Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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B . -
TEHMS OK Bunecittrnow.
_ , . .tly ( Morning r.dltton ) Including Sunday
* - r JJRB , Ono Year . . . . . . . . 110 ( t
forWx Months . . . . r
x ypr Three Monthi 2 U
{ The Omaha Hnnday If KB , mailed to any ad-
/ drew. One Year 2 W
NKW YORK Urricr , KoowY ( > , TIIIIHINB lltui.i >
IRO. WAmtiNOTON Orricr. , No. & 13 FOUII
All communlcatlonii relatlnr to news ani
Mltorlal matter should 1)0 addrcsfcd to th <
tCbiTOitor TIIK Urn.
AH buftlnrfts Inttcrx and remittances should IK
Addressed to TIIK HKK Puni.tKiitnn COMPANY
OHAIIA. Iratt , checkii and ixistolHce ordere U
1)0 made pa ) alilo to the order of the company.
Tbe Bee PnblisMiig Oompany , Proprietors ,
Sworn Statement of Circulation.
BUteot Nebraska , I. " ,
County of Douglas. ( "
( Ico. II. Tr.sclinek , necretixry of Th * HOP Put :
Hulling company , does rtilomnly imeur that 111
nctnal circulation of the Dullr flee for thuUT
rmllnc Ott.I , IM87 , naf an follows :
PaturiTtiy , Oct. IS 14.4(1 (
Bumlay , Oct. lit 14'JI
Monday. O < t. IT 14.7J
Tue dnv. Oct. IS 14.1(1 (
Wednesday. Oct. t 14,0 < i
Thtimlny. Oct. a ) 14J1
11rnlay.0ct.21 .14lii
Average 1I.2&
Bvorntonnd subscribed In my presence thi
Sftiil uay of October , A. 1) . 1HJ7.N.
N. P. KKTIj ,
( SEAT , . ) Notary Public
Btateof Nebraska , ( _ .
" ' *
County of Douglas. (
Oeo. 11. Tstsrhmk , bdnp first duly Bwnrn , d <
yonex nnd HayH that he is wcretarr of/rhe He
Fntillshlnt ; company , that ( hit actnulVuvuraK
nallv circulation of the Dally Hue for the mont
of October. JN-ll , KMPJ cojilps ; for Noveinbn
IWfl , J.1n48 toplcn ; for Deci-niiii-r. IWtl , M.SI
copies ; for .limitary. 1W. WAHI copies : for Pel
for September. 1N17 , 14.M'.lronlus. :
Suorn to anil subscribed In my puwme till
( Mb day of OjLtobor , A. U. 1W. N. P. FIJI I. .
( SKAL. ) Notary Public.
JOSEPH CilAMttHULAiX , the Englial
commissioner of the llnhorios coin
tnission , has stnrtcel for this cemn
try nccoin } > ! inied by two detective *
Perhaps "Slippery .Too" is ufmid of los
1 himself in this gront country.
SAX FliANUlSL'O wants the nntionn
.republican convention. There ia no
the Iciist probability of that body goinj
jfarthor west than Omaha , and thowi&cH
thing the GeiUlon City can do istotluw
Jts inlluonro for the Gate City.
TIIK only chance to HOC Mandor.soi
.nd Thurston on the same stump forth
pext twelve months is presented eluriiij
the present wool ; . This is positivol ,
the lust joint engagement until aftc
the senatorial harvest feast of 1888.
1 AFTIU : a half-century of litigation th
famous Gaines ctiso ut Now Orleans i
tvbout to como to a Until decision i
( United States supreme court. Th
Hvholo sum involved , with intorosi
phoulel the decision l > o aelverse to th
city , amounts to $2,500,000.
TIIK Washington weather prophc
jprho predicted earthquake disturbance
between the 15th andiioth of this mont ]
hus-hulTorod much contumely by reaso
DfHho failure of his prophecy. A shoe
Bt Quebec yesterday , however , suj
Rests that ho may iiavo been merely
little out in his calculation as to timo.
I TltK last number of the Jntcrnationi
ptcronl of charities and correction has
full account of the recent confercnc
fcold in this city. The editor speali
l voll of the work done by the delegate
pn Omaha and in Lincoln , but cannc
comprehend why the state should exne
m subsidy of 610 acres from the citlxcr
| tf Grand Island as a condition for local
ing the soldiers' homo.
TltK building of residences in thi
ilty which command a , high routi
looms to have rather more than me
the demand for this class of houses , an
' rent" signs are more uumoroi
llian they were a few months ago i
eligible parts of the city. There is sti
p demand , however , for residences tin
Command a moderate rental , within tli
nonns of clerks and workingmen.
SHOULD the coming winter in Dakot
( rove very severe , as it is now feared i
rill , there will bo great suffering eve
I largo portion of that territory. I
many localities anthracite coal will L
125 u ton , ut which price few furmoi
Ban afford to hum it. Wood being i
front a luxury as coal , the outlook is i
my event most gloomy for hundreds i
armors , and the presage of a hard wh
lor must ho regarded by most of thoi
irith a feeling closely allied to terre :
A. grout many , during the recent col
P'onnp , " were compelled to depend o
fctraw and buffalo chips to keep then
families from freezing.
Wi : are threatened with an outhrea
'tot ' the "Literary center" in this countr
Boston enjoyed the distinction of heir
ho only genuine one for many year
fcnd any literary coterie that could u
fellow the trade mark of the "Huh" w
treated with all the contempt heistowi
> n a spurious article. In recent time
however , Now York has begun to co
peat this claim with some show of su
fccsB , and now Washington presents i
Erray of writers whom the national en
| tnl regards as u very promising n
iblpus for a very interesting "center
tthoy nro Bancroft , Mrs. Burnett ,
BUIorion Crawford , Prank R. Stockto
ppolTord , John Hay. Next.
THE American newsmongers huvii
bffcrcd their differing uxplanatioiib
Hvhy Mrs. Garlleld and lu-r dtiught
* vent to Europe , the subject , is now
the hands of the foiuign corroitonden
fcno ) of them found thn ladies and tin
Companions nt n health ic.ort in En
land , and among ether things cables t
Information that there is nothing of
Inatrimonlul nature in their vis
tThoro has heon a great deal eaid i
Killing the wholly private concerns
o Garfiolds , since they left their hoi
| n Mentor to go abroad , that must hu
been exceedingly nnnoying to the
fclrs. Garfield docs not court and de
I pot desire notoriety , and Mis Mollie
IVmodest und unassuming young In
* rho undoubtedly is in full tiympnt
Irith her mother. . They should bo p
Bitted to go their way in peace.
Prohibition Ilcfbrc the Supreme Court.
A great deal of Interest is felt regard
ing the fate of the prohibition caecs before
fore the supreme court of the United
States , which involve the question of
the constitutionality of prohibitory laws
and also the question of the right of the
manufacturers of liquor to compensation
for their property rendered valueless
jy such laws. Lust week the court re-
! uscd to advance the cases on the docket
'or immediate hearing and decided to
withhold , the decision of the case al
ready argued until all hvo boon pro-
BO n ted , action which each party to the
issues construed ns favorable to its side ,
towa and Kansas are immediately in
terested in the decision of those cases ,
but it will of course concern every state
which hns a prohibitory law , and have
a most important , bearing upon the
question of prohibitory legislation gen
As far hn the question of constitution
ality is concerned , it is not expected
that the buprcmo court will decide
against this legislation , though it must
bo conceded that there are very cogent
reasons why it might do BO. There haj
generally been , however , a disposition
to Construe libemlly the police powers
of a state and its right to enact laws in
tended to protect the health of its citi-
/ens , among which prohibitory laws
have been included. It is more than
probable that the supreme court will not
interfere with this well-established
recognition of the police functions of the
stato. But the question of compensation
is a now one. In a decision rendered
about a year ago by Judge Brewer , of the
United States courttho constitutionalitj
of the prohibitory law was afflmcdbuti !
was held that before the law could g <
into effect it was the duty of the state tc
compensate the manufacturers of intoxi
cants for property which would be
rendered worthless by the law. This ii
obviously a most important matter , ii
fact only less important , as affecting the
whole policy of prohibitory legislation
than the question of constitutionality.
This decision was widely rommentec
on at the time and very generally ap
proved as just. A concession of thcpowei
to prohibit docs not necessarily carr ;
with it the right to confibcato privati
property without compensation , am
it is not difficult to sco where the admis
sion of such a principle migh
lead to. The manufacture of liquor ;
having been carried on in a state as i
legitimate business , paying its share o
the revenues of the state , and rccoivinf
the recognition and sanction which an
implied in state regulation and super
vision , it seems clearly unjust that those
engaged in the business should on the
demand of a majority vole be oompellee
to discontinue their bu&incsi , with the
consequent sacrifice of the capital the ;
have invested in plant and machinery
without any redress in compensator ;
damages. The wrong involved in sucl
n principle booms f > o plain that it is al
most impossible to doubt that the su
prcmc court Avill sustain the decisioi
of the circuit judge. In that case
prohibitory , legislation will become
a much more berious busincs
than it has been , and will doubtlcsi
give way in most of those states whicl
have it to the license and local optioi
policy. It would bo extremely dilllcul
to enact a prohibition law anywhere i
it should become nccchsary to accom
( pany it by an approprintion'bill.
The Evangelical Alliance.
There is to bo held in Wasbingtoi
next December u. convention of rcpre
bentativcs of the Protestant churches o
the United States , the object of whicl
Is to advance the policy of alliance
for the purpose of more systematic ane
thorough church work among the pco
pie , which really had its beginning a
a general movement in the spring o
last year. There has existed an evan
gelical alliance for forty years , but it
work hns been mainly contlncd to Nov
England. The effort now making is t
give it national scope. All churcl
people assuredly , and everybody who i
favorable to the growth of moralit ;
among the people , will feel an intercs
in this movement , which contemplate
a general , united and systematic plai
among the Protestant churcheu-
drawing the masses into closer relation
with the religious bodies , while at th
same time aiding to promote the in :
provcmcntof social conditions.
How necessary this missionary work i
will bo fcccn in the statement of the secretary
rotary to the National Evangelical Alii
unco that of the sixty million people 5
the United States thirty million neve
enter a church. One-half the people e
this chrlclian land are wholly indillci
out to any form of religious teaching
and a very considerable proportion <
this number knows absolutely nothin
about it. Clearly hero at homo is a fiol
and a demand for Christian clTort nuic
more inviting nnd more vitally ncce :
sary than are presented in lands thou
ands of miles away. What is the oxph
nation of this htato of affairs ? The see
rotary of the alliance gives it in thes
words : ' 'This calamity is due to th
negligence and inctllTcrenco of tli
church leaders in general. ' .
was the separation of tli
churches which led to the it
difference now existing. Protestantisi
to-day js disorganized , divided into jai
ring and contending sects und dcnom
nations , jealous and fearful of cachothc
because there is no mutual undorbtani
ing. " So bovero and candid anarraigi
mont , authoritatively made , ought 1
rcceis-o the earnest attention of churcl
men. It ought to suggest to every dc
nomination to ask ittclf whether tli
allegation docs not justly apply to i
own derelictions and shortcomings. ' .
ought to induce every minister to can
fully review his work and examine tl :
policy of his church management , i
ordur Ui satisfy himbolf whether the n
suits of the work have boon nil tin
could reasonably bo expected nnd tl
policy is such as will attract and into
cst the people. The church needs
have itsfaults pointoel out , ai
such candid setting forth of i
defects as that above quoted wide
do it no harm , but should rathe
be productiva of much good. Evci
church has a small minority who HI
ever on the alert for these who are i
want of their good ofllces , but there is
large holf-satisfled majority who will t
yory little , and in very many cases tli
minister gives more of his aittontioi
nnd perhaps his sympathy also , to the
ntter than to the former cldM. Ono of
ho. alms of the Evangelical Alliance is ,
o correct this by Infusing zcnl Into
ionic missionary work that would ut-
rnct nnd receive the Interest of nil In
he churches.
The nllhmco Is n progre slvo move
ment. The eminent christlnn teachers
vho hiwo Issued the call for the Wash-
ngton convention recognize that there
nro new conditions Incident to our mar
velous material growth and the changes
n our population nnd In the habits nnd
iOmpcr of the people which require
some changes In the methods of chrls-
inn work. Among these thoyovidenlty
regnrd co-operntlon as ( of the first 1m-
) ortunco.
There nre gHnfpscs of this word of
ate dodging nmong our exchanges. It
noans universal language. Volnpuk
was gotten up with malice aforethought
> y a German professor named John
Martin Schleycr , who knows llfty-flvo
anguagcs. The new tongue is an cx-
.ract . of all Uicso , and must bo taken in
very small doses at first. No system
would bo strong enough to absorb much
of It at a time. It will bo observed , on
lose inspection , that Volnpuk is
, hus n very appropriate namo. Most
anyono'on the spur of the moment would
associate it with indisposition of the
stomach. To follow this line of thought
a little further wo will give a sentence :
'Menado' bnl Pukl bal. " This does not
mean that man suffers a distressing head
ache after nn ice-cream festival , but
somolhingquitodifferent , namely : "Ono
angungo for one mankind. "
Of the hundreds of languages in exist
ence Volapuk is the only ono that has
jeen deliberately willed into existence.
The rest have grown up n good deal like
Topsy. Volapuk has already gained a
number of enthusiastic students who
predict for it a great futuro. Professor
Schloyor brought forth , Volapuk
in 1877. nud it Is now claimed it
Is spoken by ono million people
In Europe and studied by 2,000 students
in the university of Vienna alone. This
scorns like rapid progress , but when ono
considers the number of inhabitants in
the world it will take some time before
the language can bo strictly called uni
versal. At the rate of 1,000,000 per decade -
cado Volnpuk would require about fif
teen billion years to gain the whole
earth. Making tin abrupt comparison
that naturally suggests itself , it is quito
evident that Volapuk is far behind Jay
Gould in powers of acquisition.
The only place in this country , so far
known , whore Volapuk 1ms become
in any sense epidemic is Chicago. It is
paid a good many of the literary people
there are wrestling with it. A French
gentleman by the name of Moutonnicr
[ Muttonhead ? ) gave a lecture on it the
other day. From his remarks it is
learned that the Volapuk vocabulary ia
made up largely of the English , Ger
man , Slavonic and Romanic tongues ,
with a sprinkling of others. The lan
guage has only ono declension , ono con
jugation , a very simple syntax and
there are no exceptions. Students
who have struggled with Greek
und Latin , whoso grammars nro
mostly made up of exceptions will espe
cially understand the beauty of this
provision. It may bo of interest to give
a few samples of Volapuk words : Book
is buk , from the English ; pen is pen ,
from the same ; table is tab , French ;
chair , stul , German ; needle , nad ,
German ; animal , niva , Roumanian ;
for , ibo , Russian , etc. If u lover
wishes to say that ho loves ho ex
claims , lofob. It is doubtful whether
American' girls will consider ( his an
improvement on the expression to whicb
they have beeomo accustomed. Good
morning is ' glidi sol , " a pretty phrase ,
which will doubtless become popular
nt once.
Volapuk is also frco from idiomatic
forms. The only man we know of whc
could master the universal language
would bo George Francis Train.
IT is reported that a granddaughtei
of Salmon P. Chase con templates adopt
ing the stage us a career. The young
lady is Miss Ethel Sprague , daughter ol
ox-Governor Spraguc , of Rhode Island
and Kate Chase Sprague , nnd she ii
said to have exceptional dramatic tnl
cnt. She has received n thorough edu
cation , almost wholly in Europe , ant
1ms all the accomplishments necessary
to any requirements which the profes'
sion of an actress would impose. She
sensibly proposes , also , to begin in s.
subordinate position nnd work up
which is much better than starting ai
the top and being compelled to worl
downward. Miss Sprague may provt
to bo a most worthy acquisition to tin
stage , and perhaps fill a place then
more usefully than she could in anj
other capacity , but ' the Bug
gestion will como that but fo ;
the unfortunate domestic troubles whicl
estranged her parents , with its disas
troub consequences to the fortunes o
both , she might have the assurance o
a career better suited to the grandchih
of the great financier and jurist a ca
rccr in which her talontb nnd accom
plishmcnts would not be useless , and ii
which she could huvo rank and hone :
without striving for them.
THE proclamation of PresidentCleve
land , designating the 21th of Novombci
for observance as a day of nntiona
thanksgiving , has hardly received dui
attention as a reverential ncknowledg
incut of what the American people havi
to be thankful for. There has for thi
most part been n stereotyped tone abou
thanksgiving proclamations which bug
gcvted that ono differed from another ii
little more than the change of dates
but that of Mr. Cleveland is ovidentl ;
original , and whether the production o
the president or the bccreUiry of slat
it is clear that the author'b heart was ii
the work and that the feelings o
humility nnd gratitude were very active
It is an earnest invocation to thankful
ness and to good deeds that shall Logo
thankfulness which must impress ul
who rend it.
A EOUTHtfUN' colored prenfhor re
cently explained to his flock how tin
idea of u black devil originated. U
said it was the white iimu'd imnginulioi
which gave his Batanic majesty thi
color nnd a newspaper discussion ovc
the matter has sprung p in the south ,
From this it appears tl at the honored
gentleman in tights is i Imost as vario-
gated nsn barber pbfoj riioAbysslnlnns
hold that ho is whithf cur Anglo-Saxon
ancestors painted him red and Milton
calls him a bright find shining spirit.
No wonder the pootfalla him a "painted
devil. " Having so much to do with
colors it Is also rcadlly/seon whence the
inspiration comes that paints a town , or
our modern paintings that sell at a dollar
lar n yard. '
Ir Robert Garrett rccpvors his senses
in Mexico it might bdl well to retain
him there aa minister1. These who have
been sent there jn that capacity for a
couple of years past lost their wits.
Governor John D. Gordon , of Georgia , will
speak in Cleveland on November 1.
Public office should not bo In the hands of
a public "Trust' ' composed of boodlcrs nnd
their backers. t
Stephen B. Elkins says there is no founda
tion for the report that ho is supporting the
democratic ticket in Maryland.
Representative O'Farrell , of Virginia , ex
pects that the present democratic majority
will bo somewhat reduced this fall.
General Nathan Goff , of West Virginia ,
firmly believes that not only his state , but old
Virginia will go republican in 18SS.
Senator Gorman , of Maryland , laughs at
the Idea of democratic defection defeating
the regular ticket in his state this full.
Assistant Secretary Muldrow's friends are
very confident ho will succeed Secretary
Lamar , if the latter goes on the supreme
B. F. Jones , chairman of the republican
national committee , will tender his resigna
tion in January without recommending any
special person to succeed him.
Judga C. W. Fairbanks , of Indiana , does
not mind saying- that Judge Grcshnm would
bo n popular candidate in his state if nomi
nated for the presidency ill 18SS.
Senator J. D. Cameron , of Pennsylvania ,
although very quiet , will throw the weight of
his political influence to send a solid Blalnc
delegation to the national republican conven
tion in 1SS3.
Orator Graely , of Atlanta , referred to Mr.
Cleveland ns the greatest ruler on earth.
This was a mistake. Mr. Cleveland is not n
ruler. Ho Is simply the moderator or presid
ing ofllcer of a self-governing peoplo.
Apropos of the call on democratic office
holders in Iowa the New York Evening Post
points out that Senator Slater's amendment
to the civil service bill prohibiting such con
tributions was rejected by the national sen
ate in 18S2 , the democrats nil voting for the
amendment , while the republicans nnd David
Davis took the negative side.
The Rl ht Sentiment. -
Providencev Juu'maF.
Let us give offices to mcn'of integrity nnd
not to corrupt politicians Of cither party.
. Tired /Out. '
Washington Critic.
"I do wish , " remarked tjho white horse ,
wearily , "that auburn-haired girls would try
nnd keep indoors more. " '
It Means About Seven Votes.
Raltitnorc An\tricnn. \
When a candidate appears ! on a platform ,
nnd the band strikes up "Fifteen Dollars in
My Inside Pocket , " what debs it mcanl
What a Barber Shop Ho Can Have !
Last week a New Yqrk'brido ' settled $200 , '
000 on the impecunious Italian count whorr.
she married. Our homo market evidentli
needs protection.
Foriune'8 Favorite.
Chicago Jfncs.
The people of Detroit look upon thcli
mayor as ono of the most fortunate of men
Ho had the honor of presiding at a banquet
given to the Detroit base ball club the othci
A Poor Argument.
Mllieaufac Sentinel.
The temperance opponents of high license
must rely on the argument that it is better t (
have free whisky and no regulation , where
prohibition is impossible , than to liccnso ai
irremediable evil.
"Wholesome. Fear of Quotations.
Atlanta Constitution.
"Ah ! " exclaimed the president ns ho sanl
into an arm chair nt the White house , "if ;
wasn't afraid the Sun would accuse mo o :
stealing from Bartlctt's 'Familiar Quotations
1 would remark 'there's no place like home. "
An Opportunity Lost.
Chtcaan Keivt.
The people of Dakota let a golden oppor
tunity slip through their fingers. They migh
have captured the presidential party while ii
the northwest , and then demanded of congress
gross , by way of ransom , that the big tcrrl
tory bo made a stato.
A Dim Outlook.
Cincinnati Comma ctal Gazette.
Wo shall look for reform in the running o
railroad trains when the president of tin
company is given a perch on the cowcatcher
the vice president guards the rear platform
nnd the general superintendent is seated 01
the red-hot car stovo.
Indian Summer.
Dora Itcatl ( loudalc in Tlte Century.
As frosty Ago renews the early flro
Whoso eager flame in hazy warmth appears
And brings again ; , across the shadow ;
years ,
The vanished dreams that kindle and inspire
As time repeats the hour of young dcslro
In smoother laughter and more tranquil
tears ,
And childish pleasures mixed with needles1
Stir through the pulses of the withered sire-
So when November , sharp ( with frost am
And moaning winds about the rocky height
Has reaped the shining forest to his hand
The charm of Spring returns in mellowe :
heat ,
To veil the leafless hills with purple Ugh
And brood in peace above the naked land
The Kearney county , | Democrat assert
that the "people realize the ) blessings of i
democratic government , " but wisely de
clincs to publish corroborativu proof.
The campaign is excessively warm ii
Grcelcy county. The Ora Democrat invite
candidates to "keep on ypur shirts , gentle
men. " The advice is timely nnd will proven
damaging exposures.
"The democratic press , " says the Nortl
Bend Flail , "claims that Grovcr swuni
around his orbit , inferring by that that ho i
a heavenly body. It is faHo ns to Grovet
Frnnklo was the onlv heavenly body on th
great junketing trip. " m
The cheering Information comes from Rei
Willow county that "Mrs. C. L. Nottleton i
head und shoulders above cither of the othe
candidates for superintendent of schools.1
The giants are not all dead yet , or the ol
parties have developed pigmies.
The Noraaha Times , a republican pope ;
published at the homo of Stull , charges tha
distinguished legal tallow dip with briber ,
of Jurors. It'givcs times , circumstances AUI
names , and concludes that ho 1s better fitted
for the penitentiary than for the bench ,
jlho address of tfio Gngo county repwb-
Icnn committee utters n bald untruth when
, t says that "the presidential chair is occu
pied though fa'r from filled , by dn accident. "
These who have taken n mental photograph
) f Cleveland's shape will rccognl/io / the
udlcrous aspect of the assertion.
The campaign for the county fleshpots
nbsorbes the best efforts of party organs ,
nnd no time Is left to waste on news. Mud
and malignity for the enemy , inflated com
mendation for the parly ticket , is stalwart
motto. Fortunately their pasture is becom
ing brief and barren und their usclcssncss
glaringly npparrent.
A republican paper in the First district ,
speaking of Captain Humphrey , say * ho docs
not use a pass. The Lincoln Democrat Is quite
happy to corroborate this. It Is a fact. Cap.
travels so much on the railroads and is so
well known to every conductor In Nebraska
that ho hasn't had occasion to pull his pass
out of his pockot-for ten years.
"Tho citizens of Omaha , " says the Beat
rice Republican , "will not-lnvlto President
Cleveland to visit them soon again. In a
bungling attempt to compliment them ho
snld : 1Omaha is laying the foundations fern
n great city. ' And the haughty goddess of
the 'goto city'.adjusts her bustles , and indig
nantly exclaims , 'just as though it is not n
great city now. ' " j
The Liberty Journal assets that John S.
Sttilf , Humphrey's mate in the Judicial race
in the First district , has practiced at the bar
of the state supreme court. Guy A. Brown ,
clerk of the court , states that there is no
record of Stull's admission to the court.
This is a case of assertion vs. fact , with the
weight of evidence in favor of the defend
ant. The plaintiff is given eight days to
amend the record.
"Tho democracy of the Third district , "
says the Lincoln Democrat , "did well In ad
hering for a non-partisan ticket for the
bench. There is a popular and soundly
founded impression that the political hucks
ter is not the best material for the judiciary.
In the eastern states it has become the cus
tom to continue good Judges upon the bench
term after term , nnd for such n ono to med
dle with politics means his decapitation nt
the end of his term. "
The Lincoln Democrat "has no hesitancy
in saying for Attorney General Lccso that
ho will not consent to n withdrawal or dis
missal of the Elkhorn mandamus case. Ho
will sco that it is tried nnd everything will
bo pushed to the utmost of his ability. Judge
Mason takes the same ground. If the board
of transportation can establish rates It
should make them. If it can't it should dis
miss its secretaries , lock its doors and ad
journ sine die. "
The Blair Pilot announces thatMnnderson ,
Thurston , ct al , will stump Washington
county , nnd says : "Asa scheme to advertise
themselves nnd gain prominence the plan of
making campaign speeches , adopted by Sen
ator Mandorson and would bo Senator John
M. Thurston , will doubtless accomplish its
purpose. But if the purpose is to catch votes
for the republican judicial candidates , then
these gentleman would ns well remain at
home. The day has passed for obtaining
votes by stump-speaking ; people read too
many newspapers and nro too intelligent to
bo influenced by the chaff usually indulged
in by the overage stump speaker. "
"Somo of the young politicians , " says the
Norfolk News , "who nro having their first
experience in running for oftlco this fall
should take pre-election promises with a
great deal of allowance. It was six years
ago this fall when our friend Ashel Clark
ran for sheriff. He made a canvass of the
county , nnd if everybody that told him they
would vote for him had done so ho would
have been elected by n largo'and handsome
majority. When the returns were all in ,
however , Ashel wasn't the sheriff-elect.
After deducting the number of votes ho re
ceived from the number of promises made
him , ho arrived at the Inevitable conclusion
that there were 'seven hundred of the
cst liars in Madison county that ever
lived. ' "
The Norfolk News gives the following true
picture of the situation : "In almost every
county in the state the election of county
treasurer has become n fight ns to what banker
or banks shall have the use of the county
funds. Republican bankers are fighting re
publican candidates and democratic bankers
arc fighting democratic candidates , for the
simple and only reason that they cannot se
cure the county deposits if the man they op
pose is elected. Our present law makes the
county money a bone for the bank dogs to
, fight over. It should bo changed so that the
bank that pays the most for the privilege and
puts up the best bond shall bo the designated
depository of the county funds. Such n law
would relieve the treasurer from a burden of
responsibility and make him only nn execu
tive officer. It would remove all danger ol
loss to the county from the peculations of a
of a dishonest treasurer or the misfortune ol
ono who is plucked by his friends. The law
should bo changed. "
The county funds is the fatbono in the
battle In Cuss county , nnd the fight is n trifle
personal and somewhat peculiar. One of the
candidates has tumbled into n warm comer ,
and his position is explained by the Plaits-
mouth Journal in the following : "So It is
worth n round hundred dollars to Treasurer
Campbell for the Journal to keep quiet on
the subject of the county deposits , Is itl
Well , if this is all you want , how much
better It would have been never to have em
bezzled that money. But , not denying that
the Journal might bo tempted were
the offer big enough , it looks ns II
the treasurer wanted to slip In again
without making a fair "divy" of the gains
from his illegal trafllo in county funds.
Zounds ! What a depth of infamy a man
must como to when ho Is willing to attempt
to purchase the silence of newspaper ! Hon
est , now , Mr. Campbell , what do you think of
yourself I It was bad enough to get awoy
with ijsi.OOO or $45,000 in interest on county
funds , but wasn't it oven beneath the dig
nity of a high-bred thief to try to bribe into
silence an honest criticism of your doingsi"
Complete Preparations for Its Cclo-
liration To-day.
To-day the Catholics of this city will cele
brate in a special manner , the jubilee of Pope
Leo XIII. At St.Phllomena's cathedral Bishop
O'Connor will celebrate mass at 8 o'clock and
this will bo attended by the various Catholic
nnd benevolent societies in the city. These
will assemble at the following places :
C. 1C. of America , right resting on Ele
venth and Howard.
Uniformed Knights of St. John , on How
ard , right resting on Twelfth street.
Holy Family society , Thirteenth nnd How
ard streets , right resting on Thirteenth
A. O. H. society , Thirteenth street opposite
the-ir hull , resting on Howard street.
St. Wenesclaus society , Thirteenth nnd
Jackson , right resting on Jackson.
St. Joseph's Benevolent society , Fourteenth
nnd Howard , right resting on Fourteenth.
James Connelly has been appointed chlcl
marshal , with the following assistants : Jere
miah Wlialen , John F. I'rico , John Whlto ,
Frank A. Martin , Anton Franco , Joseph
Howfex mid Frank Popizisil.
Societies are requested to take the places
assigned them not later than 7:30 : o'clock n ,
m. , and the aids nro rceiuestcd to report to
the chief at 7 o'clock this morning.
An Interesting Lecture.
This evening nt the Grand opera house ,
under the auspices of the C. K. of A. , Rev.
M. P. Dowling , S. J. , president of CrolKhton
college , will deliver his now lecture entitled
"Family Life Under a New Gospel. "
Exposition Hnll Again Flllocl With
An Enthusiastic Aucllonco.
The l/ceturer TotichoH Upon n Variety
of Hubjoots ntul Devotes Ten Min
utes to the. Condemned Men.
Another Krrntlo Iiooturc.
George Francis Train , philosopher , egotist ,
traveler , linguist , atheist , ornnk or lunatlo us
the world may be pleased to call him , nil-
dressed - nn Dudtcneo that com
pletely llllfd the auditorium of Exposition
hall last night. Mr. Train has lost none of
his marvellous eloquence or Rift of repartee
during his long years of Hllcncc. lit fact his
brlUlniui.v of oratory never hone brighter
than at the present time and his auditors lust
night were very liberal and enthusiastic la
the applause they bestowed upon him.
Mr. Train arrived nt precisely twcnty-flvo
minutes after eight and his api > ownnco wai
the signal for cheers , long continued. Ho
was accompanied by ex-Governor Sauudcrs ,
three little girls and o messenger boy bear
ing two baskets , ono containing button-hold
bonucts nnd the otlior Delaware grapes.
Governor Saunders Introduced the speaker
ns ono who twcnty-flvo years ago predicted
Omaha's greatness and who was greatly In
strumental 1ft the establishment of the muni
cipality. The growth of the city had fully
demonstrated the correctness of Mr. Train's
foresight nnd he would tell the citizens of
Omaha In what yet they were lacking.
Mr. Train was dressed in n black cut-away
coat , whlto vest , black trousers , patent
leather pumps from the tops of which peeped
bright scarlet stockings. Ho were lavender
gloves and the usually bunch of llowora
adorned the lapel of his coat. Mr. Train was
greeted with great applausu when ho arose
und iif the following couplet paid his respects
to Governor Sauudcrs :
"Great in the senate , great in the state ,
Ho who follows Suuudcrs , takes the
Train too late. "
Mr. Train then followed his usual cus
tom and presented Governor Saumlers ,
the thrcertittlo girls nnd the reporters with
tiny bouquets , paying n high tribute to the
press ropresenatlves. Then he asked the
few people in the gallery to take seats below
"Just for sociability's sake.,1
Mi" Train began by saying that the most
uoblo clement of character a man could pos
sess was grit bull dog grit. That was the
secret of his own HUCCCSS. Mover stick to
any ono sect , but rather seek individuality.
No man could afford to huvo his mind
swayed by the opinions of others. Ho then
launched out into a dibcussion of the possi
bilities of Omahnnnd drew several "pictures"
on the blackboard and by word of mouth
demonstrating what nn almost boundless ter
ritory was naturally nnd geographically trib
utary to Omaha. Ho said that no ono but
himself fully comprehended what n great
country lay between this city und Denver ,
nnd to illustrate told the story of the English
man who attempted to walk to Pikes Peak
from Denver and jcturn before breakfast.
He was found late In the afternoon about
half way between preparing to ford u creek
three feet wide , nnd when askun why ho
didn't Jump across replied that distances
were so deceiving that ho did not propose to
attempt to leap across what was undoubtedly
a mammoth river. Mr. Train said he could
see what the future hod in store for Omuha
as plainly us ho saw it twenty-five years ago ,
and knew that it would bo n city
of a half million In twenty years
if nil the Paxtons , the McShanes ,
the Armours and nil capitalists would put
their shoulder to the wheel of pi ogress and
push together.
The speaker then sjioko of his addresses
made in Now York , Chicago and Kansas City
in behalf of the anarchists and how ho forced
the police and military to pay their admis
sion at the door , and said that no officer of
the law had as much right to inaugurate a
riot as the lowliest laborer. Ho paid a high
tribute to the love of law and order that ever
characterizes the majority of laboring men
and this Bcntiuicut drew forth tremendous
Mr. Train next turned his attention to what
ho was pleased to term the serfdom existing
in republics , especially in the United States.
Ho showed now the minority in the last pres
idential election were nonenitics , they having
absolutely no influence in the management of
public affairs. He showed how women were
degraded by being refused the right of fran
chise nnd said that in refusing them that
right men set the stamp of ignominy upon
them nnd mndo them inoro debased than the
emancipated slaves and on an equity with
convicts nnd savages.
Mr. Train then announced that ho had been
born on the top of the mountain and could sco
down both sides , while Idiots were born on
the side. This conceit canned great laugh
ter. Every enduring thing in this world was
gained by steps and not by a single leap. The
pyiamids were built by steps and even the
mountains toiled upward" in the night. All
the monicil men of Omaha should unite in
the effoit to push the city's interest und then
it would bo the metropolis of the
now world. "Tho trouble with you
men of Omaha , " said Mr. Train , "is that
you've got a gold wfrtch in your pocket nnd
tell the world it's pewter. That u pretty way
to establish your credit , isn't it I"
The s | > cuker then touched on a variety of
subjects both political , domestic and scien
tific , nnd finally reached "tho anarchists , "
Which was advertised as his subject for the
evening. Mr. Train exhibited copies
of his paper which was suppressed in
Chicago and read several passages fiom
them. Ho said that ho had been urgently
solicited by the condemned men to take up
their cause and that was the reason of his
breaking his long .silence. Ho did not care
ono farthing for anarchy or the anarchists ,
but was u believer in frco speech. Ho
couldn't understand why fM,000,0K ( ) of people
should bo afraid of "seven little picayune
anarchists. " Ho never saw nn anarchist ,
never talked anarchy nnd yet was considered
the arch anarchist of the world. Ho was
considered u communist in Franco , a nihilist
in Uussln and a Fenian In Ireland , nnd had
been thrown Into fourteen jails for his sup
posed treason. Ho believed that every man
lias a right to his own religion nnd beliefs
and to advocate his doctrines when nnd where
ever he chooses. Ho entered upon the do-
fcnso of the seven men simply to avert
another civil war. If these men were hung-
twenty million laboiing men would rise up
to avenge them. Ho had advised them not
to buo for executive clemency or
allow their cases to go before the
supreme court , and ho wished
it distinctly understood it was not the anarch
ists who caused the arguments In their behalf -
half before the highest tribunal of the United
States to bo made , but their friends and .sym
"If they hang them , " said Mr. Train , "I
will expatiate myself forever from this
my native land. I will not live with
such a people. I hate capital punishment ; it
is the resource of the thug , the cutthroat , the
stranglcr and the barbarian. " [ Here Mr.
Train took a vote as to how many were
against and how many favored capital pun
ishment. The nays and ayes were about
equal. ] "If I do leave this country , " ho con
tinued , "and you all get your throats cut ,
don't blame me , and I tell you if I do go you
will bo trending on mighty thin leo. "
Mr. Train then invited the audience U > ask
lilin questions und the lirst ono was : "What
do you think of prohlbitlonl" Ho replied
that ho would bring Council Hlnffsovcr hero ,
have frco bridges nnd prohibit that twenty-
live cent faro between the two cities. If the
question referred to liquor ho did not
think any man had a right to interfere -
fero with another man's stomach.
Ill reply to the question If ho over drank ,
chewed or smoked Mr. Train emphatically
said that ho had never done cither In his life.
Some ono asked : "What of the coercion
bill In Ireland ! " Mr. Train replied that It
meant the downfall of Ireland. That it
would stamp out the life of that Island.
Ho then announced that ho would put on
"two white neckties to-day und preach in the
exposition hall to-night. " Mr. Train was
frequently interrupted with appluuso nnd
laughter. The many ladies present seemed
to thoroughly enjoy the entertainment.
The following letters received by Mr. Train
from A. U. Parsons and Nina Van Zandt ,
Spies' proxy wife , are published in the BEK
for the first time :
PKISOJJ CKI.L 22 , Cmrjuio , 111. , Oct , 18,1687
Citizen Geo. Frauds Train , Caowpiouof
Free Speech , Free Press and Public AMcm
bingo i Despotism of Ariiorlca'n money-mon
gers is again demonstrated. They deny the
right of the people to assemble to hour you
sponk to them. Free speech ! They will not
allow the people to buy or read the Psycho-
Anarchist. Free Press I They Interdict the
right of the people to assemble and petition
for rcdtcss of grievances , night of assem
bly I
United States constitution nullified by supreme
premo court's decision. Revolution 1
The people clubbed , nrn'stixl , imprisoned ,
shot nnd hung in violation of law and con-
stlon at behest of American plutocrat * .
Free speech , free press , nud fight to assemble -
semblo cost seven years' bloody revolution of
1770. Hut degenerate Americans style these
who maintain the Declaration of Jndcpcnd-
cnco as anarchists. Jefferson , Adams , Han
cock , Washington , Franklyn , Pnlu , Henry
nnd other revolutionary sires they ridicule
r.s "fools. " "cranks , " etc. America's pluto
crats of 1SS7 sneer ut such tilings.
Police censorship over press , speech and
assemblage , llussln. Spain , Italy , Germany ,
Franco abashed. Working Women's union
prohibited Chicago iwllco from sinning
thn Marscllulso" ut social entertainments.
Last link forged In the chain. America
joins the "Intel-national Hrotherhood of
Man. " Prolotulra of every chluio and touguu
from Moscow , Ucrlin , Vienna. Madrid , Lou-
don and Purls to Chicago join rofrniii nnd
slnK the "MarslluUc. "
Onward I Citizen Train. Freedom shall
not perish t
Let.tho welkin ring nnd from land to laud
labor's innumerable hosts proclaim "Lib-
city , Fraternity , Equality I"
N. 13. Exchatigcs plcaso copy.
cntio , 111. , Sept. 10 , 1887. Citizen Oivirgo
Francis Train : Your kind note received.
Yes , "murdered by the state. " Is there any
thing Btrangn or unusual In thatfuctt No I
Oh no I Murder is the legitimate and only
occupation of the social organization called
' the state. " What clso but the state ,
through the mcchuuifiiu of Its constitution ) !
and laws , has mndo convicts , beggars and
slaves of the vast majority of the human
race ! What else but this social monster
known ns "tho stato" has made the pro
ducers the workers dependent hirelings
nnd wage slaves ! What else hut this social
monster called "tho stato" has made en
forced poverty , ignorunco unit superstition
the artificial condition of these who by their
Industry create all wealth !
Damned bo the state , say II And for this
the state snya I must dlul So bo It. For If
I live I am in duty bound to kill the state.
Yours for humanity , A. K. PAHSOXS.
Citron Train : Accept my thanks and
these of my comrades for the manly stand
you have taken in behalf of justice I
Wall street and Its hirelings triumph how
long yet ! Fruteinully , A. SriK * .
CHICAGO , Sept. JJt ) , 18S7.
CmCAfio , Sept. 23 , 1887.
Citlren George Francis Train :
Ilnvu written to Gcorgo Schilling , now in
New York , to HCO jou personally , which I
suppose ho has done meantime. Perhaps
Captain W. P. Ulaok will wait upon you ,
also , during his stay in the empire city.
There arc no now developments lu the case.
Fraternally , A. Si'ius.
lUflE. Huron st. , noith side ,
Satin day , n. in. , Oct. 18 , 1887.
Dear Mr. Train :
Last night my mother nnd I visited the
Palmer house and also Mr , Dovino'H late.
residence , in the hope of finding you. It was
more than kind of you to como to Chicago to
try to help us in obtaining Justice. Ucliovu
me , wo all appreciate it. Would it not bo
better to leave olT the term "amuehist" from
your paper I I think that it only inttnmcs
public opinion ; the masses do not understand
the tci m rightly , or do not wish to. Uosidea
the "Haymarket" meeting which caused all
this trouble had nothing to do with an
archism ; it was n meeting of workingmen ,
hold for the purpose of protesting against the
police outrage of the previous day and for
the purpose of discussing the eight hour S.\K-
tern. Wo hope to see you noon. Gratefully
yours , Nix.v VAN Z. ynu-i.
A draft of the United States National bank
of Omaha upon the North Western National
bank of Chicago for &iO.OO in favor of George
Francis Trnhi was mailed to-day to Citizen
E. Dovino , editor of the Western Newsman ,
15 $ South Clark street , Chicago , with the fol
lowing endorsement in the hack :
Pay n. Devino for seven baskets fruit daily
to seven anarchists in Cook county Jail.
QUO. Fit \MI19 TllAlN.
Citizen Train sent those telegrams to Chicago
cage Jail :
Citizen A. R. Parsons , Cook County Jail ,
Chicago , 111. : Hello 1 Everything O. 1C. I
Keep stiff upper lip 1 Twcntymllllon friends !
Citizen Aug. Spies : Omaha sends cheers
for frco speech ! Soil ! Press ! Thought !
Manhood ! Liberty 1
Citizen Fisher : Never Ruydlol All's well
that ends well ! Rainbow every whoro.
Citizen Engcll : Supreme court must iifllrm
Hutler ! Tucker ! Priori Soloman ! Ulack !
Citizen Schwabo : Illinois organised civil
war when antagonizing national constitution 1
Citizen Lingg : Nagna Est Voritas et Prov-
alcbetl Regards to seven coming aldermen.
Citizen Fielding : National constitution
guarantees your lifot Liberty and pursuit of
Citizen E. Dcvine , Editor Western - Newsman
man , 158 South Clark street , Chicago : Omaha
backs fair plav and oppose capital punish
ment ! Mailed checks for seven boxes fruit
daily till November 11.
Editor Train Daily P.syclos Anarchy.
Citizen Oscar Kebco , State Prison , .Toilet ,
111. : You will Join your family In sixty days !
Victory everywhere I
Guoncn \NcisTiuix. .
Army NOWH.
Under instructions from the commanding
general , division of the Missouri , Major W.
J. Lystcr , and companies F and 1C , Sixth in
fantry , arc held in readiness at Fort Douglas ,
Utah , to proceed without delay to Highwood ,
the site of the new post to bo built'near Chi
A general court-martial has bopn appointed
to meet at Fort Du ChcHiie , Utah , Thursday ,
November 10 , for the trial of such persons us
may bo brought before it. The following i
the detail for the coin t : Lieutenant Colonel
Osbornc , Captain KInzIe , Ciiptuln Hritton ,
Captain Jocelyn , Captain Daker , Captain
Dawson , Captain Ilaughey , First Lloutummt
Cornman , First Lieutenant Wittlrh. Captain
Hay , acting Judge advocate , United States
ai my , Judge advocate.
A board of survey is hereby appointed to
meet at a subsistence Htorehouso In this city
at 11 o'clock a. m. , on Monday , October ill ,
1887 , or as BOOH thereafter us practicable , to
examine Into , report upon and fix the respon-
Mbility in nn alleged deficiency of certain
subsistence stores received by Major John P.
Hawkins , commissary of subsistence , United
States army , from Second Lieutenant Q. W.
Mclvcr , Seventh Infantry , Into acting com
missary of subsistence at the Hcllovuo rllln
range , Helluvuo , Neb. , by his invoice dated
October 3 , 18&7. Detail for the board : Major
Hall , Twenty-second infantry , Captain Mo-
Cauley , assisting quartermaster , United
States army , Second LlouUmunt Greene ,
Seventh infantry , nido-do-cauip.
DIM I lot Court Canes.
The following suits were Hied In the dis
trict court yesterday : William II. KoemUg
vs. William G. Chambers , an action for the
recovery of possession of land.
Lena Ilortman , in a petition , asks for a
divorce from Lewis Hartman , to whom she
claims that she was married at Cheyenne ,
September 27,168.1. She further claims that
ho has not supported her , and in consequence
she asks for a divorce .
James W. Shogron , by his next friend ,
Elizabeth Shogren , In a petition clnlnm
that ho Is the heir of Charles Hho-
grcn. In the petition ho bring *
suit against the Union Pacific road
for the recovery of lands alleged to bo owned
by him through the death of his fatliur nnd
to which the defendants will not icllnquish
Ella n. Richardson asks for a divorce from
James Albert Richardson , nnd that she maybe
bo restored her former namo. bho alleges
that she was married to Vo ) defendant in
May , 1608 , and that ho desorU'd her in May ,
1883. She also auks for the custody of her
flvo children.
John L. Miles nnd James Thompson ask :
for the forclosuro of a mortgage on property
owned by Leo Roy Mayuo , which was lake *
us security for u i > rouii > &ory note of