Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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Hominy , OctoH 31st.
An we hare been appointed by Foster ,
Pnnl & Co. the solo Omaha agents forthcir
first quality
we have decided to rlo o out some oilier
first-class gloves at less than cost , and
will make
We have disregarded the cost altogether
nnd marked them at not OUT
One-Third Real Value.
Kid Gloves , 48c ,
25 do/en kid glotes , Maria Theresa ,
Lonlw , Louis and other makes , it , 4 and
5 button real Kid UIovcs , light nnd dark
tun , black , optra and assorted colon * ,
Actual Value , $1 $ to $1,50 $ ,
Price Monday , 48c ,
fift do/en ( jcrinnnin , Fidello , Marcia ,
and oilier makes of 4 , 5 and ( > button real
Kid Gloves ; the cheapest K\O\C \ in this lot
sold for $1.75 and from that up to 2.25.
Monday all for t)8c. )
40 dozen of the tery best qualities of 4
nnd 0 button Kid ( < Io es , regularly sold
for $2 , $2.25 nnd $2.7u. Thin lot for
$ Monday.
Proceedings of the State Conven
tion at Lincoln.
About the 1'rlvnto and
Public Improvement in Progress
At the Capital City Tlio Stuto
House Brevities.
Yesterday was temperance duy for the
Congregational congregation in the morning
hours and the afternoon'was devoted to mis
cellaneous business with an address by Rev.
William Waters on the topic , "IsChristianity
Declining ! " In the evening the programme
was given over to foreign missions and ad
dresses wcroMuado by Rev. W. A. Farnsworth -
worth , D. D. , dud Mrs. C. H. Wheeler , both
of Turkey. The convention has been a grand
Buceesa and is pionounccd by many in at
tendance ns the best over held In the state.
Woman's work in missionary fields has been
largely illustrated Iu the present niectingtho
ladies taking mi especial active part in the
proceedings. The women's missionary work
| ms boon divided , ono organisation to work
exclusively in foreign missions and raising
funds for foielgn fields nnd the other or new
branch to tuka charge of homo mission work.
The foreign mission brunch elected the fol
lowing oOicurn for the year : Prcsidcnt.Mrs.
S. C- Dean ; vice-president , Mrs. A. P. Crop-
Boy ; corrcBiKmdiug secretory , Mrs. N. O.
Uosworth ; recording secretory. Mrs. E. L.
Chllds ; treasurer , Mrs. G. W. Hall ; local as
sociation vice presidents : Omaha association ,
Mrs. G. W. Walnwright , Mrs. W. H. Russol ;
Lincoln assooiul ionMrB.ThornjatoMi-3.Geo. (
Wing ; Blue Valley association , MI-H. H. G.
Smith , Mrs. S. G. Lamb ; Columbus associa
tion , Mis. 11. F. Titlany , Miss W. E. Wells ;
Republican Valley association , Mrs. C. H.
Dye , Mrs. G. E. Taylor ; Elkhorn Valley as
sociation , Mrs. E. M. Liliby ; Northwestern
association , Mrs. H.Hross.
The Home Mission branch for mission
work in Nebraska elected the following olll-
cors : President , Mrs. T. H. Leavitt ; vice
president , Mm. A. F. Sherrill ; corrcf. ) > endIng -
Ing secretary , Mrs. L. F. Berry ; recording
secretary , Mrs. J.V. . Boll ; treasurer , Mrs.
D. B. Perry. Vice presidents , Omaha asso
ciation : Mrs. H. C. Crane ; Lincoln associa
tion , Mrs. E. H. Baker ; Blue Valley - association
tion , Mrs. L. P. Rose ; Columbus association ,
Miss E. K. Henry ; Republican Valley associ
ation Mra. C. 8. Harrison ; Elkhoru Valley
association , Mrs. G. A. Gregory ; Northwest
ern association , Mrs. II. Bross ; German us-
BOfiatiou , Mrs. Halbersluben.
Ofllees Iu the convention coming vacant at
the present session were filled by the follow
ing elections iu thu report of the nominating
committee : Superintendent and tu-asurcs ,
Rev. J. L. Maile ; auditor , Prof. Fulrchild ;
trustees , Prof. D. 11. Perry , of Doauo college ,
Crete , uiid Rev. Willard Scott , of St. Mary's
Avcnuo ehureh. Omaha. Another interest-
feature brought out in Friday's meeting was
the counting of graduates In the convention
from Oberlln college. There were ninety-
lire of these graduates In attendance and
they formed an alumni organization with
Rov. George Hludley , of Weeping Water ,
To-day the visiting clergy will supply the
pulpits in the city according to the following
appointments which weru announced yester
day : First Congregational Rev. A. F.
Bharlll , of Omaha ; Second Congregational ,
afternoon , Rev. Sherlll und Rev. J. T.
NeuHo , of Omaha : First Baptist church ,
morning , Rev. William Walters , of Hastings ;
evening , Rov. A. W. Darloy ; Presbyterian ,
morning , Rev. Willard Scott , Omaha ; even ,
ing , Rev. J. J. Barker , Norfolk ; St. Paul M.
E. church , evening , Rov. John Askius ,
Kearney ; Trinity M. E. church , evening ,
Rov. R. L. Lindley , York : Grace M.E.
church , evening , Rev. E. H. ' Baker , Syra
cuse : Christian , morning , Rcv > J. W. Hod
den , Wllcox , ' evening , Rev. Thomas Kent ,
The now Burr block has reached the sixth
Special Sale !
54-Inch Grey Mixed -
Monday morning wo will offer 1000
yards of doubles tilth 54-incli grey mixfd
Suiting Flannels , such as arc advertised
as bargains by other stores at 45c. Our
price ,
20 Cents a Yard.
Scotch Tweed Suitings ,
100 pieces 40 to SO inch wide Scotcli
Tnced Suiting , a quality that lias sold
elsewhere in Omaha all this season for 7oo
and $1 a yard. On Monday our price
49 Cents.
Our customers Mill imurinhly find
goods Unit arc advertised ns bargains
elsewhere on the same day of sales from
25 to ! ( ! ! per cent less at our store.
$40 and $50
The richest I'arls novelties NO have In
Mock next i > cck reduced to
$25 and $35
Rich plush , tehct nnd plaid combina
tion suits Mill be sold on Monday nt
$15.00 Each.
story and the building will in a few days bo
under roof. This elegant structure built of
granite , is ono of the handsomest in the entire -
tire west and a great credit to the capital
city. The demand for ofllce rooms in the
block is great and proves that noUiing'is too
good for Lincoln.
The substantial and massive four-story
brick block built the present year by tlio H.
T. Clarke Drug company is nearly ready for
occupancy and to the wholesale part of the
city it is ono of the finest improvements of
the year. Mr. Clarke was down from Omaha
inspecting the new building yesterday.
A largo fort-oof men have commenced work
excavating for the now brick block to be
erected by General McBride on the corner of
P and Twelfth streets. The general will
have the foundation work for this block com
plete this full , nnd the building finished in the
early spring of 18S8.
The magnificent weather that prevails over
this suction of the state these days is a boon
for tbo paving contractors , und work ib being
pushed rapidly forward. The Rapid Transit
street railway Is laylngjiow track arouudthe
Northwestern depot , and the paving contrac
tors will speedily lay the blocks. Seventh
street , adjoining the B. & M. depot , has been
paved and completed.
The storm water sewer on N street has
been uncovered uiid will be extended across
Eighth street , west. A new stone arch will
bo built over it and the city is asking for bids
for its construction.
Tim two new brick blocks In course of con-
Rtniction by Frank Sheldon aio handsome
additions to the business part , of tbo city in
general nnd to Eleventh street in particular.
The ono on North Eleventh will bo largely
occupied as an annex to the Windsor hotel.
The plans for the new Lancaster county
court house have been opened und are dis
played at the rooms of the count } * commis
sioners. Lincoln people , who enjoy signs of
prosperity , should visit the oWco ana view
the plans.
The only political episode of note In the
past week is the withdrawal from the demo
cratic ticket of Mr. Xerneeko , tlio candidate
for register of deeds , The apathy of the
campaign discouraged him.
coi.uxrn.No FIXES.
The poliro Judge was kept busy yesterday
assessing nnd collecting lines from the in
mates of houses of ill fame who wcro raided
the night before by the police. Ono of the
first promises of the mayor was that these
places should be wiped out and a reform in
tliat line bo Inaugurated , but Uio regular plan
of monthly fines seems to continue.
bTAIl ! llOUSi : ITK K.
The Great Western Tyi > o foundry , of
Olnahti , filed its articles of Incorporation
with tho'secrctary of state , cdpital stock
W.OiXl. Following nro the incorporatoas :
W. H. French , Charles Murray , A. E. Barn-
hart , Warren B. Burnhart and Arthur M.
Miss Ella Vnile , of Beatrice , has been ap
pointed clerk und uscnographer for the live
stock sanitary commission and Uio stuto vet
Captain and Mrs. J. E. Hill , of the govcr-
nnr'i * oflice , and Mrs. Thaycr were guc ls
yesteiday of Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien at the
state Hsu. hutchory at South Bend.
Pacts About TiioBO Who Hare De
parted This lii re.
Died Saturday , October 29 , Ira Kimball ,
nged thiity-two years and nine months. Ho
was born nt Peaclmm , Vt. , and was engaged
in luo business of railroad contracting. Mrs.
lUttln Kimball , wife of the dece od , has
been hctul saleslady ut Alma E. Keith's for a
number of years. Tlio funeral will beheld
Monday at 1 o'clock ji. m. , from the Keith
residence , 21U North Twenty-second fctreet.
Friends of the family nro iuvitcd.
Shot well's Cu c Continued.
The case of Jimmy Suntwcll , who Is
charged with forging a dict'k for f 100 on
William .McHugk , was brought up in police
court yesterday and n ooutinuauoc was given
until Monday. _
Ate Cotton 'Without a License.
O : MtmdoUolui , the cotton eater and pat
ent medicine fakir , vns Jailed ymtcrday for
l > eddln& | without a license. For the over
night ho paid it fine of $5 and costs.
Wo have received of Morley , of Lon
don , anew lot of the Fln * t Hnullab ,
Bibbed Cashmere Hose
Blzen O to 8 1-2 , finest quality made ,
all black , prices
6 in. Ok in. 7 in. 7 } in. S In. 8in. \ .
yiic"7fc c Icicle
Mail Orders Filled ,
Wo have received another lot of
these strong , seamless hoic , in .black
and trcy , juxt tlio thtnu for boy * ; sizes
7 to O Indies ; all BlzcH , worth OOc. for
Ladies' Black Silk
Mnnrtny morning wo olT r BO dnznn
Knsllsh Indestructible , black flno
silk fleecml cotton hose , worth 75o a
pair , lor 5Oc.
Ladies' Finest
Cashmere Hose
We have received from Morlejr of
London , do dozen rant blade , double
lied nnd toe , finest cnslinioro hose'
all black , nnd open them Monday ,
pr.lco $1 25 n pair.
Items of Interest to the Members
of the Secret Organizations.
The K. of II. The A. O. tT. "WV
Doings of the Knights of
Honor General Bub-
Itosa Gossip.
ONB OF the youngest nud most prosperous
Knights of Pythias lodges In Nebraska is En
terprise , No. 79 , of South Omaha. In May
1887 this ledge was organized with twenty-
eight charter members. To-day it has a mem
bership of sixty , und is in a decidedly pros
perous condition. Arrangements tire being
made for a uuw and commodious hall to bo
built by the lodge ,
UNIFOHM RANKS with secret organizations
are becoming popular. There have been com-
mandcries of the uniform rank Knights of
Honor organized in Boston , Now York , Pitts-
lleld , Mass. , Louisville , Ky. , and Dayton , O.
Ax UNTLEASANT task has been set down for
the United States marshal , at St. Louis , Miss
Phoebe W. Couzzius , the daughter and suc
cessor in ofllco of the late marshal , J. E. D.
Couzins. While Marshal Couzins was con-
lined to his bed , unable to attend to business ,
his able and loving daughter , Miss Phuebo ,
attended to it for him. The late marshal was
n niember of Missouri ledge , No. 11 , of the
Independent Order of Odd-Fellows and also
of the Odd-Fellows' Mutual Aid association.
The last named body is comixiscd solely of
members of the I. O. O. F. , but is a separate
incorporated body. The bcncilt derived from
membership is $1,000 , to bo paid the family
ut the death of a member. During Marshal
Couzin's illness a member from each body
called regularly each week , jiaid the weekly
benefits and made their rejwrts. It
was on one of these visits that the visitor In
formed Miss Phoebe Couzins of dues accruing
in both societies. She instructed him to re
tain an amount suflleicnt to pay both dues ,
which ho did. The young man departed and
the matter passed out of Miss Couzius' mind ,
until after the death of her father , when shu
received notice that ho had been suspended
from the Mutual Aid association for nonpayment
ment of dues. Inquiry brought out the fact
that the young mun did not fulfill his promise
of paying the dues und the Mutial Aid asso-
i-iationnow holdstothOBUsncusion. Thoques
tion of payment is now in debate and there is
Rome possibility of its being paid without re
course to measures which Miss Couzins says
BUO would dislike very much to take against
the association. J , E. U. Couzins was a char
ter member of the Missonrl ledge I. O. O. F. ,
organized la St. Louis in 1345. Ho was alsc
one of the organizers of the Mutual Aid asso
ciation , and never , as long as ho was a mem
ber , did he fall behind hi his dues.
THE LOCAL ledge oftnn Brotherhood of Loco
motive Firemen is making extensive arrange
ments for their annual ball , which will take
plara November 17 , at the Exposition hall
Thn affair will bo i& pleasant ono aud all who
attend with the expectation of a happy time
will not be disappointed.
* *
RUTHVKX iuvisioNMcCook , U.R. K. of P.
is making extensive arrangements for their
first annual ball and banquet , which occurs
on Thanksgiving evo. Everything will bo
condurted in an elegant manner , nnd the
boys promisu that their initial ball shall bo
one of which they can bo proud. The
division Is not putting in much tliuo drilling
theq cool evenings , but will wait until the
t-pring time , und then get in shape to tuko
their | > lace iu Uio tlrst rogimcut aud uccom
puny it to Cincinnati next Juno.
Ox THK Twenty-first "day of October , 15S2
the prophet Mohammed , after thirteen year :
of prpaeliing his then 'iiew religion , fled to
the city ot Ynthred , which , after Mo-
haimnej's victorious war against Uio KoaeisU
was iiumtHl Mudlnut en Nabl , the City of the
Propluit , or , us it is known in history. Marl
uat. Tlio celebration of the uvcht in duly ob
Scarlet Vests
Next tvcckWB will sell 3d ( tozon liii-
lies' Scarlet Vast * , pnro wool , llk
embroidered nnd allk trlmm-xl , Hnuh
n Trut n rctnlls olnowliore for $1.25 ,
our price la exactly wholoaalo price ,
8l o. .
Scarlet Vests
W will offer 30 dozen tincllns' Fine
Scarlet Vests , a quality that haa boon
flMllnjc at$2 each : tlicao on Monday
morning for $ i.ftO.
Wool Vests ,
Only 1C rtoxnn Ladles' flno Saxony
wool hand-knitted soft Saxony Vests
that were made to retail for $
each. On account of late arrival we
offer tlicin for the manufacturer's ac
count at $1.GO each.
Chamois Sldns ,
1OOO beat quality good size Chamois
Sklnp , Just the thing for chest protec
tors , will bo nold Monday morning
for 2Bc ; usual price 5Oc.
1OOO dozen Bostlnc Cotton , lOo
Pear's Glycerine Soap , 12 1-SIc.
Next week will continue the grand Carpet
Snle In our spacious Carpet Department on the
third floor. Our Htock is now complete nnd Is
the largest over/Hhojvn / In tlio rlty , comprising
nil wades of Wlllous , Jloquettcs , Wlltou Vel
vets , llody BrusiclH , Tapestry. Kidderminsters ,
Linoleums , OH Cloths mid JIats und Hugs , both
foreign and domestic.
Wo call special attention to the fnrt that our
Carpet Stock Is entirely nv. . being this season's
Roods. In all thu'lwSest designs und colorings ,
many patterns being exclusively coullncd to us
for Omaha. ( .
Kvery description of carpet work done In the
best manner , aud warranted to give witinfuctlou
11 will pay tfvery ons , wuutlng Carpets to exam
ine our stock during this sale und compare
prices. Take elevator.
nerved by all of the Moslem faith , and the
custom is a part of the observances of the
order of the Mystic Shrine. In honor of this
event the notable of Abdullah Temple of that
order in Leavenworth , Kan. . Rave a grand
feast in that city on October 21 , 1887. The
event was celebrated with great eclat and
about one hundred distinguished members of
the order were present from abroad. Pre
vious to this there was the formal
reception of Grand Potentate E.
Gulp , of Isis Temple , of Salina ,
nnd other nobles of that oasis ,
together with Nobles of the oasis of Chicago ,
Denver , St. Louis , Hastings , Neb. , Lincoln ,
Neb. , nnd Cincinnati. Imperial Chief Rab-
ban James H. Thompson of the oasis of Chi
cago. held the direction of the ceremonies of
the day and evening. At the feast was
brought to light for the first time the magni
ficent rob'es worn by the Nobes of the oasis
of Leavcnworth. The robes vie in point of
elegance and dazzling splendor with any of
the princely apparel of the Orient.
The feast began according to the pro
gramme at 2 o'clock , which means eight
hours after high noon. There was a recep
tion of the visiting Arabs in the temple in the
earlier portion of the evening. The parlors
were handsomely decorated und covers were
laid for 100 guests.
* *
TUB PAST ten days have 1)cen Important
ones in the circles of San Francisco secret
organizations. Among the events transpir
ing there were : The thirty-eight annual ses
sion of the grand lodge A. P. & A. M. ; tbo
reception by the lodges of Southern Cali
fornia of the A. O. U. W. to S. P.V. . , Jordan
and G. M. , Loud ; the grand chapter of the
Eastern Star and the thirty-third annual ses
sion of the encampment of California Odd
* *
THE onAxn COMMAKUIIT , of Ohio , met at
Columbus , October 11.
THE oiiAxn LOPOK , A. F. & A. M. , of West
Virginia , will hold its annual communication
nt Charleston , on Tuesday , November 8 ,
The grand chapter of the order Eastern
Star , in California , commenced its annual
session Monday afternoon , 150 representa
tives being present from soventy-Uvo chap-
tors. The order lost four chapters during the
year and gained one.
* *
Tan THiitTY-TJiiiin annual session of the
General Encampment California Odd Fel
lows was held at San Francisco last week.
There were about one hundred and twenty-
ilvo representatives present from sov-
enty-flvo encampments , the present member
ship In the state being about four thousand ,
live hundred.
A GIUND lodge of ttio International Order
of Odd Fellows for the state of Wisconsin
has been organized nt Milwaukee. This ia a
secession from the regular order , caused by
the Patriarchal trouble.
THE coLOHED ) Odd .Fef lows of the United
States number 52,81 1 , and have money and
property valued at about $ .100,000. They got
their charters from the Manchester Unity
Odd Fellows of England.
THE GIIAJJD LODOK. Knigtits of Pythias ,
of Oregon , at , Pcndletou , last Wednesday
elected Uio following ofMcers : Cieorgo W.
Jett , of Baker City , grand chancellor ! Wil
son T. Hume , of Albiim , grand vice-chancel
lor ; Ward S. Stevens , ot Portland , grand
keeper of records und seal ; D. E. Buchanan ,
of Portland , supreme representative ; E' W.
Fan-on , of Pendleton , grand prelate ; John
Holmes , of Portland , grand master of ex
chequer ; Thomas Hirst , of Marshfleld , grand
niastcr-at-arms ; Robert Jolmsonof Corvallis ,
grand inner iuard ; Charles Followd , of Port
land , grand outer guard ; Jay Tuttle , grand
Justice. The city of Portland was decided
upon as the phieo for the meeting ; of the
grand lodge in Ib3 $ .
prospering. There are 41 lodgus in the
order , with u membership of ,24,4'JO. During
last year KH9ii.41 : was paid out for benollte.
The total assets of the lodges amount to
4fi (
The appeal in the cuso of Oakland ledge
vs. ' Leon Hcrschberg has been decided by
the constitutional grand lodge committee h
favor of the lodge , thereby reversing ho do-
$50 to $100 ,
Next week we will display an entire new
Inc of Imported plush wraps
The latest Rerlln novelties confined to
is exclusively in Omaha. You arc in *
tltcd to Inspect them.
Cape Newmarket
This garment Is the most stylish of the
Reason. It has both hood and cape , Is
made of bc l quality stripe Kersey. Trice ,
The styles in our Cloak Department nro
conceded the finest in Omaha.
Astrachan Wrap
Satin lined , extra quality imported As-
traelmn , $20.
cision of the court of appeals of California.
O. U. W. ) , ofllcialorcport has hecn received :
Members September 1 , 1887 , 100.100 ; gain
for tlio month , 1,770 ; Now York reports
25,838 , gain 3SO ; Illinois 19.i85 ; , gain
128 ; Missouri 10,297 , gain 132 ; California
17,077 , gain 187 ; payment to heirs in
August , $247,087.00 ; disbursed in California
in said month , $20.000. This is the order that
H pamphlet says is on the downward grade
nnd steadily decreasing. The above figures
show how much reliance arc to bo placed on
such statements.
Sin KNianx FIIANK LINDOX , of the "Monto
Christo1' fame , who gave us so able n presen
tation of Damon in the great emhlamatio
play of "Damon and Pythias , " is n Knight of
high standing , being a P. D. D. S. C. and S.
R. Mr. Harry Barlow , manager of the
Monte Christo company , Is a bright nnd en
thusiastic Knight , as also is Mr. Fredrick
Sawyer. The play of "Damon and Pythias , "
in the hands of three such knights , cannot
fall to meet with suceess. Mr. Linden is surrounded -
rounded by a comn.any of ladies and gentle
men as well as artists. In Omaha Mr. Linden
don will always find hosts of friends in and
out of the knighthood. On the occasion of
his recent presentation of the play of ' 'Damon
nnd Pythias , " through the courtesy of
Colonel Thomas Burrcll , acting brigade com-
inntidcr , the Omaha Division No. 12 , U. R.
Knights of Pythias , under the command of
Sir Knight Captain John Hnywood , gave a
magnificent exhibition drill on the stage of
the Grand opera house , incidental to the play.
Mr. Linden and his company have left a good
impression in Omaha and their many friends
nnd brothers wish them the success they
merit everywhere they visit.
Tnn OMAJU CHESS ci.un , n social organiza
tion , has been formed , und the following
oBlcorswero elected last Wednesday even
ing : George E. Baker , president ; Julius
Meyer , vice president ; W. A. Gardner , secre
tary : IJr. Ulrich , treasurer. The associa
tion has already n membership of forty , nnd
has placed the limit at lifty. They will
probably obtain a sulto of rooms in Ramgo's
now building.
I. B. Heller , a well-known mllllonaro of
Cleveland , O. , was In town during the early
part of the week.
Among the new accessions to the Musical
Union orchestra are Huiro Ellers , flute
soloist ; Otto Fritz , cornetist ; Gustuv Keil ,
cello. Those urtists are all si > okun of very
highly and will bo u valuable aid to the
A private party will bo given next Tuesday
evening nt the residence of Mrs. Hoagland.
Among the amusements for coming social
events are the following : Hypornian club ,
Metz1 hall , November 8 ; Parnell Social club ,
Cunningham hall , November 0 ; Horse-
shoers' union ball , Cunningham hall , No
vember 11 ; Switchmen's Mutual Aid associa
tion , exposition hall , November 11 ; Homo
Circle club , Masonic hall , November 11 ;
Carpenter's union dance , exposition hall.
November 15 ; Union Pacific assembly , K. of
L. , ball , exposition hall , November 9.
A special meeting of the Metropolitan club
will bo held at Metropolitan hull this after
The first regular meeting of the Omaha
Chess club will bo held next Wednesday
An Inter-Hlntfi hongnc.
CHICAGO , Oct. 29. The Central Intcr-stato
league , which organized yesterday , adopted
the National league constitution with u few
changes , and the Spaulding league ball was
adopted ns the standard. The championship
season will begin May 1 nnd end October 1.
The meeting adjourned to meet ut Bloomington -
ton , subject to the call of the president.
The Red Klvor Iloud.
MlNNEAi'OLis. Oct. 29. Contracts for the
completion of the Red River Valley railroad
have been signed and the road will bo finished
at oneu if Winnipeg furnishes the $300,000 ,
Hunk Btntcinent.
NE\V YOHK , Oct. 29. The weekly bank
statement shows the reserve increased tV
099XX ( ) . The banks now hold $11,902,000 in excess -
cess of the legal requirement.
' niwliopVeiiKcr DungorHUHly III. .
Four WAYXE , fnd. , Oct. , 29. Thn' Right
Rev. HlhUoii D. Weugcr , of this Cuthollc
diocese , is alarmingly ill. , . ' .
Monday wo offer 12 pairs nit elienlllo
Portiere Door Curtains. In tills lot of
curtains nro sonic of our choicest patterns ,
tills season's Importations nnd wilt bo
closed at $15.
Scotch Shelia Curtains ,
This lot consists of some of the finest
Scotch Sheila Turcoman Curtains , both
plain mid figured centres. For Monday's
sale wo will close them at $25 ; worth $35
to $50. *
20 pairs Snlss Tamboured Laeo Cur-
lains. This lot are exceptionally flue
patterns , and would be clieap at $15 a
[ > alr. Our price $9.
$15 Pair.
Swiss Tamboured , real Cluuy and Irish
Point Parlor Curtains , specially fine pat
terns , worth $25 to $ ii5. Monday Tor
$10 a Pair.
We have n number of sets of Florentine
Bilk Curtains consisting of 2 and 3 pair
lots ; colors to match all this season's
carpet shades , for Monday at $10 a pair.
Out Off Inlnnil to Uocoinc a Great
Working Center.
A person driving- over the i&lrtml ca&t
of Cut Off lake , nnd Ihoothor land lying
immediately to the east , would be sur
prised at the wonderful change that is
being wrought l > y n , regiment of
men with teams and graders.
Instead of the supposed marshy
island , there is a strip of dry , elevated
land , with eleven miles of turnpike well
graded , and seven or eight more miles
of it yet in construction. The work has
boon going on so quietly that the now
assured utilization of the island will bo
a surprise to the great mass of the
Some 1,200 acres of this country hnvo
boon purchased by a syndicate known
us the East Omaha , Land Company ,
composed of leading railroad men
nnd real estate dealers in Omaha.
It is their intention to increase their
possessions by the addition of 800 acres
lying near it , and this great tract of
2,000 acres is to bo the future great
manufacturing quarter of Omaha.
The land is high and dry , and the
greater portion of it has never boon
submerged. In location it is admirably
situated for the purpose for which it is
intended to utilize it. Its nearest point
is only a milo from the Omaha post-
Several ; manufacturing companies
have already made arrangements
to build factories on this tract ,
and the already assured works
will employ over 1,500 men. Among
these is iv box factory that will
employ nearly 400 men , steve works
that will employ 150 , besides glass
works und other manufactories , each of
whichwill give employment to a largo
force of workmen.
It is the intention of this
land company to spend $20-
000 this fall in improvements
OH the island. A thousand foot bridge
with a thousand foot approach on cither
Bide is being put over ( Jut Oil lake to the
island on a line with Locust street , but
us this structure will not bo done soon
Sacques ,
Sacques ,
We hare a magnificent slock of Cloaks ,
probably the finest in the u hole west , and
tills Is especially true of Flush Cloaks.
No one in Omaha can afford to purchase
unless they examine them.
Ages 12 to 10 years , made of flue Ger
man twilled Heavers at $12 , and u choice
of several desirable stjles , worth $15 , at
$7.i)3 ) Monday.
enough to use in the intended improve
ments this full , the approach from
Grace street is being grudud and put in
bhnno to get on and olt the island , which
at this approach is only a few feet from
the mainland.
The B. &M. nnd Union Pnoi'fio rail
way companies will build , a track ex
tending the whole length of the island
on its south side , nnd will extend traekn
to any portion of the tract wished by the
manufacturers who are to locate there.
Work on the main track is to bo com-
inonccd immediately und is to bo fin
ished in thirty days.
The so-cullod island is about two
miles long and two wide , but it re no
longer an island us it is joined on the
southeast with the mainland. It Is the
intention of the syndicate to put good
turnpikes around every forty acres , and
lot the parties to whom the land is sold
plat it and make whatever other divia
ions they wish.
Some of the factory sites have already
boon selected , and oven spots for future
homos have boon picked Out.
The superintendent of the work of
improving this tract is in the hands of
Potter & C'obb , the enterprising real es
tate firm located in the board of trade
building on the corner of Farnuin and
Sixteenth street.
The opening of this island for manu
facturing purposes will bo hailed with
delight by all far-sighted citizens of
Omaha , as this assures the permanent
prosperity and future greatness ol
Omaha beyond any reasonable doubt.
Tlio Carriage Mystery.
PiTTsnuuo , Oct. 20. A clue has been ob
tained that may leads to solving the Chicago
freight car mystery. Relatives of Frank
Hani , not Haran ns stated last night , are In
the city investigating the caso. Frank Car
ter , brother-in-law of Harn , In an Interview
this morning , sold : "I have traced Frank to
Plttsburg and everything goes to show ho
was murdered and the body stealthily placed
in the carriage on the cars. Ho left my homo
Sunday afternoon to BOO friends. That was
the last wo over saw of him. Ho bore an ex
cellent reputation nnd lived quietly at my
homo. I can give no theory as to why he
Hhould bo murdered. Ho had no quarrel
with any one aud no suspicion is attached to
any of his acquaintances ut Rochester. "
H. M. & S. W. JONES ,
( Successors to A. T. KENYON & CO. )
Booksellers and Stationers ,
1522 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb ,
Diaries for 1888.
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