? * * ,4 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY. OCTOBER 30. 1887. TWELVE PAGES. Corner Dodge and 15th Streets. Cloak Department. The more than liberal patronage given our cloak department during the past weeks , warrant us In saying wo have the cheapest and best values In plush eocqucs to bo found in Omaha. Wo ask you to sco our garments and compare our 120.00 plu.th sacqucs with anything Offered to the trade for $25.00. Our 126.00 plush sacqucs are daily meeting with success AS IIKTTKH VAMJK than is offered by other dealers nt $28 to $33. Thirty-five ( $3.5) ) dollars buys an English seal plush sncqtio in our cloak depart ment , the real value of which is not duplicated for less than $33.00 to $10.00 elsewhere. Fifty ( $ AO.OO ) dollars is our price for an English seal jJlush that is better value than is advertised by other houses at $0-5.00. Alaska Seal Garments ( Vo show an elegant assortment of genuine Alaska sealskin garments , and guarantee each and every one of our seal cloaks to bo the best London dye they are goods of C. G. .Gunthcr's Sons , the oldest and best known furriers in Now York City and range in price from $85 , $100 , $175 to $2" > 0 , and up wards. They are 41 to 40 inches long. Come and examine the most excellent values yet shown in Omaha ix SEAL- BKIN CLOAKS. Wo are daily adding to our .stock of wraps , and can and do show the best assorted cloak stock in the city. Wo have to otter short wraps at fO.OO , $8.50 , $10.00. $12.00 , $16.00 , $18.00 , $19.00 , $22.60 , $2-5.00 , $30.00 , $32.00. and up to $00.00 , that are equal toif not bet ter value than is being advertised at 20 per cent more monoy. Wo recognize the ofTort being put forth in this parti cular line , and are determined to oiler the best VALUE TIIUOUOHOUT ouu CLOAK DKi'AHTiiKNr that can bo given to the trade. Corner Dodge and 15th Streets. BENNISON BROTHERS MONDAY , Special Sale of Dross Goodt ) for To-morrow. 42-Inch All Wool Serges 1O Cents 1OO More of Those I'erHiim SlrnwlH for $1.1)8 , AVorth $5.O-IIuy One. Thirty-five pieces of 42 inch all wool serges , 40e per yardworth G5c. 67 pieces 42 and 41 inch drobs goods in all now and desirable- cloths all at onoprico , COc per yard. Tiiebo goods are worth 7oc to $1.25 per yard. Look at them. They are on btilo Monday only at 50c per yard. 25 pieces of ! ! S inch fancy mixtures , 85c per yard , worth oOc. Monday ICO pair of 10-4 silver grey blankets , $1.40 per pair , worth $2.50. Monday 100 pieces Standard prints , 10 yards /or 2oc. Monday 100 pieces apron check ging ham , 7cts. Monday 25 pieces Red Twill all wool flannels , 2oo per yard , worth 40c. 25 pieces white all wool flannels , 25c , 85o,40 , COc , best values in Omaha. Monday CO dozen gents fancy stripe under shirst and drawers , 8Sc , each worth $1.25. 60 dozen gouts extra heavy Scotch Grey under shirts and drawers , ! ) oReaoh worth $1.10. 100 all-linen table covers 21 yds long , fancy red borders , 75c worth $1.50. 60 do/ ladies and mihses toboggans in .elognnt line of colors on bale Monday at 85o , really worth $ \V \ > . 100 more Persian shawls , the last of the lot , Monday $1.08 each , worth $5.00. Monday wo will toll one more case of white goods , bamu tib last Monday , Slots yard , worth lOo. And this ib the last case wo will sell at the price thisbeaton. On cloaks wo will m ko some special low prices next wcok to close. Bargains that will interest all purchasers. Come iu and look over this absortmont , it will pay you. BKNNISON BROS. 151'Jjuul ' 1521 Douglas. Parlor Furniture at Forced Sale. $5,000 worth Elegant 1'lush Parlor Suits , Turkish Lounges , Sofas. Chair * , etc. All ut lebs than one-third value to pay storage advanced. Must be bold Monday. Supcib goods. No reasona ble Offer refuted. Remember at auction prices by private sale and on easy pay ments at that. Cfi.ll for barguids. Muul b sold Monday. Now York Storage Co. Entire I lock , corner Capitol avenue ; uul Fifteenth Bt. MiiHlo , Miible , Music , Alfred Moinborg & Co. , 1C10 Dodge St , . carry the mobt extensive btoclc in the city. Honnoy Buggies at Armstrong , ljettis & Co.'s , 130S Izard Bt. i Pianos at Wholesale Pianos at manufacturers prices on casj payments. Call. Now York Piano Co. cor. Capitol avenue nnd Fifteenth st Weber Pianos , Alfred MclnbergCo. . , 1510 Dodge .St. George Biirliiigholis in possetsiori of bran new boy' , which pulled down the ' pcftlusat'ton poimds. . ' . ' , , CornerDodfroand IBthStroots. Cloak Department.3 Wo have just placed on pale an clc- nstracluin wrapModjcsku pattern , landbomo fur trimming and now shoul- ler capes , sold everywhere at $15 to $10.50 , OUR I'liicn 19 $12.00. An elegant astrachan wrap , long tab fronts , hand some jot nnd fur trimmings , would bo cheap at 122.50 , OUH 1'UICK is $10.00. A .ino of plush jackets sold by other deal ers at $20.00 , wo olfer them at 817.60. The assortment won't last long. Wo liavo something now in a black ruglan worth $2o.00but to keep toour motto wo will sell It for $22.00. In children's nnd mlbses' cloaks wo have the leading styles in all the popular cloths. Misses' New markets , both checks , stripes and plain cloths , with coaching capes and monk's lioods , ranging in price from $1.75 to $22.00. CHILDRENS' CLOAKS ! IN Endless Variety. Children's cloaks from 4 to 12 years , .n so great n variety that to describe ill would take far more space than is illotted to us oy the BEE. Therefore , to be brief wo have all the leading styles , including Gretchon skirts with 'iincy belts , hoods and capes , in ajl fifty- 'our distinct and soDarato patterns , in price ranging from $3.2-5 to $17.50. We cordially invite the investigation of all parties interested in cloaks and confi dently feel wo can make it to your in- . .orost . to see and examine our cloak de partment. Corner Dodge and 15th Streets. N. IJ. PAIjCONER. Monday , Monday , Dress Gooiln , DTCSH Goods , Dress GoodH. 5,000 YDS. 64-INCH ALL WOOL DRESS FLANNELS AT 40c PER YARD , WORTH 75c. THESE FLANNELS ARE SPLEN DID QUALITY AND COME IN GREY AND BROWN MIXTURES. ALSO A FULL LINE OF SOLID COLORS , AT 40c , WORTH 75c. COLORED SERGES 35C. WORTH COc. 4 Cases New Colored All-wool Dress Serges , all colors at 35c , worth 05c. BLACK SERGES 350. 4 pieces 42-inch Black All-wool Dress Serges at 35c , worth COo. N. B. FALCONER. The Greatest Improvement or the Ago The BEE'S man about town called at the stove store of Mr. John Hussio , 2407 Cuming street , looking for something now , and ho found it , in the shape of ono of the handsomest and best heating stoves mado. That , said Mr. Hussio , Is the Acorn Heater. The manufacturers of that btovo have been for a long period experimenting on a now principle for drawing all the air in a room to the stove to be heated , thus not to rely only on the radiating power of the stove , but to bring the entire atmos pheric contents of a room into contact with the heated surface of the stove. It has resulted in success , and the Now Acorn Art Parlor for 1887 has the principle in perfect operation. It equalizes the heat in all parts of a room ; it increases the heating power of the stove fully fifty per _ cent. In addition to this great principle of HOT AIR CIRCULATION , thcro is a PERFECT SYSTEM OF VENTILATION. All the foul air and gases fall to the floor ; by means of a syphon flue extending below low the base of the steve they are drawn up into the steve and consumed in the fire chamber. Mr. Ilussio's re marks should be heard , with the splen did Acorn Heater" before you , to show you its true merits. It Is truly the very ideal of a parlor stove , economical , healthy and of elegant appearance. Go to his store at 2407 Cuming street nnd bee it for yourselves. at Wholesale Prices On easy payments. ' Call. Now York Music Co. , cor. Capitol avenue and Fif teenth bt. Special rates to dealers. Kino " \Veddinjt Stationery. Adams & McBride Co. , 1519 Dodge st. Architects nnd Superintendents. Ilodgtou & Son , 20 , Iron Bank. There will bo a meeting of the Omaha Toboggan club Tuesday evening , No vember 1st , tit 7:30 : p. m. , at the St. Cloud restaurant. All persons intor- e.sled in wiirter sports are earnestly in- vitcil to attend this meeting. Grand Opening Pianos and Organs At wholesale prices. Lower than the lowest price over named by any dealer or agent. Remember a car load of Pianos and Organs , wholesale prices on easy payments. Rare chance to got a line Piano at your own price. Call Mon day. New York Piano Co. Entire block. Cor. Capitol ave and Fifteenth st. Ceo. L. Fisher , architect. Room 47 , Chamber of Commerce building. The IjiU'Kost Stock ol'.Miihlo in the city at Mcinborg's music stor.o. , ' Kino'l'runihiK. . . ' 'Adaim , & McBride Co. , JO 1't ) Dodge 6t. " " -x- CornorDodffonnd IBthStrooto. Dress Goods Bargains BLACK AND COLORED COSTUME VELVETS AND PLUSHES. Black nml colored velvets $1.2-3 per yard , worth $2. Black nnd colored plushes $1.75 per yard , worth $2.50. This ie an opportunity not to bo neg lected , to purchase handsome materials for skirts and dresses ut much below regular price , besides the extra quality makes them u decided bargain. BLACK SATIN MERVILLEUX nt $1.00 , regular value $1.871. BLACK SATIN RIIADAMES nt $1.25 , regular value $1.00. "Pitix.E MEDAI , " BLACK GROS GRAIN silk at $1.00 , regular value $1.60. Do not neglect to look up the above astonishing values on Monday , as they are beyond question GllEAT CORDUROY Velvets Stylish for jackets , dresses , misses' and children's cloaks , etc. , in brown , drab , gray , mousse , myrtlenavy blue and white. FRENCH BROADCLOTHS Hand sponged , ready for use. A now line of this elegant cloth , com plete assortment of shades. 64-inch at $2.00 per yard , other houses ask $2.60 for same. 60-inch Amazon cloths , $1.25 per yard , worth $2.00 , ALT , SHADES. Astrnclmn cloth , for cloaks , jackets and trimmings , etc. Gray , black , navy blue , brown , green , $1.0.5 , $2.25 , $3.50 , $4.25. Quilted satin and silk for cloak linings in desirable shades. BLACK DRESS GOODS. 10 pieces , 40-inch black cashmere , ALL WOOL , nt 60c per yard. This is a regular 76-cont quality , but wo oITor the goods at this very low price as a leader for this department. COLORED DRESS GOODS. 25 pieces , 48-inch Scotch Knicker becker dress goods nt 60c. Thcso goods wcro sold by us a short time since at 85 cts. per yard , and wo now offer them at one-third their valuo. Corner Dodge and 15th Streets. MltS J. BENSON. Special Snlo of Corsets Monday ami Tuesday Only. On Monday and Tuesday wo will sell the celebrated "P. D. " anil"C. P. " cor sets nt $1.60 , French woven "Yatiso , " "S. C. , " "Coralino , " "Madam Foy's , " "Health , " in long and short waists ; "Good Sense" and all children's waists and corsets at 25 per cent less than reg ular price. MRS. J. BENSON , Ramgo building , cor. 15th and Harnoy. A Good Thing. The United States Mercantile Protec tive association , of Now York , have opened nnofllce at the northwest corner of Sixteenth and Farnam streets , under the management of C. A. Scoflold. This association has been in operation over four years , and have now agencies in every state in the union. Its mode of operation is very complete , being just and honorable to both debtor and creditor. Their records show that about 80 per cent of old accounts that huyc been con sidered worthless , and written off into profit and loss have been collected through agencies , besides giving mem bers confidential information respecting these people who do not pay. It differs from all other associations of a similar nature in two respects : First No commissions ur& charged for collections , the membership fco alone being the only outlay , and for which bi-monthly records and a bound volume at the end of the year tire given each member. Second No attorneys are employed. The debtor and creditor arc brought together. The money payed directly tote to the creditor and not to cither the company or its agents , thereby saving delays and oxpenbcs. AdniiiH & Mcltriilo Co. Fine job printing , 1619 Dodge st. They Get There. The real estate firm , heretofore known as B. R. Ball & Co. , composed of Mr. Ball and W. .A- Spencer , has boon changed to Ball fc Spencer , with oflico at 113 North IGth , as formerly. This firm is making a specialty of exchang ing various kinds of merchandise for land and Omaha property , and nearly always have customers for stocks of goods. If you want to buy or bell give them a trial. New England Society in Oinnhn. All natives of Now England and their wives nnd husbands nro invited to moot at the rooms of the board of education , Sixteen street and Capitol avenue , on Tuesday , November 1 , 1SS7 , at 8 p.m. , to make preparations for the annual festival and such other business as May require attention. EDEN K. LONO , Secretary. Architect ) * and Superintendents. Hodgson & Son , 20 , Iron Bank. Twenty-live Years Ago. Train said Omaha would bo a largo city. Twenty-live years hence it will have a half million people , many of whom will bo living on those ton-dollar lots now being sold at 310 South 16th st. 's Muslu Store , 1519 Dodge St. Pianos rented , exchanged - changed and sold on easy payments. Fine Vroof Etching * . Adams & McBride Co. , 1519 Dodge st , Arc You a Property Owner ? If not go at ohca to 5110 South 15th st. and get : i. warranty deed to a South Omahil lot for only ton dollars. Only u few. more left. ' ; . ' . , . . . . Corner DoclRonnd 15th Streets. Dress Goods ; and Furs. THE MOST IMPORTANT OFFERING - ING THIS SEASON. Wo have purchased jit a OHEAT LOSS to the manufacturer , 250 pieces half wool dross goods in plaid colors and fancy weaves and will place them on our counters Monday morning at the remarkably low prlco of lOcts per yard. They are the well known "Jamestown" and are guaran teed fast colors. They are both double and single width nnd nro not found on sale iu this city for less that OOcts per yard. Come early and get the choice. Furs ! Furs ! Furs ! Wo call especial attention to our largo stock of fur trimmings , muffs and fur bets , comprising all the most desir able and fashionable furs , selected with great care from the old established and most reliable run HOUSES in the coun try , and wo confidently assort that our THICKS are the lowest. Inspection nnd comparison will prove it. SPECIAL. SPECIAL , SPECIAL , 100 black Russian hare muffs ns a drive at 7oc , actual value ' $1,50. 50 natural Australian oppossum mulTs , a great bargain $2.37i , worth $3.50. 50 fine seal plush mulls 2.37i , actual value $3.50. Corner Dodge and 16th Streets. N. B. FAL.CONKH. Monday , Monday , lrcs * Goods , Dress Goods , DrCHH GoodH. 6,000 YDS. 54-INCH ALL WOOL DRESS FLANNELS AT 40c PER YARD , WORTH 7oC. THESE FLANNELS ARE SPLEN DID QUALITY AND COME IN GREY AND BROWN MIXTURES. ALSO A FULL LINE OF SOLID COLORS , AT 4Cc , WORTH 75c. COLORED SERGES 35c. WORTH COc. 4 Cases Now Colored All-wool Dress Serges , all colors at 35c , worth Goo. BLACK SERGES 33o. 4 pieces 42-inch Black All-wool Dress Serges at 35c , worth GOc. N. B. FALCONER. THE AVKKIC'S UUSINESS. More Activity Manifest in the Onmlin llonl Kstnlo Market. A careful review of the real estate market for the week ending Friday , October 28 , de velops two very satisfactory facts. First is the Increased activity and secondly the ex cellent prospects for the future. A largo number of brokers wcro seen yesterday und the universal opinion was tlmb "things wcro doing better. " The sales have been larger nnd there hns been a lurgely Increased num ber of inquiries from the cnst. Below is given u tublo showing the value of warranty deeds lUcd during the wecltt Monday , October 24 $ 01,613 Tuesday. October ! 25 05,030 Wednesday , October 20 21,703 Thursday , October 27 1X1,160 Friday , October 2S ; 57,751 Saturday , October 21) ) 43,001 Total SMtt.lO- It must bo boruu in mind that the ubovu docs not by any means represent the entire business of the week. It simply shows the value of deeds lllcd with the county clerk. Thcro are many deals made dally the deeds of which are not Hied for years. Thou thcro nro many deeds lllcd where the consideration stilted is only nominal nnd the true amount paid is only known to the two parties to the transaction. Then real estate transfers uro covered up In papers of various kinds of legal docu ments and it is an aboluto impossibility testate state thu exact valuation of ull the business douo. The frequent Inquiries from outside capi talists Is a most gratifying feature Of the present state of thp market. The immense sums that Omahu has sixint und is now si > aiidiiig In paving , grading , sewering and other public improvements has uttracted marked attention in ull parts of the United States. It is estimated by u prominent broker that at least ono hundred "outside" capitalists were in the city during the week looking for Investments. In nearly every case they wore greatly pleased with the fine condition of the city und several of them bought property here. Two eastern manu facturers wcro in the city during the week looking fur suitable sites for the erection of buildings for their plants. They are men of moderate capital , and if > they receive the proper encouragement will remove to Omahu. In connection with these manufacturers ono of the most prominent brokers In the city said : "Thcso men will comohcro if they uro cucournsred. Their present plants are too limited tor their business and if half or even u third of the Increased stock will bo sub scribed hero wo can gut thorn. Factories nnd more wholesale houses uro now what Omahu most needs and when these men re turn next week there will bo n determined effort to sit down upon thuold-fogylsm which dominates the minds of u number of our cap italists. " The larger proportion of the buying at present is confined to "itibido" property. This tends to create a good , healthy market nnd bhows an ubsimso of the purely specula tive , element. Of the fcir.O.OOt ) worth of pro | > - crty boUght during Uio past week less than one-fourth of It 'was residence projtorty. This , taken in connect Ida with the permits , issued for Imildiufc' , showb that the business Corner Dodge and 15th Streote. Ladies' Furnishings/ LADIES' EMBROIDERED Wo will offer on Monday and all next week sorao extraordinary bargains. This is another lot of the same class of handkerchiefs wo sold so cheap several weeks ago. This tlmo wo will muko the ligurcs still lower. 100 dozen ladies' hemstitched sheer linen lawn and linen cambric handker chiefs , with printed tucks , in neat stripes and Persian clTects. 12jc , actual value 20c. 76 dozen ladies hemstitched sheer linen lawn handkerchiefs , embroidered , tueked , lace vcining , etc. 15c , worth 2-5c. 75 dozen ladies' hemstitched sheer linen lawn handkerchiefs , embroi dered , veined , blocked , etc. , latest de signs , 25c , worth up to 40c. LADIES' Kid Gloves , In our ladies' kid glove department wo have , just received our second im portation of ladies' kid gloves that so many have been waiting for. They are heavy embroidered with welts to match , at $1.15 , regularly sold for $1.50. Corner Dodge and 15th Streets. portion of the city is to bo greatly improved and nddcd to durinfr the coining year. Ueal e.stuto men do not anticipate any inarvcllon * activity at present , but ruther a good , sound aiid healthy growth. The building permits during the week were ns follows : Monday $ 7,700 Tuesday 10,550 , Wednesday 24,100 Thursday 18,050 Friday 15,400 Saturday 3,305 Total f 85,105 CHUKCH NOTICES. First Baptist church : Strangers' Sabbath homo. Corner Fifteenth and Davenport streets. Rev. A. W. Lainur , pastor. Preach ing at 10:30 : u. in. and 7tO : ! p. m. Young pee ple's prayer meeting ( i:45 : p.m. Morning , sermon by Kov. C. C. Hitting , D. D. , of Philadelphia , Pa. In the evening , cither Dr. Bitting or the pastor , will preach. Subhuth school nt 12 m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:80. : All nro ccor- dially Invited. Scats free. A full attendance of the Sunday school is specially requested. First Presbyterian churchcorncr , Dodge and Seventeenth streets Rev. W. J. Hnrslm pastor. Services 10:30 : a. m. nnd 7:45 : p. m. ; preaching by the pastor. Sunday school at close of morning worship. Young peoples' meeting Monday evening at 7 p. m. German Lutheran church , 1005 South Twentieth street E. J. Frcse , pustor. Ser vice every Sunday at 10 a. m. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Unity church , Seventeenth nnd Cnss streets Rev. W. E. Copolnnd pastor. Ser vices at 11 n. in. nnd 7fO : ! p. m. Sunday school at 12:15. : Subject of sermon to-morrow morning : "Tho Permanent in Religion. " By request Mr. Copeland will devote the evening to a conversation on Theosophy uud Occult ism. ism.Nortli Nortli Omaha Baptist Mission , meeting nt Cane's now store building on Twenty-fourth street , north of Lake in Kount/o Place Rev. P. W. Foster , pastor of missions. Reg ular Sunday services nt 11 n. in. nnd 7:30 : p.m. Sundav school at 12:15. : The public cor dially invited. Beth-Eden Baptist church Rev. II. L. House , pastor. Preaching by the pastor nt 4:15 : p. in. nt St. Mary's Avenue Congrega tional church. Sabbath school nt 3 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening nt7:30. : Strnngcrs cordially welcome. Scats free. WcstmlnstcrPresbytorian Church , Troicll's Hull. 27SO Lcavcnworth street Rov. John Gordon , pastor. Preaching ut 10:30 : n. in. Subject : "Can the Lesser Contain the Greater ? " At 7:30 : p. in. , subject : "Indigna tion Over Christ's Treatment. " Sunday school ut 12 in. The Central United Prcsbyterlnn church Rov. John Williamson , pastor. Seventeenth street between Dodge und Capitol avenuo. Services nt 10:30 : u. m. cam ! 7:30 : p. m. SabbutU school nt 12 m. Young People's prayer meeting at 0:45 : on Sabbuth evening. All are invited. Welsh Presbyterian : Services held nt the residence of Mr. R. Humphreys. 054 North Twenty-eighth street. Sunday sciieol at 2:30 : p.m. , preaching nt 7:30 : p. in. by the pas tor , Rev. W. Roland Williams. Subject : "Love , As Supreme Motive to Obedience. " Kount/o Memorial Evangelical Lutheran corner of Sixteenth and Harnoy streets Rov. J. S. Dotwollcr. pastor. Church ser vices and preaching by the pastor nt 10:30 : a. in and 7:30 : p. in. Commemoration of the reformation. Sunday school ut 12 m. First United Presbyterian church. Rov. E. U. Graham , pastor. 012 North Eighteenth stroot. Public worship nt 10:80 : n. m. und 7:30 : p. in. Sabbath school nt noon. St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran , corner North Twenty-first und Burdctto streets , Rev. George H. Schnur , 'pastor. Reformation Day. The order of service , Including ro- gponscs , hymns , nnd chants , with especial reference to this anniversary , will bo used. Morning service , 10:30 : ; ovenliiK service , 7:30 : ; morning subject : "Martin Luther in the Re formation. " Evening subject : "Tho Church pf thii Reformation. " Sunday school 2:30 : p. m. Strangers welcome. Seward Street M.E. church Rev. Charles AV. Savldgo will have ns his subject Sunday morning , "The- Sacrament of the Lord's . Supper. " The evening hurmon .will be ad dressed to "ThoMen Who Use Tobacco. " .All uro iuvitcU. ' . Corner Dodpro and 15th Streets. Men's Furnishings. Mens' ' Mufflers At Half IPrice , j 100 dozen men's worsted mufllors In light nnd dark shades , snlo price 25o , regular prlco 60c. 76 dozen men's fine light-colored cnshmoro mufllors , size 32x34 inches. Wo show this quality in ton different patterns. Sale price GOc , regular price $1.00. 200 dozen men's nil silk mufflers , slzo 82x34. Wo show this quality In fifteen different patterns , in white , cream and ecru. Sale price $1.25 , regular prlco , $2.00. Mens' Underwear Men's heavy gray nt 60e , worth 76c. Men's heavy white at 60c , worth 75c. Men's fancy stripe at 76e , worth $1.00. Men's fine scarlet at 85c , worth $1.2o. Men's camels'-hair at $1.12 , worth $1.50. Men's fine old gold at $1.50 , worth $ O OK . . < * .J. Men's cashmere hose at 22jc , worth 40c. 40c.Men's Men's Jersey gloves at 50o , worth 75c. Men's and Doys' knit wool caps 39c. Mens' Street Gloves 50 dozen men's fine Jersey gloves for street wear in all desirable shades and sizes. Sale price 60c , actual value SI. Corner Dodge and 15th Streets. Hmibcom Park M. E. church At 10:30 : a. m. Rev. H. K. Mctcalf , of Dwight , 111. , will preach. At 7:30 : p. m. a Sunday school con cert will bo given. Custellar Street M. E. church Rev. Alfred H. Henry will preach. Subject nt 11 n. m. : "Growth ; " und at7:45 : p. m.'Tho Chambers of Imagery. " Sunday school at 10 a. in. , and young people's meeting at 7 p. m. St. Philip's Free church ( colored ) 818 North Nineteenth street. John Williams , pastor. Sunday school at 2 p. in. Evening ser vices nt 8 p. m. A most cordial welcome is always extended to strangers. Tubcrnaclo First Congregational church. 1710 Capitol avenue : Services at 10.tOnnd : 7:30 : o'clock. Preaching by Rev. Wilson Denny , of Clinton , Iowa. Sabbath school at noon. All are welcome. Walnut Hill M. E. church , will hold its ser vice Sunday in their new hall , in Hcrtzman's block. Mercer avenue. C. H. Savidgc , pas tor. Services at 10 n. m. und 7 p. in. Sab bath school nt 10 o'clock. Park Avenue United Presbyterian church- Rev. J. A. Henderson , pastor. Corner Park avenue and Grant street. Preaching in the morning at 10:30 : a.m. Subject : "Christ's Manifestation and its Purpose ; " evening , "The Conversion of Lydia. " Sabbuth school at noon. Tcachtfrs meeting fltO : ! ; young people's meeting Monday evening 7:30. : Prayer meeting Wednesday evening ut7:30. : You are invited. Hillside Congregational church , Omaha View Kov , H. C. Crane , pustor. Sunday school changed to 11:45 : u. m. Rev. Dr. H. A. Schaufllor , who has addressed the stuto association at Lincoln , will speak at 7:30 : p. in. The Christian Endeavor will meet at 0:30. : Sunday school at close of morning services. The building will bo comfortably heated. North Presbyterian cluireh , Saundcrs street. Services ut 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. Rov. Win. R. Henderson , pastor. Services nt 10:30 : nnd 7:30 : o'clock. Morning subject : "Unconscious Excellence ; " evening subject , "Tho Second Commandment. " Sabbath school nt noon. Young people's meeting at 0:80 : p. m. Strangers made welcome at all the services. St. Mary's Avenue Congregational Rov. II. A. Srhnufllcr of Cleveland , O. , will speak in the morning on "Hoheinian Work in the United States. " und Rev M. J. P. Thing will Corn crPodgo and 1 Gth Streets. SHOE DEPARTMENT ? Our stock" in this department is no\r larger nnd moro complete than over bo fore , with boots and shoes Irom the cheapest to the best , made especially for us by the bcstcnstorn manufacturers. Buy of us at the prices quoted below ana save 20 per cent. Men's seomless congress , lace and but * ton shoes , $1.V5 ( , worth $2.60. Men's Fcomless cordovan shoes , con * , gross and button , $2.50. worth $3.00. Men's celebrated "W. L. Douglass' ? , * calf shoes , all styles , $3.00 , Men's fine calf seomloss shoes , alt styles , only $4.50 , worth $5.60. Men's line calf Waukonpfust shocsk > seamless , 85.00 , worth $0.00. , j ) ' Men's genuine kangaroo , hand-sowed' 8 ( shoos at $0.00. worth $7.00. * Men's line coif hand sowed shoo , COIK * ? gross , lace and button , $0.60 , wortlV -V $7.60. Men'e French calf hand sowed shocsy all styles , $7.00 , worth $8.60. Men's French calf hand sewed , cork solo shoes , $8.00 , worth $9.60. . { , Men's calf boots , $ ; i.OO , $4.60 and $5,00 < , French hand sowed boots $7.60. Heavy boots , $2.00 , $2.60 and $3.00i Walker boots , $3.50. $1.00 and $1.CO. , ' LADIES' ' SHOES. , Ladies' genuine kid button shoes , n and E widths , Opera styles , $1.K" ! , worth ; $2. GO. Ladies' genuine goat button shoes , 01 D and E widths , two styles , $2.60 , worth ] $3. $3.'Ladies' 'Ladies' fine bright Dongola shoes , Ci D and E widths , C. S. and Op. styles. $3. worth $3.60. Ladies' line dull Dongola button shocsl C , D and E widths , C. S. style , $4 , worth ! $4.60. i Ladies' French Dongola hand turncc shoes , "French styles , " A to E widths ; only $5. I Ladies' warm lined cloth and fell shoes , $1.25 and $1.35 per pair. Ladies' felt and clotn slippers , only $ | and $1.25 per pair. Ladies' glove kid and goat house slip pers , turn wiles , $1. , Ladies' fine Cuvncoa kid hand turned slippers , B to E widths. $1.50. MISSES' SHOES. / Mibscs' oil and bright grain behoof shoes with heels , only $1.60. , Mibbcs' genuine goiit bchool shoes , Cf D and E widths , heel and spring , $2.00. Misses'curacoa kid button shoes , Cj D and E widths , C. S. heel and springJ $2.00 Misses' genuine straight goat buttoi * shoes , C and D widthsbpring heolsonly $2.50 , i Mibscs' calf fo.xcd button shoes , D anil E widths , spring heels , only S2.50. YOUTHS' SHOES. Youths' A calf button school shoes , ' sizes 11 to 2 , only $1.76. Youths' English grain button bchooV shoes only $2.00 , worth $2.50. Youths' fine calf button Waukenphasft shoes , only $2.50. Corner DoclRonncl 15th Streets. preach in the evening. Young people's ' cholu in the evening , singing goopcl hymns. Sun dny.'school ut noou ; chupel schools ut a o'clock * . All welcome. St. John's church Corner Fnwklin nnd Twenty-sixth streets. Wlllluin Osgood Peiir- son , rector. Morning prayer , lltuny mill scr- monout 11 n. in. ; evening prayer mid ser mon , 7 : % p. m. Sunday school 0-15 : a. in. Seats free , I First Methodist Episcopal church , on Davenport between Seventeenth nnd Eigl teenth T. M. House , pastor. Preaching nt 10:80 : n. m. and 7:30 : p. m. Morning topic' "Faith Cure In Its Relation to Fact , on Individual Cures. " Sunday school at. 2 : ISO p.m. Young people's meeting at 0:45' : p. m. Oxford League Monday 7:30 : p. in Prayer meeting , Wednesday evening. Scuta free ; nil welcome. | First Christian church. Twentieth and" Capitol nventiu : Joseph II. Fey , LL. D..1 pastor. Services to-day at 10-ir : > a. m. undV 7:30 : p. m. Society Christian Endeavor atf 0:45 : p. m. Prayer meeting ou Wednesday evening. , NOTKP. The now building of the Seward strccft church has boon plastered and will bo comy fortnble for the services. i Kcv. W. J. Harsha will speak SabhatH evening on "Tho Tower of Uiibol" nt thoj First Presbyterian church , corner Dodge nndP , Seventeenth. Young men especially invited/ Dr. Bridge's residence removed to 312J North Twenty-second fatrcet. Telephoned 515. \ Attention. To the voters of Polk county , Iowa : Atfjj these who go homo and deposit a ballot to relieve - liovo Iowa from her present condition oO serfdom arc requested to meet at Mctz' half on this Sunday afternoon , October 0 , at o'clock. The necessary arrangements have ) been completed , these that fail to meet us on Sunday will nnd the secretary at 3'J1 Nortli Fourteenth street oral Mr. Murray's build- ing. coiner Fourteenth and Harncy streets , II. II. Kicii , Secretary. For bargains in groceries go to CoovoO , , & Watts , N. E. cor. St. Mary's avo. and , , 19th Bt. See their ad. in another coN umn. i AMUSEMENTS. BOYD'S OPERA HOUSE. liis , October Grand Production of a Dramatization of Hugh Cony/ay's / ' Famous Novel , 5) ) WITH JosephR-Grisracr AND PHOE DAVIES , And a Dramatic Company of Excellence , JOS. R. GKISMER. . ' , .SECURESEATS AT BOX OFFICE. : . ' . ;