/ * " 1HE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , OOTOBEB 28 , 1887. THE DAILY -BEE. PUBLISHED EVERY MOltNING. THUMB 01' BUnSCUH'TION. P&lljr ( Morning IMllloii ) Including Sunday Jlnr.0no Year J10 00 ForHlx Months f > ( KorThrco Month11 S 60 Xhn ( ) mr ha Hitnrtay llr.B , mailed to any ad. rtrcss , Ono Year . SCO OMAHA OrriCK. No.flH ANDCIO HAHNAM STUK.KT. Kr.vr Yon * orncr. , HOOM TIUIIUKK HUIM > - iso. WAHIIIMITO.S UiriUK , No. C13 1'otm ncENTii BTIIEET. AH communications relating to news and rclltorlal mutter should bu addressed to tlio llDITOHOr TIIK 1)RK. HUBINKSS Lnrrnnst All Inislnefifi letters and remittances nhonlil 1)0 nrtdrcKscd to Till ! IIKK I'um.iMiiMi COM PAN r , OMAHA. Drafts , chnrka and postolllco orders tote to inodo payable to the order of the company. The BCD Publishing Company , Proprietors , | E. ROSEWATEK , EDITOU. THE DAILY IIKK. Sworn Statement of Circulation. Etato ot Nebraska , I . - County of Douglas. fs'8 > Oeo. H.Tzsclmck , hecrctary of Tlio nee Pub- lIxhlnK company , ilocH Milcmnly sw ear that the octual clrcufntlon of the Dully Iteo for the week ending Oct. 81 , Ihb7 , uas UK follows : Saturday. Oct. 15 H.4'17 ' Humlay. Oct. in ll.SIS Monday , Oct. IT H,7a a-uettday , Oct. 18 14.19) ) Wednesday. Oct. 19 . Thursday , Oct. 'M l\fH \ ( Friday , Oct. Bl , Hia > Average 14.2M Gro. B. TZSCIIUCK. 'Bwonitonnd mibscrllied In my presence this ffind dny of October , A. D. 1UM7.N. N. V. 1T5TL , ( SEAL. ) Notary 1'ubllo Btutoof Nebraska , I. _ Sl Bl County of DoiiKluH. j * Goo. H.Tzschuck , belnp first duly 8\vorn. de- poHt-H ami SIIJH that lin IH m'crotary of The lice Publlshlnp company , thtit the actual . . . . . avcrago . . . dolly of C JW-fi nmrj-'lWT. MliVWcopfi's ; ' for March , IWi" . 14,400 coiiles ; for April , IWi , 14.311) ) ropiest forMuy , IfhT , 14.227 ropics : for June , 18Ji7 , 14,147 copies ; for July , It * ? , 14.MI' ) conieH ; for Auplist , lxt 7 , 11- 151 copies ; for Keptenibcr. Ub7 , 14Vtl : ! copies. ( IHO. 1I.TX.SUHUUK. Bworn to and subscribed in my pn-s-cnro this tli dny of October , A. D. 1W7. N. 1' . FBI f , . ( SliAI. . ) Notarv 1'ublic. ItiiroitTS from trade centers indicate that the trade movement wasbtimuluted by the cold wavelet from Manitoba. Mil. TRAIN gave Kansas City a drub , bing on account of its wretched sido- walkn. Ho ought to do the same thing for Omaha. GEOUCJH Fititxcis TIIAIX otrikoa the keynote for Omaha's future by calling for the burial of llfty old fogies who are always clogging the wheels of progress. TUB seven anarchists socm to bo the most composed community in Chi- cngo at present , in spite of the fact that an Omaha paper devours one of them every morning. THE waterways of the country will close next month nnd the railroads are preparing to tqueczo a little moro blood money from the poor coal-coiutumors of the land by raising the freight on that fuel. SKCUKTAUY FAIUOIULD gave bond redumption a fair trial and has come to the conclusion that this method is not Butllciont to save the country from the evil effects of the treasury surplus. Ho has come to the conclusion that tux re duction is the proper remedy. This is n remedy the whole country will cheer fully endorse. THE Consolidated Horse and Cattle convention meets in Kansas City next Monday. The mooting will bo an im portant ono and representatives of the live stock interest from all parts of the Country will bo present. The cattle- raising industry is in a depressed con dition at present and if some moans can Vo devised to revive it , a great benefit will bo conferred upon the west. HON. ALT.EN G. TIIUHMAN has en tered actively into the Ohio campaign. Ho is making speeches nnd old ago does not Beoin to have impaired his vigor. The old war horse will have to bo care ful how ho shows any superiority over his party. Democracy tolerates no ex hibition of especial ability among Its members and always has a snub ready for any one rash enough to dibtinguibh himself from his follows in that manner. ST. PAUL hardly knows how to con tain hersolt. Two great personages have just paid the city u visit , the duke of Marlborough and Robert Garrett , The former is described as very neat in flross , with aristocratic features and n forehead so high that it extends to the top of his head. Garrott's physician told n reporter that his patient's mind wm effected from overwork I But the St. Paul snobocracy fool highly honored bj the brief bojourn of the overworked and demented millionaire. TnAiN says his 0,000 Omaha lots arc fiow covered by 1,000 houses , occupied l > y people who don't own the property. Mr. Train evidently forgets that iu this ngo of anarchy and communism the land belongs to the man who has the best use for It. Train has the whole of Madison square in Now York City to himself without title or rental. Why can't a thousand poor laboring men iu Omaha have the free use ot the lands Which Mr. Train platted into lots before bo emigrated from Omaha to New York ) THE fate of the Chicago anarchists li Just now the all-absorbing topic. Fron contemporaries of the same date we read , quoting head-lines only : "Wort on the Gallows Progressing ; Makitif the Shrouds ; Nothing whatever ye tlono in Preparation of the Hanging Last Touches on the Gibbets ; No Signs o a Gallows Tree yet ; The Anarchists an Bure to Hang ; The Anarchists WU never bo Executed ; Secret Agitation A Great Riot on November 11 Feared iivorythlng Quiet ; No Indications ot ai Uprising. " THE railway statistics of the last si : months go to show that the inter-slut r v law has increased the revenue of tin roads instead of decreasing them a railroad olllciiils and stockholders at 11 rs predicted. Wo shall probably not hen Anything moro of the unconstitutional Ity of the act from that quarter. LJu the patrons of th'o roads will very prop erly demand that the law shall not b construed as authorizing higher rate 'than prevailed before its enactment ! Tlio true extent of the law woa u level of toll- 1 Cadet Taylor nml Judge OrofT. Mr. Kcott struck the nail on the hendtrlien he charged ntthe mass monting that judge OroII would have been cndoiscd by the rotist- nbout convention If ho hurt not granted that temporary Injunction against Ctulol Taylor's printing Ktcul.Jfc. . If Mr. Scott mndo any such statements It will bo necessary to plnco him in the same cntegory with Bomo other fool friends of Judge ) Groff , who have been doing n fair mnountof tnll lying In the snino direction. The neimbllctin never said n word against Judge OrofTw candidacy before the republi can convention. Now that ho Is before the people as a mugwump candidate , opposing the republican ticket , ho is In nn entirely dif ferent attitude , and wo shall oppose hli election fairly nnd squarely , ns In the case of till democrats nnd mugwumps who are en deavoring to defeat the republican ticket. * * * The friends of Judge Groff nro forcing a case which Is still pending In the courts Into the "dirty pool of politics , " and they may rest assured of It that if this la to bo the programme , the judicial erinlno prom ises to get a llttlo dcopor in the "political pool" than any other ofllco-sccklng toggery. ncpitlillcan. Wo cheerfully give Cadet Taylor the benefit of his brazen denial. Threats always have boon and arofow his chief stock in trade. The Republican did not and could not influence the action of any convention. But Cadet Taylor through the combine with that oflloo- Booking monlmanlao Ballou nud Roust about Estollo , exerted sufficient influ ence to defeat Judge Groff's ' endorse ment. This is so notorious that a denial will simply brand the man who makes it as an Impudent liar. Now why did Taylor himself and the bummers nnd roustabouts oppose Judge Groff's nomina tion ? Is ho not ns competent as Han cock , Estollo or Ballou ? Is" ho a man ngalnst whoso character a word can bo truthfully said ? Had ho not been a loyal and staunch republican , nnd proved his loyalty to his country by carrying a musket for the union ? Was not his defeat the carrying out of a threat made soon after ho had grant ed an injunction against Taylor & Round's fraudulent and illegal printing contract ? " Mr. Cadet Taylor is very brash in serving notice on the friends of Judge Groff that ho proposes to drag the judge down into the mlro in which ho himself has boon wallow ing. Nobody is suprised at that. A man who will send his attorney to threaten n judge with political vengeance unless ho compiles with his demands is capa ble of any dirty work. Perhaps Mr. Cadet Taylor will deny that his attorney - tornoy , in doing this , acted upon his authority , but attorneys are not in the habit of commanding a judge to servo tholr clients or take the coiif-uquonccs of dihobedionco unless their clients in spire or approve such bulldozing meth ods. The Imw AVill Stniul. Senator Cullom , of Illinois , before de parting for Washington , bnid ho did not think there was the remotest chance of a repeal of the inter-state commerce law. There is not. The representa tives of neither party in congress will make bo serious a mistake ns to attempt its repeal. There will undoubtedly bo a strong pressure brought by the cor porations , which would like to bo re stored to their former privileges , and to which the policy of regulation by the people is extremely repugnant , against the law. It is not unlikely that these coporations will find a few men on the floors of congress who will bo disposed to advocate their cause. There nromem- bors of both houses who still owe service to the railroads , eome of whom maj not bo unwilling to sacrifice their political hopes to the moro profitable present employment of the corporations. But they will bo very largely in the minority and powerless to accomplish anything for the overthrow of the law. There is no statute moro certain to re main for all time a part of the public law of the country , subject to such amendment from time to time as ex perience and changed conditions shall suggest , than the inter-state commerce law. Some changes will probably be made by the next congress , but the promibo is that these will not bo numer ous or radical. Congress will bo guided largely by the recommendations of the commission , and Judge Cooley , its chair man , has Tory recently said that il would have few amendments to Bug- gcbt. The absuranco contained in this is that the body -created to exe cute the law has found it to be in the main sufficient to accomplish the object of a proper and adequate regula tion of railroad transportation botwcoi ! the states. If all has not been accomplished thai was expected or desired , there has ai least been sufficient to establish the soundness of the main principle of the law , nnd to remove all doubt from minds open to conviction regarding the prac- ticabllity and the desirability of th ( regulation provided for. Despite the combined efforts of the railroads t < render the law odious to the public ant to obstruct and embarrass its opcratior a bold and systematic effort to nullify a statute which clearly demonstrated the desperate character of the powoi with which the people wore contending after six months of trial under gruai disadvantages and some serious mis takes the aggregate results of the work ing of the law are seen to bo to th ( advantage of the people , and the galr in that direction goes steadily on. The hostile combinations formed when th ( law wunt'into effect , have been to a large extent abandoned , and every step in the disintegration of the power arrayed t < defeat the just requirements of th < statute has boon followed by a conces slon to the public demands. A grca deal yet remains to bo done before the regulation sought to bo established shall bo complete and nil sections ant localities receive just consideration Undue discrimination is still practiced ticod , unreasonable charges are stil exacted , unjut-t preferences still pro vnll. But those conditions ob noxious to the law are less general oral than they wore a few months agi and are de'm-asing. The cori-onitioi' themselves arc learning the folly am futility of a resistance that must tor tainly eventuate In defeat , and yioldin ; to the Instinct of sclllbhncss , are one bj ono refusing to bo longer bound by ob llgatipns which bring them no pr'cson advantage ; and which they . know iniis in any event bo sooner or Intornban donod. Thus influences and condit.lon quite outside , of the law arc oporatlnj v to'produce , results , which-.in a'little , while will render Its execution simple nnd everywhere a.ccoplabld Under such favoring circumstances , the people will tolerate bo interference with th'o inter-state , commerce law which will in the Icn&t detract from its main principle and purpose or diminish the authority it confers upon the agents of the people to protect their interests. Whatever changes it may receive must rather ho to more strongly fortify the principle and enlarge the au thority to carry it into oflcct. It took years of struggle against corporate in fluence nnd wealth , unscrupulously and lavishly used , to secure the law , nnd the victory won by the people in its adoption - tion established it as a. part of the public policy which should bo permanent. How the Election Will bo Conducted. Mr. Andrew Bovins holds that the de cision of the supreme court , which wipes out the entire election law for metropolitan cities , does not necessarily affect the judges of election , who wore appointed under the law before the supreme court decision had boon ren dered. In other words , Mr. Bovins maintains that those judges , having been appointed by the proper authorities before the law was declared void , may perform their functions at the election just as If the law had been sustained by the court. The BUB takes issue with Mr. Bovins. While wo concede that an election conducted under the provi sions of the law before it was declared unconstitutional would have been legal , wo do not believe that ofllcors of elec tion , appointed under an unconstitu tional law before an election have any authority whatever to act after the law lias been declared void by the high est judicial tribunal. There being now no special law governing elec tions in metropolitan cities , the elec tion in this city on the 8lh of Novem ber must bo conducted under the general election laws the same as in any country procint. The county commissioners will have to appoint the judges of election , and if for any rea sons these judges are not appointed , or fail to qualify on election day , the voters ers present at the opening of the polls will elect the clerks and judges of elec tion. Tneso officers will only bo gov erned by the general election law. The same law will govern as to tickets. In stead of printing the state , judicial and county tickets on separate ballots all the ofllcors to bo voted for , from state down to precinct , will bo on ono ticket. All the proposed reforms in the methods of canvass , which wore embodied in the new law , are a dead letter. The regis tration lists are also practically worth less. The poll-bocks and return blanks will have to bo furnished by the county clerk , and the returns will have to bo made to him as heretofore. This 5s our version of the decision , and wo confi dently believe it will bo sustained by the best legal authorities. The Machine "Wins. The returns from the municipal elec tion in Baltimore make it probable that the regular democratic ticket has been elected , though by a considerably re duced majority. The reform democrats and republicans charge that there was fraud in many of the wards of the city , notwithstanding the very careful precautions - cautions that wcro taken , and they pro fess to hope that they will bo able tc show this so conclusively astoyotdofeal the machine. But there is very little likelihood that they can do this. The shrewd and unscrupulous politicians who manage the machine have not failed to count upon what might bo ex pected if they wore success' ful , and therefore undoubtedly cov ered their tracks so thoroughly as tc bo amply secure in their position. The reform clement iniulo a gallant fight , and the result only servos to show how difficult it is to dislodge a party thai once gets a thorough grip on the polit ical machine and has the skill and reck lessness to manipulate it for all there it in it. The reformers , however , have not hauled down their flag , nor are they hopeless. The battle for the stak is btill to bo fought out , and they will push the reform cause with increased vigor to the end. But it seems clear that in losing the first contest whore their chances of victory seemed bosl they are placed at a disadvantage , and in the degree that they lese prestige bj defeat in Baltimore the regulars will gain it. There appears to be a substantial ground of hope before the Baltimore election that the coalition of republicans and rofora democrats in Maryland would win , bul there is none now. There is hardly r chance that the Gorman crowd will be defeated , a promise which oven demo crats every where who have regard foi honest methods in politics ought tc regret. POLITICAL affairs at Denver appear t < bo in an unfortunate condition. The JtejnMican of that city sagely remark ! that "there is no use in holding an oleo tion unless it is to bo conducted hon cstly , " and then proceeds to urge the reorganization of the committee of one hundred in order that an honest clcotior may bo had. Wo infer from our con temporary's remarks that Denver ii peculiarly aflllcted with voters who buj nnd Bell votes , and wo regret to observ < that it is not entirely confident that thi ; nefarious practice can bo wholly prevented vented oven by the committee of one Itundred. This indicates a state o political rottenness which puts Don vcr in a mobt unonviabli position , and furnishes a rcasoi for other communities to congratulati themselves that there is a depth o political depravity they have not ye reached. So far as wo have obsocvei Denver is the only city in the country which this year fcols the necessity o having a special committee to look aftoi Its election. There are doubtless several eral others , however , in which such i committee could render good service. IT is vovy ruro that a fund raised fo a public celebration Is found more thai Bulllpiont for the purpose and the con trihulors got buck a bharo of their cop tributlons. The rule Is a deficit , a might bo shoVi by several notable in stances that hnvu occurro.d thin year A conspicuous exception is furnished ii the case of the constitutional'centennial celebration , at Philadelphia , the citi zens' committee having charge-of the fund for that-event .being now engaged in returning to tho'subscribers fifty per cent'.oftho it1 subscriptions. The ex planation of this unusual Occurrence is found in the fact that some of the ex ercises projected in connection with the celebration wcro abandoned , while cer tain expenditures fell below the esti mates of the committee. Still the oc currence is BO exceptional as to warrant passing attention aud remark. The Farewell of the Birds. Leila S. Taylor , The colilcn shadows of the burning trees , The llnkcs of light , down-drifting from the bought ) , The misty glory of lush , dew-drenched grass , The sllvory veiling of the dream-lit wood , The shocks of corn , frost-browned across the Hold , The throbbing stillness of the sun-pulsed air The breathless , shivering pulse of Autumn's heart Waiting expectant the last , blissful pang. They come black gleaming on the bare , out stretching boughs , The trees athrob with ebon llfo again on- Routed. Oivo forth strange , ravlshedlow-volccd , twit terings. Clear thrills of tone , sweet , fainting , as a violin Hidden In deeps of moonlit forest scenes , throbs out Its passionate soul sweet anguish of faro- wolll PROMINENT PEOPLE. Picrro LorlUard's hobby Is for guusand ho has n collection valued at { 20,000. Julian Hawthorne has accepted the literary editorship of the American Magazlno. Ex-Governor Algor , of Michigan , Is travel ing around the cast In a $30,000 private car. Mr. Henry Coxwcll , the English tcronant , is writing a hook about his balloon experience. Prof. Berg , who taught Jenny Lind to sing , la still living in Stockholm , aged eighty- four. Lovl P. Morton Is building a $200,000 apart ment house on the slto of the historic Hooper mansion In Washington. Hon. Jacob D. Cox is the only man born In Canada , who over held a place iu the cabinet of un American president. Colonel A. T. Babbitt , the Wyoming cattle king owns 00,000 bead of cattle and leases 100,000 acres of grazing land. For thn first time In twenty years Senator Edmunds addressed a jury a short time ago. Ho was counsel in an important case in Ver mont. Seven United States senators spent the summer cln Europe. They wore Palmer , Btockbrldge , Hulo , Fryo , Spooner , Aldrlch and Hawloy. The Turkish government owes the younger Krupp , successor to ' 'tho late famous gun- maker , $3,000,000. The Turks have the guns nnd Krupp has the itemized account. Mr. John Robinson Whltley , the prlmo spirit iu the American exhibition In London , has arranged for an Italian exhibition , to be held next year in the American building at Earlcs' Court. Dr. Webb , Vanderbllt's son-in-law , has been indicted by the grand Jury for driving a six-horso team from the summitt of Mount Washington to the Glen house in ono hour and nine minutes. ' Sir Charles and Lady Dilko have had a Jolly time in Constantinople. The Sultan was ex tremely cordial to them , and they were re ceived by the patriarch of the Greek church and by the suvou archbishops in synod as- eombled. A massive monument to the late Chief-Jus tice Tanoy is being erected In Baltimore by William T. Wai tors , of that city. The statue is a duplicate of the famous bronze figure , of Taney by Rinchart in the state capitol grounds at Annapolis , Md. Walter Besont's effort to raise 1200,000 to build a Dickens memorial In London brings" to mind the fact that the great novelist In his will emphatically disapproved of any such act on the part of his admirers. Ho believed , and rightly , that his works were a sufficient monument to his memory. A Great Game Has a Great Country. Luuin'illc Courier-Journal. The true grcatcncss of the United States cannot bo realized until ono has reflected upon the fact that wo have climates whore base ball may bo played all the year round. An Easy Performance for Some. St. Louts Republican. The man who is readiest to Ho in a news paper interview is the readiest to Ho out of It STATE AND TEUIHTOUY. Nebraska Jottings. The churches of Fremont are arrang ing for a union love feast. Now the candidate gaily chirps , "Lay thy sweat hand in mine. " Hastings pours out a volley of wrath at the wretched depots that disgrace the city.J. . J. McCullough , a Rock Island brake- roan , sacrificed two lingers to the bumpers in Beatrice. Hay Springs is the paradise for sports men in search of largo game. Door and antelope in largo herds browse in the neighborhood. The police of Fremont have started the packing season by slaughtering thirty dogs. The business will bo prose cuted with the utmost vigor. Sixteen passenger trains a day is the record Fremont presents to the world and modestly lays claim to being a full- fledged railway center also a railway senior. Hastings is getting a big boy now and sighs for the ornamental uselessness - ness of a freight1 bureau. The junk shops in largo cities keep a largo and varied stock. Some people at Plattsmouth are try ing to make out that the presence of typhoid fever is dud to the water from the city water works ! As the fever is prevailing more or loss everywhere , they will have to look up some other source. ' A seedy man in Crete walked Into a printing office with nmnall Scotch terrier - rior ho wanted to soil for the price of a meal. The printer declined to buy , but washed the dog , bought a blue ribbon nnd put it around its' nock , and then with the seedy man walked down street. A lady in a carriage saw the dog , wanted it , and paid $25 for it. A Mindcn gentleman nnd wife were out riding ono day recently and stopped at u house on Kearney avenue and asked for a drink of milk. The young lady in formed him that they had only skimmed milk , which the gentleman said would do. After drinking the man insisted on paying for it , but the young lady refused. She finally said : o" Wo want no pay ; wo give skimmed milk to pigs. " The Kapld City Journal reports that "W. II. Mitchell Is homo again from Ne braska , after the first visltforoightyoara among friends in that stato. Ho enjoyed - joyed bin blay very well. Ho visited Omaha , nnd roi > ort8 It a marvel of growth , enterprise and progress vantly UilTcrent from Omaha as ho know it twenty year's ago. Grand Island , too , lie roiiorts as Improving rapidly , , in creasing in population uud happy in the acquisition of ft number Important manufacturing ' establishments. " . . J. McCluro' , a road overseer near Fut- lorton , called on a Mr. Sholtbn to ' got him to work on the road. Sonjo wovds ensued ) and S.holton knocked McClure off his horse with a , monkey wrench. McClure jumped up nnd started for his assailant , whereupon the latter grabbed n neck-yoke nnd knocked him senseless , afterward lumping on nnd severely stamping him. The doctors say ho can not live. H. C. Stoll is the promlnm hog culti vator of Gage county. Ho has made a circuit of western fairs and comes back with n good record , having taken nearly all the best premiums wherever ho wont. At the fairs in Omaha , St. Joseph and Marysvlllo , Mo. , ho took eighty-five first-class premiums. At Kansas City ho took fifty-seven second ' premiums aud at St. 'Louis thirteen Hwcopstakes. The Nebraska City News suggests that the Union Pacific depot in Omaha might bo fitted up with berths for the accommodation of the city's guests should the republicans name the me tropolis for the national convention. "Thoro never was and never will bo a bettor ventilated sleeping room con structed. It is so arranged that young cyclones nnd infant whirlwinds can cir culate and waltz at pleasnro iu droves all through it. " Iowa Items. The Lnfayotto creamery turns out 3,000 pounds of butter a day. There are 2fl7 Presbyterian Sunday schools in the state , with an enrollment of 30,887. Capitalists from Illinois contemplate building a condensed inilk factory at Montlcollo. The Gorman-American Savings bank at Burlington has increased its capital stock from $00,000 to $100,000. An effort is being made to secure John G. Whittier , the poet , for the dedica tion of the rebuilt Whlttior college at Salem. The now railroad bridge over the Mis souri river at Sioux City will have three spans , two of which will bo 403 foot and ono 404 feet , showing that independent of aopronches the main part of the bridge will bo 1,210 feet long. Joel Turnoy & Sons , of Trenton , mndo the business mon of Fairfield n proposi tion to bring their wagon factory there from Trenton for $ i,600. ! A business meeting was hold to consider the propo sition and it was decided to accept it. Of the amount , required , ever $2,000 has been secured , and it is thought the re maining $500 will bo raised soon. Dakota. Eight inches of snow fell at Fort Meade last Sunday. Dakota has more postofficcs than Massachusetts , or about a dozen other states. A B. & M. surveying party is sketch ing the lay of the Belle Fourcho valley in the Black Hills. Sixty-five of the eighty-five counties of Dakota will vote on the question of prohibition at the coming election. There are only twelve of the thirty- eight states of the union that have as many miles of railroad us Dakota has. The idea of patroni.ing homo industry doqs not strike the Black Hills country very favorably. The latest blizzard and zoroio temperature is an unusual phenomenon in October , and will ma terially boost division. If the blizzard region can bo fenced in or kicked out , it will be cause for devout and spiritual thanksgiving. The Pacific Coast. Salem , Ore. , has the anti-gambling fever , but her citizens seem to think the disease is not chronic. Work on the United States building at Carson , Nov. , will bo commenced by the first of November. Phoenix , Ariz. , expects to .havo a street railway , telephone line , oloctrie light and a skating rink. The Piuto princess , Sarah Winno- mucca , is a widow. She will wear a mournful countenance for sixteen days. A mine iu Elko county , Nov. , is named the Resurrection , and the Virginia En terprise says it has "good prospects for the future.1' San Bernardino is the banner railroad county in California , at least so far as mileage nnd assessments are concerned. There are nearly 400 miles of roadbed within its borders and the companies pay assessments on $4,091,250. There are 10,288 school children be tween the ages of six and eighteen in Arizona territory , divided as follows among the several counties : Apache 1,156 , Coehiso 1,102 , Gila S53 , Graham 1,094 , Maricopn 2,039 , Mohave 92 , Pima 1,865 , Piual 933 , Yavapal 1,840 , Yuma 420. Personal Paragraphs. R. L. Oxford , of Wayne , is in town. F. E. Stearns , of Blair , is at the Mil- lard. J. N. Burk , of Hastings , is at the Arcade. D. H. Harris , of Bennett , is a guest at the Arcado. H. D. Clark , of Sioux City , is a guest at the Paxton. H. J. Cosgrovo , of Lincoln , was in town yesterday. B. F. Berry , of Humboldt , was at the Arcade yesterday. Robert E. Douglas , of Lincoln , is a guest at the Millard. J. W. Kittle , of Kansas , City , is regis tered at the Millard. James Boll , of David City , is regis tered at the Arcado. E. D. Palmer , of St. Paul , is among the Paxton's guests. Charles D. Boyco , of Minneapolis , was at the Arcade yesterday. II. S. Gillette , of Minneapolis , is registered at the Paxton. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. James , of Cedar Rapids , are at the Millard. S. M. Osgood and S. C. Chambers , of Dos Moines , are at the Paxton. Prof. C. F. Croighton , of the Lincoln university , is a guest tit the Paxton. t A. H. Boltln nnd D. H. Howard , of Hearncy , are among the guests at the Arcado. Mrs. Joseph Melnrath loft hist evening - ing for Kansas City , for a visit with friends and relatives. Elder T. B. Leman left lust evening for Chicago. From thence ho goes to Harpers Ferry and Baltimore. William A. Cleghorn , Mrs. E. C. Cleghorn.of Louisville , and Mrs. W. H. Chapln , of Tccumsoh , were at the Arcade yesterday. Charles R. Calhoun , traveling freight agent of the Nickel Plato road with headquarters at Chicago , in in Omaha on business and looking up old comrades in the newspaper profession , which ho recently deserted for the more lucrative railroad calling. A Needed Improvement. The Long school house is now occupied by GOO pupils and many complaints are being inndu iu regard to the sanitary arrangements of the building , which was originally con structed for 'MO pupils. At the next meeting of .the board an appropriation will bo , , added for the purpose of placing saniturio-j jn the basement of the building Of the .most im proved kind , and uuyugU to accommodate Iho COO children. ' ' , ; A NON-PAIITI.BAN aUI > ICAttY , Address to the People of Hurt'Wash- l Kton , DnuRln * and Sarpy Counties. ' OMAHA , Oct. 27,1887. At a mooting of oloclorsof thoThlrd.judlclat district , hold-on the 2. " > th lust. , ntul composed of members of both political parties , the undersigned were charged with the duty of preparing nn address to the people ple , setting forth the reasons which have Induced them to support , at the coming election , the judicial ticket on which appear the names of Judges Wnkoloy , GrofTHopowoll nnd Doano. Impressed with thoHdanpcr of making the judicial olllco n prize for the most shrewd , the most active or the most popular worker in party politics , and fully realizing the fact that to bo both impartial and independent , n judge should bo free from the entanglements arising out of partisan strife , tlio bar of the district mot at the court house in Omaha some days prior to the period fixed for holding the judicial nominating convention. At that moot ing , which was absolutely non-partltan. Judges Wakoloy , Groff and Uopowoll ( the first named being understood to bo democratic in his views and the two others republican ) were unanimously recommended for re-election , and a committee appointed to notify the nom inating con volitions of this action. That committee mot with a courteous recep tion from the democratic convention , and tholr recommendation was adopted , Mr. W. A. Stow being selected for the fourth place on the ticket. In the republican convention , how ever , a motion to receive the bar com mittee was defeated , and a delegation from the democratic convention sent to notify the republicans of Its nominations mot with no uottor fate. It is doubtful if any political convention in the coun try was over before guilty of such gross discourtesy. The republican delegates nominated thrco gentlemen , who , whatever their qualifications may bo , have had no ex perience on the bench , and some of them but little nt the bar. Of the fourth , as ho is on both tickets , it is un necessary to speak. Wo believe that all who have the wel fare of this community nt heart , who think that judges should bo above party obligations and party bins , and above all , should bo above pressing tholr own claims in caucusscs , nominating con ventions and political campaigns , will fool no hesitation in voting the clean and independent ticket pre sented by the bar. Judge Wakoloy has boon known to the voters of this dis trict for thirty years. His career both at the bar and on the bench has boon alike honorable to himself and of ben efit to the community among whom ho has dwelt. HO took the office in the first instance only at the unanimous re quest of the lawyers of the district nnd by the appointment of a republican gov ernor. Four years ago ho and Judge Neville , a republican , wcro elected with out contest by those whoboliovcd then as wo believe now , that judicial elections should bo free from partisanship. Mo whisper of suspicion against his ability has over boon breathed. Judges Groff and Hopowoll have served since the last session of the legis lature. In that period they have be come known throughout the district , have devoted themselves assiduously to tholr duties and have shown themselves clean , impartial and industriousofilcors ; no fault being found with either of them unless by litigants who may happen to have been defeated in their courts. The lamented death of Hon. W. A. Stow rendered the selection of another candidate in his place necessary ; and in response to a very general expressed wish by lawyers and others the Hon. George W. Doano has been selected for the fourth place on the ticket. Mr , Doano's entire professional life has been spent in this district , and his legal cx- porince of over thirty yearshis probity , his learning and industry are , wo feel confident , sufficient guarantees that his career on the bench will bo honorable to him and satisfactory to the district. It has boon Bald that were democrats in a largo majority throughout the dis trict they would nominate party men mon and refuse to follow their action of a few days ago. But wo suggest that the proper qucstiou for us to ask our selves is not what would our enemies or opponents do in n given case ; but , what is right ? what is the best interests of the commonwealth ? what would the purest and best men advise ? If voters would ask themselves these questions wo have no fear of the result. That the ticket which wo advocate will bo elected in the opinion of those who are best informed in such matters is almost a foregone conclusion. But wo hope for something more than mere suc cess. Wo hope for a response to our appeal so general and so emphatic that political wire pullers , strikers , caucus lobbyists and all who seek to influence votes by unfair or dishonest means shall take warning that their machina tions , if they are allowed to exist nt all , must bo confined to non-judicial offices ; and that the people of the Third judicial district are determined that tholr min isters of justice shall bo , so far as their votes can make them , of clean hands , broad and impartial views , of learning and uprightness.WH.LIAM WH.LIAM S. CUUTIS , JOHN JENKINS , EDWAKD ROSEWATER , GEOUOE W. AMHKOSE , JAMES W. SAVAGE. AMUSEMENTS. The Plays at the Boyd and Grand Opera House Lmwt Night. Vernonu Jarbeau is not unknown In Omaha , but her first appearance hero as a star was made last night at the Boyd. She was greeted by a largo and friendly audience. She endeavored to prove herself worthy of the reception , but the misfortune of a pain ful hoarsncss deprived her of her greatest 'charm. The announcement of her coming was coupled with the legend of "Thco Out done. " Thco , however , has never appeared in this city , and a comparison between tier efforts and those of Jarbeau consequently could bo inailo only by a small number of the auditors. Miss Jarbcau , however , is nufll- cicntly glftod to build up a reputation for herself without endeavoring to destroy that of another. To an excellent voice she ndds the advantage of training which enables her to satisfactorily render some of the most delightful compositions , while her manner has all the gaiety and abandon of the Parisian. This she displays to advantage only in her solos , where she departs from the methods of the American soubrette , and In dulges in the mannerisms which have not yet been appropriated from Urn French stugq. . Iu the routine work of the piny there Is little of notable excellence In MissJarueau's work. ThLi Is , perhaps , to bo attributed more to the piece than to Urn lady's ' utillity , because ' 'Starlight" Is unquestionably the poorest madc-to-order effort which has been credited to Maodcr. Jnrbwiu Is supported by a largo company , most of the members of which do sonio very able-bodied flitting and Htanding around except when uncaged In the vocal MV. lections , which aril rcmlorud at fmjucnt in tervals and with commendable t > ucccH . Of the members It may be said that nearly nil Ilio ladles ere blessed with bftvuty Uml possessed of sweet voices while among the gentlemen uru several cx > col lent Bint-era , the mom dibtlnpulNlicd being Messrs , lifting and Daley. uiuNii oriiiu IIOUSB. Frank Lhidou appeared last night at this place Iu the "Dulto's Motto. " This is another nuino for Tobin's "Honeymoon. " The plcco is u working-over of the "Taming of the Sliruiv. " The story la not coiutUtcnt with modern methods of attaining to marital fcllolly. Men , now-n-days , are not -prone \ { marrying shrowa nnd taming thorn by re ducing them to plntics bcnenth the social. level of each of the contracting putties , There taming Is found necessary , as n general thing , love dogtnii'rntes Into hnto , nnd hntd leads to the dissolution of the matrimonial tlo in the dlvoroo court. The leading chaiS nctcr ? , the Duke Arnnzn nud Juliana , are , therefore , not likely to appeal strongly to an nudlonco , oven when well played. They certainly failed of appreciation as they played hist night. With the exception nbov < taken , the "llunoyinocm" has many redeem * Ing qualities. Some of its characters nro nd < iniruHy drawn and Iho undercurrent of lova which gradually bears the woman-roller , It'olondo , Into the haven of matrimonial blind , Is most Interest Ing to follow. Hut the suc cessful presentation of the piny la beyond the ability of the Lilndon company. Nine Hours For Cornloo Mnkrrn. The meeting of the cornice makers nt Metz' hull last evening was well nt to tided nnd enthusiastic ) . It was unanimously do- cldcd to ndopt nine hours for a day's work Instead of ten , nnd eight hours on Saturday. the pay to remain the enmo us before from $3.50 to t3 i > or day. All ovortluio Is to bo paid at the rate of ttuio nfid n half. There nro over n hundred cornice makers , and nbout half of them nro In the employ of O. Spccht , who has already ndopted the pro IwsKl system. Them nro two other c-ornlco contractors who employ the remainder of the men , and the secretary was instructed to notify them of the notion of the union. The employers nro requested to let their foremen know tholr decision by next mooting. If It la to bo unfavorable to the proposed system the men nro to lay down their tools nt 5 p. in , Monday. On the evening of the r.nmo day another meeting is to bo held nt Motz1 hall. Itnpnbltcnti CIul ) The Young MOII'H Uopubllcan club held n meeting at the Millard hist evening nnd con siderable routine business was transacted nnd several now members admitted. The Eight ward republican club met at No. 2101 , dimming street lust evening with a largo attendance. Arrangements were com pleted for the rally to bo hold to-morrow evening nt I'ntyn'tt cnrriiigo repository , to which this club was extended nn invitation to attend in a body by the Sixth ward club. The Eighth ward club will march to the scene of the rally with torches nnd music. The meeting of the Seventh ward republi can club was n lively one , although it was not very largely attended. A meeting of Third ward republicans was hold last evening at the councl chamber. O. H. Hothnckor presided. Speeches were made by O. II. Kothackcr , Frank Walters , Julius S. Conley and n number of prominent colored gentlemen of the ward. About 300 persons wcro in attendance and they were demonstrative in their enthusiasm. .Tailed the "Whole Crowd. A boiler-maker named Jans Anderson , while on n debauch early yesterday morning , strayed Into n house of Ill-fame owned by Mrs. Crow , on South Eleventh street. Whllo hero ho was robbed of ftO , and ho charges the notorious Molllo Shlnklo with being the thief. She was arrested nnd after a prelim inary uxumlnntlon wus put under $700 bonds to appear before the district court. Ander son was also put under f-JOO bonds to appear us n witness against her. In default of ball Imth wcro taken to the county Jail. Charles Stanley nnd George Martin , a couple of bums and Biieak-thtoves who were In the house nt the time , nro thought to bo implicated in the case and they too were arrested nnd sen tenced to Jail , ono for twenty nnd the other for ten days , hnlf of the term of each on bread and water. County Commissioners. The county commissioners passed the fol lowing resolutions yesterday : That It is the sense of this board that on and after thin date no moro orders will bo issued for railroad tickets unless signed by nt least two membnrs of the board , and it ii further undcratood that any commissioner signing nn order alone shall have the cost of the same deducted from his month's salary. This resolution was signed by H. O'lvcofo , chairman. A resolution was also passed in structing the county treasurer to rccoivo the personal Uuc Wolty & Ltuidrock for 1830 nutl 1887 without interest. A Sneak TlitePH Until. Yesterday afternoon some nneak thief en tered the residence of Frank Olson , 1113 North Seventeenth street , and stole n couple of coats and vests , a bag of over n hundred rare gold nnd silver coins nnd n writing desk containing papers , deeds and contracts. There is no clew to the thief. HrcvltlcH. There are special meetings at the South Tenth street church every even ing , conducted by Rev. II. L. Powers. The meetings started last Saturday. yesterday's Internal rovon uo colleo- tioiis amounted to $ U1,249.05. Know One Thing Well. Youth's Companion : It has been re marked that the farm ors who best suc ceed iu this country are thobo who devote - vote their chief attention to some ono product which is favored by their special soil and climate. . There is a county in Now Jersey nnd a town in Michigan where farmers grow rich by raising a vegotijblo so un important as celery. One region of Long Island thrives upon asparagus , parts of Delaware upon peaches ; the gulf states upon cotton ; Northern Ver mont upon grass in its various forms of milk , butter , cheese and boot ; northern Now York upon potatoes transmitted into starch ; Iowa upon corn condensed into pork and whisky. By concentrating his attention upon * ) single product or claws of products , and that product favored by nature , the farmer surpasses competitors in other places. There is a world of secrets in volved in the raising of a fine field of cabbages. Try ono row of fifty plants , and you will wonder that any man ever succeeded in winning the victory ever the acute , numerous and unslumboring rivals who dispute with you the posses sion of every leaf. The special farmer must of _ necessity possess all the erudition of his specialty , and ho succeeds because ho does. A man became rich on the Hudson by rais ing one variety of apples , the Newton pippin , which brought the best price in Uiiropo and India. There are farmers In Virginia who gain a largo revenue by the raising of nenuuts. To use the lan guage of our informant , "Thoy know peanuts all to pieces. " Is it not precisely the sumo in all the avocations of UH mortals ? An English lady , who has boon slruggling for life in Now York and Boston for six yearn an a writer , told her story the otlior day in the Woman's Journal. She failed be cause she did not know how to do anyone ono thing well enough. Soon after reaching Now York she was offered $15 a week to work upoiv nn encyclopudia , with a promise of $2-5 or $30 if she proved hor.solf competent. For a month she worked for hunuilf and her children with the energy of des peration , only U ) be told that her want of knowledge nuule her services usolesH. She has barely lived , she and her children , while seeing chance after chance glide by which hho could not improve because she had not the special bkill or npccial knowledge required. But she has learned wisdom , whioh flho bus utillxod in the education of her children. Knch of them , she wiys , "knows one thing well , " timl both have good prospects of success bcwiuso of HUH 0110 as a teuchor of the usual ICnglirth branches , and the other us a teacher of music. She utter * this comment , which we advise our ambitious young readers to consider : "Thr.'i-o Is one key , only , which will open the door to the brcud-wlnner , and that key Is thorough knowledge of and training for the work tolocted , whether it bo making a buttonhole or writing n treatise on philosophy. The days of amateur work in any department ar ovor. "