Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1887, Image 1

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Hia Ingenious Argument in the An
archist Case.
Tlic liofltnn Ijnwycr Itoldn Tlmt In
Sonic Cnscn They Arc Superior to
Those of Americans Grin-
licit For the State.
Mndc tlic JtidgCH Smile.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 23. [ Special Telegram
lo the HEE. ] The proceedings In the an
archists' hearing to-dny were ICHS Interesting
than yesterday. Everybody knew the points
rolled on by the anarchists' counsel and the
arguments made on them , mid it was appar
ent from Hutlcr's brief in the case that ho
had only one new point to make , which was
mentioned in my dispatch of last night.
States Attorney Grlnnell from Chicago
made the first argument to-day
and addressed himself mainly to
the constitutionality of the Illinois jury law.
Ho made quite an impression as an able and
logical advocate , and the court paid him un
usual attention. Duller -finished the argu
ment In a speech of an hour and three quar
ters. To say that ho made an argument is
perhaps doing his s ) > ccch too much honor. He
l > eke rambllngly , like a man who cither baa
no definite ideas or whoso ideas arc sadly
mixed. Ho sought to strengthen Tucker's
arguments as to the jurisdiction of the
court , and then actually claimed
that aliens in this country must bo tried
under the laws in force here at the time
when the treaty of amity between this imi
their respective native countries went intc
effect. These treaties only stipulate thai
foreigners shall have the same privilege !
and immunities when tried under the laws 01
the United States , but Uutlcr'sposition , uetu
ally , was that Spies should have
been tried according to the lav
in force a hundred years ngo
The court did not follow Hutlcr'h speech will
attention. The judges smiled occasionally
when the old gentleman became a little witty
but they generally occupied themselves will
looking over briefs and other papers. The
lawyers present seemed to bo amused at hi ;
line of speech and one of them salt
afterwards that his argument
was nothing more 'than ingeniously
absurd. The lawyers of the anarchists shov
a want of confidence in their success. Cap
tain Hlack and Mr. Solomon went about in :
disheartened sort of way and after the hear
ing was closed General Pryor stood in tin
corridor , leaning against a pillar , moodll ;
smoking ami chewing a cigar , while Tuckc
was standing by them with his eyes cast 01
the floor and seemingly lust in thought. Onl :
Uutlcr was as usual , pulling , blowing am
chewing uway us though ho had some par
ticulurly tough cud to dispose of. The opln
ion generally prevails that the court will den ;
the petition.
The Arguments in Detail.
[ Press. ] When the supreme court openci
nt noon , Attorney General Hunt statci
that ho had practically finished his 111
Kumcnt when the court adjourned yesterdu ,
and would not resume to-daybut would giv
way to Grlnnell. Gnnnell spoke forty-fiv
minutes , paying particular attention to th
composition of the jury. After roviewin
briefly the ground covered by the argumen
of Attorney General Hunt yesterday , Grin
iicll said that so far as the composition of th
jury was concerned there was only one ma
in it to whom any objection wa
raised by the defense and thu
was the man Sanford , wh
was the last juror selected. The attempt ha
been made , he said , to show that anothc
juror named Dcnkor had also been objectc
to but in reply to that it was only necessar
to say that at the time Juror Denkcr was ai
copied the defense had the right to 142 pn
cmptory challenges. If they had objected t
him very strongly they might liavo used on
of the prcemptory challenges to exclude bin
After reviewing at some length the cast
of the jurors , Sanford and Donkcr , Grinue
said that every man on the jury was dul
qualified under the common law. It was I
no sense a class jury. Three of the jurymc
wore men who labored with their own hands
ono of them was a man of foreign birth , an
there was not a capitalist among them ,
With regard to "unreasonable search an
seizure , " Mr. Grinnell said ho did not dcsii
and this was not the place to apologize ft
anything ho had done in this case. II
believed , however , that it had always bee
regarded as proper to deprive a criminal t
the instrument of his crime and to use sue
instruments as evidence against him. It ha
been done when the pistol was taken by fort
from the assassin Guitcau , and , if ho romcn
bored rightly , Guitean's papers had also bee
nelied. Ho recited the history of the bom
throwing inChicagoand enumerated article :
Mii-h as bombs , dynamite , etc. , which IK
longed to Spies , Lingg and others of the ai
archlsts which had been taken , not froi
tholr private houses , but from the ArboiU
y.cltung ofllro , the headquarters of the ai
archist party. Ho maintained tin
the question was not. how did these art
cles get before the court , but wh ;
did they prove , and again referred to tl
case of l\er vs the people of Illinois , cited I
the attorney general of the state yesterda ,
After speaking about forty minutes , Oil :
nell closed and General Hutler arose and o
Joeted to the latter part of GrlnnoH's urg
inent on the ground that it wont outside i
the printed record and brought in cxtnmeoi
matter to which no reference had befoi
been made. Ho observed that this cxtraneoi
matter must bo popular with the court or i
introduction would not bo permltte
Ho and his associates had been taken by su
prise and be must ask moro time in ordov
pp into the case fully and show that the Cue
stated by Mr. GrinueU were not in tl
record. If he should bo wrong , ho hoped 1
would bo corrected by men who did not a
vocato and defend man-stealing and proper !
After describing .what happened provio
to the Htiynmrket mooting , ho Mild : " .
that meeting a bomb was thrown by son
body for some purpose , and there Is not o
word in these 8,1)00 ) pages of evidunro to she
that any ono of those men hud anything to i
with the throwing of that bomb. Us i
plosion killed a single policeman and wlthh
few days all thcso int'n were arrested v/it
out warrants , committed to jail and lit
without examination and without procc
until they were indicted by a grand jurj
Ho said ho was ready to pledge himself tli
there was not u single man of t
Jury selected who had not said that Im hat
linn and some of them an enthusiastic cc
viotion , opinion and prejudice against the t
fendants. After u greit deal of rambll
talk about the composition of the Jury , d
satisfaction with the record , lade of tii'no 1
preparation , sentencing of the prisoners
thuir ubseivo and that of their counsel , t
Injustice done them by unreasonable ) sear
and sei/uic. etc. , General Hutlcr said that
all these things co-.dd bo done , the questl
to bivdebaled wes whether this govenuuc
would not bo better if it were overturn
luto'amux'hy than If it were to bo can-led on
this'fashion. "I have no four : " ho said , '
being misunderstood upon this .question ,
huvo.thoiiulvidimlity of being the only n ,
In the United States that condemned u
ivtccuted men for undertaking to ovcrtv
the law. There were tho'us'jmds
them , and for that ' ttct.pies
your honors , ' aprice , was set uj
my head as though I were si-wolf , and $ ; , ;
wus offered ' to any man that could capture
and murdc'r mo by JctTeison D.ivis > UI 'lit *
sot'iutes , and who , K they were bore at yi
' bar trying to ascertain whether they hoi
, . luve au honojt unu fulr trial for lU'-ir tr
crimes , and they called upon me , If their lives
Were In danger I should hold It to bo my duty
to do all I might to defend them. " After some
further talk General Hutler said ho agreed
fully that the first ten amendments of the
constitution were limitations of federal power
and not restrictions of the rights of states.
"Privileges and immunities , " however ,
claimed by the prisoners were privileges In
herent in each ono of the citizens of the sev
eral states of the union , because In a
vast majority wo were Hritlsh
subjects and had certain privileges
and Immunities inherited under common law
and the inagnu eharta. Wo claim that all
rights , privileges and Immunities that be
longed to a Hritlsh subject under the mugna
churtn belonged to each citizen of the United
States. The words "Due process of law"
mean "Hy the law of the land , " and not the
law of the county , n province , or a state , but
the law of the country the whole country.
Any other meaning given to "duo process of
law , " as used in the fourteenth amendment ,
would make It simply ridiculous and frivo
lous , because any state may enact a "duo
process of law" according to that state , by
which a man's life may bo taken , and from
which not a single right or immunity of
citizenship can protect him. General Hutler
then proceeded to consideration of the special
and peculiar questions raised by the eases of
Fieldcn and Spies , who lire foreigners. He
contended that treaties wcro the supreme law
of the land and that thcso prisoners were en
titled by virtue of the treaties with Germany
and Great Hrltain to all the rights and priv
ileges of American citi/ens nt the time such
treaties were made. A state had no power te
try these men by ono of its own laws whicli
was not the law of the land at the time the
treaties were ratified. He did not mean that
u foreigner could come into a state and brcnli
its laws with Impunity and that the state
could only try him in accordance will :
the law of the land the whole
land nt the time the treaty with bis gov
ernmcnt was made. This was an Important
question to every American citizen because
in return for the concession made by this
government in the treaty with Great Hritaii
the povcrnment of that country had made
similar concessions to us. Suppose a citizei
of the United States should go to Ireland
make remarks about a republican form 01
government , bo arrested and tried by the
crimes net in violation of the treaty. Would
we not stand up and say this man must bt
tried by a fair and impartial jury ! If this
should happen General Hutler hoped th (
English authorities would not bo able
to hold up to his guzo the decisioi
of the United States supreme cour
sustaining the right to try an Englishman bi
the local law of a state which was nothiiii
but a swamp and a howling wilderness at tin
time the treaty was ratified. After semi
desultory remarks about the record , refer
enccs to breaking open the safe and dcski
and charges of prejudice against the jury
General Uutlcr said that thu defense wa :
compelled to accept the last juror , Sanford
Their peremptory challenges were cxhaustci
and they could do nothing olso. Under th' '
circumstances they talked to him and coaxei
him and tried to get him into a state of mini
as favorable to their side as they coultl
Referring to the assertion of counsel
sol on the other side that th
petitioners had waived some of their right
through not insisting upon them by exceptioi
or objection at the proper time , and that
therefore , they wore stopped from usscrtini
these rights now , Hutler contended tha
when a man wus on trial for his lifo thcr
was no such thing \vuiverorestoppal. . General
oral 13ntler returned again to "unreasonabl
searches and seizures. " "Why , your honors ,
ho exclaimed , "they searched under a burp
hiry headed by the stale's attorney ou hi
own admission no miserable policeman o
half-witted constable , ' but. the state's prose
cuting attorney does'tho burglary , steals th
papers and says you can't help that. Ho put
it with a sort of triumph and yet wo are tel
that our immunities and privileges arc nc
invaded and our remedy It to sue for Ires
pass. What a beautiful remedy. Sue th
state's attorney and bo tried by such a jur
as the law of Illinois would give. Hotter b
in a place not to bo mimed for comfort.
General Hutler again urged that th
prisoners had been sentenced to deal
m their absence and in conch
sion said : "If men's lives can b
taken in this way , as you have seen exhibite
here to-day , wo had better have anarchy an
better bo without law than with auy sue
law. " General Hutler thanked the court fc
its indulgence and tool : his seat.
The chief just too called the next case o
the docket and the hearing of the motion c
the anarchists for a writ of rrror was over.
It seems to be the general impression amen
those who have paid the closest attention t
the proceedings that the counsel for the stat
had altogether the best of the argument , an
that the writ of error will not bo granted.
r.uoliainin's Opinion.
CHICAGO , Oct. 2S. [ Siicciul Telegram t
thoHni : . ] "What do you think of the poll
made by Hutler yesterday that Si > ies an
Fielden , as aliens , have privileges guurai
teed by treaty 1"
"l.think it's a poor point , " said ,1. II. Hi
chanan , of the Labor Enquirer , to whom tl
question was addressed , as the man mo :
prominent in the effort to obtain amnesty ft
the anarchists , "I think it is a bud point. 1
the first place it is not so , Mrs. Spies tcl
me. August Spies is a naturalized citizen , i
she tolls mo , and I think Ficldcn is , too , b' '
that doesn't ' cut any figure. Whether tin
are voters or not is of very little consequent
now. They have made up their minds
hung thcso men , r.r.d I guess they're going
do it. "
"Tho point lias been made that unless tl
condemned men sign the petition the govt
nor cannot take any cognizance of it. "
"That's all bosh. Why can't he ? The la
provides that executive clemency may 1
granted under certain conditions , and win
these conditions are simmered down thi
mean that executive clemency must bo ask
for. The prisoners may sign the petitii
either for themselves or by attorney. We
if I hustle around for them , ain't I actli
as their attorney ? I don't uudcr&tui
i that all of them have refused to si |
i the petitions. I think there are on
two of them who wont , but if the others i
and a general amnesty Is granted , do y
mean to tell mo that it wont apply to thci
, Sut-h restrictions can only work to abvid ;
i the right of petition whirh is granted
3 every citizen of the country. Take th
3 away and wherein does the government d
fer from the worst form of despotism ov
devised } "
.lust before this interview took place Ml
Van /limit was talking to Mr. Huchami
and she said in tlio hearing of the reports
"It scorns to mo that the ruling of the f
u promo court , whicli is that it doesn't ma
t any difference how the evidence was t
tallied so long as it proves the man gull
is an entire novelty in law. The article
to-day's Tribune which says that a bomb w
found in August's desk , is just as mean as
.1 can bo. The editor who wrote it knows ji
s us well as anybody that they only found kc
and some letters there. Oh , its just nwf
t They're riveting more fetters on the people
o this country every day. I'm sure I doi
a , know what is going to become of us all. "
Over at the jail the sightseers exhibit
more than usual impertinence and vulgar ! :
Three or four came in ami hu
around when- Parsons was talking with 1
wife and did their very best to overlie
what was said. Then they listen
awhile where Nina Van Znmlt was talking
Spies. Spies' slster-ln-law tallied w
Schwab awhile , and they tried to eavesdt
on their conversation. Miss Van Xai
turned .u-ounu and gave them nlcok froezi put out n furnace , but it. t
pot effect them lii the least.
"When Is they going to hang Ym ! " saldo
of tha wouim. right out louO ; with cr.lm
difference. ,
"Why , November 111" replied another.
' "Oh , my , tain't but a. Uttlo while. Lc
se'o's the iSth , " said the first , count !
on her lingers ; ; 'thlrty days-hath Septcmb
'April , Juuo and November , only Uirco dt
more hi. thU Month and then olcv
'O.ays.-wliy , it'llIjo just two wee
fium : , ' to-day. ' I'd - kinder' ,1. ' .
IP KCO 'em hun ( , 1 Know It'll bo just awful , I
tl 'I'd ' ilko to doc it , just jo klndiU'brag wbout
it j yon kuo\v.uud thus they vhauei'cd on ,
utterly regardless of the fcellncs of the men
on the other side of the painted wire netting
as If they had been so many pigs to bo
slaughtered when it came to bo hog killing
time. The male curiosity seekers wcro Just
as offensive. They stood around nnd gaped
at the relations of the anarchists much as
they would at a fat woman Inn dime museum.
Parsons was asked about the 1x > int
that tno governor could not consider
the pardon unless the names of
the condemned were signed to it.
Ho said : "I haven't heard of It before , and I
am not very much Interested in it. " Mrs.
Parsons said to him , "You'd ' better take your
exercise now. " and ho obediently turned
away , while she took her wicker basket , nnd
with a sigh , turned and left the cage.
The sheriff visits the jail every day now.
but be preserves a sturdy silcneo about all
ireparatlons for the execution. "Havo you
evolved any Intimation that Governor
Oglesby will grant the condemned men n
-espite In case the supreme court denies the
) ctition for a writ of error ? " ho was asked.
'Not a syllable ; don't know whether ho will
> r no ; no particular reason for It , as I sec , "
ho sheriff replied.
The Country Again ut the Mercy ol
the Monopoly.
NEW YOUK , Oct. 'JS. [ Special Telegram tc
.ho Hr.i : . ] The Tribune says : The most lin-
iwrtant step toward complete settlement ol
ho telegraph war , probably second only tc
ho purchase of the Baltimore & Ohio sys-
em by the Western Union company , was
: akcn yesterday. An agreement was made
between the Mutual Union , the fighting con
ingcnt of the Western Union company , and
ho Postal Telegraph company , which now
represents the only opposition. It is proba
b'le that this agreement merely foreshadows
n perfect coalition , but the principal ofllcen
of both companies Insisted that it covcret
only an advance in unprofitable rates. It wni
stated with much positivcness that no pur
chose , of the opposition lines was ever con
templated , and nt the office of the Postu
Telegraph company it was said that the tar
ft , in accordance with the agreement , had no
ivus that this acquisition'of the HaltimoroiS
Ohio lines by the Western Uuion was not an
been made and common opinion in Wallstrcc
nounced until terms with the Mackay com
panics had been arranged , and that the pros
cut agreement was the natural consequence
It was anticipated that an advance in cabli
rates would bo made immediately , nnd ii
fact the control of the opposition telegrapl
and cable lines wus in the hands of tin
Western Union company. It is tolerabl ;
certain that some sort of nn agreement exists
ists between Gould and Mackay and the pro
posed advance in rotes by the Mutual Unioi
and Postal companies is generally ucceptci
as sufficient proof. Gould said in reply to ni
inquiry whether the agreement meant ah
sprption of the Mackay land and occai
lines : "I guess not. As I understand thi
situation , the Mutual Union nnd Postal com
panics have agreed to advunei
rates to something near our tariff
They have been fighting each other , but tin
Western Union is not greatly interested ,
have not heard of any advance in cubl
rates. " Vice President Hosenor , of the Pos
tal company , said : "Tho purchase of th
Muekey lines by the Western Union is ou
of the question. I do not think there is an.
intentlou.of thatkind on cither side , and it i
understood that the advance in rates on th
Postal lines will curry with it abolition of re
bates , and that all ejompetitive 10 and 1
cent rates will bo given up , and the no\
schedule will agree very nearly with Wes1
ern Union. "
The olllcials of the Postal Telegraph coir
pany have formally announced that as u r (
suit of the conference yesterday the rates c
the Postal company will be advanced to th
Western Union standard on all message
under 25 cents and where the standard i
higher than that llguro the competing con
panics will make a slightly lower rate. Tli
advance will take effect on the 1st of Ni
A California Sheritt' TryiiiR to Cnptiu
United States Troops.
SAN FiiAXCibco , Oct. 23. United StaU
District Attorney Carey has received a tel
gram from the sheriff of Mendocino count
informing him ho was gathering a posse 1
capture Captain Shaw , whom General llo\
aril had sent in command of United Stati
troops to eject sheep herders and others fro
the Hound Valley Indian reservation in th
state. The telegram also states that tl
state court has issued a writ of injunction o
dcring Captain Shaw to desist from I'cmo
ing trespassers from the reservation. Di
triot Attorney Carey advised General llo\
ard to order Captain Shaw to surrender
the sheriff , which General Howard dcclim
to do without orders from the president i
secretary of war , whereupon Carey sent
dispatch to the attorney general nt Washin
ton. in whicli ho reviewed the above fac
and Mutes : "If the sheriff persists and Go
erul Howard continues to refuse followii
my advice it will probably result in bleu
shod. "
The China-American Hank.
Niw : YOUK , Oct. 2S. [ Special Telegram
the BEK. ] That part of the report tel
graphed from San Francifco on Wcdncsdi
regarding the now China-American bai
which referred to Vunderbilt as the nc
president of the bank , was treated with i
credulity yesterday at the general offices
the New York Central & Hudson Klv
railroad company. Cornelius Vnnderbi
who was supposed to bo the Vundcrbilt i
ludcd to , was not in the city and will not i
turn until next week. President I
pow , after carefully reading the San Fra
cisco dispatch , said that Vanderbilt had n
told him that ho had assumed any such rel
tions to the China-American bank. "My I
liof is , " said Dopow , "that Vanderbilt do
not intend to bo president of this Chine
bank. He is not the man to permit the u
of his tinma in an enterprise which ho won
not back financially , and become thorough
responsible for. Vanderbilt is much too bit
now with the affairs ho hus oil his hands
enter this new field. "
IteceJvci * For the Chesapi-alco & Ohi
CIIAHLE&TON , W. Va. , Oct. 2S. Yesterd
the Chesapeake & Ohio railway company cc
fessed judgment in the clerk's office of I
circuit court of this county in favor of C.
Huntington for $ l,7T2 , 7l > with interest a
costs. At the special term of the circuit coi
to-day Huntington filed a bill in chance
against the Chesapeake & Ohio railway co
puny and others , setting up n lien of his jut
ing and of his Judgment nnd alleging defui
of full payment and of interest on bonds , a
claiming that the Chesapeake & Ohio railw
company is insolvent and praying for the t
pointmeiit of a receiver. The court appoint
William C. Wickham receiver. Wiekham
now second vice president and mui
ger of the Newport News & Mississippi V
ley company.
A Great Case Settled.
Ci.r.vri.AND , Oct. 28. The great $20,000 , (
case against the New York , Pennsylvania
Ohio railroad company was ended in t
common pleas court to-day by payment of t
small amount of costs remaining. The s
was brought in 1S81 by James MoIIcnry n
J. C. Conyiieare for themselves and othe
holders of certificates issued in exchange 1
bonds and shares of the Atlantic ft On
Western railroad company againt Charles
Lewis , J. Hutes and others and the N <
York' , Pennsylvania & Ohio railroad co
Hoyal Arch Masons.
CHICAGO , . Oct.-23.1 Tbo grand chapter
Royal ArcliMasons' of Illinois 'hold Uio fli
boss'ioif of tliolrlhirty-cigh.t'h annual inceli
la-day , ' pJiHaiiilci1 . Hu'reluy , of Cairo , a
'Sylvester O. Spring of Peoria/wero elect
grand high priest 'aiid deputy t'ruiid hi
priest , respectively. ' . . . . . . .
The Courtly Southerner Falls to
Carry a Point.
Andrew Carnegie Tnlkn About Mr.
lilnlne.'H Presidential Prospects
Military Matters Federal
Much Atlo About Nothing.
WASHIXOTON , Oet. 2S.t-Spoclal [ Telegram
to the UEI : . ] There is * a decidedly mixed
state of things in the ( general land office ,
which promises to result ] in the loss of ono
official nt least. General Stmms of Virginia ,
is the chief of the division of fraudulent land
claims. Simms is n coujtly gentleman , very
punctilious In all mattcrs.of decorum and oil
quctte , not a personal frjc'nd ofC.ommlssloner
Sparks , but , on the contrary , ho does not got
along very well with that gentleman. Sparks'
especial pet has been a man named George ,
who made n sensation n few years ngo by
accusing. Congressman [ jEllls , of Louisiana ,
of all sorts of unplcaimt things. George
has been employed ns a kpccial agent of the
land ofllco for some timjj and has been under
the direction of General Simms. This gentle
man never liked George and has been fet
some time trying to get him discharged ,
Sparks opposed , but at last Simms succeeded ,
Hecently George was sent by Sparks to Simms
for n statement of his account. He carried n
note from Sparks , in' ' which that official
asked the chief of the frauds division to treat
Mr. George courteously. This was very dis.
pleasing to Sims , who remarked that ho ditl
not think that it wus necessary to instruct bin :
how to treat a gentleman ns n gentleman
should treat another. This remark was car
ried to the cars of Sparks by a man numcc
Young , who is the assistant chief in Simms'
division. Simms hcurdof it mid demanded tht
removal of Young. Sparks declined to remove
move Young , but intimated thuthewouli
accept the resignation of Simms if the latter
chose to tender it. This Simms declined to do
Instead ho went to the secretary and askct
that Young bo "fired. " Secretary Lamar ai
once instructed Sparks to discharge Young
Sparks said that ho would do nothing of the
kind but that ho would carry the matter te
the president. Yesterday the attention ol
the president was called to the controversj
and all parties arc anxiously awaiting the re
suit. If the president sustains Sparks , Simm ;
will have to resign. If , on the other hand
Simms is sustained the commissioner of the
land ofllco will probably swallow the insul
and retain his ofllco. Ho is not likely to let :
little thing like that induce him to leave u fa
on .Bhilnc.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 28. [ Special Tclegrun
to the Hr.i : . ] Andrew Carnegie is at tin
Arlington hotel , where ho was called upoi
last evening by a former classmate of Mr
Hlainc's. This gentleman to-day repeated ti
your correspondent what Mr. Carnegie hai
said about the Maine statesman. Ho deniei
the stories about Mr. Hlaiuc's health haviii ]
given way.
"Tho fact is , " said he , "Mr. Hluino neve
enjoyed bettor health in his lifo. Oh , yes
ho talked quite freely to mo about the politi
cal outlook nnd said ho would accept th
nomination if it was offer'ed. Ho is not no
will nol bo active wii\ view to seeurin
the nomination , but oxjn-osses the hope an
belief that if ho is nominated ho will b
elected. " '
In regard to the return of Mr. Hluino t
the United States Mr. Carnegie told my ir
formaut that no data had been settled upot
but it was certain ho would not return bofov
next May. Mr. Hlaine in one conversatio
referred to the political status of New Yorl
Ohio , Virginia and Maryland and said tlu
they could undoubtedly bo carried byth
republicans by a vigorous canvass. The
Mr. Carnegie added on his own account th ;
there was no doubt that Blaine was the con
ing man ; that if nominated ho would Mircl
be the next president.
Military MattcrH.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 28. [ Special Telegrai
to the HIR. : ] Forty-five recruits have bee
ordered to Fort Snelling , Minn. ; 200 to tl
Twelfth infantry and 20 to the Twentieth ii
funtry. A board of engineer officers consis
ing of Colonel Thomas L. Casey , Coloni
Henry L. Abbot and Major William H. Kin ;
bus been ordered to meet in New York f (
the examination for promotion of First Liei
tenant S. A.Hosslcr and Second Licutenan
David Dubo Gulliard and Harry Tuylo
Lieutenant Colonel .Tames Moore , tleput
quartermaster general , has been relieve
from the department of Dakota and ordert
to take charge of the quartermaster's depi
at St. Louis , relieving .Mnjor Charles Foste
Who is ordered to Fort Leavcmvorth ; Muji
James Gillis , on being relieved at Fort Lea
en worth , to report to the quartermaster go
oral for duty in this city. Captain Henry (
Hayncsworth , is transferred from Philade
phia to UutTalo , relieving Ctiptuln Duni
H. Floyd. Cuptuin Floyd will relieve Mnji
Augustus < } . Hobinson at St. Paul , Min :
Captain Curtis E. Munn , assistant surgco
bus been relieved from duty at Fort Cunb
Wyo. , and ordered to Fort Kialath , Or
Second Lieutenant Thomas Uidgeway , Fif
artillery , has been relieved from duty nt tl
cathedral school at Garden City , L. I. , ni
granted fourteen days leave. Extensions
leave have been granted us follows : Capta
Joseph Halo , Third infantry , three month
First Lieutenant Oscar J. Hartley , Fir
cavalry , ten days ; First Lieutenant Willi
ton Fish , Fourth artillery , has resigned , h
resignation to take effect December 31.
Pensions Granted.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 28. [ Special Telegra
to the Hi : n. ] The following Nebraska pensio
have been issued : Original : U. F. Grahai
Clay Center ; Wellington Potter , Elm Crcc :
Amos Miller , Ulysses ; S. C. Huckins , C ;
vert. '
Iowa pensions : Mexican war : Sara
widow of George Cox , Corydon ; J. H. Grime
Husscll. Original : C. M. Norton , Marsha
town ; William Gray , Glenwood ; Charles ]
Stewart , A very ; N. H. Flack , Sao Cit
Westley Harack , Walker ; Jacob Fraze
Marion. Increased : Hiram Hockwoll , He
ford. Keissued ? F. M. Perkins , Purkei
burg. _
lililn For Approaches.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 28 , [ Special Telegra
to the Hr.E.J Hlds were opened to-day 1
the supervising architect of the treasury f
the approach for the 'federal ' building
Council Hlurfs. The bfdders were ; John
Weaver , Council Hluffs , ft..nW ; John Ha
mer , Council Hlufl's , 1,730 ; Dumcsnil Hro
Louisville , fcVJOO.
WAMIINQTON , Out. 2 § . [ Special Tolcgrs
to the HF.c.l The following Nebraska po
masters wcro appointed to-day : Thomas
Austin , Julian , Netmahn county , vice Thorn
Tobin , superseded ; A'elson A. Wells , Lut (
Keyu Palm county , vice James Loverick , i
signed ; Mary Cosgrovc , Mound , Howa
county , vice Mr. Nettie E. Ncwull , reslgne
The name of the postoflleo at Tyghi , Ivei
county , is changed to Lisbon , and Edwa
H. Kenny appointed postmaster , Jacob
Wcrtz , superseded.
Steamship Arrivals.
NEW YOUK , Oet , 28. [ Special Telegram
the HEK , ] Arrived Tho1 Hritannic , fr <
Liverpool ; the Canada , from L'ondoti ; t
Aller , from Uremeu ; ' the Wielund , fr <
Hamburg , ' '
Qt'KKNTOwy , Oct. Arrivcdt-TJio W
cousin , from New York. . .
HAvnuiio , Oet ; 8 $ . Arrived-rTheTjIorav
from New-York. ' . ' . . ' '
Vienna Astoundcel lly the Discovery
of n Ferryman's Hloody Crimes.
VIENNA , Oct. 28. It Is Just discovered that
a ferryman , on the lower Danube , who hnel
been In the habit of conveying across the
river workmen returning from Roumanla ,
who took this route to nvold producing
certificates that they paid taxes in
Houmanla or money In default thereof ,
has taken them to n small Island where ho
murdered and robbed them of their savings.
Judicial Inquiry reveals the astounding fact
that hundreds of workmen have been dis
patched by him and their bodies burled or
thrown Into the reeds along the river banks.
The Garftclds at llourmnoiith.
lCeiptgM | 1K7i ! iJd if < Gordon /lemiclt. ]
HouiiNMoUTit , Oct. 28. [ New York Hernld
Cable Special to the HEK. ] The residents of
this sheltered seaside resort , which Is as do-
ght fnl throughout the winter as In the sumner -
ner , has been politely greeting on the pier ,
10 plum and in their walks , Mrs. Gnrficltl ,
llss Molllo Garflelel , Mr. Harry Gartleld and
heir friends , Dr. and Mrs. Hoynton , and
Irs. and Mrs. Mason. The'y nro enjoying
ho balmy air , soft sunshine nnd enticing
ivalks. I paid them this morning the eompli-
ucnts of the Herald. Mrs. nnd Miss Garlield
howcd by their braced appearance that they
ad entirely recovered from the effects of the
tormy voyage , and were already pleasctl
ivith the mnny English courtesies shown
hem from the time they wcro received bj
'onsul ' Husscl at Liverpool. Young
Garlield wus spokesman. I hod shown
.hem a copy of an American newspapci
laying that tKcy were in England for matri-
noninl purposes. "Wo are vlsltingin Uourn-
nouth with American friends , " said he ,
'There are nine of us altogether and wo have
: omc on n quiet visit solely for the benefit ol
he health of a friend. However , the lengtl
if our visit will depend on the health of this
riend. AVe shall possibly stay a month. We
ike Bourn-mouth , the public gardens ant
jcncral surroundings. I have seen tlu
American papers in which reference is made
o n marriage. There is absolutely no foun
dation for it. It Is not correct that we an
; iere for marriage purposes. Wo are solelj
in a quiet visit with friends and for the beno
ilt of health. Wo shall soon leave for tin
continent. "
liyJame * ( lunluii
PAUIS ( via Havre ) , Oct. 28. [ Now Yorl
Herald Cable Special to the line. ] A gram
banquet was given to-night atthoContincnta
lotol to celebrate the anniversary of the Hnr
tholdi statue. Mr. Blaine , who was present
ookctl very palo and careworn. Ho made m
speech merely a few casual remarks to thrc <
or four persons. M. Spuller , the chairman
who sat next to Hlaine , delivered a long ml
dress mid concluded by proposing the heultl
of President Cleveland , whereupon lilain
turned paler btill and touched his lips to
champagne glass with a faint but sardoni
smile. There were about fifty persons pro ?
cut , including Napoleon , Ney , Hartholdi
ounod , MeLanc and Laboulaye.
Gr vy Threatens te > Resign.
PAULS , Oet. 28. This evening Prcsidcu
Grevy , nt the cabinet council , intimated thn
ho would resign if an inquiry was not inst
tutcd into Wilson's alleged connection wit
the decoration scandal. Grcvy said ho di
not object to Wilson being tried in the re ; ,
ulur way for any offense , but ho must objec
to the system of blackening his son-in-law'
character , not only through the press , bu
through a committee of the chamber cmbriu
ing personal enemies and party hatred ;
Floquet assured the president that the chan
ber held him in umliminished respect an
urged him to overlook his hasty , unconsidcre
action and reconsider his decision to resigi
It was filially arranged that Grcvy shoul
await the report of the committee.
Resolutions For the Hungry.
LONDON , Oet. 28. At a meeting called b
the lord mayor last night to devise means fc
assisting the deeerving poor of Londot
resolutions were adopted advising the publi
to do all in their power to assist Londp
charities which were able and deserving , bv
to use moro diserimiuution.
A Question of Veracity.
LONDON , Oet. 28. General Sir II. F. Poi
sonby , the queen's private secretary , in
letter in reference to the statement made I )
Canon Woldcn at the recent meeting of tl
Church of Ireland Temperance society , sa.\
ho was present during the festival in tl
highlands and did not see any drunken pc
Blunt AVnTxot Down.
Drm.iN , Oct. 28. Wilfrid Hlunt , whi
traveling to Loughrcn , addressed three race
ings , and was cheered by the crowds. J
Loughrea the police charged the crowd tin
gathered to meet him , using batons. Tl
mob replied with sticks and stones , but wci
compelled to disperse.
The Fisheries Commission.
LONDON , Oet. 28. The News this mornlr
gays unless Lord Salisbury wishes the llshci ii
negotiations between England and thoUnitt
States to bo hopelessly doomed from the on
set , ho must cancel the appointment of Cluu
berluin and select another commissioner.
Dynamite KlcvntcH a Saloon.
Pr-itu , Ind. , Oet. 28. The saloon of Pcti
Camp , at Hushville , was blown up by dyn ;
mite at 8 o'clock this morning. The buildii
ami contents were completely wrecked , i
well as a livery stable adjoining.
Ayonb's Companion Choked.
LONDON , Oet. 28. General Nur Maliomo
companion of Ayoub Khan in the flight fro
Teheran , has been captured and public
bunged ut Herat.
Itakcr Ar.JohiiKon , Wholesale Grocer
Fail For $1OO , < > ( < > .
CiiKvr.NNn , Wyo. , Oet. 28. [ Special Tel
gram to the Iiii : ; . ] linker & Johnson , whol
sale groeers doing business hero nnd
Lusk , were closed to-nay by an attachmc
suit brought by J. H. Gordon , dealer in gra
and hay. A chattel mortgage for ? 4)00 ( ) w
subsequently llle-el against the concern by tl
bunking house of T. A. Kent. The llubillti
of the linn will aggregate 5100,000. Assei
unknown. Hukcr & Johnson , in addition
their grocery business , have been lien1
speculators in mineral and oil claims ui
land schemes in Wyoming and their fuilu
is attributed to the unprolltuble outcome
thcso ventures.
Post ft CO.'H HtntoiiiRiit.
CiiF.vr.NNK , Wyo. , Oct. 28 , [ Special To :
gram to the Hr.n. ] The schedule of asse
and liabilities of the suspended bunking fit
of Morton E. Post & Co. was filed ycsterd
in the probate court. It shows a total amou
of assets , consisting chiefly of stocks , bon
and notes , of ? ' .i-J8-KKJ.75 ; with liabilitl
amounting to &jllOU7.t > . 'i ' , abalunco ofusst
over liabilities of f-HT.a'JS.OO. Of the nsse
however , a largo amount is pledged and i
available urtd a large percentage of the not
Included as assets are uncollectablo at t
Angcll and Putnam Iletiirn.
WASHINotox , Oct. 2S. Messrs. Angell a
Putnam , fisheries negotiators , have return
to Washington nnd are In frequent consul
tion with Secretary Hay'uYd , regarding't
approaching negotiations. The English co
mibsipncra are expected herotho , latter p ;
ol'thoubnveckof November. ' , '
A Freight Strikes ntt Obstruction In
tended For the KxprcHg.
JOLIET , 111. , Oct. 23. A telegraph polo laid
across the Hock Island railroad track be
tween Anooka and Morris this morning
about 3 o'clock wrecked train No. 10. Engin
eer John Mills and Fireman Orff wcro In-
fltantly killed and the head brakcman fatally
Injured. The miscreants doubtless Intended
to wreck the Kansas City express duo hero nt
4:80 : a.m. The passenger was fifteen min
utes late and the freight pulled out ahead to
run to Anooka , striking the obstruction
with the above results. The excitement hero
continues to grow slneo It Is definitely ascer
tained that the obstruction was placed on the
truck with the deliberate purpose of wreck
ing the passenger train. The excitement is
augmented by the growing belief that the
Schwartz-Watt express car murder and rol-
bory gang planned the crime. A largo re
ward has already been offered by the Itoek
Island company and detectives are on the
The Remains of n Murdered Youth
DiHuovercd in Chicago.
CHICAGO , Oct. 28. In a carriage shipped
from New York to Studebaker Hros. nt the
Pennsylvania depot was found this afternoon
the body of a murdered man. It was found
upon opening the door of the carriage that
the corpse was that of a young man twenty-
one or twenty-two years old , 5 feet , 8 Inches
high , slight mustache and brown beard. Ho
wore dark trousers , soft felt hat , bleed shoes
and rubber coat. Under his hat was a bullet
hole. In his pockets were found n restaurant
ticket and a ticket to an entertainment to bo
given to-night by the Heaver Valley assembly
of fflass packers nt Rochester , Pa.
The Mystery Kxplnincd.
CHICAGO , Oet. 28. H. Lazarus , of Roches
ter , Pn. , telegraphs to-night that the body
found in a curnugo which arrived on the
Pennsylvania road this morning was that of
Barney Horan , of West Hridgewater , Pa.
Horan left his homo Sunday evening last and
has not been seen since. Ho was of n very
qiturrelsomo disposition , nnd the theory of
the detectives at Hoehesier is that ho went
to Pittsburg and after spending all his money
ho starteel for homo on a freight train.
Meeting with tramps u quarrel ensued and
he was killed.
A Missouri Farmer Dies Under SIIH-
picloiiH CircuniKtmiccH.
ST. Josiu'ii , Mo. , Oct. 28. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKK. ' ] Harvey Hcnton , a well
known fanner living about ten miles south
west of this city , was found dead In his bed
by ono of his neighbors who chanced to go to
his house. Honton 1ms been living with n
laborer named James Smith and his wife.
Smith was uway from homo at the time , but
the woman's account of how the man came tc
his death aroused the neighbor's suspicion
and lie started off and calling in some of tht
neighbors informed them of the occur
rence. In a short while n largo crowd hut ;
collected and one of the number wus sen !
to the town to inform the coroner. When
the latter arrived a jury was selected froir
the crowd , and the woman , who appeared tt
bo the only witness , was called to testify , but
refused to say a word. Smith 'was noxl
called , but his statement contradicted itsell
so many times that the coroner ordered the
Jury to appear at St. Joseph this mornlnf
and brought the body to Ipwn. The farmer :
in the meantime took Smith and his wife intt
custody. An autopsy was held to-day am
the jury returned a verdict that the deeeasei
cumo to his death from a blow received 01
the head and the criminal neglect of Smitl
and his wife. It was not clearly shown whe
struck the blow. Warrants will bo swori
out for the arrest of the parties implicated
The affair has created great excitement ii
the neighborhood.
The liuildingCoiitractorGctting Dec ]
in Financial QuagniircH.
Dr.Nvr.ii , Col. , Oet. 28. [ Special Tclcgran
to the Hr.i : . ] The trouble between Con
tractor Kiehardson , of the state cupitol build
ing , and the board of cupitol managers , in
auguruted a couple of days ago over the pay
mcnt of money for the construction of th' '
foundation , which resulted in Kielmrdsoi
stopping nil work and going east , is increus
ing. He had hardly left the city before th
Me'Phee & McGinnity Lumber company at
tachcd a train load of cement consigned t
Uiehurdson to cover a claim of f 1,800. Sev
eral other attachments wcro made upon me
terial nnd tools lying in the yards , and to-du ,
the Union Pacific attached all the other mn
terial and property of Hichardson to secure
cliiim of $2lMO. The attachments now a ?
grcgato SliOjOOO. Klchnrdson's attorney , ej
Attorney General Thomas , says ho will re
turn in a couple of weeks , effect an amicubl
settlement with the board , and resume wort
Upon this subject , however , there nro man
opinions. It was rumored upon the street
yesterday and to-day that Mr. Hiehardsoni
heavily embarrassed financially. His debt
in Colorado are estimated in the neighboi
hood of $80,000 , and in Michigan , Wisconsi
and Illinois he is reported lo have judgment
standing against him aggregating $ , ( K,00 ) (
and if he fails to overcome tiiis complieutio
the result may bo serious. According to th
contract if work is discontinued on the built
ing for a period of ninety days the eontnu
is annulled and the building becomes tli
property of Uio stato.
Set Fin ; to Herself.
MILWAUKEE , Oct. 28. Tliis morning Lin
Geissert , aged twenty-six , the maniac duugl
tcr of a well-known saloonkeeper , eluded he
keeper and after saturating her clothes wit
kcrosino oil set lire to her person. She wi
burned m a shocking manner and will prob ;
bly die.
Plaguu Prdtllors.
CHICAGO , Oet. 23. The health mitliorllli
apprised Surgeon General Hamilton that the
had found thirteen of the Immigrants wide
came over on the Independent from Palerm
and thai Uio packages nnd bundles whii
they brought with them would be eitln
t burned or fumigated.
A Profitable Shoot.
Tex. , Oct. 23. J. E. Smllli , tl
express messenger who recently killed tv
train robbers near El Paso , was paid ? 2,0i
yesterday by order of Governor Hess as
reward for his act. Smith will probably g
S'J.OOO from the express company and -1,0 <
from the railroad company.
Hail UtilntiI.
Niw : YOHIC , Oet. ' 'S. On api'.licution i
counsel for C. G. Frauuklyn in the suit fi
1,000,000 , brought by his cousin , Judf
Donohuo to-day reduced hlb bail from t5H (
000 to 250,000.
Fruncklyn was then from Jail t
bail , a number of the most prominent men
New York having gone on ills bond.
Chicago Job PrliUnrs Will Strike.
CHICAGO , Oct. 2S.--Typographical unli
last night voted to restrict u day's labor
I nine hours , with no reduction In pay. At
meeting of employing printci-s this uf trtrnoi
u resolution was passed to resist the demui
lo the biltcr end. A strike on Novcmbei
by Job printers will probably be the result.
I.ocoinotlro Knglncor .
CHICAGO , Oet. SS.-r The proceedings in tl
meeting of the Hrotherhood of Loeonoti )
Engineers to-day consisted mostly ol rout ; !
business. Hlehinond- . , was ehos.eai as t'
placp lor huldi'na the next meeUnS' i
Embarrassing Position of n Postmaster -
master Nonr Sioux Olty.
Progress of the Trial nt AVaterloo-
Scarlet l over AIIIOIIK School Chll
ilreu nt State-Center
Imvn Nc\vn.
Arrested on n Gross
Stoux CITY , la. , Oet. ' . ' 8. [ Special Tele
gram to the Hr.i : . ] A. Gross , of Correctlon-
vlllc , was arrested last night , charged with
obtaining money under false pretense * . It
seems that M. E. Crowther , of Correction-
ville , had Joe Marks , the Sioux City Savings
bank and the Sioux City National bank cash
cheeks which wore Issued on the bank of
Correctlonvillc by Gross , It was' le'arnctl
ttiat Gross never had any money inthobiiuks.
The checks were for ? MI , WO and two for f 5
each. Mr , Crowther was asked to make the
amount good , but refused to do so , saying ho
rightfully obtained the checks. Gross eouhl
not give bonds and went to jail. Crowther
presided at the last democratic county con
vention and Is a leading democrat and post
master. Gross was seen in jail to-day by n
reporter and said : " It was upon ,
the day of the democrat to convention.
Crowther wanted some money , and asked mete
to sign the checks , saying ho would pay mo
the amount in full when ho returned to Cor-
re-ctionvillo the next day. I did as ho wished.-
The cheeks were drawn in Frank TibbottFof-
llee. T. P. Green , Crowther and others put
put m the night at the gambling houses anil
Crowther lost all the money ho had drawn
on the checks. When we returned to Corrcc-
tionvillo I asked him to square the deal. Ho
said ho would get mo the money in a few
hours. Ho kept putting mo oft and finally re
fused to pay mo the amount. These are the
true fact sin the case. I think Frank Tib-
bctts heard part of the conversation In his
onieo upon the evening the checks were
drawn. " Gross was to bo in court at 2 p. m.
to-day. Mr. Crowthcrs last evening tele
graphed that ho would bo hear by that time.
About noon a telephone message was received
stating that he would bo in the city tomorrow
row ami settle the matter by making payment
in full. The matter will rest until that time.
Thn Homme Murder Cane.
WATCULOOla , , , Oet.28 Thoexamination of
Villlam Mandfrom , charged with the murder
f Christian Hemme , begun this morning.
Considerable testimony was taken , but noth-
ng of mneli importance except Unit of the
cud mini's daughter. She swore that she
aw boot-tracks the morning of her father's
.oath leading from the door of the house to
he well.In which the body was found , and
jack to the house , but could find no tracks of
myone barefooted. It was also shown that
vhen Hemme wus found in the well ho hud
10 clothes on except a shirt , and there was
jliiy on the top of his feet as though ho hud
iceii el ragged.
Mrs. Hcmmo is sick and unable to go on
ho stand. She stated to the county attorney
loforo the investigation that she heard
lemnio and Mundfrom quarreling in the
light , and also heard her husband making a
loise as though ho was choking. Then she
saw Mundfrom go out of the house carrying
some heavy object. t
Iowa Supreme Court. Decisions.
DCS MOINES , la. , Oct. 28. [ Special Tele ,
gram to IhoHKE. ] The supreme court filed
ho following decisions hero to-day.
Standard Coal company vs Independent
District of Argus , appellants , Hoono district.
T. T. Hurwiek vs W. C. Weddington , ap-
) cllanl , Sue circuit , liovorsed.
Frederick C. Patten , appellant , vs Central
town railway , Cerro Gardo district. Af-
A Miner Killed Ity Falling Slate.
Di : MOINIM , la. , Oet. 28 [ Special TeloJ
? ram to the HII : : . ] The state mine Inspcc-
: or's ofllco has been notified of the death by
fulling slate of Henry Stockslidgo in a mina
at Delta. Mine Inspector Smith , In whoso
district tills accident occurred , says that the
lust death prior to this was in May last , and
so far but six deaths have been reported in
the entire elr&trict since January 1 , 1880 , an
unusually good showing for so largo a dis
trict. i
Scarlet Fever at State Center.
DES MOINES , In. , Oet. 28. [ Special Tele
gram to the HEE. ] The stale board of health
oftlco lias been officially notified of the seri
ous outbreak of scarlet fever at State Center.
The disease sprang up in the primary schools
and spread so that all the schools have boon
closed. It is believed that the epidemic la
now under control.
A Now Pnckcry For Sioux City.
SiotixCiTV , la. , Oct. 28. [ Special Telegram - '
gram to the HUB. ] D. T. Hedges returned
from Chicago this evening , having concluded
the conference with the great beef packer ,
Swift , relative to the establishment of a
house hero. The result is in Sioux City's
favor , as usual , and such a house will ba
built. _
Prompt County Treasurers. '
Dis : MOINHS , Oet. 28. [ Special 'Telegram ,
to the Hui : . ] All but two of the ninoty-nino
counties of the state have paid their Scptem
her collections into the state treasury , mak
ing a remarkable record in this respect foe
promptness. _
The Injunction Will Stand.
Dr.sMoixr.3 , la , , Oct. 23. The motion by
the defendant , Carpenter , to modify tha
preliminary Injunction ordered last week by
the United States circuit court in the cuso ot
Westinghouse vs. Carpenter was overruled
to-day and a writ of injunotlpn ordered to
FOUll CONVICTS KIM/ii ; > . '
TIio Arizona Penitentiary JJrcsnk ITe >
A , A. T. , Oct. 2S. Four of thoeonvle.ts
who attempted to escape from the prison
yesterday and assaulted Superintendent ;
Gates wcro killed and wcro buried this after
noon , The condition of Superintendent
Gates Is critical , but it is thought ho may
survive his wounds. A petition to the gov
ernor is being largely signed for the pardon
of a convict named Kiggs , who shot the con
vict who was stabbing Gates. Thrca of the
killed convicts were in for long terms and
ono for grand larceny.
Compromised With Creditors ,
i Sr. Louis , Oct. 2S. The creditors of Newman - *
man & Farr , the Kast St. Louis bankers and
capitalists of the Niobrnra cattle company ,
which failed a few wonks ago , have agreed to
accept 4. ) cents on the dollar and release the
debtors from further liability. The entira
liabilities of Newman & , Fisrr amounted tor
about 5T50,0X ( ) .
Gcor lii'M Goitimor On the Stump/
CINCINNATI , Oct. -General John H. I
Gordon , govoiuor of Georgia , made his first ,4
speech In Onlo to-night in , the democratic ,
state campaign. Ills speech was largely devoted -
voted to a vindication of the claim of ex-
confederate : } to loyalty.
. -
.lay Can Kali.
Nnw YOUK , Oct. 28. District Attorney
Mai-lino to-dny guvo attention to the charges.
agnhibt Jay Gould nnd Kimell Sago In the
Kuilsn's Pacific matter. Ho said there wn <
no di'-ilri ) to interfere with Gould's iuttb4t4t
sailing for Kuropo to-morrow ,