THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , OCTOBER 31 , 1887. A YANKEE GIRL ON A RANCH Experience of a Woman In "Holding Down" a Land Claim. THE LIFE OF A FEMININE PIONEEP A Clnlm Juniper Socln DiHHlpatlon of n Six Months' Old Town The First WnrrlnRC An Appropriate rhriiNC. A woman writes to the Now York Sin from Springfield , Col. : The life of i woman on u lurid claim in UUH BjmrHcl ; Huttlod region is not without its novo und MHiiotltncs exciting features . I an sure that my sisters in the cosy home und luxurious drawing rooms of the cas cannot fail to find sonic points of inter cat in a ftlmplo recital of my cxpcrienc in "holding down" n claim. By th way , that phrase "holding down seemed strange to mo when first I hcan it applied to u portion's residence on i land claim , but now , after two month on my claim , I can understand its pceu liar appropriateness to this fccction c country , where the wind is as unremil ting as the prairie is illimitableuiul on has need to ' 'hold down" his possession in every seiiho of the word. 1 have be come attached to the old Rockieshavln taken bovoral trips to enjoy th grandeur of fecenery as well 11 for the pursuit of health , and think that in few plact can both objects bo nttiiine as fully as at Manilou th "Saratoga of the West. " But my fin acquaintance with the prairies am houtheastern Colorado was in .Man- last , when I came to file my hoinesteu claim. Latnar ( on the Santa Fo ral road ) couth to Snringtiold the Bccnoi1 is little varied , there being nothing In the boundless prairie , dotted hero an there with claim houses. Frequent ! the mirage in the distance may be ol horved , bringing to mind stories ( weary , wind-bound travelers on th parched deborts , and their fruitless , in availing elTorts to reach the wate which seemed w > near , yet &o far. Tli Twin Buttes , near AVilelo , thirty mile from Lamar , form the one solitav break in the prairie for miles. The are two conical hills , symmetrical i outline , which rise abruptly from 111 prairie to a Jieight of probably thrc hundred feet. They combine to fori one mound until near the suinmi whore they form two cone-shaped hill The town \Vildo is not as sat ago t \i name would indicate , being yet i its infancy , all that was observable hi ing the town site , a. livery stable. t\\ houses and a hotel in progress of ere tion , T found Springfield equally ui proposi-efesing , and had I been of a le determined and moro easily diccou aged nature I should doubtless have v turned to Kansas City , where I was the living , without Illlng on the land , lii as the climate was what T was mainly ii torested in , and it was hero in ahum anco and of excellent quality , I fullilh my intentions , and here I am. 2 though the surroundings the iir t uigl in Springfield wore not bulllcicnt strange and novel to an eastorn-lm girl , wo had the added excitement one-half the girls or I should say yotu ladies in town attempting suicide I taking poison. I was the guest th night of our genial stage driver , M : Harris. Ho wns then living in a dugo1 and .Miss I losu C'oigny kept house < kept dugout for hinymd his two litt boys. 1 was preparing to retire to. u lowly couch lowly in every wa ; being quilo ingeniously arrangi a few inches from the ground and mentally taking note of the wld weird , gaping fireplace , the rough plastered walls and immense cottonwoc logs , covered with fac-similes of tl brands used by the "ranchcros , " < ranchmen , on their cattlewv b forrm the roof of our abode , and v. idering I would bo able to shoot a ct j oto wil my pistol and have his skin to hang c * my wall as a trophy as they hung her while these thoughts . wore pa.ssir through my mind some one , a nci neighbor , sent for Miss Coigny , as son member of the family was ilL" In a fc moments she returned with the Intel ] goneo that tlioonly other young lady town besides horbolf had attempted take her own life , and she ( Miss Coign wished to know what to administer an antidote. I told her of homo simp remedy , which she gave until the art val of the physician. The cause the young lady's rash act was said to 1 homesickness , but it is moro probab that it was duo to some moro serious ti fection of the heart. However , her li was saved , and I hoar she is living on claim near an adjacent town. Wo met with an endless variety human nature hero as elsewhere. Sim my return hero in Juno I have spoi several nights with one very timid lai on her claim. I remember the fir night 1 went out with her ; it was all her first night there. She had hem that a stranger had been sleeping e her claim and \yns told that unless si took up her residence there it would 1 "jumped. " She was armed wfth h deceased husband's 3S-callbro rovolvi and evidently felt very bravo , and d cla rod she "would shoot the man w ! dared "jump" her claim. As she is woman below medium height , and vo small and spare , her asseverations d not inspire ino with any fear of a full muntofher threats towards the u known supposod-to-bo "jumper. " V retired early and , being very tired was soon lost in sleep. About midnig wo wore awoke by a tramping near tl house. Accustomed to such di turbanccs , I said it was soi cattle from the range , or as \ wore near town , it might bo a hoi turned out for the night , and immu iately dropped into a elozo. but soon bo aroused by Mrs. Fleming , who w certain that some one was making 1 bed in a dry goods box , partly fill with paper , etc. , which stood outside t ! house by the door. "I'll shoot him shoot him right through the house she declared in a voice intended to i tlmldato the audacious parly , i worked up and excited was she that was with lUtllculty I could restrain h from executing her threat. But by di of persuasion and ridicule I quiotcil he tolling her how absurd it would bo f any one to sleep in a box of old pap with centipedes for bedfellows , and til that it was wiser to wait for somothii to shoot at , not to risk mahnii some dumb bruto. "But if ] wants to jump my claim ho wet Bleep anywhere , " and kindred remur greeted by persuasions. Feeling i biired that It was a horse or some catt ! I could not help Ihlnking what a rlill ulous , cowardly act it would bo to 11 through the house , and I must confi thatl wondered "what people woi say , " which certainly is u great fail ! of womankind , ana mankind as we Even while wo wcro talking the d turbor of our peace passed around view from our window It was moc light , almo.-t as light as day and v discovered bo old Sum , . uhor owned for twenty-five years by ti pro tncnt man in towu. When the -stt leaked out it ooraiioned some amuse ment. Although I might not be bravo in the face of a great danger , yet t have no fear of ordinary times , and have moro than once fh-pt with my door un locked. There being no public places of amuse ment we have to find pastimes among ourselves and in the country surround ing. We have organized a 1'lrasant Hour club , which has been enjoying n dnnco every two weeks. Ono rule of the club Is that no gentleman shall be ad mitted unless accompanied by a lady , and on several occasions the generous- hearted men , who were acting as floor- managers , musicians , etc. , have kindly "loaned their wives1' to their bacheloi friends who , might otherwise have been left out in thoeoldowing , to the scareitj of ladies in these parts. Unlike unv brcllas , the articles loaned were promptly returned to their respective owners. A few days ago three of in went to the creek to shoot ducks , bul vlien within a short dl-tanco of their .hey took flight and we secured none As the season for game is approaching ] intlcipato some snort in that direction iV camping party is talked of , the ob jective point being Trinidad. 1'Jo mile : outhwest , and it will bo a relief to the nonotony to lake a trip of that kind Twice this summer was t caught ou n the rain , the storms coming up sud ilenly. The first time we were lost 01 Lhe prairie for an hour or two. Twi jouples of us were out in the evenin ; iding , and while about two and a hal niles from town and near no dwelling he rain came upon us in all Its fury ' travel in tin 'hiding it impo-slblo to ace of the wind , wo turned our buggie i round and , with most commondabli patience under the circuni'stiince ; waited for the storm to reiiM ) , which 1 did in due time , and \\e proceeded 01 our way. only to find after awhile Ilia we were olT the road. It being ver , ilurk , not one in the party knew ii ivhich direction to go. We could there fore do nothing , as to go forward wouli perhaps bo only to go further from th oud. Again wo wore compelled to wail this time for the clouds to roll away an the friendly stars to appear. Our un willing sojourn was passed in song am 'ivoly conversation , but it was will jratoful hearts that we reached horn ate at night. A few days later the same quartctl started in the morning to visit a ne\ town twenty-four miles distant. W reached our destination at li p. in. with nut adventure , unless the fact of m losing my escort's sombrero and bavin to return for it , and finding it in in th middle of the road a mile from wher wo wcro when I mi.-scd it , be called a idvoulure. Wo were to commence ou journey homo at 4 p. m. , but again heavy rain came upon us. When i partially ceased we started , but abon two miles from \\erogladtoseu shelter in an old stone rancho houst. now occupied by Mexican slice ] ) here ; era. Altlough the accommodation wcro not all that might 1m desired , sti ! we were glad of the shelter. Finall tin ) rain ceased and a rainbow a ] poured , and a second time \\c started o our homeward way. In crossing Froc/t out creek we narrowly escaped ascrion accident. The banks of the creek ar sleep and at its best it is a dangeron crossing. After the heavy rain tli bunks were vor\ slippery , and just si the hordes reached the top of the ban their foot began to slip , they were in able to bold the weight of the onrriagi and wo slipped down perhaps ten fee or more\\lieii one horse fell down. Tli young gentleman in the rear sci jumped out and supported the earring so that it did not slip further until tli other one contrived to bring the fulle horse to his feet. Then by using th whip freely wo passed over , and the rt maimler of our journey homo was sufel accomplished , but not before the sum hours of the morning were upon us. The first wedding in town occurrc ou September 8 , the bride being one < the early settlers in the town , an a plump , comely girl of seventeen sun mops. The gioom proved up on hi claim two dnyi previous and , rcturnin from Lamar whore the United Stall land otllco is located , drove up to th residence of the bride and the justic of the peace made them one. I prcsuni there was not a happier man in th country than ho when ho drove out I his 1GO acres of land , feeling proud i the newly acquired ownership to tli land and the equally new acquisitic of a sweet mistress of his domains. Tli bride wore a bufl' lawn with yello ribbons , at leastso "they say , " and < course it is correct. I was not able I ascertain further particulars , for whic I am sorry , as a list of presents and tli "menu" might prove of interest. I call my claim ' 'Piairie View , " f there is a view of nothing but prairii with the exception of u clump of co tonwoods t\yo miles west and u knoll , ( slight rise in the pruirieabout the sun distance east. The latter hides tl town from our view. " I am three and half miles from town , and the town fifty miles from a railroad , but for place six months oldjWO are very thrift and at present booming , with the pro pect of a railroad in the near futur For two months I have attended i church service of any description , hi wo have nearly three hundred inhab tiiuts now and a movement is on foot organize a church. DIGNITY OF PUBLIC OFFICE. Timely Thought * on a Sadly Xo Subject Tlio Pernicious FcoSjhU'ni I. N. Stevens in the Arbitrator : A pirutions tire very often not in huriaoi with the individual tastes. Frequent they are beyond the abilities of tl individual. So anxious in pur day n : moii for borne sort of a position , eitln in society or in politics , that they c not always carefully consider what li uro they are likely to cut in the desin position. So careless are \\o about the E-elcctie of public otlleiuls , so influenced by re son of party issues and personal avail bilHy at the time , that wo lose sight the fact that the favored aspirant ins have no qualifications to fit him for ni public position. The interests of tl people are sacrificed for party ascon aney. Good government is made scco dur.y to the gratification of person vanity. Thus it happens that men a sometimes seen strutting around lil turkey gobblers in an olllco , the dull of which they have not the remote ideas how to perform. Thus oxooutr offices are sometimes filled by men wh with considerable training , might mtil good private secretaries. Judicial positions uro often occupii by men who would bo safe investors in produce market. Once in a while leg ! futures uro composed of men who won have bceu brilliant lights in these a cleat times when the laws were pu lished by posting them at'sueh a hoig ! that no one could read them. Howqver , the harvest of titles Is a nuully reaped. Private citizens becor fewer , ami it Is difficult to find men wi whom an ordinary Mr. cnn fool easy associate. The man who goes to u sw party for the first time ; and who h never before wore a dress suit or a c < lur , cannot feel uneomfortal than some of ouv public. olllcit In' their position. Both mal sacrifices to their vanity. To cal ) ambition Is a mlsuomor. . Ambiti' ' leads men into channel of superior ! and greatness. A man who voiuntnrl makes himself ridiculous can have ombltion. Vanity to n small soul ii what ambition is to a great one. . 1 longs for the semblance of that , whic ) It' knows it can never in reality bo Ambition causes men to perform grea deeds for mankind ; to seek responsible positions that by great work these posl lions may bo made famous. Vault ) causes men to perform ludicrous dcedi for themselves ; to seek high txisitioni that by the titles of these petitions thei may bo made famous. Vanity is nmbf tion without a soul. The discipline of an army in time o war comes nearer , perhaps , true prln eiples of justice and sense than urr other human regulations. The sanu principle applied to men in times o pence , who desire to rule in the aggregate gate va t armies of people , uro consid ercd ridiculous. And yet it may wel be questioned whether a people woul < over have occasion for war if well am wisely ruled in time of peace. Wha woulel bo thought of that army whiel should select Its olllccrs from men win had no military talent , no nillitar ; training , mid who had never seen an ; military service and who simpl ; desired the position for the titles am the help such titles might bo to them ii society or in private business ? The in terests and the welfare of the peopl are constantly being entrusted to civi rulers who have -no greater capuoit , anil no higher motives. Public ofliee in our day and in our country , is genei ally for one of three purposes , nuniel ; for the emoluments of the oillcc , for th title of the position , or for the hel it will be in gaining social position o in aiding private business. Very sel duin'sit sought for a good which ca be done to the people. Very rarely i the question of fitness morally , mer tally or patriotically of the person seel * ing taken by him into consideration. Wo are a people , avowedly , of th purest democracy , yet in no othc country on the globe are position an title more sought for , and in scarcel my other country do they count fc more in business influence or in soeii standing. Think of republican institi lions creating a titled aristocracy ! S vastly out of harmony with the theor of our government is such a couditio e > f alTairs that it cannot long exist an the government retain its force. Sue inlluouces stunt tlio growth of patriol ism , dwarf the spirit of inelenendontimu hood and chill the fires of honest un bition. There ought to be no prouder pe sition in a free land than that of servin one's country well in any station , hov soever humble. There should bo n glory as bright , no standing ns high i that of him who , by dint ef toil an struggle , has &o broadened his soul , tin honestly and faithfully and wisely ho ; enableet to servo the people in som humble position in such a manner tht they are made moro comfortable an prosperous by such service. No ran of birth or title of wealth should hav preference for public position over fi ness , intelligence , industry and patrio ism , however lowly the station. Tli fishermen of Gallilo transmitted to t the teachings of the Savior. The were his trusted disciples. Tlio gcatest ruler England over hn was the commoner , Cromwell. Tli greatest captain , statesman and 11101 iireh which Franco ever had was tl : 'Unknown Cor&ican , " ' Bonapart. Tl noblest man of our country , onooftl greatest rulers of any country , was tl 'rail-splitter , " Lincoln. Certainly tl greatest general our country ever pn ' ' " Grant. duced was the 'laiiner , Men may make public office great ar glorious , but public olllco cannot mal men either great or glorious. Unde our government the humblest ollh oll'ers an opportunity to the occupant make a name for himself , if he be litU for public service , by serving well ai : intelligently the people in such pos tion. The sickly sentiment whic prompts men of means nnel others seek public olltce ) for the gilded title < for private gain is foreign to our inst tutions aml'should not bo permitted exist. If , in fact as in theory , the pe pie are supreme ami all olficoholele _ mere agents , then the principles agency have been entirely subverted. It sometimes happens in privu nflairs that a clerk wears a profusion diamond jewelry and assumes much moi dignityjand [ importance than his er ) loyer. But oven then the omployi ms some rights which the clerk is bout to respect , and ho usually hassome litt authority over bis subordinates. B have you ever seen freshly-elected of eials who treated the people as natuni born serfsand who acted as though tin were the annointed of God. This is a remedial era. Nation prosperity has built mountain-high go ernmoiital abuses. Usage and custo have supplanted principles in publ affairs. The phantom of greatness pursued with moro zeal than the su stance over was , Such things would 1 of no impurtaneo did they not contr the lives , the prosperity and tl happiness of all classes of citizens. The remedies are , however , near hand. That great chorous of putrie > t demand for a change of methods in tl public administration of affairs sho1 that the spirit which conceived our i stitutions is alive to preserve them their pristine purity and simplicity. The remedies for the evils suggest are few in number : 1. Public otllco should bo no place make a fortune , The fee system is travcrsty on popular institutions ai equal rights. Under it the most 01 rageous wrongs arc perpetrated. T' opportunity for making an indopendc fortune which it holds out leads to t ! most shameful corruption of the elc tive franchise. Friendship , hone manhood and political integrity a readily sacrificed to gain such a rii pri/.e. Innocent people's lives a blackened to obtain a fee. Pepph rights receive no protection from the servants unless the fee is paid. Justi is thwarted and felons go fr because no fee is in sight. Jue diciul elecisious are warped by i. calculations pro and con as how the cash drawer c : bo best replenished. Perjuri are common and over-charges freque intho , greed for fees. Men who c scarcely earn a living at a legitima private business become rich and an gant from bleeding their masters , t people , of fees. The whole system on a par with that of feeing porters Pullman cars and waiters in a hotel bo treated civilly. Of course pub olficors should bo well and liberally paiNe No one objects to that , provided th give up their whole time to the duti of their respective positions. 2. No title should receive any favor recognition save that of service fait fully perfot-mcd. Public sentiment c tiroly controls that. The servants of t people are entitled to just such stau ing and influence us the people the : solves give them. S. Public positions should bo consl ered as places for industry and servi und not as some for summer rose where the occupants can while away t time , dressed in the stylish garmoi of their otlieiul titles in order to nttn the attention of fashionable dovotei to obtain social standing and inl ! encc. . .Strip | > od of the temptations to fi tune-hunters to seek wealth In tin channels , blockaded as n bouloVa against wealthy drones who desire repeisoin thejir folds , and made hlg ways of which a.gre people'.make Known tlvfcir' though their nsplruttohs. amir their moral and religious regard for the protection of all classes of citizens in equal rights , and their advancement in happiness and prospe.iity thrpugh their servants , the public olllcials 'thc'n ' public olllco assumes the dignity intcnelcd for it by the founders of our government. Certainly no prouddr dignity could attach to any position. Surely ft would elevate the ambition of all citizens and would senel now life through souls which have become stagnant with skepticism about the success of oUr"i > opulur institu tions. _ For fear of losing a. day's work , many persons put off Inking physic until Sat urday. The bettor plan is not to delay but take it ns soon as needed , it may save you a hard spell of sickness. H you want the most benefit from the least amount of physio without causing you any inconvenience , loss of appetite or rest , take St. PatrickVIMlls. Thoit action on the liver and bowels arc thorough , they give 'a freshness , toije and vigor to the whole system and act in harmony with nature. EDISON'S NEW PHONOGRAPH. AH Instrument Now Kxpecteel to Have n Place In Kvcry Oftiuc. New York Post : The stories whlcli Edison tells of what his perfected pho nograph will do are so extrnordluarj that ho scarcely expects people to be lieve him , and yet ho says that that the apparatus is so simple , so effective , nnel so immediately useful that he is certain of its rapid introduction into business- far more certain than ho was of the uni versal adoption of the telephone as v business instrument. Edison said of his newly finished phonograph ; "Yov know that I finished the phonogrnpl ; moro than ton years ago. It remained moro or less of a toy. The germ ol something wonderful was perfectly dis tinct , but I tried the impossible with it ami when the electric light business as sumed commercial importance , I threw everything ovcrboarel for that. Never theless , the phonograph has been more or less constantly in mymind ever since When resting from prolemgeel work upor the light , my brain woulel revert almost automatically to the old idea. Since the light has been finished , I have taken \ \ \ the phonograph , and after eight month ! of steady work , have made it a commer cial invention. My phonograph 1 ex pect to see in every business olllce. The first 600 will , I hope , bo ready for dis ribution about the cnel of January Their operation is simplicity itself , tine cannot fail. The merchant or clerl who wishes to send a letter has only te set the machine in motion , and to tall in his natural voice and at the usua rate of speed into the receiver. Whei ho has finished the sheet , or 'phono gram , ' as I call it , is ready for putting ; into the box maelo on purpeiso fen1 the mails. Wo are making the sheet ii three sizes one for letters of from 800 t < 1,000 words , another size for 2,000 words another size for 4,000 words. I expec that an arrangement may bo made will the postollico authorities enabling the phonogram boxes to bo sent at the sann rate as a letter. "The receiver of n phonogram wil put it into his apparatus and the message sago will bo given out more clearly moro distinctly than the best telepbom message over sent. The tones of tin voice in the two phonographs which have finished are so perfectly rondoree that one can distinguish between twent ; dilTcrent persons , each olio of whom ha saiel a few words. Ono tremendous ad vantage is that the letter may bo re peutcd a thousunel times if necessary The phonogram de > os not wear out b ; xise ; moreover it may be filed away fo a hundred years and be ready the in slant it is needed. If a man dictate his will to the phonograph , there wil bo no disputing the authenticity of tin document with these who know tin tones of his voice in life. The cost c making the phonogram will bo scarcol ; more than the cost of ordinary lette paper. The machine will read out tin letter or message at the same speed wit ! which it was dictated. "I have experiented with a device fo enabling printers to set typo direct ) ; from the dictation of the phonograph and think it will work to a charm. I is so arranged that the printer b ' touching a lever with his foot allow' five or ten words of the phonograph t bo sounded ; if ho is ne t satisfied wit ! the first hearing , he can make it repea the same words over mid over again un til he has them in typo. For busy mei who dictate a grcot deal for the press , am sure that the phoneigraph will bo necessity after a little experience. "For musicians the phonograph is gc ing to do wonders , owing to the e.xtrem cheapness with which 1 can duplicat phoiuigrams and the delicacy wit' which the apparatus gives out all musi cal sounds. In the early phonograph t ten years ago , which was a very impel feet and crude affair compared to that c to-day , it was always noticed that musi cal sounds came out peculiarly wel ! the machine would whistle or sing fa bettor than it would talk. Thi peculiarity of the phonograp remains. I have taken down th music of nn orchestra , and the result i marvellous ; each instrumentcan be pci fectly distinguished , the strings arc pei fcctly distinct , the violins from the cc ! los , the wind instruments and the woo are perfectly heard , und even in th notes of a violin the over tones are dh tinet to a delicate car. It is going t work wonders for the benefit of musie lovers. A piece for any instrument , fc the piano , or for an orchestra , or an acer or the whole of an opera , musical ii slruinents and voices , can be given 01 by the phonograph with a beauty e tone and a distinctness past belief , un the duplicating apparatus for phone grains is so cheap an alfair tnat th price of musie for the phonograph wi be scarcely worth cousielering. As th phonogram will bo practically indei struclible by ordinary use , such musi can be played over and over again. "My first phonograph , as you rcmon her , consisted simply of a roller ciirri ing the foil , and provided with a dii phragin point properly arranged b hand. In the new instrument there : far moro complication , but altogethc different results. My propelling mi chinery consists of a small electric me lor , run by a very few colls. Slrange t say , I have founel moro dilllcully in ge ting a motor to suit mo than any othc part of the apparatus. I tried varioi kinds of clock work and spring motor but found them untrustworthy an noisy. The motors ,1 am now makin are absolutely steady and noiseles There is no part of' the apparatus , tli tools for which I am now working upo a largo scale hero , which is likely I got out of order or to work in an unce tain manner. The two finished phom graphs are practically what I intend 1 olfer for sale within a few months. " - * Athletics in New York City. Hundreds of thousands of persoi traveling on the Sixth Avenue Elevate : Railroad in Now York City have sec young men at their games on the Mai liattan Athletic grounds , Eighty-sixt Street and Eighth Avenue. The ca : are high enough from the street ' overlook , the track und the diamor and the grand stand. : J. J. McDormot Lieutenant und Captain of the Qlyn pics , who almost lives there , says : 1 For'Straincd'muselessprainsbrulsc and external applications generally , ' linet. nothing' better thuh AM.COCK PQltOUS PLASTEU3 , ' ! AN OLD MURDER MYSTERY , The True Tale of the Webster Bank Robbery Told. , . ' BOSTON'S FALL AWAKENING. The Fnll Races Mrs. Jnincs Hrown Potter Mtinkficsky'B Produc tions Calvary the Latest Boston Gossip. BOSTON , Oct. 27. [ Correspondence of the D E. ] Now that the Vohmtoor has captured America's cup , and that tlio victorious owner and designer have been enthusiastically received , ap plauded and feasted , Boston is again reassuming its conservative tranquillty and settling back to its old rut again. It has , however , been much shaken by the greet interest the local press have taken in the solving of a ten-year mur der mystery , known as the "Wobstor Bank Robbcvy. " Ten years ago the cashier of the Webster bank , ( Webster , Me. ) , was found bound , gagged am ) deuel ! Murder was immediately sug gested , but all trace of the murderers was so completely hidden that finally suicide was hinted at anel at last affirmed , owing to some supposed irreg ularities in the deceased cashier's ac counts. His poor widow has been suf fering ten long years of suspense , posi tive of her husband's innocence ; anel now , owing to the confession of a young man who accuses his own father of the crime , the villain is to be brought to light , and her murdered husband's honor to bo avenged. The accused has been for years living a life of pillage cruelty and murder ; has been tlio terror of all the places ho has overlived in , and denies all the charges laid at his door. The trial promises to be an in teresting and exciting one. The "hub" is decidedly awakening from its summer's rest. For a period of three months the upper part of this pretty city is devoid of any signs of life whatever. People seem lo fear being seen in town during the summer , and amore moro doleful aspect than these beauti ful avenues and streets , with all their handsome houses hermetically closed , cannot bo imagined. The opening night of the Boston Sym phony concerts , and the first meeting ol TJIK KALI. HACKS quickly bring back all the fashion and life to this gay city. "nebody" would miss the "first Symphony , " and would feel very "out in the cold" had not theiy witucsseel the "first race. " No woneloi people come from afar to hear the sym phonies , for they are the best concerts given by the best orchestra ( without exception ) this country can produce. Theleader _ , Ilerr Wilhelm Gericke , is a elistinguislieel German leader anel com- pejser , who has handled the "baton' : with such dexterity that he bus brought his orchestra to a wonderful point ol excellence. The concerts are u tre mendous success , and the twc weekly performances are always crowded te > the full capacity of the htill that bezels : i,000 people. The Bostem- ians are extremely musical and nothing suffices them but the most classical ol eslassical music , anel the interest these auelionces exhibit is a proof of thoii thorough uppreeiutiem. Young and olel Hock to these concerts , and great num bers can bo seen intently following every note in largo scores they bring with them. The "Hub" is decidedly backward in its horse car management , All the business part of the town iseivorfiowing with them , making the streets se crowdeel that by walking erne can make far bettor time than by taking a car , The "Hubites" have , however , made one stop to improvement in the way oi trying an electric motor car. On the trial trip of this new car it was filleel with horse railway officials and elec tricians anel was started elf at a slow pace over a much worn and uneven lino. 'Though it jumped the trncl < twice and die ) not demonstrate any rapiel speed , it will nevertheless probably be improved and horses will have lo make way for electricity. Both New York and Boston arc in r flutter over the arrival of JIUS. JAMKS ItltOWN I'OTTKIt. The fair sex is especially on the qui vivo to witness the debut of this mueli heralded artist. The question is , has she improved and grown less stagy ane" amateurish'1 ! The first-night seats are nearly all taken , anel the auelienco wil bo the most select one Now York ha' ' ever gathered. Mrs. Potter cannot bui help feeling nlitUo nervous at the idci of appearing before hundreds of people who know her weak points and faulti only too well , and are prepared to criti iciso her closely and severely There has been a great eleal of tail- in ado over Munkacsky's now picture "Calvary , " that has just come fron abroad and is soon to bo on oxhibitioi in Boston. Munkaesky's "Christ Be fore Pilate , " so long exhibited here was not very favorably criticised , but notwithstanding , it is a most strik ing and powerful work. Tin sad , humble attitude of Chris as ho stands before Pilate , amids the jeers of the multitude and tin threats of the soldiers , immediately oc cupiestho attention of the observer and ho stands still , gazing at that om figure and oblivious of all others tha crowd that great canvass. People win come in boisterously from the outside I look at this sorrowful scene , soon subdu < their laughing and talking into hushei whispers as if awed by that life-liki presence of the divine being. The picture turo is loud and sensational but it is sail that the "calvary" is still moro so. Stoclcs are low , money is scarce am people are feeling poor , .yet at almos every corner new builel'ings aie gohij up of gigantic height and dimensions Fifteen years ago tlio QUAINT C'ttOOKKI ) STREETS of the business part of this city wer composed of only two story building with narrow staircases and dingy corridors ' dors , but these plain edifices of t'hej pas are fast being swept away and in tbci stead stand monumental structures tlui nearly "brush the cobwebs elf the sky. A law was recently passed in Now Yor city limiting the buildings there t twenty storicsl What a pity to cut th poor New Yorkers elf in that way , for i would bo so convenient to hail pussin friends from the twenty-first story win dowsl ISADOIIK BiiAaoiOTTi. It is a pleasure to recommend a goo article ; one which wo know will giv satisfaction and good service. Th "Garland Stoves and Ranges" tire ui : doubtedly the best that can bo ptoduce while their truly artistic features wi favorable comment wherever they ur seen. Wo are sorry tosay that they ar closely imitated. OUr readers shoul bear this in mind. llTr M.eomblad , Uuaranutdth onlj ont la tbo world frenernUo , aconttuuoui Xltclrls f Uagnitt 'nrrtnl. bolwuaa. Powerful. puraLU rCoBforUbl * and * < T M , - ATold fnudi O ? r 0,000 c < ird. B dhtunj > forpanpkl * ! AL0 KUtof BIO BELT * reift DUE M/ii. , WUILUVUTMU til KUUU Mb fiMlfUl _ . CHURCHILL PARKER , Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons Carrlaces and Buftlf . Jones Mrcft , hetwef u 1th am _ Nth , Omaha , Nebraska. LIN'I'NQER & METCALF cj6T ! Agricultural Implements , Wagons.Carriage . t _ 5" ! * ! . " ' 1'J' Who'1 ' * ! Omaha " , N bra i . P A R L I N , OR E N DO RF" TMA R TIN ? , . Wholesale IXialern In Agricultural Implements , Wapns & BnggiG CPl.OT. M and 807 , Jones Street , Omaha. P.V. MAST A Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders * ! l ! tx ' M ! WINONA iMPLE'MENT CO. , Wholesale Agricultural Implements , Wagons &Bnggie Corner Uth and Nicholas tUreeU. . AHOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , _ 1513 Douglas Street , Omahit. Nebraska. Boots and Shoos. W. V. MORSE & CO. , Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , till Farnam tit. , Omnha , Neh. Manufactory , Summe btroot , lloslun. K1RKENDALL , JONES ft. CO. , ( Successors to Heed , Jones A Co. ) Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoe Agents for Iloslon llubher Sh t < Co. Ill } , 1104 & 119 Harncr St. . Omaha. Nfhimku. _ Cof f oa s , 8 p Ices , Etc. _ CLARKE COFFEiTcO Omaha Coffee mid ptce Mills. Teas , Coffees Spices , Baking Powder , Flavoring Kitmits , I.Hundrr lllur , Inkn , Ktc. Kit 111 _ llnrney Street , Oniulm , Nebraska. _ Crockery and Glassware. W. L. WRIGHT , Agent for the Manufacturers and Importers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys Etc. Olllce , 317 S. l.ilh jit. , ( Inmlm , Nebraska. Commission and Storages D. A. HURLEY. Commission and Jobbing , Butter , KICKS and Produce. Con-lirnnieiit' 'olloltrC lleailquarters for Stoneware , llcrry limes and Orapo lluskcts. lilt Dodge St. , Onmhu. RIDDELL& SpedStorage and Commission Merchants , clalllpt Iluttrr , Kcu , e'hee e , ronltrr , eiann Oyster * . Ktc. . Ktc. 113 South 14th Street. WIEDEMAN & CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , llulterlafn < * . KruUn. Ktc. .1) South Uth SI Omtttm , Nobruiku. CEO. SCHROEDER & CO. , ( Succesttins to MtStmno At hchroeitor. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage. Oniuli.i , Nebraska. Coal , Coke and Limo. DMATTA c6'AL7c"oKE & 'LIME C.O. , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , SOT bouth nth Htrcct , Omaha , Nohta kn. J. J. JOHNSON & CO. . Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime , ind lOilnnrra of e3onl , e'oke , LVnient , 1'lastcr , Mine , onke , railon Hotel , Urtiln Tile and Hewer ripe bt. , Onmlm , Neb. Telephone Ml. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. . Shippers of Coal and Coke , 211 South nth t. , Omutm , Neb. Dry Coodsar _ d M. E. SMITH St. CO. . Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notion 11C ( nml 1104DouKlas , Cor. llth St , Omaha , Neb. rCILPATRU3K KOCH DRYGOODSlS" " Importers and Jobbers in Dry GooflsMion , Gents' c urnlahlnp ( ionrtxCorner llth and llarney Stl Omaha , Nebraska. Furniture. DEWEY & STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Farnam Street. Omulia , Nchrmka. Groceries. PAXTON. GALLAGHER & CO. . Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , TOO , 707,700 and 711 B. lOtu St. , Omaha , Noli. McCORD , BRADY & CO. . Wholesale Grocers , Iflh and Ijearenworth i'treetn ' , Oniahn , Nebraska , D. M. STEELE tc Co7 Wholesale Grocers , 1 0m \ and Ita llarncj- Street , Omaha , Neb. ALLEN BROS. , Wholesale Grocers , lilt and 1118 Ilarncy Street. Omaha , Neb. _ . _ . _ . _ . . .Hajr d yy a roj LEE , FRIED & CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tlnware.SlieM Iron.Kto. Ajzenti for Howe Miami 1'owiter Co. , llmalin , Neb. HIMEBAUGH * TAYLOR. Builders' ' Hardware & Scale Repair She Mechanic ! ' Tools and Murrain PculeJ. 140J Uouglai t Omaha , Nebraska. RECTOR i WILHELMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware , 10th and Harncr Sti .OmahaNen. : Western Aeon tor AUBtlu 1'owderCo , JutTerunn Btci'l Sullf , Fair banks Standard Scale ) . H.eJlXy Hardware. W. J. BROATCH. Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Bprlngg , WHtfon Htork , Ilardwaro Lumber , etc. 12 _ _ _ anil Ull llarner Street , Onmua. EDNEY & GIBBON , Wholesale * Iron and Steel , Wapon and CnrrlRue Wood Stock , Henry Hardwar Ktc. U17 and UI'J hrnvcnwortu HI. , Oiuuliu , Neb. "Hats , Caps , etc. W. L. PARROTTE t CO. , Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Good 1107 Humoy Htrcct , Omaha , Neb. Liquors. WILLOW SPRINGS DISTILLERY Ci and ILER 3e CO. , Importers & Jobbers of FineWines &Lipi Eatt India Hitters and Domestic I.lqtiort. 1113 llurni Lumber. OMAHA LUMBER CO. . All kinds ofBuilding Material at Wholesa 13th titreet and Union 1'HClflc Track , Onmha. LOUIS BRADFORD. Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doori , etc. Yards-Corner 7th and Uoujlai , Corner tl and Douglai , c. N. PEITZ. Dealer in all Kinds of Lumber , 13th and California SU. , Omaha , Neb. F'RED W. Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , Corner Cth and Doujjlai 8t . , Ouiuha. ' T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only , Often. 1403 Ktrpim Street , Omaha. * z "JOHN A. WAKEFIELP , Wholesale Lumber , Etc , ! Imported and American Portland Cirnent. State ( < lur Mlwauki | Hydraulic Cemcal antl yulucj uJeiccservotisloljlll'.ycitU6c ) through errors and baa practice * CURED MKAL CO , I Loeumt. bllLvul 0 Lumber. f CHAS. R , LEE , Dealer in Hardwood TTooa Carp ts and Parquet flooring. th and'poutlaj Mjlllncry and Notions. ? Vj | I. OBERFELDER ft CO. , { Importers & Jobbers of Millinery & Notion ) Wi , J10 nd Jll South llth Street. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO.\ \ Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Good ] 401 nd tt fouth luth PtwtOm h . VINYARD A SCHNEIDER , Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods. 1106 llitrn T Street , einmha. Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO , * Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , 1 A l Oreate. etc. . Omaha. A. U. Bishop. Manage ! Papori CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers , . . . . . - stock of printing , wntnplnii and ftrUlnl paper. Special attention lr u to ear Ion" ' ' Printers' Materials. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION. I Auxiliary Publishers , Dealers In type. | ire sra and nrlnteii > ' lurrl'.f * . UH toulh Uth Street , Ortinlm. , HutiDor Goods. OMAHA RUBBER CO. , Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods Oil Clothlnu ami Leather Heltlne. 1HH 1'arnam t-lifely Stooni JFIttlnRs , A. L. STRANG CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines , Fleam , wnter , inllwar and inlnlllK supplies e VF. Htnl t'-'i Karnnm Mleet , oiuuliu. CHURCHILL PUMP"CCJ Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Steam and Water Pupplle * . Headquarter * for Ma * Koost A'o > m Mli. 1111 lanuiln M. , tjmuha. * " " U.S. WIND ENGINE * PUMP CO. , Steam and Water Supplies , Hallldar Wind MilN. PIS and WI rniimm St. , Omnlin , U. K. lto-9 , Actlni ; MuniiKer , BROWNELL & CO. . Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , bUte.t Iron Work , Mourn I'unips , Smlllln. . l.'l > il * lA'ivcm : > orti ! StreetOinuli.l. , | Seeds. PHIL. STIMMEL& CO. , Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds Oil nnil ml JOIIP * St. , Oiim'm ' Storage , Forwardjrig & ComjtilisBlojj " ' ' " " "A'RMSTRON'G , PETTis & co- , i Storage , Forwarding and Commission , . Hrnnili lum < > of tln lli-niicy Ilimnj Co. ll c | p nl wliolusnlo ami retHll. HW.I llOninl 1,11 J Inuii Sluut , OiUHlm , Telephone No. " "iO. 1 Jens and Clgnj-s. WM. A.'wTLSON STCO. , , Importers and Jobbers of Teas & Cigars , Bptccs niul Dnlsy linking 1'omlor. llltjniiil 1 < U llur * nuy Street , Ouuihn. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice , Jouu Kiicncter , Proprietor. .Ml Dorlui'und lUland IU5 North IDtu ) hired , OniKhi , . ' Smokp Stacks , Boilers , " " H. K. SAWYER , Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Stacis , Hrltclilins , Tanks mill Central llnllnr llepatrlni ; . 1319 UoJge street , Omaha , Neb. Iron Wojrlts. PAXTON FviERLING , \ ) Wrought and Cast Iron Building World Knulnea , Brass work , jieneril foundry , machine nnd-J timckiuiltu work. Ofllta Hint fforki , U. 1' . Ill , uml i , lth Street , Om h . _ | l U OMAHA WI RE& I R 6 N WORKS , " j Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings' Desk rall > , window ininrdv flower Mumli , etc. , 12.1 North ICth St. , enunht. OMAHA SAFE AND IRON WORKS. ' Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes I Vaults. Jail work. Iron and wire funclnit , > ln > , etc. Ot Amlreen , t'rop'r. Cor. lllh ttua Jackson nt > . MEAGHER & SPROAT , General Agents for Dlobnld ! < afo A. Lock Co.'n j Fire and Burglar Proof Safes.Time . Locks , ' Vaults and Jull NYork , HIS Farnam Street , Omaha. OveraUs. MANUFACTURING co" Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans Punt , Shirts , Ktc. 11W nml HIM Douglas btreet , Omaha , Neb. , Etc , ' " " " " " " M. A. DISBROW' & CO. , ' Wholesale Manufacturer * of Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , < Branch Office , 13th and Itard Ktreets , Omaha , Neb. BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. , | Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , Stair Work and Interior llurd Wood hlav > lib. N. K. Corner 8lh and Louvenworth ijtreeti , ' Oiuahu , Neb. OMAHA PLANING MILL CO. , / Manufacturers of Mouldings , Sash , Doors , And Blinds , Tumlnu , Htalr-nork. Hank and OBict HttliiKs. iiutli and 1'oppleton ATcnue. Brewors. STORZ &TLER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1M1 North F.lBbteenth Street. Omaha. Neb. C. ILI'Al.MKIl. N. I * . ItUTUUV .1. II UIANCJIJl UU > PALMER , RICHMAN Si CO. , Liye Stock Commission Merchants , Oftlce Hoom 24 , Oiiposllo K chiin e Mulldlng , Union block Yards , South Onmliu , Neb. McCOY BROS. , . Live Stock Commission Merchants , J Market furnished frco on application. SUxkors anit feeders fimilHhed on peed torni * . Htiferenreti : emos ha National Hank anil Ninth OrntUm National , Union btctk Ynnls , bouth Omaha. LORIMER , WESTERFIELD Si MALEY Live Stock Commission , Room U , KicluitiBO nulldlnK , Union Stock Yard * , tonlli Omaha , Neb. HORN & SHARPS , Commission Dealers in Live Stock , [ loom 2 ] , Kichange Ilulldlne , Union Mock Yilr. R. fmmha. lt fiTUncc Union Niu'l Hunk , Oruulia , Union Sto < k Yuul , Hank , S Omaha , K. b. llowlvy rr > . Am. Hank A , Trust Co , Omalm. ALEX A ND E"R TF ITCH , ' Commission Dealers in Live Stock , Room'/ ' , oppnsltn K > change llulMIni ; , Union Block Varilf , ponlli Omaha , Neb. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha , Limited , John I' , llojd , hupertnlondtint , SCIENTIFIC _ CLUCK ft WILKINS01L