Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat at the Morning Session
Only n I'1nlr Amount of Activity In
Oat Provisions Again Exhibit
Strength Cattle Triulc Hlow
General Quotations.
CiiiCAOo , Oct. 20. [ Special Telegram to
the BKK. ] The realizing by recent purchas
ers at lower flpirea , together with Rorao sell
ing by those whoso experience leads them to
believe that a decline certainly follows an
advance , served to closu the morning session
in the wheat market with a Ions from the
opening quotations of the day. Such news
M was received sccnic < l rather to Indicate a
different outcome , and did , during the ses
sion , have some effect In that direction , hut
the tendency of the dny was apparently
guided by the first named Influences. The
opening was at a decline of } c from yester
day's closing for December at 73 0 and at
yesterday's closing 7Uc for May. Under
realizing sales prices fell away somewhat
nnd the weak feeling was helped by the
rumor that a largo quantity of wheat bought
Monday by , a house of supposed bearish
proclivities wan all to come out. When the
the pressure of the cvcnlng-up process was
somewhat relieved and it was discovered
that only a small portion of the wheat above
mentioned was being offered , there was a re
covery to the opening prices. Upon u return
to the opening prices the market appeared
strong , but did not advance , and there was a
good quantity of wheat old for New York
account. Thereupon realizing sales of longs
begun again , nnd the market sagged during
most of the lust hour , with a slight reaction
in December delivery at the close. Decem
ber wheat opened at 73Jfe , sold down to TH c ,
back to THJfc , declined to 7'l 'c and closed at
73Xc. Mny opened at 79c , sold down to
70"fo , back to W a and then down to 79) e ,
where it closed.
The feature of the corn market this morn
ing was the buying of a largu amount of No
vember delivery by Hutchlnson and the con
sequent talk of a possible squccre in that
month. Under these purchases November
corn advanced from 41Xc which was the
opening to 42 ! > { c. Other deliveries did not
advance Iti projwrtlon , but the effect of the
movement was to Induce some covering of
short corn , and December advanced from
4lJ c at the opening to 4lJ c , and May from
45'fc to 4ft ! c. Small receipts , present and
prospective , were the strengthening feature.
The receipts to-day were but 200 curs , 20 less
than expected , and the estimate for tomorrow
row is 250 cars. Prices cased off somewhat
in the latter port of the session , when it was
observed that the sumo operator who was
bidding up November was taking advantage
of the advooco to sell May , and the close was
at 41 0 bid for November and 45c , for May.
There was just a fair speculative activity
in the mnrkot for oats to-day , but trading
was confined largely to the May future. A
firmer tone prevailed , and 1 o'clock prices
were a shade better than yesterday's clos
The provision trade again exhibited ron
nidcrnble strength. With u single exception
October short ribs , which were allowed by
the house controlling them to decline 2.1e ,
higher prices were the' rule. The highest
quotations of the day , which were made dur
ing the morning , were not sustained , yet the
range was better thun tluit of yesterday ,
while the closings indicated a general im
71' e for October , November 71 JiXSTSc , Do-
ccnibcr 7 ! W , January 73JjJe and Mny TOJffc
bid. Corn steady and firm. Oats steady ;
October about ! 2A c , November about 25J e ,
December 25 c , May 29xVo bid. Pork sold
for January at f l'J.trijcll.40 ! ( ! and closed at
ll2.37U@fJ.4U , or 2J o higher than at 1
o'clock. Lard was stronger and for January
2' < o higher ; January sold at $11 ! 12' < @rt.35 and
closed at ffl.i5 : , October at $0.65 and Novem
ber and December at ti.tO. ( ! Short ribs were
quoted at $ fi.75 for October ; January sold
nnd closed at $ * J.27 > ; .
CiiiCAno , Oct. 20. [ Special Telegram to
the HER. ] CATTLE Trade was slow from
the start to the finish , yotnbout all were sold
but not until late in the day. Native stock
was scarce. Buyers of fancy steers for Pitts-
burg and Now York declared they could not
find what they wanted none good enough
while , on the other hand , there was a llberu1
supply of > good and useful steers , such as
would suit the shipping and dressed beef
trade , and there was plenty of plain and coin
mon stock. There was no particular change
in prices as compared with yesterday , ye' '
( talesmen complained of the dlfllculty encountered -
countered in working off their stock , es
pccially those that had such as had to compete -
pete witli rangers nnd Texuns. Among tin
rangers were some really good droves Urn' '
made about the sumo prices a1
heretofore : Buyers for distillerie' '
are taking a largo number of rangers
Texuns continue to go to canning houses ir
largo numbers. A fair and steady busincs *
was reported in the stacker and feeder trade
Shipping steers , l.afiO to 1,500 Ibs , $3.75@
4.W : 1,200 to 1,350 Ibs , . $ ! t.40@4.15 ; U50 tc
1,200 Ibs. $2.75@3.60. Stackers and feeders
$1.75(3 ( > ! i.lO. Texas steers , $2.20@2.75 ; cows
| 1.05@3.15. Western rangers dull ; native'
nnd half breeds , fJ.45Q3.70 ; cows , $ 'J.OO@
2.45. Wintered Tcxans , $3.4V33.10.
HOGS Trade opened brisk at a slight ad
ranco , speculators taking the lead as buycri.
Under the Impression that the receipts would
bo light , but later trains showed a large in
crease over early estimates , so that toward
the close the ordinary run of packing and
mixed sold substantially lower than at the
opening. A few lota of fancy Philadclphios
and nice butcher weights sold at $4.05@4.70 ;
mixed and packing sorts , $4.4r > ( < c4. < ; o. Light
Boris , including Yorkers , $4.4iX$4.50.
Union Stock Yards , Chicago , Oct. 20.
The Drovers' Journal reports :
Cattle Receipts , 12.000 ; market steady ,
but generally lower ; snipping steers. $ D.75@
4.W ) ; stockcrs and feeders , * 1.75 ( < T3.10 ; cows ,
bulls and mixed , $1,25@2.7U ; Texas cattle ,
$ t. 5 < ( i J.75 ; western rangers , t3.00 < & 3.70.
Hogs Receipts , 24,000 ; market steady ;
mixed , $4.20 < 24.55 ; heavy , $4.25@4.00 ; skips ,
{ . 10 ® 1.20.
Sheep Receipts , 0,000 ; market steady ; na
tives. J0.75S4.2. ( > ; western , $ MOO ( < MUO ; Tex-
nns. fc.fiO@U.25 ! ; lambs , $4.25 < tf5 (15. (
The Drovers' Journal's special cablegram
from London quotes a moderate supply on
cattle and prices'steady. . Good to best
American stcors , ll.Y$12o per Ib estimated
dead weight ,
National Stock Yards. Knst St.
iKiulH , Oct. 20. Cattle Receipts , 2,300 ;
shipments , 1,100 ; market steady ; choice
hoary native steers , $4.20@4.40 ; fair to good
natives , $3. ( Xjl4.25 ; butchers' steers , $3.00 ®
3.70 ; rangers , $2.00 < tf3.tiO.
Hog * Receipts , 5,000 ; shipments , COO ;
market active but a shade lower ; cholco
heavy and butchers' selections , $4.55@ .SO ;
packing and Yorkers , ' medium to prime ,
| 4.20@4.SO ; pigs , $3.76@4.15.-
KnniWH City , Oct. 20. Cattle Receipts
6,000 ; shipments. 2,000 ; market slow and
weak ; good to cholco corn-fed , $4.20@4.SO ;
common to medium , 1.25(34.10 ( ; stockcrs ,
fj.00@3.00 ; feeding steers , $2.05(23.25 ( ; cows ,
| l.e52.50.
Hogs Receipt * , 14,000 ; shipments , 700 ;
market weak nnd 10gl5o ( lower ; common
to choice , f3.S084.40j skips and pigs , $2.00
© 3.75.
New YOUR , Oct. 20. [ Special Telegram to
the BEE.I STOCKS The advancing ten
dency exhibited by stocks at the close yes
terday was more pronounced to-day , better
business being transacted at a higher range
of prices. A decided stringency was noted
In the loan crowd , but this , although in the
mala artitlclul , had the effect of scaring
many norvoui short * Into covering. London
Aid nothing of consequence and foreign news
contained nothing of n charmter to canco
alarm. The tx-uis continued their gabble
about driminill/pil rntM thrrniKhfiut the wcM ,
also about the rutting of rates east. There
was no denj Ing the former , but despite the
cut the earnings of the principal roads show
n fair Increase. Northwestern for Soptc'tu-
bcr , which win n little Into In getting in , was
n surprise and showed nn Incrciiseof $107,4 ! ) ) .
Reading earnings were also reported heavier ,
and Mr. Pullman , In nn interview In IJoMon ,
was quoted as unying that thn earnings of
his company thus far in October showed u
jrnln of ? ( Xioo. ) ( There was a moderate dls-
Itositlon on the part of the room traders to
sell the market at the < > f > cnitig , but their
offerings were rapidly absorbed and prices
moved steadily upwaid. ( lrnii.frs ( and
Reading received the most attention nnd ad
vanced IftlU ( percent. The rc t of the list
Was firm. Oregon Railway k Navigation ad
vanced 2V per cent. Manhattan opened 3
higher but broke 1 i > oint. The total sales for
the day were 228,000 Mian * .
GovKKNMKNri-Oovcrnuicnt bonds were
dull but linn.
Chlcneo , Oct. CO. Following arc the 2:30 :
closing prices :
Flour Steady nnd iinrhniiRnl ,
Wheat Ocncd | at about ychlrrday's close
to } $ a lower , under fair speculative offcrlnRs
and closed j-JT' a11 Iwlow yesterday ; cash ,
71Ko ; December , Ti ' c ; May , ' ! 9Yc.
Corn Active and stronger ; opened it
shade higher then yesterday , closini ; ' ' ( * '
higher for May than closinc yesterday ; casn ,
41Jfc ; Dereinber , 41 u : Mny , 45 c.
Outs Steady and modpriittily active ; cash ,
25J/C ; December , 2ft c ; May , 2 ; ( fc.
llye Easy at 51c.
Barley Firm at71Kc-
Prime Timothy-r-M''yl"- " ' .
Flax-seed $1.19 } , ' .
Whisky $1.10.
Pork Fairly active and higher ; January ,
Lard Steady nnd moderately active ; cash ,
$ H.r > 5 ; Dcccmbor , $ ) > .30 ; May , $ .02 .
Dry Salted Meats-Shoulders , $5.00 ( 5.00 ;
shnrt clear , $7.00@7.10 ; short ribs , $0.75.
Butter Creamery , 18@2 ) o ; dairy , "
21 c.
c.Chcoso Dull ; full cream Cheddars , 1i
Hifi" , tlnt , 10J/itlli" ( young Americas ,
Kups Firm at ITCillT.V'-
Hides UnchuiiKfd ; heavy Krccn Raited , c ;
light , do. . Tjyi1 ; s.tlted bull. ! . ; Ri-ccn salted
calf , 8 ; dry flint , 12 < iBiio : ; dry wilf , 12@l o ;
dry salted , 11V ; dearons , i-ach , liOc.
Tallow Unchjingi'd ; No. 1 country , 4 ©
4Jjfo ; No. 2 , 3Jic ; ttikcs. 4/ ' ' .
Kecoipts. ShipniPiita.
Flour , bbls : tlUOO 22,01)0 )
Wheat , bu h7,000 72.1KX )
Corn , bu 320.000 317,000
Oats , bu 212,000 90,000
Hye , bu 9,000 2,000
Biuley , bu 59.IXK ) 51,000
St. Ijouis Oct. ' 'C. Wheat Lower ;
cash , ? J/1 i72rc ; December , 73J.Cc.
Corn busier ; cash , 4i'-l0 ' ( c ; December ,
Oats Firm ; cash , 2t ? { < rt25c ; Mny , "J :
Pork $13.00.
Lard $ B.25.
Whiskv $1.03.
Butter Firm and unchanged ; creamery ,
23@2 c ; dairy , 10 ( 21c.
Afternoon Board Wheat , htoady ; Octo
ber , 72c bid ; November , 72Ko ; May , SOJ4'c.
Corn , easy ; November , 3.35fc ; December.
8Vc ; May , 41 , ' c. Oats , quiet.
Milwaukee , Oct. 20. Wheats-Steady ;
cash , 70) < oj November , 705 c ; May , 781 0.
Corn-Dull ; No. 3 , 39 > sfc.
O.its Steady ; No. 'J white , 2Sc.
Hye Firm ; No. 1 , 52o.
Barley Higher ; No. 2 , 70c.
Provisions Quiet ; pork , October , $13.00
(213.50. (
Minneapolis , Oct. 2 < J. Wheat Strong
and higher for wheat on track ; futures ciuioi
in store ; No. 1 hard , cash nnd November.
OWe ; December , 62&c ; May , > 8 c ; No. }
northern , October und November , CSJ c ;
No. 1 northern , 09@70Ko ; No. 2 northern , 00
Flour Finn ; iiatents , $4.1J.4.3.bakers' ; ,
$3. : ) @ 3 50.
Heceipt-s- Wheat , 22.400 bu.
Shipments Wheat , 33,000 bu ; flour , 28,000
Cincinnati. Oct. 20. WheatKasy ; No
2 red , 74c.
Corn -Stronger ; No. 2 mixed , 44W(5t4J/c ( ,
Oats Uarely steady ; No. 2 mixed ,
Kyo Firm ; No. 2. M @ 55'c.
Pork Quiet at $13.2. <
Lard firmer nt $0.30.
Whisky Firm nt $1.05.
KniiRii8 City , Oct. 20. Corn Steady
No. 2 , cash , ii- o bid ; October , HC o asked
November , 3. > > < fo bid. 3ii oasked ; December
3.VV blil ; May , 39 ? , , c.
Oats-No. 2 , cash , 22 > 4'o bid.
New York , Get. 2C. . Wheat Receipts
78,000 ; exports , 30,000 ; options advanced } { < &
40 at the opening on strong cables , subsu
qucntly became weaker and settled back & ( < <
} c , closing steady at bottom prices ; casl
linn ; No. a ungraded red , 82 ? { ( < f8f > Kc ; No
No. 2 red , 84o in elevator , S-I SUj c delivered
according to quality ; No. 1 red. nominal a
b'Jc ; No.2 red November closed at83J < o.
Com IlecoipU , 3SKX , ! ) ; exports , 38,320
more active und * f@K ! higher ; ungraded
fdJfQSIXe ; No. 3 , 50) ) ; No. 2 , 53c in
store , Klno delivered ; November
closed at . " > 2 o.
Oats Hcceipts , 92,000 ; exports , 42 ; V@
J o higher and moderately active ; mixed
western , 32@34c ; white western , 3540c.
Coffee Spot , f.ilr ; Hio , dull ut $19.25 :
options opened 23i$50 ( $ points higher , closed
weak ami udvaneo lost ; sales , 11SXX ( ) hags ;
October , flO.'OfillO.SS ; November , $104.r @
10.75 ; December , flO.V lOSS ; January ,
$1(1.iOffl ( 111.05 ; February , UU.50ftlU.CO.
Petroleum Quiet ; United , 7uj 'e.
Eggs In fair demand ; western , IZQ'llMc.
Pork Steady.
Lurd Less active , but higher ; western
steam , spot , quoted at $11.00.
Butter Dull and unchanged ; western , 18
GWto ; western creamery , Ul ( < i25e.
Cheese In better demand ; western , OK < 3
New Orleans , Oct. 20. Corn Steady
and flrm ; mixed , 50o ; white and yellow , We.
Oats Firm ; No. 2 , 34)35ij ) ; others un-
Cornmeal Firmer nt $3.3. .
Hog Products Dull , weak and lower ;
fork , $13.75 ; lard , $0.75.
Hulk Meats Shoulders , $5.10 ; long clear
and clear lib , $7.00.
Wednesday , Oct. 20.
The receipts were not qulto as heavy
as yesterday , there bomg only sixty-
eight caw in to day. The market was not
very active at about steady puces.
There were tlility-six cats of f esh ro-
culpts on the market to-day. Tlio market
was about steady at yesterday's prices , al
though there were no sale * made at quite
yesterday's top. Everything wan sold and
the yaidi were cleared at an early hour ,
There wut > nothing done on the market.
Official Uccclptff.
Cattle . , . ; . . . . . . 1,354
sill onea . . . 13
Cattle I0cnr . H. 1. , Ciiicngo.
Cattle nir . ( . ' . & N. Wfliloajro.
Cattle Moirs , H. A : M. , ChlciiRo.
Cattle 7 fat" , Mil. , I'hlmgo
Cuttle 7eur * . Locnl.
Sheep 3 ears , N. W. ,
. . . . . ' Un1 prevailing prices paid for Hvr
ntfx.'k on this mnrket ! *
Choice stcctH , 1300 to 1600 His.- . , . $ l.2.Vil.fts
Choice .steers , 1100 to 1300 ll.s 4.0IVW4.2.S
Fat little stems , ' .KM ) to 10.VI ll.s. , . . . 3.76 < ; r3.SI >
Corn-fed iimic < ! steer * . 12 H ) to JWfl 3.K.1.i4..tO (
( looil to cholco eiirn-fcd cows 2.60 ( < i 3 00
Common to medium cow * 1.Mien2.00
Coed tocholeo bulls I.2.VH2.00
flood iiiniti1 feedels 2.2.Vii2.W )
Hood native feedersHHl ! Uismidui > -
wards S.76@2.83
Fair to nicdhini native feeders , IHUI
Tt.s and npwnrdft S.MK ] 2.t
Stoekers , 400 to ,011 tl > s 2.XKn2.40
1 'rime fat sheep 3.2.Vt ? 3.60
Fair to medium sheep 2.W ( " 3.00
Coin mon Hhoeii 1,50il2.26
Light und medium hogs 4.2 < K > 4.30
Hood to choice heavy hogs 4.30 4,35
Coed ! to choice mixed hogs 4.'i. ( 4.0 : !
lli'111'Cf.cntnlUo Hnles.
No. Av. IV. No. Av. Pr.
) . . . .llilO $4.10 62..1IM 4.10
IIAXOK < ITIKII : 111:1:1. : : * no r.XDAi.i : .
1.17. . . . lire ! 2.X5
fifl. . . . 994 2.B5 X1..132S 2 > 5
22..1007 2.15
3..1015 2.15 17..lore 2.05
27. . . . 724 2.70
32. . . . 790 2.50 13. . . . 732 2.V ( !
! , . . . . 727 2.60 22. . . . 025 2.70
47. . . . 924 2.05
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
111..202 SO 14.15 74..220 40 $4.30
( ,7..227 40 4.20 WI..2MI N ) 4.30
71..224 100 4.20 R-.25I 2-sO 4.'M
07..2.VJ 4.25 t > 7..304 ! H10 4.30
MS..219 KiO 4.25 07..2M KX ) 4.30
ra.,222 1 ) 4.2o ( H..25 ! ) N ) 4.30
77..1fi ! 120 4.25 74..2SI IfiO 4.30
75..225 4.2T M.t22 : hO 4.K ! )
M..2 ( > S ) 1fiO 4.23 ( KI..275 IXK ) 4.30
fi9..2l' > 8 280 4.25 70..2W 80 4.30
C0..2i3 bO 4.25 (81..SIK ( ) 80 4. : K
04..240 200 4.25 60..294 bO 4.32tf }
74..2t9 : 40 4.25 53..JW4 100 4. :
7H..224 40 4.27K tX.295 ) 150 4.35
111..309 240 4.27JJ IU. . . . 25 120 4.35
67..321 100 4.1)0 ) 611. . . . 08 120 4t5 !
IJ0..279 M ) 4.80 60..299 bO 4.35
54..3JO ; 120 4.30 l > 5..300 40 4.33
I.lve .Stock Bol < l.
Showing the number of head of stock Bold
on the market to-day :
O. H. Hammond & Co 80S
I < ocnl 20
Feeders 243
Total 671
fj. IT , Hammond < fe Co 442
, iiglo-American PiwklngCo 1957
Inrlin 27
Total 2426
All sales of stock in this market are made
x > r cwt. live weight unless otherwise stated.
' ) < < ! hops soil ut J < per Ib. for all weights.
'Skins ' , " or nous weighing less than 100 Ibs.
jo vuluo. Pri-Kiiiint sows arc dooked 40 Iba.
iiid stags W ) Ibs. by the public Inspector.
hive Stock Notes.
( Jaltlo market slow.
Davu Anderson marketed hogs.
A.V. . Johnson , Loomis , sold n load of 30c
Ferrall , Munloy & Co. have swung out a
'unoy new sign.
M. II. P.iync' of Payne , In. , was in with a
oad of corn-fed cows.
Mr. Lynn , of Moore & Lyon , Dunlap , la. ,
, viis in looking for feeders.
J. L. Baker , West Point , marketed a load
f 2U5-lb. hogs at the top price.
Dr. Satterlee , of the Dunlap bank , Dunlap ,
u. , bought two loads of feeders.
Frank Desrn6re left last evening for Bitter
> eck to bring in n train of cattle.
Mr. West , a well known stockman , was in
, vith six ears of sheep from Bycrs , Colo.
John Snodgrass , n Sarpy county feeder ,
was in and bought two loads of feeders.
II. B. Dexter , Blulr , was hero and mar
keted u lear of 32d-lb. hogs at the top of the
I. B. Heller , of Cleveland , O. . stopped ut
.ho yards to call on A. Haas while on his way
home from California.
L. C. Baldwin , Council Bluffs , who has nn
extensive ranch In the west , was here look-
'ug over the market.
A. Haas left last evening for Bitter Crock ,
iVyo. He will ship twelve hundred cattle
roiu thcra to his feed farms at Herman ,
William Denny has returned from Chicago
nd will resume his old position with Bycrs ,
'ottcrson & Co , Will was very popular with
.ho boys and every one was glad to ece him
back. _
Wednesday , Oct. 20 ,
Prodnce , Fruits , Etc. '
Tt\c \ following tire the prices nt which
roiiiul lot * of produce are sold on thin
market. PruUs or olhcr lines of yooda re
quiring extra IdJwr of packing cunnot al-
IVIIIIH be xitnpllcd on unMdc orders at the
same prices quoted the local trade :
The markets were almost at a standstill to
day. About a dozen carloads of potatoes ,
Michigan apples , southern oranges nnd Cali
fornia grapes were received outsldo of the
regular shipments. Prices have not changed.
Koi3 The market is fair , good stock brings
BUTTER Creamery , West Point SOcj
other creameries 22@24o per pound ; cholco
dairy , 18@SOc : medium grades , 13@15c : or
dinary , 0@10o.
CIIKCSC Market fair. Fancy full cream ,
Cheddars , single lite ; full cream twins , lc ! ! ;
young Americas , l ! ) ) o ; brick cheese , 100 Ibs
In case , 15c ; Limbergcr , 100 Ibs in case , He ;
Saurs' fancy Ohio , 10c.
LIVE POUI.TIIV Spring chickens. (1.71X3
2.00 ; old fowls , f3.00@.i.50 ; ducks , (3.2B
( $ 3.75 ; geese , W.50 per doz ; turkeys , in very
light request , 7@7 } c. Dressed Chickens ,
8 ( 10 per Ib : turkeys , ll@12 < c ; ducks nnd
geese , ll@12) e.
Soun KIIOUT JS.25 per bbl.
G \MB Kcccipts light ; prairie ctiickcns ,
W.00@3 25 ; mpllard ducks , * l,50@2.50 ; ; ( juail ,
II. G0@ 1.75 ; teal nnd mixed ducks , * 1.00@1.75 ;
snipe , 75cffl.lX ( ) ; jack rabbits , 40@45ceach ;
Jack snipe , $1.00 per doz ; venison , Itto per Ib.
OisTints Shell. ( tJ.OO per hundred ; bulk ,
$1.85 per hundred ; selects , $2.20 a gallon ;
cans. New York counts , 45c ; selects , 35IOo :
standard , 27fi,30c ( , ; Hoyal , 40c ; Jerome bays ,
40c ; Tiger , 23c.
POTATOES The market is well supplied.
Utah and Colorado stock sells at 8 ( > @S5c ; Ne
braska and Iowa stock ,150700 per bushel.
SWEET POTATOES The market is well sup
plied with homo grown nt C5@75o per bushel ;
Virginia stock ! ! c per Ib.
ONIONS Cholco largo California onions are
offered on the market at OOc per bushel. Homegrown
grown , 60c(21.00.
CAUUFI.OWBH S2.50 per doz.
CiusMiEintiRa The market Is fairly well
supplied with good stock. Bell & Cherry.
$7.50 ; Boll & Bugle , $8.00 ; Capo Cods , $9.00.
BEANS Hand-picked navy , $2.50pcrbushel ,
and other grades down as low as $1,25. Cali
fornia stock , $2.40 per bushel.
CELEIIV The receipts are larger and the
stock better. Good stock brings 30@&c a
CniEit Choloo Michigan cider , $0.00(50.60 (
iwr bbl. of 33 gal.
COCOAXUTS Good stock. $5.00.
LEMONS Messina , $5.60igO.OO : Maiora ,
$7.00 ; Sorrouto , $7.00.
MAPLE Sucuu Choice Ohio stock , lOo per
Pol-cons1 Cholco rlco corn. Scpcr Ib j other
kinds , 2@2Ko per Ib.
HONEY Choice , In 1 Ib frames , 21c.
OKVNGES Messina out of the market :
Louisiana , $0.00 per bbl , $5.00 per boxjJa-
maola , $10.00 per bbl. $5.50 per box.
ATPLKS Choice Michigan apples , homegrown
grown , $3.00(33.505 ( Jonathans , $3.50(23.75. (
GRAPHS Homo grown stock Is In liberal
New York stock , $7.50Q8.00 per
B AH AN AS The market is well supplied with
bananas at | 2.00 < 33.00 per bunch.
Nc\V etdt | ; Ohio che tiiutf , - _
IH-I-IU ; peniiulK. 7' c. raw ; Brazil nuts , i3c ;
nltnoml * , Turrtitronn , V0o ! ; English walnuts ,
leu : liltierts , r.V.
I'lotiraiul l-"oe l.
' /Vic/of/niriiii/'irc / / / tlirjiililihig prlrff !
Minnesota pMtentH , FJ.W ) per cwt ; Mlnnc-
sotit buckets' straight , $2.20 per cwt ; Kansas
nlul MlM ouii winter fmiey patents , $2.4.rj5 (
2.WU Nebrttskn patents , 2.2."ia2.35 ( ; rye flour ,
$ l.iiVuU ' > Oper cwt ; rye , ( Irahnm , $1.40 i > er
ewtf'Mlimit , ( < rn1iiun % $175 per cwt ; cornmeal -
meal , yellow , 1KV- per t-wt ; cornmeal. white ,
$1.H ( ) porcwt ; ehopiKHl trf-cd , $14.00 10.00 JH.T
ton : bran , $ l2.00ti ( lll.dO i or ton ; screenings ,
$ ' .UHt U2.00 p < r ton.
HAI Slow : iiplnnd prairie $7,00 ; coinmoii ,
I'oarce , $ (1.00 ( 11.60. '
( Jl-OOCI'H1 Iilst.
Com-.K Ordinary grades , 20J ( S21e ; fair.
21'u22c ; prime , 22 ( < Z2.'ki ; fancy green and
yellow. 2.'i ( < i * . > .Vi ; old government Java , 28Jj (
MOo : interior , lnvn , 2.Vr ! Sc ; Mocha , 2t < 330c ;
Arbuektu's roasted 2it > " '
, 4"c ; MeLaughlln's
XXXX , 20'fe ' ; Dilworth's , 20o ; Hcil Cross ,
MI ; > LAUII Tieree , 7c ; 40-lb nquaro
7o ; 50-lb round , 7'/e ' ; 20-lb round , 7e :
11Mb palls , 7 , ' c ; 6-lb pails , 7 * e ; 3-lb pails ,
I } i O.
O.SriiAit Granulated , 0 ( f(9B5/c ( : conf. A ,
l\.itXe ! ! ; white extra C , 0 } ? ( < iiiW : extra C ,
HdiO'ie ; yellow C , 6 c ; cut loaf , 7) ) 0 ; pow
dered , 7l4/e.
PIOKI.KS Medium In bbls , $0.60 ; do In half
bbls , $3.75 ; small , in bbls , $7.60 ; do In half
bMs , $4.25 ; gcrklns , in bbls , $8.50 ; do in half
bbts , $4.76.
WOOIIKNWAHB Two-hood palls , per doz ,
$1.45hoop ; ! palls , $1.70 ; No. 1 tub , $ tj.60 ; No.
tub , * r.60 , ; No. 8 tub , $4.50 ; washboards ,
1.75 ; assorted bowls. $2.25 ; No. 1 churns , 9 ;
" Jo. 2 churns , $8 : No 3 churns , $7.
Tonu'co LorSUard's Climax , 44o ; Splen-
id , 41c ; Mechanic's Delight , 41c ; Lcggett &
lever's Star , 41c ; Cornerstone , 84e ; Drum-
mond'B Horse Shoe , 41o ; T. J. , 37o ; Sorg's
HKOOMH Kxtra 4-tie. $2.60 ; No. 1$2 ; No.
, $1.15 ; heavy stable , $4.
CANHV Mixed , 8.K < @ ! llc ; stick , 8J < @ 9 > .
CIIACKKUH Qnrneau's soda , butter und
icnlc. 6c ; creams , 8e ; ginger snaps , 80 ; city
ioda 7c.
TEAS Japan , 20(365e ( : gunpowder. 20 ( < §
c ; Young Hyson , 25(355c ( ; Oolong , 20 ®
jELi.iES-30-lb pails , $3.00.
PIIOVISIONS Hams , ll ) @llj c ; breakfast
luuin , ji\ni/liu , uiu
hams picnic , 7j4'H8c (
DKIP.I ) FnuiTs Apples , new , Jf's 6c : cvap-
nitetl , 60-lb ring , lOM lO'/c ; raspberries ,
vaporuted , 29o ; blackberries , evaporated ,
JffteiOc ; pitted cherries , peaches , new ,
o ; ovaporuted peeled pcachcs,28@29cevap- ;
rated , unpared , 18 ( 19c ; new currents , 7)4 )
J7Kc ; prunes , ecas c ; citron , 25o ; raisins ,
xindon layers , $2.10@-2.15 ; California loose
nuscatels , $1.90@2.00 ; new Valencias
Koi'K Seven-sixteenths inch , 12 < a > 12Kc.
SYIIUP No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , $ l.451.50 ;
New Orleans , per gallon , 38@4ks ( ; maple
yrup , half bbls , "old time , " per gallon , 80c ;
-gallon cans , per doz , $10.50 ; half gallon
ans. per doz. $0.25 ; quart cans , $3.25.
STAKCH Mirror gloss , 5c ; Graves' corn ,
Jji'c ; Oswcpo gloss , 7o ; Oswego corn , 7c.
CANNED Goons Oysters , standard , per
lose , $3.10@3.15 : strawberries , 2-lb , i > er case ,
r3.00@3.10 ; raspberries , 2-lb , per case , $3.00@
3.1(1 ( ; California pears , per case , $4.70@4.80 ;
.pricots , per case , $4.10 4.25 ; pouches , per
ese , $5.75@5.85 ; white cherries , jicrcase ,
$6.00 ; plums , per case. $3.80@3.90 : blueber
ries , per cose , ' $2.80@2.40 ; egg plums , 2-lb ,
> er case , $2.60 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per case ,
3.20@5.75 ; 1-lb salmon , per doz , $2.00@2.05 ;
J-lb gooseberries , per case , $3.2B@3.35 ; 2-lb
string beans , ] > cr case , $1.75 ; 2-lb lima beans ,
) cr case , $1.150 ; 2-lb marrowfat peas , $2.50(3 (
! .CO ; 2-lb early June peas , per case , $2.75 ; 3-lb
omutoes , $2.40@2.50 ; 2-lb corn , $2.30@2.40.
Dry Goods.
COTTON FLAXNELS 10 per cent trade discount -
count -LL , 6e : CO , Xci SS , 8"/c ;
Nameless , 5Uc ; No. . 5 , 6c ; EE , 9) ) c ; GG ! ,
oytc : XX , 12c ; OO , 14o ; NN , Itic ; RX ,
18c ; H , 2 < ) c ; No. 10 , 8Xc ; 40,10 0 ; 00,12 } c ;
80 , 15c ; 80 , colored , 10c ; 50 , colored , 12c ;
" 0. colored , 15c ; Bristol , ISJtfc ; Union Pa-
cmo , 18c.
CAIIPIST WAWP Bibb white , 18Xo ; col
ored , 20 0.
BATTS Standard , 8c ; Gem. lie ; Beauty ,
2'fc ; Boonc , 14c ; B , cased , M.50.
PniNTS SOLID COLOHS Atlanta , 6ko [ ;
Slater , 5c ; Berlin Oil , 6Kc ; Garner Oil , 6@
"c. PINK AND UOHBS Richmond ( k ; ; Allen
6c ; Hlverppint 5o : Steel River 6c ; Richmond
mend Oc ; Pacific 0 > c. Ixnioo BLUE Wash-
ngton ( ic ; Century Indigo blue prints , lOc ;
American OJ < c ; Arnold O-ii'c ; Arnold B Ho ;
Arnold A12c ; Arnold Goldseal 10) c. DHEBS ;
Charter Oak , 4K < s ; Romano 3J-/O ; Lodi4Ko ;
Allen 5) c ; Richmond 6 } c ; Windsor oc ;
Eddystono Oc ; Pacific Co.
GiNanAM Plunkett checks , 7 > fc ; Whlt-
: cnton , 7J e ; York , 7c ; Normandi Dress ,
% c : Calcutta Dress. 8 > jfoWhittcuton ; Dress ,
) c ; Renfrew Dress , 912Jic. .
CAMiuuds Slater , 4ci , % \ Stan
dard , 4 > c ; Peacock , 4J < c.
COKSET JEAXS Anaroscogin , 7 c ; Kear-
snge , 73 0 ; Hockport , OJi'c ; Concstogo , O c.
TICKS Lewistbn , ! iO in. , Vtc \ \ Lewiston ,
82 in. , 13Kc ; York , 82 In. , 14ci Sv/ift River ,
7K ; ThorndlkeOO , SJ c ; Thorudike E F ,
8KcThorndikel20 ; , 9 } c ; Thorndlko XXX ,
15c ; Cordis No. 6 , 9 > o ; Cordis No. 4 , Ho.
DENIMS AmoskcagD oz. , ICe ; Everett 7
oz. , 13c ; York 7 oz. , 18c' : Haymaker 8J < jC ;
Jaffroy XX , HJfe ; Jeffrey XXX , 12' < fc ;
Beaver Creek , AA , 12e ; Beaver Creek BB ,
He ; Beaver Creek CO , lOc ,
KISNTUCKV JBASS Memorial 15c ; Canton
18c ; Durham 27Xc ; Hercules I8c ; Leaming
ton 22 } c ; Cottswold 25c.
CitAsii Stevens'B,6c ; bleached , 7c ; Ste
vens' A , 7Kc ; bleached , 8 0 ; Stevens' P ,
8 c ; bleached , J < c ; Stevens' N ,
bleached , 10' c ; Stevens' S R T. 12 } c.
MISCELLANEOUS Table oil cloth , $2.85 ;
plain Holland 8 } c to 9c ; Dado Holland 12We.
FLANNELS Plaid Raftsman 82i ; Goshcn
; Clear Lake 32 > o ; Maple City 80 > { c.
BLANKETS White. tl.00@7.50 ; colored $1.10
@ 8.00.
Bi.BACitr.n SHEETING Berkely cambric ,
No. CO. O c ; Best Y < Jt , 4-4 , 0 > { c ; butter cloth
OO , 4) ) 0 ; Cabot , 7J < c ; Fanvell , 8c ; fruit of
Loom , SJ/c ; Greene G , Cc ; Hope , 7 } c ; King
Phillip cambric , Ho ; Lonsdalo. ll o ; Lons-
dale , 8Kc ; New York mills , lokcPeppercll ; ,
2 inch , 10' < fc ; Pepperoll , 40 inch , HHo ; Pep-
ercll , 0-4 , 15o ; PepiKjrell , 8-4 , 18c ; Pepperell ,
-4. 20c ; Pepperell , 10-4 , 22 < fc ; Canton , 4-4 ,
8 > fo ; Canton , 4-4 , 0 } c ; Triumph , Co ; Wum-
sutta , Ho ; Valley , 5o.
BIIOWN SiicnTixo Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7/c ; A
BantloH , 4-1 , 7c ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , 0c ; At
lantic P , 4-4 , ojfo ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , 5 c ; Au
rora C , 4-4 , 4 > c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , ( > o\ \
Hoosicr LL , 4-4 , 5c ; Indian Head. 4-1 , 7Xc ! :
Lawrence LL , 4-4 , 5Jfc ; Old Dominion , 4-4
.IJ c ; Pepperoll R , 4-4 , ftKo ; Pepperell 0,4-4
Oo ; Pepperell , 8-4 , loc ; Popperell , 9-4 , 18c :
Pepperell , 10-4 , 20q : Utica C , 4-4. 4 o :
Wachusctt , 4-4 , 7cr ' Aurora R , 44 , 6c ! :
Aurora B , 4-4 , < Jc.
DUCK West Point" " . ) in. 8 oz. , 10 } c ; West
Point 29 In , 10 oz. I2 tfc : West Point 2 ! ) In , 13
flz , 15o ; West Point 40 In , 11 oz. lOc. Checks
Caledonia X , 9J c ; Caledonia XX ,
Economy , OQOXo ; Otis ,
General Markets.
SPIKITS Colopio. spirits , 188 proof , f 1.10 ;
do 101 proof , $1. 12 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , $1.10 ; do 188 proof , tl.09. Alcohol
IBS proof , $2.10 | ) cr wine Ballon. Redistilled
whiskies , ei.OO@l.GO. Gin blended , $1.50 ®
2,00 ; Kentucky bourbons , $2,00@IOO ( ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , * 2.00@ .r > 0 ;
Golden Sheaf bourboh and rye whiskies , $1.50
( ga.OO. Brandies , Imported , * o.00@8.50 ; do
mestic , $1.30@3.00. Gins , imported. W.50@
0.00 ; domestic , fl.2.VSi.OO. ! Champagnes , im-
l > ortcd , per case , $28.00ja3.00j ( ! American , per
case , $10.00@10.00.
HEAVY HAHDWAHE Iron , rate , $2.70 ; plow
steel , sj > ecial cast. 4J c ; crucible steel , O o ;
cast tools , do , 12@15o ; wagon siwkes , per set ,
$3.00(35.50 ( ; hubs , per set , $1.50 ; felloes ,
sawed dry , $1,00 ; tongues , each , bOc : uxles.
each , 75o ; uquaro nuts , per Ib , 0@13o ; coil
chain , per Ib , 0 } < @ 13 ; malleable , 8@10o ; iron
wedges , Oo ; crowbars , 60 ; harrow teeth , c ;
spring steel , 4@5o ; Burden's horse shoes.
$4.75 ; Burden's mule shoes , $5.75 ; barbed
wire , in car lots , $4.00 per 100 Ibs ; iron nails ,
rates , 10 to 50 , $2.40 ; steel nulls , $2.50.
HiiiEi Green butchers' , 5Ko ; green
cured , 7o ; dry flint , lOo ; dry salt , So ; green
calf skins , 7K ; damaged hides , two-thirds
price. TjiUowi-3 . Grcaso Prime white ,
8c ; yellow , 3c ; brown , l o. Shccppclts ,
, $10.00 ; nut , $10.00 ; range ,
$10.00 ; walnut block , $3.50 ; Iowa lump. $3.50 ;
Iowa nut , 13.75 ; Illinois , $4.25(34.75. ( . ,
i a ml *
Dry Iinmttor.
12,14 *
10 tt. 18 ft. SO ft , MS ft. 24 ft.
2x4 17.00 10.CO.M.U > 21.MS1.M ) )
2x8 .2I.W21.M )
2.TJ2 :
A 0 In. White Pine $36.60 : C $29.60
B " " " 33.50 ; D 21.00
1st and 2nd , clear , 1,14'lnch , s. 2 s $ .10.60
3d , clear , 1 inch , s. 2 s. , 43.60
" " IK , Itf , 2 In 40.60
A select , 1 inch , s. 2 s. , 40.00
" " ! > / , 1)42 ) In 44.00
B " 1 inch , 8.2 s. , 30.00
" " Itf , ! } , 2 In 87.00
Clear Poplar , Bx. Bds. J < in. , s. 2 u $35.60
" " K In. Panel , s. 2 s 27.00
" " Corrugated Celling , J < . . . 28.60
O. G. Baits , 2K In $00.75
" Kx3in. , B. Is 00.45
3 In. Well Tubing D & M and Bov 23.00
Pickets , D A H , Flat 20.60
" " Square 21.00
No. 1 com , s. 1 B$18.00 I No. 2. com , s 1 s$17.00
No. 3 " " 15.501 No. 4 , " " 13.00
A , 12,14 nnd 10 ft. $21.60 ; C $15.60
B , " " " 20.50 ; D 12.60
No. 1,4 & 0 In 12 & 14 ft , rough $10.50
No. 1 , " " 10" " 19.60
No.2 , " " 12&14" " 10.00
No.2 , " " 10" 17,50
1st com. j ; in White Pine Celling $34.00
2nd " " 28.00
Clearin. . Norway " " 10.00
2nd com. % In. " " " 14.00
A 12 Inch si a $45.60
No. 1 , com. 12 Bis , 12ft 20.60
" " " 14ft 19.00
" " " 10ft 18.60
No.2 " " 19.00
" " " 10ft 17.50
Inch Grooved I tooling , $1,00 pcrM more
than 12-inch stock boards same length.
XX clcnr $3.10 Extra * A $2.90
A * Standard. . . . 2.75 * A * H B & B. . . 2.65
Oin. clear , No. 1. 1.50 Lath 2.05
White cedar , 6 In. , } < fs , 12o ; 0 In. qrs. , lie ;
8 in. qrs. , lOo ; 4 In. round , 1f c ; Tennessee ,
Rod Cedar , split , 15c ; Split Oak , 12c.
Qulncy white lime ( best ) , OOc ; Akron ce-
ment$1.76 ; hair , 30o ; plaster , $2.75 ; tar board ,
$1.75 ; sash , 40o per ct. ; doors , 40o per ct. ;
blinds , 40o per ct. ; mouldidgs , 40o per ct. ;
tar felt , per cwt. , $2.75 , stmw board. $1.75.
Com. 4 & 0 in. flooring $17.50
Star " " 21.50
Clear % in Celling 21.50
Clear K In Partition JJ3.00
Clearflnlshed , 1 & ! > { In. s2s l 9.00
Clear corrugated ceiling , 4 hi 27.00
Yellow pine casing and base 20.00
Death of a Wild Man.
A correspondent from Beaumont ,
Tex. , writes : For over twenty years
a wild intin by the name of RichardHon ,
with his family , consisting of n wife ,
with an occasional child added , have
inhabited the woodland thickets of .TnH-
per und Harden counties , hiding hither
nnd thither as occasion might require ,
mbsisting on the nutivo products of the
'orcst , such as acorns , roots , etc. , nnd
when opportunity offered the decaying
flesh of dead wild animals. In their
wooded retreat , hedged in by an almost
'mpenotrable thicket , this strange
'amily ' lived untrummolcd by the
rules of civilized society. This life
they led until about three months ago ,
when , unwittingly wandering within
three miles of Beaumont , the family ,
iippurontly almost overcome with sick
ness and hunger , and unable to wander
"urther , were captured by passers by
, nd brought hero.
The church appointed a committee ,
who rented a house for them and under
took to furnish them with all the sub-
tun tiuls of lifebut old gray heads shook
bt the action of the committee. That
man will die , they faaid , if you put him
'n a house whore he is protected from
ho elements ; treatment of this kind
will kill them ; all they need is plenty of
rain und sunshine , cold and heat , a hol
low log or grassy meadow to sleep in.
But the fated hand of civilization was
kindly placed on them. In a comforta
ble hoube the tender hands of the first
adios of the land nursed them ; prcach-
ors prayed for , them ; they were fur
nished medicine by the skilled hand
of an allopathic physician * , fed on the
best the market afforded , but notwith
standing all the kind treatment the pre
diction of the gray hf > ads became true ,
and the wild spiritof the man , the
child of nature , and an inhabitant of
nature's wild forests , winged its way to
lie happy hunting grounds of eternal
cst. The survivors will now witness
the strange sight of seeing the father
and husband laid to his eternal rest in
the bosom of mother earth , in a coflin
made by skilled workmen of some great
city , and paid for out of the coffers of
Jotlorbon county , while they look on
and wonder like some dumb creatury at
the strange proceedings. The survivors
of this Blnmgo family will now , no
doubt , betake themselves to their for
mer retreat , as the toil and worry , and
work especially , is exceedingly dibtuste-
ful to them.
In another column of this issue will
bo found an entirely now and novel
specimen of attractive advertising. It
is one of the neatest ever placed in our
paper , und wo think our readers will bo
well repaid for examining the supposed
display letters in the advertisement of
Prickiv Ash Bitters.
mo if rxiCQUAixriD WITB rna looairaT or rail
tf reaion of lt < central poiltlox cioie relatlen to llnci
Eait of Cblcaco , and contln-OUl linei at terminal
points We it , Horthwcit and Boutbweit. U the true
middle link In that tranicontlnentai njstrm which
Iniltei and faelUtatei trarel and trafflo between the
Atlantic and FaeUc.
Toe Rock Iiland main line and branches tncluda Chi-
eato.Jalltt. Ottawa , La 8alle , I' orl , OKHMIO , Hollne
and Hock Iiland , In llllnoltt parenport , Muicatlnt ,
Wathlncton , I'alrfltld , Ottumwa.Oikalooia , Wt > t Lib
ert jr. Ion a CUT , DwUolnti , tndlanola.Wlnteriot , Atlan
tic , KnoxTllle , Auduboa. Jltrlic , Outhrla Centre and
Council llluffi , In lowai Oallatln , Trenton , 6tipl > ,
Cameron and Xaniaa City , In Itliiourlt L ai-jworth
and AtohUon , In Kanian Albert Lea , Mlnntapolli and
It.faul.lnUlnneiotai Watertown and Sioux Falli.l *
Dakota , and hundred * of Intermediate el tics and town * .
. ' , 'The Great Rock Island Route" *
Guarantee ! ipeed , comfort , eertalnty and iafetj. It
permanent war li dlttlnfuuhed for Iti eic llcnce. Ill
brtdf are of atone and Iron. Iti track U of solid
IteelIti rollingitock perfect. Ilipauengerequlpmont
kai all the latttjr appliance ! that experience ha proret
Mful. and for luxurious accommodation If > -
eawti III Expriii Tralni conilit of iup rlor U
Coacbei , elegant Pullman Palace Parlor and Slxpl
Can. mperb Dlnlnc Can , proTldlnj dullcloui ratali ,
and ( between Chicago and 6t. Joitpb , AUblion and
Kantai Cltjr ) netful Reclining Cbafr Can. It * man-
trenxnt If couerratlTe , 1U dUclpllne exactlaf
"The Famous Albert Lea Ror.-e"
Between Chtcaro and IllnneapolU and St. Ia. li the
farorite. Over thli line BolM rait Kxprtti Tralni run
dally to attractlre reiorti for tonrtiti In Iowa and
Mlontiota , and , via VTattrtown and Eloux Falli. to the
rich whtat and rratlnj landi ut Interior Dakota. Via
Seneca aad Xaokakee , the Hock Iiland offer ! luperlor
Inducement ! to traTelera between Cincinnati , Indian-
apolli , Lafajett and Council llIuITi , Bt. Jeieph , Atckl-
ion , Leareawortb , Kama ! City , St , Paul , and Intirmi-
dlate point ! . All patroni ( cipeclallr ladlei and chll-
drin ) rectlre protection , eourteir and kindly attention.
For ticket ! , mapi , f oMen , copln of WeiUrn Trail , or
any d lnd Information , apply to principal office ! la
Ue UnlUd Btatei and Canada , or addren , at Chlcaro ,
1.1. UllI , f.1T , < eMI , I. A. HllllOII ,
- ; . ' " ; ' / ' ' S < ; ' " ; ' 'V
-v ; ; ; . . . . '
r. , . _ . Agricultural Implements. _
Dealer in Agricultural Implements. ! agons ,
Carriage ) and liiicnlc . Jonc Street , He Iwcen Oth And
> , Ncbra ka.
AgricnllnrallDiplements.fagons.Carriages . .
-J"1"1 I10' W" > l ' i Omaha. " * Nebraska.
. ' Wholfit'0 IValeM In
AgricnltnrallniplGnienls , Wagons & Bnggies
JOl. TO. COS ami ! C7Jonn ! < trtctOmalia.
Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills. Seeders.
* m& ' , Wifrt& %
- Wholesale -
AgriCQltnral Implements , W agons &Bnggie $
Corner luh and Nicholas mreet * .
Artists' Moterlals.
A. HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1613 Doug las Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Boots and Shoes.
W. V. MORSE & CO. ,
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes-
ICU rarnara St. , Omaha , Neb. Manufactory , Bummer
Btreet , lloston.
( Successors to need , Jones A Co. )
Wholesale Mannfactnrers of Boots and Shoes
Agents for notion Robber Shoo Co. 1102,11041101
Harner St. , Omaha. Nebraska.
Coffees , 8plo88 , Etc.
Omaha Coffee and Splco Mills.
Teas , Cofees Spices , Baking Powder ,
Crockery and Glassware.
Agent tor the Manufacturers and Importer * of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps. Chimneys.
Kte. OIBco. 317 8.13lli fit. . Omnhi , Ncbranka. '
Commission and Storago.
Commission and Ming ,
Batter , KMII unit Produc * . Coniliinmvnt * olleltcd.
lleadquarteri for Hlon vnro , Herri Boirt and
_ Gr | i Banked. 1411 1)odu bt.Omalia.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Bpcclaltlci Butler , Knn' , Ctiftne , Pouttrr. Uam * .
Ofiten , Ktc. , Etc. ill South Uth Street.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , Butter , Oame , Krulti , Ktr. iBOKouth tub St. ,
Omaha , Ncbraika.
( Huccesion to McShane A 8chroe < ler. )
Frodncc Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omaha , VaKwuKkK . '
Coal , Coke a nd LI me.
Jokers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
KB South 13tli Slrtet , Omaha , Nebra lia.
Mannfactnrers of Illinois White Lime ,
nd ( hlnpon of Coal , Cok , Ccnirnt. Planter , I.lrn * .
Brain Vile and 8 w r IMpe. OBIre , Paxtun Hotel ,
Farnam Ht. , Oinuba , Neb. 'J'elctihono 811.
Shippers of Coal and Cole ,
211 Booth 13th St. , Omaha , Neb.
M. E. SMITH St CO. .
Dry Gooffs , Furnishing Goons and Notions
1102 and llMDouflH , Cor. lltk St. , Omaha. Neb.
Importers and Jokers in Dry Goods.Notions
Genta' Furnlihlnf Qoodi.Corner llth and Ilarner 8U
Omuha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnitnre ,
Farnara Btreet , Omaha , Nebraska.
Fnrnitnre , Bedding , Upholstery , Hirrors ,
Etc. 1206,1308 and 1210 Karnam Street , Omaha.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
T05,707 , TOO and 711 S. I0th St. , Ouiaha , Neb.
Wholesale tirocers ,
llth and I/eavenworth Street ! , Omaha , Nebraika.
D. M. STEELE & CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
1111,1KI and 128 Harrier Btreet , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1111 and lilt HarnCT Street , Omaha , Neb.
Johte of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware .Sheet IonEtc. Acenti for Howe bcalo.and
Miami I'uwder Cu. , Omaha , Neb.
Builders' ' Hardware & Scale Repair Shop
Mechanic ! ' Tooli and Buffalo Scale * . 1405 louglai-it.
Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Hardware ,
10th and nnrntj BU , Omaha , 'Neb. Western Ace nt
for Au tln 1'owderCo .Jelferion Steel Nallt , twr-
banks Standard Scales.
Heavy Hardware.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , \Yanon Stork , Hardware Lumber , etc. 1209
and 1211 llarncy Btreet , Omaha.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Wagon and Carriage Wood Stock , Heavy Hardware ,
Kto. 1417 and \l\'l \ \ I arenwortU St. , Omaha , Neb.
Hats , caps , Eto.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
1107 Earner Btreet. Omaha , Neb.
and 1LER ft CO. ,
Kast India Bitters and Domestic Liquors , 1112 Htrnsr
All kinds of Bnilding Material at Wholesale
llth Btreet and Union Pacific Track , Omaha.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Boon , eta , Yudf-CorntrTtu and Douglat ; Coranrltb
and DoujlM.
C. N. DE1TZ ,
Dealer in all Rinds of Lumber ,
UU > and California BU. , Omaha , Neb.
Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Corner 6th and Uoaclaa BU. , Omaha.
. . To Dealers Only ,
_ _ _ _ _ Lumber.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , '
tTooa Carpets and Parquet Kloortnf. tth aid Dontlaa )
Wholesale Lumber , Etc , '
nrlrit and American Portland Cement. Flat * Meal
for.Mlwaoko | HTilrs llcC m ata < Julnc7
Whit * U e ,
Importers & Jobbers of Millinery I Notions
2 , 110 and 111 Booth lllh Rtreet.
Notion * .
Wholesale Notions and Furnishini Good !
_ mi and 106 Kouth 10th Blrt-tt , Osaaka. _
Notions and Gent's ' Fnrnishini OooJl
_ 1106 Harney Street , Omaha.
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Ail * Oreas * . etc. , Omaha. A. II. Bishop. Ma M %
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carrr a nice stock of printing , wrapping and srrltlnft
rapor. Special attention tlttn to car load oMers.
_ Printers' Matorlal * .
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Dealers l tjpe , prrsnes and printer * ' luppllea , Hk
Sout 12th Btreet , Omaha.
Mannfactnrers and Dealers in Bute Good ;
Oil Clothing and Leather n > ltln > . 1008 Karnam Btrotf
teamFIttlngs ,
Pumps , Fines and Engines.
team , water , railway and mining luppllri , etc. M8fc
Vf ! and IRI Fariinm Street , Omaba. *
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
'team ' and Water Bumillrn. Hesrtquartare fur Mask
KUOSI& Co' * goods , nil farnam St. , Omaha. '
Steam and Water Supplies ,
lUllldar Wind Mills DID and 9X1 Farnaro St. , Omaha *
U. K. HUM , Acting Manager.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery.
Bheet Iron Work. Fleam Putuin , Haw Mllli. UfHllJ
Leiirenworth Street , Omaha.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
111 and 13 Jones St. , Omaha
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Branch hmme of the Henner Bucgr Co. Huggles a |
wholesale and retail. IKB.nlOana ta liard tftreeV *
Omaha. Telephone No. 7W.
Teas and Cigar * .
Importers and Jobbers of Teas & Cigars ;
Spices and Daisy linking Powder. 1IU and 1418 llatt
ner ptreet , Omaha.
Cornlo * .
Mannfaclnre UmM Iron ant Cornice.
John Kpeneter , Proprietor. WO IXxlieaa * UUead ! <
North 10th btreetUnaba. :
Smoke Stacks , Bollors , Eto.
Mannfactaring Dealer in Smote Starts.
Brltchlngf , Tanks and lleneral Holler Itepalrtng. 1311
I > o < l e Htreet , Omaha , Neb. T
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railing ?
[ ) esk ralli , window guard * , flower landf , wlroalgua
etc. , U ) North ICth tit. , Omaha.
Man'frs ' of Fire SBnrglar Proof Safes ]
Vaulti. Jail work. Iron and wlrn fencing , ilicni , etc. CM
Andrecn , 1'rop'r. Cor. Kth anil .lucksun Ht > .
General Agents for Dlebold Fare A I/otk Co.'i
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes.Time Locis ,
VaulU anil Jail Work , 1415 Karnam struct , Omaba.
_ _ _ . .
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeani I'anU , gblrta , Ktc. 1102 and 1104 Uouglai Btreet.
Omnhn , Neh.
Sash , jtoors , Eto.
' *
Wlioleialo Manufacturers ot
Sasii , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch OBlcej HtU and Imnl Slrccli , Omaha , .S'tb ,
Manufacturers of Sasb , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding ! , Hlalr Work HIM ! InUirlor llurd Wood Kin *
lib. a. K. Cornerttth and l.cavenwoitb Btreeti ,
Onmlia , Nub.
Manufacturers of Mouldings , Sash , Doorc ,
And Ulimln , Tumlnc , Htalr-work. Hunk nnd OOc *
Fittings. XJth a nil 1'oppleton Avenue.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
L',31 North KlKhteenth Street , Omaha , Nch.
C.H.PAI.MIR. N. p. IIICIIMAN. j. it. niANcnAna
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
OfBee Iloom 24 , Onpoilte Ricbanne Ilutldtng , Union
btuck Yardt , Suutb Omaha , > eb.
Liye Stock Coimission Merchants ,
Market furnished free on application. PtocVeri an
feeder ! furnished un good t rnu. ltuleri > nce > ; Oma
ba National Hank amlhmiUi OmahaNMJonal , Uolo
Btoek rarti , HouLh Omnha.
Lire Stock Commission ,
Room 1& , Kicbanve llullillnx , Unlou Stock Tar < Uk
houtli oraaha. Neb.
Commission Dealers in Lire Stock ,
Room 23 , ( exchange Ilulldlng , Union Ptock Ydi ,
Omaha. Kef rancu < i Union Nat'l Hank , Clinaha
Union ftock Yard * Hank. t ) . Omaha , K. H.
I'rei. Am. llank * Truit Co. , Ornnha.
Commission Dealers in Live Stock ,
Room a , opposite Ksehange RulMIng , Union Eto < *
Yardi. South Omaha. NeE.
Of Omaha , Limited , . ' .
Job * IT. BujO , BuperiaUadtoi.