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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SEVENTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , THURSDAY MORNING , OCTOBER 27 , ISST. NUMBER 131 FORCED UNDER BY FRAUD , Gorman end His Gang Defeat the Reform Ticket BALTIMORE VOTERS BULLDOZED. One Hundred Thoumiml Dollars Dis tributed Among Democratic Strikers Ballot * From the Demi One Murder. noodle Cnrrlci * Baltimore. BAI.TIMOUH , Oct. 20. [ Special Telegram to tlio BKE. ] The city election here to-diiy was an exceedingly quiet nffnlr for Baltimore , Up to the hour of writing the only disunity retorted Is from the Seventeenth ward. Here , Just as tlio ix > lls were nbout to close , several independents attempted to vote. A gang of "regulars" attempted to prevent them from doing so mid made n rush upon them. One of the rushers Is dead In cense quence. Your correspondent visited more than half the polling places during the day. There \vui little excitement at any of them , but everywhere It was apparent that the "peelers" of tlio gang had received their in structions and were ready to carry them out. There were no open outbreaks , but the ne groes were Jostled and crowded to such an extent that many of them refused to risk personal violence and declined to vote at all. The poll lists had been prepared with great care by Gorman's men , and when Uartlett's supporters offered their ballots. They found that the Initials were changed or that they were dis franchised because their names had been mis-spelled , the entire election machinery has been In the hands of the ring and as every registry list is copied by the henchmen of Hlgglns.KalsIn et nl , it was an easy matter to make mistakes which deprives the inde pendents and republicans of their votes. The apparent result Is that Latrobc , the regular democratic nominee forjmayor , is ejected by majority of between 8,500 and r.,000. Whether this majority Is real or not remains to be seen. It Is somewhat , remarkable that the returns are coming in more slowly than ever before. Jt is nearly five hours since the polls closed , yet only about GO IKT cent of the IbO polllng places have sent In their returns. The independent democrats admit that lll > on the faeo of the figures they are beaten at least ! l,000 , but they insist that the returns reported are not the real results of the election. Yet , In spite of this claim , Latrobe will undoubtedly be the next mayor of lialtliiioro. Money without stint has been used and bribery of colored voters bus been open. Every municipal , state and federal of- llco holder In that city has been bled , and It is charged that the custom house and the postonico each contributed $12OM. The In dependent leaders clnlm that not less than $100,000 was used to carry the election , and they propose to light it through still. Mr. William L. Mnrbury , who is ono of the principal men in the ranks of the independent democrats , said to-night : "Wo do not want the court to assume that wo are beaten be cause of the apparent majority for Latrobc. Two years ago Hodges appeared to have 2,200 majority on the night of election. Wo proved afterward that ho was really defeated by at least 8,000. The citizens' reform association has been at work for the purpose of purging the elections of fraud. Wo have many of the scoundrels in the penitentiary , but not all of them. Wo have worked hard to get the registry lists cleansed of the names of dead men , but wo had time to attend to only six of the twenty wards and In those six wo had 1,200 fraudu lent names stricken off. There are probably 4,000 still remaining and these 4,000 , although dead , voted to-day. Wo propose to keep on in the work of reform , even though we have to adopt the Sun Francisco plan and hang a few of the ring leaders of the ring. " Mossra. Cross , Marbury , Cowin , Koso and a dozen others of the reformcis expressed themselves as still determined to carry on the fight , no matter what the result of the election to-day may ultimately prove to bo , They feel certain that Hrooks , the rcpub lican candidate for governor , Is a great deal stronger in the city of Baltimore than Burt- lett , the nomtnco for mayor. This claim is undoubtedly well founded , as the Knights ol Labor have openly denounced Jackson , the regular democratic nominee for governor wnllo they had no quarrel with Latrobe Besides tills. It will bo difllcult to blew the oOlcoholdors BO soon again. Bui the Independents have learned , once more that they have n shrewd , sharp ganj : of practical politicians to compete with. Gor man Is no tyro in political chicanery and hi' Houtcnnnts arc acknowledged to bo mnoiii the most astute "lino workers" in the conn try. Mr. Cowcn and his followers havi hoped to win by moral suasion and clean po lltlcnl methods , while their opponents havi used every ono of the tricks for which the ; are celebrated. The result seems to shov once moro that machine methods nro tin moat effective In great cities , and it ronllj looks to-night us though the plan of "Hang ing o few of the leaders" will have to In pdopted before Baltimore. < ! an bo freed froii the rule of Boss Gorman. MASONIC GATIIKIUXCS. Clone of Thirteenth Annual Conelnvi of Illinois KnlghtH Templar. CHICAGO , Oct. 20. The grand command ary of Knights Templar of Illinois flnlshoi their thirteenth annual conclave at nooi to-day. The reports of minor committee Were heard , and the Installation of ofllcer took place. The retiring grand commando WiJbur P. Bointlcld. of Lincoln , was pri Bcntcd with u beautiful jewel as n token o esteem. The gnind council went into scssio ut noon. Nr\v YOIIK , Oct. 20. The supreme round of sovereign grand inspectors general of th thirty-third degree of the Scottish Kite o Masonry for the United States to-day olcctei the follo\ying ofllccrs : Judge John J. Got man , of New York , sovereign grand coir inandcr ; William A. Hershiscr , Columbus OM lieutenant grand commander ; Grnnvlll A. Frambii'rs , Ohio , grand minister of state Kobort E. Roberts , grand treasurer general Robert B. Folger , Brooklyn , grand cow spending secretary general ; John G. Barkei grand seciotary general ; John Boyd , gran keeper of archives ; Isnao 1 < \ Graham , Coi nectlcut , grand standard bearer ; Junins Ki wards , Minneapolis , grand captain of guari Tlio Episcopal Missionary Council. Piiii.Ai > Ei.ruiA , Oct. 20. The memorii rend by Kov. W. V. Tenncll yesterday In th Episcopal missionary council relating to th work among the colored people was rerea to-day. It declared .that the colored pcopl would take euro of themselves and urged it creased work. It soko of the necessity c securing colored young men to take holy 01 ders to work among their own rue mid of the necessity of parochh anil industrial schools In the gout and west. Resolutions were adopted provli lug that n commission bo apiwinted to h qulro Into the diameter and ciHcloncy of tli theological schools for the education of tli colored people throughout the country , tin all parties that had not uiado contrlbntioi to the fund bo requested to do so on the se end Sunday In November and providing fc the appointment of u committee to report scheme for diocesan colleges for missionui purposes. The House of bUhops will niei to-morrow evening. * Charged With Cutting Kates. CUICAUO , Oct. 20. The St. Paul compar , has tiled aftlduvlts with the chairman of tl Western States Passenger association , char Ine the Chicago ft Northwestern , Bnrllngtj ana Hock Island with sj > oeltlo instances i cutting passenger rotes from Ban Franeisi to Chicago. The cuts vary from fT > to itUu : the St. Paul road demands that 411 invcstlg Uon bo hud aud fines imposed , according ' Ifrcement. BMPPEHY JOE. Tory ConipllincntN and Comments on American Intelligence. tCopi/i lyM tSS7luJiitne aonlon liemicM.I LONUOX , Oct. 20. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the Bun. ] The Standard , referring to Chamberlain's visit to the United States , thus begins nn editorial : "Tho Irish In America are evidently greatly alarmed at the prospects of people of the United States being enlightened as to the true state of affairs In Ireland by Mr. Cham berlain. No Inconsiderable portion of the press of the United States appears wholly Ignorant as to the facts In the case as seen from the English point of view. Their con ductors appear never open to reputable Eng lish Journals , but draw their opinions and views wholly from papers like the Irish World and the platform speeches of the Irish orators. " Tills is intended to bo sarcastic on the Herald , but It is reserved for the Dublin Express , the organ of the Orangemen and landlords to have the Herald move it to Donnybrook fair rhetoric , thus : "That not very respect able organ of Now York opinion , the Herald , has been preparing us for a break-off by warning Mr. Chamberlain of the cluiravnri which the Irish population wel come him with on hit arrival. This is a dis courtesy which Is unique. They warn Lord Salisbury that if ho wishes the fishery ar rangements to bo broken off ho will per sist in his plan of sending us a diplomatist a personn ingratuislmi : to the Irish. This is u fresh intrusion of mob law Into international disputes. Hitherto the mob has limited Itself to municipal matters in dispute be tween the masses and classes , but now wo are to bo treated to a new departure , and the races which mix and niinglo in the United States are to retain their old race rancors. If this were to go on and cxtendtho Bohemian and German , Crotlan and Hungarian , would clamor each to reflect in the several embassies of the United States some of the rivalries which they have left behind , but which linger on in Germany or Austria. Let us hope that the Herald is unique in its construction of the meaning of Mr. Chamberlain's mission , and that wo shall not be plagued with impertin ences of this kind when a conservative premier goes into the liberal ranks to llnd a commissioner , who is willing to sink party considerations in order to servo his country. But , dismissing the impertinences of the Herald , it is useless to shut our eyes to the bitter truth that our colonial policy of the last thirty years , which is only the outcome of our free trade policy of the same date , is the true source of all our troubles in Canada and elsewhere. " And then the Exprcsswith utter disregard of the unities of the subject matter , passes from the fisheries to free trade , and contends that the British colonies vex the mother country with their protection duties. HI. Wll.SOX FALLS. He Meets His Electors and Is De nounced. [ Copi/r/uM / tSStliu James Gonlim Hcnndt. ] Torus , Oct. 25. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the Ben. ] The grand jour pas arrives. Wilson appears before his electors. The scene recalls that of Sir Charles Dilko before his electors at Chelsea , except that Wilson's electors disavow him. At 9 this evening all the electors and Wilson assem bled in the circus. The accused sits with his face , wild and haggard , resting on his el bows. The crowds howl and yell at Wilson ; erics of "Eh vu done , sorrulior mot , " then bursts into the circus , streaming In to all seats on In the ring everywhere. The presi dent rings the huge bell and exclaims : "Citi zens , M. Wilson consents to explain his con duct , but on condition that you listen to him. " "Oui , oui , " resounded cvcrwhcro. When Wilson then mounts a little ladder to the raised platform ho passes a nervous hand quickly through his long beard , and oven tears out the hairs with wild clutches. "Citizens , " says Wilson , "I thank you for listening. " Profound silence ensues and Wilson continues : "Ills always painful for an honest man " ( hero shouts and jeers interrupted the sjxcch ! ) . Continues Wilson , audaciously , and in a high voice : "It est penihlo pour un lioneto hommo. " The tumult hero interrupted the speech ; cries of "asscz , " nsscz , " reecho on all sides. The cries answer the accusation. "You swindler , wo don't eomo hero to listen to poetry. " Hero most infernal shouting and yelling put an end to all order for half an hour , ut the end of which the president managed to make himself hoard. Ho shrieked : "This assembly , after having heard M. Wilson , declares that ho is a traitor and has betrayed his trust , and has nothing to do but resign. Ho is no longer worthy to rogresent Towralne. " Wilson replies. "I am not before my Judges. " M. Ernest Roche rises nnd shouts , "You wretch , you nro before your electors. " It was voted ut once that all accusations wcro well founded. WilsVm gathers up his papers in nervous haste and walks nwuy. umids shouts of "demission , " "demission. " It is now 11:30. : Four thousand people re main In the circus crying "demission. " Wil son regains the door , Jumps into a coupe and drives to hotel Do Bordeaux. Ho Is pale anil tears almost run down his cheeks. It secnu ns dramatic as the impeachment of Warren Hastings. A Hurricane. i men fionliiH Itcnwlt. ] LONDON , Oct. 20. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the Br.K. ] Acccounts fron all the coasts verify the predictions of the Herald's weather bureau in regard to lasl night's storm nt Qneenstown and also the channel ports and these along the Gcrmat ocean. The gulo extended to the Baltic am ulong the coast , between Rugon nnd Memel it increased to a violent northwest hurricane driving ships on shore nnd damaging ecus fortifications , but ns yet no loss of cargoes 01 lines bus been reported nnd doubtless tin warning , which wns in all the British French and Brussels papers , had its tlmelj effect. A Terrible Sea. [ Copirfy7itSS7tf ; Jamu'Gonltm Hcwutt. ] QUKBNSTOWX , Oct. 20. [ New York Her aid Cable Special to the BELAs tin Herald predicted , n storm broke over flu town and harbor to-day , and ns the wind ii blowing with Increased fury , several vessel bound up the channel ran In for shelter undo bare poles. Tlueo trans-Atlantic liners Ohio , Carolina and Caspian , from Liverpoo for New York nnd St. Johns , encountore < the first of the gales , coming down the cluin nel nnd arrived hero lato. Five merchan ships from foreign ports arrived and reix > rtci n terrible sea along the Irish coast. Ni casualties have been retried , the wind beini southwest. The Trial of Blunt. DUJIMN , Oct. 20. The trial of Wilfrei Blunt ut Woodford was resumed to-dnj Harrington , counsel for the defense , npplici to the court for a summons to compel th attendance of Balfour , chief secretary , as witness in order to show whether informs tlon had been sworn to ns stated i : the proclamation that the proposed mectin nt Woodford last Sunday would lead to breach of the peace. The magistrate sal that Harrington's application was foundo on an assumption that the statements in th proclamation wcro false , and that the com was not competent to decide the questior Hearing of the evidence was then resumci A Terrible Explosion. ' Dt'NKiitK , France. Oct. 20. A terrible ca plosion occurred tit Trysterom's -pctrolcur refinery to-day. The flames spread to ni Joining saw millswhich uro still b'urnh\ Several ixirsous have perished In the lianici uud seven seriously burned have been take to thu hospital. A DOCTOR DRIVEN TO SUICIDE , Tragedy at Sioux City In Which a Young Girl Figures. TRIED TO HIDE HER SHAME. Dr. Condron Blown Out Ills BraliiB After Unsuccessfully Attempting an Abortion A Ifcavy Assign ment Other Iowa News. A Doctor's Strange Suicide. Sioux CITV , la. , Oct. 20. [ Special Tele gram to the UKB. ] Dr. Condron , of Danbury , this county , killed himself at his homo yes terday morning. He placed the gun to his head and discharged it by means of a string attached to the trigger. Dr. Condron was one of the oldest and most resected citizens of the county. Ho had been n practicing physician nt Danbury for a number of years. Ho has several grown up sons and daughters and three younger children. The alleged cause for the terrible deed Is remorse from the exposure of nn attempt to commit un abortion on a do mestic in the Danbury house named Miss Wedsell. A few weeks ngo and before the scandal was talked of Dr. Con dron went to Pennsylvania to visit. Shortly after the unfortunate girl was brought homo from Council Bluffs , whence she had lied und her father caused tlio arrest of her seducer. In her examination in the justice's court at Danbury the girl said that Wedsell had called Dr. Condron to perform an abortion and that ho had attempted to do this ttrst by drugs. Failing to accomplish the work with drugs she said ho tried instru ments and also failed in that. As it is the Sirl is in a very delicate condition. Dr. Con- ron's brother wrote him what the girl said and advised him if innocent to como homo and clear the matter up. Ho came homo but complained of ill health and was little seen on the streets. He denied the girl's story. Supreme Court Decisions. DES MOINT.S , la. , Oct. 20. [ Special Tele gram to the Br.K. ] The supreme court filed the following decisions hero to-day : Dcero , Wells & Co. vs L. H. Nelson , appel lant , Audubon district , afilrmcd. W. P. Reeves vs Bremer county , appellant , Bremcr district , afilrmcd. William Bollcs et al. vs II. R. .Crelghton , .ppcllant , Polk district , reversed. Edgar Munson vs Isaac Frazer. appellant , Ida district , reversed. E. M. Kisscngcr vs the city of Council [ Muffs , appellant , Pottawattaraio district , [ ifllrmed. National State bank , of Burlington , v -lorse - , Wilson & Co. , appellants , DCS Mollies district , afilrmcd. City of Burlington , appclant , vs C. Dowk- nart , Dos Moincs district , nfllnned. J. H. Brooks vs the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway , appellant , Tuma district , 'Verruled. ' A. D. Littleton vs William J. Harris et al. , appellant , Polk circuit , unirmcd. W. L. Sedwick vs the Illinois Central rail- ivay , appellant , Black Hawk district , re- ersed. Sarah A. King vs. John B. Glass , ct nl , appellants , three eases , Leo circuit , reversed. Opinion by Beck , Adums and Seevers dissenting. Taylor county vs. P. C. King , appellant , Adams district aQlrmcd. Nellie E. Arnold vs. D. G. Barknlow and Fred Shoel , uppellnuts , Tuuia district iinirmed. Emmet county , appellant vs. B. A. Griffin. Emmet district , defendant's appeal affirmed and pluintirt's ' reversed. Mary Williams et al vs. P. V. Carey , mayor , et nl appellants , Polk circuit. The jilaintiffs uro the owners of Certain lots in Leynor's addition to DCS Moincs and the council proposes to vacate twelve feet of Ihclr. property on Madison street , for street mrposcs. Reversed. In the case of Perry , who applied for a release by habeas corpus , while under indict ment for embo7/.lcment it was incidentally decided that the law , reorganizing the grand lury of this state , was constitutional. The ast legislature reduced the size of the grand Jury , varying It according to population of counties in which situated and provided that an indictment might bo brought by n less number of Jurors than the constitution originally required. Perry was indicted by a grand jury thus reorganized and he claimed a release on the ground that the law regarding the size of the grand jury was not constitutional in not being uniform in operation In all parts of the state and that it interfered with the original constitutional requirement fixing twelve ns necessary to an indictment. Tlio court refused the applica tion for u release on those grounds and sus tained the law reorganizing the grand jury ns constitutional thus making n decision of far- reaching importance. Wholesale Leather Dealers Assign. Sioux CITV , la. , Oct. 20. [ Special Tele gram to the BKK. ] Mueller & Ncpper , wholesale dealers in leather and saddlery , made nn assignment to-duy for the benefit of creditors. The principal creditors nro the Sioux City National bank , of this city , and a St. Louis house. The liabilities of the linn are placed at * 11,000. The Hamilton & Dayton Tlccelvcrshlp , CINCINNATI , Oct. 20. This evening , Judge Vnndcrvccr at Hamilton , appointed Hon , James E. Campbell , to bo receiver of the Cin cinnati , Hamilton & Dayton railway. Or the way down to Cincinnati the defendants stopped nt Glendnlo , fifteen miles north ol Cincinnati , and obtained a hearing in cham bers by Judge Joseph Cox , of the circuit court. Judge Cox issued an order staying and superceding the order of the court at Hamilton whereby the receiver was ap IKiintcd. The case will como before the three judges of the Ohio circuit court to-morro\\ for u hearing under exceptions. CINCINNATI , Oct. 20. The action of Judge Cox , nt Glendnlo , to-night , in Issuing an order of stay und superscduro completely ex punges , annuls and wipes nut all the proceed ings of Judge Vanderveer's common pleas court at Hamilton. Train AVrockcrs In Texas. AUSTIN , Tex. , Oct. 20. The passongoi train on the Houston & Texas Central rail way duo hero at 4 :40 : was ditched near Led better , distant sixty miles , killing the lire man and seriously injuring the engineer. / switch had been opened for the purpose o : robbery. A party of four men rode by im mediately after it occurred and fired severa shots at the trainmen and passengers , bu without effect. Preparations were made t < give them a warm reception , and they retirci without making any further attack. Ono o : the men lost a pistol , which was picked u | by a trainman. _ Surgeon Gciiural'u Suggestions. WASHINGTON , Oct. 20. In his annual re port to the secretary' of war Surgeon Genera John Moore says that the onerous and frc quently dangerous service performed by th privates of the hospital corps entitles then In his opinion to extra pav and ho rccom mends an allowance of 20 cents per day to b added. He also recommends mi increase o twenty assistant surgeons to meet the neccs sitics of the service , which has been cmbai rasfled by the permanent disability of man , medical ofllccrs. A Battle With Brigands. BKLQII.IUE , Oct. 20. A sharp engagonien has taken place on the frontier of Scrvla b < ' twcen the Albanian brigands , who attemptc a raid Into Scrvla. and a forcd of frontic guards. Tcu Servians and twenty Albanuin wpre killed. Two , Servian , battalions huv been ordered to the. frontier , . . , ' ' ' WASHnUUfCK'H FUNEUAIj. fho ServlccH in Chicago Professor Swing' * Touching Address. CHICAGO , Oct. 2. > . The funeral services over the remains of the late Ellhu B. Wash- burnetoolc place to-day. In Unity church. The coffin was covered with n mass of flow ers , the most noteworthy being n cross of ferns mingled with the flag of Germany , a testimonial from the German consul. The front of the nltnr wns draped with the colors of the United States mingled with the flags of Germany nnd France. When the services began the church was filled with the family and friends of the deceased , many prominent German-Americans being present. The Ger man government was officially represented by Baron von Nordciiflyeht , the Imperial German consul. The services wcro com menced by nn organ voluntary nnd the beautiful "Ilcqulem" by the Ger man macnnerchor. Prof. Swing , In the funeral address , said In part : "De scended directly from the Pilgrim fathers. Mr. Wnshburne inherited the polities of liberty. His own studies nnd reflections came to reinforce this natural bias , and the moment ho touched the question of slavery he became a disciple of that truth which elected n president in 1800 nnd which soon set the slave-i free and made each state In the union n pet feet republic. Hero in this coflin lies un unbroken friendship which reached from Henry Cluy to Lincoln und Grunt , ut nil times giving and receiving that inspira tion which comes from the help of kindred minds. The tomb only can separate such men. Their hearts are not bound by passion. but by similar great thoughts and great duties. " Prof. Swing referred nt some length to Mr. Woshburno's career abroad and concluded with the reflection that while the deceased had spent most of his Ufa amid war , the evening of his day was crowned with perfect peace. Jeff Overcome With Kinotlon. MACON , Ga. , Oct. 20. Thirty thousand veterans from nil parts of the south assem bled here to-day nnd were reviewed by Mr. Davis. It was arranged that Davis should not speak owing to his feeble condition , but at slglit of the tattered confederate flag In the procession he arose nnd said that he was torn and riven by storms and trials. He loved it as a memento of what had been done by fathers nnd sons. He was find to see them again. Short st > eeches were made by Governor Gordon and Senator Colqultt. MACON , Gu. , Oct. 20. The Indies of Muron tendered a reception to Mrs. Duvis , Mrs. Hayes and Miss Winnie Davis. The citizens presented Mrs. Davis with n silver soup toureen , and the officers of the fair presented Mrs. Hayes with a diamond brooche. Last night a gcriiinn vras given o Miss Winnie , nnd she wns presented with u diamond orna ment. Xon-Kcsldent Kvlctors. ST. Louis , Oct. 20. The Pope county cir cuit court , sitting at Galconda , 111. , has dis- ' iosed of an extraordinary number of oject- : nent suits brought at tills term by non-resl- cnt claimants nnd their guarantees against 'armors whoso titles in some respects wcro leilcient , but who have been living , ns they leliovo , upon their own lands , for in many in- itunccs , over a quarter of n century. In these ascs the occupants wcro ousted , notwith- itundlng the fact that they had gone Into ) ossession oven before patents were granted o the grantors of the land , and who in each : use has failed for years to pay any taxes on : ho land they now claim. Two of the cases 10 determined will go to the supreme court to bo tested. ' _ _ G. A. H. Staft'iAppointincnts. ' " Mix NEAi-OMS , Oot C. General order No. 3 , issued from the G. A. R. headquarters o-day , announces the following additional taff appointments : Inspector general , Ira M. Hedges , of Huvcrstraw , N. Y. ; assistant idjutunt general , Robert Stratton , Minncap- senior Reese R. Hendor- dis ; aide-de-camp , - ion , Minneapolis. Among the members of ho executive committee of the council of idministration selected are the following : I. T. Wilson , Chicago ; George A. Newman , Cedar Falls , la. ; James H. Drake , St. Paul ; J. S. Clarkson , Omaha ; George C. Giuty , Chippewa Falls , Wis. JohnW. Bursch , of Syracuse. 111. , was , among others , selected as a member of the pension committee. A Juror Charged "With Corruption. CHICAGO , Oct. 20. When the Jury trying , ho 5-200,000 condemnation suit of the city against the Anderson Pressed Brick com pany came before Judge Gary this afternoon , Foreman Ferris declared that it was im possible to reach nn agreement as Juror Palpko had been tampered with by nn agent of the Brick company. Judge Gary cut the foreman short , discharged the Jury und ordered n prompt investigation. The foreman afterward said that ho was without actual proof of any bribery , while Palpko denies any corruption. * Women's Christian Association. NEW YOIIK , Oct. 20. In the Young Women's Christian association conference to-day Lord Kinnard , president of the Lon don Young Women's Christian association , made un interesting address. Mr. Dash- wood , secretary of the London Young Women's Christian association , also spoke. Ho was astonished , at the influence the women in America have over their husband's check-books , as it was very difficult in Eng land , where the husband looked carefully over her expenditures. A veto of thanks was tendered to the guests. \Nking the Grand Jury to Interfere. New YOHK , Oct. 20. Lawyer Dclancey has written & -letter to the grand Jury re questing it to oxamlnVtha chargcs made in the suit brought by him for ccrtniu European clients , charging Jay Gould nnd Rusoll S.igc with wrong doing no trustees of the Kansas Pacific railroad company. This , ho says , puts it beyond the power of private indivi duals to settle the matter. The German Crown Prince. BKIIUN , Oct. 20. The Vossische says Crown Prince Frederick William is greatly displeased at the manner In whicl the German paj > crs have reported and com mented upon his health. The crown princt 1ms refused the bequest of n "Francc-hatiiij. Frenchman" who made the prince rcsiduarj legatee of u largo fortune. HlmefTor Appeals. KANSAS CITY , Oct. 20. [ Special Tclegrnn to the BEE. ] The case of John I. Blair vi Samuel C. Shaeffor , .Which was yesterday de cldcd hi favor of the plaintiff by Judgi Brewer In the Unit6d States circuit cour hero , was to-day appealed to thu Unitei States supreme court by Shucffcr. u * . Destruction of a Noted Castle. VIENNA , Oct. 20. Prince Czartoryskf's his toric castle at Jnstm-sky , near Cracov burned. The contents of the picture gallery which occupied the whole of the Bccon ( story were lost. The gallery contained i valuable collection of art curios. Weather Indications. For Nebraska : Warmer , fair weather light to fresh southerly winds. For Dakota nnd lown : Warmer , followci by slightly cooler In Dakota ; fair weather light to fiesh southerly winds. The Grand Army. CINCINNATTI , Ohio , Oct. 20. Major Smltl has called upon the citizens in n proclamutlo asking them to cloao their places of busines during the Qrand Army parade to-morro\ afternoon. ' , Pattl'M Jewrlti Stolon. ' Loxbox.'Oet. 20. The residence of Atlulln Patti , ill -Wales , was .entered by burglar Monday .night , and a quantity ofvaluabl lowclry stolcm . A REVOLT AGAINST STULL Sorlous' Charges Brought Against a Nexnaha County Nomluoo. A LOVE STORY FROM LODI. Tim Escapade of a AVaKonniakcr's 1'retty Wife Convicted of Mur der Snd Death at AValioo Nebraska News. Kicking on a Candidate. AtBim.v , Neb. , Oct. 20. [ Special Tele gram to the Bun. ] There is n general revolt among the people of Ncinalm county against Stull , the candidate for district Judge. Within the past two days prominent citizens dave como forward and mode aflldavlts charg ing Stull with nn attempt to bribe members of n Jury In nn important case. The evidence appears in such strongtcrms that republicans who wcro loth to believe the many rumors concerning Stull's dishonesty are now pub licly denouncing him on the street. The charges made constitute a penitentiary of fense. An Inmuu ; Horse Jockey. NnmiASKA CITY , Neb. , Oct. 20. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] Gus Bcrdlncnu was brought to the city to-day from Syracuse violently lently insane. He Is well-known throughout the state as a driver of race horses and trainer. Ho was formerly n driver in the New Market , England , races. Ho Is insane on the subject of fast horses. A Store Burglarized. LTONS. Neb. , Oct. 20. [ Special to the BEE. ] On Tuesday night the store of E. D. Everett was entered by unknown parties and burglarized of t. > 00 or | 000 worth of goods , consisting of clothing , overcoats , dry goods , cigars , tobacco , etc. Entrance was effected by cutting the largo plato glaas window pane in front of the building. At this writing no clue has been obtained to the parlies who committed the crime. Two strange men were seen prowling around at n late hour last night , but ns there have been so many strangers hero of late In search of a locution , nothing was thought of their pres ence. Mr. Everett , the proprietor of the store , is the man who was shot through the neck while in the pursuit of the Stedman murderer , something moro than a year ago , and for whom the last legislature appro priated $3,000 , to compensate him for his njury. IjOVO ill IiOlll. LODI , Neb. , Oct. 20. James McCloud is ne of the wealthiest , most churchly und prominent residents and a live stock dealer iiml merchant In this village. Earnest iCleaber , n wagon-maker , sixty years old , has a pretty wife , thirty-eight years old , and ifleaber has brought suit against McCloud 'or $10,000 damages for alienation of his .vlfe's affection and usurpation of n htis- land's ' privileges. It is claimed also that MeCloud induced Mrs. Kleaber to accom pany him on a trip to Dakota , where he has extensive business interests. J. D. Oltn , of Madison , a leading criminal lawyer , bus been engaged to prosecute. The case will be tried at Portage next month. Death of a IVnlioo Iiatljr. WAHOO , Neb. , Oct. 26. [ Special Telegram to the Ecu. ] The homo of Major J. B. Davis was to-day saddened by the messenger of death. An operation for an Ovarian tumor was performed on Mrs. Davis this afternoon , from the effects of which she died. Mrs. Davis was a lady of splendid attainments and high social standing. It wns only a short time since Mr. Davis was called on to mourn the loss of his brother , the late O. P. Davis , of Omaha. _ Ten ThoiiHaml More. CoLOinus , Neb. , Oct. 20. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] Columbus township to day voted $10,000 in bonds to aid in building a bridge across the Loup Fork river. This , with the $80,000 voted by the city of Colum bus last week for the same purpose , will se cure a permanent bridge , enhancing property 25 per cent in value and build up u trade that has been trembling in the balance for the past two years. The bonds were carried by fc3 majority. Found Guilty of Murder. CLAY CCXTCII , Neb. , Oct. 20. [ Special Telegram to the Ben. ] The jury in the case of August Mentz , on trial for the murder of Fred D. ICeman , returned n verdict of mur der in the second degree late this evening. - A Now Trial Ordered. NEW YOJIK , Oct. 20. In July , 1884 , the dry goods llrin of Halstcad , Halncs & Co. failed for over $1,000,000 , and made an assignment with preferences amounting to400,000 , a largo part of which was to personal friends. A number of the creditors of the flrm brought suit to set aside the assignment as fraud ulent and after a trial the complaint was dis missed. An oppeal'was taken to the general term of the supreme court , which to-day gave u decision reversing the action of the court below and ordering u now trial upon the ground that the assignment should have been set aside for fraud. Associated Prctm Ofliccrs. Dr.TisoiT , Mich. , Oct. 20 , Following nro the directors elected by the Western Associated > ciated press at its meeting held in this city to-day : Klchard Smith , W. N. Huldeman , D. M. Houscr , W. D. Bickham , W. K. Sulli van , II. H. Byram and M. H. Do Young. This board elected the following ofllccrs for the ensuing year : President , Isaac N. MriL'k : vice president , James Philan ; secre tary , H. B. ijakerj general manager , William Henry Smith : cx cutivo committee , Hichard Smith , W. N. Haldcman and W. K. Sullivan. ClalniH. HVMII.TOX , O. , Oct. 20. Judge VanDerveer has granted nn injunction restraining the Cincinnati , Hamilton & Dayton directors from purchasing Ives1 claims and will appoint a re ceiver. The assets of the road wcro found to bo about $8,000,000 , and the liabilities nbout 117,000,000. It is also found that thcro is practically no money on bund to meet the liabilities , and that the road is insolvent. It was found that the management was bad. A receiver will be appointed this afternoon. No Cholera On Hoard. NEW YOIIK , Oct. 20. Relative to the ru mor that there was cholera on the sleamei Independence which was allowed to land pas scngers In Brooklyn after only a few hours delay ut the quarantine , the commissionci says the ship was thoroughly examined urn fumigated and all her passengers found to b < In good health and clean. Kartliqnakcs at Port au Prince. HAVANA , Oct. 20. A mall , steamer from St Thomas , which arrived } \c't { ± to-day , bring : the following advices from Poit nu Prince o October 10 : From September 23 up to date shocks of earthquake have been felt nlmos dally on the island. In consequence a panii has seized tlio Inhabitants and business ha almost been entirely suspended. Dcrvlhlicn llcpiilHcd. LONDON , Oct. 20. Advices from Wad ; Haifa say that 600 Dervishes attacked th town recently. They were repulsctl am pursued and many killed. Four Egyptlai soldiers were killed. Gary A itlo Nominated. CHICAGO , Oct. 20. The republican count ; convention to-day rcnomlnuted Joseph K Gary for Jud.ife of , the superior court an Hon. .Joel M. Longcqcckcr for' state al Wrney. . . / ' ' . KSMON'DK AND O'COXXOll. A Talk With Two Irish M. ! . Now In This Country. CHICAGO , Oct. 22. [ SpecialTelegram to the HEK. ] Sir Thomas Oral tan Esmondc , or plain ' 'Mr. Esmoudo , " as ho Insists upon bslng called , representing the Irish national party , talked freely to-day about Irish af fairs and the result obtained thus far from the American trip which ho and Arthur O'Connor ' , M. P. , are taking for the benefit of the Irish people. "The American people nro taking great Interest In the cause which wo " said South Dublin's represent , representa tive , "and our meetings have been well at tended wherever held. In fact , crowds have been oftentimes turned nwuy. Wo ore here to secure the sinews of war in our light with n despotic form of government , and , to judge from the results obtained up to the present time , wo nro certainly succeeding. The money wo secure from our meetings is to bo used In defraying the expenses attendant upon securing the right of voting to every nationalist who Is a legal voter. Every year there Is what Is called a revision of votes , and at such times the judges , who nro all lo ries , take It upon themselves , through petty technicalities , to make these votes illegal and substitute tor.v votes. To light these cases wo spent 11,000 last year In employing inspectors and defray ing other expenses. In Ulster tory bulldoz ing wns so widespread that the nationalists wore compelled to URO i'40,000 in order to se cure proper registration , BO you can see what opjxisltlon wo have to contend with. The stories of the cruelty of landlords in evict ing tenants , which are printed , nro not a jot overdrawn In fact , you do not hear of half the outrages practiced upon the people. The constabulary , who remove the tenants , are selected for their brutality , and are removed if they show the slightest sympathy with the people. They look u ] > on themselves ns little gods. The lories are now negotiating for a large force of Orangemen from the north of Ireland to net as ] x > lice agents , and should they curry out their plans the police will cer tainly do something desperate. I think Gladstone will be ut the * head of the government once moro within n year. The present ministry is mak ing worse blunders , and the mur murs of discontent are louder every day. However , I don't believe the defeat of the present ministry will bo mnda on the Irish question. " Mr. O'Connor said that he was much grat ified at the reception accorded to them in this country. "But , " ho added , in reply to a question , "I really have seen absolutely nothing of the country except from the in side of a railway train. " At 11 o'clock O'Connor and Esmonde , In company with Alexander Sullivan , were driven to the stock yards , where the visitors were given a peep at Armour's paeklug house. This afternoon the distinguished Irishmen left for Milwaukee , where they speak to-morrow. The meeting to bo hold Friday night nt Battery D , and which will "jo addressed by both O'Connor and Es- : noude , will doubtless bo largely attended. Tlio committee of arrangements announce hat tlio following gentlemen have consented .0 bo present i Governor Oglesby , Senator Jullom , Prof. David Swing , the Kov. Dr. Thomas , Kubbl Hirsch , Archbishop Feohan and thoCatholio clergy of the city , Con gressmen Luwler , Adums , Dunham , Alex- jndcr Sullivan , Judge Moram ( who will pro- ide ) , Mayor Kocho and the city council , M. ' . Brady , John M. Smjth , Hon. John F. Fin- jrty and Dennis O'Connor , treasurer of the National league. A POSSIBLE STAR. The Granddaughter of Chief Justice Chase to Go on the Stage. WASHINGTON , Oct. 20. [ Special Telegram : o the BKK. ] Speaking of her intention of oing upon the the stage , Miss Ethel Sprague , daughter of Mrs. Kuto Chose and ex-Gov ernor William Sprague , and granddaughter of Chief Justice Chase , Bays : "My mother makes no objection. Slio sees that I am do- .ermined and she has not at any time abso- utely tried to dissuade mo from my purpose. My friends , of course , violently object to my going upon the stage , but I do not heed their objections. Mndum Modjeska , Lawrence Barrett , John T. Kaymond. Robert Downing und Henry Irving have been most kind to mo und while they have set forth the dlfllcultics of their profession , they have all told mo that I possessed dramatic tal ent which would ono day command recognition of the public if I persevered. When I do go upon the stage I shall seek some subordinate position in a llrst class company and work my way up. I would like if jwssiblo to spend a your ut the Paris conservatoire , where I could have the advantage of instructions of Coxuellcn. I rcaliro all of the consequences of the step , I think , and am prepared to ac cept the burden of work that will fall ujmn mo. I may not go upon the stage in this country , but may make my first venture in England , where I have a good many tried friends , us has also my mother , and Irving told mo that whenever I decided to take the step ho would give mq nil the assistance in his power. I have had my experience in a stock company and have learned the business of the profession. I shall bo u tragedienne , making all the range of Shakespeare's fe male characters. I have been very success ful in recitations. Even the most prominent actors and actresses who have heard mo recite have complimented mo on my work and have predicted that I would succeed. " A PlRht For Place. NKW YOIIK , Oct. 20. [ Special Telegram to the BIE. : ] The Herald's Washington special says : Itobcrt M. Hooper , for fourteen years vice consul general nt Paris , cabled his res ignation to Washington yesterday , thereby ending his long und tierce contest for that position. When Major Rathbono , consul gen eral , arrived In Paris lust spring , ho reappointed - pointed Hooper vice consul general , much to the dismay of several other eager applicant ) ! for the post. Among them was Mr. Lebcr- ton , of California. A few days ago , Rath bono , whose appointment has never yet beer confirms * ! , was Informed from Washington that unless ho dropped Hooper and appointed Leberton that his ( Rathbouo's ) appointment would not bo confirmed. Ruthbone ut once informed Hooper that ho had braved tlit storm for him ns long as possible and it was no use to hold up the umbrella any longer as , if he did so. both Ruthbono and Hoopei would lose their places. The result was as above stated. The PrlnlopH' Strike Falling. NKW YOIIK , Oct. 20. [ Special Tele gram to the BKK. ] The employers nr < daily making rapid Inroads into the ranks o : the striking printers. On an average at leas 100 non-union printers have been put in posi tlons nt the book and job ofllccs where tin men are on a strike , and now there are bu few vacancies left. Pasko , secretary of thi Typothotnc , said yesterday that the only iiev thing in the strike was the fact that the cm ployes of Trow's book and Job printing cstab lishmcnt had returned to work in dciluuco ol their union. Steamship Arrivals. PLYMOUTH , Oct. 20. [ Special Telegram ti the BKB. ] Arrived The Moravia from Nev York for Hamburg. SOUTHAMPTON , Oct. 20. Arrived Th Waesland from New York for Antwerp. Livuiii'oor , , Oct. 20. Arrived The Viigln Ian and Palestine from Boston. A Champion Found. LONHON , Oct. 20. At a meeting f th Royal Clyde Yacht club to-day It was decide * to challenge for the America's cup In th name of Charles Sweet. Tlio new chumpioi is a cutter. ' ' The Fever In Florida. jACKSONv.ri.UK , Flu. , , Oct. . 20. Ten net cases of fever at Tumi.a'wcrp.Tcportcd lo-clu and ten deaths ; . . . . . . REALLY A VERY PLAIN C1RI , Nina Van Zandt Not So AttraotivQ As Pictured. SHE BEGINS TO RESEMBLE SPIESV Her I/ovo For tlio Anarchist Work * 4 Startling Change The Condemned to Dlo Mko Stoics of Suicide. Nina an She Is. CIIICAOO , Oct. 20. [ S | > cclttl Telegram t < | the BKK. ] Not ono of the swarm of pcoplo who go to In Unite pains to bo admitted to tha Jail cares for anything else so much ns to se Miss Van Zandt and August Spies. Tha newspapers and public gossip have woven such n halo of romance nbout the rather hit significant and melancholy girl , that she nn object of uncommon Interest until she seen. The ladies are always disapiwlntcd. "Why , she Isn't pretty. " "What plain girl she is anyway. " "Humph I" or some such ex pressions is the first thing they utter. Then ; they go to dissecting her toilet , multiplying criticisms , admiring Spies or edging up close , as the mere impertinent ones do , to catch a scrap of the conversation , as Nina hangs on to the iron bars talking to Spies. There la ono remarkable thing to see in Miss Van Zandt , and that is how much she has grown to be like Spies. So far ns manner and bear * lug nro concerned the likeness id almost startling. The same stubborn and contemptuous glance , the fiamd smile a drawing of the facial muscles aug-1 grstivc of cynicism and disdain , and the sama independent carriage of the body. Her con vernation is colored by the socialistic lore which she has taken on since her acquaint * anco with Spies , and she talks In u lecture- " room style of capitalistic oppressions ami conspiracies against thu workingmcn. This forbidding resemblance to Spies Is , however , softened by the pathos of her unfortunate and hopeless love for him. All tlio anarchists seem to IKJ in excellent physical condition except Schwab. There is in him a great weakness and debility. Ho almost totters at times in his walk and he does not walk much during the exercise houru but prefers to sit languidly In a elialr until the Jailor pounds the iron bars ns n signal that the hour is up. An old ex-jailor of Cook county said today ! "These fellows have got no idea of escaping death. They have made up their minds that they have got to die and they are now figuring simply on the way they shall die unit what the result will bo on their fol lowers and on society. Ono thing Is certain , they will emulate the example of the Rus sian nihilist and exhibit , if they can , an in difference to death which will dllfercntiato thorn from all other criminals. If they die on the gallows it will bo according to an agreement among themselves in a thoroughly dramatlo and Frenehy manner , with defiant utterances and ghastly nonchalance. All anarchists - , archists pride themselves on their material istic belief and their consequent contempt for the king of terrors , and it Is down in the pro J gramme of our North Side anarchists that they are to exhibit a coolness which shall freeze the very blood of the monopolists. Butte to tell you the truth , I would not bo at all' surprised if they cheat the gallows by suicido. . There has been no precaution tuken to prevent' this. All that ono of them needs , to do this , is a gum capsule containing u single drop o { prussic acid , which ho can conceal anywhere in his clothes or in his oar or his nose for , that matter. The burning desire of Mrs. , Schwab to embrace and kiss her husband looks to mo very much like n female strutnV gem by which to convoy poison. " There seems to bo an almost universal belief - ' lief hero that tlio supreme court will refuse to interfere. Of course there is no Hulmtan- tial reason for this feeling , yet it is in the air. , An equally indefinable belief is that Gov ernor Oglcsby will grant the anarchists respite and even commute the death sentence of some of them to life imprisonment. ' Fiolden snd Parsons uro believed to bo thosn who nro likely to receive his clemency. At the sheriff's ofllro to-day it was stated tlm $ no preparations whatever had yet been mada for the execution. Should the execution take ) place all the men will bo bunged together. No ono but the ofllcials , press representative and the jury will bo allowed to witness tha hanging. _ Should Ito Taken With Salt. > 1 CHICAGO , Oct. 20. To the forty men nm\ dozen women who attended the meeting of the "Amnesty association" to-night , Presl- dent L. S. Oliver made a remarkably state ment. Ho said ho had been greatly dlsup- pointed at not receiving moro petitions with signatures from states outside of Illinois asking a commutation of sentence for the condemned anarchists. He believed tha only way to account for not receiving them was that they had been tampered with in the United States mail. In many cases in an swer to a request ho hud sent rolls of blank petitions to parties in Wisconsin , PemU sylvnnla and New York two or three times over and still they would write thuttho matter had never been received. Mrs. Holmes , who was an associate editor on tha Arbcitcr Zeitung before the Haymarkot riot , ' jumped up and said she had been threatened with arrest by authorities In the postofllc4 for mailing amnesty petitions. Olive * replied that she could not be arrested , but that those making such throats were liable to arrest and good lawyers had volunteered to prosecute such cases. Oliver also sola that invitations had been sent to over two hundred and fifty ministers , asking tncm to attend the amnesty meetings and cxpics * their opinions , but none hud come and veryf few hud responded even by letter. Arguments Before the Supreme ; Court , WASHINGTON , Oct. 20. The arguments boj fore the supreme court In the anarchist casq to-morrow will bo made orally by General Butler and J. Randolph Tucker , and Gcnera\ Pryor will lllo a printed brief. The nrguj ments in opposition will bo madoby Attorney General Hunt , of Illinois , and State's Attor * noy Grinnell , of Chicago. GOULD \Vllli GO AAV AY. Jay Talks Ahout Ills Proposed Euro pea n Jaunt. J NKW YOKK , Oct. 20. The Tribune will publish nn interview to-morrow with Jay Gould in which ho nays ha has engaged passage on the steamed Umbiiu for Saturday , but is undo * cidcd whether ho will sail at that time. Ha Ho will probably pass the winter on tha Mediterranean und may visit Egypt. He says that prices of stoclc will probably advance when he goes away , as they usually do , because , between conflict * Ing opinions as to his intentions naturally tha strength of the market is overlooked. Hq declares the country is growing in wealth , that speculation is becoming subordinate td buying for investment , und that ho will loavu his son George , who can run business " us his father. \\'llilt NOT UK Whuff Senator Cullom Says About the Intcr-Stato Commerce Imw. CHICAGO , Oct. 20. Senator Collom , who ) passed through the city to-day on his way ta Washington , ald ho did not think thcro wiuj the remotest chance of a repeal of the int < y > slate commerce bill. It was a measure t prevent extortion und unjust discrimination and was bound to take u strong hold upon the body of the people , however bitterly some few of the one-time privileged classes inlghfc attack it. .The Death llccord. LONHON , Oct.2fl. ' Johannes Hedge , chlot founder of the German Catholic party , N dead at Vienna.Ho was uoventy-four year * old. . . .