Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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.Advertisements under this head , 10 cents per
line for the first Insertion. 7 rent * for each nub- .
Insertion. nml I1JX ) ft line per month.
No advertisement taken for lens limn 25 cents
for the first insertion. Seven words will lie
counted to the line ! they must run consocu-
lively nnd must be paid In advance. All ad-
vertlprmcnts must bo handed In before 1:30 :
o'clork p. m. , and under no circumstances will
tliny I * taken or discontinued by telephone.
' .I'lirlltfi advertising In these coin in us and liar-
ingtlm. BHRWerB undressed In car of the llco.
Will nlraao nsk for n check to rnnblo them to
Ctt their letters , ns none will be delivered ex
cept on presentation of chock. All answers to
nqvortlRHnents should bo enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisement * In three * columns nro pub
lished in both morning and evening editions o (
the Ilee , the circulation of which aggregates
morn than 14 , ( ) jrapers dally , and gives the ad
vertisers the bcncllt. not only of the city circu
lation of the Ilee , but nlso of Council illufT * .
Lincoln und other cities and towns throughout
this part of the west.
TlfIILAND Onarnnteo and Trust Co. . 1605
J--l. J Fnrnnm street/-Complete abstracts fur-
nWnd , nnd titles to real estate examined , per
fected nnd guaranteed. 210
TEA BA LES.MEN of oxperlcnco and having nn
cstnhllsned trade among thn Uroccry Mer
chants of the West will llnil It to their advantage
to correspond v. Ith us when In wunt of good sit
uation. I'lrsf-class plates open. State the terri
tory In which you Imvn a trade , wlmt houses you
have represented , mid how long , what arrniiKo-
mentH you desire to mnka ; also send your refer
ences. Communications confidential. Address
1' . ( ) . Rex al , New Voi k City.
rtr-Cut.thls out nnd keen It. Bll-31
WANTI'.O 1'nrtner with capital. In nn estab
lished wholesale produce business. Ad
dress. Hinting amount of capital to invent , K at ,
lice olllco. 7U1S7 *
rpO EXCHANOE-JI.WlO stock general mcr-
Jchandlso for good Onmhii property : small
incumhrnnrR : niu.stsi'llor exchange quick. K
S. Cnmiibell and G. W. llervey , ! 11U Hoard of
Trade. 4W5.
TJ1OH SAMI-Hotel. the best paying small
JL1 hotel In Omulm ; Hlxty regular boarders ;
liavo other business and must sell ; f 1,200 gels It.
Address K.ill , llco. 713-38 *
SAMS A * 1.5U < ) Ktoek of .groceries and
- * 'quceuswnre. In best local Ion In Vork , doing
business of J20UJO. Block neiiily new. A rare
banco to a llvu inuii. Address , drawer 151 ,
York , Neb. 72U 1
WANTlID-Man with Vim to take one hnlf-
lutcrest In a well established real estate
and loan olllcc , clears Mr. < x ) yearly , wlllirmiran-
tee flOO tier month. Address Lock llox 47T , La
Cropo. Win. 451 27 *
TU ) TRADE Two Improved farms in Iowa for
Omaha property or Nebraska lauds. Me
Culloch Ic Co. , cor ; 15th and Farnam. KS
aMIREE drug stocks and tlxttires of $1.600 ,
.J,7UO , Wm ( lullnest Nebraska towns. For
solo or real estate exchange. Address K. 2 , llco.
$1,21)0 ) Will buy n good paying and well estali
ll.shed business on N. ll > th St. . parties going
to 1'aclllc coast. Address 1C II , Jlee office.
? M 2D <
WANTKD To rent a doublebi Ick storeroom ,
44x154 , or will heparato mid rent singly ;
lighted hy private gas ; located In a line town of
8,0m ) in riiHtem Nebraska ; good location for dry
gooi's ' and clothing , or either line separate , tent
reasonable. Addiess K 17 , lleo olllce. 03028 *
RKNTATAOENOV K. I , . Gregory will be
round after November 1st at in/ ) South lUth
St. , opp. Hoard of Trade. . Ground lloor. 510
GOOD opening for hardware or dry goods
store In ntch block on 1'nrk ave. Splendid
ptororoom. Cheap rent. K. I. . Uiegoiy. fKt ) 8
intii st. nn
TTlOlt SAM ! -Drug store , stork and llxttinn. In-
J voice about MX ! ( ) , average sales H.UOO
monthly , rent only 3.1 per mouth. See \\'m
Nelson , 422 S nth st. 470 - - )
BPHINEP9 chnncu-A live man with $5.0(10 ( cash
, cnn learn of a No. 1 opening by calling or
addressing. ! . L. Hlco \ Co. , over Commeicial
Nat. bank. COO 2S
"I71OR SALE Klrst-ohiss two-story brick hotel
JL ; doing excellent busluesH ; rents for Jfii per
mouth : owner polnir out to Cal. Addrchtll. H.
Lilly , Ilrokcn How , Neb. S n 10
H-aXliE A MX ) acre stock-farm , InSarpy
- county , Just 26 mllus from Omaha , with a
line quarry on It. only J25 per aero. A. F.
Mayne , N. W. cor. Iflth and Farnam. f.U
ANTED-Stock of boots and t-hoes lu exchange -
change for Insldo Omaha property. Ad
dress Putttrscju&Mooi0,1012 FuiimiUBt , Oiimlui.
A good opening In the state of California for a
light manufacturing business. A small
capital requli ed and tin * profits are large. Chance
HC'Idoni ollered. I'urtluilnr.s at A. F. Mayno's ,
N. W. cor. Iflth and 1'urnam. t'Jl
FOR THADE-fl.Onu ncies of choice westein
land to exchange for general merchandise.
Jno. > Vi'oft. iCt N. 16th st. M3
IF you have anythlnij to exchange , wiitii us.
Wo hnvo Impioveil und unimproved No-
bnifl.ii , Kansas and Iowa lands , coal mines , ho
tels , stocks of merchandise , horses , cattle , hojjs
sheep , etc. . . to exchange. S. 8. Campbell and O
W. llervey. 3111 Hoard of Trade. * 487
WEHTEfHN DEALEItS-Send for our lllus-
tinted catalogue of fiiucy goods , toys and
notions. Prlco guaranteed , lluy near homo
and himi freights. Hedhrad. Notion , Lnthrop
& Co. , Jobbers , books , atntionery , etc. , DCS
Mollies , la. C29
BUSINESS Chance An oil route having a
business nvvrnglug $ . a day. consisting of
S flue-span mules , uUon tank wajionH. KX ) or IW
cnn , all for 11,6(0 ( , fl.OliOcasli ; owner having to
ICUM ; ou iitcouut of bad health ; tine chance to
llvu man. J. L. like A Co. Ufi 'M
BUSINESS' Chance Desirous of retiring from
business , wo w 111 sell the balance of our
Block oC diy goods , etc. , with three > earn lease
and fixtures of ctore by January or March
next , Merchants meaning to pun liano address
John H , F. Lchmann \ Co. , l.'IIO-liiri Farnam st.
Ml 11 6
BUSINESS Chutue There Is n flno opening
for n confectioner , rcstmmmt nndbakwr
right thn entrance of llanseom park.
New storeroom , cheap lent , V. L. Grejjorv. 320
B. JMlL st. plO
FOR S.\lr.-Or trade a No. 1 hotel liiropeTtyi
doing good trade. In mp or tljn bust towns
In Nebraska. S. S. Campbell and (1. W. "
010 Chamber of Commerce.
" "ifAN'TED-A MockorKiocT-T7
1 * . for city lots < \a \ for.
T { OH PALI.-A complete steam laundry hav-
* - lUn twenty hoi-hn i > o\\er engine. J. S. lieu-
Iirtt , Sannrtcrb and Clark sts. Ki !
MHS. DUHANT-Clarlvoyimt from HoMonlr
reliable In all allalis ot life , unites separ
ated lover * . ! ig N. ICth st. . room 1. Tifl nlO
DR. NANNIE V. Warien. clairvoyant. "Med
Iral tiusinrm ami tCAt medium. Olllce 111) )
Noith icthbtiect ; rooms 2 & ! 1 , Telephone liul.
TVANTED-Hookkceper , Address 1C III , lleo
V > omco. 718 art *
TXrANTKU-Hcad cook J05. 2d f.o or we-t ,
T > tore paid , coachman for private fnmlly ,
130 , white or colored , IMH ter for Moie , FA ) ami
board , farm hand l ° .l ) , one Ht til. Men and tliolr
wives for private families and for farmi , $25 and
KB ) . Carpenters. Canadian Employment oftlco ,
Mrs. Ilrega & Sou , 310 S 15th ; telephone Ml.
r.a 20 *
TVANTED-Tlnner. at lloverldge & Allen's.
' " " " 70027 *
' "s-f"1"'t-
_ _
; talloi-a and 1 girl toworkTrrtaTT
or shop. 13U2 Hftrney Bt. _ 73120J
WANTED Immediately , six good packing
house x-ooperx , Aualo-Amerlcun Provls-
ion Co. . South Omaha. CM 86 *
ANTED-MHH tocutood. . ueo. N. Hicks
211 S. mil St. 7119 29
WANTED 3 teamsters 3 farm hands , olhrc
boy. ubout 18 yrs old , W men for H. H ,
work , 2 j > er day. Hcandlnnvlan Emp buieau ,
1810 Famam bt , side door. t\so M
\\rANTED-Meu for Wyoming. Albright1 !
1 ? Lalior agency , 1120 Fin uam. ( U8 2i )
"VXrANTED A young man who understands
T > ( stenography and is \ \ tiling to communcit al
low wngrtiltheooil prospoctb. Address 1C ! *
Bee cilice. 45S
" 1\7ANTED Pnictlcal gwcery clerk , stout
> < hcultliy. hard worker mul must ba quick ai
bliigln man preferred. AiUhvss U
cLirnqn , Sidney , Neb. ttSI-ST
JTANTED Men for railroad work. Al
brlght'e Labor Agency , 1120 Fnmam. SH
NTKD-MiiU cook nTuioTN IBth st , , '
\\r.\NTLD-2 good furnace wen at C. F. ( lard
T1 iierB. 718 N. lUlh. 747C7
WANTED Agents , a ranVAM for Hanker
Ufa lUMirmice Co. , Lincoln , Neb. Noui
putfitpfrlenccilnieii need apply. W !
W'ANTED-Meil \Vyomliig , lieu 'jTJF day
Scandinavian Emp. Uureau , ItilO Fnnmii
WANTED Agents In Nebraska for On.
John A. Ixigan'n last work , "Volunteer
Soldier. " Just published. Address J. M. French
ft Co. . Omaha , Neb. 233
AOENT8 wanted for the new revised Imperial
edition of 7eir encyclopedia * ( nnd other
works ) Just Issued. Now features. 60 per cent
thicker , and retail prices reduced. Exceedingly
HUernl teriMtn experienced men. Address T.
Elvrood.ell , publisher , Philadelphia , Pn.
037 27 *
\\fANTED-Mcnto handle n lleht buslnp 7
T > M to J15 per day , small Investment. Mutual
agency , 1007 Faruninst. , up stain * . C.'t ! 27 *
- wife for farm 72 miles
north , 4 good farm hands steady work , H
corn hiiKkcrs. 1007 Faruam tit. G > K 27 *
WANTEO-Sovcral first/class giJesmon for
clothing , hat and furnishing goods. Only
thee with llrst-tlnss releience need address
110X229 , Omaha. 44' )
WANTED 100 men of good appearance to
try our Jfic meals at Norils restaurant.ail
nnd .113 South llth street , ( old Live and l.ct
Live. ) ' 4
W'ANTKD fine ncents ; good salary or com
mission ; rare chance. Address with stamp
'or terms , Weaver Mfr. , 34 N. Slate st. , Chlcauo ,
III. KV.I1I2 *
WANTED-10 carpenters. Apply at Al
brlght'B Lnbor Agency , 1120 Fnrnnm.
CIS 26
WANTED Traveling liquors , clothing and
grocery salesmentea and cotleo salesmen
o families for St. Louis house.dry goods clerM.
15 cabinet makers , books salesinen , 175 per
month ; agents to sell business register to busi
ness people only : hotel rook , W miles from
city. 7 week : aCathijlIc lady to Bell the best
article to Catholics on the market ; 60 girls for
leneral housework. Great Western Hureau. 1501) )
h'nrnum st. , room 0. 040 20 *
WANTED 4 German born to carry pap rs.
tvrr-fflo B. 12th St. . up-staim. CM )
WANTED Woman cook for lA > gan , la , , SK ;
waitresses for Norfolk $1.1 , man and wife
lo run Meam laundrv , best wages , man and wife
for private family J.IO , man and wife for farm ,
2.1,110 children , laundress for Paclllo Junction ;
second girl out of city $4 ; cooks for Crete , Salem
nnd HradRlinw , $25 to K > 0. Parties wantlngwork
out of city call and leave their addresses an or
ders have to be filled too quickly to admit of
nd\ertlstng. Canadian Employment olllce , Mrs.
Ilrega * Son. 31ii 3.1,1th street. Tolephonn b84.
TJ2 2.JJ .
\yANTED-aod glrlj 1009 N. 18th. 73526 *
WANTED A first class cook and laundress ,
( leriiian preferred. Mrs. Milton Rogers ,
724 S19th St. 720
W 'ANTED Good girl for general housework
in private family. CO ? South 13th st.
IT ANTED Second gli 1 capable of doing plain
> sowing. Mis. F. W. Gray , 2021 Douglas.
700 27 *
[ XTANTED-Glrl at once. C22N. IPth. 078
WANTED 3 dining room girls. 1 cook , girls
for private families. City Intelligence
Onico. Crelghton Blk. WO
W ANTKD Woman to handle light article ,
pays JJ to iS per day. 1007 Farnam. KJ2 27J
" \rANTED-Oood \ girl for general housework ,
German preferred. No washing or Iron-
lug ; . , good w ages. Inquire 2011 St. Mary s avenue.
IT"ANTED-01rl for general housework. 1501
> HuitstU'et. 0182iV
V\rANTHD Competent person to care fur
child3 yours old ; German preferied. 2313
Douglas. 00120'
ANTED-Dlulug loom girl at 1004 N Ifith st.
\\7ANTED-1 cook for Seward , 1 dining
T t room girl for Crete , 4 cooks for
city , 2 chambermaids , o dining room girls.
1 laundress , J head waiter , assistant
In dressmaking shop , nnd various female help
for the llrst famllk-u In the city , ( live us a rail ,
and wo will give satisfaction. Gate City Em
ployment olllce , 314'5 S Kith St. OK 20
WANTED A good woman cook and man
dishwasher ut II. Peterson's dining hall ,
5 13th Ht. 70128'
wIANTIH ) - Dining room Rlrl. Doran housi.1 ,
J S. Ibth near i-t. Mary's avenue. 414
WANTKD-nft ladles to try our l.Vs meals nt
Norrl.s' restaurant ( old hive and Lot Live ) ,
Ull and at ! ) S. 14th st. t.'l '
W ANTED Cook and lauiulres * . Dr. Coir
man cor. St. Mary's nvo and 27th fct. D51
L ADI KS wanting reliable help , cooks , second
Birls and M-anistresses , can llnd n room
full of Klrls to choose fiuni , at the Canadian
Employment olllce. Jlrs. Iliega Ic Son.IllO South
15th. Telephone Hl. 7i 3 20 *
WANTED I.ndiott who are desirous of ob <
talnlng competent servents of nil nation
alities to till every required position to leave
their orders nt Scandinavian Emp bureau. 1010
Fumam t , side door. ( ! bl IIO
TPHEClty Intelligence onico has the only prop
Jorly organized employment agency in the
west. It is the lurgebt , moit reliable and its
terms the most liberal. If you nro out of em
plojment or wish to tnako a change , why doyen
yon delay In securing the best possible ntd thai
can lo given you. Persons should carcfullj
consider whom they are dealing with as there
nro many now ratch-penny concerns comlnj ,
into existence dally. Full particulars concern
Ing our methods will bo given upon nppltca
tion. All orders ( exc.ipt from private families
tilled free nnd sent to any part of the west wher
fare Is paid. Yours respectfully , Chas. L
Hart , manager. Referenced : John L. McCnguo
president Mcdiiriie Hros * . bank ; Dexter L ,
Thomas , cashier Nebraska savings bank ; Hou.
J. H. McCulloch , county Judge. 671. .
W'ANTED-Clrls nnd nil others who aio look-
Injt for n place to know that we do not
charge olllce. fee unless place Is secured. Do not
b deceived by conceniH who take vour money
without giving you u place. Gate City Employ
ment ulllco. 31 Uj 8 Kith st. Ctti !
US1NESH Men nnd olher.s wishing reliable
help of any kind , call at our olllco mid see
what wo have. Among others we mention the
following lines : Floor-walker , Draughtsman ,
Hook-keepeis , Clerks nml Salesmen In various
Mablemen. Watchme , Carpenters , Coachmen ,
llutchers , llnker n useful men for city and conn-
try , lubon- : , . . useful boys , mechatilcs In all
brani ; ' . . . H you want woik or wish to make a
C.nuige , cull mi thu uute City Employment Olllce ,
amis. 15th st. ttK-aa
" \\7ANTED-Ladles who an ) desirous of oh-
IT talnlng thoroughly competent , reliable
and well tialned MTVimts of all nationalities , to
till every required position of household duties ,
tohend their nrdern to the City Intelligence of-
tlce. No fee until places are tilled. City Intelll-
genco office , Cielghton block , teleplione No. ( W.
LOST Yesterday , a ladles' cabled chain gold
hniclct. Suitable reward for ictuiii to the
olllce of S. 1' . Morse .V Co. tiH ! 20
STOLEN llav mare In open buggy , medium
. . size , dark bay , large hind HUkle * . ubout li
years old , good traveler , buggy old , now bhnf ts
not painted. T. Murray , Mm my hotel. 25,1
TT. It Aicade place . lJ ! blks south of wawn-
- - worth st. , east front on.'itith st. Owner
must sell. Ask for pilcc. 1 * . L. Gregory , U2t )
So. 15th st. K2
"IjlOUND A mini of money. Owner can hove
J ; same by proving property and calling at
813 S. STIU st. 731 0'
"I710UND A breastpin. The owner can get
J ? fc.ime by callhiK at Thompson , Ileldvn
Co.'f , lillD K rn m st. , proving property and
pa > Ing for this notice. 707
\\7ANTKD To hire Immediately n mall
house , contnlnlng about four rooms , lo-
caled west of ICth street and north of Furuam
Mreot and within a luilo of P. O. Addre.ii K.
SI , lleo olllce. 7ia-2U
ANTEl-2 or3 boardertt In private family ,
llring inferences , niu South 21st st , near
corner St. Mary's ave. 7U4 30 *
"VTANTED Three peuons to learn bookkeepIng -
Ing ; sltuiitloui. J. 11. Smith , 1013Chicago
bt. 717 2U *
V\rANTED-Second hand cooking Move at
> > once. Addrcsa 2IU7 ! Dodge t. fiUB 27J
\ VT1'ir < ' ) l > rolH'r * > ' of all kinds to exchange
> T Special attention given to trading. O. C.
Bpotswood , yoJH B lUth. C55
WANTEn 0ood farms In exchange for
Omaha propotty , C. C. SpoUwood , 3o5 > }
B ICth. U63
ANTED-JIen to Invest lift ) to W" ) In bunl-
ness that will pay 3i per cent prollt. 1001
I'ainaui , up stairs. Kti 27 *
WANTED-Poiltlou as kjok-keepbr by an
educated lady of bnslneji-j experience ,
Good penman. Aildiuss , MJ 1'lerce ut. , Cnun >
cil HIiUlH. Iowa. 660-28 *
\\7ANTE I > - A room sultabla for a chop. Ail
_ I dreis K 12 , Uee office. 4i S7
\\7 As5TETfbtock ! bf ( nrnltnip , druitsorceu
vral miUe , for In.p > lived Undu In Nebr. ,
ICuni-as , Hiul Colo. Address lock box 21. Fair
mount. Neb , ifll 27 *
AXiTJD-'fiircTtiiTila'bwTracrtrat 21U Hurl
TVTANTRn To buy the furniture of n Mn lt
or large house centrally locntoiU Co-opern'
Ivc Land it 1/ot Co. . 2Ui N ICth Bt. 1JS
WANTED Hood family horse Hi exchange
for lot , UcCnlloch ii Co. , cor 15th and
'amain. ; tK )
WANTRD I < nnil to exchange for men-hand-
1 * nnd Omaha property. I ! . It , Hull A :
Co. . 113 N. llil st. IQi )
WANTED Knrnlshed house In peed loca
tion , within ten minutes walk fiom I'.O.
Address K 40 lice otllco. 'M 2sJ
WANTEO-lIoomMulboard Inprlrate fam
ily or private l/onrdlng house. Lady with
references. Address K 23 lleo. B16 2i )
\\rANTED-To buy 100 or200 acres cheap land
> > near Omaha. Co-operative Land k Lot
Co. , 205 N Kith st. 7JO 27
WANTED Farms to exchange for Omaha
propeity mid stocks of merchandise. C.
L. Urown& Co. , room 13 Kreiunr block , Omalui
741 iu
WANTED To purchase half or whole Inter
est In an established lire Insurance busi
ness In Omaha. Address K 21 , Itoo olllce.
Dili 29 *
RENTAL cAOENCY-K. L. Gregory will ba
found after November l t nt : wu South ICtu
St. , opp. Hoard of Trade. Gi omul lloor. 510
Stocks of merchandise to ex-
clmngo for unencumbered Omaha prop
erty. Also Omaha property to exchange for
land. II. K. Hall & Co. , 113 N. 10th st. 170
WANTEU-Fnnn lands in exchange for
stocks of merchandise. Ht. John < ! c Kljr ,
Hooni 13 , Frcnzcr block , of p. I'.O _ ma
Farm lands In exchange for city
property. Bt. John A Ely , Koom 1J , Kren-
zer block ,
M ONIjy To loan on chattels. Co-operative
Laud and Lot Co. , 20ii No. Itlth street.
r > M
M ouey on hand to loan on Improved property.
J : , A. Helstund , Arlington block. '
(1M,000,000 to loan. II. E. Cole , 318 S. 15th. 1-Mrst
P mortgage notes boxight. U70'
> 750,000 to loan at 0 per cent. Liimhau i Mahoney -
\ > honey , 1WJO I'arnam. 227
$500,0(10 ( to loan In any amount nt lowest rate of
Interest. 11. B. Iroy , Frenzcr block. 213
MONKY loaned on furniture , pianos organs ,
horses , etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson &
Co. , ILL'l Faruaui , over Burlington ticket olllce.
MONl'V to loan to parties wishing to build.
8. S. Campbell , U1U S 10th St. , Chamber of
Commerce. 214
M' ONKY ' to loan. Notes and II. 11. tickets
bought ahd told. A. Formuu , 213 S 13th st.
SHOUT time loans made on any available
security , In reasonable amounts. Secured
notes bouwit , sold or exchanged. General
financial business of any kind transacted
promptly , quietly and fairly nt the Omaha Fi
nancial Exchange , N. W. cor. 15th and Har-
ney sts. , overstate National baud. Corhctt ,
manager. 127
M' ' to Loan O. V. Davis Co. , real estate
nud loan agents , 1505 Farnam st. 220
Patterson & Fawcett 15th and Harney. 223
MONEY to loan on Improved real estate ; no
commission charged. Leavltt Burnhaui ,
room 1 , Crelghton block , 221
M Nljy In sums of fAlMnnd over Co load at
low rates. Itu&seU k Barrett , 312 S Kith st.
UJ500W10 To loan on Omaha city property at 0
P percent. G. W. Day , S. M. cor. Kx. Bid.
TO LOAN Money Loans placed-on 1m
proved real estate In city or county for
Now Kngland loan i Tiust Co. , by Douglas
County bunk. Kith and Chicago sts. 81U
MONEY To loan. Lowest latcs. No delay.
J. L. Hlce & Co. , over Commercial Na
tional bank 218
M ONEY to loan on city property. Will buy
good notes. Beaver & Whitcomb , lO
Farnam. ' 772
TiroNlSY to loan on city property , nnd also
-Ul. farms In Nebraska anil Iowa. Odell Bros.
& Co. , loan , real estate nnd Insurance agents , ll (
I'earl street , Couni.ll BlulFs , la. ; 152. ! Farnam
street , Omaha. 208
MONEY to Loan By the undersigned , who
has the only properly organized loan
agency In Omaha. Loans of tlO to $100 made cm
furniture , pianos , organs , horse.s. wrgons , ma
chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. AH
business strictly eonlldentlal. Loans so made
that any part can bo paid nt any time , iiich pay
ment reducing the eost pro rata. Advances
made on line watches and diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many new concerns nro dally coming
into existence. Should you need money call and
see me. W. H. Croft , room 1 Wlthnell building ,
15th and Harney. 224
MONEY to Loan On Improved city property
nt lowest rates of Interest. No commis
sion charged. Sholes & Crumb , room 1 , Barker
block , cor. 15th and Farnnm st.s. 210
M' ONEY ' LOANED at C. F. Heed & Co.'a Loan
Oltlce. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal properly of nil kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value without removal. 318 8. 13th ,
over lllngham'H commission store. All busi
ness strictly coutldentlal. 220
dj300.000 to loan , special rates on farm property.
P Sobotker k Perrigo , 1521 Farnam ht. 251
MONEY to loan , cash on hand , no delay. J.
W. and E. L. Squire , 1413 Fumam st. Paxton -
ton hotel building. 833
FOH HENT Good horse and No. 1 delivery
wagon to responsible party , terms reason-
able. KM , llee olllce. 05227 *
ISS UNA DU1UIAUM , 1011 Izard street.
fashionable dress und cloak maker. Per
fect fit and prompt attention guaranteed.
1ST YOUH KOOUR at the City t
Olllce , Crelgliton Hlock. Move people call
dally at our office than it any dther place In the
city , except the go ronicc. _ HKi
T Alii US I Aiielegwut 1500 senl skin Pack and
J J inuir , near now , bust 42 , length 44 , will Sell at
half price ; lady going south for the winter.
Address K 20 , Hee otllcti. BS7 27 *
KENTAL AJENCY-T. L.Oregorr'will ba
found after November 1st nt TO South ICth
St. , opp. Hoard of Trade. 0round lloor. RIO
Dlt. J. W. UAUNSDALL'S surgical and oh-
Metrical home , 1724 Capitol ave. Omaha ,
Neb. Telephone 0so. 543n21J
C ANYASSERS' headquarters nt 314. N. 15th bt
present condition of our streets lender
horses llablo to accident nt all times. A
stitch In time saves nl no. Aluavskoep a bottle
of Standard Stock Llnament In your stable.
Cities nil cuts sprains , bruises etc. , guaranteed.
Manufactured by F. E. Sanborn & Co. , 1703 St.
Mary'h avo. Vorsale everywhere. 64227.
/CANADIAN Emyloyment Olllce. Ordeis for
v > / parties to till positions of trust tilled freo-
Male help supplied free to all. Domestic help
furnished on short notice. Main and female
help sent to nil parts If fare Is paid. Eight years'
experience enaules us to flu orders satisfac
torily. HeNrences , Omaha Notional Hunk. Mrs ,
llregft & Son , 610 8. 15th , tol. 834. a 434 2 *
EVERYONE wlf-hlng cnnvnssers please leave
their order * at Mrs. J. W. Morrison'R Em
ployment Olllce , 214 North 15th Bt. 431 ft )
1C TEASING Love Letters read two ways , lOo
Crab them quick , llox K , Baltimore , Md
21101117 *
rpO EXCHANGE For cattle. I have B40 acres
JL of good western land to trade for cattle ,
nnd a good house and lot near the capital ; will
exchange for cattle. Address S. U. Ilryan , Ash
land. Neb. 22U
FOR RENT Organs , $2 per month. Hosps ,
1513 Douglas. z
Ol C House furnishing goods , all kinds ;
cash or installment ; louebt prices at J. Hon <
nor , 1315 Douglas bt. 230
F OR HENT Square piano , N monthly. A.
Hoape , 1513 Douglas. 22d
DR. CHASE'S new Receipt Rook and House
hold PhyMcian , the "Memorial Edition" of
over NX ) pages. The "Crowning Life Work" of
the greatest author and benefactor that ever
lived. Just out. Agents making Immense
vales. Iiig terms. Address F. It. Dlckcrson it
Co. , Detroit , Mich. Mention this paper.
ITIOH HENT-Squaro Piano 13 monthly. A ,
-C Hoape. 1513 Douglas. 228
PERSON A L Parties wuntlug good reliable
women for housekeepers will have Iheli
older * promptly tilled free of charge by apply.
Ing to Canadian Employment olllce , 310 S. IMh
telephone 8M. 733 M *
"PERSONAL Room mate wanted for pleasanl
JL room , centrally located , liefuroiices glvec
nnd required. K. lie , llee. O'Jl-23 *
IDEHSONAL-Any kind of oldgold taken U
JL exchange or made over to null ate.L
Erlclcson & Co.'s , 2U N. 10th fit , Masonlo Illock
13KllSONAI < GooU health Is as essential to i
JL horse as to a man. It you would keep youi
horse In good health and spirits treat hint to ibex
box of Standard Horse and Cuttlo Food. Purillei
the blood ana rogulatea the whole system. 7 Ib
for II. Every box xuarantecd. Manufactuivi
by V. B. h iiboru ft Co. , 17U3 St. Mary'a ave. Ko
* ! cverjwliowi , . . ' 43 7 ,
"VTOW Is your lime. Organ * nt less thnn cost
J- > of material ; elegant UOfdnt must bo sold
for storage charges. Cnir-'Furgersoii ' Storage
Co. , 7I N. ICth st. 440
TjlOH SALE Cheap , horse nnd phaeton. In-
-I1 ciulrc of D. F. Cootttr , Western I'lilon
Telegraph olllco. tiiC nl
TJfoFt SALE60 In. Columbia Expert , full
JU nickel , good condition , very cheap. H. 11.
Mulfonl. Union Slock Yarftfiank. C.s 28
ENTAL AGENCY F. L. Oregory will bo
found after November 1st nt 3D ! ) South 10th
ft. , opp. Hoard of Trade. Ground tloor , 610
PEKSONALMlM Hello Turner s
modiste , wIllarcoinmMlMo private families
by the day. Call at 2115 Grant bt.j sallsfaction
guaranteed. " ' 332
13ERSONA L-To the ladh-s-of Omaha. If you
JL want good reliable help , call nt the Omaha
Employment bureau , the oldest employment
olllce In the clty,119 N. loth St. , H E. White , pro
prietor. 11451) )
I > ERSONAlr-Prlvalohomo for ladles during
confinement , strictly conndetitlal. Infants
adopted. Address E 42 lleo offlco. 107 ns
"I710R SALE-2 good offlco desks , double set of
JL ? good harness , two new gold tipped buirgy
poles , Simpson make , nil nt a bargain. Tatter
son & Fawcott , as So. 15th st. 438
POR SALE-Or trado. AVilco llttlo flock ot
reslstered merino sheep. A herd of regis
tered Herkshlro hogs : 200 high grade short horn
cattle. S. 8. Campbell and G. W. llervey , Hoard
of Trade building. 4SH
T710H SALE-Knlghts Templar Uniform. ITi ,
JJ cost $100 ; about 1(0 volumes of rare Ma
sonic works will bo sold for whatever they will
bring. Address K. 83 , Bee olllco. 710-28 *
FOS SALE-Cheap , a full household , which
cost new $200 last fall , for W now. It haste
to bo sold ou Monday , 31st Oct. 1KW So. 13th st.
711-28 *
FOR SALE Drug store , $2,000 , doing good
business on ono of the best streets In
Omaha , or w 111 exchange It with bomo choice
laud for larger stock of drugs iu good country
town. Address K 27 , Bee olllce , Omaha.
705n t
F1 1011 SALE-A hoatlng Btovo nearly new.chcap
for cash at 1308 Izard st. 020
Foil SALE-A medium sized Garland base
burner In good condition. Price $ > , Includ
ing plpo-zlno and oil cloth. Inquire at UllO
Dodge street. 030 27 *
THOU SALE Fresh milch cows , 1 fine. .Icrsey.
1 ? Corner luth and Capitol nvonuo. G14 31 *
FOUSALU-Cheap , aRcinlnffton No. 4 type
writer ; a good one. T.D.TJtiier,8,12S. > lith. !
"HIGH TltADE 100 acres of good land , housoi
-T 11 acres cultivated In Jlawllns County ,
Kansas. Will trade for lots , merchandise or
other valuable property. Address J. Kline ,
2717 Cuming st. , city , COMiSS
FOIl SALH ITheod of flno nmros1 colts and
gentle rldlnc ponies , at N. 20th and Locust
its. , near base ball grounds , 6M 30 *
T710K SALE-Good boarding business. 212 S.
11 10th bt. t99 30 *
fJlOR SALE I Good piano. $1(11 ( If sold In lOdays ,
JU Also room for rent , If.'l Fnrnnm st. 621) )
FOR SALE Long lease of store. Splendid
location close to 15th and Farnam sts.
Addiess H 08 , llee olllce 443 2iJ )
[ 71OH SALE Organs at Itnmonso sacrifice , less
JJ than cost of material ; must be sold to pay
torago charges. $2 weekly payments taken ,
'nil at once. Furgeson Storage Co. , 715 N , 10th
trcet. 447
EOK SAIiH Team , harness , wagon , J150. Mrs.
K. C. llurr.S 13th st,3 blKB from st car track.
JfcS nov 2
FOH 8ALK-1 feed mill , 2 n < French burrs.
1 Victor shellcr , 751m per hour.
1 bolt for buckw heat or mdnl.
40 ft. 2 In. shafting. B hangers , elevator belt.
tc. Address 200 S alth stjnaha. . Nob. 325 n 1'
FOH LEASH 7-room house on Davenpoit ,
near l ( lli st. Itent , 810 ; furniture , $100.
Co-Operative Land & Lot Ci.t 205 N 10th st.
721 23
FOR RENT Honso on Ilajney between ] 0th
and 17th ntH. Has sixteen rooms , water ,
? asaml nxturesand steamnll In good older ;
ilso large barn. Apply to Thomas Swift , Kith
nd Chicago , or E w. Nash nt smelting works.
> ] 745 29 *
FOll KENT A new 11 room house , closets and
pantrys , hard and soft water , tiQ a mouth.
JSth st. close to Farnam st. Address K ' > , Bee
ilhce. i W7 30 *
T710HHENT A convenient 5 room house bn-
JL1 tween 1'uruam and Uodgo sts. Address K.
33 Bee olllce. 740 30J
FOH RENT 7 room flat and the furniture for
sale. Inquire 1005 Howard St. . 3d lloor ,
Mrs. 1'arker. 711-N.l *
T710H RENT Pretty 0 room cottage , good barn
J ? city water , convenient to business , y block
from'2 lines street cars , permanent school , etc. ,
$25 per mo to the right party. 1' . O. box l.tKK ) .
F IOH HENT-First class three room flat 823 S.
23d. 721 27J
FOH HENT Store room EOxfiO foot cor 8th
and Howard , with 1) ) . \ M. sidetrack In rear ,
only (3.1 per month. Inquire bOU Howard st.
715 80j
FOH HENT 0 room house , Hamilton and
32nd ; 7 room house Charles and tf.'nd. Ap
ply 3211 Charles st. iiiO-2S *
T7IOH HENT House of 3 rooms. ApplyTit Ool-
J ? den Hule Hazaar , 703 N 10th . 101 2 *
T710H HENT House with 8 rooms aud bant ,
X : near Davenport , In Walnut Hill. Inquire
of Charles J. Ityun. Walnut Hill. C'J3 nl
FOK HBNT-8-room house , 420 N. UtJ : fc. , ff ) ;
furniture KlIOj terss to suit. 10-room
boarding hou s oil r'arnam st. near court house ,
WW ; via ; } or all of furniture for sale , M price.
S-ro6m house on Cass st. bet. 17th and IHth Bt. ;
furniture $375 , yt cash. 0-room Hat Hi , now
bringing In $75 ; furniture WOO cash , 1ml. J25 per
month. Hotel and lot with furniture complete
In Ashland , Neb. , $ ! IOUO. Will trade for lands.
8-room house for rent , centrally locnled , lease
for one year ; furultnto for trade on any kind of
tincumbercdproperty. Co-operative Land and
Lot Co. , 205 N. 10th St. 684-28
HENT Elegant 6-room house with nil
conveniences , corner 6th mid Poppleton
ave , M , Abraham. 631 27 *
FOH HENT Elegant corner Hat unfurnished ,
corner Howard and llth st. 02.V27 *
TTjIOR HENT Restaurant In peed location , and
JJ tlxturosfor sale at your own pi Ice. Call
and Investigate , It must bo hold , sickness the
cause. Co-opeiatlve Land & Lot Co. , 205 North
16th street. 03587
TWO new houses for rent. One of seven
rooms , und ono of eight , city water and
good cistern , situated near Hans-corn park , on
street car line. Hent $ ! 0 and $ .15 n month. If
taken at once , will rent for $2.1 and J30 n month
for the winter. Enquire for particulars at 413 ,
south 13th street , I Ionian's lively olllce. 332i ! *
FOIt HENT House of 0 rooms , HW ror 17th
and Dorcas , tJJ per month. W. M. Hush-
man. 4 3
FOIl HENT New n-room cottage. 24th and
Hfincroft st. , first door west of shot tower ;
well , cistern , f 14 per month. 478
171OH HENT 3 Hats and furniture for sale , nil
-13 onlOth. A.F. Muyne , N. W. cor. 10th and
Farnam. Wl
POH HUNT 11 room house on Sherman nve.
A. F. Mayno , N. W. Cor. loth und Faruiuii.
3K ) IWl
T71OH HENT-Store , 1210 1'nrnam. Apply to
JL ? Chas. Chllds , corner 18th und Leavenworth.
T71OR HUNT 2nd and 3d floors at 1417 Douglas
JL1 xt. , with leasn of three years. Kennedy &
llibblnx , i ; ia Douglas st. 707
171OH HUNT House of 7rooms , til. Inquire
JLA 1319 S. 10th. . la OTO
FOR HKNT-Htheollice3ai < } 810th St. , after
the IMh of this month. Apply early.
Charles 0. Ppotavrood , iiUIH ,8,15th , st. tM
F _ . RENT If you wish | Q rent a house call
on , Hen aw a Si Co. , 15th St. , oppoMto P. O.
O3 4T8
1ENTAL AOENCY-F. IJ > Gregory will bo
JIV found after Novembcuant at 3ft ) South ICth
fct. , opp. Uoard of Trade. Qrgund lloor , 610
FOR HENT Sovera new 7 room houses
block from street car , ready for occupancy
November 1 , O. F. Harrison , 18 8.15th st. a > 3
T71OH I1KNT Ilonsu of 11 rooms , f05. Inquire
-C at 1811 Cans st. . . 011120 *
FOH KENT Several houses , f > and 0 rooms
Inquire ot II. F. Ham.iun , 2ol5 LcAvenworth
fMI !
FOR HENT Largo ollice on Furnam st. Good
place for cigar store or tailor shop. E. F.
Seaver. 1 W' Farnam Bt. 817
FOR RENT Ground lloor omco room. ccn.
trally located , heated and lighted. O. 1' ,
llarrlsou , 418 S. islli st. 719
FOR RENT-Furnlshed rooms , saw Dodge.
( Vi7 31 *
T710H HKNT-Lurue front room for 4 gentle-
X' men , .2 beds , MOVO , private entranco. coal
house , etc. , (10 per month , n * > Howard. 710 2 J
TTIOR HENT-rTTYiTfuruishcil rooms , 7IS
JW K.WtUkt. , . . . UTtt-b *
F OR RENT-Klegant furnished rooms 1703
Douglas t. WO 23J
TJlOR RENT 4 rooms for housekeeping , con-
JL tnlnlug nil modern conveniences , on UHli
nnd Howard , et. ; npply to M. F. Martin. 310 S.
15tb St , 6.W
RENT ; > nice uufurnlsliexl nxinn suit-
nbto for housekeeping , oltuated on 21st
nud Nicholas st. Apply illfl 3 1,1th Bt. Kfl
17011 HENT Two furnished rooms with or
JL1 without hoard-suiublo for a party of ROU-
tlcincn. 1503 Casa. UTOtil *
T710H RENT-n rooms for light housekeenlnif.
JL' Callat2j41 Da\cnport tt. , after 7 o'clock ,
evenings. _ UJ52JJ
T710H RENT A suite of rooms over my store.
J-1 Price. 125. W. F. Stootzel. 743
1710H JIENT 1'or light housekeeping , two un-
JL1 furnished rooms , also 1 furnished room for
gentlemen , 800 Howuul. 7102SJ
FOirRENT-Nln-ly furnished rooms , $10. $13
flpaucm > , at 1021 Fariiam St. KM
_ _ "
n lTirHUNT pTe"alanT7uriiTsTiod rooms , KRX )
JU Cass 670-2U *
FOH RENT Elegant sulto of rooms nicely
furnished , brick Hat , south front , 1410 Chicago
cage , .157
TTIOR RENT Large handsome room , suitable
JP for 2 or 3 gentlemen , 1500 Capitol ave.
473 20 *
"VTICEtiY Furnished Front Room , suitable for
J-1 1 or 2 persons. 1 block from street car.
South west cor. 22nd nnd Leavenworth st. 640-20 *
FOH HENT Handsomely furnished front
room for two gentlemen. 1718 Dodge st.
6-J7 27
rpWO nicely furnished rooms with first-class
JL table board In private family. Apply H. E.
Cor. 20th and Farnam. 4 K ) 31 *
T71UHNISHEO Rooms-Ladles or gents , week
JJ or month. Mrs. F. Argyle , 311 N. 12th st.
ail 30 *
R HENT-Furnlshea room. 311) ) N. 17th.
RIO 2U *
T710R RENT Nicely furnished front room ,
JU Ursttloor. Gentlemen only , 2120 Harne.yst. _
POH HENT Largo front room suitable for
two gentlemen , HW S. 22d. 620 38J
T710R RENT Furnished rooms en unite or
JU single , heated by furnace , all modern im
provements. 240281. Mary's nvo. 691-20 *
T710R RENT Opened and newly furnished as
JU private family boarding house , elegant
rooms with board , Avcuuo Place , 1013 and 1815
Capitol ave. 46 ! 28 *
F 1011 HENT Nice furnished rooms with
board. 2204 Cuming st. ( KO 30 *
rooms , 207 Douglas.
622-31 *
WANTED To rent , by lady , furnished room ,
centrally located. Address K. 22. Beo.
C27-2U *
FOIl HENT-Nlcely furnished rooms nt 2227
Dodge. All modern conveniences.
F IOH HUNT Newly furnished rooms with or
without board. 113 South 24th st. 020-28 *
F01 HENT For light housekeeping , 2 rooms ,
1 1 furnished , 812 North 17th st. 024-20 *
FOIt lUINT-rurnlshcd room 1610 Harney.
62:1-27 : *
POH HENT-Furnlshed rooms 100 ! ) Daven
port st. 723 27J
"T710K HENT Two nicely furnished rooms ,
JL1 1701 Capitol uve. 4'J3 2U *
N ICEtiY Furnished rooms , $1 a week each
gentlemen. 502 8. ISth at. up stairs. 450 2iij
FOH BENT Iurnlshed rooms with or will -
out board , 2l 8 21st Bt. IWj 2U *
FOH HENT Newly furnished room with gas.
bath and heat , to gentlemen , with l-efer-
ences. 1708 Doilgo , US5-27 *
T7VH HUNT 2 rooms , $15 , furniture $150. Co-
-I ? Operative Land & Jx > t Co. , 205 N 10th. 721 28
" 17HU HENT Nlcnly furnished front loom
-L with alcove an closet , Jll ) ; one bed room with
closet , { 0 ; ! i block ftom Sauuders car , 2111 Cald'
well. 720 2s *
FOH HENT Rooms , single and double , every
thing new und first-class , steam heat , 1721
Davenpoit. 371 nl *
[ BURNISHED rooms with board. IMMVar-
13 num. THJnIO'
J1OR HENT 3 unfurnished rooms suitable for
' housekeeping. 71115 Pacific. 218
FOR HENT Room Very desirable furnished
room for2 gentlemen , nil conveniences ou
came lloor. Apply at 1712 Capital ave
CTOH HENT Large front room suitable. for3
L' gentlemen , modem couvcnleuces , 010 N 17th
st. 240
FOIt HENT Elegantly fnrnlbhed room on
llrst lloor , with modern Improvements. 1917
" > s. 685
TCTOU HENT To one or two gentlemen , nicely
-L furnished loom ; gas , batli , etc. ; $12 per
month. 2000 Davenport. 72
F IOH HENT-3 nicely furnished rooms , Srt-'O Bt.
Mary's ave. Kfl
FOIt HENT Nicely furnished room suitable
for" gentlemen , InqulieKOHSt. Mary's ave.
FOH RENT Pleasant rooms , furnished ,
southw eat corner 20th and Webster. ! 118
T71OR RENT Furnished rooms In Ureunlg blk ,
JL1 cor. 13th and Dodge Hts. Inquire of tieo. H.
Davis , Mlllard hotel billiard room. 8H1
. HENT Nice largo furnlsned fiont room ,
cor istli and Jackson , $14 per month. Ill )
1OH IIirsTT Ofllco room , first lloor , at 310 S
13111 st. 446
WANTED Situation In a trial lawyers ofllco
by u young attorney who can do homethlng
at shorthand and typewriting. Address K 45 ,
llee ofllce. 748-27 *
" \X7 ANTED Situation as houpckoeper by n
TT Canadian of 2,1 ; also for an American of
28 , are good cooks and managers. Can cut and
lit children's dresses. Understand the art ot
making ono dollar go as far as two. ( No ofllca
fee ) . Canadian Empoyment olllco , Mrs. llregu
if Son , 810 8 15th. Telephone btM. 732 80 *
WANTED A position In bank , can give good
references. K37 Ileoollice. 7112 $
WANTED A position1 by experienced hand ,
In store or olllce. Can give good references.
Address K 8rt lleo olllce. 743 20 *
AShren d , reliable , live business man wonts
position In olllco or on the road. Address
K 2 * , lieu otltce. 7UU 2J *
WANTED Position ns bookkeeper In a bank
or olllco by n young mini of good busi
ness education , experience and ability. First-
class leferences. Speaks German. Moderate
wages. K.3I , lice , 6 7-2'J ' *
PHINTEK ( Compositor ) vants steady sltua-
ntion on country newspaper or In city of
fice. 11.1. Dunsmore , Omaha P. O. 027 !
W ANTED Situations for sewing girls in
private families , and dressmaking estal > -
llshments , lots of applicants , your order tilled
free. Canadian Employment olllce , Mrs. Ilrega
&Bon , 11108.15th. Tol. b84. & ' .I2-2 J
WANTED Position ns housekeeper by a
lady of experience. Good references.
Address E , 303 Piei co st. , Council Ululls , Iowa.
MW-23 *
- llrst class eastern
plrlsas cook nnd second girl , have also
some No. 1 Swede and ( Jeiman girls. Ourollico
is full of nlcti girls everyday from 10 it , m. to fi
p. m. , Canadian Emp. olllco , Mrs. Ilrega * Sou ,
310 S. 15th , telephone BS4. . 472 ! Mj
"tlfANTED-Engagemont to do dressmaking
T > in families , address K. 15 , Hee olllce.
681 2.SJ
WANTED Situation by man to do work In
private family , Uohemluu , good refer
ences. Call 422 S. 13th. 453 SU *
F IKST-CLASS Storage at 110 N. 13th st.
STORAGE for carriage utOuiaha fair grounds
and horsy-j wintered by A. Thomson.
J73-N 20 *
STORAGE lleo. Schwartz , Omaha Storage
Wurohoiise. 1001 , 1011 North 13th St. . furnlt-
uro.bugulu.i and murtbunJUe. OIHca 1315 Dodge.
STORAGE Furniture , boxed goods , etc..terms
reasonable. 714 Puclnc. lit )
IF you have anything to sell or exchange list
It with C. O. Bpotswood. 1)06i ! 8 ICth. fet
"CfOR SALE Finest location for n home in
JU West Omaha , adjoining the mansion homes
of Klrkendall , Coe , lirady , Eosson and others.
Nothing liner In the city. Can sell HAxia ? or
less ; for prices and terms ftea 6. A. Blomau. IJUl
I'arnam at. 73a
n O exchange for real estate , two good mule
JL teams. Omtha Financial exchaugo , N W
cor 15th and Homey. 8at
fiV'r.TRAORDlNARY Iluslness Clionce-A
E- ; ( Inn livery , feed and sal a business in a payIng -
Ing condition , splendid Improvements , good l
' ' " " " "
call on''propel t"y worth" double the" prlco"isk"iKl i
owner having other buslncs.1 requlrltiK .hla ut >
teullonj jirtce W7 , W ; K cash. J. X * llice ' & Co ,
" | 7HR SALE T VQ houses for pale on Oth nt bet
J- Capitol arc and IKxlgo ; will nell very cheap
1 mujt have the ground. Apply at 100U CaliTor-
tila st. 641
A NICE Homo ll.fiOO New four-room house ,
good location , cellar , well , cistern , nnd full
lot , bargain at ll.ou ) , easy terms , owner must
have some money. Stermdortl ft MoVIckor ,
i : < W Fnrnnm. C2.1 gj *
TOT , 3 Arcadn Placo. m blocks south of
JLJ Lcnvenworth * t. , east front on ! th st.
Owner muBt cell. Ask for price. K.I * . Oresory ,
S.V So. 15th t. i.4l !
T710H LEASE or Salo-Laml nml lots sultnblo
JU for manufacture , ware houses ,
packing houses , mills. canning fac
tories. Ice houses. Rtablo for wintering
horses , feeding yards , poultry raising , milk
darles , etc. Also sultnblo for cottnges and cheap
homes. Hlg Inducements to those who want
Mich ground and mean business. Hoggs > V Hill ,
real estate , 14ltt Farnam street. CM N 3
* | jlOif"SAt < K LotaWntiil 10 In block6 , Mevers ,
JU Hlolmnls VTIldcirs addition , w , d. , f- , < > ;
pnrt cash , balance ou time , or fl. 00 cash. In
quire of Mrs. Joliu J , Ross , 1321 Clark Mreot.
( til 27 *
SIXTY by ono hundred nnd llfty business
property ! 4 bile from Houth Omaha post-
onice , { 1,100 ; 1-3 cash. F , L. Uregoiy , SM So.
15th st. 172
TjlOH BALE-At fcsx ) , house nnd lot. rented nt
J. (11 per inonlh , on cnmll cu.-li payments , bal
ance monthly or quarterly , or all cash at a bet
ter price and warranted deed. D. D.Smoatoti.1003
Dodge at. " * ' ' 112
NEW Four room cottage , with pantry , closets
nnd cellar. Near cnr line , schools , nnd in nn
excellent netghlmrhood , being lot 10 , Hurdctto
court , prlco tl.tiOu , small cash payment and $15
per month. Wallace , Crolghton block. 4(18 (
NEW Four room cottage , with pantry , closets
and collar. Near car line , schools and in nil
excellent iiplehtmrhooil , being lot lo , Hurdetto
court , prlco iM.tiOO , small cash payment and J15
per mouth. Wallace , Cielghtou block. 408
milOMPSON , SH S. 15th at. , buys and sells real
X estate , loans money , purchases securities ;
has n good list of property for snlo and wants
more. Notary public. KM
LIST your property for sale with Charles C.
Spotswood. 'MX 8 16th St. 043
PECIAL HAHOAINS of Crum & lllshop-fr
room house , good barn , well , cistern , etc. ,
U block from street car , fcl.UX ) , ! 1 cash , very
cheap , n-room house , 1 block from 2 car lines ,
f2KW , JfiOO cash , a bargain. Now 4-room house
and full lot , taxi. K > M > cash , a snap. Call on
Crinil & Hlshop , 310 8.16th Ht. 23.1
TJIOIl EXCHANOE-Clty property for Iowa or
J3 Nebraska lands. L. H. Watts , N. E. Cor.
19th and St. Mary's ave. .M
exchange Some money and choice laud
for first class _ Improved Insldo property.
H. E. Cole , 10 S 16th.
F' 1011 ' SALE Or exchange , fauns In Towa ,
Kansas nnd Nebraska for Omaha houses
nnd lots ; will assume mortgages on houses mill
give- clear deeds to farms ; will also exchange.
city lots for good f.irms , well located and as
sume small mortgages on farms and give elear
deed to city lots. Farms wanted lit Central Ne
braska. A. P. Tukey , M24 Farnam st. 140
FOIl SALR-lly M. A. Upton Se Co. , real estate
brokers , 309 S. llHh street , opposite cham
ber of commerce. Kxtra bargains : Houth nnd
east front lot In Oak Chatham , opposite depot
grounds , 11 room house ; only $2bt)0 ) If sold at
oncn. &SOD cash. Tills nropeity Is worth MWW ;
22xlB : rnrnam and 22jid streets , Ifi.fiOO , cheapest
property on the street , will be worth KO.OiHi In
three years from now , 741
A TTENTION Investors and speculators Wet
- thnvo some positive bargatn.s In choice
propeity that must bo sold , ns owners can not
raise money to meet their payments any other
way , both In Improved and vacant realty , If
you have been holding back for snaps now Is
your time. J. L. Hlce & Co. , agents for bargains
only. WJ ! K >
FONSALE-IHIxinflftcor. Howard and 3.1th
Ms. , next block to Enbsnn , Hrndy ft Mar
tins houses. t , Hf > . Address E , ; { | Hee olilce. ( frO
SALE Several houses and lots on
smill payments , nlso some houses and
lots to trade ; several farms for sale or trade for
Omaha property or for stock. A. I' , Miiyue , N.
W. cor Itlth nnd I'arnam. IW1
T7UM SA1.E-A good lot [ 35 feet ) on P.irk nv-
JL. enue. low jirleu It sold boon. McCuHoch > *
Co. , cor 15th auil rarnani. Jill
"T71OU SALK Cottage and barn cheap. Must
JL1 be moved Immediately. M. Elgulter , 1UOI
Farnam st. . ! 5'J 25
TO THADE Inside property for good house ,
eight or nine looms , and full lot. MrCul-
loch & Co. , cor 15th and Furnam. 32il
"TjlOlt SALE New six room house on Coiliy
.K street one block ells' ! of 10th , city water ,
hrue blocks fiom car lino. Address Lock box
303. 730 2s fl
I AVI Mi sell the following property on easy
terms :
totlO , block 2. A.S.Patrick's mid J 1,000
, , block HCloverclnlo 700
IjOt 11 , block in , .West End 0,500
Ut27block0.1 eromoPark. 2,5.x )
[ xitss. block 0 " " 2,000
Lot I , block 17 , Orchard Hill 750
[ , ot 13 , block 1 , " " 1,500
Ut 18 , block 13. " " WO
) t l tor. , Highland Park lux )
lKt 15 and sM of 10. Rces Place 10,500
U-room east front house. In de > lr.\blo loca
tion , including all modern impiovement.s
nndbarn 7,000
8-room house on S'M St. , near Lake st 5.500
W. N. Nason , 1015 Fnruam st.
TIWO houses In Hanscom place renting for
$70 per month to exchange for good Inside
racantpiopeity. 8. S. Campbell and fl.W. Her-
rey,310S. Kith .st. , Chamber of Commerce. 152
Description of the Finest Country
Scut in America.
Corrosnoudonco Snn FninciBco ChronIcle -
Iclo : William Uockofollor is making
an immense btir up in Wchtclieatoi1. No
man who bus tnkun up liis residence on
the banks of the Hudson in the past
twenty ycura bus nuido suuli n bcnsation
or given employment to BO many pairs
of hands. Mr. Rockefeller is founding
a homo. The poshosfsor of millions , the
father of children , and imbued with the
ancestral idea , bo is building a mansion
so largo , so grand and so substantial
that generations hence , his descend
ants will bless him for an ancestor of
good bonpo and culture , as well ns
wealth. It is in the very heart of the
mobt beautiful and picturesque region
on the Hudson that the oil king is
building. The house is nearly com-
plotod. It stands on an eminence over
looking the river. The ground is very
high. The view straight down the
river from the southern veranda is en
trancing. To the wcbt is Uaystraw bay
the bay of Naples , Nym Crinkle
called it , a long time ago in the World.
The owner docs not know himself , as
vet , bow much bo will spend in beautify
ing the interior of his houbo , but the
total outlay , putting aside the cost of
purely decorative work , will amount to
about a quarter of a million. The ma
terial used is grav stone , the style is
old English , the size is 75x150 foot. It
is thoroughly fire proof. Architect E.
L. Roberts drew the plans. lie also de
signed the Standard Oil company's
buildings on lower Broadway , ono of
finest , if ono of the plainest , structures
in the city. Durability and solidity arc
the striking characteristics of Mr. Rob
erts' work. Such a substantial , massiro
and imposing residence as this none of
the many millionaires whoso country
seats are scattered between Sing Sing
and Spuyton Uuyvil can boast , ( lould's
whito-marblo residence , David Dows'
stone mansion' the stately old brpwn-
stone house of thoKingslandson Kings-
land point , the handsome country house
of the lute Robert Hoe , Greystono
thcbo arc nil inferior to the new country
house of the oil king.
It is the old Asplnwall estate , com
prising about eight hundred acres that
is to bo turned topsy turvy. OI the old
mansion and stables and innumerable
outhouses not a vestige now remains
save the Bolid-looking lodgo-houscs ol
granite with their pretty French roofrf
nnd Btono porticos. The flno old entrance -
trance gates uro also intact. .With the
lodges they arc half hidden in foil a reef
of luxuriant growth. Mr , Rockefeller
paid $150,000 for the property , and was
olTercd the day after 3250,000 for it bj
D. Ogden Mills , who roamed over its
Holds and fished in its brook in poorer
days and before ho became a man of mil
lions. The purchase by Mr. Rockefel
ler marked the downfall of the house ol
Aspinwall. The family and its po&scs'
Binns were for a quarter , of iv contUrj
familiar objects to the clonizotiH o
Tarrytown and the surrounding country
They affected EnglUU customs , Wu
Ham n , Aspinwall led Uio lifo ot an *
English gentleman. IIo killed Ids own
mutton , like your true English noblo-
iniui. His Rhooi ) browsed In great num
bers on the hillsides , Cattle nt ruro
bcccda grazed In the pastures. Hlooded
horses tito their heads off In
their stalls , white British bulldogs'
guarded the Btuhlcs surlily pro-
clous BtruiiiB of fancy fowls
flocked in the honnory. There was
nothing gaudy nhoiit the ABpimrnll es
tablishment. The cumbrous family
carriage , yellow-wheeled and with her
aldic emblems on the panels , was the
typical English family chariot , built for
comfort's sake nnd not beauty's , lleavy-
limbcd English coach horses drew it
along cumbrously , drlvon by nn English
llunky whoso bulk was in keeping with
the rest of the ontllt. Mr. Aspiuwivll
spent over $500,000 in improving and
beautifying this property , and on it ho
passed the inipicst ] .years of his lifo.
But on the heels of the panio of 1873
cniiio the great shrinkage in the vatuo
of real estate , and Mr. Asplnwall's fortune -
tune , like Unit ot other great landown
ers around him , was almost Irretriev
ably impaired by it. In point of fact , iv
man must possess the wealth of a ( .Jould
or an Astor or a Vaiulorbilt to keep up '
such a vast estate. How many men ot
considerable means hnvo attempted the
hazardous feat ot founding ancestral
homes along this river ? Mr. Gould' * *
country house is a reminder of shattered
hopes. So is the country seat just pur
chased by John Jacob Astor. So is the
splendid mansion of William Rocke
The now house .will bo ready for oc
cupation and the owner will move Into
it next spring. Mr. llockcfollor is a
lover of the trotting horse , and hla
stables , when finished , will be us line na
any in the country. They will bo de
signed to suit thn piirtioulur ot
Mr. Rockefeller that of establishing an
extensive stud. A throo-quartors-of-tv-
inilo race track , yet to bo built , will un
able Mr. Rockefeller to try the speed ot
his llyors without going beyond nl& own
gates. This will bo , in all probability ,
the "fastest" private track in
America , und will bo built without re
gard to CObt.
Mr. Rockefeller Is giving employment
to a small army of workingmon. No
man living within a couple ot miles ol
his cstato need be idle if willing to
work. A big farmhouse hard by waa
turned into a boarding house a fovr
months ago for the accommodation of
mechanics who lived too far away to go
homo every night. For the laborers
who live in towns three or four miloa
distant special stages are run. On the
Ivor front n big dock has boon i in pro-
iscd , where steamboats and propellers ,
aden with building material from the
ity , discharge their cargoes. Probably
new and handsomer landing place
vill be constructed when Mr. Uoi'ko-
oller builds a yacht whoso elegance
ml proportions shall bo in keeping
vith the rest of his possessions.
The governor of Missouri has bccomo
calous of the attention given to out-
awh ; but he still continues to roeoin-
nond the famous Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup
or coughs and colds.
The proprietors of Salvation Oil , the
greatest cure on earth for pain , will pay
j largo reward if tiny certificate pub-
ibhcd by them is found not genuine.
t costs only iio cents a bottle.
IiC'UVO Aril vii
Omaha. Omiih.i.
lopot Kith nnd Pierce nts.
acltlc Express 8Xp.Jii. ! ) 7:50 a.m.
lenver Express 10:6,1 : * 111. 5:2ilp. : m.
Local Express 6:03 : p.m. U:00ii. : in.
.Except Sunday.
II. Si M. R. U. R.
) rpot 10th iimll'aclllcstK.
.tall . nnd Express ] 0A : n.m. n:30p.m. :
Night express 7:45p. : m , 10:00 : a. in.
0. II. it Q. H. R.
lopot 10th and Pacificists.
tail nnd Exprexs 0:00 : p. m , 0:20 : a. in.
Chicago Express 8:40 : a. in , 0V ; >
K. C. , St. J. & C. H.
Depot 10th und I'aclllo sts ,
Mall 8:40 : a. in : 7:0011.10 : ,
0. . St. P. , M.&O.
Depot mid Webster Bt
Rtoux City Illack Hllli Ex. 8:1,1 : a. in , l:4r :
.tancroft Express 4 : p.m , 10:40 : a.m.
lllaek Hills I'uhbongcr. . . . 6liop.iu : 7:40p. : in.
"Except Sunday.
Depot Ifith andWobstornt
! ) ay Express 10:45 : n. m , 0:2.1 : c , m.
NlKht Expicsi U :1Q : p. in , 5iOp.m. : :
Itnnnlng IloUvuen Council lllnirs nnd South
maha. In addition to the stations mentioned ,
rains stop at Twentieth and Twunty-fourtU
lrects , and ut thn Summit In Omaha.
Jlroiid- .Transfer Omaha. Sheely'B. Stock
way. Yardi.
0:15 : 6:27 : 0:3.1 :
0:40 : 0:47 : 7:05 : 7:17 : 7:25 :
7:40 : 7:47 : H : ( 8:17 : 8:25 :
8:40 : 8:47 : 0:05 : H:17 : 0:23 :
0:40 : 0:17 : iiia- : > 10:11 : 10:25 :
10:40 : 10:17 : 11:05 : 11:17 : l\Xi \ :
11:40 : 11:47 : 12:05 : 12:17 : 12:25 :
12:40 : 12:47 : 1:01 : 1:17 : 1:2.1 : .
1:40 : 1:47 : 2:17 : 2:2.1 :
2i40 2:17 : : i:17 : U:2 : < 1
U:40 : U:47 : 4 : ( L 4:17 : 4:25 :
4:50 : 4:57 : Ii:23 : 5:33 :
5:4.5 : 6:52 : 0:22 : GT : :
Uu : : 0:37 : 7:00 : 7:11 7:18
7:25 : 7 : ; 10:01 : 13:20 :
0:15 :
1(1 ( : ltJ 11:20 : 1:32 : 11:40 :
11:15 : 11:52 : 12:0.1 :
Stock Bheoly's. Omahu. Truiibfur. trond-
Yard 8. wuy.
f.:15 : 0- : (1:35 :
R:50 : fi-JA 7:15 : 7:28 : 7:35 :
7:50 : 7:58 : 8:15 : 8:28 : 8u1S
H:5o : 8:58 : 0:15 : d:28 : 0:33 :
11:50 : 11:58 : 10:15 : 10:28 : 10:3 : *
10tt : ; IO:4S : 11:00 : 1IKI 11:20 :
11:50 : 11:58 : 12:15 : 12:28 : 12:35 :
112:50 : 12:58 : 1:15 : 1:28 : I'M
1:50 : 1M : 8:15 : 2:28 : 8:3i :
2:50 : 2:58 : 1:1.1 ! : U:24 : ! ) : : ii
.1:5(1 : ( UM : 4:15 : 4:28 : 4:3i :
4:50 : 4r : > 8 Til5 : r :28 : r.r. : :
5:40 : r7 : IliUI 0:18 : 0:2i :
0:40 : 0:17 : 7:00 : 7:13 7:20 :
7:33 8:15 : 8:28 : H:35 :
10:00 : 10:13 : 10:2 :
10:38 : 11:20 : 11:32 11:4 :
11:45 : 11:53 : 12:05 :
Embody the hltshest cxcollriictcx luShnpUun * ) ,
Comfort ami Dm ability nnd are the
In I'.i.slilonuble Circles. Our nnuiQ Is onuey
tale , J.SiT. Coi'.siNp , Ni\v Vouic.
Hayward Brothers.