THE OMAHA DAILY BEE" : SATUBPAY , OCTOBER 20. 1887. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE NO. 12 , PEAUh STUEKT. Delivered by carrier In any part of the city nt twenty cents per week. H. W TILTOW , Manngcr. _ TKLEPHONKS ! ItoRiNEM Orricr. , No. 4.1. NiniiT KDITOU No. M. MIXOll MENTION. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Roller , tailor , Full goods chcnp. "Little Bossl" The best r c clgnr in the city. Troxell Bros. , ngents. Judge Ayclesworth Is milking nbout a half dozen American citizens daily. "William Lewis Is In St. Louis jiurelms- Ing now carriages ( or his 'bus and hack lino. lino.The The real estate firm of Cook it Mor gan have dissolved , Mr. Morgan retir ing.The The Bechtole hotel registered about fifty persons on Thursday , which isn't bad for the opening day. The new tile floor in Officer & Pusey's brink is completed , and the room is greatly bcautitlcd thereby. Permit to wed was yesterday granted to William Purrctt and May Gallagher , both of Boomer township. II. C. Hartwell and Lucimla Hart- well , both of this county , were yester day granted leave to wed. The saloon , which wns located in the room north of the Creston liotibo block , la no more. Its doors were clotod yes terday. C. II. Anderson and Mrs. Nlckoy were taken in by the police yesterday , both being in ti very jubilant frame of mind. The arguments in the injunction case of the Hock Inland railroad against the motor line will be heard by Judge Dce- mor to-day. Married , on the 27lh lust. , by the Rev. .1. Finlc , Mr , James 11. Kincrino , of this city , and Miss May Hartwoll , of Hardin township. Work has commenced on the first of the series of houses to bo built by C. J. Colby near the transfer. It is to bo a handsome two-story residence. A pair of horses belonging to a farmer by the name of Giles became frightened at the transfer yesterday morning and completely demolished the wagon bed. DR. Dewin , John Mclro.y and A. M. Bennett were before "his honor" yes terday morning for disturbing the pence. Melry was lined $10.10 and the others discharged. The recent cold snap made it dinioult , for the decorators to { ; < > ahead with the fancy work on the interior of the new court house , so they put in their time doing the plainer painting. George P'uhriimn ' was arrested yes terday morning in a craxy drunk con dition , lie was sent to Hie county jail for a fo\v days to sober up , and will then bo invited to leavojxwn. The Crystnl mills company arc about to build a largo storehous-e with a ca pacity of 8,000 bushelb. They are com pelled to do this as their present accom modations are inadequate for their in creasing biibinuMj. The ladies of the Eastern Star held a very enjoyable social on Tlnu-Mlay evening. There were about one hund red in attendance. The evening was spent mainly in card playing and boun tiful refreshments were temptingly served. The laying of cedar block paving has begun on the portion of Fourth street by the Masonic temple. Some time ago it was announced that that block was to bo paved with bricks in order to test the question of the practicability' of using tills material instead of wood. The trying of the experiment will have to bo located ols-owhoro now. The city clerk was busy yesterday registering grading bonds. Fourteen hundred dollars' worth have been issued to Mitchell & Sweeney , and $1,600 worth to M. Ciilliihun for work done on Fifth , Seventh , Eighth and Ninth avenues and Ninth street. The bonds are dateiT October 21 and arc payable in from one to four years. lion. J. P. Dolliver will address the citixpnsof this city to-night upon polit ical issues. He is one of the best sneak ers in the state and will bo chielly re membered by liis work during the last presidential campaign , when his labors were in demand throughout the east as yvoll as the west. The registry boards in the various wards have posted alphabetically ar ranged lists of the names of voters already registered in conspicuous places near the registry ollices. This is to show who have not yet taken the necessiry steps for voting at the next election , and remind them that next Wednesday is now their only chance. The woodwork on the interior of the now court house is exciting much ad miration. It is to bo finished in the natural wood , and will bo very hand some. One of the chief points of merit is , however , the workmanship , every joint being as close as on n piece of line furniture. The work is pronounced by carpenters as being the best over seen in a public building of this kind. The operetta of "Jack the Giant Killer" is to bo matinee given as a to day in connection with the Catholic fair. The hall is crowded every evening - ing , and to-night there will doubtless bo a larger attendance than over , as it is the closing night. It is a very pleas ant way of helping along a worthy en terprise , the funds realized to apply towards building the now church. The democratic organ announces that the now government building will be now completed "so soon as possible. " Among the "po.viblo" things is that the work will bo prolonged as much as pos sible in order to allow the non-partisan democrats who arc on the pay roll i\ \ chance to draw salaries for looking aftet work which is not going on. It's a grcal feed , and the boys don't want to be called away from the table in a hurry , On Wednesday evening last a lire was discovered in the woods about twc miles north of this city upon the lam ; and near the dwelling of Mrs. Mvnstor Under the prcsiuro of a strong wind the llnmcs wore driven into the wooijs foi several miles , and though they wort fought vigorously by the people in tha locality aided by some from the city the dbtruetion was great. No building ; or lives wore lost , but it was a close cal for Mrs. Mynstor's dwelling and othc : buildings. The loss is in the limbo destroyed , which covers quite an extensive sivo area. Wo arc western agents for the cole bratcd ' 'Little Boss" cigar. The bus 6e cigar in the eity-Troxpll Bros. OVIMICOATIXGS ! Greatly reduced in price so you can sav f 10.00 to $15.00 on a coat , far bettor am cheaper than you can buy ready made Roller , the Tailor , No. S10 Broadway. E. II. Sheafo loans money on qhatte security of every description. Privat coiit-ulting rooms. All business fatrlctl , confidential , Olllco , 600Broadway , corner nor Main street , up stairs. Best Now Orleans molasses , Qc qt , 76cgul. , Trokcll Bros. . ' . A VARIETY OF COURT SEWS , Judge Doomor Preparing For Final Adjournment To-day. THE HERNDON EXCURSIONISTS. They Hoc n Month Old City With On Another Ijnuorer Cniiht Ity a Jjnntl- slide. Crmnlm From Court. Judge Dcomer is clearing up his docket , preparatory to closing the term , which will probably end to-day. Judge Loofbourow is to open court hero Tues day. Ycstorday the motion for a new trial in the case of Jonathan Jones , found guilty of manslaughter , was brought up , but a hearing was put over until to-day , when a further continuance will doubt less be had , as the attorneys for the state desire to prepare some affidavits. The understanding is that the motion will not be finally decided for Porno months to come , as it will have to wait until Judge Deemor is again hero. In the meantime Jones is out on bail. Several of the keepers of gambling bouses bomo time ago entered their pleas of guilty , and yesterday Judge Dcerner announced the penalty in two of the cases , that of William Linebergor and Dan Carrigg , the line in each being $150. $150.The The financial troubles of the Manawa hotel came up on motions , but were taken under advisement by the court. Mrs. Hay wants to have her lien for the original purchase money of the land on which the hotel stands worked in ahead of the lien of the Chicago Lumber coin- pony for material furnished. In the case of T. P. Casey , found guilty of stealing a steer , : i now trial was granted. In the saloon cases permanent injunc tions were issued against William Bohu- ing , A. Hitter and William Malonoy. The last named has a sample room in connection with the Pacific house , and the injunction is made to apply only to that portion of the hotel thus occupied. In the case brought against Jacob Apfel t'o injunction was dismissed. In the case of John T. Stewart against the Nebraska telephone company a de cision was rondcred in favor of the de fendant. The plaintitT ( lied a motion for the reopening of the case for the pre sentation of some nowevidoncoand , this is not decided. In the case of Hutlor vs Archer the court decided that the defendant must comply with his contract and take thp eighty feet on Broadway , near Scott street , at the price agreed upon , 817o a front foot. A writ of abatement , was issued against the saloon kept by Clans Thomp son on Main street , but , it has not yet been placed in the shcrill's hands. Given Away ! For one week sH/i.OO iUoruetto | rugs i ) purchasers of the Domestic Combined owing Machine and Writing Desk , 103 lain St. _ _ _ Money to loan. Cooper & Judson. Good potatoes , 05o to 75c bu. at Trox- 11 Bros. Nature's < us The excitement over the discovery of aturnl gas at Herndon has been felt , to onio extent , in Council BlutTs , and an xeursion party loft hero Thursday norning to see the place for themselves , .ml if they thought the outlook suf- iciently promising to invest in some of , ho town lots to bo disposed of at auction in that day. The cheap rates for the ound trip induced a party of about fifty o go from hero , and the regular east lound train on the Chicago , Milwaukee St. Paul took them from the Mil waukee depot at a few minutes before 10 A-loek. The party arrived at Herndon it 2-10 : in the afternoon to find a largo lumber of Des Monica people already on IJio ground. After looking over the ground and getting considerable in- 'ormation in regard to the How of gas : md its utility , all were invited to give heir attention to the sale of lots by II. I. Inman , of this city. Sonic business ots were first disposed of at prices angiag from $150 to SttSj. The resi dence lots , situated a little farther out , rought from $80 to $17o. In all sixty-threo lots were sold at an aggrc- ate price of J8WO. ? The plan adopted by the company in belling the lots was to sell only a few in each block , hoping that the improve ment of the ones sold would increase the value of the adjoining ones. Mr. Inman acted as auctioneer , and was very successful in selling the lots at good prices. Although Herndon ivas noth ing but a railroad fetation until six weeks ago , it is now experiencing a de cided boom. Considerable grading has been done and several lamp posts erected in tie way of public improve ments. The olllcials of the Herndon Land and Gas company are very prod igal in the use of their gas ( natural ) , and keep it flowing at full blast day and night. The discovery of this cheap healing and illuminating agent was purely accidental. Early in November , ISSti , Mr. II. C. Booth , a farmer living near the depot , in boring for water , first found the gas. Since that timoho.luu used it for fuel altogether , and says the gas How is stronger now than a vein ago. The gas company had a threshing machine running , the fuel being ol > - tained from Mr. Rooth's well. The Bier man , who accompanied the party , &oughl some information concerning the present and future of Iloriulon , from Mr , Hasty , the president of the company , and was introduced to Mr. J. L. Beadle , of DCS Moines , who has the boring of the wells in charge , as the men who could toll him all ho wanted to know. "Let's gc over here and sit down where wo can talk comfortably , " said this allablogoii' tlonian , "and I'll fell you all about it Now then , as you already know , borinp for gas is by no means new to mo , as ] am from the gas and oil regions o : Pennsylvania. When I first heard thai Mr. Booth had struck gas , I came or with my own men from DCS Moines t ( see if there was anything in it. O cour o , I easily obtained permission t < put down a well , and did to , but don' for a moment suppose that I 'gav < away' the result of my investigation. ' . returned to Dos Moines , and the lonf and short of it is that there was a com pany of about a dozen formed and w < bought 210 acres of land hero , and SOUK of the members bought more , indl vidually. This , as you ECO , is nov platted and in the market. We an putting down wells all the time , am the cost of a lot with a small well on i is but nbout ? 100 moro than one without ns that is the cost of putting it down Wo find gas nt a depth of about ono him drcd and twenty feot. My first wol 1 put down to twlco that dept' and found three layers of gas Strata , did you say ? Well , first wo hav three or four feet of loam and then th most of the way is-through blue cla from 75 to 120 feet to the. sandstone tht bears the gas : Iti my deep well-I fpuu A about two pints of petroleum , but have found 116110 since. Wo have a man com ing who will put n well dowii 1,500 feJt , and wo expect to strike there n great deal stronger. Yes. I believe the silp- ply to bo inexhaustible , is coming stronger now than it did a year ago , and just look at the nmount that comes through ono of those little pipes. Wo have applications from over twenty manufacturing enterprises to come hero , and wo are bound to have a big town. At first they accused mo of having bar rels of gas stored away somewhere , but all doubt IB now removed. When wo get our big well down they can all see what it it > . Must you go now ? No , no trouble at all. Call again. Good even ing. " The reporter walked out into the chilly evening air , and as ho gazed at the great tongues of fire , he pondered on the ways of an inscrutable Provi dence , thiitfurnishes , gratis , to moneyed men , the means of keeping warm , and denies oven an overcoat to a hard workIng - Ing news gatherer. At 9 o'clock the Blullltes were homeward bound , and many of them wore armed with war ranty deeds of property in this new city of natural gas. Every one making a cash purchase of 25 cents at T. D. King it Co's. cigar store gets a chance in the annual prize drawing. Twenty elegant prizes. Down Comforts and Sofa Pillows. Down and feathers in bulk. Council BlulTs Carpet Co. , 405 Broadway. Prunes 20c , Ib. $1.00 , Troxoll Bros. A "Sovereign" Speech. Last evening J. R. Sovereign , of Atlantic , addressed a small audience on Eisoman's corner where a box did duty as a rostrum. Ho was introduced by John Ellis. The speaker prefaced his speech by saying ho was the candidate of the labor union party for the oHlco of lieutenant governor of the state , but ho did not come asking for any mini's vote. Ho wanted the people to support that ticket if they could do it from convic tion. The audience was made up of members of all political parties and gave the closest attention. It IN Surprising ! ! But a fact. You can get an elegant up holstered rocker , spring seat and ends for nothing , 10-5 Main St. List your property with Cooper & Judson , No. 120 Main st. Twin Accidents. A singular double accident occurred at the transfer yesterday. A switch engine ran through an open switch in the yards and went over on its side , smashing it up badly. The engineer and fireman both jumped in time to save themselves. A moment later an other engine on another track , not 100 feet away , went oil at a point directly opposite the other disabled engine. In Ibis accident no ono was hurt , ' either. The two great engines lay there , each on its side , both disabled , and despite their injuries seemed to bo making faces at each other and laughing over the unfortunate coincidence. Cranberries lOe qt , Troxcll Bros. Ono thousand head of one , two and three-year-old steers for sale. Will give credit'to reliable parties. Enquire of A. .7. Greenamayer , 02o Mynster st. , telephone 121. 1 Ib Price's baking powder -loc per can , Troxell Bros. Wadsworth , Etnyro & Co. , 230 Main street , make reliable abstracts of prop erty in Pottawattamio county. The First Victim. George Smith , of the Phoenix , who was fined $1,000 for contempt of court , in not obeying the injunction forbidding his soiling of liquors , has not paid in the cash and it is reported that ho is lying shady until ho can arrange his affairs for some fresh move. He has been out on $700 bail , but no order has yet been placed in the hands of Sheriff Reel , and hcnco no attempt has been made to find Smith , or bring him in. An attempt will bo made on the part of his attorney to have the case reviewed by the higher court , and Smith bo al lowed to give bonds in the mean time. Now currants 8 Ibs for 25c , London layers 18c Ib at Troxell Bros. J. W. and E. L. Squire lend money. litirlcd Alive. Thursday afternoon , while Daniel North was loading his wagon nt the bank near Weaver's brick yard , it broke away and catching him , covered him up completely. When be was rescued from his perilous position ho was found to bo severely bruised about the body .mil bis face cut in several places. His condi tion is thought to bo extremely critical on account of probable internal injuries. Full cream checso 17c , Troxcll Bros. rants ! Pants ! ! Just received , a largo now stock of pants goods , on which special bargains arc now offered , at present reduced prices. Pants made to order can bo had as cheap as ready made. Roller , the Tailor , No. IUO Broadway. A I'ictnro of Oriental TJOVC. The entertainment at the Congrega tional church last evening proved a very pleasing ono and was largely attended. The Japanese wedding ceremony was about three quarters of an hour long and very amusing. The high contracting parties wore Mr. Ed Fitch and Miss Matio Joslyn. After the wedding the ladies had an oyster supper and sociable in the church parlors below. Now Silk , Swiss , Brussels , Nottingham ham lace and drapery curtains in great variety. Council Bluffs Carpet Co. , 40o Broadway. 1 Ib Royal baking powder 45c , Troxoll Bros. I'crsnnnl The Grismer-Davies comuany arc at the Ogden. Leo Amy is improving , and the doc tor thinks ho will bo able to bo out in about a month. Dr. and Mrs. O. II. Simmons arc visit ing Mr. and Mrs. J. Mueller , the par ents of Mrs. Simmons , for n few days , For a year past Mrs. Simmons has boon in Europe studying music under the best instructors , and took a course ol vocal training in the conservatory til Frankfort. Germany. Her husband inol her In Now York , and they are no\v on route homo. They will leave foi Lcadvillo , Col. , to-morrow. The Diamond Oak is a parlor sof coal stove that leads the world. Holdi fire over night. A daisy. Low in price COLK & COLK , 41 Mam St. Alto agents for the Radiant Homo ant Stewart heaters. t . . ' Good'Jujian tea 25elb , pooil ( "iunpow i1 dot ttia 35c Ib at Troxcll Bros. . ; . . . BIGGER BARGAINS THAN EVER Goods , Black Goods , ' Silks Velvets. PLUSHES , . FLANNELS , BLANKETS , Winter Untli'rwcitr This Work At Store. You nro never Mifb In buying dry goods unless you first see wlmt wo luivo to olTor. AT 70c riu : YAIID , 13 pieces heavy black gros grain silk , regular price in other houses $1.25 per yard. Our price this week 70c. AT $1.00 PER YARD , 15 pieces black gros grain regatta silk , warranted to wear llrst class. Other houses ask $1.05 for same goods. AT $1.25 AND $1.50 , 25 pieces best qualities of French silks , worth from $2.00 to $2.60 per yard. Our price for this week , $1.25 and $1.60. AT $1.00 AND $1.25 PER YARD. 27 pieces Colored "Failo Francaiso In all now and desirable shades. These arc extra value and must bo seen to bo appreciated. Our price this week $1.25 per yard. SILK VELVETS. A grand bargain this week ul 50o per yard. 140 pieces Fancy Trimming Vel vets in all styles , suitable for any com bination and trimmings , at 60e per yard. These goods are worth $1.25 per yard , and arc selling for that price in other stores. AT $1,00 , $1.25$1.50 PER YARD. Wo offer this week a full line of over 100 styles plain and fancy Velvets and Plushes In all shades , which never have been bold for less than $2.X ( ) to $3.00 per yard. Come to the People's Store , and don't delay to bee these goods , as they will go fast at the prices we offer them at in this great bale. BLACK GOODS. Wo "carry the war into Africa , " and reach out for trade not usually con trolled by this city. OUR PRICES DO IT , And our reliable qualities help it out wonderfully. All-Wool , doublcfold , 38-inch , Flan nel Suiting at 40c a yard. All-Wool 50-inch Habit Cloth at 45c i yard. AllWoollOinch French Armurcs All-Wool - - at iOc a yard. All-Wool 40-inch French largo louble , worth Soc , atlioo a yard. Big assortment 40-inch , all wool , im- lorted Drap d'alma , Melrose cloths , irmurcs , diagonals , serges , taconnies , etc. . all ut 75c a yard. All wool imported Drap do France , 'ashmoro ' do wixe , French serges , etc. , ill at S5c a yard. About fifty different wears in im- lortcd French blaelc goods at 81.00 a yard. BLACK BROADCLOTHS. Best imported at $1.00 , $1.50 , $2.00 , $2.50 ami $2.75. Our superb assortment of imported iroaduloths for ladies tailor-made Irehhca is attracting universal attention , iiidies toll us there is no such line of shades or qualities to be found outaido our house. At $1.00 , splendid quality , all wool jroadcloth , lifty inches wide , in the newest colorings , at $1.00 a yard. At $1.35 splendid quality , All-Wool Gamers Hair Twilled Broadcloth , all .lie now shades at $1.35 per yard. At $1.50 All-Wool , Imported French Broadcloth , 62 inches wide , twilled jack , all colors at $1.50 per yard. At $2.00 , All-Wool , very fine Imported Trench Broadcloth , Princess quality , 52 inches wido. All the late shades at $2.00 per yard. At $2.60 , very best quality of French 3roadcloth , imported , A mazono quality , richest colorings , sponged , ready for .tso , warranted not to shrink or spot , iill 62 inches wide and not surpassed at vny price at $2.50 per yard. GREATEST DRESS GOODS SALE ON RECORD. Ten cases or 500 pieces of All-Wool [ mportcd Dress Goods , from 38 to 60 inches wide , in plain Tricotts , fancy Mixtures , and plaids and stripes , all to DO sold at 60c per yard. Never before liavo any such goods been bold for less ihan 85c to $1.25. Wo bought thorn at lialf-prico for spot cash , and propose to ivo our customers the benolit of our [ wrchaso. Como early and get your first choice. OVER 5,000 YARDS OF REMNANTS in Silks , Velvets , Plushes and Dress Goods will bo olTorcd on our remnant counters at less than otic-half of former prices. They must go. Wo have no room for them , bo como and Ufko thorn away ut any price. They run from ono to ten yards in each piece and are very buitablo for combinations and children's wear , or trimmings. No house in the1 west bells remnants half so cheap as wo do. Wo believe in making room for full pieces , and lot remnants go at whatever they bring. So como to the People's Store for remnants to-morrow and this week. BLANKETS. COLD \Vi.YTlIKU : COJirOP.TS. Wo will place on sale this week a grand purchase of western all-wool blankets , from a leading manufacturer , at the lowest prices over quoted for strictly all-wool goods. Remember that every blanket advertised below wo guarantee pure wool. ALL WOOL BLANKETS. 100 pairs 4-pound all-wool white blankets , at $3 a pair. 100 pairs 4-pound all-wool scarlet blankets , at $3 a pair. all-wool" white 100 paira 5-pound - blankets , at $3.75 a pair. 100 pairs 5-pound all-wool ecarlot blankets , at S3.75 a pair. 100 pairs C-pound all-wool white blankets , at $4.50 iv pair. 100 pairs 0-pound all-wool scarlet blankets , at $4.50 a pair. CALIFORNIA BLANKETS. 10-1 all-wool white California blankela at $5.00 pair. 10-4 all-wool scarlotCallforniablankeU at $5.00 pair. 11-4 all-vool white California blankets ' ll-4all-.wooiBcari6lCuUfornia blanket ! ' ' at $0,00 pair. , - . . ' . : . , . FINE LAMB'S WPOL BLANKETS Elegant all wool white lohib's wool ' blankets nt $0.75 , fcj.OO , ' $ .00 , $10.00 , $12.60. , . Elegant all wool ncarlet lamb's wool ' blankets ' at JO S , $8.00$0.00 , $10.00 , $12.60. . . COMFORTS. Largest and cheapest stock in the oily. Splendid cot comforts at oOc each. Full size bed comforts at 76c , 85c , $1.00 , $1.2-3 , $1.60 , $2.00. FLANNELS. Novelties in fine French flannels , for ladles house wear , jackets , wrappers , etc. , regular price everywhere else 85c. Our price 60c. FLANNEL SKIRTS. 3 cases all yvool , full size Flannel skirts , all colors , $1.00 cnoh. KID GLOVES. OllEAT .7011 AT 60e A 1'Alll. 4-button , embroidered back , yvorth $2.00. 8-button length , Mousquetaire , worth $1.60. 4-button undressed kid , yvorth $1.00. 0-buttons , worth $1.60. All to bo closed out at 50c a pair. Only 2 pairs yvill bo sold to any ono customer. This is the greatest bargain over offered in kid gloves. CLOAKS , CLOAKS. Our low prices and complete assortment of cloaks and suits cause the great rush and success yvo are having in our cloak department , and the ladies yvill readily appreciate upon seeing our stock the great care wo have taken in selecting only garments made up in the very best style , finish and cut to fit. Wo cordially invite every lady inter ested to call and look through our stock. Wo promise to show a larger variety than can be found in any other house in the west , besides saving you at least 25 per cent from prices asked elsewhere. Do not permit yourself to buy a cloak until you have first scon what yvo have to offer. Wo yvill save you money and suit you bettor than any competitor at HENRY EISEMAN & CO. , People's Store , 314 , 310 , 318 and 320 Broadway , Council Bluffs , In. Mail orders receive prompt attention. Samples sent on application. Wo arc exclusive agents for Buttcrick Patterns. Fashion catalogues forwarded to any ad dress , upon application , free of charge. A SiicceHKful Fair. Last evening the voting commenced on the various articles ac the bazaar in the Masonic temple. A cane is to bo voted to the most popular conductor running into the Bluffs , n hat to the popular young lady , and a beauti ful but impassive bride to the bachelor who is mo t in need of her. This after noon the operetta of "Jack , the Giant Killer , " is to bo reproduced. The ad mission fee to all parts of the bouse yvill bo 25 cents. This evening yvill bo the wind-up of an unusually successful fair. The lottery drawings yvill then take place. The piano , portrait , saddle , etc. , will this evening be awarded to the lucky ones. > Inrrlcd a Mulatto. Parkersbiirg Journal : Among the people at the circus to-day yvero a young married couple from Ohio , of whom the yvifo is of the negro race and the hus band of the Caucasian. The very pe culiar feature of the case is that the husband does not know that his yvifo has colored blood in her veins. They are both quite young , and have been married less than u year. The girl formerly'livcd in this city , whore she yvns employed as a domestic , but caniehorooriginally from out on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad , somewhere in the neighborhood of Clarksburg. She is a good-looking brunette , and shows but little trace of her African blood , notwithstanding the fact that her mother was of the darkest , ebony , as is well known by plenty of people in this city. The young man is a son of a yvell-lo- do farmer in Ohio. He met the girl here , became attached to her , and about a year ago they yvcro married. It is said that ho has never had the slightest intimation or suspicion of the fact that his bride has a drop of colored blood in-her veins , ns she has been very careful to conceal the fact from him. They live happily together , his ease illustrating the old adage that where ignorance is bliss 'tis a good deal worse than folly to know some things that your neighbors knoyv. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. SPECIAL advertisements , such as I.ost.Fotind , To Loan , 1'or Bale , To Kent , Wants , Hoarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In this column at the low intuofTRN CUNTS PUll UNKfor the tlrnt In sertion anil Klvo CentH Per Line for each subse quent ln-ertlon. Leave advert Ihements at our cilllco No. 1U Pearl Street , near Jlroailnuy , Coun cil Illulls , Iowa. WANTS. A ri'.VV members for our amateur orchestra. Kniiulro ol H\\niisiiu Milalc Co. HENT-nwcllliiR No. 717 First avenue ; 10 rooms ; rent J10. Apply to E. U , Sheafo , llroadwuy , tor. Main stieet. up-btalis. HUNT An eight room house centrally FOH . Kniiulru of W. T. Cole , 601 Pe.ul street. 'IJHJK HUNT Houses and ftunli-heil rooms. J. Jj H. Davidson , G i Filth avenue. rPO KXPHANGK-ForCouncil llluirsorOmaha J. property , n retail stock of linotn and hhoe * , amount , $4i W. Call ut at < uv. No. MM Jlioiuluay , or address It.Martin , Council lllulla , Iowa. TJIOlt SALII Second-hand Columbia bicycle J } very cheap , ftMnch , at lieu olllto. hundred thousand dollars to loan on ONK estatu and chattels by F. J. Day , ! W Pearl at. BUILDING lots and aero property for bale by F. J. Day , a'J Pearl bt. 8ALK OH TUADII-For Council Illuirs FOR , 40XiO ( acres of lowu and Ne braska land. J. U. Jtlce , 110 Main at. , Council lllulfa. OK ItKNT A nnely furnished front room , llrsit lloor , In prlvato residence near court house. Water In loom , lighted and heated. Lari'e closet. Inferences required. Address It. K , lleo olllce. Council lilutls. RINK , ; No. 201 Main Street , Council BluffsIowa A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Both Doniestioand Foreign. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS 500 Ilrooihyny , Council Itlttirs , lown. Kitnbllihcd 1CT. FINLEY BURKE , at Law. Attorney - - . Second Floor llrowa Iltillclliif , 115 DE3-A.RIj STR.EEJT , . . . . COUNCIL 1IIU1''FS. ' KMVA D. H , McDANELD & CO , , Hides , Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. K-'O and KU Main Stieet.CotmcIl Hlunximvn. TWO Trotting - Stallions FOR SALE CHEAP ! STANDARD , UNDER HUU2 0. lADECiRY , - Council Bluffs , Ogden Boiler Works CARTER & SON , Prop's. Manufacturer ! of All M Of STEAM BOMBS AND SHEET IRON WORK. Orders l > y mall for repairs promptly attended to. Satisfaction guaranteed. 10th Avenue. Ad dress Otfden iron yVorks. Council IIUUIH , Iowa. CRESTON HOUSE , Main Street , Council Bluffs , Only Hotel In the City with Flro Ea- capo. Electric Call Bells. Accommodations First Class , Rates Always Reasonable , MAX MOHN , Proprietor. CROCKERY ; LAMPS , GLASSWARE , And Fine Pottery. PRICES VERY LOW. W , S , HOMER & CO , , No. 23 Main St. , Council lllutl.s , Iowa. N. SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace Ofllce Over American Express , No. 4ia Ilioad- way , Council Illutrs , Iowa. JOHN v. M' jAcon SIMMS STONE & SIMS , Attorneys at Law , 1'iaetlco In the Htato and I'edernl Court' * . Office , ' Idioms 7 txnd 8 SlitiKart-lleno lllock , Council IHtUIt" , Iowa , ' FINEST LANDAUS ! Coaches and Hacks in the City , WILLIAM WELCH. orriOK.s : No. 418 llronilyvny Tlio Mnulmttnn. 'IVleiihono No.33 No. 015Main Street , Tulcphonu No. U. FINE MILLINERY. NEW FALL STYLES OPEN , 1514 DOUGLAS STREET. - - - OMAHA. Real Estate Vacant Lots , Lands , City Res idences and Farms. Acre Pioperty In western part of the city. All boiling cheap. R..P. OFFICER , Real Estate and Insurance Agent , Room 5 , over Offlrer & Piwcy's Hank , Council' Star Stables and Mule Yards Broadway , Council UltiTs ( , Opp. Dummy Depot/ ' Horfcs and intik'S constantly on Ininil , fo& snlo at retiill or In car load lots. T Orders promptly illicit by contract onhliorg notice. Stock sold on commNilon. Teleplionolll. KUII.UTIMt \ IIOU'.V. Oliposito Unminy Dopot. Council lllnlla. Latest Novelties , In Amber , tori tolsu uhull , ctC | Ilalroihament as well aa ( lie ) nowoslnovcHlcif luliiilr iooils. llnlr Roods Mndiitoordc Mrs. C. L. Gillette , ; 2U Main Street. Council Illuirs. Out nftowii work solicited , and all mall orders promplty V' attended to. E. S. BARNETT , V JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , IBErcadway , Council Bluffs. Itefers to any bank or buslnes houseIn the cltjAj Collections a Hpeclalty. f I LATEST BY TELEPHONE ! P. ( Midnight ; Shny Stump , there's whiskers on zo moon. " S. ( Angrily , ) "There's n fool at the other end of this wire. " P. ' "Sail right ; what 'm I a fool for , shayV" S. "Because you sent to Chicago for your car pets , when you might have got them justascheap of the Council Bluffs Carpet Co. , 4OB Broadway. " P. "Sh'cago ? No 1 never. I bought 'em of the C. B , Carpet Co. Alnt s'big a fool 's you took me for. "