Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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    ' < * 1 . 'J
1 That this Is the only btove made that
combine * n fresh air plpo and a foul air plpoln
the name stove , and la therefore the on ItnAt ,
a-That this stove will save from 40 to CO per
3 That there w 111 not be over 2 to 4 degrees
rtllTercnco ljut\\ceii lloor nnd celling In a loom
with 13 foot ceilings , If heated with a
Howe Ventilator.
With a radiating stove It will be from 20 to 30
A Bon Ton Lunch Boom Closed for
"its Wickedness.
The Dark Bounce Scandal A Now
Feature in Hair DFCHH The I'csl-
key Knot Cltit-u llcllc'H
NEW Youic , Oct. 20. [ Corrcspon-
doncoof thoBEK. ] This is truly a mixed
city. Hundreds of fine ladies were
shocked to read , the other morning ,
that Mayor Hewitt had closed , on ac
count of its wickedness , a restaurant
wliero they had habitually lunched.
The place was in the region of retail
shopping , and by daylight it was n big
handsome , and altogether proper oyster
house , where fair shoppers were wont
to appease their noon hunger. These
nice customers had no idea that at
night the same premises was the resort
of desperately bad folks ; that it had a
gaslight character totally unlike its sun
light character ) until they rend.tlmt the
mayor had refused to grant a license to
it. Yes ; this is a conglomerate town.
Sisters of charity have been going to
the race courses all through the season
which has ju t closed. They did not
even change the summer garb of their
order for ordinary clothes , nor in any
way hide their identity. Every race
day nt nny of the tracks near Now York
they went boldly and openly through
the gates. Archbishop Corrigan's at
tention was called to the subject , but
after consideration of the question of
propriety , ho decided that the sisters
might continue the practice. However ,
they have seen no races. They have
simply gone on a charitable errand.
They have stopped at the entrance until
the crowds of sporting men emerged ,
and then have solicited from the winners
of bets some contributions for church
benevolences. How do they know the
.winners ? Because the lucky ones are
apt to look it. Mistakes were sometimes
made , but usually the chaps whom the
shrewd sisters politely accosted were
those who had picked out the right
Our most assiduously
tire not shooting their own follies , but
birds as they fiy ; or at least they nro
trying to hit the winged game with
rifles. Out at Tuxedo , which is the late
autumn resort of the Astor sot nnd
their selected following , gunning is the
favorite sjMrt for maidens and young
matrons. Lightdainty , silver-mounted
weapons are roguishly popped off , and
sometimes a bird is hit. A pretty little
gamobng is always slung at the
huntress' side , and she never returns
without something in it ; but there is a
scandalous rumor that the dead warblers
nro bought rondy-shot from boys , who
make a good income transiently out
of the fad. Well , there is humor
ns well ns nonsense in the
Tuxedo idlers. A dnughter of wealth
changed her name by a marriage In
Europe from that of n well-known New
York family to that of an intricately-
fipelled and almost unpronounceable for
eign ono. She found that in meeting
acquaintances she had to go into an ex
planation of what her now name really
looked and sounded like. So she had a
Bolf-inking pocket rubber-stamp made ,
with her numo on it as ordinarily
spoiled , while right under the long
word was a phonetic spelling of it.
Now , when asl < od who she is since wed
lock , she whips out the stamp and im
prints the information succinctly on any
iuuuly scrap of paper.
Of one folly often chargcd to them ,
Now York girls are not guilty. They
do not make visible ado over handsome
actors. No doubt these mimic heroes
got love notes occasionally , and nro
often subjected to overtures for street
flirtation , but the woll-brcd maidens of
this town do not make fools of them
selves in exactly that manner. There
was proof of this in plenty at this
woek'ti matinee benefit of the Actors'
fund. The bill was strong enough to
fashionably fill the house , and swell
women abounded. Six leading actors
were ushers. They included the very
men Tenrlo , Keldoy , Bellow , Salvini ,
Massen , Pounds , Miller and Lethcourt
who are accounted the "nmshcrs" of
as many theaters. They did not actually
do nny ushering , but stood
in exquisite toilets nt the
heads of the aisles ns exhibits of mascu
line professionnl beauty. The reader
is expecting to read that the fond and
foolish worshippers of the hnlf-do/.on
stage lovers ogled them , blushed at
them , possibly spoku to them and were
altogether rapturous concerning thorn.
All wrong , I watched the show during
the whole time of the ingress , and I de
clare it to bo absolutely true that no
more attention was bestowed on them
than if they had been common ushers.
Actresses whom they knew spoke to
them , but by not so much as ono side
long glance did nny non-professional
girl betray consciousness that they
were there at nil.
What has become known as "the dark
Boanco" has developed into
at the Bijou opera house , where Annie
Summorvllle nnd Louise Montague tire
the principal figures in n burlesque.
This is the thcicr long favored by the
dudes , by reason of its garish exhibi
tions of burlcsquors. The present play
is an elaborate thing of its roprchonsf-
blo-kind. The device of making n shift
> f scenes on the darkened stageinstead
Absolutely Pure Air to be breathed in your winter homes , the prime requisite of Health , Comfort and
Economy. Facts and Figures Tell. Read what one of the most prominent business men
of Cortland , N. Y. , has to say about the HOWE VENTILATINGSTOVE. .
COBTLAND , NEW YORKAngu t 10,1887.
MESSRS HUBIJAKD & BUCK Gentlemen : I have never more cheerfully testified to the merits of anything than I do to those of the HoweVentilator
You advised me last fall to put a furnace in my house , being unwilling to guarantee that a Howe Stove would warm it. But I ventured on the Howe and
bought a No. 16. During the entire fall and the severe winter which followed , This One Stove Located in My Sitting Room , Warmed the
Entire House UpstaifS and Down , except the kitchen in which was a cook stove. The rooms warmed on the first floor were a parlor , 12x15 ; a
dining room , 12ixl2i ; sitting room , 12x12 ; bed room , 12x12 , and a hall 0x15. All of these rooms are 10 feet high. The rooms warmed upatairs
are the same as are those below with the exception that they are nine foot high. The temperature was nearly uniform
throughout all of these rooms , and all were perfectly comfortable and the windows free from frost. The second story was occupied by my son's ' family and
the rooms had to be warm in order to be constantly in use as they were. Besides this the air was kept fresh and pure. I cannot say too much in favor of
the Howe Stove andean heartily endorse all you have ever said in its praise. Yours truly , IRA W. WATKINS.
F. V ATWATER & CO. , - - 1605 Howard St. , Sole Agents
ITor tlie MoTsre Yentilatin0 Sto\re.
of lowering the curtain , is introduced.
At that juncturp the space is iiull of ac-
ircsscs und comedians. The gas is s id-
denly turned away downuntil , no object
can be distinguished nt a distance of
: ccn fcot , and this murkiness lasts two
minutes , when the raised lights reveal
a complete change of scenery. Whether
BO calculated by the managers or not ,
the interval has been turned to lively
account by the dudes and the actresses ,
L'Vom the proscenium boxes nnd
the front orchestra row the
chappies hurriedly exchange remarks
with the giddy girls behind the extin
guished footlights , pass notes nnd flow
ers , nnd nltogcthor hold a brisk
"Kcanco" of intercommunication. Under
those circumstances the prices of the
advantageous scats hasgoneupandthey ,
can only bo had of speculators at high
figures. The Hurry of it is distinctly
hoard by the unpartlcipant part of the
audience , and sometimes a row is caused
among the competitive admirers of the
chorus and ballot girls. Neither is all
serene on the stage. In the confusion ,
it is difficult to tell for whom the ad
vances arc meant. Miss Somcrville , a
tall and statuesque beauty , and Miss
Montague , the famous litagious "ten-
thousand dollar beauty , " have e -
cited theatrical und dudish cir
cles by n personal encounter. They
make mimic love to each other , but
when the other evening , a man in a
box utilised the "dark seances , " to pass
a big bouquet thr y foil over its owner
ship. George Schiller , a comedian in
the piece , took the ( lowers from the
donor , who , ho says , remarked , "For
Miss Somcrville. " Ho handed them to
her , or tried to. but Miss Montague be
lieved they were for her and grabbed
them. There was u ruction lively
enough to bo heard by many in the au
dience and when the soeno was again
illuminated Conrad was weeping and
Mcdorn was trembling , while the torn
boquot lay on the lloor. The encounter
is not of national importance , but it
shakes the foyers tremenduously.
I have been lookin nt womens' heads ,
and wondering what it was sticking out
from under their hats behind that re
sembled the handle of a stew pan wound
with hair. In a theatre the other night
there wore three of these lifters stiffly
stretching forth out of three female
heads. On the extreme end of each
knob something wiggled , and it turned
out to be a lock of hair , that originally
had been curled , but had become an un
pleasant looking snarl.
"It is
said a hair dresser to mo ; "will you
have yours done that way ? "
"I will 'pesikcy' not , " said I.
But I came on Maria studying some
photographs of statuary , with n maid
standing over her and holding her
wealth of hair twisted round a fore
' 'It scorns to mo'I like the way An
dromeda has her head dressed , " said
my friend.
Then the fair fixer copied the antique
style of the photograph. Fii-bt she
twisted in a switch very lightly with
Maria's hair , the first turn made faosely ,
and she kept winding the mass next the
head ; this produced the stow-pan han
dle so much admired at present. Then
she laid across Maria's Parian brow a
row of short curls. Above this went a
linger puff that was pinned on top nnd
putted out each side ; next bho tucked in
two short , stumpy curls on the under
side of the handle , halfway between the
end and the head.
"You want a pcplum and a ccstur , a
draped togo and a romun forum to go
with that head , " I remarked.
"Ben has a toga that ho spoke Mnrc
Antony's speech in , but I'd look a guy
in a dress cut that way"said matter-of-
fact Maria. "I know women are going
to wear antique styles , togas and forums
like Mary Anderson in Parthenia , but T
know I could never got around in dra
peries so I shall only follow the fashion
in hair."J
Then Maria crowned her mytholog-
ically constructed head with a foil
Jailor hat , turned up on the back and
trimmed with a flight of stiff ribbon
bows and a brass anchor in front , and
loft the house half ancient and half
modern , but wholly satisfied with her
architecture , to go to see Mrs. Langtry
die in "As in a Looking-glass. "
You have heard the story of Mr ,
Eddy , a famous Bowery favorite , who ,
playing a criminal character ono night ,
had to die of a shotgun wound just us
ho had filed away the bars of his prison
und was hanging by a sheet from the
stone walls outside the window. Eddy
had removed the bars , was dangling in
mid air. The officers came on and lev
elled their musketsbut nothing went off ,
for-tho guns had no cartridges. Eddy
was no in way dismayed , but feeling that
ho must die to end the piece and get the
curtain downtrembled , struck the stage ,
rolled over and over to the footlights ,
gripped his stomachgurgled , , struggled ,
and groaned out , to account for his sud
den sickness and death ; "Heavens ! I
have swallowed the file , " and then
turned over on his side , stiffened out
and died of the file. If Mrs. Langtry
would only gasp , "Oh ! the curtala ring
it is choking mo I die of curtttin
ring , " wo should have some insight into
the matter. But after
ns Lena Dcspard swallows the poison
supposed to'bo chloral , she grips her
self nnd utters n green-apple colic yell ,
rolls about , gnawn the sea * , of a chair ,
chows hungrily nt a table leg , tears
open the front of her dress , pulls down
a window curtain , wallows , falls
over n chair with a trap door back to
the stage where r.h'o finally dies. A
simple mention of the curtain ring
would bo letting hi light on this mys
terious death struggle. Chl&ral pro-
duccs a quiet sleep. In fact there is no
death but the curtain ring or file demise
that admits of such unties. Eddy clearly
acknowledged swallowing the file. Lnng-
try ought to give the curtnin ring credit ,
Relic nnd memento friends nro hav
ing a fine time this week in the exhibi
tion c f Henry Ward Becchcr's books ,
paintings , engravings , rugs , ceramics ,
and bric-a-brac. They will all bo sold
by auction before long , nnd the friends
pay 60 cents a visit to go to the nrt gnl-
lories and pore over the treasurer , tak
ing notes of such specimens in the vari
ous departments as they will want to
purchase. These friends nro of nil de
scriptions nnd of both sexes. Promi
nent nmong thorn is the thin favored
young man with high check bone and
who his winter-beforo-
spectacles , wears - -
last overcoat , the pockets bulging with
newspapers and pamphlets. Ho pays
no attention to the pottery ,
nnd scrowls ns ho stumbles
over a rug ; and the paintings
are not even glanced at. Ho busies
himself in the largo room where 2.500
books ( joy ! ) are placed on shelves within
his reach , ( rapture ! ! ) and many of them
appear to bo ready to fall to pieces with
ago and lack of care ( perfect bliss ! ! ! )
It certainly is odd that the more evi
dence a book shows in dust-caton covers
and general unkcmptncss that its past
owners never read or cared for it , the
more highly the antiquarian prize it.
A new building strikes horror to his
soul. An instance of this came pecu
liarly under my eye while giving a cur
sory glance at the Becchor collection.
Ranged on an upper she f in a row was
an elegantly bound edition of the Latin
historian , essayist , poet , and the like.
There must have been thirty or more vol
umes in all , and the namesof thoeditors
on the calf covers were evidence that
the utmost recent research had been
embodied in the supplementary notes.
The works of Terrence wore , of course ,
included , comprised in three volumes.
The early aged antiquarian glanced
with pitying contempt at thoclcancom-
forlnblo books on the top row , but his
eyes lit up with intense delight as ho
reached out his lean hands and seized a
dog-carod volume of clumsy sjiupe ,
bound in tattered half cloth , printed in
wretched typo or worse paper. Ho
turned its sear _ pages with greedy haste ,
and noted it in his memoranda as a de
sirable addition to his stock. It was an
edition of Terrence a half century old ,
long since relegated to the shelf by the
progress of philological knowledge.
And there arc young ladies there , oh ,
yes ! nice
who como in pairs and groups and ig
nore the books , except such broad tones
ns contain collections of engravings ,
and devote their rosy attention to the
rugs and pottery. One sentimental
miss wanted so much to secure an ele
gant Turkish rug upon which she was
sure the venerable preacher had many
times pressed his broad feet while warm
ing himself before his open lire ; but she
was just as sure that it would take more
money than papa would allow her for a
year to como , and what could she do
when the holidays came , to say nothing
of the bonbons and caramels and chew
ing gum during the less festive season.
The young ladies are not usually expert
judges of pottery and in their in
spection of the vases they estimate
their relative desirability according to
the probable use to which they wore
personally put by Mr. Beecher. Few of
them have any intention of buying u
dollar's worth , being drawn to the gal
leries altogether from curfoslty to see
what manner of matter Mr. 'Beecher
was fond of. It was just a bit suggestive
that two girls should pause an instant
before a picture by Babcock , in which
two nude female figures are represented
as coming from a bath , nnd thi t ono of
them should whisper in surprise to the
other : "I shouldn't have thought ho
would have that in his house. " But it
was n good picture and showed culti
vated taste in the purchaser.
Early Telephone Exchange Work.
General Barney in Electrical World :
The telephone , as wo all know , was pat
ented in 1870. It achieved its first great
success at the centennial , and the second
end telephone patent was issued on Jan
uary 30 , 1877.
That its applicability to the purpose
of inter-communication was from the
llJst appreciated , is ubundantly proved
by contompory records.
I myself remember being present nt a
lecture given by Professor Bcjl nt
Chickcring hall , Now York , in May ,
1877 , where , although there was a good
deal of doubt in my mind about the
actual existence of n real Watson at the
other end , and though the major part
of the exhibition feature of the lecture
consisted in waiting for Wat-
sonV ( ) I clearly gathered from
the words of Mr. Boll that
in his mind the telephone was to bo
used ns the operative instrument of just
such systems ns wo have nowand whereby
houses could bo enabled to connect with
the butcher , the baker , the candlestick
maker , if desired. This impression of
the lecture I have always retained with
particular sharpness , by reason of the
solo voce remark of n jealous English
man immediately behind mo , who , upon
the statement nmdo by Prof. Boll , said
with profound disregard of the rights of
the letter H : "I suppose each 'ouso
hnddcd to the circuit would bo about
ono homo. " Ho evidently meant ono
ohm. but as ho stated It , the proposition
was indisputable. '
The first telephone line actually built
for the purpose was finished on April 4 ,
1877 , nnd extended between the olllco of
Charles Williams , jr. , at 100 Court
street , Boston , and his 'house at Somerville -
villo , Mass. . - . _ .
An Institution Under the Tender
Oaro of the State.
How the Denf Are Made to Hear nntl
the Dumb to Speak Lip-Head
ing A Unique Method of
"Ono touch of nature makes the whole
world kin. "
Of all charitable institutions n deaf
nnd dumb asylum ispar excellence , the
most interesting from n visitor's point
of view , and the Omaha establishment
is no exception in this respect. Here
the practical philanthropist or the in
quisitive seeker of novelties will alike
meet with many things to arouse his
enthusiasm and admiration. As ono
walks through the class and other
rooms in the institute , he cannot fail to
be impressed with-'tho ' idea that the
money applied towards the education
and support of these afllictcd people is
spent in a worthy cause.
As is generally known , the Omaha Sn'-
stituto is supported by the state , and
children of parents living in Nebraska
are admitted to.its privileges free. The
first building was erected in 1809 , but as
the country has.'sottlcd up it has become
necessary from .time to time to build sev
eral annexes , until at the present time
the institution 'presents quite a formid
able appearance , , It is with something
of pride that Mr. Gillespio , the popular
principal and ' toward of the asylum ,
talks of the work that has been and
is being effected in the class-rooms and
workshops nnd the casual observer will
scarcely fail to note that the most
jealous care is exercised over the wel
fare of the young folks committed to his
charge. The healthy and happy appear
ance of the inmates speaks volumes in
this respect.
To the applicants for admission the
only qualifications necessary are that
they mubt bo of good moral nabits , be
tween the ago of seven and twenty-five ,
of sound mind and frco from contagious
disease. Entering the institute the boyer
or girl is placed in a class for which hoer
or she is fitted having regard to former
instruction ( if any ) . The sign language ,
if not already learned by the child is the
initiatory stop in his education and is
closely followed by a course in English
und general subjects.
It is worthy of note that the system of
developing dormant hearing in so-called
deaf mutes which is now in vogue in
most of the deaf and dumb institutions
throughout the states had its origin in
the Nebraska institute. It is a fact not
generally known that dumbness arises
from and is altogether dependent on the
sense of hearing. It was accordingly
argued that if the latter sense could bo
dovelopcdlinguistic power would follow
as a matter of course. To the further
ance of this theory and the development
of hearing , Mr. Gillespio and his stuff
applied themselves some six
yeurs ago. Several methods were
tried and at first they did
not meet with much success.
Through long persevoronco and pa
tience , however , their efforts wore
eventually rewarded and a system was
adopted which has literally enabled the
deaf to hear and the dumb to speak.
The method , of course , can only bo ap
plied in cases where the patient can
hear bound at the beginning. It was
found that the "hard of hearing" ear is
susceptible in the greater measure to
short sounds such as are exemplified by
the letters of the alphabet and
with these the auditory edu
cation now begins. A number
of the letters being mastered and re
peated , the pupil is gradually advanced
to the shorter words and so on , until a
good knowledge of the English langu
age is imparted. The process is neces
sarily slow and requires an inoxhnustablo
amount of patience on the part of the
instructor. Once liowover , a word has
boon distinctly heard by the pupil , ar
ticulation follows in duo course. It was
with no small amount of interest and
pleasure that the writer conversed with
a number of the pupils who had origin
ally boon to all intents and purposes ,
deaf and dumb.
A further exemplification of the use
fulness of thjs Institution is to bo
found in the lip-reading department ,
whore children who had been able to
speak before losing their hearing , are
taught to rend language from the mo
tion of the lips of the person convers
ing with them ; This , too , is n tedious
operation , requiring the utmost atten
tion and care from the teacher , as well
as a considerable amount of intelligence
on the part of the scholar. Judging
from the achievements of some of the
little ones , however , it would appear
that Mr. Gillespio and his officers have
worked wonders in this lino.
There are nt present ninety-five chil
dren in the Institute , forty-three of
these being girls. The boys on enter
ing do BO with the intention of learn
ing a , trade , and every facility in the
way of instruction is afforded them us
soon ns they nro old and strong enough
for the work. Carpentering and print
ing are the branches taught , nnd work
shops for these trades nro respectively
presided over by S. E. Buckley nnd P.
E. Maynard. The BEE man was shown
5 cabinet recently constructed exclu
sively , bytho. . boys ; which waa
a ' very . butlsfactory credential
to- the efficiency of their instructors.
In the printing line , the Nebraska
Mute Journal , a semi-monthly news
paper published at the institute and
nuntcd ' by the boys , speaks for itself.
I' it is devoted to local topics and literary
subjects , and has quite a good circula
The girls find congenial occupation
ns " well as instruction that
is invaluable to them af
ter leaving the institute , in sowing
lessons which are imparted by Miss Jen
nie McCabo. Miss M. L. Divine is the
instructress * in drawing nnd paint
ing , nnd she has some
budding artists nmong her pupils.
Singing , too , is to bo ranked nmong the
other accomplishments of the inmates.
This is effected by gestures and is a
beautiful exemplification of the poetry
of motion. Those who would seek
something unique in the way of singing
should see a quintette of the ' children
"sing" the Swanco River : So far from
it being a mechanical operation they
enter into the spirit of the
song with all the enthusiasm
of a primn donna. The other
teachers engaged in the institution
nro P. L. Reed , Maggie Watkins , Lucy
Butrick , O. T. Plum and W. E. Taylor ,
all of whom are busily engaged at the
several duties detailed to them between
the hours of 8 a. m. and 3 p. m. Mrs.
Gillespio is the worthy matron and a
prime favorite with the pupils ,
Every facility is afforded for the
amusement of the children. All
work and no play , etc. , ap
plies to the deaf mute , as well
as to his less afllictcd brothers
and sisters , nnd the force
of the adage is fully appreciated
by Mr. Gillespio and his stall. Base ball
and other games are frcelv indulged in
by the young 'uns after school hours.
When the school course is over gen
erally a period of seven years the pu-
Rils are discharged. The boys go out
ito the world armed with n trade ,
which will insure them a good living ,
and the girls are all adepts in
househould duties ns well 119
accomplished seamstresses. To the
bright and more intelligent
students a university education is
provided at the national college for deaf
and dumb , situated at Washington.
Two of Mr. Gillcspio's pupils are
already there and ho has five now in
Too much credit cannot be given the
management for the extreme cleanli
ness and neatness of the class _ play and
bed Everything possible is done
with a view to the allovintiona > of the
afllictions of the inmates and ruling
by kindness is the order of the day.
A Sketch of the Famous Literary
NEW YORK , Oct. 2C. [ Correspondence
of the Bun. ] No more unique , distinc
tive , and at the same time popular char
acter stands before the public to-day
than Ella Wheeler Wilcox.
Born in a Wisconsin village some
thirty odd years ago , when Wisconsin
was not much more than a frontier
state , without influential friends or
family , and without money , she made
for herself a name in literature which
commanded attention before she was
eighteen years old. To one who knows
it in detail her hibtory reads like a fairy
story. Reared on a western prairie ,
she is an ornament to the most brilliant
circles of the metropolis.
She had never seen an editor or liter
ary person and know nothing of the
methods of getting into print when , at
fourteen , she read her first production
to the press.
The Now York Mercury published
these childish efforts which wore writ
ten in prose and under nom-do-plumes.
It declined the first poem she over
pent for publication , and the editor sar
castically advised her to "crush her am
bition to bo a poet. "
The Waverly Magazine has the honor
of being the first to present the name
of Ella Wheeler to the public.
Frank Leslie sent her the first check
she ever received , at seventeen years of
ago.From that time to the present daysho
has never bwcrvcd nor faltered in the
steady hard climb toward success.
She never sent a manuscript in her
life for criticism and never asked for
aid or influence in her literary ven
During the last fifteen years , Ella
Wheeler has probably been the most
criticized , abubedpraibed , misconstrued
and admired woman in the literary
Without a particle of effort to create
n sensation , everything she has in that
time written , has had the effect of
stirring up criticism.
Her writings seem to bo possessed of
a certain something combustible in
their compositionthat on striking outer
air invariably rends it with more or less
of an explosion.
Her first published book was "Drops
of Water , " n collection of juvenile tem
perance verses. These wore crude but
tilled with the dramatic enthusiasm
which has so permeated her later work ,
nnd provoked praise and censure in pro
portionate quantities from the contend
ing forces on the liquor question.
"Shells , " a little volume now out of
.print , comes next.
"Maurinno , " by many considered her
finest work , and the famous "Poems of
Pasfaion , " which get the literary world
on fire , followed within three years of
each other.1
. .Columnsofabuse nnd praise items
ridiculing and eulogizing the latter
volume filled all the papers in the
Some of her friends urged her to sup-
Eress the book after its first appearance ,
iit strong in the courage of her con
victions , she road the severe and un
just reviews through tears , not unmixed
with smiles at sight of the golden coins
which punctuated the comments of the
Many of those dollars were spent in
building a homo for aging parents , and
much of the halo now surrounding this
remarkable woman's life , is the reflec
tion of the generous deeds of her early
monicd life.
Milwaukee people gave her a "bene
fit" in May , 1883 , when she was made
the subject of n speech by a United
States senator , nnd was presented with
a china basket containing $500 in gold.
Long before her happy marriage in
May , 1884. with the elegant and culti
vated gentleman who brought her to
the cast , her name was a household
word and she was a welcome guest in
the best circles of the great northeast.
To her rare genius were added unus
ual graces of person. She was a bril
liant and tactful talker , a good dancer ,
and a general favorite with old and
young by reason of a peculiar current
of common sense and usefulness under
lying intense enthusiasm in the good
things of life.
She possessed many faults , but she
was a dovotcd daughter , a faithful
friend , and is an idolatrous wife ; all
the fervor of her poetic nature is now
merged into oho channel.
The vein of scnsuousncss which char
acterizes much of her poetry runs all
through her personality , tastes and dis
position , but is fortunately governed
and guided by strong common sense. A
sybarite by nature , she can adapt her
self to any condition life may impose.
As a girl she brought much adverse
criticism upon herself from the severe
judges of the world , through too great
a love of pleasure and admiration , too
voluptuous and uncareful literary meth
ods , and a hasty temper.
Time has cured all these faults save
the latter.
The fair poetess is n perfect little tem
pest when aroubed , which is never with
out fair cause. An eye witness to one of
her late justifiable storms , said to mo
that she felt ns if she wanted n light
ning rod about her pcr&on at that time.
In olio of her own poems she says : "Tho
angel lurked under the demon in mo. "
Somebody has intimated that she pos
sessed "a good deal more of the
former , but the latter has boon more
highly cultivated. "
The wife of one of Wisconsin's mil
lionaire kings tolls mo that in her native -
tivo state tho. gifted poetess was more
beloved for her personal qualities than
her intellectuality , and many loved the
woman who would not endorse her
Since her marriage she has published
but one book , "Mai Moullo , " a novel , a
striking and remarkable work in its
way , but full of new nnd udvanccd ideas
for which the public is not ready.
Many a sermon will have to bo
preached to cover the ground "Mai
Moulle has done.
Her poems have noticeably improved
in refinement and strength since her
marriage. This is duo , no doubt , to
constant association with ono of the
ablest and most cultured critics of tno
Ella Wheeler Wilcox has a delicate
but vigorous physique. A casual ob
server would not imagine her over
twenty-eight. Naturally of a joyous and
happy disposition she is subject to peri
ods of profound melancholy. Sno dresses
quietly on the street and artistically in
the house. The literary circles of
Now York have sot the seal of com
mendation upon her work and she is re
ceived with open arms in some of the
most delightful social circles in the city.
Her benevolence is as as unique as her
talent. A constant source of distress to
her in this regard is being com
pelled by bitter lessons of experi
ence to close her pockelbook before
the demands of the unworthy and
limit her charities to cases which she
personally investigates. Ono of her
strongest characteristics is her deep re
ligious faith coupled with intolerance
of creeds. She seldom attends church ,
but has the most implicit faith in
prayer. Sincerity and truthfulness are
her cardinal virtues. The favor of
kings and princes could not tempt her
to depart from these. She is "fear
less nnd fearfully frank , yet
gains and regains more friends than
those who rely upon policy to carry
them through the world. I do not bc-
liovo in magnetism , but if any ono in
the world ever did possess it bho docs.
Ono critic has said : "Sho draws all men
to her and almost all women. " So suc
cessful a woman , she has few if any ill-
wishers , being possessed of n faculty of
disarming rivalry. I attribute this to
her sincere and interested pleasure in
the success of others.
Mrs. Wilcox lost her only child , a
lovely boy , after ono day of life , last
May. She is now milking her homo in
New York city , near the Central park ,
in a cosy HtUo nest of rooms most artis
tically decorated.
Diminutive high top booth are used for
waste i > npcr holders.
The elaborately figured brass picture
frames are In favor this season.
Carved Swiss work In white wood make
very good pieces for ladles to paint and color.
Cardboard articles of suitable patterns may
be topped , with half an eggshell prettily
Deerskin , with'spots of white and , red , Ii
E , A , TOM , Park Aycnnc ,
D , J , Seldon ,
A , L , MeiES , 1205 N , 26tri St ,
F , E , Collins , Cor , 21st and Spencer ,
Thos , C , LoYoy , 3518 Jones St ,
N , W , Loan & Trnst Co , , 1519 Farm
F.rWooflrongu , 2219 Ohio St ,
Alfred Conner , Cor , 25th & Davenport %
A , Banraborger , 2113 Barney St ,
A , F , Mayne , I9tli St ,
C , L , Cliaffcc , 2021S , 33d St ,
C , W , Clark , 1921 S ; 334 St ,
W , T , Bonner , 35331-2 Howard St ,
W , F , Mceney , 2023 Howard St ,
C , E , Wynian , 845 S , 21st St , -
J , W , Holier 1927 S , 33d St ,
fi , M , Cooper,1715 , N , 18tli St ,
J , L , filkie , 1341 Georgia Arenns ,
Mrs Allen , 2103 Ohio St ,
M , G , Rolirbongh , 927 N , 27th Avcnno ,
C , M , Eaton of Oiiiaha Stove Repair
H , L , Honse , 623 Park Ayenne ,
Edmnnd Bomb , 2111 Ohio Street ,
Ami many others.
employed by society queens for coverlug tkoijl
jewel uiul other Mimll boxes. ft
A gilded panel with a raised llgtiro of tf
stork nmdo In paper or wool or worsted is
nice ornamental adjunct to the wall.
Wall papers that appear light in the store
tire [ often much tnoru intense after being
hung , owing to the reflection from the oppo.
slto wall.
A pair of cheap bellows poised liK | > n the
nozzle , with the spread sides decorated and
the top cut open , makes a unique waste pane :
Cobwebs , spiders , buttorflys , moths , nnd
flies of various kinds are favorite decorations
In fancy articles for the boudoir uud narloi
this season. '
Long stem glass vases nro to bo qulto thdS
favorite for parlors. They liavo alternate
lines of color , and the shape and pose is ntt *
daclous and striking.
A green glass vessel is bird-shaped , wits
feathers on head and neck in silver . It !
stands on u mirror , ami imiy bo used to pu
rings , etc. , into for the night.
A Gorman tile facing for grutcs shows n
continuous plant and floral design in dolicat (
hues on a white ground , and presents th
uniqno idea of showing brightly ulumagoc
birds und brilliant , rich insects. J
Brass fittings arc popular this season ; btl'
as producing tires obscures the brilliancy o
the metal , It Is well to bear In mind thu
brass may bo kept from tarnish by n coat o
varnish composed of two ounces of shellac
nine ounces of alcohol.
nonquota of ( lowers worked of fancy con
ornaments for the wall and fuced in silk oc
satin are made more effective by a i > ortlon bo
ing "in the round , " stalks and flowers stand
ing completely out , while sprays and petals
show behind on the curved ground in Ugh
relief. ?
Silver-mounted glassware , Doulton suliu
bowls and claret jugs are out to meet an in
creasing demand for these articles. Ciunoc
glass , which heretofore has been reserved fo !
purely decorative articles , is now made it
pcppor and salts , salad bowls and the llko
with silver trimmings. These articles clearly
indicate the tendency to combine silver am
glass , and silver und porcelain , again in oni
A pretty wall ornament may bo made bj
taking a picco of Bristol board , cutting it ii
shield or some irregular fanciful form , nn <
giving it a backing of thin hard wood beveled
the border painted bright vermlllion. Huvin )
oiled the surface , lay out on It with a cumol'i
hair pencil seaweed previously dipped It
water , talcing care to keep distinct the nilnuw
threadlike libers. Then tuko oft nnd lay 01
blotting paper , placing several sheets over it ,
and on top of nil u board. Then press. Th <
seaweed is then arranged on the cardboan
and secured with gum arabio.
Fancy catchalls , baskets , card nnd pnnc&
receivers como In all sorts of shapes , mando-l
lins , banjos , guitars , hats , caps , cornueoplag.I
birds' nests , und uro profusely decorated witbjj
bright ribbon bows and bunches of artificial !
velvet and plush ( lowers , over which is fre *
quently thrown the web that the
weaves , in circles of palo blue silk on n wlroj
foundation , with-green , red , and blue spidera !
cngogcd In the game of the spider andtnoflytj
or more- frequently the butterfly and moth In
all the gorgeous and delicate colors of that
Lepidopters family.
She Slid Down the Polo.
St. Louis Sunday Sayings : Nearly
every resident of St. Louis has onjoyov
the sight of seeing the lire department
horses at the stroke of the alarm ruiy
out from their stalls anil take their re
spective places at the different vehicle/ ;
to which they belong. "
This is u sight worth witnessing , ah < j
one which never wears out. People
may see it again and again and yet arc
always ready to see it again. fj >
Last Tuesday night when the alarm
struck ut 9 o'clock a largo crowd gath <
orcil around the engine house of tha
"Thirtoons" on Eleventh street , noon.
Wash. Among them was u lady naraetl
Mrs. Pipe , who lives on ThlrteontK
street and Olive. She was delighted *
with the scene , and wont into ocstacion
when she beheld the ilromon slidaj
down the steel polo like a Hash of llght\
ing and take their places. So onthuaUT
ustic was she that she expressed unj
earnest and loud desire to do the ac f
herself. Her friends who accompanied
her Bcemcd shocked at the peculiar dot !
sire of the lady , and argued the prot !
' the act. 'I
"Tho idea of you , a lady , attempting.
such a thing ; it's nonsensical , " sai4
one. 'M '
"I don't care , " cried Mrs. Pine , ' , "
can do it , and I will. "
Nobody was more amused at the re > .
mark than the dromon themselves. Onq
or two of them suggested that the liuly
bo given a chance to dis agil
ity. This encouraged Mrs. " Pipe , who
is rather a stout , well formed woman ofr
thirty , and she at once declared herself
ready. The lady was led upstairs , andi ,
grasping the polo waited for the \
to strike.
"All ready , " cried one of the
men , seizing n hammer to strike thq >
alarm "ono , two , throe ! " M
Ding , ding wont the boll nnd down
cnmo Mrs. Pipe , her skirts fiylng in
It cannot bo said that the act was well
or gracefully executed , for Mrs. Pipe
came with a thud upon the hard floors
beneath. Her fuco was flushed. Shot
smiled as she arose from n sitting posli ,
tion upon the floor.
"I told you I could do it , " she said ,
triumphantly , but as she walked toward
her friends she limped considerably. A
few moments later she discovered that
she was scarcely able to walk , und had { <
to bo assisted homo. *
At last accounts she was still quite
lumo , nnd whoa her friends ask her-
the cause of the sudden lameness shcj ,
meekly replies , "Rheumatism. "
The Montana Democrat lias the following !
"Last week one of our friends , coining down'
from St. 1'nul , stopped over nt Winona ovc
night , liclng a stranger ho inquired of thaj
landlord 'what kind of land they had back off
the prairie. ' 'D d splendid land , sir. ' '
'And what kind of country luwo you back or *
the blufl ) ' 'D d splendid country , slr.
'What do you raise mostly round hero ) ' '
ral > hell/ "