Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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A Bed Man Caught By a Street
Railway Driver.
Northwcfit Shipper * Get Better Itntei )
Hero Than In ChlcaRo Dissolu
tion of the Union Club A
SwItclnnnn'H Arm.
Caught A Tartar.
Driver E.J.Knnpp , of Car No. OS , on the
Cumins street line , hud an encounter with a
would-bo highway robbcrTuesdny night about
10 o'clock , and the result reflects great credit
upon him. At the corner of King and Hur-
dotto streets n young man Jumped on the car
and altered the driver a silver quarter for
change. When Knnpp turned around with
the change ho was looking Into the muzzle of
a shining pistol.
"Olvo mo that cash box , " demanded the
"I'll iflvo you the cash box , you
. " said Knapp , and with that ho struck
the highwayman over the head with the butt
of his heavy whip , felling him to the floor.
Knapp then grappled with his assailant and
succeeded in wrenching the pistol from his
grasp. Thorobber madoadcsperatoaUemptto
get free and llnally fell back wards off the rear
platform with the driver on top. Knapp held
his man until another car cinno along when
the two drivers loaded their man In and took
him to Ciimlng street where ho was given
into an oltlcor's charge.
At the station the man give his name as
Charles O'Hrlen ' but the police state that his
correct name Is Wilson and than ho was ar
rested sometime slnco for sliooting n man on
Cumlng Htreet , Ho was bound over In the
Bum of fl.'OO.
Tlie Having of Northwest Cattle Hlilp-
pen who Slaughter In Omaha.
A HEE rciwrtcr last evening met Mr. W. C.
B. Allen , live stock agent of the Union Pa
cific railway , at the Paxton , Just in from the
northwest , and inquired as to the condition of
the live stock interests on the western cattle
"My territory , " replied Mr. Allen , "cm-
braces the Pacific Northwestern from Wy
oming to Oregon , and much the same condi
tions exist there as elsewhere on the cattle
ranges. Largo losses occurred during the
past winter in many sections and there is no
longer any effort to disgulso the fact. Tliu
nhlpmeiits show n material decrease but that
Is not the worst feature. The calf crop , the
jiast season , and for the season to conic , will
bo the lightest for many years. "
"What about prices ! "
" down to bedrock
"Why , they uro
rock , ono would naturally think , Judg
ing from the markets the past few days ,
especially as the receipts of range cattle
must soon let up In a large degree.
Omaha with its largo ( lacking houses , has
been a great benefit to the far west , ns our
Idaho and Oregon shippers claim that they
Have from $3.00 to W.OO per head in selling in
South Omaha Instead of Chicago. This is
owing to the saving in freight and shrinkage
on sjock. Omaha should push her claims as
a market and , above all things , push her in
dustry and manufactures if she wishes to
keep up the present ratio of progress.
The now northwest , including Idaho , Ore
gon. Washington and Montana , is a valuable
field for her commerce to ex
pand in. Salt Lake is now
on the eve of a substantial boom. The whole
Paciilo coast is developing wonderfully from
San Diego to Puget Sound. Alaska is also
attracting a largo share of speculation and
travel. Overland travel and tratllc never was
greater than to-day. Ono of the factors in
this now development Is the pioneer road , the
Union Pacific , and a second transcontinental
train is now necessary to supply adequate
accommodations for the through travel.
Next week the National Cattle convention
nt Kansas City begins , opening on the iilst.
I shall leave foe Idaho to-night and return to
that meeting. Hero is an opportunity for
Omaha to secure the next annual session
which her citbons ought not to neglect.
"Yes , Omaha has improved and I am
always proud of the tlvo years spent ns secre
tary of your board of trade in trying to lay
the foundations of her prosperity. "
In the Wrong Pew.
OSIAIIA , Neb. , Oct. 20. To the Editor of
the Bun : I should think that the heart of
every loyal man or woman in this city would
rebel against the treasonable utterances of
Hov. A. W. Lamar , pastor of the First Bap
tist church , in an address delivered by him
nt a meeting held under the auspices of the
Metropolitan club at the Tabernacle Congre
gational church on Sunday afternoon.
In this address , if correctly quoted in the
llcbubllrun , issue of October" ! , Mr. Lamar
nays : "I am a southerner myself ; a full-
blooded one. God bless the south. I am a
Houthornur and oven to the soldier core , and
I would light Unit war right over again at
any time. "
Such bitter rebel sentiments as these , in
iny opinion , do not tend to strengthen Mr.
Lamar either with his congregation or with
the loyal people who are the majority iu
Omaha , and if thcso are his sentiments , as
his expressions used would scorn to indicate ,
ho will probably find the south a raoro con
genial place for his health.
The Metropolitan club certainly will not
find that the prohibition cause will bo ma
terially strengthened in this city through the
medium of those who arc in sympathy with
the "lost cause" and its adherents.
For False Pretense.
On the 19th of October , John Wucthrlch
decided that ho would engage iu the saloon
business. Kcmombcring that the city fath
ers demand (1,000 from all dispensers of in
toxicants , Mr. Wucthrlch turned his foot
steps toward the county court house and had
n short consultation with City Treasurer
Hush , which resulted In the exchange of two
pieces of paper. Mr. Wucthrich lecclved u
document setting forth that ho was entitled
to soil as much "tanglo foot" ns ho chose and
Mr. Hush became possessor of a small slip
with the following legend in plain.characters
written upon it :
OMAHA , Nub. , Oct. 10,1SS7.
Oinalm National Bank :
Pay to order of John Hush two hundred
fifty dollars.
From Mr. Hush's affidavit , which was read
to Mr. Wucthrich in the police court yesterday
nftornoon , this check was presented and pay
ment refused , inasmuch as Mr. Wucthrich
had "no funds" in the Omaha National bank.
Mr. Wucthrich consequently was arrested ,
charged with obtaining property under false
pretenses and at this writing is behind the
Lars at the police station , whlln n messenger
boy is delivering sundry notes signed John
Wuethrichto various parties , asking them to
como and bond themselves in the sum ol
$1IXX ) , in order that ho may return to the
bosom of his family.
A Pleasant Surprise.
Ono of the most prominent families of the
Hebrew circle In this city arc the ladles oi
the Uoscnthal family. They embrace seven
Bisters , namely , Mrs. Fannie Hcichcnbcrg ,
Mrs. Bertha Shaw , Mrs. Yetta Hoscnstluo ,
Mrs. Babctto Schlank , Mrs , Flora Prince ,
Mrs. J. Mcrritt , and Miss Minnie Hosenstinc ,
Last night about 9 o'clock the members ol
this family and their many friends met at the
rcsidcncoof Mr. and Mrs. J. Mcrritt , on Parli
avenue , and an enjoyable time was had
Kabul Benson. Simeon Bloom and So !
Prince toasted the couple for whom the oc
casion was gotten up. The affair lasted unti !
the morning hours and will bo long remembered
bored by the fricudsof Mr. and Mrs. Mcrritt
To Aid Evicted Tenants.
This ( Thursday ) evening n grant
ball will bo given at exposition hall under the
auspices of the Emmet Monument associa
lion of Omnha. The proceeds will bo devoid'
to the aiding of evicted tenants in Ireland
A largo attendance Is expected and the bes
of muslo has been engaged for the occasion
The reception committee comprises the fol
lowing welt-known gentlemen : John Hush
JC.V. Gallagher , John F. Coatl , Charlci
Hanley , Themaa Brcnnan , J. E. lUlcy , 3. C.
Hcngan , John A. Kehoo and Thomas Dillon.
The master of ceremonies Is George M.
O'Brien , Jr.
The family of Captain Peter Cockrcll has
arrived hero from Illinois.
I The Nonpareil club gave a ball last
evening at the K. of L. ball.
Last evening the Ladles' Aid society of the
Presbyterian church gave a "Mum" so
ciable at the residence of L. Carpenter.
The now Presbyterian church on Twenty-
fifth street will soon bo ready for occupancy.
The Kccd hotel was formally opened to the
public yesterday.
Arrangements have been made for a night
school In the First ward school house.
The graders employed on the Northwestern
track tuu erecting shanties for their winter
Prof. S. C. Bond , county superintendent of
schools of Sarpy county , a candidate for re
election , was yesterday calling on resi
dents of that portion of this city which lies in
Sarpy county.
Carloads of lumber are being received
every day for the extension of the stock
A petition is being circulated to have the
city authorities move the street crossing of
the Union Pacific tracks up to the Junction
of N and Hallroad streets.
The city engineer , after having carefully
surveyed the approaches of the crossing of
the street and the Union Pacific track , found
that it would take a ten foot grade to make a
good crossing , and says that It will bo a sav
ing of much money and | x > ssibly a number of
lives , when the city becomes larger , to build
a viaduct over the tracks at thatplace. The
Land syndicate has offered to build u viaduct
over the tracks ut M street above the new
It is understood that nt the next meeting of
the city council the mayor will bo instructed
to inform the governor that South Omaha
has a population of over five thousand souls ,
making it a city of the first order of the second
end class , atul request that the municipal
government may bo authorized to issue
bonds and raise money on public improve
ments , and with the funds thus procured
build sidewalks and invite foreign capitalists
to invest hero.
Yesterday William Mead , a young man
aged twcnty-flve years , died of brain fever ,
in St. Joseph's hospital , of which ho had
been an Intnato but a short time. Ho had
been employed by T. Haley , n railroad con
tractor , who is working in the vicinity of
South Omaha. The deceased lias friends
and relations in Chicago , ono of whom , Mrs.
P. O'Donnell , has been telegraphed concern
ing his death. The remains are now at Bar
rett & Heafy's.
In Union , Not Much Strength.
The Union club , which was formed some
time ago , as the successor of the Canadian-
American club , and which opened its rooms
on Fifteenth street opposite the opera house ,
has ceased to exist. It failed early after the
reorganization , and the burden of supporting
it fell upon the shoulders of n few over
worked men. As u consequence it fell into
debt , and among the creditors arc the owners
of the rooms , who have sued for $ Mi.73. !
Jewey & Stone have brought suit for&00 !
or turniture sold.
Mttlc Dance'H Vuuiiilon.
Little Dance , a full-blooded Ponca Indian ,
it joyed the hospitality of the central police
tation last night , not as an inmate of a cell ,
imt as the guest of the boys. Little Dance
, ' i on a thirty days' leave oC absence from his
'cscrvntion ' in Idaho , and has come to Ne-
jraska to visit brethren of the Omaha tribe ,
ivitH whom ho is friendly. He bears a letter
) f introduction from K. C. Osuornc , the In-
linn agent , who speaks of him in the high
est terms , as one of the few hard-working
PiiNliIng the Work.
The superintendent of the waterworks re-
) orts that he is pushing forward all work as
rapidly as possible. Ho has an extra largo
'orco at work and hopes to complete every-
hing before winter actually sets in. The
'emulation for the power house at Florence
is well under way and the grading is nearly
ilnished. The pipes are being extended to
Swift's packing house in South Omaha and n
'cw days more of pleasant weather will see
hat work finished.
His Arm Crushed.
Hem Hopkins , a switchman in the upper
Union Pacific yards , had his left arm crushed
last night , and was removed to St. Joseph's
hospital. Ho was caught between two Union
line cars belonging to the Pennsylvania com
pany. Those cars are equipped with cast
Iron bumpers and are merely used to protect
the draft timbers. They are considered very
ilangcrotis by railroad men and bear the nick-
mine of "man killers. "
Kntlicrford Fined and Appeals.
J. G. Rutherford , whoso case of larceny as
bailee has been hanging flro in the police
court for several days , was finally tried again
yesterday before Judge Berka and fined $20
and costs. It was most conclusively proven
that ho had illegally kept ? 'W belonging to
Floran Johnson , but instead of thanking his
stars that Judge Bcrka let him oil so easy ,
ho has appealed his case to the district court.
Goodrich Hall Association I. O. O. F.
The amended articles of incorporation of
Goodrich Lodge Hullassociation , No. 144 , In
dependent Order of Odd Fellows , were filed
with the count5' clerk yesterday. It is &ot
forth that the object is to purchase real estate
and erect a building and to issue bonds. The
incorporation is to exist from Juno 0 , 1SS7 , for
nincty-ulnu years. The business is to bo
conducted by a board of flvudiicctors.
Permits to Wed.
Judge McCulloch has issucit the following
marriage licenses
Name and residence. > Ago.
j Pcfcr K. Nelson , Washington Co 3. >
( Burtha Hasmusscn , Douglas Co I'J
i Ernest L. Mi-Fagdcn , Ft. Edward , Neb. 21
| Martha M. Strong , Omaha Hi
I L. S. Redding , Witchita , Kns 21
j Gcssio M.Fletcher , Sioux City , la 21
j Benjamin E. Pickering , Steele City 21
I Anglo L. Smith , Florence IS
I James P. Veirs , Adair countv , la ! i
t Bcllo Hlggins , Walnut , la 83
j Robert P. Longcay , Pittsburg , Pa K >
I Rebecca McCoinba , Oovington , Neb 2t5
( Andrew Jacobson , Omnha OS
t Frances Cockllold , Omaha ! > : i
I Henry McCrow , South Omaha 2'J
( Mary Hand , South Omaha 17
I CyniaT , Darling , Davenport , la 30
I Lllllo A.Dixon , Omaha 25
( L. Edward Corby , Omaha 2S
I Blanch I. Kenney , Omaha 23
An Assistant Surgeon.
Dr. Jarvis , son of the celebrated Dr. Jarvis
of the army In the Mexican war as also of
later days , has arrived. Ho has been as
signed to duty as assistant surgeon of this
department and under orders to explore the
grand canyon of the Coloiudo.
Not Struck Hard.
The man who was struck by engine 9SO of
the Union Pacific yesterday morning , near
the west end of the hi Idgo , is named Forrin.
Ho lives at 1310 Chicago street and his phy
sician , Dr. Galbraith , sayb ho is not boriously
Held Up ,
A young man named Simpson was robbed
by a footpad last night on Ninth street near
Douglas. The latter o made his escape
"with a watch and about $9 belonging to his
MESSERSCIJMIDT In this city , October
25 , Theodore , eldest son of Ernest and
Josephine Mcwersclimidt , aged 14 years
and 7 days.
Funeral to-day nt 1:30 : o'clock , from
the residence of his parents , 2.M Burt street
to Forest Lawn cemetery.
Dr. S. R. Patten , doiiUst , room 313 ,
building , Omaha' , Telephone 66 ,
THE W. O. T. U.
The Report for the Month of Septem
At the monthly meeting of the union , held
at headquarters October 20 , the president ,
Mrs. Watson B. Smith , presiding , after the
usual devotional exercises , reports from the
heads of the various departments of work
were called for and submitted as follows :
From Mrs. Ella Pearson , superintendent of
Jail and prison work , number of visits made
to Jail 12 , magazines and papers distributed
479 , testlments 18 , requests for prayer 87 ,
visits made in behalf of prisoners 5 , suits of
clothing supplied for two ujran their release
from custody , signing the pledge and other
evidences being given of purpose to lead
hereafter better lives. Mrs. J. E. McClurc ,
superintendent of social purity , reports the
sending to their homes of two unfortunate
girls and the finding of homes for two others.
Mrs. G. W. Clark , supetlntendcnt of evangel
istic work , reports number of calls made upon
unfortunate girls 20 , number of gospel meet
ings held 19 , at several of which was fortun
ately present with us our national superintend
ent of this department , Mrs. Anna Palmer of
Iowa , adding thereby greatly to the
Interest and profit of these oc
casions. Mrs. W. K. Potter , superintendent
of Juvenile work , willupon recommendation of
our national superintendent so to do , and re
alizing that "tho child of to-day Is the man
of to-morrow" enter soon upon a reorganiza
tion of the children into so-called "loyal
temperance legions. " The recommendation
of our dearly loved national president. Miss
Frances E. Willard , that the days of Novem
ber 13 and 13 , ensuing , be devoted by all
unions throughout the world to prayer for
the growth and universal diffusion of all
forms of temperance work , meets with the
warmest approval of this union , and its
action will be governed thereby. Believing ,
as wo do , that such an office as police matron
is ono of peculiarly urgent need , It Is deter
mined by our union to make all proper effort
towards accomplishment of this object. Also
that pending completion at Mlllford of the
house for unfortunate girls ( an appropriation
for which , It will bo remembered , was made
by our legislature at its last session ) our
active co-operation bo pledged to Mrs. Clark ,
our state superintendent of social purity , in
her endeavor to secure a temporary place of
refuge for such as , In the meantime , may
signify a desire to escape from their
present oathsomo surroundings. Workamong
the Chinese residents of our city , under the
Buperintcndcncy of Mrs. A. P. Wood is ,
after a vacation through the hot season ,
again resumed but much impeded , wo regret
to say , for want of teachers , ono of whom
being required for each scholar , owing to the
peculiar system employed. Double the
number wo now have would bo found In our
school if teachers could bo had. "Where are
the reapers ) " The warm congratulations of
our friends , we know will bo extended to us
upon learning , as hero they may , the fact
that , after the no small measure of distress
occasioned us on account of our previous
financial embarrassment. Wo arc to-day
thrnks , under God , to a confiding and gen-
rrous public in possessing not only our
headquarters building free of all encum
brance , but also of a lightness of heart that
will enable us to work yet more effectively
in the future. Mrs. Dr. J. C. Denise , our
treasurer , makes the following report of do
nations , some of which were uK | > n old pledges ,
and for which the union makes most grate
ful acknowledgement.
Mrs.Truman Duck Mrs. Milton Hog-
. $10 00 or * t fiOO
Mrs. .A. W. 1'lielps S 00 Mrs. M. A. Elliott 70(1 (
Mrs. C. K. Vost. . . . 3 00 Mrs. O.K. Davis. . 460
Mrs. T. KM'IenilnK BO Mrs. Tnkey 00
Mis. Groruu OlDll 2 Uti Mrs. Cole 200
Mr.-i. William Mc- Mrs.J ) . S. Collins. 10 00
Caiulllsh G.TO Mrs.O. V. Davis. . 1000
Slrs/CoWKlll 1 00 Mrs. G. W. Gniir. . Ml
Mrs. M. A. llllott. 10 00 M rs. Squares 5 m
Mrs. Kzra Mlllard 10 txi Miss C. J. IIowolls B 00
Mrs. 1) . V. SluilfS. n ( K ) Miss Harvey a 00
Mrs. John T. Hell. 2T > 00 Ir. J. C. Dunlse. . 5 00
Mrs. M.A. Smith , fi l Mr. W. T. Seaman 10 00
Mrs. Dr. llryant. . 1 00 Mr. Clmrlos Shiv-
Mrs. Arthur Fer- crick 1 00
Ktison lOOMr. W. O. Shrlver 10 CO
Mrs. M. K. Grnt- Mr. Alfred Mlllard 10 CO
ten 200 Mr. Otoo Lobcck. 10 00
5Ir.s.SarnliG.lllalr 600 Mr. lleorgo Arm-
Mrs. K.A. Pearson 1000 strnnp 11 00
> l r . lunar o U ) Mr. Willlum Klein-
Mrs , K. M. Morso- ins GOO
Dman 15 00 Mr. A. D.Joncs. , . . 10 00
Mrs. J. J. llrown. ft a ) Mr. J. D.llvnns. . . . n ( X )
Mrs. Kuril ! ) 1 OOMr.T. W. Illack. . . KM
Slrs. Day 1 ( X ) Mr. 1) . I , . Thomas. r > ( K )
Mrs.elorls ) 8 ( XI Mr.J. C. Werth. . . . 000
Mrs Colpetzt-r. . . . 5 ( X ) Messrs Poaver A :
Mrs. Simpson 50 Whitcomb 350
Mr. Stiver 2 U ) Messrs Dettey &
Mr.It.C. Patterson 500 Stone GO 00
Mr. Isaac Adams. 1 00 Slt-ssrs T. J. Heard
Mr.W.J. Connell. 31 00 & Hro 500
Ituv.Willard Scott W 00 Messrs Hartnian i
Cash 10 ( X ) Gibson 200
Dr. J.C. Denlso. . . 7 ( X ) Messrs McCaguo
Dr. KlllliiKS 250 llros 1000
Dr. 8.1) . Mercer. , f. CO Collected by Mrs.
Mr. Mlllard Bears U IMI Larimer GOO
In addition to the forp oing , thankful rec
ognition is hero imuloof the service rendered
by Mr. John Dale in the Rratuitous placing
of n $ , )00 insurance policy upon our headquar
ters building , nlso of the kindness of Mr. G.
M. Hitchcock for free use of the premises on
which the building stands.
Miw. G. W. CI.AIIK ,
Art and ingenuity combined liavo
produced in the "Garland Stoves and
Ranges" an article of household utility ,
which for elegance , durability , economy
and convenience is unexcelled. The
"Garland Stoves and Uanges" cost no
more than is often asked for worthless
imitations with which the market is
Outline of llio Work Intended by Tliia
Tills is now a legitimately incorporated in
stitution. Article live of its constitution
states the object of the association to bo
"Tho temporal , moral anil religious welfare
of women and children , and shall afford pro
tection and assistance to these in need until
permanent homes and means of support can
bo secured. " In furtherance of this work
the dispensing of public charities to the
needy lias been committed tothis association.
They liavo at 2T18 IJurt street n homo for
friendless children and aged ladles , and have
hired ti double house on Dodge street as a
homo for young working women. It has bo-
omo an accepted necessity , in all Christian
t'lids , that there should bo associations for
young men , and seine cities have nobly and
wisely met the more imperative necessity of
homes for young working ladies. In this ,
our central mid national city of Omaha ,
where so many young men are
so constantly coming , our citizens
should bo fr.lly aware of the fact
that very many young women are coming
here , and uro needed hero , to fill the varied
business demands for their services. As
strangers in our city they find themselves
more severely pressed for anv respectable
boarding house than oven young men. And
young iemalcs are even more in need of
home surroundings than young men.
To meet this humane necessity in their behalf -
half the Women's Christian association is
now soliciting the funds necessary to pay for
the furnishing of this now homo which they
have opened , and to meet , incidental ox-
pcnses incurred for Us beginning. It will
not bo strictly u charity institution , for its
occupants will pay a specified sum weekly ,
nnd it will in time bo self-supporting so that
In future growth of the city the association
will bo able to furnish a homo for hundreds.
In time there will bo a library , papers ,
magazines , music and various modes of en
tertainment adopted , which will meet the so
cial wants of these young ladles , and afford
to them something of the bencllccnt blessing
of homo protection.
The object Is worthy the support of our
citizens , and the names of the ladies who
have charge of the work is a perfect guaran
tee that contributions made to this object
will bo a lasting honor to our citizens. "Will
you help us I
The plan which has been very successful In
other citiesami which wo purpose to
this ; Six A's liavo subscribed fl , nnd they
will collect from four others ( making 21).who
will bo called B's , 25 cents each. These
twenty-four are to each find four C'B ( mak
ing ninety-six ) , at 2o cents each , and so on up
to F's-cach F securing 10 to 23 cents. This
will bo the aggregate result when carried
out : Six A' * at * 1 each. JO ; ! U U's at 25
centa each. W 00 C's at 85 cents each ; * 24 !
W D' at is cents each , Wj 1 530 ' at a
ccnta each , 93S4 : AMllfaat 23 centa each ,
$1,530 ; O.U4 F'H at & 0 each , 116,300 ; total ,
amount , $17,413. Kuch penon may use any
number of cards anHicoilcct any amount over
25 cents
Application toenter this home may bo
made to the Bupvrlntcndcnt , 1910 Hodpo
Btrect , and by her * rUl be referred to the re
ception committee. Testimonials of charac
ter will be required Subscriptions eent to
Mrs. J. Q. Homes. 9O4 S. 2Mh St. , or to
Mits. Dit. Hi LuiiDisoTos , Trcfts. ,
_ 2008 Burt st.
County txntimlsxloncrs.
At the county commissioners' meeting yes
tcrday , upon motlonof : W. J. Mount,8ccondcd
by George E. Tlmmo , it was resolved that
County Clerk Needham bo directed to re
port to the board "to what the work done
under the resolution adopted December 8 ,
1880 , directing him to rewrite and correct er
rors In numerical index has progressed at
the date of the rescinding of the resolution ,
October 22,1SS7 , giving in his said report n
designation of each of the old books , and the
page and entry to which the work had then
progressed , nnd nlso the like designation and
page of the now book. "
Mr. Nccdhnm Immediately made out the
report as directed showing the'work done
under this resolution up to October 23. In
closing his report Mr. Nccdhnm says : "I
would respectfully call the attention of your
honorable body to the fact that it will take
but u short tlmo to finish all of the books ,
when I intend to have all of them carefully
checked with the records , and when I turn
the books over for yonr inspection you will
find them correct in every respect. I have
had no chance us yet to compare with the
records as that work cannot bo properly
done until wo have all of the indexes fin
ished. "
The following resolution was passed this
morning by the county commissioners :
Resolved , That the county treasurer bo
instructed to exempt the tax on lot 10 , block
4 , John I. Hcdiek's subdivision , for the year
1885 , on account of being church property.
Resolved. That the county treasurer bo
instructed to cancel all taxes on lots 1 and 3 ,
in block 1 , and on lots 1 and 2 , In block 2 , of
Swcezy's addition , the same being the prop
erty of the Creighton university.
Attention K. of P.
The members of Omaha division No. 13
and Triangle lodge , Knights of Pythias , are
requested to attend the funeral service of
Ernest Mcsserschmldt , at 1 o'clock p. m.
to-day at 272(5 ( Burt street.
'Absolutely ' Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel ot puri
ty , strength niiil TNholesoincncs1 * . Moro econ
omical than tlin ordinary kinds , nnd cannot lie
solil in competition with the mnlltnilo of low
coflt short weight alum or phosphnto powders.
Bold only in runs. HoVAt UAKI.NQ I'OWUKII Co. ,
100Vallst. . , N. V.
The best and carest Remedy for Care of
all OUcasei caused by any derangement of
the Liver , Kidneyi , Stomach and Bowel * .
Dyspepsia , Elck Headache , Constipation ,
Blltonji Complaints and Malaria of all kinds
yield readily to the beneficent influence of
It is pleasabt to the taste , tones up the
system , restores and preserves health.
It la purely Vegetable , and cannot ( all to
prove beneficial , both to old and young.
An a Blood Purifier It U superior to all
etlien. Bold everywhere at 11.00 a bottle.
Blood poison ,
venereal taint ,
glett ttrlctiire ,
seminal emis-
cloni , los * of
iciual power ,
weakness o f
tlie iciaal or-
pane , want of
desire In male
or f e m a 1 e ,
whether from
habits of
, - . young or ex-
ual habits In
I mature years ,
, or any cano
I UTatUebUltnlci
I the s o x u a 1
functions ,
speedily and
Consultation frr * and strictly conlldentlal.
Wortlclno rent free from observation to all parts
of the United States. Correspondence receives
prompt attention. No letters answered unless
accompanied by four eenti In stamps. Send ten
cents In stamps for pamphlet and lift of questions.
Ttrou strictly cash. Call on or addrcfs
Mo. 3U South 1311 > ht. . Oaiuha , Neb.
'Wtf '
( Ir.
I'rt'l'-.i Vj' Mydlrxtly throufi all VMS rjirti.mtor-
Cnrrcnl o"f lllnfUniMr or wcforftit ti.iDO tncsili.
Qr l it I iiroi minH ovir sll otktr b llf. Worn rtxi rrr
lntnenlljcur dlnlhr nio lai. Bf tl.d pimffcUHc.lima
ThaSindan ElMtrioCo. IC9 LtSillcit. , Chlcsga
Real Estate Dealers ,
J40 Soutli Spring Btrect ,
- - California ,
Los Angeles ,
Jlcolers In city tinil country property of all ile-
Bcriplionii. Otnt-ral Informutlon to new-corn-
era Jreelv ulren.
I af OTPMAMHOOD.Toutliful.Irnpr
IM JO I uartice ervousUobllHycaused
through erroia and bna practtcoi CURED *
. gt.loui
Of customers in our atore every day tell the story of the business we are
doing. We are determined to keep it up , and the more the public favor
ns with their patronage , the more will we show them that we appre
ciate this confidence , and will strive to retain it. Just now Overcoats
are in great demand , and are going off like hot cakes. The styles and
prices take. But as fast as the piles are disappearing from the counters
they are replenished by new and choice arrivals , which our buyer is
daily sending us from the east. We have new styles to show everyday ,
and the prices we mark them at must be very tempting , as the people
buy them so quick. Evidently there must be a great difference between
our prices and those of other houses.
Other departments that are booming are Gloves , Underwear and Ho _
siery. Our corner window this week gives you a small idea of what we
are doing in the latter. Where could you get such a good scarlet all
wool shirts and drawers at 45c each , or such all wool seamless socks at
IScapair ? You would have to pay about double the money for such
goods elsewhere.
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price , at
Nebraska Clothing Co. ,
Corner Douglas and 14th , Streets , Omaha.
N. W. Comer of 13th and Dodge Streets.
Braces , Appliances for Deformities anil trusses ,
Bent facilities , apparatus nnd remedies for KIICOPM-
fnl treatment ol vi > ry form uf tlipci u requiring
Mi'illuU or Nirnlcnl Treatment.
Forty new rooms for patients ; beat hospital nccom-
inod iloi ) In the west.
Win rn pun L'litcui.AIis on Deformities nn < 1 Unices ,
flub Kcrt , Cumititro of the t-nlne , l'lle . Tumors ,
Cancer , Catarrh , Ilronc-liltln , Inhalation , lllcctrlrity ,
1'aniljf.lii , Kpllepiy. Klilney , lllaililer , Kf , Kur , Sklu
mid lllood , ami ull Mixlcal Opcral'ons.
Discuses of Winner . * Specially.
All lllood DIseiiKps successfully treated , Syphllltlo
I'olson removed from the pMeni without mercury.
New KcMonltlvo Treatment for U > of Vital I'imer.
I'ersons iinahlo to vIMt 113 may I'D treated at liome ,
by correspomlencu.All communications conlldentlal.
Medicine's or Instrument * rent by mall or cxpresi ,
tccmcly packed , no inurkB to Indlcato contents or
render. One personal Interview preferred. Call and
consult u , or send history of your case , and via nlll
0cnd In plain wrapper , our
Unon I'rlvate. Spec I ill and Nervous Dl enses , Femlnal
Wonkm-M , HpermatorrlKVii , Impotency , t-plilllg ,
( ionorrhu'ii , ( ilvet , and Varlcocolo. Addreixi ,
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , or
DP , McMenamy , Cor , I3tb &MEC Streets ,
OwliiR to the mpld growth o Omaha nnd our no
cess In BiTi'ttliiK cureK , oyj Biiflners has beconio so
larce that trio ol.i JledlcRl Institute on Hth street onrl
Capitol avenue , co m , „ , , aecommodato nil coining
to in for treatment. Wo IIHIM therefore mo\od Into
our new brick , miUdlnc , North * cit tiorner or l.Hh and
Dodco streets , ono block south of the. oM Institute
building , and huvo now the largest and moiaeum-
pleU Medical Institute or hospital In the went. Forty
uewly lurnlslied , well warmed .and ventilated rooms
for patients , three skilled pliyMtlnns ulwayx In the
bulldlnK. All klndu of dlseasus trvutod In the most
eelfiiUUc manner.
We manufacture Pttrtrlcal Braces for Deformities ,
Trusses , hupportcrs , Klectrlcal llatterlcs , and can
supply physicians or patients any appliance , remedy ,
or Instrument known. Call and consult us , or write
for circulars upon all subjects , with lists of questions
lor patient to answer. Thousands treated success
fully by correspondence. Wo have- superior advan
tages | lm | lacllltles for trcatlnit diseases , performing
surgical operations , and nurslnu patients \\hlcn com
bined with our acknowledged ability , experience ,
responsibility and reputation shouldmakothu Oiuuha
Medical and tiurulcal Institute the tlrstiliolco.
100 N. lath Sheet.
I'UHi : UAUIOIINIAS'1NKS. . shipped clliect
fiom our vlmijiml. UtuslliiK. ( iutruul Warets ,
I'ort , Sherries , etc. San .Joio Vaults , Seventh ,
JJlKhtli , Sun Kulvador nnd Willlum billets , Sun
Ju&e , Calltorulu.
Epps's Cocoa
"It ? a thorough knowledge of the nature ! laws which
Rovvrn thu operations ot digestion ami nutrition , unil
ur careful appllrHtlon of the tint ) propertied of well-
nolectcd Cocoa , Mr. Klips has provided our brcakfuit
tables with it delicately flavored heverauo nhlch limy
save us many heavy doctor's bills. It la bjr the. Judi
cious u e of such articles of diet that a constitution
IDBT be gradually built up untU lron euouxh to re
al * ! every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtln
maladies are HoatlnK around us rmdr to attack
wherever thcru Is a weak point.Vo miir eocapo
many it fatal shaft by keuplnu ourselves well fortified
with pure blood and a properly nourished Iruiue. "
Civil Service ( iaicttn.
Madu pimply with bolllnu water or milk , gold only
In half pound tins by ( Jrocers labeled thus :
TAUPQ TDD < ! 9. ffl Jlomteoputhlo Clicmlgts ,
JilulDt ] iuTU U UUi i LONDON , U.SULAMJ.
Mention this paper.
MAKUMcruiuaao' FW
. riox Kirnf as.
I B lt Work and tewtit Men
_ Ouaraatssd. lOOpsMlUqjt'i
. CataJasraa. Tlmsstavtrcrintt . scntfres. BostanTfe
Electro-Magnetic Belts !
The Grandest Triumph of Electric Science
Centlf men's Dell Scientifically Made and Practically Applied.
With Electric
f Ufll I OIIDE ? VsfVB " 3VC TOU 1'olns In the HaoV. Htpm llmd or Umos.
II VTlL > aU OUrCC T W Nrrtou * Ilehllllr , l.umliDua , < li-ncri > l IH-bltllr. Ithcu-
mattrai. I'arnljili , JVeuralicIa , Solullru , lIUi-un-n of Klilnrj * . Mplrml Itlsciuw * . Tornlcl l.lTtr ,
Uoul , Exhaustion , Kmti lei , AMhmn , Henri I > | HO > P , , C- niton. Ilrjslpclasi
Indigestion , \Vcaknru , Inipotency. Oaturrh , I'llm , Vpll > > p > T. 1'uinu Av ubctcsi Ilidroccle.
Itloiid IHcrasc * . l > roi r , ettv then thin belt la Just what , jou need.
to any part of the body. ' Whole family can WHEN ALL ELSE PAILS.
wwo * mUmftm I *
wear It. It elpotrlflw the blood and cures
TCCTIIinillll C ETer\-niiurcuiilnonndii' < rdhypcrml lon. NIITE thofotlovrlnir who have been
IC llfflUrllALO OURF.IH-A. J. Itoattland. H. fi. 1'arl.crand sl6ttallonlloanlof Trails ,
Chicacoi A. UrcRorr. comniHilonmrrchant.Htock Yards ) Iludii Iioblf.tho prrot hnr-cnmn : Col. Connellr ,
or the Inter Ofrnnt O. W. llellus. H. U. , tlnrmontown , Iowa ; Lemurl MUlc , KanlcaUc , tll.i Juilirf I. S.
Miirrnr , Noncrvlllc , lll.i K. I , . Abbott , nupt. clly waterwm-Ls , bouthJifiid.lnd i Kobe. It.Sampson , Chlratfo
postoftlceiu I > . McMiclmcl. M. I ) . . IlulT.ilo.N. y. VcmrliclthaaacTo-npllnlicd wliot no othorrrmrdr hasi
rteidr nertrs nndronifortabloelccpot night. " UobU llall , alderman , ItO Katt StlthBtreot.New ork
n UflDIIOC Cl'rPTDn UirilCTin nCITlspuP < 'riortoallcHiors-cnriTntiiofflccrlcl-
Uli nUnnC d CLEW I nil tnAUnCllb DELI tyaroetronRormlldaiithowt > arermayde-
rlroi produces a continuous eurrenti convoys electricity through the body on the nerven. It euros dl CA s
by KfiicratlnR a , continuous current of electricity (1O ( or 111 hours out of B4) throughout the human eytum ,
allayloirallncrvouiieulmrncdlat lr , and producinitanow circulation of the llf" forces the bloud , liu-
parflnir vigor , strength , enenry and health , when all other treatment has failed. 7uo merits of this sclcn-
tlllo Hrlt arrt bolnfif recoirnlred and Indorsed by thousands whom it has cured. . . . M , .
Kr.FEHENCKSi Any bank. I'oinincrclalaircney or > * house In Chicago ) wholesale ) druggists ,
Ssn Krunclfo and Ohlcnen Iff * Menil stamp for ItBpairo Illuitratcd pamphlet.
X > JEL. IV. if. XXOXUVXI , Inventor and Manufacturer , 1U1 VVabash Avenae OMcaca.
A magnificent display of everything useful and
ornamental in the furniture maker's art ,
at reasonable prices.
Display at their warerooms , 1SO5 and I3O7 Farnam Street ,
the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at
any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the
highest class and medium grades , Including
, B *
Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the
lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long
established reputation of the house , coupled with their most
liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords
the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible
defects In materials and workmanship.
1305 * 1307 FARNAM STREET *
On September MSS7. In the Circuit Court of thn United Plates fet
thoDltlnUof MaiiriitliusctU. Iu th niiUof the N-lborl C'jrllndor Oil
Cup Co. vr. . S. O. NlKlitliiKalo.JudKn Colt sustatnod Ihu dales pat ni
for the Muht H'lTd Lubricator , hulillnir It t bo. broaitly , lor u liibrka *
tur In which thu oil l delivered In vlklblo drops up throuuh wal r la
iiRlusslubuorihaiiilier. I hereby Inlorm th piibllo lliut , ijlth tim
eici-ptlon of uno or two persons iirurluusly IRenjud , I have obtained
from the Selbcrt Co. , an HxclitJilTC l.lci > risn under their Hluht Feed
l.nbrlcsitor patent to iimnufui turo iind el l.iibilcators lor Stationary
an.I . l'irlablei'niliii' lhrouKlioutall of the tin Ird Htatesand Ttrif ;
lories , cxri'pt Ne * Knulunil. All Blulil hoed Lubricators In which oil
lili-dliiTliilbluilropiiuii UiroiiKh alcr.ln a Kliui tube or cliHmbcr ,
niuilu or old br | HTXIII not llccn d by thu Selbert Uo. . are Inftlngo.
. - incnts , rind the makers and uters will be pro ecut d. Huluh t.
\ ready been hPiiun airulnit H number of such Infrlniers. AM Hlubt
s Ki'i'd Lubricator * miiili-by me ara properly marked "Licensed by tb
bullion Cyl. Oil Cup < N > . mid with the diilo of patent. All my I.ubrV >
culor > am tuiiud an I uuaranteed to work perfectly.
r < irKalti hy all | irui ln iu dealers