Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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Dcllrtred by currier In any part of the city at
_ _ twenty cents jwr neck.
8 , W TllAOK. . . . Manager.
TlCMNFP * Omcr , No. 43.
NIOIIT KuiTon No. 38.
IT. Y. Plumbing Co.
Roitor , tailor , Fall goods chcnp.
" 'Tho Chautuuquu circle meets this
B Yesterday was an unusually quiet day
police circles.
"Little BOBS ! " The best 5o cigar in
the city. Troxcll Bros. , agontH.
' Quite a number of BluiTitcs went
across the river yesterday to see the
Wo nro western agents for the cele
brated "Little Boss" cigar. The best
5c cigar in the city. Troxell Bros.
The First avenue sewer is laid us far
as Eighteenth street , and work Is now
being done from that point to Broad
Yesterday an effort was made in the
various churches to raise $44 , the amount
needed by the African M. E. church to
clear their church building from debt.
A number of the windows of the now
Catholic church have been put in place.
The building is fastassuining a pleasing
appearance and will take rank us one of
the best church buildings in the west.
Mr. Seaman , of Omaha , lias retired
from the management of the Omaha.
and Council BlulTs Transfer company.
Messrs. Smothers & Co. , of this city.
will continue the line , and trains will
bo run ns usual.
The attention of the authorities is
again called to the fact that some of the
merchants are making n more alleyway
of Pearl street , pining up old boxes and
barrels , until the sidewalks are almost
impassable , especially to ladies.
During the present week an effort
will bo made to organize u local branch
of the order of "Tho White Shield. "
Its object is the purity and elevation of
women. A meeting for organi/ntlon
will be hold at the Baptist chapel next
Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
The great 10,000 year clock is coming
to thiB city. This clock occupies iiOO
cubic feet of space , has 12(15 ( wheels , 1U2
moving figures , etc. This wonderful
niece of intricate mechanism will bo ex
hibited during this week. Full particu
lars will bo given in to-morrow morn
ing's issue.
Cards are out announcing the mar
riage next Thurhday of Mr. Ed. Tucker
mm Miss Mary L. MottaMr. . Tucker
is the obliging agent of the Hock Island
in this city , and the prospective bride
has been for some time one of the most
accomplished teachers in our public
The plank layers in advance of the
pavers were kept busy on Fourth street
all day yesterday. At the rate the
blocks are going down , the plank men
find it hard to keep out of the way.
The street is graded nearly to the
railroad tracks , and by to-nig'ht blocks
will bo laid to Second avenue.
The now hook and ladder truck will
bo shipped from Chicago to-morrow
and is expected hero Friday. By that
time the work on the new house on Ens'
Broadway will bo far enough advanced
to admit of its being housed there
There is considerable curiosity to bee it
and llnd out the name , which has thus
far been kept a profound secret.
All the nojv electric light material
has been received with the exception of
an engine and dynamo. The dynamo
received a dhort time ago is not as largo
as ordered , and will bo changed. The
masts are on the ground and work
has been commenced putting them up.
The company expects to huvo the new
lights in operation in about three weeks.
The now machinery will furnish a hun
dred lights.
Several special election bets were
posted at the Manhattan yesterday : Ono
hundred dollars thatGovornor Larrabco
will not bo reolectcd ; one hundred dollars
lars that Grouowog will bo elected ; ono
hundred dollars that Wyman will bo
elected ; ono hundred dollars that Hart
will bo elected ; ono hundred dollars that
Plumor will bo elected ; ono hundred
dollars that O'Noil will bo elected ; ono
hundred dollars that Hondricks will bo
elected ; ono hundred dollars that Wa
terman will bo elected ; ono hundred
dollars that Cooper will be elected.
List your property with Cooper &
Judson , No. I'M Main st.
Cranberries lOo qt , Troxoll Bros.
' Ono thousand head of ono , two and
threo-year-old htoors for sale. Will give
credit to reliable parties. Enquire of
A. J. Greoiiauiayor , 0123 Mynstor st. ,
telephone 121.
1 Ib Price's baking powder 45c per
can , Troxpll Bros.
Wadsworth , Etnyro & Co. , 230 Main
street , make reliable abstracts of prop
erty in PottuwitUnniio county.
Now currants 3 His for 2oc , London
layers 18o Ib at Troxoll Bros.
r Dr. T. B. Lacey has returned from
Judge Carson next holds court in
Atlantic , Cass county , the term opening
there on the Oth.
Mrs. Squire , of Ottumwa , In. , who has
been spending several days with her
daughter , Mrs. Jacob Sims , returns to
her homo to-day.
John Melcnlf , the popular transfer
chcckman between this city and Omaha ,
had ono of his hands badly bruised in a
hack door the other day.
A. A. Cudoll , of Cudoll & Lehman , of
Chicago , is busily engaged making
preparations for the work of finishing
Iho interior decorations of the now gov
ernment building. This linn has a con
tract of $35,000 on this job , and will bo
some time fullllling it.
J. W. and E. L. Squire lend money.
Full cream cheese 17o , Troxoll Bros.
Pnnts ! Pauls ! t
Just received , a largo now stock of
pants goods , on which special bargains
uro now offered , at present reduced
prjces. Pants made to order can bo had
as cheap as ready mado.
Roller , the Tailor ,
No. 310 Broadway.
Money to loan. Cooper & Judson.
Good potatoes , Coo to 75c bu. at Trox-
ell Bros. .
1 Ib Royal \mking \ powder 45c , Troxoll
Bros. . _ _ .
Good Japan tea 2-ie Ib , good Gunpow
der tea 3-5o Ib at Troxoll Bros.
i i' .
Down Comforts and Sofa. Pillows
Down -and feathers in bulk. Counci :
JJIuffK Car pot Co. , 40o Broadway. ' ,
It IN Hur | > rlhliiK1 ! . .
JilU it fnct. You can get tin elegant un
iiftUl'iliiil rot-kor , wjirlng scut uud end
ttr HtAhliiu , 100 Main St.
The Churches the Lending Attrac
tions and Few Sinners Stirring.
Tie ! Vo tin IT and Ilnflllng Cloned An
other Term of District Court
Opens To-morrow Brief
Items Quickly Told.
A Gifted Prcnclipr. *
Those who attended the Congrega
tional church yesterday morning or
evening had a rich' treat , and thos'J
who attended "both services had a double
ono. Rev. Mr. Gates , the president of
the college at Grinnoll , occupied the
pulpit. Ho is a young man , of strong
individuulltynndan ; evidently honest as
well as earnest thinker. Ho is at times
eloquent , and throughout very interest
ing. In the morning sermon ho dis
cussed some of the theological puzzles
which have caused more than ono mor
tal to stumble over what appeared clear
to others. Mr. Gates expressed himself
as very charitable towards the honest
doubter. Ho did not believe that the
honest atheist oven should be so
stoutly condemned as is done by
many. Ho was satisfied that if a
man was honest in his thinking , it
would lead him to earnest bcurch for
truth , and no matter how great his
doubts this honesty and earnestness
would sooner or later bring him into
the light. It had always been hard for
him to believe in the justice of the idea
that God drew a dividing line between
the good and the bad , and that all men
on ono side of that line were eternally
condemned , and those on the other side
were eternally blessed. There were
gradations of good and evil. There was
a mighty scale of degrees , leading from
the moral man up through the various
grades to the saints with Christ at the
summit , and leading down ward through
the different degrees until the bottom
of the mighty scale was lost in terrible
darkness. It was hard for
him to believe that somewhere in
the center of the scale of
morality there was a division made , and
all above that point were good , and all
below it were bad. It seemed to him
that another division was more rational
and just. There were at different points
on this scale of morality men who had
their faces turned towards the glorious
light of the summit. There wore others
whoso faces were turned toward the
darkness of the bottom. . It seemed to
be the test ns to which way the face was
turned. No matter where a man was on
the scale of morality the important
question was , which way was ho turned ?
Was ho looking toward the light , was
ho reaching after the better things ?
Even if ho were low down in the scale ,
if ho was thus looking towards the light ,
there was hope. If ho were of high
moral standing , and yet was turning
away from the light above , ho was going
to the bad.
Last evening the gifted preacher tlo-
livered an interesting and able sermon
on "Christian Education. "
Greatly reduced in price so you can save
§ 10.00 to $15.00 on a coat , far better and
cheaper than you can buv ready made.
Roiter , the Tailor ,
No. 310 Broadway.
New Silk , S\vi s , Brussels , Netting
ham lacuund drapery curtains in great
variety. Council Bluffs Carpet Co. , 403
Best Now Orleans molasses , 20c qt.
75 cgal. , Troxell Bros.
E. H. Sheafo loans money on chatto
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business strictly
confidential. Ofllco , 600Broadway , corner
nor Main street , up stairs.
At the Methodist Church.
The Rev. Dr. Reese preached a vorj
able sermon , yesterday morningfrom
the text "They took knowledge of then
that they had been with Jesus. " Pete
and John were unlearned and ignoran
men , retired in the northern provinceo
Galileo , they had not the advantages o
the culture of the schools which th
Jewish Sanhedrim , before whom thoj
wore brought readily discovered , ye
with all their unlettered condition they
were the propagators of a power which
was stirring up the city. Theire audi
tors know that a considerable time had
olajiscd since Christ was on earth.
They had recognized His divinity and
by crucillcation had , as they thought ,
put Him away from them , and them
selves beyond the reach of his teaching
and the power of His influence. But
there was something about Peter and I
John that reminded them of Christ.
The speaker hero elaborated showing
the points of resemblance between these
disciples and Jesus. Strong characters
leave their impress upon the world.
They are intimately felt and known by
those who lire associated in their
especial lines of thought and work , and 1
through those , the world is reached and I
moulded. In developing this thought
the influence of companionship mid as
sociation was brought out with wonder
ful realism. The lives of men who have
become historic as reformers educa
tional , political , social and moral were
referred to. *
Men live in deeds and books. Plato
in his philosophy ; Shakespeare in his
tragedies ; Matthew and the evangelists
in their gospels ; Washington in the
declaration of independence ; Lincoln in
the emancipation proclamation , and
1'oabody in founded charities. Notable
men wore referred to , illustrating the
intluonco of mind upon mind by the fact
of similarity in taste ; but whatever the
alTlinty of the man or the personal pe
culiarities , the intluonco of Christ is
the sumo upon all. His influence runs
into nil the channels of human life.
The influence of Christ is perpetual.
A lapse of years dims the memory of
oven our dearest friends. God has ov-
daincd that this shall bo BO , else the re-
mombrnnco of our loved and lost would
crowd our lives so full that wo wouldn't
remember God and His claims at all. '
The influence of the church was illus
trated by the action of the magnet upon
steel tilings' . Jesus said : "If I bo lifted
up I will draw nil men unto myself. "
Tnat ho has done so is proven by the
fact that the gospel is preached in and
the church is founded among people who
speak more than 300 dialects. Head re
ligion and heart religion wore devel
oped nt length. The former is in the
demands which denominations make
upon men in forms of worship ns being
essential to salvation. The latter is in
the life and character of the man mid is
emblazoned in the command , "Lovo
God with all ' thy heart and thy neighbor
as thyself. "
. In the afternoon- there was n young
people's meetingnt which Miss Miinsol ,
a returned missionary , guvo impractical
address upon that 'work1 and its. needs. .
In-tho evening the , padtor , dellym-ed
his second address upon , the subject of
'Temperance. " The morning nnil
evening services wore attended by largo
cofigregations , which presages u most
successful year under the ministrations
of the now pastor.
Every 0:16 making n , cash purchase of
25 cents at T. D. King fc Co's. cigar
atoro gets u chance in the annual prize
drawing. Twenty elegant prizes.
Prunes i0c ! , Ib. $ LQO , Troxoll Bros.
Very Fnlr Ijuck.
The Catholic bazarr is now a thing of
the past , nnd the ladies who have
worked so unceasingly for several weeks
will have tv chance to rest. Saturday
evening the drawings took place in the
various lotteries and the successful can
didates for popular honors were also an
nounced. Miss Celitv Hughes drew the
piano , George Kline a doll. Tomtnio
Keating , the "guess" doll ( Frthkio Folsom -
som Cleveland ) ; Mr. Nugent , band
painted vtibo ; Mrs. P. S. Emig , silver
tea set ; Miss Annie Bnlfry , china dinner
set ; Father Gcnetto , Omaha , life size
portrait of Father MoMenomy J. M.
Shea , portrait of Father Healoy ; Mrs.
Liiuzemlorfor , a largo cake ; John Ting-
ley , heavy saddle ; Sam Haas , a horse ;
Mr. B. K. Berry , of the Chicago , Bur
lington & Quiney , was the successful
candidate for the gold headed cane ,
awarded to the most popular conductor
running into Council BlulTs. Mr.
Berry received 282 votes , his nearest
competitor , Mr. Mack of the Union
PneiHe receiving 17 ; ! . "Billy" Mulony
received 11)0 ) } votes as the most populan
bachelor , and was awarded the blushing
bride. Henry Eiseman was second
with eighty-six votes. The hat for the
most popular young huly was sold at
auction. All the articles wore dis
posed of with the exception of a beauti
ful wrap , donated by Eisomnn &Co. ,
which will bo rallied away some time in
the future. The ladies wore busy till
day yesterday removing their property ,
ns the janitor wants possession this
noon. There was not as much money
received for the voting ns wns expected ,
but the amount netted for the fair will
not fall much short of $2,000 , although
the exact sum is not yet known. Every
thing considered , the fair was an im
mense success , for , ns ono lady said ,
"Wo can't pick up $1,500 any time wo
happen to want it. "
A 1'rlzo Essay In the Western Agri
Profitable horse breeding is breeding
the best blopd of a family by itself , or
breeding up on the family the breeder
prefers , nnd using only the best mules
of pure blood of any strain , good euro
from the birth , and careful training to
the dny of sale. Fashions change in
horses us in till other matters. Just
now the draft horse to the majority is
the horse , nnd the thoroughbred is in a
manner overlooked. Any strain of
horses with good pure blood or well
graded up can bo bred with profit to
the owner , if a judicious course is pur
sued from a Shetland pony to a draft
horse but to reach the best results
them must bo no crossing blood to get
something better.
The way to improve any stock is to
improve on itself. Each strain of hordes
can bo bred profitably , but ditlerent
bloods will require different euro and
training. Ono wishing only to breed
for sale , a diflorcut course must bo pur
sued from the ono who breeds for use
llrst , and wile when ho lias a surplus on
hand. The latter must bleed diflerontly
from ( I may say ) the wholesale breeder
who makes breeding for sale his only
object , and will perhaps do better with
a different stock.
Now the draft horse is the horse. The
city people tell us so , nnd they , of course ,
know more than farmers or breeders.
Whether this is so or not , the draft
horse is the fashionable horse , nnd hav
ing the readiest sale , is the most profit
able horse to raise , if bred right and
true. Many buyers consider the size
without regard to purity or mixed blood.
A true breeder will consider blood alone ,
nnd breed pure or grade up with pure
blood males.
The first object in breeding draft
horses is to attain early maturity , and
only enough training given them to
make them ready for salo. Draft horses ,
like beef breeds of cnttlo , should mature
early. The course I should pursue , if
could afford full blood or high grade
mares , would bo to select largo native
mares approaching nearest the typo I
wished to breed , and breed them to ono
strain of the draft blood , until the colts
could bo shown as nearly full blood.
To properly train colts , they should bo
handled from birth , and when four or
live days old haltered and led arouiu'
with their mothers. If ono is careful
only ten or fifteen minutes are required ,
and if repeated for some timowill never
bo forgotten by the colt. Feed the
mothers well nnd tench the colts to eat
with them as soon as can bo , and when
weaning time comes , with a little more
feed and taking them away gradually
from the mothers , they will not feel the
I change from milk to heartier food so
much. Neither colt nor mother feel the
separation so much if the change is
I gradual.
\ From wcnning time until good spring
pasture comes , colts should bo well
cured for in every respect ; should bo
well acquainted with and feel their
keeper's hand every day ; the halter pu
on them frequently and tied up oc
casioimlly to teach them to stand by
the halter. A good warm stable witli
plenty of room for the night am
stormy days , and a good siyed yard ii
the day time for exorcise is best foi
health. If ono or inoro colts are dis
po ed to bo quarrelsome , they should bo
tied up nights , or have a sopnrnto stall
Generally colts are better to bo loose ir
the stable , but nn ill-natured ono wil
injure others , and ho will not suiter i
confined by the halter or otherwise
The care for the six months after wean
ing is what makes Iho horse , both in do
voloping size nnd giving a good dispo
sition. A colt soon learns that hi
keeper is his friend nnd will not seer
forgot him or his lessons.
I Frequent handling after they arc on
I year old , during the summer , wil
lessen the work or training to harness
which , if well developed , is best done ir
I the fall after they are ono year old , b.y
a little oxoreiso to a light wagon ; bu'
they should never bo driven fast aa
never enough to fatigue them ,
| At three and four years old drnf
horses should bo ready for sale , and tc
pay well , none should bo hold long
after four years old. As with many
other kinds of stock , early bales pay
The foregoing I have written fo
breeders of draft horses without regard
to perfect purity of blood , and for bur-
ness. If ono wishes to make breeding
stock a specialty , ho must bo just ns par
ticular in having pure blood marcs ns
in pure blood stallions , and moro par
ticular as to typo. At this advanced
Btugo of breeding ono should not keep u
mule with n single doubt us to purity of
blood , and that can only bo reached by
n careful selection of males for
hires. Another Important item
is 'that neither sire nor dam
should have any defect that could
possibly bo transmitted to the colta.
Colts that uro liable to inhorlt-bad qualities -
ities uro noUnueh bettor thun . impure
blood- , and that ia not udmibblblo under
any consideration. If nil colts , thnt
were uot perfect aS breeders were ens-
trfttcd. there would be more profit in
horse breeding. Many horses are nowhere
hero and being imported that should
not be bred from. Ono Shire horse I
know has very imperfect eyes. By what
reason can ono expect good eyes' from
such a siror1
About nine-tenths , of the men breed
ing horses imagine they know as much
or moro than any other * man about
horses , and at least 'three ' quarters of
that number believe that a HU'.i'S ' hav
ing all the diC rciit strains of blood
from u nuiBlnng to an imported draft
, that can bo got into her , if her-
elf of good form and size , should bring
largo line colt crossing half between
am and sire. He will not consider that
ho mare having many different strains
) f blood , the colt is liable to go back on
ho meanest blood the mare had. Not
10 liable perhaps , ns the sire is of per-
cot pedigree ; still there is n cliunce.
Such breeders uro apt to change sires
very time they 11 ml a mean colt on
mud. Hence you find such a medley ,
.ml so many poor horses called scrubs
ml plugs.
Consistent and continued pure brccd-
ng in ono line only , is the only way to
nuke breeding for stock purposes pro-
Itublo. I do not mean that a breeder
huuld only breed ono strain of hor.-es.
nit that each strain should bo pure. Ho
nuy breed any or all bloods from the
Ihetland pony to the Suffolk Punchbut
, ot cross any blood. We can improve
ny strain of blood in farm animals , and
ivc to see good results , but , wo cannot
irodueo a reliable strain of blood in two
ifotimes. And why should wo try ? We
itivo too many bloods already. Better
ipend our energy and intelligence in
mproving what wo now have. Possi-
) ly this may be considered a digression
'rom ' "profitable horse breeding1 but I
jonsidor it one of the leading points in
ho breeding of all animals to breed
nire , always endeavoring to advance ,
lever to regrade.
There is another class of farmers who
an make horse brooding profitable with
: i different strain of horses. I menu
mall farmers who have a U'-e for their
mares throughout the year , and run
raihe u colt from them too. For u gen-
j ml purpose farm horse , I do not tliink
, ho heavy draft horse Is just what the
majority of furmers want , nor do I bo-
eve a farmer run do well breeding race
torses , either for running ortrotting.
Before trotting and imported draft
lorses became so fa-hionable , there
ised to bo thoroughbred imported run-
ling horses and their cells in thiHcoun-
, ry. Many of thc-m wore from sixteen
0 seventeen hands high nnd weighed
rom 1,200 to 1,100 pounds. About ono
: olt in 100 is u running horse and made
1 good record ; trotturx were seldom
spoken of. There in about the simo
difference in speed , strength , activity
'tnd endurance in horses that there is in
men. It is not to be expected that every
horouglibred wi ill be a
mining or trotting horse , but most of
lii'in will make the best of road hor-es.
After twojears olu I would drive them
requiMitly , in fact work them much as
he boys ought to bo worked , never
enough to require their whole strength.
but enough lo dovelopo the muscle and
give them a degree of endurance. At
three years old they may take their part
n the farm work and any kind of road
Aork that docs not require their whole
strength. They may aKo have a few
"cs ons under thq snilillo. Only give
.hem proper training nnd not too hard
lame-- work , and full half of them
will be nearly perfect saddle horses.
After four years old the colt , should pay
bis expenses , and before six years old
his dolts to his breeder should have
) eeu paid , and all work after that and
: he price he sells for is the clear profit
in horse breeding.
There is no danger of a horse breeder
becoming horse poor with thoroughbred
stock. Such stock will always sell , if
well bred and well trained. It is1 well
in breeding thoroughbreds to fix on ono
color that vou may oftener hiivo a pair
of matched horses for sale. There may
not bo so much money in breeding thtir-
uighbred horses as in the draft horses ,
neither is there so much outlay. Both
can bo bred profitably , if attentively
and carefully eared for.
But for good results in till strains , the
one straight object must bo to breed
pure. You can grade up with one blood ,
but you cannot with two bloods mixed.
It is considered profitable to raise beef
steers , and believe to keep a steer grow
ing from birth to three yearn old will
cost more than a colt will. Will he sell
for as much or will ho improve us much
after that ago ? I think not , and after
that ago the colt will gain faster in
value. 1 have dwelt more on
breeding pure than some would think
necessary , but to make any kind of stock
pay best for growing them , the more at
tention paid to pure blood the butter the
profit ; for the care and feed is just as
much onn poor uniinal as on a good ono ,
and the difference in the price when
sold is the profit.
For profitable horse breeding wo will
adopt the following rules :
First , that horse In-ceding is profit
able , if correctly followed , and the colt
well cared for , and that there is no time
whore neglect is admissible.
Second , nuver cross bloods to make a
bettor breed of horses , and if native or
cross blood mares are used , breed upon
ono blood only.
Third , that for profitable horse breed
ing a.s a specialty the draft horse breeds
will prove most profitable.
Fourth , that ponies can bo bred with
n paying profit , and that they and nil
intermediate strains are also good , if
bred pure ; and that all fancy strains
had bettor bo bred as u specialty ynd
not us a general farm slock.
Fifth , that early training and good
cure uro of the first and greatest im
portance. The colt should have no fear
of his owner or keeper.
Sixth , that the thoroughbred horse is
u good horse and one that wo cannot do
without. Because , ho is n thorough
bred , ho need not necessarily be a run
ning or trotting horse , but ho can bo i1
good road horse , a good saddle horse , i
good carriage and buggy hor&o , and t
good horse for small bleeders to breed
Seventh , that such abominations of
hor-o flesh Unit no ono blood can bo
distinguished , should never bo bred
from , and their kind allowed to disap
pear from the face face of the earth.
Such in part is my idea -ol profitable-
horse In-ceding.
T1IK ItlOl ) ItlVKK ItOAl ) .
Jlrcldcx Nut to Give the
$ ; | 00,0 ( > 0 rVKked For.
'EO , Oct. y. uU a mectinfr of cltl
zcns anil cabinet ofllcers last night It wn
lluully deckled that the city could not advance
f.WOOOOto aid tlio Ked Hlvcr Vulloy rend , so
the arrangement with Holt , of Now York
for the complotiouoftho road , ia oft.
Ijlef ErlokHon's Slntuo Unveiled.
UOSTOX , Oct. ! iJ. The statue to the memory
ory of Liof Erickson , tuo Icelandic explorer ,
who is believed to have discovered this con
tinent , was unveiled this uftcruoon with ap
propriate ceremonies.
( suicided In His Coll.
JOI.IET , 111. , Oct. SO. "Hat" Shea , a noted
burglar who was serving a twenty yea :
sentence ) under the halblual criminal act
committed sulcldo la his cell last night.
A. Nationalist Arrested.
DCIILIX , Oct. iiO. L. P. Hayden , member
for South Leitrim , nationalist , W.IH arrested ,
at Mullingur to-day , for breach of the Crime *
Is Drawing Crowds
Their Elegant Stock
To-morrow , Monday morning ,
ndfor one day only ,
Special Kid'Glove Sale !
4 , ii and ( i button perfect-/itting
Kid Gloves , embroidered bach ; also ,
one hundred dozen Undressed Kid
ores , 5 button with embroidered
t'A's , all to go at 48 cents a pt
only two pairs to each customer.
For Tills Week in
Allofont'$4S Dress 1'atlcrns gofer
for $2B ,
All of our $ : t3 Jress Patterns gofer
for $ VO.
Alt of our $2"i Dress Patterns yo
for $11i.rtO.
All of our $ O Dress Patterns gofer
for $14 ,
All of our $1S Dress Patterns gofer
for $12.
All of our .jSU Dress Patterns goer
/or $ J < > .
All of our $12 Dress Patterns gofer
for # S.
All of our $1O Dress Patterns go
far . $ ( i.
Jtcsure and be on hand early , an
as at these prices these beautiful
goods will go fast.
If'e ha\e over 1OOO of these Com
bination Sails to select from.
Offered This feel.
Hundreds of new styles added to
our stock every dug. A"o honau iti
ihc west can show i/ou t > uch a com
plete assortment as we can , and
fully > 'tt per cent you will sure by
buying Cloaks from UK.
Each and every department in
our house will have SPECIAL
JiAltCfAIXS this week , lie sure
and call at the GltKAT 3KOXKV
SAV1XG STOHK , where you will
always get good treatment and the
best goods for the tnoncy.
314,316,318 , , , and 320
Council Bluffs , - - la.
Mail orders solicited. Samples
tent on application.
No. 201 Main Street , Council BlufFsIowa
Both. Domestic and Foreign. .
415 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
llcfcrs to any bank or buslncs house lu the city
Collections tx specialty.
OFFICER & mil ,
500 lliooilnny , Council IllulTs. Iowa. Established
Attorney - at - Law.
Second Floor Ilrown Ilulldlng ,
115 I = E3A.KI
0 , H , McDANELD & CO , ,
Hides , Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
( SO nnd Ki ! Miiln Stieet.Councll Uluirs.Iown.
Ogden Boiler Works
CARTER & SON , Prop's.
Mnimfucturcrf of
Orders by mall for repairs promptly attended
to. Satisfaction Biiarantecd. 10th Avenue. Ad
dress Ogdcu Iron Works , Council IIHUTs , Iowa.
Main Street , Council Bluffs.
Only Hotel In the City with Flro Es
cape. Electric Call Bells.
Accommodations First Class ,
Rates Always Reasonable.
MAX MOHN , Proprietor.
And Fine Pottery.
W. S. HOMER & CO. ,
No. IT ) Main St. , Council Jlluirs , Iowa.
' nilvcrtlseini'iitHmichns fnstFound ,
SI'IZriATi , 1'or SaleTo Kent , Wants , Iliinrdlnu ,
dr. , will bo Inseiti'd In this column at t ho low
rutwofTKN CUNTS I'Ull I.INUfor the tlrst in-
xei thin and Flvo LVntH I'er Mn for ouch HUl > e *
qut'nt Insertion. Icnvo advertisements lit our
nllire. No. 1I'ourl titrtut , ucur llroiuluuy , Coun
cil mulls , louu.
LIVi ; STOCK Cows , rnlrus and live Ktoek
wanted. Will trade forty acres uf liiml for
Iho Htock. ( iool ( tltlu and \wmiinty deed.
Apply to Horace IJverett , Council Illulls , Jn.
' members for our amateur oicliestra.
AI'UW ol B nnson MUHC | Co.
HKNT DwcllliiK No. 717 First avenue ; 10r
rooms ; rent f ID. Apply to K. II. Bheafo ,
Hroadwuy , cor. Main street , up-stalrs ,
T710H HUNT An eight room house centrally
4J located. Unimlro of W. T. Cole , WJ ) Pearl
TJ1OH HUNT Houses and furnished looms. J.
JJ It. Davidson. ai > Fltth avenue.
mO J3XCHANGK-For Council Ilium or Omaha
JL property , a r < tall stock of boots and hhocs ,
amount , f ( . JU. Cull at btoro. No. MW Ilioadwuy ,
or address H. Martin , Council Ilhiirs , luv , a.
8AUJ Second-hand Columbia bicycle-
EOH cheap , KMncli , at Heo olllco.
hundred thousand dollars to loan on
ONU estate and chattels by F. J. Day , 'JJ
I'earl bt.
lots and aero property for sale by
F. J. Uay , ! W I'earl St.
FOHSAI.K Oil THAUK-For Council Ilhiirs
property , 4UUOU ucies of Iowa anil Nn-
lirnsku laud. J. H. Itlco , 110 Mala bt. , Council
1I1OH HUNT A finely furnUheil front room.
-13 tlrst tloor , In private residence near court
houso. Water In room , lighted and heatixl ,
I.HITO clonet. HoferenresmjuireU. AJdrt-BsH ,
Ii , ilee uilice , Council Ulutla.
Attorneys at Law ,
Practice In the State nnd Federal Courts. Office ,
Kooms 7 and 8 ShucaiMlouo lllock , Council
lllutrM , low u.
Coaches and Hacks in the City.
No. 418 Broad\\ay The Manhattan.
No. 015 Main Stiect , Telephone Telep No. U.
J >
Real Estate
Vacant Lots , Lands , City Res
idences and Farms.
Aero Property In western part of the city. Al |
selling cheap.
Real Estate and Insurance Agent ,
Itoom G , over Officer & 1'iisey's Hank , Council
illulla , lonu.
Star Stables and Mule Yarda
Broadway , Council lllutrs , Oi > i > . Puwuiy
Horses and mules constantly on hand , fet
eale at retail or In car load lots.
Orders promptly tilled by contract on short
Htock .sold on commission.
Telephone 1U. SCIII.UTUH & IIOI.UV.
Opposite Dummy Depot , Council Illullx.
Latest Novelties.
Iu Amber , ton.
tolso shell , etc.
as "ell as thQ
nc cstnoveltle ( (
In hair goods.
Hair goods
Made to ortl * <
Mrs. C. L. Gillette ,
i9 Main Street , Council IllulTs. Out of town
work bullcltud , ami all mall orders promptly
attended to.
Trotting - Stallions
WADE GARY , - Conucil Bluffs ,
Justice ot the Peace
Oillce Over American Kxprcea , No. 410
\vuy , Council Illulls , low *