Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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OFFICE NO. 12 , rEAlUi
Delivered by carrier In nny port of the city nt
tw cnty cents per v cck.
* II. W TILTOX. Manager.
W. Y. Plumbing Co.
Heitcr , tailor , Full goods chcnp.
"LUtlc Bossl" The best Gc cignr in
j the city. Troxoll Bros. , agents.
* The change of tlino of running the
dummy trains goes ino ( effect Nov. 1.
The brick work on the now patrol
* building will bo finished to-morrow
, night.
f Some young rufllnns erected consider
able disturbance nt the matinee , yester
day afternoon.
Wo nro western agents for the cele
brated "Littlo Bos ? ' cigar. The best
Co cignr in the city. Troxell Bros.
Permit to wed wns yesterday granted ,
W. A. Sowing , of Key Creek , and Al-
vlna Frohardt , of Lewis township.
The members of the police force are
making preparations for n grand
Thanksgiving ball. Full particulars
will bo given later.
The Chautauqita circle will meet
Monday evening at 7'iO : sharp nt 11 ! ,
Mnin street. Take door the left up
sttiirs. All are welcome.
J. Drummond was arrested yostnrdny
afternoon for carrying concealed weap
ons and dlMturbing the pence in the
locality of the brick yard.
The homo opera company has dis
banded and the operas of "Ruddy goro"
nnd l'Tho Mikado" will wait for presen
tation until sonic time in the future.
The pavers are rushing things on
Fourth street and Washington avenue.
If the present pleasant weather con
tinues the projected work will feoon bo
Chief Tompleton had a fire engine
put in readiness for an emergency yes
terday afternoon in caeo there should bo
a flro in the northern part of the city ,
while the water was cut-olT.
The hydrant at the corner of Wills
nnd Seventh streets blow out yesterday
about 1:30. : and the water supply had to
bo shut off from that part of the city
while repairs were being made.
The friends of the Streetsvillo Sun
day school , mot last evening at the
house of W. A. Richardson , near the
transfer. It was for the 'benefit of that
school and a prolltablo as well as enjoy
able time was had.
The proprietors of the Bcchtolo hotel
will celebrate the ro-opcniug of that
popular hostelry in a. grand .dinner to
day. The menu will be choice and
extensive. Business men and their
families are cordially invited.
Rehearsal of "Tho Musketeers" at
Dohany's opera house , Monday evening
at 7:30. : All members of the chorus are
requested to bo present promptly on
time , as the conductorcss would like to
rehearse the whole of the two acts.
The meetings in Overtoil's mission
arc growing so in interest that the house
is full every night , and more room will
BOOH bo needed. The United Brethren
church has been purchased , and the
mission will boon occupy that.
During his recent trip west C. J.
Colby sold several lots in the Omaha
addition. The prices paid were good ,
and the investors may bo sure of getting
a good return on their money , as prices
in this audition are advancing rapidly.
There is much talk heard on the
streets in favor of organizing acompany
for the purpose of boring for natural
gas here. The value of a find of that
sort would prove so great that many feel
that the experiment should bo made at
Hon. J. P. Dolliyor addressed a largo
and attentive audience at Western college -
logo hall last night on the political SB-
BUGS of the day. Mr. Dollivor is an able
speaker and eloquently defended the
record and principles of the republican
party. It is to bo regretted that a larger
hall could not .have been secured , as
many wore unable to got in to occupy
even standing room.
R. Trumbull has been appointed ns
weigher nnd inspector of freights at the
Union Pacific transfer , for all the lines.
The order goes into effect with the first
of the month. The headquarters will
from that date bo in the city , and the
position is ono of much responsibility
nnd importance. Mr. Trumbull has for
years been connected with the railway
service , and has many friends to con
gratulate him on his now position.
The forces at the transfer are being
rapidly increased , and there are yet
other changes which will cause a still
larger number of employes to be en
gaged there.
The fire destroying the buildings of
the Omaha fair grounds causes a revival
of the talk of consolidating the two fair
associations in such a way ns to use the
grounds hero for the accommodation of
both sides of the river. The Council
Bluffs fair grounds are as near to the
center of Omaha as any that can bo pro
cured on the other side of the river ,
and with the completion of the Broadway
bridge the grounds will bo very accessi
ble by private conveyance , as well as by
etrcot car line.- ? . The location is urged
as ono of the favorable points in con
sidering such a union. It is also urged
that the grounds hare arc all in readi
ness , and the track is one of the finest
in the west. Tins scheme is also urged
. in the behalf that by a joint effort moro
nnd bettor hellos can bo got to the
meetings than if each society pulled for
Greatly reduced in prico&oyou can save
$10.00 to $15.00 on a coat , far bettor and
cheaper than you can buv reudv mada.
Roller , the Tailor ,
No. 810 Broadway. .
All Sorts of People.
There were moro spectators than
usual In the police court , yesterday
morning. Pat Hopkins was first called
to timo. for conduct unbecoming a model
husband. IIo said that ho didn't strike
his wife but that as ho was passing by
her , she accidentally fell down and
bruised her face. IIo was locked up
until her testimony could bo obtained.
C. G. Anderson was a hereditary
drunkard and proved to bo a very good
temperance lecturer while in limbo.
Ho had been drinking in Omaha for
Borne time , and came to Iowa to bo away
from liia enemy. IIo said ho spent his
Snblmths in some secluded spot reading
the bible , but the judge thought he
didn't read the right chapter , and
stowed him away for future reference.
The cases of E. L. Nichols nnd Jnno
i Smith for vagrancy were , the last.
* They claimed to bo canvassers , travel
ing together ns man and wife. Jane said
her partner promised to marry her over
a year ago , when they started out , and
if ho didn't ' fulfill it , it wasn't her fault.
Nichols didn't see how ho could bo n
vagrant , when ho had gold in his pocket
anil stopped nt the best hotel , but the
judge quickly enlightened him , and
put them both uiulor $100 bonds for
another appearance. < '
Best New. Orleans molasses , 20c qt. ,
M Cffal. , Troxoll Bros. . . '
A Variety of Events Mark the
Closing of Another Week.
Tlic Catholic Fair CloBCH n Successful
Week Services nt the plmrclies
To-Day The Queer Chnrnc-
tcrs In 1'ollcc Court. '
Close of Court.
Judge Dcemer finished up the work of
the term yesterday. There was little of
public interest in the day's doings , most
of the time being taken up in the hear
ing of motions , and in reading up the
record. Judge Dcemer expects to bo
hero some day next week nt a meeting
of the district judges to bo hold hero
then , and he will take up then some few
natters yet to be disixwcd of. Judge
Loofbourow will open court on Tuesday ,
.ind after the call of the calendar will
devote the first week to the hearing of
quity cases. This hns been thoflirst
erm in which Judge Deemor has pro-
ildcd here. Although so young a mane
o hold f-o important a position , being
ho youngest judge in Iowa , ho has
himself to bo no boy. Dignified
n manner , prompt in his rulings , fear-
ess , yet ever courteous , ho has won in
ho favor of the bar and of the public
f cu orally.
His action in regard to the saloon
cases has awakened naturally MMHO feelIng -
Ing among the c who had been fooling
tvith the buzz saw , but with these even
> pposed to prohibition the responsibility
s placed upon the law itself , which
gives the judge nodibcretionand what
ever may be his private views it seems
' .hat there was no manly or honest way
'or ' him to dodge the responsibility. IIo
las shown no booming malice or preju
dice in these cases , so these who object
o the result inubt blame these who
rained such a law.
New Silk , Swiss , Brussels , Netting
ham hico and drapery curtains in great
raricty. Council Bluffs Carpet Co. , 403
1 Ib Royal baking powder 45c , Troxoll
Sound Mlml In Sound Body.
There is a move on foot for the fitting
jp of a complete gymnasium in connee.
tlon with tlie Y. M. C. A. rooms , and
also the fitting up of bath rooms. There
ins been for some time a gymnasium in
connection with the rooms , and the
foung men have profited thereby
jrcatly. It is now the intention to in
crease the accommodations and to in
augurate a system of regular and thor
ough exercise. The bath rooms will
ivlbo do their part in invigorating and
'neljiing the physical culture. The as
sociation has decided to make a very
reasonable charge for yearly tickets , so
that almost anyone can afford to bo a
member and enjoy the privileges
of thebo baths and exorcises. A
large number of the best citizens are
lot only helping along the enterprise ,
but many of them have decided to put
themselves under a regular system of
physical instruction and excrcibo. The
association purposes offering the cheap
est and bcbt "sort of medicine. These
who have not already enrolled them
selves should apply to the secretary ,
Harry Curtis , from whom all needed in
formation can readily bo obtained.
Full cream cheese 17c , Troxell Bros.
Paiitut Piiuts ! t
Just received , a largo new stock of
pants goods , on which special bargains
arc now offered , at present reduced
prices. Pants made to order can be had
as cheap as ready made.
Reitcr , the Tailor ,
No. 310 Broadway.
Close ol' the Fnlr.
The Catholic fair came to a close last
night. It has proved a great success ,
not so great perhaps da it ought , in view
of the worthiness of the purpose , but
still n great success. The hall was
crowded every night last week , and the
variety of entertainments and attrac
tions was such as to please the public
greatly. The ladies have worked very
zealously , and while the duties of the
week have been heavy , taxing their
strength to the utmost , il has been but
a small portion after all. The work of
preparation extended over months , and
none but those concerned know what
drain it has been upon time , strength
and means. While various names have
been broughtJnto prominence in con
nection with the fair , there has been
one name which has been kept out of
print , by the urgent request of its mod
est owner , Mrs.D.J. O'Neill. These who
arc at all familiar with the work done
in connection with this fair need not bo
told that , as on previous like occasions ,
she proved herself a successful general.
Her ability in managing , her untiring
enthusiasm , her indefatigable labor ,
are not lost sight of and ought not to bo
allowed to go without public recogni
tion. The Catholic ladies who have so
heartily co-operated with her , all deserve -
servo praise , but they arc to bo congrat
ulated as well on having such a capable
The exact amount of the proceeds
cannot bo told until the ladies hnvo had
time to tiguro up the reports from the
various departments. It will doubtless
reach a snug sum. probably in the
vicinity ofiOOQ. ! , This amount , whethoi
more or less , will bo used in the now
church building , which is fast approaching
preaching completion.
At the drawing lnt night the piano
WHS awarded to Miss Celia Hughes.
William Maloney was voted the "bride , "
the portrait of Father McMcnomy went
to Father .Toannette , of Omaha , and the
saddle to John Kingloy.
Every ono making a cash purchase ol
io ! cents at T. D. King & ( Jo's , cigai
store gets a chance in the annual prize
drawing. Twenty elegant prizes.
Tipton , ' 'The real estate broker , "
says lie has bargains now for the o who
desire a nice lot to build on.
Down Comforts and Sofa Pillows.
Down and feathers in bulk. Council
Bluffs Carpet Co. , 405 Broadway.
Prunes 20c , Ib. SlTcO , Troxoll Bros.
The Sunday Services.
The following services are i > nnounccO
for the several churches of the city :
Rev. George A. Gates , president ol
Iowa college , will preach morning and
evening in the Congregational church.
These who listen to Mr. Gates will bo
amply repaid.
Harmony Mission Services to-day at
3 o'clock p. m. , conducted by Rev. 'lr
Rccs , of the M. E. church. Sabbath
school at 4 o'clock. Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening- 7:30 : o'clock
Subject , "Enter yo in , at the straight
gate. " Matt. 7-13. '
Saint Paul's 'Church Divine service
o-day at the usual hour. A cordial , in
vitation is extended to all. Subject of
naming sermon , "Life iri the Wildcr-
icss. "
Preaching in Third street Baptist
church at 10:30 : n. in. and 7:30 : p. m. In
ho morning there will bo a memorial
Fcrmon on the late Deacon Groves.
Scats free. All cordially welcome.
Dr. Phelps has returned and will
n'cach us usual in the morning and
waning at the Presbyterian church.
Strangers and others cordially invited.
Elder Mark II. Forscott will occupy
he pulpit at Saints' church to-day at
0:30 : a. m. and 7:80 : p. m. Subject ,
Priesthood Authority. The public are
cordially invited.
Now currants 3 Ibs for 2oc , London
ayers ISc Ib at Troxell Bros.
J. W. and E. L. Squire lend money.
J. G. Tipton , "Tho ' Real Estate Bro-
{ or , " 627 Broadway. Telephone No.
Views of An Eastern Man As to the
Present and Future of Council
"It is sometimes said that Council
Bluffs is too conservative in its invest
ments ; that it has no great institutions ,
uch as are possessed by similar sized
cities of the east ; but if you could have
accompanied mo yesterday I would have
bowed you that such statements h ave
10 foundation in fact. " So said a gen-
leman from an eastern city yesterday
o the reporter. As ho was in n , talka-
ivo mood , and thinking ho might give
omo points of interest to the readers o f
lie BEK , the reporter questioned him
concerning his experience and his con
clusions. "Yes sir , " ho continued ;
'you may well fool proud of your busi-
icss men , for they are energetic and
'ully devoted to the interests of your
city. Look at your wonderful growth ,
) opulation and invested capital doubled
n less than ten years. Why sir , it is
"Among your finest institutions , I
hink , is that of the Mueller Music
: ompany. I am no musician , but wish-
ng to see the best things you have , I
visited them. I was courteously re
ceived by Mr. J. Mueller , the secretary
ind manager of the company , who upon
[ earning that I was from the cast volun
teered to show mo through his estab
lishment. I was introduced to one of
the salesmen who became my guide.
"Stopping into the elevator wo wore
taken to the third story of the building
where wo started on atourof inspection.
Third floor contains the notion dopart-
inunt , and wo stood amid the bewilder
ing display of beautiful things that
would make the heart of a child bound
with joy , At least $20,000 was hero dis
played in toys and fancy goods , games
if all kinds , drums , books , pictures and
'rames , everything in stationery , pocketbooks -
etbooks , brushes , thermometers , bird
cages , besides flags , masks , etc. , for
Fourth of July demonstrations. -
"Stopping into the elevator wo de
scended to the second floor. As I said
joforo , I am no musician and never
sang a song in my life , but I really felt
Lhon as though I could sing 'Yankee
Doodle _ ' in four keys. Such a profusion
of musical Instruments ! Upon the < lis-
| ) lay table wore samples of everything
Lho' store contains : violins , guitars ,
banjoes , accordeons , flutes , fifes and all
sorts of small instruments. Upon the
other side was u display that would
cause a lady's heart to break with envy :
dressing cases , perfumery cnscs , work
boxes and baskets , mirrors in now and
elegant designs , besides a great variety
of goods suitable to the holiday trade.
There wore crying and speaking dolls
and dolls of all sizes and complexions.
E. D. Fuller is nt the head of this de
partment , with C. D. Mueller as as as
"Upon both the second and first
floors is displayed an immense stock of
pianos and and organs. Pianos
from 813 to $1,000. The Hard-
man piano the clerk said , is
their leading instrument. Its points
of excellence are the 'resonant soft
pedal' and the 'iron key bed. ' The
former sets the soft pedal so that the
instrument is not worn by constant
practice nor is the family disturbed.
The latter device prevents , the key
board from warping and becoming un
even. They have also the Everett and
the Mueller Music company pianos
both first cless instruments. They are
in mahogany and rosewood cases , both
solid and veneered. They have the
Century and Royal organs , both first
class and fully warranted. They are
both mndo in separable cases that can
bo taken apart without the use of a
screw driver. They are supplied with
beautiful side lamps , besides the other
points of utility and beauty possessed by
other instruments. These goods are
sold for either cash or on time pay
ments , to suit the customer.
"Tho lower floor is a real picture of
beauty. Upon either side are elegantly
carved , solid walnut display cases.
These contain the richer and
more expensive portions of the stock.
Hero are band instruments in
silver and brass ; violins from $1 to $75 ;
flutes , clalrionetts , flageolets , guitars ,
zilloiihones , nurophones , etc. , without
number. Also nn immense stock of
violin and guitar strings imported by
the company for their trade.
"Hero also is their sheet music de
partment. Eight thousand dollars is
invested in this portion of their stock
alone. It is the largest and best se
lected stock west of Chicago. Pieces of
music ordered and not in stock can bo
had on the shortest possible notice.
This department is in the hands of John
Harrison , u man of largo experience ,
assisted by Lena Schindolo. Mr. A.
Cans is bookkeeper , Four men arc kept
upon the road two selling pianos and
organs and two on small goods.
"The house has a branch in Omaha ,
at 1814 St. Mary's avenue , which car
ries from thirty to forty pianos and or
gans. A. C. Mueller is manager , as
sisted by Ed Mueller.
"It requires no small executive abil
ity to conduct such an extensive busi
ness , and that it is done with the great
est success reflects much credit on the
manager , Mr. J. Mueller. "
- *
List your property with Cooper &
Judson , No. 120 Main st.
Have you seen" him ? Who ? Why ,
"Tipton , " the "real estate broker. "
Thunder , yes ; I listed my property with
him and ho sold it long ago.
. -
For Sale Cheap Lots near the bridge
to parties who will build at pnco. Ad
dress or call on J. R. Rico , No. 110
Main street Council Bluffs.
Personal Paragraphs.
Mrs. Pontius , of Keg creek , was shop
ping in the city yesterday.
Mrs. II. II. Field has returned from a
two weeks' visit to Grand Island.
MisA mm Brown , of Dubtiquo , in
visiting the family of J. J. Brown.
Colonel William Orrand daughter , of
Hnrdindalo , visited the city yesterday.
Henry Otto is entertaining his
nephew , Harvey Tumms , of Freeport ,
Charles Buughan. now of Kansas City ,
Is again in the IJlulIn mid making head
quarters at the Klo > l hotel.
Little Mamie , daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. II. 'F. Drew , wa ycltorday eolo-
bratlng her second " rthday nnnlvor-
R. W. Briggs , of Ca son , was in the
cltyycRterday , resting froif his arduous
campaign work in 'behalf of the democ
The "Evnngollnc" company are di
vided among the Ogden , Pacific and
Bechtclo hotels. They leave for Kan
sas City to-day. . f
Fitz Henry Warren , formerly clerk
of the court hero , nnd his son Joe. are
visiting friends in tho.folly. Their
present homo is EwingTfob.
E. D. Collins' Boston ; W. F. Connor ,
Boone ; J. K. Mist , Chicago : Thomas S.
Wright and J. II. Preston , DCS Moiiics ,
were at the Ogden yesterday. \
J. M. Martin and family , of Atlantic ,
wore at the Kiel house yesterday , en
route to their homo at Atlantic , having
just returned from nn extended western
trip.T. .
T. S. Wright , of DCS "Molncs , the
Rock Island attorney , ia in the city ,
fighting the attempt of the Motor line
owner to. cross the tracks of the com
pany on Ninth street.
Mrs. Thickstun has returned from
Missouri Valley , where eho went to
assist her husband in revival meetings ,
nnd is confined to her bed by a severe
attack of erysipelas.
Patrick O'Connor , foreman of the
iron work at the now court house , and
who has boon superintending like work
upon the Merchants' bank building in
Omaha , loft last night for Minneapolis
to attend to work upon the city hall
J. .T. Bolin , the wide-awake insurance
man of Macedonia , is at the Kiel houso.
Ho is suffering considerable from the
wound in his leg caused by his horse
taking him into a barbed wire fence
about two weeks ago. The injury did
not Boem serious at the time , but by
catching cold it has assumed rather of a
malignant form.
The finest line of pon-pons , banner
rods , banner ornaments , etc. , in the
city at "Domestic" ollico , 105 Main
Good Japan tea 25c Ib. good Gunpow
der tea 35o Ib at Troxell Bros.
It Is Surprising ! 1
But a fact. You can got an elegant up
holstered rocker , spring seat and ends
for nothing , 105 Main St.
Tipton for business lots , Tipton for
residence lots , Tipton for all classes of
real estate , including houses and lots.
E. H. Sheafo loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All ousincss strictly
confidential. Ofllco , 600 Broad way , cor
ner Main street , up stairs.
A number of Omaha railroad men ,
who have been compelled to move to
this side on account of the U. P. i-ound
houses being located hero , have been to
see Tipton , the real estate broker ,
about securing homes for themselves.
These fellows are on the right track. If
they have Tipton to figuwfor them they
will be happy and wear diamonds , and
be able to buy hard coal' ' . '
After the Pharmacists.
Sioux CITY , In. , Oct. 29. [ SpecialTelegram
to the HER. ] More than a' ycsir ago Zink &
Gosclin , attorneys. atLeMars , instituted suit
against a number of Plymouth , county drug
gists for failure to comply with the pharmacy
lay by reporting to the county auditor their
retail liquor sales. It was fount ! that a num
ber of druggists filed their reports n few days
lato. The cases wore taken into the district
court anil u decision rendered in favor of the
druggists. The cases were then appealed to
the state supreme court. Ztnk & Gosclin
then instituted like proceedings against sev
eral druggists in the city and county and the
cases have been carried along pending the de
cision of the supreme court. That court now
reverses the decision of the Plymouth county
court , and it is to bo presumed that Zlnk &
Gosclin will now push these cases. They
have like cases in nearly every county in the
Not Guilty or Arson.
Sioux CITY , Oct. 29. [ Spcciol Telegram to
the BEE. ] At LcMars this afternoon the
jury returned a verdict of not guilty in the
arson case against Newman , who was
charged with setting flro to Congressman
Strublo's house. Newman was arrested oil
information or ono Ed Dillon , who , on premIse -
Iso that certain lines would bo remitted
against him , turned state's evidence. Dillon
was arrested on the same ehargo and is now
in jail at LeMars awaiting trial.
Crowthcr Still MlssinK.
Sioux CITY , In. , Oct. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to the Br.u. ] Ed Crowther , who se
cured cash on the bogus checks drawn to his
order by Gross , has not yet put in an appear
ance. He was to have been hero this forenoon -
noon , but has not been seen It is said that
two gamblers were given these bogus checks ,
on the time of the big sprco.
Probable Suicide.
Fonn , la. . Oct. 29. [ Special Telegram to
the BEE. ] About 9 o'clock last night the
wife of Tillman Fox left the house , but occa
sioned no alarm. Later her husband awoke
and missing his wife ho started to investigate
and found a letter from her saying that she
intended to drown herself in the river. Largo
parties have been searching for her body , but
110 trace of the missing woman can bo found.
Finally Used the Rope.
Booxn , la. , Oct. 29. [ Special Telegram to
the HKK. ] Last evening a Swede named
Johnson hung himself at his residence north
of the track. He had prepared the rope ten
years ago and had often threatened to take
his life.
Fire nt Atlantic.
ATLVNTIC , la. , Oct. 29. [ Special Telegram
to the UEK. ] Fire this morning destroyed J.
C. Metzer's hardware and implement estab
lishment , MrGllhnn's grocery and the Free
Lance printing ofllco. Total loss fJO.OOO-
Insurance $5,000.
A Question of Principle.
ATIAXTA , Ga. , Oct. 29. [ Special Telegram
to the lice. ] In explanation of his contrast
of Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln ,
General Henry Jackson says : "It has been
my conviction all my life that a model gov
ernment would be reached on this earth
through local sovereignty as opposed to cen
tralization of power. Duvii represented
state sovereignty ; Lincoln stood for a cen
tralized nation. It was for , the principle
Pyramid of Modern Time !
1 1 1 1 O 0 I
f' ' 4 Hundred 1
Four 100 and 1
: L. L. 51 19 31
' *
$100xlO"-$10-The Amt.
saved on every $100 by
dealing at 104 algebriac
equation : LetA-401 and ex
q z , m e-what our competi
tors say. Result : Go to 401
for Fall Goods , Silks , Dress
Goods , Underwear , Flannels ,
Carpets , Oil Cloths , Axminster ,
Moquettes , Body Brussels , Tap
estry Brussels , Three-ply Ingrain ,
Matting , Rugs , &c. , &c. , &c. , &c. , &c.
Harkness Bros.
of state sovereignty that the south fought.
She imperilled slavery , when she began the
war. She could easily have perpetuated
slavery if she had been willing to sacrifice
the principle of state sovereignty. She put
both to the gauge of battle , knowing per
fectly well that whatever the issue of the
war may have been , Slavery would have suf
fered. "
The Governor Indignant.
MADISON , "Wis. , Oct. 29. Governor Rusk
has determined to cither clean out the in
famous dens at Marinctto and Hurley or
know the reason why the county authorities
do not perform their duties. Ho has no
authority under the law to clean out the dens
himself , but ho is empowered to compel the
county ofllcors to perform their sworn duty
or remove them for incompctcncy. The gov
ernor has sent imperative letters to the
authorities there demanding that they take
immediate steps looking to the removal of
the great evil.
oTlio Snmonn Inlands Trouble.
SAN FIIANCISCO , Oct. 29. Private letters
received from Apia , Samoan islands , state
that United States Consul Scwall intends to
offer his resignation unless the state depart
ment supports him in what he did during the
troubles on Sauioan islands. The natives
threaten to light unless MiilicUm is rein
stated. In ono instance the letter states a
village was burned by the invaders.
A MaKsnchiiseUH LetflHliitor SulciclcH.
BUOOTON , Mass. , Oct. 29. Henry E. Lin
coln , a prominent citizen of this place and a
member of the legislature , aud who has been
identified with a number of largo enter
prises , committed suicide this morning.
A Receiver Appointed.
CHICAGO , Oct. 29. Samuel D. Ward was
to-day appointed receiver for the Regan
Printing company. John Murder has brought
suit against the company for * 00,000.
A Fierce Nor'wcstcr.
MII.WAUKKK , Oct.89. . A violent northwest
gale is now raging on Lake Michigan and
steam and sail vessels are seeking the harbor
for shelter. Thus far no disasters have been
Trotting - Stallions
WADE GARY , - - Council Blnffs ,
SPECIAL mlvcrti-'oiuontB , Miclins I.nst.rnmul ,
Tp Loan , For Sule , To Kent , Wants , JlonnlliiK.
etc. , will bo inxfrtoil In this column at tlio low
rate of TEN CENTS I'Elt LINE for the first In
sertion and live rents 1'cr Line for each subse
quent Insertion , l.ruvo advertisements at our
olllce No. 121'earl Street , uear ilroailway , Coun
cil lllulld , Iowa.
LIVi : STOCK Cows , 'calves and Hvo stock
wanted. Will trade forty acres of land for
llvo stock. Good title nnd warranty deed.
Apply to Horace Everett , Council lllulTg , la.
A FEW members for our nmnteur orchestra.
Xi. Enquire ol Swanson Music Co.
TTIOli nrNT Dwelling No. 717 1'lrs.t avenue ; 10
J- rooms ; rent WO. Apply to E. H. Shcafe ,
Ilronilwny , cor. Mala stieet , up-stulrs.
TJ1OK RENT An eight room hoaso centrally
JJ located. Enquire of W. T. Cole , 604 Pearl
T71OII KENT IIou ps nml furnished rooms. J.
-E 11. Davidson , CM Fifth av nuo.
TO EXCIIANGE-For Council IlInlTs or Omaha
property , a retail stock of boots and shoes ,
amount , J4iOO. ( Call nt store. No. 508 llroadway ,
or address It. Mnrtln , Council muffs , Iowa.
" 171011 SALE Second-hand Columbia blcyclo
-U very cheap , K-lnch , at lice otllco.
ONE hundred thousand dollars to loan on
real estate and chattels by F. J. Day , ! ! 9
Pearl st.
BUILDING lots and acre property for sale by
F. J. Day , 3'.l 1'earl st.
EOH SALE OK TUADE-For Council muffs
property , 40.0110 acres of Iowa and Ne
braska laud. J. It. Idee , 110 Main st. , Council
T710H IlKNT A finely fumMicd front room ,
-1 } Hrst lloor , In private residence near court
house. Water In room , lighted and heated.
Largo closet. References required. Address H.
K , flee olllce , Council lllulfs.
Real Estate
Vacant Lots , Lands , City Res
idences and Farms.
Acre Property In wcstein part of the city. All
selling cheap.
Real Estate and Insurance Agent ,
Iloom C , over Ollicer & 1'usey's Hank , Council
iilulfb , lowu.
Mr. D. Say , Guesscr , what do thelcttcrs C * U. C. C.
stand for ?
Mr. G. Is it anything about the new bridge ?
Mr. D. Bridge ! JNr . It's a conundrum. Gue < s it.
Mr. G. C. B. C. C. Canada bays crooked cathlcra.
Mr. D. Ao. Guess again.
Mr. G. Chronic bums catch calliope.
Mr. D. Once more. That isn't right.
Mr. G. Careless boys catch Thunder ! 1 can't
guess it. What do tlicy stand for , anyway ?
Mr. I > . Give it u ? Ha ! Hi ! Jltt ! Ito ! They
stand for Council Bluffs Carpet Co. liest goods for
the least money is their motto. 405 Broadway.
Is Drawing Us
Their Elegant Slock > :
S !
To-tnot't'ow , Alonrtatnorni
Alonrta/ a >
owe/or one day only ,
Special Kid Glove
* , n and 6 button pcrfect-fltting
Kid Gloves , embroidered bach ; alto ,
one hundred dozen Undresxtd Kid
Gloves , 5 button with embroidered
backs , all to yo at 48 cents a ; > afiV
only two pairs to each customer.
Special Bargains
Foi This Week in
Alt of our $45 Dress Patterns gofer
for $ % n.
All of our $35 Dress Patterns gofer
for $2O ,
All of our $25 Dress Patterns gofer
for $10.fiO.
All of our f 2O Dress Patterns gofer
for $14 ,
All of our flS Dress Patterns go"
for $12. ;
All of our $15 Dress Pat terns gofer
for $1O.
All of our $12 Dress Patterns gofer
for $ ti.
'All of our flO Dress Patterns gofer
for $ G.
lie sure and be on hand early , as
as at these prices these beautiful
goods will go fust.
We haae oi-cr 1,000 of these Com- *
blnation Suits to select from ,
Wile Offered Tin's Week ,
Hundreds of new styles atldcd to
our slock every dug. A'o hoitao Iti
Hie west can show you such a com"
plctc assortment as we can , and
fully 3t per cent you will save bj/
buying Cloaks from us.
Each ami every department to
our house will have HiPJiUlAJZ
ItAHGAINS this wee ! , ; lie sure
and call at the GJIKAT MOXE3T
SAl'ING STOJIK , where you will
always gel good treatment and
best goods for the money.
314,316,318,811(1 (
, , ,
Council Bluffs , - -
Mull orders solicited ,
aent on application *