Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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Jnly ! ( Morning Udltlon ) Including Sunday
IIKK ( ) no Year 7 . .110 00
J'orHIr Months n ( U
J'orThrco Months , . U W
Tlio Omaha Hunday Ilr.c , mailed to any Rd-
dress , Ono Year 8 00
Kr.w YOIIK OlrtcR , ItooM ( ft , TIIIUUNK lliin.n-
lEr.NTH BTlltET.
All communications relating to news nnd
editorial mutter should bo addressed to tha
lUiiToiior TIIH HRB.
All business letters and remittances should be
Addressed to 1'iif. HEK rtniMBiiiNO COMPANY ,
OMAHA. Drafts , checks and posto111co orders to
bo made puynblo to the order of the company.
Tlic Bee Publishing Company , Proprietors ,
E. UOSEWATEU , Enfron.
Sworn Statement of Circulation.
Etato of Nebraska , l _ .
< Xmntyof l > oiftlas. ) f0-1
( Jro. Ii. Tzschuek , secretary of Tlio Tloo PuH
llnhlng company , docs solemnly swrar that the
Bctiml circulation of the Dully Ili'o for the veuk
rndliiKOct.1,1147 , wus us follows )
Saturday , Oct. 15
Hunday , Oct. ID H.-IIJ
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TiieKdny , Oct. 18 11,10
Wednesday , Oct. 1'J 14,1/H
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Friday. Oct.21 . . .H a
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Orn. H. T/.ICKUCK.
Sworn to nnd subscribed In my presence this
S.'nd day of October , A. U. 1SB7.N.
N. I' . I F.I I/ ,
( SKAfi. ) Notaiy 1'ubllc
Btato of Nebraska , I „ ,
" "
County of Douglas. (
Oco. II , Tz thuck , beliiK first duly ffflorn , de
OSPS find MIJH thai he is secictury of The Itet
? 'ubllKhliiK ' tompiiny , that thn actual uverapi
dally tlrculutlon of the Dally lleo for the montli
of October , IN-li , K.WI ( oples : for November
J8HI , 1 , ! M8 copies ; for Decunbcr , 18N1 , 13Kti
, . opies : for June , IhfcT , 14,147 copier
/or July. ItW , 14K ( lollies ; for AUKiiit , lw , 14 , '
101 copies ; for September , 1N > 7 , ll.illli copies.
Oio. : ll.T/SCHUCIf.
Sworn . to and subscribed lr my presence this
ttli dny of Octohtr , A. 1) . IfcST , N.I' , rim , ,
( SlAh. ! ) Notary Public.
TIIK handful of bulldo/.ors who have
boon hounding1 James "Wulsh since hi'
nomination as county commissioner , arc
singing low and soekinp shelter.
GOULD has given out that ho sails for
Europe tun the UOth. Ho lias shown him'
self such ii genius in doing what people
least expect that it is quite possible he
muy really go.
ACCORDING to the roustabout organ
"VVnholy , GrolT and IDonno are rank pro-
liibitioiuHts , and the Germans arc ur
gently called upon to vote against then
and rally round Ballon.
Tin : odlceholdorH of Baltimore art
eaitl to have contributed $100,000 to the
domocnitio campaign fund for the re
cent municipal elections. This is eivi
Borvico reform as Senator Gorman un
dot-stands that term.
Tin : associated press announces thai
General Victor Vifquain , late editor o
the Lincoln /cniocnif , has been ap
pointed consul at Colon , in Centra'
Aincria. This is a chestnut of the vint
ngo of 18fe ( ) . General Vifquain has bcei
consul at Colon for inoro than a year.
. SOMI : republican contemporaries ii
the country are already claiming tha
the trend of party sentiment is toward i
rononiinatton of Mr. Blnino. The papei
that can tell all about a trend before i
has an existence is usually the OIK
which can give the longest oxplanatioi
vfhy It did not trend as expected.
T.IIKIIU is n great naval warfare 01
the Atlantic coast. Two torpedo at
tacks have recently been made by th (
North Atlantic squadron on the Dolphin
Great victories are reported for the lat
tor. As n spectacle this is almost ai
good as a painted naval battle botwcci
painted whips upon a painted ocean.
Tur. low price of whont nnd the com
parntivcly high price of floui- has cro
ttctl n gi'ontcr notivity in the millinj
Easiness thnn hns been known for sov
Wnl yours. Flour is now Inrgol ;
ft&ipped to foreign mnrkcts. Why i
tifioro not moro persistence in the tit
fcsinpt to build up such nn industry ii
KX Prince Battonborg's first bab ,
vas born the queen promoted the proui
father to a lieutenant colonelcy in th
nuvy. The other day baby No. 2 nr
poarod and now ho has been made a ful
colonel. As Mr. Batlonberg is still
young man , the prospect is that hovil
io lord high admiral long before h
reaches middle ago.
Timlin is commotion among the rail
ffoad magnates in Chicago. A frcigli
mto war of considerable dimension
Booms to bo imminent and frantic ai
tempts are being made to avert ii
"When an appalling disaster occurs w
hoar very little from railroad olHeial ;
except in the way of defendants for dan
ages , but lot a cut in the rates tak
place and tv hubbub ensues that re
echoes throughout the whole country.
A a it AND rally for Ballou and Estoll
nnd the straight roustabout ticket , is 1
bo held in the Sixth ward , with Son !
tor Manderson and James M. Thur to
nti chief orators. This will bo an Ii
npiring effort. Wo know that Mandci
foil nnd Thurston are anxious to pra <
lice law before such eminent jurists i
Ballou , Estollo and Hancock If the jud
cial ticket had boon headed by Pi
llawos , Frank Walters and David Vn
Elton , these senatorial aspirants woul
have boon just as cntluminstic.
Mn. CADET TAYI.OH , ns might ha\
been expected , denies that one of h
attorneys had tried to bulldoze Judf
GrofE last bummer when the city prin
ing was before the courts , and ho us !
the Bin : to give the name of its inforn
nnt. Wo respectfully decline to do si
but will incidentally state that It wi
not Judge Groff. As there wore on
two lawyers employed by Rounds ai
Tuylor , It is an easy matter for Cadet I
ascertain which one of them made tlu
friendly cull on the judge , nnd gent !
intimated that a refusal to enjoin tl
council from re-lotting the official ni
vvrtlslnj ; would expose him to the ris
o.f losing his jxilitical head , or w6n
thnt hnd nbo-iit the tame moaning.
Merit Preferred loPurtliinnrtilp.
The republicans of Now York bare
set nn example In placing merit above
partisanship which deserves general at
tention nnd unqualified commendation.
At their convention last Tuesday they
nominated lor district attorney Mr.
Do Lnncoy Nicoll , n democrat , and en
dorsed for judge of the now court of
general bossions Randolph D. Marline ,
also a democratj who n tow days before
had been nominated by the democratic
convention. A resolution declaring
that the nomination or endorsement of
any democrat for a local ofilco would bo
to the disadvantage of the state ticket
was overwhelmingly defeated. Among
these who supported the action of the
convention was Ellhu Root , one of the
strongest nnd ablest among the
republican leaders In Now York ,
who Justified hid course on
the high ground of the .public
welfare , which demands that the men
who have hunted down and brought to
justice the thieves nnd boodlers who
for years have plundered the people of
New York shall bo enabled to continue
their most valuable labors.
Mr. Marline is the present district
attorney and Mr. Nicoll Is his assistant.
They have proved themselves to bo
olllcials not only of superior ability , but
of uncommon zeal and honesty. Wher
ever the district attorney could put his
hand on a public rogue ho has notfailcd
to grasp him with a firm clutch which
no influence could break nnd no tempta
tion could induce him to relinquish.
In nil this work ho has been nbly and
earnestly assisted by Mr. Nicoll , nnd
the reward of their efforts has been
in a high degree satisfactory and
ratifying to honest people every
where. Men who had reveled in their
ill-gotten gains , managed politics , and
corrupted and debauched piiblie ser
vants right and loft , nro doing the state
Ecrvico at Sing Sing , while others have
Heel the country. Never was there a
worse nest of corruption than these
men have destroyed , and never did men
\\ork more diligently , zealously and
faithfully to that end.
The democratic convention could not
di&cnrd both of these men , though the
pressure brought upon it to do so was
great. It nominated Martine for the
judgcship , but disregarded the popular
demand for Nicoll. Some concession
had to bo made to the undiscovered ras
cals who nro in constant apprehension
of the honest and .vigilant assistant dis
trict attorney , and ho was rejected for
another whoso past associations and
present obligations render him
less to bo'feared. . But the public de
mand was not to be thus hilcnccd. The
repudiation of integrity and fidelity
lather made it more vigorous. The re
publicans ! responded to it , and if the
people of New York are not blind and
faithless to their interests and to the
cavibo of public hone.sty they will elect
Mr. Nicoll by a majority that will fit
tingly rebuke the party that rejected
The application of this example of the
republicans of New York to officials
everywhere charged with the adminis
tration of justice , who have proved their
ability , their integrity and their fidel
ity , is obvious. It has made no differ
ence to Martine and Nicoll that the
men who had plundered the people
wore democrats , generous to the
parly nnd valued in its councils.
Having n duty to perform they
did it fearlessly and honestly. A wise
public policy requires that such men
shall have the reward of popular ap
proval. It is just to them , and it is
necessary to the encouragement of the
highest standard of integrity in the ad
ministration of justice.
The School Board Propositions.
The board of education has submitted
to the voters of this city a proposition to
authorize the board to expend two hun
dred and seventy.five thousand dollars
during the coming year for school sites
and for tchool buildings. Of this bum
so von ty-flvo thousand dollars' are to bo
raised by the sale of school houses and
sites which the board has decided . .to
abandon , nnd two hundred thousand
dollars are to bo raised by nn ibsuo of
Two distinct propositions nro sub
mitted to the voters. The first asks for
authority to issue two hundred thousand
dollars in bonds to bo expended as fol
lows : For eight school sites , 837,500.
For five school houses , $102,600. This
will [ make the avarago cost of each
school bite , .81,087.60 and each school
building , $3 ! > , GOO. The second proposi
tion' involves the right of the board
to bell off seventy-five thousand dollars' '
worth of abandoned school property
and expend 850,000 in the enlargement
of the high school building and 325,000
for a now school house on Boulevard
btieot , near Twenty-first.
It strikes us that the board has em
barked in a very extensive scheme of
school construction. The sum to bo ex
pended would almost duplicate nil the
present school buildings in Omalm.omit-
ting the High school. The BKK al
ways has favored a liberal policy to
ward public improvements , and espe
cially public fcchools , but wo are not yet
convinced of the propriety of endorsing
the projected wholesale purchase ol
sites and construction of what bcoms tc
us very costly school buildings. Wo dc
not understand why the board proposes
to invest in eight bites and erect onlj
live school buildings on them. We
doubt very nuitfli whethoi 11
Is wise to invest from thirty to fort }
thousand dollars in each school house
rather than to build more houses at n
less cost , Bay from fifteen to twontj
thousand dollars. Wo already have n
number of very largo school buildings ,
and wo should now aim to incrcaso the
number of school housed rather than the
dimensions , so that there will boa more
oven distribution of school facilities ovov
the largo area of the city. Instead ol
expending $237,600 for seven buildings ,
wo prefer to eco fifteen new buildings
for the same money. The high school
huildjng is largo enough for all high
Echool'purposos. The lower grade pu
pils who live in the district covered
by the high school should be
furnished accommodations in nowbchool
buildings nt n moderate costwithln rea
sonable distance from their homos.
Wo hope the board will modify its
proposition in regard to the number and
cost of school homos. Unless it does so
wo doubt very much whether its propo
sition will carry.
SKNATon ALLISON has gene to Now
York to take port in the campaign in
that stnto. This would Indicate that
the republicans of Iowa feel so pccuro
that they cnn spnro the Konntor , and it
is certainly to bo hoped they hnvo good
rcnBon to feel thus. Wo believe Mr.
Allison is very well thought of in Now
York , nnd wo hnvo no doubt helms gene
there prepared to strengthen the good
impression of him. Ho may very easily
make a mistake , however , owing to the
danger there is of traversing the lines
marked out by some of the republican
leaders of that state on ono or more of
the chief issues of the time. It * is un
fortunately the fact that the views of
these lenders are not in harmony , for
example , on the surplus question , Mr.
Evarts does not think It a serious mat
ter at nil , wlnlo Mr. Hiscock takes
quite the opposite view , nnd neither is
clear as to what ought to bo done about
it , but cx-Scnntor Miller , as might bo
expected , would solve the problem by
increasing the tariff to the prohibitory
point. Mr. Allison Is known to have
pretty well-defined views on this sub
ject , nnd lost they may clash with
these of any ono of the New York re
publican leaders , nnd thereby increase
the confusion of ideas on the subject , it
might bo well before ho starts on his
campaigning to have a consultation nnd
nn understanding ns to what sort of
policy he shall advocate. The question
cannot bo ignored , and it is obviously
desirable both in the interest of Mr.
Allison and the republicans of Now
York that ho shall begin right on linnet
proceed consistently.
Other Iiiintls. Than Ours.
While the English pcoplo nro kept
thoroughly aroused by the appeals of
the leaders of the several parties , the
world at largo is not permitted to lose
sight of the fact that a great Issue is
being fought out nnd that the govern
ment is still engaged in the relentless
enforcement of n stern policy against
Ireland. Almost every day universal
attention is called to some now act in
pursuance of this policy which demon
strates at once its unjnst character and
the blind and reckless folly of these
charged with its execution. The latest
of these was the arrest and imprison
ment of Sir Wilfred Bluntformnkingnn
address in G til way to a homo rule moot
ing. It would nppenr that this was the
greatest of the blunders that have been
made under the administration of the
narrow and reckless Balfour. It seems
that the meeting which was broken up
by the police , and at which Sir Wilfred
Blunt was arrested , did not come within
the prohibition of any act of parlia
ment. It was a meeting called , not by
the proclaimed National league but by
the English Homo Rule union. In dis
turbing it the police wore simply acting
the part of rioters , without any color of
legal authority , for the meeting was
not in the least disorderly. There arc
signs that the English public has be
come very weary of the Irish policy of
the tory government , especially as ad
ministered by Mr. Balfour. Yet Balfour
himself scorns to bo well pleased with
his enforcement thus far of that
policy. The older and wiser mem
bers of the ministry , however , must
bo seriously troubled by the
results. The more a forcible suppres
sion of the league is attempted the
plainer it is that the league is for all
political nurposps the Irish pcoplo , nnd
that it can bo suppressed only by the
use of force enough to keep them all in
bubjoction. Evidently this is not prac
ticable , nor can the present condition of
affairs in Ireland bo accepted by any
body as a settlement. The policy of the
government merely postpones a settle
ment nnd increases its difficul
ties. The English people are beginning
to see this , and the obstinacy of the
government and the folly of Mr. Balfour
tend to make them see it more plainly.
* *
The labor demonstrations in Lon
don , which are likely to " * bo
repeated at any time , suggest
that elsewhere in Europe the sit
uation of the working class is such that
an eruption is possible at any time.
Every European country which is devel
oping great manufacturing industries is
exposing itself in n greater or less de
gree to the same risks. Belgium is pass
ing through aworoo crisis than England.
She is carrying on to-day a good many
industries which pay little or no profit ,
and simply give a wretched support to
the laborers. The great coal strike in
Franco , which only came to an end n
few months ago after lasting nearly two
years , was made against ft corporation
which hnd for years made no profits.
The worst of it is that the agitators ,
when things como to pass like this , por-
Siuado the laborers either that if they
owned the mines or the mills
themselves they would make a good
living out of them , or that there I'
a fund somewhere in the possession ol
the capitalists which the government
ought to lot them get at. The only
remedy seems to bo the extension of co
operation , BO as to spread among the
laboring class greater knowledge of the
conditions of successful business man
agement. At present a largo proportion
tion of them talk nnd feel about capital
as small children talk nnd feel about
their father's money ; that is , as if his
purse were inexhaustible or easily ro >
planished. '
* *
A very important proceeding was con
summated when the convention regard
ing the Suez canal was signed by the
leading powers of Europe. It was the
outcome of prolonged diplomatic nego
tiations , principally between Great
Britain and France. The convention
provides that the canal shall bo kepi
open in time of war ; that no act ol
hostility shall bo permitted at either ol
its approaches or on its banks within fi
zone to be determined by an interna
tional commission ; that belligerent pow
ers shall neither embark nor disembark
troops or wnr material on the canal 01
in the ports of nccebs , nnd that If Egypl
proves unable to compel respect for the
treaty , she shall appeal to Turkey , who ,
in concert with the signatory powers ,
will tnlco the necessary measures to enforce -
force obedience. . The agreement may
bo considered a victory for Franco for
which her Now , Hebrides concessions
nro no equivalent Not succeeding in
regaining horPf > nncr control of the
canal , it is , hoVc' or , taken out of the
hands of Greil Britain and placed in
these of Europ'o. In point of interna
Uonnl law the cnnnl , by the treaty , is
mndo n , plcco of occnn , controlled by
none , open to nil , only if the treaty Is
violated Turkey stops in ns the agent of
the powers. For the Interests of the
commerce of the world this conclusion
of n long contest Is n fortunnto ono. It
mny not bo so for the pence of the world.
With the Egyptian trouble off her
hands France may now bo more eager
for business in other quarters.
It will unquestionably bo to the nd-
vnntago of nil concerned if the reported
agreement between Franco nnd Great
Britain for the withdrawal of the French
troops from the Now Hebrides shnll bo
carried out. It wns impossible for the
British government to consent to Franco
obtaining any foothold in the Islands
adjacent to Australia for the purpose of
making penal colonies of them. Not
only would such a policy have boon
btronuously resisted by the British colon
ies , but , had it been carried out , tucso
colonies would inevitably have mnnnged
promptly to involve tlio homo
government in hostilities over the
matter. The French penal' colon
ies , tli rough a curious confu
sion of mind in the French government
ns to what cnn bo done with them , have
become literally breeding places of vice
and of vicious men nndvomon. . The
evidence is incontestable that , with the
mistaken purpose of helping reform
criminals by the introduction of family
tics , the French have stocked portions
of their penal establishment with men
and women , who are allowed to repro
duce their kind with the' practical cer
tainty that their offspring will bo trained
in vico. Tlio English colonists could
not bo expected to tolerate any exten
sion of such a system near their shores , ,
and they have mndo it perfectly plain
to the English government that they
would not do so. It is to bo hoped that
the French government has been con
vinced of the same fact.
* *
In 1800 Jnpan is to witness the estab
lishment of a constitutional govern
ment , with a popularly elected parlia
ment , responsible ministers and the em
peror no more absolute than is Queen
Victoria. Such a revolution in a coun
try which for centuries has been the
scat of absolutism , and brought about
with no bloodshed or disturbance , isono
of the wonders of the time. The prog
ress of Japan in the past twenty years
is hardly intelligible. In that year
the tycoon , who had for centuries
divided the executive power with the
mikado , was overthrown , and the an
cient central government wns estab
lished in full power. The impetus was
felt immediately. , Schools , universities ,
printing presses , roads and nil the de
velopments of modern civili/ntion were
welcomed , and instructors in nil branches
wore eagerly sought. Japan became a
vast mission field not only for religious
but scientific and industrial missiona
ries. The empire teemed with intellec
tual and physical vigor , and the Japa
nese with wonderful speed adopted the
manners of foi eigners. It is but thirty-
five years ngo that Commodore Perry
first visited Japan , up to that time for
two coifturies hermetically scaled
against Europeans save the Dutch trad
ers , who wcro allowed a few places for
exchange along the coast. It is less
than thirty years since our first am
bassador managed to reach the ancient
capital of Ycddo to conclude a treaty.
The year before our civil war began a
Japanese embassy visited this country ,
but the homo "tho
feeling against bar
barians" was so strong that in 1SG3 the
government attempted to drive nil
Europeans from the country , nnd was
only prevented by the hostile attacks of
the men of war of this country , England ,
Franco und the Netherlands , and it was
not until 1807 , after n severe internecine
contest that the progressive party
finally came to the front and began the
work which now seems in so fair a way
to fulfillment.
The invitation of the Madrid govern
ment to the powers , including the
United Stales , for a conference on
Morocco is an important step in inter
national diplomacy. The proposal
originated with the British govern
ment and the object is to guarantee the
independence of Morocco if Morocco
can bo thereby thrown open to trade.
Germany gives the scheme cordial ap
proval , for , like Italy , she recognizes
the step ns a bar to French aggrandize
ment. It is not known hero how Franco
regards this invitation , which is in
tended to deprive her of a great prize
for which she hns long boon hankering.
She might satisfy Spain to allow her to
round olT her colonial corners , but
neither Italy nor England would con
sent to any further French ncquisitions
on the Mediterranean , The French
action toward England in regard to
Egypt is certainly bearing fruit , now
that French nspiratioiin are becoming
directed toward Morocco.
* *
The French chambers having reas
sembled , it is expected that the fate of
the Rouvior ministry will soon bo de
cided. The issue of the Count of Paris'
manifesto has led many republicans to
distrust those monarchists who support
M. Rouvior , and M. Rouvior will bo at
tacked for this monarchist alliance. M.
Rouvier's opponents , not only dcsiro his
downfall , but also.M. Grcvy's retire
ment ; so that the jdoor may bo opened
for a Clemonccau-Boulanger min
istry. Among the primary objects
of the present outcry against M.
Wilson is to cover his fnthor-in-law
with discredit and induce him to resign
the presidency in disgust. This is in
tended as punishment for his refusal to
accept a Cloinonceau administration.
Such is the outlook at present , and it
was certainly a circumstance of very
great significance that on the question
of urgency in the CnlTarel-Wilson scan
dal the prime minister , who opposed
granting urgency , wus defeated by a
largo majority.
* *
It is now decided that next summer
there shall bo hold in London a great
Catbotlo cdngrosa of lay nnd . clerical
delegates from all English speaking
communities in thoworld. . Prelimi
nary meetings were recently held , at
which thrco main subjects for discus
sion were suggested , namely , the titti-
tudo of the Catholic church toward
education In general ; whether it is pos
sible to arrange for greater cooperation
tion of the laity in the work of the
church , nud to consider what stops
should bo tnkon for the diffusion of
Catholic literature among the masses.
Cnrdlnnl Newman , Cardinal Manning
and n majority of the Catholic hier
archy in England approved the pro
posal , which is to bo submitted to a full
mooting of the principal nnd most in
fluential Catholics. This scheme has
boon afoot for two years and now seems
likely to bo realized.
The fact that Franco has cutdown her
estimates $5,600,000 , taking $1,800,000 of
the amount from her nrmy estimates ,
should bo regarded as a slight token
favorable to peace. If they were re
duced a hundred millions altogether
and some sublime revolution could enter
into the heads of these impassioned
French nnd Germans to the effect that
the world is largo enough for both pcoplo
and that they might with some effort
manage to live without cutting each
other's throats , it would bo ft blessing.
Somehow it would seem to bo such tin
easy matter. But nations become in
sane as well ns men , and wo presume
they will go on hammering their prun
ing hooks into spears until the alarm is
The future empress of China has been
selected for the emperor , by the em
press dowager , from the family of a
Mantchu nobleman , Duke Chao. The
Emperor Kunng Hsu , whoso ntuno in
English is "Succession of Glory , " is
now in his seventeenth year. It is not
in accordance with Chinese- etiquette
that ho should have any choice of his
own in this trilling incident of his life.
Ho will know on his wedding day
whether the match made for him is to
his liking. If ho does not like the lady ,
however , it uppers that there are others
among whom ho may seek consolation
for disappointment. The governors-
general of the two central provinces ,
the governor of Kiang-Si and a member
of the board of revenue , all of Mantchu
blood , nro each to contribute ono of
their daughters to the emperor's harem.
Car wheel works uro to slutted in Texas.
A 650,000 silk mill Is to bo built at St. Paul.
During Sentc-mber 40,000 wngo-woilscis
A stained glass factory is being stai ted at
Liyncliburg , Va.
The fur west coal deposits arc being worked
very iirolUubly.
The posloflleo employes of the United
States number 9-1,700.
Electric lighting of mills nnd factories is
becoming quite general.
The builders of elevators Imvo a largo
amount of work on hand.
Jute manufacturing will now bo carried on
extensively in Allcntown , Pa.
Some shoo manufacturers have taken to
lining their sllppuis with plush.
One of the finest plate-mills in the country
will soon stint ut Fuindale , Pa.
There will boa general movement next
spring for shorter hours of labor.
Three hundred men will bo employed at a
new plate-mill nt AVhcatland , Pa.
A' Brockton co-opcrntivo factory has dou
bled its production within six months.
The Uussinn government is making efforts
to encourage the cultivation of cotton.
Manufacturing is active all through the
New England states , especially in textile
A § 100,000 company will bo able to plpo gas
fuel from Illinois to St. Louis next spring.
Tin co immense cable driving engines nro
being constructed for the Brooklyn biidgo.
English workmen nro arriving in latgcr
numbers , seeking shop and factory employ
Employers are combining quietly for their
better protection in several of the leading in
Compulsory education in New England
has considerably increased the school at
The southern manufacturing mills 'aro
working night nnd day , w ith orders running
months ahead.
The newer makes of engines nro in de
mand because they are more economical in
the use of coal.
Emigration of labor from the eastern to
thowestoin states will probably soon set in.
There nro growing demands in the far west
and south , clilully for unskilled labor.
The steve mnnufacturccs anticipate an ex
ceptionally busy winter nnd spring. The
stocks aio going down rapidly , and the west
ern nnd southern markets nro expanding.
Over 5,000,000 feet of lumber will go into anew
now Chicago elevator , nnd in n shoit time
four moro will bo started , increasing the ele
vator capacity (5,000,000 , or 7,000,000 bushels.
Fifty master painters of Pittsburcj have
organiml nn association to buy glass nnd
lead nt wholesale somewhere clso than in
Pittsburgl > ccauso of the high prices charged.
House-building has received a stiniulous
in the west , nnd there is an urgent demand
on builders and investors for houses. They
are wanted in small mamifactui ing towns ,
and rent and sell readily.
A machine has been invented by which ten
colois can bo printed nt once. Instead of
using engraved rollers , ns in ordinary calico
printing , the designs uro "built up" in u case
in solid colors specially prepared.
Tlio window glass workers have control of
the shops in Great Britain and Belgium , and
no interference with that control seems pos-
aibie. They have appropriated $50,000 to enforce -
force the pauper immigration law.
The students of the various scientific-
schools mo able to obtain employment at
good wages. These schools have been stead
ily increasing in membership , nnd promise to
supply many practical requirements.
The leading architects nro now nt work on
building opciutions to bo begun in the early
spring. Fiom their standpoint the prospects
are a very heavy year's woilc. Ofllce-build-
ing will bo pushed in nil largo cities.
's Ticket.
Omaha Truth.
Truth expressing the sentiment of the workingmen -
ingmen of Omaha declares in favor of
Judge Mnxwell for Judge ol the supreme
court ; Judges Wakeley , GrofT , Iloixtwcll and
Doano for Judges of the district court.
Wo nro convinced that the worklngmen of
the city ogreo with the sentiment expressed
ut the mass mooting of Tuesday night , which
wus a representative assembly , thnt the
Judges should bo elected without regard to
party lines. Wo Imvo no sympathy with the
lK > lltk-al tricks , the baftcr , the private rnalico
which led the rcpuWlcnn Jndlolnl.convcnllon
to refuge n nomination to Judge GrolT. Wo
'nro not to lx taught on. by un
scrupulous politicians who plnrp Might
value on the vote of a worklngmnn ,
wo nro not for Bale , but
propose to vote for the beat ninii regardless
of party , nnd no QUO cnn read over the
names of these nominated for Judges on the
two tickets without nt n glnnco concluding
that in ability , honesty nnd high character
the non-partisan ticket la fur ahead of the
republican ticket. The worktngmenK of
Omaha nro by no means the slaves which
some narrow-minded politicians suppose ,
they nro fioo men with minds capable of
Judging between the merits of different
candidates , and they will not follow blindly
the dictations of solf-coustllutcd party Icad-
dcrs. Next November the labor vote of Omaha
will elect Wnkcly , Groff , Hopowoll nnd
Doano for Judges of the district , nnd will
contribute largely to the ro-clcctlou of Judge
Maxwell , who for so many years has faith
fully ECivcd the pcoplo of Nebraska.
8(111 Another October Poctn.
The pumpkin plo is yellow ,
The buckwheat cake is brown ,
The farmer's pray neck whiskers
Are full of tulstlo down.
The leaves nro crisp nnd russet ,
The snmno's blnzlnp red ,
The butternut descending '
Is cruckvd upon your head.
The rabbit is cavorting
Along the gloomy slope ,
The shotgun of the sportsman
Eliminates his lope.
The butterfly's de-parted ,
Likcwlso the belted boo ,
The small boy in the orchard
Is up the apple trco.
The county fair Is blooming ,
The circus is no moro ,
And on the polished brass dog
Wo make the hickory roar. .
s The trees wear lovely colors
hi beautiful excess ;
All nature scorns to rustle
Just llko a now silk dress.
Sausage soon will ripen ,
The popcorn soon will pop ,
And Christmas things enliven
The window of the shop.
Sing hi I for merry nuttfmn ,
Sing ho I for the autumn gay.
Whoso pretty potpie squirrcU
Among the branches play.
For now no merry bluebird
Upon the rose tree toots ,
And nutnniM , golden nuttimn ,
Serenely ups and scoots.
Frnnk .Tames and llio SliertfT.
San Francisco Examiner : "Frank
James is working in Mintonhall's dry
goods house , Dallas , " eaid Dr. Beau
mont , of Beaumont , Texas , to a reporter
nt the Kuss yesterday. "Ho gets $100 a
month , and jiursucs his way as quietly
and unostentatiously as the most unas
suming port-on in town. Ills family is
in Dallas , too , and his children are
going right along to the public school.
It ain't true that Frnnk James made n
big lotof money and retired to enjoy it.
Ho is poor and only has enough , nnd
this from his salary , to got along on.
"I know the James boys well at St.
Joe before I went to Texas , nnd when
Frnnk James was down to Dallas llrst
nnd n reward of § 10,000 wns oflcred for
him , although lots of people knew it and
knew ho was there , they wouldn't give
it away. Say what people will about
the James boys.thoy were fearfully used
that is , that family was in the early
border difficulties.
"Their two sibters were captured ns
political prisoners and incarcerated
with a lot of other women prisoners in
an old brick house that had already
been condemned ns dangerous. It foil
down nnd killed them. Then bombs or
hand grenades wcro thrown into the
residence of their mother , Mrs. Dr.
Samuels , nnd one of her arms was
blown olT , nnd she was otherwise
maimed. So you see if the .Tunics boys
did not go on the warpath , they had not
lacked some sort of a stimulant.
"As for the famous Blue Cut robbery ,
though , I know for n fact that Frank
James was not in that. Ho was in Gor
don county , Tex. , helping the sheriff to
arrest a noted criminal , nnd ho did it.
too. 'Tlio shorilT had asked a friend ol
mine to get him a good man to help , so
my friend went over nnd got Frank
James. Tlio shoriir waa very particular
in tolling Frank all about how careful
ho must bo , or else the border murderer
they were after would kill them both in
the twinkling of nn eye.
"Frank James didn't say a word , and
the sheriff didn't know who ho wns , so
they rode away over the prairies to
ward the lonely cabin whore the outlaw
was. It was growing dark when , on ar
riving within two or three hundred
yards of.the cabin , the sheriff's com
panion suddenly clapped spurs to his
horse and rode toward itlikea madman.
Reaching it ho sprang from his horse
and kicked the door down in nn instant ,
and , with two big revolvers which ho
had whipped out , lie captured the out
law before he or the sheriff knew what
was up.
"Tho sheriff was considerably crest
fallen when ho recollected the advice
ho hnd given the young man who wns
with him , and this grow into astonish
ment when ho at length found that Jie
was ono of the James boys.
"The very day the sheriff nnd Frank
rode over the prairies to make this ar
rest the Blue Cut robbery occurred , so
I know ho wasn't in that. No , James
has no money at all. Ho has to clerk
every day in the store for what ho gets ,
and ho works as hard as you or 1 do. "
tlelroflH to tlio 1'coplo of Hurt , Wash
ington , DniiKlnN null Snrpy
OMAHA , Oct. 27 , IRST. At n mooting
of electors of the Third Judicial district ,
hold on the SJoth inst. , nnd composed of
members of both political parties , the
undersigned wcro charged with the
duty of preparing nn address to the pco-
ilo , setting fonh the reasons which
have induced them to support , nt the
coming election , the judicial ticket on
which appear the names of Judges
"VVakoloy , Groff , Hopowoll and Donno.
a Impressed with thordnnger of making
the judicial ofllco a prize for the most
shrewd , the most active or the most
popular worker In party politics , nnd
limy realizing the fnct that to bo both
impartial and independent , n > Judge
should bo free from the entanglements
arising out of partisan strife , the bar of
the district mot at the court house in
Omaha some days prior to the period
fixed for holding the judicial
nominating convention. At that moot
ing , which was absolutely non-partisan.
Judges Wnkcloy , Groff and Hopowoll
( tlio first named being understood to bo
uemocratlo in his views and the two
others republican ) were unanimously
recommended for re-election , nnd n
committee appointed to notify the nom
inating con volitions of this notion. That
committee mot with a courteous recep
tion from the douiocrntio convention ,
nnd their recommendation was adopted ,
Mr. W. A. Stow being selected for the
fourth place on the ticket.
In the republican convention , how
ever , tv motion to receive the bar com
mittee was defeated , and a delegation
from the democratic convention sent to
notify the republicans of its nominations
mot with no uottor fate. It is doubtful
if any political convention in the coun
try was over before guilty of such gross
The republican delegates nominated
thrco gentlemen , who , whatever their
qualifications may bo , have had no ex
perience on the bench , nnd some of
them but little nt the bar. Of the
fourth , as ho is on both tickets , it is un
necessary to speak.
\\'o bolioyo that all who have the wel
fare of this communilv at heart , who
think that judges should bo above party
obligations nnd party bias , nnd nbovo
all , should bo above pressing their own
claims in caucusscs , nominating con
ventions and political campaigns ,
will feel no hesitation in voting the
clean and independent ticket pre
sented by the bar. Judge Wakoloy has
boon known to the voters of this dis
trict for thirty years. His career botli
nt the bar nnd on the bench htifl been
alike honorable to himself and of ben
efit to the community among whom ho
has dwelt. Ho took the olllco in tlio
llrst instance only at the unanimous re
quest of the lawyers of the district and
by the appointment of n , republican gov
ernor. Four years ago ho and Judge
Neville , a republican , were elected with
out contest by those who believed then as
wo believe now , that judicial elections
should bo free from partisanship. No
whisper of suspicion against his ability
has over been bieathcd.
Judges GrolT and Hopowoll have
served since the last session of tlio legis
lature. In that period they have be
come known throughout the district ,
have devoted themselves assiduously to
their duties and have shown themselves
clean , impartial and iiulustriousollicors ;
no fault being found with either of them
unless by litigants who mny happen to
have been defeated in their courts.
The lamented death of Hon. W. A.
Stow renderedtho _ selection of nnothor
candidate in his place necessary ; and in
response to a very ercnornl o.xproBsed
wish by lawyers and others the Hon.
George W. Doano has boon selected for
the fourth place on the ticket. Mr ,
Doanc's entire professional life has boon
spent In this district , and his legal cx-
porinco of over thirty ycnrshis probity ,
his learning and industry nro , wo feel
confident , sufficient guarantees that his
career on the bench will bo honorable
to him and satisfactory to the district.
It has been said that were democrats
in a largo majority throughout tlio dis
trict they would nominate party men
men nnd refuse to follow their action of
a few days ago. But wo suggest that
the proper quostiou for us to ask our
selves is-not what would our enemies or
opponents do in a given case ; but , what
is right ? what Is the best interests of
the common wealth i1 what would the
purest nnd befit men advise ? If voters
would ask themselves these questions
wo hnvo no fear of the result.
That the ticket which wo ndvocnlo
will bo elected in the opinion of those
who are best informed in such matters
is almost a foregone conclusion. Hut wo
hope for something more than mere suc
cess. Wo hope for a response to our
appeal so general and 50 emphatic that
political wire pullers , strikers , caucus
lobbyists and all who seek to influence
votes by unfair or dishonest mcunfl
shall take warning thnt their nmchimit
tions , if they nro allowed to exist
at all , must bo confined to
non-judicial olficcs ; and that the
people of the Third judicial
district are determined that their min
is tors of justice shall bo , so far as their
votes cnn make them , of clean hands ,
broad and impartial views , of learning
and uprightness.WIU.IASI
WIU.IASI S. Quims ,
GKOUGK W. Aiiiwofaij ,
Tlio November number , wlncb is especially rich in
illustrations , contains
J'IIOF. J ) . A SAIIOK.NT , ofjlnrvnnl Unlveislty. Dr Snrgent'K second uitltloon
I'hysIciU TialnliiK , aud ono of tlio must unique ever published In n miiKazluo'
With "J Illustiatlons of dlMlmiilMied ninntour nthlctcH in motion , Iinm In-
htnntnneous pliotOBrnphs in.ulo ntjuessly for ScHlmrr'o .l/nyazl/ie , mid lth
( baits by the author. Or. Sargent dcinoi. tr.itr fiom lift caiufully con-
Miucteil charbt , nnd by many expert atlilutc.s , tlio dlstliiKiilaliliiK pli > nlcul
tntltslikli lit men for o.rrcllJiiK In n Riven biiinch of athletics.
WAGNER AND SCENIC ART.IM.IAM I' * . Al-Tiioiil1. A paper which
will tlno\v u Hood of now light upon Wngncr'n Bccnlc inttlioiK \ \ Ith lllimtnv.
tloni fiom the original ilealiii ( ; for the M-ttlu of the liayiuiith Mutfi- , now tn
gi avcd for the Jlrnt time.
IN GRAND KABYLIA. IlKNnvM ViKi.n. I ) . 1) . A descilpllon of u littlo.
Vmran conntiy nnd people of Noitheru Algeila "tho Switzerland of Afilca. " With hevtm ll
THE VIKING SHIP. JOHN 8. WHITE. With 2J llliiiliatlom showing icnmrkablo jiolntsof
similarity between the most Micccsbful of modern yachts und this idle of the nnclent VlkliiK1) .
A DIPLOMATIC EPISODE. OMVK HISI.EV RMVAUH. A most IntoieMlni ; paper by the
ndnpted daughter of ox-Eecietary Howard , explaining fully for the tlnm an Inipoitniit but
neiiturtt'd Incident In our diplomatic hlstoiy. With u full-pagw uiigiiiUngund u limp of the
ton u und harbor of bt. Tlioiniu.
A vlBorom. plttln-spokenuitlck' , mid unoriginal niul uiluublo loutilbutlon to thH uiuchdh >
TIRAR Y SOULT. ( Story. ) Hy UKIIKCUA lltnniNd IAVI < I.
TO mHODOCLEIA. on Her Melancholy Slnclrm. I'ocm llv ANIUII w I. * so.
POEMS , llv busAr < Coor.iuui : , : lluiinucaiiti , IIKNHIUITA ( JiiuisriAN WIIKIIIT an < l
y"ellhtml > frilmtiriUlic'nui rl > CHRISTMAS NUMBER , the cwcrnf uMch fsfwfc/icd /
] i\l a Itamltomt bonier jiiinteil in uultl , ami the number of tllutdutioni m
IPrioe , Twrexit-y-fi've Oen.ts.
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Moro than 1..VJO p.igos of the best literature. Morn than TOO of the I'.nest Illustration ) .
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