THE BEE. SEVENTEENTH YEAT ? . OINtAHA. SUNDAY MOBNING , OOTOBEE 30 , 1887.-TWELYE PAGES. NUMBER 134J FRANCE INAFERIIENT The Republic Greatly Excited Over the Wlleou Imbroglio. FACING A TERRIBLE ORDEAL. A. Ministerial and Presidential Oriels Impending. TALKS WITH LEADING STATESMEN Interviews On the Probability of Qrovy's Resignation. FIGURIN G ON HIS SUCCESSOR. Do Froyclnot and Ferry the Most Prominent Candidates. ENGLAND'S POLITICAL SITUATION Churchill's Attitude Occupying the Most Attention. CHAMBERLAIN ASSUMES BRAVERY lie Affects to Feel No Fcnr Ills Contemplated Trip to the Unit ed Stairs Another Cowardly Kvlutlon In Ireland Other Foreign News. A Double Crisis. IComirliilit by Jninca Gordon ncnnett. ] PAIHH , Oct. 29. [ Now York Herald Cable Sjieclul to the UKK. ] Since 1&71 republican Prance has not been confronted with nn or deal so severe as the one now precipitated by the Wilson Imbroglio. Franco is rushing full speed not only Into u ministerial but a presidential erisis , causing convulsions that nr6 likely lo vibrato the very vitals of the nation whether Wilson bo guilty or innocent. Every Frenchman whether republican , roy- nllst , Imperialist or radical throughout the length and breadth of the land from Mar seilles to Calois , fiom the Atlantic to the. Vosges , feels in his heart of hearts that his own personal honor is tainted by the fact that the moral atmosphere of the telyseo palace has been contaminated by the vagaries of the nearest nialo relative of the chief magistrate of his nation. The burning question to day in everybody's mouth is what will Orovy do now ? As a matter of fact , Grovy has already decided to port company with his son-in-law , and this morning three largo cart loads of M. Wilson's books , pic tures , furniture , stationery and brio-ti-bracs went rumbling over the pavement from t".io Elyseo palace to his sumptuous hotel in the Avenue Ircna. M. Grcvy is a shrewd man and kc ( ) s his own counsel , so that as to what his present intentions are I can only say this : I have had an hour's conversation this morn ing with three personages who arc in the im mediate entourage of the president and these gentlemen assured mo most positively and emphatically that M. Grcvy has decided not to resign even if the parliamentary investiga tion into M. Wilson's transactions bo decided upon ; that M. Orevy feels it to be his boundcn duty'to remain president of the republic until the parliamentary commission washes M. Daniel Wilson clean of all the charges implicating his honor as u deputy and n gentleman or proves him guilty. Thus for the moment everything hangs upon the Judgment as it were of this second llanicl. This forenoon I called upon M. Wilson at his now famous hotel in the Avenue Irene , the largo portecochero of which was sur mounted by. the wrought iron initials , "J. G. , " standing for .lules Grevy. After pullIng - Ing a beautiful mediaeval bronze bell knob the door opened and I was conducted into n small but luxuriously furnished cabinet do travail filled with precious bronzes and bibelous. A few memento later the servant reappeared and announced , "M. Wilson is not residing here. " It was true that ho had been there n quarter of an hour before , but M. Wilson had returned to Elyseo palace , whcro ho still resides. In u few minutes I was driving rapidly to Elyseo. The sentries of the garden public showed mo the way to ; M. Wilson's apartments , whcro I was re ceived by M. Wilson in nn ante-room , Din which letters , documents , telegrams and newspapers were scattered about In the most artistic profusion. M. Wilson , dressed hi 9tU long , double-breasted frock coat and dark grey trousers , was pacing rapidly up and down the room. Ho seemed nervous and excited and looked nt least ten years older than on tlio occasion of my previous Interview with him at Elyseo a fcw days boforcotho Tours meet ing. I was surprised to llnd that his auburn hair and board had during the short interval become tinged with gray. I asked : "What is your opinion about tlio proposed parliament ary committee of investigation ! " M. Wilhon looked up quickly , and with u determined expression said : "I welcome it with open arms , but my situation remains ex actly the same as before the Tours meeting. I have nothing to fear from the most rigid in quisition. The Tours affair was simply nb surd. The meeting thcro was composed bof two classes the nobility and the wealthy bourgcosio on the one hand , who are all icuc- tionimircs , and the workmen on the other hand , who arc alt radicals or socialists. My ' true constituents the wine-growers and peas- 'nuts were not on hand. Besides , thcro are at Tours over two thousand shoemakers , and you know that shoemakers are the most virulent of all radicals. But in spite of this meeting being packed with my enemies , there was not one serlou piece of evidence preferred against me. 1 am delighted - lighted If it will only bo held. If oven its members bo uiy bitterest foes , so much the better , for then nobody can complain of any favoritism shown mo. Correspondent What effect Is the commis- Blon of Inquiry likely to luivo on President Grevy ? Wilson That Is whcro the real danger lies. This whole thing is stalled with the object of bullying M. Grovy Into resigning. 1 am merely the tool that his cucuilcs are working with. Correspondent-Do you think they will succeed in bullying Grovy into resigning ! Wilson No , they wont. M , Grovy will not move until the lust vest If o of evidence 1ms been thoroughly sifted. The chamber of deputies is now fairly aroused. Their attacks against mo have become nioro and moro vie lent. Their blaso palates Imva been ilcklcd With ordinary spices and condiments until ROjv nothing but the hottest caycnno pepper BuIUcca , They now rcqu.Iro cayenne Just as men who have abused the use of alcohol llnd themselves forced to have resource to vitriol , Tl 9 eiijucto Will be pregnant with piquant. details disastrous to many n deputy , but. as for myself , I welcome It as a salvation. Correspondent Do you Intend to remove to your hotel In the Avcnuo Ircna ? Wilson I have sent many of my books and furniture and bric-a-brac there , but I bhnll continue to reside at Ellyseo palace un til I am summoned before the commission of enquiry. Corresitondcnt Will you permit mo to nsk you a very delicate question ? The prevailing opinion In Paris to-day is that you have made from your own | > ont ! of view two serious mistakes that the people nlrcady.assumo to bo fatal admissions on your part. I refer to your returning the borrowed state papers and the refunding of these 40,000 , francs for the stumps that you omitted to put on your 200,000 private letters that wore franked under the presidential seal. Wllson-I only did what I think to bo fair and honorable. The papers belonged to- the ministry of France , and by returning 40,000 francs for letters wrongfully franked I felt my conscience clear. " With these words the Interview ended. 1 next called upon M. Edmund Mngnlcr- cditor of republican Evcnemcnt , who slnco childhood . has been an intimate friend of Wilson and one of his stuunchest defenders. M. Mngnicr sold : "M. Wilson has com mitted heavy faults. Ho has been more than Imprudent. Ho has followed practices which suflleo to call down upon him the most legiti mate severities , but ho has begun his con fession and restitution. Moreover , his doings are personal to himself. Hut what some wish to do is to dishonor the president of the republic. These would-bo extreme republicans swear that they do not wish to bo revenged on M. Grovoy. Ho hus never been forgiven for allowing General Boulnngcr to bo sent to Clcrmont Ferrand. The monarchists , irreconcilable cucmics of the republic , have seized with avidity upon the Wilson affair. It will bo a weapon for them at the elections , but they do not expect to wait so long. They wish us to turn over this republic to them after wo have soiled our hands. The king Is ready to get on horseback. His partisans are gathering at Dordrecht. It would bo folly to dissimu late that a vacancy in the presidency would at the present moment open a crisis of which no one could force the end. There would bo the most dissimilar candidatures. Wo should have M. Do Frcyclnct , General Boulanger , M. Leon , say the Duo tl'Aumule , General Saussier and M. Jules Ferry. It is not necessary for M. Jules Grevy to defend himself against the attacks that assail him. His life replies to his detractors. To defy them more openly he has cut oil all communication with his son in-law , M. Wilson , and has loft the Elysce. Tills step being taken , M. Grcvy should not show feebleness or allow himself to be driven from the chief magistracy. An abdication would bo an avowal of culpability. If the president were to disappear under the stigma of improbability , bribery and prevarication the republic would disappear with him. I next called upon Wilson's bitterest op ponents Messrs. Rochefort , Laurent and Cnssngnnc. I found Mr. Rochofort smoking a cigar at his hotel and in the Boulevard Uocheuert , surrounded by his favorite curious and Spanish pictures. Mr. Rochefcrt said : "Wilson confesses his guilt by returning the state papers and refunding 40,000 francs postage money. Why , " said Rochefort , "even if parliamentary inquiry fails to con vict Wilson , I alone could lay my hand on evidence of scurrilous transactions that would drag Wilson before the court of as- si/.es Guilty ? Why , of couiso he is guilty. " What will Grevy do ? Kochcfort Grcvy will notresign , whatever ho niius. He Is ti vieux iiusuu ires maura and will never get out of the presidential easy chair until pushed out of It. Correspondent If Grovy should resign , who * do you think has the best chance of being elected president ? Rochefort Frcycinet has the best chance. Correspondent Why , you surprise inc. I thought you would say General I3oulangcr. Rochofort , with nn insidious smile No , Bouhmger's time is not yet como. Ho must wait. Correspondent How about Ferry ? Rochefoit Oil , I would rather see Wilson president than Ferry. Correspondent Don't you think it would be wise on the part of Wilson to leave Elyseo and live at his hotel in the Avenue Irena ? Rochofort Yes , lie ought to quit Elysee , but ought to live , not at his hotel , but at Ma/es prison. I next found M. Charles Lauicnt at the ofticc of his paper Lo Paris. M. Laurent who by the way was the first person to raise the present cry about Wilson said : "I don't ' know Wilson personally , but ho showed a good deal of pluck In facing that Tours meet- ing. I myself am convinced that Wilson is ifnilty und consider it the first duty of every journalist and every public man in Franco to chase him out of the political arena no matter whether ho Is the son-in-law of the president or not. " Correspondent In case Grcvy resigns , who is likely to succeed him ! Laurent Ferry or Freycinet. I found Mr. Paul Do Cassagnac in the lobby of the chamber of deputies. I asked him : "U'hat do you think of the Wilson in quiry I" CassapTinc Wilson Is the Robert Macairo of the Republic. He confesses his guilt al ready. Ills honor is compromised. Correspondent Do you think Grcvy will resignl Cassajrunc 1 think that eventually ho will bo forced to. 11d Correspondent Who is likely to succeed ; him ! Cassagnac Due D'Aulmalo , Do Frcyclnct. or Ferry. ct.d. f afterwards saw Max Francis Magnard. Ho said : "Grcvy is now eighty years old and ho can't remain president much longer , anyway. But it is not wise In the present condition of Franco to urge a commission of inquiry into Wilson's transactions or do any thing to hasten Grovy's resignation. yif Correspondent But what would happen If M. Grovy would retire ! Magnard The two chambers would to In congress. As the majority of this ss would bo strongly republican , there would bo no danger or fear of any surprises or coup d' etatu or attempts at monurehial restora tion , and they would proceed to nominate aa president. Correspondent Who has the best chuncrs ? Maynard LJo Freyeinct , Duo D'Aumalo or Ferry. 1 next called upon M. Clcmcnceau , who said , ho thought stormy times wcro coining and that the eventual result would bo the resig nation of Grovy. * BUt Clcmenccau would not say whom ho thought most likely to bent his successor. The question of whb is to bo. President Grovy's successor is now being eagerly ntU cusscd in Paris and throughout Uor Common opinion pronounces for ono or the other of the two rivals M. Ferry and orM Do Frcycinet. The election lies with here hoa Konatu and chamber of deputies united for a time In congress. To carry u candidate thcro must be at least -145 votes for one man. This- thuro could never bo for u i-andldutc of hoj I i right , who nt most could only i > ell 200 votes , nor for Hitch n man as General Houlanger who would not poll moro than 150 , so that the only chance for the right or extreme left would be to sup | > ort the least objection- nblo candidate proposed by the centres , moderates , or by whatever general natno the the non-monarchist and non-extremist depu ties are to bo known. The probability Is that the extreme left would vote for Do Freycinet and the right for M. Ferry. ENOIjISiTToTlTICH. Churchill's Movements the Center of Attraction. [ CnpvrtuM ISSJltyJama Gordon lltnntti , ' ] LONDON , Oct. 29. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the BEE. ] The London correspondents of provincial and American papers have been very busy the past week In reconstructing the ministry and disposing of public men according to their Idea of pro priety. In these numerous efforts the Imag ination has not been even a lucky guess. The gentleman who sent Churchill to Canada might as well have sent him to the moon. No such offer was made or thought of. With Churchill's great popularity and parliament ary Influence both unequalled the conservative party it Is not very likely that ho would give up n grand career hero for a respectable exile to Canada. Regarding his povercy so much dwelt on it Is all rubbish. Ho manages to cko out n very tolerable existence. There is nothing in his circumstances to call for a public sub scription just at present not by any means so eager for ofllco is his party to gcthlmback. As for Hartingtou , my previous statement remains accurate. His views , as expressed to nn Intimate friend , are ns follows : Nothi ing can justify his final severance from his party but some new emergency of a very grave character. Ho did not take ofllco when the ministry was first formed because ho felt that it was better to fight the battle out within the ranks of the p rty which ho led in the house from 1ST5 to 18SO , during Glad stone's retirement. Nothing has occurred since then to change his conception of duty. Only a great alteration for the worse in the position of the ministry could warrant him In taking the final plunge of crossing the floor of the house to join the tory ministry. These opinions were put before Salisbury , who has tried to shako them , but in vain. Anew now danger may doubtless nriso at any moment. In that rase Hartington would yield and a totallj different ministry would bo formed upon lines already shadowed forth in these dispatches. Probably Lord Salisbury would gladly seize that oppor tunity to retire altogether. Hartington would then become prime minister , Churchill chancellor of the exchequer and lender of the house and Goschen foreign sccretnry , with mnny other changes , but nil this is nu affair of the future. One thing is certain and that is that Churchill must return to the ministry before the session opens or thcro will bo a great outcry in the country. If any immediate reconstruction was Im pending Chamberlain would not have quitted England just now. Be fore leaving London last Tuesday ho told several friends that the ministry would rub along till January. Ho did not sco any cause to anticipate important changes. As for the threats directed against himself , ho made light of them. He said that in Amer ica the law-abiding people were iu the ma- jority. No threats of assassination should deter any one from becoming their guest. "Some things I have spoken may have been misunderstood , but in the main neither Can adians nor Americans can doubt my earnest desire to como to a settlement of the fisheries 1 question on terms fair and honorable 1 to both countries. " A friend 1 having again recurred to the threat received , Chamberlain quietly said : "All right. I am not so fond of life 1 that I should desire to keep it by running away from duty. But I don't believe n bit In the threats. " The public generally re spect his decision , and with regard to the statement , moro timn once repeated , that no body ' but a staunch Glndstonian is acceptable at Washington , they still refuse to behcvo that t the American people side with any par ticular t faction in English politics.Clmmbcrlain loft 1 the over-faithful Jesse Collins to look after i his interests. Poor Jesse will feel like on-old ' hen without her chicks. The warfare against i Chamberlain has been much sharper than 1 against all the rest of the liberal union ists 1 put together , but if ho has received some hard 1 knocks ho has returned them with com pound ] interest , and can always point to Glad stone i out of ofllco us a tangible result of his work. 1 have had some conversation with Evelyn , the retiring member for Deptford. Ho told mo that many of his friends were angry with him for resigning , but his views of the situa tion left him no option. Salisbury's going in tooth and nail for the coercion affair at Mitchcllstown seemed to him quite unjustifiable. Ho regretted that Churchill supported the government Instead of striking out u line of his own. Ho could not see how ho could hold his scat with n decided convic tion ngainst the policy of the government. Ho said his constituency had put no pressure upon him whatever. Ho had acted spon taneously. It is only fair to state that no other member of the conservative party shares his opinions , although several had quite resolved not to offer themselves for re election. A storm is rattling briskly round the cars of Matthews for allowing the mobs to resume their meetings in Trafal gar square. The grotesque thing is that Stead , hitherto Matthews' bitterest enemy- is now his only defender. The people gener ally say that Matthews might resign , not knowing his own duties and not allowing the police to discharge theirs. Business has been cut up severely by the daily processions and meetings. Americans , who much fre quent the hotels of this quarter , are all run ning away , the shops arc deserted and trades men find orders falling off. This seems a queer way of improving the position of the unemployed. Great preparations have been made to prevent a renewal to-morrow of last Sunday's scandalous scenes In Westminster abbey. Indignation Is every where stirred by Canon Brother's letter stating that the mob used the vaults of tlio abbey as urinals. These who demand un limited license for the mob and cry , "Down with the police 1" think this is going n lo too fur. These excesses will reach st the party which encourage them. To-morrow the military will bo called out if necessary to protect the abbey from a sacrilege revolting to all classes of people. Rather strong advocacy of the claims of Dhulccp Singh have suddenly made their appearance in several newspapers. This may cither bo regarded ns illu strating the recent remarks on Oriental gold or ns an example of the love of justice lunate in English journalists. Sam AVeller would have detected another remarkable coinci 1- dence , Dhulccp Singh , since KatkofT's death , has not been petting on well , In Russia. [ begins to think that ha made a mistake in giving up an allowance of flO.OOO . n year. His agents are active in England In preparing for his return at this'IntcrcsUng moment. Cer tain newspapers have just discovered what Ta' peed man Dhuloep Is and how much ill-used. Many will watch with interest further devel opments In journalistic circles this paroxysm of benevolence. A tremendous pressure is being brought to bear ujmn Spurgeon to induce him to recon sider his determination to retire from the Baptist union , but it wilV&ot succeed. * Spur geon hesitated a long time. Ho has well con sidered the consequences of his decision and will abide by it. Ho Is expected to address his congregation on the subject Sunday and every Inch of room In the chapel Is already bespoke. His congregation unanimously support him. A MEMBEH or PAIILUMKNT. POMPOUS CAPTAIN KEOGII Ho Heads the Illot Act Because Old Woman throws Mud. [ Copyright tSS7tyJari ( Gordon . DUULIN , Oct. 29. [ Ndw York Herald Cable Special to the Bee , J-jTho evict Ions proceed on Lord Masscrcn's cptatc , County Meath , with the usual foruiulivof attack and defense and mercilessly or courageously on cither side. An incident occurred yesterday which will illustrate the tenjper wilh which the authorities still proceed. At ono point of bold defense , the pcoplo outsldo cheered when Captain Kcogh , who \frns in command , was heard to say : "If thcro are any further demonstrations of this kind I will clear the place immedi ately. " At this bolnt the feelings of an old woman on tho'roadside , found vent. Grabbing up n handful of mud she flung it at Matthews , a bailiff who was making defiant demonstrations to the crowd , but missing her aim , she struck instead Lieutenant Long- field , who calmly vylpcd the mud off his cloak. Captain Kcogh did not take the matter so calmly. Lifting his stick ho nd- dressed them thus : ' 'I wnrned you this morning I would stand no trifling. If thcro is nny interference I will put an end to it at once. A stone has been thrown. " "It wasn't n stone , itiwns n mud , " said the old woman showing her besmeared hands. Two policemen immediately arrested her and oho pulled out a note book and proceeded to take her name , but Captain Kcogh continued - ued his speech , growing more excited ns ho went on : "I intend to have no tnero of this. If this crowd docs not disperse at once I will have the place cleared , and , to avoid delay , I will read the riot act. " Ho rumaged in his pockets for a copy of the act. Mr. Gill , M. P. , said , "Surely you do not mean to read the riot net because an old woman whom you have in custody has thrown a handful of mud } " Captain Keogh replied : "I will toke no orders from you. I do not recognize you as having any authority here. " "I have a better right than you to bo here , " said Gill , "as you and your like will learn to your cost before long. 'This is pretty atro cious. " Captain Kcogh , whos had by this tlmo found his copy of the riot act , proceeded to read _ it with great pomposity , holding off his bat as ho did so. When ho came to , "God Save the Queen , " a voice shouted , "God Save Ireland , " on which the people cheered loudly. Another voice cried "Hurrah for the Plan" and a cheer was raised again. "Disperse now , every ono of you. Every man whd remains hero nftcr this ' Is a felon in the eyes of the law. " The captain walked off pompously and the pcoplo , laughed heartily nt. the ill-tempered demon strations which he was making. The house of PaulTlernan , Bloomfield , was next visited. A double cordon of police was drawn across tlio gateway and as Mr. Gill was about muklnghls way in , Inspector Sey mour , who had been receiving orders from Captain Keogh ran up and said , "We cannot let you pass. " "I am a member of parliament , " said Mr. Gill , "and I Insist on my right , to be present. " Inspector Seymour there'upon went back to Captain Keogh and returned immediately saying , "I am very sorry , Mr. Gill , but my orders are i > cremptory not to let you pass. Wo can admit no one but representatives of the press. " Mr. Gill That is a curious distinction , ad mitting representatives of the press and ex cluding representatives of the people. From whom hove you these orders ( "Captain Kcogh. " Mr. Gill Captain Keogh will hear more of this. this.Tho The door was barricaded with bushes and tied together with a chain. Volumes of white smoke , which wcro darted through the aper tures warned the emergency that resist ance might be offered. An entrance was ef fected through a window and Patrick Tier- nan , a son of the tenant , was the only person inside. Ho offered no further resistance and the eviction was completed. Patrick Mecdo , sub-tenant , with his wife and five little chil dren , were then thrown out on the roadside. Lady Anne Blunt is just now the heroine of the hour. Being a granddaughter of Lord Byron , she naturally would excite attention , but under the circumstances much more. I heard an old woman say , "Bless her ! Sure and she's only doing for ould Ireland what her noble grandad tried to do for the other Greeks in fightin' the nasty Turks. An" isn't Balfour worse than a sultan } " A BIG BWINDLK. Investigation Into tlio Lclpslc Dis count c Failure * The Hurricane. [ Coj > i/i-fi/7it IBS ? In New 1'ork Msvctattd 1'rcts. ] BEIILIN , Oct. 29. The creditors of the Leipsic Discounto company expect to receive 25 per cent of the deposits. Moro fraudulent practices In connection with the failure have been discovered and n number of Berlin firms have resolved to bring the whole council of administration before a court of justice. The revelations show that the cler ical staff of the i bank must have known of its condition. Some of the clerks : received in lieu of cash for their salary shares of bank stock which they sold at 101) ) ; until the day before the failure. The shares are now quoted at 2 } < f. The hurricane on the Baltic only abated Thursday. It created terrible havoc among shipping and communication on railways along the shore was jntcraiptcd , travel on the Lubeck line belug suspended for three days. The Pencp of Kurope. VIENNA , Oct. 29. Emperor Francis Joseph received the members of the Austro-Hungur- lan delegations to-day. In an address to the delegations the emjieror said the foreign re lations of the empire were favorable and gratifying. Ho hoped the Bulgarian question would retain Its local character ami that It would ultimately bo settled In accordance with the Bulgarians' wish and with Kuropean treaties and interests. Although the coi ll- tion of Europe continued to bo one of Inse curity the belief was justified that active ef forts and close rapproachment of the powers , would prevent its'disturbance , A Petition For the Anarchists. PAWS , Oct. 20. American anarchists have Disked ' a number of members of the chamber 'of deputies to petition the government of Illi nois in favor of the Chicago anarchists. The cxtromo loft met tc-duy and resolved to send the follwlng to tlio governor : "In the name of humanity and In the nnmo of the. connec tion between the two great republics , the Paris deputiesndvocntinn the abolition of political deaths , nsk for tho.lives of the scvcu wen condemned to" death at Chicago. " DROWNED IN LAKE MICHIGAN , The Propeller Vernon Gees Down in a Galo. NOT ONE PERSON RESCUED. Crew of Twenty-Two Men and Many Passengers Believed to Hnvc Pcrlshcd-Pnrtlat List of the Missing. Went to the Bottom. MILWAUKEE , Oct. 29. The propeller Vcr- ' non has been lost on Lake Michigan north of Manltowoc . , Wisconsin. The entire crew of twenty-two persons Is supposed to have per ished. The steamship Superior , which arrived at this port at 8:30 : this evening , brought the first news of the total wreck of a largo pas senger propeller off Manltowoc , Wls. Thattho wreck Is the propeller Vcrnon , of the North ern Michigan line , is established almost bo- yomla doubt. She was duo hero to-day and from the description of the fragments seen by the crew of the Superior , her owners hero consider her identity fully established. She hud on board a crew of twenty-two men besides some passengers , the exact number not being known , and it is supposed that all hands perished. Captalu Moran , of the Su perior , saw three or four rafts with men clinging to them and also a boat containing n woman and thrco men. Though ho made nn effort to rescue them a high sea prevented the rendering of any assistance , the Superior being herself disabled and requiring her crow's best efforts. It was nbout 10 o'clock in the morning when the first signs of the wreck , in the shnpo of floating cargo and furniture , were seen. About an hour later rafts wore sighted. On some of them the oc cupants wcro almost gone , while others sig nalled the superior. P. J. Klein , of Klein & Burk , who char : tered the Vcrnon to replace the Champlaln , burned ' early in the season , received the first Information of the disaster from a reporter. After hearing the account as given by Captain - tain Moran , ho felt assured it was the Vcr non. Ho did not know what passengers were on board and of the crow could only give the following names : CAPTAIN Gnoiton TKOIITL' , of Ogdcnsburg , N. Y. , master. CAI-TAIN COLLINS , the mate , who formerly sailed the schooner Golden AVcst. CAPTAIN HIGGI.VS , second mate , who sailed the barge Leland last year. F. A. BUIIKE , clerk , eldest son of Mr. Burke , ono of the part owners of the vessel , CiiAiiLE.s MAIICAU , first engineer. FUAJTK M. HALL , second engineer , brother of Ed Hall , of Chicago. MAIITIX BE vu , steward. BEAU , the porter , a brother of Martin. Both wcro on the Champlain when she burned. The Vcrnon was owned by A. Booth , of Chicago , and was valued at fr OOO. She was a year old and insured for $37,000. She ran between Chicago and Mackinaw and picked up freight at ports whcro.sho touched , carry ing at the risk of her owners. Captain Williams , of the schooner Joseph Pnlgo , arrived to-night nt 9 o'clock and reported - ported seeing the wreckage nbout six miles cast of Two Rivers point. It was evidently the wreckage of a passenger vessel , he said. Ono of the crew saw a corpse , and a plcco of a pilot house with a man on it was next seen. The sea was running so high that it lifted the Joseph Paige boat from its davitts , and it was impossible to get near enough to the man to pick liim up. BURNED'ALIVE. Terrible Fate of Mrs. O'Brien and Four Children at Lcadvlllo , Col. LEADVILLK , Colo. , Oct. 29. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] The most shocking disas ter which has been chronicled In this locality since the memorable horror In which ten miners were exhumed' from their sepulchre in the snow , occurred at 5 o'clock this morn i- ing. In a burning boarding house on Iron Hill , of which Mrs. James O'Brien was the proprietress , James O'Brien , jr. , eight years old , Henry O'Brien , five , and Annie , nn in fant of seven months , wcro roasted alive. i3. The spectacle presented nt the smoking ruins was most revolting ever seen on this hill of horrors , where , since the discovery of car bonate by Undo Billy Stevens , no less than'a hundred lives have been prematurely lost. The particulars are about as follows : Sndio Olcson ( , a domestic In the house , arose at 5 and started to build the fire and prepare breakfastfor 1 the minors , and in hastening her ; labors 1 , resorted to a can of kerosene. She had 1i 1 applied the match to the kitchen steve 1i and i was repeating the act in the dining room when her attention was attracted to the kitchen 1 by an explosion. She hastened : ioo the 1 kitchen door to bo repulsed by a flood 1 of flumes that had enveloped the 1 room. As quickly as possible . she ! gave the alarm when Mrs. O'Brien , al most 1 frantic , shouted to the lodgers on the second floor. Seizing her two children she rushed ] out Of the building and looked for the J remaining four and not seeing them returned ' to the building now wrapped in flames. That was the last time she was seen alive and when the smoke was cleared away from the ruins she was found bending over the bed beside - side her infants , whoso bodies wore burned to a crisp in a room on the second floor. The two boys had been imprisoned by the flames and roasted before the oycs of the powerless spectators. Her husband is prostrated and it is feared will lose his reason. ONE IRAI ) , SIX DYING. A Ncfro Camp Meeting Broken Up In a Bloody Fljht. Cium.nsTo.v , S. C. , Oct. 29. At a negro camp meeting near Brighton Thursday night , n number of drunken men disturbed the services and when the preacher at tempted to enforce order a free fltjht ensued in which razors , pistols and clubs were used. The lights were soon extinguished and the fight continued for half an hour. The result of the affray is that one man is dead , six dying and about twenty-five more or less Injured. The Chicago Times Sold. CHICAGO , Oct. 29. The Inter-Ocean to morrow will announce that the Chicago Times nas been sold to a syndicate of which the chief members arc Clinton A. Snowden , for many years managing editor of the Times under Mr , Storey , and James J. West , business manager of nn evening pub lication of this city. Negotiations looking to the purchase have been going on some time and were only brought to u culmination to-day. The instruments ro signed and delivered this afternoon. The terms were made with the widow of Mr. Storey and his heirs. It is understood that Mr. Snowden will bo editor-in-chief , assisted by Joseph R. Dunlap as managing editor , The latter was city editor under Mr. Storey. ; A Furniture Dealer Austins. DULUTII , Minn. , Oct. 29. Ph. Hlrbchman , a furniture dealer , lies made nn assignment. The liabilities are c&tlniuted at tsO.OUO , and the assets 150,000. A. T. STKWAUT'S BODY. Superintendent Walling Clears Up I I tlio Mystery Surrounding It. NEW YOIIK , Oct. 29. The mystery which has so long enveloped the fate of the body of olT the millionaire dry goods dealer , Alexander T , Stewart , forms the subject of n chapter In Superintendent Walllng's book soon to bo published. The ex-superintendent professes tc give the only true story of the stealing of the ; body , and also alleges that the body was subsequently returned to the repre sentatives of Judge Hilton. The remains wcro burled in St. Mark's church yard , corner of Second nvcnuo and Tenth street , In an underground vault , the entrance to which was covered by a flagstone , which In turn was sodded over level with the surrounding surface , so thcro was no outward stw ward evidence of Its location. The story gives a history of the case from the robbery , how the first negotiations wcro opened by General Jones , ex-postmaster of Now York , who was communicated with b.ol mall by the thieves and the various offers made by thorn , all of which wcro re fused by Judge Hilton. Tlio first demand was $200.000. After the failure of the negoti ations with Hilton the robbers directed their correspondence < to the widow of Stcwnrt and she finally agreed to pay $100,000. , The mat ter was delayed so long by Jones , however , that the robbers evidently became discouraged mid finally agreed to deliver the body for fc.'O.OOO. The money was to bo sent out by one messenger on : a lonely road In Westchestcr county , and when the robbers wcro satisfied that ho was not followed by detectives they would meet him. Ayoung ; relative of Mrs. Stewart un dertook the hazardous task and everything passed off smoothly , the men bring on : hand ns per agreement. The next day , which was in the fall of 1879 , the body was removed secretly to the cathedral and placed In n secret vault. So arranged that an attempt to open It would ring the chimes on the church and send the alarm throughout the city. - * - Ho Abducts Ills Two Children at Den ver and Escapes. DENVCH , Colo. , Oct. 29. [ Special Telegram to the BEH. ] John Gray , claiming to bo from Lincoln , Neb. , a man nbout thirty-five , wnlked Into the police station yesterday disguised us n decrepit old man of sixty. Ho said the disguise was assumed for the pur pose of preventing his wife , who was living with another man on South Fourteenth street'from recognizing him. Ho sworoout a warrant against his alleged unfaithful spouse on the charge of adultery , and when she was brought to headquarters made nn unsuccessful attcuipt to Induce her to return with him. The case was set for hearing be fore a justice this afternoon , and Mrs. Gray was at court at the time set for hearing the charges but left her llttit ? ! > oy of flvo and little girl playing on the sidewalk jn front , when the father camonlong. Taking In ilS sit uation he rushed off for the express wagon and In less time than In it takes to tell it ho had hustled the youngsters Into the wagon and was driving them off leaving tlio mother lo mourn for her lost little ones and the court to search in vain for a prosecuting wit ness. The case was dismissed against the woman and n warrant sworn out against Gray for abduction , but the police have been unable to find any trace of him. The mother is almost beside herself with grief. Tired of Life. HoLiwnac , Neb. , Oct. 29. [ Special Tele gram ( to the Bco. ] This afternoon word was brought to Holdrege that a man WHS lying dead in Conger's pasture , ono mile cast of town. Coroner Miller Immediately pro ceeded to the spot and summoned n jury , which , upon investigation , found that the de ceased came to his death by a shot fired from a revolver in his own hands. The deceased was twenty years of age , Grant Nowllu by name , a stranger in this vicinity , and recently came from Broken Bow. A revolver was lying between his knees with two empty chambers. There was a bullet-hole in his forehead and a card in his pocket addressed to "J. D. Applegato , " no postofllco. The let ter contained the following : "I was not crazy , ns many will suppose. I have seen nothing but sorrow in this world and am tired of life. " Gets It On Condition. YOIIK , Neb. , Oct. 29. [ Special to the BEE. ] The Baptist state convention yesterday lo cated their state college at York , provided the Methodist college and grounds could be deeded to the Baptists , together with a do nation of f25,000 in cash and a largo number of residence lots. In case this cannot bo done by January 1,1SS8 , then the college is iOo bo located at Grand Island. Tlio Baptist people feel very jubilant over the happy ter mination of this question and the prospect : that the Methodists will turn over their col lege grounds and endowment to the Baptists. Burglars at Clarkson. CLAIIKSON , Neb. , Oct. 29. [ Special to the BEE. ] The general store of J. Rozmasin & Son was entered through a back window last evening. Also the hardware store of Fog- man & Fillip , by burglars taking therefrom ST > 0 to $100 worth of the most expensive goods. The thieves leaving familiar marks , the constable has gone to search the premises and it is hoped they will receive their long needed punishment , us petty stealing has been going on hero for the past year. A Laborer Drowned. FAinmwr , Neb. , Oct. 29. [ Special Tele- gram to the BEE. ] A boy found the dead body of a man In the Little Blue river this afternoon. The coroner was summoned and after the body was taken from the water an examination was mado. No marks of vio- lenco appeared. The body was recognized as that of a railroad laborer named McCune. H Is supposed thathowasdrowncd accidentally. Ho had home money deposited in the Hurbinc bunk. A Narrow Ksoape. NEIIIIASKCirr , Neb. , Oct. 29. [ Special Telegram to the Bni : . ] The family of George W. Brown , south of the city , had offt narrow escape from being burned to death last night. Their house caught fire while ! they were asleep in bed. They wcro uwulc- cncd In time to escape with their lives , lent the entire building with Its contents was nto stroyed. Loss t500. No insurance. Sarpy County Democrats. SruiNariELn , Neb. , Oct. 29. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] The democratic conven tion for Sarpy county met hero nt 1:30 : this afternoon , Hon. James E. Campbell acting ns chairman. The following candidates ro put in nomination : Clerk , Robert n ; treasurer , A. J. Spearman ; county judge ; , John Q. Goss ; coroner , J. L. Wallner ; super intendent of public iiistiuction , Mr. New man , . A Post Oflicn Itiirglarl/ . Fur.MO.VT , Neb. , Oct. 29. [ Special Tele gram to the Ben. ] Upon opening the post ofllco this morning , Mr. Sawyer found his ' safe had been blown open and over $100 In currency and stamps tukcn , besides f 1,200 ! worth of notes and ono or two decdii. There- Is no clue as to who the burglars wore. AN ED1TOU KILLED. ' , A Tragedy GrowH Out Of nn Ohio Newspaper Qnnrri'l. CLEVELAND , October 29 , W. H. Reynolds , editor of the Ashland Times , was shot und Instantly killed this mining In Justice court by James R. Mason. The shooting was douo in a fit of passion , mil was the Indirect result of a newspaper quarrel. Reynolds was being sued for libel on account of u publication regarding the money transaction'of Masoil and his brother. . ' ' . ' . Chicago's "Finest" Trying to Unrnvol Anarchistic Dovlllshnoss. MOVES OF A MYSTERIOUS MAN , A Hellenic Believed to Bo Hatching to Blow Up Cook County Jail A Description or It Scoured. Look Out For Dynamite. CHICAGO , Oct. 10. [ S | > oelnl Telegram to the HKI : . ] The iKilleo of the Chicago nvcnuo station are displaying ceaseless activity to day and bollovo they have discovered nn an archist plot to blow up the county Jail , Ono arrest has already been made , and thcro Is a likelihood of moro to-night. Wednesday morning a strange man came to the jail and his movements wcro so suspicious that Jailer Folz sent out for Deputy Sheriff Webb , who has charge of the men on the outsldo and who Is an old Central stntlon detective. This is the description of the man , ns fur nished to-tho police by Deputy Webb : Stout built , nbout 5 feet 8 Inches tall , dressed In dark clothing , cutaway coat , chinchilla overcoat , and stiff hat. Ho has a heavy dark inustacho and light sldcburu whiskers. Ho culls himself Joe Miller , and speaks with an American accent. This man had not been to the jnll before , but ho walked into the cngo and talked familiarly with Fischer , Lingg , and ono or two of the others. Ho began to "slzo up" the Interior of the jail , and before ho left walked into the jail ofilco and seemed to examine- with moro than curious in terest the passages leading to the various wards. When ho loft Deputy Webb followed him. The man walked to the corner of Michigan and Chirk streets , gave a letter to a letter carrier and then walked north , stopping every half block to look around in a careless fashion. Between Illinois and Indiana streets ho crossed North Clark street , and then started south und kept a watchful , wary outlook until ho reached the bridge. Webb followed him all the time. A reporter who saw this man In the Jail and Webb's observation of him , shadowed both of them and saw everything up to this time. At the bridge the maa paused irresolutely , und Deputy Webb slackened his pace. A big propeller was coming up the river and the bridio began to turn slowly. The man appeared to bo in a reflective mood and watched the bridge tenders at their work.D But ho suddenly wakened into life and startled Webb. Just as the north end of the bridge swung clear of the abutment the man suddenly woke up , made a dash for it and leaped upon the mov ing bridge. Webb saw the trick too Into and EOmo yards of empty space intervened be tween them bv the time he checked him self with nn cflort at the end of the abut ment. When the bridge closed the fugitive lost himself among the crowd of peqplo waiting to cross nt the south end 01 tliobrlngo , and the baflllcd deputy , nftcr u fruitless search along Clark and South Water street , returned to the criminal court bHiM- lng nnd nt once informed Captain Schnnek and supplied him with a description of tlio mysterious man. Thursday evening about 8 o'clock the same man was seen loitering In the alley north of the jail , rcconnoitoriiig the locality. A policeman noticed his queer ac tions und ran around to the Michigan street 'entrance of the criminal building , where Do- tectlvo Lowcnstein nnd two or three others may bo found at almost any time. They fol lowed the policeman and the suspicious fel low was pointed out to them. A boy about twelve years old was with the suspected man , who was seen to hand n paper to tlio boy. The latter walked away whistling toward North Clark street. The man began to pick his way through the alloy. Both of them were fol- lowed. Lowenstcin caught the boy and searched him. Ho found in his pocket a paper containing a minute description of parts of the Juil. By accident n part of this description fell into the hands of n reporter. It rend : "The north end of the jail conUiines fourteen windows of twelve pains each. They are twelve feet from the ground and barred with round iron bars. " The words "contains" nnd "panes , " it will bo observed , are misspelled. The boy was taken to the Chicago avenue police station and promised to find the man who gave it to him. The man himself made his escape , whether through his ovn adroitness or the carelessness of those who followed him , Is not known. Tlio police are pretty nearly us silent an oysters about the occurrence. The man maybe bo under arrest. Neither is it known what the police have done with the boy. Captain Schaak this morning , when the reporter told him about that part of the description found by him , said that the description of the Jail had been made by his own men for his partio- ular use. A Good Lawyer's Opinion. WASHINGTON , Oct. 29 [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] Joseph Nichol , of Indianapolis , a law clerk in the postofllco department and a good lawyer , has heard all the arguments in the anarchists' appeal hero and said to your correspondent this afternoon that in his opinion the men will not bo given n now trial or a respite. Ho thinks the attorneys for the condemned men have not used the strong points in behalf of their clients , and as the case now stands there is no ground for u writ of error. Under the circumstances , how ever , ho says Governor Oglcsby should com mute the sentence. Many other people think so , too. THK TWJOLFTII JUUOK. II. P. Banclttird of St. Paul Talks Aliout the Anarchist Caso. Sr. PAUL , Minn. , Oct. 29. [ Special Tele- grain to the BEK. ] II. P. Sandford , ono ot the jurors who convicted the Chicago anarch ists , has been in St. Paul about four months. He is employed in the auditor's oftlco of the Minnesota < fe Northwestern railway. Mr. Sandford was the twelfth and last Juror selected to try the case , and his selection wa9 made ono of the points of error by which tha condemned men sought to secure a reversal of judgment by the Illinois supreme court ; When Adam8 , the eleventh Juror , was chosen I the defense hail forty-threo peremptory challenges remaining , which were exhausted before the selection of the twelfth Juror was made. Sandford was accepted by the)1 ) slate , and challenged for cause by the de-i fcnsc , but JudgoGaryovcrrulcdthochallcngo and the defense was forced to accept him. Mr. Sandford was seen to-day and In reply to questions regarding the case said : "Tlio defense objected to moon tlie ground that I was prejudiced. The stenographic re port of iny examination shows that I sam , under oath , that I could fulrly und impartially listen to the testimony and bring in a vordlcb in accordance with the facts in the case. My opinion had been formed on rumor and HOWH- papcr comments and was prejudiced against ) anarchism and communism as every law- abiding citizen should bo. Judge Gary thought ! I would make an Impartial Juror , the attor- ncys for the state accepted mo , und the do-1 fcnso were forced to do so. Judge Gnry'W charge was tlio thing that decided the cues. in the minds of the jury , und our four hows' deliberation was foe the purpose of deciding upon tha punlohmcnt to be inflicted. The jury looked upon the case us a murder trial , and the fact ! that the murderers wcro anarchists did neb Inlluenco the verdict. The evidence as to the conspiracy and their guilt was conclusive , and t hoi e was but ono course forustopursuo. 1 received two anonymous letters 'shortly after the verdict was brought in , ono of which' advised mo to prepare to meet my God , if I believed there was one , and the other statin ? that oil tho'day of execution vengeance.wouhl fall oji mo. Neither of them scared mo much , . , however. The reason I came hero was be cause ' of increased salary.und I .luivc been to Chicago oU'n blnco living hero , .