I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , OCTOBER 28. 1887. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements under Hit * head , 10 ccntn p * > r line for the first Insertion , 7 cents for each mil * sequent Insertion , mid ll.ffl n line per month. No advertisement taken fur less tlmn 23 rents for the first Insertion. Seven wordu will lie counted to tlio linn ; they must nm con ccu- lively Bint must bo paid In advance. All ad. Tcrtljcmenta must lie Imuilcil In before 1 : . ' o'clock p. m. . anil under no circumstances vs 111 tiller lie taken or discontinued by telephone. Parties nclv crtlMna In these columns and Imv- JncJhe answer * nudreined In euro of thollco. WlH plcuVe nuk for n check to i-noblo them to Kct their Itittcrx , as none will bo delivered ex cept on presentation otcheck. All miweM to mlvtrtlRcinents should bo cnclowl In onvolopei. All advertisements In thei c columnare pu1 > - 1lhort In Ixith morning und evening editions of the. UPC , the circulation of which aggregates more than H.nn papers daily , and elves the ad- Ycrtlsers the benefit , not only of the city circu lation of thn HOP , but also of Council Bluffs , Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout this part of the west. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND Guarantee nnd Trust Co. , Ifins Knrhain Mreet Complete- abstracts fur- nlBhcd , and titles to real estate exanilncMl. per fected and guaranteed. 210 BUSINESS CHANCES. TPRA SAI.KHMIIN of experience and having an X uNtubllshi'd trudo among the ( Irocory Mer chants of the West v111 llnd It to their udv untugo to correipond w Ith in when In want of good sit uation , I'lrst-clHss placet open. Htate the terri tory In which you luivua trade , what houses you have repri-Hontc'd , ami how lone , what arrange ments joudfslrc to make ; alio send your lefer- ences. Coinmiinlcatlons contldentlal. Address 1' . t ) . Uox P , Now York City. HT-Ciit this out and keep It. 611-31 t'artncr with capital , In an estab- llshcd wholesale produeo huslmw. Ad- ilresx , stating uinuunt of capital to invcM , K 'M , Boo office. T ( 27 * TO DXCIIANflK-II.Mn stock Rcueral iner- clmndlHe for good Omahit property ; Hiualt Ineitmbrance : must sell or exchange quick. & . H. Campbell and U. W. llcrvey , 310 Hoard of Trade. 4W > . FOH SAIjR Hotel , the Iteit paying Rinall hotel In Omahit ; slsly regular boarders ; liave other business and must Hell ; f la ) gets It. Address K.IJ1 , lice. 71'I-2H * "IOK SAM : A W.M)0 ) stock of groceries and -I ? cUeenswan | > . In best location In Vork , doing n business of $2UXK ( ) . Stock nearly new. A rare chance to a live tuati. Address , drawer 151 , Yoik. Neb. 7-T ? 1 \v TANTED A partner In well established and paying restaurant lu South Omnlm , inpl- 'S'ied , tlW ) . Inqulro Cunadlan Employ- olllio , Hill S 11th. Tele. W4. 7UI 2y T > ESTAI'HANT for tiudc or sale. Co-operative Jil Land A. Lot Co , , 2ftN 18th Kt. W > 2 * \ i'ANTI'.lMini with $7 V ) In tuku one half- TT Interest in a well established leiil estate nil loan rilllco , elnarslD.WOye rlv , wlllgtiaian- tee f HK ) ] > er iiiontli. Address Lock Ho417 , La Cro-se , WJs. 451 7 rilO Til A DETw o Improved farms In low a for JL Omaha ptopcrty or Nebraska lands. M6- Culloch it Co. . tor ; IBth and I'm num. 328 rPHIIEE ding sto-ks and llxtures of JIBfO , J,70i > . WMO Inllnest Nebiaska tow.ss. For sale or leal estate oxcUasgj. Aanress K. 2. Iloo. MBnSS * $ l,9il Will buy a good paving and well estal > - llihed business on N. llith st. . parties going to 1'iicinc const. Address K 41 , lice olltee. 72 * 2 \\fANTI3U-To lent a double brick store room. 44xli4. or will xepaintn uncl rent singly : Ih'lited by private gns ; located In a Hue town of 2.UOU In eastern Nebraska : good location for dry goods and clothing , or i-lther line separate- , lent UM onnl > 1e. Addicts K 17 , Hc > > olllce. tM 2) ) > * pr.NTAL AOC.NTV 1L. . Orogorv will be J t found uller Nov < inber 1st nt .Hil ! South Ifith f-t , opj ) . Hoard of Tiade. Uiouud tloor. fill ) G1OOI ) opening for hurclwuro or clrv goods * stole In ritih block ou Talk live * . Splendid stole room. Che.ipient. r. L. Oiogoiy. : tiO S IMh st. H > i Tjldn SAI.E Drug store , stock and tlxturiIn - J voice about t > l,2 i , uvevuge sales fl.iKD monthly , rent only W5 per month. SBC Win. NflMMi. 422 8 13th Hi. 470 27j BUSINESS chiinco-A live man with KXXcash ( ) can leuru of u No. 1 opening by calling or nddresxlnir . > J. I , . Hlco i : Co. , over Coniiiiorcinl _ . 1/ , . gp , .y ou SALE rirst-chiss two-Moiy brick hotel Uolng excellent buslne.ss ; lentsfor IcCl per moAth ; owner going out to Col. Address U.S. Lilly , llrokrn How , Neb. 2L' n 16 FOll SALE A : WO ncre stock farm , InSarpy county. Just 25 miles fiom Omaha , with a Jlne qnnrrv on It. only J25 per aero. A. 1' . Mayne , N. W. cor. Iflth and Fnrnam. IW1 TlTANTED-Stock of boots and shoes lu exT - T change for Inside Oinnha property. Ad- drcsal'attcrbon & MoorelU12 Farnam at , Omahn. 212 A good opening In the state of California for a . light mantifuttmlng business. A small capital requliedandtheprotltsaiehirge. Chance seldom'Olteied. Particulars at A. F. Mavne's , N. W. cor. 10th nnd rarimm. ' Wil FOll TltADE 0,1X10 acres of tnolco western Innd to exchange for geneial merchandlho. Jlio. F. Toft , 321 N. ir.lh at. K13 _ Il'vou have anjthlng to exchange , wiltci us. Wo have Impioved anil uuliupio\i'd No- binska , KaiisHsaud loua lands , coal mines ho tels , stocks of merchandise , horses , cuttle , hogs sheep , etc , to e\rliaiige. S , S. Campbell and O W. Ilervey , 310 Hoanl of Trade. 4S7 TCfESTKHN DKAI.EItS-tx-nd for our lllus- T T trated cntaloguo of fancy goods , toys and notions. lricp guaranteed. Huy near home and save freights. Hedhead , Norton , Lathrop & Co , lobheis , books , statloueiy , etc. , Des Mollies. In. 6Htl-2il _ BUSINESS Chwice DeMrous of retiring from business , > \e will sell the. balanceofour stock of dry RO < xl , etc. , with three years lease and : fixtures of Htoie by January or March next. Men hauls meaning to pmchafieaddreH.s Johh H. F. Lchmann JL Co. , L110-UU ! Famam st. _ ; _ MI u r > BI'SINKSS Chance ThenIs n line opening lor a confectioner , restaurant and baker right near the entrance of llaiu > coiu paik. Nevutoieioom , clunii rent , 1' . L. Oli'gory , 320 s. r.tu st. r.o ) _ _ F01l.trAL.IV . Ortriul aNo. 1 hotel property , 06lnjj good I iiulo , In one of the best tow us In Nepiusfcu. S. S. Cumpbell and 0. W. Heivey , UlOChnmborof Commeico. " 4 7 \ \ fjTVl' E I > A stock of gicHfries and general TT mdso , for city loth paid for. C. J.Cauau. TTFoil - Foil RALE A complete steam laundry hiiv- lim twenty hoiM power engine. J. S. llvn- licit , Saunders and Clark sts. KM * "CLATKVOYANT. MUS , DtlllANT-CIarivoyant fitjm Host on Is reliable lu nil affairs of life , unites separ ated lowers. lt N. ii.th St. , room 1. 7U ) ulO * DTl. NA N NIK V. Wiurcu , clttlr\oyaut. M eif- UuUiuslnfM nnd test medium. Office ll'J Noith lBthbtuitrociui8 23 , Xulephonn VJl , WANTED--MALE HELP. \\rANTED-fi farm han < ls , SI per day and TT board ; 3 sollcttois ; 0 men for railroad wotk ; 10 men for ciuuriy work , J1.BO ; 1 good alesiiuut , No , 220 N. IMh t > U KCJ a \ Smith. 7BS 27 * A Intelligent inun cnu llnd steady and re- inuni'iiulvo emplo ) Mieut by appbiug to Pesto lllco uox 71O. 7uu 112 * ' \ \ ANTKI > A thoronchly exiu-ilenced rol- > T lector. None other ncea iipplv. Ad- Ui's K. 4l , IH-o Olllrc. 771-2.S \\"ANTKI > A jounc man who unili'i. stands ' ' i-tfuoitiuphy and Is wIllltiK to commence at Km w ; : , vvltUaoodprospVclh. AUdruss K8 , lw ! nllko. 4M _ _ \\rA.STii : > l'uctlcul KTOTfiy ch'lk , btout. T > lu'.tltliy , haul \\oikuruuil munt bo iiiluk | ut lltailf-i. Hlncle man preferred. Add raw K. f Icl.einoii. bldiu < y , J\i'b. IK1-S7 ) MtTi for rallioad wort. XT- lulght'H l.nbor Apcnry , 1120 rurnam. SIM YA X 'flI I > Male coot at 1W > 1 N loth bt. " i cm _ ANTr.I ) 2 good furmuo men ut C. K. Tl uei'n , 71U.N. Itlh. 717-27 " \\rANTUO AKi'nts. o canvash tut > l.lfe Insurance Co. , Lincoln , Neb. None but e.\pcrlcnced lueu need apply. _ Ml \ \ r.\NTKn-GcxKl machinist and Iron dnUhor ot 1'uvtou & VleillnK Iron works. 7M2 ! ) " \\7.\NTKU Ijiborcw for city work. (1,73 prr lUy ; youtiK man ftcciualntvd with city to actns jxn-ter and ilelt.eiy clerk. I ! Hood fmm hands , (23 : man aud wife for city , ! > & > : two coupler for furins. * 23 ; tnivcllnj taHwniea to reproRfiit a peed l.oute. bly money : boy fur cumly MOP. tlrst and second cooks for west tin i.nj KO. Canadian Kinployment entire , \\n. \ llregu i : Soq. ill'J 9. | 5th. tet. gl. 7W 27 * " \\rANTRI > A uofxl l > oy , wt-ll Kcunimei-ded , totHkecnruof hoine ttml cuvruudwoik intitorc. Inquire 1J18 faniAni. VJO-i. " WANTED Agents In Nebraska for Oen. John A. Ixigan's last work , "Volunteer Poldler. " just published. Address J , M. French A Co. . Uniaha. Neb. SM A OENT8 wanted for the new revised Imperial . 1- edition ofoil's rncjclopodlRS ( and other works ) Just Issnexl. New features , BO per cent thicker , and retail prices reduced. Hxcredlngly llhrrnl term * to experienced men. Address T. lUwood.ell. . publisher , 1'hlladelphla , 1'u.K1727 K1727 WANTIID-Tlnner , at IlevcrlclBO * Allen's , 1112 S. 13th St. 7UU27 * T\7" ANTKlf-Man to cut wood. Ueo. N. lllcks T > 215 8.15th St. WJVJ \\fANTnn Head nnd second cook J.V1 nnd T f fffi month , 1 cook 17 week : coffee nnd tea f nleiman , stove mounter , man to tnke charge of rlgi In livery barn , man with small capital to handle Incandescent lamps , salaried IXXJK sales men. 2 inlddlo aged men as managers to work on shares , Headquarter ! ! , 1500 Farnam : room P. WANTED Man to take care oftenm nnd do general workaround place. Call at B W corner Hth nnd Jones , 778 WANTED Walntmakers and finishers ; com petent female help In all departments. Gate L'lty Employment otllce , 310 S 1,1th st , 7bO 28 VXT'ANTF.D 3experienced dry Rortds clerks ; T V no others neml apply ; 1 boy to take care of liorses , drive delivery wagon and work round itore. One man to tuko care of horses and do . hote < < round the house. Call at Guto City Em- tloynient oltlce , 310 M IMh st. 780 S3 teamsters for city , 12. . and board. City IntellUjenco olllce , Crolghton block. 7KJ WANTED-Out of city. 1 baker , J1JI per week ; man and wife , cooks , $75 the two ; 10 shov- elcrs , 25 men for Weeping Water , no ollico too ; 'n city teams M per day ; sr > nhovelers , ) l.7. " > per day ; no contract work. Omaha Em ployment Uun-au , 11 ! > N. 16th St. 781 28 WANTED Man to handle a litrtit business , $5 to $15 per day , small Investment. Mutual agency , 1U07 Farnam st. , up stairs. C , i 7 * \\fANTED Man and wife for farm W miles TT nortli,4good farmhands steady work. 8 corn huskers. 1007 Farnam st. KCJ 27 * WANTED Several first-class xalcsmcn for clotlilni ; . hat and furnishing noods. Only hose with nrst-clasi roferouce need address Jox 2J , Omaha , 440 WANTED An experienced boot nnd shoo salesman : none other need apply. Un questionable references required. Chicago Bar. gain Shoe Co. . 1318 Douulas st. 7NWTT WANTED- ) railroad men for Mlssoiiri and Kansas , $ l.7" to $2Z'i per day , Hoard * ! W ) per week. Scandinavian Employment bureau , 1 IO FBI nam st , side door. Nl ) 2 WANTED Men for Missouri and Kansas. Scandinavian Employment bureau , 1010 Farnam st , side door. 6012 T\7"ANTEO 100 men of peed appearance to > tiyour Ific meals at Norrls restaurant , 311 and ,1U South 14th street , ( old Lire and Let Live. ) bp4 " " % \7" ANTED BOO aeenta ; good salary or "com- TT mission ; rare chance. Address with stamp fortenus , Weaver Mfr. , 'M N. State St. , ChlcaRo , 111. KKtil. W ANTED 4 ( lermau boys to carry papers. . 12th Kl. , nivstalrn. IM ) WANTED--FEMALE HELP. WANTED 2..glrl3 general housework , 0 din ing loom girls , 2 dishwashers , 1 cook for Logan , la , Wi per mouth ; 2 cooks for cltv , 1 pastry cook , 1 woman to clean house , $1 a clay and board ; 1 girl , 10 years old , private fumllv.iio washing ; 1st end 2nd girls for prl\ato families ; lots of places nt this otllcc. Omaha Em p. Uure.iU , 119 N. loth. 7H1 28 [ /"ANTED A good girl for general house- > vork , TOIS 21st fit. H0029J WAKTI3D A flist class cook and laundress , German prefeiicd. Mrs. Milton Itogeru , T.'i sim hst. r-'o \\rANTjD-Second , ] gill capable of doing plain TT sewing. Mrs. T. W. ( 'ray , 2 ( M Douglas. 7UG 27 * \ \ 7ANTED-Glrlatouce. ( H2N. 19th. 678 "V\rAVI'ED 3 dining room girls , 1 cook , girls T T for private families. City Intelligence Olllre , Ciclghton lllk. 010 W ANTED-Woman to handle light article , pays $ .1 to J.H per day. U J7 rnrnnm. KK 27J -Dlnlng room girl at 1001 N Ifith st. t > 04 irANTP.D-1 took for Reward , 1 dining room girl for Crete , 4 cooks for city , 2 chambermaids , U dining room ghls , 1 latindiess , 1 head waiter , assistant In diessumklng shop , nnd various fcmulo liulp foi the IIist families In the city. Give us u call , uud we will give satisfaction. Unto City Km- plo.vment olllce , 314K S If.thst. WiJ 29 \\7"ANTED A good woman cook and man TT dit-hwuslwr at U. Peterson's dining hall , WO S 13th st. 70428 * W ANTED Dining loom girl. Doran house , 422 S. 18th near St. Mary's avenue. 444 \VANTED-CO ladles to try ourlfic meals at TT Nurrls'iestaurautold ( Live and Let Live ) , 311 and IU.I S. 14th st. C'.U If ANTKD Cook and laundress. Dr. Coff- T man cor. St. Mary's ave and 27th ht. 658 EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. /CANADIAN Emyloyment I Oflico. Orden for \J parties to till M > smon ! ! of trmt tilled free- Male help supplied I'lt-e l to all. Domestic help fuinlshecl on short notice. Male aud femalu help sent to nil parts If fare Is paid. Eight years' experience enables us to 1111 orders satisfac torily. Heft-rente Omaha National Hank. Mrs. Illegal Son , MIS 8. Kith , tcl. 8S4. 43431 * WANTED Ladles who nro desirous of ob taining competent xerventH of all nation alities to till every required position to leave their orders at Scandinavian Emp bureau , 1010 I'arnam st , sldo door. 681 30 rpUKCity Intelligence Olllce has tlio only pron- J. erly organized employment agency In the west. It is the largest , most reliable and its terms the mo t liberal. Ifjouaro out of em ployment or w tali to make a change , why do j ou delay in securing the Iwst jiosslhle Hid Unit can bo given you. Persons should carefully consider w horn they are dealing w 1th as there are many new rntch-puimy concerns coming Into existence dally. Full particular * concern ing our methods will bo Riven upon uppllin- tton. All orders ( except from private families lllle < I free and bent to uuy part of the west w her faro Is paid. Yours respectfully , Clias. L Hart , manager. Heferences ; John L. McCaguo president McCncue Hros' . bank ; I > exter L , I honniH , cashier Nebraska saviuga bunk ; Hon. J. II. McCulloch , county judge. 671. \\fANTED-Glils and all others wno are look- TT Ing for a plate to know that we do not charge alllrn fee unless place Is secured. Do not be deifU ed by concerns who take your money without giving > ou a place. Gate City Employ ment ollice , 314 4 8 Ifith bt. 502 2U BUSINESS M n and others wishing reliable help of any kind , call at our olllce and see whatwelnne. Among otheis wo mention the following lines : Floor-walker , Draughtsman , Hook-keepers , Clerks and Salesmen in various lines ( city and l end ) . Canvassers , Stenographers , Tx pe-w riter-s. Cashiers , Collectors , Hartemlers , Stun aids. Cooks , Waltern , Cigar-makers , Porters , 1'atker.s , Drh i-s Engineers , Firemen. J aultors , Stablemuu , Watchmen. CuriK-nters. Coachmen. Hutchers , linkers , useful men for city and coun try , laboiers. useful boys , mechanics in all brunches , if you want work or wish to make a change , call ou the Gate City Employment Olllce , 314'i S. IMh bt. im-JJ " \\7ANTKD-Ladles who are desirous of oh- TT tululng thoioughly competent , tellable nnd well trained servants of all nationalities , to 111) ) eei y required position of household duties , to send theli orders to the City Intelligence of- llce. No tee until places are tilled. City Intelli gence olllce , Cit'lghton block , telephone No. KM * . 7U7 LOST. STOLEN Hay maio in open buggy , medium sire , daik bay , laige hind ankles , about 12 j ears old , good traveler , buggy old , new shafts not painted. T , Munity , Murray hotel. 2T > 1 Or. 3 Arcude place. IK blkg Foiitli of I avou- wortli Kt. , east front ou3cth ! st. Owner mtutsell , Ask for price. F. L. Gregoiy. 320 So. 1Mb st. 172 FOUND. TIAKEN UI'-OctoberH.between Floienconnd Pouka hill , small , ( Irak brown pony nnd buggy. M. Cunuou , north of rioiencc- . oct U. 20. 27. nov3.10. rPAKEN Ul'-Cow , S. M. Maxwell , Gieenwood 1addition. . 7" > 2 27 * " 1710UND A bieastpln. The owner can get X1 name by calling at Thompson , Heldeu * Co.'s , 1119 Farnnm > t. , pro\lng property uncl paying for thin notice. 707 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. AWANTED Immediately two or three rooms TT for light houvjki * i > liiK , rofuicnces ; ad- diess K 64 lieu olllcx' . 7b.1 27 * ANTED-Set of l > ooka to post at night. Address K 47. tlceonjat. IWW * \\r ANTED Flva nr MX ir > ou Out or hou e fur- TT niahed for desirable tenant , Nnciilhlien. C. E. Majpe Heal Eirute 'and UTust Co. , n. w. cor. IMh aud Ifuiney. . 7M 20r3 " \\r.VNTKD-Fow peed nmateurs forilramatlo T > compuiiy. Addresa K. 41. IK-t. 77J-27 * \ VAN.TKD2oruiKMva .T3 inpiiv , ta family. IT llrlugrufeiencei. BU South . 'Jlslftt. mur corner St. Maiy's a > u , , 7 4 30 * TJ17ANTED TotmythcfnrnltnT * of n .frmnll T T or large house cent rail v ' located , Co-op om- tlve Land & lx > t Co. . avi N ICt'h at. 1.B _ WANTED-To buy half or whole Interest In small hotel ; must bo first-class. Address KM. eo. WANTED To hire immediately n small house , containing nl > out four rooms , lo cated west of ICth street and north of Kurnum street and w Ithln a mile of 1' . O. Address K. R. . lice olllce. 718-gJ * WANTED Three persons to learn Ixmkkeep- lugsituations. ; J.I ) . Smith , 1(113Chicago ( St. 717 2\ ) ' w ANTED Second hand cooking stove ut once. Address SW7 Dodge nt. CM 27j AIT-ANTllD Stock of furniture , drugs or gen T crnl mdse , for Improved lands In Nebr. , Kansas , and Colo. Address lock box 21 , Fair mount , Neb , 4C1 27 * -Thrco table boarders at 2118 Hurt st. BOT WANTED Good family horse in exchanco for lot , McCulloch & Co. , cor 15th and Farnam. tUO "VITANTED Land to pxchanco for merchand- T ? lno and Omaha property. H. II. Hall & Co. , 113 N. 110 St. 1C ! ) WANTED Furnished house in peed loca tion , within ten mtnutcs walk from V. O. Address K 40 Hee ollico. 73128J WANTED Property of all kind * to excliange Special attention given to trading. C. C. Spotsvvood , 30CK B 10th. CJ5 WANTED Oood farms in exchange for Omaha property , C. C. Spotsvvood , . 30' " B 16th. OK ) WANTED-Men to invest 1100 to.V)0 ) In liusl- nefrs that will pay 300 per cent profit , ino" Farnam , up stairs , KI2 27 * \CfANTED-Posltlon as book-keeirer by an T T educated lady of business experience. Good penman. Address E , 309 Pierce at. . Coun cil Ilium. Iowa. BOO-38 * W ANTED A room suitable for a shop. Ad dress K12 , Heo Odlco. 493 27 * WANTED lloom and board In private fam ily or private boarding house. Lady with references. Address K SI Hee. 61020 * \X7ANTED-To buy 100 or 200 acres cheap laud TT near Omaha. Co-operative Land & Lot Co. , SOT N 13th st. 730 27 WANTED Farms to exchange for Omaha property and stocks of merchandise. C. L. BrownCo. , room 13 Freuzer block , Omaha | 741 n2 , ' . WANTED To purchase half or whole Inter est In an established lire Insurance busi ness in Omaha. Address K 24 , Hee office. 01529 * WANTED Stocks of merchandise to ex change for unencumbered Omaha prop erty. Also Omaha property to exchange for land. 11. It. Hall Ac Co. , 113 N. 16th St. 170 WANTED Farm lands In exchange for Ktocks of merchandise. St. John & Ely , lloom U , Frcn/cr block , or p. P.O KW WANTED Farm lands In exchange for city property. St. John Si Ely , lloom 13 , Fren- zer block. KI7 MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY To loan on chattels. Co-operatlvo Lund and Lot Co. , 2H No. 16th street. 550 Money on hand to loan on Improved property. J. A. Helstand. Arlington block. & 2.W. (11,000.000 to loan. II. E. Cole , 310 S. 15th. First P moitgago notes bought. 370 J750,000 { to loan at 0 per cent. Linuhan &Ma- ! 'honey , 150111 oniam. 227 dBOO,000 to loan In auy amount at lowest rate of 'P Interest. II. H. Iruy , Freuzer block. 213 MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson li Co. , 13241'arnam , ocr llurllngton ticket oflico. rONEYto loan to parties wishing to build. 8. 8. Campbell , 3108 J6th St. , Chamber of Commerce. 214 fONEV to loan. Notes nnd n. 11. tickets L bought ahd sold. A. Jb'ormau , 21J S Hth st. 1125 SHOUT time loans made on any available seem It v. In reasonable amounts. Seuired notes bought , sold or exchanged. General financial business of any kind transacted piomptly , quietly and fairly at the Omaha Fi nancial Exchange , N. W. cor. 15th nnd Har- ney sts , over Stnio National band. Corbett , manager. 127 M' ' to Loan O. F. Davis Co. , real estate end loan agents , 1MJ5 Kurmim st , ' < 20 I'EH CENT Money. 1'utterson & . Faw cett 15th and Harney. 222 Tl TONEY to loan on Improved real estate ; no 1'i. commission charged. Leavltt Uuniham , room 1 , Crelghton block. 221 fONKY In hums of * .VX ) nnd over to load at L low rates. liussoll Jk llarrctt , 312 S IfUh st. < i 600,000 To loan on Omaha city property at 6 P percent. G. W. Day , S. E. cor. Ex. Hid. 223 TIO LOAN Money Loans placed on 1m proved real estate In city or county for New England Loan Si Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank , llith aud Chicago stB. 21U MONEY To loan. Lowest rates. No delay. J. L. lllco & Co. , over Commercial Na tional bank 218 MONEY to loan on city property. Will buy good notes. Beaver & Whltcoiub , inoyji rnriiuia. 772 MONEY to .loan on city property , and also farms In Nebraska and lowu. Udell Hros. St Co , loan , real estate and Insurance agents , lit ) Pearl street. Council Hluffs , la. ; 1523 Farnain street , Omaha. 2U3 TVfONEYto Loan By the undersigned , who -LTJL has the only properly organized loan agency to Omaha. Loans of J10 to $100 made on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wrgons , ma chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans so made that any part can be paid at any time , each pay ment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances made on tine watches and diamonds. Person * should carefully consider who they are dealing with , as many new concerns are rtally coming into existence. Should you need money call and pee me. W. K. Croft , room 4 Witbuell building , lOth and Harney. 224 MONEY to Loan On improved city property at low est rates of interest. No commis sion charged. Sholes & Crumb , room 1 , llarkcr block , cor. Ifith and Farnam sts. 210 MONEY LOANED at C. V. Heed * Co.'s Loan Ollice. on furniture , pianos , horses , w agons pel sonal property of all kinds , and all other ar ticles of aluo without removal. 3ltl H. 13th , over Hlngham's commission store. All busi ness strictly confidential. 220 $300.000 to loan , special rates on farm property. Sobutker & Perrlgo , 1521 Faniam st. 251 MONEY to loan , cosh on hand , .no delay. J. W. and E. L. Squire , H1J Furuam fit. Paxton - ton hotel building. 223 MISCELLANEOUS. " | 7tOH HENT Good horse and No. 1 delivery JL1 waKen to responsible patty , terms reason able. KSI , HeeolilLe. KX 27 * NEW YOUK Pluno Co , , manufacturers of up right pianos ; pianos on time at wholesale prico. Cor Capitol ave aud IMh st. 703 MISS LINA DU11HAUM , IB11 Izard street , fashionable drew * and cloak maker. Pur- feet lit and prompt attention guaranteed. 071)27 ) * KINTAL cAGENCY F. L. Gregoiy will bo found after November 1st at : W9 South IBtu st , opp. Hoard of Trado. Ground floor. 610 LIST YOOU 11OOMH at the City InteJllgencn OlHce , Crelghton Hlock. More people call dally ut our olllce than ut auy other place in Uie city , iixcept the pontoUlco. ( & > L ADI ESI An elegant ( VY ) peal skin sack and inuir , near now , bust 42 , length 44 , will sell at half price ; lady going Boutli for the winter. Address K 20 , Hee olllco. tt > 7 27 * 11 ENTAfj AOENCV F. I , . ( Jregory will l ( found after November 1st at UCMHouthlOth bt. , opp. Hoard of Trade. Ground tloor. CIO ELKQANT plush parlor sets at immense sac- rltlce to pay fctoruKe charges. New Yoik btorago Co. , cor Capitol ave and Ifith st. 7tU Dlt. J. W. BAllNanALI/H BurBlfal and ou st etrlce.1 home , 1721 Capitol avu. Umahu , Neb. Telephone we. t > M n 21J _ TIME present condition of our streets render homes liable to accident ut all timed. A Mitch In time navel nine. Always keep a bottle of Standard Stock Llnament fa your stable. Cures all cuts sprains , bruises eto. , guaranteed. Manufactured by K. U. Banborn * Co. , 17 ( Bt. > 1 ury'fl ave. For sale everyw hero. _ C43 27. 1 f\ TEASING Love Letters read two waj-H. lOc J-U drab them imlck. IJox 62 , ilaltlmore. Hit _ EHl n 17 * rpO KXCIIANOII-ror cattle , I bavo HO acres X of good western land to trade for cattle , and a good house und lot near the cupltnl ; will uxchungH for cuttle. Address S. U. Urran. Ash- luncl. N eb. 2-J : _ n HENT Organs , tt per month. Hospe , ' 22S OI C House furnlhhluR goods , all kinds ; cu.ih or Installment ; lowest prices at J. Item- tier. 1J15 Douglas bt. 230 _ _ l OIt UENT-Square piano , H 'monthly. A. I1 Uoape , 1513 UoiiKlaa. 2J8 _ | TKlt KBNT-Smtare I'luno tl uioathly. A. , J ? Hospo , J31J Douglas. . . . . m TT'IjKnANT parlor * etsifr ip , Immense sac- Jt t rlllce to pay adv nce l/ / < New York Btoruge Co. , cor Capitol ave and IMn St. 701 DU. CHARE'S new HecelpHlook nnrt House hold 1'hyslclnn , the "Memorial Edition" of over ( W pages. The "Crcintilng Life Work" of the greatest author and brut-factor ilmtcrer llvccl. Just out. ApentV"making Immense pales , lllg terms. Address F. II. Dlckcnsou & Co. , Detroit , Mich. JlentlonlhU * paper. 2Kliov4 * PERSONA" * . . PEIlHONAL Any kind if * old gold taken In exchange or made over to suit at O. Ii. Krickson 4 Co.'s , 212 N. ICUrfst , Masonlojllock. 017-27 PKHSONAI The ladles of Omaha can secure thn services of competent and reliable do- inestlr help and have a roomfull to cheese from by calling at the Canadian' ' Kinployinent OUlce. JIrs llrega Ii Son , 310 80. IMh. Tel 884.71U4S 71U4S * TJRHSONAL Good health Is as essential to a JL horse as ton man. If you would keep your homo In Rood health and splilts treat him to a box of Standard Horse ana Cattle Food. 1'urltles the blood and regulates the whole system. 7 His for II. Kvcry box guaranteed. Manufactured by K. E. Sanborn & Co. , 171W St. Mary's nvn. For sale everyw hero. 043 S7. RKNTAIi AOKNCY-F. L. tlrejtory will Iw found after November 1st at . ) W South loth fit. , opp. Hoard of Trade. U round lloor. CIO P1UISONAI/-M1R8 JJelle Tumer. st > llsh modiste , will accommodate private families by the day. Callutzm Urant st. ; > saUsfactlon RiiarauU > od. , > KU PEUSONAIi To the ladl'erof Omaha. " If you w ant Kood reliable help , call at the Omaha Employment bureau , the oldest employment olHco In the cltyH9 N. 16th st. , II E. White , pro prietor. 114 0 PEHSONAI/ Private homo for ladles rtnrlnc confinement , strictly confidential. Infants adopted. Address K 42 Hoc ollico. 1G7 n 8 * FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Fll SAIjE Lease and fixtures of ono of the best located leal estate offices in the city. ( Ground lloor , ) Addrdss K K , lieo olllce. 770 : * F I Oil SALE-SeU-fecder stove , at2211 Cumlng 774-2U * FOH SALE 2 good office desks , aouble Bet of good harness , two now gold tipped buugy poles , Simpson make , all at a bargain. Patter Bon & Fawcett , 322 So. l.HU st. 438 EOIl SALE Cheap , horse and phaeton. In- quireiof D. F. Cooper- Western Union Telegraph olllce. OU2 nl [ 71OK SALE-C8 In. Columbia Expert , full S nickel , good condition , very cheap. II. II. Mulfonl , Union Stock Yard Hank. 088-28 T710II SALE-Or trade. A nice llttlo Hock of Ju reslstcred merino sheep. A herd of regis tered Herkshlro hogs ; 200 high grade bhort horn cattle. 8. S. Campbell and ( J. W. Hervey , Hoard of Trade building. 418 FOIt SALE-Knlfihta Templar Uniform. $25. cost J100 ; about 100 volumes of rare Ma sonic works will be told for whatever thoywlll bring. Addre.ss K. 33 , Uee office. 710-23 * FOS SALE Cheap , a full household , whl < h cost DOW $200 last fall , for & .V ) now. It hai to bo bold on Monduy , 31st Oct. 1805 So. 13th at. 714-28 * FOH SALE-Drup store , $2,000 , doing good business on ono of the best streets in Omnho , or will exchange it with some choice land for larger stock of drugs In good country town. Addioss K 27 , Hoe office , Omaha. 705nl F IirALK A heating stove nearly new.cheap for cash at 1J08 Izurd st. 620 FFoil Foil BALE A medium sized Garland base burner In good condition. Price t2.'i. Includ ing plpo 7.luc and oil clothe Inquire at 1010 Dodge street. CM 27 * OIl BALK Fresh milch jcows.l flno Jersey. -C Corner 10th and Capitol avenue. 614 31 * OHGANS at wholesale 'prices , on easy pay ments. Now Yoik Piano Co. , cor Capitol nvo and IMh st. f 700. FOirTIlADE Ififl acres of , good land , housei 14 acres cultivated fli Uawllns Count y. Kansas. Will trade for lotfe , merchaiidlso or other valuable property. Address J. Kline , 2717 Cuming at. , city. W7-1122 FOIl SAljE 47 head of rfno marcs' colts and gentle ildlng ponies , uWN. 20th and I/ocu t ts. , near base ball giounds. fibflSO * SALE-Good boardlug business. 212 B. POH V' 10th st. ' 590 30 * flOH SALE I Oood plnno , glKilf RoldlnlOiUys , 1 Also loom for lent , 1S21 rurnam Bt. fi20 flOn'SfCTjE Team , h'krni s-vvngon ; , J1HI. Mrs- 1 K. C. Uurr.S 13th st,3 blks from st car track. 3.s8nov2 T71OK SALE-1 feed mill. 24 in. French burrs. -I : 1 Victor nheller , 75 bu per hour. 1 bolt for buckwheat or meal. 40 ft. 2 In. shafting , 0 hangers elevator belt , etc. Address 200 S 20th St. , Omaha. Neb. 825 n 1 * FOR RENT-HOUSES. FOH HENT Good , now house. 7 rooms , clos ets , etc. . north part of town , $3.1 per month. Graham. Crelghton lllk. 7 ! 1 F1 I OH HENT 3 room cottage 'southeast corner 14th and Pierce. 79C-2U * LjO HENT Broom furnished tint , ffiO per F . . mouth. 3 rooms rented , 143. Apply r > 03 S. 10th st. m F lir.NT-House 8. E.Cor. 10th und Paclllc. OwenWhalen. 7K121 ! * FOll RENT Nov. 16 , new eight-room house , all modern improvements. 221S Chicago st. . J. H. Hliigw alt. 218 S 15th St. 777 T710II HENT Klegant filx room house with all JU conveniences. Sixth and 1'oppleton a\e. M. Abiuhams. 783 2-t * FOlYllENT 8 room cottage , largo lot , good barn , In delightful location. Furnltme for sale ; call at Kiusler's drug store , 1307 Furnnm st F IOIl KENT A small house and 2 front rooms furnished. Inquire 2C17 Hamilton st. 760 27J HUNT Small house on California St. , near 20th , $20. S. Lehman , 1103 Faniam. 770 THOU HENT 8-room hoivse and attic , bath X : room , Water closet. 2fltll andSeward. Ap ply at 1217 Farnam. 7f " 1T1OH RENT Several houses. 5 and 6 rooms -I ? Inquire of H. F. Humann , 2815 I eavcnworth F OH LEASE 7-room house on Davenport , near lUth st. Rent , * 10 ; fumituro , WOO. Co-Openitlve Laud & Lot Co. , 20u N 16th st. 721 28 "IjlOH H E NT House on lliuncy between ICth J ? and 17th sts. Has sixteen rooms , water , gas and llxtures uncl steam all In good order ; nlsolargob.u n. Apply to Thomas Swift , 16th and Chicago , or E. \ \ . Nash ut smelting works. 745 ! ? J FOK KENT A new 11 room house , closets aud puntrys , hard and soft water , * .Va ) month. 2sth Ht. close to Furnam st. Addreis K SfJ , Heo olllce. 7J73Q * "TTIOU HENT A convenient .1 room house be- -I tw een Faniam uud Dodge bts. Address 1C. 38 Hee olllce. 740 30J FOR RENT 7 room Hat and the furniture for sale. Inquire 1U05 Howard at. . 3d lloor , Mrs. Parker. 7H-N.1 * "I710H RENT Pretty 0 room cottage , good bain JU city water , convenient to business. JJ block from 2 lines street cars , permanent school , etc. , 125 per mo to the light part , ) ' . , P. O. box 1.WW. 727 28 OR KENT First class ittreo room llntK25S. Sid. 1 < 724 27J ITIOR RENT-Storo room 20xlV ) feet cor 6th J-1 and Howurd , with II. AsM. sidetrack In r only tJ5 per mouth. Inquire 80U Howaid st. FOR HENT room hdnse. Hamilton and ! Bnd ; 7 room house Charles und 32nd. Ap- ply32H Charles at. . " imo-28 * FOR HENT-8-room house. 420 N. 17th Bt. . WO ; furniture SVX ) : terms 'to ' suit. 10-room boarding house on Faniuinst. near court house , fiO ; part or all of furniture for sale , ' ,4 price. 8-room house on Casa Ht. bet.i > 17th and IMh St. ; furniture l7r > , V cash. ( Vroom flat CIA , now bringing In $75 ; furniture IloO cash , bat fcianu'r mouth. Hotel uud lot with furniture complete in Ashland , Neb , fl , O. W1J1 trade for lands. 8-room house for lent , centrally located , leuso for ono > ear ; furnlturu fonUiule on any kind of iincumbered property. Co-operative Land and Lot Co. , 205 N. Itlth ut. O.S4-28 OK KENT Elegant 6-room house with nil conveniences , corner tfth nncl Ponpleton ave. M. Abraham. ail 27 * _ OR RENT-Elegant corner flat unfurnished ! corner Howard and Hth t. B25-27 * OR RENT Restaurant In good location , and tlxturesfor salent your own price. Cull nnd lineatlgate , U must be sold , sickness the causo. Co-operutivo Lund i Lot Co. , 2U5 North lutli street. 03537 now houses fdr rent. One of seven J t rooms , nnd one of eight , city water nnd good cistern , situated , near llHiufCom park , ou street cur line. Rent fcW uud * ( ' . u mouth. If taken ut once , will rent for &r > and' W n moilth for the winter. % Eivitilre fur partleulajsaHlS , .south 13th street. Homan's livery olltce. 80 23 * IJlOIl RENT HOUHO of li looms , sw cor 17th X' and Dorcas , . J35 per month. W , 51 , Hush- man. ' ' , ' , ' 4 3 T OU.HENT-New 6-room citttage , 24th and llancroft st. . llrst floor west of shot tolvct ; ueUci teruUptruoutU. ! ' 7 T710H KENT-3 flalt rvnd furnltitro for sale , nil JL' on ICth. A. F. Mayne , N. W. cor. 10th and Farnain. . wi T71OR HKNT II room house on Sherman avo. J A. F. Ma ) no , N. W. cor. ICth nnd Farnam. Wl FOR RENT-Cud nnd 3d floors at 1417 Douglas st. , with lease of three yoars. Kennedy * Hlbblus , JJOO Douglas st. 707 roil RENT House of 7 rooms , & 5. liniulro l.lli'3.10th. 670 FOR KENT H the onice 3054316th st. , after the IWh of this mouth. Apply early. Charles C. Spotsw ood. 0j'4 8 lath Bt. 6TiO FOR RENT If ) ou wish torvnt nhouso c H on Httiiuwn A Co. , iJth st. , opposite I'.J ) . 470 ENTAL AGENCY-F. L , Gregory wlfTbo found after November iRt nt HO South 10th St. , opp. Hoard of Trade. Ground lloor. 610 TjlOR RENT Sevcra Hew 7 room houses JU block from street oir , ready for occupuur } ' No\ ember 1 , C. F. Harrison. 418 3. liitli st. 3. > > " 1710R RENT Largo office on Farmm st. Ocxxl JE ? placoforrlKiirstoruor tailor shop. E. F. Beaver. 1 W , ' Furnaui st. 317 FOR RENT ROOMS. 17IOR RENT-Uufurnlshed large room with JU nlc-ovo , 2 large- closets , gas , bath and furnace - naco ; apply you Davenport , 80230 I7IOH HKNT .1 unfurnished rooms in a cottage K on 17th near Webster , suitable fur light lousckeeplug : Inquire 1510 Dodgo. SOS 27 HKNT Furnished front rooms for gen- - tlomeii , five blocks from postofllco ; mod ern conveniences , 323 N17th st. 707 JU * 1 llENT-rurulshed rooms , 007 N. 17th st. 7M 31J T71URNI8HED front rooms folding bed. good JD board , gun and bath near two car lines , for gentlemen , private family : address KM Hee office. 7M)2SJ2 FOIl IinNT-Elegaut furnished rooms 1703 Douglas st. 610 2MJ RENT-Furnisncci room 70S N I'.Hh st. 619 28J "I71OH RENT 4 rooms for housekeeping , con- X ? talutng all moduru conveniences , on 1'Jth nnd Howard , ut. ; apply to M. F. ilurtln , 318 8. 16th St. 639 TJlOR RENT 3 lllco unfurnished rooms suit- JJ able for housekeeping , situated on 21st nnd Nicholas st. ApplyillOS 1'ithst. 630 TJ1OR RENT Two furnished rooms with or JU w Ithout board suitable for a party of gen tlemen , 1508 Cass. few nl * rilWO pleasant , neat front rooms for two or JL three gentlemen. COS South 17th. near FOR RENT Furnished room in private family , on paed street , half block from car Hue , nine blocks from post oflico. Address K 46 , Hee olllce. 757 HO * rpwo persons , ladles or gentlemen , wishing - comfortably furnished , warm room with board , private family , may be suited by calling at 4198. Nineteenth wtioct. Terms reasonable. 75528 * THOH RENT 2 nicely furnished front rooms , JD v-ithprhilegeof boaid. OWN. 19th st. 70629 * T7U1H HENT Ground lloor ollico room , cen- JE trully located , heated uud lighted. C. 1' . Hnnlson , 418 S. 15th st. 719 TT10R RENT-Fuinlbhcd rooms. 220 < t Dodge .15 R.-.T Jl * FOR RENT Largo front room for 4 gentle men , 2 beds , sto\e , private entrance , coal house , etc. , f 18 per month , hew How ard. TJ1OR RENT Two furnished fiont rooms. 712 JE N.llrthst. 678-28 * FOR RENT 3 rooms for light housekeeping. Call at 2541 D v enport St. , after 7 o'clock , e\cniugs. 093 27J " 1T10R RENT A suite of rooms over my stoic. J ? Price , m. W. F. Stoetzcl. 7 TJ10H HENT For light houseViH-piug , twoun- JL1 fuinUhedicHims , aUol furuUhcd room for gentlemen , SOU How urd. 710 2.4J POR HENT-Nicelvfumlslied looms , $10 , $12 $15 uud 420. at Ki21 Furnum St. 6WI TjlOR HI'.NT Elegunt suite of looms nttc-ly Ju1 f mulshed , brick llat , south frout , 14J8 Chi cago.- 357 FOR RENT Handsomely furnished frout room for two gentlemen. 1718 Dodge st. wo nicely fumlsbed rooms with first-class L table boarrt In prh ate family. Apply S. E. Cor. 20th and ynruain. 050 HI * T71URNI8HE1) Rooms-Ladles or gents , week -13 or month. Mrs. r. Argyle , 311 N. 12th st. 30 * FOR KENT Nicely furnished front room , first lloor. Geutlemen only , 2120 Harney st. KM 27 * 'I/IOR RENT Large front loom suitable tor X1 tw o gentlemen , 800 8.22d. 620 38J TiTOH HKNT Opened and newly furnished as JO private family boarding house , elegant rooms with board. Avenue Place , 1013 and 1015 Capitol ave. 4K > 28 * FOR RENT Nice furnished rooms with board. 2204 Cumlng Ht. C29 30 * "ClURNISHED rooms , 2307 Douglas. 623,11 * RENT Nicely furnished looms at 3237 Dodge. All modern conveniences. 819 31 FOR RKNT-Newly furnished rooms with or without board. 113 South24th st. nWK RENT Furnished room 1610 Ilarnejr. U23-27 * HENT Funiishcd rooms 1009 Davcn- _ _ _ _ _ THOU RENT Newly furnished room wltli gas , JD bath and heat , to gentlemen , with retcr- ences. 1709 Dodge. 385W * JI\Oll RENT 2 rooms. 816. funilture 50. Co- JL : Operatlv o Land A Lot Co. . 2U5 N 10th. 721 28 FOR RENT Nicely furnished fiont room with alcove an closet , 810 ; ono bed room with closet , Kl ; H block from Sauuders car , 2411 Cald- well. 730 28 * TjTOH RENT Rooms , single and double , every- JL ? thing new uud lirst-clubs , eteum heat , l.l Davenport. 371 nl * FURNISHED looms wltli board. 1IKI ) I'ur- nam. FOR RENT 3 unfurnished rooms suitable for housekeeping. 711 y Puclllc. 248 TT10R HENT Room Very desirable furnished JL ; room for 2 gentlemen , all couvenleuces ou same tloor. Apply ut 1712 Cupltul ave FOR RENT Large front loom sultnblefor2 gentlemen , modern conveniences , WON 17th T71OR RENT Eleguntly furnished room on JL ? tlrst lloor , with modem Improvements. 1917 Cnss. 085 TTIOR HENT To one ortwo gentlemen , nicely JL : furnlnhed room ; gas , bath , etc. ; 112 per mouth. 2000Iuvenpoit. ) 7 1 POR RKNT-3 nicely furnished looms , 203) St. Mary's ave. 626 IOR RENT Nicely furnished room suitable for 2 gentlemen , inquire 2U11 St. Mary's live. 648 FOR HENT Pleasant looms , furnished , southwest corner 20th and Webster. 318 T710R HENT Furnished rooms In Gruunlgblk , JD cor. 13th and Dodge sts. Inquire of Gto. R. Davis , Mlllaril hotel billiard room. 231 FORRENT-Ofnceioom , Ilrst lloor , nt3168. 15th st. 45 SITUATIONS WANTED. \\7ANTED-lly a steady , competent man , sit- TT uutlon us clerk or collector. Highest ref erences. Honds or security can be given If de. sired. AddrcsMlC44 , HeeolDco. 76129 * A GERM AN woman would llko to have u plate lu u German family , by children en-us a second girl. Address K. 48 , lleo. 773 28 * * | 7 > XPEHIENCED young man w ants position oa JLU coachman or family man. or both. Good reference furnished. Audreys K 61 , Heo onico. 77027 * _ " \\TANTED Situation In u trial lawyers ollico T T by a young nttorney w ho can do something at shorthand and typewriting. AdUress K 45 , Hee olllce. 748-27 * _ _ _ Shrew reliable , live business inun wants osition In oQlco or ou the road. Address 7I/J3 ; * _ 'WT'ANTED-l'cMltloii OB bookkeeper In a bank TT orolllcu by a young man of good busi ness education , eperlenco und ability. First- class references , Bpeuks German. Moderate Wttgea. K.31. lice , C87-29 * _ TDRINTEH { Compositor ) wants steady Bltua- A atlon on country newspuporor in cltyof' Hee. R. L DUnnuiore. Omuhii P. 0 , CW-27 * WANTED-fcltufttlons for sewing EliU in prlvuto tauillH'S , and dresarusiclng eatab- llshnitnts , lots of applicants , your order tilled fire , Canadian IhnpioyrasTit olllto , Mra. Iliega A. Bon , U1B 8. 15tll. Tel. 84. Ktt-28J WANTED Position . as housekeeper by a lady of experience , Good leferencos , Addicts K , 3W Pierce bt. ; Council illutta. Iowa. . fit0-2s ! ANTTiD-Sltimtloii lu private family us cook or general housework by comprte.nl clrl. best rtfpreiice 1'lveu. AUcUeoa W , lUtl Wll < \7ANTED-Hy a youiiR man 21 year * old. pn- T T sltion to learn n go xl trad * or steady work for the winter. Addrcs * It 60 , Heoomcc. \ \ rANTED -Engagement to do dressmaklni ; Ju fntiilllw , address K. 15 , Hee ollico. _ | _ f.21 g5j 'STORAGE. "VTEW YORK Storage Co. have must cxtenslvo J- > facilities for stonigo of furniture , plinos , bugglis , general merchandise , west of Now York. Cash advances to any amount ; ware- 'louso receipt * given ; goods Insiited ; brick niildlng flre-prcMif ; gpoolnl arrangements for ommtsstoti merchants. Hill Now York Storngo : o. , Capitol av o and N. 15th. St. , llcnuctt's block. r.-ji storage at 110 N. 13th st. STORAGE for carrlngo atOmnhn fair grounds and horses wintered by A. Thomson. 17.1-N C0 STORAGE Oeo. Schwartr. Omaha Storage Waieliouse , 1001.1011 Ncuth l.lth t. furnlt- rc.buggtes and mcrchaudlso , Ollico 1311 Dodge. 4J7u 10 * 'TORAOE Furniture , lioxcd goodjj , ctc.tenus reasonable , 714 Pacino. 2 ll FOR SALE HOUSES LOTS. FOR TRADE-Emilty In lots 1 nnd2. TTnlon square , next block to Martin , Easson flr "Irmly ; f 1,000 for house aud lot , or vacant Inside ot. Address K 60. Hee , 7U7 "F you have anything to soil or exchange Hut -it w 1th 0. C. Spotswood , 30uVi S 10th. ( W FOR SALE -Finest location for n homo In West Omnhu , adjoining the mniislou homes t Klrkendall , Coe , Hrady , KasKon nnd others. Nothing liner In the city. Can well 1R5X187 or 'ess ' ; for prices and terms eeu S. A. Sloniun. 1301 "aniam st. TiJ TjlOR SALE Two houses for sale on Pth JU Cupltol ave and Dodge ; w 111 sell very cheap must hnv e the grouud. Apply nt liXfl Cnllfor- A NICE Homo ILOOiv-New four-room house , good location , collar , well , clsloru , and full 'ot , bargain at * li < 0 , easy terms , ownier must : iave Borne money. Stonwdoilr i MeVlcker , IftOO Faniam. C2S 27 * IOT 3 Arcade Place. H { blocks south of ' Le.ivenwoith st. . east frout ou itbth st. ) Her must sell. Ask for pi loo. F. L. Gregoiy , 1120 So. 15th st. 2U ri O exchange fern > al estate , two good intiln JL. tennis. Omaha Financial exchange , N W cor 15th nnd Hainey. ! I8I OirsT LE-3Cbts ( land 10 In block 5 , Mev7rs7 Richards it Tlldon's addition , w. d. , * ! ,0X ( ) ; jiart cash , balauro on time , or HI.ROD cash. In quire of Mrs. John J. Rosa , 1J21 Clark street. Kil 37 * SIXTY by one hundred and fifty business propeity H blk from South Omnhu post- office. ii,100 ; 1-3 cash. F. L. Gregory , 320 So. 15th st. 172 8A LE Oood house on Scward street near FOR lth st. . south front , $ .1,500 , $700 cash. Giu- nun , Crelghtou lllk. 7t 1 FOHSALE-Smnll house , two lots , Walnut Hill , $2MO. Graham , Crelghtou lllk. TW 1 TjlOR SALE-Or trade , ut n bargain , good.lurgti JL' new house , comer lot. Graham , Crelghton lllk. 7W1 710R SALE At JsflO , houoo nn < l lot , rented nt - $11 per month , on small cash payments , but- unco monthly or quarterly , or all cash at u bet ternrlco niulVMii Hinted cleed. D. D.Smeatou,1(103 ( NEW Four room cottige , w 1th pantry , closets and cellar. Near car line , schools , nnd In an excellent neighborhood , being lot 10 , Hurdette court , price $1,500 , small cash payment und $15 ) er month. Wallace , Crelghton block. 46H Huslness Chance-A EXTRAORDINARY line llv ery , feed an < l sale business In n p.iy- lug comlitlon , slendld ] ) Improv einentH , good lo cution , proneitj worth double the price asked ; iwner having other biislm.st requiting his at tention ; price $17,600 : H cash. J. L. Rice \ Co. ins 29 I WILL sell equity in two full lots In the midst lesidenco cction of the city for gilt dge p l > er , maturing lu one or two years. T he o ot.s urn a burculn. F. K. D.iillug , 1M > llovv- .uil st. < ! G feet onS4th sticet , fiont1. on 2nrd , also line business und lesldence property , pnvoil street , $ ! > 0 per foot. Tills Is Just $ ' . ! ( ) per foot less than any lu the vicinity. V. K. Darling , 1703 Unwind Bt. 775-29 "TTIOH LEASE or Sale Land and lots suitable JL ; for iiiunufuctuie , wuro houses , packing houses , nulls. canning fac tories , ice houses , stable for wintering horses , feeding j arils.poultry raising , milk daries , etc. Also suitable for cottages and cheap homes. Hlg Inducements to those who want such ground und mean business. Hoggs Si Hill , leal estate , 1108 I'.unum stieet. CM N J "VTBW Four room cottage , with pantry , closets J- > und cellar. Near car line , schools and In an excellent neighborhood , being lot 10 , Hurdetto court , prlc $1,500 , small cash payment and $15 per mouth. Wallace , Crelghtou block. 408 rplIOMPSON. 314 S. 15th st. . buys and soils real JL. estate , loans monoy. pin chases securities ; has a good list of property for ualo and wants more. Notary public. 854 T ISTyourpiopertv for sale with Charles C. -USpotsw oed , 3054816th Kt. BU HARGAINS of Cmni * SPECIAL room house , good barn , well , cistern , etc. , V block from street car. J3.0UO. / cash , very cheap. 6-room house , 1 block from 2 car lines , 12,1110 , WOO cash , a bargain. New 4-room house and full lot , $000 , t > V > 0 cash , usnup. Cull on Crum & Hlshop , 310 S. IMh bt. 23. ) TTIOH EXCHANGE City property for lowu or JD Nebraska lands. L. H.N atts , N. K. Cor. 10th aud St. Mary's ave. 231 TO exchange Some money and choice laud for Ur.st class luipioved iusido propeity. H. E. Cole.81081r > th. 411 TTKHl SALE Or exchange , farms In Iowa , JU' Kansas and Nebraska for Omaha houses and lots ; will assume mortgages ou houses and give clear deeds to farms ; will also exchange city lots for good farms , well located and as sume small mortgages on farms aud give clear deed to city lots. Farms w anted In Central Ne braska. A. P. Taker , ISH Farnam st. 140 FOR 8ALE-Hy M. A. Upton A Co , real estate brokers , 309 8. Kith street , opposlto cham ber of commerce. Extra bargains : Boutli and east front lot In Oak Chatham , opposlto depot grounds , 0 raom house ; only $2Huo if sold at once. $800 cash. This property Is worth $ .1.500 ; 22x112 Fnrnam and 2''iul streets , $ ( IGOO , cheapest piopertyonthoBtrcet , will be wortli KO , W tn three years fiom now. 741 A TPENTION Investors and speculators Wo XX have some positive bargains in choice pioperty that must bo sold , us ovvnoro can not lulso money to meet their pnj mcnts uuy other wuy , both In Improved nnd vunuit realty. If you huv o been holding back for snaps now Is your time. J. L. like & Co. , agents for bargains only. 009 29 FONSALE-12ixlOOftcor. Howard niuiaith Bts. , next block to Easson , Hrady i Mar tins houses , $7,600. Address E. SI Heo olllie. U ) FOR BALK Several houses and lots on small payments , also some houses and lots to tradu ; several farms for sale or trade for Omaha pioperty or for stock. A. F , Mayne. N. W. cor loth und Farnam. Ill " 1710R SALE A good lot C15 feet ) cm Park av- JL ? cnuo. low price If sold soon. McCulloc h & Co. , cor 15th nnd 1'urnniii. 311 "IjlOR SALE Cottuge and barn cheap. Must JD bo moved Immediately. M. Elgutter , 1001 Furnam st. : r > 9 25 rpO TRADE Iiibldo property for good house , JL eight or nine rooms , and full lot. McCul- loch A. Co. , cor 15th und Fdinum , U29 fjlOR SALE New Blxioom house on Corbj JD street ono block east of Kith , city water , thiec blocks from uir lluo. Address Ixick box 308. ' , M 2S j I WILL sell the follow lug iiroputy ou cad ) terms : Lot 10 , block 2 , A. S. Patrick's add t 1.000 Lot 24 , block HCloverdule 700 Lot II , block lt.West ) End fl.W LotK7ii ! < M-k Jerome.Pmfc 2,500 Lot 28 , block " " a , ( I t 1 , block 17 , Diehard Hill inLet Lot 11 , block 1. " " 1.100 Lot 18 , block H. " " ! Jx > tal to 6 , Highland Pat k ! o lot 15 and Hit of Id , Hees Place 10UIU D-room east front house. In desirable loca tion , including ull uioilem linpiovements niul barn 7.nno 8-1 oem house on 22dst. , near Lake st 6,5(10 ( W. N , Nason , 1U15 Furnum st. 65.V29 houses In Hansrom place reining for $70 pur month to exchange for good luilde vnenntiruperty. ] 8. R , Campbell una G.W. Uer voy,3108 , loth ntM Chamb-jr of Commerce. 152 Notice ( o Cfljttractors. CEALED Piopojals will be received nt the k-5 ollico of tl'.ii ' omnty cloik up to noon of Hat urday , Qc-tober Stftli , 1SS7 , for grading Jli.onO yunljnf earth , moru or less , nt fiilvrseitlon < > 5th nnd Missouri avenue , mid douth on 20tl street from J to N .streets. The right K rovsri e ( to reject any and nil bids. A deposit nt fi'iW will bu rvqulU'd with-each bid. Speclllc-atlon of nl > ov work ran ba seen at county cloik'3 olllce. lly cider of the Hoard. . oi.4d5t C. P. NttuiMM , County Clerk. Dissolution Notice. rilHE Hnn herotofoie doing buslne < s under Ih X name of Matcalf .V I'erfect Is dtbwilveU b luuttiul ( ousent. ' All nssets nro usBtguodJoli O. Mottnlfrwho will settle all accounts ut Ih Hank of Commeru : . Uuobeiir.lbj7. ' MtTCAr.rJ , ITHITCT , ' 'A Mnn of Many Stripes. Vork corros < i > ondonco5 A nmn of vonornblo nsix > ct > Vnlkod jvist John L. StllHvixn in Dromhvny. Tlio con- trust in phyplqtto nnil nppnroiit inoti- UiUtyva vitst. "I siiy , John , " roninrkcd n companion of the pt-lzo llghtor , "thoro gooa the most wliippcd limn on earth. " 'Jllafl thut old follow boon a profcs- HlonalV" Sullivan asked , n llttlo disdain fully. "Vcs ; n profosslonnl clerffytnim , " was the roply. ' 'Ho is Cnlvin Kalr- linnks , and ho has received over thirtv thousand lashes ou his biro : back:11 : There was MO oxnRgoratlon in that ptntoinont. Fairbanks was involved in the escape of nearly half a hundred nufjro slavoH from Kontuoky. Hoviia convicted of forty-sovon of tlioso acta or crimes , the law said and sentenced to imprisonment and whipping sep arately for each. Between 1811 and SO" , when Lincoln released him , ho vns regularly whipped every month , lo now lives at Friendship , N. Y. , but lotnotimos comes to town to visit his fol- ow ministers who congregate at the Methodist Book concern. Ilia olllclal vhippinps were only Bovoro nt the out- iut , and during the last ten years of hla mprisoiimont umountud to hardly any- hing in phvslual torture , although de grading to his pride. In South Amcrlcn. Harper's Magazine- 188.5 thcro voro 41,000,000 sheep in the United States , 72,000,000 in Australia , and 00,000,000 in the Argentine llopublic. Wo have two-thirds on a sheep to every nhnbltnnt ; in the Argentine Republic hero nro twenty-live sheep , and in Jruguay forty snoop , to every man , vonum and child. Wo have 40,000.000 of horned cattle to n population of 00- MK,000 ) ; the Argentine Republic nnd Uruguav Imvo JW.HM,000 ( ) of cattle to a wpulation of 4GOOOIK ) . Tu Uruguay , vith n population of 600,000 souls , there are 8,000,000 of cattle , 0,000.000 ol sheep , 2.000,000 horses , or sixty head of stouk lor each man , woman , nnd child. Fifteen million dol- ars has boon invested in wire 'encos ' in Uruguay alone , and moro han twice as much in the Argentine lemiblic. In either of the countries a cow can bo bought foroa steer fattened 'or the market for $10 or $12 , n sheep 'or 60 or ( JO cents , an ordinary work- ng horse for $8 or 810 and a roadster 'or $25 , a mule for $15 and a mare for vhatever her hide will bring. Maroa ire never broken lo tnuldlo or harness , ) Ut are allowed to run wild in tlio pas- , urcs from the time they are foaled till , hey cease to bo of value for breeding , when they nro driven to the salederos , or slaughter houses , and killed for their lides. A man who would use a mare inder the saddle or before a wagon vould be considered of unsound mind. There is n btiperstilion against it. Nebraska Nat'l Bank U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Paid Up Capital , $2BOOOQ urplus , 1. w. YAIIS. Piesldout. LKWJS 8. HKFD , Vlce-Presldent. A. E. TDU/AMN , 2d Vlco-Presldent , W. II. S. HtldllKS , C.isulur IIIIIKCTOIIS. W. V. Mou-sr , JOHN S. COM.I.NS , II. W. YATES , LKWIS 8. KKKII , A. E. TOU7.AMN. Hanking Oltlce THE IRON BANK. Cor. 12th and Fainam fits. A General Hanking Huslncss Transacted. s. T. n.iLintinoK. jir. D. , Physician and Surgeon. Office. Cor. IfJth and Farnnm Sts. Heslclence , 2(131 ( Fanrnm St. Hours , < J to II a. m. , 2 to & p. m. THE RAILWAY TIME TABIES. OMAHA. Running Hetween Council IlluffH and South Omaha. In uddltlon to the stations mentioned , trains stop at Twentieth and Twimty-fouitlx streets , and ut the Summit in Omahu. WoHtwartl. Stock Mieely's Omaha. Transfer. It road Vnrcl.s. way. 0:15 : 11:50 : 7:15 : 7:28 : 7:50 : 7M : H.T ; > 8:58 : (1:28 : u.vj ! lllIJ 10:18 : 11:00 : ilBO : 11:68 : 12:50 : 12 M 1:1" : . 1:3 % 1:50 : 2:15 : " :2 : < l 2:3t : 2:00 : 2:58 : 11:11 : 4:15 : 4:28 : 1 : 4M : 5:15 : n:23 : 0:17 : fi:05 : 0:23 : 0:17 : 7:00 : 7:11 : 7M : | 7:25 : 7:33 : 8:15 : 10.110 ioil.1 loibi ) 10:30 : 10:38 : 11:20 : n-.a llil'J 12.05 COUNCIL