Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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The City Attorney ftnd Saloon
A Plea For Holding It In Omnlia
Next Ycitr Stcvc'incm Still nt
Large Court NotcH-Otlicr
City NCWH.
Must , Hold Their IjIcenscH.
City Attorney Webster , In response to n
request from Mayor Uroatch , gives the fol
lowing opinion on the transfer of liquor li
censes and the transfer of a saloon from ono
location to another :
Replying to your favor of the 15th Init. , in
which you ask "my opinion ns to the ICRiulty
of n party holding a liquor license making n
transfer of the s'mno to another party ; nlso
B * to the transfer from ono location to an
other , " I have to say :
1. Section G of chapter CO , entitled
"liquors , " compiled statutes page 414 , suys ,
"tho license shall not bo transferred. "
! i. There is no provision In the statutes of
this state or the ordinances of this city that
expressly prohibits u person holding a llcenno
to sell liquors removing his business from
ono location to another. Section ft , nbovo re
ferred to , however , requires that "tho license
shall state the place whore the liquor is to
bo sold. " 'Tills ' requirement is not expressed
in such terms ns necessarily to limit and con
fine the sale to the precise place or building
occupied by the licensee at the 1(1110 ( of the
issue of the license. Whatever there may bo
In this provision to surest a limitation of
the right of the licensee to change his place of
mile , is derived by implication only ; and the
right of every ono to change his place and
bring his business with him , ought not to bo
limited or abridged , except by provisions of
law expressed in such terms ns to leave no
doubt of the legislative intent. If , there
fore , the spirit nnd Intent of the statute can
bo carried out in other respects by allowing
n change of the place Of sale , the terms of the
foregoing requirement are not suflleicnt to
prohibit such a change.
Section one of suld chapter provides that
license may bo granted "upon the application
by petition by thirty of the resident free
holders of the precinct where the sale of such
liquor is proposed to take place , betting forth
that the applicant is a man of respectable
character and standing nnd a resident of this
state , and praying that a license be issued to
him. " The purpose of this requirement is ,
nmong other things , to guarantee to cacli
community that none but men deemed by
them of respectable character shall sell liq
uor among them , and not In that case except
there DO at least thirty freeholders in the pre
cinct who wisli it. The freeholders of each
precinct nro thus given the power to deter
mine whether or not liquor s > hull be sold
nmong them.
What would bo the effect on the forgoing
requirement of the statute , if ono holding a
license to sell liquors were permitted to move
his business freely from ono place to another
und sell liquor there ( How easily might a
person residing in ono precinct obtain the re
quired petition , liullill all the conditions pre
cedent-to the Issue of the license , and , hav
ing received his license , move at once Into
another precinct against the will and in do-
llanco of every freeholder there , such cer
tainly cannot bo the intention of the statute.
The freeholders of every precinct have a
right to say who shall boll liquor among
them and who not ; und whatever abridges or
annuls tills rfclit is contrary to law. The
provisions ( if the act relative to the issue of
license's cannot be defeated in any such man
ner.To meet this diillculty , however , it may bo
suggested that the presentation of n petition
of thirty freeholderh of the precinct to which
ho has come , such as is required upon an
original application for a license , would be
Municient compliance with the statute to per
mit a licensee to sell liquor in such ptceinct
under a license issued to him in the precinct
from which ho has removed. Such would
not alter the caso. The licensee would still
bo selling under his original license. The
original Ik'enso wns issued uixm the petition
of the freeholders of the precinct from
which the licensee 1ms removed and not upon
the petition of the freeholder of the precinct
to which ho has come and "where the sale of
the liquor is proposed to take place. " Uc-
fore the person so moving fiom one precinct
to another can sell liquor in the precinct to
which ho has come , he must lirst comply
with all the provisions of the statute , pay the
full license fee , llle a new bed and receive u
now license.
My opinion therefore is , first , liquor li
censes are not transferable. Second any
person holding a license to sell liquor may
move his place to another within the Buino
precinct , but cannot move his place of busi
ness from on * precinct into another precinct.
A I'lea to Kcciiro the Next Conven
tion for Omulm.
Speaking about national convent IOIIH
brought to the mind of a well-known cattle
dealer in this city thnt a gathering of a na
tional character which Omaha ought , and
probably could secure with a certain amount
of cllort , for next year , is the convention oi
the National Association of Cattle dealers.
"As you know , " lie said to a Uiu : reporter ,
"Omaha has n number of men who have been
largely identified , and who still are inter
ested in the cattle business , nnd who besides
nro members of this Cattle Dealers' as
sociatlon. They nro men of influence anil
in many ways have done a great deal for thla
city. If they should work to secure the next
convention of the association in question
backed by some of the moneyed-men in town
I am batisflcd the next gathering of these cat
tie kings would bo held in Omaha. Chicago
St. Louis and Kansas City have had these
gatherings in succession the past three years
uud it would seein as if Omaha could nov
Justly lay claim to the next one. Before tills
wo did not amount to much us a cattle ecu
tor , but now , with our great slaughtei
houses and the largest packers in the countr ;
O | > oratliig amongst us , wo can justly lay i
claim to the next convention , nnd n cluln
which it would not bo easy to dispute. Al
bf these largo gatherings conduce to the welfare
faro of a town. Every largo city knows It
and Omaha ought to begin to appreciate th
fact Unit she could not bo hurt by them. Thi
Is something for the board of trudu to worl
up. "
AVImt V 'HH Done Hoforo the
Through their attorneys , Messrs. Thursto
tt Hall , the following parties llled petition
gainst John l-Yeyhnn yesterday in the cii
cult clerk's otllco. Allot them are for di :
honored acceptances.
W. W. Johnston & Co. , of Omaha thrc
drafts-Tii0.r.l > , t5.-i3.OT uud ? fi52.39.
Sour Mash Distillery company , of Owen !
bore , ICy. three draft s f 1500.25 , IT14.51 nn
E. H. Taylor & Co. , of Frankfort , Ky.-
two diafta-fUlO.ttl nnd Stf5.W. :
The Jury in * the manslaughter casn <
John Kelly , who killed Jimmy Nugent
the 5th of last July , returned u verdict <
not guilty , * The accused was immediate !
released ,
The Kcnnnrd Glass nnd Paint compar
lllcd a suit yesterday in the district cou
aguinst Murgcll & Hosenzwelg for K
for goods sold. The payment thereof w ;
secured by a chattel mortgage.
An Interesting case wns decide
In the suit of Hntchcr , Ondd & Co. vs. Fran
Kcnnard. The plaintiff sued for $150 i
remuneration for the sale of propei ty valui
nt 111,000. Kcnnard agreed to pay tl
amount referred to , provided ho rccclvi
11.000 not for the property. Tl
plaintiff , It seems , exacted a similar BU
from the purchaser on the ground th
unless It were paid , the property could not 1
secured. The purchaser did pay the cxt
1150. When Kcnnard heard of this , ho i
fused to pay his I1DO , but was ontistled to pi
T5. This offer was accepted ni
the case cume up , Purko Godwin nppcnrli
for the defendant , making the defense th
Kennard's agreement had been secured 1
misrepresentation , nnd the Jury returned
Verdict in accordance with this idea.
The jury in the cose of John II ; Noyse
James Stcphenson rendered a vcrdi.-t
§ 267.8 * for tuo plaintiff. Judjjo Hcncw
heard the case.
In the case of the Fifth National bimk
How York. BgftlnstEdudlm & . ' Krichson , t
July brought in verdict for the duCuudun
This was nn action before Judgd Hopcwcll
for nn nraount alleged to IKS due on a note.
John L. Miles nnd James Thompson ( lied a
suit ngnlnst H. S. Nelson yesterday for MOV
cession of premises alleged to bo held un
lawfully by the defendants.
Maud McU filed nnnctlon In the district
court yesterday for n divorce from Charles
Mctr. She nays that she was married to him
in November , 1 , nt Mitchell , Dakota , nnd
thnt ho deserted her two days after the wed
ding. She also asks that he may have re
stored to her her former name Maud Carey.
The case of Hiloy v O'Connoll was before
Judge Wakelcy yesterday afternoon. It is
an action for damages alleged to bo caused
b.v the sale of liquors by the defendant to the
plaintiff's husband. The cnse wns not fin
ished nt adjournment ,
It Is probable that no more cases on the
criminal docket will not be taken up before
Monday morning.
Three suits were filed in the county court
yesterday ngnlnst Join. Frcyhnn to re
cover money on several protested accept
ances , ns follows :
Cocluiin Fulton Co. , of Louisville , Ky. ,
Mound City Distilling company , of St.
Louis , $830.01.
W. H. .Thomas & Son , of Louisville , Ky. ,
The police court docket yesterday morning
was confined to seven vagrants , two plain
drunks , nnd two frequenters of houses of 111
fame. Ono flno of $5 and costs wns exacted ,
and two prisoners were given light sen
tences in the county Jail.
Charles Smith ( colored ) wns nrrcstcd yes
terday night as nvngrant and suspicious char
acter nnd mndo bis presence most obnoxious
during the long hours by singing ribald songs
nnd Insulting the ofllccrs. When brought be
fore Judge Hcrkii yesterday ho told so
straight a story that ho was discharged ,
much to the regret of the blue coats. Ho
was requested to stop nnd go out the usual
way. Smith , however , said he'd go where
he "d d pleased. " Ho then started to run ,
but was caught und brought back. Judge
Itcrkn promptly ordered him behind the bars ,
nnd Charles will have several ilnys to quietly
ponder over his infraction of police court
Facts About Those AVho Have De
parted Thla Life.
Two more victims were yesterday added
to the death list nt St. Josephs hospital , and
are now at Barrett & Hcafy's. They are
John Connor , aged thirty-one ycarswho died
of bra'in fever , nnd Charles Wntkins , aged
twenty-one years , who died of consumption.
Hoth worked in South Omaha. Thomas Col
bert , of Shcely , Neb. , a friend of Connor's ,
hns been notified of his death. The residence
of Wntkins' friends is unknown.
Scarcely AVorth Noticing ,
OMAHA , Oct. ST. To the Editor of the HER :
In your issue of to-dny to I find a Icttcrwhieh
may be the means of injuring the reputation
of one of Omaha's leading ministers if the
misstatcments the letter contains arc not cor
rected. The writer who signs himself
"Loynl , " nn Indication of cownidice by the
way , quotes from the Republican , the follow
ing statement , attributed originally to Ucv.
Lnmnr : "I am a southerner myself ; a full
blooded one , God bless the south. I nm a
southerner and even to the soldier core and I
would light that war right over again nt any
time. " Our "loyal" friend , without taking
the trouble to find out whether Uev. Lamnr
has been cotrcctly quoted then makes several
splenetic remarks aimed at Mr. Lamnr and
the Metropolitan prohibition club. One who
will make such unjust and such uncalled for
remarks about such a man ns Mr. Lnmar is
scarcely worth being called an ass. The
truth is that Mr. Lamar said that the first
light lie ever had was in defense of a little
colored boy , and thnt under similar circum
stances he believed he would light that battle
over again. He also said that the south was
wiong in the "late unpleasantness" and that
ho wns glnd that slavery was blotted out. The
report of our meeting published in thoOmnha
Republican contained several other lies which
arc scarcely worth noticing us most people
are in the habit of discounting very liberally
nny statement found in that sheet. If the
men on the Republican force are all engaged
next Sunday wo shall prefer to have them
make no icport of our next meeting.
Yours Very Truly ,
President of the Omaha Prohibition club.
The Reporter AVas Asleep.
OMAHA , Oct. 27. To the Editor of the BEE :
A communication signed Loyal , and charg
ing the Hov. A. W. Lamar , pastor of the
First Baptist church , with being a "rebel"
nnd with giving utterance to treasonable sen
timents was printed in your paper to-day.
The "utterances" were in the report of a
sermon published in the Republican , and as
Mr. Lanmr is out of the city. I hasten to offer
Iho following explanation : On Monday morn
ing Mr. Lnmar , in conversation with me , re
ferred to the Republican's report , which he
c-haractcrUea as a misinterpretation of the
words ho had used. Ho spoke in his sermon
of a misunderstanding ho had had while a
boy with a colored servant , as a result of
which ho had threshed the servant. While
he was speaking of this the Republican re
porter must have suddenly awoke from an
unpleasant sleep and ho inconsiderately sup.-
plied the rest. In the absence of Mr. Lamar ,
1 trust the lEn will say that ho is a loyal cit-
I/en of tills republic , nnd that ho is not en
gaged or likely to engaged In any attempt tc
foment trouble between the sections.
It AVas a "Republican" Fabrication ,
To the Editor of the BEB : In Wednes
dny's BUB there wns n letter under the
cuptlon of "In the Wrong Pew , " nnd signci
by "Loynl. " In it ho quotes from Monday's
Republican a very disloyal sentence said t <
have been spoken by Itov. A. W. Lnmur , ot
Sunday last.
Allow mo to say that Mr. Lamnr spoke n <
sentence which bore nny'resemblance to tin
ono quoted. ItWHS , a pure fabrication.
If loving his country north nnd south , ant
obeying its'laws ; if loving the people , blacl
nnd white , rich and poor , nnd trying to di
them good ; if winning the deep-rooted levi
and confidence of his people , and preaehln )
to them a pure gospel ; K being loyal to hi : Master and to truth ; if all these cou
stitute disloyalty , then Mr , Lamar Is abou
the most disloyal man I know.S.
Ho AVns Not Correctly Reported.
OMAIH , Oct. 27. To the Edltorof the Br.n
I noticed un article In your paper lastjoven
Ing , signed "Loyal , " taking exceptions t
Rev. A. W. Lnmnr's address last Sabbatl
afternoon at the temperance meeting. I w.i
present and lic.ird the address nnd there wn
nothing in liis remarks to which any onu cu
taku exceptions. Ho was not correctly n
ported and I Unov him to bo n strong unlo
man and loyal to the old flag. As Rov. L : ;
mar is my successor as pastor of the Firs
Baptist church , I feel It my duty , In Justic
to him , and also to the church of which h
Is pastor , to make the nbovo statement ,
J. W. HAiutis.
The AVuotlierlch Cane.
John Wuothcrich , the saloon keeper n :
rested for tendering City Treasure
Rusli a worthless check , was release
on ball. - Yesterday morning ho n ]
pcarcd at the treasurer's ofUco and paid tl
amount in cash. Mr. Rush is satisfied ths
Mr. Wucthericn intended no fraud , but tl
dishonoring of the check was simply duo I
his ncsllRcneo , or rather totho mistake of tl
bank clerk who failed to credit him with
check which had been paid to him. Tin
left him with but 850 In bank less than hewn
own check to the city treasurer called for.
Rnllroud Notes.
The new Hue of the B. & M. to Schuylc
hns boon opened from this city , the distant
being but fifty miles , the shortest route b
tween Omaha and that point , The train fi
the latter place leaves hero at 10:03 : in tl
the morning , reaches Schuyler at 1:15 : in tl
afternoon. The return train leaves Schuyl
at2li : ! In the .afternoon ami arrives in Omul
8 nt 5 : ! ! 0 p. in. The stations on this new brnni
111 3f iM d Njejiucib" .
t , Mrs. B. G. Fonnor'ftnd daughter'
10 FortCalhpunftro. . visiting Mrs. G. . \
.s. I Lo an
Failure of tt'ic Police to Arrest the
Asunultcr br Ltilu Kopy.
The UEE of Monday last contained nn ac
count of nn outrage pcntctratcd on a young
woman of this city , named Lulu Espy , who
now lies In n mangled condition at her board
ing house on Howard street. The party who
committed the nssault Is n young tough
named Sam Stevenson. Ho Induced her to
take a rldo with him In a buggy , nnd when
they were In nn unfrequented neighborhood
Stcvonixm dragged the young woman from
the vehicle nnd attempted n flagrant nssault
upon her , In the accomplishment of his
purjwso beating her over the head with a re
volver and lllllng her mouth with sand to
stifle her cries and protestations. It wns
claimed that the ixHIce had been given n
warrant for the nrrest of the nssuulter , but
if so , notwithstanding that Stevenson has
been at large , ho has not been apprehended.
This Is evidence of the fact that the i > ollco
arc not exercising every ordinary interest or
Intelligence In the matter and gives rise to
the fear thnt they are willing to let the affair
drop out of public attention and permit the
assaulter to go unpunished , The reason
for this fear is the fact thnt
Stevenson Is n conceited , giddy tough , who
claims to have backing and influence , and a
general store of deviltry which places him
beyond the reach of punishment for his acts.
He plumes himself ns un amateur prize-
lighter , and for that and other claims , must ,
ho thinks , bo allowed to act ns he feels dis
posed. Hut ho ought to bo deprived of this
feeling by Immediate arrest and punishment.
Such an outrage as thnt above referred to
would have been punished by lynching in
many communities , and It Is n disgrace to the
police that they have not yet arrested the
perpetrator. _
The meeting of the city council has been
again postponed lintil Friday night.
The dummy nnd other trains were com
pelled to use the same track on account
of the wreck near Sheelcy's station.
The new lumber yard Is being put In shape
near the B. & M. trucks north of the stock
The pile driver nnd engine was moved up
to Lake Provonkl to put . down the
piling for the tunnel.
The B. & M. depot is now in course of erec
tion and the workmen are making good head
Mrs. Henry Loecher yesterday presented
her husband with an eight pound baby "girl.
About 11 o'clock yesterday morning a loaded
freight car standing on the side truck n6ar
Fowler's Packing bouse , started to move and
ran down grade a quarter of a mile , strik
ing three empty stock cars on a connection
switch and derailed them. A young yard
nmn was standing on one of the stricken cars
nnd jumped In timn to escape with his life.
The trucks were knocked from nil three cars
und the boxes turned on their sides.
lints niul
In front of a Sixteenth street commission
house , there sat yesterday fourteen pails
containing eggs shells. Each egg had been
broken open on the small end nnd the meat
sucked out. The proprietor stated that last
Juno ho had stored several barrels of packed
eggs and cloven ot them had been gnawed
Into by rats. The rodents had multiplied sc
in numbers that it was actually unsafe for n
m.iii to enter Iho collar alono. Wednesdnj
night four negroes with half a dozen terriers
entered the cellar and succeeded in killinp
nearly two hundred und yesterday the
barrels of eggs were taken out. The mcr
chant estimates his loss ut about one hundred
and IHty dollars.
Wednesday evening L. Edward Corby
proprietor of the Esmond hotel on North Sixteenth
toenth street , was married to Miss Ulnnehi
I. Kinney , of Charlotte , Mich. The ceremony
was performed nt the residence of Ncwtoi
Hull 1843 North Seventeenth street , b.v Hov
A. W. Lamnr , of the First Baptls
church. The reception occurred nt tin
hotel where a pleasant evening was spent ii
dancing nnd other social amusements. Ai
elegant supper was spread and partaken o
by all the guests. The presents were numcr
ens nnd rich and the happy recipients wen
warmly congratulated on the auspicious man
ner in which they commence married life.
An Artistic Zither Player.
Last evening Ivanhoit Lennepintho I3av.ii
ian zither player , rendered a number of de
llghtful selections on his instrument nt til
Deutsclio club rooms , nnd infatuated th
members of that organization. Some of tlios
present , accomplished musicians , say 11m
Mr. Lennepin is the lincst zither player the ,
ever heard.
Thomas Carlylc.
the great Scotch author , suffered nil hi
life with ilynp6psiiwhich ! made his owi
life miserable and caused his best nm
truest friends not a little pain , becaus
of his frotfulness. Dyspepsia goncrall ,
arises from disease of the liver , and n
Dr. Pierco's "Golden Medical Discov
cry" cures all diseases of this grca
gland , it follows that while , all cunnu
bo Cavlylos , oven with dyspepsia , al
can be free from the maladywhilo emu
lating his virtues. _
Dr. S. R. Patten , dentist , room 31 ?
Kumgo building , Omaha , Telephone 51
Francis Train and Onuilin.
Gcorgo Francis Train llrst set foe
upon Nebraska soil in 18G3. His comin
marked an epoch in the history (
Omaha , and for that matter in the hii
tory of the country. Ho came hero 1
assist in the formal In-caking of groun
for the Union Pacific railroad. Th :
event occurred on the afternoon of D <
comber 2 , 1SC3. Mr. Train was then i
the prime of life a btalwni-t , rebus
handsome , largo-headed man , wit
dark , curly hair and auburn chin whi
leers and moustache. Ho had rcturnc
a few months before from Europcwhoi
ho hud made himself famous by his bol
and fearless defense of the union cans
in Great Britain and his championshi
of the Irish people and their slruggl
against tory domination.
Jn the evening of December 2 , 180.1 ,
banquet was given at the Ilornde
house , now the Union Pacific headqua
tors , which was attended by tl
best society of Omaha regardless i
cliques or casto. Mr. Train was tl
lion of the hour idolized by the woinc
and admired by the men. His brig !
wit , hirt goninl How of spirit , his n ]
quotations , his stories of travel and a <
venture nil around the world , h
pointed repartees , and amusing plea
untrics charmed everybody.
For ton years after that event M
Train never ceased advertising Omal
as the young Chicago of the great we
the coming great city of Americ
Ho made a lecturing tour around tl
> VU ( lltf U11U 111 110 * * * ov * * v v * it > v
Omulm always loomed up as the cent
of the North American continent. I
did more to advertise Omnliu than ni
dozen men. In 18(57 ( Mr. Train spe
seine little time in Omalui , in
amused himsoU und the pu
Ho bv running for congress.
1872 'ho returned to Omaha fro
Franco where ho had witnessed the ri
and full of the commune , nnd had hii
self boon thrown into prison. It w
in 1872 that ho ran for president upj
his own platform with the people f
his party. Since that year Mr. Tra
never has sot foot in Omnha until U
night , although ho hns , during i
these years , manifested great intorst
this city. Seine of his prophecies i
gnrding this city , which were regard
as wildly extravagant , have boon mo
than fulfilled. To-day ho sees ft city
a hundred thousand people. > N hen
predicted in 18(17 ( thnt in twenty yci
sf Omaha would have that many inha
f. timts , 'people incredulously uhruge
i their shoulders. . , . ,
Fire Department NotW. '
Two four-whoeloji hose cnrta bavo been
ordered for the department , nnd wficn they '
arrived will be placed in tho'houses of No's.
4 on South Twelfth-street , nnd 5 on Twenty-
sixth street. Old -No. 4 how curt , a two-
wheel vehicle , hhs been transferred to No. 3
engine house on Harnoy street. In the last
mentioned place n winding stalrcnso has been
substituted for the angular ono which form
erly led to the dormitory ; the chemical en
gine has been movedlneurcr the entrancoaml
much more room him been given to all the
companies In the place to respond quickly to
all alarms of lire.
The members of Engine Company No 3
have added to the dOcoratlons of their dor
mitory a pair of largo beautifully iwllshcd
grey horns , of dimensions , finished to n
point and handsomely upholstered. They
rest upon a cushion of velvet nnd connected
with a small IKMICU which may bo used for a
variety of purposes. The horns nro the gift
of Mllco Kelley , the well-Unown stcreotyjwr ,
who Is a great friend of nil the members of the
company * _
IIalbI HciiKoti's Lecture.
Tills evening Dr. Benson will de
liver at the Jewish synagogue a lecture upon
the subject of "Tho Lady of Society. " This
lecture was announced for last Friday evenIng -
Ing , but owing to a call meeting of the Y. M.
H. A. at the synagogue , Dr. Benson spoke on
the subject of the "Aim and Object of the
Young Men's Hebrew Association , " nnd de
ferred the above-named lecture for to
morrow evening. The divine services ut the
synagogue will commence at 7 o'clock.
The following li the programme of musical
renditions from the efficient synagogue choir :
God Is Our Hope Weber
Prulso the Lord Mozart
Spirit of Love Divlno Weber
Teach Us , O Lord Horn
Absolutely Pure.
Tills powiU-r never vnrii" < . A marvel of puri
ty , strutiKth and vlioli-sonu'iieis. More econ
omical tlmn thi ! ordinary kinds , nnil cannot be
sold In competition with tfin mulitudo of low
cost short \\vlKht nliim or photphnto powders.
Hold only In runs. HovAt , HAKI.NO I'OWDKH Co. ,
NX ) Wnll-at. , N. V.
Glasgow via Londonderry ,
Liverpool via Queenstown.
Are Strictly Flr.t-Clns. , nnd nmnnB
the lament , fastest and flnci.1 In the world.
Pnloon. second class anil stccmnn Pii..rnu r
Accnmiiiotlittlona Unexcelled. Kvery
rcKuril fur the. comfort and cunvenlenee of pas-
icngcra studiously considered und practiced
Steamers every Snliinlny for ( ilnsKow. City of Home
siillsfor Mverpool October li It Is the lament untl
llnest pKosenuer stcniner utloiit. lliiles of pnvMiKO lor
ull ela es 11 low ns liy nny other tlr t-elH s line , ha-
Icon C'Xc-nrilon tlcketi lit reduced rules. Drults for
nny mnount ill lowe t current rates. Kor books
of tours , tickets , or further Intoniintlon , iinply to
IIICNDKK ON lIltOTIIElib , CUlc-ugo , or Kit AN K K.
MCKJKlib , Omulm , Neb.
10U N. lath Street.
PUHK CALirOIlNIA WINKS , shipped dlrecl
from our vlneyaut. HIcslliiK , Cnteilel Clarets
I'ort , Sherries , etc. San Jose Vaults , Seventh
I'.lKhth , Sail Salvador ami William streets , tjiu
Jose , Califoinlii.
Disordered Stomncli ,
Impaired Indigestion ,
Constipated Habit
which quickly charms
The Inlantln the mother's iirmi ,
While tlruopInK ? " wl" "trl"01" drain
Kach drop Inn fohlotdoen contii n.
This K * KKKVKSlMNCi frKl/1/.KH tlno
A Llesulnii Troves to mo and mine.
HT lr Pnedlker'8 Method. No operation ! no pain
. ' of auti > Bruili ti'ull
well UK icrown neon e. Hundred' *
JnontuR on tfle. All uuolness strictly f-ontldciitlu ,
Consultation free.
Kooni 0 , 1514 Douglas St. , Ouiulia , Neb
[ o rxtelten *
' .V nfortanA
it ilirabllHV""J art l ! > c reigning
. Ournameis f J.4T.COUSIN8.
I ) on e\ery tote. ) NEW YORK.
31 *
ill For Sale by
St Haward Brothers.
I * f dinc U - m -
Of customers in our store every day tell the story of the business we are
doing. We are determined to keep it up , and the more the public favor
ns with their patronage , the more will we show them that we appre
ciate their confidence , and will strive to retain it. Just now Overcoats
are in great demand , and are going off like hot cakes. The styles and
prices take. But as fast as the piles are disappearing from the counters
they are replenished by new and choice arrivals , which our buyer is
daily sending us from the east. We have new styles to show every day
and the prices we mark them at must be very tempting , as the people
buy them so quick. Evidently there must be a great difference between
our prices and those of other hou ses.
Other departments that are booming are Gloves , Underwear and Ho
siery. Our corner window this week gives you a small idea of what we
are doing in the latter lines. Where could you get such a good scar
let all wool shirts and drawers at 45c each , or such all wool seamless
socks at 15c a pair ? Other houses would think they give you bargains
when they charge you twice the money for such goods.
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price , at
Nebraska Clothing Co. ,
Corner Douglas and 14th , Streets , Omaha.
TKI > . who In his FOI.1YV and IUNOHANCK
lias TRIFI.KII away his VIUOK of HODY ,
MINI * and .MAMIOon.miiKlnK exhausting
drains upon the FOUNTAIN * of I.IFK ,
Dreams , WEAKNESS of Memory , IIAN1I-
FUI.NENNIn SOCIETY , I'lMl'l.Efc upon
the FACE , and nil the EFFECTS lending to
EARLY mxiAY and perhaps CONSUMP
TION nr INSANITY. sliouM consult at once
the CEI.EIIRATEIt Dr. Clarke , Established
18T > 1. Dr. Clarke hni made NERVOUS IIE-
ItlMTY. CHRONIC nnd all Diseases of
the UENITO URINARY Organs a Ufa
Study. It makes NO difference WHAT you
have taken or WHO has failed to cure you.
WFEMAI.ES suffering fromdlscases pecu
liar to their icx can consult with the assurance
of ipcedy relief and cure. Send 2 cents postage
for works on your diseases.
4a-Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated
\forktt on Chronic1 , Nervous and Ill -
cnte Diseases. Consultation , personally or by
letter , free. Consult the old Doctor.
TliounanilH enroll. Ofllcrnand nnrlorn
private. J-Thoso contemplating Marriage
vend for Dr. Clnrlte'n celebrated guide
dale and Female , each 15c. , both -5o.
( stampi ) . Before confiding your case , consult
I r. cijAKKE. A friendly letter or call may
save future guttering and shame , and add golden
years to life. * a-B&ok " I.lfe'H ( Secret ) Er.
rors , " Mo. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings
sent everywhere , secure from expaiare.
Ilours , 8 to 8 : Sundays , u to 12. Address ,
P. D. CLARKE , M. D.
188 So. Clark St. , CHICAGO. ILL.
ncal Mile.
IT. W. Corner of 13th and Dodge Streets.
Brace : , Appliances for Deformities and Trusses. .
nest facilities , apparatus nnd remedies for success-
fill treatment ot every lorn ) of dlreaiu requiring
Medk-al or hiirnlcal Treatment.
Forty new nioms for pntlenls ; best hospital accom
modations In tlia west. _
WniTKitiiiCiiicili.Anson Deformities nnd Braces ,
Chili heel. Curvature of the tplnn , 1'llen , ' 1 unions
Cancer , Cntarrh , llronchltln , Innulatlon , Kli'clrldty.
1'anilysls. Kpllcp y , Kidney , Hlndder , ' lo
and lllood , und ull buvlcal Operations.
Diseases of Women n Specially.
All lllood Diseases successfully treated. Syphilitic
I'olxon removed from Iho y tem without mercury.
New llestorntlve Treatment for Loss ol Vllnl Tower.
Tertons uniible. to vl'lt us mar be. treated ut homo ,
liyinrrcMiondence. All communications eontldenlml.
JSIerilclnes or Instruments sent by mull or ( mires * ,
( ecurely packed , no murks to Indicate contents or
sender. One personal Interview preferred. Call ami
( ( insult us , or fowl history ot your cuao , and no will
eeiid In plain wrapper , our
Upon Private , Special and Nervous Jllteaies , Femlrml
Weakness , t-punimtorrlm-a , Impoteney , hyphllls ,
Ooiiorruiea , Oloct , and Vuricocolo. Addrcsn ,
Oinalin Medical nnd Surgical Institute , or
Dr , McMenamy , Cor , 13th & Dotage Streets ,
Owing to tlio rapid urowth of Omaha and our sue
cess In tfleftlnu cures , our buMnosa hns become so
liirnu that the old .Medical Institute on 1,1th street and
Capitol avenu. , . emild not actommodule MUoiiilnir
touafortreatiiifiil. Wo have thercforo nioyed Into
our now brick building , Northwest Corner of 1.1th ami
Dodtre streets , ono block south of tbo old Institute
bulldlnif , and hnvo now the iHriicst and must cum.
ph'teMedical : Institute or hospltallti thniwe.t. 1-orty
newly furnished , well warmed and vent luted rooms
for imtlents , three skilled physicians a ways In tbo
imlldliut. All kinds of diseases treated In the most
" "wo'manu'rac'tSr'o Eurelcal Braces for Deformities.
Trusses , Hupporters. Electrical llulterles , and can
supply phys clans or patients any appliance , remedr.
orlnilrumcnt known ; Call and consult ua.orwrlin
for circulars upon all lublects. with lUts of questions
for patient to answer. Thousands treated success
fully by eorreKponaenco. Wo bave superior Hdvan-
taies and facilities for Ireutlnif diseases , porformlmf
riUKlcal iiperullons , and nursliiu : pat ents which com-
Lined with our ackno ledited Bblllir , experience ,
responsibility ami reputation shouldI make the Urnttlm
JledlcMl und r-uralcur Institute the nrstctiolc * .
, . , b v
worth. In the euro of Cougln. CoM . Aslha. llron.
chills. Whooplnu Couch. Scrnlaluus lluinors and all
Consumptive Symptoms , It has no superior. If equal.
Utnoonencgieet } h early iniptoms of d i se ,
wbenanaiieniilsahanrt which will cure all coo.
Dlalnti ot the Cta t , 'I lircmt or Lun s. Mnuufsctur-
ed only by A. M. WlLflUll , Cb iulil , Boiton. Sold ky
Authorized to treat nil Chronic , Ncrvoui
n J " Special UUcaiC-b. "
CB. tt s4Is ! eef&.1OsaMJTeS. , [ PRIVATE DISEASES ]
( Whrthcr caused by Imprudence , Flxecs1 ! or Con tnRlnnSemlnnl ) AVc.-Mness , ( night IosncnHox. )
immobility , ( lossofsexunl power ) . Nervous Debility , ftlooil DUordura , etc. ( Jnrablo case *
guaranteed or money rcfundi'd. Charges low. Thousands of cases cured. Aso and experi
ence aru important. All mcdlulnvs especially prepared for each Individual case.
No time lost from business. I'.itlentsut ft dhituncn treated bv letter nnd express. Medicine
sent every where frco from e.izo or breakage. NO DKLAY IN KIMJNO OKDIIKS.
FREE. All nnr printed literature emlirnclni ; a Hymptom 1,1 1 , on which to ci't n full his
tory of dlsuRKo , eto. . for i cen ( In Stamps. Stiito your cusp , ( .end for terms and trial
treatment. Hecrccy observed cither In person or bv mull. OFFICE HOURS ltol2 M. in. .
2 to 5 aud 7 to S p. in. Sundays included. CONSULTING ROOM , NO. 4- .
lk yaar rrtnllrr for the
$3 SHOE ,
according to your nerd .
CAUTION I I'oiItKclj none Pennine unions our
l price npfifAriil.iliilyonthc soles , home
dralers , In oulcr tn make A larjrf r
) > ruil , v. Ill rrcotmnuxl the Inferior
Fouls with n lilt K the mnrkrt li
Hnnlrd. ,1A1H1 : > .MKAN.S 4
MlOi : Is lleht and stjll-h. It
fiu HknnBtnrklni : nnd IIK-
1NU IN , " liclni ? prrtfctly
can ) the first time It li worn.
It lll satisfy the moil
lustMiousasltlsin every
vital rrspcct equal to
the liaiid-srwed
Ask for the James hllhcrto
Weans i 1 Shoe lor Hoys licon re
tailed Hi
7or t. JAMHS SmANS 83 SHOK h theoiljl-
nnl $1 Shoe nnil Is Absolutely the only shoe nf Its rrlie
which has ci or hern placed extonsU i ly on the inarki t
In which durability Is considered before more outward
appearance. Thet.e shoes arc sold by tins hest retailers
thrniiKhout the Untied States , and we will place thorn
easily wllhlnjonr reach In ny state or territory If jou
will send us a postal card , mentioning this pa ] > er.
4amei Mentis & Co. , 11 Lincoln M. , Uoiton.Hws.
Full llnu oC the ubovu Shoes for H.ilo In OMAHA
by G. W. Cook , 1300 Fnvniuii street ; G. S. Miller ,
GK North lutli street ; llaywiird llros. , 407 South
Ifitli street. In COUNCIL llLUi'fs "by Sargent &
liuus , 41Hi oiulw.iy.
Blood poison ,
venereal taint ,
piret itrlcturc ,
emlntl mli-
iloui , IOBI of
( Mini pow r ,
weakncm o f
the icxual or-
( 'Kin , Hint of
detlre In male
or female ,
whether from
1m prude n t
hahlIB of
young or >
ual habit * ID
| mature yoori ,
. or any ctuie
I that debilitate *
the § e i ual
function ! ,
ijieedlly ana
Confmltatlon free and gtrlctly confidential.
Medicine lent free from observation to all part *
of the United Statei. Correspondence receive *
prompt attention. No Ictten answered nnlem
accotnpinled by fonr crnt * In etamp * . Send lea
ccuU in Mampa for pamphlet and Hit of queetloni.
Ttruiatilctly cnth. Call on or addrma
1)11 ro\VKKl , HKKVES ,
Mo. 314 South nib bt. . Omaha , Neb.
.M'lNTOSIJ. n. r. nomvxu ,
Real Estate Dealers ,
HO South Fining Street ,
Los Angeles , . . . California.
Dealers In city and rnuntiy projicrty of nil ( Is
suiljitlons. Ueneiul Inforiniitlon tu nu\v-cuiu-
erslieelv uiven.
. S. & D. DAI
1707 Olive Street , St. Loul , Mo.
Of the MlK&cmil State Museum of Anatomy , St.
louls , Jto. , Unlverblty College Hospital , Joit-
, lon , filefron , ( Jcimany and New Vork. Jluvliitf
devoted their attention
More especially tlioco arising from inipni-
eiien , Inrlto ullso sulleriiiK to coriespond with ,
out delay. Diseases ot Infection und contagion
cured mifely and tpeedlly without use of"
Heiousdruu'.s. Patients whoso cases lnivo beeu
neglected , badly treated or pronounced Incur-
uble , Mionld not fall to vtrlto usroncornliiKtln'lr
symptoms. All letters rocelvo Immediate nt ton-
And will be mailed FHHK to any address on ra-
celiit of nne ii-cent Mump. . " 1'riictiniil Observa
tions on Nervous Debility and 1'livnlcul Kxlmus.
tlon , " to which is lidded nn "Kssuy on Mar"
ri K'"wlth important chnnterH on disease * of
thn Jtf'proilnrtlvo Orirans , the whole forming n
valuable medical treatise which should bo rend
by ull j ounu' men. Address
DRS , S , & D , DAVIESON ,
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo.
Proprietor Omaha Business College ,
Book-Keeping , Penmanship ,
Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telegraphing
and Typewriting.
Send ( or Collrce.Journal.
S. E. Cor. ICth and Canltal Avo.
Third Judicial District ,
Itemarkable for i
tliellc tone. iilluble uctlnn ami ! >
goTnTuUiirahlllty. .Oyeara record !
tliu beHt guurHnten ot HIM ctel -
lonce of tlmm InHtrmnentH.
f tli bedculartd and tteolbeM < l. Full ftrtla *
tint Uetltd ) Xi 4. Wll MXO. C0 Btfilo. M. T