' , Talrmont plnco with flo room cottage1 ,
Tw o rood lots w llh five room cottage on each ,
In blk 10 , Patrick's add , only t2UUO each , terms
very easy ,
Huslness lots In South Om.ihn on N , Q , " 1th ,
2oth nnd 2i > th streets for wile cheat ) .
Acre property near South Omnhn for sale or
or trnilo for Inside Oumlm nnd South Omntm
nts. Potter & Cobb , 1001 Fnrnam bt. . Hoard
1'raiio building. 87721
.0H SALK Good house on Howard street near
JE .thRt. . south front , $ .1,60 ° . WJ cash. Gni-
, Crelghton Illk. 7BI1
FOH SALE Or trado. nt n bargain , pood.lnrgp
now house , corner lot. Graham , Crelphton
Ilk. 7W11
I7 OH SALE At 1800 , house nnd lot , rented nt
L1 111 per month , on small cash pnj menu , bal-
ncp monthly or qunrterly , or nil cash utnbot-
er prlco nud w arrauted deed. D. D.Smoatou.lOOS
) oilgo st. 113
NEW Four room cottage , with pantrj- , closets
and cellar. Nenr car line , schools , nnil In nn
ixcellent neighborhood , being lot 10 , Ilurdetto
ourt , pi Ice fl.MW , small cash payment nnd ill
icr month. Wallace , Cielghton block. 108
| 7VH ) SALE A beautiful new 5-1 oem house 111
JL ! block "A , " Hertford Plnco , small cash pay
mentHnlance monthly or to suit. Charles C.
'spotsw oed , 305(5 ( S. 10th st. 004
FOH SALE or trade T o hundred and eighty
ncies of beautiful lowti land , unlncum-
jered. Will sell low or trade for Insldo Omnhn
real estato. Address J. II. Lamnr , euro ( lees
" lOtel , clt- . IWO 7 *
P LEASR or Sale Land and lots suitable
J for manufacture , ware houses ,
.jacking . houses , mills , canning fac-
: orles. Ice houses , stable for wintering
dorses , feeding yards , poultry lalslng , milk
ilarles , rtc. Also suitable for cottages and cheap
'lollies. Dig inducements to those who want
- tich ground and mean business. Hoggs .V Hill ,
real estate , 1408 Farnam street. 020 N 3
NKW Four room cottage , with pantry , closets
and cellar. Near car line , schools and In an
ixcellent neighborhood , being lot 10 , Ilurdetto
ourt , prlco Jl.500 , small cash piyment and tlfi
.tor . month. Wallace , Crelght(5u block. 48 ( !
rnilOMPSON , 314 S. lOth st , buys and nells real
X estate , loans money , purchases securities ;
has a good list of property for salt ) and wants
more. Notary puollc. 854
T 1ST your pioperty for sale with Charles C.
XJSpotsw ood. U0515 S Kith Ht. 012
HAHGAINS of Cium & Illshop-6-
room house , good barn , well , cistern , etc. ,
Yt block from street car , ftMM ) , M cash , very
cheap. A-iootu house , 1 bloek from 2 car lines ,
12,100. J X ) cash , a bargain. Now 4-room house
nnd full lot , IKKX ) , J.V4) ) cash , a snap. Call on
Ci urn * lllshop , 310 8.15th st. SB
rPO exchange Some money anil chouo land
X for Ilrst class Improved Insldo propeity.
I. K. Cole , 310 S Pith. 411
- . Howard nndlKth
sts , next block to Kasson , Iliady A Mar
tins houses. $7.5110. Addiess P. . ; lleeolllco. I.SO
Foil SALK Several houses and lots on
Miinll payments , also Homo houses and
otw to tiude ; Hoioial fauns for sale or trade for
Imalia pioperty or for stock. A. F , Maym > , N.
W. cor 10th and Farnam. Mil
TWILL sell the following pi opcity on easy
terms :
Lot 10. block 2 , A. S. Patrick's add $ ! ,
Lot 24 , block hClounlaln 7 ( )
Lot 11. block 10 .West Kud fl.WX )
Lot27 , block it Jeiomu Park 2. 10
Lot 2S. bloi k 0 " 2kX ( )
Lot 1. block 17 , Orclnrdlllll 7W )
Lot 11 , block 1 , " " 1.511
Lot 1H , bloc k 11. " " ira
Lots I to : , , Highland Park WH
Lot Piands'Sof 10 , Hees Place 10,500
U loom east fiont house , In desirable loca
tion. Including all model nlmproxemeuts
and barn 7,000
8-room house on22d st , near Lake vt . . . r > .5IO (
W. N. Nason , 1011 Faruim st.
ATTKNTION Investois and speculators Wo
luue home poMtho bargains lu choice
lioimty that must bo sold , as OWIICTS can not
ralsn money to meet their paj ments any other
\ \ \\uy.bothinlinprn\ednntl realty. If
5 ona \ \ e been holding back for snaps now Is
your time. J. L. Hlco & Co , agents for bargains
only. aw 29
now houses for rent. Ono of seven
rooms , and one of eight , city water anil
good cistern , situated near llanscom park , on
Mreet car line. Kent J.W and J.K a month. If
taken at once , w 111 lent for Wi and fn ) month
for the winter. 1'iumlro for particulars at 41J ,
.outh . l.lth street , llomun's Hveiy ollieo. iissu *
T710HSALK Small house , two lots. Walnut
X1 Hill , i.dUO. Giaham , Cretghton Illk. 7i 1
T\ON'T take your ejcsolf this till you have
J-f read It through :
Say , joungman , joung woman , men whoso
hairs aie tinning giay , women whoso beauty
may bo fading , but w hose good sense and sound
judgment will over lemaln. Ne\er penult the
clouds of luUonilty to cast their shadows upon
jour tented cottage door. Don't allow old ago
to creep o\er you a homeless wanderer , lluya
lot when jou can. Now Is the time to sociiro u
lot for a homo. Don't delay or jou wlllsurelj1
lose the chance of a lifetime. We will sell jou u
beautiful lot , 50x120 feet , for $10(1 ( , paMililo 1. 2
and 3 jeaiH without Intelebt , pnniaed jou build
a cottage on tlio property woith $100. Onlyono
lot sold to each purchaser. Call and see plats.
Olllce open oxcnlngs till Up. in. H. K. Cole. 310
S. 151h Bt. 103. "
FOH SALE Or exchange , farms In Iowa ,
Kansas and Nebraska for Omaha houses
and lots j w 111 assume mortgages on houses and
gl\o clear deeds to fapns ; will also exchange
city lots for good farms , well located and as
sume small mortgages on farms and gh o clear
deed to city lots. Farms w anted In Central Ne-
braska. A. P. Tukev , 1'tM I'aruam st. 140
FOR KXCHANlK-Clty pioperty for low a or
Nebraska lands. L. II. Watts , N. 13. Cor.
lath and St. Mary's avo. 231
Ij-.M. A. Upton * Co , real estate
Inokers , iKf ) S.Kit h st let t , opposite cham
ber of commerce. Kxtra bargains : South and
east front lot in Oak Chatham , opposite depot
giounds , U room house ; only $2KX ) If sold at
once , | .suO cash. Thlsmopeity Is worth $ .1,500 ;
22x1.12 Farnam and 22nd slieets , $0GiO ( , cheapest
property on the stii et , > s 111 be worth fJO.miU In
three j ears from now . 741
BAHGAINS Woha\oafow cholco buigalns
in Oichaid Hill , Palrmoiint Place , liedfoid
Place , Mejers , Itichard iVTilden's additions and
O'Nlel's subdhisloii. Call and bee Hull Si
Spencer. 11,1 N. Kith. Itfl
"jjlOH 8ALK-A good loti K feet ) on Park av-
Jcnue. . lowprliu If sold sooif. McCulloch k
Co. . cor Pith and Fuinuiu. ! EU
rPO THADK Insldopioiierty for good housn ,
X eight or nine rooms , and full lot. McCul
loch V Co. tor 1'ith and Parnam. ! t..i
rp\VO houses in llunscom place renting for
X $70 per month to exchange for good Inside
vacantptopertj' . S. 8. Campbell and ( l.W. Her-
\ey,310S. Kith bt. . Chamber of Commune. 152
In tlio Tolnr Hen.
Minneapolis Journal : Every suin-
mor the ljoltir sea , olT the coast of
FinmarUon , Norway , is alive with
wltalert and their chasers. The princi
pal game of the Norwegian whalers is
tlio great blue whaloattaining n length
of some ninety to one hundred feet.
This mammoth champion of the Polar
ocean possesses immense slicngth , and
tlio whaler's "tackle" must nceefcMirily
ho pretty solid. When killed tlio whulo
slnlcs to the bottom , and the captor is
ant to lose his game. To prevent this
Air. Svend Foyn , the pioneer of tlio
whaling industry , ban invented u now
harpoon whereto is alllxcd a self-explod
ing bomb lilled with a , gas piodueing
composition. When the whale is har
pooned the bomb buried in the llesh of
the animal explode ? ; , and the gas pro
duced permeating the veins and cavi
ties of the leviathan prevent ! ] him from
How perjlous and hazardous u lulling
is , oven with the most perfect of appli
ances and weapons , ia well illustrated
by the following narration related by
an eye witness :
"It was ti Juno day , with rough
weather , rougher oven than usual on u
summer day at Vardo. The little licet
of small , yet strong , whaling steamers
mutt try tholr luck , however , and off
they go In the early morning , steering
to and fro. battling with the high sea.
To no avail. Not a wjialo was to bo
scon anywhere , nnd the ben increasing ,
nnd the wind developing almost into a
storm , they turned nnd btoamed home
ward one nf tor another , nil but one. IIo
must try a llttlo further. The waves
tossed the plucky craft Uko a shell ; the
harpooner on watch must tnko euro not
to bo thrown hondformost into the frothing - * ,
ing waters. Yet no whale ; nothing to
bo BOOH or heard but the whlto moun
tains ami dumb thunder os the rolling
vrnvcs nnd the shrill whining of tlid
storm through the Btenmor. The cup
tain at last 1 omul the search fruitless ,
and turned homeward. The vessel nr-
riving nt the mouth of the harbor , n Ug
whale shot np in front , almost touching
the bow of the stonmor. The hnrpotmo ,
surprised nt Ilrst , wns , however , up io
his business. A flash , n roar , anil
in the very moment tlio harpoon
wns burled to the handlein the bltf
whale , but Btrango , the bomb didn't ox-
ploilo , and the animal , sutTorlng intense
ngonies , nhot out to son , towing the
steamer after him. Against the tower
ing waves , ngntimt the raging storm , the
whaler went with lightning .speed ,
though its engine was reversed. For.
eight mllei the terrible raeo wont on ,
only the musts and the- chimney of th
steamer in the meantime being \ islbU
nbovo the waters. The vessel \vn
strong , however , nnd the crew trloa
men , who did not proposo'to lot go.
"But what's Unity A flshing boat
with its. keel upmost , nnd tuo men
clinging for life to the wieekl Tocul
the line nnd snvo the men \\nstho har-
jKX > nor's Ilrst thought. Then wo will
lese the whnlo. the line , nnd the hnr-
twon , thousands of crowns' worth , wna
his second. It must noon bo done , and
in a few minutes NO can bo back and
save the men , wns his conclusion , nnd
on the vessel wont. Hallo , thotv , what'
is up. The , line burst , the whale sank
out of sight , the steamer tossing aim
less on the rolling waves. There was
nothing more to do. The captive wns
free , sinking slowly to the bottom to
die. But two human lives were saved.
and the whalers considered themselves
richly rewarded for their terrible rncd
nnd the loss of their game as well. "
cotiMTBT wiu. r UAjiiMuia 1111 * KAT TIUT tun
llj naiion of Iti central iiosltloTl c.oi * reUtlon to MM *
F.nt of ClilcnKo , nnd contlnnxu Imoi at terminal
point ! Wc , Morthnrlt and 8J itliviut , li tliu trat
mlJille link In that tranicontlnentai njitcm vrhlcfc
Invltu nnil facilitate ! trarul iinil truffle tutwron lh
Atlikiitlo nnd I'acUlc.
Tuo Knck Island main line and branches ! nclndoCk >
cttKo , Jollut , Ottawa , 1 Hullo , t'aorla , Ocni-sro. Mollnt
nnd Hock Inland , In llllnoUi Davenport , ilunoatlno ,
WaihliiRton , ralrflild , Otluniwn , Oik.iloom . , WcitLlb <
crty.Iowa CityDm Mulnf i.IndlanolA.WIntcrsot , AlUa >
tic , Knosrlllo , Audulion , llnilnn.nullirle Ontro anl
Council IlluITs , In lowal Oallatln , Trenton , Bt. . .Mpn ]
Cameron nnd Kansas Cltj , In Mlttiiinrlt loai iworth
anil AKhlnonInKtin-aai .Mbert leaMlniinnriolli an4
Bt. I'aulInMlnnofotn ; Watrrtown and Bloux Kulli.ll
Dakota , and hundred * of Inlcrincdlato cltlo J and town
' . 'Tho Croat Rock Island Routo"
nuaranUcs irccd , comfort , certainty and enfrtj. Itt
iirrniancnt war UdliUnKutthrdforltaoicclIcnro. Itt
lirldcoi are of itono and Irrn. lt > track Is of lolli
Keellt rollInKBlock jwrfect. Itlpa onijcro lulpmuol
Iiaialltlio atatyaii | < llancr9thatexporlcneolia > pr r 4
useful , and for luxurloua accomnmdatlorH U
passed. Iti Ktprrsa Tralni conelst of nupcrlor l > a >
CoAclios , plcfftnt rullmanl'aloco Parlor and Hlcoplaa
Cart , euperb Dlnlnir Cam , provldlni ; delicious moaUh
and ( bctwrrn Chicago and Bt. Jniopb , Atchl'Oii ana
Kan a > City ) re > tful ItecllnlnK Chair Can. IK uianl
aRemcntUcon > irTatlreIUdl9Clpllnooxactlnr -
"The Famous Albert Lea Ror-o"
Itetnoon ChtcaKo and Minneapolis and St. I'A Is th9
faTorlte. Ororthldltno Bolld Fait Express Tialnsrusi
dally to attractlro rosorls for tourlsla In loiva anil
Minnesota , and , via Watertown and Bloux Fall * , to thsj
rich wheat nnd Kr&tlng lands of Interior Dakota. Vl %
Seneca and Kankaltoo , tbo llock Island offers miperlot
Inducements to trarolers lietwern Cincinnati , Indian *
apolls. I ifayctto and Council IllufT * . Kt. Joseph , Atchb
on , IA avenworth , Kan < * at City , 8t. 1'atil , and Interma *
dlatu points. All patrons ( t np clnlly ladles and chl (
drcnn > cc' eprot i.tloneiurt i'y and kindly attention
r or tlckt mnp > , foldern , copies of Western Trail , or
ny desire t .nforuiatlon , apply to principal offices Im
tha United Btat s and Canada , or axldrexs , at Chlcasdy
R. I. CAIU , t. ST. JOHN , f. A. H018ROOI.
rHlt4OllM > i IntarallOunr OlD-TU Fu4. Ifi
Hunulng Iletween Council IlluITs nnd SoutU
Omaha. In addition to the stations liicntlonud ,
tialns stop at Twontleth and Twenty-fourtfc
stiiets , and at the Summit In Omaha.