Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1887, Image 12

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    r * , , wtVT $ i ' " - CfVawi f'T" * ' ' 9'T > rT7Fi * flw r " * ' 'SlBl7nr"rfr ! > ' ? ! r'n'F'V"1
A * Celebrated Stager , Jenny Llnd ,
Dying in London.
iJ . . - -
rortemate Clrcamstaitce Which
t * the Discovery of Her Extra * "
e * MMarjr Talent Her Travel *
IB the United
E' Jfeany Llnd , the silver-longed sopran6
f : Wfct > ta 1S60 and 1B51 created such cx-
m BUMMBt among the music-loving pop-
i' . la et > f the United'States , is dying in
Ik star lioBte , No. 1 Morton "Gardens , Bol-
K ttMt * ' W. , London England , whore she
P IMM lived for years with Otto Gold-
H Mhmldt , her husband. The older gott-
tj : - ratios of to-day will recollect distinctly
| the ringer's tour of this country and
| ' ikVpopular interest which her appear-
| aaee IB concerts [ excltc'd. 'Mrs. Ltnd-
V GoldMhmldt has for years bconvltrprlv-
P ate'life , yet she is remembered as the
P BOBMceor of the most t remarkable
! ' ftprario voice eve * * heard. Of this fact
( - , , , B seemed herself to have been well ,
Faware , _ , for it is related of her that whoa
| „ tOBM ono recently complimented in her
\ presence Ghristino Nileson as being the
$ ' world's first soprano , Jenny Lind interrupted -
f -rupted the remark that she herself had
( , an organ that had never been excelled.
W f.But this may have been occasioned by
! , ' jealousy born of her life on the stage.
j \ Jenny Lind , who has universally
p * heen known as the "Swedish Nightin-
L ' ' fale , " was born in Stockholm. There
f- ; seems to bo some confusion about the
k date of her birth. Some authorities
r Vgtirethls as February 8 , 1820 , while
B > /others insist that she came into the
' . worltl October 0,1821. At any rate , her
t introduction to the troubles of this mun-
t dene sphere was not under the most ,
ii- auspicious circumstances. Her father
1was a teacher of languages , and her
I Another varied the duties of maternity
If with those of keeping a school for young
* .WOBMB. Consequently Jenny was left
t ' * very much to herself , and grow up without -
| ' out much to relieve the monotony of a
to. > ohiMish existence. But she found sur-
$ oeane for her sorrows in song. When
* Artie was yet only throe years old to sing
r ' /was her ruling passion every melody
i'f that struck her cur was retained with
'i an accuracy which caused general nd-
-t ' Bklration : eo work was done without oe-
' . ' ' . "eoaspanying it with her clear voice , and
' BO pain during frequent illness prevented -
> ' vented her from finding consolation
j ia .song. One day when the
* -child was about eight years old ,
{ Mrs. Lundberg , a Swedish actress , ac-
l , dentally heard her sing , and was so
I I surprised by the talent and native skill
* displayed by Jenny in the manage-
; ; V ment of her voice that she strove to
I ? 'open the eyes of the child's parents to
; fk'the treasure they possessed. Mrs. Lind ,
* wlth the prejudices against the stage
* .natural to a woman in nor position In
fr'/llfe , would , not listen at first to any
L „ proposition from'Mrs. Lundberg. How-
p t cnrer , the actress finally induced the
' mother to take her child to Herr Crco-
v * HUB , a music master living in Stock-
[ f'holm. _ He , upon hearing the little girl
* ' 4 ling , was even more astonished than
* , 'Vi-Mrs. Lundberg and instantly doter-
ll'ninedto present her to Count Pucko
" * : _ ' ; , candidate for admission to the
' musical school attached to the Royal
I - : > theater , of which the countwastho ,
; -v manager. After some tuition Crcelius
& itook his pupil before Pucko , who , meos-
p fy uting the gentle little'crenturo with
N V Mtonished eyes , at once demanded of
m Crcelius what he meant to do with such
E a child , for she surely had nothing to fit
tr herfor the stage. Crcclius undertook to
| t 'argue the matter with Puoke and finally
I , secured permission for ' the child
I ; jto ; sing. He awaited with
K' v' confidence the result , and scarcely
| I had she sung ten measures until the
I /.Count became as enthusiastic as Pucko
| . \and gave his permission for her en-
| ffirance to the school. She was then
f s placed under the care of Erasmus Borg ,
I"a I ' profound and skillful. musician. After -
* ' ' > - . ter studying under him for several
L ' yean the Stockholm public was aston-
j rpuhed ono night at the appearance of a
' - ' child in a vaudeville performance.
' ; This was Jenny Lind , who at once bo-
F \ tcaBte a favorite , and the prospect of her
b % frowlng into nn operatio star was ex-
I / ceediugly flattering. But when about
r . " 14' years old her voice failed her and
| ' " she was compelled to retire from the
9 f'stage. . ' CroBliua , her old master , tried
| V to reawaken the tones of his favorite
I mholar , but could not. At length horI
I voice returned , but it was not the voice
I/-4she once had , nor hud it yet acquired
B | \the wonderful beauty and purity which
E ? " Buurkod it in later years. After a con-
me , eert tour through Sweden she secured
E8 funds enough to take her to Paris ,
H " ; where she submitted her talents to
i > Garcia , the famous tetvcher. who , however -
* ' ever , told her that she.must not expect
g , to become a great singer. He told her ,
Bf , - thoagh , to rest for three months and
K then return to him. * Jenny managed to
| p live through the period of her proba-
II * tion'f though all alone in the great
and then again ylflHod Garcia.
_ N He , fave her hope , and she went in-
duetneusly to work and finally im-
j , ,1 , proved suttlciently to return to Stock-
. | BoUa , When in Paris Jenny mot Mey-
; ? erbeer , the celebrated comiwsor , and
' Kj two years later ho invited her to join
the- opera in Berlin , and in 1884 she
. went to the Prussian capital. At first
r she made but little .impression . on the
, public , as her voice had not yet ro-
* ' , turned. But ono evening when she
* -wl singing in "Robert lo Diablo , " she
' - felt that it had returned , nnd , inspired
\fcy the consciousness.sang the music of
1 * Allee with such force and power that
"rshe electrified the public ana astonished
, - Meyerbeer , who from1 that moment ro-
> . .farced her as the first of singers.
. { „ From this point her onward progress
* WM rapid and her * reputation was
r spread throughout Europe. She ap-
l peared in quick succession In all. the
1 t lEuropean capitals save * ono Paris
f aaa then visited the United States ,
L Cuba and Canada. Jealousy and in-
L 'trlftt * 'prevented her singing in the
& > Freaca metropolis. When Meyerbeer
f , flrti met her in Paris he recommended
| , her noet warmly to the director of the
Academlo do Muslque , who complying
K wltft the maestro's request fixed
K cft day for hearing her at the
f theatre. . .Rossini , Auber , Halovyaud
it other noted musicians were summoned
I t to nVMur her , but the director himself
L Bever nade his appearance , Mile. RoT -
[ T ' aiaa Btoltx , the then reigning queen ol
E the Aoademio'u musical corps , was the
I mlftretsiof the director , and she forbade
t his Bresenco on the occasion. Thus not
j evea aa offer was made to Miss Lind.
C Bb was so offended by this grutuitoui
t , iBMlt tliat she would never consent
I , BlUr to appear in Paris.
f "Jfanle Lind's voice wks a soprano elI
I fraat power. Ita compass was two and
> , kssU et ves. The upper notes espe-
i 4alty were clear , delicious in tone , flex-
u IM aa4 perfectly at her command. Hoi
P. vtftM was not the lew remarkable in iti
| fvsMlsMM aad yerfeet purity of tone ,
I IB * yrld VoriVlos who heard bet
f fjflcr her voioe re t > ver d ito power BOI
one could niter * syllable of , dieparag >
meat M refrarda the popular estimate of
her surpassing talents. Her dramatic
genius waa of nn order'M high M her
natural vocal powers and recondite mu
sical science.
At the cloflO of 1840 the affairs of the
London opera hnd reached a crisis which
compelled extraordinary enterprise on
the part of Mr. Lumloy , the manager of
Her Majesty's theater. The whole op
eratic troupe , headed by Costa-tho con-
duotorf bad abandoned the theatre and
established themselves at Covent gar
den. Lumloy'had but one resource
viz. ! to secure Misa Lind at any price.
She hod formed engagements in London
and on the continent , the forfeits of
which Lumloy had to pay. .After ar
rangements had been completed with
Mibs Llnd , Lumley'attempted to secure
for her nn adequate support. In this ho
was only partially successful , and Miss
Lind found herself pitted against a very
strong opposition ) which she finally van
quished and won th6 favor of fho Lon
don * public. Her last appearaficeron the
operatic stage took place May' 18 ; 1849.
The cause of her retirement is sftid to
have boon the objection 61 , aw man to
whom she was engaged to btitMrcied to
her further appearance. This engage
ment wad afterward" rbkon 6ff. The
operas-withv which she leas most Identi
fied wore' "Rooort le Diablo , " "Dor
Prolschutz , " "Norma , " "Lucla.dl Lnm-
mormoor , " "La Fifflin del Reglraento. "
Spontinl's "Vestti\p \ , " 'a nd , Mozurvs
Fluuto Maglco. "
After her retirement from opera she
continued to sing , in oratorios and , con
certs and wo on the continent thus en
gaged when in 1840 P. . T. Burnum , the
well-known showman , conceived the
idea of bringing her to.thiBcountry.
After considerable * ftcp6tiatioh he
agreed to pay Misa Lind * the then aston
ishing price of 81,000 each for 160 con
certs , ho to have the option of closing
the engagement after 150 had been
given. This contract was modified
after u time. In addition Mr. Barnum
was to pay all her expenses and those of
her servants and attendants. She stip
ulated that she must bo accompanied by
Mr. Julius Benedict ( now Sir Julius ) ,
the London composer and director , and
Sig. Bollotti , the Italian baritone. Matters -
tors were -arranged with' these artists ,
and Mr. Barnum then deposited with
his London 'bankers 9187,600 , the
amount which it was estimated would
be necessary to carry out his part of the
contract. After * the engagement with
Burnum Miss Lind refused , several offers -
fors to sing in London , but under the
management of the enterprising Amer
ican she gave two concerts in Liverpool
just previous to sailing for the United
States. With his usual perspicacity
Barnum had used every art to adver
tise the coming of the Nightingale nnd
the people of this country wore wild to
sop and hoar hor. She arrived in New
York Sunday , September 1 , 1850 , and
thousands of people were gathered on
the docks to greet her. At 12 o'clock
that niglt she was serenaded by the 200
musicians of the Now York Musical so
ciety , who wore escorted to the hotel
where she was stopping by about throe
hundred firemen clad in their pictures
que uniform and bearing torches. For
weeks after the excitement continued
unabated , and Jenny Lind's rooms were
thronged by visitors , including all the
celebrities of the day.
Barnum had offered a price of $200
for an ode , to bo sung by Jenny Lind at
her first concert. Numbers of compo
sitions were offered , but the following ,
written by Bayard Taylor , took the
B'izo and was sot to music by Julius
encdict :
I greet with a heart full of the land of the
west ,
Whoso banner of stars o'er a world is un
Whoso empire o'ershadows Atlantic's wldo
breast ,
And opens to sunset its gateway of gold I
The land of the mountain , the laud of the
lake ,
Aud rivers that roll in magnificent tide
Where the souls of the mighty from slumber
awake , *
And hallow the soil for whoso freedom they
died I
Thou cradle of empire I though wide bo the
That severs the lands of my father and
theo ,
I hear from thy bosom the welcome of home.
For song has a homo In the hearts of
the free I
And long as thy water shall gleam hi the
sun ,
And long as thy heroes remember their
scars ,
Be the hands of the children united as ono ,
And peace shed her light on the banner of
stars I
Jenny Lind's first public concert was
given In Castle Garden , Now York ,
Wednesday evening , September 11 , and
was attended by about live thousand
persons. She continued under Barnum's
management until Juno 9 , 1851 , during
which she gave ninety-three concerts.
They went from Now York to Philadel
phia , and then visited Boston , Provi
dence , Baltimore , Washington , Richmond
mend , Charleston. Havana , New
Orleans , Natchez , St. Louis , Nashville ,
Louisville , MadisonInd. , Cincinnati ,
Wheeling and Pittsburg , returning to
Philadelphia and Now York. The gross
rccelps of the concerts were $71",161.
of which Miss Lind received $170,675
and Mr. Barnum $533,480.
A few days before the first concert
Barnum tola Miss Lind that ho wished
to change their contract because he wus
convinced that the concerts wore going
to bo a creator success than ho hud an
ticipated. Ho told her he wished to
give her not only the $1,000 previously
agreed upon , but , after taking out
$5,500v night for his expenses and ser
vices , he wished to give her half. the
balance. She wus , of course , surprised
and delighted , aud at the suggestion of
Barnum she secured a lawyer to look
after her interests , and after much
quibbling by him' the now contract was
signed , with the conditional priv
ilege on her part of terminating
it v after fifty or 100 concerts were
given. Miss Liitd had with her as pri
vate secretary Max H. Hjortzborg' , her
cousin , who constantly annoyed Burnum
with proposalsjto change the contract
probably at first without Miss Lind's
authority. Ho had also some influence
with his cousin , and finally after endur
ing much annoyance Barnum agreed to
consent to a cancellation of the contract
upon the payment of a certain forfeit
wnich the altered document bad em
When the company finally reached
Philadelphia , where arrangements hod
been mode to give the concerts in a
building which had been erected for a
circus , Jenny Lind , uuder the influence
of bad advice , refused to sing there , as
she said the building was but a stable.
Then Barnum consented to a breaking
off of their relations , and she under
took a concert tour of a portion of the
country under her own management. In
this tfhe was quite successful. Had she
remained with Barnum he would have
brought her to Chicago. During Miss
Lind's last tour she visited Syracuse , N.
Y. , and while there she gave Mrs. J. N.
Crawford , now of Chicago , the
daguerreotype from which the portrait
which ornaments this column is taken.
Miss Lind's tour lasted but a. few weeks ,
then she retired to Niagara Falls , and
afterwards went to Northampton , Muss.
While at the latter place she visited
Boston and was mairled to Otto Gold-
schmldt , the German composer and
ptaniH Ufwhom she was much attached ,
and who had studied music with her in
Duriuy her trip under Baraum'iman-
'afenent many Interesting incidents oe-
otored. One1 night In Boston a girl went ,
to the ticket office , and. laying down IS
for ticket remarked ' 'There
a , , goes
half a months earnings , but I am deter
mined to hear Jenny Lind. " The song
stress heard of the circumstance and
sent her secretary with a $20 gold pleco
to bo given the girl. The young 'woman
cried with joy when she received the
gift nnd hoard the kind words with
which it was accompanied.
In Washington Daniel Webster ,
Henry Clay , General Cosa , Colonel Benton -
ton , and many other notables , including
President Filmoro , called upon Miss
Lind. Upon hearing one of her songs
In the concert-hall Mr. Webster to sig
nify his appreciation rose from his seat
and saluted her with a most profound
bow. Misa Lind visited the tomb of
Washington , and while at Mount Ver-
non'sho woe given a book from the
library with the autograph of Washing
ton on a fly-leaf. This memento of the
great man she treasured highly.
. At Natchez , Miss. , while the steamer
was taking on fuel , she sang before nn
audience of about a thousand people ,
composed of a small number of planters
arid their families , the greater fx > rtlon
of the gathering being negroes. But
she pang with as much care as if before
a party of the severest critics ,
AtMndlson , Ind. , a speculator in
duced Mr. Barnum to stay for ono con
cert under a guarantee of $5,000. When
the company arrived there they found
that the performance was to be given
'n a pork packing house.tho only build-
ng of suitable size in the place. The
singer , however consented to appear ,
which was a little surprising in the
light of her objections raised ncainst
the accommodations in Philadelphia.
In Havana the people objected to the
high prices charged , and before Miss
Lind had sung n note she was greeted
with a storm of hisses. She calmly wont
at her work and finally conqiibrod the
rejudices of her audlenco , who before
or singing was finished went wild with
enthusiasm. They recalled her five
times , but she each time responded
with a vory'cold bow. nor could she bo
induced to sing again. When she had
finished four concerts she refused to
make another engagement to appear ,
and , though the entire Havana public
nnd press importuned her to retreat
"rom her position -she stubbornly ro
After her marriage she , with her
husband , returned to Europe. They
ived in Dresden for some time , and in
[ 850 returned to London , whore they ,
have since been , with the exception oof
such time as was taken up bv concert
tours of the provinces. Throe children
wore born to thorn , ono daughter and
two sons. Their homo for years has
been n house covered with vines and
surrounded by trees nnd flowers , but
Jenny Lind has been for a long time a
confirmed invalid , and would very
rarely see the casual caller. To ell
Americans who knocked at her door to
pay their respects , the servant , who has
lived with her for the post thirty years ,
delivers the message that "Jenny Lind
wishes them to say that she will never
ceoso to love the American people with
all her heart. " She recently had a
stroke of general paralysis , which , how
ever , left her brain unimpaired.
In private lifo Jenny Lind has been a
most charming woman. She is very
charitable , and even up to the date of
her recent illness was in the habit of ,
without material recompense , giving
musical instruction to a class of poor
young women. When on the stage her
munificent and genuine liberality was
almost prodigal. The immense proceeds -
coeds of her American tour .were
devoted to the establishment of a
free-school system in her native
land. When in America she also dis
posed of largo sums in charity. She
heard of a society in Swoedon the ob
ject of which was to take unfortunate
children out of the hands of their par
ents' by whom they were compelled to
steal , and place them in bettor circum
stances. Benevolent people subscribed
annually for the support of these chil
dren , yet the means for this purpose
were small. She at once gave apor-
formanee , but insisted upon dCible
prices , which .returned largo proceeds ,
which were devoted to the purpose
Upon the death of Mendelssohn , No
vember 4 , 1847 , Miss Lind was much
affected and she immediately took the
iniativo in a movement to render a
worthy tribute to his memory. A con
cert was given in London , December 15 ,
1848 , in furtherance of this idea.
"Elijah" was the work chosen by Miss
Lind to do homage to her departed
friend. The serious part of the work
was written expressly for her by Men
delssohn. The receipts exceeded 1,700 ,
and led , with subsequent additions , to
the foundation of a permanent scholar
ship , the first scholar elected , six years
later , being the English composer , Sir
Arthur Sullivan , and author of "Pina-
foro" and other similar works.
The latest thing in English made braces
sent over here for spring orders are broad in
the web and have an air of solidity about
Ono of those very smart fellows has turned
out a miniature rule in silver to bo worn as a
charm on a chain and having on ono side the
words : "Let's measure that yarn. "
The trade in dickies was all but paralyzed
when cheap shirts and high vests cumo along ,
but business In false fronts has been some
what revived by the victims of the Jaeger
All sorts of things are to bo found in cano
handles , some hold a pipe , others a cigar cut
ter , while ono is a pistol stock with a barrel
hi the stick , for which .cartridges to fit are
Traveling handkerchiefs are made buff and
blue centers with some shades borders , con
trasted , corners cither plain whlto or .bright
colors , others with printed corners. A nov
elty is In printed damask.
The band bow of whlto lawn will continue
a popular article for an mdoflnate period.
Next to the lever sleeve button , it will
always bo respected as the greatest foe to
profanity now on the earth ,
| New embroidered handkerchiefs are one-
quarter inch or one-half inchhemi , with two-
colored embroidered inside figures and extra
corner figures ; others simply corner embroid
ery jockey cap and whip , white horseshoes
with colored nalla , etc.
The attempt to introduce colors in men's
dress for evening wear might lust as well be
abandoned. The gentlemen of to-day are too
gallant to take from the ladles their special
prerogative lu the matter of ball and dinner
There are certain neckwear patterns in the
market that had bettor be given to Sir John
Thurston for distribution among the natives
of the Fiji islands. Civilization has no use
for these glaring combinations of bad taste
and absurdity. . „
New cashmere hosiery 1 * in soft faw *
hades , quarter drabs , tipped heels and toes
of whlto merino. The same soft shades , ap
pear in merinos with neat double or single
hair line stripes. In the finer grades the
stripes are ailk. 4
Now winter glovers are flno angoras with
subdued two color back stripes and genuine
Scotch knit in soft checks and bright mix
tures. Now camels hair gloves are blacks
and Rnuff browns , with bright colored
stripes , with double wrist * , Scotch heather ,
mixed mittens , some with ono finger for
Sleeve links , of gold , or what looks so
much like it that nitric and hydrochloric
acid would have to be called in to toll the
difference , elegantly finUhed and set with
fine counterfeits of precious stones , are of
fered at low figure * . The Improvement lately
made in Jewelry of this di is indeed re
markable , and thus is taken another step in
the direction of awUtlng the poor young maa
to retenblo in orname&Utioa bis more suo-
tul brother.
How He Lives and 'Wbtfcs In His
London Hout > ev v-
How Ho Spends' His Movey-Hta Prl-
ate Lifts A Gllmaein His
Workntiop at Home Who
His Friends Are *
LONDON , Oct. 15. [ Correspondence of
, ho BliK Copyrighted. ] When Henry
Irving was leading man In the Theatre
[ loyal , Manchester , a very modest lodg-
ng served his. turn , and ho never
dreamed of the luxury with which his
peculiar genius would endow his future
homo in London. Good industry and
good luck combined have brought him
vhomo more gorgeous than over an
English actor beheld , except upon the
stage a palace beyond the ambition or
the conception of either the would-bo
aristocratic Shakespeare or the pam
pered Qarrick.
When Irving settled in London as a
character actor , now some eighteen
years ago , ho was not regarded as oven
\ possible , ' much less the probable ,
Blisha on whom would fall the mantle
of the Kuans , Macreodys , Phelps , and
ihe' other great Shakespearians.
Those used to live in cosoy
nouses in old-fashioned streets ,
and thought themselves lucky if they
were invited to dine withh knight. The
Jmes have changed. The actor is now
; ho owner of a palace and the patrons of
aristocratic amateurs and other small
fry. Your Richard III. of last night
slept in a mansion , breakfasted with the
irlme minister , lunched with a bishop ,
ook tea with a duchess , dined with a
prino , and supped with the wits and lops
of Upper Tondom.
Henry Irving told his audience on the
closing night of a recent season that his
receipts for that season had been
$180,000. The margin of annual profit
requires eome spending. The cost of
his two boys'education at Eton , where
every lad is supposed to inherit a title or
bo the son of a millionaire , will absorb
an appreciable slice. The scene painter
ind stage upholsterer claim a small for
tune over each play presented. The old
sock collector plunges his hand deep
and often into Irving's pocket , but that
is a mere flea-bite , One day ho saw an
old work that contained plates of cos
tumes. Irving fancied it and bought it ,
though ho had not quito alLthe cash in
ills pocket at the momentf r its price was
$360 , I think it was $700ihe 'gave at a
sale for a Shakespeare scrap-book.
These little knick-knacks > como not so
easily into the hands ofJless favored
mortals than the prosperaaa actor mana
Irving has for several years lived in a
suite of rooms at a street comer in Now
Bond street , as it mightbethe first floor
corner of the Hoffman house. Then he
built himself a house at Hammersmith ,
of the latest fashion without and within.
The chambers at Bond street have been
retained , nnd it is there that his chief
work was done ; there he evolved those
masterly conceptions thata have placed
him "at the head of living- interpreters
of Shakespeare , and-thorahe "acquired
the means of carrying outu his 'magnif
icent designs. His dining room was
conventionally furnished , save for a few
bronzes and other artistic gems , mostly
related to his own art. His study then
and now proclaimed the man , and al
ways will. Irving is first and foremost
a student , a consumer of the midnight
oil. His nature and his art blend per
fectly. "It was a queer notion to fill its
windows with churchy stained glass.
Perhaps the results of disorder and
higgledy-piggledy are loss perceptible.
This sanctum is wont to have a chaotic
character ; books find their way from the
shelves to the floor , and there lie in
gypsy-like defiance of inartistic prim
ness. A table crawls out from its
proper corner into a harum-scarum
position handy for the workman student
who seems to have been testing its
strength by the piles of books and man
uscripts heaped upon it almost anyhow.
Many a play in manuscript finds its way
to Henry Irving. Not a few he has
bought and paid for handsomely. One
at least he bought from an American in
America. Whether ho expects to put
any of them on the stage , is another
matter. Ho has not done with Shakes
peare yet.
"About the walls hang a gallery of
paintings , engravings , and sketches of
his many eminent friends actors , ac
tresses , statesmen , poets , a noble army
of notables , and among them his Ameri
can comrades are conspicuous , Ellen
Terry's strangely sweet , expressive
face gleams out from various disguises ,
charming in all. Rossi contributes a
signed portrait of himself , "a 1'amico
Irving. " The place is a vertible mus
eum for its interest , and a Noah's ark
for its delightful disorder. It may be
that a hat has been popped on a bust , era
a coat flung over a precious folio on the
floor , or a pile of cigar boxes tipped
over a bundle of MSB. But the rich ar
tistic tone of the place , with its true
odor ol hard-work sanctity , is itself its
finest orparnent.
The Hammersmith homo was long in
the building. Whether the dainty
notions of the master demanded un
wonted pains or changes of design I
know not , but the result is a homo of
which the owner may well be proud ;
the same elegance in furnishing , the
same profusion of art handiwork , of
costly books , vellum antiques , lordly
bindings in tooled morocco , and workIng -
Ing editions meant for service and not
for show. In summer the beautiful
garden is a favorite rendezvous for in
tellect and beauty , and it would be hard
to name a garden-party more sought
after than those of Henry Irving.
While he evidently revels im the lux
urious , Irving's keen pereeption of the
fitness of things keepshis tastes and
their gratification severely within
bounds. Though in hiBidresa he is
studiously elegant and fashionablethere
is a marked quiet In his .bearing which
takes 'off the suspicion ul. . display. In
turning g ybut he is now la his fifties.
One of his bosom * * friends ! IB John L.
Tcolo. an old school comedian , or per
haps farclst is the more correct word.
These two struggled hard in their early
days , were always good chums , and Irv
ing never forgeta his early frienda.
Several have been in his company ever
since it was formed. For a brief while
tftere was once an English baronet
among them , nothing of an artist , but
Irving was generous and the baronet
was poor. Later on the baronet mar
ried a wealthy American , and no doubt
will appreciate bis patron' * kindness.
Another of Irvlng's old time comrades
met with a fatal accident at rehearsal
not in Irving'a thoatre.but Irving'g help
WM forthcoming ; at the right
time.Another of his old
friends is Sims Reeves , the unrivalled
te&ar. AtiiaA Rqev t'iBJftl ] benefit
* f t
* * *
eoneert AM ? Irrl f.alw y fired a
recitation or a reading , usually both.
Last time I heard him on thte occasion ,
Irving recited a poem from the Grecian
mythology with remarkable power. His
reading was a comic piece from Dickens ;
but though the cutting from wliich he
read was lined and underscored and
fresh punctuated for the occasional wan
poorly done , and fell flat. Yet nothing
IB droller than his "Jingle , " a character
he looks to the life tmd acts with great
gusto. Long ago , in his unknown pro
vincial days , I saw Irving in a part
"Vrhich it is possible his American ad
mirers never hoard of. The Davenport
brothers had boon making a great stir
in England with their spiritual mani
festations , and their tricks with the
cabinet they carried with them. They
had visited Manchcster.and their tricks
had boon discovered by two young
actors then on the local boards. One of
those was Frederick Maccabe.
whoso entertainment , "Begone , Dull
Care , " is known in America. Ho and
Philip Day < comedians both , sot to work
to practice the cabinet feats , and when
they could do them neatly they gave
semi-private displays in a hall. One
Ash Wednesday , when the theater *
were closed by law , it was decided to
give a public exposure of the Davenports
in the largest hall in the town , and on
that occasion Henry Irving appeared as
"Rev. Dr. Ferguson , " that Doing the
name of the plausible divine who had
done the talking for the Davenport
brothers. Irving was made up to per
fection ; we saw the soft-sawder showman
before us , with the same big white tie ,
the same nasal twang , and the same or
perhaps a slightly improved eloquence.
The ghosts duly walked , the ropes re
leased their captives , an'd the pious
ejaculations of Rev. Henry Irving were
like sweet streams in a very dry land.
The echoes of our boisterous laughter
come bock as I recall that delicious
treat , and of all the great tragcdiansa
repertory , there is no part I should so
much wish to see again as his Rev.
Sanctimonious O. Ferguson.
A machine for engraving designs , letters ,
and figures on ivory , metal , glass , etc. , has
recently been Invented.
One of the devices proposed for the Paris
exhibition of 1880 , is a traveling platform
which will convoy passengers at the level of
the floor and grounds through parts of the
A Danish find have introduced a non-con-
doctor of heat for water-pipes and boilers ,
principally made from sawdust. The com
position can bo moulded into the required
form and applied cold. It does not Injure
the metal in contact with It , and water or
steam leaking out will pass through it with
out spoiling it.
Mr. McCallum. of Now York , has devised
a method.of ventilating drains by means of
the flow of the running sewage. His system
consists of dividing the sewer into sections
by means of shafts to the surface and valves ,
so that as the sewer flows it creates a draught
which changes the air in the sewer and
mixes it with fresh air before it is dis
Anew material for excluding dust and
draughts has been brought out. It becomes
pliable when heated , and can thus be fitted
to the outlines of doors , windows , and so on.
[ t retains its shape on cooling until softened
by hot water again. The composition is en
closed in a fillet of maroon-colored cloth ,
which Is nailed to the frame of the window
or the stile of the door.
Do not disregard a cough. It is often
the symptom of the most fatal diseases ,
bronchitas and consumption , use Dr. J.
H. McLean's Tar Wine Lung Balm. 25
cents a bottle.
W. Comer of 13th and Dodge Btreeti.
Bnctti Ipfllaach for Dtforoiltiei lad Trams. .
Beit facilities , apparatus and remedies for success
ful treatment of every form ol disease requl > ln
Medicfor Surgical treatment.
Forty new rooms for patients ) best hospital accom
modations In the west.
WIIITB roil CincuLAiiS on Deformities and Braces ,
Paralysis. Epilepsy. Kidney , Bladder , E ;
and Blood , and all Surgical Operations.
Diseases ' of Women a Specialty.
Blood Diseases successfully treated , Byphllltlo
sonremored from the system without mercury.
§ w Restorative Treatment for Lois of Vital Power ,
sons unable to visit us may be treated at home ,
correspondence. AH communications conflden-
tlal. Medicines or Instruments sent by mall or ex
press , securely packed , no marks to Indicate con
tents or sender. One personal Interview preferred.
Call and consult us , or send history of your case ,
and we will send In plain wrapper , our
Upon Private , Special and Nervous Diseases , Seminal
Weakness , Spermatorrhoea , Impbtency , BjphUls ,
Gonorrhoea , Gleet and Tarlcoeele. Address
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , or
Dr , IcMenaiy , Cor , IJtiiSDoflge Streets ,
Proprietor Omaha iutlntit College ,
Book-Keeping , Penmanship ,
wvMHnvivMH sUn * * MVOMWwy I WvflrlvwHIfl
nd for College Journal.
& E. Cor. 16th and CaolUl Are.
Blood poUon.
vraereal taint.
( lest etrictan > .
esmlnsl enu * .
eloni , lose of
exaa ) power ,
weaknesf of
the sexual or-
fane , want of
desire in male
or female ,
whtthsr front
habits of
you * or sex-
el habiu to
natare rean ,
Xe"sbw 5
the exnal
ijssdlly anl
OeimHaUe * free aa * strict ! * eeaWeaUat
VettaiM tent free Iron oteemlloa to all parts
erf the United Btatea. Oerrseponieaee neSrte
MM * sMmtlasi. Ho letters auwtred _ _ aalese
esoaaenlsd by few eeeU to etassae , lend lea
CM It hid In Ottr 700 DlftffMt SfffH Ml
iSlzis , at fht simi prlct as tka ctmttrfalfs.
totUt wf + n tMtog tfct Trtwtf Mark * t yti may h > dtttlf .
THE MICHIGAN STOVE COMPANY , Detroit , Chicago , Buffalo , I
Milton Rogers & Sons , Omaha , Neb.
InillTinUI B wnro of marctmnt who commend other stores In preference to I
IjAUlllNAUI'AN"- ] ! h TO either failed to secure the "Uarland" !
| wnwiiuill niicncrornreJNTMiK5T : i > tni'oWnKle sOcslr l > IOBtove § .
Nobody Reads This
On Saturday , October 29th ,
We will make a special sale of
125 Dozen Childrefl'sWhiteMerinoDnderwearat 15o ' Eaoli. 125
For All Sizes , 16 to 34 Indies.
These are fine guage heavy goods. The sale
price ifl not half what they are worth. Call and ex
amine quality.
We lead in making low prices , but do not follow. 1
100 Ibs IJest Minnesota Patent Flour. . t3 75 Best Hams , Ib 12 :
100 Ibs Bnow Flake 220 llonelesH llacon , Ib 12
14 Ibs Cumulated Sugar. 1 00 Salt Pork , lb. . . : 10
4 Ibs Fancy Klo Coffee 1 00 Best XXX Soda Crackers , box , lb. . 06
41b8 Ooml Tea 1 00 Best XXX Oyster Crackers , box. . . . 05
10-lb pall Family Mackerel 0 Salmon , Mb cans 18
JO-lb pall Family White Fish J 00 Sardines , Mustard 10 >
10-lb pall Holland Herring 100 fl-lb box Storcli 40
61bsNavy Beans. . . . , 2 IB barn Kirk's Soap II 00
4Milbs Lima Beans g > STbars Union Boap 1 00
Slbsltlce j 24 bars White KuKslanBoap 100
Tibs Macaroni 1 00 2-lb can Corn Beef 20
25 aibflllalsms 25
41bsfornBtarch iibaBlrd Beed.H. ; ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 > StickCamly , lb . - ; 13
Potatoes bu . . . " ! . . ! . ! " ! . ! . . TO SUckCwndy 31ba as
BattLakePotatMS. . ! . . ! , ! . : . ! . 1 < FruitJelllea.UO-lbpolls 1J
The above are only a few of our ninny bargain * . Come and see
BS and let prove that we are tbe cheapest grocery benne In
N , E , Cornir St. Mary's ' Avenue and 19th Street.
1211 and 1213 Farnai Street
Carpets , Stoves ,
Carry a Full Llna of
Every Store to Warranted. BatUfaoilon Guaranteed or Money
Good Goods1 , Hoaeit Deallnfi Prompt DellTeryt and frloei a Low
a * any Ketpontlble Dealer.
JACOB E. TROIEL & CO. . 2709 Leavenwerti St ,
Real Estate and Loan Brokers ,
310 Swti 15th Strut , Onki , Nek ,
115 lota to Patrick's add. , frtua UWOS400 ; cash
Mice acres la Bonlsld , cheap.
Some deulrable trackage 10U.
6 acra food trackage , cheap.
Good bargains in all parts of the cltyi
A floe acre la Washington HUU