Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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A Most Disastrous Fire at the Fair
Nearly Every Itulldliifr on the OroiuulN
In AnhcH Street Cur Driver Wool-
< lrl < lK < ! KcmnrrlcH Kmnm Paul-
neii Oilier Local News.
Fire nt tlio Fair Grounds.
disastrous fire occurred nt tlio fnlr
yesterday iiftcrnoon , which will
cntiill 1 10,000 loss on the nsso-
chitlon. The flre , without a doubt , luul
Its origin from n sjiark from mi L'nglno on
the. IJclt line , which wtis switching on
the track hack of the north stubles.
The dried grass ulont ? the
trnck first hi-cnnio Ignited , and n strong wind
blowing from the north curried the fire first
to a pllo of tics , and then to the sheds.
Almost In it Hash n thousand yards of
ntnblliiK was in Humes , together with the
commodious power hah and the group of ex
hibition hnildint , ' * tothcBouth. The buildings
burned like no iminy tinder boxes , and In thu
licnvy wind that was blowing the spectacle
was one of awful grandeur. The lire depart
ment was on the scene as speedily as possible ,
and In the absence of water , the force pro
ceeded to tear down the buildings , fences
and stables. For n tlmo the whole
Immense Inclosnro was a sheet
of lire , and it looked as If every
titrurturo upon the grounds must po. The
large crowd of sportsmen in attendance at
the shooting tournament were forced to lleo
for their liven , and the scene for u brief mo
ment was indescribable.
The lire originated In the northwest cor
ner of the fair grounds and swept east ,
taking In its route all buildings of ex
hibitors on the north side of the grounds ,
burning them all to the ground. Thence It
took its way across the area of the race
course taking Kdliolm & Aldus' ,
Max Meyer's building and the horticultural
hall. Two hundred sheds and horse stalls in
the poulli side were consumed by the llames.
The entire lo-s cannot fallfarshortof SW.OOO.
Of course much of the stnbling destroyed
was old and somewhat dilapidated , still in a
condition which promised years of endur
ance yet , and which answered every purpose
to which it duvoted ono week annually.
Then a greater portion of the sheds and pens
nnd stalls were just built tills fall , while
almost the entire lot of stabling had just
been overhauled and repaired.for the late
fnlr. To replace all these must necessarily
entail a great deal of expense. In addition
to the smaller structures the power hull and
all its machinery , together with
the pump building and annex , a huge
skeleton structure , Armstrong & Pettis'
building , Li. P. Pruyn's , W. 11. Drummond &
Co.'s , nnd the entire row of nc-at and costly
exhibition buildings that stood Just north of
the rneo course , were burned to ashes. The
huge windmill was partially burned and must
bo included in the loss , Next comes Wo
grand stand , or amphitheatre , the pool sheds ,
Edliolm & Akin's , .Max Meyer's , the Hr.i's :
building , the Moral hall , the horticultural hall
and adjoining buildings. These , too , were
all totally destroyed. The big eating IIOUFO ,
or dining hall , the lunch stands , and all the
structures large and small , lining the grounds
on the south , were swallowed up in the ocean
of lire that swept witli the most astonihliing
rapidity over the grounds- , The entire sta
bling to the north and west and soutn was
swept away , and long stretches of fencing
was destroyed , together with the sheep and
hog pens.
. The heavy clouds of smoke sweeping over
the grounds for a while made it extremely
dangerous for a hundred or two of people
who were in attendance at the shooting tour
nament. When the buildings to the north
caught , the wind seemed to carry the ( lames
in one red bhcct over the entire grounds and
the shooters and lookers on were compelled
to lleo for their lives. After the grand stand
and buildings to the south were engulfed in
the waves of lire , the scene was one of in-
describaHo grandeur , the tinder box struc
tures being lapped up tin if In an instanta
neous Hash. The tire was a much more
thrilling spectacle than that made by n large
building or any numer of them , as it only
lusted for tlio briefest space of time , Hashing
up and lllling the earth and air with seething
Humes , like the explosion of some colossal
The tire department worked like troopers
With pick , hook and ax , and was instrumen
tal In saving the line art hall , and the big
barn , and In preventing the spread of the
llames to the private residence just north of
grounds. The residents were in dire con
sternation , and probably as many as thirty
families moved all their household goods
into the htreot , when tlio great volumes of
Humes wore seen leaping and rolling toward
them from the fair grounds. However , out-
lido of the fair grounds , no property of
ivhatsoovor nature was injured or destroyed.
Uiehard Tissard , who bad been running u
ilininghall during the ft. A. 1 { . reunion , had
all his material stored in the Meyer building
on the , fair grounds and it was entirely do-
fitroyeil. This entails a loss of ? 1,000 , with
110 insurance.
Ho Heinnrrlcs Kiln Pnulspii In tlio
Presence of the llrldc's Parents.
Justice Anderson Thursday , In tlio pres
ence of Mr. and Mrs. John Paulson , united
In marriage Harry \Vooldridgo and their
daughter , ICllu C. Paulson. Justice Helsloy
performed the same ceremony for the same
parties one year ago. It will bo remembered
that Wooldridgo is the street car driver who
shot and killed a would-be robber u little over
thirteen months ago. Shortly after
this exhibition of bravery the
city was electrified by the news that Wool-
dridgo , who by the way , is said to have negro
blood in his veins , had been united in mar
riages to Miss Kmma Paulson , daujjher of the
well-known dairy proprietor.
About two weeks after the wedding Mar
shal Gummings received u letter from the
sheriff of Marshall county , Missouri stating
that Wooldrigo bore a tough reputation , and
had loft a colored wifein Unit county.
Shortly after the sheriff arrived in this city
and fully corroborated all ho had said in his
letter. Mrs. WoolOvUlgo No. 2 announced
her intention of remaining true to
her husband and in u lew days
disappeared from public gaze. It Is to bo
supposed that Mrs. Wooldridgo Xo.l Is either
dead or divorced as it is not probable that
the parents of the bride would again permit a
furcial wedding ceremony. If the statement
made by Wooldridgo in his ilrst application
for a marriage license are true those made
by him Thursday uro absolute falsehoods
mid lays him open to the chargoof perjury.
Collision a ! tliu Union Pacillo Depot.
What might have been a very serious dis
aster was a collision that took place at the
Union Pacllle depot shortly after 11 o'clock
yesterday morning. The 11:15 : dummy train
hud just pulled out , but stopped ut the cast end
of the depot. Just ntthistlmutwo heavy run-
nwav Hat cars , loaded with cinders crashed
into the rear platform of the dummy train ,
completely demolishing it , besides breaking
nearly every window in that car. The coach
was comfortably tilled with pasbcngers , but
fortunately no one was injured.
The Hat cars broke away from the
train nt Thirteenth street and us
it is a down grade and the brake failed to
work their speed was frightful. After the
collision the passengers became panic stricken
for the moment and left the car as rapiply
as possible. Onu old lady three herself head
long from an opou window , but was caught
bo a train man. One large , tlcsliy man got
wedged In the conch door by the frightened
crowd and fought like a tiger to get out. As
teen as ho reached the platform tie started on
u run toward the west end of the depot ami
never stopped until ho reached the street.
Tlio wrecked car was taken to the repair
" ehop. Taken aUogcthcr it wt'.s a very narrow
Tlio Judges of Eli'cion } ,
The city clerk reports that the Judges ol
election are their regUtratlor
books and presenting their bill * for
Jilr. Southard states that the expenses to tin
? it/VilflOt ) bo less thau * 1SX , ( ) . Ho was
obliged , to order new ballot boxes , seventy-
six in numbcrand they cost $1.M1 ouch. Tlujro
uro nineteen precincts In the city , nnd So for
each Judge of clcctlpn has rendered n bill of
$18. or W per day for six days. As matter
of fact they bavo only been employed two
days , yet claim the full amount duo for ono
week's work. The bills will bo presented to
the council at Its next meeting. There are
Devon propositions to bo voted on on the Sth
of Novonher , and all of them will he printed
on one ballot , .
Appointing ; .Indies ol'Election.
OMAHA , Oct. 21 To the Kdltorof the Hr.t : :
In your edition of the 27th take Issue
with me on the question as to whoso duty It
is to appoint judges mid clerks for the coming
election , your opinion being that the county
commissioners should appoint , my opinion beIng -
Ing that tlio ofllccrs already appointed by the
mayor and council may act until other pro
visions are made.
The charter creating Omaha n metropolitan
city , and which of course Is the law now In
force , divests the county commissioners and
vests in the mayor and council the power to
appoint such oflleors. Section 8 of the char
ter provides that when necessary the wards
may bo divided by the mayor and council who
shall "apKlnt | judges and clerks of election
for such ( Killing or voting districts as now ap
pointed for the elections held In the wards. "
The wards in this city have beensodivlded ,
and if I am wrong , It seems to bo
the duty of the mayor and council to reappoint -
point election oftlcers , and that under no
circumstances can the county commissioners
appoint , unless it is held that this charter
applies only to elections wherein no other
than the city oftlcers are to bo elected , lint
it seems to be general in its provisions , and
to provide for all elections , fully as much seas
as did the law which has just been declared
unconr.tltutlonal , under which no person en
tertained for a moment the Idca.Umt.tho state
law applied to any election , and which law
was framed for cities only , alike with the
charter. AMIIIKW liuvixs.
TIII3 POPK'S , J DIM 1,1010.
Preparation for its Cnleliratioii oil
Next Sunday.
On next Sunday the Catholics of this city
will celebrate In a special manner , the jubilee
of Pope Leo X. At St. Philoniemi's cathe
dral Bishop O'Connor will cclcbriUe mass at
8 o'clock and this will bo attended by the
various Catholic and benevolent societies in
the city. These will assemble at the follow
ing places :
C. 1C. of America , right resting on Elev
enth and Howard.
Uniformed Knightsof St. Johnon Howard ,
Ight resting on Twelfth street.
Holy Family society , Thirteenth and How-
rd streets , right resting on Thirteeeth
A. O. H. society , Thirteenth street opposite
heir hall , right resting on Howard street.
St. Wenesclaus society , Thirteenth mid
aekson , right resting on Jackson.
St. Joseph's Benevolent society , Fourteenth
ind Howard , right resting on Fourteenth.
.lames Connolly has been appointed chief
marshal , with the . following assistants :
Torcmiah Whalen , John F. Price , John White ,
frank A. Martin , Anton France , Joseph
lowfck and Frank Pospzlsil.
Societies are requested to take the places
iissjgiied them not later than Tillll o'clock a.
n. , and the aids are requested to report to
he chief marshal ut 7 o'clock in the morning
of the ! Mth. )
The Fast Train Tlino-Talile.
The schedule for the new overland fast
rains on the Union Pacific has been tele
graphed to headquarters by General Superin-
endent Dickcnson. They will bo denominated
as Xos. 1 , S , t ! slid -I. The westbound trains
uro Xos. 1 nnd ! ! . Tlio former will leave
Omaha at S0 : o'clock , p. in. , arriving at Og-
011 at 7:50 : o'clock , a m' , The hitter leaves
Omaha ut lOiiU ) o'clock , a. in. , and arrives at
Ogden at ( ii0 : ! o'clock , a. m. The enstbound
; rains are Xos. I ) and1. . The former will
.cave . Ogden at 10 o'clock , a. in. , arriving in
: his city at 7MS o'clock , ii. m. , while Xo. 4
will leave Ogden at 10:30 : o'clock , p. m. , ar
riving hero at ft o'clock , p. m , Connections
will be made iitChayciine and Julc.sburg with
the Denver trains. The time between Omaha
nnd Denver will bo lessened about eleven
lours each way.
The Now Yard Muster.
P. W. Davis , yard master nt tlio Union
Pacillc yards , has resigned his position to ac
cept a similar ono at Sedalia , Mo. , for the
Missouri Pueilic. Mr. Davis while hero was
very popular and has n host of friends. Ho
ilso gave excellent satisfaction to his em
ployers. ,7. H. McCoy , Into assistant yard
master in South Omaha , assumed charge of
the yards this morning. He is considered a
thoroughly competent man.
Tin- New Athletic Tfnll.
The building of the AtUlottc hall and gym
nasium spoken of in the Una of Monday last
is now uu assured fact. Tlio merchants and
business men are responding promptly and
liberally to the subscription for tickets , and
the gentlemen who have the enterprise in
hand feel eonlldent in announcing that the
work upon the same will begin immediately.
Admirers of athletic sports are to bo con
gratulated , inasmuch as the proposed
now building will afford every
facility for witnessing events and exhibitions
in this line , that otherwise would not bo seen
in Omaha , us well us making it tlio training
ground for bicycle riders , runners , ball ami
cricket players , in fact tlio preparing school
for everything that comes under the head of
athletics. Tlio gymnasium department will
bo modeled after the celebrated Philadelphia
ninasium , with which it will ho made to
compare favorably in every particular and
"It's only H question of lime , " and a
short time , top , as to wlion your rheu
matism will yield to Hood's Suramarlllu.
Try it.
A Chance for "Wrestlers.
II. Primrose has deposited with Ed Hoth-
crey $10 us a forfeit , and challenges any 100
pound man In Omaha for a mixed wrestling
match , best three falls in live. Primrose
stipulates that tlio stakes shall bo anyaniount
from 100 to ? oOO , and that the winner takes
all the gate receipts. The contest must ho
according to the Police-gazette rules.and the
forfeit must bo covered within ono week
from this date , all communications to bo ad
dressed to Ed ICothcrey.
Food makes Blood and Blood makes
Beauty. Improper digestion of food no-
eeasarily produces bad blood , rcMilling
ilia feeling of dullness in the stonmuh ,
acidity , heartburn , sick headache , and
other dyspeptic symptoms. A cloncly
confined lifo causes indirection , consti
pation , billiousnoss and loss of appetite ,
to remove tlioso troubles there is no
remedy equal to Prickly At-li Bitters. It
has been tried mid proven to bo u
The Car Kolilier's Callers.
Charles DeMott , alias Qharles Wilson , and
alias James O'Uricn , the man who made the
unsuccessful attempt at highway robbery
Tuesday night on Cur-driver Knapp , received
a call from his wife and baby yesterday at the
county Jail. Mrs. DeMott says that'hor bus-
band Is a hard-working industrious man , and
was in great distress over Jiis arrest and im
prisonment. Ho left her ono week ago last
Thursday , saying hu was going to South
Omaha in quest of work , nndshcoaly learned
of his crime yesterday.
"Oh , wad fomo power , the giftlo gio us.
'lo see ourselves , as ithors see us ! "
Few women want to appear sick , nnd
yet how many wo see with pain written
on every feuturo , who have been suiTcr-
inff for months from female weakness ,
and who could easily euro themselves
by the itso of Dr. 1'ioreo's "Fuvorlto
I'reseriptiou , " to bo found at any drug
store. This remedy is a specific for
weak bneks.norvous or neuralgic pains ,
nnd all that class of diseases known as
"fomalo complaints. " llustratcdlargc !
UTiitUo on diseases of women , with piost
- courses-of bolf-trcatmcntsont
101 ! 10 cents in stamps. Address WorUVs
.DisponsaryMedfcal Association ; C03
Main Ur.eot , Buffalo , N. . Y ,
Plnnn Discussed For Securing tlic
Nntlonnl llrpulillcnti Convention.
The board of trade committee which was
appointed to heli | secure the republican na
tional convention for Omaha next year , met
last evening with Mr. Meduy In the chulr.
D. H. Whcclcr was chosen secretory. On
motion of Mr. M. S. Lindsay It was decided
to ask the president of the board of trade to
Increase this committee from seven to fifteen.
It was determined to recommend the follow
ing names as additional members of the com
mit tco : J. M. Mlllurd. O. M. Hitchcock , J.
K. Unyd , E. F. Test , W. J. llrouteh , John M.
Thurston , A. J. Popplcton and Max Meyer.
Pending the adoption of this list there was
considerable debate us to the advisability of
appointing democrats on the committee ,
but it was almost unanimously
agreed that as the securing of the conven
tion was more a mutter of business than of
politics , it would be best to appoint energetic
and influential men Irrespective of party.
Next followed n discussion as to the place
of holding the convention. The plan that
seemed to meet with the most favor was that
of Mr. Fred Grey , who suggested that the
brick wall In the Exposition building sepa
rating the Exposition hull from the Grand
Operu auditorium bo tiikcn down and the two
hu made temporarily Into one. Ho thought
that the wall could be taken down In two
weeks and replaced In the same timo. The
new gymnasium that is to bo erected on St.
Mary's avenue was also suggested us a place
for holding the convention.
The matter of hotel accommodation was
next discussed. Mr. Wheeler said the hotel
accommodations of Omahu wore as good as
those of Baltimore at the time the repub
lican convention was held in that
city. Ho did not think there would bo over
2,000 persons in attendance , including the
003 delegates , the alternates , newspaper
reporters and hangers-on , and Omaha could
accommodate a good many more than that if
necessary. Council Bluffs was handy hi case
of nny extraordinary overflow.
It was next decided that all the necessary
subscriptions for receiving the convention bo
assured before the convention is asked for ,
and that at least 5 per cent of the amount sub
scribed bo collected and ready for preliminary
On motion the secretary was Instructed to
invite the committee appointed by the re
publican state central committee to meet
with the city committee at the board of trade
chamber on Wednesday next , November ! i.
It was resolved that Church Howe , the
Nebraska coinmittecnian of the national
committee , bo invited by the secretary to
meet with the committees.
Hound Over For Trial to the District
The police court was crowded with spec-
tutors yesterday afternoon , and wlthiln the
railing sat the ten men charged with gam
bling. Judge Borka called tiio roll shortly
after 2 o'clock nnd the trial commenced.
Among the witnesses against the defendants
was Andrew Hayc * . Ho testiticd that ho
was asked to go into the gambling room by
Duff Green , the Junior captain of the police.
Ho stated that Green instructed him to
watch the game , and gave him llfty
cents to play with. At this point
Charley Green , the lawye.i , asked the wit
ness if he intended to stand in with Captain
Green on the winnings. The witness stated
that ho couldn't do this very well as ho was
unfortunate enough to quit loser. Ho stated
that his object was to "spot" for Green. Ho
was sure that they were playing poker , and
that he saw Hcndcrshot receive &t from ono
of the others at the table.
A. man named Crapp was the next witness.
Ho testilied substantially as Hayes did , but
stated that ho went in with the latter ,
but was not asked lo play by
Green. Ho stated that the men
in the room were playing stud poker. When
asked if ho understood the game thoroughly
ho replied in the afllrmativo. Upon being
asked to explain the game of stud poker he
stated that the dealer gave out five cards to
each player , and that tlio plnyers discarded
whatever cards they did not desire nnd called
for more. Of course the court was * not edu
cated highly in the manner or science of this
game , but the defense told his honor the dif
ference between draw poker and
stud poker. The court mildly re
marked that he would try
and learn these sciences some day in order to
be able to better inform himself.
The various defendants testiticd substan
tially that they were playing a game called
"hearts ; " that tlio chips were used for
markers , and that they saw no money change
bands. The court , however , hold eight of
them under JSOO bonds for appearance in tlio
district court , nnd the other two were al
lowed to breathe the air of freedom. The
eight men held obtained bonds later.
Omaha's Colored l'ii ! lit Slioots Illin-
Kt'U'nt Cherokee , Inwn.
A letter to the Bin : from Cherokee , In. ,
states that Isaac Glover , who is well known
here , shot and fatally wounded himself at
that place on Wednesday last in a lit of des
pondency leaving a letter addressed to
" , Io ey Glover , Omaha , " who , ho said , was
his wife. Glover left Omaha lust Juno.
While hero ho became notorious , HrsJ by
stabbing his white mistress , a woman named
Myrtle Grant. When the case came up for
preliminary hearing , Police Judge Stcnberg ,
the woman refused to testify against him and
ho was discharged. Later Glover partici
pated in a number of local pugilistic events
and was looked upon by the police as a shady
character. His hist employment in Omaha
was as u hostler for J. W. Dillraiicc the
liveryman on St. Mary's avenue.
Mothers do not fail at tlio first indica
tion of a cough , to give your children a
few doses of Dr. J. II. MeOleaifs Tin
"Wiuo Lung Balm. i5 ! cents a bottle.
Ucnl KstiUo Transfers.
Heal estate transfers Hied October 18 ,
furnished by the C. E. Mayno Heal Estate
and Trust company :
Margaret J Fawcctt to Jacob Fawcctt ,
power of attorney
Albert Ueed and wife to J II Crom-
inett , undiv 14 of lot 11 , Albright
it Aylcsworth add , w d S 100
Frederick P Fosdiko and wife to J II
Crommett , lots 0 and 10 , blk 5 ,
Meyers , Hiehards & Tildcn's add ,
w d 1,700
II A Moore and wife toAnnioEShaw ,
lot M , blk Hi , Central park , w d 3,000
E E French , executor , to Joanna C
Wright , s > i of lot 1 and the o K of
lot U , blk 74 , q o 77r
A Ii Soiicrand wife to Eliphns D C
Haines lot 0 blk'J Bedford
, , , place ,
w d. . . ! . . ! . . . . . 5,000
Edward A Shaw and wife to Lyijia
Sudcrlan , lotO , blk 21 , Walnut Hill ,
wd 1.S30
George A Iedcrlo to George B
Christie , power of attorney
Joseph D ilor and wife to Augustus
Newell , lots 11 , 12 and the w K of
ii : , all of lot 17 , blkHit , Grandview
add ; also a strip of hind commenc
ing at a point 21 ft a mid 100 ft e of
the so cor of blk 111. Credit Fonclcr
uildwd 20,000
Omaha H E & T Co to Ernest Hubcr
lot 4 blk 1 , Saundcrs & Himcbaugh
add to Walnut Hill , wd 32. "
Silas S Audi Moedy and wife to Annie
N Sayro , lots 4 and 5 section 10-10-
11 ! , wd 1,3T
Jno L , Miles et ul to Alfred Johnson
( single ) lot M in Ainsneldudd , w d. . MO
John W Grimth , trustee , to William
F. Hubcr , lot 10 blk 111 , Bedford
place add , w d 300
J H Wheeler revokes power of at
torney given to M L Hlggins , dated
September 21 , ISJti.
Harry D Kccd ( single ) ct ul to Anna
Mary Peters , lot 1 blk 3 in Sheridan
place , wd 1,200
Edwin S Hood nnd wife to John F
Twamloy , lot S blk 14 , Albright's
nildition to South Omana , w d 110
Sarah F Davis , executrix , toS J
Ladd , middle feet of lot 7 blk I''J ,
w d. . : 15,000
Uclnold U Husch and wife to James
Vcrc , und K of blk 21 in Boyd'sadd ,
w d 3i-u °
Albert II Busch ( single ) to James
Yore , und )5 ) of blk 21 in Boyd's add
to Omaha , w d 4 "i-J
Total 157,751
Dr. S. ' H. Patten dentist , room 313
I Ramgo b'lHaitJff , Onialw > Telephone 5U
I'nctH About Tliwb Who Hove DC-
pnrtod mil * lill'e.
J. H. Green , traveling passenger agent of
ho Union Pacific , who wus called away last
Monday by the announcement of the impend-
n g death of his mother ut Ccntrcvlllc , Mich. ,
las telegraphed that lier death occurred on
'ucsday last.
Mil" . 3. n. IIAVt * .
Word was received Iti this city of the death
csterday of Mrs. J. H. Davis , wife of Major
Juvis , of Wnhoo. THe latter is a brother of
bo lute O. F. Duvls , df this city.
JAMBS o'lHiri.K.
James O'Boylo died Thurnday'cvcnlng nt
ils Into residence , 510 North Eighteenth
treet , after nn illness of seven weeks. Mr.
O'Boylo was well known In this city , mainly
, s one of the oldest members of the police
orcc , on which bo had served for nearly six
cars. He was distinguished by devotion to
luty and fearlessness In its performance under
nest trying circumstances. Ho has been
credited with sonic of the best police work In
ils time , and although frequently handled
vlth severity , he never failed In reflecting
credit upon himself. Mr. O'Boylo came to
his city about fourteen years ago ,
forking first In the Union Pacillc shops ,
ntcr in the mines at Carbon , and again hereon
on the police force , from which place ho re-
ired several months ago. His death was un
expected and will bo regretted by many
ricnds. Ho leaves a wife nnd one child.
The funeral will take place on Sunday next
at t ! o'clock in the afternoon. All friends are
nvitcd und the E. M. A. and A. O. H. , of
vhich ho was a member , will probably be in
The remains of this young man were buried
esterduy by his associates in South Omnlm.
fho funeral took place from Barrett &
Icafy's. It is claimed he was recently Im-
irisoned In the Jail nt South Ointilm for
lomo trivial offense and while there was
uken sick. It Is claimed also that the line
vas tendered by friends to Judge Hcnthcr ,
nit refused , und that Connors finally hod to
10 removed to the hospital , where he died on
ho day that his term of imprisonment would
lave expired.
Barrett & Ileafy have fulled to hear from
bis man's friends in and
young Chicago , scr-
erul of his fellow-workmen in South Omaha
mvo made arrangements for his interment.
A Street Car llnnnwny.
Considerable excitement was caused at
about 9:30 : o'clock last evening when a pair
of horses attached to Hed line car No. 50
rushed from the Union Pacific depot down
Tenth street to Furnuin , where the car wus
pitched into ono of the trenches made in the
construction of the cable tracks. While the
car was standing at the depot ono of the
mrscs kicked his foot over the traces , nnd
the driver , George Morritt , alighted from the
car for the purpose of taking the horse out of
ils predicament. Just as ho reached the
; round the horses because thoroughly fright
ened and commenced to run , drugging the
car after them. As they neared Farnam
street they Increased their speed , and when
.ho car switched Into the trench it fell upon
ono of the horses. A largo crowd of men
gathered around , nnd in a few moments the
: ar was lifted off the horso. The animal was
round to be terribly cut on the back , nnd
: bero wus u fearful guah in his side. It was
found that it could not live and in consequence
quence one of the cur foremen shot him.
Fortunately the cur was empty und no ono
was injured. _
HESS In this city , October 2ith , nt 10
o'clock , p. m. , Agues , wife of Constnntino
Hess , uged forty-live yours.
The funeral will take place to-day
at 3 o'clock p. m. from her late residence ,
No. 1503 North Twentieth street. Fricndi
Absolutely Pure.
Tills powder never varies. A mnrvol of purl
ty , htri'iiKth nnd wliole&oinenesM. Jloro ecoii
unilcnl than Urn ordinary kinds , und cannot he
sold In competition with the nitilltude of low
cost uliort weight nltim or phosphate powdnra.
Hold only In cans. HOVAL HAKI.NQ POWDEU Co. ,
JOG Wall-st. , N. V.
The best and snrest Remedy for Core of
all diseases caused l > y any derangement of
the Liver , Kidneys , Stoaach and Bowel * .
Dyspepsia , Sick Headache , Constipation ,
Dillons Complaints and MaUrlaof all kinds
yield readily to the beneficent Influence of
It Is pleasant to tko taste , tones up the
system , restored and preserves health.
It Is purely Vegetable , and cannot fall to
prove beneficial , both to old and young.
As a Blood Pnrlfler it is superior to oil
ethers. Sold everywhere at 11.00 a bottle.
Proprietor Omaha Business College ,
Book-Keeping , Penmanship ,
Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telegraphing
and Typewriting.
Send for Colleec Journal.
S. E. Cor. Ifitli and Canltnl Avo.
J , & T ,
Embody the hlKhest cxcpllencles Iti Slmpllnesa ,
Comfort and Durability nml are the
In VushlonaUlo Circles , Our name Is on every
bule , J , A ; T , COUSINS , NEW VOIIK.
. 'Hayward Brothers. .
Of customers in our store every day tell the story of the business we are
doing. We are determined to keep it up , and the more the public favotf
us with their patronage , the more will we show them that we appre
ciate their confidence , and will strive to retain it. Just now Overcoats
are in great demand , and are going off like hot cakes. The styles and
prices take. But as fast as the piles are disappearing from the counters
they are replenished by new and choice arrivals , which our buyer is
daily sending us from the east. We have new styles to show every day
and the prices we mark them at must be very tempting , as the people
buy them so quick. Evidently there must be a great difference between ,
our prices and those of other houses.
Other departments that are booming are Gloves , Underwear and Ho
siery. Our corner window this week gives you a small idea of what we
are doing in the latter lines. Where could you get such a good scar
let all wool shirts and drawers at 45c each , or such all wool seamless
socks at 15c a pair ? Other houses would think they give you bargains
when they charge you twice the money for such goods.
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price , at
Nebraska Clothing Co. ,
Corner Douglas and 14thf Streets , Omaha.
N. W. Corner of 13th and Eo3ge Streets ,
Braces , Appliances for Deformities anil Trusses. .
Host facilities , apparatus and rcmcdlci for cuccris.
nil triMtlniiMit. nl every liinn of ill.-enso lt'iiilrlllK |
.Mpdlcul or f urKlcnl Treatment.
Korty new rooms for patients ; best hospital accom
modations fn tlio west.
Wliin : foil CiHCL'I.AIIS on Deformities and Ilrnees ,
Chili Feet , Cummin- the Spine , Piles. Tumors ,
Cancer , Catarrh , llronrhltls. Inhalation , Hlpclrlclty ,
raralyrls , Kpllcp y , Kidney , lllnililcr , ilye , Kur , Situ
and lllood , ami nil Operations.
Diseases of Women n Specialty.
All Blood Diseases successfully treated , Syphilitic
rulMHi removed from the system without mercury.
New Itc oratlve Treatment lor Loss of Vltiil Power.
imnblo to visit us mny ho treated at home ,
y correspondence. All communications conlldcntlal.
Medicines or Instruments sent by mall or express ,
focurely packed , no marks to Inillcutu contents or
fender. One per > onal Interview preferred. Call unit
coiikiiltus , or tend history ot your cusu , and wo will
bend lu plain wrapper , our
I'pon Private , Special ami Nervous Diseases , Femlnnl
Weakness.pcriuHtorrh ! < iia , Impoteney , Sphllls ,
( Jonorrhu-n , ( Jfeet , nnd Varlcocolc. AUdriue ,
Oniiilia Metlleal and Surgical Institute , or
Dr , McMcnamy , Cor , 13th & Doflac Streets.
OwliiBto the rapid eniwlh of Omahn and our sue
ces In etlectlni : rures , our business has bccomu so
htr- | that the old .Medical Institute on lull f licet and
Capitol avenue , could not accommodate nil coming
to us for treatment. Wo have therefore moved Into
our new brick bulldlnk' , Northwi t Corner ot l.Uli and
Dodtiestiectx , one block south of the old institute
bulldlm : , and have now the larucst and most com-
pletuMedlciil Institute or ho pltnl In the westf Kiirlf
newly turnlshed , well narmeil and ventilated rooms
lor patients , three skilled physicians alwa > s In tlio
bulldlm : . All klndu ut diseases treated In the moat
pclenllllc manner.
\Vo manufacture. Surnlcal Unices for Deformities ,
Tru" cs , Supporters , lllectrlcal Hntterlcs , and can
supply physicians nr patients any appliance , remedy ,
nrInstrument known. Cull and commit usorwrltii
for circulars upon all subjects , with lists ot < | uestlons
for pntlrnt to answer. Thoumnds treated success-
! u y by correspondence. We. tiara superior iidvan-
tiik'cs and facilities lor trcatlm. diseases , performing
Mirulcal operations , and nurslni ; patients which com
bined with our acknowledged ability , experience ,
responsibility nnd reputation bhoiildmakn the. Uiuahu
Aledlcal nnd Surulcal Institute thu tlrstcholce ,
Epps's Cocoa
"lly n thorough knowledge or the niitunil laws which
govern thn operations ot illiiesUoa und Munition , und
by careful triplication uf thu tine properties ol well *
selected Cocou.Mr. Ki > p htiit provided tttir breitkfust
tublcH nlth u delicately flavored beveratfe. which nuiy
fruvo us many heavy doctor'H bllN , 11 Is bythnjndi *
clous line ot niicli mtlcles ut dlel that a conMUution
may be Kradually built up until stroni ; enough In re-
Mil uvery tendency tn dfocaoo. Hundreds ot ptibthi
muludles uro tlontlnu around us rendy to attack
wherever them It * a weuk point. We. may escape
nmny a fatal tdiaft by keeping ournelvcH well fnrtlllcd
with ptirn blood and a properly nourished Inline. ' '
Civil Service ( iiizclte- .
.MadoKlmply with ImlllnK water or milk. Sold only
In hall pound tint by ( irocern labeled tlnis :
Houm-oputlilo Chemist * ,
ileiitlon tub paper.
lllood % nolpon ,
venereal taint ,
eject ulrlctnre ,
tfiuinul cinU-
eloni , loss of
esnnl powi" ,
wriikneas of
till ! sexua ! or-
puns , want of
deal re In mile
or female ,
whether from
imiiruda n t
habit * of
a or sex
ual habit * U
mature yearn ,
or any cnuio
Hie so x u u I
function * ,
speedily and
Conciliation free and strictly contHcnt ! l.
Medicine sent free from observation to all part *
of the united States. Correspondence ricfhcs
prompt attention. No letters answered unlcti
accompanied by four cents In stamps. Kend lea
cents In Hnmpi for pamphlet and lUt of nucstloui.
Tt.'tnu strictly c ib. Call on or address
Mo. 31 < tioath ISlh ht. . Oma ) > a. Ntb.
n. r. uon\vrt.t ,
Real Estate Dealers ,
HO South Fprlng Street ,
LOB Angolas , - - California.
JJcalor * lu city and country property of ull At
fecrlptlona , Qenernl liifurmutlon to nvvY-com
ra freely
A magnificent display of everything useful and' '
ornamental in the furniture maker's art , \
at reasonable prices.
Electro-Magnetic Belts !
The Grandest Triumph o ( Electric Science
Made and
' Scientifically
Gentlemen's Belt
I'jusl what jou
nlfflon. NOTE IhofollowlnK who IIRVK bren .
TESTIMOMWLS 'arkcranil J.M.IIaidcU , niton Dasnlnr Trod' ,
' '
iiartinir vlcor , ptrcnutn , vnercy and health , wtion all otncr iroatinpni nas inii
llllo Hrlt nnholnit . recoicnlud , ml Indorsed br thousands wliom It Imscurpil. in fldoajroi wholesale druggltts ,
liKFEUKSCl-S.-Any bank c-ommerclalnptncy or wholctalo house .
EunFnncln'nnndC'lilfiiini. c rK < Midrluiu | > fur HUpapo Illuitrntcd painiihlct.
jOjfct.w. . u. * . MOH.OV3i ! , InventoruudManufacturer , 1'Jl Wubosb Avenue CUIiano.
Railway Short Line.
And Ghicaj
The only rood In Into for Pe * Mnlne * . Mnrlnlltown ,
Odnr Hiiplds. Clliitiin , DUon , Cliloiijto , .Mllwaiikru
nnd all points i-n t. Tu tlio penplunf .NcliriisXn , ( oln-
rado.vjomlnic , I'luti.lduhn , Ne\ dari > vnii , \\uJli-
Initton and C llfornln , It offers nupeJlur udvuntaxc-i
nf t posfilalc by any other line.
AnionB n few ot the iiuinrroin points of sitpprlorltr .
enjoyed by tliu patrons of this road bi'twiM.n ( ) ! ii lm
nd Clilr.ikro , aru Us two trains n day of I AtOAl II-
KS , which are the Mnc < t thnt linninn Hrt nnd Ininyiu
ty cnn creato. Us I'AI.AUK hl.KKI'INU < 'AIS w il h
lira models of comliirt mid eleKance. nil IMIIIXJII
DHAWINC HOOM C.MtS , iiniiirpu M'd hy any , and
Itinldely celebrated I'AI.ATIAI.DINI.M ; CAUHio
tniinl of which cannot bo foiind elsuwln'ro. At Coun
cil llliini the tralnn nf Ilin Union 1'nclflr Hallway , con
nect In union depot with thofo of thu Clilcaiioi
orttl c terll Ity. In ChlniBO tliutinlnt of Ilih llnu
lunko close connection Itli tlioie of all other eastern
If you wl h the best nccomuiodutlon. All ticket agents
' " " " " '
JfTiumuri'5"0' IM-.WIWO.V ,
' Uenl. ilanuccr , , tlenl. 1'uas'r Ancnt
" " "
W.M.IIAHCOCK. Cl"ca-0'-uu.ioi.i.r:3. ' ,
HeiunrkaWo for powerful nympn *
tlietlo tone , ( iTlublu urtlon und ah-
tioTutti iliiritliltlty. 'M years rtciir < il
thoTieKt guuruuteu of'llio
thueu LnatruinmiU.
T m
ori'lll !
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y ,
The lirsl liotitc from Oni.iliu : uul Council
JlhilTiJ lo
EAST - -
- = = = THE = -r
tOL'.NC'll. JII.UH'3
. AND-
SI. I'iiul , Minneapolis , ( Ytliir
liock Island , Frpcporl , Itockforil ,
Clinton Diiliiiqin' , Ilinoiiporl ,
l. .MiUliMHI , .lilllCSVlllc ,
Jtflol l.i i , Winomi , l.ii Cro se ,
And all oilier Important point i Kast , .Noithe.nt ami
1'or through tlrVcHcall on the ticket nscnt nt nil
nrnain Mreel , l 1'axlon llotul , or at Union l' cltl
i Y'ii'ihnnn ' Slfepers nnd the flne l tllnlne Ciiri In llio
world urn run on ilininuln llnnol IL ( 'hlcHjio , .Mil.
wxnkre A SI I' 'U Hallway , und every Mleiitlnn H
paid lo | > UMiMucrs by cuuituous vmiluc | > ot 11 , u
II. .MlU.lirt. nenernl Munnscr.
J KTIJI/kKU , Aml'lanl Uenernl MiinnrT.
A V. II. CAltrHNTKH , Oencral IMMeiijor iml
a'jCii'lfT1KArrOIH ? | ) , AsMstunt ( lencral I'mscossr
nilTlckri Avtnt. . . .
J. T. CI.A1IK , liencrul Superintendent.
Tlio beit known and mo l Hotel In tlio
Hale location central , apiiolntmcma lli t-cla" .
Hcncl'iuiirHTs ' lur commercial men and all pullllctl
mid public iulbiilii9 ; , . . , .
K. I1 IIOOOI.N l'ruirletor | ,
Conipniltlnn nnd Rinrcl Itooflnir.
nt for Warrcn'c Natural Asphalt HcoScc.
llrann iand pljr Heitrtr Uooan. . laXJin ! i u
tf tt.o boJjr enlarged and itreBCtktneil , Full'
Qri'ccal ] i ) JIM. JCB1K 1 . CO. . . H.