Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Soiling1 of Wheat By Boars Oaueos a
Fractional Doclino.
Winter DcllTorlcH of Provisions HtronB
anil HlKlier Cattle Fairly Active
llo Trailing IlrlHk Gen
eral QnolntlonH.
CtifCAno , Oct. 28. ( Special Telegram to
the DUE , ] With the exception of ono rather
"soft BjKt" early , the wheat market ruled
strong throughout the morning scsHlon. The
udvunco over last night's closing prices was
Blight , but over the 1 o'clock closing yester
day was fair. The advance of } 4 ( < tc during
the short session yesterday afternoon was
sufficient to convince the bears and quick
traders that there was a prollt In selling
wheat this morning and they noted upon the
conviction early In the session , the result
being n drop of about } { u from the opening
tlgurcs. Much of the trading was In largo
blocks , and It was soon discovered that the
'offerings were very readily taken at a slight
decline. The buyers were strong houses nnd
their purchases caused u revulsion of feeling
on the part of small traders and n gradual
advance , which was persistently fought nil
the way up. Foreign news was favorable.
December wheat opened ut 73J c , sold
up to 73J < @ 74o , then down to
73Xc , which was the low point for the
session and was reached early. On the up
grade this delivery touched 71e several times ,
but there were very few transactions nt that
price. Whenever a small quantity was bid
Tor at that price there ; seemed to bo n hun
dred sellers and tlio next sale would bo a
fraction lower. Evidently there was much
more December wheat for sale at 74e
was wanted. The price hung about 73o all
the latfer part of the session , with occa
sional fractional variations , und closed strong
nt73J ( ' 774c. May wheat opened at 7tl @ ? $ } { c ,
sold down to 7lJc ) , up to 7'Jo and closed at
There was rather more activity In the corn
pit and a considerable amount of business in
u speculative way , but the fluctuations were
exceedingly narrow , being only KC. In Decem
ber and May deliveries and Jf ( gitfe. in Novem
ber. The closings to-day varied but slightly
from those of yesterday. The demand for
cash corn is fair , though apparently limited
by Inadequate facilities for shipping. The re
ceipts hero are Increasing somewhat , although
still light compared with those of a week
or ten days ago. May corn opened nt 45 ( ig
lfifc ) , sold up to 45 > < fc , down to 45)/u ) and
closed tit 45e. There seemed to bo much
more for sale at I.IJtfc than was wanted. De
cember opened at 41 , ' II < c , sold up to4tjfc ,
down to 41 kfo and closed at llftji ! . Novem
ber opened at 41 % ( ir42c , sold at 42u and at
41 ? # < 1J4 and closed at 41 Jfc.
Oats failed to showany Improvement cither
as to demand or prices. The limited business
passing was again mainly in November and
May , and fluctuations for the entire tegular
( tension were barely } fv. November sold at
25J @ 2 ! > ; < e and May at 2'.ii ' , ( ! < 2 < JV , both clns-
Ing at thu outside range at 1 o'clock. Decem
ber ruled nominally at 2Wc bid.
In provisions winter deliveries were higher
and strong. . For cash and October lard de
clined 5o or to $0.55 and short ribs wciu held
at last night's final price $0.50. Jn the
winter futures of the different articles , how
ever. something of a boom occurred. The
opening was slow , and If anything a little
heavy , but shortly after the morning call the
trade underwent a sudden change. Parties
short of tin.1 product for January became
alarmed over the reluctance of packers and
buyers on last week's break to sell , and ,
showing a desire to buy against their out
standing contracts , prices hpccdilv and rapIdly -
Idly advanced. In the upward turn January
pork rather led , though a good appreciation
took place in lard and short ribs for the same
AFTKIISOOX Snssiox Wheat weaker ; Oc
tober 72lt'c , NovomberWifc , December 73Je ,
January 71J.Cc bid. Corn , easy : November
41J/C , December -lljtfo , May J5 @ 45 ( fc.
Oats firm. Pork for January advanced Gc ,
closing nt * 12.G2 ! ; sales were made at
H2.fi7 ! ( | @ 12.05. Lard was stronger and
closed at J0.55 for October , fO..T for Novem
ber and December , (0.40 for January , and
fO.01 % for May ; December sold at $0.35 and
January at $0.40. Short ribs for October
wore steady at $0.50 ; January sold at $0.37M
( 0.40 and closed at ) f0.40.
Cincvoo , Oct. 28. [ Special Telegram to
the Bin. : ] CATTI.C Business was fairly ac
tive , with Httlo or no change in prices on best
and medium natives. Low grades , especially
such asaro neither good enough for Imtdior or
feeder , were slow and hard to sell at any
thing like , satisfactory prices. Salesmen who
had prime heavy rangers claimed an advance
of lOc and salesmen who had no light south
ern Texas steers also claimed an advance ol
lOc , yet thin and common rangers and
scrawny Texans , also range and Texas cows ,
bulls , etc. , sold ns low as at any time. The
real fact \ras that good cattle wore scarce ,
while all other descriptions were plentiful ,
The stockcr and feeder trade was moving
along quietly and steadily , with the demand
mainly for strong weight feeders. Ship
ping bteers , 1.1150 to 1,500 , Ibs , $3.50 ( 5.15 ;
1,200 to Ifi50 Ibs , I.30@4.GO : l 50 to
Hoas Tradct was brisk with a slight down
turn at the close , yet the bulk bold fully as
high as yesterday. Thirteen packers art
now at work and shipping orders were up tt
the average. Phlladclphhis and nict
butcher weights , all barrows , made a gooi
(4U5 4.TO ; mixed and packing sorts , fl.45n (
4.HO ; common , ft.iOffJ.40 : ( ; light sorts , In
eluding Yorkers , fJ.J5Ql.50 ; singeing pigs
New YOIIK , Oct. 2S. [ Special Telegram it
the Hin.l STOCKS Ono of the features o
the stock market was the weakness nnd a decline
cline of f points in Kansas & Texas. Then
Is n deal of mystery hiirroundlng the decliiu
which no one has been nblo to sntlsfnctoril ;
explain , Among the various theories nil
vnnred is that Gould has smashed it for tin
purposunf i > etilnt ? n big block at reduce *
prices. London has been a seller of its stock :
and bonds for lateral days. An Insidergive ;
It out that the MKsouri Pacllio owes the Mis
pour ! , Rant-as & Texas 51,700,000 , which tin
laftcris endeavoring to collect. The stor ;
had n depressing olToct on Missouri Paclll
nnd started the rumor that It would pass It
next dividend. Burly bales were at Jf pe
cent advance , but It soon dropped I/ pe
cent , The rest of the Gould properties WOP
weak and fractionally lower. The genera
liht was moderately uctlvo but nervous. A
the opening liYadlng , St. Paul and Westeri
Union were decidedly strong and Jf tjy pe
cent higher. London was n good buyer. Th
shorts covered fairly and uotwlthbtaudlii ;
the recent heavy elimination of that Intcres
there was enough buying to cause a ftirthe
appreciation of f @J-f lor cent , Heading lm\
ing the lead and was helped by reports o
largo earnings. The retried settlement be
twccn the Western Union nnd Postal con
panics nnd the agreement to advance rate
did not have the clTcct on the stock that wn
expected. Grangers , although stronger an
higher for u time after the opening , were n
feetcd by reports of fresh rate cutting an
broke Jf@l per cent. The trunk lines r <
inalncd steady. Michigan Central can
ings for the year nro expected to show 1 I
IKJreent. Cotton Oils broke l f percen
Curamack and his'friends claim that they C
not want to buy any stocks because tlio ma :
: kct shows for itself tu'ut it cauuot oven tea
| K > rnrily resist the 'evil Influences. The. lost
hour witnessed a lively petering out of the
morning's bulge. The large traders sold St.
Paul heavily rfnd it Is I1j , per cent from the
highest prices of the morning. Missouri ,
Kansas k Texas continued on Its downward
course and drop | > ed another point. The mar
kcl closed tame at Inside prices on a majority
of the stocks and recorded declines of V < fl-V
per cent , Missouri , Kansas ft Texas having
the lead. Its general mortgage 4's have de-
cllndd 11M2 ( ? points within a week. Northwestern -
western was off } ( from yesterday's close ,
Missouri Paclllo Ki PaelHo Mull ! } ( , , Lacka-
wannajf , Northern Pacific 1 , New Kngland
J itnd Cotton Oils ? ( f per cent. Reading was
steady. The sales were ! 120 , < ) W shares ,
against 245)05 , ! ) shares j cstorduy.
CiovniiSMCXTS Government bonds were
dull but firm.
U. f . 4s coupon ISPi 0. * N. W im\
IJ. 8.4'scoupon. ! lon'4i ilo pr ! terr l. . . . .HO
I'luinrO'Hnt ' ( I : , , . . . 1 1 'N. ' Y.r HflV
OtnmU Poiithurn. . .V'V > . " N M
( Vntrnl l'nrlflc..r-iW'i ' O.T
ilt Alton..1:10 : Pacific Mall in
do prpfcrrvtl I' . , I ) . \-K 19
C. . II. A ; O 1ST I'ullmim I'ulnc Carl4Hi
I ) . , I , . .V\V . lil't ItHiullllL' . K'j
I ) , .tit. U . 22 Horklsliind . 113
Krlo . 27 St.I.VH. P . : H' ' }
do preferred . Ri ! ( liiprBferri'd
Illinois Central . 111 ! C. , M. MSI. Paul. . . 714
1. , II. A ; w . W i dopri'feriod . 111' ' $
K..VT . 17 ? . St. P..VO . W1U
I.iike Shore . Ifjy iln preferred. . . . 1KI
I. . AN . rToxasl'ai'IBr , . !
Michigan ( Vntinl. . W. Villon Puelllo . 4. )
Ml .siial 1'nolllc. . . . WU W. . St. I , . , V I1 . in
Mlionuil I'nrltlc. . . . aiu ' dopu-lerred . ai'j
doprofuncd . UM'W. I'.TeleKiaph. . . 77'i
Moxcv On cull easy at il'rai ' ? jicrrent ,
last loan 0 per cent , closed offered at 3 per
PIIIMB Mciii'ANin.i : P.\i'iu : OffiS per
STr.iii.iNd Kxoiuxon Dull but linn at
W.bljf for sixty day bills , and * 4.s. > , ' lor de
mand. _
Oct. 2S. Following are the 250 : !
closing prices :
Flour Steady and unchanged.
Wheat More active with Iliic'limtions con
fined to narrow limits ; opened V V' ' ' higher
and closed ' c. above yesterday ; cash , 123 lOo ;
December , 73 Ut-lOc : May , Tiijfc.
Corn Quiet , but moderately active ; opened
) < ( ! under yesterday's eloiing. Iliictuated
within a lo range , and closed a shade
lower ; cash , 41 > " c ; December , 41.'ac ; May ,
45 5-llic.
Oats Dull , but steady ; pi Ices fluctuated
but little and did not clmngc materially ;
cash , 25Ko ; December , 25 c ; May , 2'.i ; < c.
Rye Dull nt 51J/C.
Barley Quiet at 72e.
Prime Tlmothy-2. lb@2. 10.
Flax-seed * 1. 00.
Whisky ? 1. 10.
Pork Active and stronger ; January ,
lairy , 10@lc. ! )
Cliecse Steady ; full cream Cheddars , lOJj
"iMOVfc ; flats , lOWbillet young Americas , 11
KWS Firm nt 17
Hides Unchanged ; heavy green saltcd.7c ;
Ight , do. , 7' c ; salted bull , i ! < : ; green salted
air , S : dry Hint. 12C' < l3e ; dry calf , 12r 13e ;
Ir.V.salted , lOo ; deacons , each , 30i' .
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , 4 ®
, 'fccNo. ; 2,3io } ; cakes , 1''c. '
Receipts. Shipments.
'lour , bbls 15IH)0 ) 12,000
Wheat , bu H-,000 11,000
Corn , bu I''li.OOO il34IOO (
Oats , bu 144,000 174,000
{ ye , bu 2,000 1,000
Jin-ley , bu 42.000 30,000
7 St. Louis , Ort. 2 $ . Finn ;
ash , 72ffi72l3'o ; May , bO fr.
Corn irregular ; cash , ! { ' .IV ; May , ll. ' c.
Oats-Steady ; cash , 25c , Miiy , SS' e.
Pork SID.OO.
Whisky ! .05.
Hutter Finn and unclmngfd ; creamery ,
! 372 ( > e ; dairy , HiK-lo.
Afternoon Hoard Wheat , firm ; October ,
2ebid ; November , nominal at72'te ; Dccom-
" > or 73'iio ; May , yi'jft1. Corn , irregular ; Oc-
ober , 3SJ o ; November , 3 jC bid ; December ,
H ) < c bid ; May , 411ac. ! OatM , unchanged.
Milwaukee , Oct. 2S. Wheat- Firm ;
cash and November , 71e ; May , 7bJjjC.
Corn Finn ; No. 3 , 40' ' < e.
Oats-Steady ; No. 2 white , 23J < e.
Hye Firm ; No. 1 , 52o.
Harley Weak ; No. 2 , OSc.
Provisions Quiet ; pork , October , SI3.00 ®
IMInncnpollH , Oct. 28. Wheat Strong
nnd higher ; No. 1 hard , October and No
vember , 71 } c ; December , 72J41- ; May , IS'-jc ;
No. 1 northern , October and November.
G3J41' ; December.'W o ; May , 75) ) Jo ; No.2
northern , October and November , 05 | o ;
December , wy c ; May , 72 'c.
Flour Firm and active ; patents , $4.25@
4.45 ; bakers' , $3.25i ( < 3.05.
Receipts Wheat , 2111,000 bu.
Shipments Wheat , 3UOOObu ; flour , 21,000
Cincinnati , Oct. SS. Wheat-Quiet ; No.
C red , 70c.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 44'o'e.
Oats Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 2Sc. !
Rye-Quiet ; No. 2 , J > 5e.
1'ork Oull ut $13.00.
Lard In fair demand at $0.30.
Whisky Firm at $1.05.
Nnw OfloaiiN , Oct. 28. Com Strong
nnd higher ; white , 50c ; mixed , 50i57o ( ; yel
low , 57e.
Oats Steady and in fair demand ; No. 2 ,
Cornmeal Steady and linn nt * 2.:5. : .
Hog Products Easier ; pork , t'KJ.75 ; lard ,
Hulk Meats Shoulders , $5,25 ; long clear
and clear rib , $0.87. ! < [ < ! " .00.
New Vork , Oct. 2S. Wheat necelpts ,
07,300 ; exports.32,400 ; options opened strong ;
and u trillo higher , itttcrwardu prices ml-
vanccd Jj'dfjlijc , leaving oft steady ; spot , u
shade better ; ungraded red , 80 > f@S7 ; < c ; No. I
red , nominal atSOo ; No.2 reef , 84ff84 ( } c in
elevator , 84(284 ( 0 f. o. b. , S5i@f0 o de-
vered : November closed ut Se.
Corn Hecelpts , IW.OOO ; exports , 31,000 ;
spot advanced } { u with Increased business ;
options ) f@nO better nnd fairly active , clos
ing steady ; ungraded mixed , 53j4' ' ( < ! 53-JCe ; No.
2 , 53J o In store , MJ/o f. o. b. , 5li : delivered ;
November closed ut 't'ljfo ,
Oats Uecclpts ; 101,200 ; exports , 1,500 ; } i
( SJ o higher , with decidedly more doing ;
mixed western , 32 < y3-lc ; whltcwestcrn , 30
ColTco-Spot , fair ; Hlo , * 18.nj } : options
fully active , closing linn at 20i ( < 30 points ad
vance ; sales , ' ,12.750 bags ; October , ( ill.35 ;
November , * 15..i.X < Mr > .40 ; December , $10.10a ( !
Hi. 10 ; Jnnuaryil0.iHi ) < ? 10.30 ; February , ilD.'Jo
010.30 ; March , l5.1 5fil0.20. (
Petroleum Steady ; United , 70Vo.
Eggs Steadier with demand fair ; western ,
Pork Active nnd very steady.
Lurd Mora active und higher ; western
steam , spot. $0.00.
Hutter Steady but quiet ; western , 13(2 (
25c : western creamery , HiyT25c.
Cheese Generally btcudy ; western ,
Union Stock Vurdu , Chlcngo , Oct. 2S.
The Drovers' Journal reports :
Cuttle Receipts , 11,000 ; market stcadj
to strong ; shipping steers , $2.80(7(5.15 ( ; stockers -
ers and feeders , $1SOQ3.00 ; cow , bulls and
mixed , $ l.25@2.50 ; Texas cattle , $1.7522.00 :
western rangers , S-2.00ii.3.r ( > 5.
Hogs Receipts , 28,000 ; market steady :
n mlxc.1 . , fl20@4.55 ; heavy , fU.yg4.05 ; light !
0 ShecpHeceipl's , 7,000' ; mnrkot weak and
„ lOftHfio lower ; natives , * J.r > 0 ( < (3.40 ; lambs
KaiiHiiH City , Oct. 25. Cattle Receipts
0,000 ; choice corn-fed and grassers steady
common , lOc lower ; good to choice corn-fed
M.-Mgl.bO ( : common to medium , $3.2..10 ! :
stoekcrs , J-2.00 ( < ? 2.W ) ; feeding btccrs , $2.COg
3.25 ; cows , $1.25(32.50. (
Hogs Receipts , 13,500 ; shipments , 4,000
market weak and 60 lower ; common t <
choice , f 1.00(34.40 ( ; skips und pigs , $2.00 < u
ll 3.90.
f. Nntlonnl Slock Yards. Knst fit
Louis , Oct.5M. _ _ Cattle Receipts , 1,200
. . , , . . .
w > wvki | .vn.itfw. uuivituia niut.13 , iiiuuiut.
to choice- , t2.'JO@3.0 ; rangers , $2.10(33.05. (
Hogs Receipts , 5,400 ; shipments , 400
the market was nctlvo Knd firm ; ehoic *
heavy and butchers' elections , $4.55@4.70
packing and Yorkers , ' medium .to prime
Li * > iV/74 Ul.-.tlrru * O TKfn > . tK' '
Friday , Oct. 23.
The receipts of cattle continue to fall off ,
there being only twenty-four cars In to-day
ns against fifty-two yesterday. The market
was quiet , but n few bunches changed hands
nt about steady prices.
There wns n slight Increase In the receipts
of hogs , thrrc bcliiK fifty cars In to-day. The
market opened active nt about steady prices.
Four loads reached $4..T5 , the same number
that brought that price on yesterday's mar
ket. Everything wns sold ut tin early hour.
The innrket is very quiet.
Official Itccclptf ) .
Cattle 401
Hogs 3,210 ,
Sheep 84
Cattle 10 cars. R.J. , Chicago
Cattle 1 car , U. P. , Wood River
Sheet " 2 curs , R. I. , Chicago
Horses . . . , .2 cars , R. I. , Chicago
Prevailing Prices.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for live
lock on this market ;
Jholco steers , 1300 to 1500 tt.s f4.2.VS4.n.ri
Jhoire steers , 1100 to 1300 ttis 4.0UhM.25
"at little steers , 900 to 1050 H > s n.T.yvci.S'i '
'orn-fed range stceis , 1200 to 1500 3.7504.30
lood to choice corn-fed cows 2.25i72.50
Jonimon to medium cows 1.50it2.00
3ood to choice bulls 1.25il2.00 (
3ood range feeders 2.25 ( < 2.50
jofld native f coders , 900 Ibs and up
wards 2.50@2.75
"air to medium native feeders , 900
ll > s and upwards 2.25 52.50
Stoeknrs , 400 to 700 His ! J.iOi ( 2.iO
'rime fat sheep 3.25rf 3.50
"air to medium sheep 2.503.00 (
'ommon sheep 1.50jS2.25 (
.Ight and medium hogs 4.10 ( 4.25
! oed to choice heavy hogs 4.25 ( 4.35
Jood to choice mixed hogs 4.200i4.30
Itrpi'eHontallvo Sales.
S'o. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
19. . . . 1254 . * 4.35
WIM : mtv yrnnus toux-rni ) .
84. . . . 1255 3.7-- >
lUNdllltl 1IAV STATi : C. CO.
95..115S 2.45 21. . . . 1157 2.45
Tvii.i.vfis IHY sr.vTi : c. co.
11..1019 2.15
Uvo Sttxjk Sold.
ShowiiiK Iho number of head of stock hold
on the market to-day :
3. U. Hammond & Co 332
Harris & Fisher 32
Vcdei s so
Speculators 15
Total 459
! . H. Hammond & Co 557
Anglo-American Packing Co 24112
J. P. Squires & Co 1S7
Total 3230
ol' 1'ricos.
Showing the highest and lowest prices
paid for IIOKS , on this market during : thu past
seven daj s and on the corresponding days in
lv5 and 1S50.
sales of stock in this market arc made
per cwt. live weight unless otherwise stated.
IJoad IIOKS sell at Ji/o per Ib. for all weights.
"Skins , " or hogs weighing less than 100 Ibs.
no value. Pregnant sows arc docked 40 Ibs.
and stags bO Ibs. by the public inspector.
Iivo Stock XotCH.
I.ight cattle receipts.
Hogs steady and active.
Hogs averaged 04 to the car.
Mr. Eddy , Howard , was here with hogs.
W. J. Kennedy was looking over the yards.
One bunch of good corn-fed natives reached
{ 4.05.
Porter & Henderson , Lcroy , Minn. , were
here with four loads of cattle.
Mr. Shields , hog buyer for Kingan & Co. ,
Indianapolis packers , has arrived hero.
Hen AVclch , the genial hog buyer for Fowler
ler & Son , ICuiums City has returned homo.D
\inong those who sold hogs at the topprico
were I3oyles & Cd. . Crete , who marketed one
Xyo AVilson Morohouso Co. marketed n
loud of hogs shipped from Leigh nt the top
Mr. Jones , of .Tones Bros , , Ute , la. , wns at
the yards and received the top of the market
for a load of hogs.
Mr. Green of the firm of Green & Barr ,
Greenwood , eajno in with a load oC hogs ,
which sold on the market.
John Qulnn the well-known shipper of
Wood River , was in and marketed u load of
hogs and bought thirty-six head of feeders.
Both members of the linn of Melntosh &
Sutton , were hero from Chapman with four
loads of western steers. They also sold a
load of hogs at the top of the market.
Friday , Oct. 2 $ .
Produce , Fruits , Ktc1.
The. falloiolnu are the prices nt which
rniunl lut-t of itruilitcc nre &ulil OH this
innrhct. JYui/s / or ntlicr lines vf ( ; oos rt >
Hiilrlmj cxtm Inlior of nut'ltlug ciinimt at-
u-iiiitl > < iiiiii > i > Uc < l tin outside on/era / ut the
idiuc iirlciJi qitntrd the luail tmtlc :
The receipts of poultry begin to grow
larger and the commission men fear that
they will have another lot on their hands for
which purchasers will bo hard to llnd. A car
of Canada rutab.igoes , one of lemons , lips ,
dates aud nuts and malaga grapes were ro-
Kcios The market Is fair , good stock brings
l'JU20e. ' (
Burrnn Creamery , AVcst Point ! )0c ) ;
other creameries 22it24c ( per pound ; choice
dairy , lSO20c ; medium grades , 13il5c ( ; or
dinary , li ( > 10c.
CIIKCIU Markcl fair. Fancy full cream ,
Cheddars , single 13o ; full cream twins , liio ;
young Americas , 13) ) c ; brick cheese , 100 Ibs
In cuso , 15o ; Llmbergcr , 100 Ibs In case , 14c :
Saurs' fanny Ohio , lUe.
LIVE POULTHV Spring chickens , $ l.75a (
2.00 ; old fowls , $2tXii2.50 ) ( ; ducks , J2.2.1
( J2.75 ; geese , ftl.50 per doz ; turkeys , in very
light request , 7@7J < e. Dressed Chickens ,
SQlOpcrlb ; turkeys , ll@12)ifo ; ducks aud
geese , ll@12J o.
Souu KKOUT fS.2. " > per bbl.
GAME Receipts light chickens
. . . , . . . . . _ _ ; prairid . _ _ , '
I IVW.J I O ! ! ul .1..1 ft m.rt m f
r > . . . | 'V , l l\l < _ iTl.iru , JUVJV lilUUILa , tU'ti > U UUUI1 ,
Jacksnipe , Jl.OOpcr doz ; nntclopo and deer ,
per Ib. , carcasses. 9o ; saddles , 12Q2,14cj.
OYSTEUS Shell , $2.00 per hundred ; bulk ,
40o ; Tiger , 20c.
POTATOES The market is well supplied ,
Utah and Colorado stock sells nt 80 < 385o ; Ne
braska and Iowa stock 53@70o per bushel.
SWEKT POTATOBS The market Is well sup
plied with homo grown at C3ij75o ( per bushel ;
Virginia stock 3o perlb.
ONIONS Choice largo California onions im
offered on thomarketutOOcperbubhel. HOIIH
grown , C0cji$1.00 ( , '
1 GAUI.IPLOWEII 3.50 per doz. ' ' .
Tlio' uiurket is fairly wcl
supplied with" good stock. Hell ft Cherry ,
IT.M ) ; Hell .V Uugle. * * .00 ; d joCods , $9.00.
HKAXS Hnnd-plcked navy , $2.50 per bushel ,
nnd other grades down an low us $1.25. Cali
fornia stock. $2.40 per bushel.
Cci.r.nv The receipts nrb larger nnd the
stock better. Good stock brings OQ35o u
dozen ,
CIDEII Choice Michigan icldcr , $ O.OOQ0.50
per bbl. of 32 gal.
CoanNt'TS Good stock. $5.00.
LnMo.NS Messina , $ o.50rtO.OOj ( Maiora ,
17.00 ; Sorronto , $7.00.
M.U'i.K SfOAit Chotco Ohio stock , lOo per
Porconx Choice rice corn , Ocpcr Ib ; other
Inds , 2ri2t ( eporlb.
HONEY Choice. In 1 Ib.frames . , 21c.
OIIANIIES Messina out , of the market ;
Louisiana , $9.00 per bbl , $5.00 per boxJu- ;
niela , $10.00 per bbl , $5.50 per box.
APPLES Choice Miehlpin apples , homo
rown , $3.000(3.50 ( ; Jonathans , $3.60@3.75.
GiuiT.3 Homegrown stock Is In liberal
npnly and Is moving fecly nt 4 > fc l > erxund | ) ;
California , Tokay , $2.50 per crate ; Muscats ,
2.50 ; New York , 10-lb baskets , 35 ( < f45o.
QUINCKS New York stock , $7.500J8.00 per
H NANAS The mnrketls well supplied with
unnnus ut. $2.XK ( < ? 3.00 per bunch.
Ni'Ts New crop ; Ohio chestnuts , 15 ( < ? 18c
crib ; pe.inuts , 7.jC ! , raw ; nuts , 13o ;
liuonds , Tarragona , 20o ; English walnuts ,
80 ; filberts , 12c.
Flour nnd Feed.
The follniemu nrc thejohhlna prices :
Minnesota patents , $2.50 per uwt ; Mlnno-
otu backers' straight , $2.20 per cwt ; Kansas
hd Missouri winter fancy patents , $2.450
.00 ; Nebraska patents , $2.2502.35 ; rye flour ,
1.750J 1.1H ) per cwt ; rye , Graham , $1.40 per
wt ; wheat , Graham , $1.75 per cwt ; corn-
ncal , yellow , 90e per cwt ; cornmeal , white ,
1.00 per ewt ; choppe'd feed , $14.00@10.00 pel-
oil ; brnn , $12.00ft ( ) 13.00 per ton ; screenings ,
9. < X)012.00porton. )
HAY Slow ; upland prairie ? 7.00 ; common ,
'onr&e ' , J0.00j/0.50. (
Grocers' Lint.
COFKKI : Ordinary grades , 20(520 ( ] c ; fair.
! lfl'Jll ( e : prime , 21J < 0'22c ; fancy green and
cllow , 230t25y ; old government .lava , 2S@
to ; interior .lava , 25i2 ( c ; Mocha , 28S30o ;
Vrbueklo's roasted , 2.Wo ; McLauglTlln's
XXXX , 25 c ; Dllworth's , sViis ; Red Cross ,
7I C.
RKFIXF.D Lvun Tierce , OJ < o ; 40-lb sqtiuro
ans , OXe ; 50-lb round , 7e ; 20-11) round , 7o :
0-lb pails , 71fc ; 5-lb palls , 78'c ; 3-lb palls ,
mwdered , 74ifi7Kc. ( Medium in bbls , $0.50 ; do in half
ibis , S3.75 ; small , in bbls , 4-7.50 ; do in half
jbls , $4,25 ; gorklns , in bbls , $8,50 ; do In half
ibis , $4.75.
WOODENXVAUE Two-hood palls , per doz ,
* 1.45 ; 3-hoop pails , $1.70 ; No. 1 tub , 0.50 ; No.
Jtub , $5.50 ; No. 3 tub , $4.50 ; washboards ,
' 1.75 ; assorted bowls , $2.25 ; No. 1 churns , 9 ;
S'o. 2 churns. $8 ; No 3 churns , $7.
Ton\cco-Lorillnrd's Cliinuv , 44c ; Splcn-
lid , 41c ; Mechanic's Delight , -lie ; Leggett &
Meyer's Star , 41c ; Cornerstone , 34c ; Drum-
nond's Horse Shoe , 41e ; T. J. , 37e ; Sorg's
Spearhead , 44c. *
HIIOOMS Extra 4-tic. $2.00 ; No. 12 ; No.
2 , $1.7.1 ; heavy stable , -1.
CANDV Mixed , 8K ( llc ; stick , S'-rftJTOJtf.
Cuu'KUiis Gnrnenu's soda , bnftcr and
.ilenio. 5o ; creams , So ; ginger snaps , 80 ; city
soda 7c.
Tr.\s Japan , 20 ( 55c : gunpowder. 20(5 ( ? )
io e ; Young Hyson , 25@55c ; Oolong , 'JtHjg
JELLIES 30-lb palls , $1.80(7 ( < n.90.
PKOVISIONS Hums , lllJJll' ' o ; breakfast
laeon , 119fO.'t'i b.ieoii sides , ! > Jfffilc ( ! ; dry
" alt , 7r < 0 < sc ; shoulders , ' ( i'1 1 ; diiedbccf
lams , lOC'tllc ; dried beef regular , 9i < ( glOi'jc ;
nuns picnic , 7f ( Sc.
DIIIUD Fnrii.- . Apples , new , ' .f'aOe : evap
orated , 50-lb ring , UKalOi c ; raspberries ,
jiitted cherries , peaches , now ,
74 ! < ' ; evaporated peeled peiichcs,28 ( 20oovap ;
orated , unpnral , lS ( JHie ; now currents , "i , ' 4
( i7' c ; prunes , S5f."i > ( 'i > ; citron , 2f > c ; raisins ,
London layers , * J.0&2.41) ; ! ) ; California looao
muscatels , $2.10(22.20 ( ; new Valencias , S 4Vi ( !
Uoi'i : Soven-sixtecnt'iis Inch , lljf@12c.
SYULINo. . 70 , 4-gallon kegs. j-l.455Sl.50 ;
New Orleans , per gallon , ii8@.llo ( ; nmplc
syrup , half bbls , "old time. " per gallon , 8lc ) ;
1-giillon cans , ) ) doz , $10.50 ; half gallon
cans , per do/ . * 0.25 ; quart cans , $ . ' 1.25.
STAIICH Mirror gloss , 'iJi'c ; Graves' corn ,
' c ; Oswego gloss , 7c ; Oswego corn , 7c.
CANNED Goons Oysters , standard , i > cr
case , $ Jt,10Jf1.15 ( ! ; strawberries , 2-lb , pvrcumo ,
$ ; i.OOtt.lO : ; raspberries , 2-lb , per case ,
3.10 ; California pears , per case , * 4.GO ( < ? 4.70 ;
apricots , per case , $4.10@l.25 ; peaches , per
case , $5.75g5.85 ( ; white cherries , per case ,
$0.00 ; plums , per case , $3.80(23.90 ( : blueber
ries , per case , $2.30@2.40 ; egg plums , 2-lb ,
| ior case , $2.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per case ,
S3.205.75 ; Mb salmon , per do/ , $1.90@1.95 ;
2-lb gooseberries , per case , $3.25Vi3.35 ( ; 2 Ib
string beans , per case , $1.75 ; 2-lb limn beans ,
per case , $1.00 ; 2-lb marrowfat peas , ? 2.50Td (
2.00 ; 2-lb early .Tunepeas , per case , $2.75 ; 3-lb
tomatoes , $2.40072.50 ; 2-lb corn , $2.30@2.40.
Dry GooilH.
PniXTS SOLID Coi.ons Atlanta , fi' e ;
Slater , 5c ; Herlin Oil , OMc ; Garner Oil , OOj )
7c. PINK AND ROIIKS Richmond flo ; Allen
Oo ; Rlvcrpoint fie ; Steel River Oc ; Richmond
mend tic ; Pacific OXc. INDIIIO : Wash
ington Oc ; Century Indigo blue prints , lOo ;
American OJ e ; Arnold CJ c ; Arnold H 10 , ' c ;
Arnold A 12c ; Arnold Goldseal 10' < c. Daiiss ;
Charter Oak , 4e } ; Rama ] > o 3Jfc ; Lodi-l e ;
Allen 5' < ; c ; Riehmond B > e ; Windsor Oc ;
Eddystono Oc ; Pacific Oc.
CoiiMvr JKANS Audroscogln , 7' ' e ; Kcar-
sage , 7J < fc ; Rockport , 0 > c ; Concstogu , O' c.
H\TT ! Standard. So ; Gem , 10 } < re ; Ucauty ,
12J e ; Hoone , 14o ; H , cased , ? 0.50.
COTTON FIAN.ST.I.S 10 percent trade dis
count LL , Ojfo ; CC , 7' c ; SS , Sifc ;
NamelCbs , 5) ) o ; No. 5 , lie ; EE , 9)/c ; ( JG ,
lO " e ; XX , 12e ; OO , 14 < : ; NN , liio ; RX ,
ISc" ; R , 20o ; No. 10 , 8 } < o ; 40 , lO c ; 00 , 12 ; < e ;
80 , 15c ; 30 , colored , lOc ; 50 , colored , 12o ;
70 , colored , 15e ; Hristol , IJi'Kc ; Union Pa
cific , ISc.
C\WT.T WAUP Hibb white , ISKc ; col
oredSO J < c.
GlNniUM Plunkett checks , " ' c ; Whlt-
tenton , 7 0 ; York , 7 c ; Normandi Drchb ,
8JJe ; Calcutta Dress , 8 > gc ; Whittenton Dress ,
9o ; Renfrew Dress , 9@12Jfi ; ! .
CAMimifh Slater , 4 } < ci Woods,4Kc ; Stan
dard , IJfc ; Peacock , 4 > < re.
TICKS Lewiston , 30 in , , 12Kc ; Lcwiston ,
32 in. , 13Kc ; York , 32 in. , 14c ; Swift River ,
7 } < Tei Thorndiko OO.SJfc ; Thorndiko K F ,
8He ; Thorndike 120 , Kc ; Thorndiko XXX ,
15oCordisNo. ; 5 , 9Kc"CordisNo. ; 4 , lie.
Dr.siMs Amoskeag9 oz. , Hie ; Everett 7
oliio ; York T oz. , 13c : Haymaker 8 } < ; e ;
.luffrey XX , ll'rfe ; .laffrey XXX , W e ;
Heaver Creek , A A , 12c ; Heaver Creek B"H ,
lie ; Heaver Creek CC , lOc.
KENTUCKY JI'.VNS Memorial ific : Canton
ISc ; Durham 27Ke ; Hercules ISc ; Leaming
ton 22 > ie ; Cottswold 25c.
CHASII Stevens' H , Oc ; bleached , 7c ; Ste
vens' A. 7) < c ; bleached , SJtfe ; Stevens' P ,
8 } < fo ; blenched , 9'ie ; Stevens' N , 9).e ;
bleached , W a ; Stevens' S R T. 12 > e.
MihCii.LANioUA : Table oil cloth , $2.85 ;
plain Holland S'tfo to 9c ; Dado Holland ISJ e.
FI.ANNII.S : Plaid Raftsman 32c ; 'Goshen
32 e ; Clear Lake 32J.c ; ; Maple City 3.JWc.
Whlto-G. H. No. 2 , 9f , 3lc ; ( ! . H. No. 1 , % ,
" - ' ' - . > a/ . - - - - - - - " -
jj ( j | JSTQ a.10
COMFOUTCltS Sli.l'Ifrfi IX )
HI.ANKUTS White , 4'l.OO ( iT.W ) ; colored 51.10
Hi.KACiir.n Snnr.Tixo Herkcly cambric ,
dale , 8 } u ; New York mills , lOko ; Pepperell ,
42 Inch , 10) < o ; Pepperell , 40 inch , Il' < o ; Pe | > -
percll , 0-4. 15o ; Pepperell , 8-4 , 18o ; I'epporcll ,
9-4. 20o ; Peperell ] , 10-4 , 22 > < fc ; Canton. 4-4 ,
8Vo ; Canton , 4-4 , 9.Vc ; Triumph , Oc ; Wnin-
buttu , lie ; Valley , 5c.
Hitow.v SIIIITINO : Atlantic A , 4-4. 7'/c ; A
HantioH , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic 1) , 4-4 , l > .l u ; At
lantic P , 4-4 , SJi'o ; Aurora LL. 4-1 , SJfc ; Au-
roraC , 4-4 , 4) ) < o ; Crown XXX , 4-1 , 0fo ] ;
Hoosler LL , 4-4 , 5Jfc ; Indian Head. 4-47Uc ;
Luwrenco LL. 4-4 , 5V0 ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
5fc ; Pepporell R , 4-4 , 0) < " fc ; Pepperell 0,4-1 ,
Oo ; Pepperell , 8-4. ICe ; "Pepperell , 9-4 , 18e ;
PepiHirell , 10-4 , 20o ; Utlcu C , 4-4 , 4&c ;
Wuchusott , 4-4 , 7o ; Aurora R , 4-1 , 0 > iu ;
Aurora H , 4-4 , Oc.
, General Markets.
Smuts Cologne spirits , 188 proof , $1.10 :
do 101 vroqf , JUia ; 'spirits , second ( luullty
101 proof. H.10ilo 18S prooft 1.00. Ak-oliol
lf 8 proof , 2.10 per wine ( rnllon. UedUtllled
whiskies , tl.OOGU.W. CSln blended , * | . 0
2,00 ; Kuntucky bourbons , 2,00 < Hfl.lX ) ; Kentucky -
tucky unil Pennivlvnula ryes , $2.00Jil.f ; > 0 ;
Golden Sheaf bourbon nnd rye whiskies , f 1.60
ported , i > cr cnse , $28.00(203.00 ( : American , per
cnso , | 1U.OH@10.UU.
HEAVV lU'mm-AiiE Iron , rate , t2.TO ; plow
steel , special east. 4Ke ; crucible steel , 0 , ' e ;
cast tools , do , 12@16c ; wagon spokes , per set ,
$2.00@r..ftO ; hubs , per set , fl.50 ; felloes ,
sawed dry , I1.C < ) ; tongues , each , 80c : axles ,
each , 75o ; square nuts , per Ib , Ikfttnc ; cell
chain , per Ib , 0 } < fflit ; ; malleable , 8 ( < § IOc ; Iron
wedges , Co ; crowbars , do ; harrow teeth , lc\ \
spring steel , 4ifr ( > c : Burden's horse shoes.
f 1.75 ; Uurden'a mule shoes , $ , " .75 ; barbed
wire , In car lots , M.OO i > or HH ) Ibs ; Iron nulls ,
rates , 10 to N ) , $2.40 ; steel nails , W.fiO.
HIDES Green butchers' , fiWu : green
cured , 7c ; dry flint , 10o : dry salt , 8c ; srcen
calf skins , 7) ) < c ; datnagea hides , two-thirds
price. Tallow 3)/o. Grease Prime white ,
Ho ; yellow , 3c ; brown , l ) c. Sheeiipclts.
COAL Egg , flO.OO ; nut. $10.00 ; range ,
* 10.00 ; walnut block , M.MI ; lown lump , f3.r > 0 :
Iowa nut , J2.73 ; Illinois , H.2o4.75.
Dry Inunbcr.
A 0 In. White Pine $35.50 ; C $29.50
U " " " 33.50 ; D 21.00
1st nnd 2nd. ' clour , 1 , It/Inch , s. 2 B $50 50
3d , clear , 1 inch , s. 2 s. , 45.50
" " IK , IV , a in 40.50
A select , 1 inch , s.(2 ( s. , 40.00
. .f,1j'2 ! In 44.00
H " 1 inch , s. 2 s. , 30.00
" " l/-f. 1J , -in 37.00
Clear Poplar , Hx. Hds. X in , , s. 2 s $35.50
" " U In. Panel , s. 2 s 27.00
" " Corrugated Coiling , X. . . 23.50
O. G. Halts , 2J4 in $00.75
" } .fx3 in. , s. Is 00.45
3 In. Well Tubing D & M nnd Hev 23.00
Pickets , D & H , Flat.- 20.50
" " Square 21.00
No. 1 com , s. 1 s$18.00 No. 2. com , s 1 sl7.00
No. " " 15.50 No. 4 , " " 13.00
A , 12 , 11 and 1C ft. $21.50 ; C $15.50
H , " " " 20.50 ; D 12.50
No. 1 , 4 & 0 In 12 & 14 tt , rougli $19.50
No. 1 , " " Hi" " 19.50
No.2 , " " 12&14" " 10.00
No.2 , " " 10" " 17.50
1st com. J { In White Pine Ceiling $31.00
2nd " " " " 23.00
Clear , ? H' in. Norway " " 10.00
2nd com. f In. " " " 14.00
STOCK uouins.
A 12 inch sis $45.50
No. 1 , com. 12 s I s , 12 ft 20.50
' II ft 19.00
1 " " 10ft 13.50
No.2 " " HI.OO
" " " 10ft 17.50
Inch Grieved Roofing , $1.00 per M more
than 12-inch stock hoards same length ,
siii.vni.ns , LVTII.
XX clear .43.10 Kxtr.i * A * ? 2.90
A * Standard. . . . 2.75 * A * II U & H. . . 2.55
i in. clear , No. 1. 1.50 Lath 2.05
White cedar , 0 in. , Ks. l"c ; 9 in. qrs , llo ;
in. qrs. , 11V ; 4 in. round , 15c ; Tennessee
Red Cedar , split , 15c ; Split , 12c.
Quincy white linio ( best ) , 90c ; Akron ce
ment , $1.75 ; hair , 30o ; plaster , $2.75 ; tar board ,
? 1.7.1 ; sash , 40e per ct. ; doors , lOo per ct. ;
ilinds , 40o per et. ; mouldldgs , 40c per ct. ;
tar felt , per cwt. , $2.75 , straw board. $1.75.
rjom. 4 & i ! in. flooring $17.50
Star " " 21.50
Jlear % in Ceiling 21.50
Clear y in Partition 25,00
neur finished , 1 & 1Jin. . B 2s 29.00
Jlear corrugated ceiling , 4 in 27.00
Yellow pine cusinir and base 20.00
The members of the carpenters' union
fo. 68 lire requested to bo present at the
looting Saturday evening.
Made Ills Own Coflln.
Macon (111. ( ) Correspondence Indian-
ipolis Journal : "Old Bill Watson , " as
10 calls himself , lives a few miles south-
ca&t of this plneo in Moultrio county ,
tlo is very eccentric , and is cbielly
viiown to fame as the man who made
liis own collin. A visit was recently
made to Watson's quuvtors and tlio
collin presented for inspection. The
article is made of plain black walnut ,
tlio lumber having1 been cut by Watson
eight years before ho finally concluded
to coiibtrnct a collin for himself. Five
years ago. after the lumber Inul been
seasoned for eight years , bo &et to work
upon its manufacture.
bfcTbo lumber was soaked in oil and
then treated to a coat of varnish. At
Iho bend bo put a cross-piece , which
raises that end some live inches higher
than the other. Ho snid : "When I lie
down 1 want my head raised. " The
reason given for its inanufiicturo is bo-
bausc of tlio shoddy chiiraotor of Iho
shop-made article. This , bo says , will
last , being made of inch and a quarter
btulT , well put together with eigblpcnny
nails. Ho says bo docs not expect to
use it for some time , but thinks it well
enough to have it ready when wanted.
Mr. Watson is seventy-tlirep years
old , wasa Mexican boldierand his claim
was allowed a short time ago. lie wns
also a faithful soldier in the late war.
His wife IH quito u young woman , and
seems to euro as little for the prpsoneo
of the collin as does bur husband , llo
lias lived on bis present farm for forty-
four years.
mio ii rxicqi'AiiTiD vriin Tim ctoanirur or Tins
Iiy rcaion of Its central potUlu-i ' -.rue relation to line
Eakt of ClilcaKo , and contln.oui II.K-J at trrmlna
points VI fit , North v , ct anil fioathwtit , U tlie trua
middle link la thnt tran eontln ntAi pattern vlilch
InTlto and UcWUtca tra > tl and trafllo between tbo
Atltntlo nnd 1'aclflc.
The Kock I , land main line and branches Include Chi-
eaeo , Jollet , Ottawa , J.iballo , 1'eorla , Oonetoo , llollno
and Hock Island , In Illinois i I.m-n | > ort , Ituicallne ,
Washington , r lrflld , Ottumna.Oskaloosa Lib
rty. Iow Clty.pei Molnei. Indlanola.Wlnte Atlan
tic , ktioxvllle , Auilubon , llarlan , duthrle Contra and
Council lllurTi , tiloira ; U-ilUtln , Trenton , tt. * , irpn ,
Cameron and Kuwm Cltjr. In Illssourl : I.eai jworlh
atd AtohUon , InKarsui Albert Lea , Mlnneapolli and
St. Paul , InMlnnejoUj Wntertuwn and Sioux Falli.lg
Pakota , and hundred * of Intermediate- cities and town *
. ' . 'The Great Rock Island Route"
Guarantees fprcd , cotnfort , certainty and lately. Its
cirmanent war U dUttnKUlthrd for Hi eicellcnco. Ill
brtdeea are of stone and lion. Its track li of lolld
ftnel.lti rolllne > tock perfect. Hi parteneer equipment
bai all tbeiatetynrpllancuj that cip rlencahaiinwo4
ustful , and for luxurious accommodations Is
paiPcd. Its Kxpreiid Traliu consist of f ulterior Pay
Coaiho , elf canl I'ullman falaca Turlorand Blreplug
Cars , superb Dining Can , proTldlni ; delicious meals.
and ( between Chlctca nnd St. Joeph , AlehUon and
Kansas City ) reitful IU-ellnIni Chair Cars. lt < man-
Bscmcnt It conterratlvc , Its dUclpllco .tactic j
"Tho Famous Albert Loa"
Bttwttn Chicago and Minneapolis and St. I'a. Is tliu
I aTorlto. Orer this Una fcolld Fait Eiprcis Trains rua
dally to attractlre resorts tor tourl.H In Iowa and
tllnueiota , and , rli WaU-rtown andSIoui Falls , to the
rich wheat and grating lands of Interior Dakota. Via
Seneca * and Kankakew , the Itoek Island orTers superior
Inducements to trarelers between Cincinnati , Indian
apolis. Lafayctto and Council niuffs , Et. Jorerh , Atchl-
ton , Leatenworth , Kansas City , bt , 1'aul. and Interme
diate points. All patrons ( ciptclally lidlei and chil
dren ) receive protection , courteiy and Llndly attention ,
For tickets , maps , folder * , copies of Western Trail , or
any desired Information , apply to principal ofttces In
la * United States and Onada , or address , at Chicago ,
I.I. CAIlt , [ .ST. JOHN , .I.JI. HUIIOOI ,
' Ml Mlat > Mui.
Dealer in Agricultural Implements , laps.
Carriages ana ttngtlr .tone * Strerl.ltclnUiiVth end
Wth.Omthn , Nfbt k .
. .
_ JJuMlf" . Kle. Whol * ate. Omaha , Nebraska.
Whole § ! IVslori In
Agjicnllnral Implements , Waps & Busies
HJI , WB , IW > and an. Jones Streal , Oaiah * .
P. P.
Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills. Seeders ,
* M' i } & % & 'Aw&sr * *
Agricultural Implements , ! anons SBnegies
Corner IICIi and Nicholas turrets.
Artists' Nlntorlnls.
A. HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
ISM Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Boots and Shoos.
W. V. MORSE & CO. ,
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
lUlFxrnanifat.Omnlia. Neb. Manufactory , Summer
_ Street. llonton.
( Successors to Heed , JOIIPII A Co. )
Wholesale Mannfactnrers of Boots and Shoes
Agents for Boston llubticr ShonCo. 110J , 1104 A HOG
llarney St. , Omaha , Nanrasan.
_ Coffoas , SplpoB , i Eto.
Oinaha Coffee niul Splcu Mllli.
Teas , Coffees Spices , Baking Powder ,
FlaTortDK Kitrnrtu , tanmfrr lllue. Inkn , Ktc. nil HIS
Hartley Street , Uuiaha.
Crookory anclnasworo.
Agent for the Manufitctuicrs anil Importer'of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys.
Ktc. Offlco.31TB.13Ui St. , OmNbn. Nctirnskn. '
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing ,
Butter , Kens ntul Produce. ConilKnmi-nts notlcltod.
Ueftdnimrli'r * for Stoneware , Ili-rry Unit's aud
Urape Hasktti. 1414 Dodge tt. ! . Umalm.
Storage and Commission Merchants.
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , Hutter , Game. Krults , Ktc. tia South 14th St. ,
Omitha , Nebraska.
( Successors to McSlitnc A. Hchrocdpr. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
OmnliH , KclirH9kn.
Coal , Coke nnc Ulmo.
Jooliers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
203 South Nth Street , Oinaha , Xolirnskn.
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime ,
inil fhlppcrsof Cdnl , Coke , Ci'incnt. l'ln lor , l.lme ,
Drnln'lllcnnit Spwor I'lpp. OITloo , I'niton Hotel ,
Knruum M. , Oniiihu , Net ) . TuU'pliuiic ; til.
Sliippers of Coal and Coke ,
211 South Dili ? t. , Omnlin.Nrb.
Dry Coodei and Notions.
MTe. M\TH& \ CO. ,
Dry Goods , FnrnisliiiiE Goods and Notions
ltW ( and lwnoiiKln , Cor. llth Ft. , Oinahn , Neb.
" " "
Importers and Jooliers in Dry GooflsMions ,
Gents' I'urnlililnK Oood , Corner lllh nnd llarncr SU. ,
Omaha , Nvbritska.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Firnam Street. Omaha. Nrbrntkrt.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
703,707,7W ( anrt 711 S. 10th St. . Oomhix , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
lllb und LeaTcnnorth Slrt'eCs , Onmliu , Nobruskn.
b. M7sTEE"l.E A ; CoT
Wholesale Grocers ,
1119 , mnud \ l.-S Uarucr Struct , OmthR , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1111 anil 1110 llurncy Street. Omuha , Neb.
Johhers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tlmrnru.bbecl frun.Ktc.vcnti for Hrmr. Scalesnnd
.Miami 1'owiler Co. , Onuba , Neb.
Builders' ' Hardware & Scale Repair Shop
llt'Chaiilcs1 Tool > nnd RiHTnlo Scales. 1(05 Douglai-nt ,
Omabn , Ni'liraskH.
Wholesale Hardware ,
10th nnd Ilitrnpy Sis.Omnha , Neb. Weitern Aaonll
for Ailflli ) 1'uwJiT Co.Jeni-rion Steel .V llf , 1 ulr-
bnnkii Slnndard Si-alen.
Heavy Hardware.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
- " Waeon Stock. lUrilnnrn Lumber , etc. 1M
inl l.'ll llnrnnj Hlrac't , Ouiulia.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
VTaron unrt Carrlairo Wood Stock , Hear ? Hardware ,
Ktc. 1217 and l.'ln l .ivunworlti St. , Oninliu , Nub.
rials , Caps , ttc. "
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
1107 llarnej Street , Oinaha , Neb.
and ILER & CO. ,
Importers & Jobbers of FineWines &Liprs
East Indln lllltcr nnd Iam < 9tlc Liquors. 1112 Ilarney
All kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
16th fc-trect and Union Pacific Track , Oinehn.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Docnetc. Yards-Corner 7th nnd Iouga ! ; Corner 3lh
and Doufli * .
c. N. PEITZ.
Dealer in all Kinds of Lumber ,
13th and Callforuln St . . Omaha. Nab. _
Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
_ Corner Cth and Dmnln BU. , Omaha.
To Dealers Only , - -
Offlcc. 1403 Tarnim Street. Omaha.
Wholesale Lumber , Eto , !
fmportrtl \merlrnn fnrlland Cement. State agen
toi ililitttukeo llrdraullc Cewcat and Qumcy
_ | _ WhIU Lima.
Beit and tborteM / tern now in uie. Ciroulari
ftol. A. M , U AKUI.XU. UgslOl , 8t.L iU ,
= 5
CHA3. R. LEE ,
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wooa CarptU md rrqu t flaotlai. 9th and Dou1 *
Importers & Jokers of Millinery & Notion ?
1(8. ( : iO and nt South llth Street. J
Notions , v
Wholesale Notions and Finishing Goods'
_ 4TO nJ toi South 10th 8Ut t. Om ht. *
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods. >
. Oroithn. '
_ OH8. _
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , ,
kilt Ureate. etc. . Omaha. A. H. Blttiop. MtmtfN
x Paper. _ , 4 <
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
! * rr7)tnlce utock of nrlntlnK. wrapping unit irrltlnf
l pcr. Cp cl l ntlfnllou men tocir lu J unlort.
_ Prlntero M atorlqls.
Aniiliar ? Pnlshers ,
) ealen Intrpi * , prpi ei find printer * ' luprllet. UA
itb Strt''l , Umuhit.
RuoDor Goods.
Manufactnrers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
Oil Clolbliu ftiul Ix-atlior llultlnit. HIM Kitrni\m Sliin't.
A. L. STRANG co. .
Pomps , Pipes and Engines.
Etcnm , wnti-r , rnllwiiT niul mining suiiplli" . etc. Rid ,
1C ! und VH r'nrnam Mrt'i'l , CHimlm.
Wholesale Pumps. Pipe , fittings , , '
Etcnm Hnd Water Kmiplle * , llpailquiirlor' fur Mn > (
Foost A Co' goods. 111 ! KimiHin SI. , Oiunlm. .
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Hnlllcinjr Wind Slllln. Ollnnil 1W Knrimm bt. , Omnhft.
U. K. llo" , Acllnii .Miuiiiiier. _
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
tlhcct Iron \Vnrk , Slcnm VunipK , S w Slllls. 1213-1215
LcHTcnirortli btrci't , Oamliii.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
l unil 011 Jones M. , Onm'm
Storogo ,
Storage , Forwarding and Coinmission ,
llrniicli lHiu pot tinllrnnrr lliiKtry Co. lliiirntFt nt
wholesale mill ri'lull. UK. I till niul ISU luinl blieul ,
Unmlin Ti'lepluiiii-Xu. T. < l.
Tons nnd Chjjars.
Importers and Jofcs of Teas & Cigars ,
Bplcci und lulsy Ilnklne IVmdor. Mill and Ulb llur *
ncy street , Oiimhn.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice1
John Kpcnctcr , Proprietor. M ) llmlao mid llll ami 10
Kortli It'lfi ' yirt-ut , Omulm. ; M }
Smoke Stacks , Boilers ,
H. K. SAWYER. . \
Manufacturing Dealer in Smote Stacks ,
Drltclilngs , Tnnkii mid ( icnernl llnllrr Itrpulrliie. 13V
Uoclgu Street , Oiimlm , .Sob.
Iron Works
f ronght and Cast Iron Building Wort ,
nclni * ! , Ilrasn work , genrril foundry , runchlne nnd
bluikiuilth work. ODice und works , U , 1 * . Ity. uiid ,
Ktb Street , Omalui. < )
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railing !
Desk ralli , window cunrd , flower slanrti , wire \tui \
etu. , 12J North ICtb ft. , Oinatin.
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes
Vuulta , jail Tork.lrnn and nlrn ffnrlnc. ilKUS , otc. C
Anilrvcn , 1'iup'r. Cgr. Kill KIH ! JuikMin ritK.
General Apcnt § ( or Dlcbold pafu k U > ck Co.'a t ,
Fire and Burglar Proof Safesjimc Lock
Vaults and . .lullVutk , llli i-'arimni slrei't , Omaha , j
Overalls. jj
' ' '
Manufacturers of Overalls , j
Jranx Pants , Slilrtn , Ktc 11IW nnd 111)1 ) Uouclai Street *
Oiiiuhu , .Nub.
Sash , peers , Eto.
M7 A. b'lSBROW & CO. ,
\Vholonlo Mnnufacturcm of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Brunch omco , ith and liard S'treets , OmabM , Ncbf
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldln , StnlrWork nd Interior llnrrt Wood Kln
lib. N. i : . Corner 8tli nnd ! . < Yen w 01 Ih Mrects , j
Oinahu , Neb. Ji
Manufacturers of Mouldings , Sash , Doors ]
And Ullndx , Turning , Stair-work. Ilnnk and OOlci
Httliik'i. Jill and Poppli'lon ATUIIUK. '
Lager Beer Brewers , ,
K\ \ North Kliihtoentli Ftrcct. Omuhii. Neb.
Live Stock Commission Merchants , V )
Onico-Konni2O | > poMI Kiclmn c Ilullillng , Unlofl
Stock Y rJ , Smtli Oiuatiu , .Si-b.
Live Stock Commission Merchants , v
Market ftirnliilir'1 ' frcoon application , Slorkcra anA
fecdf'Es turnl lied un coot ] t rni . ll tf nlnc * ' : Om
lia National Hunk und HoutU OinaUa Natluiiul , Uuloo !
Block YunlB , boutli Omaha.
Live Stock Commission ,
Room 15 , KxctianiiR llulldlnt ' , , Uiiloa block VardiJ
Huilth OmnUu , Nob.
Commission Dealers in Live Stock ,
II com Z ) , Kichanre rtulldlnc , Ualriii Rtcick Vili. Sj
Omabit. Hofrrjnce , ; Union Nut'l Hank , Onuilini
Union Block Vnrd Hank , i > . Omaba , K. 6. Uunlvr"
I'fei , Am , llank A. Tru t Co. , Oiimlm.
Commission Dealers in Live Stock , ;
Hoom S ! , oppnnlto EirhnnEe llulldlnj : , Union Hloc
Yurdi , beuth Onmlia , Nct > .
Of Oinaha , Limited , ;
_ John If. Buyd , KuperliitoaUont.
Incomparably the Cast.
nATCUTO TIIOS. I'.SIMI'rON , Wuihlnif *
> I fn I A tun , I'tlN l > " ) ' nuked lof ,
H kll W i > mtuu until obUlueU. Wrlvi