Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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Fhe Remains or the Late Waehburr
F. Btow Anivo in Omaha.
Death About to Clnlni Two AVHI-
Known CapltnllHts-Htrlkc ntKotilh
Oiiialm After a Burglar
From Hcliuylcr.
Wnniiimrn F. Stow.
The remains of the Into Wusiiburn F. Stow
arrived In this city from Lincoln nt 10:45 : yes
terday morning over the B. k M. , the train
being forty-five minutes behind time. The fol
lowing committee amx > ! ntcdbyJu < lKaQroff ut
the oHnlng | ! of court wcro nt the
station to net us escort : Messrs. Vf.
Swltzlcr , G. F. Drown , W. S. Sriocnmkcr , J.
It. Clarhson , W. H. Kcysor , J. C. Smith nnd
Judge Dnrtholomow. There were nlso u
number of other members of the bur present.
It wus said that m liny more friend * of the
deceased would have been present but no one
had received any word when to expect the
remHlni. No hcarso had been ordered nnd
the coflln was placed in a wagon und taken
to Mr. Stowe's lute residence , corner of
Twenty-ninth nnd Charles streets. They were
accompanied by the committee In carriages.
Mr. Wnshburn F. Stow was born In Vcr-
montwhore ho attended the common schools ,
going ut an early ago to Wlsconiln. where he
commenced thentudyof law , removing Uicnco
to Iowa where ho commenced to practice In
Waverly. Ho removed thence to Hamburg
where he wax the lending practitioner In his
pmfesulon. The progress niiido by Omiilm
and the name It was rapidly achieving In the
mercantile and professional world induced
Mr. Stow to move to this city about
flvo years ago , where ho resumed
, the practice of his profession. Ho was ac
companied by his wife In a feeble condition
' nnd his mother , an aged lady who survives
him , but is badly grieved over the unexpected
death of her beloved son. One year ago Mr.
Blow's wife died after a lingering illness ,
and it Is said that his thoughtful attention to
all her wants Intermingling with demands
upon him of his profession wrought
heavily upon his constitution , und
that ho hud not nt the time of
his death outlived the effects. Four years
ntfo Mr. Stow flrst.bccuino known hero on the
fttump for Cleveland. Ho hud been u stu
dent in his homo and ofllcc , and his fldelly to
his party led him to appear in public in its
support. Ho acquitted himself with ronsid-
. cruble credit to himself. He showed him
self to be u culm , thoughtfulprudenteauiest.
and nrgumcntnltvu speaker , with a full
resonant voice which displayed the
unmistakable tone of sincerity.
His practice grew rapidly
nnd when death called , he enjoyed one of the
most encouraging incomes at the bar. Mr.
Stow had served through the war as u t > ol-
dier and though , in private life , he had been
suggested several times for ofllcial iwsittoiiR ,
lie hud acceptedbut one , und that wus ex
tended to him by the lust democratic conven
tion of this judicial district , which nominated
him for one of the Judges of the court.
It Is pretty generully believed
that had Mr. Stow lived to make the nice
'with ' Judges Wakcluy , (5roff und Hopowuo
' , ho would huvo been elected.
Tlio date of the funeral has been an
nounced for Sunday next at 1 : 'M p. in. nnd
under MUHonio auspices.
, The Siuliloii niul. 1'rolmbly Fatal 111-
, ncNH ol'/aoliury Tlioiiiuscn.
The business community of this city will
bo surprised to learn of the sudden und prob-
, ubly fatal Illness of Mr. Znchury Thomuscn.
About the middle of last week Mr. Thomasen
. . went to his old homo in Klngsvillo , Mo. , to
Attend to some business. Soon afterward ho
, ,1 was attacked by an old chronic complaint nnd
prostrated so severely that hit ! life seemed to
lib in danger. At his request his physician
here. Dr. Leo , was telegraphed and immedi
ately left for Mr. Thomuson's bedside.
Thursday evening u telegram was re
ceived from the physician continuing the fears
which had been entertained from the time
Mr. Thomoson had been stricken down , to
the effect that he could not recover. Yesterday
morning another telegram was received from
II. Gremmctt , nt Mr. Thonmscn's home ,
stating that the hitter's recovery , In the esti
mation of tho. physicians , was still without
llOlH ) .
Mr. Thomasen has been In this city about
two years , having coma hero when the city
begun to experience the ilrst effects of the
prosperity which bus given it such a name all
over the country. Ho wus well supplied with
i means and these ho liberally invested in local
property , purchasing several prominent busi
ness sites , among what wus formerly known
as the Qoodrlch property on the south-west
corner of Sixteenth und Farnum streets , pay
ing for it the handsome sum of 15,000.
Mr. Thomuscn Is n widower nnd two of his
( laughters uro now In Europe , in attendance
upon one of the continental educational in
stitutions , _
A Fatal Dl cnso is IlrlnglnK Ills Llfo
j i. to a Speedy Clone.
Simultaneously with the announcement of
Mr. Thomason's Illness cuino that of the
nbovo well known gentleman. Later , the in
formation WM received thatMr. Oelrichs had
died and the BEE immediately took steps to
ascertain whether or not the news was well
founded. Mr. Oelrichs was a strong , hearty
uud Jovial gentlemen , who , it wus thought
would bo ublo to withstand the attack of dis
case for many a year , und whoso disposition
it'was deemed such as to inako jest of the approach
preach of death. llcsldcs ho had been
noun hero In apparent good health , but
HO short a time since that It was felt the
minor could not bo well authenticated. II
ficcms , however , to bo but too well founded
Mr. Oelrichs Is beyond recovery , and Is
nbout to full a victim to Uriphts disease. H (
had been living ut his ranch In Oolrlchs , Lu )
kota , to which , lust July , ho , with other con
genial spirits In this city , planned an oxcur
ftion on an elaborate nnd novel scalo. Hu
ho has been compelled to Icuvo thu runch urn
return to his former homo In Philadelphia
in the care of a phyBiciiin. A few days ago
lie was nccompunled to Hlatr on the Sioux
City & I'nclfle road by William Piixton , sr. ,
whcnco ho took the train cast. Telegrams
are hourly expected relating his death.
Mr. Oelrichs wus well known among the
cattle men of this section of the country m
wall as among u cotcrlo of good livers here
abouts , especially in this city , who phtlos
ophlcully seek to 11 ml as much pleasure a1
may be permitted to them in this life
Among these , the minounccmeiit of his hope
less Illness will bo r&civcd with astonish
nient und regret. Oelrichs , riot many year :
ago , enjoyed the proud distinction of tin
"cowboy dude , " a sobriquet which nttainei
to national rcputo when It was known thu
its owner basked in the smiles of no loss in
artistic eye than that of Langtry.
Mr. nud Mrs. P. W. Hodson have gone 01
n visit to friends In central Iowa.
The remains of Mrs. Charles Vanovsdn
were shipped to her former homo ii
Iowa. They were attended by the hunbuni
and child of the deceased.
Dr. Smiley , of this city , wa * c.illri
to his old homo In Illinois by the MT'KUIH 111
ness of a member of his family ,
Frank Cockrcll.son of Captain Pole r lVck
roll , bits arrived from Paris , Ills. , and wit
remain in this city , Mrs. Ccclm'll is c.\
pcytctl hcroshoitly.
C , ft. Brodcrlclc , live stock agent for th
Chicago St Northwestern railroad at tlm stocl
yards , celebrated his birthday ycsterdtij
Mr. Broderlek's collengues tendered him
surprise party nnd each presented u nmiibi *
of presents , the most valuable of which ' \va
A bottle of inucilago. Pop corn , u 'pound d
liav and sundry small fruits mado.tipth
A largo frame 'building two stovlr * J-kl
COxOO , U being erected pii.Twcnty.llfth slu-c
bMwocn N and O streets , for an Oumlia Urn
The Riding and roof is bclug put on , and
VUl bo ready for occuimnc.v In a few weoki
for tUQ fraiu\utlcn oUl
new South Omaha nntlonnl lumk wan bfpu-
yesterday The bank company have dr
cldcd not to build this winter , but will hav
the foundation laid and ready to erect i
building In the fprlng.
The finishing and wood work on the In
terlor of C. M. Hunt's building is uhnoc
completed , und In a few duyi thu basemen
will be occupied by the ofllcors , the first flee
by n clothing store , thu scitmd floor by gen
eral oftlrcfl while the third will be used as (
public hall.
J cMordny C. S. Colton , the tmanwhf
was Injured by being mu over by n couple o'
horsemen , hud George Morrow arrested 01
the chnrgc of fust driving. Gibson , thoothci
interested party , wus not molested , he hnvitif
given the Injured party u check for tlOO ant
stood the cxiK'iifcs of his medical attention.
Morrow's trial was postponed for ten ilnys.
To llu ; People of I lie Till id Judicial
DlHtrlot of XcliriiNkn.
We , tlic umlerslffiicil citl/cns of the
Third judicial dibtrlct of Ncbrnska ,
huruby join in ft cnll for n jiublic mcot-
iiifp to bo held in Oniiihit witliin tun
( luyH/iuiil nuino thu following cltizoiiH
an an executive committee to engage n
hull , fjcelect a ( Into , niuno chairman ,
unil luive full control of all arrange
ments :
John Li. McCiigue , J , J. Drown ,
Charles A. Coe , Jnitifs W. Savngo ,
W. V. Morse.
The object of said meeting shnll be to
urjjo tijion Judges Wtikeley and Groff
Unit they permit their names to remain
upon the non-pnrtipiin ticket , and to in
augurate n people's movement to assure
the election of that ticket.
Samuel P. Morse , G. M. Hitchcock ,
FrcdNyc. Frunklrvlno ,
W. N. Williams , H. H. Hodges ,
Alfred Millurd , D. C. Patterson ,
Howard H. Smith , W. R McMillan ,
J. U. Lchmcr , Louis Bradford ,
O. N. Ilumsey , Hnrkulow Bros. ,
Alexander L. Pollock , W. L. Parrottc ,
Jos. K. Clarkxon , H. J. Davis ,
E. W. Stmcral , L. Drake ,
W. O. Uridgcs , . H. H. Gould ,
Win. A. Hcdlck , L , . H. Korty ,
G. M. Nuttingi'.r , Charles U. Sherman ,
D. J. O'Donohoc , Alfred C. Kennedy ,
J. E. Wilbur , Leslie & Leslie ,
C. H. Frederick. C. S. Raymond ,
Thomas P. Hoyd , H. H. Bright ,
William Fleming , Milton , Hogers < fcSons ,
Ed. B. Williams , ThompsonBcldeu&Co
L. 0- Jones ft Co , Chas. Ogden ,
Win. H. Megiiulre , A. Shiverlck ,
G. P. Stebblns , H. W. Yutes ,
W. H. S. Hughes , V. L. Vodickn ,
George D. Adams , Will W. McBridc ,
Max Meyer & Co. , J. H. McConucll ,
John Jenkins. Ofltorcd Tor a AVIfc.
George Gieseeko , a big , green Gcnnniiwns
'ound asleep on the sidewalk Thursday
veiling on North Tenth street nnd run in
le hud $27fi.50 on his person , a gold watch , nnd
ither valuables. He was arraigned yesterday
and ' of drunken-
iiornljig pleading guilt } -
ess , ho was assessed $ i und costs. On being
eleuscd Gleseckc strolled out into the Juil-
oem und mcutini ; the garbage mover , Gold-
mlth , lie said :
"How you vasl"
Goldsmith acknowledged that ho was , and
hen thu amiable Teuton continued :
"You van u pooty goot fellow , ! bet youand
ou knows lots of de ladies , too , you big rus-
al. "
"Your right Dutch , I'm a mnshcr from
.way buck. "
"Vhut , I bets you , you couldn't mash n ponte -
nto with that mug of yours , now don't ill
In 1 ha I he 1 hoi"
"Now don't get angry with me darling !
iluiso. undertook myamillantles , I vas
undl.v shoklng , " went on the good naturcd
Dutchman , "und to show you I vas vhite , I'll
gif you $20 if you'll git mo a wife. I vant to
git married , und I'll marry any vun you kin
git. I vant to go back in my farm in Iowa ,
liut I moost have u frou before I shook you I
Vns it ago ! "
Goldsmith said It was , and ho left the sta-
lon house post-haste , saying that when ho
returned he would bo accompanied by a
woman who would marry Gieseeko.
A Hay Rorrne.
A gang of graders who have been nt work
near Schuy ler , Nebraska , were paid off Thurs-
ilay , each man receiving in the ncighbor-
lood of $100. Among the men who must
needs celebrate the occasion by hitting the
cup that cheers , and ut the sumo inebriates ,
, vus John Murphy. Ho got gloriously
ull nnd while in this condition
ivus robbed of his hard earned
wages , $95 in all by one of his fellow-work
men , a man named Dick Hay. The latter
was suspected by Murphy und an effort was
made to recover the money , but Uuy eluded
Murphy und came to Omaha. Ho was fol
lowed here by Murphy und a number of his
friends , und thoiioltceworecallcdliitothocnso
yesterday. In looking the matter up , Ser
geant Mutza got into u gang
of hard-looking customers near the
depot , and enquired of one of them if Hay
was In the party. The reply was that Hay
hud been with them , in fuct ho had come In
from Schuyler with them , but just then ho
was up town. With this information , the
fellow who offered it got uwuy from the oftl-
ccr and disappeared. Ho then inquired of
one or two of the others about Hay , and to
his chagrin und disappointment learned that
ho hud Just been talking to
the man himself , and had been cleverly
beaten. '
How Jocko Won the nut tie.
George Canflold , proprietor of the Cunflcld
house , has a pet monkey. For the past few
days Jocko has been laying "very quiet , "
and had to bo fed with a spoon. The cause
of this lamentable state of affairs is a big
Brahma rooster , for whom Jocko hud con
ceived an intense and undying hatred , and so
one day when the rooster strutted too close
to his abode Jocko threw down the guantlet ,
and with an utter disregard of Marquis of
Queensbury rules "sailed into" the aston
ished bird. The monkey , however , had un
derestimated the prowess of ills antagonist ,
and while ho bit und scratched furiously , the
rooster did such excellent work with bill und
spur that Jocko boon lay bleeding on the
ground with a hole in his neck. This , ended
the Ilrst round.
When time was called for round two the
rooster seemed us fresh ns ever , but the
monkey appeared somewhat "groggy. " The
cock forced the lighting , nnd made nn ugly
rush which Jocko Just managed to evade , nnd
nt once opened up with u fiisllado of stones ,
sticks nnd dirt , driving the fowl over the
fence and winning thu tight. Jouko is now
entirely recovciod.
The Wrong Afnn.
Deputy United States Marshal S. S. Etlier-
idgo arrived from DCS Moines yesterday morn
ing with the necessary requisition papers for
taking possession of James Ryan , held hereon
on a suspicion of being the noted safe blower
who Jumped a bail bond of $10,000 in DCS
Moines. In company with United States
Marshal Blcrbower , Marshal Etherldgo pro
ceeded to the county Jail nnd was ushered
into Ryan's cell , It rccjuircd but a glance to
satisfy him that It was not the Ryan ho wus
after , and much disappointed ho loft. Ryan
wus released.
Auction ! Auction !
I will sell tvt our unction room , No.
IJUI5 Douglas , Saturday morning , Out.
"li , at 10 o'clock a. m. , a largo lot of
household goods , bedroom sots , parlor
sets , cook stoves , SO yards fine body
Urtibsolft carpet , one line book case ,
kitchen and dining room furniture ;
don't mies this Mile.
D. S. M. FKKTWBI.L. Auctioneer.
Prominent Hunters.
A letter was received yesterday from Dr.
J. H. IVabody , who Is one of a distinguished
hunllni ; party consisting of General George
Crook , A. K. TouzMIn , J. S. Collins and
fither Omulu\ns \ who have been on the
Wasalrh range , stating they would be home
this week. It is Mild their luck bus' not been
the bet , owing to the fact that the Indium
huvo run all thr'rjame out of that portion ol
the couiilry , Only two tlcsv K6 tUfi large
cauio the jio jty captured ,
V Itotnuntlo Wedding nt the Darker
Miss Nellie M. Kayo , a plain , but rather
omcly young girl , registered at the Hotel
Barker on Tuesday last , from DCS Moines ,
Iowa. It was soon reiwrtcd that she was an
mployco nt the Western Union telegraph
otnpany ; regularly every morning she left
ho hotel , presumably for her work nnd ro
ut ncd In the evening. On several occasions
die was joined on the street by nn elderly
gentleman , who , it hud been noticed , was B
.vgular caller In the evening. Ho was old
c'nough to 1)0 her father , nnd , In fnct , this
wns understood among the other boarders of
the house , but Thursday night much sur-
.irisu was occasioned when the old party a [ > -
jirisedtho gentlemanly clerk that ho and Miss
ICayc desired to bo married , und solicited him
to send fora minister. Instead , however , the
clerk despatched n messenger boy after Jus
tice Scabrooke. who promptly res | > ended ,
nnd the nuptials werq celebrated In the
parlor. Then It wns learned for the ilrst
time that the groom was Mr. Avcry Miner ,
aged sixty-three , while the bride Is barely
twenty-two. Reportorial Inquiry developed
that Mr. und Mrs. Miner had been Inmates of
the sumo private boarding house for some
weeks back , nnd the old gentleman becoming
desperately enamored of the maiden , pressed
his suit , proposed marriage nnd was accepted.
The old gentleman's family strenuously oi > -
) xsed the mutch , nnd to avoid nil unpleasant
ness Miss Kayo left the boarding house nnd
went to the Barker. Here she und her ngcd
but ardent suitor matured their plans with
the result above stated. Mrs. Miner wns at
her jKist of duty ut the Western Union yester
day Just as if getting married was nothing
at til extraordinary in a young girl's life.
The couple will take up their residence
at the homo of the groom , 1810 Furnum street.
Ilcul ICwtuto TrnnsforH.
Anthony W. Street and wife to Albert
G. Edwards , lot 3 , blk HIT. w d . . . . $ li.OOO
John A. Horbach nnd wlfo to Utirs
RusinuBsen , w J < j lot 4 , blk 7 , Par
ker's add , w d . i . . . i . 3T5
Math las Dober and wife to Herman
Blumenthttl , e % of n % lot 8 , blk 0
Imp. Assn. add , w d . 1,200
Lars Russmusscn und wife to John A.
Horbach , e lot 4 , blk " , Parker's
add , w d . 375
Edwin S. Rood nnd wife to Jacob
Wnchtcrmnn , lot 22blk , , Albright's
Annex , w d . 100
Frank E. Cutler and wife to James
Miller , lot 30 , Auburn Hill , w d. . . . POO
Isadoro Frank and wife to F.N.Jaynes
c 07 ft of n 3'J ft of s V lotl blk "T , "
Prospect place , w d . 3,000
Edward Feuron und wife to Bernard
Maginnis , lots 3 , 4 , f > , 0 , 13 , 10 , 17 , ' . ' 0 ,
Fearon Place , q ed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,000
Charles W T Lecstcd et al , to Safety
Insurance Co. , e J4 lot 5 , blk ( > , Arm
strong's 'Jd add , w d . 2'JOO ,
George N Hicks et ul to Harriet A
Jensen , lots 14 and 15 , Vinton Place ,
wd. . . . . 1,300
Convent of Mercy to James O'Connor ,
lots 7 , 8. 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , blk ( ) , Kendall's
add , wd . 5,000
South Omaha Lund Co. to John J Mur
phy , lot 12 , blk OS , South Omaha ,
wd . 350
William RHoman and wlfo to Michael
Donnelley , lot 3 und 4 , Clark's sub ,
and lot 31. Millard&C.1 udd , wd. . 8,400
E A Benson , trustee , to Edgur Roth-
ery , lot 21 and 22 , blk ! ) , Benson , w
Phillip Cassiiiy to Edward Cussld'y , c't
id , beginning 78 2-3 feet w * of center
section 3-14-13 , e 73 2-3 feet n 4 2fcet
n 770 feet w 810 feet s IW2 feet to be
ginning , w d . 1,054
I S Huskall to Nicolar Ruhlff , lots 1
and 2 , blk 1 , 1st udd to West Doug
las , w d . - . . 1,100
C E Muyne und wife to Emma H
Spruguc. It 2 , 10 , 11 , 12 blk 4Muynes
udd.w cL. . . . . ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.200
E O Sclby und wife to W L Selby ,
lot 10 blk 3 , Rush & Selby's udd , wd 500
Edwin S Rood und wife to John Rush
ct ul , lot 4 blk 7 , lot 17 blk 8 , Al
bright's annex , w d . 327
Annie Tliielc to Wm S Mnrr , w 40 ft
lot 0 blk 200 > . wd . . ' . 0,000
Wm S Marr and wife to Gee W Ketch-
urn w 40 fUot 0 blk 200)4 ) , wd. . . . . . . 7,000
Gco Burkor to Great Western Cnrbon
Co , w 10 acres of soj 1 se,1/ see 3 14 13
wd . v . 30,000
Michael Donnelly to Wm R Homan ,
Iot3blk49 , wd . 0,000
H B St John und wife to Wm R Ho
man , lot 2 Yutes and Reed's subdlv ,
w d. . 1,500
G S Bcnawa und wife to Wm R Ho
man , lot 4 blk U , Exchange place ,
w A . 1 . . 1,000
R T Mnxwell et ul to J H Dustman , lot
15 in blk 1 in South Omaha View , w d $ 3.M )
Edward M Hicknoy und wife to Chris
tian Kotcher , lot 7 , blk I , in Shinn's
second udd , wd . 3,000
Leo Duncan to Isaac Johnson , 25 ft of
lot 7 , blk 711 , South Omaha , w d . 1,800
Louis Sehroeder. trustee , to Joseph
Kuvan , lots 13 nnd 14 , blk 4 , in
BrownPark , w d . 2,500
G W Hitchcock and wife to Solomon
Plant , lot 8. blk 8 , in Hitchcock's
first add , wd . 500
Hugh G Chirk nnd wife to George
Worthington Bishop , lot 18 , blk 5 , in
Douglas add , wd . 1,100
Louis Sehroeder , trustee , to Gcorgo
M Southmeed ot ul , lot 1 , blk 4 ,
Brown Purk , w d . 1,000
Charles I Inmun nnd wife to George
Tilden , w } i lot 5 , blk 1(1 ( , Isaac. &
Seldon's add , w d . 3,500
Thomas Murray to Mat Dobal. n } of
lot 1 blk 3 , Murrays udd to Okohomu
w d . $ 1,000
Francis I McKennyund wife to Arthur
S Potter et ul , lot 2 block X , Shinns
3d add , wd. . . . 3,000
Henry Sungurn nnd wifoetnl to Henry
O Dovics , lot 0 blk N , Leaves add ,
w d . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000
Thomas Buenvan to Alice O'Donohoo ,
lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , blk 1 ; lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ,
7 , 8 , , 10 , 11 12. 18 , 14 blk 2 , lot 1 to
14 , blk 8 , lots 1 to 18 , hlk 4 , lots 1 to
7 , blk 5 , lots 1 to 5 , blk II , lots 1 to 12 ,
blk 7 , lots 1 to 12 , blk 8 , lots 8 , 4 , 0 , 7 ,
10 , blk 0 , also other lots , all In Car-
thugo , 2 o d . . ' . 5,000
Walter Ellin to Amelia Newman , lot
21 , blk 10 , Albrights annex to South
Omaha , w d . 275
Augustus A Kountz and wife to John
Kcnnelly. the n U of lot 17 , blk 12 ,
Kountz 3d add , w d . 1,0. > C
Total sales . J127.4U
Building Permits.
The following building permits were issucil
yesterday by Superintendent Whitlock ;
John McClure , additional story to
dwelling , (521 ( S. lUtli , to cost * l.OOC
Fred W. A. Wirth , lf story frame
dwelling , Wooiworth between 81st
und s2d , to cost , 70C
E. S. Bradley , 1 story frame addition
to dwelling , Marshall und Ernst , to
cost 50 (
F. Lmdhurst , 1 story frame cottage ,
Franklin nnd'JTth , to cost v. . . . l.SSl
Mrs. A. M. Shulz , 1 } story frame.
dwelling und burn , Orchard near
Pleasant , to cost l.SCX
Mrs. Cox , 11 story frame barn , Picice
27th , to cost 1W
Peter Thompson , 1 story frame cottage ,
Pholns nve. , near 10th , to cost 3CK
Gco. W''Bruce , 1 story frame cottage ,
Martha between I'Jth and 20lh , to
cost 501
A. B. Lowrio , cottage , 23d between
ClurK und Sounders , to cost ' ! UX
Nine permits aggregating $7,131
Permits toVctl. .
Judge McCulloch issued the followinf
marringe licenses yesterday :
Name nnd Residence Agi
Edward Ehreurdt , Omaha ! i
Lizzie Cook , Omuha 2i
James J. McManus , Omaha
Elizabeth Smith , Omaha
Joseph I.awson , Omuha
Bcrnhurdcna Oman , Omaha
John Hansen , Sarpv county
Wicbccke Luders , Surpy county . . . . , . ,
MUslitf ; ,
Andy Borden , the well-know local passen
gcr agent of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St
Paul road , has not been at his place of busl
ness since last Saturday night. His friend
are fomcwhat annoyed at his absence , be
cause it is something very unusual , uud fo
that reason not easily to bo explained , It I
thought likely , however , that a few days wll
bo ublc to ehcd song Ujjat UVO& k'l
GOETZMAN-ln this city October 20 nt 7:40 :
p. m. , Olgo Matilda , daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Goetwnau , aged 8 years and
10 months.
Funeral to-day at 3 p. m. from the
family residence , P04 < Oak street. Interment
nt Prospect Hill. Friends Invited.
BOEHME In this city October 20 at 3 p. m. ,
Loulo Rudolph , SOD of Mr. nnd Mm. Charles
Bochtnc , aged 4 years , 11 months and 2
Funeral to-day at.2 p. m. from the family
residence on South i Fifteenth near Vinton
street , to Prospect Hill.
JOHNSON In this city October 81. Lucy ,
daughter of Lawrence and Pauline John
son , aged 1 year and 7 months.
Funeral to-day at 3 p. m. from the
family residence , 2907 Dccatur street , to
Prospect Hill. Friends Invited.
SMILEY Thomas J. , infant son of William
Smiley , aged 8 months.
Funeral to-day ut 10 a. m. from Thirty-
first und Howard streets to Laurel Hill cem
NELSON At St. Joseph hospital , October
" 0 , Andreas Nelson , ngod 24 yeuns.
Funeral Saturday , the 22d , at 3 p. m. from
Taggart & Taggurt's undertaking establish
ment , No. 207 North Sixteenth street. In
terment ut Laurel Hill cemetery.
To Organize a Chess Cliilt.
The chess players of Omaha held a meet
ing last night nnd it was agreed to take steps
looking to the organization of a permanent
club. Their Intention is to secure a suitable
club room which will bo open to the members
and their guests nt all hours. Among the
prominent lenders in this movement uro the
following : Messrs. Bylcr , Seward , Stewart ,
Swart ! ! , Carter. Barker , Ulrieh , Gardner ,
Powell , Lietz , Ken mi rd , Garrctty , Hlggens ,
Silbcrsteln. Orff , Daniels , Cllpplngcr ,
Stringer , Johnson , Odson , Groves , Linlcy.
Hall , Crclghton , Graham , Evans und
Bocrslcr. The organization of the club will
bo effected ut nn curly date.
Absolutely Pure.
Tills powder never mrlcs. A mnrvel of purl-
y , Htrenirth ixml whblesomenes.s. More ccon-
unlcal tlmn tlm ordinary kinds , nnd cannot bo
iold in competition -with the mnlltudo of low
: est short w eight tiliim or phosphate powders.
Hold only In runs. itorAL HAKING POWDER Co. ,
106 Wull-Kt. . N. V.
Blood tiolton ,
vrnerca ! taint ,
gleet stricture ,
seminal emis
sions , loss of
sexual power.
, weakness o I
' -.the-cinal or-
"jrritv want of
desire In mala
or female ,
whether from
'Imnrnden t
habits of
yonnc or ex.
ual habit * In
mature years ,
or any cause
that debilitate !
the n e x n a I
sp e < llly and
Consultation free and strictly confidential.
Medicine sent free from obsenattou to all parts
of the United States. Correspondence receives
prompt attention. No letters aniwcml unless
accompanied by four eenta In stamps. Send ten
cents In stamps for pamphlet nnd lift of qncctlons.
I'trms strictly cash. Call on or address
Mo. 314 South l.tlb ht. . Oraoha , Nib.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000
"We do hereby certify that we supervl e Ihoar-
nkM-mi'iilH for nil the monthly nnd reml-unnunl
Draw InK" of The Loul-lnna Mutu 1/ottvry Company ,
and In person manage anil control the drawings ihcm-
Felvi'S , and that the nuinn aruconduetcd with honesty
fairness uiMl In I IIK | fnlth ton aril all parties , and ire
uuthorliothu Company to u e tills certificate with
lac similes of our signutuio attached , In Its advertise
ments. "
We , the undersluned Dunks and Hankers will pay all
1'rlien drawn In the Louisiana Mate Lunettes which
may bo presented at our counters.
J. H. OCI.KSIIV , rrng. Ixmlnluna Natlonnl Bank.
I'lKKKK IiANAUX , I'ren. State Niitlnnul ll.luk.
A. UAl.DWIN , I'res. New Orlemi : Natloniil Bank.
CAItl , KOI IN , 1'rcs. Union National Hank.
* Ovtu HALK A )
Louisiana State Lottery Company ,
Incorporated In 1W , for 2J years , by the I.ealslatura
for educational and charitable purposes wltn a cnpl *
tul of lUlOIJ-to ( which a reserve fund ot o > er
. since befn uddnd.
Hy an orcrn helming popular vote Its franchise
wus made a part ot the piesent conilllullon adopted
Dot ember M. A. 1) . Irt'J.
The only lottery \cr voted on und endorsed by the
people of any state.
It never scales or postpones.
Its ( irand Mniile Number Drawings take place
monthly , and tnu ( enil-Annual Drawing regularly
every six months ( Juno and December. )
TU.NK. Tenth ( ! randl > rii lnir , Cla s I , , In the Acucl-
i ! my of Music , Tuesday. No ? 8 , IsbT-'JIUtli .Munlh'
ly Drawing.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000 ,
Notice Tickets are Ten Dollars , Only. Hilr
$5 ; Fifths , $2 ; Tenths , $1.
1 TAI'ITAI. IMIIZB'OK ' | l.'jO. < IIO
1 ( illAND I'HIXK OK
1 ( illANI ) Plll/.r : OP muti
2 l.AltfiK I'ltl/KS OK JII.III ) -Jill !
4 I.AItliK I'UI/.HSOK f > , UII 31(11 (
ai rm/.is : OF ] , HII 31,111
. ' < ! | | HU
a i ) ail 40.111
mi law
AI'l'linXUUTlOV I > IU7ia ;
KDApprovliuulloii ITutnof ( .XI I : t\.m \
lui " an aim
HO " " nn lujii
1IU ( Terminal " U ) W.uu
! ,1VJ I'rttff , nnionntlnzlo | .V.\u (
Appllrnllon for rules to clubs r-hould bo inaduonl ]
lo ihe oiHco of the eimipnny In New Orleium.
Kor further liiforinullon wrllo elenrlyulrlnu ful
addrt'n * . l1 TAI * > OTES.expri'ni inolic ) onlors,01
.New York Kxchnni.'e In ordlnitry letter. Lurrenc ) bj
e prc ( ul oureipc'iut ) udi1rc ed
- \v , ll.C.
Addrets Eegitered Letters to
Tbnt the pretence of Oen
.ruin lieaurevard am
Kitrly , who are In cbanieof ihe rirnwinm , m a cunr
untee of absolute falrncn nnd linearity , that tin
ehHucet are all equal , and that no one can posslblj
dlvlmt what numur will draw a I'rlie.
HrJMKMIiKK that the payment of all prizes li
( HiLEAMi. and tae tlckels areilxned by the preildeni
of an Initltutloa wbox chartered rlgblt are recou
ulied by the blgbettpourli ; therefor * , b iikrii of n" )
ImlUtlonior anonymoni icUeian , , . ,
ilvaUea UUj pavtr. ,
Our stock of Overcoats is immense. They begin at $2.9O , for which
Drice we can sell you a man's Overcoat , made of good Vermont Grey ,
ined with Canton Flannel a coat which is usually sold in other places
for $5.00.
Next we have a heavy Ulster with plush collar and cuffs , at $3.75 ;
WORTH $7.00.
For $4.75 we will sell you a good Chinchilla Overcoat with warm lin
Besides these low-priced ones we have an elegant line of better
grades running up to the finest qualities of Chinchillas , Montanacs and
We call particular attention to our Fur Trimmed Overcoats , of which
we carry a large variety. These are beautiful garments , and the mate
rial used for trimming is the best of mink and beaver.
In Boys' and Children's Overcoats we have the largest assortment in
the city , and it will surprise you to see our prices on them. One elegant
ittle coat with cape is marked $2.90 ; another splendid Melton with As-
trachan cape , $3.50 , about one-half of what other houses would charge
ror them. .
The demand for our Underwear and Hats is so great that we are aU
ready obliged to enlarge the room assigned for these departments.
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price , at
Nebraska Clothing Co. ,
Corner Douglas and 14th , Streets , Omaha.
N. W. Corner of 13th and Bodge Streets.
Braces , Appllmcet for Defoimltles and Trusse : ,
Rent facilities , apparatus and remedies for tuccens.
rnl treatment nt every form of dlpeao requiring
Medical or Minzlcnl Treatment.
Forty new ruoms for patlontx ; best liovpllal uccom-
niDilailons In the west.
WIIITB roil Cinrtil-Aiis on Deformities nnd Unices ,
Club Feet , Curvature of thu Splno , rile . Tumors ,
E'ttnccr , Catitrrh , jlruncbltls , Inhnlatlon , Kleetrtctty ,
rnrnlyuls , Kpllepsy. Klilncy , Ulnitiler , Kye , Ear , bkm
and lllood , uud all sunlcal Operations.
Diseases of Women a Specialty.
All lllood Diseases successfully treated , Pyphllltlc
I'olHoii removed from tbo Ky teni without mercury.
New HvMornllve Treatment for Ixiss of Vltnl I'owcr.
I'eraons unable to visit us inn > Le treHtcd ut homo ,
hy eorreipondeneo. All conimunleatlons contldcntlnl.
i'illclnes or Instruments sent by mnll or exprc's ,
ecnrely packed , no murk" to tiullcnte eonlentu or
. enilor. One personul interview preferred. Cull und
rnimilt us , or tend history of juur cuse , ami vtu will
rend In plain wruppor , our
Upon I'rlvute , PpeclnlanU Nervous Ilseu es , Semlnnl
Wenknos" , MicrnmtoirbirH , Imputeney , byphllls ,
tiunonhcva , Ufeot , und S'arleocule. Aildresw ,
Oinalia Medical uud Surgical Institute , or
Dr , McMeiiamy , Cor , 13th &DOuge Streets ,
Owing In the rapid growth of Omaha and our mo
c > sln enectlni : cures , our hurlneiiB IIHH become so
Inriiu that the old Medical Institute on l.tth street and
Oipltol iivenue , roulil not accoinmortuto all coming
t ) n for ireatinent.Ve have therefore moved Into
nirnew bilck bull.linn , Northwest Corner of l.lth and
street" , one block smith of Hie old Institute
b lIMInK , und have now the lariieHt and mutt com-
p'l'te Medlcul Institute or bospltalln the west. Forty
niwly furnlrhed , well warmed und ventilated rooms
fnrimltents , three nkllled phyilcluns always In the
b it ding. All kinds of diseases treated In the most
cloitlnc manner.
Wj manufacture Surgical llraces for Peformltlcs ,
Ti'uoex , bupporterv , F.lectrlcal Huttcrlen , and can
supply physicians or patients any appliance , remedy ,
orlnatrument known. Call and con ult us , or write
for circulars upon all subjects , with lists of questions
for patient to answer. Thousands treated success
fully by correspondence. We have superior ndvan-
taiie * and facilities for treating tllHeanuH , performing
tmrulcal operations , and nursing patients whleh com
bined wllli our acknowledKed ability , experience ,
respoiislWllty nnd reputat Ion should make the Onialm
Mvdkul und Vurulcal Institute the tlrstcholce.
100 N. 13th Street.
I'UHK CAUrOKNlA WINKS , ohlnped direct
from our vineyard. Hlesllng , Uutfilel Cluiets ,
1'or.t , Sherries , etc. San Jose Vaults , Seventh ,
KlKhth , San .Salvador uncl William streets , San
Jose , California.
Thu bi'xt known and moit iiopulur Hotel In the
Hutu. Locution ci-mutl , H | > polnlDiunt > rlr l-cla .
lleiiilquiiitcTH lor coiuuierclnl men ami all iiulltk'al
aud publicuutuerlngt ,
K.P.IIOGQEN I'roprletor.
Epps's Cocoa
"Hy a thorough knuwleilzc of the nntnnillnw , which
jrovern thu opcnitloni of ( lUrettlon nnil nutrition , und
bjr eurelul npiillcatlon of tliu tine properties ul nell *
ipiecleil Cocoa , Mr. Kpps Imi provided our tireakfnil
table * ullb u delicately tlavorfd buremge whlrli uuir
live u many tieiivy doctor' . IMIIi. U li I ) 7 thi'Jmll-
clou u of iurh artlclei ot dlut Hint a conilltutlun
inajr bo itraduullj built up until itrong enouuli lo ro >
nut every tendency to diteata. Hundred ! or niUtlH
maladlei are floftlng around Ul readjr to attack
wherever there li a weak point. We mav r > capo
many a f tal ibaft by keeping ounelvei Hell rurllliea
H Itli pure blood and a uruptrlr nouilihcdrauie. . "
Civil hurf Ice Oaietie.
.MadiinltBpljr wltii bolllnz water r rollk. fuld onlj
1 1 b l ( pound tlm by Urocen labeled limit
' 2 , llonifcpatlilc Chemists ,
& i U/.SUON / ,
Milwaukee & St Paul '
Chicago , , R'y ,
The Host Route from Oinalin nnd Council
Hhifrs to
- = = THE EAST = = -
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Ituplds ,
Rock Island , Frceport , Rockfortl ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Janesvillc ,
Ik'IoltVlnona , La Crossc ,
And all other Important points K t , Northcaet and
For ( liroiiKli tickets rail on the ticket ncfnt at 1401
Karniuu street , In 1'nxton Ilottl , oral Union 1'acino
rnllman Sleepers ami the finest ninlna Cam In the
world lire run on the nmln line of tlieChlcntfoMll >
waukee It ht. 1'aul Hallway , and every intention l
paid to pasiengers by courteous employes of the
ll.Slir.I.KHfionernl Mnnausr.
J. K. TUCK Kit , Assl unt Uenernl MannKer.
A. V. U. CAIU'ENTKll , General I'lueeiiRcr and
Ticket Aeent.
I1KO. hTllKAVroilD , Assistant General I'anscniicr
and Ticket Agent.
J.T.CI.A UK , General Superintendent.
Proprietor Omaha Business College ,
Book-Keeping , Penmanship ,
Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telegraphing
and Typewriting.
Send for College Journal ,
S. . Cor. Kith and Catiltul Avo.
( Successors to John G. Jacobs. )
and Halm
At the old stand , 1407 Furnam St. Orders by tele-
graph sollcltertnnd : _ promptly attvmlod to.
Telelephone No. 226.
Sett Manufactunn of
With All MODERN Improvements.
47 and 49 Dearborn St. ,
Henry E. Cox , Omaha.
valuluc tbttlr complexion ibould locorea u I
or tlm latest ItnporUd andumnlmouilj kekooitl *
Uuvil us tue hofit
nturautocd to be perfectly liarmlaii , Imper.
eptlble , ilurabln and Invisible , for HuleeTury-
wteto. Ask your ilrujgUt for It. , 1'rloc , Htv ud
Oc per Itor. Trade luppllod by
J. r. LLOYD 4. CO CHICAGO Soil Importer !
F. H. OKNT ,
KUHN & CO. ,
] ) . W. SAXK.
MM LIB & LESLlli ,
.1. H. PIIRLI'S ,
§ ak yonr retailer for the ,
$3 SHOE ,
HccordlnK to your need * ,
CAUTION 1 Positively mme genuine unless our
> nnmeand price appear pUlnly on the solrs. bum *
dealers , In order to make a larirr
profit , III recommend the lufrrlot
goods nltli wlikh Ihe tnirkrt III
SHOE "l < ll'cht'and iillsli. it
flu like n utorklmc and ItK-
ING IN , " litlnir pcrfrcliy
HIT the lirsl time It li w m ,
It will satisfy Ihe most
tmtullous m It Is In cvrrx
Mlalrrspecl equal la
the hand-iewea
Alk forthf , T m < - hitherto
JI an $ .t Shoe for lloyi been re/
lulled at
7orM. JAMES MEANS 3 SIIOK Is Hie origi
nal tJ Shoe and Is absolutely the only shoe if III price
whirl ] has eier hern placed extciishclr on the niarkilT
In which durability Is considered Ix'fore men oulwarifl
apvieariince. 'I hese shoes are sold by the best rttaltcrf
throughout the United KUIni , and we will nlnce thorn I
eailly within your reach In any stale or territory If jo f
will send us a postal card , inf ntlonlnx this paper.
4auea Mraiti & Co. , 41 Lincoln St. , lloslon , llaiA *
Full line ot the uliovo Hhocx for t > ulu 111 ( ) UAHj0
by (1. W. Cook , iKW : Fiirnam Htret-t ; ( j. H. MllleW.
( US North 10th street ; Harvard llros. , 407 HoutrT
loth Btrotit. In COUNCIL UI.UKKH by Sargent tf
Evans , 412 llronihvuy.
SOU ) HEDALi JAMS , 1878.
Warranted attolutely purf
Cocoa , from which Iheexcnuot
Oil ha * been removed , KbaafArr *
timti the itrength of Cocoa udied
with BUrch , Arrowroot or Sugar ,
and la therefore far more cconoml.
cal , catting tui than one ctnt
tup. It U dellclotm , nourlehlcr ,
strengthening , taally digested , and ) '
admirably adapted for InraJIdi u
well ai for persona In health. §
Sold by Brofara eTtryrt litre.
& CO. , Dorciiesterj Mass ,
NorthWestern -
Railway Short Line.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
Tlio only rend to tnko fnr pet Moines. M rl lltown.
ni i posslalu by uny other linn.
Among a few of luu niimeroui pntnta of nuperlcrlty
enlo/Ad by the pntronsof Ibli road between Omaujb
and ChlciiKO , are Its two Iralni a day of DA V COAO'UI
KS , which aru thu tlnest that human art and Ingenui
ty can create. Ill I'AI.ACE HI.KUI'INrt OAUH. nblck
are ruodeliof eoinfort and eleiianeu. lu VAhlJOa
IIIIAWINO ItOOM GAKH. unmirpasred by any , aud
Hi widely celebrated I'AI.ATIAI. HININd CAIU. the )
equal of which cannot be found elsewhere. At Coun'
ell Illurfi the trains iif thu Union I'uillln Hallway , eon <
nnct In union depot wllh Iboie of thu I'hlmio *
Northwestern Hy. In C'lilrniin thn tralni of this ifnf
make clote connection wltti those of all ollinr ait rd
* " " '
Kor lietrnli , roluintui. Indlnnopolli. Cincinnati ,
Nlauara Knlli , liuffulo , rauniiru , Toronto , Montreal/
notion. New York , I'hlladrli .ula , Ilultlniore , W
linilouaiidall pulutiln the cast , ask luru tliku1
If you wirh Ihe best Hocominod.itloii. All ticket iceutl
sell Itrketa vln tlili Hue.
ii.iiiiuiiirr. K.IVWIUSON ,
Uenl. Maonjer , Uinl. ( I'aii'r Anenk '
C"l" ° ' *
W.M.IIAnCOCK. K U. BOM.KK. . . . , .
Weslcru A ent. ClifV
t'nmlm , Nebraska.
Ct Ui body tnlaritd nd itrrntlbcticJ , roll f
tltfl '