THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , OOTOBEB 2K ) 188fr--TWjELVB SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements tinder thin head , 10 cents per ltM for the first Insertion , 7 cents for each mib- Mqnent Insertion , and llJiO a line per month. Vo advertisement taken for less than 23 rnnts for the first Insertion. 8 ven words will be counted to the line ; they must run consecu tively and must be paid In advance. All ad- srertlmnents must IMS Imnded In before 1 : : o'clock p. m. , and under no circumstances will they be taken or discontinued by telephone. . Parties advertising In these columns and hav ing the answers addressed In euro of the lice , will jilcase ask for n check to ennble them to get their letters , ns nonn will be delivered ex cept on presentation of check. All aaswers to advertisements should be enclosed In envelopes. AH advertlcements In these columns nro pub- wthed In both morning and evening editions of the lice , the circulation of which aggregates more than 14.000 papers dally , nnd gives the ad- rertlsers the benefit , not only of the city circu lation of the Hoc. but also of Council IllulTs , Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout this part of the w eat. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. I TtflDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. . ISflfi jjlL Farnam street Complete abstracts fur f < nished , and titles to real estate examined , per fected and guaranteed. 210 BUSINESS CHANCES. "E11NK business chance oi > cn in Colorado for s A1 light manufacturing buMnoss ; largo profit : and small capital required. Particulars at A , F. Mayne's , NVW.cor. _ 16th and Farnam. ux WAN'J'l ! ! ) Mon to JiandTo an agency in othci towns or Omaha ; big money made , small capital required. Mutual Agency , 1007 Fnniam TftoH EXCHANGE Houses and lots , farms , A1 hotels , lots , merchandise , homos , cattle nnd in fact nuythlng you want. If you have any. thing to trade cnll on or wrlto to ns. Olllco open evenings. H. E. Cole , ! ] 8.16th st. i < Cl 71HKYENNE , Wyo. , ilie future"Plttsburg ol W the west. At present a railroad center Tlie Host built and wealthiest rlty of its size Ir United States. Wyoming. The great mineral fitorolioiiRHOf America und its innxhnuHtnble oil and coal Holds. For full particulars as to re pourcos.ctc. , address K.F. Stnlile.siHirctnry Cheyenne enno Hoard of Trade , Cheyenne , Wyo.814n27J 814n27J fllEA BA LF.H.M EN of experience nnd having ni A established trade among the Grocery Mer chants of the Westwlllllnd It tothelr ndvantnge to corrccpond w Ith us when in w ant of good sit uation. First-class places open. State the U-rrl tory in which you hnvn n t rude , whnt houses you have represented , and how long , what arrange jnents you desire to mnko ; nlso send your refer MUCH. Communications confidential , Address P. O. Uox 3691 , Now York City , txrcut this out nnd keep it. Cll-31 Ol..SINESST'lmncos-Hc.stnurant on 10th nni A > Farnnm for nalo ; lease on building. Thl > restaurBnt in In good location , nnd can-bo madt llrst claHH. It Is owned by us , nnd being out ol onr Hue of luislnoss we nre bound to sell. Cooperative - operative Land k Lot Co , 205 N-JGth st. 873 3 ( " " "rflO"EXCflANOB-flKW stock general mcr A chandlso for gno < l Omahu property ; small Incnmbrnnco ; must Bell or cxchango quick , b fl. Campbell nnd G. W , Hcrvcj310 Board ol Trade. 48(1. ( OH BALE AKl.MX ) stock of groceriesnnil ( jueenswiiro. In best locution In York , elolnp n business of * 20iOO. ( Stock Hourly now. A ran chance to n Iho iinan. Address , drawer 161 York. Nob. 7J9 1 CSPLilNDID Chance for good business mnn K5 partnership in small but paying concern , capital of $60 required , present owner cannot run It nlone. K. fti lice ollice. 833 gj T ) THADE Two Improved farms In Iowa foi Omaha property or Nebraska lands. Me Culloch & Co. , cur ; 15th nnd Farnum. 333 IIHEK drug stocks nnd fixtures of $1.MO , f2,700 , $0,000 in finest Ncbuiwka towns. Foi Bale or real estate exchange. Address K. 2 , Heo , BUSINESS Chnncon class restaurant In first clnra location , feeding nn nnnj rerv day , prl < e $2,000. $1. ( Hcash. Co-operative Land and Lot Co. , 205 N. ItHhst. 87231 GOOD opening for hardware or drv good' Htoro In Fitch block on Purk nvo. Bplondic1 etoie room. Cheap rent. F. L. Giegory. J'C'.i E 16th ht. (00 "Btoll BALE-W.OflO stock of gonernl merclmn A1 disc lu good rnllrond town in Southern Ne brasku. Host location. Double room. Low rent. A rare chance for some one to Men Inti n good bnslneba. Address F. J , Stnnoslitck Odell. Nob. 857 Nil FOH SAIfE First > clnss two-story brick hole doing excellent business ; routs for $85 pel mouth ; owner going out to Cal. Address H.S Lilly , llroken How , Neb. 226 n 10 TTIOH SALE A 300 ucio stock farm. inSnrp ; A' county , just 25 miles from Omnhn , with ! fine quarry on It , only V5 n , acre. A. F Mnyno. N. w. cor. ieth nnd Wl WANTED Stock of boots nnd Miocs in ex chnnge for Inside Omnhn property. Ad drvi > HFatten > on& Moore.lGlJ 1'nruum Ht , Omaha TC10H TRADE ,00l ( ncres of choice wosten A1 land to e > xchnngo for general merchandise Jno. F. Toft. 824 N. 15th st. 813 rpyou hnvo nny thing to exchange , write us wo have improved nnd unimproved Ne braflkn , Kansas and lown lands , conl mines , hn tels , stocks of , horsey , cattle , hoga Bheet ) , otc. , to exchniigo. 8. S. Campbell nnd G yy. Hen-ey , 310 Hoard ot Trade. 4S7 BUSINESS Clmnces Clgur nnd tobacco store- - paying well , $ ; tr > o per month. Stock and fix lures for sale or trude. Cnll nud see it. CO-OL eratlva lj > nd Jk Lot Co. . SOB N. ICth st. 878 31 USINE88 Chance Desirous of retiring fron business , w o will bell the balance of on Block of dry goods , etc. , w 1th three years leas and fixtures of store by January or Mnrcl next. Merchants meaning to ptirchnso addres John H. F. Lchmmm & Co. , 1J10-1312 : Farnam si ; 601 ns B USINESS Chance There is n fine opnnln i for a confectioner , restaurant nnabakc right near the entrance of Ilnnscom parl New storeroom , cheap rent. F. L. Gregory , 30 B. ICth st. ; 6Q ! TjWR 8ALE-Or trade a No. 1 hotel propertj A' doing good trade ) , in ono of the best town In Nebraska. B. 8. Campbell niid 0. W. Horvoi 010 Cliiunber of Commerce. 487 " \\rANTED A stock of gi ocorlos nnd genen mdse , for city lots paid for. C. J. Csnai _ _ ICT ) FOK SALK A complete steam Inundnhm inn twenty horse power engine. J. S. Hoi nett. Suundora nnd Clark sts. 020 CLAIRVOYANT. US. DUHANT-Clurivoynnt from Hostonl reliable In nil affairs of life , unites sepn : tted lovers. 322 N. ICth st. . room 1. 71.0 Dec. 1 DH. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Mm tcnl bUBlnefis nnd trht medium. Ofilcoll North lUth btictt : rooms 2 S3 , Telephone 94 813 ' WANTED-MAUE HELP. TWrANTED-S tlnerd familiar with furnut T work , Lincoln Hnrdwnre Co. , Lincoln. Nol 95130 WANTED lint salesmen who have an o tabllshed trade for a tlrst clnss wholosal hat house opening In Chlcngo. Good sular olteied. State aiuoiint miles nud terrltorjtrn' cled . Cook , Lymau , Smith & . Co. , 247 Monroe Ht Chicago. M230J W'ANTllD-Men to handle a light nrtlclo pa' ing $5 to $15 per day. Mutual Acenc1 1007 Farnam. _ KiiPij WANTED-S men to drive teams. $22 nS boanl ; Oshovelers for city , $1.75 ; boy t wash iMittles , $250 pvr week ; bell boy , $12 ; coed w ult era ( Gonnan ) , $ < ) ; 1 good Gcnnan coo All for city. City Intelligence offlco , freight * block. u"il WANTED ! BALESMAN-Small line of sar , Jilojt from manufacturing con > onitlo ; .offered a live man. One traveller ban earned s nvrrugA of $350 per month for six years past. 1 O. Hex 1.371. New York _ 17 0 * . WANTED A first-class workman phot grapher , Plattsmoutli , Neb. Address ] C. Johng. UAKU * . _ ANTED-Cook at Fremont , Neb. inqiil of Adlur & Heller. 1114 Farnam st 851 WANTED A music teacher for S pupils , pa tuition in l > oard. 4W N 15th. ub 31 * TirANTED-nuker A position will be opt f T for a good baker on Deceml > er 1st. Noi but a single man of excellent moral characti and sober hablto need apply. Wages $4H ) n ye ; and exjMinses. For furuier particular addre uperiuteudent Industrial School , Keurney.Ne' HU30 _ ANTRD 600 men for Kansas and Mlfsou fair paid , Moori'i employment Hgoncy.ti BlOth. _ gaiiuj A N intelligent mnn can find steady nnd i , tnmuenutve employment by ni > plylug yosto mcoboxTua. fla * 112 * _ * fl'ANTKD ) aw railroad men for Missouri ai W Kansas. $1.73 to $2JS5 per day , Uonj- H "Verweek. Scandinavian Employment burea faiO Farnam Kt , tide door. _ tjll 3 Men can make mcney by cunvassln SMART a , 1810 Fnniam. _ b8i 31 ] * f7" ] "ANTKD Men for railroad work. J TT tfrighfa Labor Agency. 1130 Farnam. 80 ( N ICth st , TTW W : ANTED 100 men of cpod appeamnce try our 16c meal * * t Nocris restaurant , JJ BuiiUi 14th rtrtrt. ( oU Lite * * JL [ XTANTEO Agents In Nebraska for Gen. ? John A. Logan's last work , "Volunteer Holdlcr. " lust published. Address J. M. Frenqfc * Co. , Omaha , tfeb. Z39 l\fANTKI teamsters for city. * B , and T board. City Intelligence offloe , Crelghton block. 783 salesmen for WANTKO-Sevcral flrst-class clothing , hat nnd furnishing goods. Only hose with first-class reference need address lox 229 , Omaha. 419 WANTED Men for Mlmourl and Knnsns. Scandinavian Employment bureau , 1010 'nnmm st , side door. Wl S WANTED-fi Rood carpenters for South Omaha , second cook and dishwasher for ted Oak. camp Cook , $45 : laborers for city , 1.75 ; man ami wife on farm near city. $2ii ; roung man ( Ucnnan ) for real estate office. $40 In commence on ; must spenk nnd write. English nnd Ucrman. Mrs. Ilrega ft Bon , Sin Bo. 16th t Wl 80 * WANTED MB ncents ; good salary or com mission ; rare clmncc. Address with stamp or terms , Weaver Mfr.,34 N. Btute St. , Chicago , II. 03.ul2 W ANTED 4 Herman boys to carry papers. Hfi-MW 8.12th st. , up-stalrs. Btfl WANTED-FEMALE HELP. \XTANTED-15 girls for private families 1 girl T T for chamber work , 1 girl for kitchen. Rl.60 | laundress for hotel , $4. All for city. City In- elllgonco otllce , Crelghton block. 952 WANTED-Good girl for general housework , nt 12219 Cassst , "IXrANTED T > < o prepossessing young ladles VT to Koltclt subscriptions for the best week- y paper In the city , cnll between 8 nnd in Mon day morning at room 4 , Crelghton block. 00530 Dining room girl for Colorado. WANTED $20 ; ono for Norfolk , fares paid ; second rlrl out of city , 14 ; women cooks for Salem , > cto and Central City ; girls for housework in neighboring towns nnd different parts of city ; women coolis in city , Wand $7 ; laundresses for mtols. Canadian Employment odlro , Mrs. Jlrega & San , 81U S 15th , tel. KM. Ml 30 * WANTED Good girl for general housework. 0188.17th street. WW \\rANTED-Ladlos for clonk figures , m bust. TT Hcyman & Dclclics , 1513 and 1KM Farnam St. 88830 W ANTED A first class cook and laundress , TT ( lermau preferred. Mrs.Milton Hogers , 7218 19th bt. 720 WANTED .1 dining room girls , 1 cook , girls for private families. City Intelligence Office , Crelghton lllk. UO "VVTANTED Bnlesladles for cloak nnd suit do- TT pnrtment. None but experienced need apply. Ileyman & Delchea , 1518 and 1520 Far- unm st. 867 UO W ANTED-Dlning room girl nt 101M N Ifltu St. 004 w IANTElV-Dining room girl. Dornn house , 422 B. ISthjicar St. Mary's avenue. 4J4 'XTT'ANTEI ) f > 0 Indies to try our IV : meals at T T Norris' restaurant ( old Live nnd Let Live ) , 3U nnd 313 8.14th st. 01)4 ) W Cook nnd laundress. Dr. Coff- mnn cor. St. Mnry's nve and 27th st. 558 EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. (1ANADIAN Emyloyment Olllce. Orders for \J parties to till positions of i tnist filled free- Male help supplied free to all. Domestic help 'nrnlslied on short notice. Male nnd female "lelp nont to nil parts If fore is paid. Eight years' ; xperionco enables us to fill orders satlsfac- lorily. Iteference , Omaha Nutlonal Hank. Mrs. Hrega * Son , 31B 8. 15th , tcl. 884. 434 31 * Ladles who nre desirous of obtaining WANTED taining competent servents of all nation alities to fill every required position to lenvo heir orders nt Scandinavian Einp bureau , 1010 I'urnum st , sldo door. 6X1 UO WANTED Situations. If you want a coach man , strtblo boy or porter , we have them > y the dozen with good references. No otllco 'ee. Canadian Employment otllro , Mrs. Hrega & Son. 310 8.15th street. Telephone 8S4. f.94 30 * WANTED Situation for 2 first class eastern gfrls ns cook nnd second girl , have nLso lome No. 1 Swede and German girls. Our otllco IB full of nlco girls every day from 10 n. in. to 5 [ > . m. , Canadian Kmp. otDce , Mrs. Hrega ft Son , llfl 8.15th , telephone 884. 4J 30J THE City Intelligence Ofhre hns the only prop erly organized employment ncency In the west. It Is the largest , most tellable nnd Its terms the most liberal. If you are out of em ployment or wish to make n chanro , why do you delay In securing the best pos liilo nld thnt can bo given you. Persons xhould carefully consider whom they nro dealing with as there me mnny new catch-penny concerns coming into existence dally. Full particulars concern. Ing our methods will bo given upon nppllca. tlon. All orders ( oxcnpt from private families filled free nnd sent to any partof the west w her fare is paid. Vours respectfully , Chan. L Hart , manager. Inferences : John L. McCaguo president McCnguo Bros' , bank ; Dexter L' Thomas , cashier Nebraska savings bunk ; lion' J. H. McCulloch , county Judge. 571. LOST. IOST See the handsome decorated stand J lamps at reduced prices nt Moody's China Btore , 3ft ! North loth bt. 820,30. T OST Oct. 2fith , gentlemen's moonstone J-J scarf pin with four small diamonds on sides , Bultnble reward for party returning same to Mnrtln Cahn , 1:122 : Farnamst. 81131 T OST Ijist Monday , ladles' cable chain gold -LJ bracelet , $10 reward for leturn to the ollice of S. P. Morse & Co. 878 30 FOUND. THOUND tLBO will buy ono set of trtpplo Jj plated ten spoons.fniicy patternat Moody's China Btore , KB North 10th st. 930,30. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTED Married couple w tthout childret to occupy il furnished rooms nnd pay foi same by boarding two persons. Itcfereuces re quired. For particulars call Monday or Tiles day nt the City Intelligence ofllce , . Cretuhtoi block. 950 30 WANTED Hoard and room Inprlvnto famltj for man , wife and baby. Money alwnyi paid promptly In advance. Inferences ex changed. Address L 2 , Hoe office. 057 31J LIST your rooms nt the City Intelligence of lice. Crolghton block. IM'JilO "WANTED About 30 out-of-town parties t ( Hend ton dollars to 310 South 15th Bt. nu < soLiiro a warranty deed to ono of those ten del lur lots ; $10 Is payment In full. Itememucr only a few left , 1127-1 WANTED-Ollloe space by a loan broker. Ad dress stating location and price. K HI , He * Olllce. h 4UU * WANTKD-TobuylOOor200 acres of chenj land near Omaha. Co-operative Land am Lot Co. , 20T. N. 10th st. B7S 31 J1ST your rooms at the City Intelligence ol tlce.Crelghton block. 94U30 WANTED A person to tench shorthand nm type-writing In a business college , Muu son's sjstem. Lock Hex 12U , York , Neb. 85430 * " 1/17ANTED / Nicely situated unfurnlshei TI loom , within lOsquaiesot 10th and Fm nnm. J. H. . 101,1 Fnniam. 85H 30 * \ \ Set of books to post nt night Address K 47 , Hee olllco. 75030 * \\7ANTEI ) Good family horse in oxelmngi for lot , McCulloch & Co. , cor 15th nm Funiara. IftO LIST your rooms at the City Intelligence ol lU-o. Crt'lghton block. t l)30 _ WANTED 2 or 3 boarders in private family Rrlng references. 510 South 21st st , neai corner St. Mary's ave. _ 704 30 * WANTED Farm lands in exchange fo stocks of merchandise. St. John i Ely Room 13 , Frenzcr block , opp. P.O KW LIST your rooms at the City Intelligence office Crelthton ; block. uiaao _ \VANTKD-Proporty of all kinds to exchnng TT Special attention given to trading. C.C Spotbwood , 30fii ) S 10th. C55 WANTED Good farms In exchange fo Omaha property , C. C. Spotawooit , 305- ! 8 ICth. C53 WANTED Farms to oxch.mg6 .for Omahi proiK-ity and stocks of merchandise. C L. llrown i Co. , room 13 Frcnrer block. Omahi 741n2 _ _ _ _ " \VANTKn To buy the furniture of a smal T T nr Urge house crntrnlly located , Co-npero tive Land ic Lot Co. . 2U6 N IttU st. 13S \\TANTED-Farm lands In exchange for clt * * IJToperty. bt.Johii * Ely , Room 13 , Freii MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY to Loan-Sums of $5ao ntid upward- . . , H t motRagcs , Improved city propertj li. S. UUbee , 4Ji lluiuge liuUdlug , Oinalm. N > 4 K a * _ MONEY To loan on chattels. Co-oporatlv I nd nnd Lot Co. , AGNo. ICth street. 550 _ _ _ " \roney on hand to loan ou Improved pronerti ' * J. A. UeUtanO , Arllmrtuu block. 025u5 NEY tntuird on furniture , plamis , MffSSV * * ' ' "wraua. J. J. WJlktoiou Co , 1324 farnaui , over Rurllui ou Uckjet oltlce , , to loan. n. K. Cole , 316 S. 15th. First $1,000,000 mortgage notes bought. 379 tTfO.OOO to loan at 0 percent. . Llnaban 4Ma- P honey , 1500 Farnam , _ . _ SS7 MO.OQO to loan in any amount at lowest rate of $ Interest. 11. B. Ircy. 1-Yenier block. 13 to loan to parties wishing to build. MONEY . Campbell , U10S ICth at * Chamber of Jtommerco. 814 _ to loan. Notes nnd 11. R. tickets MONEY nhd sold. A. Forrnan , (13 8 13t h st. time loans mnno on nny nvnu.ible security , in reasonable amounts. Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged. General Inanclal business of any kind transacted iromptly , quietly and fairly nt the Omaha Fl- innclal Exchange , N , W. cor. 15th and Itar- noy sts. , overstate National baud. Corbett , manager. 127 ; ONKV to Ioan O. F. favls Co. , real estate M nnd loan agents , IftOTi Karnam st. 2U CENT Money. Patterson & Knwcett IMh nnd Ilarnoy. K3 TVTONEY td loan on Improved real estate ; no I'-L commission charged. Lcavltt llurnhnm , room 1 , Crelghtoa block. ! Kl _ ; ONEY In stims of fc-0 and over to load at low rates. Itussell & llarrett , 3K S inth st. , To loan on Omaha elty property nt 0 $500,000 cent. G. W. lay , 8. K. cor. Kx. Hid. ! ) T1O LOAN Money T/oans placed on 1m- -L proved real estate In city or county for Wew England Loan Si Trust Co. , by Douglas County liank , 16th nnd Chicago sts. S19 ONBY To loan. Lowest rates. No delay. ,1. L. lllco & Co. , over Commercial Nu- : lonal bank ! ! 18 ONKY to loan on city property. Will buy good notes. Beaver & Whltcomb , 1 K b'amiim. 7T to loan on city property , and also MONEY In Nebraska and low a. Odcll Bros. .V Co. , loan , real estate nnd Insurance agents , 11X1 Pearl street. Council lllulls , la. ; 1DJ3 Fnrnnm street. Omaha. S08 to Loan By the undersigned , who MONEY the only properly organized loan agency In Omaha. Loans of $10 to tine made on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wrgons , ma chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans bo made tlmt any part can be paid nt nny time , each pay ment reducing thn cost Tire rata. Advances made on line watches nnd diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they nro dealing w 1th , as many new concerns nro dally coming Into existence. Should you need money call and POO me. W. It. Croft , room 4 Wlthnell building , 15th and llarney. 'j MONRY to Loan On Improved city property nt lowest rates of Intciest. No commis sion charged. Bholos & Crumb , room 1 , Ilarker block , cor. 15th and Farnum sts. " 16 ONKY LOANED nt C. F. Heed * Co.'s Loan Olllcn. on farnltmc , pianos , horses , wngons , personnl jiroperty of nil kinds , nnd nil other nr- llcles of vnluo without removal. 318 8. 13th , over IHngham's commission store. All bust- ness strictly confidential. a > ) $300,000 to loan , special rates on farm property. Sobotker & 1'errlgo. 1521 Fnrnam st. 251 M ONKY to loan , rush on hand , no delay. J. W. nnd n. L. Bqulro , 1413 Furnam st. Paxton - ton hotel building. 225 MISCELLANEOUS. LIST houses , furnished nnd unfurnished rooms with us. Wo will rent them. Olllce open evenings. II. E. Cole , 31B S. 15th st. tO5 WILL pay six mouths rent In ndvnncofor cottage or small house S to 7 rooms In first class neighborhood , possession Dec. 1 ; nd- dicss J , K. . P. O. box 470 , Omaha , N6b. OUU 30 FOH SALK Fine hcntlng stoves , very cheap , apply 64U South 2fltll at. 808 EW YOHK Piano Co , , mnnufncturers of nn- rlght pianos ; pianos on time at wholesale price. Cor Capital ave and loth st. 783 K FKOSIATI C , gout , paralysis and neuralgia complaints. Try the new treatment of Mnssngo & Uobblug. practical operators from New York ; address K IM Uee. 840 31J EENTAL DAGENCY F. L. Gregory will bo found nfter November 1st nt : South Ifltu St. , opp. Hoard of Trade. Ground lloor. 510 LIST YOUU HOOMS nt the City Intelligence Office , Ciolghtou lllock. More jieoplo call dally at our olllco than nt any other place In the city , except the postofflce. 685 plush parlor sots nt immense sac rifice to pay storage charges. New York storage Co. , cor Capitol live nud 15th ot. 7 J DU. J. AV. HAUNSDALL'S surgical and ob stetrical home , 17S4 Capitol avo. Omaha , Neb. Telephone 080. 54.1 n 21J T 1ST your rooms nt the City Intelligence of- -Ulice , Crelghton block. 84 ! ) 30 - | f\ TEASING Love Letters read two ways.lOc -1A' Drab them quick. Hex 52 , Ualtlmore. Md 2UO n 17 * TO EXCHANGE-For cattle. I have 640 acres of good western land to trade for cattle , nnd a good house and lot near the capital ; will exchange for cattle. Address 8. G. Urynn , Ash land , Nob. 889 TTIOIt HENT Organs , $3 per month. Itospe , JD 1513 Douglas. 228 Ol C House furnishing goods , nil kinds ; cnsh or installment ; lowest pi Ices at 3. lion- ner , 1315 Douglas st. 10 FOH KENT Square piano. $4 monthly. A , HoHpo , 1513 Douglas. 223 TJIOIl HENT Snuaro Piano 13 monthly. A , J Hospe , 1513 Douglas. 228 "IT * LEG ANT parlor sots cheap. Immense sac- 4i rlnce to pay ndvnnces. New York Btorngc Co. , cor Capitol ave and Ifith st. 701 DH. CHASE'S new Receipt Hook nnd House hold Physician , the "Memorial Edition" ol over 800 pages. The "Crowning Life Work" ol the greatest author and benefactor that evei lived. Just out. Agents making Imnieiist sales. Hlg terms. Address F. II. Dlckersou & Co. , Detroit , Mich. Mention this paper. St4nov4 * PERSONAL. A MIDDLE aged widow w Ithout children , whc Is now nnd hns been for several years a com mercinl traveler , Holirlts correspondence with t good dlsposltlonod lady of refinement , wltfc means , bend photos If convenient. Address li : stilctest confidence. K 70 , Heo. U313JC. A W1DOWEK , 35 , with means and good busl - i- ness ability would like to form the nc qunlntnnce of n lady with means. Object nmtiimony. Address K 71 , Heo 0251 * AMIDDLE-agod widow lady would like a few boarders for the winter. Address KOS Bee olllco. K51 31 * PEHSONAL JSnOVill buy a nlco hnugln ? lamp with 14 Inch shade ut Sloody's Chliu Store , IKtf North 10th bt , 1)20,30. PEHSONAL 13 00 w 111 buy a handsome hang ing lamp , with decorated 14 inch shade au < the celebrated Amazon burner , nt Moody1 ! China Store , 3UU North 10th st. U20.UO. PEIISONAL Wanted , music teachers , plam buyers , call and nee line stock pianos am organs nt uianufuctuiors' prices , on easy pay ments. Pianos nt factory prices. New Yorl Piano Co. , Cnpltol ave. and 15th St. , over Ren nctt's Haznr. T3KHSONAI * The Indies of Omaha cnn secun Jtho services of competent nud reliable do mebtlc help nnd have u room full to choosi from by culling at the Canadian Einploymen office. Mrs. Hrega Ic Son , 310 S 15th. Tel. 884. 71H U0 PEKSONAL-Mlss Hello Turner , styllsl modiste , willaccommodato private fnmtllo ; by the day. Call at 2115 Grunt ut. ; sutlsftictloi guaranteed. UU2 PEKBONAI * A young lady of good addres nnd plenty of means would advlso ever young or old gentleman to call at 310 South 15tl bt. Monday , Oct. 31. nnd purchase one of thos < ten (10) ( ) dollar lots ; a few more are left. Itlelies 828-1 KKSONAlf-l'rlTntehome for lailles durlni confinement , strictly confidential , infant adopted. Address K 42 lice ollice. 107 n 8 * FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. NE hundred nnd fifty dollars will buy a new and cigar stand. E08 Bouth IBth st. toa. ) ! BALE-Plnno,11allet & Davis upright Owner wishes to leave the city. Cost MOD Will sell for $3UO. Address L 1. Hee. U04 is n bargain Hosewood Piano enl ; HEUK retail price $4O ) , full wale , ttnlen did tone and UniHlu Pianos and organs nt whole bale price. Call Monday. New Yotk Piano Co Entire buUdint' , cor. Capitol ave. nnd 11th st UU 30 TJIANOSnt wholesale prices A car load o J niagnltlcont upright and grand squar * piano nt factory priced. No fancy prlivs charged Direct from factory at prices lower than th lowest price ever named uy nny dealer or agout nnd on easy payments. Call early Monday. Ne York Piano Co. . manufacturrrM of PUnas , > ntlr block , cor. Cupltitl nvo. and 15th tt , " > i)143U TTWK 8ALR-Flrst class phoU > gallery. Platta JD mouth Neb. Poor health the caiib fo belling. H.C. Johns. g ai * 00 K here , sea thl * . Upright piano only 18" worth KCO,7 ! octuvc.trii lestrtngFrenchrt peatlnc action , only $187 , retail price $ TiO. Bpe clalsnTeof pianos 5londay at wholesale prlcoi Cull. NewTork Piano Co , piano manufactures entire block. Cor. CapltoUy. and 15th st. BEAUTIFUL onOANft-143 nnd 5T up. Plano.s $14.1 up. Nofancy prices asked. N'ew York Piano Co , . ttholMale dealers , corner Capitol avenue and i&tb , itt VlfKJO , TT10R SALK Cheaps " 1 bard , 8 soft conl stoves JD North side LenvcnwGrtll st bet 17th nnd 18th , KiliHtJ PAHI/OK furniture great sacrifice . Elegant plush parlor Rets..handsome easy chairs , beautiful sofa all at less than cost of material to ? ay ndvanco charges , call fttid see them. Now York Storage Co. , cor Cltpltol ave and IMh st. I 810 30 T710U 8ALE-A Wilkshotj water heater nnd J : 200 feet of 3 Inch pipe cheap. P. O. box 102. Omaha. 8504J IHAYK a car load of , cho.lco fresh cows for sale , cor 22d nnd Nicholas sts. John W. L'ciiny. . 898 81 T.OOK HEUBIokihcre. . lounges nt $3.85. -IU worth $ Special sale Monday to nay ndvnnccs. Now York Storage Co , corner Cnpltol Avenue and 15th st , 01730. T710H SALK Almost new calngraph. Cheap. JD K. H. Hall. 211 Bouth 15th St. 1118,30 * . FOU BALK Lease and furnltnro of 7-room flat , full of first-class tenants , thnt pay rent nnd hnva handsome profit. Kent $50 per mo. Apply 410 Karbacu lllock , Sd lloor , left hand bell. TOO 81 * OHGAN8 at wholesale prices on easy pay ments. Hoaittlful goods , one-lialf retail price on easy payments. Hare chance for deal ers. Entire block , Capitol nvo. , cor. 15th St. , New York Music Co. 808.30 FOR BALK Cheap , horse and phaeton. In quire ! of D. F. Cooper , Western Union Telegraph office. 693 nl FOH SAT/E Span of good draught mules and nlco harness , or w ill trade for Inside prop erty. Address J. H , Lniuur , care Gees hotel , city. 11007 * LIVEHY outfit for sale or trade for Insldo real estate ; good barn on pnved street ; a rare bargain for a practical man. J. H. Lnmnr , cnro Gees hotel , city , 800 7 * FOH BALE Two elegant imported stallions ; will sell or trndo for Insldo property or good livery stock. Address J. H. Lamnr , cnro Gees hotel , city. 800 7 * "tpOH SALE Drug store , $2,000 , doing good X' business on one of the best streets in Omnhn , or wlllexchnnge It with some choice Innd for larger stock of drugs in good country town. Address K 27 , Boo ofllce , Omaha. 705nl TJ1OR BALK Three young cllull dogs at 618 JD South 14th st. 88030 * EW YOUR PIANO CO. Manufacturers of pianos. Pianos at wholesale prices , on easy payments. One-half retail piles. 1508.1510,1518 ( 'npitol nvo. , cor. 15th St. . over llennett's. New York Music Co. 808.30 OH SALE-Flfty hot bed sash. Cash or tlmo P. O. Hex ti02. 817 31J TjlOH BALE Fresh milch cows , 1 flno Jersey. JD Corner 10th and Capitol nvonuo. 014 31 * OHGAN3 at wholesale prices , on easy pay ments. New York Plnuo Co. , cor Capitol nve nnd 15th st. 700. T710H THADE 100 ncres of good land , lionso' -I ? 14 ncres cultivated in llnwllns County , Kansns. Will trndo for lots , mcrchnndlso or other vnlnnblo property. Address J. Kllno , 2717 Cumlng St. , city. 667-H23 POH SALE 47 hend of flno mnres' colts nnd gentle riding ponies , at N. 2Uth nud Locust sts. , near base ball grounds. C80 00 * OH SALE-Good boarding business. 212 8. 10th st. 60930 * OH SALE | Good piano. $1(15 ( if sold Iri 10days , Also room for rent , 1821 Farnam st. 62 ! ) FOR SALE Team , harness , wagon , $150. Mrs. E. C. Barr.S 13th kt ) blks from st car track. , 388novS T710K SALE 1 feed njlll , 84 in. French burrs. Jt ! 1 Victor sheller. To bit per hour. 1 bolt for buckwheat ; or tneaU 40ft.Kin. shafting.)8 ) hangers , elevator belt , etc. Address 200 S 2 th St. , Omnhn , Neb. 1B3 n 1 * FOR PENTHOUSES. F IOH HENT Several houses , fi nnd 6 rooms Inquire of H. F. Hamanu , 2815 Leavenworth . ' 6801 * FOH HKNT New 4 nnd room houses $10 per month. Olllco open evenings. II. E. Cole , 8108. 15th st. , , 831 o LKT A largo feed and livery stable on JL Locust Kt. , between 20th nnd 21st sts. , oppo- fcito ICountze placo. Apply to John Hamltn , 311 South HUi st. , 955-1 * LIST houses , furnished nnd unfurnished rooms with us. We will rent them. Office open evenings. H. E. Cole , 8108. 15th bt. 03o TjlOK HENT 3 houses nnd rooms for offices. A' Inquire of Cunningham & Her , room 7. Ar lington block. Cunningham & Her. 8604 T71OR HENT Store on Phil Sheridan , between A1 Lcnvenworth nnd St. Mnry's nvenue. neat salesroom , storage above nnd nlso four living rooms , npply to Win , Fleming & Co. , 1401 Doug- Ins st. 87U 31 } FOR RENT Six flats , furniture for sale on easy terms , nil centrally located ; twenty- five houses , fmnlturo cheap nnd easy terms , centrally locntod ; live restaurants in first class locution , elolug a fine business , ono feeding one hundred people regularly ; hotel In Ashland , Neb , for sale or trade , price $9.000 ; household goods nnd lease of house for sale on 17th st ; houses nnd lots for rent or sale In nil parts oi the cltv. Cnll before you Invest. Co-operntlvc Land ic Lot Co. , 205 N 10th st , . 872 31 FOH RENT Flvo room house In Omaha View. Now eight room house N W cor. Grace nnd 23d Btivets , only $ . ) . > per month. New nlno room house , with modern conven iences , S E cor. 22nd nnd Clark , $45 per month. Two seven room houses , $25 per month each. Two seven room houses. $30 per month each. Ono nine room house , $40 per month. These houses are all new , and have modern conveniences. Potter Ac Cobb , 1001 Farnam St.Board of Trade building. 870 31 fTWO new houses for rent , ono of seven rooms. A nnd ono of eight , city Mater and good cistern , situated nenr Hauscom park , on street car line. Kent J.TO and Slr > n month. Iftnkcnnl once , will rent for $25 nnd $30 n month for the winter. Inquire for particular ! ) nt 413 8. 13tli st. , Homan'sllvcry office. 8S ol * HBNT-0 room house 829 S 21st st. FOH 84C31J TIIOH KENT HoHidcneo on St. Mnry's avenue A' Including , if desired , stoves , carpets , window and lamp fixtures , for 0 mos.W. J. Connell. 83530 HENT 6 room new house 7th nnd Han FOK croft sta. 818 30J FOH HENT Good , new house , 7 rooms , clo etH , etc. , north part of town , $35 per month Graham , Crolghton Hlk. 71121 "plOIl RENT 2nd and 3d lloors nt 1417 Dongla ) A' st. , with leaf-o of three years. Kennedy a Ulbblus , 1300 Douglas St. 707 T7IOU HENT-V5 the office 305V4 8 10th St. , af toi A' the lHh ! of tlds month. Apply early. Charles C. Spotswood , 305tf 8 15th st. 600 F IOH HENT If you % vlsh to rent a house cal on Ueuuwn & Co. , 15th St. , opposite P.p. 470 T71OR RENT Severn new 7 room houses A1 block from street car , ready for occupnnej November 1. C. F. Harrison , 418 8.15th st. SK OH RENT 5 room furnished flat , * 00 poi month. 3 rooms rented , $43. Apply 608 S Kith st. 80t TjTOH RENT Nov. 15 , new eight-room house A' nil modern Improvements. 2218 Chicago st $ CO. J. It. Rlngwnlt.gfoaiSthst. 777 TT10R HENT R room cottage , largo lot , good A" barn. In delightful legation. Furniture foi Bale ; call at Kiusler's drug store , 1307 Farnam si ! 784 RENT Small house on California Ht. EiOH 20th. $20. 8. Lehman , 1108 Farnam , 770 HKNT A new 11 room house , closets and FOH , hard and soft water. $30 a month 2 th st. close to Farnam st. Address K ! il > , Hee olllco. , 73730 * TJ10H RENT A convenient B room house bo JD tween Farnam and Dodge sts. Address K 38 Hee ofllce. . 740 30J iTIOK RENT Houso. of ,9 , rooms , hwcor 17tlJ JD nnd Dorcas , $33 l > er month. W. M. Hush mnn. 483 _ _ _ TTWH HKNT-New 5-room cottage. 24 h am' ' JD Hancroft st , first door west ot shot tower well , cistern. i4 ! per inonth. 478 THOH RENT Handsome new reafdenco'w ith'ii JD u ; miles of P.O. ; ten rooms , barn , etc. with all conveniences. Will reut cheap. Address J. 11. Lniiiar , care Pees hotel , city. WO 7 * THOU RENT 7 room flat and the furniture foi -C hule. Inquire 1033 Howard bt. 3d ttoor Mrs. Parker. 7I1-N.1 * OH RENT-Storo room 20iflO feet cor 8tli wid Hownnl , with 11. A : M. Hldctrack in reur , ouly $33 per mouth. Iiifiulro WW I toward st. 715 30j RENT 3 Hats and furniture for sale , al FOIt 18th. A. F. Mnyne , N. W. cor. Ifith and Faruam. 991 K RENT 11 room house on Sherman ave A. F. Muyne , N. W. cor. ICth and Furuam. 9il ) T710K RBNT-A ew 7-rooin cottajte with al JD modern ImurovouienU. on 25th and Frank lin sts. Inquire of P. J. Creedon , Uoyd's oper house block , third floor. VOJ M TpOR RENTPoom houseNo.MSN 1Mb. . -C . f073 TJ10H.HENT-Largo oIBce on Famam 9fc Good A' place for cljrar store or tailor shop. K.F. Beaver. 160DH Farnam st. 317 FOK HENT--ROOM8. "CWR IlRNT-PnrnWiM room for mnn nnd A1 wife or one or two men. 1413 8. 13th st. W 3lj TIWH HKNT PliiKlo or suite of rooms with A' board nt Shelton House , cor. 25th and Dodgo. Mrs. M. U. Wilbur. tO ) 1 OH HKNT-Nlcely furnished rooms. ! No ! 2214 Fnriiam st. 010 1 * TJOOMS and bonrd for gentlemen in prlvnto AV family. Address 1C 72. Hee. VjKi * TTIOH RENT Largo front room nnd smnll A' room , bath , modern conveniences , 401 N 15th st. K1331 * TllOn RENT-Furnlshed nud unfurnished A1 rooms In oil paru of the city. When you want n house vre can accommodate you. Car riage ready to show houses. Olllce open even- ings. H. B. Cole , 310 8.15th Bt. KU LARGE nnd smnll front room , all convcn- icnccs. 8423 Farnam St. , B e corner. 918-6 * . FOR' RENT Two pleasant furnished front rooms , first lloor , $23 ; also ono single room , $10. 217 Cnpltol nvo. P43 30 * T710R RENT-Wlth bonrd , nicely furnished A1 single nnd double room. Kuqulro 1014 Fnrnnm st. 647 1 * TiTOH RENT A largo front room , well fur- J nlshed. 1811 California st iBUt * ONE nicely furnished room for rent ; to gen tlemen only. Day board if desired. ( i2l N. SOth st. gJ2 1 * T710K RENT Largo fnrnlshed or unfurnished A1 parlor. 8. E. cor. 20th nnd Chlcngo Bta 100 FOH HKNT Two rooms with bnth , gns nnrl furnnce , sultnblo for 2 or 4 gentlemon.north Bldo of Lenvcuworth , betweenlith uud 18th sts- K.4 31 ] U10 31 TJ1OR RENT 4 unfurnished rooms , suitable J } for housekeeping. 2022 Hnrney st. 81H ) 1J TI10R HENT-Furnlshed room , 11)00 ) Fnrimm it. J ? m 31 FOR RENT Elegnnt now furnished rooms in private family , boarding house just opened , Avenue Place , 1015 and 1613 Cap. nvo. 'J4 ' 4J JJ10T RENT Front rooms nt 810 n ICth st. 002 31J THHKE furnished rooms sultnblo for house keeping. 2012 Hnrney st. 057 30J TJIUHN1SHED rooms 1724 Cupltol ave. 30 E OK RENT Furnished rooms 0 blocks from pohtofllce , 1707 Cass at. Mil 30J FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms nt 1017 Chicago , cheap. 819 30J ness. Inquire of Frank J. Ramge , Humgo's Hlock. 821 FOR RENT Nlco room for millinery depart ment , on second floor , with best of elevator service. In Humge's Hlock. 821 FOH RENT-Ofilcos , best lighted and heated in the city , In Hamgo's lllock , K'.l FOR RENT Furnished rooms , 1913 Tnrnam. 81511271 TjlOH RENT Unturnished largo room with A1 alcove , 2 large closets , gns , bath and fur nace. ; apply 202-1 Davenport. 802 30 T710R RENT-Newly furnished rooms , bath A1 gas , furnace , 631 Pleasant. Ni2 2 * FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms. 810 B 18th St. ' 890 1 * FOH HENT Furnished looms , 117 S 17th. 1801 3 * T7IOK RENT Furnished front room with mod- A1 crn conveniences , for gcntlcmen,1718 Dodge TTIOR RENT Largo front furnished room nt J 211U Hnrney st. 871 n4 FURNISHED room to rent , 015 N 14th st. I8471J "I71OK HENT Two nicely furnished rooms , JD K2Ui ! S 21bt St. 845 41j TCTOR HENT New furnished loom 13011 Both. 844 BOJ FOR RENT Parlor nnd nlcove , ono front room , ono back room ; gas , bath , Btcnm heat ; car line , 2317 Douglas st. b74 4j TT10H HENT Largo furnished room sultnblo A1 for 2 gentlemen , modern conveniences , 442 B 24th nvo. 80,1 31 * FOR HENT Two furnished front rooms. 712 N. 18th st , 578-2 * T71OR RENT Furnished room , modern conJ - J ? venlcnccs , C21 8 10th. 800 31 * FDHNISHED front rooms folding bed , good board , gas nnd bath near two car lines , for gentlemen , private family ; address K 63 Heo ollice. 786 111J T710R RENT Furnished front rooms for gen- A1 tlemen , live blocks from postolfice ; mod ern conveniences , 323 N17th st , 797 30 * TJIOIl HENT-Furnished front rooms. 032 N. A1 25th uvo. , one-half block from Cumlng st. KB fi ) * TpOR ItKNT Furnished rooms , OU7 N..17thst. 754 31J FOR HENT J rooms for housekeeping , con taining nil modern conveniences , on 19th and Hownrd , St. ; apply to M. F. Martin. 310 B. 15th St. 639 FOH RENT 3 nlco unfurnished rooms sult nblo for housekeeping , situated on 21st and Nicholas st. Apply 310 S 15th bt. KW FOR HKNT Two fnrnlshed rooms with or w Ithout board suitable for a party of gen tlemen , 1508 Cnb3. C99 n 1 * TT10R RENT Furnished room in private A' family , on paved street , half block from car line , nine blocks from post olllco. Address K 46 , Heo otllco. 75730 * FOR HENT Ground floor otlico room , con- tinlly located , heated und lighted. C. F. Harrison , 418 S. 15th st. 719 OH HENT Furnished rooms. 2209 Dodge. C57 31 * T710R RENT A suite of rooms over my storo. JD Price. $23. W. F. Stoetzel. 743 OR RENT Nicely furnished rooms , $10. $12 $15 and $20 , at 11 > 21 Farnam St. 61K ) RENT Elegant suite of rooms nicely FOH furnished , brick lint , boutu frqut , 141(1 ( Chicago cage , avr nicely furnished rooms with first-class TWO . . . . . board , , . In private family. Apply 8. E. * Cor. 20th and Farnam. U5U 31 Rooms Ladles or gents , week FURNISHED or month. Mrs. F. Argyle , 311 N. 12th st. C51 30 * 011 HENT Nlco furnished rooms with board. 220t Ginning ht. 02930 * TJIDRNISHED rooms , 2207 Douglas. Jj C22-31 * OH HENT Nicely furnished rooms nt 2227 Dodgo. All modern conveniences. 01 ! ) 31 "ITKH HENT Rooms , single and double , every- JD thing now and first-class , steam heat , 1721 Davenport. 371 nl * TJ1UHNISHED rooms with board. 1903 Far- JD nam. 780nlQ * TjlOH RENT 3 unfurnished rooms suitable for JU housekeeping. 1104 B. 7th St. 248 TT10R HENT Room Very desirable furnished A1 room for 2 gentlemen , all conveniences on same lloor. Apply at 1712 Capital nvo CVH HENT Elegantly furnished room on JD first lloor , with modern improvements , 1917 Cas . g& > T7IOH HENT-3 nicely furnished rooms , 2020 St. J ? Mary's ayp. 626 RENT Nicely furnished room suitable FOU gentlemen , Inquire 2011 Bt. Mary's nve. 018 OH RENT Pleasant rooms , furnished , comer 2Uth and Webster. 318 HENT ruinlwhed rooms In Otounlg blk , Foil . 1.1th and Dodge Bis. Inquire of Goo. U. Davis. Mlllurd luitclblllljrd room. all 17IOH RENT Ollico room , first lloor , at 316 B. -T IMh M. 445 SITUATIONS WANTED. Sltuutlon by young man attend ing xchool , where he can do chores morn ing nnd evening for his board. ( No olllco fee. ) Canadian Employment ollice , 310 Bo. 15th , Tel. m. 80130J WANTED-Sltunllon as pastry cook. A 0 , Hee ofllce. 9H80 * Sltunttoas fi r housckeeparB , new- WANTBD , salesladies , dressinnkorn , mil- linen , boukkeepori ) , tlerka. etc. We nil your or ders fre . Mra. Hroga * Hon. Canadian Kmiiloy- xacnt office , 316 So. 10th. Tel. 684. BS ) tf'j WANTKD Position with wholesale house or retail grocery utor * , flvo years experience , best ot references. Addrwu K 67 , llco office. 8B71 * \XrANTED-81tuatlon-ncrnian VritlMiml , In T f dnitrlous nnd sober , in private family , un derstands borne * . Small pay but decent treat- ment. Address K 61 , llco. 807 30 * WANTED Situation ns traveling man or city salesman ; fifteen years experience ; best of reference. Address K 69 , llco oflleo. P52 30 * rPAILOItESS wishesKltimtloiiM vest orpant A maker. Address K 68 Hee. Kt9 2 * STORAGE. NEW YORK Storage Co. hnvo most extensive facilities for storage of furniture , pianos , buggies , general merchandise , we\st of New York , Cash ndvnnccs to imy amount ; wure- house receipts given ; goods insured ; brick building tire-proof : special arrangements for commission merchants. Call New York Storage Co. , Cupltol n\e and N. 15th St. , llennett's block , 7 ' ) FIRST-CLASS storngo nt 110 N. 13th st. 481 s 1TOHAOE Merchandise or furniture. Llttlo * Williams , 1407 Douglas st. 809 nai sS1 S1 TOHAOK for cnrrlngo ntOmnlm fair grounds nnd horses wintered by A. Thomson. 173-N S0 CTOHAaR-tleo. 8chwnrt7. . Omaha Storage OWnrchouse , itwi. 1011 Noith l.ltli St. . furnlt- ure.bugglcs nud mcrchandlso. Olllce 13ir. Dodgo. STOHAOK Furnlturo , boxed goods , ctc.tomis reasonable , 714 1'acinc. at ) _ FOR SALE HOUSES LOTS. TfKMl KXCHANOK-neautlful now 10-room J3 house nnd two lots In lt < s M nines. In. , to cxchango for vacant lots. Don't miss this. It's n bonanza. H. K. Cole , 310 S. 15th st. Kit NKW six room house , closets , pantry , collar , well , barn , fruit. lotWKlIt : , sightly S. front on Pcward st. , mlle and n half from 1' . O. , worth easily M.OOO for S.,700 , 1-fi cash , balance very onsv payments. Why pay rent ? J. A. lllc-stand , Arlington blk. , 1311 Dodge st. _ w uo TWO LOTS In syndicate South Omnhu nnd four lots In llrown Park nt less than cost for ono week ; nlso , good horse nnd buggy at n bargain. If you want a snap nnd know n jrood Imostmontwhon It Is oirciud , Investigate , this , Address A 4 , Heo olllco. 040-1 SOUTH OMAHA I hnvo six rcsldenco lots nonr depot nnd parking houses which I will sell nt such prices as will tempt you If yon nre looking for desirable lots nt figures forty pet cent under the mnrkot. 1 Intend locating else- whoronndwanttorloso oiB my Interests hero. Address A 2 , lice ofllco , 04vi " \TK\V 0-room liouse , closets , pantry , tvllar , J- > well , barn , fruit lot COxina , bightly s fumt onSoward st. , ono mlle and n half from 1' . ( ) . , rnslly worth 1,000 , for J2.700 ; ono fifth cash , balance very easy payments. Why pay rent ! J. A. lllostnnd , Arlington lllk , 1511 Dodge st. EOIl SALK Cheap nnd on easy terms. If sold nt once ; good lot In Onuum View exten Hlon. Address K tt. , llco onico , 873 2J FOH SAIiK Or cxchango for real nine building C0x40 , Including .TO H. P. bailer nnd ! i"i II. P , cnglno , w oed working machinery , etc Lcaso of lot good for over four years at nominal rental. Location In southern pait of the city , Address K Gi , lleo oflico , 885 4 FOR TUADK-KqiJlty in lots 1 nnd 2 , Union square next block to Martin , Ensson A , llrady ; 14,000 for house nnd lot , or vacant Insldo lot. Address K CO lice. 7117 ITyoii have anything to sell or exchange list It with C. C. Bpotswood , 3Uii ! B 10th. H I WILL sell equity In two full lots In the best residence section of the city for gilt edge paper , mnturlng In ono or two years. Those lots nro a bargain. F. K. Darling , 1505 llow < iml Kt. fifl feet on 21th street.fronts on 2llrd also. Fine business and residence protxirty. paved street. 8SJO per foot. This la Just Vti per foot les > tlmnnny In the vicinity. F. K. Darling , 1TO How ard st. 775-30 LIST houses , furnished nnd unfurnished rooms with us. Wo will rnnt thorn. OMici ! open evenings. H. K. Cole , aid 8.15th st.m \ Fen BALE i'lnost location for a homo In West Omaha , adjoining the mansion homos of Klrkcndall , Coo , Hrady , Kosson and others , Nothing finer In the city. Can sell 18fixlH7 or loss ; for prices nnd terms eco 3. A. Sloman , 1301 Fnniam st. 738 "I710K SALK T\vo houses for sale on Vth st bel -I ? Capitol nvo nnd Dodge ; w ill boll very chenr J must have the ground. Apply at 1009 Calif or nla st. 541 0 SALE-Lot45. Burr Oak. f 1.100. KOO casV bal. 2 yours. Ixit 4 , Ilurr Oak , Jl.OOO , 8 , "iO cash , bal ensy. Lot 47. Ilurr Oak , 1M ) . $400 cash , bal easy. Lot 10 blk 8. Hillside No ] , S-.BOU , J1.100 cash , bnl 11 ycnrs. Lot 5 blk 7 , Hillside No 1 , $2,500. 81.000 cash , bal II years. Lot 7 blk 10. lloed'slst add , SH.OOO. Lot 32 , Stmnyiiide , JS.400 , SIO ( cnsh. bnl easy. Two new 7 room houses with modem conven lences two blocks wcht Hauscom paik , $ J,40C each terms easy. Lot Uo , Fairmont place with live room cottage , ( . T\vo good lots w 1th fl vo room cottage on each , in blk 10 , Patrick's add , only $2,000 each , terms very easy. liuslness lots In South Omaha on N , Q , 21th , 25th and 20th streets for sale cheat ) . Aero property near South Omaha for Halo 01 for trade for tnsldo Omaha and Bouth Oinahu lots. Potter & Cobb , 1GOI Fainam at. , Hoard Traue building. 877 SI TQTOU BALE Good housoon Sewnrd street neat JD scth st. , south front , 13,600 , J700 cash. Ora ham. Crelghton lllk. _ 7931 FOH SALK Or trtulo , at n bargain , good.largf now house , corner lot. Graham , Crelghtou lllk. 701 ! _ TCTOH BALK At 1800 , house nnd lot , rented at -L $11 per mouth , on small cash payments , bal' anco monthly or quarterly , or nil cash at a lust- tor price and warranted deed. D. D.Bmeaton.lOOE Dodge St. _ 113 "VTK\V Four room cottage , with pantry , closetf .lA and collar. Near car line , schools , nud In at excellent neighborhood , being lot 10 , Hurdettt court , price Jl.riOO , small cash payment nnd $ lf per month. Wnllaco , Crelghton block. 408 BALE A beautiful new B-room housu li FOH block "A , " limlford Place , small rash pay mcntHnlnnce monthly or to biilt. Charles 0 Spotswood , 3Q5'/t S. IBth st. IKH FOH SALK or trndo Two bundled nnd eightj ncros of beautiful louu liuid , imlncum bcred. Will bell low or trade for Insldo Omnliii real estate. Address J. H. Lamur , ram ( ioo * hotel , city. miO 7 * OH LKASn or Sale-Land nnd lots suitable for manufacture , ware houses , packing houses , mills , cnnnlug fuc- f01 lew , Ice houses , htablo for wlntcrlna horses , leedlng yards , poultry raising , milk darlos , otc. Also suitable for cottages and clienji homos. Dig inducements to thono who \\uut suPli ground and mean business. HoggH .t Hill , real estate , 1408 Fnrnambtroi't. KM Nil "VTKW Four room cottage , with pantry , closets a- > and cellar. Near car line , schools nnd in nn excellent neighborhood , being lot 10 , llurdnttc court , price tl.ljOO , small cash payment nnd (1C per month. Wallace , Creightou block. 4(18 ( milOMPSON , 311 S. llth St. , buys und soils real JL estate , loans money , purchases Bopurltliis ; hns n good list of property for sale nnd wants more. Notary public. 854 1ST your property for sale with Charles C. Spotswood. OOJSK B Ifith Pt. 043 i'KCIAL IIAUQAINS of Cium& ltlshop-5- room house , good barn , well , Usteni , etc. , y block from htreot car , W. < K ) . H rtish , very cheap. 5-room hoube , 1 block from 2 car lines , $2,100 , JfiflO cash , a bargain. Now 4-room house nnd full lot , tnoo. : > 50 cash , nsnap. Call on Criim & lllshop. 310 8.15th st. ar. M O exchange Some money and choice land J. for firstclnss improved inside pioperty. U.K. Cole , 111(1 ( HISlli. 411 TJKN ) BALK-124xlflOftcor. Hownrd nnd.T > th J : Ets. , next block to Kassnn , llrady k Martins - tins houaes , $7 00. Address li. 3 : ) Itoeonico. BXI THOU BALK Hovcrnl houses and lots on J3 eiiiHll puymentii , also some houses and lots to trade ; several farms for sale ortiado for Omaha property or for stock. A. F , Mayno. N. W. cor 10th unil Fnrnnra. Wl rpo TUANSF15R Account leaving city , valua. JL. bleplwo of land alongside bolt line , oa which OuO ban been paid , will accept 210. Apply K ( ) . lire olllco. * 8iH U ) -m house. t\\o lots. Walnut Hill , W.fiOO. ( irnliain. CrPkhton lllk. , m 1 ON'T take your oj es off this till you have read It through : , Say , joungmnn. young woman , men whoso halm nr turning Kruy. women whose beauty may bo fading , but w hose good sense and sound Judgment will over remain. Never normit the Uouds of adversity to cast their Hlmdowg UJKIU your rented cottage door. Don t allow old ugo to crec-p over you n homeless wanderer , lluy n lot w hen yon con. Now Is the time to secure a lot for n home. Don't delay or you will Barely IOHO the chance of a lifetime. We will veil you a beautiful lot , WhclSO feet , for $100 payable 1. nnd : i years without Interest , provided you build a cottage on tne property worth $400. Only one lot wild to each purchaser. Call and see plots. OlHce open evenings U119 p. in. II. E. Cole. 810 OH BALK-Or exchange , farms In Iowa. Kansas and Nebraska for Omaha hotiRen anil lota ; will assume mortgages on houses and give clear deeds to farms ; will also exchange. Uty Jots for good farms , well located and as sume small jnortfc' lte on farms and give clour deed to city toti. . 1'urni * wanted in Ceotnd Ne- fcraaka. A. P. Tukey , l'J2i Farnam t. 110 19th anil 8t. Mary's artf. TitOR SALK-Hy M. A. Upton * Co , ral MtaU JD broker * , HUD fl. Ifith tr # t , opposite cham ber of commerce. Extra bargains : South and east front lot In Oak Chatham , opposite depot grounds. 8 room house : only $3,800 It gold at once , 1800 cash. This property is worth | 8M | 22t1.t ! Famam and 22ml street * . $ fl,000 , ehpapei * proi > crty on the street , will b worth $ su,000 la three years from now. 741 BAHOA1NS Wo have n few choice bargains In Orchard Mill , Fnlriiitiunt 1'lnco. Hertford Place , Meyers , Itlchnnl & Tildon s additions ami O'NIel'H subdivision. Cllll lUHl 800 Hall Bponcor , 113N. 10th. HallB3 . . BALK A good lot ( .11 foot ) im Park enue. low price If sold BOOH. McCulioclf * Co. . cor liith imd Farnam. itll fPO THADi : Insldo property for good house , A eight or nlno rooms , mid full lut. ' MeCul- lochk , ( io. . cor 15th and rariiaiu. IBB 0-HOO.M houses south of ] mrk on full south front lots $2,600. Small monthly payments. Call and BOP these If you want n good , comforta- bio homo. 1' , K , Dulling , 1503 cor , Ifith and Howard. 108 iW f pwo houses In llanscom place renting for A $70 p ( > r month to exchange for copd Insldo vacantproperty. .H. 8. Campbell anilfl.W , Her- Vey,310S. 10th t. , Chamber of Commerce * 152 San Francisco AlUv : Captain Goo , the old sailor , who recently discovered the wreck of the steamer JJrothor Jotm- thiui. which was lost on July 30 , 1805 , on n rock off Crescent City , WHS soon yes- tortluy by the Alta ro ] > ortor. Captain Goo's Hrst attempt to locate the sunken Bteamor was nitulo seven years ngowhon Wood & Hillard chartered a schooner nnd attempted to 11 nil the exact sccno o ( the wreck. "But they pot drunk , " said the sailor , "and of course did not succeed , After wards , every summer. I attempted to find the vessel. I took two boats , each with two men , nnd loading my lines with lead , draped four or Hvo miles up that portion of the coast. Two years ngo I succeeded in finding the vessel , but the /OR came down and prevented us taking bearings , so that lust year I failed to find her. Last September , however , I returned to my search , and after dragging very faithfully two and a half days came across the wreck , which lies in thlrty-threo and a half fathoms of water , about two miles south of Northwest Seal Rook ' and two miles northeast of Jonathan Hock , which it was called after the wreck. The wreck lies about six hundred feet from Saddle Hock , which is not laid down in the chart , hut is well-known to llshormon. At law water1 there is about four feet of water on the rock , and at high tide ton feet. She had evidently struck this rock and slid off into deep water. " "Do you expect to got much treasure ? " asked the reporter. "Well , I don't know. It is thought there wore &J,000,000 on board , and I believe $700,000 was in greenbacks. At nny rate , I am going to try , though it is hard work getting divers. They don't like going down more than twenty fathoms , the strain js too great. " The Flro Record. Los Axnni.cs , Cnl. , Oct. 09. A flro broke out nt the California Central railway freight depot last evening and the whole freight depot , over nix hundred fcot long , wai con sumed with its contents. About twenty freight cms loaded with various clnssos of poods were burned , and four Pullmans anil Bovcral passenger couches partly burned. The IOBB is roughly estimated at fciOO.OOO. It is understood thuro was no Insurance. Another Murder Mystery. EI.MIUA , N. Y. , Oct. 29. Conductor Uay- inoiul , of a Lcliigh Vnllcy wild tralnrcnorted , early this morning the finding of a ninn's ilcnd body on board his train. The body hud been cut to pieces und packed into ashoo box , All evidences indicate the package was put on board the train at Elm Ira. Tlie ItrltUh Army. LoNtiox , Oct. 29. Sir Charles Dlllto's first series of articles in the Fortnightly Hcvicw on the Hritish nnny renews the alarmist views that Great liiltalu is unprepared to cope with European powers. THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , OMAHA. DUMMY TKAINS. Running Hot ween Council IllulTs nnd South Oinuhn. In addition to the stations mentioned , trains stop nt Twentieth nnd Twenty-fourth street ; ) , nnd nt the Summit in Omnlm. " \VcKtwnrtl. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Jt- - < t )