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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1887)
THEOMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , OCTOBER 22 , 1887. 7 , SPECIAL NOTICES. Advcrtl emenM under thin heiul , 10 cenU per line for the llrst Insertion , 7 cents for each sub sequent insertion , nnd I1J10 a line per month. No advertisement taken for less than 25 cents for the lint Insertion. Seven words wlllba counted to the line ; they must run consecu tively and must be paid in ndvanco. All ad vertisements must le handed In before I'M o'clock p , m. , and under no clicmnftances will thy bo taken or discontinued by tch'phnno. Knrtlefl advertising In these column * and hnv- Indlthe answers nddriwod hrcnreof the lire. Witt tileano ask for a check to enable them to RctiUiolrilrtters , as none wltl bo delivered ex- celt on presentation of check. All answers to advertisements should be enclowdjn envelopes , All advertisements In those column * are puli- llf.hed In both morning nnd evening-editions of the Het- , the circulation of which aggregates morn than H.ttO paper * dally , and gives thi- ad vertisers the benellt , not only of the city circu lation of the Hep , but also of Council Hluirs , Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout thin part of the west. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. TVf IDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , 150ft JW1 Fnruam street-Complete abstract * fur- nUhed , nml titles to real estate examined , per fected and guaranteed. 210 BUSINESS CHANCES. BUSINESS Chance-J2.ono cash. An cstal- llithcd and paying olllco business for sale : owner going aw ay. having other business that requires his attention. J. L. Hlce & Co. 2G9 21 BUSINESS Clmnco-Wholeorhalf Interest In established and paying business located In OMaha and Denver , Col. ; Hvo men with capital will do well to Investigate this chance. Call or address J , L. Hlco .V Co. , over Commercial bank. 26921 RAHE business chance. Parties wishing to eugagu In an established paying banking business can leani particulars by addressing box 790 , Omaha. 250-23 BUSINESS Chances What have you to ex change for equity in tlvo Annex lots. K3 , lice olllce. 4282.1 * rilO RXCIIANOE-II.WO stock general mer- JL chandlso for good Omahu property : small lucumbrance : must Hell or exchange quick.-h. H. Campbell und U. W. Hervey , 310 Hoard of Trade. 480. TIO BPr.crLATOHS-Whuthavoyouto trade for an ) shat en electric light stock at Salt Lake City , par value 120. Address H ( M , care lleo. 343 21 * . \IfANTED-Man with $750 to take ono half- TT InUjrent In Well established real cMuta and loan olllie , clears $ .1.500 yeaily. will guaran tee tlOO tier mouth. Address Lock Hex 437 , La Crossc , Wls. 451 37 * n O THADI3 Two Improved farms lu Iowa for JL Omaha property or Nebraska lands. Mc- Cullocli & Co. . cor ; 16th and Furnam. 338 T71OH SALE Hestauront and flxtures. ( V04 S , JlJ ISth st. 310 22 * A STOCK of boots und shoes , worth fiom $4.000 to $5.iU ( ) to exchange for Omaha or South Omitha property. A No a stock of general meichandlso of from b'JW to I8t ) , to exchange for Omaha piopeity or Iowa or Nebraska lund.s. Good opportunity if taken quick. E. T. Gadd & Son. 3.0 34 T71OH SALE Dnig store , stock and llxtnies. In- JD voice about . ,3lK ) , aveuigo sales $1,000 monthly , lent only 135 per month. See Win. Nelson , 422 S 13th ht. 470 27J ITWH 8A LE-A well established , centrally" Tv- -l ? tated saloon , doing good business. Kor fm ther Information Inqulio No. 033 N Itith st , S C cor Webster. 4S3 35J All A HI ! business chance : A well established liquor business , centrally located , have u nlco bar trade , a good jug and bottle family trade , and a line city Jobbing trudo , moderate capital required , will give good reasons for sell ing. AddrosM K t ) . Heo olllce. 4Si 35J T71OH SALE mine , good condition , JJ excellent business , railroad contracts ; huge locnl trade , store1 and rotull yaul , no strikes. Splendid opening for energetic man. Owing to jioor health will sell cheap and on easy terms. Will take * Komc good clear leal ebtuto. Address H 65 , this office. 23023 E OH SALE Hotel the goodwill and furnl- . Hue. Host paying Hiuall hotel .In Omanu , $1.200 cash gets It. 1'ull of regular boarder * and clearing MOD per month. Addiess H Mi lice. 34821 * FOH SALE Good brick business property ; greatest bargain and eusk-ht terms In this cltj : but little cash required. Address J. H. Wqolluy , attorney ut law , Grand Islam ! , Neb. 29324 SALE First-class two-fctory brick hotel Uoftig excellent business ; lentsfor 183 per me nth ; o\vner going out to Cul. Address U.S. I.ll y , Hrpken Ilow , Neb. 330 n 10 TT1DK HALE A 3(10 ( acre st4 > ck farm. In Surpy J \ comity , Just 25 miles from Omaha , with a Jln4 quarry on It , only $25 per aero. A. F. MuJ-nt' , N. W. cor. 10th and Farnum. Wll TtrANTED-Stock of boots and shoes In ex- TT change for Inside Omaha pioperty. Art- di ess Patterson * MooreKt3 ) Furuum Ht , Omaha. BUSINESS Chance 1-,30 ( ) or $1,500. Estab lished livery and feed burn on paved Htreet w Ithstotk and outllt complete ; a line opening to right man ; easy terms. J. L. Hlce & Co. 2IK31 _ rpo exchange for wehtern land , new hotel , ArentK for Jl.WO yearly. H. 13. Cole , 310 So. 15th st. 1(10-211 ( _ FOH SALE Grocery sitoio ou cor. of 10th St. , doing a Drst-clasH business , fresh clean Block of tlrst-chibs goods with teas. Addrehx II 60 HOP. _ 2 J 22J TJ1OH SALE A meat market In best location. JE iKcod biislnpNs. For nearer Information ad- dr s 117. I lee olllce. 620 SI * A good opening in the htuto of California for a light manufacturing buslnyns. A small capital required and the iirollts are largo. Chance Hcldoin offered. Particulars at A. V , Mayne's , N. W.'cor. lot h and Farnam. Wl TJ1OH TBADE ,000 ocreH of cliolcp wcstein X ? / laud to exchange for general merchandise. Jny. 1 ; ' . Ton. ! C4 N. 15th st. _ t > 13 TTHJH 'SALE News , stationery and notion K Bland. Apply 608 60. loth. on IF you have anythltic to exchange , write ns. Wo have lnipro\eii and unimproved Ne- biagka. Kai as und Iowa lands , coal mines , ho tels , Mocks of merchandise , horse- , , cattle , hogs Hherp , etc , to exchange. 8. S. Campbell und G W. jlervey , 310 Hoard of Trade. 487 TTHMt SALE Two elevators and c lubllsht > d X ? grain bURlness ; will take part In Omaha retil estate. Tenns very easy. This will bear 1m estlgatlon. 1 1. E.Colo , 3103. Kith. 22220 Fill SALFln best town In North PUtto conutiy , htock of books , stiillouery and musical goods. No competition. Inxolce about * , . ' , l iO , Will sell or runt building ; utlier buslues-s compels the halo. Ilurgnln for fome one. \ \ ' . \V" LuiJO , Albion , Neb. 1TM 33 _ _ * ' \ ESTEItN'DEAIiTlS : Send for ourTllus'- TT tinted catalogue of fuliey goods , toj'H nnd notions. Pileo guunintt'ed. Huy near home und su\o Heights. Hedhead. Norton , Lathrop & Co. , Jobbers , books , btutlon ry , etc. . Dun Mollies , lu. i > M29 BUSINESS Chauct Desirous of letlrlmjfiom biislnebJ , we will clt the balance of our stock of dry goods , otc , , with three jeuis lease nnd tlxturvs of utoio by January or March next. Merchants meaning to pun haw addi i-ss John 11. 1' . Lehmann \ Co. , l.llu-l.ll : ; Faniuni st , _ M n 5 BUSINESS Chance ThenU a tintopentnp fora confectioner , lotmiraut nnd bakei light near the entrance of Hunscom park , New storeroom , cheap rent. F. L. Gregory. : t.\ 8. 15th St. 630 Tm SALE-OrtradeaNo. 1 hotel property , JL ; .doing good trade , in one of the lKt town * liiNebraaka. R. p. Campbell : and G. W. Heiu-y , 310 Chamber of Conimeree. JkT \ T7"ANTI3D A Htock of giocerlen and genet al T T inilue , for city lots paid for. C. J. Canna _ _ _ fIKK BALE A complete steam luundiy haV' JL ? Ina twenty hoi se power eugllie. J. S. Hen Melt , Sauiulerb and Clark st . 030 _ U8INK83 CHANCF On account of slcknew not iH'Ing able to tend to the luihluess tin resUuinnt and lunch counter , will rent th < same to KOIUO good und responsible parties Apply to John A. King. l. I ) Duuitlag bt. Ml CLAIRVOYANT. rilS. DUHANT-Clartvoyant from Hoston 1 L rvllable lu all affaire of lite , unitvb epar uted lovers. Si. N. 16th st. , room 1. 7UO ulO DM. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Med teal buslnesfl and tcM medium. Othiu 11 North 10th strict ; looms 33 , Telephone Wl 313 WANTED-MALE HELP. \\TANTED-A tli-sH lass second cook ; aHo on TV peed waiter , Allen's Europeanlostam-ant Muhi tt.j founyll UlulTn. W IANl'ED > Ien for mtlroad work. A ! .lirighfa Labor Agency , 1130 t'Hniain. A4 TTITANTEn Men to bundle a light article. cs TV earn ( A to 112 per day. Call 10W Farnan st , lip tUlra. _ 4UJJK * _ ANTE D-H.R. men for the wort. tt. K.25 per day , tearaoter * Kn per month mid board. Scandinavian Emp. Iliircau , into Far- tiam Bt. 417 85 \\7ANTnn-S5 men for ynnt work , tl.75 ; 25 T T men for track-laying , fc per day. for w ost- ern Nebraska. free pass ; M ) men for city sewer work ; man ami wire for farm near city ; good cook for west , MB ; | > < > rter for hotel ; elderly iimn to hnndlii horses nud do chores , steady Job for winter ; good farm hand tU Canadian Em ployment Olllce , Mrs. Urcga&Son , 316Hlith , telephone 8M. 43421 * _ WANTED AgenlB In Nebraska 'for Oen , John A. Logan's last vu > rk , "Voluntrcr Roldler , " Just published. Address J , At. Trench & Co. , Omaha , Neb. Sa T\7"ANTE1 > Men and women to work inflty , TT $5 to 110 per day , light work. 1007 rnrnain * Bt , up stairs. - 4U ( S3 * _ WANTED $10 a day made liy our Omaha coffee and tea salesmen ; more good men wanted for the same house ; also good openings for traveling ealesmcnis general agent" , good salary ; solicitor for St. Clalr 1'urchaslng asso- elation cnn niaku from $4 to $11) ) a day ; 1" > good cabinet makers for Kansas City , new factory ; plumbers. gas and steam litters and all clashes of help. It cost * nothing to Ond out all particu lars nf this ofllco. Oreat Western bmeail , the lament and best appointed lu the world. II. J nut en & Co. , IdOO Piiruam it. , room 0. 408 81 J WANTKIl Two good stout boys to lenrn the business , only those residing at homo need apply. Omahu Saddlery Co. 43H31 * > ANTED i men for city work , 25 men for Weeping Water ; no odlco fees ; 1 man that understands steam and make himself gen erally useful ; 2 cooka for city. 1 dishwasher , 10 Bliuvelers. Omaha Emp. Hurcau , 119 N H > th st. 470 21 WANTED Two l > oys to learn bookkeeping , situations , J , U , Smith , Ibl3 Chicago bt. 4(4 * J WANTED 2 good cooks for west , $75 , second CI5 , faro paid , Canadian Kmp. office. 310 S 15th , telephone fc l. 472 21J WANTED A good wagonmnker on general work at Muldoon's shop , 14th and Jones sta. 300 22 WANTED Agents to canvass for Hankers Life Insurance Co. , Lincoln , Neb. None but experienced men need apply. 301 WANTED Several first-class salesmen for clothing , hat and furnishing goods. Only these with reference need address Uox 229 , Oumlm. 449 WANTED Five traveling salesmen , salary and expenses ; no experience necessary. Address with stamp. Palmer ft Co. , La Crosse , WlH. P8823 * WANTED A young man who understands Rtenography and is willing to commence at low w ages with good prospects. Address K 8 , Dee olllce. 45S . " \ATANTED A sausage maker. Mor TT rls * Hoebener , Fremont , Neb. 4fc2 24 WANTED-50 It. H. men , wages K , PJ.50 ; 25 messenger boys , J13 ; 1 boy for printing ollicc , 2 traveling salesmen. 310 S 15th. 381 22 WANTED 100 men of good appearance to try our 15c meals at Norrls restaurant , 311 and 313 South 14th btreet. ( old Live and Let Live. ) C'JI WANTED A sober. Industrious blacksmith to work in country town or rent shop.cnll at 015 N Itith st. 299 ij WANTED 2 traveling salesmen , on salary or commission. No experience necessary. Address \ > 1th btump. W. C. Davis , York , Neb. 397 23 * 17ANTED First-class union stone cutters at T Norcross Hros" . yard , foot of Jackson st. 431 31 * WANTED 2 good stout boys to learn the business. Only these residing at home need apply. Omaha Saddlery Co. 42521 * WANTED MX ) agents ; good salary or com mission ; rule chum e. Addre H with stamp for terms , Weaver Mfr. , 31 N. State st. , Chicago , 111. Bnl-y " \TANTHO 4 German boys to carry papers. YY 607-WJS. 121hHt. . up-staiis. ONI WANTED--FEMALE HELP. V\7ANTHD-niil for homework , family of TT thiee. 2115 , California street. 4J323 * \\rANTED-3 good dinlngroom girls for TT Wjomlng , Jun , furo paid , Canadian Emp olllce. Ml 8. llrega \ Son , 310 S. 15th. 4J 21J \\rANTED-A good girl , referem es required. T T M. Elgultor , 10091'aclUc , but. 10th anil llth. 453 34 WANTED-30 girls general housework ; 1st and second girl for same family. f3 nmlM per week ; 3 cooks , itrtper week ; 4 dining room girls , $3 to fa per week ; two chambermaids , good wages ; 1 Herman cook for private family , iM per week ; 3 dishwashers ; lots of places. Omaha Employment Hureau , 119 N. 16th. j 47081 WANTED A gill for general housework , good wages for competent person. Mrs. Hev. John I' . Hoe. 1333 North 37th st. 4M 33 ANTED 60 gills for house work. * . ! to IS , in and out of city ; 10 dinlngroom girls , 3 girls for Mime faintly out of city , SA and if I ; 3 in city If I and ft' codk lu mlvnte family , W , no washing. ( Mils wishing places out of city to call und Iravo their address as orders have to bji tilled too quickly to admit of adveitlslng. Mrs. Illegal Son,31U S lrth. 431 21 * WANTED Olrl' for general housework ; small family. Mrs , . Thos. F. Hall. 1545 Shi'i man ave. 437 \\7"ANT1'D Dining room girl. Doran house , TT 432. . ISth near St. Maiy'H avenue. 411 WANTKD-airls ntthe Scandinavian Emp. Imruau , ItflO Faiuam st , lots of nice places. 417 35 "llTANTBO-'Women out of employment to TT haiidlo a business which w ill pay them W to W pur day , .1007 Farnam st , up st lr . 404 33 * TIT" ANTED Female : 3 cooks for city , 2 cooks TT aud 1 dining loom girl for Sew ard , Odin- ing room girls , 1 housekeeper , assistant In dressmaking Miop , girl for candv store , 4 cham bermaids , and various female help. Gate City Employment ollicc , 310 S 3H1 23 WANTED A good girl ser general house- w ork , 2.H1 Capital Jive. 303 21 WANTED Twotlrst class dining room gills nt thu Planters i house 1 , 1010 Dodge st. 35022 WANTED-A dining room clr ) , 2U S. 10th btreet. 197-3 : ; * " \\rANTr.IX Lady or gent In every town to TT tell our goods ; u-rd in every family. A prolltublc biihlncss. Address for full informa tion , S C. Chase. \Vlnter st , Hoston , Mass. _ _ 389 25 * " \ \ TANTKn Klr t claM cook , ono competent * T to tuko entire clmi go for family of blx ; hluhost w ages paid to competent w omun. Apply Kil South icth t. 101 \ \ rANTIlUlrl ! at ( S20 South 19th ht. St. TT Maiy'sav * . , r J \rANTEDAVlIadlos tntry meals at TT Norrls' restaiiiautolil ( Live and Let Live ) , Ull und 31.1 S. 14th bt. 094 " \\rANTI3O Tullore.M on custom coats nnd TT vests , good wages and fete arty woik to light party , upp y ut oncu , t05 S. 10th st. W ANTP.D-rook and laundress. Dr. Coif- man cor. St. Mary's uvo and 27th st. 558 TKD Dlnliigroomat Occidental Imme- dlately. 231) FOUND. rilAKlIN IM'-October 8between rioicnce and 1. 1'onkit hill , small , drak brown pony and buggy. M. Cannon , north of Florence. oct 13. 30,27. nov 3,10. rpAKEN UP Friday Oct. 14 , one sorrel horse , JL about twelve ye.irs old , ono white front foot , white face , ttoreou Khouliler. Owner can have by calling at the rear of 1411 Plerco st. Win. Hernoll. 307 FpA KEN UP-2 large bay horse mules. J. M. -L Jester , ou 13th st , south city limits. 208 20J LOST. T 03T Ou 1.1th , between Dodge and Chicago , JI small purse containing Mer medal , Flndprwlllrecelvoat W. It. Bennett. 441-31 * IOST or tra > ed from Dunn's farm , Papllllon , Jone light bay mare , white hind feet , weigh ing about HUH Ins , and branded IIH on the left hip. Finder w 111 please return to above farm or HIS Chicago street. Omaha. 460 33 * QTHAYED-Or btoleu. brown pony , white VJ spot on forehead , llnder will receive ro wan ! for return. Henry Hra'sch. north of Mil lard. : ra 33j TOST From corner of : i5th and Paclflets , a I hmall gray liooe , with halter ; reward foi return. 4U133 * TOST A pair of gold spectacles , leave al J * ( iurdnoi'i. stove store , 71'J N 10th st and gel reuniit. 41S 23 CTOI.EX Hay mare In open buggy , medium kD size , dark buy , large hind unkU's , about IS yen ! noli ! , good traveler , buggy old , new bhaf s not painted. T. Murray. Hurray hotel. 2.VI TOST On rummlngs street , little brown dog , 4 whitehpots. HeHard for return or Infer nutlou. A. C. , loia lutli ave. Couucll Ulua * . Cij 21' L 09T ( Red crm-branded V. Hornrn to Ponth Omaha. V. I'lrankt. 403 23J J ? TTa Arcade place , U4 lilies ( > outh of Leaven- worth sU. east front onlWtli ( it. Owner must dell. Ask tor price , F. L. Gregory , 330 Bo. 15th gt. 178 IOST Brown Melton cutaway coat , leave at J Frank J , IlanigoX liftings block , and receive reward. 275 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. "WANTED A good horse for his board dur- T > Ins winter , nnt over 8 years old , or will liny If time le given. Address. 1' . 0. II. , KB. city _ _ _ 4C333J WANTEl8tockof furniture , drugs or gen ; erul mdse , for Improved Innds In Nebr. , Kansas , and Colo. Address lock box 34 , 1'ulr mount , Neb , 4fll ? _ S or 3 unfurnished rooms , In WANTKU good location , near ochool , Address K 1 , llee. 41930 * ANTED _ Two or three boaiders a private W boarding house at No. IW4 B. 12th st. W ANTED ( food family horse lu exchange for lot , McCulloch & Co. , cor 15th njid Farnam. iCW W ANTKD-Stocks of merchandise- exchange - change for unencumbered Omaha prop erty. Also Omaha property to exchange for land. U. H. Hall & Co. . 113 N..10tli * t. 170 Land to cxchahgo for merchand ise and Omaha property , n. It. Halldc " ! o. , mN.llflHt. J0 WANTED Ladles who are desirous of ob taining thoroughly competent , reliable , nd well trained servant ! of all nationalities , to 11 every required position of household duties , u Fend their orders to the City Intelligence of- Ice. No fee tnitll places ar tilled. City Intelll- ; cnce olllce , Crelghton block , telephone NO. 8.S8. 797 To buy the furniture of a smaller WANTED or large house centrally located , Co-opern- live Land & Lot Co. , 205 N 10th st. 133 Farm lands in exchange for WANTI3D merchandise. St , John & Ely , Room 13 , Frcnzer block , orp. P.O 030 WANTKD Farm lands In exchange for city propeity. St. John & "Ely , lloom 13 , Fren- , er block. IW7 W ANTED Three table boarders at 2118 Hurt ; st. K97 MONEY TO LOAN. Money on hand to loan on Improved property. J. A. Helstaud , Arlington block. 525n5 $1 , < * > 0,000 to loan. II. B. Cole , 31C S. 15th. First mortgage notes bought. 370 [ 750,000 to loan at 6 per cent. Llnnhan &Ma- P honey , 1509 Farnam. 227 UJ5UO.OOO to loan In any amount at lowest rate of P Interest. H , 11. Irey , Fronzer block. 213 MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , etc , low rates. J. J , Wilkinson & Co. , 1334 Farnam , over Hurllngton ticket office. MONEY to loan to parties wishing to 217 build. * 8. S. Campbell. 310 S 10th St. , Chamber of Commerce. 214 MONEY to loan. Notes and 11 , H. tickets bought uhd bold. A. Forman , 213 S 13th st. 925 time loans made on any available SHOUT . In reasonable amounts. Secured notes bougiit , sold or exchanged. General financial business of any kind transacted imnnptly , quietly and fairly at tha-Omaha Fi nancial Exchange , N. W. cor. 15thand Ilnr- noy st8. , overstate National band. Corbott , manager. - 127 1 ITONEV to Loan-O. F. Davis Co. , real estate U. nnd loan agents , 1505 Farnam Bt. 230 ? 1'EH CENT Money. . > Patterson & Fawcett 15th and Harney. 233 to loan on Improved real estate ; no MONEY commission charged. Leavitt Uuniham , room 1 , Crelghtou block. 221 IONEY In sums of $500 and over to- load nt M low rates. Uus.scll & Barrett , 312 816th bt. 215 OJ500,000 To loan on Omaha city property at 0 T > percent. G. W.Day , S. E. cor.Ex. UlcV. TO LOAN Money Loans placed on Im proved real estate In city or county for Now England Loan & Trust Co. , by Douglas County bunk , loth and Chicago sts. 219 MONEY To loan. Lowest rates. No delay. J. L. Hlce & Co. , over Commercial Na- lonul bank 218 MONEY to loan on city property. Will buy good notes. Seaver i Xhltcornb , t tfX Vi , Furnam. " TO * to loan ou city property , and also MONEY 21'L farms in Nebraska and Iowa. Odell Ilros. & Co , loan , real estate and insurance agents , 103 Pearl Htreet. Council Hunts , la. j 1633 .Farnam street , Omaha. i 808 MONEY to Ix > an Hy the undersigned , who bus the only properlv organized loan agency In Omaha. Loans of $10 to $100 made ou furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wrgons , ma chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All business strictly contldentlal. Loans so made that any part can be paid at any time , each pay ment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances made on tine watches and diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they are dealing with , as many new concerns are dally coming Into existence. Should > ou need money call and see me. W. U. Croft , room 4 Wlthnell building , 15th and Harney. . 224 MONEY to Loan On Improved city property at low est rates of Interest. No commis sion charged. Bholes & Crumb , room 1 , Darker block , cor. 15th and Farnam sts. 210 MONEY LOANED at C. F. Heed & Co.'s Loan Olllci * . on furniture , pianos , horsfs , wagons , property of all kinds , and all other ar- Personal cles of value without removal. 318 S. 13th , over Hlngham's commission store. All busi ness btrittly confidential. 220 $300.000 to loan , special rates on farm property. Sobotker & Perrlgo , 1531 Farnam st. 231 " \fONEY to loan , cash on hand , no delay. J. 1TL W. and E. L. Squire , 1413 Farnam Bt. Paxton - ton hotel building. 235 MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED llusiness men and all others to know that wo are prepared to till orders for all kinds of help , male or fenmle , on short notice. Scandinavian Emp. Hureau , lull ) Karnarn bt. , side dix > r. 475 34 "ANVASSEHS1 headquaiters ut214 N. IStliTT 4.1130 C , \NADIAN Emyloymeiit Onico. Orders for parties to till positions of trust tilled free- Mule help bupplled free to all. Domestic help furnished on short notice. Male und female help bent to all parts If 1'arelsp.tld. Eight years' experience enames us to IIU orders satisfac torily. Hefereuccs , Omaha National Hank. Mrs. llrcga & Son , 510 8. 15th , tel. 884. 4.H 22 * wishingcnuvusM-rspleaso leave their oider.s at Mrs. J. W. Morrison's Em- ployinent Olllce. 214 North 15th st. 43I 20 mWENTY-FlVE hundred dollars cash and I. seventeen brood mares and colti * for trade for liiipnn ed property inldo of two miles from postotmo. The above stock was piuchascd by moat Lexington , Ky , ; my. only cun- for belling have.sold of my fnrni for city lots ; am obliged to close out my stock. The mares In foul to Illutk Wllkes , son of George Wllltes , with 55 In the 3:30 : list. For further particulars apply to N. I. D. Solomon , Spring Valley Block farm , Omaha. Neb. 403 21 I NSTHUCTION-llanJo , violin , mandolin , xylo- JL phone , Prof. J. E. Durant , 332 N , Iflth.ltoom I. 1 fi TEA SING 'love Letters read tw o ways , lOo JU Grab them quick. Uox 63 , Ualtlmoro , Md 390 n 17 * \\fANTED-All persons out or employment or TT wishing to make a change will tlndltto their Interest to leave their applications at the City Intelligence Olllca , Crelghtou block , as It Is the lurgciit und most reliable agency In the city. doing n largo business und furnishing the better class of employers. All our applicants re ceive every attention and are placed as rapidly as H Is possible to nnd suitable positions. We welcome - come all calling for Information or making in quiry respecting our now and original method * , for which we make no chargo. Heferences , John I , . MtCague , ' president McCagne Uros' . bank ; Dexter L. Thomas , cashier Nebraska Savings _ bank ; Hon. J. II. MtCulloch , county EXCHANGE A valuable Invention for -L \ \ hich there i.s a large und steady demand , II. E. Colo. 316 B. 15th St. _ Sti7 27 W ASHING and ironing done to order. Call atN.W. cor. 18th and Mobon. 37 34 * TjlHE E to Employers The City Intelligence JOllice. . Crelghton Hlock , has the confi dence anil patronage of a large number of the city's leading buslnefta houses. Why 1 Ilecauso we do our best to merit it , tak ing great care to supply them with competent assistants from porter fo business managers. When In want of help of any kind , send ns your orders. Telephone , h8s. Heferences : John L. McCague , President of McCngun Hros. ' Hank ; Dexter L. Thomas , Cashier of Nebraska Savings Hunk ; Hon. J. H. McCulloch. County Judge. 14 CASH paid for second-hand books at the Antiquarian , 'M N. IGth st. 723 o 21 * A NGLO-AMEHICAN Mortgage and Invest- - Co. , ofllco 2433 Foniam st. John Cully , manager. _ C88 oct 21 * mo 13XCHANGE For cattle. I have 040 acres JL of good western land to trade for cattle , ndagood house and lot near the capital ; will exchange for cattle. Address S. G. llryan. Ash- land. Nub. _ . 229 TJ10H HENT-Organa , 13per month. Hospe , -C 1313 Douglas. SSJ Ot C House furnishing goods , all kinds ; Cftsh or Installment ; lowest prices at J. Don- uer , 1315 Douglas At. 2U F OH llKNT-Sjuaro plaiio , tl monthly. A. Hospe , 1513 Douglas. 223 FDH. DH. CHASn'8 new Heceljgt , Hook and holil Physician , the "Memorial Edition" of over KW pages. The "Crow-nine Life Work" of the greatest author and * l/ene factor that ever lived. Jn t out. Agents , making Immense sales. Hlg terms. AailrtJxr F. 11. Dlckcrson & Co. , Detroit , Mich. Meutltmlhls paper. t "I4uovl 111 HI3NT-Smiaro I'lrfno 3 iuouthlj A Hospe. 1513 Douglas , oit s PERSONAL. PEHSONAL House and lurnlturo for sale , ap ply on premise * , 002 Dodge st , between 1 and Op. in. 40U23J PEHSONAt/ Want some lady to adopt a Iwy baby 4 months old. Address II 71 , Dec. 40 ! ) 21 * PEHSONAL-Mlss hello Turner , stylish modiste , will accommodate private families by the day. Cull at 2115 Grant St. ; satisfaction guaranteed. 3U2 PEHSONAI. Hannah Larson , from Sioux City , please come to 1KM s. 7th. bctweon Pierce and Taclflc. Eleanor Walker. 38 SI * JI3HSONAL Want a permanent home fora boy 8 fears old. Address II. 41 , lice. ni-21 * PEHSONAI/ Private homo for ladles during conllnement , strictly confidential , Infants ndoptud. Address E 42 lleo office. 107 u H * PEHSONAL To the ladies of Omaha. If you \tut good reliable help , call at the Omaha Employment bureau , the oldest employment ifllce In the clty.ll'J ' N. luth St. , H E. White , pro- irletor. . 1U2U FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. TjlOH SALK-Or trade. A nlco little flock of -I ? reslstered merino sheep. A herd of regls- ' .ered Uerkshlre hogs ; 3)0 ) hfgh grade short horn jattlo. 8. 8. Campbell and 0. W. Hervey , Hoard > f Trade building. 483 "VTOW Is your Hme. Organs at less than cost 1 > of material ; elegant goo < ls : must bo sold for Rtorngo charges. Call Furgcrson Storage Co. , 715 N. 10th st. 44H "I7KR BALE 2 good odlco desks , double set"nf J good harness , two new gold tipped buirgy poles , Simpson make , all at a bargain. I'attor son & Fawcett , 823 So. 16th st. 4J3 "IT10H SALE Long lease of store. Splendid Jj locution close to 15th aud Farnara sts. Address II 8 , Uce Olllce 443 20J FOH SALE A No. 1 stylish driving horse , seven years old ; weghs 1,100 Ibs. Suitable 'or a two seated phaeton. May be seen at IWS 'ark avenue. 420-21 * TJW1K SALE Almost new. bed room and kitchen furniture at 1222 Baunders st. 400 21J POH SALE Cheap , SlioaterB , 1 gasoline stove , 1 bed room set. Party H going east , KM ) S 8th ht. 382 21 * " 171OH SALE 3 good horses , 1 single Harness -1 ? and a wagon. Inquire at store , 20th and Decatur streets. 240.21 * TIWO hundred and fifty thousand brick for sale JL In Orchard Hill. .Charles G. Vangrees.Cum- ng and 25th avenue. 33 , " > .25 * A beautiful lot on Wert street , Kountze Place , JiV. for sale for $600 less than actual value to-day if taken within 10 days. Tills is a big bargain. For further particulars call at No. 17UO Dodge. FOH SALT3-200 tons of well saved hay on MltchoU's farm at VnHyy , Neb. 3J4Ji" > * FOll SALE A gentle pony. " good under sad dle and iu harness. Juqulro 1916 Douglas , HOUSES at Auction On Saturday afternoon 3 o'clock , at FlemlnufpOverholt's stable , cor. of 20th and Miami streets , horses , buggies , harness , robes Inc. , partlesflJlavlng anything to sell cuu cuter for this sale up to 10 o'clock Satur day morning at our olllco. Ikowii St Crelghton , auctioneers. tf XA 21 I710II SALE Good ( amtHhorse and buggy. 0 litaulre of Wright & psbury under Pux- ton hoicJ. K 355 21 TJ1On"SAL r-TwoborBe'Brocery { wagon and JL ; harness , uppjy to 2317 iKiglas st. % 351 23 * FOH SALE 'dieup , 3 Fr ; 4 good flro-proof safes. Incmlro Phil .Oarretson , Arcade lotel , Omaha. . S4 * < OK SALE Good boartmJg business , 213 S. lllth street. -o 127-22 * TTHH SALE Organs atlllmieiiNo bacrince , less -E than cost of material ; must bo soktto pay storage charges. $2 weekly payments taken. Call at once. Furgeson Storage Co. , 715 N , 10th street. ' 447 ( Jj/00 will buy furniture and lease of 8-room Ptr house two blocks south Panorama. Apply 60S So. 10th or 022 So. 18th. 977 TTTOH SALE A livery of thirteen horses -L eleven , carriages , hack , etc , , or trade. Large barn for rent. Address , It. D. Alvord , Kearney , Neb. ' 178-22' [ JlOK SAi.E Twenty-live driving , flraft and 13 naddle horses , w. T. Seaman. Huggles , wagons , phaetons , etc. , east side lUth St. , north of Nicholas. 097 TJ1OH SALE Team , harness , wagon , $150. Mrs , -C E. C. Harr.S 13th st,3 blks from st car track , 3b8nov2 FOH PALE 1 feed mill , 24 in. French burrs. 1 Victor &heller , 75 bu per hour. 1 bolt for buckwheat or meal. 40 ft. 2 in. Bhafting , 6 hangers , elevator belt , etc. Address 300 S 26th St. , Omaha , Neb. 335 n 1 FOR RENT-HOUSES. IT1OH HENT House of 9 rooms , sw cor 17th JC and Dorcas , $ J5 per mouth. W. M. Hush man. 43 T710H HENT A new 10-room house with mod -IJ ern Improvements , between 21st and 23don Claik street. Address W. C. Gorman. 720 Mir stieet , Council Hluirs , la. 481 25 * HENT New 5-room cottage , 24th am Huncroft st. , first door west of shot tower well , clstorn , $14 per month. 478 "IjlOK RENT House of twelve rooms , furnlsliei ! JL ; or unfurnished , with large yard and barn Enquiio 1400 S 17th St. , bet. Center aud Williams , 4M ) 25 * FOH HENT Houses 9 rooms , bath.clty water nnd gas , $15. 7 rooms , bath , city water anil gas. $ , ) . XO rooms , bath , city water and furnace , $55. 6 rooms , new cottage , near cars , $35. 0 rooms , new house , city w ater , $22. 4 rooms near Sheeloy's Station , $10. F. L. ( J 1 egory , 320 S. 15th St. ' 39fl POH HENT Hum , room for 7 horses. Mrs , Hyde , 12th and Haruej. 3T2 21 FOH HENTroom house. 3322 Miami street $18 ; li-toom house , 31irpoppleton ; ave. , SU , h-room house. Cans st , , in Sunnjsldo , KS ) . Gee , I. Gilbeit , Wlthnell building. 213 Zi TC10H HENT fi , from 4 to fi rooms each , Jv w 111 rent from tin to $35 per month. Jos , Stockdale , 113 North loth st. 2:53 : 23 EOH HHNT afluts and furniture for sale , all on 10th. A. F. Muyue , N. Wr cor. lot h and Fnrnum. 991 TflOll KENT 11 room house on Sherman avo. Jt ; A. F. Mayue , N. W. cor. 18th and Furnam. FOH HENT A part of ailtfegunt ground tloor ofllco with vault on rntuam near 10th bt. Apply 1005 Faiuam bt. fej 370 32 IT OH HENT Store , 1210 Faruam. Apply to J Clui.s. Chllds , corner ISth and Lcavcuworth. JH. 131 1ST your houses for rent with H. E. Cole , 310 JS 16th , can rent 50 now , lU HHI T71OK HENT-2ndand3 < lUoorsat 1117 Douglas -t ? Bt. , with lease of three yearn. Kennedy i Hibblns , 131)0 ) Douglas bt. < 707 Foil HENT House of TKOOIIIH , $35. Inquire 1J19S. 10th. V * 070 F IOH HENT 5 to 10 room nouses. Good loca- tlou. 1C. E. Cole 310 If. 15th. 410 THOU HENT-H the onico 3p5 < S S Iflth St. , after JD the 19th of this month. Apply early. Charles C. Spotswood , 305 13th st. 5U ) FOIl HENT | A brick btablo with room for 4 horses and carriage. Inquire on premises , 1010 Douglas st. 340 21' TjlOll HENT House 8 rooms , all conveniences , JJ hard aud soft water. Apply , 23d aud Grace. 333.21 * TT10H KENT Four flats , centrally located , f ur- JJ nltiiro for sale reasonable ; eight room house. No. 420 N 17th Bt , furniture cheap ; boarding - ing house , centrally located , ; ! . ' ) regular boarders , furniture at a bargain , as the proprietor is un well. Co-operative Land & Lot Co. , 30i N 16th ut. 407 33 FOH HENT-lf you wish to rent a house call on Hoiiuwa i , Co. , lith Bt. , opposite 1' . O. 470 107 TT10H UKVr-Kurn Ished house , new Hat offl X1 rooms , nuwly. funilMied , will rent fora mouths to goud iespom > lblo party , watflr.'gos , steam heut and on utrekt car line K ) blocks from' IKuloWce , aiidreaj U 03 Uee tflUco. 331 y ' ' ' ' . s f ! FOIt HENT Cottage of 4 room * , good well and cistern ; 15 minutes' walk from P. O. Hent KO per month , to young couple Unit will buy $135 worth of household goods. Address K 4 , ( Iff , Foil KENT Severa new 7 room houses block from street car , ready for occupancy November 1. C. F. Harrison. 418 3. 15th st. 35J 171011 SALE Cheap , furniture of a 7-room JL1 house and houne for rent at 214 N. 15th st. 4.1333. _ T7VJH KENT Large olllco on Farnam st. Good J place for clitar store or tailor shop. E. F. Seaver , WH Fartiam Bt , 317 _ T710H HENT 0 elegant modern improved Jt ? houses , now , ( . p , 10 rooms. First-class locality. Paved street. Hefereucos required. Apply M. Elgutler. lull Farnam st. 353 25 FOH HENT fri oem cottage on Convent st. Inquire 1523 Jackson f.t . mil 31 * FOR RENT--ROOMS. FOH HENT LaruchamlMimo room , suitable for 3 or 3 gentlemen , 1505 Capitol ave. 473 SI * _ _ _ NEWLV furnished rooms w 1th gas , bath and furnace. 6.11 Pleasant. 4M24J _ FOH iiENT-Furnlshed rooms to ladles or gentle mou , 311 North 13th st. 479 23 * " \T1CELV Furnished rooms , tl a week each JL > Kentlemen , 603 B. 18th st , up stairs. 450SiJ ) T71OH HENT Nicely furnished front room , -L ? \ \ Uli gus , steam neat , and use of bath , suit able for man and wife or two gentlemen , with or without board , also back room , 205 S 24th st. 407 23J _ T71OH HENT-Small house with barn. NO per JL mouth , Inqulio grocery , loth and Hickory. HENT-Furnlshed room , 1017 Cuss. 465 23J TTWll KENT Furnished rooms , 100 ! ) Davcn- JC port. 459 23 * FOH HENT Furnished rooms with or with out board , KM S 21st Bt. 3D3 20 * FOH HENT Nicely furnished front room In private family , very cheap. 1119 North 17th st. 4J9-23 * FOH HENT Hooms. Two furnished front rooms for gentlemen , SOth st , near Leaven- worth. Apply 1315 Dodge st. 43923 * FOH HENT 3 furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 907 N. 17th bt. 415 2i * TTlOIl HENT Cheap , business room In old city Jhall , corner loth and Farnam ; also hall , 40 xOO ft. can be titled for lodging. Inquire at 810 , chamber of commerce , 3t3 FOll KENT Rooms , single nnd double , every thing now and Ural-class , xteam heat , lil Davenport. 371 nl * T710H HENT N.ewly furnished room with gas , JL1 bath and heat , to gentlemen , with refer ences. 1709 Dodgo. 3NV27 * "T710K KENT Two north front rooms In house JL with modern conveniences ; near comer 30th aud Harney , furnished or unfurnished ; no chil dren In house ; quiet , comfortable home ; bache lor of reflnedtasto preferred ; mtibt give refer ences. Address Westllchor Courier offlce. 300 25 1OH HENT 3 rooms , furnished or unfur- lllshed. 848 S. 23rd. ; CW-21 * JJ1OH HENT-Nlcely f urnlshed rooms.1919 Dodge fTlOH HENT Elegant suite of rooms nicely C lurnlihed , bilck llat , Bouth f rant , 1410 Chi cago. ; 157 , HENT-Furnished rooms. 607 N. 17th st. 1000 23 * FU KM SHE I ) rooms with board. 1903 Far- num. 7BOnlO * FOH HENT-fl unfurnished rooms suitable for housekeeping , 71Ui Pacitlo. 248 FOH KENT Furnished rooms and board 4 blocks south of Fuxton nt 1409 Jones. Jones.S4021 S4021 * 710H HENT Hoom Very desirable furnished room for 2 gentlemen , all conveniences on Maine tloor. Apply at 1713 Capital ave FOll HENT Largo front room suitable for 3 gentlemen , modern conveniences , 010 N 17th st. 340 FOH HENT Elegantly furnished room on first tloor , with modern Improvements. 1917 Cuss. 085 W13 have from 3 to 0 unfurnished rooms suit able for housekeeping in all parts of the city. If in need of a house give us a call nt 310 8 15th at. . Mist lloor ; T71OH HENT To ono or two gentlemen , nicely JL1 furnished room ; gas , bath , etc. ; 13 per mouth. 3000 Davenport. 7M . HENT Furnished rooms. 1913 Farnam. 74423 * FOH HENT 3 nicely furnished rooms , 2020 St. Mary's ave. 620 FOH HENT-Nlcely furnished room suitable for 2 gentlemen , inquire 2011 St. Mary's ave. 648 FOll HENT Pleasant rooms , furnished , southwest corner 20th and Web ter. 318 POH HENT Nice furnished rooms cheap. 600 South 18th street , upstairs. 211 33 * T710H HENT FurnWied rooms with board If -C desired. 1911 Farnain st. 317 23 * FOIl HENT Furnished rooms In Greunlg blk , cor. 13th nnd Dodge sts. Inquire of Geo. it. I ) aIs , Millurd hotel billiard room. 231 FOH HENT Furnished rooms , 13 to * 25 per month. 1707Cassst. 12031 FOll HENT Nlco largo furnlsned front room , s w cor ISth and Jackson , til per month. 140 FOH HENT Furnished rooms forgentlemen nt 2423 Dodge st. 13 ! ) 21 * FOH HENT Ofllco room , flrst lloor , at 310 S. 15th st. 445 SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED-A small set of books to keep by n young man who has the time to snare during the day. Address C , Scandinavian Kmp , Hurcuti , 1010 Faruam bt. 475 24 \\7"ANTED Uy a young man with varied T T business experience , position as clerk with wholesale or retail hardweio linn. Address 10 , Hoe. 4 521 * \VANTKn-Sltnutlonfor3 ilpjt class easteiu T T girls as cook und .second girl , have also Rome No. 1 "Swede nml German girls. Our olllco Is full of nice girls everyday fiom 10 u. m. to 5 p. m. , Canadian Kmp. olllce , Mrs , Hrega Ik Son , 310 S. 15th , telephone HR4. 472 32J \VANTF.D-Hy a widow , middle-aged , a T > place ns housekeeper In a widower's turn- lly , or small family. Inquire nt Omaha Emp. Huieau , 119 N ( st. 4T7 23 \\rANTI3D Situation by competent meat anil Ti puitiycook , best of K 7. lleo Ollice. 405 31J . Ladles who mo looking for reT - T T liable help leave your orders at our olllco nnd we will send you Just biuh help as you wish , a wo aio selecting our help with the gieatest care. Call nt Gate City Employment olllce , 'lin S 15th st , upstairs , room 1. 3 123 " \\rANTED-A position by a Ilrt-clas < i. T T thoroughly competent nnd experience ! clothing salesman just fiom the east. Addiess K 0 , lieu olllco. 41821 * Situation ns housekeeper" ! ) } ' younif woman. Addiews K.5 , lleo ollUf 4',0 23 * " \VANTED-Bltnntlon as drug clerk ; had 8 T > jears' experience ; reglsteied in Iowa for examliiutlon ; uumuirled nnrt c.inglve bo-t o refeii'iiees. Addiess Lock Hex 41 , Grundj Center , Iu. VA SI WANTED-Situntion by man to do work In private family , llohemlan , good refer onces. Call 433 S. 13th. 45J 20 * \\fANTED-Sltuatlon as housekeeper lu TT boarding house or in private family. Ad dress H 63 , Heo. 34t 33 * \\TANTED-Posltiou by experienced nurse T T Apply 8010 Poppleton uve. 2)7 ) S3 * \\rANTED-A young man of about the ago o TT twenty or older , who would like to learn the photographing business. Apply at Gram Central gallery. 217 N ICth st. 377 31 _ WANTED Position by experienced steno grapher lu Omaha. Own machine and used to railroad work. Salary not less than fbO K 3. Hee olllce. _ 4 15 2IJ WANTED-Sltuatlon by man and wife , no family , general work or on farm. Appl\ 1109 8. lath St. 410 33 * _ TVANTED-Slttmtlon ns blacksmith or In T T machine shop , tnorougn experience. Ar > - plyll098. 1'ltUtt. 411 23 * _ \\7ANTED-SHuatlon as saleslady In notion T > department ; experienced. Address II 70 Heo ofllco. 41,1 21 WANTED-Sltuation by a young man In i private family to work for board nm lodging and go to school. Apply to or address J. , Scandinavian Emp Hureau , 1010 Farnam bt. 475 21 _ \\rANTED Charge 01 elevator to buy grain T > Ac. , by a thorough grain man , slBglo. w e ! kno'rn in Nt'b , Eatlfcfactkni or no pay. Add res "Grain , " box fa. BtromaUurg. Neb. KM ai ' . . " . ' STORAGE. v ' ' WST-CLAS3 Korftge at 110 N. 13th st. ' 2TOHAOK for carriage ntOinahn fair grounds U nd horsoi wintered by A. Ihoplson. 173-N ) 2TOHAOE 0 ( o. Schwartz. Omaha Storaim Warehouse , 1001. 1011 North lilth St. , furnlt- rebugiles and merchandise. Olllce 131.1 Dodgo. 4-7nl9 * 3TOHAOE Furniture , boxed goods , etc.teruH J reasonable , 714 I'aclflc , SO FOR SALE HOUSES LOTS. A HAHE chance to buy a homo. A new house. JV Just finished of 7 rooms , largo bay window , ity water and good cistern , street cars run the door. If taken It once w 111 soil for M.300 , . sh , the rest In easy monthly payments. 'arty owning house 13 going to leave tO n. Ad- ress H 7 lleo onico. mi 23 * 2'XTY by ono hundred and fifty business property U blk from Bouth Omaha post- nice , * 1,10 ; 1-3 cash. V. L. llregory , Itt ) So. Mil at. 172 FOK SALE At MM , house nnd lot , rented at fit per mouth , on small cash payments , bal- nco monthly or quarterly , or all rush nt a bet- er price and warranted deed. 1) . D.Smeaton.lUUl > oilgest. 112 [ 71011 SALE-Loti 1 and Z east front , lloyd's JL' add , 4 room house , well , cemented cellar , Istorn , good barn , and carriage house , fJ.f Ives on place. John O , Hopkins. 4.VT SI * Four rotun cottage , with pantry , ctosnts JL > and cellar. Near car Hue , schiHila , and In an xcellent nelghlxirhood , being lot 10 , Ilurdettu ourt , price IIW , small cash payment and $ ! ! > cr month. Wallace , Crelghton block. 4tkS K\V Four room cottagu , with pantry , closets ) - land cellar. Near car line , schools and lu au , sxcellent neighborhood , being lot 10 , Hurdrtto ourt , prlco I.WX ) , miiall rash payment unil tIfi > er month. Wallace , Crctghttin block. 4W ( LIST your houses for rent Itli II. 1 ! . Cole , 810 S 15th ; can rent 60 now. 0 y $2,7riOTAKKSa beautiful south front lot In Washington Square. UK fuet off Sherman ivenuo ; tM cash , balance nun and two years ; xtrn bargain. J. L. Itlco V Co. , sole agents. Ml 21 FOH SAIiK Finest location for a homo In West Omaha , adjoining the mansion homes of Klrkendall , Coe , llrady , Kasson and others. Nothing tlnpr In the city. Can sell la'xlsr or ess ; for prices and terms .see S. A , Blouuin. 1IW1 : ' 'arnam st. 7J8 LIST your property , for sale or exchange , wlthll.K. Cole. .110 S. 1'ith , room 1. MS LIST your property with S. S. Campbell and ( J. W. Hervey , 310 Chamber of OimnunTO. Special attention given to Hie exchange of all kinds of property. Improved and unimproved city property , fanns , horses , cattle , stocks of goods , etc. > HW $ " > ,000 WILL make you the owner of H now seven room house , with nil modern tlttluga , ast front , corner alley , lot ICIvllO , on car line ; B.OOO cash , balance one , two and three years. J , | j. Illc & Co. , sole agents. iffl ) si TIO exchange Semi ) money and choice land for lU > t class lmpro\eil lusldo property. II. E. Cole , SUSIBtli. 411. FOH BALK lly M. A. Upton & Co. , real estate brokers , 3011 8. Iflth stiei't , opposite cham ber of commerce. Kxtra bargains : South and east front lot In Oak Chatham , opposite depot grounds , U rK > m houuo ; only $ ? , HUO If sold at once , $ X ) cash. Tills property Is worth & ! , iiOn ; ii-'xlIK Farimm and S2u < l streets , $ tnno ) , cheapest property on the street , will bu worth t2Unu In ihreu ) ears fioui now. 741 $ lriOO FOll a line residence lot , opposite Kountu placn ; east front ; covered with largo maple trees ; $1,01)0 ) cash , balance ono and two years. J. L. Hlce & Co. , sole agent * . , 21 FON PAI.K-l'MxinOftcor. Howard andaith fits. , next block to Kusson , llrady Ac Mar tins houses , $7WO. Address 13.33 lleo ollioe. tKO ! BIO HAU(5AlN-l"-8tory house for sale In Walnut Hill , Brooms , good collar , bay win dow , porch , house ISx H l-'x4 ! oxl ) . Haiti HxIS ft , shed 10x10 ft , all for , l.yiO , Jf 0 down. bal. 5 years at fl per oont Interest. Inquire of R. U. Merrill cor.llrcwHter and Elk sts. 127 2J : * I 1ST your property for sale or exchange with Jll. li. Cole. 310 S . , room 1. 5SJ JTST your houses for rent w 1th U. K. Cole , 310 S IMh ; can rent 50 now. 5oJ FOH SAI.K Several houses and lots on small payments , also somn houses and lots to trade ; f-everal farms for sale or trmle for Omaha property or for stock. A. F , Mnync. N. \V. cor filth and Farnam. UMI $5,5(10 ( WILL buy a now seven-room modern residence , south and east front , on corner ; htreet cars by the door ; ! , ) cash , balance one , two and three years ; special bargain. J. L. Itlco .V Co. , sole agents. Slf1 T,1ST your property for sale with Charles C. JJSnotsw oed , 3UV,4 B ft. 042 A TEW more lots left at $150 ; easy touns. Money In this. Investigate. II. E. Cole , 310 S 15th. KB mOEXCHANOE-Coruer lot with 3 house for -L farm M miles of Omaha. 120 ocro farm - " > miles from Omaha for bouse and lot In Omaha. 2 lots and 10-room house for land and cosh. IflO acre farm In Kansas free of encumbrances , for house and lot In Omaha or 5 to SO acres near Omaha. Have purchaser for aero property near Omaha B to 41 acres. Wanted , 3 corner lots In South Omaha. Clias. H. Woolley. OT4 23 413 South IJth st. FOH SALH-Cottago and barn cheap. Must bo moved Immediately. M. Hlgutter , 1001 Farnam st. ! 15U 23 FOll SALI3 A good lot < T > feet ) on Park av. emit' , low price If sold boon. McCulloch & Co. , cor 15th aud Farnam. ICH n O THADI3 Inside propeity for good house , -L eight or nine rooms , and full lot. McCul loch .V Co. , cor 15th and Kurimm. II."J T71OH SALK Klegant 10loom house , all mod' J. crn conveniences , only * 500 cash required. U.K. Cole , 310 S. 15th. BI2 IOT 3 Araido Place. Ui blocks south of * Lcavenworth St. , east front on Jintli st. Owner must sell. Ask for price. F.L.Gregory , 320 So. 15th St. . XtS T710H KXCHANOE-CIty pioperty for Iowa or Jj Nebraska lands. L : 11. Watts , N. E. Cor. lllth aud St. Mary'h avo. 231 SPECIAL IIAIU1A1NS of Crum * lllshop-fr room house , good barn , well , cistern , etc. , Y block flora Mroet car , $ .1.011(1 ( , y cash , very cheap , fi-ioom house , 1 block from 2 car lines , $2,100 , IN > 00 cash , abai gain. New 4-room house and full lot , fm. VM cash , asnap. Call on Crum & lllahop , 310 S. 15th st. 8B fpo EXCHANdE Uqulty In 4 , U audio loom J housei and lots for paid up lots , H. H. Cole , 310 S. 15th. 410 FRW more lots left at $150 ; easy terms. Money In this. Ine&tigato. . II. E. Cole. 310 S 13th. 4 $1,300 Two elegant lots , fronting on the llonle- vnrd , Crelghton Heights addition ; half cash ; poxltlvu tmigaln ; owner going away. J. L. Hlco & Co. , solo agents. 2 > / ) .1 FOK SALE-Ono of the llne-.t lots on Oichard St. ; this lot may bo sold at &ttO less than Its value If bought In a few days. Chailei C. BpotOTvood 3K > y 8. llith st. 650 Oil SALr A li.l ( < homo on Colfax btreet , east front ; a M.OUO homo on I'ark avenue ; an $8XK ( ) , eubt front home , large lot. Hue 2-story house ; a $10,0(10 ( south front IIOII H on 1'oppleton avenue ; a J15OUU lerfidcnco on I'ark avenuoa ; J24U ( ) place on Twenty-sixth street ; a tai.dOO property , very tlnu , on Tenth street. I'ropert > linprovud and unlmiirovwl in nil parts or the city. Evans A. Illuckliurn , ISIO Dodgo. 378 22 IilOK SALE-llest b.irgaln in South Omaha 1 byndlcuto. Lot In block J for * 7BO. (1,13 Thompson , 311 S. 11th t > t. Via riMlOMPSON. 314 8.15th St. , buys and sells rea X estate , loans money , purchases secuiltlos- has a good list of prope more. Notary puVillc. AFKW more lots left at $150 ; easy terms Money lu this. Investigate. II , E. Cole , 310 S 15th. 6Ki $2,750 Four room house , peed barn , well am clbtern ; full lot , on Hamilton street , on grade , only ono and oun-halt miles from post otUce ; half cash , J , L. Itlcu & Co. , solo agents. Wi 21 T/1OU HALK Or uxchangu , farms In Iowa -L' Kansas and Nebraska for Omaha house : and lots ; will assume mortgages on houses ant give clear deeds to farms ; will also exchange city lots for good farms , well located and as sume hmull mortgages on farms and gtvo clear deed to city lots. Farms wanted In Central No braska. A. 1' . Tukey , 1J24 Farnam st. HO FOH SALE The best corner In Omaha fo wholesale warehouse. t > lz CflxltJ , nUo cor neror. S 13th , 134xl3l > / ( , corner on 2ld : and Chicago cage , Bflxl.12 , corner 2uih and Cuinlngn , ( Wxli'i , 3 line comers on B llth t , these uru all bargains For particulars see or addiess Win. Nelson , 4 S 13th st. 470 gJJ _ LIST your property for sale or exchange wltl It. B. Colo. 310 a nth , room 1. _ 6ifl houses in llatificom place renting fo 170 per month to exchange for good Inside vacantpropcrty. K. S. Citmpliell and ( J.W , Her loth st. , Chamber of Coiumeico. 152 Notice to Contrastors. Sr.Af.r.I ) IlUlBWIllbc received atthenincoo the county rlerk up to noon of Saturday October22d. A. 1) ) . 1BD7. for grading extension o Ixavvnworth fctreet throiiKli Section S4 , Tow n bhlp 15 , Hange 12 , from U.Wii to f,0)U ) yard , moro orfesii , Thorlgtit Is reserved to ifJcct any am all bids , A deposit of W is required with end bid. Hy qrdfr of the board , ' , oli-ltKU , ; C , V. NUKUUAM , Couuty clerk. Proposal for Uio Construction f the ttraetar * of tbs Cltv Hill Idlllng. CKAl.KI ) Proposals lfl IMJ recolved liy th . undersigned until 1 : : ko'clockp ) , m. , Nor. 4 , si7fortho constntrtlonnf the nuiwratnicluratof ' ho city hall building In accordance with th iliuisniid speclllcatlohson Illo Intheotflcoof the Miunl of puullo work.4. lllds to lie mad ( i > on printed blanks furnished ) V the board , and to bo nccomponled with a cor- llled check In the stun of one thousand dollar , AS au evidence of good faith. The board reserves the right to reject nxy , Q . > all bids aud to waive dofcoU , f . . . , , ST. A. 1) . I1ALCOMHR , ( lialrman lloanl of 1'ubllc Works. Omaha , Neb. , OU. 11 , ItSJ. olM.\KiKllul Kotlce to Contractor ! . QlIAI.r.l ) Proposals will bo received at the ,7 olllco of the county clerk tip to 12 o'clock teen of Saturday , October 22nd , A. 1) . IS ! 7 , for Trading about 4.UM ) vards of earth at crossing of Yemeni , Missouri Valley nnil Klkhorn Hallway , n Section21 , Township If ) , Haniio 13. The right s reserved to reject any and all bids. A depivtll of fciVOO will bo required with each bid. Hy order of the Hoard. 017-19-21 U. T. NKUntlAM , County Clerk. I THE RAILWAYJME TABLES , ; . OMAHA. Airlvo Omaha. Otnalui. UNION PACIFIC. ) cxit ] 10th and Pierce sU. 'iulllo Kxpiess 7:50u. : in. leiivcr Express IfliVoi. m , n:20p.m. : Local Express 6.05p.m. 11:00 : n. in. Except Sunday. H. ft M. H. U. II. ) epot loth andl'aclllcstg Hall and Express 10.05 a.m. n:30p. : m. S'lght express lUOOa.m. : C. H. & Q. H. H. : ) epot 10th and Pacific stfl Mall and Express , . 0:00 : p.m. 0:20 : a.m. Chicago Express 8:40 : a. in. ( lWip. ; m. K. C. , St. J. .V 0. II. Depot 10th and Pacific sts. Hall B:40a.m. : (1:55 ( : p.m. Express :60p.m. : 7:00 : a. in. C. , St. P. , M.O. itl.Mh and Webster st Sioux City Hlack Hills Ex. 8:15 : a.m. 4:45p.m. : lancroft Express 4:45 : p.m. 10:40 : n. in. [ Hack Hills Passeiigor. , , . diiliip. 111. 7:40 : p.m. Except Sunday. MISSOUH1 PACIFIC. Depot 15th aud Webster8t Day Express 10:45 : n.m. 0:11 : a.m. Vlght Express. . . . < 9IOp.iu ; DUMMY TUA1XH. llunnlne Iletween Council HlutTs and South . ) maha. In addition to the stations mentioned , : raln stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth streets , and at the Summit lu Omaha. WivMwiml. Hroud- Transfer Omaha. Sjieely's. Stock way. Yard * . 0:15 : 6:27 : 0:311 : fl:4fl : 0:47 : 7:05 : 7:17 7:2.'i 7:40 : 7:47 : 8 : ( 8:17 : 8:25 : 8:40 : 8:47 : :05 : :17 : :25 : n:40 : ti:47 : 10:05 : 10:17 : 10:40 : 10:47 : 1IH5 : 11:17 : 11:25 : 11:40 : 11:47 : 12:05 : 12:17 : 12:2Ji : 12:47 : 1 :05 : 1:17 : l:2K 1:47 : 2tt : ( 2:17 : 2a'i : 2:40 : 2:17 : 3:17 : 3:2T : 3:40 : 3:47 : 4:17 : 4-r. : 4-M 4:57 : 5:15 : 5:22 : 5:33 : r :4r : > Ma 0:15 : 0:22 : O C3 n-M 0:37 : 7:00 : 7:11 7:1 : * 7:32 : 10:00 : 10:12 : 10:21) : u-as 0:15 : 10:23 : 10 : ; 11:20 : 1:33 : 11:40 11:15 : 11:53 : 12:0(1 : ( KuHtwnrtl. Stock Sheely'B. Omaha. Transfer , llroaiW Yiuds. \\ay. 0:15 : 0:28 : 0:35 : 0:50 : 0:5H : 7:15 : 7:20 : 7:3f : T.m 7M : 8:15 : 8:28 : 8:31 : 8:5n : 8r : > 8 :15 : :28 : Ml : IC.VI 0:58 : 1(1:15 ( : 10:28. : 10:35 : 11:110 : 11:13 : 11:20 : 12:15 : } 2:3 : 12:58 : tr : > 1 : M 1M : 2:15 : 2H : ) 2:58 : 3:15 : 3:511 : 3M : 4:15 : 4:28 : 4:51) : ) 4:5t : 5n : 5:28 : 5:311 : 5:40 : 5:47 : 0:05 : 0:18 : 0:2S : 0:40 : 0:17 : 7:00 : 7:13 : 7:20 : 7:33 : 8:15 : H:2H : Hi5 : : MM lil ) : 10:20 : 10:30 : 10:3.S : 11:20 : 11:32 : 11:40 : 11:45 : 12:05 : Leave Arrive CONNECTING LINES. Transfer Transfer depot. depot. C. , H.I. A P. : 9:40 : a. m. 9l' : a. m. . All trains nm Dally. 0:40 : p. m. 7:00 : p. m. * i C. & N. W. : 9:40 : K. m. 9:15 : a. m , All trains run Dally. 0:40 : p. m. 7:00 : pr in , C. , 11. 4 Q , : 9:15 : a. m. 9:1.1 : a.m. All trains run Dally. 0:35 : p. m. 7:00 : p. in. , C. , M. & St. P. : 9:15 : a. m. : ! ! > n. m. All trains run Daily. H:4i : ) p. m. 7:00 : p , in. 1 Sioux City. 1:35 : p. m. 12.00 IU.1 < 1C. C. , St. j. &o. n. : 9:25 : a. m. ! lOT : n. m , All trains run Dally. (1:15 ( : p. m. 9:18 : p. iu. W. . St. L. &P. : All trains run Dally. 2:15 : p. m. 12:15 : p.m. .1 B.C. & P. : 9:40 : a. m , 8:55 : a. m. All trains run Dally. 7:00 : p. m. 7:00 : p. m. Imported and bottled by Mahavolltch , Fletch cr & Co. , Cincinnati , O. For sale by the follow- ingdealois : Hlchaulson Drug < k > . , Hluke , Hruc * A : Co. , Artier Ac Heller , M. Wollstoln , Gladstone Ilros. Ac Co. , Flunk Dcllone , H. H. Orotte. Sample HottleH Flue. l ld CuruL YIELDS TO EVERY MOVEMENT OF THE WEARER. Owing to thv DUOOIil , kUHTll ITT of lUo doth ( wlilt h our patnt cofvr tzcluslTqly ) ltl flt pcrfcrtly ( Int tin * worn lUqulnM no trtilclngt I * . HdlKT Tl' ' NkO by t llnr after b lar worn lnrt Tilf not found thmottK IT.HKKCT FITTIKU , UKALTIirUI. < ) < ; nrortl > U Coriet ei r urn. Hold b7 ll Om-cUbe Uooleri. CUOTTT HON. , Cbloaco. 111. ST.LOUIS LAW SCHOOL LAW DEPARTMENT OP WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY lhT ntr.flr trMr ot thltonll known chonlvlll tmjln at 4 o'clock n.m. , ea WKPM IIIT , OOT. 12th , IM. KiiMitUTioN faraa uc > d > UndiDii WOVDITOCT. lOlh.tla m , KntlKcoarMrnir hacanpiuMdlntwo or thr > * reari. at option of ilndtat. lilplom * ndiulli to Ilia Uultlga $ V ) per unnum. For Oatjilncu _ WILLIAM O. HAMMON D n of fMulty. 1117 LBCM PUce. Men inffrrlnjc from - t VI * H . ) dlicretloni , ezctwei , IgDoranet ur overvoik , urnd wllhuui MIoroNrli Oi4 BBIAT MAIJTON T UTI [ ir. Ar4 I > t WjfM l/r > . hlMUiuutk J hr or thtlr from. ATl.f plf U with _ _ _ _ _ _ , InrortrjHtloii nfTitlue to all men. VAfiSIQI BfMtOT CO , 10 Park Place , New York , ' Wrltn | i > 1 ° i- < > " * > fiyuugTui./ . ueit and ahortnl i.Tilf rft now in Una. L'lrcml r * , ftot , A. . ( ! AiiDtiUi. Box 101. t